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The Spirituality of Work

Based on Fr. Anton Pascual’s talk at the CFC-FFL NCR teaching night last August 14, 2018

Describe your current state at work. Are you happy? Frustrated? Satisfied? Wanted to go out?
Read: Matthew 6:33, Luke 16:10, 1 Tim 5:8

“Work is fundamental to the dignity of the person. Work, to use an image, 'anoints' with dignity, fills us with
dignity, makes us similar to God who has worked and still works, who always acts.” – Pope Francis

We spend 40% of our time working. It defines, describes, identifies and dominate our lives. As Christians,
how should we look at work? Here are 6 points:

1. Necessity

We work to fulfill our need. This is the most basic reason why we work. We need to provide for our families
and our loved ones with food on the table, shelter and clothing. 1 Timothy 5:8 says, “a person who doesn’t
provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever.” God is not against our prosperity as long as we use it to
serve Him and others.

2. Identity

Work defines us. At work, we are able to express our talents and use our skills. When we love our work,
excellence comes out. When we find meaning in our work, this naturally brings out the passion in us. This is
more important than money. We are more tempted to compare ourselves with others when we don’t find
meaning in our work.

3. Maturity

Work builds character, we become more human. God is more interested in the growth of character than the
career. It fertilizes the seed of character, the most important thing you bring home to your family. Sometimes
we need to change workplace to discover and develop character (Luke 16:10).

4. Credibility

There should be difference between renewed Christians with those who are not in the workplace, that is
credibility. Good and diligent work is work that demonstrates our faith. When we do good work as Christians,
even unbelievers will respect us (1 Thes. 4:11-12). It also can be an avenue to evangelize them.

5. Charity

The higher motivation to work is to help others. Andrew Andrew Carnegie says “to give while you work”.
Acts 20:35 says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. A study made by Adam Grant of University of
Pennsylvania says that those who give will more likely be successful at work (Give and Take).

6. Eternity

We participate in building God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Let us use work and business to create
jobs and help the poor. Let us make our company our Church. Business people are new missionaries. We
should remind ourselves that we are kingdom builders not wealth builders.
What point/s above struck you the most? How can you apply these principles in your work? What mindset
you have about work changed?
End the household by thanking God for the work or business He has given you.

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