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First Grading Examination in Science-8

S.Y. 2018-2019
Name: _____________________________________________________Date:_________
Year & Section:___________ Subject:_____________

I. Write True if the statement is correct and False if not. (3 points each)

1. Wegener was able to complete and prove his continental drift theory during his lifetime.
2. The spreading seafloor was what caused the continents to drift apart.
3. Mid-ocean ridges are undersea mountain ridges that have a steep and narrow valley
running toward the center.
4. According to Hess and Dietz, the seafloor only spreads if the underwater volcanoes
5. Transform boundaries are zones where lithospheric plates move apart from one another
forming mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys.
6. Harry Hess and Robert Dietz were the scientists who discovered the seafloor spreading.
7. Convergent boundaries are shear zone where plates move past each other.
8. The Mid-Atlantic ocean ridge is the only sea ridge on earth.
9. Seafloor spreading theory states that the seafloor is continuously moving and renewing
10. Divergent boundaries occur when two plates meet or collide.

II. Choose from the given box below your best answers. (5 Points Each)

Pangea Panthalassa Asthenosphere Lithosphere Convection

Convergent boundaries Subduction Ridge Theory of Plate Tectonics

Continental Drift Theory Seafloor Spreading Theory Seismograph Trench

Alfred Wegener Seismology valley landmass

___________1. Which means “All Earth” or the single land mass.
___________2. A German geologists and meteorologist who first proposed a theory which
describe that the Earth’s continent were once a single land mass slowly drifting away.
___________3. It states that the seafloor is continuously moving and renewing itself.
___________4. The branch of geophysics which is the scientific study of earthquakes.
___________5. It states continents once formed a part of a single land mass called
___________6. An instrument/device that measures and records details of earthquakes, such as
force and duration.
___________7. Comes from the Greek word which means “All Seas”.
___________8. It consists of continental and oceanic crust, it is the outer portion that relatively
solid layer.
___________9. This is a portion of the upper mantle and partly composed of molten zone that
moves continuously but slowly sometimes referred as the viscous layer of the mantle.
__________10. Also called the Earth’s unifying theory, according to this theory, the pieces of the
earth’s lithospheric plates are in constant motion or always moving.
__________11. The place where two plates meet or collide is called.
__________12. Is a cyclic process in which hot materials float because of its low density and
cold material sink due to its high density.
__________13. The process of sinking back to the mantle is called.
__________14. Forms from the collision of oceanic crust with a continental crust.
__________15. Forms when two oceanic plate diverge from one another.

II. Encircle the letter of the best answer. (3 Points Each)

1. Which of the following changes can be observed in the continental to continental
convergence boundary?
a. rift valley c. ocean ridges
b. new seafloor d. mountain ridges
2. Which of the following boundaries does not form trench?
a. Oceanic-oceanic plate convergent boundary.
b. Oceanic-continental plate convergent boundary
c. Continental-continental plate convergent boundary
d. none of the above
3. What area is formed in between two sliding plates?
a. fault c. shear zone
b. trench d. ocean ridge
4. What kind of boundary does a rift valley form?
a. Divergent plate boundary c. Oceanic-oceanic
b. transform fault boundary d. Oceanic to continental
5. What land structure is formed when magma from the seafloor erupts and rises from an
oceanic-oceanic plate boundary
a. archipelago c. trenches
b. island arc d. underwater volcano
6. What kind of boundary is the result of collision of two crustal plates?
a. divergent boundary c. convergent boundary
b. transform boundary d. ridge-trench boundary
7. What happens when two plates collide?
a. rift valleys are formed
b. both plates go underground
c. both plates rise up in the ground
d. one plates sinks to the ground, forming a subduction zone
8. A British geologist that introduced the convection theory.
a. Robert Dietz c. Harry Hess
b. Alfred Wegener d. Arthur Holmes
9. Which of the following is not an evidence of continental drift theory
a. Climatic changes c. Similar fossils
b. Changes in landforms d. Mid ocean ridges
10. This is a portion of the upper mantle and partly composed of molten zone that moves
continuously but slowly sometimes referred as the viscous layer of the mantle.
a. continental crust c. asthenosphere
b. lithosphere d. oceanic crust

BONUS QUESTION: Enumerate The 7 Continents (4AENS)


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