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‘COALTAR PROTECTIVE COATINGS AND UNINGS FOR STEEL WATERPIPE_73 Tables _ Physical properties of ape —_—_—S_— sO Pep Minima Maia $$$ __Miiman Maximum Test Meth” = ‘Width deviation in fem) ve 6) “ik, mi on) = Conting compound Softening pit “F (C) 250029) Pesewaion 7 (2516) 20 100 gfe 5 ce Files prot _—<&£@o. arm se sang 465.1 Liquid adesive. Liquid adhesive shall be cld-applied guid with pollution contrl requirements in fect athe locaton of we. Liquid adhesive hall chur cance be mixed easily by han t= ory bracing or spraying properties and a during application, all be covered on both sides by candard widths as recommended ello cores having minimum inside lamer of 1% in. @75 mm). Tape shall have auficen ply stm erate of 77°F (25°C) wo unwind from the rll without dsbonding the coating ror the fbi 46.5 Liquid adhesive spplicaion. 4661 General applicton. A uniform and continuous coat of liquid ‘adhesive sal be applied in accordance with the manufsrurerrecommendacions adhesive sytem. The ligld adhesive coverage and lowed w dry wo the ouch prior co «an be wrapped during the same workday otherwise the sel mus be coated, 466.2 Coldoweather aplication, If liquid adhesive is cold weather, the pipe shal be prebeted uni it ie warm fo the touch and rc of ‘moisture ate moved. The liqudadbesve shall the be applied and allowed to dey. UPPED BY 898 EDGE UNDER CENCE PROM AMMA FOR STP LATED -DEL IDE BSS EDGE ORDER REGISTRATION NO.ESTOLATIOON a.a017

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