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EL PASO HERALD Thursday, Feb. 14, 1918.

In the Pint National Bank Building.

Illt. CARL I-- SMITH Ph. 1171. Rm. 227 BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, Ills. International News Service
Real Estate and Fire Insurance.
H4 T.ia it. DAVIS BROS. Phone lit
Hotel Sheldon bldc. mop. 77.
uuibge ir. CRUTCHEa a son.
Eoom 4 Morehouse block. Pbon III.
2 nrst Wat. Bank Bidg.


z '4 Mi la Bids. Phone lit.
Real Estate and Insurance.
ill First Natl. Bank Bide
For Sale City Property.
FOB SALE by owner. 4 good homes,
-- wo
for colored people; payments like
eat Phone "Oil.
liOVT. MILL, 50x140 feet, corner of
Hneco and Crockett St, on car line,
50r terms. Phone 11S8.
A BARGAIN Five rooms, glassed
e.fping porch, furnished or unfur-- r.
.shed Addresa MiW, Care Herald.
FOB, SALE Good modern five room
bccealow. on Nevada street. Barcain
f or jiv ck buyer. Phone 6873-- J.

POK SALE cheap, by owner to colored

people one modern bung-alow- ;
d.w 325 per month. Phone 7011.
KOIt SALK Cheap (owner leaving
city, 4 room house on 2 lots, in Gov- -,
eausnent Hill. Phone 7123W.
FOU SALE Four room bungalow,
o. keeping; porch, J210O: no agent. z In-c-
-- e
321 Talarosa St, Terms. For Sale Cry Property. For Sale Automobiles Wanted. For Sale Pianos. For Rent Rooms Furnished. Housekeeping Rooms FcrnMet.. Ready Reference Basinets Directory Ready Reference Bnstness Dfcdory
BRICK HOJIE, almost new, three
with bath; J1450 cash. Phone MONTANA BCNGALOVV-diamon- Will accept d. -- roil I) family used. Phone 1008. FOlt SALE Almost new plana half price, FURNISHED rooms for rent 721 Williams TWO clean neatly furnished front house-
easy terms. Phone 7011. Ac co as tan U Anditsn Hardware Exchange
4ST W Phone 2503. OVERLAND cars wanted. Brown V. Co. iUltNI.sllKD rooms for rent 813 Magoffin keeping rooms, reasonable. 719 N. St.
SEVERAL thousand dollars to place FOR SALE Close In Income property. AXLES MADE TRUE without removing. IOR .SALE Piano good condition, cash BEDROOMS and housekeeping. 512 Myrtle Vraln. EL PASO AUDIT CO-- W. A. YAFFE. 49 S. El Paaa Mechanic
exceptional Investments. Give War time bargain. Address M199, Buchanan, 312 San Francisco. Ph. S3 4 7. or terras. Phone 8815. TWO completely furotihrd housekeeping IL Payne. Accountant. tool. "Call and you'll call again.
PRETTY room, private family. Ph. 339 rooms on Ft. Bliss car line reasonable.
nlars. Address Health Seeker, 941. Care Herald.
AUTO renalrlnr. Pass Cltv Garage. A. ROOM private home. Ph. 3353J. mornings. Light, water, telephone and gas furnished.
214 Mills Bide Phone 1717.
ZeralO. Woehler. prop. Neff-Stll- Bldg. Ph. 1240. Poultry and Pet Stock.
REASONABLY CLOSE IN NEWLY furnished rooms with sleeping Auuits. i'none tziu. Aiiayers Kodak Flnlshins;
TTY rnorEBTT, irrigated land and New, furnished throughout, five POR SALE or trade. Ford car, good con BLACK Minorca sitting eggs. Ph. 491 porch, close in. 149 N. Ochoa. I'none 106 HOUSEKEEPING suit, two front rooms
srtcJc ranches for sale or exchange. rooms, glass porch, basement heat; to dition, call 803 Texas. YARD eggs 75 cents do-e- n. very desirable with or without garage, ALEXANDER STUDIO. 188 a El Paso.
Phone 4505J. NICELY furnished rooms. 619 Prospect. RECKIIARTS ASSAY OFFICE 307 San KODAK
WELLS-rCVG-O REALTY CO. be sold at a sacrifice to owner. NEW and Rebuilt Batteries for sale. 15 HENS for sale. 507 Tornlllo. Ph. 1995J. Phone 5476J. running water, close In. (05 E. Rio Grands Francisco St. Phone 70. P. O. box 38. FINMIIINO Excellent work,
: T Martin Bldg. T. E. HEAD Jt CO. EL TASO BATTERY STATION. Phone 4 j. and quick service. Velox paper used.
El Paso. Texas. FOR HALE 12 young White Leghorn hens LO ELY front room, steam heat, con- TW O rooms and bath completely furnished
EW FOUR room bungalow In Grand 214 Mills Bldg. Phone i3120 FOR SALE Nice Dodge car,
Antonio St Phone C04S. laying. 3114 Hamilton. Ph. 3978R. necting bath private family. Ph. 6157W. Arcnitects
V.CTV. features, hard wood for housekeeping. Private entrance. Quiet.
built-i- n
PURE bred Black Minorca cockerels for STEAM heated rooms, 13S0 Magoffin. Ph. permanent couple desired, cone it oe-
floors, tile bath, glass porch, lawn,
frees, garage, block from paved st, 3
Fo r, Country fnpertj. Se 6 UbED cars, itrood order, barnins.
EL P.VSO GARAGE. EL PASO. TEX. sale. 4208 Clifton SL 4373. rore 7 p. m. f THORMAN, O. H.
426 First NatL Bank Bldg.
FIVE passenger Ford with Ft. Bliss run CUSTOM hatching by experienced opera-to- r. FURNlsllED room with sleeping porch WANTED married woman without chtl ELITE LAUN'DRr The home of "Silck
tIoJn from car line, 1 block from PLENTT OF VALLET LAND
OTHERS IF THESE DON'T ior saje. hum iso. rzs. ask ror urown. Randall. 2510 Memphis St. suitable for two, dose In. 613 jj. ei paso. dren to take care smalt rooming house Anctfoneers & Spaa" Know est? Phos. 2177 ana
Brio;! Price SW. Phone 3S77R. SUIT YOU. FOR SALE Pet rabbits, all kinds, call LARUE steam heated rooms, close In. la exchange for large front housekeeping yet TTolts.
HOO ECtriTV in small frame house 49 acres fine soil, all under cultivation FOR KENT Private brick garage, 1212 N. 201 Palm St. 85 w. jiissouri. room. Call 290 rt. Oregon tomorrow. Don'
ocnoa. st. fhone t507. W. A. WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER.
ssd two lots, for sale cheap. Several good S room house. Anthony section, easy ECO'l hand car for Satle cheap. Phone BLUE Persian cat for sale, male. Address FURNACE heated room and sleeping pnone. Office Orndorff Hotel Libbv. Mattress ResoTafinj
pens and coops for chickens, 900 terms and onlr 8125. :oi7. Exiae uattery stauon. Route- 1. Box 438. porch, private family. Phone 2059R. THREE desirable rooms furnished. Will Office phone 6326. Res, phone 3S8QW
WTia-- e feet of shed room, drop boards 40 acres unimproved, bat levef and fine HATCH I G eggs, baby chicks. Rhode Isl- NICE room for rent, steam heat, hot rent ceparately 310. alt together 330, with MATTRESSES mad to order and reno-
scratch pens, alfalfa patch. "Write son. well located, very cheap, trade either WANTED to trade two rood teams me of large kitchen and dining room, also An to Accessories

:. Herald.
city property, or on easy payments or will
take in good light auto aa first payment.
SO acres, 0 acres cultivated, good house,
horses for automobile. Phone 77, 400
Mills St.
and Reds, Altura Poultry Yards. Phone water. Knickerbocker No. 2. Phone 8159.
40 U. Itt'UA automobile motor, magneto RHODE ISLAND sitting eggs, also guar-
ROOM in basement
Missouri. Phone 9098.
for man 38. 611 West
sleeping poren 11 per weea. This
conEenlal home which you wilt enloy. AUTOS WRECKED We buv. sell or ex-
Walking distance. 1111 N. Brown. Phone Change cars of all makes; large stock of renovators.
vated. Dusane A Wellborn. Pnon. Silt.
2212 Myrtle.
Phone 417. 102S and 1S70.
Clark Mattress fc
Rug Co.
S.5;n cost S22S4; 3 room modern all good land. Price 15800. easy terms and
bun-Eai'-- w
connections complete, adaptable to hoist. SS45J. anteed fresh yard eggs. Phono evenings, CLOSE in bedroom 33.50 week. Ill West repair parts; we deal In rubber an4
bath, S. P, lot 44x140, on La small payment. BAILEY LAND CO. ItimOB MOTOR CO. EL PASO. liouievard. metals. Et Paso Auto Wrecking; Co. Ph. Mechanical and Electrical Engineers
Lex .f Cash J2W. BaL terms. Phone 2088. 108 Herald Bldg. FROZEN cylinders welded. We don't wrp BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS. DEslltADLE rooms for business menkand Hotuekeeping Rooms Unhirnlshed ins, zz' ion st. tc TTacntenberg nrwp.
AIKEN & HAUL, them, wrecked frames, fenders., tampa ana Highest egg type; cockerels, young hens, women,
batching eggs. Sanitary Farm. San An- NICE i'none
T'- CIS Martin Bldg. Automobile Tops Specialists in General Machine Work.
For Sale raaiaiors repairea promptly. urown. front room, hot water In bath, pri TWO large unfurnished rooms, 705 Wy Designers builders of special machinery
ilt'SCALOW BARGAIN. Farms and Randies. FOR bALE Dodgo touring car model FOR SALE Twenty-fiv- e
tonio. New Mex.
vate nome. i'none zisi. ominc- - rnone Invention developed. Patent e

?iew modern. S rm. brick with bath RANCH 191C 4Q cash. Capt. H. Templeta 133 A. weight turkeys, average bPLENDID residence close in, steam LNf L'ltNIMIEl) two or three sice rooms AUTO TRIMMING A SUPPLY CO. cylinders re bored and refitted.
FOB SALE Containing 6740 uamp twelve pounds; S. O. Schalrer, Clint, walking 401-- 3 Mills St. Phone 1625.
Distributors Hartey.Davidson Motor cyeles
3u large sleeping- pen. South front, acres. Enclosed by fence, three tanks. isiiss, Tex.
inone 4 a. heated. Phone 86 46 J. distance. 90S Oct a via.
r AUura. near Manhattan. Housecost weu ana pumping plant lor sale cheap. FOR 1SALE Dodge t passenger 217 Tex. RUNEH duck eggs laying gentlemen. ATTRACTIVE front room, steam tin NICE ROOMS, bath and sleeping porrh Automobile Special Work
SSeOO to build, lots worth SSW. All ed Anaress Mrs. Thoma G. Glron, San Ell- Grandrlew Ave. Call before 9 in mornings INDIAN strain. ?i.50 dozen, i'none lTOijj. it f. d. 38 Ramsey Apts. private lamuy, no cmidren izj. &11
now for 11H. Terms SB0O cash zano. Texas. and arter 6 evenings.
ro. x. Box si. it. w. Fonttua ROOM adijtnlng bath, steam htat. 715 uanrorpia Bt. ONLY SPRING FACTORY In a W. MeaU
and S25 per mo. EL PASO Automobllo laundry Have your AND WIN White Wyan j. stanton. FOR RENT Two- unfurnished housekeep Spiinrs and wheels made to order. CHOICEST meat in tha city.
1JSAVELI, Jt 5 HERMAN, cars washed wnne you wait: cars caJiea BRED TO LAY ing rooms, ciose in, no cnuaren. rnoni Wheels lined up. Increasing tire efficiency
tor and delivered, zoo N. Kas. fh si7. dottes and Single Comb Rhode Island FURNISHED rooms with sleeping porches 4 9 1 1 YV. KRETCTTMARH STALL CITY MARKET.
tit Texas St. Phone 4226 NEW MEXICO CATTLE RANCH. FORD wanted, wll pay cash 1917 Ford. Sitting Chicks
Red a. 33. Doxen-hatehl-
15. Guaranteed fertility 7 per CHEERFUL
eees 33. ciose in. 70S Aiesa. and ease et operation &u.
Out of town orders oromptly filled.
1500 acres patented lands located Harned. 125 hi San Francisco St. Travelers cent, nomtns jfouitry farm, xsieta, close In. 712 N. Stanton. sunny bedrooms, For Rent Rooms and Hoard. MURPHY HILLIN, Metals and Minerals
In national forest reserve, con-
FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. trolling all the water on CI sec- notei.
VE repair any battery Guaranteed.
n xas. HOTEL L.KE. rooms and bath. 312, 31V
El Psso. Texss.
Breakfast room, basement. Tieat, tions, fine grazing land, well Im- BARRED Plymouth Rocks, trap nested, 829. 825. 510 W. Mo. Ph. 5309. Close la. ROOM and board 1127 Magoffin. AntomobOei Painted 210 San Francisco St. Pnon
paved street, cat from 14500.00 to proved. Will carry 1100 cattle. EL PASO BATTERY STATION. selected and bred for eg? production. ROOM and board 38 week. 604 N. Orecon. Gold. Sliver. Quickrllver, Me-
S1S09 04); easy terms. HIGHLY IMPROVED HEAD-
210-1- 4 W. San Antonio St. Phone 3455. natcrunr ern, oany enicKS, cataioeue NICE furnished room and steeping porch, or tallic and con Mitalllc Mineral, of a'
QUARTERS FOR SALE Five passenger Dodge car. iree. James Randall, 2910 Memphis St., Gentlemen also garage. 1210 North EI Paso Street. FRONT room for rent with without EL PASO AUTO FATNT1NG CO. description.
Four room bungalow, near Bliss RANCH 3040 acres or couple. beard. 1509 Mnndy. Phone 4219W. 303 S. Oregon St. Phone I3S7.
Street S1M.Q0 cash, balance patented land In the midst of
large area public domain absolute-
driven only 1700 miles by owner.
covers, blanket, etc
64t t,i I's-- o. Tens.
extra. Phono 730 MTTINU eggs from small pens of healthy 1CE large front rooms In quiet home, FRESH clean rooms with board, home Mercantile Agencies
monthly. ly controUed. 400 acres Irrigable day. 4574 evenings. mature acclimated nens. neavy layers. Ave. f 3.M and 34.00, gentlemen only. 212 Upson cooking. Ph. 7586. Cor. Oregon and Nevada Automobile Repairing
FRANK E. COX land watered by Innumerable-springs- MITCHELL truck In fine condition. Just White Leshorn. Houdan. 10c each, sine' A. O. DUN a COMercantll. report. EI
n Csples Bldg. Phone 6425. The best Improved ranch the car for dairy or rancher. Powerful comb Black Minorca, Rbodo Island Red, NICELY furnished room near Country
A HOME Sanatorium for convalescents, SPECIALISTS la oar
food, wonderful climate. 330 per s tuned woramansiup. Toiteiic Garage. J. Paso office.
line, a reputation for 801 Guaranty Trust Bide
In the country. motor. Just been overhauled. Call for 9c each, neas order 10 days ahead. Hil cnib for lady or gentleman employed. excellent raonin. uox iz. Tuiarosa. r. m. is. Florence:
If you wish to buy or sell a catt- Mr. Evans, liz W. Overland St. wortna zsil Mobllo St.. Phone 5036J. Phone 4863W. Musical
SOME BARGAINS le- ranch consult FOR HALE Seven passenger Chalmers car ICELY furnished rooms, steam heal. COME to Mountalnalr Sanatorium. Alamo- -
lixUO feet, S. El Paso and Ninth; W. E. HALE CO.
at sacrifice. In good condition. Owner SellLiyeitock Boy. with or without meals. 797 Myrtle. Phone gorao, rtew Mexico. 20 miles from El
Baths riAXO lesson reasonable. Ph. SU1J.
ma ire orzer. Phone 3828. 202 Caples Bids.
lea vine J. S. Crozier. R. 408. First NatL 77S4W. Paso. Excellent cooklnr. beautiful tare
Bldg. Phone 1566. FOR SALE Horse, wacon and harness. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room grounds, pure air. no smoke. Best winter VaporTI baraa SAT O BEAUTY PARLORS. CATHERINE DUNN, teacher of piano
location. ixw rates. Tvnte ior body Tosssara. for reducing- r&eumatiara, and harmonv Phone 204SW.
ISxlJO feet, S. Oregon and Tenth; OWING to changes. I offer nearly new cneap. sii Hamilton. Fbone 3973R. steam near, not ana cold running watt: and summer
hooUl-t- .- 481 Myrtle. Fhon. SS78. WALTER DAl, piano teacher. 18 conta.
oner. DONT M1AS SEEING THIS. three ton truck, also one light tractor. FOR SALE Two mule teams, harness and 327 W. Missouri. Voice. 28. Pbone 2882.
250 acres of the finest valley land, on less than half price. Box 153, Route xarm waeons. or win trade ror Ford auto HOTEL DENVER 511 South Oregon, all Biffiard Parlors
Ci'xize feet, S. Oregon and Fifth; main pavea roaa. ideal location, will sell Beevllle. Texas1. i'none 946. outside rooms, running water, 25 and Painting
xrake offer. or trade for city property. No seepage llYAIiS CO. KEH jersey, heavy milker, terms cents, special weeaiy rates. MEET ME AT MATSONS.
water or alkalL Have the best drinking 321-2- S W. San Antonio Phona 137 1. exchange for dry cow or diamonds. Phone 11 ANTED gentleman roommate. Modern WAREHOUSE, trackage, nr. depot. P. 139 FQOl, AD SILUABO PARLOR. P. 51. PAPPAS, paintlnr contractor; room
Trackaare. lxI20 feet. Ochoa and water in valley, a xeet Deiow tno surface. Used cars bought and sold. $2.59 per week. References WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. Basemrat 6eeurlty Bank. 228 Mesa. tinted or papered. 81 and op. Ph.
Franklin, leased until June J, 19IS. at All stock and machinerr Included, includ RADIATORS FIXED not repaired. No FOR HALE A fine herd of Ancora roats. required. Phono 7522.
Yard 73x129. warehouse 20x60 located on H2.
. a
a month. Attractive price to rank ing tractor plow, and thresher 6 Holsteln dope used. Work air tested, different be tor further lnlormauon write H. O. wor
oE or two furnished rooms with bath,
spur track on street heavy traffic, suitable Blae Fratiag Plnabeni
icteresiea parties, see
Mr. MnlrTkln,
cows, z heifers. 3 divelilnr houses.
large barn. Dcroc Jersey bogs, granaries. Phone 52. Call for Evans.
cause guaranteed. Thomas Motor Co. then. Box 82. Flerro. N. M. in private family, with private entrance. .or coau teea
JACKS wagon yard will board or rent Flue for two gentlemen, or man and wife. attractive rrlease
or junic vara. wl
1 to 1 years.
COMUESCIAI. drafUns. trader bin.
DOUGLAS C CROTVELL AGENCY. cnicken houses. corralB. small orchard, all WANTED to buy 1517 and NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. prtnltnsr and map work. Uctcalx Rise SERVICE PLUMBERS. Phone S48L
;:4 Mills Bldg. land Irrigated direct from main canal, 240 will pay casn. lll Fords. horses,
Don gut
sold. Fine
bir corrals-
stallion for
- lion
sale or
In. 1001 Mesa Ave. Corner Rio Phone 680; 189 San Antonio St. rant V4. caples Bldr. El Paso. PI ONTO rH'MIlEKS. Phon. 1882.
Phone S800. unaer cultivation, zoo acres nlanted in K CO. trade. Give me a trial. 803 Texas St.
wheat balance will be planted to other- 220 W. SanJiOAUULND Antonio SL Phone 4055.
ROOM tn an apartment with family of
Legal Noyces Brokers Stocks Second Hand Clothing
crocs. You must see the Place to annre- SHEEP vwo. io iauy or ccnucman empioyea. a
ciate its value. Auaress vvm. 11. Eden. Box FOR bALE Hudson speedster in first About SO head medium grade ewes, bred home close in, reasonable rent. Reference. ELilENDORFF CO "03 MESA. HIGHEST PRICES paid for old clothes
FIVE ROOM HOME 6. rexae. Teiepnone 5 dint class condition. Appraised by mechanics to lamb in April. Price 37. C K. Pitman.
at 3209. Am leaving town and will take ? Ji ore House block. Phono 639.
iivj. In the United States District Court for the
western District of Texas, at El Paso. Prlvata wlr. altee ,xchancea. Cerrespondeafs and shoe. Ph. 1TSJ.
n Boulevard, close In. south- jiz& cash for quick sale, bee car at WANTED first class Holsteln oow that is
v Texas, in tne matter or Oscar wmiam r. nmian o. r. r. fnone .... E pay hlrhest prices for second hand
east corner S4400- - S500 cash, For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. 2426 Wyoming. tterr. lunitrupt. clothes. Pbone 2280.
fresh and has heifer calf, prefer cow not HOTEL LAUGHLIN Basin CoIIetes
balance S40 per month and FOR SALE or trade 10 acres valley land. COME IN AND SEE over 6 years old. Must be heavy milk and THE Tio. 220. in Banicrunttrv. cii LEVY pay tl chest prices ladies'. meo'
r teres t x'none bztbai. Best line used cars In southwest. Fords Co butter cow and straight In all particulars.
Fackards. j. iioizgrar. Midland. Texas.
311 W. Franklin fit.
El Paso. Texas. Kerr
The creditors of said Oscar William
are hereby notified that he has filed DRArOHOX--
nis petition ior a certificate or discbarcre
tollese rasrantees positions
second band elothlng. Phone 1718.
LARGE rooming house for valley land. LONE 6TAR MOTOR CO. FOR SALE At Shobe's dairy. 10 good No hotel Is as comfortable aa your Second Hand Fornusr.
VALLEY LAND, j'none 441. Phone SI 00. own home, but stopping at in bankruptcy, and that the same, under Carpets Cleaned
n SO and 140 acre tracts, at 2SO.UITY in two lota on North Florence WODEK VARNISH briers back natural Red pullets. Am leaving Texas soon. Os-
cows, one saddle pony. 12 Rhode Island
HOTEL LAtGUULN an oraer or said court, win be heard UIOHET price paid for second hand fur-
150 per acre. Terms. trade for diamonds or automobile. Phone color and gloss. Dries in $ hours 75 per car Trapp. Phone 3037, 3300 King's Hlgh- Is nearer REAL HOME COMFORT Mi ore Harvey r. Gamble,
office in El Paso, Texas, at 10 o'clock cleaned.
Referee, at his CARPTtf Tcnu.T5 dried or steamed niture. Phone 1T85.
12S4R. cent saved compared witn paint job. way. than any ether hotel to EI Paso or In the forenoon, on the 2flth dav of Dantiey Carpet deanlnc; Works. EXCHANGE NEW FL'KNITIIRK
costing the Southwest. s.


LOS ANGELES store urouertr
S450O clear. Income S360 a year, trade for Call for Evans.
We have for sale two heavy draft teams
FARMERS TRY IT. REASONABLE RATES. aiaren. A. d.. mi. at which time and
place the creditors of said bankrupt may i:OMPKEEU AIU. ateam or Tacnnin car
For second hand. Western Furniture Co
g.o. atsnton at. pn. 1482.
El Paso bungalow or land. P. Box 1051, DAY, WEEK or MONTH. appear and. show cause, if any they have pet eleaninr. sewinr or laytnc; Do gasr
"Land Merchants." O. MONEY LOANED on diamonds, watches. and one single none, vui sell eitner HOME COMFORT SERVICE.
2M-1- 0
First Natl Bank. .1 Texas. jewelry and automobiles. team or the single horse at market value wot tne n raver or saia neution anouia ti weiiaorn. pnone 88. Soda Fountain!, Drag and Cesfto
Phone IMS. FOB SALE OR TRADE. SUUK1XX LOAN CO fU. er on time, eignt percent, approved security. not do xrranted.
a. webster. city Transfer com- 8eal Carpenters faonery Fiitnres
pavea. jsaey terms or win trade for resi BAKER electric roadster in first class pany. izis s. ocnoa street.
Three factory sites on Mills St street El Paso and San Antolno Sts. see D. H. HART, Oerlc
By 3. I. Kelly, Deputy.
dence property or valley land. W. M condition except battery. Llxht weigh' Honsekeeping Rooms FarsisbetL Dated, Feb. 13. 1913. WANTED carpenter lob work, thoronxbly bUOW case, wail case, all kinds of storo
Laughlin. owner. Herald business office. beautiful car. Also a rectifier for charr Dogi fnr Sale, Wanled, Etc romimem mecnanic. Jatl :sia f ranaiorr. fixture. We manufacture and equip
LOT BARGAIN FOR TRADE I have free of Ineum ing electrics in A- -l condition, will sell NICE housekeeping suite. 707 Mesa. In the District Court of the United States drug stores, confectionery, dry coods. etc
Re can offer fer few days only 2 so. branc 110 acres of good farm land with together or separately. A barcain. see FOR SALE French poodle puppies. Phone Tuo or three nice rooms. Ph. 7085M. for the Western District ef Texas.
Chimney Sweep We have stock oa hand and able to maka
front lots near Five Points and Alta improvements ana interest in a living Mr. Henderson. Security bank. TWO rooms, yard, children taken. Phone uano. et aL in cnambers
Land Co--. No. 50L vs. C W. on abort notice, branch, stflra
Vista school; paved and level, at SI85 spring adjoining government land with FOR SALE Pemala Boston terrier. F. P. zsie w. CHUIXEY sweep; stores repaired and set and dlsptay room
per lot, terms. plenty of free range for stock located at Have few AUTOMOBILES
customers who
want lata model forcner. La Mess, N. M. TWO convenient housekeeping rooms, prl tlon
Unon readlnr and cocsiderlnr tha
of the Plaintiff
for substituted serv
up. rnont
aa naneLvrs, El raso. Texas.
LEAVELt, & SHERMAN Tularosa, N. M. will trade for El Paso light touring cars. Prices must be right. BULL terrier puppies.
Inautlea see them vate nome, in. mono S7S4M. ice on absent defendant, as provided tor CIlUlNKlh and furnaces cleaned; stores
i"S Texas St Phone 4226 property. Address Sr. o. Box 174, EI and cars In good running order. If you Saturday in window Home Furniture Co. LIGHT housekeeping room with sleeping under seetlon 87 of the Judicial Code, of
p. ponsoeq. rep, m. ji. ipes. p. ass. :ODA roliNTAIN, drur and cunfscuoa.ry
Paso. Texas. want to dispose of your car at once, call ill N. Stanton. fixtures, latest deslen. both exBoaed and
por en. sis xiontana. tne unitea states or America, tne a&eve closed Jar types, ranclag In lencth of 4, S.
U l'ASO ALTO SALES CO.. INC named defendants tn p alntlffs China Painting 10. IX 1 and 20 feet. Can save you 20 to
500 Phone 25. 407 Myrtle Avenue. For Sale Mucellaneoiu. HOUSEKEEPING! bedrooms, $160 tlon for substituted service, and each of 10 percent: small cash payment down, bal-
2 rooms, two lots, nice peat little L'sED CAR BARGAIN. Phone 2412. iiicui. ar ntrsoy re(uirsd to appear on Iwsons and flrlnjOnnton stndlo. pb. 8008- - ance easy payments: can Inclndo show.
BARGAINS We have some exceptional bargains In TWO men's saddles fer sale. Ph. 1642. house It eerinc room 601 Uuson. Ph. or befora the lit day of April. 1918, and
place; S144 cash, balance any way rooming houses. ONE case, sbelvlnr. table, chairs, carbonato?
voii want it TRADES used cars will sell on easy terms to re BARGAIN Safe 40x26x33. Weiss, 208
piaa, answer or aemur to niaintura oeti Chiropodiit in contract. All fixture necessary to cpei
EN REALTY CO. sponsible parties, wm taKe uttnr tvonas,
South Stanton. TWO or three housekeeping tlon herein. up druc and confectionery etorc. Prompt
WHITE-PA- D match anything. aiamonas or real estate in trade. It Is further ordered that a copy hereof. tnsrowlnl nalla. r-- shipment. Write or wlr. for price Hits.
4J Klo Grande B. Bldg. Ph. 1700. LIST CENTALS
Overland, S pass-- new tires
pass., good tires
..S37S LARGE Jenkins piano credit free to any-on-
who can use. Phone 4498.
leeptng porch. 318 N. Stanton.
HOUSEKEEl'ING and bedrooms
together with a copy of rjlalntlffs Detltion. mHTq.
be served on C W. Gann. John D. Cino. hih san Antonio, tles Bldg. F F. Commission Co. 200 Herald bide.
417 X. El Paso St. Phope 7955.
A rent. Grosman Fountain Co.
201 Raynolds Bldg. overland. 7 pass, excellent snape 350 FOR SALE Whtte enamel tables and Mrs. Clara J5. Gano, who are ajteged Chiropractor.
HOME BARGAIN - Over Border Natl. Bank. And several other snaps. See Engqulst, chairs. Apply 401 N. Oregon SL HOUSEKEEPING room, beautlfullv fur- - 10 do resiuents oz uaiias county, Texas; Storage Batteries
UUMl'il. and on C E. Anderson and David
i room, breakfast room, tile drain
board, tile floor bath room, pedestal
Boulevard at Kansas. ONE complete set of horse dentists tools,
eastern Hide Jfc Metal Co. 4102 Alameda,
nun eo. fDOtlt ZIIL
FURNISHED hwekeeplfig rooms and Traviswho
county. Texas. Service
are alleged to be residents f ClllROfRACTOR.
be made
rradoat. N.S.C Cora
Il.c 1002 Montana, fa. TStlv. National Stone Battery at lenities Co,
lavatory, French doors, mirror doors KELLY b P1UN FIELD G
MEAT business. One hundred fifty dollars. garage. 921 N. EI Paso St. by the united states marshal Columbia servle. station. ATI worir mpj
Factory reconstructed tires; the re
closet, large closets, furnace, lawn. FOR KXC1L.VNGK. 2500 mile guarantee and Hart nave otner business. Address N. 210, NICE larre room with small kitchen. No spective districts In which said defend Dentists anteed. 400 Mill St. Phone 07T.
trees, garage, chicken house, paved 310 seres of Oklahoma larKL, good chancea ford first grade tubes. care Herald. cnuaren. i'none &513. ants are alleeed to reside, and the retnrn
street cost ;zw. our price S440O.OO; for OIL Want Talley land or city property. 32x4 tires.. 322.50 Tubes.. 34.20 LOOK FOR "THE BIG GOLD CLOC- K- LlKUK room, kltchenet. reasonable. Ph. 01 me znarsnai or suen service snail be DR. E. W. BRYAf. Storage Warehonw
Jena casn: osl ,u
per mo. met int Alio 74.04 0 acre Old Mexico land, Sonora
CREEX. A CANNON, IB xailes from International lino, fine
34x4 tires.. 324.25 Tubes, .14.40
35x4tt tlrtk.. 325.00 Tubes. .35.60
War time prices on Jewelry, watch repair . . 3 jt
deemed sufficient proof thereof; that as 288 Herald Ride
ib tne remainder
ilO Ls EKEEPIN G rooms, slnele and en- - j as, w. ana Jonn ii ioore. James Purdr. 401 Martin or tna aald dofenri-nt- L UK. J. D. 6TEVEMS.
Phone 51IV.
HOUSEHOLD coods packed. a!ilnrA
;oi Mills St Phone S07E, ffrass, plentyW.of1Uwater. 1 per acra.
44x4U tires.. 328.20 Tubes.. 36.70 SINGER sewing machine, six drawers. suite. close in. 501 Mesa. Phone 493L Bide Pnon. 1118. .tuiru. ngici g am. jiat. e cty. pn. loji.
TUifSTlIX. 37x6 tires. .333.00 Tubes.,!!.. ursc Lewis W. Florea, Merit Cunningham. DR. ARTHUR BURTON. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. TRUNKS. KTV.
A GOOD CLOSE IN BUY Phone 2gg after . class condition. Call 4102 Alameda, TWO nice front rooms 1013 San Antonio. vreaencK iierxor. Emma Hoffman.
SEE us first; we always Eastern Hide b Metal Co. i'none 140W. feme sole F. W. Dlff. Ira Copy, G. J.
S12 Mill, nidt. Pbont 1014. Stored. Furolturo paeklnc a specialty. Get
have bargains tn new and sec- our prices. Lowest rates, best service.
Good $ room 2 story red brick; full
basement, 10 minutes walk from post
office; on north aide; pared street
From one to tbre bunralova Id &t
El Pao. 1VIII take lots or dear land
ond hand tires and tubes.
22 Texas st.
OR SALE Hoffman Oil
gain, u. ingersou, ijox 878. Houston. Tex. LARGE
Buffalo Oil & Refining stock at &. bar- - 913 N. Stanton.
Keflnlntr: LIGHT housekeeping rooms, close In.
furnished room for housekeeping
G a User. J. C. Daniels.
nanrs i'ape, ranic iteoertson, B. M.
Chllda. Leo Sleffert. E. IL Baker. T. H.
Marcelus, E. A Baker. Ann

King. Edwin Tbs Ben

DetecnTe Agencies
Williams Detect!, Acenry
!. aj Mor.ce narefcoec Psu xiac
Stove Repairing
This would be a good bay at 87606. as part payment. Price J2750 each.
A- -l SADDLE horse, sound and ran tic to aouiis. gas range, sio. Fhone 48J.
addle and bridle included. A bargain If TWO S. Marsten, Sarah Firth, a feme sole. IL Salt. 818 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Pp. 4408.
See ns for terms. JAY F. KNOX COMPANY. For Sale Fiirnltoe. taaen at once. Apply Mnrphy Hill Ins, cneap. or four light housekeeping rooms a Clark and wife M. L. Clark. J. S. Mey- - stove KErAIKINO New part
and carried for all make of stoves. mad.
SCOTT SALES A REALTY CO. 361 Caples Bide. snop. v a. uregon.
k. nouievara. era, 1 1 Aieyera. u. au sprangie. A E. Eltctrical SnppEes L, J,
Hi Mills Bldg. Phone 77B6. Phono Hit. DINING room table 35-- 3705 Trowbridge. piacawoun SINGLE rooms. Phone 60 Ji Purdy, J. IL Plogger. Henry L. Berirer- - Peeler, with D. & H. Iron work, cor. Rut
m n tampoeii. rauicr, joi. xv. urccn ana wne, ........ L,RRABEE ELECTRIC CO. Fifth and Sooth Florence. Phon. HOC.
BIG SACRIFICE. for sale by piece. Phone qiuiis ana nianaets Deiore tne advances.
t'SSD. cost SJ500. 4 room modern 1616 or 7090. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 1306 Magoffin. Wra. Madden. Shekard.
Green, J. W. Frank Robertson. 485 Texas si Pbone S822.
bungalow. In X400 bile Douglas St Apartment house, close in, north side. 14 TWO sets of light housekeeping furni- - 207 South Stanton SL
R1U GRANDE FURNITURE CO. Raymond Sleffert. it s TaJcre
Phone 2302. Phone 4275J. HepDurn. iv. ti nations, John H. Rllev, Educational
Bath, s. 1 Mm) win handle. apts. all fall. In jjood condition. Income tnre ana sleeping tent, zoi s. ucnoa. WANTED AT ONCE Second hand freight ONE housekeeping suite 54.50 per week. w. E. Booth e. Laf svelte itimbn r v? MOREUEAD THE TAILOR.
AIKEN A BAIR. IZ5 mo. 12 per cent on price asked. COMPLETE furnishings for apartment. A eievator medium size, rr.ee roust be rea tn 1. amp pei i. Anderson,-, Geo. N. Kellog. T. N. Stout, J. ENULISU and Soanlsa lessons. 4 for SL Make the beat business suit la town for
ph 2227
618 Martin Bldg. win t&jEe Dunsaiovs good location.
And 2 lots and R. frame houso on DUFOLD dining table, buffet and kitchen
raso, Texas.
TeU 718. P. O. Bog 383, El ji
ONE suite of modern housekeeping rooms. Jr., w. IL Crawford. J. H, fc O. y. Craw-
H23 HajToirin. rnone 2853W.
j one- mcnoiaa Amos, F. W. Littl. Phone C188. in monv; irr os ai .J p.. ureron St.

your own table. 607 E. San Antonio. FOR SALE Martha Washington ranee. ford. J. IL Dobbins and wife Fnmitare Packing Taxidermists
On terms. 5 rooms, base Tuiarosa fat- - and Hup roadster, all clear. or coal, six evea water front. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 1025 Myrtle. Ph. Dobbins, Otto D all man. Grace W. Parks, a
xnent and heating plant, paved street Want S It. bungalow near high school. REMEMBER Berryhill Furniture Co. pay burns wood xeme soie, isiy nations. James W. Felt.
inly aoouc ten minutes out ira a 605 1st Nat. CHARLES W. HARLOW, more cash for your used furniture, ting Been Inrnone use only two months. Good con- - zssw. David M. Hudson. S. A Uadson. whose onr PACKINU and shmslnr household croods McLELLAN BKO! Ph. Too. 200 Trim, St.
bargain. Bank Bldg. Phone 2287. tnem. rnoce 354. 40z xexaa anion. c.ztj. NICE clean housekeeping rooms, welt far- - residences and domiciles am unirnnvn tn specialty. Furniture repairing. finUhint;
THE BOR&CHOW store cuys and sells ONE new, McCssky register complete, practlc-all- y msneu. ciose in, i'none the plaintiff. Its agents and uphoUterinc R. L. Daniel Furniture Transfer and Storage
U T. Kibler
AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SnOP. new and second hand furniture: blfhest one Incubator, rood shane. three tiiu. and attorneys, th
Clerk of this court shall publish a copy of Mattreaa factory 1104 Texas. Ph. 102S-10- )I
with in best garage Dtmtng at laroice. price paio. zz a. g union, rnone iiis. small cash registers, registering from THIt EE large housekeeping rooms, 901 urucr in mow newspaper puDiiahed in WE PACK. SUIT OR STORE PHONE JS7J. El Paso Transfer Ca, haul-In-g.
LUAVEH, & SHERMAN penny to one dollar. Will sell all at s Ma coffin. the city Of BI Paso. Texas, tar slv ror,. Furniture, cut class and china; turaltar, moving and bagrara.
C Texas
St Phone 4226. 1917 Six cylinder car, Trant lots. DINING room mission set leather seated bargain. Apply Quality Market No. L
TWO clean desirable rooms, bath. N. secuUve weeks, and shall have the affida repalrlnr and reilnlshlssr and upholstering.
A REAL BARGAIN chairs, other furniture. Automatic revol 40OO 912 vit. 01 ini paousner or in. aald nanp is. Get our prleea. Bf our work. Trunk Factory
S ROOM HOUSE FOR ONLY (2000 FOR SURE SALE ver with ammunition. 1019 E. Rio Grande. ground class ammonia stODDers.
or add bottles, Stanton.
fore the court together with rrmv th.r. HOI E. First st. paona nil.
Iocated on south front corner lots, 1 Or trade list with LYONS TRANSFER CO. 312 S. Ochoa. No. 3 Merchant's baler, paper-rag- s. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, pri of. showing the method and manner of a. n. norsKB hpiiqkterino co. TRUNKS, aultcasc.
repaired and exchanged. trvelln bag made,
block from car line, near school; We can show you some good values In EL PASO SMELTING WORKS. vate entrance. 1101 Anton, xnaiticx sucu puoueation. El Paao Trunc
Slanedl W. T? suttw Hair FsetKry next to Crawford theater. Ph. 1084
JS99 cash will do.
-- IT Martin Bide
second hand furniture. Phone 430. WHITE PAPER FOR SALE. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In. 40BU United States Judge Western District of Cnttini
See Crosby with Several thoueand pounds of white paper Wyoming. Phone
NEW FURNITURE EXCILNGED is ouerea xor saie at ac per pound, can
4571. 1C1U.
December 15, 1917.
1IAIU dressing manicuring chlipodlat; Tewriters
Ph. 4350. Equity in oungaiow or lots for Uodgo for old. Will buy second hand goods. Your to see II. II. Frls, Circulation Manager. El TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, pri- Endorsed No. SOL Law. Watklna Tnrl awltche. made from comblnss. Marry
car. Three new tmngalows for clear credit is irood. fa. lzsz and save monev. Paso Herald. vate family 318. 1101 Wyoming. Purdy. 18 Buckler bldg. Phong S81L TYPEWRITER 4 otfte. Supply Co.. typM
BEAUTIFUL- KERN PLACE. land. A bargain tn tenement for HOME FURNITURE CO. Ill N. Msntou. THE MYRTLE TRADING PLACE brings Co. va C W. Gano, et aL Order on Appli- writer sold, bought, noted, repaired. Oft
34200 buys a fine modern 5 room cottage and notes. New bungalow, rented FOR BALE Furniture of S rooms con in tne country ruDe and matches him ONE large convenient room. No sick, 1013 cation for Service. Filed and rr 4 fie. supplies, rubber stamp,
Hair Goods
bungalow that cost $5000 built by below r 140, at a bargain. S8H acres 1 mil slstlng of mahogany set. btrdsey maple against the city boobs. They trade their
Ysleta on paved road to trade for ana aaru oaic very cheap. 32XD. 102 beans and wonder why they like each HOUSEKEEPING room and sleeping porch United
Morrnca Jan. 7, 1918. D. IL Hart. Clerk, by S. U
iteiiy. deputy.
Royal. Oliver type. 2lt Mlil s? PsSf
days pay. Hardwood floors, glassed city property. Good Tendora lien note Latta SL other better. Phone 2045 and we will con
States of America. Veterinary Surgeons
In sleeping porch, also screened In at liberal discount. Trade t room cot you
close In. cheap. 70S N. Santa Fe. western uisu 01 Texas Hard?
porch 2 large closets, basement tage Altnra Park for small cottage in San FURNITURE of S rooms, nect direct with the farm. L D. IL Hart, clerk of the d1at-- it Mnrt
old Ivory bed
(Stationary laundry tuba Brick garage. Diego. Ft. Worth property for El Paso room suite, solid oak dining room furni- STOCKS FOR SALE 100 Hoffman Oil price no object to congenial parties. 291S of the United TWO rooms convenient to army people, SUtes for the Western Dis- C F. PROPER, hospital for hnrM nil
Refining Corp. for 3140: 100 Buffalo Oil Sacramento and Ord. trict of Texas, hereby certify tht thi CUT KATE Hardware and Paints. dogs. 17Texas. Phoo. n; pgats 8H2.
ash SI 000 BaL to suit property. ture, tapestry chairs, etc New. Also
fer 8125; 100 American TeleeraDhone for Phone 8976J. above Is a true and correct copy of tha HPKY MOI1K. IP 8. EL PASO ST.
AIKEN & BAIR. W. If. CARL. small boy's bicycle. 1712 Wyoming. Phone 3150; 100 Harroun Motors Corporation for TWO single housekeeping rooms newly "Order on Application for Servlea" in the VdcMiiing
PI S22T 615 Martin Bldg. 302 Caples. Phones t and 583 6606R. 3376. Telegraph orders. A L. Delbal. Llt- - and completely1 furnished, felted case of Watklns Land Co. vs. C. W. GanA Jnnk Dealers
FURNITURE FOR SALE Large sized Rorlc. Arkanwas. Wilton
ruga. Call 1103 N. Stanton. et aL being No. 501 on the law docket of ltKKMAN ULOC11 - RETREAD and So-t- it-- .
For Sale Motorcycles. dining table, zuraed oak, nearly new, set said court at the El Paso division thereof, Orecon st Ph. 5(51 Old metals, CO- Ilii-- t K SCOTT TCLCAMZ1NO CO. 2 TEXAS.
dining chairs, leather bottoms, refrigera- For Rent Rooms FnnusfaerL TWO rooms furnished with use of targe as the same remains on file and appears rags, ooncs. mcea, scrap iron, etc. rubber.
CYLINDERS for Harler 35: Excelsior
Thftr IT rflrsf . t:
tor Good bed. nattress and springs. Two
porch beds, mattress and springs. Sani- FTRNTsi?ED
kitchen, steam haaL hot water. 831 West of record In said cause in this office.
Missouri. Phone 450JW. Witness my official slenatnre and the EL PASO IRON C METAx. til isoi t.n
Welding Shops
ft. Pope 33;Everything Thlem $4, Indian 33; Power-,- tary cot and mattress. Single cot and CORNER front housekeeping room, also Texas, seal of said court in office at Et Pao, Antonla Dealers In seraD Iron. rahhr. eon. PERM.ENT WORK only accepted.- - Bp.;
plus 18. for motorcycle-- mattresa Oak chiffonier, kitchen furniture ROOM and sfeepinr porch 310 Msa- - large room two thla alxth day of February. A. D- - per hrasa, pones. te. Phon. 4140. chanan. 212 San Francisco 8L SS4TT
with beds If
PASO j Write Van s Motorcycle
110 W. Tenth sl. Los Angeies, CaL
Wrecking Shop. ana ruga liargatn prices, call No, 8 Nag-le-
apartments. Phone 3(84.
LEASANT noms for gentleman Ph. 77L running
water. 800 N. Orecon. 4 blocks 8el
desired, hot
D. H. HART, Clerk.
Texas Aoto u reeking un
Jnnk rv- - r. fVELDING Th way n should b done
NICELY furnished rooms, 6H N. orecotx from Sheldon. By a L Kelly, Deputy.
San Antonio. W buy old auto's rubber, promptly, any
metal, scran Iron, bone, eta. Ph. S10L si, phone

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