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The Near Future Tense

1. Read through this information first.
You use the near future tense when you are talking about something which is going to happen.

To form it you take the present tense of ‘aller’ plus the infinitive (e.g. manger, jouer, danser)

Je vais I am going
Tu vas You (singular) are going
Il va/elle va He/she is going
Nous allons We are going
Vous allez You (plural) are going
Ils/elles vont They are going

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of ‘aller’. Use the above information to help:
E.G. Psy va manger un hamburger.

a) Louis Tomlinson __________ jouer au tennis.

b) Je __________ jouer au volley.
c) David et Victoria Beckham __________ faire du cheval.
d) Tu ________ jouer avec tes copains.
e) Nous ______________ jouer aux cartes.
f) Vous _______________ faire une balade à vélo.
g) Il ___________ jouer au foot.
h) Joe Hart _____________ faire du camping.

3. Translate the sentences using the vocabulary on P102 of Metro 1 to help you:
E.G. I am going to go fishing = Je vais aller à la pêche.

a) I am going to go swimming. = _____________________________________________.

b) I am going to go camping. = ___________________________________________________.
c) We are going to play cards. = __________________________________________________.
d) Ben is going to play football. = ________________________________________________.
e) Lucy is going to go for a bike ride. = _____________________________________________.

4. Translate the sentences in Question 2 into English in your book

5. Write some sentences of your own in the near future tense.


The Near Future Tense

You use the near future tense when you are talking about something which is going to

To form it you take the present tense of ‘aller’ plus the infinitive.

Je vais I am going
Tu vas You (singular) are going
Il va/elle va He/she is going
Nous allons We are going
Vous allez You (plural) are going
Ils/elles vont They are going

1. Psy va faire de la planche.
2. Louis Tomlinson va jouer au tennis.
3. Je vais jouer au volley.
4. David et Victoria Beckham vont faire du cheval.
5. Tu vas jouer avec tes copains.
6. Nous allons jouer aux cartes.
7. Vous allez faire une balade à vélo.
8. Il va jouer au foot.
9. Joe Hart va faire du camping.

I am going to go fishing = Je vais aller à la pêche.

I am going to go swimming. = Je vais faire de la natation.

I am going to go camping. = Je vais faire du camping.

We are going to play cards. = Je vais jouer aux cartes.

Ben is going to play football. = Ben va jouer au foot.

Lucy is going to go for a bike ride. = Lucy va faire une balade à vélo.

Adam and James are going to play on the computer. = Adam et James vont jouer à

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