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Research Scholar, University College of Physical Education
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru 560 056, Karnataka State, India
Mob: 91087 90099; Email ID: mssanthosh146@gmail.com
Professor, University College of Physical Education
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru 560 056 Karnataka State, India;
Mob: 9972302204; Email ID: srinivas.ucpe@gmail.com

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of eight weeks of supervised circuit
training on enhancing the quality of performance in explosive power and muscular endurance
for these purpose 30 untrained women students of Government first Grade College,
Channapatana Taluk, Ramanagara District, Karnataka. Aged 18 to 21 years took part in the
study, subjects were randomly and subjected divided into two groups, Group I underwent
circuit training for six days per week for 08 weeks, where as groups II acted as the control
group, who maintained their daily routine activities and no special training was given to them.
The subjects of the groups were tested on explosive power and muscular endurance by using
sergeant vertical jump and bent knee sit-ups at prior and immediately after the training period.
The collected data were analysed statistically through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to
find out the significant differences.

Key words: circuit training, explosive power, muscular endurance


Research Scholar, University College of Physical Education
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru 560 056, Karnataka State, India
Mob: 91087 90099; Email ID: mssanthosh146@gmail.com
Professor, University College of Physical Education
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru 560 056 Karnataka State, India;
Mob: 9972302204; Email ID: srinivas.ucpe@gmail.com


College-going women must participate in year-round conditioning programs to have the utmost
efficiency, consistent improvement and balanced abilities for that they must put their bodies under
a certain amount of stress to increase physical capabilities, physical exercise is extremely
important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight, building and maintaining
healthy bones, muscles and joints promoting The term training is widely used in sports. It is part
of the human language since ancient times. It denotes the process of preparation for some tasks.
This process invariably extends to a number of days and event months and years.
Thosare (2015) concentrated to know the effect of circuit training on cardiovascular endurance
of Hockey players and examination demonstrated that significant improvement in Hockey players’
cardiovascular endurance. Charles (1967) conducted a study on the effect of selected explosive weight
training exercises upon leg strength, free running speed and explosive power. He has taken an
experimental group of 20 fresh male volunteers who were selected randomly from trampoline and hand
ball classes. The experimental group went for 5 week explosive weight training program with four
sessions per week and three circuits of exercises per session. The groups were tested before and after
the program. The experimental group made significantly 13 greater improvement in leg strength, but
not in running speed or explosive power. Simmons (1967) studied the effect of circuit training upon
cardiovascular condition and motor performance. 15 male students in a required physical 14 education
course in circuit training showed statistically significant mean improvements in nine to fourteen cardio-
vascular variables and in all 13 motor fitness variables. The training was done twice a week in 30
minutes period and lasted 12 weeks. Highest means improvement was in rest to work ratio of the
brackial sphygmograph, dynamometrical leg strength, dips and shoulder extension, flexibility.
Individual difference in changes made between tests one and two appeared related to activity in
preceding summer months. Students who began circuit training in excellent physical condition after
several month of hard physical labour had lower retest scores view most variable while students who
started in poor physical condition increased the majority of scores at retest. Thornton (1967) conducted
a study on sixteen boys in grade VI who exercised five times a week for 6 weeks on either an isometric
training apparatus or a horizontal bar (isotonic), to find the effects of isotonic and isometric strength
training on pull-ups achievement. Each group was divided initially into four groups on the basis of
chinning ability. (They were re-tested midway and at the end of blood pressure and pulse pressure).
The sportspersons and physical fitness well-being and strengthening the systems.
1.1 Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of circuit training on selected
physical fitness components among college students
1.2 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of circuit training on

selected physical fitness components among college students.

1.3 Statement of Hypothesis

It was hypothesized that 08 weeks of circuit training would be a significant
improvement in explosive power and muscular endurance among college students.


Sixty subjects (n=60) were randomly assigned to two equal groups of 30 subjects studying in
Government first Grade College, Channapatna Taluk, Ramangara District, Karnataka, India. Their age
ranged between the 18 to 21 years. Two groups were assigned as Group-I CTG acted as Circuit Training
Group and Group-II CG acted as the control group. Pre-test scores were conducted for all the subjects
on muscular endurance test collected by administering bent knee sit-ups test in counts and And
explosive power test for The Sargent Jump Test (Sargent 1921) also known as the vertical jump test in
centimeters, was developed by Dr. Dudley Allen Sargent (1849-1924). Group I practicing circuit
training for a period of 08 weeks. Group II acted as the control group who maintained their daily routine
activities and no special training was given to them. The following variable namely Muscular
Endurance and Explosive was selected as physical components. The post-test scores were conducted
on bent knee sit-ups and Sargent vertical jump after the training, the differences between pre and post
mean scores on muscular endurance test and Sargent Jump Test was considered as the effect of
experimental training. Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to
determine the significance of the means for said criterion variable. when the obtained F value was
significant. In all cases, the 0.05 level was fixed to test the hypothesis.


Table 1:
Criterion Variables and test
Sl no Variables Tests/Instruments Unit of Measurement
01 Muscular Endurance Bent Knee Sit-ups counts
02 Explosive Power Sergeant Vertical jump Centimetres

The analysis of covariance on Muscular endurance of the pre and post test score of training group and
control group have been analysed and presented in Table2.
Control Source of Sum of Mean Obtained
Test/Group training df
Group Variance Square Square ‘F’ Ratio
G roup
Mean 3 6.95 40.00 Between 0.04 1 0.04 0.021
S.D 1.80 1.45 within 50.64 27 1.88

Mean 3 9.69 36.67 Between 70.51 1 70.51 22.31*

S.D 1.82 1.65 Within 85.26 27 3.16

Mean 3 9.74 35.63 Between 72.40 1 72.40 47.63*

post test Within 39.54 26 1.52

* Significant at 0.05 level of confidence

The table 2 showed that the pre-test mean values on circuit training group and control group were
36.95 and 40.00 respectively and the obtained ‘F’ ratio of 0.021 for pre-test which was less than the required
table value 4.20 with df 1 and 27 at 0.05 level of confidence on Muscular Endurance. The post-test mean
values on muscular endurance circuit training group and control group were 39.69 and 36.67 respectively
and the obtained ‘F ’ ratio of 22.31 for post-test which was greater than the required table value 4.20 with
df 1 and 27 at 0.05 level of confidence on Muscular endurance. The adjusted post-test mean values on
muscular endurance circuit training group and control group were 39.74 for adjusted post-test which was
grated than the required table value 4.21 wit df 1 and 26 for significance at 0.05 level of confidence on
Muscular endurance

36 Circuit traing
35 Conrol group

Pre-test Post-test adjusted

Post test

The analysis of covariance on Explosive Power of the pre and post-test score of training group and
control group have been analyse d and presented in Table3.


Cir cuit
Control Source of Sum of Mean Obtained
Test/Group train ing df
Group Variance Square Square ‘F’ Ratio
Gro up
Mean 30.85 28.87 Between 30.00 1 30.00
Pre-Test 1.97
S.D 3. 88 3.80 within 411.47 27 15.24

Mean 35.33 29.46 Between 258.13 1 258.13

Post-Test 29.04*
S.D 3. 00 2.83 Within 240.06 27 8.89

Adjusted post Mean 34.50 30.00 Between 146.29 1 146.29

test Within 73.47 26 2.83

* Significant at 0.05 level of confidence

The table 3 showed that the pre-test means values on the circuit training group and control group
were 30.85 and 28.87 respectively and the obtained ‘F’ ratio of 1.97 for pre-test which was less than
the required table value 4.20 with df 1 and 27 at 0.05 level of confidence on Explosive Power. The
post-test mean values on the Explosive power circuit training group and control group were 35.33 and
29.46 respectively and the obtained ‘F’ ratio of 29.04 for the post-test which was greater than the
required table value 4.20 with df 1 and 27 at 0.05 level of confidence on Explosive Power. The adjusted
post-test mean values on Explosive Power circuit training group and control group were 39.74 and
30.00 for adjusted post-test which was grated than the required table value 4.21 wit df 1 and 26 for
significance at 0.05 level of confidence on Explosive Power

Circuit Training
15 Control Group
Post test
Post- Adjusted test
Circuit training resulted in the following changes in the circuit training when compared with the
control group. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference exists between
the circuit training group and control group on Muscular Endurance and Explosive Power, and also
there was a significant improvement due to circuit training


1. Bosco and Williams, Measurement and evaluation of physical education fitness and sports,
new jersry: prentice Hall Inc 1983.

2. Bauer T., Thayer R.E and Baras G. (1990) Comparison of training modalities for power
development in the lower extremity. J Apple Sport Sci Res, 4:115-12

3. David H Clake, Harrison Clarke H. Research Processors in Arts Education, Recreation and
Health Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1970, 140

4. Morgan, R. E. and Adamson G. T. 'Circuit Training'. London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1972

5. Brooke, John Dennis. "The Effect of Six Weeks Program of Circut Training on the Work
Output, Speed of Muscular Response and Performance Decrement in Boys 13-15 Years of
Age", Completed Research in Health, Physical Education and Recreation 8 (1967): 122.

6. Charles, Gary L. "The Effect of Isometric and Dynamic Weight Training Exercises Upon Leg
Strength, Free Running Speed and Explosive Power". Completed Research in Health. Physical
Education and Recreation 9 (1967): 104.

7. Simmons, Robert. "The Effect of Circuit Training Upon Cardio-Vascular Condition and Motor
Performance", Completed Research in Health, Physical Education and Recreation 8 (1967):

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