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Name:_________________________________________ Grade:________ Date:_______________

A Complete the sentences with tag questions.
1. You’ve lived here for two years now, _____________________?
2. She doesn't have any sisters, _____________________?
3. You are sure of your responsibilities, _____________________?
4. You were looking at my diary, _____________________?
5. The phone didn’t ring, _____________________?

B Write any, every, no, or some to complete each pronoun.

6. I take my dog _______where. Even to the movies!
7. I need _______thing hot to drink.
8. They have _______where to live. They’re homeless.
9. Can we go _______where nice for dinner?
10. We didn't have _______thing to do today.

C Circle the best modal to complete each sentence.

11. He can't / may go wrong if he follows the instructions. It’s just not possible.
12. There is a possibility that the train must / may arrive early.
13. He could / must have taken the money. I’m certain of it.
14. There is a chance that he could / must change his mind.
15. It’s very late, so I am sure that he must / may be in bed.

D Fill in the blanks with will or the correct form of be going to.
16. Look at those clouds. I think it ____________________________ (rain).
17. I'm not thirsty. Actually, I ____________________________ (have) a glass of water, please.
18. We ____________________________ (leave) for the airport at six o’clock.
19. I ____________________________ (look) for work in Europe. Maybe in Prague.
20. She’s so good at math. I'm sure she ____________________________ (pass) the exam.

E Complete the sentences with the future continuous or the future perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.
21. Next week I _______________________ (relax) at the beach.
22. In October we _______________________ (live) in this house for 25 years.
23. I _______________________ (finish) all my exams by this time tomorrow!
24. _____ you_______________________ (go) to the concert on Friday?
25. I don't think she _______________________ (work) here next year.

F Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or Ø (no article).

26. I opened my window and looked at _____ moon.
27. She wants to be _____ actress one day.
28. The shop is on _____ Oxford Street.
29. The largest land animal is _____ African elephant.
30. You’ll never guess what animal we saw today on our safari. We saw _____ tiger!
Replace the underlined words with verb phrases from the box.
take over/ took off/ take in/ take part/ took to
1. He couldn’t understand what she was telling him.
2. I’m happy in my new job. I liked it and I was good at it as soon as I started.
3. The new manager will start to be in control next week.
4. My English was not very good at first, but then it suddenly improved.
5. I participate in the archery competition every year.

Change the adjectives to nouns.

6. artistic _______________________
7. responsible _______________________
8. important _______________________
9. skillful _______________________
10. lonely _______________________

Read about modern day inventions. Then mark each statement True (T) or False (F), according to the opinion of the

What is the most significant invention of the modern day? People have differing opinions on the answer to that
question. I can only talk about what has been the most significant for me, for my lifestyle.
It’s not the car. Yes, the car is a great invention. We can easily get from point A to point B. It's a luxury to be able to
choose where and when we travel. But then there’s the pollution, the traffic jams, and the fact that we spend too
much of our time worrying about paying for gas, repairs, insurance, etc. I could definitely live without a car.
It’s not the telephone, cell phone or otherwise. If the phone hadn’t been invented I could watch TV without being
interrupted, I could talk when I wanted to talk, and I’d know when people were telling the truth because I’d be able
to see their eyes. No, I do not like telephones.
The greatest invention of the modern age does not need electricity, has nothing to do with transportation, or
communication. It was invented by a Belgian about 150 years ago. In the hands of an expert it sounds like an angel’s
dream. When you hear it, it can make you smile, cry, or just move to the music. It is the saxophone!

_____ 1. It's a fact that the most significant modern day invention is the car.
_____ 2. Cars have both positive and negative qualities.
_____ 3. When you talk on the telephone, you can't be sure if a person is telling the truth.
_____ 4. The author prefers speaking to people in person rather than on the phone.
_____ 5. The saxophone was invented by a Bulgarian 150 years ago.

Read about work in the past and today. Then complete the notes about the paragraph.

The way we work has changed tremendously. In the 1950s, my father went to work by train or by bus. He wouldn’t
have dreamed of driving – people just didn’t do that in those days. He always dressed formally in a suit and tie. In
fact, he wore a jacket and tie on the weekends, too! I don’t think I ever saw him wear a T-shirt or shorts when I was
growing up. The office mailroom that he worked in must have been a busy place – there were something like 20
people, all men, and all moving pieces of paper and packages around the place, just to keep the office going. It was
only just before he retired that the company started investing in IT. When the first computer arrived in the office,
nobody was allowed to touch it until they had completed a training course. In fact, the management was so afraid
of it that they left it in a closet for three months before getting up the courage to open the box and plug it in!
What’s really amazing is that my father worked in the same office his entire working life.
Right now I am working in the accounts office of a factory. I’m not an accountant – I’m a self-employed computer
consultant. When the company has problems with their software, they call me in. It’s a small office and everyone
there is very relaxed. Most people dress casually and one woman even comes to work in shorts and sandals! There
are only two men working there, me and the boss. The other five workers are women. Three of them have children,
so they work part-time. There are never more than four people in the office at one time. But the parking lot is
always full!

The author’s father took public transportation to work. The father wore formal _______________________ (1.).
There were a lot of people in the office. All the workers were _______________________ (2.). He had
_______________________ (3.) job all of his life.
Everyone drives to work. The office has a _______________________ (4.) atmosphere. Most of the workers are
________________________ (5.). Some employees work part-time so they can spend time with their families.


Listen again. Mark the statements true (T ) or false (F ) and Correct the false statements.

____1. Joy Briggs thinks Chef Young’s cookbook is dull reading.

____2. Joy loves to cook.
____3. Chef Young collected recipes from many different countries.
____4. People know a lot about where common ingredients originally came from.
____5. Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy.
____6. Arabs who invaded Sicily in the 8th century ate dried noodles.
____7. Potatoes came to Europe from North America.
____8. Spanish explorers went to Peru looking for gold.
____9. The speaker thinks that potatoes were a very important discovery.
____Potatoes were the third vegetable to be grown in space.

write a paragraph about someone who is famous in your country. Use these questions to help you:
• Who is this person?
• What did he/she do?
• What do people admire about him/her?
• What has this person accomplished?

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