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Indonesia State revenues in 2018 and 2019

According to the table that explains about State revenues from outlook in 2018 and estimates in 2019,
there are three types of state revenues such as tax revenues (Penerimaan Pajak), non-tax state revenues
(Penerimaan Bukan Pajak), and grant receipts (Penerimaan Hibah). Tax revenue consists of income tax
(Pajak Penghasilan), value-added tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai), land and building tax (Pajak Bumi
Bangunan), other taxes (Pajak Lainnya), excise (Cukai), import duties (Bea Impor), and export duties (Bea
Ekspor). While non-tax state revenues consist of receipt of natural resources (Penerimaan SDA), receipt
of separated state assets (Pendapatan dari Kekayaan Negara yang Dipisahkan), other non-tax state
revenues (Penerimaan Negara Lainnya), and receipt of public service agencies (Penerimaan Badan
Layanan Umum).

In addition, from the table that shown, it can be compared with state revenues originating from outlook
2018 and estimates in 2019. Tax revenue increased from 1548548.0 billion rupiahs to 1786378.6 billion
rupiahs with a difference of 237,893.6 billion rupiahs. This happens because of income tax, value added
tax, excise, building land tax, other taxes, and import duties are increased. Income tax in 2019 targeted
at 894448.7 billion rupiahs or an increase of 17.5 percent if compared to the outlook for 2018. However,
tax revenue from the export duty sector has decreased from 4448.4 billion rupiahs to 4422.5 billion
rupiahs with a difference of 26.3 billion rupiahs. The value-added tax income in 2019 is targeted to reach
655,394.9 billion rupiahs or increase by 16.1 percent from the target in the 2018 outlook. Targeted 2019
land and building tax revenue reached 19,103.6 billion rupiahs or increase by 9.6 percent if compared
with the target in year outlook 2018. The excise 6.4 percent is higher and so on the others.

Meanwhile, non-tax state revenues also increased from 349158.3 billion rupiahs to 378297.6 billion
rupiahs with a difference of 29139.6 billion rupiahs and to grow by 8.3 percent from the 2018 outlook.
The increase of non-tax state revenues was due to an increase that occurred in all aspects of the
element of non-tax state revenues such as receipt of natural resources, receipt of separated state

The grant receipt has decreased very sharply from 5383.2 billion rupiahs to 435.3 billion rupiahs with a
difference of 4947.9 billion rupiahs.

In the end, we can conclude that the total state revenues from outlook in 2018 are 1903026.5 billion
rupiahs and the total state revenues from estimates in 2019 are 2165111.8 billion rupiahs. The
difference in the increase is 262085.3 billion rupiahs. The state revenue growth mainly comes from tax
revenues, where the tax revenue in 2019 is estimated to grow 15.4 percent of the outlook for 2018.

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