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Retrospect -reconsideration
Reckon-Recognized, of the opinion
Minion-mere follower
Pompous-Irritatingly self important-negative meaning
-Pompous show-Positive meaning
Unprecedented- Never done/known before
Tantamount -equivalent/ identical
Vigil- Watchful, alert
Pursuit-Chase, hunt
Respite- Relief, breathing space, interval
Spiff up- Tidy or clean up
Repatriate – Bring back to own country
Inadvertently – Unintentionally
Mar- Impair the quality, spoil
Albeit- Although
Livid-Furiously angry
Compunction - Feeling of guilt
Contemplating – Look thoughtfully for a long time, scrutinize, scan, examine
Discern – Distinguish, differentiate
Concerted - Done or performed together in cooperation
eg. The plan of action was concerted in the meeting.
Commensurate - proportionate; adequate
eg. Justice demands that punishment be commensurate with reward.
Repertoire – a stock of dance, play, or piece that a company/performer knows to
eg. Project manager’s role demands repertoire of technical,
commercial, communication and leadership skill.
Elope – Run away for getting married without parent’s consent
Caramba – Expression of surprise or dismay
Astute – Sharp, smart, having /showing ability to accurately assess situation/people
Hiatus – Brief pause or gap in the series/sequence/process
Refute – Prove to be false or wrong
Strife – Bitter disagreement on fundamental issues
Scurry - Move hurriedly with quick steps
Broach – Raise for discussion or bring up
Wade – Move through water or any liquid
Collusion – An illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to cheat others
Heave – Throw, lift heavy thing with great effort
Unravel – To undo twisted, knitted thread. To investigate and solve something
Precipitate – Hasten, caused, impetuous
Trundle – Move or cause to move heavily
Serendipitous – Occurring by chance in a happy way. eg. Serendipitous meeting
Toil – Work extremely hard
Colossal – Extremely large –eg-colossal mistake or building
Permeate – Spread through out. Eg. The aroma of soup permeated the air.
Render – Submit, present – Eg. He would render the income tax return at the end of
the year.
Disarray – State of disorganization or untidiness.
Cataclysmic – Relating or denoting a violent nature event, eg. The concert was a
cataclysmic failure.
Latent – Present but not expressed
Stingy – Unwilling to spend or give, ungenerous.
Eg. He was stingy with the information
Vouch - Confirm as a result of ones own experience that something is true or
Instigate – Incite, persuade someone to do something wrong
Dilly-dallying- Wasting time through aimless wandering or indecision
Aplenty- Abundance
Manifestation-Sign, appearance, display
Exorbitantly – Unreasonably
Perturb – Make anxious or unsettled
Ardent – Passionate/enthusiastic
Tumultuous - Turbulent
Latent – Existing but not yet developed. Eg. Latent talent
Manifest – Clear to eye or mind,
- Display or show
Very Interesting-Fascinating
Very open-Transparent
Very Honest-Straight forward, frank
Very poor-Destitute, impoverished
Very rich-Well off, prosperous
Very scared-Petrified, terrified
Very intelligent-Brilliant
Very angry-Indignant, enraged
Very big-Gigantic, enormous
Very crowded-Cramped, jam-packed
Gullible-Trusting everyone
Oblivious –Unaware
Bland – Tasteless
Sweltering - Boiling, Sweating
Frugal – Economical, careful, parsimonious
Delinquent – Overdue, not paying on time
Delinquent - Breaking law by young people (Small crime)
Fleeting – very short, temporary. The boy had fleeting interest in music classes
Dropped the ball- Make mistake or mishandle things
Herald- Official messenger bringing the news
Posh – Stylishly luxurious
Loathe – Feel intense dislike
Fiddle – Fraud, an act of cheating
Dissonance – Lack of agreement or harmony between the people
Flatware – Utensils in kitchen
Part and parcel - Essential element
Clamor - Loud and confused noise
Cynosure – Centre of attraction/attention

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