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with litde concern for sanitation or

for quality maintenance.
Beginning about 1800 and continu-
ing till today man has made giant
technological advances in many fields
of science. He developed sources of
power to run machinery; transporta-
tion improved. During this same time-
span, he developed the science of food
technology and gradually learned new
PACKAGING is tremendously use- ways to process and package foods.
ful for protecting food during Progress in canning has been con-
marketing—not just a necessary evil tinuous since about 1809.
increasing food costs. Consumers now Today's canning plants are highly
receive products in fresher condition, efficient operations where a single
processing line may produce more
with more potential shelf life, and
than 600 containers of wholesome food
greater appeal and convenience be-
cause of packaging advances. every minute.
We are all familiar with the sight of
Packaging is a multibillion-doUar
thousands of cans and glass jars in our
business and food packaging, with its
supermarkets. Some are transported
thousands of consumer-packaged items, great distances, as sardines from Nor-
is the largest segment of the industry.
way and pineapple from Hawaii.
New packages and great numbers of We see the great supermarket array
new or improved packaging materials
of packaged frozen foods now com-
are in continuous development. They
provide better protection for our food monplace and we accept vacuum-
than ever before in history. packed foods, gas-packed foods, dried
foods, chemically preserved foods, and
WORLD POPULATION is increasing at a
packaged fresh produce.
rate of about 144,000 every day. So Materials used for food packaging
the task of producing enough food, and include wood, wood veneer, fiber-
processing, storing, marketing, and board, paperboard, paper, cotton,
continuously protecting it, will become burlap, packaging films, aluminum
increasingly important. foil, steel, aluminum, and glass.
For many centuries inadequate Packages made from these materials
transportation and refrigeration pro- may be rigid or flexible, large or small,
hibited wide distribution of perishable
foods. These foods had to be consumed Robert E. Hardenbiirg is a Research Horti-
locally in season. Less perishable foods culturist with the Market Quality Research
received only crude bulk packaging Division, Agricultural Research Service.
and produced in hundreds of combi- MAJOR PROTECTIVE packaging require-
nations and variations with and ments are as follows:
without coatings or liners to achieve • Physical protection is needed to
desired protective characteristics. prevent product crushing or bruising
and to provide stacking strength for
THE TYPES of food packages in use to- normal handling—wood boxes, fiber-
day seem endless. Most provide prod- board cartons, cans, and glass jars
uct protection, some do another job. provide this protection.
There are egg cartons, window-boxed • Moisture loss or moisture gain
pies, canned juice, variety cereal packs, must be minimized. Product shrivel-
shrink-wrapped ham, cellophane-packed ing and underweight packages result
spinach, frozen dinners, 20-bushel bulk when moisture loss is excessive. Dried
boxes for handling and storing apples, foods lose crispness or they mold when
fiber board cartons for shipping 24 moisture content increases above speci-
heads of lettuce, and individual serv- fied levels.
ing packs of crackers and jelly. • Sanitary protective barriers are
We have take-home cartons, dispos- required to prevent contamination
able bottles, reuse containers, multiple from dust, and entry and destruction
packs, combination food packs, vac- by micro-organisms and insects.
uum packs, see-through packs, reclos- • Gain or loss of gases such as
able packs, and packages within a oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
package. Some packages may be frozen, from packages is critical for many
some may be baked, and some may be products and must be minimized.
boiled. Other packages pour, have Excess contact with atmospheric oxy-
easy-open features, may be squeezed, gen hastens quality deterioration of
or operate with a pushbutton. many processed products.
• Odor loss or pickup often must be
PRODUCT PROTECTION to maintain avoided. Product aroma may pass
quality for an adequate marketing rapidly out of some packages, resulting
period is the major function of food in quality deterioration. A better
packaging. barrier film or container is needed in
But it no longer is enough just to these cases.
design a package that protects the • Flavor loss should be minimized.
product. The package must be eco- • Grease or fat loss must be mini-
nomical to use and must promote sales. mized in some products.
It may provide convenience, save time • Color changes have to be avoided.
in shopping, save shelf space, prevent .Often this involves partial or complete
pilfering, make handling easier by exclusion of light.
unitizing, or provide a host of other The.importance of these packaging
services. requirements is associated with length
Protective packaging should retard of shelf life desired. A container like a
deterioration from all sources that glass jar, metal can, or foil-film
lower product quality from point of laminated pouch may be needed when
production to the consumer's table. long shelf life is desired. Less expensive
With many highly perishable foods, packaging, providing less protection,
this is still difficult, and shelf life is may be adequate if there is a rapid
short even with today's protective product turnover.
packaging plus refrigeration.
Causes of deterioration must be MORE AND MORE FOOD companies now
known and understood for each prod- realize the importance of packaging
uct, along with the product's special and have established packaging de-
needs, and its physical and chemical partments. Others use packaging
properties. For example, how deep can consultants.
ripening fresh tomatoes be packed if Much testing of proposed new
pressure bruising is to be avoided? packages goes on under simulated
marketing conditions before com- produce packaging are different from
mercial acceptance. Continual re- those in canning or freezing, which kill
search and evaluation of existing the tissues. An airtight container nor-
packages is essential to escape loss of mally cannot be used for fresh produce.
business to competitors. In a film package with low oxygen
Michigan State University offers a permeability, all the free oxygen
4-year course in packaging. Many is used by the produce in a short time
other universities also teach courses in at room temperature, and respiration
packaging. becomes anaerobic. In anaerobic respi-
The Packaging Institute, the Prod- ration—^respiration in the absence of
uce Packaging Association, and many free oxygen—alcohol and carbon diox-
other trade associations provide adult ide are produced. This type of respira-
education in packaging. Trade jour- tion is sometimes referred to as
nals like Modern Packaging, Package fermentation or suboxidation.
Engineering, Food Engineering, and Free oxygen is no longer being used,
Food Technology publicize the results but carbon dioxide is still being pro-
of packaging research. duced, so the total volume of gas in the
package increases and the package
FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES of swells. This can be demonstrated easily
many kinds are highly perishable and by sealing sweet corn or other items
deteriorate rapidly, if not handled with a high respiration rate in a non-
carefully and refrigerated. ventilated film bag.
Packaging of produce is particularly Carbon dioxide concentrations of 20
important to prevent damage during to 40 percent may develop in airtight
handling that can cause bruising and packages in a day or two at warm
thus reduce salability or open the temperatures.
surface to infection and spoilage by As á result of the absence of oxygen
micro-organisms. and the accumulation of carbon diox-
A primary function of produce pack- ide, alcohol, and other products of
aging is to retard moisture loss and anaerobic respiration, the cells may
prevent deterioration like shriveling of be killed and the product becomes
peppers, berries, and root crops, or unsalable. Even before this occurs,
wilting of vitamin-rich leafy green fruits and vegetables may develop
vegetables. winey or other undesirable odors and
Sanitation is another reason for mod- flavors under such conditions.
ern produce packaging. Products like
fresh spinach and tossed salad mixes FILM VENTILATION is a means of allow-
which may be eaten raw need to be ing more gas exchange through prod-
properly packaged to reduce the chance uce films which have inadequate
of contamination. Fruits often attract oxygen and carbon dioxide permea-
gnats or fruit flies while on display in bility.
stores. Packaging fruits in transparent Some of the more permeable films
bags helps keep them more sanitary. allow sufficient oxygen passage to
supply a certain fruit or vegetable
FRESH PRODUCE GIVES the packaging held at 40° F. without any added
researcher a special problem. ventilation. But the packer cannot
Tissues are still alive after harvest guarantee temperatures during mar-
and after packaging and must be kept keting or in consumers' homes. These
alive if produce is to be marketed in films would have to be many times
fresh form. Respiration continues. more permeable to oxygen than they
Oxygen must be supplied for respira- are at low temperature to supply the
tion, and carbon dioxide and heat are much higher respiration needs for
given off. Thus, usually there must be oxygen at 70^, 80°, or even 90° F.
some provision for gas exchange. existing in some stores or homes.
In this respect, the problems of fresh Thus perforated film packages for
from production areas to market in
heavy crates with snow ice between
layers of carrots to maintain freshness.
Green tops were thought to be
essential to convince housewives they
were getting fresh carrots, not storage
carrots. But it was not easy to keep
them fresh during retailing. Flabby
carrots with wilted tops were a
common sight before 1950.
Research by horticulturists of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture showed
that the carrot tops draw moisture
from the roots and hasten shriveling.
Removing the tops doubles the shelf
life. Removing tops and packaging
in I-pound moistureproof film bags
further reduces moisture loss and
inarkedly increases the shelf life.
Bunched carrots displayed 6 days at
70° F. with 50 percent relative hu-
midity lost 48 percent in weight, with
tops removed 29 percent, and in a per-
forated polyethylene bag 4 percent.
Under refrigeration polyethylene pack-
aged carrots have a shelf life of at
least 2 to 3 weeks and moisture loss is
usually less than i percent.


and D. R. Stokes of the Agriculture
Automatic packaging machine at a Boston Department showed that waste and
plant simultaneously forms the film bags and spoilage losses of prepackaged carrots
fills them with a predetermined amount of were much less than for bunched car-
radishes. rots—less than i percent compared
with more than 8 percent—principally
produce are a coininon sight in super- because there was less breakage of the
markets. Experiments by the author packaged roots in consumer handling
showed that the oxygen concentration and no loss of salability from deteriora-
in small film packages perforated with tion of the tops.
two }^-inch holes or four l^-inch holes Consumer packaging of carrots is
will stay close to that in normal air, now done in producing areas. Not
which contains 21 percent oxygen. shipping the inedible tops—they make
This amount of ventilation has a up 15 to 30 percent of the weight of a
negligible effect on weight loss. bunch—allows more carrots to be
More perforations may be needed shipped per rail car. Use of less expen-
when it is desired to allow more water sive shipping containers like veneer
vapor to escape and provide some wirebound crates, multiwall-kraft bags,
control of relative humidity. This is or heavy-duty polyethylene bags each
discussed later in the chapter. holding twenty-four or forty-eight i-
pound polyethylene bags was also pos-
LET'S LOOK at the development of sible with the switch to consumer
carrot packing. Most readers will packaging.
remember the days of bunched car- A scant i percent of fresh carrots
rots. They were shipped long distances marketed in 1951 were prepackaged in
Lettuce is harvested, packaged, and boxed in one continuous operation in the field, at Salinas,
Calif. At top, lettuce is picked and put on conveyors that take it inside packing van. At right,
lettuce head is placed on sheet of plastic film and pushed through hole. Lettuce comes out
on other side of hole (left) where a worker passes film-wrapped head over hotplate, which seals
film around head. Lettuce is then boxed and dropped off for another truck to pick up.
film bags. Most of them are in 1966 Relative humidity was much lower
and with less spoilage, a longer shelf in bags perforated with thirty-two
life, and better salability. Prevention )^-inch holes and only 4 percent of the
of moisture loss is equally important for onions developed roots. This amount
radishes, parsnips, and some other root of film ventilation increased weight
crops, and a similar switch to moisture- loss but did not cancel the desirable
proof polyethylene bags has occurred. moisture-retentive property of poly-
ethylene bags. Moisture losses are still
INCREASED USAGE of moistureproof film less than would occur in mesh or
bags for marketing potatoes, onions, kraft paper bags.
and citrus has developed since 1953. Potatoes packed in nonperforated
This occurred under the pressure of polyethylene or in polyethylene bags
attempts to make produce depart- with only a few holes developed surface
ments self-service. mold and in some lots decay was high.
Mesh or paper bags were used to Keeping quality was much better in
unitize loose produce. They did not these lo-pound film bags when they
restrict moisture loss. were ventilated with 48 or 64 of the
Tests showed that either polyethylene }i-inch holes, as this allowed some
or rubber hydrochloride film bags moisture vapor to escape.
could be used for packaging potatoes, Early experiments in shipping Flor-
onions, and oranges. Moisture loss dur- ida oranges in polyethylene bags
ing marketing was minimized. How- showed decay in them was higher than
ever, further testing by the author and in open-mesh bags. The high humidity
others in the Agriculture Department maintained in the film bags favored
determined that the films were more mold growth. Perforating the bags
moistureproof than desired for these reduced the amount of decay.
particular produce items. Currently 5-pound polyethylene bags
This problem has called for more are still used for oranges but they are
research on use of the films. ventilated with as many as 64 to 80 of
the )i-inch holes. In addition, fruit is
MOST FRESH FRUITS and vegetables often hydrocooled and treated with
keep best under high relative humidity fungicides before packaging to inhibit
of 85 to 95 percent to retard moisture spoilage.
loss. However, moistureproof films like Shrink-film packaging is one of the
polyethylene when used for produce newer packaging developments. It was
maintain even higher relative humidi- first used in France about 1936 for
ties, approaching or reaching 100 the packaging of meat.
percent. Some lettuce is now trimmed and
Humidity approaching saturation is overwrapped with heat-shrinkable
detrimental to good keeping of onions, films in production areas. Sometimes
sweetpotatoes, potatoes, and oranges. giant machines that move through the
Decay, surface mold, and rooting may fields do the job. Quality maintenance
be stimulated by the high humidity, is good when lettuce is precooled
particularly at warm temperatures. before shipment and adequately re-
The author and other researchers frigerated in transit.
found that ventilation of film bags with Pulpboard or chipboard trays of
punched holes was a way of providing fruit or loose vegetables are sleeve
some regulation of package humidity. wrapped or fully overwrapped with
To illustrate, the humidity as measured shrinkable film and then passed
with an electric hygrometer averaged through a heat tunnel to shrink the
98 percent in 3-pound polyethylene film and immobilize the contents.
bags of onions without perforations. Apples develop fewer bruises during
In 2 weeks at 75^ F., 71 percent of the retail handling in shrink-wrapped
onions were rooted. Rooting is unde- packages than in the widely used
sirable in onions as the bulbs soften. polyethylene bags.
With either of these consumer packs, deep. Each shipping container must
good shipping containers with dividers withstand high vertical pressures to
between units are needed to prevent which it may be subjected, and the
handling damage during shipment. impacts of sudden stops and starts of
Other successful uses of shrink trains and trucks.
packaging are with fresh, smoked, and Growth in use of corrugated shipping
cured meats; fresh and frozen poultry; containers continues to expand. They
and with cheese. are light in weight, free from rough
surfaces inside and out, and usually
PACKAGING FILMS shrink up to a low in cost compared with wood
maximum of about 80 percent when containers.
exposed to heat in hot water or in Lettuce, citrus, apples, and many
hot-air tunnels. other kinds of produce which formerly
For many shrink-packaging jobs in- were shipped in wood containers now
volving a final shrink to tighten a move to market in corrugated fiber-
loosely wrapped package, only a small board boxes.
5 to 10 percent shrink is needed. How-
ever, for a contour wrap of a frozen THESE CONTAINERS continue to be
turkey or an odd-shaped tray of prod- modified to improve stacking strength
uce, film shrinkage of 50 percent or and resistance to moisture. More pro-
more may be desirable. tective cushioning materials are used
Balanced shrink in both the longi- with corrugated boxes.
tudinal and transverse directions is Apples are commonly packed in full-
usually needed. telescope-type corrugated boxes with
molded-pulp trays for each layer of
HEAT-SHRINK characteristics are built fruit. High quality Golden Delicious
into films during manufacture by and Mclntosh apples, which are
stretching under controlled tempera- easily bruised, are often packed in cell-
tures and tensions to create molecular type corrugated boxes with each apple
orientation, and then locking the film partitioned in its own cell. Bruising
in this stretched condition by cooling. damage is less than in older place-
One outstanding feature of shrink packing methods faced with a bulge
films is their ability to make a skin- before lidding.
tight package over irregular shaped Corrugated boxes of 50-pound ca-
objects. Products are immobilized so pacity are now used increasingly for
damage during normal handling may potatoes and sweetpotatoes.
be reduced. Sweetpotatoes shipped in corrugated
Major types of shrinkable films are boxes developed less decay than com-
polyethylene, polypropylene, polysty- parable roots shipped in bushel
rene, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, baskets in tests conducted by the
polyvinylidene chloride copolymer, Agriculture Department. Decay in
and rubber hydrochloride. They pro- baskets was reduced about 50 percent
vide a broad variety of desirable by using an excelsior cushion between
characteristics. the cover and the roots.
With California potatoes, shipping
SHIPPING CONTAINERS made from wood, in corrugated cartons reduced bruis-
metal, corrugated board, solid fiber- ing, skinning, and skin discoloration
board, and multiwall paper deserve compared to potatoes packed in
tremendous credit for protecting our loo-pound burlap bags.
food supply, yet often are not seen by Corrugated boxes cost more than
consumers. burlap bags, but this is partially offset
Throughout distribution, packaged by reduction in waste.
products are handled and rehandled A new 38-pound capacity veneer-
many times, loaded, unloaded, and fiberboard box is used increasingly for
stacked in storage several layers shipping eastern peaches, as it has
good strength and provides added containing i pound of hydrated lime
protection. Peaches shipped in these in each film-lined box. The lime
boxes reportedly had only a third to a absorbs carbon dioxide, keeping it at
half as many cuts and bruises as about 2 percent. Allowing carbon
peaches which were shipped in veneer dioxide to accumulate to a concentra-
baskets with crown covers. tion of 4 or 5 percent may cause
brown core, which is an internal dis-
THE CHANGEOVER to fiberbqard boxes order of pears.
from wood boxes for apples, citrus, and Golden Delicious apples benefit
other perishables has increased the from film liners chiefly through reduc-
problems of cooling. tion of moisture loss and shriveling.
Produce in bulge-packed wood con- Consequently the liners need not be
tainers cooled readily because the sealed but are usually just overlapped.
bulge kept containers separated and A storage life of 5 to 7 months at 31 °
exposed to circulating cold air. to 32^ F. is possible with the liners,
Packed fiberboard boxes usually and moisture loss can be kept at i
have no bulge. Consequently, boxes percent or less.
may be stacked tightly against each
other in rows or on pallets unless care SWEET CHERRIES are protected in
is taken to space them for desired sealed polyethylene liners for as much
circulation. If fiberboard boxes are as 2 to 3 weeks at 31° F. following
tightly stacked, cooling is slow. harvest, and then may be shipped
This problem is solved, allowing long distances to market. Here again
good keeping quality, if fruit is pre- a beneficial modified atmosphere of
cooled before packing. For nonpre- about 6 to 9 percent carbon dioxide
cooled fruit in fiberboard boxes, and 3 to 10 percent oxygen and high
spacing between rows of containers humidity develops.
for air circulation is essential. This atmosphere reduces decay dur-
The cooling rate is increased further ing storage and transit, minimizes
by venting the boxes with holes or moisture loss, and preserves the green
slits, providing that the vents are in color of the stems and bright color of
positions where they are exposed to the cherries for longer periods than
moving air. without liners.
Use of bulk boxes or pallet boxes
POLYETHYLENE BOX LINERS are used holding 14 to 24 bushels of produce is
extensively to lengthen storage life of expanding because of handling econo-
pears, sweet cherries, and Golden mies possible with modern forklift
Delicious apples. trucks. These giant containers origi-
Pears are stored at 30° F. in regular nated in New Zealand in 1953.
boxes with thin gage (0.0015 inch) Sometimes harvesting is directly into
polyethylene film liners. Fruit respira- these containers followed by movement
tion builds up a beneficial modified to processing plants or storage. De-
atmosphere within the tightly sealed pending on the dimensions of pallet
liners, which is usually about 2 to 4 boxes, about 20 percent more produce
percent carbon dioxide, 10 percent can be stored in the same storage space
oxygen, and the balance nitrogen. compared with individual bushel boxes
This allows a storage period 6 to 8 handled on pallets.
weeks longer than without liners. Bruising and mechanical damage in
Pears packed and stored in sealed these bulk boxes is usually no worse and
liners are firmer, greener in color, have often is slightly less than in regular
less scald on removal from storage, and wooden field crates. A possible reason
have a better shelf life than pears is that when bulk boxes are full of
stored without liners. apples or other produce, they are too
A 1965 innovation was to enclose a heavy to be lifted manually and
waxed kraft paper pad or envelope dropped or carelessly handled by
workers. Also, a smaller percentage of COLOR PROBABLY IS the most impor-
the fruit is in contact with surfaces of tant single factor for consumer accept-
the container. ance of packaged meats. Control of
moisture loss to prevent product dry-
INSECT INFESTATION of packaged foods ing or desiccation is also important.
is a cause of tremendous losses in the Fresh meat will turn dark red if per-
United States each year. mitted to dehydrate in the open air.
Food processors have to adopt good Flavor and odor loss or pickup must
insect-control programs which insure be avoided. Undesirable odors and
that their product is insect-free when flavors may be due to contamination
it leaves the plant. They must also before packaging, absorption during
protect their commodity against insect storage, or from foreign matter in con-
infestation throughout marketing and tainers or packaging materials.
until opened by consumers. Here the
only suitable means is to use insect- DESIRABLE TEXTURE and juiciness
resistant containers. should be preserved. Greaseproof pack-
Research at the Stored-Product In- aging materials must be used because
sects Laboratory of the Agriculture of the fat content of meats.
Department in Savannah, Ga., showed Associated with the fat content and
that improved packaging methods now storage of meats is the rancidity prob-
will provide protection against insect lem. Oxidative rancidity can be mini-
infestation. mized in frozen meat products if pack-
Packaging materials, container con- aging materials exclude oxygen. Since
struction, and tightness of closures are fresh meats are generally marketed
important. However, certain borers rapidly, they do not encounter the
and beetles can enter food packages problems of rancidity.
made of cloth, paper, film, foil, or Microbial contamination and spoilage
combinations of these materials regard- must be avoided. Meat is an excellent
less of how well they are constructed. medium for growth of many types of
So chemical treatment to prevent micro-organisms, particularly bacteria.
penetration is essential.
Pyrethrum in combination with FRESH MEATS ARE usually packaged in
piperonyl butoxide applied as a coat- supermarkets because of their high
ing to the outer ply of properly con- perishability even after packaging.
structed multiwall paper bags is effec- A moistureproof cellophane, coated
tive as a repellent in preventing insect on one side with nitrocellulose, is most
infestation of flour for many months. widely used to overwrap trays of fresh
MEAT AND SEAFOOD packaging for the The coating on the cellophane,
self-service supermarket has expanded placed away from the meat, is perme-
tremendously. An ever-increasing num- able to oxygen but quite impermeable
ber of consumer-size items are protec- to moisture vapor. Thus some oxygen
tively packaged, using a full range of can enter, which is desired, but mois-
container types including metal cans, ture loss from the package is restricted.
aluminum foil, films, paper, paper- Freshly cut beef has a purple-red
board, and combinations of these color that has little display value or
difí'erent materials. consumer appeal. This color is attrib-
Packaging problems and require- uted to the presence of the complex
ments are complex. There is a great protein myoglobin. After a few min-
variety of products—red meats, poul- utes' exposure to the air, a bright red
try, fish, and other seafoods—and they color develops that is very desirable.
come in fresh, frozen, cured, and heat The oxygen of the air converts the
processed forms. Adequate packaging purplish-red myoglobin to bright red
of these perishable products is a chal- oxymyoglobin; this is accomplished in
lenge to the industry. only a few minutes.
A desirable packaging film must ing cured, smoked, and table-ready
continue to supply enough oxygen to meats for retailing is to exclude both
keep the bright red color as long as oxygen and light, since both acceler-
possible. ate color deterioration.
Prolonged exposure to oxygen Lighting in a refrigerated display
changes the red color to brown, as case readily fades the color of sliced
oxymyoglobin is converted to metmyo- cured, smoked, and table-ready meats—
globin. This may occur in 24 to 48 hours ham, bacon, bologna, and luncheon
or less, even under good refrigeration meats—when they are packaged in
and sanitary handling procedures. semimoistureproof cellophane, an air-
Surface drying, elevated tempera- permeable film. Exposure to light for
tures, and bacterial contamination as short a time as 4 hours may cause
will speed discoloration. objectionable fading.
Opaque labels are essential, there-
FRESH MEATS can be packaged in fore, on the side of cured meat packages
flexible films which are impermeable exposed to light, if the films are air
to both moisture vapor and oxygen, permeable.
and shelf life is much longer. Exclu- Remarkable progress has been made
sion of oxygen keeps the meat pur- recently in developing combination
plish-red, which is less appealing to packages of three or more materials
consumers. But even after extended laminated together—useful for vacuum
storage, the meat will still develop good and nitrogen backfilled packages.
red color when it is opened and ex- Four-ounce flexible packages of dried
posed to the air. beef are often this type, which may
This use of impermeable films, be a combination of cellophane, alu-
sometimes called anaerobic packaging minum foil, and polyethylene.
or vacuum packaging, will allow fresh After the package is filled, air is
meat packaging at a centralized ware- evacuated and then the package is
house rather than in supermarkets. backfilled with nitrogen to retain loose-
Experiments by Z. J. Ordal of the ness of the slices and to protect the
University of Illinois showed that product from oxidation. This package
ground beef packaged in saran film protects both color and flavor better
with low oxygen permeability still had than cellophane-overwrapped window
good flavor after 10 days at 30° F. cartons.
The use of saran, which excluded
oxygen, provided a means for con- HoTDOG PRODUCERS USC many types of
trolling psychrophilic bacteria. These films and film laminates, providing
are the bacteria that grow well under difi'erent amounts of protection. A bil-
refrigeration and are commonly as- lion and a half i-pound packages of
sociated with fresh-meat spoilage. hotdogs or frankfurters are produced
Ground beef packaged in opaque yearly—big business indeed. The
oxygen-barrier films in vacuum packs amount of film required, 11 inches
is now seen increasingly in today's wide, would reach around the world
supermarkets. II times.
For best protection, hotdogs are
CURED MEATS, in contrast to fresh packed using barrier films like saran,
meats, retain their bright pink and polyester, or nylon which exclude
red colors better in an oxygen im- oxygen.
permeable package than in one that is Skintight vacuum packs for bacon
oxygen permeable. now provide better protection than
Therefore, cured meats can be previous window cartons. Good color
vacuum packed in impermeable trans- is retained, and rancidity is retarded,
parent films to provide better protec- allowing up to 8 weeks of refrigerated
tion from discoloration. shelf life. One such package uses a lami-
The cardinal principle for packag- nate film of I-mil (0.001 inch) nylon
and 2-mil polyethylene coated with o. i bleached areas. Packages should be
mil of saran and a polyethylene-coated moistureproof and skintight to avoid
backing board to support the bacon. freezerburn ; heat-shrinkable films may
Great quantities of fresh poultry are be used to advantage.
packaged and distributed through Polyvinylidene chloride and irradi-
supermarkets. Much of this fresh prod- ated polyethylene films both allow
uct is shipped from processing plants high shrink and make good contour
to stores in wirebound crates lined packages. Removing the air from film
with waxed kraft paper and with ice packages after the birds are inserted
mixed with the poultry. assists in retarding oxidation, which is
the cause of rancidity during pro-
A NEW DEVELOPMENT is tO ship prc- longed freezer storage.
chilled fresh poultry in corrugated Edible coatings of acetylated mono-
boxes without ice—commonly known glycerides have been approved for use
as a dry pack. Fluids from the chilling on food.
process are absorbed by special paper Meat, poultry, and even nut meats
toweling liners. which are dipped in these materials
Poultry shipped in these boxes re- lose their moisture slowly.
portedly maintains a fresher appear- It is likely that such edible coatings
ance because the product is not sub- will find commercial use in the future.
jected to skin bleaching by melting However, they do not provide as much
ice. protection as moistureproof films so
Fresh poultry usually is prepackaged they probably will be used in conjunc-
after it reaches the supermarket. Here tion with other packaging.
semimbistureproof films are desired
which have fairly high gas perme- OVER A BILLION POUNDS of seafood is
ability. If films are too moistureproof, marketed annually in the United
slime formation is increased. If they States either chilled or frozen. All of it
are too impermeable to gases, odors is packaged in shipping containers or
that develop within the package may consumer packages at some time dur-
accumulate and become objectionable. ing marketing. Considerable research
These off odors are due to slowly de- in this field is done at regional labora-
veloping bacteria on poultry surfaces, tories of the Bureau of Commercial
which grow even under refrigeration. Fisheries, Department of the Interior.
The film also helps maintain the Fresh fish and shellfish spoil as a re-
fresh bloom and protects against sult of bacterial or enzymatic action.
shrinkage and dehydration. Dehydra- Low temperature is the most important
tion results in darkening of the meat. single factor in retarding spoilage. If a
Cut-up poultry has the same film re- temperature of 32*^ to 35° F. is main-
quirementSj but pulpboard trays are tained, fish may remain acceptable for
added to aid in unitizing and to ab- äs long as 9 days from the time when
sorb the moisture "drip" that exudes they are caught.
from cut meat. Packaging is the second most impor-
tant factor in extending keeping
FROZEN POULTRY is shipped in corru- quality of fresh fish. Bulk containers
gated boxes which must be rigid serve to hold the fish, and crushed ice
enough to withstand abuse and pro- maintains low temperatures. Metal
tect the product. It has, of course, a and wood boxes are widely used.
much longer shelf life than fi:'esh Water-resistant fiberboard boxes are
poultry when adequately packaged now employed to some extent because
and kept frozen. of their good insulating properties.
The primary problem in frozen meat Reportedly, fish can be kept at low
and poultry is preventing freezerburn, temperatures in these boxes with
a type of deterioration caused by de- considerably less ice than in conven-
hydration which leaves white or tional wood boxes.
FROZEN FISH NEED protective packag- dairy products, and desserts. Each
ing that will prevent moisture loss and comes in a variety of forms and with
oxidation of fats. more and more built-in services to
The usual consumer package for please consumers.
frozen fish fillets is the waxed carton Many kinds of frozen dinners and
with a waxed-paper overwrap. To combination foods are available.
eliminate dehydration during frozen Newer items include frozen pack-
storage, however, packaging materials aged salads, and cranberry apple salad
with very low moisture-vapor trans- with walnuts.
mission rates must be used. Preservation is primarily through
Some plastic wax coatings and the freezing process with subsequent
plastic films—polyethylene, polyester, storage at o° F. or below. However,
and polyvinylidene chloride—or com- good packaging is a physical means of
binations of these materials with paper extending the storage life of frozen
have excellent moisture-barrier prop- foods. With no protective packaging,
erties. They are finding increased use most frozen foods would become un-
for packaging fish. marketable or unpalatable in a few
Fatty and moderately fatty fish must weeks' time. Wood, metal, glass, paper,
be protected against oxidation of the and plastic materials have been used
fats. successfully.
Rancidity develops as a result of the Packaging protects frozen food from
reaction of the fat with oxygen, which dirt, insects, and micro-organisms be-
is in the package initially or which fore and during storage, as well as dur-
migrates through the packaging mate- ing thawing and preparation for
rial. If this occurs, quality declines and cooking. For fruits packed in sirup,
consumers are dissatisfied. waterproof packaging is of prime im-
portance ; for obvious reasons leaky
VACUUM PACKAGING in shrinkable film cartons must be avoided.
bags that prevent transmission of Protective packages are also designed
oxygen is one solution. Air is removed to overcome the conditions of low-
from the package and the film shrunk temperature storage which desiccate
tightly around the product. foods and cause freezerburn.
Purging the package with nitrogen
is another method of removing oxygen FREEZERBURN was mentioned earlier
before sealing. This method is good but deserves further emphasis because
where a loose-fitting package is desired. of its importance. It may irreversibly
Another method of protecting fishery alter the color, texture, flavor, and
products against rancidity consists of nutritive value of frozen foods.
coating the unwrapped product with The snow or frost that accumulates
gels prepared from seaweed extract or on coils in a freezer comes from mois-
solutions of corn-sirup solids. These ture vapor in the air condensing and
materials provide coatings that resist freezing.
the penetration of oxygen. As moisture is removed from circu-
Antioxidants incorporated into pack- lation ^ any moist product in the room
aging materials are also of some value will give up more water vapor.
in preventing oxidation, particularly Thus there may be a constant loss of
where there is close contact between water in the form of vapor (sublima-
the package and the product. tion) from the unprotected materials in
The variety of frozen foods now the storage area.
available in supermarkets is immense; Moistufe-vaporproof packaging ma-
all are packaged for protection. terials must be placed around the food
This variety continues to grow rap- to eliminate or minimize yielding of
idly. It includes practically a full moisture to the freezer coils. If much
range of food types: Meats, fruits, desiccation occurs, the food develops
vegetables, beverages, bakery products. freezerburn. Visible frost may develop
even within good packages if storage main dishes and frozen vegetables in
temperature is allowed to fluctuate. sauces. Production was already over
300 million units a year in 1965.
ONE OF THE SIMPLEST protective coat- Polyester film laminated to poly-
ings for frozen foods is to glaze or coat ethylene is in wide use. This protects
them with ice. Glazing has been widely the food in both below zero tempera-
used in the fishing industry. tures and in boiling water. The see-
More commonly, barrier films, alu- through polyester bags of food are
minum foil, and special papers pro- simply placed in boiling water, steam-
vide protection from desiccation. er, or electronic oven until cooked.
These packaging materials must not The consumer is assured of flavor
impart any odor or flavor to the and nutrients being sealed in the
product. They should also prevent package. She need not concern herself
odors from other products stored in with having to clean or scour pans.
the same room from contaminating
frozen food. Odors and flavors from COMBINATION PREPARED FOODS in boil-
fish and smoked meats may migrate able bags require the package to be an
into other foods, if not adequately excellent barrier material against
packaged in impermeable materials. water, moisture vapor, gases like
Some new products like frozen oxygen, and grease.
chopped onions may lose their desira- Restaurant owners, hotels, and
ble aroma if the package is an drive-ins like boil-in-bag frozen foods
inadequate barrier. Transparent because orders often can be filled 50
pouches of saran-coated cellophane percent faster than by conventional
laminated to polyethylene make a gas- methods and a variety of gourmet
tight package which provides good meals can be easily provided.
aroma protection. Dozens of firozen prepared foods can
be heated simultaneously in the same
LIGHT CAN BE damaging to the color cooking cauldron. These include broc-
and flavor of frozen green vegetables coli au gratin, lima beans in butter,
like peas, particularly if storage is at Creole succotash, roast beef with gravy,
temperatures higher than o° F. and chicken a la king. The boilabie
Peas held only a week at 20^ F. in bags are packed in opaque protective
transparent packages in an illuminated cartons picturing and describing the
display case may become slightly finished product.
bleached or mottled, and flavor is Rigid aluminum foil containers are
damaged. Bleaching and flavor loss widely used as containers for frozen
are severe after 3 or 4 weeks of expo- dinners, bakery products, and pizzas
sure to light. where baking is required. These foil
The peas absorb radiant energy from containers have excellent heat con-
the light. This creates a temperature ductivity for rapid baking. They are
difference within the package, and moisture- and vapor-proof, odorproof,
moisture is lost to surrounding air- and greaseproof. They may also be
spaces and container walls. coated on the inside if protection from
Opaque packaging materials, there- food acids is needed.
fore, are desirable. The popular 2-
pound transparent polyethylene bags FOOD PRESERVATION by canning or heat
for loose-frozen free-flowing vegetables processing leads all other methods and
(pour and store) are satisfactory for provides maximum storage life.
retailing under lights if temperatures It changed the eating habits of mod-
are maintained at 0° F. or below. ern man. Scurvy and pellagra, dread
diseases caused by lack of certain vita-
AN IMPORTANT PACKAGING innovation, mins, are almost unknown wherever
now expanding rapidly, is heat-in-bag canned fruits and vegetables are en-
or boil-in-bag frozen foods—^frozen joyed. And canning has proved one of
the greatest laborsaving devices in the retard corrosion of cans and corrosion
American home. of closures on glass containers.
Canning dates back to 1795 when Approximately 4 million tons of
Nicolas Appert, a Frenchman, dis- metal, mostly steel, go into the manu-
covered that food heated in sealed con- facture of cans each year and only
tainers was preserved if the container about Xo of I percent is tin. Thus, tin
was not reopened and the seal didn't cans are a misnomer.
leak. Scientists in those days did not Thin tin coatings, applied efliciently
know the cause of food spoilage but by modern electrolytic methods, pro-
the canning process worked. tect the steel from both external and
internal corrosion.
METAL CANS, glass jars and bottles— In addition, other baked-on organic
these are the commonplace yet fabu- coatings or "can enamels" are used
lous containers that protect our canned with the modern sanitary can, pre-
foods. Some flexible packages made venting interaction between metal and
from lamination of films or film and various foods. They aid in preserving
foil now withstand heat processing the attractiveness of food and the ap-
temperatures and will be entering the pearance of the can, or may even
picture. Laminated materials are a replace the tin coating.
combination of two or more materials Products like rhubarb, tomato juice
bonded together by heat and pressure. cocktail, and some fish products are
Metal cans and glass containers help noted for their detinning action on tin-
insure good quality for thousands of plate. Therefore, these foods are
different packaged foods. Today's packed in enamel-lined cans. Highly
supermarket shelves are lined with colored fruits, like cherries and berries,
cans, bottles, and jars. fade when packed in plain cans. Can
No container comes close to the enamels formulated from oleoresins
metal can in total production. Over 48 prevent this fading.
billion metal cans were produced in
1964. Glass containers are in second MANY VEGETABLES like peas and corn
place with production now over 27 bil- contain sulfur-bearing protein con-
lion containers annually. stituents. During processing these com-
The average American family uses pounds break down, yielding sulfur
about 600 food cans annually. Amer- residues that react with tin and iron of
icans open about 131 million food cans the container to produce dark-colored
every day. metal sulfides.
Cans and glass containers are an in- These deposits are similar to the
dispensable part of our plentiful food tarnish found on silver spoons in con-
supply. Both are strong and provide tact with eggs. Like this tarnish, "sul-
exceptional protection. Both withstand fur black" in cans is harmless but
the high temperatures needed to steri- nevertheless is objectionable because
lize foods and the pressures built up to of its appearance.
provide an airtight vacuum container. Now sulfur-bearing foods are packed
in containers with an oieoresinous
THE PURPOSE of heat processing is to coating with zinc oxide pigments,
destroy pathogenic and spoilage orga- which trap the sulfur and prevent
nisms that may be present in raw food discoloration.
materials. Sealing the container pre- Beer and beverage containers have
vents reinfection of the food. Having a double coatings that prevent flavor
vacuum in containers is one way to re- changes. Meat cans may have special
move oxygen. phenolic coatings with fatty acid
A vacuum in canned foods helps pro- amides to prevent the contents from
tect color and flavor of products, as- sticking.
sists in retaining vitamins, prevents Aluminum cans are growing in popu-
rancidity due to oxidation, and helps larity because of their light weight,
791-476 0-66-10
corrosion resistance, and compatibil- can give protection against light rays
ity with certain foods and beverages. where required. For example, a Wis-
Current applications for aluminum consin dairy showed that amber-
cans include beer, soft drinks, frozen colored glass protects milk from the
fruit juices, dairy products, and canned flavor changes which are a result of
meats and fish—like sardines and tuna. exposure to the sun.
The aluminum pull-tab end, an im- Returnable bottles for milk, soft
portant packaging innovation, has had drinks, and beer are among the lowest
much to do with increased usage of cost containers found in packaging—
aluminum cans. The pull-tab end does averaging less than half a cent per trip.
not contribute to product protection,
but it has sales appeal and convenience. GLASS CONTAINERS are useful packages
Fiber cans with a fiber body and to food processors only if properly
metal ends and liquid-tight paper capped or sealed. Good seals are
containers have a role in protective needed to prevent contamination and
packaging of items like cocoa, salt, to prevent transfer of gases.
fruit juice, and milk. Currently, many closure types are
The paper milk carton, which first made from metal, plastic, cork, rub-
reached the markets in 1934, has ber, and paper. They are continually
expanded to the point that 18 billion being improved.
were produced in 1964. These are now Some provide pilfer-proof seals.
mostly polyethylene-coated paper car- Some provide hermetic or airtight
tons, which have gradually replaced seals, and others are nonhermetic.
wax-coated cartons for both milk and High utility closures are available
chilled juice. with improved gaskets for vacuum-
packed foods. These maintain the vac-
USE OF GLASS CONTAINERS for food and uum, protecting quality and increasing
beverages continues to grow in con- shelf life of the product.
stant competition with metal cans. Appreciable growth of aerosol pack-
Glass jars are used for most processed aging of food is expected, since numer-
baby foods. Glass bottles are excellent ous new propellent gases have been
containers for milk, soft drinks, soluble approved by the Food and Drug
coffee, and many other beverages. Administration.
Glass containers predominate for home Aerosol packaging until recently was
canning. limited to whipped cream and to
Glass has many characteristics that other toppings. Soon there may be
play a role in providing protection for aerosol mayonnaise, honey, ketchup,
food. Glass is chemically inert, so it and fruit purees.
does not react with foods to produce This is more than just convenience
flavor changes. For foods like pickles, packaging. Foods packaged in hermet-
ketchup, and mayonnaise, glass con- ically sealed containers with a propel-
tainers are ideal. lent to eject the product are protected
Glass is almost 100 percent imperme- from evaporation, from contamination
able, nonporous, and odorless. It is by micro-organisms, and from oxida-
transparent, allowing the contents to tion. One-way valves permit dispensing
be inspected for quality. Glass con- food but prevent entrance contamina-
tainers are strong so they give good tion.
physical protection. And each year Whipped cream is the most familiar
they are being made stronger, yet aerosol product and is a food that
lighter and thinner. They are easy to benefits from aerosol packaging. Left-
open and to reseal to store unused over hand-whipped cream often de-
portions of the contents. teriorates or is discarded, while aerosol
As with cans, glass containers may whipped cream may be dispensed in
have various surface treatments to desired portions and the container put
improve performance. Colored glass back in the refrigerator for future use.
BAKERY PRODUCTS are packaged to nut meats in film bags is now possible
protect them both from drying out and with these improved films. Replace-
from gaining moisture. ment of the air in film packages with
Protective packaging is particularly nitrogen markedly retards rancidity
important in keeping the freshness and and darkening.
crispness of crackers and cookies. If
the packaging material gives adequate MANY IMPROVEMENTS in convenience
protection against moisture vapor packaging of food are seen in our
transmission, it can be expected to supermarkets.
protect the product from dust, dirt, Convenience packaging involves
mold spores, and off odors. shape and size of containers that allow
Consumer packages and shipping easy pouring, serving, carrying, re-
containers for crackers and cookies also closing, and storage in refrigerators.
provide structural strength for protec- The trend toward individual servings
tion from crushing during marketing. of mustard, ketchup, cream, sugar,
Fragile pastries are protected in over- soluble coffee, jelly, salt, and pepper is
wrapped molded plastic trays, paper- increasing rapidly. Recent improve-
board cartons, or window boxes. ments in laminating polyethylene film
Waxed glassine gives bakery prod- to foil, cellophane, and other films,
ucts dependable protection from mois- which make better barrier packages,
ture vapor. Other materials that do open the possibility of marketing many
the job include waxed paper, glassine, other foods in portion packs.
foil, cellophane, polyethylene, and Many unique films have been cre-
polypropylene. ated to meet multiple needs of foods.
A new "3-ply" film for bread is made
SUCCESSFUL PACKAGING of potato chips of a thin layer of polypropylene sand-
is not simple. Loss of crispness and wiched between outer layers of poly-
rancidity are factors limiting shelf life. ethylene—yet the entire film is a thou-
Rancidity in potato chips results sandth of an inch thick.
from the reaction of oil with oxygen in A new "6-ply" film pouch is avail-
the presence of light or heat. A good able for vacuum packaging foods like
oxygen barrier is especially needed to fresh shredded Cheddar cheese, dried
retard rancidity. Recent research shows beef, and soup mixes. This is a lamina-
that a saran-latex coating on glassine tion of cellophane-polyethylene-cello-
bags effectively excludes oxygen, pre- phane-polyethylene- aluminum foil-
venting rancidity of chips. polyethylene.
Shelf life of shelled nuts is markedly Individual strips of bacon in foil
extended with good packaging. envelopes, which may be dropped in á
Nuts packed under vacuum in metal toaster, may soon be marketed.
cans are protected for long periods
from darkening and flavor changes THESE ARE JUST a few of many tailor-
caused by oxidation and exposure to made packaging developments.
light. Moisture loss or gain is pre- We can be sure the food and con-
vented. tainer industries will continue to keep
Transparent film bags or pouches abreast of new developments in pack-
also are widely used for packaging aging materials and food processing,
shelled nuts. They are less costly and and create even better food packaging
lighter in weight than metal cans, but for the future. This will be done at an
do not provide as much protection economic cost.
from oxygen, light, moisture, and in- We know it's what's inside the
sects. Consequently, shelf life is less in package that counts. Packaging can't
film bags than in vacuum cans. improve food quality. But with proper
Greater barrier properties have been storage plus the right package to
built into films through coatings and protect each food from deterioration,
laminations. An adequate shelf life for waste and spoilage are minimized.

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