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Name : Ummi Mukhoyyaroh

Student Number : 1403046019

Planning of the tittle : Developing English and Arabic Basic Grammar in Bilingual Book for
the students of Islamic Senior High School of Salafiyah Kajen Pati
Background of Study :
Bilingual book is a privately held publishing company that develops foreign language
learning product.1 In bilingual book usually contents two different language in a same
discussion. It is served in two pages which the first page uses Arabic while the second one uses
Islamic Senior High School is one of education institution which facilitate the students
to learn both of scientific knowledge and Religion knowledge. They have many lessons to be
learned belong to language. They learn both of foreign language, English and Arabic. Common
problem that usually students face are feel difficult to learn the rule of the language, they need
much time to learn the rule of the language one by one, and the common phenomena that
students who master English they find difficulties in learning Arabic, so does the contrary.
By using Arabic and English basic grammar book in bilingual students will capable to
learn two lessons in the same time. Some parts of Arabic and English grammar have similarities.
Those are………………… these are the basic part. It will help the learners to understand the
next step of Arabic and English basic grammar after learning the first part comprehensively.

Research Question :
a. How is the developing of Arabic and English basic grammar in bilingual book?
b. How is the effectiveness of Arabic and English basic grammar in bilingual book for the
students of Islamic Senior High School of Salafiyah Kajen Pati?
Objective of Study :
a. To find how the developing process of Arabic and English basic grammar in bilingual
b. To investigate the effectiveness of Arabic and English basic grammar in bilingual book.

Research Setting :

The researcher will conduct the research in MA Salafiyah Kajen Pati.
The Technique of Data Collection :
1. Observation
2. Pre-test
3. Questioner
4. Post test
5. Documentation
Design of Research :
Based on the problem and the objectives above, it is considered that the research design that will
be suitable for applying in this research is research and development ( R & D).

Research Subject :
The subject of this research is students of MA. Salafiyah Kajen Pati at XI grade students of XI
IPA in the academic year of 2017/2018.
Significant of Research:
a. English Teacher
The product of this research will give new reference for the teacher to teach English
basic grammar.
b. Students
Students will be easier and get efficient time in learning basic grammar by using the
product of this research.
c. School
To give new innovation for increasing the teaching learning process of Arabic and
English basic grammar.
d. For other researchers
To give a reference for the next research which still connecting with this research.

Previous Research :
a. Naily Nailufar (10140057). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Akidah Akhlak dalam Bentuk
Buku Saku 99 Asmaa’a al-Husna untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV MI
Darussalam Pejangkungan Prambon Sidoarjo. PGMI FITK UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang. 2014.
b. Dwi Indah Nursita (12140151). Pengembangan Buku Ajar Big Book Soal Cerita Materi
Pecahan Siswa Kelas IV SD N Mojotengah 2 Kabupaten Jombang. PGMI UIN Maulana
Malik Ibrahim. 2016.
References :
a. J. And C.F. Glay. A Grammar of The Arabic Language. United Kingdom. Cambridge
printed, University Press.
b. Wightwick Jane, and Mahmoed Gaafar. Easy Arabic Grammar. North America.
McGraw-Hill. 2005.
c. Balim, Cigden and Zaineb Istrabadi. Grammar Hints for Arabic. 2008.
d. C. Ryding, Karin. A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. United Kingdom.
Cambridge University Press. 2013.
e. Sweet, Henry. A New English Grammar Logical and Historical. United Kingdom.
Cambridge University Press. 2014.
f. Ichsan, Drs. M. Mahfudh. Konsep Kitab Kuning. Jakarta. PT. Grafindo Persada. 1995.
Semarang, of January 2018
Acknowledged by,
Secretary of English Language Education Department, Proposer.

Sayyidatul Fadlilah, M.Pd. Ummi Mukhoyyaroh

NIP: 19810908 200710 2 001 1403046019

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