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Unit Test

English 7


A. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1) Vickie and I (hide) ___________________ the presents before the party started yesterday
2) Sally’s Family (move)___________________ to Laguna tomorrow.
3) Mrs. Santos (work)_________________________ in Cavite
4)The old cars (lead) _______________________ the parade last year.
5) The fishing boat (sink) ______________________ in the storm yesterday.
6) Tonight, My family(eat) ________________________ eat dinner in a restaurant.
7)Hanna(ride)__________________________ a long way to her job everyday
8) We (spend) _______ a lot of money on vacation last summer.
9) Sally’s dad (send)_____________________flowers to her mom regularly.
10)Paintings (enable) ________________________ artists to create realistic images and animated display easier.
11)She(give) _____________________ us her new phone number soon.
12) Jennie (bring) _________ a delicious salad to the party last night.
13) The train (leave)____________________every morning at 8 AM
14) Our visitors (arrive)______________________ in school tomorrow.
15) He never (forget)_____________________ to bring his laptop in school every day.

B. Write the past tense of the following irregular verbs on the space provided before the number.

__________________16. Teach ______________________26. blow

__________________17. Give ______________________27. fight
__________________18. Leave ______________________28. understand
__________________19. Choose ______________________29. forgive
__________________20. Become ______________________30. freeze
__________________21. Forget ______________________31. break
__________________22. Sleep ______________________32. write
__________________23. Read ______________________33. draw
__________________24. bring ______________________34. speak
__________________25. Catch ______________________35. Shine

C. Encircle the adjectives in each of the following sentences. Do not include articles and demonstratives.

36. Porcupines have sharp quills for protection.

37. The snail carries its coiledd shell on its back.
38. Some people think giraffes are graceful animals.
39. The mother giraffe is more careful with their babies than the father.
40. The whale is an enormous animal.
41. We opened an antique book in the library yesterday.
42. She won a gold medal in the Olympic games of 1968
43. The spotted cow ate grass by the meadow.
44. The towels have a fragrant smell after hanging in the sun.
45. Disney land is an enchanting lave both for children and adults.

D. Circle the adjectives in the word pool. Encircle only 5.

Finger mother magical radio

Stinky education politely calm

Catch ferocious dust uncomfortable

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