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Account Optimizer (AO) Application Release Notes

What will you notice has changed?

Optimize 2.0 is now just Optimize. So don’t be worried when your launch button looks slightly different
than before.

No more flash player! You will no longer receive error messages that flash player is required when
launching the AO application.

Dashboard order has changed. You will notice once you launch AO that some of the layout has been
reorganized. This has been done to put the most used modules first for your convenience!

Lightning Compatible. AO is now completely compatible with lightning.

Look and feel has changed slightly. Besides the dashboard, a few other items have been enhanced for a
better look and feel as well. It’s the lightning factor. Check it out!

Map button now available for Business Insight and Strategic Planning. Now you can see mapped items
from both functions.

Player chart is now Power Chart. Still works the same, just a different name.

Easier to make connections. With lightning, the Power Chart and Company Structure Chart are easier to
link connections and score. Get in there and see for yourself!

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