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Laboratory Determination of ~ e ' l a t i v epermeabilityt



E a r l ~ e rworks have rndicated that relative perme- Theorehcal considerations Indicate that a porous
abilities are markedly dependent on the saturat~on, sample with an even dlstnbution of capillary s i z e s
and more recent studies show that the spatral dis- would give relahve permeabil~tycurves qurte slmi-
tribution of the p h a s e s a t a given saturatron which lar to those reported for unconsol~dated sands.
will depend upon themechanism used in introducing However, naturally occuring sandstones usually
the second phase Into the system is also a de- have uneven size drstribution, as can be seen from
finite variable. Three important mechanisms, viz, typical capillary-pressure curves. T h i s unevenness
capillary-pressure displacement, dynamic displace- results In deviations from a smooth relative perme-
ment, and solution-gas displacement, are recog- ability curve. Curves for porous media are shown
nized. for 011-gas, for 011-gas and connate water, and for
In the capillary-pressure displacement method water-gas systems.
the core IS held In a pressurrzed rubber sheath.
Porous diaphragms in capillary contact with both I t is concluded that relative permeab~litiesare
ends of the core conduct the flow of the wetting unique for each c a p ~ l l a r ysystem and desaturat~on
phase; whrle Bow of the non-wetting phase is through method, and that results obtained by one method
openlngs in the diaphragms. T h e sample is desatur- can be a p p l ~ e donly with reservations to c a l c u l e
ated stepwise by successively increased g a s pres- tions of field performance for reservorrs In whrch
ures. T h e flow rates are measured a t each saturad the type of depletion does not correspond with the
tlon after the system h a s reached equilrbrium, and method used in the laboratory. T h s paper presents
after the relatave permeability values have been an apparatus and procedure for the capillary-pres-
calculated. sure method of measuring relatrve permeab~lity.
INTRODUCTION relative permeability apparatus, and a discussion
Relative remeabllities are fundamental for the of some of the data obtained.
analysis of reservoir problems which concern the EFFECT OF DISPLACEMENT
effect of various production procedures on recover MECHANISM ON RELATIVE PERMEABILITY
ies. They are needed for any analysls of natural
From the earlier work in t h i ~ ' f i e l d " ~ the
depletion, natural water drives, water flood, gas
ked dependence of relative permeability on satura-
injection, or gravitational drainage. There are
tion i s readily apparent. The results of more re-
many difficulties, such a s the effects of changes
cent studies suggest that the location, or, more
in fluid properties a t reservoir conditions and of
particularly, the spatlal distribution of the phases
inhomogeneities in the reservoir medlum, which
within the porous system, determines to a great
must be worked out before laboratory measured
extent the ability of a particular phase to flow.
permeabilities can be used a t face value for field
Moreover, i t i s conceivable and highly probable
calculations. T h i s paper will be confined to:
that the spatial distribution of a second phase
1. The probable effect of the desaturating mecha- whlch enters the capillary system will depend up-
nism on the observed relatlve permeability. on the mechanism used for ~ t sintroduction. On
2. The reference value used to define the rela- this basis, it i s highly suggestive that the method ,
tive pernieabillty ratio. used to introduce a second phase into a core speci-
men niay have an appreciable effect on the observed
3. A description of a capillary-pressure type of relative permeability of the resulting system a t a
*The A t l m t ~ cRefinlng Co., D a l l a s .
+presented by E. R. Brownscornbe. ' ~ e f e r e n c e sere at the end of the paper.

given saturation. T h r e e iniportant mechanisms which in the field102n30a n d i s shown schematically in

involve t h e displacement of one fluid by another Fig.-1B. T h i s method of displacement is charac-
a r e readlly apparent. It i s s u g g e s t e d that t h e s e be terized by the maintenance of a flow of one or more
referred t o a s : 1, capillary-pressure displacement; fluids through the core s a m p l e in order t o e s t a b l i s h
2, dynamic displacement; and 3, solution-gas dis- a steady-state equilibrium, flow being maintained
placement. Some d i s c u s s i o n of t h i s c o n c e p t h a s after equilibrium i s established. T o accomplish
already appeared in the l i t e r a t ~ r e .In~ t h i s earlier s u c h a displacement, the core is confined in a rub-
d i s c u s s i o n the term 'static displacement' w a s ber s l e e v e , a p l a s t i c jacket, or some similar de-
u s e d for n h a t i s here c a l l e d 'capillary-Pressure v i c e ; and the d i s p l a c i n g fluid i s forced through the
displacement." core under e i t h e r a c o n s t a n t pressure head or a t
Capillary-pressure Displacement c o n s t a n t rate. T h e saturation within t h e core ad-
j u s t s itself in r e s p o n s e to the pressure differences
T h i s method of displacement, described by many between t h e p h a s e s generated as a r e s u l t of the
in the literature ( s e e Welge5), is characterized by
a n expllclt pressure difference between t h e p h a s e s , 1 CAPILLARY PRESSURE METHOD DYNAMIC METHOD

made p o s s i b l e by tlie u s e of porous diaphragms

which, under t h e conditions of the experiment, a r e
permeable t o only one of the flulds p r e s e n t in tlie
s y s t e m , a s shown In FIG.1A. In t h e u s u a l a p p l i c a - Wumhon b Ccntmlled By The R e w r e Sohml8on Is Cmhdled By The Rotlo 01
tioh t h e core specimen, 1 0 0 percent s a t u r a t e d with D8ffwenc.e B e t w e n The Phases The R d e 01 Flaw O f Two
a s i n g l e p h a s e , i s p l a c e d in capillary c o n t a c t with
the porous diaphragms s a t u r a t e d with the s a m e SOLUTION GAS METHOD

liquid a s the core. U s e of t h i s desaturation method 0 0 0

for relative permeaLility measurement h a s been de-
s c r i b e d by ~ a s s l e r . ~
In the authors' application .. of t h e method, the
Gore Sat~roled Pre~sureOn Sjstem Flow 0 1 Dead 011 Thrwph
core, in position between the diaphragms a n d s e a l - w t n L~V. 081 Reduced To Brmg Go3 Out core To obtaon Ralatlva
Pcrmloblllfy Dot0
o f Sdution In Cora
e d along the s i d e s , i s placed in contact with a
s e c o n d fluid, i.e., tlie displacing p h a s e , through
openings in t h e porous diaphragms. When pressure Fig. 1 -
Schematic Representation of Capillary
Pressure, Dyr-amic, and Solution-gas Saturation
above that a c t i n g on the wetting p h a s e i s applied
Control Used in Three Relative-Permeability Methods
to the displacing p h a s e , a controlled pressure dif-
ference between the p h a s e s i s generated, and d i s - imposed flow conditiohs. At equilibrium, t h e s a t u r a -
placement occurs. T h e d i s p l a c e d liquid flows from tion distribution within the core beconies fixed,
t h e core through t h e porous diaphragms, whereas but flow must be continued to maintain t h i s s t e a d y -
the dlsplaclng fluid i s retained in the s y s t e m as s t a t e equilibrium. In dynamic displacement, an
long a s t h e applied pressure difference between the interface between t h e displacing and the displaced
p h a s e s d o e s not e x c e e d t h e displacement pressure phase e x i s t s which nornially travels through tile
of the diaphragm. T h e rate of change in the satura- core in a niore o r l e s s piston-like manner, which
tion of the d ~ s p l a c e dliquid d e c r e a s e s t o z e r o a s moves the major portion of the material to be dis-
equilibriuni i s approached. A s shown in F i g . l A , placed a h e a d of the interface. After the interface
the pressures a c t i n g upon tlie p h a s e s a t both e n d s p a s s e s a point In the s y s t e m , displacement from
of the core a r e adjusted s o t h a t a uniform pressure t h i s point continues a t a slower rate until the satu-
difference between the p h a s e s e x i s t s through the ration i s c o n s i s t e n t with t h e pressure difference
length of the core, with a uniform pressure drop between the p h a s e s generated l y the flowing p h a s e s
a c r o s s the core in e a c h p h a s e t o produce a fluid and secondary effects possibly related to the rate
flow. T h e main variables (omitting core properties) of flow. Some of the variables in t h i s s y s t e m (omit-
operating in t h i s s y s t e m a r e pressure difference ting core properties) a r e ratio of p h a s e s flowing,
between p h a s e s and intkrfacial tension. pressure gradient, and viscosity.
Dynamlc Displacement
T h i s mechanism h a s been u s e d by earlier workers 1 T h i s tenn, in common u s e In the industry, 1s

used in this paper to conform with general usage. obtained by the capillary-pressure method. T h e
Thus the displacement of a liquid phase by the solution-gas displacement, on the other hand,
g a s evolved within the pore s p a c e s of the core a s should give a very different result. For the reason
a result of dropping the pressure of the system be- that g a s may come out of solution throughout the
low the bubble point of the liquid containing the system, the first fluid displaced by the g- a s comes
dissolved g a s represents a solution-gas displace- from a l l parts of the porous system, not from anly
ment; A s shown sclien~aticallyin Fig. l C , oil pre- the larger capillaries. This behavior should mean
viously saturated with gas, a t a predetermined that the relative permeability of the displaced phase
pressure, i s placed in the core. The pressure i s will not decrease s o rapidly with desaturation a s
then dropped to atmospheric, thus resulting in a in the previously ment~onedmethods. At the pre-
certain gas saturation. A very small amount of s e n t time only a few relative-permeability determi-
dead oil i s then flowed through the core in order nations have been made by a l l three of these meth-
to determine the relative permeability of the core ods on the same core samples. However, Fig. 2
to oil a t this g a s saturation. Measurements are shows data on an individual specimen obtained
usually made between zero g a s saturation and criti- with the 3 different methods. In each case oil and
cal g a s saturation, the latter value being readily
determined. The main varicible here (omitting core
properties) i s the volume of evolved gas.
Application to Field Performance
An examination of the fluid distributions within
a porous system which result from the use of capil-
lary-pressure, dynamic, or solution-gas displace-
ment, provides information which is helpful in ex-
plaining the dependence of relative permeability
on the spatial configuration, a s well a s the satura-
tion of the phases within the core. Thus, in the
capillary-pressure de saturation of a core, the first
liquid disblaced comes from the largest connected
openings; and, for each value of the applied pres-
sure difference between the phases, the liquid in
a l l non-isolated openings larger than that opening
which p o s s e s s e s a capillary pressure equal to the
applied pressure i s displaced, assuming the wet-
tlng phase to be continuous. Since these larger Fig. 2 - A Comparison of Relative Permeabilities
capillary flow channels contribute most of the flow Obtdined by Three Different Methods
passages responsible for permeability of the core, (CW= Connate Water Present in Each Core)
blockage of flow by the entrance of a second phase g a s were the flowing phases, with connate water
In these larger openings results in a marked de- present a s a static phase. The differences obser-
crease in the r e l a t ~ v epermeability. T h e dynamic- ved in the oil curves obtained by the capillary-pres-
displacement mechanism yields somewhat similar sure and dynamic methods are typical
of the simi-
results because pressure difference between the lar comparisons which have s o far been made, in
phases generated by the imposed flow cond~tions that the curve obtained by the dydamic method
a c t s to displacethe liquid from the larger openings falls under the one obtained by the ~ a ~ i l l a r ~ - ~ r e s -
first. However, a s a result of the movement of an sure method until saturation value close to the
interface through - the core, and because of the pres- cross-over point of the oil and g a s curves i s reach-
ence of pressure gradients across the core the final ed, whereat the two curves coincide. These data
distribution of the phases i s probably somewhat show very little difference between the oil perme-
different from that established by capillary-pressure ability curves obtained by the capillary-pressure
difference alone. Consequently, the relative perme- and solution-gas methods. Fig. 3 presents similar
a b i l ~ t ydecrease with saturation change should re- data for capillary-pressure and solution-gas meth-
flect these differences when compared with results ods in which the resulting oil-permeability curves

were widely different. In general, i t a p p e a r s that must a l s o b e considered in laboratory s t u d i e s of

the more permeable t h e core, the l e s s difference relative On t h e b a s i s of present know-
there will b e between t h e s e two methods. In the ledge, the most reliable laboratory approach i s to
application of experimental curves, i t s e e m s rea- simulate the field performance, a l w a y s working in
s o n a b l e that t h e different niethods should b e used one direction from virgin reservoir conditions to
t o correspond to different types of problems which depletion, thereby avoiding complicating h y s t e r e s i s
a r e being studied in the reservoir. F o r example, effects.
the capillary-pressure displacement method might
In t h e average reservoir, not only one but a l l
b e u s e d for reservoir a c c u ~ n u l a t i o n problems, or
three of t h e mechanisms for displacing oil will b e
for problems involving gravitational readjustments
in operation for a t l e a s t a portion of the life of the
field; and, in many c a s e s , s e v e r a l may be in opera-
tion concurrently. In principle, the determination
of the r e l a t i v e - ~ e r m e a b i l i t ~relations for the en-
tire life of the field from laboratory d a t a would re-
quire a knowledge of the effect of: 1, the method
of d e s a k r a t i o n ; 2, the previous history; and 3, the
siniultaneous a c t i o n of s e v e r a l desaturating mecha-
nisnis on relatiye ~ e r n ~ e a b i l i In t ~ .practice, how-
ever, the d a t a from various methods will probably
overlap considerably, s o t h a t the r e s u l t s of one
method, s u c h a s the capillary-pressure or the dyna-
m i c d i s p l a c e m e n t procedure, nlay apply over a wide
range- of stauration values. It is understood, of
course, t h a t certain portions of the s y s t e m , s u c h
a s t h a t represented by solution-gas d ~ s p l a c e m e n t
in t h e early part of the productive life of t h e field
may require s p e c i a l s t u d i e s t o determine the re-
lative permeability relations applicable t o the
s p e c i a l c a s e in question.
The Base for k e l a t ~ v ePermeabll~tyHatlo
Fig. 3 -Illustrating Large Differences in Relative
Relative permeability h a s been defined a s the
Permeability to O i l at Low Gas Saturations Some- ratio of the permeability to a fluid a t a given s a t u -
times Obtained in Tight Cores ration divided by the permeability to the s a m e fluld
(This Core i s Devonian Lime from West Texas) a t 1 0 0 percent saturation of that fluid.' However,
within the reservoir. T h e dynamic method would in almost every c a s e of a naturally occurring porous
appear t o be the one which should be u s e d when niedium, the specific pernieabilities to the varlous
natural water drive, water flood, or g a s injection p h a s e s , s u c h a s g a s , oil, and water, will not be
i s involved; while s t u d i e s by t h e solution-gas identical b e c a u s e of Iilinkenberg a n d liydration
method should be used for natural depletion prob- effects. Ilence, if dried c o r e s a r e u s e d for determi-
lems, particularly' in the range above critical g a s nation of the permeability t o a i r or 011 a t 1 0 0 per-
saturation. It would s e e m t o be particularly ques- c e n t saturation, t h e s e v a l u e s are not comparable
tionable t o use the ordinary capillary-pressure to d a t a obtained on the sanie core for a i r and oil
c u r v e s for solution gas-drive calculations, e s p e - when brine i s present. Any single liquid should
c i a l l y if t h e core s p e c i m e n s a r e of low perme- give the s a m e permeability for a porous medium,
ability. a s long a s the properties of the porous medium
Other displacement mechanisms, or combinations have not been altered. However, in the instance
of the foregoing mechanisms, may e x i s t which w i l l j u s t c i t e d , capillary structure i s altered by the
r e s u l t in s t i l l different s p a t i a l arrangements of swelling of the hydratable materials in the pres-
liquids in the pore space. A r e v e r s a l of the order e n c e of brine. Consequently, it is proposed t h a t
of operations with a s s o c i a t e d h y s t e r e s i s effects t h e relative permeability of oil or g a s be defined
a s the ratio of the effective permeability of oil or
g a s a t a given saturation divided by t h e permea-
bility t o reservoir brine a t 1 0 0 percent saturation.
T h u s , the relative permeability t o oil becomes the
t o oil- a t a given saturation, divided
by the permeability t o brine; and the relative per-
meability t o g a s becomes t h e to gas
a t a given saturation, divided by the permeability
t o brine. In the c a s e of relative permeability t o RESERVOIR
g a s , a correction should further b e made for t h e
Klinkenberg effect.
Apparatus and Method Requirements
In the development of the apparatus a n d method
for the determination of relative pernieabilities by
the capillary-pressure desaturation method, the
general aim w a s t o develop a s y s t e m similar t o
t h a t described by H a s s l e r , but one in which two
p h a s e s flow simultaneously through t h e core sample
wlth the s a m e pressure differential between the
p h a s e s being maintained a t a l l points in the core,
in order to a s s u r e uniform saturation a n d t o a v o i d
e n d effects. T h e permeability to e a c h p h a s e i s
measured a t various saturation values. In order to
Fig. 4 -
Flow Diagram of the Apparatus for Rela-
tive-permeability Measurements by the Capillary-
carry out the desaturation of t h e core by t h i s meth-
pressure Method
od, the non-wetting p h a s e must b e in contact with
the sample a n d under a higher mean pressure than trol the fluid flows a n d pressure differentials, a r e
t h a t acting on the wetting p h a s e within the core. obtained either by t h e u s e of a s e r i e s of water and
Under t h e s e conditions the displaced wetting p h a s e mercury manostats or by the u s e of precision-type
p a s s e s through the semi-permeable membrane which pressure regulators. T h e s e g a s p r e s s u r e s a r e trans-
i s mounted in capillary contact with e a c h end of ferred t o the flowing-liquid p h a s e s a t the gas-liquid
t h e core. In addition, a t the e n d s of the core, means i n t e r f a c e s in the liquid-flow pipettes. T h e wetting
a r e provided for the flow of t h e non-wetting phase p h a s e flows through t h e core from pipette 1 and into
into and out of t h e sample. T h e two p h a s e s a r e pipette 2.111 t h i s p r o c e s s pipette 1 i s emptying from
kept In completely s e p a r a t e s y s t e m s , joining only t h e zero point and plpette 2 i s f i l l ~ n gfrom the zero
in t h e core sample, in order t o measure t h e flow point as shown In Fig. 4. When pipette 1 i s empty
r a t e s of e a c h p h a s e , to determine the saturation and pipette 2 i s full, t h e flow i s momentarily inter-
value by a material-balance method, t o control t h e r u p t e d s o that pipette 1 c a n be refilled a n d pipette 2
pressure gradlent, and t o maintain a uniform pres- emptied, u s i n g the liquid reservoir for both the sup-
s u r e differential between the p h a s e s . A l s o n e c e s - ply and storage of liquid. In t h i s way t h e total vol-
s a r y i s a method for the a c c u r a t e measurement of ume of the liquid in the s y s t e m i s k e p t constant
the p r e s s u r e s exerted by e a c h phase a t the two throughout the study. T h e flow rate of the wetting
e n d s of the core, u s i n g g a g e s with volume d i s - p h a s e , when the core is a t equilibrium conditions,
placements s m a l l enough not t o introduce an ap- i s obtainedfrcm p i p e t t e s 1 a n d 2 , which c a n be read
preciable error i n the measurement of the satura- t o approximately 0.001 ml. T h e desaturation of the
tion value of t h e sample. core IS determined from t h e i n c r e a s e d volunle In
Descnption of Apparatus t h e reservoir pipette after the flow p i p e t t e s have
Fig. 4 is a flow diagram showing t h e p a t h s of the been s e t a t zero. T h e g a s p h a s e i s fed directly
fluid p h a s e s through the core and measuring d e - through the manifold from the m a n o s t a t s to the core
v i c e s . T h e g a s p r e s s u r e s (1,2,3, and 4) which con- sample, with t h e output g a s being ~ a s s e dthrough

a vertical gas-flow pipette. The walls of this pip- sample a s long a s the pressure on the non-wetting
ette are wet with an aerosol solution, and a sniall phase i s higher than that on the wetting phase a t
amount of the solution i s retained in the bottom of each end of the core. The four pressures are s e t
the pipette to form bubbles which travel up the to glve the pressure difference between phases
pipette a s gas flows through. By timing the travel and the pressure differential across the core which
of these bubbles up the tube, the rate of gas flow i s necessary to produce the desired saturation and
i s readily measured. The pressures exerted by the flow rate in the core sample. When a system i s
phase a t each end of the core are measured by a used in which water or brine is a flowing phase,
pressure gage connected to taps a t the faces of the faces of the contact butts are made of the natu-
the core. From these four pressures, the pressure rally water-wet ceramic materials; but, if the phases
drop across the core and the pressure difference are oil a n d g- a s (with or without connate water pres-
between the phases may be calculated. The pres- ent a s a static phase), the porous material i s made
sure gage used 1s of the metal diaphragm type, preferentially oil-wet by treatment with a suitable
incorporating an electronic circuit with a variable agent.@
d-c output voltage which may be read on a potentio- G.
meter (recording or manual type).* The gage h a s
a volume change of about 1 cu nlnl per 1 psi of ap-
plied pressure.
The core sample, approxiniately 2 cnl in diameter
and 2 to 3 cm In length, is held in a Hassler type
of holder which consists of a rubber sleeve in-
serted into a metal tube and conipressed around
the s i d e s of the core by air or water pressure (Fig.
5). Butt pleces made of lucite faced with a p o r o u s
material are placed a t e a c h end of the core in order
to conduct the flow and separate the phases. An un-
glazed porcelain (such a s Coors No. 750 or S e l a s
No. 102) i s the porous material generally used
In the construction of these pieces. The wetting
Fig. 5 - Schematic Diagram of Arrangement of Core
and Contact Butts in Holder
or external phase flow i s conducted to and from the
Capillary-pressure Method
core f a c e s through the porous material. An isolated
A. "Kleenex" tissue capillary contact mater ~ a l .
button of the same porous material allows the pres-
6. Pressure tap for wetting phase, porous ceramlc
sure of the wetting phase to be ~ r ~ e a s u r eadt each
end of the core. 'The nori-wetting phase flow path
C. Semi-permeable membrane, porous cercirnic ma-
i s connected directly to the faces of the core by terial.
holes drilled through the porous diaphragm, and
D. "Lucite" butt pieces.
thls phase is somewhat unifornily distributed over
E. Rubber sheath of Hassler-type core holder.
t h e cross-sectional area of the core by. grooves
- F. Metal c y l ~ n d e r of Hassler-type core holder.
cut in the face of the ceramic. The pressure taps
for thls phase are a l s o drilled through to the core
G. Pressure applied t o sheath t o hold core and
faces. A layer of "Kleenex" tissue 1s used to in-
H. Metal f a c e plate of Hassler-type core holder.
sure capillary contact between, the faces of the
core and the porous diap11ra~ms.tThus, two-phase
I. F l o w channel of non-wettlng phase, through
flow may be conducted through the core saniples "L uc ite" and ceramic.
with the phases being separated outside of the
2. Pressure tap for wetting phase.

*Tr~mount Serles 'N" Dlfferent~alPressure Gage or Electro

3. F l o w channel for wetting phase, t o under s ~ d e
Pressuregraph Model 3700A w ~ t hrnomfied output c~rcult. of ceramlc.
tA paste o f a finely d ~ v l d e d substance, such as lnfusorlal 4. Pressure tap for non-wetting phase, through
earth, mlght also be used for thls purpose, but experimental
work h a s shown that the Auld flow w ~ l ld e p o s ~ tparhcles o f
L uc ite" and ceramlc.
thlsmaterlal Into the cap~llarysy stemof the core, thus changlng
the pore structure and the r e l a t ~ v epermeeb~lltyvalues of the
sanple. 'G.E. Dnfilrn No. 9977 or D C No. 1107 Slllcone

Operational Procedure ~ r o d u c e d in the naphtha phase. T h e core is al-

If, for example, a n oil-gas s y s t e m is u s e d with lowed t o come t o equilibrium under t h e s e conditions
a core saniple containing no connate water, naphtha before flow-rate n i e a s u r e n ~ e n t sa r e made. T h e ap-
and a i r are the flowing p h a s e s ; and c o n t a c t butts proach to an equilibrated saturation condition i s
w l i ~ c h contain e i t h e r preferentially water-wet or followed by observing the flow r a t e s of the naphtha
preferentially oil-wet porous diaphragms may be p h a s e into and out of t h e sample. Until a saturation
used t o conduct t h e wetting-phase flow. T h e core equilibrium i s reached, the flow out of t h e core will
a n d contact b u t t s a r e s a t u r a t e d with naphtha under b e the f a s t e r of the two; but a t an equilibrium con-
vacuunl, a n d the weight of t h e s a t u r a t e d core i s dition, equal flow r a t e s will be observed. When t h e
cornparedwith t h e dry weight, in order to determine p i p e t t e s conducting t h e s e flows (pipettes 1 and 2
t h e porosity. T h e core a n d butts a r e then mounted in Fig. 4) a r e r e s e t a t zero, the volume of naphtha
in the I I a s s l e r type of holder, a s shown in Fig. 5; d i s p l a c e d from the core s i n c e the l a s t s e t t i n g may
and the flow lines and pressure t a p s a r e connected b e read in t h e liquid reservoir pipette; and from
to the core a s s e m b l y by m e a n s of small-bore plas- t h e s e d a t a the saturation value of the core a t t h i s
tic tubing. T h e pressure of t h e naphtha p h a s e on
point niay b e calculated. T h e naphtha flow r a t e is
again measured, and the effective permeability for
e a c h end of t h e core is s e t to produce a flow through
the partial saturation value 1s calculated. From
t h e core. T h e a i r pressure on each end of t h e core
t h i s the relative permeability i s calculated. If g a s
i s s e t t o reproduce t h e s a m e pressure drop a c r o s s
i s flowing in a measurable quantity, the rate i s de-
the core sample a s that in the naphtha p h a s e , w h ~ c h
ternlined on the vertical gas-Row pipette with aero-
a t t h e s a m e time maintains a uniform pressure dif-
s o l bubbles. S i n i ~ l a rc a l c u l a t i o n s give the relative
ference between the p h a s e s a t a l l points in the
permeability t o g a s v a l u e s for t h i s s a m e saturation,
core. T h e a i r pressure i s a l w a y s kept a t l e a s t s e v -
using the specific pern~eabilityto water a s a b a s i s
e r a l hundredths of a pound over that of the naphtha
for the calculation. ,
in order to k e e p the p h a s e s in their respective
T h e g a s p r e s s u r e s a r e a g a i n r a i s e d in order to
flow c h a n n e l s in t h e butt p i e c e s . Since t h i s s m a l l
desaturate the core further, a n d relative-pernieability
pressure difference between t h e p h a s e s I S not us-
v a l u e s for t h i s new saturation value are again
ually enough t o d e s a t u i a t e t h e core, no a i r will
determined. T h i s s t e p w i s e procedure. i s carried on
flow. Consequently, a measurement of the naphtha
until the amount of n a p h t l ~ ain the core can no long-
flow r a t e and pressure will give the effective pernie-
e r be appreciably reduced by lncreaslng the pres-
ability of the core a t 1 0 0 percent liquid saturatlon
by the application of Darcy's L a w ? In c o r e s par- s u r e difference between the p h a s e s ; a t t h i s polnt,
t h e relative permeability to naphtha will be ap-
tially desaturated by s u c h small p r e s s u r e s , the
proaching zero. T h e core sample IS re~rioved and
specific pern,eability ( s a m e a s the eflective perme-
weighed t o determine accurately t h e final s a t u r a -
ability a t 1 0 0 - p e r c e n t saturatlon) of t h e core t o
tion value. From this final value, the experirnen-
naphtha may be obtained with a l ~ q u i dpermeanleter
and the value u s e d a s a check on, o r In place of, tally observed saturations, a s obtalned from t h e
reservoir p i p e t t e s throughout the determination,
that obtained in t h e relative-pernieabillty apparatus.
may be corrected, if n e c e s s a r y . T h e remainder of
T h e g a s p r e s s u r e s a r e then changed to r a i s e the t h e gas-relative-permeability curve (from residual
pressure difference between the p h a s e s , and t h u s naphtha to 100-percent g a s saturation) c a n be ob-
reduce the saturation in t h e core by emptying t h e tained, if desired, by the u s e of a g a s permeanieter.
pores a capillary pressure lower than the applied B e c a u s e the liquid saturation cannot b e reduced
pressure difference between the p h a s e s . T h e s e by flow, h e a t and vacuum a r e generally u s e d to re-
g a s p r e s s u r e s a r e a g a i n adjusted to Lmpose the duce t h e saturation of the liquid phase. T h e rela-
same pressure gradlent a c r o s s the core a s that tive permeability d a t a obtained a r e plotted ' a s a
* ~ a r c y ' slaw K = QP -
function of the liquid s a t u r a t i o n , and curves for
where I n both t h e liquid and gas-relatlve-penneability val-
Q = flow rate, cublc cent~metersper second.
p = vlscoslty, centlpolses.
u e s a r e drawn a s in F i g . 6.
L = length, cent~meters.
When an oil-gas s y s t e m i s used with a core con-
P = pressure across core, atmospheres.
A = c r o s s - s e c t ~ o narea of core, square centlmeters. taining connate water a s a s t a t i c p h a s e , contact
K = permeab~llty,darcys. b u t t s having perferentially oil-wet porous dia-
high relative permeability; while in the range be-
low 0.1 relative pernleability, the largest errors
observed have been l e s s than 3 percent of the
number. The deternllnation of the saturation value
for any relative permeability poin't i s within ap-
proximately 1 percent of the pore space.
There i s a l s o some question a s to the validity
of the wetting-phase relative-permeability values
in the region above critical gas saturation, based
bn the theoretical consideration that the non-wetting
fluid niust flow in order for desaturation to take
place; whereas literal interpretation of the curve
precludes this. However, i t i s possible that the
non-wetting phase 1s flowing a t these h~gllerliquid
saturations, but a t a rate too small to measure in
the apparatus.
Experimental L ~ m i t sof the Apparatus
Fig. 6 - Reproducibility of the Capillary-pressure- The apparatus now in use is capable of producing
pressures up to 15 psi on the non-wettlng phase,
Relative-permeability Values
and pressure gradients up to several pounds for
Three Determinations on the Same Sample
producing flow through the core. Except for very
phragms must be used in order to prevent any flow
in~pernleable cores, this will produce a pressure
of water out of the core and into tlie oil-flow sys-
diflerence between the phases large enough to re-
tem. The procedure used with this three-phase
duce the sample to a wetting-phase relative-pernle-
system is identical with that discussed for the
ablllty value of approximately zero. The limits,
oil-gas system, except that the sample i s origin-
in terms of permeability of samples which can be
ally saturated with oil and connate water. The re-
used with this method are not exactly known; but
sulting relative-pernieability curves are plotted a s
limestone cores with permeabilities a s low a s 1
a function of total liquid saturation, and the speci-
millidarcy, and sandstone cores with permeabilities
fic pernleability to water i s again used for the cal-
a s high a s 600 millidarcys, have been successfully
culation of the oil-relative-permeability values.
Reproducibility of the R e s u l t s
The data plotted In Fig. 6 are the results of 3 Since the relationship between fluid flow rate
determinations on a single core, using a fresti- and saturation in a porous medium is essentially
water-air system, and show the reproducibility a capillary phenomenon, i t IS evident that any tlieo-
obtained in this method, wtth the run numbers be- retical considerations leading to, or interpretations
s i d e each data point. of, relative-permeabil~tydata niust be looked upon
The largest source of error in relative-permea- from this angle. The simplest c a s e of flow In such
bility measurements of this type I S in the mea- a system would be in a single capillary tube. Mar-
surenient of the pressures which a c t upon tlie core tinelli, Putnam, and Lockhart7 present curves
to produce the fluid flow. Inasniuch a s the accuracy which glve relative-permeability data for the two-
of the pressure-measuring device used was 0.01 phase flow through such a tube (Fig. 7). In t h i ~
psi, and a s the pressure gradient necessary to in- plot, the change of the wetting-phase permeability
duce a measurable flow decreases with Increasing with saturation follows essentially a straight 11ne
effective permeability, it is apparent that the ex- to the 10-percent saturation value, where it curves
perimental error in the relatlve pernleabil~tyvalues sharply toward a zero value. The companion curve,
will be greater for cores of high permeability and for the non-wetting phase, increases slowly with
in the region of high relative-permeability values. decreasing wetting-phase saturation a t first; and
Thus, errors up to 1 0 percent of the value have then increases rapidly, approaching a relative per-
been experienced on the more pern~eablecores at meability value of unity.
decreases almost linearly with saturation, but it
approaches a zero value a t a higher saturation be-
cause the complex alundum capillary system bas
a higher residual-liquid content than does a simple
capillary-tube system.
Ilowever, a different type of curve i s to be ex-
pected for systems which consist of capillary open-
ings of widely varying s i z e s , a s are found in natu-
ral porous media. When this type of system i s de-
saturated by the capillary-pressure method, the
larger caplllarles are the first to be emptied of the
wetting phase, leaving the smaller capillaries to
carry the flow of this phase. From a consideration
of Poiseulle's Law* and the formula for the volume
of a cylinder, it may be seen that the flow rate
would vary a s the fourth power of the radius of the
capillary, while the volume would vary only by the
% LIQUID SATURATION square of this quantity. If a system under study
Fig.7- Relative Permeability of a Single Capillary consisted of a s e r i e s of capillaries, varying evenly
Tube in diameter from the largest to the smallest, a wet-
(From Martinelli, Putnam, and Lockhart) ting-phase relative permeability .would decrease
a s the square of the saturation, and would result
Flg. 8 shows a similar s e t of relative pernleabili- in a parabolic curve of the type kr=S2. In Fig. 9
ty curves, obtained wit11 the method described in
this paper, for a synthetic core made of fused alun-
dum, in which the alunduni grains were alniost uni-
form in s i z e , thus tending to produce capillaries
in the sample a l s o of uniform size. The relative
permea6ility of the wettingphase for this core a l s o

"0 02 04 06 08 10

Fig. 9 -
Comparison of Some Experimental and
Theoretical Relative-permeability Curves
this curve IS plotted with aLscissa (S) representing
the fraction of the pore volume occupied by the flow-
*polseulie's law v = d t

Fig. 8 - Relative Permeability of a Synthetic Core w h e r e rn

V = volume of f l u ~ d .
811 1
7) = vlscoslty.
of a Relatively Uniform Pore Size P = pressure. I = length.
Capillary-pressure Method r = rad~us. t = tlme.

ingphase, and the ordinate ( h ) representing relative

p e r n ~ e a b i l i t ~Also
. shown in Fig.9 are relative per-
meability curves for: 1, a single capillary tube (re-
drawn fromFig.7); 2 , a core of unconsolidated sand
from a previous publication:and,3, a synthetic core
of fused alundunr in wliicli a range of particle s i z e s
was used to give a system of varied capillary sizes.
Although this theoretical relative permeability
curve differs markedly from the essentially straight
line which was obtained with the single capillary
tube, it i s quite similar in shape to the curves for
both, the unconsolidated sand and the synthetic
core. hloreover, inasmuch a s the curve kr=S2 pre-
supposes that the total volume of the fluid contri-
butes to the fluid flow, correction of this curve for
the 25 percent of the pore volume occupied by the
connate water will give a close agreement between
the theoretical curve and the curve for the uncon-
solidated sand. The fact that the relative-permea-
bility curve for the synthetic core decreases more
rapidly with saturation than does that for the un-
consolidated sand with a similar connate water
content i s probably due to the presence of a greater
proportion of large openings in the synthetic ma-
T h i s same concept, i.e., that, a s capillaries in-
crease in s i z e they contribute proportionally more
to flow than to porosity, i s borne out by the curves % PORE SPACE
in Fig. 10. These curves represent a s e r i e s of wet- 'Fig. 11 - Capillary-pressure Curves of Some
Reservoir Sandstones

ting-phase relative-permeability determinations on

a consolidated sandstone core. During the first
three determinations, the capillary system of the
core was progressively plugged by particles of in-
fusorial earth (which was used a s a contact ma-
terial) being carried into the sample by the fluid
'flow. T h i s plugging action acted to decrease the
s i z e of the capillaries in which the particles were
lodged, and affected the larger capillary openings to
the greatest degree. T h i s action caused the curves to
become progressively more Rat and to approach the
curve for the system of essentially one s i z e capil-
laries, a s shown in Fig. 8. The fourth determination
was made using 'Kleenex" as a capillary contact
material; and, a s no changes in the capillary were
introduced, the results fall within experimental
Fig. 10 - E h c t of Plugging on the Relative
Permeability of a Sample
error of those obtained in the third run. Confirmation
of the existence of plugging in the first three runs
i s shown by the decrease in the air permeability
Capillary-pressure Method to one-third i t s original value.


Fig. 12 Fig. 13


Fig. 14 Fig. 15
Capillory-pressure Relative Permeability of a Reservoir Sandstone
(CW = Connclte Water Present)

Although the c u r v e s shown in Fig. 9 a r e of the most naturally occurring s a n d s t o n e s , ~ a l t h o u g hthey

type which could be expected with a capillary s y s - have a wide range of c a p i l l a r y s i z e s , d o not have
tem of a uniform distribution of capillary s i z e s , an e v e n distribution of t h e s e s i z e s . T h i s effect i s
most of the c u r v e s obtained on s a m p l e s of natural demonstrated in some c o r e s t o a marked degree by
s a n d s t o n e formations deviate from t h e s e smooth t h e presence of a large number of openings with
curves, a s c a n be s e e n in F i g . 1 2 through 15. T h e s e the s a m e diameter, and by t h e a b s e n c e of other
d e v i a t i o n s a r e thought t o be c a u s e d by t h e f a c t t h a t s i z e openings generally expected t o be present.
T h i s property i s shown by the capillary-pressure vided by t h e specific permeability to reservoir
c u r v e s in F i g . 11,which a r e for 3 different reservoir brine.
samples. T h e significance of t h e different s h a p e s REFERENCES
of t h e s e c u r v e s i s interpreted below. Curve 1 re-
p r e s e n t s a capillary s y s t e m consisting mainly of
' Morse, Terwilliger, and Yuster: Producers Monthly
11 [lo] 19 (1947).
8 relatively large openings, with capillary p r e s s u r e s
2 ~ e v e r e t t M.C;
, L e w i s , W. B: S t e a d y F l o w of G a s -
l e s s than 1 psi; w h e r e a s curve 2 s h o w s the pre-
oil-water Mixtures through Unconsolidated Sands,
s e n c e of two groups of c a p i l l a r i e s characterized by
Trans. Am. Inst. Mzning Met. Engrs. (Petroleum
capillary p r e s s u r e s of 0.5 p s i a n d 7 p s i , with a s k i p
Development and Technology) 142, 1 0 7 (1941).
in s i z e s between the two. Curve 3 i s for a s y s -
3 ~ y c o f fand B o t s e t : P h y s i c s 7, 3 2 5 (1936).
ten1 having e s s e n t i a l l y no ,openings, with a capil-
4Brownscombe, E. R; Slobod, R. L., s e e below.
lary pressure of l e s s thani'2 p s i , a n d with a fairly
Welge, H. J: Displacement of Oil from P o r o u s
even gradation in sizesdfronl t h e s e down to the
Media by Water o r , Gas, Trans. Am. l n s t . Minzng
s m a l l e s t s i z e present. :i
il Met. Enars. (Petroleum Development and Technol-
Relative-permeability Curves for Oil and G a s in o g y ) 179: 1 3 3 (1949)..
the P r e s e n c e o f Co~ate;water-Capillary-pressure Hassler, G. L: U. S. Patent No. 2,345,935, April
Desaturation 4, (1944).
F i g . 1 2 through 15 show t h e r e s u l t s a n d determi- 'Rlartinelli, Putnam, and Lockhart: Trans. Am.
nations of relative permeabilities t o oil and g a s Inst. Chem. Engrs. 42, 681 (1946).
with connate water present, in which a capillary- ' A P I c o d e ' 27: Standard P r o c e d u r e s for Deter-
pressure method i s u s e d on 4 natural s a n d s t o n e mining Permeability of P o r o u s Media, 2nd edn.,
samples. T h e s e core s p e c i m e n s had permeabilities April (1942).
to a i r ranging from 3 2 md toG8 0 0 md, and specific
permeabilities to water (brine) ranging from 19 md
t o 4 5 9 md. I t c a n be s e e n that, with the exception R. II. Z i n s z e r (Union Oil Conlpany of California,
of the specimen represented in Fig. 1 4 , t h e s e sand- Wilmington, Calif.): T h e authors a r e to b e com-
s t o n e s were bentonitic in nature a s shown by the mended on their developnlent of a broader perme-
large differences in the a i r a n d water specific perme- ability c o n c e p t which recognizes three methods
abilities. T h e core sample represented in F i g . 1 4 for establishing s t a t e s of fluid saturation in a core.
g a v e v e r y little difference between the a i r and water T h i s work i n d i c a t e s that the relative permeability
specific permeabilities, and n o difference (within for a particular phase is not implicitly a function
experimental error) between the water and oil s p e c i - of the saturation, but i s a l s o dependent on the na-
fic permeabilities. In t h i s latter c a s e no differences ture of fluid distribution in the p6res. In light of
should be observed in the relative permeabilities t h i s broader permeability concept, LQt becomes im-
t o oil and t o water for t h i s sample. However, no portant to know the nature of the fluid distribution
determinations have been made on t h i s core with- throughout t h e core, and a l s o which method of s a t u -
out the presence of connate water. ration most c l o s e l y represents reservoir data.
A s a means of s p e c u l a t i n g on the type of fluid
CONCLUSIONS . distribution in the various pore s i z e s of a core, i t
From the theoretical considerations a n d experi- i s of i n t e r e s t to analyze the relative permeability
mental d a t a presented, i t a p p e a r s t h a t t h e type of curves for a core and a capillary, F i g . 6 and 7. I
desaturation technique u s e d in obtaining saturation would like t o c a l l your attention to Fig. 6 a t a wet-
affects the type of relative-permeabili;y c u r v e s ob- ting-phase saturation of 35 percent. T h e relative
tained. A unit h a s been d e s c r i b e d for\*easuring re- permeability of the wetting phase a t t h i s saturation
lative permeabilities by the capillary-pressure-de- h a s approached
-- a zero value, where the capillary
saturation method, and some d a t a obtained by t h i s pressure for t h i s saturation would correspond t o
method have been d i s c u s s e d . I t i s s u g g e s t e d that, s m a l l pore s i z e s . Apparently t h i s pore s i z e , and
inasmuch a s materials of c o r e s a r e affected by smaller, defined by the capillary pressure d o not
brine, a l l relative permeabilities be taken a s a effectively contribute to the wetting-phase perme-
ratio of the effective permeability t o a p h a s e , di- ability. On the other hand, the relqtive permeability


to the non-wetting phase has decreased to 75 per- of relative permeabilities. An apparatus closely
cent a t 35-percent brine saturation. The inability resembling the one used by the authors has been
of 35-percent brine saturation to contribute to the in operation in the Shell Production Laboratory in
relative permeability of the water phase, yet cause L o s Angeles for several years, s o that a compari-
a decrease to 75 percent for the non-wetting phase, son of results will be possible.
appears a s an inconsistency. In the first place, in studying the graphs of the
T h l s can possibly be explained by referring to report one finds rather unexplainable discontinuities
the single-capillary relative permeability curve in the curves drawn through the values derived
(Fig. 7) by Putnam: Lockhart, and Martinelli. For from the experiments. I t has been our experience
a comparative!y large capillary the saturition of that, in c a s e s where we did get odd points, by du-
the wettlng phase i s 9 percent when the relative p l i c a t i n g ~even triplicating our runs we would find
permeability i s 75 percent. T h i s result for the single our points coming back to a sn~oothcurve.
capillary would then suggest that, a t 35-percent Further, the exper~mentswhich have been carried
brine saturation in the core, 9 percent of the brine out have all been done with the cores in one posi-
i s associated with the larger pore sizes.Conversely, tion, viz., horizontal. There might be an effect on
then, a volume of oil equal to 9 percent i s associ- the relative permeability if cores were tested in
ated with Pores of s i z e s than those de- different positions. Gravity would then enter into
fined by the Pressure at 35-perce"t the values to a much greater extent than in the
t~on. h'orizontal positions.
Dr. Brownscombe: I think Mr. Zinszer's points At the 100-percent point it is not quite clear
are very well taken. It i s interesting to note that, ,whether the 100-percent used a s a
a t very low relative permeability values to oil, the basis, is a determined in this appara-
volume of ren~ainingoil contributes very little to tus, or the determined in a convention-
the oil permeability, but markedly restricts the a l permeameter. We find that there i s a difference
flow of gas. NO doubt there are many relationships between the obtained with the conven-
which can, and should be worked out in order t~ tional pemeanleter and one obtained in this ap-
explain why these curves do what they do and in paratus, very probably caused by the disturbance
order to enable us to generalize s o that we can ex- of the flow a s a result of the shape of the button.
tend our data and not have to deternine the curves Differences of 50 percent have been observed. We
for each specific case. a l s o have a channel for the gas and a button which
Concerning the s i z e of the core specimens, we is placed on the core. We have been using diatom-
have standardized on cores which are approximately aceous earth a s a binder between the button and
threepuarters of an inch in diameter and an inch the core, but have not had the experience which
long. I think the y e s t i o n a s to whether relative Was described in the report; viz., that, .on conse-
permeabilities will be by core size can, . cutive runs, the permeabilities got lower and lower.
perhaps, best be approached by long-core studies. Dr. Brownscornbe: Mr. Tempelaar-Lietz brings
In 0 t h words, if we take a long core In the labora- out several interesting points and some apparent
tory and treat it just like a small reservoir in a de- irreconcilable differences. The discontinuities to
pletion problem, we should be able to use our re- which he refers are not true discontinuities, but
h i v e permeabilities obtained on that same type merely represent a marked change in curvature. We
of porous material with small plugs, and s e e if have checked some of the curves showing these
those relative pemeabllities permit u s to compute changes in curvature, and find that they are repro-
what actually happens ~n the larger core. ducible as shown in Fig. 6. Here three independent
runs showed the same changes in curvature in the
W. Tem~elaar-Lietz (Shell Oil Company, LOS relative permeability curve for water plotted against
Angeles): The paper by Brownscombe, Slobod, and saturation.
Caudle is a valuable contribution to our knowledge Concerning the question of whether the core i s
of relative permeabilities. The apparatus used for vertical or horizontal, with these small plugs there
this work should eliminate the end effects which i s a very small gravitational pressure difference
Lave thrown some doubts on previous determinations between the top end the bottom; in general, much

smaller than the pressure difference imposed be- ration value in permeameters compared to 100-per-
tween the phases. Therefore, we would not antici- cent saturation value in the relative permeability
pate getting appreciable differences because of apparatus, we have noticed only small differences,.
thatfact. Perhaps we should run them in some other practically within the experimental error. Sometimes
direction, and, if we do get a difference, we had there i s a little trouble in keeping the core 100
better find out why. percent saturated when it i s being put into the ap-
paratus. We definitely have not noticed any differ-
Concerning permeability a t the 100-percent satu- ences a s great a s 50 percent.

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