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People nowadays are very popular of the so called Internet and Social Medias. Most of all
people know Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, Tumblr, and many more social media accessing
applications. This partially introduce us t the so called Millenial Era.

Social Media has this very good feedbacks and reaction from different people. It helps us
to discover more unseen things and experience something thrilling in the midst of this wipeout
era, Millenial. We Netizens are aware that Social Media can give us happiness and sadness, but
only temporary. It gives us proof that we are approaching the near change in our nation. That
even the babies, the new born to be specific, has their own facebook accounts that shout, “Hey!
I’m just a new baby. Let’s be friends.” They are now welcome to embrace the wrath of this Era.

Posers, Facebook Scandals, scams, Cyber Bullying and many more are some of the
current issues and examples of Cybecrime. Cybercrime is a crime that is done with the presence
of the internet. People who commits crime social issues to gain profit or to gain fame. According
to the person asked by the researchers asking to what can they say about this issue, they said that
“We must limit our time in using our Social Media accounts to avoid this crimes.” We are aware
that the teenagers are the center of the issue and they are the ones who are deeply rotted and
affected. Teenagers even commit suicide because sometimes they take it deeply and think that
they are a waste and disappointment. One of the reason is this called Cyber bullying. Students
gain so many haters and bashers because of this issue.

Some teenagers or some victims commit suicide because of the social embarrassment that
they experienced from other people. Cyber bullying affects the life and character of a person.
Based on some people who experienced this social issue, when you are experiencing this kind of
embarrassment it comes to the point that you yourself want to kill your own flesh just to escape
this social issue. This is the main problem of this generation.

Open the Tv, hear the radio, and read the newspaper and most scroll your accounts, this
Cyber Crime is actually and currently making fire throughout the whole world. We need to settle
down and see what we need to do just to forcely stop this crime
This Cyber Crime even use children to gain money.We call this Child Pornography. They
force the child to do some sexual things in front of the camera and make it viral through the help
of social media. It gets bigger and bigger everytime. It affects the studies of this children and it
makes them as a rebellion in our community because they are forced to do something that they
don’t want to.

How can we make an action to stop this Cyber Crime? How can we limit the use of
Social Media? Children and teenagers are the ones who are highly affected and disturbed. We
better make a plan on how we can stop and prevent this fire burning and we better get water to
make this fire burning by simply making self-respect and self-discipline to happen. Teenagers are
the light of the nation so teenagers are the ones who must do the task in preventing strongly bad
to happen.

We need to reflect on everything to make this one an issue that concerns self-discipline
and respect.

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