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All things for good Billy Sichone 1

.” Romans 8:28, 29

The verse we turn to for consideration are the ones we have first read.
St Paul turned to write these verses having talked about lofty and glorious
things in the earlier chapters. In the present chapter, the apostle begins with
the word “therefore”, implying that he is about to conclude or sum up or
apply the things he has been talking about.

The apostle concludes that all those who are in Christ have no condemnation
whatsoever. He goes further to show how that all natural men are enemies of
God because they do not have the spirit of Christ, In fact, they are hostile to
God!(v 5 – 8). In the 18th verse, the apostle looks a head into glory and
cannot help but realize that all our present suffering are not worth comparing
to the glory that awaits all the elect. Indeed, this through ought to warm
every heart that is in Christ. Paul continues talking about creation and how
that he looks forward for a new order and how that the spirit of God helps us
to pray according to God’s will.

Having said all that in our introduction, let us then turn to our text and
consider verse 28 and 29 more in detail I shall seek to divide my text into a
number of points.
i. Firstly then, when we read verse 28, we note how that it was general
knowledge to state that all things were in the hands of God. “We
know,” he says, meaning that as for as Paul and all the Christian were
concerned it was not debatable issue as to whether God was sovereign
in all things or not the apostle knew that God was sovereign in all
events even to minutest detail and was totally in control. Through
things may have seemed hard for him at times, sometimes even
despairing of life, yet he knew at back of His mind that God was in
control. Do you “know” like St Paul knew?
ii. In the second place, we read, “that in all things God” Not only did
Paul know that God was absolutely sovereign in salvation, but it was
clear that God was in absolute control of all events without exception.
This is a truth that is to be held with all our heart. There is nothing
that ever happens in our lives or in the world without the knowledge
of God, whether they be good or bad, evil out right. There is nothing
that can ever take God by surprise, much more in our context, we note

All things for good Billy Sichone 2

that the things that ever take place are entirely in the hands of God for
we read “in all things God” Now why does the apostle say “ ….all
things God”? I suggest that he would rather have us note that God is
the first cause of all events in the universe and therefore. Nothing will
ever take place unless he allows it. Let it be note that God is NEVER
the author of sin – Men in their own wickedness commit these sins
and are responsible. Are we not told in James 1:13 that God tempts no
one? Are we not told further that we are tempted because of our evil
desires?(v 4). Oh friends in all and every situation “God:” – he does
all things as he decreed then way back in eternity ‘ere time begin.
iii. In the third place we read that “God works for the good of those who
love him - It is a blessed thought to know when we enter the Christian
life that though at times things will be rough, yet in the providence of
God, all things are working out for our good. When one reads the
different versions of the bible, one discovers that some seem to
suggest that though things happen at anytime, God is still in control.
But our version (New International Version, NIV) puts it neatly
because it seems to me that God is put in the picture and working all
things actually. Now, God is the first cause of all events and we note
in this part of the verse that all these events in the life of the Christian,
ought to be viewed with a different eye – whether good or bad, joyful
or sad or sorrowful – They should be viewed as a working out for
good. Sometimes, the cloud is so “dark” that we cannot see anything
good but evil – but the Christian should be patient in the school of
providence and should rather ask the question “What will you have
me learn Lord?” than to begin to in to ourselves and pity ourselves.
No, No, No! Let us have that eye of faith and take note of these times
and perhaps in future look back. Many a saint has learnt a lot through
this school of providence and has become fine Christian there after.
The frowning providence which had threatened to “crush” the saint
suddenly was passed through with great safely and having left the
Christian more refined. Is this the way that you view things? Are you
ever conscious that God decreed all things? Therefore, beloved let us
hold on firmly to this truth that God works out all things for our God –
especially to us who love him “ those who love him” Do you love

We pass to our fourth point to that these things work out for the good
of those “who have been called according to his purpose”. It is a blessed
thought to know that no one is ever a Christian by accident or because

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he/she “chose” Christ per say. But it must be noted that God works out
all things for the elect because He has a called them. At one time, you
and I were dead in our sins (Eph 2:1), lost and without hope or God in the
world. But when the tome had fully come, God called us effectually by
His spirit, our claims fell off and were empowered to believe and come to
Christ. In the day of His power, God made us willing (Psalm 110:23).
Haven’t you wondered, dear friend, what it is that moved you to turn to
Christ? It is always a marvel to all those that have come to know this
truth – that God calls that are ever saved effectually. How humbling it is
to the saint to know that it was God who called us, made us alive. And
so, in our text the apostle begins to refer to this truth of effectual calling
and tells us that all these things are working out in this manner because
God called to be set apart unto him. This was his purpose that we should
be set apart to glorify him in all things. Friend, do you know that God has
called you because of His own purpose? Do you know that it pleased
God to call you so that you might fulfill your call? Are you carrying out
your task?

Having shown that the saints are called according to the Divine decree of
God, the apostle begins to open this truth further and goes out side time!
He seeks to show us the genesis of our salvation how that it begins ‘ere
time begun.

Before God ever created anything, He exited alone and had fellowship
with Himself. He was not in any need of anything outside Himself, yet it
pleased Him to create. The baffling truth is that ‘ere time begun, before
He even created, God had all human beings in His eternal mind, All He
could see were a fallen and hell deserving people. Yet out of those many,
he “foreknew” that is he determined to save them. He “foreknew” them
or marked them out not because they had anything special about them or
that “they could believe of their own freewill” in future. No! The eternal
God chose some out of many people and he has determined to save them
– Hence the verse “these – God foreknew,” further, the apostle alludes to
predestination. In this instance, He refers to “those” God foreknew to
having been predestined to eternal life. Having marked them out, God
determined their path to eternal life. The interesting fact is that God has
not predestined people to “enjoy” Heaven per say, but that they might
“be conformed to the likeness of his Son”. This is the end to which all the
elect have been predestined. Oh what a privilege is ours!! to know that
God has seen fit to love such worms as us!! This truth ought to take the

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sinner out of Himself and cause him to praise God forever. It was whilst
we were yet sinners that Christ died for us. Beloved, do you ever thank
God for your salvation? Has it ever occurred to you that God never
needed you in the first place? Are you becoming more like the lord Jesus
Christ each day?

In the last place, we read that we might be conformed to the likeness of

His Son “that he might be the first born among many brothers”. The lord
Jesus Christ came from Heaven itself and dead. Yet on the third day he
arose from the grave! For it was impossible for the grave to hold him
captive. Thus He became the first born from the dead – He was the first
to ever rise alone from the grave. In Colossians 1:15;18 we are told from
Christ was the first born from among the dead. All others that ever rose
were either raised by Christ or by another person. But our Lord rose
triumphantly from the grave on his own. This is what makes us certain
that we too shall rise from the dead because Christ has been raised (1 Cor
15:20). This is a firm foundation for because the father accepted the
sacrifice of Christ (Rom 4:25) Take heart, dear friend, Christ has been
raised and you too shall be raised on that great resurrection morning! No
wonder Paul would say that our present suffering were not worthy to be
compared to the glory that awaits us – because he knew that one day his
body would rise and be re – united with his soul. All other saviors that
ever rose are miserable saviors because their bones are still here with us!
But our king is no longer dead but alive!

Thus, we have demonstrated that all these things work out for our good
and that they begun in eternity. To that end, the apostle could therefore
safely rest upon God in all his earthly circumstances. Read his life in the
Acts, what made him tick? Isn’t it the knowledge of these truths? I
suggest it was.

Allow me then to conclude in applying these lessons, may God help us to

learn something.
1) In whatever circumstance you are in, know that God is behind it
all. Never grow weary or tried no matter how bad your situation.
Take comfort in all your circumstances. Has this been your habit?
Is it you practice to read providence?
2) Bless the lord at all time and live a thankful life. Knowing that no
amount of goods works can never thank God enough, how ought
this to drive us to be thankful! Is it true of you? How sad in our

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day how that many live as enemies of the cross! God forbid that it
be true of any of you. Are you more like Christ today than when
you first believed?
3) Know this blessed truth and hide it in your heart – that we shall
rise even as Christ has been raised from the dead. Long for that
great resurrection morning and live as a pilgrim here below!

Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you
faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, be glory and
majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever,


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