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1. Different types of conflict resolution and when do you use them?

(i) Avoiding: Low on both assertiveness and cooperativeness, postpone addressing it. Appropriate: 1.
when parties are much angry and need to cool down. 2. Very functional when issue is trivial. (lose-lose


 When an issue is trivial or more important issues are pressing.

 When there is no chance of satisfying the concern
 When others can resolve the conflict more effectively.

(ii) Accommodating: When other parties goals are met but relatively unconcerned with getting ones
own way. Willing to sacrifice in the interest of the other. Accommodating manager may become
frustrated as his own needs are not met. (lose win situation)


 When you are wrong and allow a better position to be heard.

 To show your reasonableness
 To build social credit for later issues.
 To minimize loss
 When harmony and stability are more important
 To allow employs to develop from mistakes
 When issues are more important to others than yourself.

(iii) Competing: High assertion and low cooperation. Tries to meet ones own goals at the other parties
expense. Competing strategy may be dangerous as one is reluctant to admit even when wrong. People
are afraid to disagree. (win lose situation)


 When quick and decisive action is vital.

 On important issues where unpopular action is implemented. E.g Discipline, cost cutting
 Issues for the welfare of the company which are right

(iv) Compromising: it is intermediate on both the assertive and cooperative dimensions. Each party tries
to give up something to reach a solution. “give and take” policy. It is a final negotiation when time is
important. When collaboration fails compromise take place.


 When goals are important, cannot be disrupted by more assertive modes.

 When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals
 To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues
(v) Collaborating: marked by both high assertiveness and cooperativeness. It involves to satisfy the
needs of both the parties. Creating a win-win style. A creative solution emerges because of joined effort
and both gain from the situation without hurting the other.


 To find integrative solutions when concerns are too important.

 To gain commitment
 To work through feelings that interfere with relationships
 When objective is to learn

2. Factors that build interpersonal relationships.

 Development and functioning of the mind

 If ID is strong – self-centered and selfish
 If ego and super ego are weak- fail to know the reality and norms
 Five years of life shape interpersonal relationships
 Personality types (Components of Personality-Knowledge, attitudes, actions, reactions, goals
and aspirations)
 Develops over a period of 20 years
 Unhealthy personality types- disturbed relationship. Eg- schizoid- introvert, paranoid-
suspicious, anti- social, lonely, have unstable interpersonal relationship
 Type A- highly ambitious personality
 IQ
 Low IQ- meaningless relationships, cannot adapt to realities of life.
 Highly intelligent- pre-occupied with work and achievement , and neglect relationships
 Needs
 If fulfilled- relate to people,
 If needs are very high- frustration, jealousy, blame others and relationship break
 Money and materials
 Poor person- neglected by own and others.
 Rich and powerful- others become closer to him
 Money and Power- brings arrogance and disturbed interpersonal relationships
 Communication
 Poor and inadequate com- leads to misunderstanding and misinterpretation- spoils the
 Effective communication- build relationship
 One has to communicate views, feelings and needs to others
 Interest hobbies and activities
 If common builds meaningful and encouraging relationship
 Diverse interest and activities- separate people
 Roles-
 Each role carries responsibilities and discharges duties results in building relationship
 Emotions-
 Positive emotions improves and negative damages, emotions should be appropriate and smooth
to maintain relationship
 Self esteem-
 Both high ( superiority complex) and low SE ( inferiority feelings ) disturbs relationships
 Health-
 Dependency strengthens relationships, eg- cancer, heart surgery,
 Certain illness develops negative attitude- mental disease, AIDS & STD breaks relationship.
 Socio- cultural and religious factors-
 How to treat the guest and how to interact in social gatherings, if norms are not followed
relationship gets strained ; religion brings kinship, but religious fanaticism can lead to violence
and war

3. Characteristics of Emotional intelligence

 Self-awareness- don’t let their feelings rule them, know their strength and weaknesses, take an
honest look at themselves.
 Self-regulation- ability to control emotions and impulses. Don’t allow to become too angry or
jealous, think before they act
 Motivation- willing to defer immediate results for long term success, highly productive, love a
 Empathy- ability to identify with, understand the wants, needs and viewpoints of those
around, recognize the feelings of others, excellent at managing relationship and listening
 Social skills- easy to talk to and like people, team players help others develop and shine, masters
at building and maintaining relationship

4. How to develop Emotional Intelligence

 Observe how you react to people- do not judge before you know all the fact
 Look at your work environment- do you seek attention for accomplishment, humility is a
wonderful quality
 Do a self-evaluation- accept your weakness and know that you are not perfect, work on areas to
make yourself better.
 Examine how you react to stressful situation. Do you become upset? Do you blame others?
 Develop ability to be calm and keep emotions under control when things go wrong
 Take responsibility for your actions- “apologize if you hurt someone else”
 Do not ignore or avoid the person
 Forgive and forget
 Examine how your actions will affect others- if your decisions will impact others, put yourself in
their place.

5. Short note on time management

Benefits of time management:

 Efficient
 Successful
 Healthy
 Gain time
 Motivates and initiates
 Reduces avoidance
 Promotes review
 Eliminate cramming
 Reduces anxiety

Time Management Techniques:

 List of things
 Decide most important
 Too big/difficult- break into task
 Learn to say no which will pull you down
 Reward yourself
 Learn to relax
 Keep in mind 80% benefit first 20% time
 Concentrate one thing at a time
 Identify short and long term goals
 Group , activities together
 Separate urgencies from priorities
 Revise goals regularly
 Some interruptions are necessary
 Stop spending time worrying/ trying to control what you cannot do
 Minimax:
 a) minimize weakness
 b) maximize strengths
6. Stress stages and causes

Stage 1: Alarm Reaction. Any physical, emotional, or mental upset will cause an instantaneous reaction
by the body to combat the stressor. This physical response is well known as the "fight-or-flight"

Stage 2: Resistance. At the resistance stage, the body tries to become balanced (a process called

Stage 3: Exhaustion. After combating stress for days to weeks, the body shuts down completely.
Sometimes after days of unending stress, the body succumbs to illness—either a viral or bacterial

Causes of Stress:

 Major life changes that can be stressful

 Geoographic mobility
 Going to college
 Transfer to a new school
 Marriage
 Pregnancy
 New job
 New life style
 Divorce
 Death of a loved one
 Being fired from the job
 Environmental events that can be stressful
 Time pressure
 Competition
 Financial problems
 Noise
 Disappointments

 Occupational

 Working hours and conditions

 Low job satisfaction
 Resource allocation
 Behaviour of boss and co-workers
 Centralization
 Lack of participation on Decision making
 Temperature
 Pollution
 Safety measures

7. How to manage stress?

Identifying unrelieved stress and being aware of its effect on our lives is not sufficient for reducing its
harmful effects. Just as there are many sources of stress, there are many techniques for its
management. However, all require work toward change:

Changing the source of stress and/or changing your reaction to it.

How do we proceed?

1. Become aware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reactions.

2. Recognize what you can change.

3. Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress

4. Learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress.

5. Build your physical reserves

6. Maintain your emotional reserves

Listed here are the top 4 relaxation strategies for anxiety. To get the most out of these relaxation
techniques, it is important that you practice them often and at times when you are not feeling highly

1. Deep Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are the foundation of many other relaxation techniques and are very easy to learn.
These exercises work to help you breathe slowly and deeply, which can allow you to feel more relaxed.

Breathing exercises have been known to have a cleansing effect, making you feel energized and
refreshed. Deep breathing also brings your focus and attention to the breathing process, therefore
clearing your mind and helping you to control the rhythm of your breath.

These exercises can assist with reducing muscle tension, along with improving other common symptoms
of panic, such as decreasing rapid heart rate and managing shortness of breath

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is an effective anxiety-reducing technique that involves decreasing
the tension throughout your body while calming any anxious thoughts.

PMR involves tightening and releasing various muscle groups to lessen bodily tension. By focusing your
attention on letting go of stress throughout the body, you are also able to quiet and calm your mind.

When practiced over time, PMR can help you recognize when your muscles are constricted and more
easily release physical discomfort that is contributing to your anxiety.

3. Yoga and Meditation

Many people find yoga and meditation to be useful ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga can help
you to let go of tension throughout the body, improve concentration, and relax. Meditation can be used
alone or as part of a yoga practice and is also a great way to assist you in feeling more balanced, calm,
and focused. These relaxation techniques can be practiced upon waking to relieve and reduce morning
anxiety and start the day feeling refreshed. They can also be used at the end of the day to let go of any
built-up stress and tension.

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