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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


This paper is based on a study on student’s vocabulary through Mobile Word Game

Application (MWGA) of Grade 11-HUMSS students at Lyceum Northern Luzon, Inc.

This study is conducted based on the preliminary study which indicated that the

students faced difficulties in learning English because of lacking of vocabulary. The

subjects were 30 students consisting of 16 female and 14 male students. The purpose

of this study is to improve the vocabulary of students through MWGA. The data were

collected by observation, questionnaire for survey, and test. The research design of

this study was Classroom Action Research which consists of four steps: planning,

acting, observing and reflecting. The results of this study shows that Mobile Word

Game Application could help students to memorize the vocabulary items easily,

motivate students, and make them more interested in learning vocabulary.

Keywords: vocabulary; Word Game; Grade 11-HUMSS students; English

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


I, the teacher-researcher, would like to express my deepest appreciation and

gratitude to my family and loved ones especially to my parents and guardians who

became the source of my inspiration and pillar of strength. I would like to thank them

for the undying support and understanding of my needs and mending expenses on this

research study especially in the fulfilment of this piece of work.

Ms. Joan T. Lomanog, the OIC-Principal of Lyceum Northern Luzon, Inc., for

letting me to conduct my research in the school and for her kindness and participation.

Dr. Malicdem,, our professor, for giving me a task that is purposeful.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank the respondents for their

cooperation and patience in answering the questionnaires.

Most of all, to our Almighty God who provided my strength, knowledge,

perseverance, courage and grace to be able to go through this complicated task.

The teacher-researcher

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


English for Academic and Professional Purposes is one of subjects that should

be taken in Senior High School level. In mastering the English subject, the learners

need to learn all skills in English such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Vocabulary is one of the most important language components in learning

English (Nation, 2001). Learning vocabulary can help students in studying English

and support them in mastering the other language components Thonbury (2002). To

increase the students’ interest and motivation in learning vocabulary, the teachers are

expected to create various teaching strategy and need the correctness of teaching

methods. The great teaching strategy is very important to make teaching and learning

process in the class work fluently and make condition in the class more conducive.

One of great strategies in teaching language is by using game

(Ersoz,2000;Thornburry,2002). Game helps the teacher to maximize each students

learning potential (Sugar,S., & Sugar, 2002). Sanchez, Morfin,and Campos (2007)

points out that games give the students an opportunity to use their language in a less

formal situation. Game is also appropriate to be used in teaching vocabulary.

Applying game in classroom can be one of effective strategies in teaching vocabulary

(Huyen & Nga, 2003; Linse, 2005). (Harmer, 2001) states that the game can make

learners to be more enthusiastic in learning vocabulary.

Vocabulary is very important to be mastered first since it is an essential

means in conducting communication. Based on the reason above, the focus should be

on the vocabulary in the Senior High School students. It can help them understand the

basis of studying English and prepare to study English in higher level.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

The rise of different learning technologies causes discussions on how they

could be used to support education in schools. Some people see endless opportunities

how modern technologies could benefit education, while others only see the negatives

associated with technologies or even believe that technology should be banned in

schools. Technology is a large part of children’s lives; teachers have been faced with

the battle of using technology in the classroom. Teachers also struggle with how much

technology to use. Many researchers agree that students need to be exposed to

technology in early childhood classrooms, and that it can actually improve students’

knowledge in academic areas. Technology has grown over the last fifteen years

(Zucker, 2008). Schools across America are spending more and more money to

incorporate technology into the curriculum (Norman, 2008). Collins and Halverson

(2009) and Plowman and McPake (2013) agree that schools need to continue the trend

of incorporating technology into the curriculum. Many jobs require the use of

technology and students need to be ready to handle the technology requirements they

will need to be successful at work. Collins and Halverson pointed out in their book

that many people rely on technology as adults. Technology has changed the lives of

everyone; it has changed the way we think, live, and act (Collins & Halverson, 2009).

Research about using technology in schools is increasing, and school administrators

are encouraging teachers to incorporate technology into the classrooms. With the push

from administration to increase the use of technology in the classroom, it became

evident to the researchers that there needed to be more

research on how to introduce technology in a developmentally appropriate way.

Mobile phones enhance our vocabulary and it is easy to check the meaning of

words online. However, different learning technologies should be seen as

opportunities for learning and practicing words. We should not encourage students to

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

view technology as a replacement for their own thinking as there will always be

situations where technology might not be available.

Cell phones are fast becoming an integral part of students’ everyday lives.

They are regarded as important companions and tools for personal expression.

School-age children are integrating the cell phone as such, and thus placing a high

value on them. Educators endeavor to instill in students a high value for education,

but often meet with difficulty. Involving technologies such as cell phones that are held

with high value to students into teaching and learning cannot help but motivate

students. Thus, utilizing the cell phone as a teaching and learning tool should increase

the desire of students to become fully involved in their education. (Hagevic and

Robertson, 2008)

This research intends to fulfill the following objectives:

1. to test the students’ vocabulary in the study (Grade 11-HUMSS students at


2. to assess the improvement of vocabulary of the participants after using


3. This research expects to help the teachers improve their students’ vocabulary

skills through Mobile Word Game Application (MWGA). MWGA includes

rules to play and word games. Moreover, this research expects to give further

knowledge to the English teachers on how they will assess their students’

vocabulary of English words and guide their proficiency growth through


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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


Students today are digital and innovative learners. In just one click, they will be

able to discover and learn new things through technology. One of the trends which

students are using mobile phones. Mobile phones are always used by learners in

accessing to internet and researching.

The researcher observes that students are having difficulties in English words

vocabulary. As a remedy, the teacher-researcher is having an innovative plan and

strategy that would cater the needs of students in this matter. Aside from surfing the

internet, the teacher-researcher uses the Mobile Word Game Application to improve

their vocabulary.

Mobile Word Game Application is a mobile application for words. It is

downloaded by teacher-researcher and sent to the students through Bluetooth or Share

It Application. Students are also encouraged to download other word game


The administering of game is conducted before their English for Academic and

Professional Purposes as one of the motivations. Students are encouraged also to use

this mobile application during their free time. Students are encouraged to use mobile

phones in a purposeful way.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following problems:

1. What is the proficiency level of the Grade 11-HUMSS students’

knowledge in words or vocabularies?

2. What is the improvement of proficiency level of Grade 11-HUMSS

students’ knowledge in words or vocabularies after administering


3. How effective is MWGA in the improvement of the Grade 11-HUMSS

students’ knowledge in words or vocabularies?


A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

Out of 45 Grade 11-HUMSS students at Lyceum Northern Luzon, Inc., 30 students

consisting 16 female and 14 male students were used as a sample in conducting this

research. This action research limits its coverage to Grade 12-HUMMS students only.

The purpose of this study is to improve the students’ knowledge in vocabulary using

innovation like Mobile Word Game Application. This research considers every aspect

of the students’ responses on their knowledge in vocabulary. Students used mobile

phones to undergo the application.

B. Data Gathering Method

Teachers observe that students are not really good in English words vocabulary

nowadays. Because of this problem, the teacher-researcher planned an innovation to

solve this problem. According to Leo Rigsby (March 2005), “An action research is

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

inquiry or research in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an

organization and its performance. It typically is designed and conducted by

practitioners who analyze the data to improve their own practice. Action research can

be done by individuals or by teams of colleagues. The team approach is called

“collaborative inquiry.”

The teacher-researchers made a pre-intervention test materials used in their

study. The pre-intervention materials were used to survey students’ ability and in

English words vocabulary.


A. Pre-Intervention Activity

While the students are having their vocabulary test activity as a pre-intervention test,

the teacher-researcher has realized the following common mistakes in vocabulary.

1. Misuse of homonyms

Homonyms are words that sound the same, but differ in meaning, spelling,

and usage.

2. Confused words

3. Wrong word forms

4. Nonstandard Vocabulary

Also using a rubric, the teacher researcher is assessing the level of the students when

it comes to vocabulary. The teacher-researcher employed pre-test through written test

for vocabulary.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application





6 6

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Pre-Intervention Test 8 10 6 6 0
Spelling Before Administering the MWGA

Pre-Intervention Test

Figure 1.1

Number of Students Percentage Level

0 0% Very Good
6 20% Good
6 20% Fair
10 33% Poor
8 27% Very poor
Figure 1.2

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show that 8 or 27% of the students are very poor in terms of

vocabulary. Ten students or 33% is poor; six of the students or 20% is fair; six

students or 20% is good and none of them is very good. The figures show that Grade

11-HUMSS students need to improve their vocabulary because it would help them to

become proficient in English.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

The result shown in figure 1.1 and 1.2 will be used later as the baseline data to see

if students have improved their vocabulary through MWGA.

B. Evaluation Criteria

In order to assess the effects of the intervention, the researcher compared the Pre-

intervention test to Post-intervention test using MWGA. This is to attest if there is

significant improvement of results after conducting and administering the MWGA.

The following table shows the rubric used by the teacher-researcher to assess the

students’ knowledge in vocabulary.

Very Good perfect score or 15 from the vocabulary
Good 11-14 score from the vocabulary test
Fair 8-10 score from the vocabulary test
Poor 5-7 score from the vocabulary test
Very Poor 4 score from the vocabulary test

C. Implementation Process

After assessing the students’ knowledge in vocabulary, the teacher-researcher

implemented the MWGA and made sure that students were responding in the different

implementation program. The teacher used the applications such as Wordscapes and

Vocabulary test.

From observation, students enjoyed the activity and were attentive to the new

knowledge in vocabulary.

D. Presentation and Analysis of the Result

Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 show the comparison of the level of proficiency of the

students on their knowledge in vocabulary in the result of their Pre-intervention

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

activity which is the baseline data and after administering the MWGA as the Post-

intervention test result. As can be seen in the figures, students have improved their


Level of Proficiency of the Students' Vocabulary before

and after Administering MWGA


No. of Students

15 14 Pre- Intervention Test
Post-Intervention Test

0 0 0
Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good

Figure 2.1

Pre-Intervention Test Post-Intervention Test

Number of Percentage Number of Percentage LEVEL
Students Students
0 0 14 47% Very Good
6 20% 16 53% Good
6 20% 0 0 Fair
10 33% 0 0 Poor
8 27% 0 0 Very Poor
Figure 2.2

To further discuss the results shown, 14 or 47% of students are very good after

undergoing MWGA and 16 or 53% of students are good. None of the students are still

in the fair, poor, and very poor levels. It shows that students have improved after

undergoing MWGA.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

E. The result of Student’s Questionnaires for Survey

Do you like mobile word game that is applied by your teacher? 29 1
Does the mobile word game make you happy in joining the 30 0
English class?
Does the mobile word game make you enjoy the teaching 30 0
learning process?
Do you think that mobile word game motivates you in learning 28 2
Does mobile word game help you to memorize English 28 2
Does the mobile word game help you to understand English 29 1

The questionnaires show that the most of the students were more interesting when

the English teacher was applying mobile word game in English class. They felt happy

and enthusiastic in joining the class. They also felt that the mobile word game can

help them in memorizing English words and make them easier in learning English.

F. Reflection

Teaching requires hardwork, patience, knowledge and skills to cater the learning

needs of students. Nowadays, students are innovative. They are inclined to use high

technology like computers and mobile phones to learn and discover new things. As

teachers, we must be also digital mentors. Students must be motivated to use mobile

phones as educational device and must not use it for practices that lead go problems in

learning. This research was very useful especially to teachers who have students with

poor knowledge in vocabulary. Mobile phones are also used not only to improve

vocabulary but also used in improving other abilities in learning.

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


To accomplish this action research study, the teacher-researcher made an

action plan using the Gantt chart by Henry Laurence Gantt.


Activities 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15
1. Preparation
of materials
2. Seek
from the
3. Answering
of the
4. Spelling
5. Analysis of
the Pre-
of the
7. Answering
of the reflective
8. Post-
9. Analysis of
the post-
10. Finalization
Of the research

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations based from the

previously presented, analyzed, and interpreted data on the improvement of students’

English vocabularies through Mobile Word Game Application of Grade 11-HUMSS

students at Lyceum Northern Luzon, Inc.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

a. During the implementation of the actions, the students became interested and

active in learning English using mobile phones.

b. They actively involved in improving their vocabulary. The students seemed to

be enthusiastic and happy involved in the activities. They improved their

vocabulary after participating in activities conducted by the teacher-researcher

by using Mobile Word Game Application (MWGA).

c. Based on the result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Intervention conducted, there

was significant improvement of results after conducting and administering the



Based on the conclusions and implications that have been explained above, some

recommendation will be divided into the English teacher and the classroom teacher.

1) To the English teacher, it is essential for the teacher to improve the quality of

English teaching and learning process. She must be more creative and innovative

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

in producing and conducting various activities especially in vocabulary activities.

In addition, she must often give English instructions, implement various

interesting activities like games and pay attention to all of the students. In doing

so, the students will be able to engage themselves in interesting teaching and

learning process through innovative way. As the result, it will improve their

English vocabulary.

2) To the classroom teacher, the result of the study can improve the effectiveness

of the teaching and learning process in her class by using interesting activities like

games to improve students’ vocabulary, using teaching media, and showing good

response to the students. It is expected that the class teacher can do similar things

to improve the quality of teaching-learning process especially for improving the

English words vocabulary of students.

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Amin, N. S. (2010). An effective use of ICT for education and learning by drawing on
worldwide knowledge, research, and experience: ICT as a change agent for education.
Retrieved from http://www.nyu.edu/

Ayuningram, D. P. (2012). Dee Ayu: teaching vocabulary using picture. Retrieved

from http://ayudewiputri.blogspot.com/2012/01/teaching-vocabulary-using-


Dudovskiy, John. (2018). Convenience sampling. Retrieved from https://research-


Ersoz, A. (2000). Six Games for the EFL/ESL Classroom (TESL/TEFL), VI(6).
VI(6). Retrieved from http://iteslj.org/Lessons/Ersoz-Games.html

Fleming, S. H. (2001). Peer assisted learning in an undergraduate hospitality course:

Second year students supporting first year students in group learning. Journal of
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 1(1), 69-75. Gardner

Hagevic, Rita and Roberson, James(2008). Cellphone for education. Vol. 2, Issue 2.

Retrieved from https://projects.ncsu.edu/meridian/sum2008/roberson/index.htm

Huyen, N. T. T., & Nga, K. T. T. (2003). LEARNING VOCABULARY THROUGH

GAMES: The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games | Asian EFL
Journal. The Asian EFL Journal

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

Linse, C. T. (2005). Practical English language teaching young learners. New

York:McGraw Hill

Rigsby. Leo (2005, March). Action research. Retrieved from


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1. A4 coupon bond Php30
2. Printing shop Php168
3. GigaSurf Load Php200
Total Php398

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


Dagupan City
Master in Education

Lyceum Northern Luzon, Inc.



I, the graduating students of Master in Education, Major in English of Lyceum-

Northwestern University, is undertaking a research study entitled “ IMPROVING
APPLICATION’’, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Diversity
of Learning with Action Research.

In this connection, I am requesting for your approval to please allow your Grade 11-
HUMSS students to answer the attached questionnaires and test for vocabulary as
honest as possible. The responses of your students will surely contribute to the
completion of the stated research study.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with confidentiality. Thank you so much for
participating in this endeavour!

Respectfully yours,



Approved by:


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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


Dagupan City
Master in Education

Dear respondents,

I, the graduating students of Master in Education, Major in English of Lyceum-

Northwestern University, is undertaking a research study entitled “ IMPROVING
APPLICATION’’, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Diversity
of Learning with Action Research.

In this connection, I am requesting you to please answer the attached questionnaires

and test for vocabulary as honest as possible. The responses of your students will
surely contribute to the completion of the stated research study.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with confidentiality. Thank you so much for
participating in this endeavour!

Respectfully yours,



Approved by:


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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

Mobile Word Game Application Used

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application


Do you like mobile word game that is applied by your teacher?
Does the mobile word game make you happy in joining the
English class?
Does the mobile word game make you enjoy the teaching
learning process?
Do you think that mobile word game motivates you in learning
Does mobile word game help you to memorize English
Does the mobile word game help you to understand English

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

Pre-Intervention Test

Teacher used the following English words in administering the Pre-test in vocabulary

by giving the synonym or meaning of the following words.

1. Intelligent

2. Mentor

3. Concept

4. Era

5. Pursue

6. Pioneer

7. Dominant

8. Display

9. Concept

10. Decade

11. Numerous

12. Rarely

13. Administer

14. Test

15. Ability

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application

Post-Intervention Test

Teacher used the following English words in administering the Post-test in

vocabulary by giving synonym or meaning of the following words.

1. Smart

2. Essential

3. Irrelevant

4. Exact

5. Hide

6. Destroy

7. Fresh

8. Fake

9. True

10. Portray

11. Explain

12. Look

13. Evil

14. Dangerous

15. Famous

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Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Mobile Word Game Application



Objectives Strategies Materials/ Involved Time

Resources Frame
To test the vocabulary of Using Vocabulary Vocabulary Students 60
students through Pre- test test material and minutes
Test Intervention Teacher-
To discuss the Discussing the Mobile Students 15
importance of importance of Phones and minutes
technology in teaching Mobile Phones Teacher-
specifically the mobile Researcher
To conduct mobile word Using mobile Mobile Students 60
game, the Wordscapes word game Phones and minutes
application Teacher-
To assess the Conducting Post- Mobile Students 60
improvement of Test Intervention Phones and minutes
students’ vocabulary for improvement Teacher-
through Post-Test Vocabulary researcher
Intervention Test

This study employed a classroom action research. Classroom Action Research

is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can

improve student learning. There are many ways to improve knowledge about

teaching. Many teachers practice personal reflection on teaching, others conduct

formal empirical studies on teaching and learning. Classroom Action Research is

more systematic than personal reflection but it is more informal and personal than

formal educational research. (Hermida, 2001)

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