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#Ophiuchus ascendant http://lulu.

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Warning: the following (as purported by NASA ephemerides ); may prove to be shocking

to the majority of “people” who wikiknow everything about anything ever after and before.

a) As the Sun does not determine “the” zodiac, moreover standing for faux ego; it seldom

(gold, cardiac issues...) features in analysis. Nevertheless, for general information: here

are its main positions; as generally unknown to public.

b) In the (present) Aeon of Cetus, the Sun is (ditto) in Cetus for spring equinox.

c) The Sun is generally in Orion for (and thus around) summer solstice.

d) Orion is notoriously known for the (Osama) 9-11 Moon.

e) Around 9-11, (also due to New Moon there) the Sun is considered to be “in Sextans”.

f) Around winter solstice, your zodiacal error may overreach seven (7) “signs”.

g) Said massive error has nothing to do with the Stargate of Hell (or zodiacal Scutum),

since the Sun's appointment with Witchallow and Ophiuchus remains fairly “fixed”.

h) At any epoch, the stress being on “any epoch at all”; the Sun fairly remains in Orion,

around summer solstice; yet another definition would have it “at the Stargate”.

i) The term “generally” may encompass epochs. Pisces II follows upon AEON CETI. The

next epoch will introduce e.g. Delphinus (and zodiacal Pegasus) ascendant. All planets

(and Pluto, Eris...). Present means now +- e.g. 1500 years or so – depending on context;

e.g. nobody you know may ever have an Aries ascendant for the present epoch. Ditto

means as already said. Orion is a normal zodiacal ascendant much as Cetus, Hydra or

Ophiuchus. The Sun being faux ego is least important in any or most analyses.

j) What do we make of zodiacal ascendant Sextans? Much as aforementioned Cetus,

Orion, Hydra, Ophiuchus and others; Sextans is valid n a zodiacal ascendant (ditto).

k) Does the Sun enter Sextans? All planets do enter Cetus, Orion, Ophiuchus and so forth;

but what do we make of New Moon in Sextans? Possibly with Tekton, Orcus (real

estate) Mercury (Keanu Reeves) and Moon there? The portent may me pertinent as they

generally apply to Vatican and Russia, therefore important (if not shadow) politics

movers (both “socialist” at this epoch: Sextans is a Masonic zodiacal ascendant,

therefore a few notches above neophyte, {in an (RTRRT) Initiation} indeed.

l) Every planet (among #1008planets) traces its own zodiac; e.g. The Moon does not travel

with Venus at all “la donna e' mobile”. Venus does not enter Auriga.

m) That Moon can be conjunct Venus e.g. in Sextans (but not in Crater or Corvus or...) is

coincidental since they may cross paths (zodiacs) once in a while; but they evidently

don't travel selfsame path at all.

n) Much as Pluto will never enter Aries, Eris will always largely avoid Taurus.

o) These and more unpopular facts can be found here: http://lulu.com/astrology

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