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First of all forgive me bad English I do not master the language well.

I know that this document is

a long one but I promise it will be worth it, enjoy it:

The key to collapse or otherwise enlarge the theory you raised falls on the shoulders of a single
character, Mars. This character has spent his whole life traveling the cosmos fighting in the most
bloody and apocalyptic wars, we can know it thanks to his hidden monologues:

-"In the final push against Sheragndar, I did not hear the song of my spear for the full cycle of an
Ultorian moon."

-"The bodies in my wake, enough to fill mortal worlds! Ohh ho ho! "

Therefore we must consider Mars as a star traveler. A traveler who was decent on the planets
where the most brutal contests took place, fighting until winning and then retiring (This is
something that we can see in his cinematic presentation the day he was thrown into the game,
descending killing a dragon) more than a divine being was a monster that sought blood without
caring who belongs to it. But with time he matured, he came to this world to kill Zeus and create
his own pantheon. What is most surprising is that Mars makes it very clear that the war of the
ancestors is only the tantrum of two children compared to the great battles in which I participate
in distant worlds, according to their point of view what happens here is not worthy of the God of
War. It is important to know this because it clarifies two things to us.

1.- The war of the ancestors is calmer than others

2.- Mars does not have much time in this world and is only here because of Zeus.

If we review the dialogues of the character we will find that missing friendly responses with many
heroes including Earthshaker, something that would not have to be relevant were it not for the
fact that Earth knows Mars.

-"It's nice to see you've mellowed out, since our last encounter, Mars. But still sticking with the
whole God of War thing I see. "

The most important thing here is that Raigor refers to Mars as he used to be before, the merciless
murderer, a phase of his life that could only be admired in other people's worlds centuries ago. It
also implies that both faced each other at some time in their lives. If we assume that this is true,
you are asking yourself, why would this be important for the theory? what happens is that if Mars
really fought on the sister earth it means that whatever they found in that world was MUCH worse
than the war of the ancestors, it also makes it clear that it is impossible to have found a Radiant or
Dire stone there he would recognize them as a threat or a possible threat, but as we listen in his
dialogues for the whole conflict this is a nonsense that does not compare with his old crusades. In
addition, another of his dialogues caught my attention.

-"It's not like today. Today's war is ... tedium. The same fight in a different trench. Each stake
smaller than the last. "

Apparently the methodical way of fighting that the ancestors have is boring in comparison to the
debauchery of their old battles, again, emphasizing the idea that the way to make war in this
world is not as chaotic or bloody as in others, like extra proof is the new immortal for Ember
spirith "Apogee of the Guardian Flame"

-“It was not only curiosity that drew the Burning Celestial to the mortal plane, but a small,
foreboding sense that some larger conflict - greater even than that of the Ancients - may soon
come to pass.”

A description that arrives very precisely as if trying to emphasize that this coming is more
dangerous than nemesis stones.

We live in a galaxy in flames for war, worlds mired in terrible conflicts were not difficult to find at
the beginning and this could have an explanation thanks to "The great symmetry" I think you hit it
when you said that the planet of Dota 2 is connected with this other world because they were
both probably created by Elder Titan and should have united spiritually but would he really just
create two? It is a being that has existed since the origin of the universe.

"These original progenitors were there practically at the beginning or they were even witnesses
of the creation and then they were born with it still resounding in their ears. Marked by the first
energies of the universe, they wanted nothing more than to continue being creators. So they
decided to devote themselves to the task of giving shape to the subject at will; hitting with
hammers, heating, bending and exploding. "

I believe that Elder has not created one but countless worlds each bound by great symmetry,
identical worlds that share the same spirit. I have always wondered why Elder Titan is so
distressed by the fall of ONE world when he has created hundreds. Is it because he destroyed his
soul? Do you feel guilty for the liberation of the ancestors? Could it be pride for not completing his
work? Maybe he only feels sorry for himself for being trapped. But what if it is because by ruining
this world I also condemn the rest? Symmetry, our world has fallen into an infinite war so the
other worlds also but not being 100% connected it is possible that the war developed in different
ways and causes, that would explain the terrible battles in which Mars participated. In the
headcanon part of your video you understand that the ancestors had already unleashed their
power on a planet before and they were stopped by Zed who could do it again but they reset the
time to be trapped in an infinite loop as this contest will guide them . This is impossible. In the lore
of Arc warden it is made clear that the battle between both liberated entities almost destroyed
the newborn universe and he used all his power to lock them in an orb that was destined to orbit
forever in our world, then I leave a small part of whether on this orb to guard it. The day the
ancestors were liberated they tore Arc warden further reducing its power, so in the comic where it
appears this is forming an army starting with Zeus, he knows he can not face this threat alone.

This only leaves the option of the ancestors restarting the world not because they like it but
because they are bad losers, when one falls, it reboots the world to try again (this also explains the
updates within the game) Only in our world was the power known of the ancestors because the
story of Arc tells us that when these beings were free.

They found themselves content in violent opposition and began to twist the entire creation to
serve their conflict.

They put the whole universe into this while currently they only have control on this planet, it is
true that many spatial and dimensionless beings arrived but if we realize few of them are in fact
interested in the conflict, the vast majority is here looking for something ( Enigma studying his
fundamental brothers, Specter the ascension, Dark seer is trapped, Bane only wants to cause
nightmares, Razor looks for Lion and Monkey King, etc.) So I think the war has grown so much
because of what you said, that this The world attracts the undesirable and even though they are
able to manipulate the very fabric of reality, both parties can not use 100% of their forces.

With this I do not mean that the third ancestor does not exist, in fact I think he lives in this world,
more specifically in the underworld having Underlord as Adalid and I have proofs (we can talk
about it at another time if you like) in order now something big comes.

We made it clear that it could not be an ancestor that caused the fall of the sister land, that there
are worse threats wandering through space and that it is possible that there are other sister lands.
I think this is what happened, something out there knows about this, about the worlds at war and
wants to destroy them (Another titan correcting the symmetry destroying the corrupt worlds? A
nether beast?) His way of acting is this, before to enter a world sends a herald (Think Galactus)
one of the first planets to fall was the Outworld which merged with part of his homeland to travel
through space getting cosmic powers, looking for brother worlds to which tell them about the
arrival of this being. This creature, which is called "shub niggurath" because of its resemblance to
the Lovecraftian goddess of the same name, begets heralds that reach their target planet before
her (will it weaken them?). These came to the sister land, Mars participated in this war along with
the Earthshaker of this place, managing to win. Mars went away looking for more battles but when
they thought that everything finished I arrive shub niggurath destroying the planet. A part that
contained the spirit of the ancient Earth traveled following the wake of Mars. He came to our
world, joined with Raigor, this meteorite was followed by one of the heralds of shub niggurath,
Earth defeating this creature. But he knows that more are coming, many more. When merging
with his earth sister he obtained the ability to travel between galaxies but he still does not know
how to dominate, so he asks anyone who can teach him to help him. So now he stops to listen to
Outworld's warnings (which by the way were brutally ignored until now) After hearing the
warnings Earth is looking to take the battle to the heavens before this world is affected because he
knows he is not coming by the nemesis stones, what shub niggurath seeks is simply to destroy the
world. So no, personally I do not think the ancestors have so much to see on this topic. I am
leaving many things in the pipeline, I have not told you about my theory of Outworld devourer,
again about the third ancestor and so on, if it catches your attention send me a private message
on twitter and we could talk a bit more about it. By the way I promised you curves, with all this we
made it clear that the conflicts of the planets brothers were not caused by the ancestors but are a
reflection of what happens in our world, either in a greater or lesser scale and shub niggurath is
trying destroy them either to fix this or seize the power of a titan. Does this dismiss what you said?
Dota 1 and Dota 2 are connected? No, I think you're right with this, BUT I will take it a step further.
The lore of dota 1 is strongly related to warcraft, I know they are not the same characters but
places, characters and events in the universe of warcraft are mentioned so it could be considered
a kind of fan fiction of the blizzard star game. This arcana would not only confirm the existence of
Dota 1, it would also confirm that the whole conflict of warcraft (at least until frozen throne) is an
echo of what happens in Dota 2, this would turn the game of valve into a spinoff of warcraft! I
know I'm losing my head a little bit, it's obvious that something like that will never be admitted but
I think it's something similar to the Sans / Ness theme. The clues point to what it may be but it's
more of an unimportant reference than something really relevant. In any case, this would make
Dota 1 an alternate reality in which the demons were arrested and the conflict revolved around
arresting the lich king until the destruction of his world at the hands of Shub Niggurath. I hope you
like this theory and again forgive my bad English, I hope to hear your opinions soon. Greetings
from Peru.

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