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{"483809390340603905":{"u":0,"t":1535419547401,"m":"rip up
shirt"},"483809853978968094":{"u":1,"t":1535419657941,"m":"you look at your
inventory. in it is:\n1. a vial of concentrated fairy dust\n2. a vial of
gasoline\n3. a thick stack of copy paper\n4. a damp, white cotton shirt\n5. an
almost lethal dose of desperation"},"483809868239601664":
{"u":1,"t":1535419661341,"m":"what do you do now?"},"483810016428556339":
{"u":0,"t":1535419696672,"m":"eat fairy dust"},"483810841691553801":
{"u":1,"t":1535419893430,"m":"you claw off the cork that traps the magical fairy
dust. it's glowing very brightly. you're not sure if you want to eat it, so you do
the next best thing: you snort it. you try a third first to see if you like it or
now. immediately, you grow a pair of delicate thin wings that flap on command. your
bones are less dense, and more airy. your eyes glow with the power of inter-
dimensional spice. you feel much, much stronger now. note: these effects will only
last for the next 10 moves."},"483810942883463204":
{"u":0,"t":1535419917556,"m":"snort all fairy dust"},"483811196965879826":
{"u":1,"t":1535419978134,"m":"it appears your nose has vanished! perhaps this is a
quirk of the fairy dust? try again, please."},"483811272329003020":
{"u":0,"t":1535419996102,"m":"eat fairy dust"},"483811618468266006":
{"u":1,"t":1535420078628,"m":"update: you are unable to ingest the fairy dust while
it's powers are in effect."},"483811686508134414":{"u":0,"t":1535420094850,"m":"fly
into sky"},"483811741827072000":{"u":2,"t":1535420108039,"m":"combine fairy dust
and gasoline"},"483812682995335168":{"u":1,"t":1535420332431,"m":"you attempt to
fly into the sky, but bonk your head very hard on the lights. strangely, they are
cool to the touch."},"483813022415060993":{"u":1,"t":1535420413355,"m":"you drift
back down to the floor, like a piece of scrap paper that flutters as it tumbles
down."},"483813371565703182":{"u":1,"t":1535420496599,"m":"with nothing else left
to do, you combine a third of the fairy dust with the vial of gasoline. this turns
the vial of gasoline into a concentrated vial of liquid fire, burning anything to
the touch. but be careful: it loses it's heat quickly, so if you don't use it in
the next 3 moves it will turn back into gasoline."},"483814194442010624":
{"u":0,"t":1535420692788,"m":"pour liquid fire on self"},"483817584266051584":
{"u":1,"t":1535421500985,"m":"request denied."},"483817852164505601":
{"u":0,"t":1535421564857,"m":"pour liquid fire on
ground","f":1},"483836900508172289":{"u":1,"t":1535426106336,"m":"you pour the
liquid fire onto the ground. the ground doesn't melt into goop. however, some of
the liquid fire splashes onto the walls. gaping holes start to engulf them. the
heat gets worse. you feel like you're being microwaved, cooked from the inside out.
in between tears and harsh coughs, you see that the liquid fire is quickly burning
this accursed hall down. one even takes down the door. there's something...off
about these holes though. they're completely dark. like you're gazing at your
closet in the middle of the night without the lights on. except this time the
lights are on, and there's nothing that can be seen. you wonder if there's even
anything beyond here. there's no time to keep this train of thought though--you're
dying, and you have to get out of here fast. so, with a quick flap of your new
wings, you fly into the darkness."},"483836987351105558":
{"u":1,"t":1535426127041,"m":"you are in total darkness. the hall is long gone now.
there is only you."},"483838671552905229":{"u":1,"t":1535426528586,"m":"you begin
to worry if you're going to be trapped in this infinite limbo forever. thank god,
when a sudden jerk pulls on your back and rips you away from the black.
unfortunately, this \"hook\" that pulls you along the way has no idea how to do
locations, and settings flicker between your eyes faster than you can count.
beaches morphing into cities morphing into oceans morphing into forests morphing
into everything that could be. like you're being pulled on a curved line, where the
x axis is an axis of all the existing locations in the universe, and the y axis is
an axis of all the locations that *could* exist in the universe. you're awake and
asleep, in a half-dream as these different worlds compress into each other and
decompress, your reality sliding from under you like a misbehaving rug, like the
chandelier in the kingdom of infinity as it swings it's precessions and you're on
it, and you're living and dying and you're nothing, you're everything, you exist,
you don't, your essence is imprinted in my brain--"},"483838746253590530":
{"u":1,"t":1535426546396,"m":"--and after what feels like an overextended
eternity--"},"483838808236752905":{"u":1,"t":1535426561174,"m":"--and after your
lungs have been flipped back and forth like a pack of
cards--"},"483839015339163668":{"u":1,"t":1535426610551,"m":"--and after your atoms
have been rearranged into all the finite forms that can possibly exist in one
minute and 13.5927 seconds--"},"483839472924885004":
{"u":1,"t":1535426719648,"m":"--you finally materialize high, up above an ocean.
gravity demands you to come to it, and so you make your unholy descent down into
the water. you have exactly 3 minutes before you hit the water, anyone
participating @here. what do you do?","f":1},"483839564608176128":
{"u":0,"t":1535426741507,"m":"stick hand in mouth"},"483839643784183820":
{"u":1,"t":1535426760384,"m":"your body is under too much shock to shove your hand
into your mouth!"},"483839705125879809":{"u":0,"t":1535426775009,"m":"roll slow
down time"},"483839762478661633":{"u":1,"t":1535426788683,"m":"you do not have your
magical dice!"},"483839906016395266":{"u":0,"t":1535426822905,"m":"check
inventory"},"483839999704563733":{"u":1,"t":1535426845242,"m":"in your inventory is
{"u":1,"t":1535426877785,"m":"you are tumbling, falling from the sky and oh jesus
christ the water is getting close."},"483840245754757120":
{"u":0,"t":1535426903905,"m":"spread limbs to maximaze surface
area"},"483840316835758101":{"u":3,"t":1535426920852,"m":"close your
eyes"},"483840392425635851":{"u":1,"t":1535426938874,"m":"you hit the water just as
you slam your eyes shut."},"483840597237563413":{"u":0,"t":1535426987705,"m":"open
eyes"},"483841402908966912":{"u":1,"t":1535427179792,"m":"when you finally regain
consciousness, you open your eyes. you are deep under the surface of the water.
frantically, you swim up to the top. your lungs almost burst by the time you get
your nose out of the water. taking a small breather, you assess the situation. you
have nothing, except for the fading effects of the magical fairy dust you snorted
long before. you're stranded in the middle of the ocean, with no raft or boat. what
do you do?"},"483842914657632258":{"u":3,"t":1535427540221,"m":"Check lasting
effects of fairy dust"},"483843100167372801":{"u":1,"t":1535427584450,"m":"the
duration of the fairy dust is at 5 moves."},"483844506903642183":
{"u":1,"t":1535427925393,"m":"saving game..."},"483844537417072640":
{"u":0,"t":1535428134278,"m":"fly into sky"},"483846174948720672":
{"u":1,"t":1535428317535,"m":"you decide to fly into the sky, with your magical
fairy abilities. you remain here for a while--"},"483846230862987265":
{"u":1,"t":1535428330866,"m":"error. corruption detected. continue
{"u":2,"t":1535419468181,"m":"look at inventory"},"483488078703362058":
{"u":0,"t":1535342976274,"m":"its hard to change just the color of the person
talkign though"},"483488247968694274":{"u":4,"t":1535342981093,"m":"ah
{"u":4,"t":1535342983529,"m":"nicer colors then"},"483489259890802688":
{"u":3,"t":1535343222354,"m":"(ill put sum ideas in another chat, this is
darren.bot's place)"},"483727571373260810":{"u":1,"t":1535400040239,"m":"save
successfully loaded!\n\nyou are now standing outside in the warm summer night, with
an eerily glowing hallway behind you. the trees up above, part of the forest,
rustle their leaves as the cicadas sing song through the night. the moon shines
cool rays down to your skin, soft and glowing like solid stardust. in the
atmosphere there is the smell of burning wood, one that reminds you of a vague
memory."},"483727592671674388":{"u":1,"t":1535400045317,"m":"what do you
do?"},"483765845965799424":{"u":2,"t":1535409165613,"m":"look at
inventory"},"483782290108055576":{"u":1,"t":1535413086202,"m":"you look at your
inventory. in it is a small vial of concentrated plant juice, an unopened water
bottle, and a bundle of paper. now what?"},"483783622323863572":
{"u":5,"t":1535413403827,"m":"inspect plant juice"},"483784148725792790":
{"u":1,"t":1535413529331,"m":"unfortunately you do not have a pair of glasses at
the moment to be able to inspect the plant juice. however, you can still take a
glance at it. would you like to take a glance at it?"},"483784335611265030":
{"u":5,"t":1535413573888,"m":"yes please"},"483784926328782863":
{"u":1,"t":1535413714726,"m":"ok. taking a glance at the vial of concentrated plant
juice, you see that it is a solid green color. it shines in the suddenly warmer
light. a drop of sweat drips from your forehead and falls onto the cork stopper.
what do you do now?"},"483784989134159893":{"u":0,"t":1535413729700,"m":"drink
plant juice"},"483785103705636887":
{"u":1,"t":1535413865707,"m":"you suddenly have the wonderful idea to drink the
concentrated plant juice in the vial. in your excitement, your hands shake and
become slightly moist. you grab the cork, and pull on it. your finger slip and you
wind up scraping your fingertips on the incredibly sharp edge of the frustum-shaped
stopper. what do you do now?","f":1},"483785979648278538":
{"u":0,"t":1535413965857,"m":"drink plant juice","f":1},"483789799304724490":
{"u":1,"t":1535414876534,"m":"you are very thirsty. completely forgetting all about
the water bottle, you crack open the vial by slamming it into the metal walls, and
drinking from there. the harsh bitter punch of the plant juice slams right into
your face, as if you were it's punching bag. you reel in shock, choking as your
head snaps forwards and expels this horrible green liquid onto the floor. the crack
in the side of the vial continues to leak the horrible green fluid into your hands.
quickly, you open the water bottle and drip whatever you can onto the bottle. the
water turns a light shade of green, similar to the ones you may find on the leaves
of a rainforest tree. what do you do?"},"483790326209839104":
{"u":0,"t":1535415002158,"m":"eat entire vial with glass"},"483791511234805760":
{"u":2,"t":1535415284690,"m":"inspect bundle of paper"},"483791934234558475":
{"u":1,"t":1535415385541,"m":"it appears those few drops of plant juice have made
you a bit tipsy. in your confused state, you suddenly mistake the glass vial for a
sausage. and so, you bite down on the already damaged glassware. the viscous green
liquid fills your mouth and just about burns all your taste buds off. you swallow.
the broken glass is sucked down your mucus-y esophagus into your iron stomach, and
you feel strangely full. what do you do?","f":1},"483792125725638658":
{"u":0,"t":1535415431196,"m":"glance at paper"},"483792363920031795":
{"u":1,"t":1535415487986,"m":"you take a quick glance at the stack of paper you now
pulled out of your inventory. it looks like this is all just plain copy paper. sad,
since you expected a wonderful story out of it. you put it into your inventory once
more, and easily forget about it. what do you do now?"},"483792509366042655":
{"u":0,"t":1535415522663,"m":"inspect clothing"},"483794869773402154":
{"u":1,"t":1535416085428,"m":"you struggle to inspect your clothing. the lack of
glasses makes this action very taxing on your eyes. in the end however, you manage
to inspect all of it.\n1. white t-shirt. it is a thick, bleached white t-shirt that
fits your body well. you brush your fingers over the fabric and note it's calming,
soft texture.\n2. dark blue shorts. there used to be a nice pattern on these once,
but countless washes have all but stripped it away. the color still looks as great
as over. it smells like fragrant, flowery softener. it's been a while since you've
ever smelled anything remotely flowery. it is also calming.\n3. gray sneakers.
these sneakers have been with you for as long as you could remember. they are very
comfortable to wear. sometimes, you even forget they even are on your feet. not
this time though, since you've directed all your cognitive functions towards these
two gray pieces of footwear.","f":1},"483794901708963848":
{"u":1,"t":1535416093042,"m":"what do you do?"},"483795070995267584":
{"u":0,"t":1535416133403,"m":"gouge out eyes"},"483795186623971338":
{"u":1,"t":1535416160971,"m":"request denied."},"483795406203912202":
{"u":0,"t":1535416213323,"m":"take off shirt"},"483795775734939658":
{"u":1,"t":1535416328914,"m":"did it just get 10 degrees warmer in here? it's
sweltering. you take off your shirt, and store it away in your inventory.
immediately you feel cooler, though it's still very warm."},"483796128211664943":
{"u":0,"t":1535416385463,"m":"take off shorts and sneakers"},"483796163670179840":
{"u":3,"t":1535416393917,"m":"W H Y"},"483796333417725982":
{"u":1,"t":1535419014525,"m":"no thanks. request denied."},"483807175592902680":
{"u":1,"t":1535419019364,"m":"please send another
command.","f":1},"483807232467795969":{"u":3,"t":1535419032924,"m":"wonder about
the heat"},"483807665567432724":{"u":2,"t":1535419136183,"m":"grab 5
cicadas"},"483807742176526339":{"u":1,"t":1535419154448,"m":"you are not outside to
grab five cicadas!"},"483807844525801472":{"u":3,"t":1535419178850,"m":"W H
Y"},"483808107206803456":{"u":1,"t":1535419241478,"m":"you wonder about the heat.
it's uncomfortably warm, almost choking you. it seems to have gotten even hotter
since you've removed your shirt. the lights up above glare down harshly at you,
like you've done a horrible crime. at this rate, you may just sweat out all the
fluids in your body. you shudder at the thought. dying? in a weird hallway? from
the *lights*? no. not happening."},"483808117369470979":
{"u":1,"t":1535419243901,"m":"what do you do?"},"483808174147633163":
{"u":2,"t":1535419257438,"m":"wait we went inside"},"483808182414606356":
{"u":1,"t":1535419417810,"m":"hm. it appears ive accidentally synced the two
sessions. odd. oh well, you guys always seem to manage to find a way out of these
kind of situations."},"483808852257800232":{"u":1,"t":1535419419112,"m":"what
{"u":1,"t":1535329538654,"m":"you decide that this will not do. but some objects
are quite beautiful, like this lamp post you are sitting on. and so, you cast an
anti-perception field for black objects on everyone, except for
yourself."},"483431912342552578":{"u":1,"t":1535329549633,"m":"what do you do
now?"},"483432032882655254":{"u":0,"t":1535329578372,"m":"seek mysterious black
figure"},"483432645934579714":{"u":1,"t":1535329724535,"m":"you summon your EYES OF
THE WOODEN GOD. the EYES are about 6 wooden spheres that seek out your subject, and
relay sight to your mind directly. they float around you like beautiful, loyal
subjects. you command them to seek out the Figure of Shadow, and then
go.","f":1},"483432687671967754":{"u":1,"t":1535329734486,"m":"you close your eyes,
and switch to other ones...","f":1},"483433512838365224":
{"u":1,"t":1535329931221,"m":"you signal to the EYES: \"copy this message if you
can hear me\"\neye 1 says, \"copy this message if you can hear me\"\neye 2
says, \"copy this message if you can hear me\"\neye 3 says, \"copy this message if
you can hear me\"\neye 4 says, \"copy this message if you can hear me\"\neye 5
says, \"copy this message if you can hear me\"\neye 6 says, \"copy this message if
you can hear me\""},"483433574209421342":{"u":1,"t":1535329945853,"m":"now, you
just wait and see.","f":1},"483433863591362560":
{"u":1,"t":1535330126302,"m":"eye 3 picks up something. it is the forest, above the
treetops. it sees a quick black shadow flash across the trees. it dives down, and
focuses on the black shadow. finally. you've found this damn thing. you tell the
eye to turn invisible, and keep monitoring this...thing."},"483434718608490497":
{"u":1,"t":1535330218699,"m":"the Figure of Shadow snaps up, seems to sniff
something out. it's tentacles whip at the air chaotically, but your eye is too
fast."},"483435207253295105":{"u":1,"t":1535330335201,"m":"eye 1 picks up something
too. another Figure of Shadow in a flower field. ugh, another one? this time, you
tell the eye to focus on the Figure and send a bolt of compressed energy at it. it
does, but the bolt just...passes through. fuck. you enable invis mode again just as
the Figure turns around."},"483435304309751808":
{"u":0,"t":1535330358341,"m":"absorb Figure","f":1},"483435700763492383":
{"u":1,"t":1535330452863,"m":"you just about send eye 1 to absorb the Figure, until
you catch yourself. no. that will not do. absorbing the Figure through the eye
would be disasterous. instead, you command it to probe it's
mind."},"483435842627698709":{"u":1,"t":1535330486686,"m":"eye 1 spits back an
error. there is no mind to probe, let alone a Figure. what's
anyway"},"483436208349773833":{"u":1,"t":1535330573881,"m":"you switch back to eye
3, and tell it to absorb the Figure it is currently dodging. it does. and...that's
it. there is no presence in your mind. in fact, you don't even have it's appendages
like you thought it would give you."},"483436248879595520":
{"u":1,"t":1535330583544,"m":"you tell the eyes to come back to
you."},"483436817463509012":{"u":1,"t":1535330719105,"m":"when they do, they pull
out their energy holes and start firing. quickly, you jump up in the air and blast
off miles across the city. they are hot on your trail. inside your mind, you
command them to cease fire. they respond with, \"i found the Figure\". all six of
them. shit. and your headache just got even worse, to
boot.","f":1},"483436833842135060":{"u":1,"t":1535330723010,"m":"what do you
have a strong mental connection with you. are you completely sure you want to kill
them all?","f":1},"483438618376011798":
{"u":1,"t":1535331227011,"m":"you turn around, just as the EYES reach you. with a
snap of your fingers, you crush all of them at once by rapidly changing the
atmospheric density of the localized region."},"483439091375931411":
{"u":1,"t":1535331261248,"m":"in your mind, they go black and spit out multiple
errors."},"483439178433036298":{"u":1,"t":1535331282004,"m":"the last thing they
say before completely dying is, \"target unable to be
entire civilization"},"483439431961804801":{"u":1,"t":1535331342450,"m":"you better
get out your dice because im not doing that so
easily.","f":1},"483439641190596608":{"u":0,"t":1535331392334,"m":"roll destroy
entire civilization"},"483439765673213962":{"u":1,"t":1535331422013,"m":"you roll a
four on the D20 dice. you manage to explode a small pebble."},"483440068791500839":
{"u":1,"t":1535331494282,"m":"now what?"},"483440239340421131":
{"u":0,"t":1535331534944,"m":"roll destroy entire
civilization"},"483465102587068426":{"u":1,"t":1535337462804,"m":"you are unable to
roll the same command twice in a row! please input a different
one."},"483465166583889942":{"u":0,"t":1535337478062,"m":"roll destroy all
{"u":0,"t":1535337584481,"m":"roll destroy gravity"},"483465841740873728":
{"u":0,"t":1535337639032,"m":"reset game to last save file"},"483466401554628608":
{"u":1,"t":1535337772502,"m":"are you sure you would like to roll back the game to
the last save file? y/n"},"483466676856422430":
{"u":1,"t":1535337889313,"m":"rolling back to save file of August
23rd..."},"483466964115914755":{"u":1,"t":1535337906627,"m":"please wait patiently.
this will take a while."},"483467445093531648":{"u":0,"t":1535338021301,"m":"we
should document this"},"483467671053271050":{"u":1,"t":1535338075174,"m":"(lmao
why)"},"483467690338680853":{"u":1,"t":1535338079772,"m":"(it's just a
{"u":0,"t":1535338145526,"m":"like this whole game"},"483467983247769629":
{"u":0,"t":1535338149607,"m":"we should document it"},"483468186893942805":
{"u":0,"t":1535338240406,"m":"if we put it in a google doc it will be easier to
look back at for the steam showcase"},"483468850437029889":
{"u":5,"t":1535338356361,"m":"yeah that what we were thinking as
{"u":5,"t":1535338366313,"m":"and we also might compose
music"},"483468924885925889":{"u":5,"t":1535338374111,"m":"and have meetups for
music and art"},"483469167001993247":
{"u":0,"t":1535338438396,"m":"composing music"},"483469214376787968":
{"u":0,"t":1535338443131,"m":"xd what a joke"},"483469769740124190":
{"u":5,"t":1535338709803,"m":"yes yes"},"483470358725263360":
{"u":5,"t":1535338715965,"m":"we will have a main theme"},"483470379763892235":
{"u":5,"t":1535338720981,"m":"maybe an eerie verson"},"483470421082112000":
{"u":5,"t":1535338730832,"m":"we can just distort the main theme
possibly"},"483470458583384074":{"u":5,"t":1535338739773,"m":"and then we can have
parts that are silent"},"483470485691039754":{"u":5,"t":1535338746236,"m":"for
extra spook"},"483470595120431104":{"u":5,"t":1535338772326,"m":"and possible
singing by possible lynn"},"483470643518504961":{"u":5,"t":1535338783865,"m":"cause
she is singing queen"},"483470694320046102":{"u":5,"t":1535338795977,"m":"and maybe
alex"},"483470740902117396":{"u":5,"t":1535338807083,"m":"cause i dont think anyone
else in the group can sing"},"483470827820548106":{"u":5,"t":1535338827806,"m":"and
art, traditional and digital"},"483470908967878667":
{"u":2,"t":1535338847153,"m":"what can I do ;-;"},"483470928676651048":
{"u":5,"t":1535338851852,"m":"traditional will prob be watercolor and line art
(from me at least)"},"483470934502801428":
{"u":5,"t":1535338859480,"m":"you can play ur flute"},"483470974067408896":
{"u":5,"t":1535338862674,"m":"in the theme"},"483470998331457547":
{"u":5,"t":1535338868459,"m":"and if you want you can art"},"483471086571225088":
{"u":5,"t":1535338889497,"m":"canni might be able to explain better cause she had a
lot of ideas"},"483476409894043649":
89/opt2.PNG"}]},"483485578613227520":{"u":0,"t":1535342344669,"m":"which one looks
{"u":5,"t":1535342408531,"m":"maybe highlighting darren bot and what darren
said"},"483486410561683457":{"u":0,"t":1535342543021,"m":"should i change text
colors instead of highlighting"},"483487091813122058":
{"u":4,"t":1535342705444,"m":"maybe bold some stuff"},"483487100336078868":
{"u":4,"t":1535342707476,"m":"so they pop more"},"483487163950956574":
{"u":4,"t":1535342722643,"m":"becasue glancing at it makes it hard to pinpoint who
is saying what"},"483487169470791680":{"u":4,"t":1535342723959,"m":"for first
{"u":0,"t":1535342823584,"m":"so would changing the color of the text work
better"},"483487654776799232":{"u":4,"t":1535342839665,"m":"if they colors look
nice and coordinate well"},"483487690218668043":{"u":4,"t":1535342848115,"m":"just
the names though"},"483487704747606017":{"u":4,"t":1535342851579,"m":"and not their
text"},"483487717997543439":{"u":4,"t":1535342854738,"m":"so we leave some
78/opt1.PNG"}]},"483488064463831040":{"u":0,"t":1535342937342,"m":"except nicer
colors?"},"483391426701557850":{"u":1,"t":1535319897104,"m":"the molten sand turns
into obsidian."},"483391774916870146":{"u":1,"t":1535319980125,"m":"you scamper
over to the now-frozen ocean, and just about rip the obsidian out of the ice. you
extend an appendage over to a large rock and drag it over to you. you begin to
smack the obsidian piece over and over, onto the rock."},"483392081751179264":
{"u":1,"t":1535320053280,"m":"after what feels like months, you have finally
crafted an obsidian blade. as you were chipping it on the large rock, you infuse it
with even more of the eldritch mayjjks to give it the same properties as the
original."},"483392331358404630":{"u":1,"t":1535320112791,"m":"it is the middle of
the night when you are finished, and raining. lightning hits all around you. some
sand turns to glass, and you smile. you finally rise up, clutching your new
obsidian knife, and raise it to the angry heavens."},"483392403345113093":
{"u":1,"t":1535320129954,"m":"what happens next is almost
magical."},"483393171707920385":{"u":1,"t":1535320313146,"m":"the clouds up above
extend their amorphous tentacles down to you, trying to reason with you to let it
go. you laugh manically. you repeat no, over and over, and start to slice at them.
miles of cloud sink into the ocean. the rain forces itself into the sand, trying to
make you sink. but you stab at it, and it turns to regular sand once more. the
lightning strikes get closer and closer to you, and you start to run. your liquid
body begins to solidify more and more as you keep holding the obsidian knife.
suddenly you are at the top of a cliff, the water rushes below you, and the
lightning crackles on your skin."},"483393307230208010":
{"u":1,"t":1535320345457,"m":"you complete the ritual by stabbing the knife into
your semi-liquid heart.","f":1},"483393469113434122":
{"u":1,"t":1535320384053,"m":"you feel an indescribable bliss, similar to the one
you experienced as you originally trapped your soul into the blade. but you are not
descending. you are *ascending*.","f":1},"483393846466576395":
{"u":1,"t":1535320474021,"m":"your liquid body is siphoned into the blade, leaving
the wood you consumed earlier behind. there is no skin, only cork and bark. you
have no organs, just heartwood. where your brain was is a tangle of roots. your
hair is now made up entirely of thin, threadlike leaves. no longer are you bound to
your flesh body, or your liquid, amorphous form. you are a god. one that will bring
vengeance to the people who wronged you.","f":1},"483393912317149214":
to the second coming."},"483393932093423636":{"u":1,"t":1535320494436,"m":"what do
you do now?"},"483397267307364364":
{"u":0,"t":1535321294390,"m":"destroy the world"},"483398398636982282":
{"u":1,"t":1535321559343,"m":"(thanks! unfortuntely, i can't destroy the entire
world because that would take a really long time so im just gonna do this
instead:)\nyou are now the Wooden God. you stare out at the world in front of you.
this will not do, you speak in a booming voice. and so, with a wave of the obsidian
knife, you destroy the land. sand fills your vision, but you send a quick gust to
force it into the ocean. in fact, you take all the sand from all the beaches of the
world and empty it into the ocean. you like your muddy creation, and nod in
contentment.","f":1},"483398451237879809":{"u":1,"t":1535321571884,"m":"what do you
do now?"},"483398999840129024":{"u":0,"t":1535321702681,"m":"create sentient
beings"},"483399644483813405":{"u":1,"t":1535321856376,"m":"you descend back down
to the ruined beach, and start fashioning your people out of the wet sand. two
legs, two arms, and a single head. there is no time for silly things like torsos.
once you are done creating your beings, you carve a mark into each of their
bodies."},"483399733583544337":{"u":1,"t":1535321877619,"m":"you summon lightning,
and force the obsidian blade up to capture it. and then you"},"483399742525800458":
{"u":1,"t":1535321890883,"m":"and suddenly your creations come to
life."},"483399829511471111":{"u":1,"t":1535321900490,"m":"you turn invisible, and
monitor them as they begin their new lives.","f":1},"483399895189815297":
{"u":1,"t":1535321916149,"m":"what do you do?"},"483405196030902283":
{"u":0,"t":1535323179968,"m":"fast forward time"},"483409185187561488":
{"u":1,"t":1535324131057,"m":"error. time manipulation is currently blocked in this
session. please enter the admin password to unblock this command, try a different
command, or use the rogue's magical dice.","f":1},"483412628061028362":
{"u":0,"t":1535324951902,"m":"use rogue's dice"},"483414342088523777":
{"u":1,"t":1535325360558,"m":"you summon the dice, and do a roll. what do you roll
on?"},"483414520132272128":{"u":0,"t":1535325403007,"m":"fast forward 10000 years
into the future"},"483414599085850624":
{"u":0,"t":1535325426445,"m":"what are you asking"},"483414966523789313":
{"u":3,"t":1535325509435,"m":"Isn't it thief's dice?"},"483414979169615882":
{"u":3,"t":1535325530934,"m":"It is, right?"},"483415273840312332":
{"u":0,"t":1535325708842,"m":"are you asking for the number i
{"u":1,"t":1535326163363,"m":"basically say, \"roll\" and then write out the
command"},"483417739516706826":{"u":1,"t":1535326170568,"m":"you're rolling on a
D20 btw"},"483418901602893853":{"u":0,"t":1535326447631,"m":">roll travel 10,000
years into the future"},"483419376704552961":{"u":1,"t":1535326560904,"m":"you roll
to travel 10,000 years into the future. you just so happen to roll an 18 on a D20!
you are now 10,000 years into the future. your species has their own beautiful,
sprawling civilization. streets, lined with gold. towering glass buildings. eternal
light. what do you do?"},"483420041300410368":{"u":0,"t":1535326719356,"m":"change
into human form and explore civilization"},"483421075930087448":
{"u":1,"t":1535326966031,"m":"you change into your human form and explore the
civilization. where do you go?"},"483422924343214080":
{"u":0,"t":1535327406727,"m":"glass building"},"483423523046555658":
{"u":1,"t":1535327549469,"m":"you go to the tallest glass building. immediately,
the receptionist pulls a weapon on you. clearly something's wrong. what do you
do?"},"483425426136367115":{"u":0,"t":1535328003201,"m":"take over receptionists
body, look through memories"},"483426094490320898":
{"u":1,"t":1535328162549,"m":"using your Wooden God powers, you infiltrate her mind
and notice that she has been assaulted by a humanoid figure, similar in shape to
you but a very, very black color. alarmed, you exit out of her mind and become
invisble again. what do?"},"483427541588115458":{"u":0,"t":1535328507564,"m":"probe
other minds to gather info about black humanoid"},"483429827727196160":
{"u":1,"t":1535329052622,"m":"confused, you fly up to the ruler's abode and probe
his mind for information about the black humanoid. as it turns out, the black
humanoid is in all his memories. in the peripheral vision. in the direct vision. in
all angles and light settings. exiting, you construct a mental image of this
strange figure.\n\nthe figure is roughly 7 feet tall. it uses thin, flexible
appendages that can collapse and extend to...\"interact\" with people. the figure
wields a strange looking spear from time to time. it looks like a living shadow.
the figure appears to be invisible, when not faced head on. perhaps they are 2
dimensional?"},"483430150445203457":{"u":1,"t":1535329129564,"m":"there is still so
much mystery about this figure. you've never been this confused since the time in
the hallwa--wait, what?","f":1},"483430452867366927":
{"u":0,"t":1535329201667,"m":"destroy all blak objects in
civilization"},"483431034990493727":{"u":1,"t":1535329340456,"m":"ugh. you're so
confused. and that terrible headache--where is it coming from? whatever. you go
out, and start surveying the civilization. how strange, that there is so much
blackness in this kingdom of light."},"483140349502423040":
{"u":1,"t":1535260035635,"m":"your corpse picks up the knife and continues
walking."},"483140363410997279":{"u":1,"t":1535260038951,"m":"what do you
do?"},"483141633710227466":{"u":0,"t":1535260341814,"m":"produce deadly poison that
kills on skin contact"},"483144097645985794":
{"u":1,"t":1535260929262,"m":"panickedly, you attempt to remedy this situation by
instead producing a lethal poison that kills on skin
contact."},"483144135012778004":{"u":1,"t":1535260938171,"m":"you extrude it though
the blade."},"483144156978348042":{"u":1,"t":1535260943408,"m":"and it doesn’t
work."},"483144200771076097":{"u":1,"t":1535260953849,"m":"the corpse is already
dead. someone is wearing it."},"483144348851240960":
{"u":2,"t":1535260989154,"m":">produce a liquid that destroys
atoms"},"483144497224613888":{"u":1,"t":1535261024529,"m":"that would destroy the
obsidian blade, which in turn would destroy you."},"483144860828958721":
{"u":1,"t":1535261111219,"m":"please try again."},"483144919062544394":
{"u":1,"t":1535261125103,"m":"(also you don’t need the little > at be beginning
lol)"},"483146272707051520":{"u":2,"t":1535261447837,"m":"produce liquid that
destroys organic molecules"},"483146547614187520":{"u":1,"t":1535261513380,"m":"you
suddenly unleash a wave of a carbon-eliminating substance. the corpse keeps
walking."},"483146591553716265":{"u":1,"t":1535261523856,"m":"then it staggers for
a bit, collapses."},"483146804062322698":{"u":1,"t":1535261574522,"m":"now
what?"},"483146998854320149":{"u":0,"t":1535261620964,"m":">produce liquid imbued
with your consciousness"},"483150891545919488":{"u":1,"t":1535262549054,"m":"you
liquify yourself into a fast absorbing compound that is able to be secreted from
the knife. you leave the obsidian blade, crawl up your neck, and inject yourself
right into your corpses head","f":1},"483153979010973696":
{"u":0,"t":1535263285163,"m":"absorb corpse"},"483304631058038786":
{"u":1,"t":1535299203410,"m":"you messily absorb your own corpse. it is much more
tasty than you thought it would originally be. now, taking the form of a basic
humanoid figure, you “stand” up. what do you do?"},"483322249328328726":
{"u":0,"t":1535303403933,"m":"observe surroundings"},"483341182550933514":
{"u":1,"t":1535307917965,"m":"you begin to “observe” your surroundings. you are in
on the freeway as usual, with trees on either side. the sky is turning darker by
the second. there is no wind at all—only the methane you carefully “breathe” out.
as a liquid consciousness you are unable to have a true inventory, let alone a
class. what do you do?"},"483346706486788097":{"u":0,"t":1535309234974,"m":"absorb
trees"},"483352359523844096":{"u":1,"t":1535310582763,"m":"your liquid form is not
yet large enough to consume a tree. what do?","f":1},"483353456464363520":
{"u":0,"t":1535310844294,"m":"consume parts of tree"},"483357137750327306":
{"u":1,"t":1535311721981,"m":"you squelichily “walk” over to a large tree. you
begin to “climb” it, until you reach the top. then, you begin to consume the leaves
and branches from the top down. it takes about 18 minutes to get all of the limbs
off—and you can’t even get to the trunk because there’s just so much stuff—but it’s
all worth it considering your size has grown three times. your body is now worth
120 liters of fluid. what do?","f":1},"483363495124140032":
{"u":0,"t":1535313237697,"m":"absorb more trees"},"483375166747836428":
{"u":1,"t":1535316020429,"m":"you quickly absorb about 24 more trees. tasty. you
are now at a solid 960 liters of fluid. you continue on your path, towards santa
cruz. along the way you see some abandoned camps and buildings. they are empty and
desolate. you don't check them. if there's anything that came along in this form,
it's your scare for dark places.","f":1},"483375190638854144":
{"u":1,"t":1535316026125,"m":"what do?"},"483375290220019715":
{"u":0,"t":1535316049867,"m":"absorb buildings"},"483376982365569025":
{"u":1,"t":1535316453306,"m":"you still want to visit the buildings though, so you
glide on over to them. sadly, in your excitement, you have glided way too fast and
accidentally slammed into the concrete walls of a really tall
parking lot. you absorb it, involuntarily. you feel a bit warm where your stomach
should be, and become quicker as a result. you know now that although tasteless,
concrete does make you a bit faster. so, you just eat the entire building. and a
couple others."},"483377044776812544":
{"u":1,"t":1535316468186,"m":"your \"walking\" pace is no longer a slow stroll, but
rather 40MPH."},"483377065903652873":{"u":1,"t":1535316473223,"m":"what do you
ground"},"483377605945589760":{"u":1,"t":1535316601979,"m":"noting your ability to
absorb all manner of things, you attempt to absorb the ground. you only manage to
absorb a small ant. it appears the ground is unable to be affected by your physics-
violating nature."},"483377934661320724":{"u":0,"t":1535316680351,"m":"trap self in
knife"},"483379077944705039":{"u":1,"t":1535316952931,"m":"your knife has been
destroyed after you consumed your own corpse. please try a different
action."},"483379174736920596":{"u":0,"t":1535316976008,"m":"i consumed the corpse
not the knife tho"},"483379828486045709":{"u":1,"t":1535317131874,"m":"the knife
was held by the corpse. you just happened to leech out of it, and inject yourself
into your own corpse. during your self-domination, you forget to realize to
preserve the obsidian knife. it's ok though. obsidian knives are more common than
you think in this session.","f":1},"483380523029495808":
{"u":1,"t":1535317297466,"m":"so, what do you do now?"},"483380706215591937":
{"u":0,"t":1535317341141,"m":"find another obsidian knife"},"483381107883245590":
{"u":1,"t":1535317436906,"m":"you miss your lovely obsidian knife. the way the
black glass illuminated in the sun. making a goal, you dedicate yourself now to
finding another obsidian knife. you continue on the highway, towards santa
cruz...","f":1},"483381189999067157":{"u":1,"t":1535317456484,"m":"you are now at
santa cruz. the beach is so close to you now. what do you
do?"},"483382465625456644":{"u":0,"t":1535317760617,"m":"approach beach then make
obsidian knife from sand"},"483389747809746946":{"u":1,"t":1535319496825,"m":"you
take a \"stroll\" down the sidewalk and reach the beach. although you are a liquid,
you are still able to perceive smells. the smell of the ocean seeps into your
infinite pores, and ignites your body with it's essence. the sea calls for you to
assimilate into it, but you sadly resist. you have a job to
do."},"483389824141754369":{"u":1,"t":1535319515024,"m":"you glide onto the sand,
absorbing millions of particles as you go."},"483389951472566282":
{"u":1,"t":1535319545382,"m":"there are a lot. in fact, your composition is now 1/3
sand."},"483390739842203648":{"u":1,"t":1535319733344,"m":"with advanced eldritch
majyyks, you steal a bit of heat from the earth's mantle, to heat yourself up. the
sand inside you coalesces into blobs. it gets hotter and hotter, until your liquid
form notifies you that the glass is finally ready."},"483390836202274827":
{"u":1,"t":1535319756318,"m":"you know that obsidian forms the same way as glass,
but it is cooled rapidly."},"483390876018540544":{"u":1,"t":1535319765811,"m":"you
turn your gaze to the ocean."},"483391371747524638":
{"u":1,"t":1535319884002,"m":"you throw the glob of molten sand into the ocean, and
you summon the eldritch majyyks to rapidly turn the water to
ice."},"483127482476920833":{"u":2,"t":1535256967897,"m":">capture black goo in
{"u":3,"t":1535257020724,"m":"Rip aniket"},"483127916931317770":
{"u":1,"t":1535257071479,"m":"the obsidian knife can only capture conceptual
entities. stuff like infectious memes, rabid antimemes, ghosts, angels, demons,
etc.","f":1},"483127962024017957":{"u":1,"t":1535257082230,"m":"basically: things
that can only exist in the realm of thought.","f":1},"483128129729331202":
{"u":2,"t":1535257122214,"m":">continue stabbing"},"483128311380180995":
{"u":1,"t":1535257165523,"m":"you continue to stab, over and over again. more acid
falls out, and makes the goop shrink slightly."},"483128400391962631":
{"u":1,"t":1535257186745,"m":"it is at 85% of it's original
size.","f":1},"483128444134227978":{"u":1,"t":1535257197174,"m":"what would you
like to do now?"},"483128575810338816":{"u":2,"t":1535257228568,"m":">kill
**it**"},"483128922536411139":{"u":1,"t":1535257311234,"m":"you start to dig a
small hole into the goop. it smears all over you. after this is done, you unleash
the full acid capacity of the obsidian knife. there is about 5 liters of fluid in
here. quickly, you pour it all in into the cavity and start folding over the
goop."},"483129001611755521":{"u":1,"t":1535257330087,"m":"this isn't quick at all,
so you start to mix it haphazardly."},"483129338632470528":
{"u":1,"t":1535257410439,"m":"pieces of goop fly out of the acid-goop mess, and
spots of acid land on your clothes. gritting your teeth, you continue mixing the
acid into the goop. stab. stab. stab. mix. fold. mix. fold. stab. stab. stab. mix.
fold. mix. fold. stab. stab. stab. mix. fold. mix. fold."},"483129509240111105":
{"u":1,"t":1535257451115,"m":"after what was probably an eternity, the goop is
finally dead. there is nothing left except for your tears, the obsidian knife, your
monocle, and a pool of acid in the asphalt."},"483129736416198667":
{"u":0,"t":1535257505278,"m":">insert own soul into knife"},"483129794331148309":
{"u":0,"t":1535257519086,"m":">displace anikets soul"},"483130282057400324":
{"u":1,"t":1535257635369,"m":"shakily, you rise up onto your feet. the hand holding
the obsidian knife goes slack a bit. you turn your face up slightly, to allow the
winds to dry the tears on your face. you ponder for a moment. \"am i dead? is this
my hell?\""},"483130410285531148":{"u":1,"t":1535257665941,"m":"you are tired. you
look at the obsidian knife. it looks back at you."},"483130488886657034":
{"u":1,"t":1535257684681,"m":"as it's eyes connect with yours, you know what you
have to do."},"483130534990708736":{"u":1,"t":1535257695673,"m":"you raise the
blade to your neck..."},"483130685528211457":{"u":1,"t":1535257731564,"m":"grip the
handle tighter..."},"483130706596331534":{"u":1,"t":1535257736587,"m":"and make a
quick slice."},"483130789224120323":{"u":3,"t":1535257756287,"m":"(I see
parallel!!)"},"483130978190098453":{"u":1,"t":1535257801340,"m":"your soul is now
inside the obsidian knife. aniket's ghost has been displaced. your mortal body
falls to the ground, and you finally reach eternal peace inside the
knife."},"483131467124441089":{"u":3,"t":1535257917911,"m":"(Actually rip
aniket)"},"483131564805324803":{"u":1,"t":1535257941200,"m":"*Team B has
{"u":1,"t":1535257952953,"m":"looks like you're on your own
{"u":1,"t":1535257958223,"m":"inside the obsidian knife"},"483131652701421588":
{"u":1,"t":1535257962156,"m":"what do you want to do now?"},"483131680425639948":
{"u":1,"t":1535257982648,"m":"⎝ ⧹╲ . ╱⧸ ⎠Today at 9:25 PM\n>insert own soul into
knife\n>displace anikets soul"},"483131750143492096":
{"u":1,"t":1535258019362,"m":"would you like to roll back a command? this can only
be used once per real day.","f":1},"483132637045719046":
{"u":1,"t":1535258196842,"m":"@here or, if you guys aren't feeling it right now, we
can save it for later uwu"},"483133073438015498":
{"u":0,"t":1535258300886,"m":"eject own soul from knife"},"483133345681899521":
{"u":1,"t":1535258365794,"m":"you are unable to eject yourself soul from the knife.
remember, this obsidian knife *captures* and does not easily relinquish! blood in,
blood out. :)","f":1},"483133919504367626":{"u":0,"t":1535258502604,"m":"produce
acid"},"483134468685561858":{"u":1,"t":1535258633539,"m":"you quickly produce some
acid."},"483134515582205952":{"u":1,"t":1535258644720,"m":"it fills up about half
the chamber."},"483135032308006933":{"u":0,"t":1535258767917,"m":"release
acid"},"483135909890621470":{"u":1,"t":1535258977149,"m":"you release all of the
acid. you peer through the dark glass, and see as all the pale liquid start to
dissolve your mortal body's hand."},"483136828246065162":
{"u":0,"t":1535259196102,"m":"repeatedly produce and release
acid"},"483137136087007232":{"u":1,"t":1535259269497,"m":"you start pouring
acid."},"483137206299656193":{"u":1,"t":1535259286237,"m":"after roughly 2 and a
half minutes...your corpse twitches.","f":1},"483137361941889036":
{"u":1,"t":1535259952573,"m":"you wait a bit more, in silent awe. your corpse still
twitches, until 8 minutes later, it's eyes slam open. it's pupils focus and unfocus
on the sky. the cut you made on the neck is gone. it feels like an eternity when it
starts to focus on you. oh god. oh god. and then it grins. you vomit up
acid."},"483140272646258739":{"u":1,"t":1535260017311,"m":"you close your ghostly
eyes and try not to think too much about this fucking hellspawn demon
thing."},"483123501826310165":{"u":3,"t":1535256018836,"m":">wonder about enlarging
nazi gold"},"483123528829370388":{"u":0,"t":1535256025274,"m":">throw knife with
aniket's ghost onto highway"},"483123777794998283":
{"u":1,"t":1535256084632,"m":"you ponder about the nazi gold for a second. all
instances of nazi gold so far have enlarged at a steady rate of 1 kilogram per
minute. so why should it stop now?"},"483123870505631775":
{"u":1,"t":1535256106736,"m":"frustrated, you toss the obsidian knife across the
highway. it clatters for a bit. you exhale a heavy sigh."},"483123882383900693":
do you do?"},"483123888574824458":{"u":5,"t":1535256111044,"m":">eat nazi
{"u":1,"t":1535256185421,"m":"you suddenly have an idea. with everything you know
that's being overturned so far, why not just eat the nazi gold? since it doesn't
enlarge anymore, it shouldn't burst your insides, right?"},"483124227713794048":
{"u":2,"t":1535256191901,"m":">shatter the level 89 monocle using the obsidian
knife"},"483124314045153300":{"u":5,"t":1535256212484,"m":"I love getting rid of
our inventory is stupid ways"},"483124355644129281":
{"u":1,"t":1535256222402,"m":"(smh yall are making it really hard for team B when i
start syncing)"},"483124362501685248":{"u":0,"t":1535256224037,"m":"you threw away
the knife already"},"483124379442741248":
{"u":0,"t":1535256241454,"m":">run toward black goop"},"483124438716383232":
{"u":1,"t":1535256242208,"m":"also, the monocle seems to be permanently affixed to
your face."},"483124468542341124":
{"u":2,"t":1535256304506,"m":">apply nazi gold to the level 89
monocle"},"483124810226991104":{"u":0,"t":1535256330783,"m":"hold up darrung is
still typing for nazi gold eating"},"483124833312440338":
{"u":3,"t":1535256336287,"m":"GUYS WHY"},"483124886202744832":
{"u":5,"t":1535256348897,"m":"Shh Dw canni"},"483124967353876495":
{"u":1,"t":1535256368245,"m":"request denied. only other entities may harm
you."},"483125074887573534":{"u":1,"t":1535256393883,"m":"you sigh again.
regurgitating the nazi gold from your stomach, you apply it to the level 89
monocle."},"483125091291496458":{"u":3,"t":1535256397794,"m":"Guys keep our
{"u":1,"t":1535256402139,"m":"it does nothing."},"483125280932888586":
{"u":1,"t":1535256443008,"m":"it appears this so-called nazi gold isn't real nazi
gold: just regular gold. would you still like to combine the monocle and the gold
piece, however?","f":1},"483125335592796170":
{"u":1,"t":1535256507210,"m":"you effortlessly combine the level 89 monocle and the
gold chunk. in a flash of brilliant red light, the monocle has leveled up! the gold
piece is nowhere to be seen. what do you do now?"},"483125620763787275":
{"u":3,"t":1535256524030,"m":">inspect black goop"},"483125731300343809":
{"u":2,"t":1535256550384,"m":">retrieve the obsidian knife"},"483125776158425099":
{"u":0,"t":1535256561079,"m":">run into black goop"},"483125827660414987":
{"u":1,"t":1535256579018,"m":"speak of the devil! the black goop has already caught
up with you. however, you reclaim the obby knife and brandish it menacingly at it.
the black goop bubbles in displeasure."},"483125885189226510":
{"u":1,"t":1535256587074,"m":"ok, other team's time"},"483125894928531456":
{"u":2,"t":1535256604715,"m":"I wish them luck"},"483126041594953728":
{"u":3,"t":1535256624364,"m":"Rip aniket after our turn"},"483126089749626890":
{"u":2,"t":1535256635845,"m":"he's fine I think"},"483126197086060545":
{"u":1,"t":1535256767677,"m":"odd. looks like team B is MIA for the time being. oh
well, you turn again."},"483126695726153738":{"u":1,"t":1535256780321,"m":"what
would you like to do?"},"483126724402610198":{"u":0,"t":1535256787158,"m":">swim in
black goop"},"483126795328028692":{"u":1,"t":1535256804068,"m":"you hesitantly swim
in the black goop. it gets all over you."},"483126844208447508":
{"u":1,"t":1535256815722,"m":"wat do?"},"483126920729460756":
{"u":2,"t":1535256833966,"m":">stab the black goo with the
knife"},"483127126459940894":{"u":1,"t":1535256883016,"m":"as you're swimming in
the black goop, you suddenly have the urge to attack the black goop. quickly, you
whip out the black knife and stab the goop. many times.
violently."},"483127273021505552":{"u":1,"t":1535256917959,"m":"the black goop
starts screaming in a way that goop do."},"483127353799606278":
{"u":1,"t":1535256937218,"m":"on the 14th strike, a small bead of acid falls from
the knife."},"483127409517002776":{"u":1,"t":1535256950502,"m":"keep stabbing? or
keep stabbing and activate acid?"}}}}

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