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Project/Enhancement Name:

Developer Name:
S. No. Question Answer
1. Visualforce
1.1 Why Visualforce and not standard UI
1.2 Does it have a controller
· Standard controller or custom controller
○ If custom controller, then why not standard
· Does it have Apex code (extensions for standard, or custom controller/extensions)
○ See Apex section #2 below
1.3 Does it have URL parameters and if so, are they escaped
1.4 Is it mobile ready (HTML5 vs. Touch)
1.5 Is CSRF on GET Requests Checked (v28.0 and beyond)
1.6 Does it use custom CSS or JS libraries
· jQuery, Angular, etc.
1.7 Is there opportunity for re-use using VF components
1.8 Does it use VF templates (composition)
1.9 Are there any dependencies on: components, other VF pages, or static resources
· If using multiple static resources, are they zipped for performance
1.1 Is it embedded in a standard page (i.e. Panel)
1.11 Is it for an action override
1.12 Does it follow naming conventions as defined at your organization
2. Apex
2.1 General Apex Guidelines
2.1.1 Sharing (with/without/none)
· If without sharing, then why
· If none, then why
2.1.2 Are you using inner classes where possible
2.1.3 Are you using custom settings or constants (FINAL) for non-dynamic variables in code
2.1.4 Does your class have large number of properties
2.1.5 Do you have methods with large number of lines (> 45)
2.1.6 Are there any orphaned (or obsolete) classes, properties and methods
2.1.7 Is the API version the latest, if not, then why
2.1.8 Is code bulkified
· No SOQLs or DML statements in for loops
2.1.9 Are you checking for selectivity of SOQL statements using Explain Plan tool in
Developer console (with at least 10k rows)
2.1.10 Exception Handling
· For SOQL queries and DML statements
· Is there a need for custom exception classes
2.1.11 Test methods – are they embedded in the main class
· Should be in separate Test Classes (enforced staring with v28.0)
· Do test methods have assertions - positive and negative
· Test Data in test methods - is it generated in Test
· If not generated and using Org data , then why (e.g. Content)
· Are you using Test Data Setup Framework – part of core
· Use of startTest() and stopTest()
· Do test methods leverage different users and profiles
· Are you using bulk updates in test methods
· Are you checking for limits usage in test methods
2.1.12 Code & Naming standards
· Global constants
· Code comments and tagging
· Null checks
2.2 VF Controllers & Extensions
2.2.1 How are fields being retrieved (addFields() vs. SOQL vs. VF Binding)
2.2.2 Does controller have SOQL
· Does SOQL use bind variables to prevent injection
2.2.3 Separation of business logic from controller
2.2.4 Early vs. late binding
· Late binding helps with view state management
· Early binding helps page load performance
2.2.5 Use of action attribute vs. controller constructor
· Controller constructor runs before page action
· Constructors do not allow DML, have to be done in action
2.2.6 View state management and use of transient variables
2.3 Triggers
2.3.1 Are you using a Trigger Handler framework wherein the business logic is separated
into a separate handler class
2.3.2 Multiple triggers on objects (should be N/A if using base)
2.3.3 What trigger events
2.3.4 Recursive handling
2.4 Batch Apex
2.4.1 Are you using a framework for logging DML results using helper classes?
2.4.2 Is there an associated schedulable class
2.4.3 Are you using daisy-chaining feature
2.4.4 Are you using Stateful and AllowsCallouts
2.5 Web Services
2.5.1 Are you leveraging the mock testing framework to test webservices
2.6 Email Services
2.6.1 Custom objects for logging and error handling

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