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Air pollution

The main causes of air pollution are related to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil
and gas). The combustion of these raw materials occurs mainly in the processes or
in the operation of the industrial and road transport sectors. Within the industrial
sector it would be necessary to differentiate between factories (for example,
cement or steel) and electricity production plants (which produce half of the
electricity consumed in our country).
the amount of cars circulating in Costa Rica causes pollution, dams, road
deterioration, damage to architectural works and, worst of all, affects the health of
the people who walk the streets and live in the areas where the cars circulate. To
these vehicle gases we must add the fumes of 54 boilers operating in San José,
which operate with bunker (64%), with diesel (30%) and gas. These boilers
generate nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and particles.
To the people:
The main respiratory symptoms due to contamination are cough, wheezing,
excessive mucus in the respiratory tract, etc. These symptoms correspond to
diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, cancer, etc. In sum, the lungs
are the human organ most affected by air pollution, especially by the presence of
solid particles that, if they are very small, are not retained in the previous pathways
and reach the alveoli of the lungs causing their obstruction and degradation.
The most important effect of air pollution is what is known as the "greenhouse
effect", which consists in the fact that the polluting gases allow the passage of the
solar rays that affect the earth while impeding the passage of the reflected
radiations that they leave the earth to space, the result is an increase in the
temperature of the planet due to that imbalance between absorbed energy and
emitted energy.
Prevention of pollution:
- Recycling is a way to reduce pollution because we take advantage of
resources and avoid some manufacturing processes that generate harmful
- Using public transport contributes to a single vehicle carrying many people,
so we pollute less than if each one goes in his own car.
- Sharing transportation is also a good way to reduce pollution.
- If we think about changing the car, it is best to choose one of low consumption
or electric. In case we prefer a traditional one, we must bear in mind that
diesel is the most polluting.
- All vehicles need revisions, at least once a year. In this way we can verify that
ours does not contaminate more than allowed and we will repair it immediately
if we detect any irregularity.
- Walking or cycling are the two least polluting ways to get around.
- When you are going to use products with sprays, such as those used to kill
mosquitoes, make sure that the packaging is respectful with the environment
and, therefore, does not release greenhouse gases. This is the symbol that
indicates that it is an ecological container.

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