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ruEsDAy JULY 30, 2o1e l!


Bomb threat at NAIA is no joke

Look, it was clear that Dagooc vio-
lated Presidential Decree 1127 titled:
IT'S been utterly disappointing and frus- E)GLOSIVES OR ANY SIMILAR
tnting hearing news of improprieties DEVICE OR MEANS OF DESTRUC-
committed in public by some congrcs- TION AND IMPOSING PENALTIES
sional party-list reprcsentatives, espe- TIIEREFOR."
cially on my partwho stongly supported PD ll27 was issued by President
last ele€tions' top winnbg partylist. Marcos at time wher national security
I say so although I completely tust was threatened by terrorists, as it is now
that my comrades in the Anti-Crime by the commlmists and Islamic State
and Terrorism through Comrnunity In- (rsrs).
volvement and Support will never be itr- Article 6 Sec. 11 does not exempt law
volved in abusive demeanor ofany sort. violators from criminal charges. There-
ACTCIS Party-list Rep. Eric Yap, Joce- fore, PAL must pu6ue the case.
lyn Tulfo and Nifia Taduran are some of Corpomte Communications Depart-
the fnest fellows I've knowa and tley ment chief Ma Cielo Villaluna said the
will prove to be prodrictive and relevant flag-carrier leadership takes the matler
lawrnakers, as we promised. of bomb pranks as a serious offinse as
But I'm just sick to my stomach they can possibly cause panic among
heaiing another party"list congressman thousands oftravelers at the airport.
screwing up. Just days before Presi It can cause stampede! death and se-
dent Rodrigo Duierte's State of the Na- rigus ipjluies to people, among them
tion Addrcss, a party-list represbntative pregnant women, children, elderly and
punched a waiter in Legazpi City, Albay persons with disabilities.
for not recognizing him. "Malicious dissemination of false in-
This time, another neophye law- fornation knowing the same to be false
maker pulled a bomb-scare at NAIA'S result€d in grave inconvenience to tle
Terrninal 2 last week. APEC Party-list flibht, its passenge$ and succeeding
Rep. Serglo Dagooc was irked Ly a flight services," said Villaluna.
Philippine Airlines check-in cormter at- I agree with PAL officials who desried
tendant, who asked was in his bas otber the swift release of lawmaker. He is
than clothes, as it exceeded the ailowed clearly liable for criminal and civil dan-
l lkgs on carry-on baggage. ages, and which case should have been
'tsomba!" Dagooc anogantly replied presetrted to a DOJ prosecutor or fiscal.
pompting ihe PAL agent io call the Phil- The PNP Operations Procedure manual
ippine National Police Aviation Security states that an apprehended person shall
Group who invited the abusive congress be subjecled to "inquest proceedings"
man to the terminal 2's police station. within the time prescribed inArt. 125 of
To cut the story short, Dagooc claims the Revised Penal Code.
it was "only a joke" and" tlrough his r" fact, PAL may file a complaint
lawyer, invoked Article 6 Sec. ll of against Dacoog with the Ofrce of the
the 1987 Constihrtion which states: "A Ombudsman.
Senator or Member of the House of Laie last year, then-ACTS-OFW Par-
Representatives shall, in all offenses tylist Rep. Aniceto Bertiz was caught
punishable by not more than six years on a video sbowing him not follo$"ing
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest the screening procedure at the NAIA
while the Congress is in session." Terminal 2, flashing his airport access.
PNP ASG station 2 commander P/ pass and snatching the ID card of the
Major Querico Tomotorgo said they screening officer during tleir argument.
were compblled to release the suspect No wonder congrcssmen arc por-
despite the complaint of PAL represen- tayed. in wme teleseryes a$ abusive and
tatives, comrpt govemment offi cials.

't p\qe -As-v

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