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The Zodiac is a collaborative art and musical project between Xan Griffin and Peter Mohrbacher.

Wait for the

stars to align and the angels will reveal themselves.
Peter Mohrbacher is the creator of Angelarium and the driving force behind the project since he created it in
2005. He works full time on creating new artwork and writing. Fan mail is always appreciated but please be
aware that he is very irregular about checking and responding to his messages.

The moment before we act, there must be an impulse to begin. Sometimes this force comes from our own will
and sometimes it seems to arise from nothing. From the abyss, Malahidael emerges, bringing with it the
strength to enact change. We are close to this Angel whenever we take action. It is the power to be present in
the moment and the wisdom to prepare for the future. There is always danger in its presence, but more
hardship without it.


Walking into the future from the past, we travel a perilous journey. Sometimes there are people in our lives that
guide us and sometimes we ourselves must be the guide. This sign represents the part of us that must carry
the torch of responsibility and tradition. The long and lonely road that stretches before us must be walked, but
it does not need to be walked alone.

To stay steady, enjoying a moment of reprise is not selfish. A breath that takes us back to our center is
essential. We must respect the anchor that holds our feet to the ground. When we do this, we wield a strength
that can push back against the spin of the world. Asmodel is there. The embodiment of the focus and
dedication we hold when we make a commitment. A moment of clarity, grasped in a closed fist.
When the world we live in feels too constrained, our eyes lift to the horizon. The endlessness of the world calls
for us to depart from our lives and become a part of the unknown. In this space beyond the veil of the familiar,
adventure awaits. A part of us never stopped existing in the wilderness. Advachiel guides us to rejoin the
union. To seek for the sake of seeking. To live for the sake of life.

The process of creation requires us to draw something from within and bring it out into the world. We take the
experiences and emotions that have been given to us and pass them along. The good, the bad. Beauty and
pain. Those close to Cambiel know this process very well. To enrich those around us, we sacrifice a little piece
of ourselves. Pouring out our hearts, in hope that another vessel will take a drop of it with them.

When harm comes to the people, the relationships and the things in our lives, we have to take time to help
repair them. It's not easy but bringing those pieces back together is what we have to be to live a good life. In
those moments, we are close to Barchiel. Deep down, everyone has a nurturing aspect. Choosing to cultivate
it helps bring us closer to our truer selves.

In each person, hides a gift that they have yet to give to the world. Untapped potential rises just below the
surface and is withheld until the moment is right. This reservoir of energy stands in wait, holding a very special
sort of power through its hidden nature. Hamaliel embodies that secret wellspring that flows from all of us.
Ruled by Mercury

All things have opposing forces. The rotations of the celestial bodies provide a macrocosm of our own swirling
internal relationships. Zuriel is the regulator of these forces, weighing their value and attempting to find

Ruled by Venus

There are times when words fail and action must be taken. When trials beset our lives and no other course of
action is available, we have to fight. The nature of this sign is to be an ally. Loving in the easy times and harsh
when the world demands it. Barbiel is our sword against the darkness. It is our power to strike back when

As adversity washes against us, we rise with those waves. Each moment in our lives where we are challenged
by the world, we challenge it back. To be bold and in control is the nature of Verchiel, the ruler. This sign
brings with it the courage to bring shining light into a world that struggles against the darkness.
Ruled by the Sun

The face we show on the outside and who we are inside are always different. That shell we build over our
hearts exists to gird us against the barbs of the world. As we grow, that shell hardens, but the need to let
others past it becomes equally as valuable. The essence of this sign is not only a shield that holds harm at
bay, it is also the warmth that brings life and healing into our lives. Muriel is the protector of our deepest truths
and the caregiver of our inner most selves.

Ruled by the Moon


The bridge between people is one of the most fundamental aspects of the human experience. The arts,
philosophy and history all embody the way we reach out to each other through time and space. This
connection cuts both ways, leaving those most deeply attuned to it extremely sensitive to the world around
them. Ambriel does not exist in a single place, but in the hearts and minds of those that truly understand its

Ruled by Mercury

My body wanes and is distorted.
Smoke moves all around me (troublesome clouds),
and it's as if I cease to exist.

I blink in and out of time and wonder if I can still be seen,

when the light-of-seeing is denied even to me.
Do you still whisper at dusk, or cry out for me at midnight?
Do you still reach to pull yourself up into my light...?
Or do you ebb as I wane?
As if in response to my tired calls,
a wave crashes,
sounding out the end and beginning of dreaming.
Then a song pours out over the ocean,
pulling me close and scattering my light,
little as it is.
I pull myself deeper into the hood of night,
feeling your fingers pulling at the edge of my mind.
I am now content to wait,
here in the dark.


Here I remain,
under a mountain made of many hands,
all reaching and all taking.
I press my body closer to that which I must keep.
It is mine and I will shield it from the misery of other hands.
I can feel their gaze fall on it like an avalanche.
They diminish it with the weight of their indurate eyes.
But it is mine and so I will bury it in the shadow of my protections.
Their greed feeds my convictions,
So here I remain.
Here I remain under a mountain of screaming fury.
How they try to convince me to share with them
That which they are not worthy of.
“It is not yours!”
I say and say with rage boiling in my breast.
Their voices press on me,,
Hot like the sun and fogging my vision.
But there is something familiar,
Something I’ve forgot.
Here I remain,
under a mountain of mirrors.


The sun shines bold
Upon our fair grove
Until the shadow comes
To eat it all whole


What hath been wrought
Across the fiery hilltop
These sculptures of men
Whose names the Angels forgot


The silent field of swaying grass waved at the ocean above
The giants march past us by the thousand
By the thousand thousand and many more
Infinite upon infinite
They don't look back
We stare on
The beat of her wings rests upon our ears
like distant thunder
like the strike of the moon across the hot black sky
She is a rising star and a falling thought
the sweet caress of the mind washed smooth by sleep
Beautiful Leliel, Angel of Night
you've been away too long
We ground leaves from the white vine
with flowers from the cliff
and slipped it into our blood,
asking of the skies
if the rains would come.
Fires move at sea.
It was ordained
Each footfall pressed into its place
Every word spoken to its rhythm
We dance and he sees us dancing
If you wish to know, just ask
Eistibus will tell you


The scholar fashioned wings
of his design
and leapt from the citadel,
drifting amid radiance
toward injury and fame.
What bondage is weight?
Even in burial
we ascend.
I am thy protector
and thy keeper
I am thy shield
and thy restraint
I am the light which illuminates thy life
and burns thine eyes
I am the barrier which separates thee from the divine
I am Sahaqiel, Angel of the Sky

—Mamá, ya sabrá la luna / lo mucho que yo la quiero.

—La luna lo sabe todo, / se lo dijo el gallo viejo.

—¿Y también sabe la luna / que mis ojos están ciegos?

—La luna lo sabe todo, / hijo mío, y por eso / cada noche viene a verte / y se queda en nuestro pueblo

(«La luna beso», en Poesía infantil).

«La luna se puso anoche / una bufanda amarilla. / “Anda, si parece el sol. / ¡Mira!” / El gallo se equivocó y
despertó a las gallinas. / “¡Quiquiriquí! Perezosas, / ¡arriba!” / Debajo de la bufanda / la luna se sonreía» (La
bufanda amarilla y don Abecedario).

«—¡Ooooh!, ¡tengo miedo! —dijo Oso Pequeño abrazándose a Oso Grande.

Oso Grande lo cogió en brazos acunándole tiernamente y dijo:
—Mira la oscuridad, Osito.
Y Oso Pequeño miró.
—Te he traído la luna, Osito —dijo Oso Grande» (¿No duermes, osito?).
Título: Construye un localizador de estrellas.
Nivel: Primaria y Secundaria.
Objetivo: Que los estudiantes conozcan el cielo nocturno en diferentes épocas del año. Que sean capaces
de identificar las principales constelaciones que son visibles cada mes del año y por qué se produce este

Introducción: ¿Por que existen constelaciones de invierno, primavera, verano y otoño? El movimiento real
de traslación de la Tierra alrededor del Sol provoca, en un observador ubicado en la superficie de la
Tierra, un efecto aparente que es el movimiento del Sol, en un año, a lo largo de la eclíptica, lo que da
lugar a la identificación de las llamadas constelaciones zodiacales. A pesar de que las estrellas están en el
firmamento de noche y de día, sólo las podemos ver de noche, es decir vemos aquellas estrellas que están
en una posición diametralmente opuesta al Sol con respecto a la Tierra. Debido a la traslación de la Tierra
alrededor del Sol, la proyección del Sol sobre las estrellas de fondo está cambiando constantemente en el
transcurso de un año. Por esta razón, en diferentes épocas del año veremos diferentes grupos de
estrellas y tenemos un localizador de estrellas diferentes para cada mes. Además, a medida que la Tierra
gira en su eje hacia el Este durante las horas de la noche, todo el cielo parece desplazarse hacia el Oeste,
de manera que incluso en el transcurso de una noche notamos que las constelaciones cambian en el cielo.


 un patrón del localizador de estrellas para el mes en curso, uno del mes anterior y uno del mes
 una caja de colores,
 unas tijeras.

Desarrollo: Colorea o decora el localizador de estrellas, si lo deseas. Luego, recórtalo siguiendo las líneas
sólidas y realiza los siguientes pasos:
1. Pliega el localizador de estrellas diagonalmente.
2. Pliega las dos esquinas entre si; es decir utiliza la otra diagonal.
3. Pliega la punta de cada esquina hacia el centro.
4. Voltea el cuadrado y luego pliega sus cuatro esquinas hacia el centro.
5. Pliega por la mitad en una dirección, luego despliega y pliega por la mitad en
la otra dirección.

Disfruta del juego localizador de estrellas

a. Inserta tus pulgares y tus dos dedos índices en los cuatro huecos de la parte
inferior del localizador de estrellas.
b. Pídele a otra persona que escoja uno de los cuatro cuadrados superiores.
Luego, dependiendo del número del cuadrado que hubiera elegido, abre y cierra el
localizador de estrellas esa cantidad de veces.
c. A continuación, pídele a la persona que mire en el interior del localizador de
estrellas y que elija una de las cuatro constelaciones visibles. Esta vez, abre y cierra el localizador
de estrellas una vez por cada letra que contenga la constelación elegida.
d. Pídele al jugador que nuevamente escoja una de las cuatro constelaciones visibles. Abre el panel
para ver el nombre de una constelación que tratará de encontrar en el cielo durante este mes.

Notas importantes:

1. Los cuadros del localizador de estrellas están creados para una latitud cercana a los 30º N y
muestran el cielo a aproximadamente las 10 PM para el primero del mes, a las 9 PM para mediados
del mes y a las 8 PM para la última parte del mes. Se tratan de las horas estándar locales. Para
aquellos meses que están bajo la hora legal de verano, se debe sumar una hora a los horarios del
cuadro de estrellas.
2. Los cuadros de estrellas son mapas del cielo. Por lo tanto, para alinear las direcciones
correctamente, sostén el mapa sobre tu cabeza y míralo hacia arriba, girándolo de modo que el
lado norte del horizonte esté mirando hacia el norte.
3. Si vives en un lugar donde las luces brillantes de la ciudad no te dejan ver la de las estrellas, tal
vez veas sólo algunas de éstas y los planetas más brillantes. De cualquier manera trata de
encontrar al menos una o dos constelaciones en una noche clara, sin Luna.

Explicación. Con este sencillo taller, los estudiantes aprenderán a identificar las constelaciones que son
más accesibles, para una observación nocturna, en diferentes épocas del año. Es importante que los
maestros expliquen las causas de este fenómeno y el origen de las constelaciones zodiacales,
desmitificando la importancia que la Astrología da a las mismas. Si la inclinación de la órbita terrestre
alrededor del Sol fuera diferente, simplemente otras serían las constelaciones zodiacales.

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