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1. A squarre pyramid, base 40 mm
m side and aaxis 65 mm
m long, has itts base on thhe HP and all
a the edges of
the basee equally inclined to the VP fig.3.55. It is cut by
b a section plane, perppendicular to
o the VP,
inclinedd at 45o to thhe HP and bisecting
b thee axis at 25mm from th
he apex. Draaw its;

a) Front view

b) sectional top
to view

c) sectional side
s view


2. A Conee base 75 mm m diameter and axis 800 mm long is i resting on

n its base onn H.P. It is cut
c by a secction
plane peerpendiculaar to the V.P
P., inclined aat 45º to thee H.P. and cutting
c the aaxis at a poiint 35 mm from
the apexx. Draw thee following views;
a) front view
b) sectional top
t view
c) sectional side
s view


3. A hexaggonal pyram mid, base 300 mm side aand axis 65 mm long is resting on iits base on the HP, witth
two edgges of the baase parallel to the VP. IIt is cut by a section plane perpenddicular to VP
V and inclined
at 45º too the HP, inntersecting the
t axis at a point 25 mmm above th he base. Draaw the
a) front view
b) sectional top
to view
c) sectional side
s view


4 A pentaagonal prism
m, 30 mm baase side & 550 mm axiss is standing
g on Hp on iit’s base wh
hose one sidde is
perpenddicular to Vpp. It is cut by
b a sectionn plane 45 inclined
i to Hp,
H throughh mid-point of axis. Draaw
a) Front view
b) Section topp view
c) Section Sidde view


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