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Instructor Luong Duy Hieu – Contact: hieuld2@fpt.edu.


Question 1: cp,mv, and cat
This question covers basic file manipulation. To begin this question use the first button to set up a
small file and directory tree in /home/caine. The resulting tree looks like:

+--- home
+--- caine
+--- test1
| +--- file1
| +--- file2
| +--- file3
| +--- file4
+--- mydir1
| +--- info1
| +--- info2
+--- data
| +--- data1
| +--- data2
+--- lines
+--- words
+--- info
Create directory:

cd /home
mkdir caine
cd caine
mkdir test1 mydir1 data
touch lines words info
cd test1
touch file1 file2 file3 file4
cd ../mydir1
touch info1 info2
cd ../data
touch data1 data2
1. COPY file1 from test1 to data. Keep the name as file1.

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2 1/2

Cp home/caine/test1/file1 home/caine/data
2. COPY file2 from test1 to data. Change the name as you copy the file to the new name of
cp home/caine/test1/file2 home/caine/data/copy1
3. Rename info1 to newinfo1. Do not move it out of mydir1 ?
Mv home/caine/mydir1/info1 
4. Change directory into mydir1, and then copy "lines" into the current directory.
Cd home/caine/mydir1
cp ­r ../lines .
5. Still in mydir1, concatinate info2 and lines, saving the output as "joined".?

Cat info2 lines > joined
6. Still in mydir1, concatinate info2 and lines and file1 from test1, saving the output as
Cat info2 lines ../file1/test1 > joined2
7. Make a new direction in /home/caine called "etccopy". Now copy from /etc to your new
directory all the files which begin with a "u" and end with ".conf". Only copy from /etc and not
from any sub-directories?

Cd home/caine
mkdir etccopy
Cp /etc/[u]*[.conf] etccopy
8. List all the file and directory names in /etc which have 1 or more numbers in their name.
Remember to use "-d" in the ls command, and do not decend into subdirectories (i.e. no
recursion). Save this list in caine's home directory as a file called "digit". Do the "ls" command
when CDed to /etc, thus your names avoid having "/etc/" stuck in front of them.

Cd /etc/
ls ­d *[0­9]* >> /home/caine/digit

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2 2/2

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