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Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5

The Chronic Pain Problem ......................................................................... 7

Reason #1: The Alignment Problem ............................. 10

Reason #2: The Stability Problem ............................. 12
Reason #3: The Mobility Problem ............................. 14
Reason #4: The Inflammation Problem .............. 16
Reason #5: The Mindless Impulse Problem .............. 18

Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 20

Hello and welcome to my eBook on Why We Hurt. My name is Dr. Dennis

DaPonte and I am a Chiropractor who’s called Harrisonburg home since my
freshman year at Broadway High School.
In 2002, I suffered a traumatic injury to my back,
which lead me to create this report that I’d like to share
with you today. For months I was hurting and felt as if my
life was being significantly impacted. Normal, everyday activities
became a real chore. Sleep was getting more and more difficult and I was
getting sick and tired of it.
I was starting to get desperate for answers and was feeling totally
out of control, I realized, I needed some help!. None of the exercises or tips
I had learned online, had helped me, some even made the pain worse. I had
already been to the M.D. and just wasn’t interested in what was being offered
there. As much as I had always had a cautious reluctance to taking pills, I
was already popping Aleve like peanuts, barely getting by. Just trying to
walk upright like a normal human being, took all the effort I had. The pain
was not getting better and it was really starting to interfere with my life.
At the time, I worked at an Air Conditioning Supplier on Pleasant Hill
Road. I was responsible for unloading and stocking parts and equipment.
There was a LOT of heavy lifting involved. My quality of life was definitely
being negatively affected. And you know, looking back, I didn’t grasp at the
time the degree to which my life was being suppressed. I think it was a little
like the frog boiling in the pot story. You know the one...The temperature
rises so slowly in the pot that the frog doesn’t realize he is getting cooked
It was kind of like that. But I thought, there had to be a better way than
this! I didn’t want muscle relaxers and I definitely didn’t want painkillers. I just

wanted to feel better.
At the height of this whole ordeal, I got a call from my cousin who just happened to be in
Chiropractic School in Atlanta, Ga. I told him all about my injury and he gave me some solid advice that
would turn out to dramatically alter the course of my life. He gave me a basic understanding of how
Chiropractic Physicians address musculoskeletal issues and he explained how my injury had very likely
altered the structure and alignment of my spine. He said, if there indeed was a structural problem with
my body, then chemical solutions would only ever treat the effect and would never get completely down
to the cause of my pain.
That made so much sense to me. If I had knocked something out of place, then, of course, I would
need some professional help putting it back in place! But Chiropractic? At the time, I had some real concerns.
Would they really know what was wrong with me? Could they really even help me? I had so many questions.
But I had always trusted my cousin. He was like my older brother growing up. So I took his advice.
I decided...
“I was done feeling that bad. I was ready to do whatever it took to get well. If the Chiropractor was the
one who could help me, then there was only one thing left to say,


My decision to visit that Chiropractor ended up
not only dramatically improving the quality of my life, it
put me on a path that in time would redefine the purpose
of it. The reason for this eBook is to highlight a problem that
I have dedicated my life to providing a solution for.
We have a monumental problem with pain in this country.
It is a challenge of no less than epidemic proportions, which is only
getting worse. The status quo is failing to rise to the challenge and is
having very little success with improving it. In fact, present strategies
are only creating more problems. Problems on top of problems.
My goal here is to clearly detail the magnitude of the problem
and to offer you a revolutionary solution.
But first, let’s start with the problem!

In the next chapter, you will see

just how bad things really are.
I promise you, you are going to be

The Chronic Pain

Here’s a headline for you...

100 Million Americans are in chronic pain. That is one in three

people who are hurting and feeling totally helpless about it.


You are not alone!!!

That’s right! I said almost ONE-THIRD of you are currently suffering
from long-term, life-altering pain and to make it even worse... most of you
feel like you have no control over it! And this is not an exaggeration. As a
matter of fact, studies reported by The American Academy of Pain Medicine
did not even consider those of you that have injuries and short-term acute
pain. That astronomical number is evidence that chronic pain
is the NUMBER ONE major health condition in the United
States! Here is another bombshell...the majority of you
are women!!
Check these facts out, just to help you wrap
your head around 100 million. That is four times the
number of people with diabetes in this country, six
times the number of people with heart disease, eight
times the number diagnosed with cancer and fourteen
times the number of those who have suffered a stroke!!! The
research makes it crystal clear, you are hurting and the current healthcare
system has left you feeling helpless.

OK, but really, just how bad is it? I mean, obviously if one in three of you are
suffering in pain, then you must know lots of people that need help. But is it
really that big of a deal? At the end of the day, Suffering is a relative
term, are you and your friends really in that bad of shape? Some of
them, probably have never even mentioned their pain to you.
Check out what another study revealed about the nature of your

Chronic Pain Surveys have discovered that…

More than half of you in pain feel as if you have little or no control over it!
Two-thirds of you feel as if your pain severely alters the quality and overall
enjoyment of your life!!
More than Three-quarters of you are feeling depressed about it and report that your energy levels are
being impacted by your pain!
And Almost NINETY percent of you say your sleep is being negatively affected as well!!
I’d say that’s a pretty big deal!!!!
What about the financial burden?? Obviously, whatever you are doing isn’t working! But how
much are you paying for it and what is it costing all of us? As you can probably guess, it is not good.
When you add up the cost of medical care for pain, costs due to disability, lost wages and loss of
productivity, collectively we are on the hook for over 600 BILLION dollars!!!
That is equivalent to the total annual Federal Government expenditure
on our military!! You could say at this point that chronic pain is a matter
of national security!!!
So $600 Billion dollars a year equals out to about $2000 for every
person in the United States...for something that isn't getting the
job done. Has your money been spent wisely? Where is your return on
And here’s what I consider to be the worst part of it all...the drugs.
By now you know all about the Opioid drug epidemic that has
overtaken our country. But do you really understand just how bad
it is? Here is a snapshot of the problem for you from the American
Society of Addiction Medicine.

2012: 259 Million prescriptions are written for Opioid Painkillers.
That’s equivalent to the number of EVERY ADULT in the United

Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Of the over 47,000 lethal
drug overdoses in 2014, 63% were related to opioid drugs, and 63% of those were prescribed for pain.
And it’s only getting worse, prescription painkiller sales in 2010 were FOUR TIMES the amount
sold in 1999.
4 out of 5 new heroin users report having started abusing prescription painkillers.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, look at what’s happening with our children. In 2014, over
460,000 adolescents were identified as non-medical users of painkillers. Of those, 36% were already
addicted to these prescription drugs.
And ladies, we also found out that you are more likely
than men to be diagnosed with chronic pain, prescribed
painkillers at higher doses for longer periods of time and
are more likely to become dependent.
Needless to say, the system is broken. Your needs are
not being met and you are paying way too much for a service
that is not only not delivering results but putting you at risk for
Without a doubt, there is a better way, and that is exactly what
we are going to talk about next. I want to introduce the first of five problems we
now know must ALL be addressed to overcome chronic pain while avoiding the trap of dangerous drugs.

Reason #1: The Alignment Problem

The Chiropractic definition of a Vertebral Subluxation: a complex of functional and/or structural

changes in a joint that compromises neural integrity and general health.
Because of how important it is for you to understand the nature of these subluxations and how
they affect your brain and your health, I want to take a moment and first break down the five components
of a Subluxation for you:

MOVEMENT Pathology

Hypomobility: Abnormal decrease in joint motion.

Hypermobility: Abnormal increase in joint motion.

NEURAL Pathology

Compressive Lesion: Pinched nerve resulting in a decrease in nerve firing.

Facilitative Lesion: Irritated nerve resulting in an increase in nerve firing.


From a Compressive Lesion:

Loss of muscle tone
Muscular atrophy
Connective Tissue fibrosis
From a Facilitative Lesion:
Increase in muscle spasm
Muscular hypertrophy
Connective Tissue fibrosis
Inflammation Pathology

BONE Pathology

Degeneration: loss of bone mass

Regeneration: increase in bony structure (spurs, etc)

Studies have now definitively shown that Spinal and Extremity Misalignments
diminish the coordination and control of your brain! By using tests known as
somatosensory evoked potential, researchers have demonstrated that when
a subluxation is present in your body there is a breakdown in the neurological
communication between your brain and your body! They also found that this
neurological deficit was restored following a spinal adjustment by a chiropractor!
When your spine is out of alignment your vertebral joints don't move correctly
and the muscles around them stay under tension and get injured. That hurts and
can lead to chronic neck and back pain. The problem with pain is that it also triggers
a stress response in your body which triggers the release of stress hormones. These
hormones can interfere with your sleep and further increase the pain and brain drain
that you may be feeling.
We now also know that the presence of spinal misalignments decreases the
absorption of oxygen in your brain. Subluxations anywhere in your spine, disturb the
flow of something called cerebrospinal fluid, which is a primary source of oxygen to your
brain. Studies using a procedure known as spect scans demonstrated that people with chronic
subluxations have reduced oxygen saturation in their brains.
So now that it's pretty clear that spinal and extremity subluxations are foundational to proper
alignment let's move on to Reason #2 Why We Hurt...The Stability Problem.

Reason #2: The Stability Problem

The problem with chronic pain is what makes it chronic. Some unresolved source of stress is
creating a chronic inflammatory condition. Commonly with chronic pain patients, the target tissue is
your muscles and connective tissue. Core Instability is well understood to be a major contributor to the
chronic stress of these systems.
By design, your movement system is inherently unstable. Movement demands a degree of extra
stability in some joints and extra mobility in others. We are basically born with the blueprint of a flexible,
mobile movement system, but we must earn and work for our stability. Sometimes, for reasons known
and unknown, not everybody acquires the full set of skills they need to achieve the optimal state of
stability. Even worse, due to injuries and deconditioning we can actually lose skills we once had!
Stability of the movement system has been described as balancing the tone of opposing muscles
at the center of their equilibrium. That equilibrium can be considered
from the perspective of both good posture and movement. Naturally, we
learn the foundations of our stability while learning to move as a child.
Rolling, creeping, crawling all provide important raw materials for the
stability we depend on when standing on two feet.
The state of being “stable” in your movement system, is based on
your ability and the endurance you possess to activate the muscles of
your core with every breath you take and every move you make.
The increased internal pressure this creates in your abdomen
serves as the base of support and stability for the movement
of your extremities. Without it, connective tissue and muscles
get torn and damaged when you move, which begins and
perpetuates the cycle of injury and repair that creates chronic
inflammation. The grind this instability puts on joints leads
to subluxations and premature degeneration as well.
What we have learned is that throughout the development
of movement, the dominance of mobility or stability alternates
throughout the regions of your body. For instance, when you were just a
month old, your movement system learned that it needed to stabilize your
neck to be able to pick up your head. As your movement skills developed you
discovered you needed extra mobility in your mid back, stability in your low
back and mobility in your hips. This alternating between mobility and

stability, which continues through the upper and lower extremities, contributes to the generation of
power and coordination we are able to perform on demand.
Unfortunately, when our movement system becomes unstable we lose power and our balance
and coordination begins to decline as well. This sets up another injury spiral for your system where
instability erodes coordination and balance and then the lack of coordination and balance increases
instability. This imposes significant stress on your muscles and connective tissues thus reinforcing the
inflammatory cycle.
Bottom line...without stability, we cannot properly heal.

Reason #3: The Mobility Problem

I don’t need a bunch of statistics to introduce this point because it cannot be denied
that a significant liability that has arisen as a result of the increase in the technology
we enjoy in today's times is a lack of movement. Automobiles, Television Remotes,
Escalators, Cell Phones and even automatic vacuum cleaners, while all incredible
advances in modern society, also contribute to the epidemic of deconditioning
and chronic pain we are experiencing.
Truth is, we were not made to sit behind a desk for 8 hours. Scientists
have discovered that prolonged sitting is associated with a host of chronic diseases
including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, obesity, diabetes and even
osteoporosis. When anthropologists studied the bones of our ancestors who
lived in the hunting and gathering days, their bones had
significantly more mass on average than the bones
of our current relatives. Sitting for prolonged periods
is now known to increase blood sugar, blood pressure and
cholesterol. Our bodies respond and strengthen in
response to movement. Without it, it's almost
as if we send the signal to our bodies that
we no longer need to move and our bodies
interpret that as we no longer need to live.
Movement is like nutrition
for our bodies. A deficiency of it
literally breaks them down. Every
time we just stand up, we activate
cellular mechanisms that process blood sugar,
triglycerides and cholesterol. Movement
also demands muscle firing, which compresses
arterioles in muscular tissue causing them to
open, allowing oxygen- rich blood to enter and
cellular waste to exit. Not to mention that all
movement fires your BRAIN and releases

dopamine which makes you feel happy and have less pain.
This “Brain Firing” is very important for another important neurological process known as
neurogenesis. This is the process by which your brain creates new neurons in response to the demands
of movement, learning and your environment. Because of its influence on specific parts of the brain like
the Cerebellum and brain stem, movement also reinforces balance, coordination, posture and motor
skills. Brain researchers have found that movement influences our brain in other very important ways
as well, like information processing and decision making. In essence, movement doesn’t just help your
brain prepare to move better and have less pain, it also helps prepare your brain to think better.
Mobility is a fluid, dynamic concept unique to us all. No two people move exactly the same.
Movement is very responsive to your energy state, your emotional state of mind and even your
physiological health! Metabolism, Immunity, hormones all play a significant role in the expression of your
Movement System.
Consider emotional states. Have you ever noticed that people who are depressed tend to walk
around breathing very shallow, more in what we call the exhalation end-range of breathing? Their heads
are forward, chests are caved in with their shoulders and their spine is rounded forward. You could say
they were deflated.
On the other end of the spectrum, some, overconfident people, tend to breath more on the
inhalation end-range of breathing. Their chests are puffed up, low back is excessively rounded and their
rear ends are sticking way out as they walk down the road. You could say they were overinflated!
Do you think, over time, this could contribute to a person’s dysfunctional movement and pain?
Either way, your posture and your movement contain a
record of the way you have responded to your environment
over time. They can reflect pathological changes to
your movement system.
The quality of your mobility is affected by
your coordination, the shape of your
bones, tone of your muscles, your soft-
tissue elasticity, and your range of
motion. All movement is achieved
by your nervous systems pattern of
firing in relation to how you respond
to these factors and the response to
your overall stability like we covered
in the previous chapter. Basically,
this relationship between stability and
mobility determines the success of your
pain relief, function, and performance.

Reason #4: The Inflammation Problem

Now that you understand the effects of misalignment, instability, and immobility on the movement
system, it's pretty easy to gather how by moving along against gravity with a misaligned, immobile and
unstable system you could add repetitive stress to your muscles and connective tissue causing injury. It's
not much different than the stress that wears out your tires when you drive down the road with your front
end out of alignment.
The type of inflammation that occurs in this situation is known as local inflammation. It follows
damage to muscle and connective tissue as the first line of defense and restoration. This is not to be
confused with destructive systemic inflammation which we will discuss in a bit. Once soft tissue damage
has occurred, white blood cells flood the area from the blood vessels that have broken in the tissue.
Specialized white blood cells called Mast cells which live in the connective tissue release histamine which
further increases the permeability and blood flow of the local blood vessels. This is the step that can
induce redness, swelling, and warmth. This process helps remove damaged tissue and neutralizes the
impact of any opportunistic bacteria that might be in the area.
Nerve endings which are found throughout all connective tissues will also release inflammatory
chemicals which fire pain receptors in the area. This phenomenon has been associated with fibromyalgia pain.
The next step in local inflammation is to begin the process of rebuilding the connective tissue
to help create stability in the area. The most abundant type of cells in the connective tissue are called
Fibroblasts. After a soft tissue injury, fibroblasts begin to lay down new collagen
in the Fascia (connective tissue around muscles) in the form of scar tissue.
This is one mechanism by which, when exaggerated, can cause long-
term dysfunction in the movement system.
You see, the muscle that lies below the fascia is supposed to have
the ability to slide and glide under the deepest layer of fascia. But
often, after the repair process of localized inflammation is over, scar
tissue has thickened over the area of injury and the underlying muscle
loses its ability to move freely becoming adhered to the fibrotic tissue.
Another problem that arises here is that nerve and circulatory structures
get covered and compressed in this scar tissue also.
Another culprit that contributes to the inflammatory burden is systemic
inflammation. The main cause of chronic systemic inflammation in the
human body is Leaky Gut syndrome. This occurs when the gut lining

remains inflamed for too long a period of time. Eventually, the gut barrier begins to break down and loses
its integrity. Once that happens, contents intended on remaining in the sealed tube of the GI Tract begin
leaking into the body, sparking an immune response from white blood cells. These foreign invaders to
the circulatory system initiate an immune response that can further inflame a host of surrounding tissues
including the connective tissues that may already be inflamed thus perpetuating another vicious cycle
of pain promoting chemical responses in your body.
Your body's most powerful, natural anti-inflammatory is a stress hormone known as Cortisol
which is produced by your Adrenal glands. Cortisol helps manage and moderate immune responses
without totally shutting them down. Truth is, you can handle way more stress than you might realize, but
eventually, if the underlying cause of gut irritation is not resolved, the ability for the adrenal glands to
maintain the elevated level cortisol breaks down and you are left without the anti-inflammatory agent that
you have been depending on to fight this chronic inflammation. That's when the degenerative process
begins to ramp up and a number of associated inflammatory diseases can arise, including autoimmune
diseases, mood disorders, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain syndromes, obesity,
blood sugar dysregulation and fibromyalgia.
Inflammation not only is a major component of chronic pain, it is a major component of the
majority of the major causes of death in this country.

Reason #5: The Mindless Impulse Problem

Finally, Id like to introduce what may actually be the most important reason
why you may be in chronic pain, Mindlessness. Specifically, I want you to know about
several concepts of Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, Self-Control and self-compassion.
Scientists have been debating the nature of self-awareness, for many, many
years. One of the largest bodies within this realm of science holds a premise that
human beings do not have center of self to be aware of! Their philosophy relates who
we are and the choices we make to a mindLESS expression of DNA genetics and the
consequences of observing and imitating other people.
Self-Awareness, Self-Control and Self-responsibility are in this worldview, ceded to
programmed responses, driven by a brain that has been prewired. This conclusion is based on research
that has demonstrated convincing evidence that humans do indeed struggle to control mindless
There is no doubt amongst scientific peers that our behavior is motivated by DNA and previous
life experiences. However, it is the idea that EVERYthing we do is
“predetermined” by these factors, that fuels, what I would call
the “MindFULness vs MindLESSness debate”.
The values and practices of Mindfulness are based on
the premise that you are ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE
for the choices you make every day that not only
affect your health but affect your entire life. The gift of
this responsibility is the POWER and the FREEDOM to
CHOOSE to be WELL and experience the benefits
of a healthy life.
Taking back this power from absent-
mindedness, suggestions of weakness, past
influences and a surrender to forces outside
your control, is the most important component
for holistic success in overcoming your pain. It is
exactly this reclaiming of the significance of your
alignment, stability, mobility, and inflammation that
will put your hands back on the wheel of your movement system
health, that has been skidding off the tracks out of control.
There are Two Forces that will ultimately determine the success of your health. These distinctly separate
and opposite influences control whether or not you give in to unhealthy mindless impulses or choose
what you KNOW to be the best for your health. They are known as Mindful Self-Control and mindLESS
impulsive reactions. I want to see if I can help you better understand the nature and relationship of these
two forces so you can learn to harness their power.
We didn't get too deep into neurology because it's not the intent of this ebook. However, it does
provide some important insight into understanding how mindless impulses and conditioned responses
affect our behavior to know just a little more. Mindless Impulses and Conditioned responses are formed
and processed in the brain stem which we have no direct conscious control over. This subconscious
influence on your behavior is POWERFUL and so often goes on outside of your awareness. Therefore,
without being consciously aware of it, you are inundated with the effects of uncontrolled surges of
impulses on your behavior that you didn't even know was controlling you.
Don’t get me wrong the brain stem isn’t the enemy! This is where subconscious programs of your
movement, creativity, and even personality, that you depend on every day are being controlled.
But there is a reason why this influence is so powerful. Until you understand the nature of
Mindfulness, either intuitively or by learning it, your state of mind is dominated by survival instincts
programmed in your DNA. When these programs were imprinted on your DNA they were related to your
ability to control your environment to survive and sustain life. On the neurological order of importance,
they are subconsciously supreme and very powerful!
But Mindfulness has a powerful resource of its own, The Forebrain, which is the seat of your WillPower!!!!
I want to go into just a little more depth about the function of the forebrain to emphasize how
important a factor willpower is to your success. You see this part of your
brain is what is also known as the “Executive” center of your brain. It is
where intentional thinking occurs. This is where you operate as the CEO
of your health!!! Where you manage the decisions that either support the
performance of your health or bankrupts it!
The forebrain is considered the hardware from where your distinct sense
of personality is processed. It is from where we learn and problem-solve
complex issues LIKE how to respond when mindless impulses are triggered
and how we rewire them!!! A Mindful response must be executed in the
healthiest way possible. This is exactly the process of engaging self-
awareness, exercising self-control and taking responsibility for the quality of
your health!!!
It is an absolute game-changer and a prerequisite to defeating chronic pain!!
Another very interesting function that arises with self-awareness is the
recognition of a sense of separateness from these mindless impulses which
allows you to reflect upon them in an observatory role and then manage
them. What has been observed with mindfulness studies is a tendency
towards self-shaming and a negatively reinforced relationship with
these impulses. The importance and effectiveness of compassion

and positive reinforcement have been clearly demonstrated with research done on not only mindfulness,
but effective corporate behavioral change which drives the management practices of most Fortune 500
CEOs, and should drive your own self-management as well!!

Self-Compassion revolves around these three principles:

1. Be Kind and speak kindly towards yourself

2. Know that you are not alone in your suffering of pain and dysfunction
3. Stay Positive about your current state and stay focused on your goals.


I remember the moment that my life of chronic pain finally changed. My suffering had reached a
level that I would no longer tolerate and I was done feeling that way.
Nothing made me feel more powerful and in control than discovering the cause of my pain and
finally finding the right type of treatment for it.

When I told myself,

“I am ready to go to the Chiropractor!”

I felt that finally, I was on the right track. It was a safe, common-sense, drug and surgery-free,
solution and I was all in!! There was finally a renewed hope that I could reclaim the freedom I once enjoyed
when I felt well.

The physical, mental and emotional exhaustion I experienced,

because of chronic pain, was no way to live. Seriously, being
debilitated by chronic pain, was like living in a prison, and
the vulnerability of not having a viable solution was as
helpless of a feeling as it got.
My condition needed immediate attention,
and I was just relieved that it didn’t have to be
this way any longer. There was a brighter path
forward for me, where I was out of pain and
back in control of my life... and I deserved to
take it.

And so do you.

When I received relief from my Chiropractor,

it changed my life forever. I set out on a journey
that included 8 years worth of undergraduate and graduate

education. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition and many, many long nights studying to gain
the knowledge necessary to provide the best, most cutting-edge solutions to the pain epidemic in this
I have been putting these strategies to work over the past decade and already, thousands of my patients
have been liberated from experiences very similar to yours.
Take Maria, for example, Maria sought my help after years of chronic pain. She had endured lots
of expensive diagnostic testing, a dependency on opiate drugs and poor general health. After going
through my protocol, she was more than just pain-free as she joyfully expressed her excitement that not
only had I helped her with her pain, but she told me that I gave her her life back!
Here are more of the benefits she received that she never considered when she first called my office.

Improved flexibility, strength, balance and coordination

Improved posture and appearance
She no longer had to waste energy guarding and protecting against injury
Improved physical fitness

She was breathing easier, moving freely again,

exercising, lost 25 pounds and told me with tears in her
eyes, that she had restored her independence and gotten
her life back.
These are the kind of results that can redefine your future. The
solution is simple and reproducible. Cutting-edge movement
science has given us the keys to free you from the incarceration of
your current condition. I welcome you to schedule a visit with me in my
office if you feel as if you could use my help.
I am here for you and would be honored to help you reclaim the freedom you
deserve to move well.

-Dr. Dennis DaPonte

© Dr. Dennis DaPonte

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