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Silicone Foam Dressing Risk Management Report 3_| Risk evatuation ertoria 3.4 | The classification ofthe seventy of damage : ‘Severity Level ‘Classification orteria : ‘st | nestinie _with tle oF no possibilty of potentat harm 's2_| marginal ‘causes @ mild infection or Injury i 83. | creat ea to severe ife-treatening infection or serious inky 84 _| catastrophic ead to Me-hreatening infection 32 | Probability levels | | Proabity Evert tequendy yea unt of product 1 [ave i P2_| probable =o" | 3 | exxasona erg P4 | remote 10?~10% PS | unlikely 10*~10* PG | incredibie <10* 33 | Acceptance cteia saaiy Probability st o 8 a freq LARP wace wace Nace probate ALaRP LARP ace wixce eccsional ALARP LARP ‘LARP wace renee nce LARP ALARP LARP i | unlikely, ACC ACG ALARP- ALARP- ‘ocean ace ace nee nec (NAGG- unacceptable District; the ACC-scceptable; ALARP-easonably practicable low love area) To take all raining risk measures, on the one hand, does not alow N / ACC level of risk; the other hand, the Fiske inthe ALARP level must be less than 9 wer wouseou, u Kee i i , | rts | euty cuureen} (oon | tea) 08 es | mentepes sore | v0 eww ' 19 018 fod iesaneiedo uid 2 5 | sus ueus oo 267 cei dow Y us) joueruse | Suposos , i ' ‘90v) ee as S| pmcepeoruag | ¢ sorepien av ta es | myfrogauens | senmsoyo3 vodens : » | wae tom | (a) ones cone aw 88 ssoujuear enpaid com Pee) ae) PRC BORE | Tone ' Hl 1 1991 oo voog Losey, ‘tency — | spuezay tera | 2 enw ra "8 : a core rpoigso rumen | "Uoyequy ws ee emma amps | foov | (sa) 4s) : ' , orep peony payuonerien | aviv v4 8 a uogezas 7 7 7 7 poe 0 7 7 oh Taro 8a v vr (ow an fous 10 wer Ayarog | OU eee (aw ii ceria 20) | (eousx4 10) aioe wes spiezo4 own ou sonseort aun sinsay | sanseayionvog | "re canenogt o ou, A094 Ayano Spieren way meme jopmeu aL 0N 20 20uM, se Tolqey Sse00id srshreue ysis SBuyssoup woo) @UOSTIS N ‘suai toon | ad us) ur een swore ou 91 18001 10N 0 na es = neg ous opuser | eur 22H 10M 5800 aon abe ‘ ‘ c es oy indent niuitiney |? “a (8) | suopea ous eraser | *°7S¥ Z aw | se 1s 0) uvesrrou seepee mov nat toon | (a puvotng pouen 63) | uogegeuzeruey | 2 POUIENID | Pez any | sa 8 ‘pansun ka pes | vorewom parrtome ray] (oow | (oa) as) ‘weuvomug | esp smyorsem naividinen | avy | za ‘s uy, vowngeg 40 Gpueysedudi i nau too) | os 4s) adore suenonas waited, | cewy | sa ts | peenegioiueg | mendonde 7 suber perewnsewon in vedo a oon sa) is) mee cnn | tanvonenren | 27) | ise YS) | umtseutaruien | enn tues ay seating veomen 607084 1008 poyieno vPeRS a = sores wosou | uonepe | tow) | a as soooig 6 reuenevedo uonepnen | ssoooiatuncos | aay | 48 ts | uneouu Buansoy | “74 41900 ed Sons 00 Aes eu vodou = too | a) rc) uoyeieoen ook wor | mmensoucon | aavw | te ‘8 us esneg | so01 sam syeueren

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