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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Davao del Sur
Bangkal, Matanao, Davao del Sur



NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE&SECTION: ____________________

DATE: __________________ SCORE: ______________

Directions: Read the following items carefully and choose the best answer. Provide ½ lengthwise for
your answers.

1. This language contains the non literal sense of a word or words and revealed through
comparative descriptions.
A.Literal B. Basic C. Real D. Figurative

2. This language uses a word exactly or directly as it is and sticks to basic meaning of a word or
A.Literal B. Idiomatic C. Hidden D. Underlying

3. What language is the given statement below?

“Lovelyn could swim as fast as a fish in the water.”
A. Literal B. Figurative C. Real D. Basic

4. Literal meaning/language is defined as ______________________.

A. basic meaning C. hidden meaning
B. functional meaning D. idiomatic meaning

5. “David’s feet are like propellers of a steamboat” What meaning/ language does the underline word is?
A. Basic B. Figurative C. Plain D. Simple

6. It is a comparison in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human

with human qualities, feelings, and reactions.
A.Simile B.Metaphor C. Personification D.Irony

7. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group of personification?

A. The river heard the laughter of the boys.
B. The waves swallowed Pendong into the deep.
C. The road to Dagat-dagatan was writhing snake on a fence.
D. .Their hearts jumped with joy knowing that Pendong was saved.

8. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group of personification?

A. The car slept on the bank of the distant river.

B. Christ’s feet are like the turbo engine of the car.
C. The salambao embraced the half-conscious boy.
D. The news whispered to the people the heroic act done by David.

9. Which of the following is an example of personification?

A. The cars were sliding because the road was icy
B. The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell from the sky.
C. The light of the full moon made the dark streets shine.
D. The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier.

10. How might a writer use personification when talking about a flag?
A. The flag is folded neatly.
B. The flag has beautiful colors.
C. The wind blows the flag around.
D. The flag waves at me from the flagpole.
11. What phrases modify noun and answer the questions which and what kind?
A. Noun B. Verb C.Adverb D. Adjective

12. What phrases modify verbs, adjectives,adverbs and answers the questions how, when, where and
A. Noun B. Verb C.Adverb D. Adjective

13. Which of the following does not belong to the question form of adverb phrases?
A. How B.When C. Which D. Where

14. Which of the following is an example of adjective phrases?

A. He plunged into the water.
B. I saw the boat tied to the salambao.
C. In Bacolod, we also went banca riding.
D.There was a picture of him on horseback.

15. The following are examples of adverb phrases EXCEPT _______________________.

A. In Bacolod, we also went banca riding.
B. David was the talk of the town that day.
C. They had come at the beginning of the school year.
D. David put his arm around Pendong’s neck expertly.

16.This word means restating someone else ideas in your own words.
A. Summary B. precis C. Paraphrasing D. Plagiarism

17. What is the best paraphrase of the following statement?

“ In general, female birds are less colorful than male birds”.
A. Actually, female birds are attracting than the male birds.
B. In general, male birds are more attractive than female birds.
C. Generally speaking, female birds are less colorful than male birds.
D. On the whole, the feathers of the female birds are not as striking as that of their counterpart.

18. What is the best paraphrase of the following statement?

“A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.”
A. A handshake means something different around the world.
B. Internationally, a greeting by shaking hands is not the same.
C. A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.
D. In universal speaking, handshake is the same in every country.

19. What is the correct paraphrase of the situation below?

Upon returning home, Osiris was murdered by his evil brother Set, who cut Osiris’s body into
pieces and dumped it in the Nile River. Isis found the body and put it back together by winding linen
bandages around it.
A. Osiris was murdered and Isis found the body.
B. Osiris’s body was cut into pieces and dumped it in the Nile River.
C. Set murdered Osiris and cut Osiris’s body into pieces then dumped it in the water but it put
D. Osiris’s brother Set killed Osiris by cutting his body into pieces, and Isis put the body back

20. Which of the following NOT a paraphrasing technique?

A. synonym
B. sentence combining
C. read the original text several times
D. writing down the words exactly as you see them

21. It expresses the author’s gratitude to the persons who in one way or the other helped him or
her in writing the book.
A. Appendix B. Dedication page C.Acknowledgment D. Bibliography
22. It tells to whom the author dedicates the book.
A. Appendix B. Dedication page C.Acknowledgment D. Bibliography
23. Which of the following lists in alphabetical order the references used by the author in writing
the book?
A. Appendix B. Dedication page C.Acknowledgment D. Bibliography
24. What major parts of the book if you want to know the meaning of the word “friend”?
A. Index B. Glossary C. Table of Contents D. Preface

25. What parts of the book is the given picture below with the arrow?

A. Spine B. First page C. Front and Back page D. Index

26. This word is the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject, or a character.
A. Tone B. Mood C. Purpose D. Technique

27. It is the feeling or atmosphere the readers perceive or feel while reading.
A. Tone B. Mood C. Purpose D. Technique

28. Which of the following is NOT a positive tone?

A. serious B. friendly C. hostile D. proud

29. “The sun was bright and the sky was clear. Joan jogged down the path with Rex at her side and
smiled about last night's victory.” The tone of this excerpt can be best described as _________
A. cheerful B. friendly C. hostile D. sad

30. Which of following is NOT belong to the negative tone?

A. humorous B. sad C. angry D. proud

31. Which of the following is an element of the poem that uses words that appeal to the senses?
A. Imagery B. Irony C. Personification D. Simile

32. What sense is used in the following statement?

“roses drop their petals on the grass”
A. sight B. hear C. smell D. touch

33. What sensory images is used in the following statement?

“aromatic scent of coffee”
A. sight B. hear C. smell D. touch

34. Which of the following sensory images is depicted in the picture below?

A. sight B. smell C. taste D. touch

35. The following are example of sight EXCEPT __________________________.

A. tall gate
B. roses scent the air
C. golden petals of daffodils
D. ripe fruits from their slings

36. This word is a contrast between what is expected and what really happens.
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Irony D. Oxymoron

37. What types of irony is use everyday when you say one thing but really mean the opposite?
A. Verbal B. Dramatic C. Ironic D. Situational

38. What types of irony observes in the theatre, the audience knows more about the situation than the
A. Verbal B. Dramatic C. Ironic D. Situational
39. What types of irony is the given statement below?
“The teacher’s daughter is a high school drop out.”
A. Verbal B. Dramatic C. Ironic D. Situational

40. Which of the following is NOT belong to the situational irony?

A. Bill Gates uses an Apple computer.
B. The locker room smells really good.
C. The chef won’t eat his/her own cooking.
D. The barber always needs a hair cut himself.

41. This group of words can stand by itself.

A. independent clause C. mutual clause
B. dependent clause D. shared clause

42. This group of words also has a subject and a verb but it cannot stand by itself because it starts with
subordinate words.
A. independent clause C. main clause
B. dependent clause D. liberated clause

43. This group of words with at least a subject and a verb.

A. Phrase B. Clause C. Precis D. Summary

44. Which of the following is NOT belong to the dependent clause?

A. before the went abroad.
B. when we live totally.
C. unless you finished your work or not.
D. he built high walls around its house.

45. The following are example of subornating words EXCEPT _______________.

A. after B. before C. because D. therefore

46. It contains synonyms or antonyms of words.

A. Dictionary B.Thesaurus C. Almanac D. Atlas

47. It is full of information on current events.

A. Dictionary B.Thesaurus C. Almanac D. Atlas

48. This word gives very useful though brief information on the subjects and people.
A.Thesaurus B. Encyclopedia C. Atlas D. Gazetteer

49. What general reference book/books would you find the answer to the question below?
“What are the scenic places and wonders found in Palawan?”
A. Dictionary B.Thesaurus C. Almanac D. Atlas

50. Which of the following is NOT belong to the general references?

A. Yearbook B. Almanac C. Glossary D. Thesaurus

GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS students!!!

Prepared by:


English 7 sub. Teacher

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