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Nae Wry Reba 51H, Bhutkalngam, Retied Otc of Ste Bank ot ‘ravancore, Ivangrom, was both on Sn October 1828 Evenhaugh Ne flted a a Hank Office! on Stet October 1999, et mace braun to people at Taner and outta a famous Asvooger than as eBankOthices He es moveinutivetacuttesin preseng evento as coon 32 hmeamines& horoscope. Tha appreciated by one and iste po to ne fr cneuatian an the nobis aspack Sieh eprlzoworthy ie thal he musing te sience as 9 fatby wiheuterenchargingsnenialte or consultation, int oe his tater ate Sx 6. Marmara er, Vakl NNagereotr we wae a renowned Asteoger. AS sich, is Inavledge of Aston) es agacy whch no ha nhac ftom hia noble Taare haa bash avardod te le of SGHAGYAVIDMAN anceeatcalos ol martatthe AsInGs Detelogea Conference held at Citak, Diss. SSevord Ealition July 190 Price Ris, 90 Copios can be had trom ‘THE AUTHOR (SRI_H. BHUTHALINGAM) 47580, Vatsala Nursing Home, floor Parie Road, alayam. “Tivendnims - 695 053, ‘Tet: 60140 ‘Copyright Reserved by the Author. - 4 Reviews peso craters Dedication This wok fs rospectly dedicated to tha memory ‘of my savored father late St 8 Harhora Sor ize Poni, Vat, Nagercol FOREWORD’ | TALANANTARAMASESHAN 40th Road Neer acigg= 90 064 1 90-4-1980 “This te an attempt at co-ordinating tho norms and discussion points of some ofthe standard works Inthe fold Tho doloacy of to ‘Exorcoe consits inthe fact thal the Godtslveness of what the Greeks ‘cal ehronos and tha Hindus deserbe as Kaala’has a mutability over ‘ofoups of centuries tha wall nigh forces a “educto ad absurdum Technics Whether isthe potenoy oftnsamea or navamsa lagna fo chandra lagna. bith constletion or conetallavon in which the ‘Seventh lords placed, the recantation of obviously dergent views. becomos an exercise in conjectures, diicult to prove afd estas ‘except by ution. The author of tae publleaton has iho degree of Imtution necessary in the o¥curnstances. ‘The point which predictive astrotogy cannot obscurelshat, ofthe ‘one lakh vorecs out of tha ek lakhs of texts orginally composed, the pailioners can recall to memory only atonth. Added to this isthe Element of the arithmetic whereln "Utara Kalarnrutsor “Sip: ppaddhat sock to cfr on crucial points, which Is precisely why the §Stongth of tha lord ofthe seventh, ofthe Kalra Karle as aspectod ‘or unaspected by Bhadalathipails becomes on last analysis, a ‘ambiguous issue. The tots say thatthe verses are not uxioms Gut ‘the ottcama of 2 logien) exerlse In evehing tho golden mean betwoon rival trends oF indieations. Hore also, the lst resort of the fstrologor nowdays fe not loge but Intution. "But a poruss ofthis. futhors vor clealy inoleates that ha hae a timer grasp oF the why Eonind the rule than many others and therefore does not have tO scape ito aniluttional approach beoause otany state ot helplose fese, This piles pariculaty to Ne chapter on Samasagtama and Aseffects One woul! only wah that he would come out wth eal \ Competent pubtettone on Ayurcaye ahd Karma Vivocana aepocte | hate both the novice andthe experienced stagger for lack of rigour |nanalysc, T.V.Anantaramaseshan

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