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Pushing the limits

ABB product development based

on the IEC 61850 standard

JANNE STARCK, STEVEN A. KUNSMAN – Since the publication participated in the standardization work from day one, and
of the first edition in 2004, the IEC 61850 communication as it was being developed it was decided to upgrade ABB’s
standard has practically become the de-facto standard in Relion® protection and control product family to support the
the context of substation automation. Almost from the IEC 61850 standard. By the time the standard came into
moment of its publication, intelligent electronic devices existence, ABB had already adopted a philosophy of “native
(IEDs) supporting IEC 61850 started to appear on the IEC 61850 implementation” in that the standard is imple-
market. However, for many of these IEDs, it soon became mented from the start in new product developments. Today,
clear that performance and flexibility were sacrificed in the ABB’s IEC 61850-based protection and control products are
race to get to the market first. ABB took a somewhat recognized as the number one choice for both utility and
different approach. Experts from within the company industrial power systems.

16 ABB review special report

1 Phase time overcurrent (PTOC) overcurrent function design

PTOC Logical Node Class

Data Object Explanation Mandatory/ IED Design
Name Optional
Mod Mode M X
Beh Behavior M X
Health Health M X
NamePlt Name Plate M X
OpCnt Operation Counter O
OpCntRs Operation Counter Reset O
Str Start M X
Op Operate M X
TmASt Active Curve Characteristic O
TmACrv Operating Curve Type O X
StrVal Start Value O X
TmMult Time Dial Multiplier O
MinOpTmms Minimum Operate Time O X
MaxOpTmms Maximum Operate Time O
OpDITmms Operate Delay Time O X
TypRsCrv Type of Reset Curve O X
RsDITmms Reset Time Delay O X
DirMod Directional mode O

ith the introduction of the As the standard became better known, IEC 61850 implementation” philosophy,
IEC 61850 standard, the however, engineers realized the benefits which stated that from then on the stan-
world of substation auto- it provided presented them with an op- dard would be implemented in new prod-
mation has taken its big- portunity to rethink IED platform and ar- uct developments.
gest technology leap since the intro- chitecture development and introduce
duction of microprocessor-based pro- Native IEC 61850 implementation
tection and control devices in the early In a typical IEC 61850 native design, the
1980s. Even before its functionality of the IED must consider the
entire process, including specification
As soon as the standard was published, publication in and evaluation, system and device engi-
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) sup-
porting IEC 61850 started to appear on
2004, ABB was neering, system commissioning, and op-
erations and maintenance. An IEC 61850
the market. The speed at which this hap- extending the limits native IED should provide:
pened was achieved by upgrading exist- – A full set of protection and control
ing IED platforms with an internal or ex- of IEC 61850 with data to SA systems, and to other
ternal gateway serving as a proxy to IEDs and third-party tools in compli-
the IEC 61850 Ethernet-based protocol.
its full implementa- ance with the defined data models
Because this approach left the IED archi- tion of the stan- and LNs to achieve a high level of
tecture, internal software and tools interoperability
unchanged, protocol conversion was dard in many of its – Fast communication and application
required to enable communication be- performance, which is critical when
tween existing IEDs and a modern
devices, tools and using generic object oriented substa-
IEC 61850-based substation. At the
time, the IEC 61850 standard was just
substation automa- tion events (GOOSE) peer-to-peer
communication for distributed
one of a number of protocols to expose tion (SA) systems. protection algorithms, and complex
the IED’s internal information, which was station and bay control interlocking
mapped to the IEC 61850 data models new conceptual ideas for substation au- schemes over Ethernet in the substa-
and logical nodes (LNs). The internal ar- tomation. ABB was taking this approach tion station bus
chitecture did not differ from other point even before the standard’s publication – Adherence to data modeling and
or register-based communication proto- by fully and genuinely implementing the substation configuration language
cols (eg, DNP V3.00 and MODBUS). standard in many of its devices, engi- (SCL) information available for system
While these early implementations result- neering and commissioning tools, and engineering, device configuration,
ed in a fast time-to-market, performance substation automation (SA) systems. In diagnostics and commissioning
and flexibility were sacrificed as a result. fact, ABB had already adopted a “native tools

Pushing the limits 17

2 Visualization of the substation configuration language (SCL) 3 Data structure in a PTOC function

– Ease of adaptation and be future proof fully base the IED’s functionality on the this is dependent on the product and in-
to evolving technologies enabled by data model and LNs as defined in the tended application £ 1. The supported
Ethernet and IEC 61850, for example, standard. As it now stands, protection standard data objects are documented
utilizing IEC 61850-9-2 sampled values and control algorithms, which provide in the mandatory model implementation
and microsecond-level time synchroni- the core IED functionality, are modeled conformance statement (MICS) docu-
zation accuracy via IEEE 1588 and implemented fully according to the ment.
IEC 61850 standard rules. In the new ar-
ABB’s Relion ® protection and control chitecture, the data models are support- In the next stage, the standard LN and
product family was one of the first to un- ed directly in the protection and control its selected functionality are modeled
dergo the IEC 61850 transformation. The functions, making the LN data directly using the SCL, which describes the func-
products required a completely new plat- accessible from the communications tion structures, data objects and data
form architecture that would integrate services. With this approach the data types of an LN £ 2. With the defined
mapping and con- function structures according to the SCL,
version process is it is possible to automatically generate
ABB’s Relion® protection and not required, some- the skeleton of the application data ac-
thing that is a key cess functions (read, write) for the IED
control product family was factor in IED per- system software. These functions are in-

one of the first to undergo the formance. IED data

are therefore di-
herited and directly linked to the protec-
tion algorithm (eg, PTOC) data in the IED
IEC 61850 transformation, a rectly available with- architecture’s core protection and con-
out time-consum- trol subsystem. This direct mapping pro-
development that was carried ing additional pro- vides a high-performance interface to
cessing. the IED’s IEC 61850 communication
out in parallel with the devel- stack, which in turn makes the data ac-
opment of the standard. When a new pro- cessible to the station bus £ 3. No addi-
tection function, tional conversion of protection and con-
such as overcur- trol data is required to support the
communication services and data repre- rent protection, is implemented, the communication’s architecture and proto-
sentation into the core protection and standard phase time overcurrent (PTOC) col. Structures based on LNs can also
control applications. This development LN-class definition is the foundation have a function for settings, which are
was carried out in parallel with the devel- for modeling the protection algorithm. directly visible to the SA system via the
opment of the IEC 61850 standard (pre- Depending on product and application communication stack.
2004) to ensure that the future ABB requirements, all mandatory and select-
Relion family was designed from the be- ed optional attributes of the LN-class In general, the IEC 61850 standard pro-
ginning to support IEC 61850. are used in the function design. The vides a solid foundation for the design of
IEC 61850 standard requires that the native IEC 61850 protection and control
Transforming the Relion IEDs mandatory data objects must exist in the IEDs due to the fact that data models
One of the key factors that led to suc- data model of the device. The optional have been defined by an international
cessful product transformations was to parts are only used when applicable, and working group composed of experts in

18 ABB review special report

4 GOOSE data and message handling 5 IEC 61850 handling in case of a separate communications module

Physical I/O
Protection Change GOOSE RX Protection Change IEC
I/O Station bus
task detector task task detector 61850
Station IED
IED bus
RREC task
DB Internal Internal CSWI
bus bus
stVal Main Comm

the field. With standard-based data mod- ticular LN structure. After a protection
6 IEC 61850 event handling
eling, faster development of IED applica- task cycle completes, the IED process-
tion functions and communication inter- ing subsystem performs a signal com-
faces can be obtained. The improvements parison to identify new data in the I/O
Protection Change IEC 61850
are due to the LN structures, which are IEC 61850 connected datasets. In the task detector MMS stack
inherent in the protection application. IEC 61850 data model, most data-
This therefore makes data access from change driven activities are based on the
the IEC 61850 based SA system to the datasets, for example, event reporting RREC IED
IED's internal protection and control al- and GOOSE data publishing. The IED CSWI DB
gorithms very computationally efficient change detector identifies changes in Mod
and eliminates the need for time-con- the datasets and if a new value is detect- Health
suming protocol conversion processing. ed, the dataset and its connected func- Loc
tionality are triggered. In an IED using OpCntRs
The performance of a native GOOSE, the internal high-priority sub- ctlVal
Relion IED system executing the GOOSE function is operTm
IED architectures designed to support triggered. Subsequently, the modified q
IEC 61850 from the start need to ensure data is sent as quickly as possible pulseConfig
that the delay in communicating control through the IED communication interface
signals, analog values and other time to the SA system station bus using a
critical data between the process and GOOSE multicast message. GOOSE
the IEDs is as small as possible. In tradi- multicast messages are unsolicited In IEC 61850-based
tional IEDs, the binary and analog signals broadcasts which do not require any cy-
were processed by the IED hardware I/O clical data polling mechanism. Data architectures, con-
subsystem. In IEC 61850-based archi- structures used in GOOSE include direct
tectures, conventional wiring has been access to the IED internal database, and
ventional wiring
eliminated and these signals are trans- because the internal data model exactly has been eliminat-
mitted and received via the communica- matches the IEC 61850 standard, no
tions interface. Thus, the communication data conversions are required £ 4. ed and binary and
interface in the new IEC 61850-based
IEDs must be very efficient at processing In the same way, the IED’s IEC 61850 na-
analog signals are
the communication data. tive design yields high-performance sub-
scribing GOOSE datasets from other
transmitted and
The fast GOOSE performance of a Relion IEDs in the local sub-network. As GOOSE received via the
IED is critical in a native IEC 61850 im- messages are processed in the data link
plementation to allow control signal pro- layer in the Ethernet stack, this does not communications
cessing as if it were a traditional hard-
wired IED. During IED algorithm execution
require additional processing through the
TCP and IP layers. This type of Ethernet
or task cycle, the data values of a pro- communication is very fast since the data
tection function (eg, the protection start is retrieved directly from the IED commu-
in PTOC) can change if an overcurrent is nications hardware interface. The IED’s
detected on a feeder, and this in turn up- GOOSE processing capabilities can de-
dates the database supporting the par- code the message in less than 1 ms and

Pushing the limits 19

are defined and used in the IED tool and
7 System engineering workflow
connectivity packages, and are available
Engineering for the user when an IEC 61850 configu-
environment System specification ration (SCL) is exported using the IED
(Single line, IEDs,…)
IED Capabilities (LN, DO,…) System
lib ICD configurator In the new IED architecture, traditional
Associations, relation to
communication protocols, such as Mod-
SCD single line, preconfigured bus, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP 3.0 are
reports, GOOSE
mapped from the IEC 61850-based data
Engineering IED model and event datasets. The conve-
workplace configurator
nience of protocol mapping stems from
CID the fact that IEC 61850 includes most of
File transfer
remote the different data and service types re-
File transfer
quired for legacy protocols. A compari-
File transfer and
son of legacy protocols and IEC 61850
gateway parametrization with typically shows that legacy protocols
IEC 61850 services
have a subset of services and data types
SA system
available. Many customers prefer to use
IED IED IED legacy protocols and the internal archi-
tecture of an IED must be ready to sup-
port multiple protocols. IEC 61850, how-
ever, is the preferred superset in terms of
deliver only the modified subscribed its associated timestamp and quality at- functionality and services.
GOOSE data to the IED’s internal data- tributes are stored in an internal event
base, which makes it immediately acces- queue by the IED’s change detector. At System engineering
sible to the next execution of the protec- the same time, the IED’s communication IEDs belonging to the Relion product
tion and control algorithms. A “put” interface is triggered and starts sending family are configured according to the
operation is a single data value copy queued events to clients (eg, the gate- rules defined in the IEC 61850 standard.
from a GOOSE frame to the internal LN way or station HMI) on the station The configuration is based on library in-
structure database £ 4. No conversion is bus £ 6. As internal data models and stallable client driver (ICD) files available
required as the data in both the IED da- stack data structures are based on the in the IED connectivity packages where
tabase and incoming GOOSE message same IEC 61850 data model, there is no these library files include the IED’s data
comply with IEC 61850 data types. The need to carry out any additional data model. In the top-down engineering pro-
next application execution checks for processing. cess, the system integrator selects the
new input values and processes them appropriate library ICD files representing
accordingly. ABB has created an internal IEC 61850 the Relion IED types and builds the sys-
application guideline that defines the ap- tem configuration description (SCD) ac-
If GOOSE was based on a non-native propriate default dataset names and cording to the substation design. In this
IEC 61850 implementation, a conver- phase, the substation configuration al-
sion from an internal data model to an ready includes all IEDs, the single-line
IEC 61850 data model would be needed. The configuration diagram, the GOOSE links between the
It would therefore be difficult to achieve devices and the event definitions. The
the performance classes for protec- of IEDs belonging SCD file is imported to the IED tool where
tion communication as stated in the
IEC 61850 standard. In some architec-
to the Relion prod- the IEDs are parameterized and config-
ured according to the application/power
tures, the processing of horizontal com- uct family is based system specifications £ 7.
munication utilizes a different processor
on a separate IED communication card on ICD files avail- In small and simple IEC 61850 based
or an external gateway, which would substations, the system engineering of
make the performance and configuration
able in the IED the substation automation system can
even more challenging £ 5. connectivity pack- be done using a bottom-up process. The
workflow starts from the IED tool, which
Reporting events to SCADA systems ages. creates the set of IEDs and exports the
using standard buffered or unbuffered initial SCD file to the system configura-
reporting services is based on the same uses; for example, StatNrml for protec- tion tool. Using connectivity packages,
mechanism that is implemented to de- tion events and StatUrg for primary the IED tool exports the SCD file, includ-
tect GOOSE data changes. When a equipment value changes. In this way, ing a default single-line diagram and
change of data is activated by an appli- different IEDs in the Relion family have datasets for event reporting. In many
cation, for example, a protection start similar properties and are easier to con- cases, these values, as such, fit custom-
signal in PTOC, the new data value and figure in the SA system. Default values er specifications. In the system configu-

20 ABB review special report

8 A KEMA certificate 9 IED members of the Relion family and their installation in ABB's UniGear MV switchgear

ration tool, the system engineer can add therefore capable of interoperating with
GOOSE links and if required, customize other systems offering IED protocol ser- All Relion IEDs have
the details of the single-line diagram and vices and which have SCL files exported
event datasets. The system engineer ex- from the IED tool. A typical IEC 61850
been tested and
ports the completed SCD file back to the
relay setting tool where the IED's appli-
certificate from KEMA is shown in £ 8. certified according
cation configuration is finalized. To date the IEC 61850 standard confor- to the IEC 61850
mance test does not test IED perfor-
In both top-down and bottom-up system mance. However, part 5 of the standard standard; for end
engineering processes, the final result is
an SCD file which is needed for the con-
defines, for example, a performance
class P1, type 1A “Trip” for protection
users and manu-
figuration of substation SCADA systems purposes using horizontal GOOSE com- facturers, this
and gateways. The substation section of munication. According to this definition,
the SCD file can be used as an informa- data exchange times between IEDs must means that no non-
tion source to create the substation sin-
gle-line diagram, which in turn minimizes
not exceed 10 ms in distribution automa-
tion applications.
conformities to the
any additional work needed for the de- standard have been
sign of the substation’s graphical dia- Two IEDs, the REF630 and REF615, both
gram. In this way, the SA system greatly members of the Relion family, were in- found in the behav-
benefits from the self-descriptive feature
of the IEC 61850 defined SCL.
stalled in ABB’s UniGear medium-voltage
switchgear cubicles and tested accord-
ior of the IEDs.
ing to the procedures stated in the
Testing and using Relion IEDs IEC 62271-3 standard 2 £ 9. This stan-
The capability of the native IEC 61850 dard, applicable to switchgear and con-
implementation and the IED design have trol gear, specifies equipment for digital
been thoroughly tested as part of the de- communication with other parts of the
velopment validation – as have products substation and its impact on testing.
already on the market – at the ABB UCA Specifically, the standard defines perfor-
level B certified System Verification test mance test procedures with reference to
Center (SVC) 1. The most important test the IEC 61850 performance classes and
is the basic IEC 61850 conformance test. the requirements which the IED must ful-
All Relion IEDs have been tested and fill for these applications.
certified according to the procedures de-
fined in part 10 of the IEC 61850 stan- The test results more than proved the
dard. For end users and manufacturers, concept. In fact the functional and per-
the certificate states that no nonconfor- formance test results have been nothing
mities to the standard have been found short of impressive. The Relion IEDs ful-
in the behavior of the IEDs. The IEDs are filled the performance class defined by

Pushing the limits 21

Keep pushing the limits
10 IEC 62271-3 performance test results
The introduction of the IEC 61850 stan-
dard and its achievement in enabling
Protection blocking data exchange time between Relion® IEDs using hard
wired signals (max) including protection activation time 32 ms device level interoperability is consid-
Protection blocking data exchange time between Relion® IEDs using ered a major advancement over legacy
IEC 61850 GOOSE (max) including protection activation time 16 ms and proprietary protocols. ABB’s native
Signal transfer time between Relion® IEDs using hard IEC 61850 Relion product family imple-
wired signals (max) 24 ms mentation demonstrates that interopera-
Signal transfer time between Relion® IEDs using bility is only one goal that can be realized
IEC 61850 GOOSE (max) 8 ms
by this standard. The product architec-
tures provide increased value and high
performance, and are capable of meet-
IEC 61850-5 for protection applications SCL. The complete topology of both the ing the most demanding application
using GOOSE. In addition, they showed primary and secondary network of a sub- requirements. Another main goal of
that the signaling between devices using station is described in the SCD file. This IEC 61850 is that it future proof’s a com-
GOOSE was faster than with traditional information source can be used to auto- pany’s investment. This can only be done
hardwired signals £ 10. matically generate graphical diagrams on when the products meet tomorrow’s an-
the station HMI, such as the communi- ticipated performance requirement and
The performance capability of the Relion cation network overview including super- engineering tools, and processes can be
product family allows the customer to vision data and the station single-line di- easily extended in future station expan-
fully exploit the benefits of the IEC 61850 agram. While this reduces the engineering sion. ABB continues to explore advanced
standard in SA systems and smart grid work needed, it also improves quality applications and engineering improve-
solutions. Based on a native implemen- with respect to consistency because of ments. Its GOOSE performance is best
tation, the Relion product technology is the single information source being used. in its class and the goal is to continue to
well prepared for tomorrow's challenges. Furthermore, maintenance and extension push the benefits of IEC 61850 well
This surely puts ABB's solution in a pre- work becomes more efficient and the beyond what is now possible.
eminent position among competitors efforts needed for testing can be auto-
worldwide. mated or reduced. Moreover, based on
the static information available in the
SA application perspectives for SCD file together with the online status
IEC 61850 transmission applications information from the substation IEDs,
The benefits of IEC 61850 over tradition- new types of applications can be devel- Janne Starck
al communication protocols are not oped. ABB Distribution Automation
strictly limited to IEDs, open infrastruc- Vaasa, Finland
tures and device interoperability in multi- One example of a new application al- janne.starck@fi.abb.com
vendor systems. ready implemented in today’s products,
and which is very beneficial to operators, Steven A. Kunsman
is dynamic busbar coloring. The primary ABB Substation Automation

ABB continues to network layout (ie, conducting equip- Raleigh, United States
ment, objects) is known from the SCD steven.a.kunsman@us.abb.com
explore advanced file. Together with the actual positions

applications and and measurements reported from the

IEDs, all information is available to per- References

engineering im- form this task.

[1] IEC 61850 (2003). Communication networks
and systems in substations, International
provements and A more complex function or application [2] IEC 62271 (2006). High-voltage switchgear and
is station interlocking. Algorithms can be controlgear.
the goal is to implemented to dynamically adapt the
[3] Hakala-Ranta, A., Rintamaki, O., Starck, J.
(2009). Utilizing Possibilities of IEC 61850 and
continue to push interlocking rules based on the current GOOSE. CIRED, Prague.
substation network topology. Again, the
the benefits of required information to perform this to-
pology-based interlocking can be re-
IEC 61850 well trieved from the SCD file and the online
1 The UCA users group maintains the IEC 61850

beyond what is data provided by the IEDs. standard and defines different levels of certified
IEC 61850 test centers. Independent labs are

now possible. And last but not least, the IEC 61850
generally classed as level A test centers while
manufacturer test labs, like ABB SVC, are
LNs allow the implementation of distrib- certified as level B test centers. For more
uted functions, which will no doubt lead information on SVC, please also read "Verified
and validated" on pages 23–28 of this ABB
To explain further, major features of the to new applications in the not too distant Review Special Report
standard that are used include the self- future. 2 The tests were witnessed and reported by
describing IEDs and the standardized KEMA.

22 ABB review special report

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