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Western Philosophy, Rene Descartes made a major contribution to

improve in the field of mathematics so that he got title "Father of Modern
Mathematics". Rene is one of the most important and influential thinkers in
modern western history. According to Descartes mind is the stand-alone substance
in term I think I exist, mind is immaterial. Mind is conscious and its character is to
think and body is part of matery.

And Islamic Philosophy, Ibnu Sina was very well known in the medical
world because of his contribution to the development of medical science and
many of his writings became references for western medical scholars. He is also
known as the 'Father of Modern Medicine'. Ibnu Sina is also an expert in the fields
of philosophy, literature and theology. He had contributed to development of
philosophy and science since middle age in order to establish perfect philosophy
system. Ibnu Sina gained success in combining Aristotle thought, Plato and Neo-
Platonism thought.

The results show that after knowing the comparison of Western

Philosophy by Rene Descartes and Ibnu Sina's Islamic Philosophy of his thoughts,
humans, gods, knowledge, and the universe, there are very the differences
between the two.

Keywords: Rene Descartes, Ibnu Sina, Islamic Philosophy, Western Philosophy


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Puji serta syukur saya panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Karena dengan
rahmatnya dan segala karunia-Nya saya dapat menyelesaikan makalah yang
berjudul “Perbandingan Filsafat Barat Karya Rene Descartes dan Filsafat Ilmu
(Islam) Karya Ibnu Sina“.

Pada kesempatan ini saya selaku mahasiswa ingin mengucapkan

terimakasih kepada Bapak Murni Djamal selaku dosen mata kuliah Filsafat
Manusia yang telah membimbing dan memberi arahan kepada saya sehingga saya
dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini sebagai syarat Ujian Akhir Semester.

Tidak lupa juga saya menyadari bahwa dalam proses pembuatan makalah
ini masih terdapat banyak kesalahan kata dan penyusunannya. Maka dari itu, saya
sangat menerima kritik serta sarannya yang sifatnya membangun demi kebaikan
dalam menyusun makalah selanjutnya.

Akhir kata yang bisa saya sampaikan, semoga Allah SWT senantiasa
melimpahkan karunia-Nya dan semoga tulisan makalah ini dapat memberikan
manfaat bagi pembaca atau orang-orang yang membutuhkannya.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Jakarta, Juli 2019




KATA PENGANTAR………………………………………………………2

DAFTAR ISI………………………………………………………………..3

BAB I PENDAHULUAN…………………………………………………. 4

1.1 Background…………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Formulation of Problem………………………………………... 4

1.3 Purpose…………………………………………………. …….. 5

1.4 Benefit………………………………………………….. ……... 5

BAB II ISI…………………………………………………………. …….. 6

2.1 IBNU SINA…………………………………………….……... 6

2.1.1 Tentang Manusia…………………………….……... 6

2.1.2 Tentang Tuhan………………………………………. 7

2.1.3 Tentang Pengetahuan………………………………… 7

2.1.4 Tentang Alam Semesta………………………………. 8

2.2 RENE DESCARTES………………………………………….. 9

2.2.1 Tentang Manusia…………………………………….. 9

2.2.2 Tentang Tuhan………………………………………. 10

2.2.3 Tentang Pengetahuan………………………………… 10

2.2.4 Tentang Alam Semesta………………………. …....... 11

BAB III KESIMPULAN…………………………………………………... 12

DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………................ 14



1.1 Background

Philosophy is worth upholding so that the present and future generations can
understand various major events in the world of thought and all their changes
throughout the ages. Philosophy is a science that uses logic, methods, and systems
to examine general and fundamental problems regarding various problems, such
as: knowledge, reason, mind, existence, and language. The aim of philosophy is
for humans to become more educated and knowledgeable, and to be able to
objectively assess things around them and so that people can explore the main
elements of science so they can understand the source, nature and purpose of

In philosophy, there are comparisons and similarities between Western philosophy

and Islamic philosophy. The similarity between Western philosophy and Islam,
namely, both of them use philosophy as a means for developing rational thinking
and also both develop progressive civilization through the activities of scientific
studies in universities that are concentrated systematically and planned.

There is also the difference between Western philosophy and Islam, namely
Western philosophy is only thinking deductively, if Islamic philosophy is taught
by the Al-Qur'an so that inductive thinking with orders to pay attention to the
surrounding nature and also philosophy which is a source of scientific thought
Western philosophy is only based on hypotheses and opinions, while Islamic
philosophies base their investigations on the basis of observations and
experiments. Based on differences and similarities between Western philosophy
and Islamic philosophy, Islam continues to grow.

1.2 Formulation of Problem

1. How is Islamic philosophy according to Ibn Sina about humans, gods,

knowledge and the universe?

2. How does Western philosophy according to Rene Descartes about humans,

gods, knowledge and the universe?

1.3 Purpose

1. To know Islamic philosophy according to Ibn Sina about humans, gods,

knowledge and the universe.

2. To know Western philosophy according to Rene Descartes about humans, god,

knowledge and the universe.

1.4 Benefit

The benefit of this paper is that readers with this paper will better
understand or understand what is written in this paper.




Ibnu Sina's full name is Abu `Ali al-Husain ibn` Abdillah ibn Hasan ibn
`Ali Sina. Born in Afshona, Uzbekistan on 22 August 980 AD Ibnu Sina was very
well known in the medical world because of his contribution to the development
of medical science and many of his writings became references for western
medical scholars. He is also known as the 'Father of Modern Medicine'. Ibnu Sina
is also an expert in the fields of mathematics, philosophy, literature and theology.

2.1.1 Tentang Manusia

According to Ibnu Sina, humans at the phenomenal stage consist of bodies and
nafs. According to Ibnu Sina the nafs (soul) of man is a separate unit and has a
form apart from the body. The human soul arises and is created every time there is
a body, which is suitable and can receive a soul, born in this world. Even though
the human soul does not have physical functions, and thus does not aim at the
body to carry out its duties as a thinking power, the soul still has an interest in the
body because at the beginning of its form the body helps the human soul to be
able to think. Then, according to Ibnu Sina, the body is a complete soul to carry
out activities. The body is always changing, changing, decreasing, or increasing,
so the body can experience mortality.

Korelasi antara nafs dan jasad bersifat interaksionis, dalam arti masing-masing
saling memerlukan. Hanya saja nafs telah menjadi sedemikian kuat, ia dapat
mempengaruhi jasad dengan sangat luar biasa. Manusia menjadi suatu entitas
yang tak terbagi yang tidak lagi memerlukan jasad materi dalam tahap
transendentalnya. Penolakan Ibnu Sina terhadap adanya kebangkitan jasmani
menimbulkan pertentangan pemikiran filosofis. Pertentangan ini memperoleh
dimensi baru dalam perspektif kajian fisika moderen yang telah membuktikan
tidak adanya perbedaan substansial antara materi dan immateri.1

1 https://miklotof.wordpress.com/2010/09/12/manusia-dalam-konsep-filsafat-ibn-sina/

2.1.2 Tentang Tuhan

According to Ibnu Sina about God in Muslim philosophers' thinking it means

discussing metaphysics, which in this case Ibnu Sina views metaphysics as
knowledge of everything that exists as "existence" and as far as humans can
know. In connection with this metaphysics, Ibnu Sina discussed the nature of
discourse as the most important and has a position above all other characteristics.

Esensi, dalam paham Ibnu Sina terdapat dalam akal, sedangkan wujud terdapat di
luar akal. Wujudlah yang membuat tiap esensi yang dalam akal mempunyai
kenyataan di luar akal. Tanpa wujud, esensi tidak besar artinya. Oleh sebab itu
wujud lebih penting dari esensi. Dalam membuktikan adanya Tuhan (isbat wujud
Allah), Ibnu Sina berargumentasi dengan dalil wajib al-wujud dan mumkin al-
wujud. Ibnu Sina pun menyucikan Allah dari segala sifat yang dikaitkan dengan
esensinya, karena Allah Maha Esa dan Maha Sempurna. Ia adalah tunggal, tidak
terdiri dari bagian-bagian.1

2.1.3 Tentang Pengetahuan

Pemikiran Ibnu Sina yang banyak keterkaitannya dengan pengetahuan,

menyangkut pemikirannya tentang filsafah ilmu. Menurut Ibnu Sina ilmu terbagi
menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu:

1. Ilmu yang tak kekal.

2. Ilmu yang kekal (hikmah). Ilmu yang kekal dipandang dari peranannya sebagai
alat disebut logika.

According to Ibnu Sina the knowledge given by the prophet is essentially human
knowledge. That Ibnu Sina's knowledge of thought was comprehensive. In his
knowledge of thought Ibnu Sina has elaborated on the psychology of education,
seen from his descriptions of the relationship of children with the age, willingness
and talent of children. By knowing the background of the level of development,
talent and willingness of the child, the guidance given to children will be more
successful. According to Ibnu Sina, the tendency of humans to choose different
jobs is because within humans there are hidden factors that are difficult to
understand / understand and difficult to measure.

1 https://redrosela.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/alam-dan-tuhan-di-mata-ibnu-sina/

Tujuan pengetahuan menurut Ibnu Sina yaitu harus diarahkan pada upaya
mempersiapkan seseorang agar dapat hidup dimasyarakat secara bersama-sama
dengan melakukan pekerjaan atau keahlian yang dipilihnya sesuai dengan bakat,
kesiapan, kecendrungan dan potensi yang dimilikinya. Dan untuk mencapai
kebahagiaan (sa’adat) kebahagian dicapai secara bertingkat, seperti, kebahagiaan
pribadi, kebahagiaan masyarakat dan kebahagian akhir adalah kebahagian
manusia di hari akhirat.3

2.1.4 Tentang Alam Semesta

Ibnu Sina berpendapat bahwa wujudnya alam bukanlah diciptakan. Allah memang
prima kausa, penyebab pertama, penggerak pertama, wajib al-Wujud. Namun,
Allah bukanlah pencipta alam, melainkan sebagai penggerak pertama. Allah
menciptakan sesuatu dari bahan yang sudah ada secara pancaran (emanasi).
Dengan demikian, Allah menciptakan alam semenjak azali dengan materi alam
berasal dari energi yang qadim, sedangkan susunan materi yang menjadi alam
adalah baru berasal dari pancaran pikiran akal pertama (Sirajjudin: 74).4

The process of the emanation is when Allah (not from nothing) as reason
immediately thinks of the substance which is the object of his thought, then
emanates the first reason. From this first sense radiates the second Intellect, the
first Soul and the first heaven. And so on until the tenth mind which has been
weak and unable to produce the same mind, and only produces the tenth Soul,
earth, spirit, the first material which forms the basis of the four basic elements,
namely water, air, fire, and soil.




Rene Descartes was born in La Haye France, March 31, 1596 and died in
Stockholm Sweden on February 11, 1650. He was a mathematician, physicist,
philosopher and also theologian. He made a major contribution to progress in the
field of mathematics so he got the title "Father of Modern Mathematics". He is
one of the important and influential thinkers in modern western history.

2.2.1 Tentang Manusia

Descartes tidak membahas terlalu luas etika di dalam filsafatnya, tetapi

dalam tulisan-tulisannya Descartes menyatakan tujuan dari filsafat adalah untuk
merealisasikan hidup yang bahagia, dimana manusia dapat menikmati suatu
kebahagian yang sudah dapat dicapainya dalam hidup. Dengan kata lain akhir
hidup manusia dapat ditinjau oleh rasio manusia. Jika manusia ingin mendapatkan
kehidupan yang tenang dan bahagia di akhir hidupnya, maka dia juga harus
melakukan sesuatu yang benar.
Hal ini dijelaskan dalam bukunya yang berjudul Rules for the Direction of the
Mind, dia mengatakan : “The aim of our studies should be to direct the mind with
a view to forming true and sound judgements about whatever comes before it”
(Descartes’ Ethics, 2008) . Ini berarti dia mendorong setiap orang untuk
menganalisis segala sesuatu dengan menggunakan “view” yang dikendalikan oleh

One of the thoughts he produces is Cogito Ergo Sum or better known as "I think
then I am there". He produced this thought through a meditation of doubt which in
the beginning Descartes was troubled by the uncertainty of Scholastic thought in
dealing with the results of positive renaissance science. Descartes argues that in
studying philosophy a separate method is needed so that the results are truly
logical. Cogito starts with the crying method. This method of roaring is as radical
as possible. Therefore this doubt must cover all the knowledge possessed,
including the truths which until now have been considered certain (for example,
that there is a material world, that I have a body, that God exists).

Rene Descartes was one of the philosophers who did not focus on ethics, he
tended to base his thoughts on things that smelled of epistemology and
metaphysics, perhaps this was influenced by the background of Descartes'

3 http://rvandrian.weblog.esaunggul.ac.id/2014/03/24/filsafat-manusia-menurut-rene-

thinking which was rationalist or tended to think of something that could be
proven to obtain a truth , so that this is what some people suspected as a weakness
of Descartes's philosophy which precisely put aside moral and political

2.2.2 Tentang Tuhan

Descartes described God as an infinite perfect being. The idea cannot simply
emerge from the results of human thoughts and experiences because these two
things are imperfect and can be doubted and do not fulfill the cause more perfect
than the result. The idea of God arises because someone put that thought into the
human mind, that is God.

Menurut Descrates mengenal adanya Tuhan melalui jalan berfikir. Yang pertama
yaitu, waktu saya merasa bahwa diri saya berada di dalam kekurangan, pada
waktu itu diri saya merasa, tentu ada zat yang tidak kekurangan
(sempurna). Kedua, saya tidak menjadikan diri saya dengan diri saya sendiri.
Sebab jika saya menjadikan diri saya sendiri, tentulah saya dapat memberikan
segala sifat kesempurnaan kepada diri saya itu. Ketiga, pada diri saya ada suatu
perasaan terhadap adanya suatu zat yang sempurna. Jadi Tuhan pasti ada-Nya
dengan jelas sekali. Adapun perkataan “Tuhan” menurut Descartes adalah
ketuhanan yang tidak mempunyai kesudahan, yang azaly, yang tiada awal dan
tiada akhir, yang abadi, kekal, berdiri sendiri, yang mengetahui segala sesuatu dan
yang merasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.4

2.2.3 Tentang Pengetahuan

Menurut Descartes, untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang terang dan jelas, maka
terlebih dahulu kita harus meragukan segala sesuatu. Bagi Descartes, pengertian
yang benar haruslah dapat menjamin dirinya sendiri. Untuk mendapatkan sesuatu
pengetahuan yang tidak diragukan lagi kebenarannya, Descartes menggariskan 4
langkah aturan sebagai berikut:

1. Kita harus menghindari sikap tergesa-gesa dan prasangka dalam mengambil

sesuatu keputusan dan hanya menerima yang dihadirkan pada akal secara jelas
dan tegas sehingga mustahil disangsikan.

4 http://afattahul.blogspot.com/2015/05/konsep-tuhan-dan-manusia-menurut.html

2.Setiap persoalan yang diteliti dibagikan dalam sebanyak mungkin bagi sejauh
yang diperlukan bagi pemecahan yang memadai.

3. Mengatur pikir sedemikian rupa dengan bertitik tolak dari objek yang
sederhana sampai pada objek yang lebih kompleks. Atau dari pengertian yang
sederhana dan mutlak sampai pada pengertian yang komplek dan nisbi.

4. Setiap permasalahan ditinjau secara universal atau menyeluruh, sehingga tidak

ada yang dilalaikan.

Descartes considered exact science, the most important science of all science,
because all the subjects of science can be found in that science. The certainty in
question is like that he is "something that thinks" that gives Descartes the
foundation he needs to build the building of knowledge. He had established it with
a doubtful method and by using what he called "light of reason". He continues to
offer two arguments for the existence of God. The first argument starts from his
awareness of himself as one who, because of his doubts, is not perfect but is able
to make the idea of God a perfect form.5

2.2.4 Tentang Alam Semesta

Descartes explained that God as an absolute being, the creator as a cause of

human existence and nature. Nature is used as an object of mind observation. For
Descartes nature was described as an automatic machine created by God as well
as a man-made arlogic. Nature is interpreted as a machine. Furthermore, there
arises the desire of humans to continue to observe, trace and master nature.
Intellect is the subject of temporary nature as an object. Descartes tried to
establish a harmonious relationship between God, humans and nature. This
concept is in harmony with God's purpose of creating human beings on earth,
which is to use reason to cultivate natural potential for the benefit of humanity.6

5 http://konsultasi-hukum-online.com/2013/06/rasionalisme-rene-descartes/

6 http://manusianonim.blogspot.com/2010/12/relasi-antara-tuhan-manusia-dan-


After knowing the thoughts about humans, gods, knowledge and the
universe according to figures of Islamic and Western philosophy, namely Ibnu
Sina and Rene Descrates, there are very different differences and similarities
between the two.

In the theory of humans it can be concluded that, Descrates's thought about

the soul, arises from his doubts about everything. These doubts give rise to what
Descartes describes as a Thought Idea (res cogitans). While the theory of humans
according to Ibn Sina is based on the emergence of the human soul. From God
radiates the first sense, and from the first reason radiates the second reason, etc.
This human soul emerged from the tenth sense. In addition there are also
similarities from these theories, namely the similarity that flows from the
dissection of the soul and the body is about substance. Descartes views that the
soul and body are separate and complete substances. Ibn Sina views that the
rational soul is the substance of reason that exists separately from the body. The
most important similarity is actually the object they are talking about. Both of
these figures are both talking about humans who are the owners of this soul.

Pada teori mengenai Tuhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Ibnu Sina dalam
pemikiranya tentang Tuhan adalah filosof muslim yang berarti membahas tentang
metafisika, yang merupakan pengetahuan tentang segala yang ada dan sejauh yang
dapat diketahui manusia. Sedangkan teori Tuhan menurut Descrates yaitu,
ketuhanan yang tidak mempunyai kesudahan, yang tiada awal dan tiada akhir,
yang abadi, kekal, yang mengetahui segala sesuatu dan yang merasa atas tiap-tiap
sesuatu. Lalu, kesamaan antara keduanya adalah diantara keduanya dalam teori ini
selalu menggunakan pemikiran dan akal. Dan menurut mereka Tuhan adalah
Maha Esa dan Maha Sempurna,

Pada teori mengenai pengetahuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Descrates

untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang terang dan jelas, maka terlebih dahulu harus
meragukan segala sesuatu. Bagi Descartes, pengertian yang benar haruslah dapat
menjamin dirinya sendiri. Sedangkan teori pengetahuan menurut Ibnu Sina yaitu,
banyak keterkaitannya dengan pengetahuan yang menyangkut pemikirannya
tentang filsafah ilmu. Dilihat dari teori ini diantara dua tokoh tidak ada

In the theory of the universe, Ibnu Sina explained that God is not the
creator of nature, but as the first mover. God creates something from material that
already exists in emanation. According to Rene Descartes, God as an absolute
being, the creator is the cause of human and natural existence. Nature is used as an
object of mind observation. For Descartes nature was described as an automatic
machine created by God as well as a man-made arlogic.












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