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Git Commands Reference


* git config --global user.name "yourname"

- Your name should be your full name
* git config --global user.email "emailaddress"
* git config --global color.ui true
gitk (optional branch name) - tool is used to view diffs , etc
* git replay
- Is used for going backward and tracking the files with versions.
** Add files to git and if you still changed the files , then it will not commit
and inform you it is modified.
* git clone url folder-name
- url get it from the tracker.nextbit.net with your particu
lar project.
- folder-name is local folder name to be created , but t
his is optional
- The above command will ask you for password
* git checkout filename
- To revert a local file
* git reset filename
- To revert it from add, kind of undoing the add
** To Secure and restore passwords rather than giving it all the time while comm
it or push use the below code once you have started the maching
- ssh-add -> enter the password

* git branch
* git branch -a
- To list all branches , remote and local branches
* git checkout branchname-fullpath
-branchname-fullpath should be the remote branch path eg. origin/web
* git checkout -b branch_name
- Create a local branch
* git log
- To tell you the log of commits
* git log --name-status
- To check the log with filename
* git log --stat
- Display log with filename, and number of lines modified/added.
* git log -p
- Display log with modified lines list
** Source code is only one and while switching to the branches it will change th
e code
* git status
- To check locally modified, added, committed files status
* git add filename
- First step to push a file to server is to add to local repositor
y, and that is ready for commit
* git commit -a
=> To commit all the modified , added files.
* git commit filename
- Commit the added file and give a modify / Add message or comment
* git push
Diff commands in git
* git diff -cached | kompare -o -
- Will display the changes from the cached ( Modified but not adde
d files)
* git diff commit_id1 commit_id2 | kompare -o
- To compare with two revisions
* git diff HEAD^ | kompare -o -
^ resembles last commit and before commit, like this you can use m
any ^ to track the revisions commit
eg - git diff HEAD^^^^^^^ | kompare -o -
rather than using like this you can use the blow
* git diff HEAD~1 | kompare -o -
* git diff HEAD~2 | kompare -o -
* git diff branch1 branch2 | kompare -o -
=> compare between two branches

* git stash
=> kind of storing the modified files in someplace , so that it will
you to switch between branche . you can make lots of git stash. It will create a
list of stashes
* git stash list
=> display the list of stashes you have created. this refers with
commit id
* git stash pop
=> to get back all the stashes.
* git stash pop --index stashno
=> stashno you will get it from git stash list. This command wil
l get only particular stash no of modifications
* git nerge branch_name
=> Merget to any branch with the currently working branch.
** Always create a branch while started fixing or created a new feature or anyth
ing, and merge it to master.
* git rm filename
=> to remove a file , commit it and push it
* git mv filename1 filename2
=> The will move, rename the file
PUSH to repository
* git push origin master => Orign is the repo
sitory name, master is your branch name
PULL from repository
* git pull
* git fetch branchname
=> This will store in some directory and after this you should
merge it
* git merge
Tag a particular commit
* git tag v1.0 commit_id
=> v1.0 can be anything, so if you checkout for this tag it wil
l get you all the commits upto the commit_id given.
* git tag
=> shows a list of tags
** After tagging you need to push it to server
* git push origin (tag-name) v1.0

* git branch -D branchname .

=> Delete a branchname locally
* .gitignore
=> this is a file which will be created
and you specify the filename, or *.type of files to be ignored. So that it will
not be coming in the status.
You can create this file anywhere and which will be applicable to that particula
r file only.

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