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WHEREAS, Harris County is home to more than 1.2 million foreign-born individuals, including an estimated 412,000
undocumented immigrants; immigrant communities in Harris County contribute significantly to the local economy—
$11 billion in spending power, $742 million in federal taxes and $448.4 million in state and local taxes; and
WHEREAS, Harris County would strengthen its economy with the implementation of solutions such as the concept of a
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy extended to adults that would bring spending power out from the
underground economy; and
WHEREAS, our immigrant communities are our family members, neighbors and colleagues, part of the fabric and history
of our region and the United States; and
WHEREAS, prosecuting and detaining people who are seeking asylum, refuge, and the American Dream, as well as
long-time residents of our community who are making valuable contributions to our society and economy, goes against
our moral fiber; and
WHEREAS, broad immigration enforcement actions actually hinder public safety and harm public health by destabilizing
our immigrant communities and exacerbating distrust with all levels of government, including law enforcement; and
WHEREAS, our nation’s current detention and removal system fails to ensure the due process rights of immigrants,
subjects adults and children to inhumane conditions, separates families, and violates the human rights of migrants.
that Harris County Commissioners Court calls on national leaders to adopt legislation that comprehensively reforms
immigration policy, including enactment of a plan that allows people without permanent legal immigration status, and who
have demonstrated a desire to remain in the United States, to gain a status that permits them to remain in the United
States, work, and obtain legal identification, including a driver’s license, so they may come out of the underground economy
and fully participate in our society; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Harris County Commissioners Court calls on national leaders to immediately
end inhumane conditions at detention and shelter facilities, direct the Department of Homeland Security to keep families
intact, and direct Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to cease enforcement operations that separate families and
destabilize communities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, in light of ICE enforcement actions, Harris County fully supports the Houston
Immigration Legal Services Collaborative (HILSC)’s Immigrant Rights Hotline – I-833-HOU-IMMI (468-4664) –
and encourages County departments to refer residents to the hotline to report raids, to get referrals to high-quality, low-cost
immigration legal services, and to learn about the rights afforded to all people living in the United States.
ADOPTED on this 9th day of July, 2019 by Harris County Commissioners Court, Harris County, Texas.

Lina Hidalgo
County Judge

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Rodney Ellis Adrian Garcia
Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Steve Radack R. Jack Cagle
Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4
Diane Trautman
County Clerk

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