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PART 1: Introduction And Foundational Understandings

PART 2: The Seduction Structure [STAGES]

PART3: The Sexual Man Sequence [combination of

segregation techniques and an exercise in sexual

Preface By Immanuel Ceaser

I congratulate you for reading this book because i know you won't have to
go through the hell I went through before gaining control, dominance and the
power to control and make any girl of my choice fall in love and feel intense
attraction to me in a matter of minutes. The segregation and permanent,
ENSLAVEMENT techniques in the last chapter of this book called the SEXUAL MAN
SEQUENCE consist of military grade brainwashing techniques that would make
any woman addicted to you. She would also be and willing to follow your lead.

Sounds Great. Doesn’t it.

Prior to research and self development programmes [NLP], I was getting into
abusive relationship and was frustrated. I had money but it wasn't enough to
prevent my girlfriend from withdrawing sex from me, plus I still got dumped. The
guy she dumped me for was not even as handsome as I am and he had no money.
So I studied anything and everything I could find on seduction and after five years
of research into Seduction, Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming [study of
how language affects brain process and responses], I can assure you that this
book will work for you. I transformed my life and have dated tons of very
attractive girls. My current chick is very obedient and we are even planning on
getting married, so this is the right book for you if what you need is control over
your marital life.

Getting consent for sex is a life skill recognized by the World Health
Organization for youths and it has been understood that its acquisition would
help reduce rape and other sexual related crimes. I agree it is immoral and
unethical to rape or kidnap that’s why I subscribe to emotional brainwashing as a
means of controlling the female mind. All the methods in this book 'SEDUCING

Seducing The Nigerian girl and the ENSLAVEMENT sequence contained

in this book called the 'The Sexual Man Sequence is filled with timeless techniques
and principles that are invaluable in the world of dating and seduction. Robert
Greene stated once ''Seduction is a game of psychology not Beauty'' and its
mastery is within your grasp now that you are reading this book. Comparing this
book to ''conventional dating advice'' like ones that tell you that you need
perfume to attract girls is like comparing a ''NUCLEAR WEAPON'' to a
''MATCHETE''. Not only does this book get you sex easily, it also automatically
enslaves the woman to you permanently and forever. It gives you DOMINANCE,
CONTROL an creates an extreme state of EMOTIONAL ADDICTION similar to states
that lead to drug dependency, till where she literally can breath without you.
Many of the techniques found in this book consist of sentence structure and
examples and how they affect unconscious processes in the brain, body and
human mind. They are scientifically proven and specially designed to create
powerful effects on the FEMALE MIND, controlling the unconscious processes that
occur in bonding and attraction. They could generate intense feeling we could
term as infatuation, lust, love in as fast as 20minutes.Don't be to surprised After
all, seduction is about creating emotional connections..

Now you might begin to sense that the book is something very powerful and
could be described as somewhat evil. So I assure you that all scientific language or
terms you are not familiar with will explained.

So let me clarify some key terms and principles....

PSYCHOLOGICAL manipulation means you are skillfully controlling or using

preemptive knowledge of mind and body processes to create certain effects and
conditions. These extremely persuasive techniques have been kept secrets by
PSYCHOLOGISTS, HYPNOTISTS, CULT LEADERS etc for many years until recently.
FRACTIONATION is a powerful technique used by these classes of people to either
deepen the effects of hypnosis, inducing a trance like state or even in the
interrogation of criminals and many more. Fractionation is covered at length in
this book and I devoted a whole chapter to explaining it. A classic example of
fractionation is when you talk to a girl about something sexual, she is enjoying it
then you switch to mundane activities like house chores or cooking then switch
back to sex talk.....it automatically deepens the effect.

A lot of people think it’s morally wrong and unethical to manipulate or elicit
trauma on someone. Here is what Robert Greene[Author of 48 Laws Of Power
and Art Of Seduction]says about manipulation. He claims in an exclusive phone
interview with journalists that manipulation is hardwired in human nature and
technological advancement cannot alter it. He also states that people are ignorant
of these techniques because they consider most of it forbidden. Since we are in a
world where forms of blunt force are constantly being outlawed, he believes that
seduction is the most powerful form of indirect power need to cope in our
modern society. You would even notice that women rely more on manipulation
due to traditional gender roles....

Now to correct some wrong preconceived, Let consider what manipulation

really means.


Women put on make up and all sort of adornment and revealing clothes to
attract attention, Scientific research based on psychology states that 75% of
women wear a bigger bra size....than normal...''A loophole in female psychology is
the fact that they are always waiting to be seduced''.

Men on the other hand put on their best cologne just to seduce females.....

AND Children are the greatest manipulators of all, they can throw temper
tantrums ......just to get chocolates and sweets.

All these are because its hardwired in the human psyche to manipulate that’s
because the two strongest human drives are SURVIVAL and REPLICATION.
This book has been carefully constructed and painstakingly developed into a
model that is easy to understand and apply to different contexts. It consists of
three parts.

PART 1: Introduction And Foundational Understandings

PART 2: The Seduction Structure [STAGES]

PART3: The Sexual Man Sequence [combination of

segregation techniques and an exercise in sexual

These techniques are easy to apply and i can guarantee you 85% success in
getting laid and also achieving dominance and control in relationships.

I need you to be aware at these point that it is your 'INTENTIONS' BEHAVIOUR

and CONTEXT are what create your notions of good and evil. This book like every
other technology is morally neutral. So please use wisely because of the damage
it could cause to the female psyche, moreover this book is not for everyone.



''SEXUAL IDENTITY'' is a subset our overall identity as individuals and as we

grow we know more about ourselves by doing a TRANSDERIVATIONAL search
within ourselves and also importantly relating and interacting with other people.
From our earliest memories, we find out that boys and girls are different and we
form relationships with the opposite sex. This is the beginning of our identity
formation and overall self discovery.

As a teenager entering the University for Study, I found out that my female
counterparts were equipped with social skills than we males. Also I had raging
adolescent hormones that increase my desire for sex and romance, and an urge
to dominate my environment which is considerably normal. As males we
understand the traditional gender role we play in the society, especially an African
one where it’s important for you to provide for your family, then your wife will
obediently follow your lead. So with some of these concepts making my sexual
identity, I got creative, made money and got into sexual relationships, then I
noticed something i thought only my mum did.

X. My girlfriend makes crazy requests that make no sense but I feel trapped into

X. I was always trying to make her happy until it seemed that her happiness was
more important than my own.

X. She uses long silences and dirty tricks to control the dynamics of the
relationship like when and where to have sex and...

X. Worst of all she dumped me for an acquaintance of mine who wasn’t half as
good looking as I was.

After lot of research which costs money, I mean a lot of money, time and
investment. I realized that a lot of guys were going through the same experience,
So I totally agree with the World Health Organization that getting consent for sex
is an essential life skill that the world needs. The divorce rates have gone up from
10%-50% in the last 70years according to statistics and you should laud my effort
for deciding to expose secrets of CONTROL and DOMINANCE over any woman of
my choice. These skill set centre on EMOTIONAL BRAINWASHING, manipulating
CONTROL used by agencies like CIA,FBI,NIA,CULT LEADERS etc. Fractionation is
scientific proven to generate intense feelings in a women making her fall in love
within 20minutes.Fractionation is used widely in seduction and the only
ENSLAVEMENT sequence in this book is developed from fractionation. THE
SEXUAL MAN SEQUENCE segregates a woman permanently and makes her
emotionally addicted and using this techniques I have bedded over 70 women
already. Though this book is not 'MAGIC some of the effects are immediate and
the results; simply overwhelming!

As I mentioned earlier, everything in the book is easy to understand and you

will get positive feedback loops that would give you more confidence, like kissing,
making out, getting numbers and emotional investment like calls etc. So what
really separates excellent results from a half hearted one is understanding which
is mostly an internal process. Plato said ''understanding is the act of remembering
what you already know''. So talking in terms of this definition we would assume
that you use some of these techniques unconsciously being that we pick up skills
from our surroundings, mentors, peers and the society. This is called ''CULTURAL
OSMOSIS'' in Psychology.

When you encounter preconceived notions later, you might be stunned by

how wrong notions are a delimitating factor in seduction and other areas of life.
Some knowledge in the scientific process of the unconscious and female brain will
help you develop the right mindset needed in seduction and creating a powerful
sexual identity.

Now my goal is to get you enough sex and permanent subservience from any
type of woman. Fractionation patterns would make her fall in love because it
heightens anything you do during the seductive process....and if you have
repressed your dark traits in a bid to conform to societal norms, some of these
words may seem morally offensive to you. So I congratulate you for taking the
right decision to read on empowering yourself with social skills and lifelong
obedience from women of your dreams.

Firstly to ease understanding, I would like to explain some key scientific terms
and processes involving automated responses in the female brain to sentence
structures\words that evoke interest, build RAPPORT in conversation, elicit
attraction and create a state of permanent EMOTIONAL ADDICTION to you.


The NEO-CORTEX is the rational and conscious part of our brain. In the
female it controls her perception and actions. If you ask a lady what she likes in
her partner, it’s the neo-cortex that works hard coming up with rational reason
for liking him. So the conscious mind is the element that makes her aware of the
world and experience which involves thinking and feeling, but the process of
attraction is mostly an unconscious process in her brain.

The LIMBIC SYSTEM is responsible for these process involving feeling

emotional [positive and negative] which are important to make us feel normal. It
is stimulated by certain structures of communication which triggers specific
responses like feeling pleasure or pain.

IMAGINE if a doctor just delivers the SAD NEWS about the DEATH OF A
LOVED ONE and the next minute you win a Promo prize worth 100,000,000$.You
will agree with me that you cannot help the bodily response of feeling HAPPY or
SAD at that moment..

So many techniques in the ''SEXUAL MAN SEQUENCE'' would seek to bypass

her conscious mind which she uses in critical analysis and in developing a strong
sense of judgement.Making reference to BYPASSING THE CONSIOUS MIND lets
consider this principle below........


''Don’t think of a Yellow Elephant''

With this command your unconscious mind brings up a picture of the

elephant you where told not to think about. It is also useful in implanting
suggestions in her mind and transitioning a normal conversation to a sexualized


X. DON'T think of how wonderful it is to see me naked, oiled and erect in front
of you but I WON'T advice you to dwell on such thoughts now.

With this you are indirectly commanding her to have sexual thoughts about
you. In fact any resistance to this suggestion would amplify the effect. There are
flaws in the female psychological makeup and just like the principle above, other
techniques seek to exploit them.

Seduction Model; The first stage of seduction model could be called

INTRIGUE. It would help you to get necessary attention for RAPPORT which is the
second stage to take place. There are a lot of conversational techniques and
examples that border on increasing value in interaction and eliminate external
barriers that restrain the target sexual expression through framing. You might
begin to see visible signs of emotional investment at these stage..

One of the three important questions to ask any girl to deepen RAPPORT is;

X..If you could escape from your present routine life, where is the one place
you would like to go?

Probably if she says she want to go outside the country all you need is to
use open ended questions like 'WHAT' or 'HOW' e.g

GIRL: I would like to go to a beach in Miami..

ME: WHAT is the reason for that choice....

GIRL: Because....................

The rest of the questions are at the rapport stage. The conversational
techniques found at this stage would prime you up for the ATTRACTION STAGE
where I would introduce you to concept that trigger attraction e.g 'SECRETS',
Either its an inconsequential information or one that is important or even if its
made up, it still works as long as you give her the responsibility of keeping your
secret. Scientific studies have shown that it increases secretion PHENYLANINE, a
chemical that heightens romantic feelings among lovers. Each time you insinuate
the secret is out or you reinforce her role in keeping it ....It automatically feels her
mind with romantic thoughts. That is just one of the techniques found in the
ATTRACTION STAGE. There are also guidelines on how to harness dark and innate
personality traits that attract women unconsciously. When you are aware of what
makes you naturally attractive it boosts your confidence levels.

A chapter each is dedicated to FRACTIONATION and EMOTIONAL

BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES.A way to explain fractionation is the action of
pulling someone in and out of a particular state and it doesn't matter what you
are using to elicit those emotional states. For example if you are sexualizing a
conversation in order to induce a sexual state in her, then you her out [i.e. stop
sexualizing] and do something mundane before Sexualizing again, that will
enhance the states tremendously.

Emotional Brainwashing and other manipulative techniques seek to modify

her attitude, beliefs, and emotions, it reduces a woman ability to consciously
defend herself making it easier for you to control her. Some of these techniques
ON BRAINWASHING will be revisited in the last stage of seduction called THE

The Sexual Man Sequence is not for the weak minded and you must do it
without hesitation, question or doubt.

Anyone can do it but what separates incredible results from half-hearted ones
STRONG FRAME OF MIND to make it work comes from your awareness of what
goes on in your mind and reality. So the sexual man method seeks create a shared
society of only YOU and HER and a strong illusion to override her existing SEXUAL
IDENTITY to create one that is subservient to you.

It could be viewed as an exercise in sexual conditioning. It effects are

permanent and be rest assured, She will be so ADDICTED to you that her
condition could be similar to ''CRAVINGS'' in a drug dependent individual.....


When people see you they already have some set of beliefs and ideas about
what you do or the type of person you are. Many a time they might be not totally
correct because of some wrong notions arising from COGNITIVE BIASES, WRONG
NOTIONS could be an obstacle towards SELF FUFILLMENT if you are aware. Check
this wrong notions below as compared to accurate facts..

X.WRONG NOTION; women don't like sex as much as men do.

CORRECT; Clitoris located in the Vagina contains 8,000 deliciously sensitive

nerve endings double the nerve endings in the gland of the Male penis...

So if you are a horny guy, I am certain there are girls who are twice as
horny as you are. Also an average female orgasm last longer than the most
fantastic male orgasm.

X.WRONG NOTION; women don't need more sex.

CORRECT; Backed up by a scientific survey on FERTILITY, 75% of women were

not satisfied with the amount of times they got sex.
Some other useful facts are listed below;

1. An average male penis size is 5.6inches while the average Negroid penis is
5.9inches. So no need to worry about size because there is a high
probability that your is bigger than that.
2. When you are aroused, the body secretes ADROSTENONE. It’s smell trigger
attraction in females. It is also present in fresh sweat.
3. Missionary position is good for adults with back pain. It also helps to
relieve stress.
4. Women are stimulated by what they hear. Men are stimulated by looks.
5. Women are controlled by EMOTIONS than by LOGIC. It explains why they
are addicted to soap operas ands drama. Etc. [JOIN MIND AND BODY


There are many schools of thought as to what the unconscious is and what it
does. I’ll provide a useful and practical explanation for you. The unconscious is
where all of our automatic and instinctual behaviors and responses come from. It
has been compared to an iceberg - where roughly 10% of our mental capacity is in
our conscious awareness, and the other 90% is transparent to us.

Yet we can learn to become aware of our unconscious and even learn how to
communicate with it.

There is a statement that

“What the thinker thinks, the prover proves”.

The conscious mind is the thinker and the unconscious mind is the
prover. If you think something, you unconscious mind will do its best to prove it to
you. It does this through cognitive behavioral tool like distortion and deletion
where you basically focus and filter for what you think. “Coincidences” may occur
which prove what your thinker thinks.

The unconscious mind also communicates and expresses itself in

symbols. This is the basis for much of psychotherapy and dream interpretation.

For example, if you wanted to have money you wouldn’t just say to yourself “I
want money” - your unconscious already knows that. It is more effective and
powerful to visualize yourself doing the things that money GIVES you, as well as
visualizing yourself with money.

The unconscious mind is also the automatic mind. You know all the
things that you do throughout the day, like getting out of your car and locking the
door, walking, eating, swallowing, taking out your keys to open your front
door...These are all things that would take up a huge amount of your conscious
awareness if you had to think about each and everything that you did. The trick
however, is to become aware of what your automatic behaviors are and if they
serve you. You may find that some of them are not in your best interest. Here’s a
tip - Becoming aware of your automatic behaviors is the hardest part, but once
you have, you can interrupt the process by stopping your response through your
awareness of it. This is your conscious mind taking control and directing your
unconscious mind.

Then as you take a new response - as you do it over and over roughly
21 times or 21 days, you build a new automatic response.
Pretty soon you have a new automatic response that you don’t even have to
think about. This process is called “conditioning”.




Fractionation has been used widely, in fact it is almost present in every

successful seduction process. It has been rumored to give men superpowers when
it comes to seduction.

Fractionation as a concept was first explored by famous Psychologists like

Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung etc. It was then developed by John Grinder [co-founder
of Neuro-Liguistic Programming].It was finally perfected for seduction by Derek
Rake in the early 1990's..It is a combination of HYPNOSIS, PSYCHOLOGY and
EXTREME PERSUASION..It has been referred to as;

1. A Dark Art

2. Brainwashing

3. Unethical

4. Amoral

5. Controversial
6. Harmful and Very Destructive.

It has the ability to damage a woman psyche, if done correctly it could

generate intense feeling of love, lust, or Infatuation in less than 20 minutes..

Fractionation is an N.L.P tool that you use to enhance a state, and a

seducer would be seeking to trigger mental states in a woman like;

X. States of attraction.

X. States of happiness.

X. Trauma Elicitation.

X. State of Comfort.

X. State of Arousal.


Many methods in this book trigger feelings which are an important goal in
seduction. Fractionation amplifies the effect of any emotional state you are trying
to induce, you pull her into a particular state, then pull her out, pull her in, then
pull her out again in cycles. The basic principle behind this is, no matter the
seduction style or strategy you are using it is enhanced when combined with
fractionation. For example let say you are having a sexualized conversation with a
Lady and she is getting really aroused...you pull her out [i.e stop sexualizing],you
could talk about the weather or do something else before you start sexualizing
her again. It will enhance the state of arousal immediately.
To explain further ''You can IMAGINE how you would feel if you, if you
woke up every thirty minutes to snooze your alarm from 4am-8am,when you
finally awake you would feel tired as a result of going in and out of sleep. So the
bottom line is that you can fractionate anything and every situation or
conversations. Another
powerful effect of fractionation is that it keeps a girl curious about you...Like i said
earlier it could be combined with other techniques in this book, so let’s say you
are having a conversation and trying to create rapport and the topic is losing its
value, fractionation changes the conversations from BORING to INTERESTING in

Fractionation makes her chase you, that is when you change an interesting
topic, maybe a sex story or emotional talk, change it by talking about normal
things like food ,music...It automatically increases your value and gets her
invested in what you are saying when you resume talking about that juicy topic. It
also work during physical escalation like kissing i.e you pull back from kissing your
girlfriend, she begins the next time you will kiss her again ..



When trying to elicit a state of emotional addiction in a woman, you need

to create compelling conversation that elicits emotional ups and downs after
which she would associate the intense feelings she is having to you.

First get her to describe A HAPPY EXPERIENCE then SWITCH to talking about
A SAD EXPERIENCE,then repeat the sequence then she is all yours..This form of
fractionation is based on DUAL POLARITY which states that;''WHEN THE

It has been discovered that we fall in love because of a need to bond deeply with
someone. Like Sigmund Freud rightly said ''Human BEIGNS ARE DESIGNED TO


1.Do you know how good it feels to have your best friend right next to
you...and you feel excited at the prospect of facing an obstacle
together[question mark].I had a friend like that, but one day she got sick
and died. She was gone forever..

2.Have you met a person you fell in love with at first sight and it was obvious
destiny brought you together. I experienced that one with a girl named Shirley,
we got very close quickly but only a few weeks later she got involved in a car
accident and Died Instantly.

With practice it becomes easy to weave this contexts into conversations.


This is when you express approval over her negative qualities. Those
qualities could be real or made up. Some examples are;
1.I am fascinated by your stupidity.

2.I find the fact you are dumb very charming.

3.I love you despite the fact that you lack compassion.

4.I Find your body odor stimulating..

You could flip the structure around by expressing disapproval of her good

1.I find it intimidating that you are intelligent.

2.I hate the fact you cook so well.

3.I am repelled your good manners.

4.The fact that you are always polite makes me uncomfortable..

Some mentalist techniques used in BRAINWASHING and MIND CONTROL

,like THE RAINBOW RUSE is a powerful form of fractionation.


The Rainbow Ruse is a system developed by mind control experts to elicit

trust and cooperation and also to read minds. It is made up of carefully crafted
statements that award the woman a specific personality trait as well as the mild
opposite of the trait. The phrase covers all possibilities, and it would appear to
her that you have made an accurate deduction of aspects of her character. It
consists of VAGUE and CONTRADICTORY statements ,since personality traits are
abstract and cannot be quantified. IT is a form of fractionation because it affirms
the theory of DUAL POLARITY and after reading the examples below you might
agree that you have experienced both sides of a given trait at one point of your


1.Most of the time you are POSITIVE and CHEERFUL but there as been a time
in the past when you where very UPSET.

2.You are a KIND and CONSIDERATE person but when someone betrays your

3.I can say you are mostly SHY and QUIET but when the mood strikes you,
you can easily become THE CENTER OF ATTENTION.

So basically, you are creating a contrast by placing two contradictory

personality traits in a statements linked by factors such as mood or time.


Fractionation can be used to avoid resistance especially last minute

resistance. Resistance is a conscious thing, so when you encounter resistance you
step back, then approach again .It breaks resistance into tiny bits either its bad
orientation on sex or maybe inexperience. So when dealing with resistance ,pull
away first then approach later.

An appropriate scenario is when you are making out with you Girl. To avoid
resistance in escalation, you take two steps backward for every step forward .

You KISS her.....LICK HER EARS,NECK, then KISS HER LIPS again before going
down to her BELLY and finally to her BREASTS.....

Fractionation is the concept upon which the 'THE SEXUAL MAN SEQUENCE'
WAS developed. Now you know fractionations amplifies anything so use it wisely
.In summary it;

1.Deepen Intrigue

2.Develop Persistent rapport without coming of as needy.

3.Mantain attraction.

So use it with the other techniques in this book and become very successful
with women.




BRAINWASHING is defined in the psychology dictionary as that which

manipulates an d modifies a person attitudes, emotions and beliefs .It reduces a
person ability to defend themselves mentally making it easier for you to control

So when brainwashing emotionally, you seek to create an emotional state of

arousal characterized by alteration of feeling, speech tones and Physiological and
Psychological behavioral changes. There might be evident reactions like crying or
blushing and other emotional expressions. However emotions is not always
reflected in ones appearance even though psychic changes are taking place e.g.
joy, grief ,sadness or even fear. Brainwashing gives you dominance and control,
so some examples of actions needed in controlling relationships are;

1.Priotize your needs over her own.

2.Answering back when she acts crazy.

3. Countering her demands with demands of your own.

4.Fake a BREAK-UP when she start withdrawing sex.etc


1.Embedded Commands

2.Trauma Elicitation

3.PHOBIA Installation/opprobrium’s

4.Prediction/Prophecy technique


Embedded command is a phrase that forms part of a sentence which if

spoken on its own it would be a direct command .It bypasses the conscious mind
and command go in undetected. There is no know defense against this technique.
It is a way to make a suggestion or insinuation get automatically accepted by her,
she won't notice consciously making it impossible for her to evaluate and reject
the command..
Example A;'YOU MAY'

1.You may find it easily to fall in love with me.

2.You may like what you are reading already because....

3.You might begin to discover that i am an interesting person...

Embedded commands have HYPNOTIC effects that compel the target to

relax if you are texting or even in a one on one situation..


1.I wonder if you will embed commands or not..

2.I wonder if you will spend time texting me tomorrow or not...

Example C;FINALLY'

1.Finally realize how wonderful it is as we get to know each other..

2.Finally you might begin to see that we are meant for each other.

3.Finally you are beginning to feel relaxed as you are sure that you can get any


1.Don't Think of a blue cat.

2.Don't think of using unripe lime juice to gaggle.

3.Don't think of how wonderful it is to sleep with me.

Here below is a list of other Embedded command phrases;

You probably already know…

1.I wouldn’t tell you to ___, because…

2.Some people…

3.One might, you know _________.

4.A person may not know if _________.

5.I’m wondering if you’ll ____, or not.

6.I could tell you that … but …

7.Maybe you haven’t …. yet

8.It’s easy to _____, is it not?

9.Sooner or later…

10.You may not know if ___.

11.Maybe you’ll ___.

12.You don’t have to ___.

13.You might notice how good… feels when you…

14.Will you _____ now, or will you ____?

15.You might notice the sensations in … while you …

16.Eventually, ….

17.Can you imagine….

18.Can you really enjoy….?

19.How would it feel if you ….?

20.People can, you know ____.

People don’t have to , , _____.

21.Try to resist….

22.A person is able to ____.

23.A person might, , _____.

24.One could _____, because….

25.You might not have noticed ….

26.A person could, , _____

27.I don’t know if ____.

28.What happens when you ____?

29.A person may ___, because …



Trauma is basically termed as an unpleasant experience that can cause

bitterness and anxiety. It also causes emotional states linked to fear, pain and
suffering. Its controversial to do so because it resonates with the dark side of
human nature .On the other hand it is effective in building trust and comfort.
When someone is able to open up and share their deepest fears and most painful
experiences with you, the connection is viewed as deeper and more meaningful.

Also when you elicit trauma on someone it becomes easier to elicit a

pleasurable state of happiness, excitement etc. Kahlil Gibran rightly states in his
book 'THE PROPHET ‘on joy and sorrow..



One way to get them to open up is through a mentalist technique called



This technique is named after the manner in which a shotgun fires a cluster
of small projectiles in hope that one of them will strike the target..

So to elicit trauma with this method you slowly offer a huge quantity of
general information to the target which is either correct, almost correct or even
provocative..Once you evoke a reaction ,then narrow the scope and refine the
original statement to suit the response you get. i.e. At some point in our lives we
have lost someone close, maybe an older relative, OR even met more than one
person with a common name like IMMANUEL OR MICHAEL OR AHMED..

1.I see you have some quarrels with a father figure in your family, he pays
attention to news a lot, I think you need to move on because he has forgiven

A lot of elderly people watch news, everyone has had disagreements in the
past, then father figure could refer to Father, Grandfather, Older cousin etc.

2.Someone hurt you badly at some point in your life that you wept inside.

Every Girl has been in that condition at some point of their life...


Opprobrium means terrible public shame or an action of doing something

shameful. People have a natural aversion for public shame or any thing related to
it..No wonder fear of public speaking is the number 1 phobia in the world.

It might sound counter intuitive to install phobia in a female psyche but i

assure you, getting a negative reaction in seduction is better than getting no
reaction at all ..so lets say you want to get together with your EX and she is not
responding..just classify her as a cocksucker, Bitch, cunt, dumb etc. After she
replies revert to a normal conversation. Women need a lot of social validation
that why this technique works like magic


1. Wierd people avoid doing that.

2. Thats not natural.

3. Some people would think you are a bitch if you keep acting like that.

4.Only abnormal people talk the way you talk..

You could follow it up with accusation -ary statements like

Are you a bitch[question mark].Make sure to reinforce anytime she act amiss..


Master salesmen, after making an offer, often say:

“… but you are free to decide, of course.”

This line manipulates the prospect to think that he’s in full control of the choice
that he’ll be making.

In short, the prospect thinks he came to the conclusion himself… and not through
being strong-armed by a salesperson.

Ever Heard of “illusion of control”? That’s what this is exactly.

Tell your woman she is free to pursue other romantic options… but predict
unhappiness in her future.

The idea is to convince her that if she pursues other options, she will be worse off.

negotiation, this called a BATNA – the Best Alternative To A Negotiated


here’s how you can use a similar “Prophecy” technique on a woman to make her
leave her boyfriend for you…
The first step is to disarm her a little. (This can seem to be a little manipulative,
but hear me out first, OK?)

Say to her:

“You’re FREE to continue with him, of course. It’s entirely YOUR choice to make.”

(See, there’s a bit of reverse psychology here which works on every woman
without fail.)

“Who knows, it might even be a good decision for both you and me.”

(You’re disqualifying her a little, which makes you more attractive to her.)

Next, insert some “Prophecy” into play:

“However, you should already be AWARE that there’s something about him that
(There’s ALWAYS something not ideal or perfect about someone… ALWAYS. What
you want to do is to bring this non-ideal trait into her consciousness.)

“… this could be something that ANNOYS you… and something you just don’t see
in a Perfect Partner…”

(Bring up her vision of the “Perfect Life Partner” and her boyfriend will always
FALL short of that vision! Evil!)

“… and if you continue to be with him, you’ll discover even MORE of his
ANNOYING habits which are highly UNDESIRABLE to you… things that you may

See how this works?

In Conclusion: First, you disarm her, and even disqualify her a little to get her

Then, you’ll bring up her vision of her “Perfect Partner”, and how her boyfriend
falls short when compared to that vision.

Finally, you “predict” that she’ll find even more of his undesirable shortcomings if
she continues to be with him.

So how does this help the seducer?

Well, let’s examine the likely outcomes, one by one:

Situation 1: She buys into what you say, and dumps her boyfriend for you. You

Situation 2: She sticks with her boyfriend, and then finds out what you said is true
(she finds out even more about her boyfriend’s bad traits.) You win.

Situation 3: She sticks with her boyfriend for good. You’re no worse than before.



The seduction model in this chapter is guide to follow when attempting to
seduce a girl without coming off as awkward and you will agree with me that
incomplete seduction comes from omission of vital parts of the seductive process.


Intrigue is defined as the action or quality of evoking interest, curiosity or

attention .Merriam Webster dictionary states that it is a form of attraction in
itself...so for seduction to progress you need to get attention or interest so that
you can have deep conversations[RAPPORT] and ultimately BOND with her which
is the second stage of the seduction model.
Intrigue Examples;

1.Get her to talk about her love life and relationships. This is a classic way to
intrigue a lady and emotional expressions are visible when you get her to describe
the relationship.

2.One surefire way to intrigue her is to tell her a story about an object she is
passionate about so as to anchor the intense feelings she has for that
particular object to you.

3.Another way to intrigue is her is to insinuate and hint at the influence of a

higher power or even lofty spiritual themes like DESTINY, FATE, etc In dating
communities people consider it a loophole in the female psyche.

4. Intrigue a girl especially when she is really beautiful by telling her that there is
something special or attractive about her other than her good looks. It could be a
attractive personality attribute like being Compassionate, Sexy, Caring etc.

Intriguing situation are fairly common and if you are observant you can easily
use these intrigue techniques in conversations. And I would use them while
talking about conversations which is our next sub header...


Open Ended Questions; One way to open conversations is the use of open
ended Questions. They are designed to draw out information from others without
placing a constraint on the response. It allows the female target to communicate
what they want about a topic without feeling controlled or pressured for a
specific response.


Lets say you want to ask about her love life and relationship[INTRIGUE].

1.Tell me about your first kiss.

2.Tell me how you reacted when you broke up.

3.What do you think of your chances about having a perfect relationships.


Trance is a STATE of consciousness, and we know that one important aim of

seduction is to create emotional STATES. If you were to use these phrases in
everyday conversations you would find yourself becoming more persuasive. The
phrases move people into different states of consciousness as well as embed
commands. Now you could dream about the possibilities that would open up to
you if you use these trance phrases all the time.

1.. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES; The word imagine is a trance phrase on its
own .As soon as you ask someone to imagine something, you are altering their
states of consciousness. This is because when you tell them to imagine, the mind
does a trans-derivational search to source for images and feelings associated with
the memory you evoke.

1.IMAGINE using persuasive phrases as part of your natural language.You
might start thinking of how many girls you would bed.

2.IMAGINE how wonderful it is to fall in love.

2.. FIND YOURSELF; using trance phrase naturally.

The Phrase find yourself is another one that can be used to easily take
people into a trance. When used in contexts, this phrase presupposes that you
have no conscious control, you just find yourself doing something different.AS you
read the sentence again, you find yourself thinking about the powerful result you
will get from using these phrases.


1.'FIND YOURSELF' thinking about how wonderful it is to go out with me.

2.You might 'FIND YOURSELF' thinking about how i look naked.

3..'IF YOU WERE TO 'get results will you use these phrases all the time.

'If you were to' is a great phrase to build distance for a direct command.
There are two embedded commands in the subtitle above. Did you get
them[question mark].

With this phrase you are not telling the target what to do by being
hypothetical. you are giving a direct command without their noticing..It is also
used to displace resistance when asking a question.

1.If you were to kiss me, would you like it..

2. If you were to use Trance phrases all time, you should get more girls.

Some more EXAMPLES;

1.'IMAGINE' 'IF YOU WERE TO' use these phrases, can you see yourself already
becoming more persuasive[question mark].I don’t know if i have this right and
you can 'IMAGINE' a more persuasive you and then suddenly 'FIND YOURSELF'
naturally using these pattern.

2.'CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITIES' as you 'IMAGINE' just what it would be like

using simple trance phrase in your everyday conversations. ‘YOU MIGHT' already
'SEE YOURSELF' using these patterns to get hot chicks.


Rapport basically means having deep conversation to get attention and trust
of the conscious mind. It is important in getting consent for sex..One way to build
rapport is through the use of SEXUAL FRAMES

SEXUAL FRAMES means 'FREEING' her from the limitations the society has
imposed on her sexuality. It is important to frame sex in a positive light because
default orientation and beliefs that are garnered from the society are mostly
negative, Reframing her ideas about sex is important as you will be helping her to
move towards a healthier sex life, increase her self esteem and allow her to be
willing to try anything with you without feeling GUILTY afterwards.
There are External factors affecting her orientation like appropriate dress
codes and conduct imposed by the society and Internal factors which are
erroneous belief she is not even aware of..

I have had two 'DEEPER LIFE' virgins come over to my place explicitly for casual
sex after I out framed the negative ideas her Teachers, Priest and Caregivers put
in their minds.

Some EXAMPLES of POWERFUL FRAMES you can immediately apply in

conversations are;

1.I want you to be free to do anything with me, because i don't support the
fact that women get insulted and criticized when they have multiple sex partners.
I believe you have a right to enjoy sex as much as you want after all they praise
guys that do the same.

This frame above deepens rapport immediately...

2.Your state of mind is important than your body size and beauty and i swear
to keep every sexual experience between us a secret because its perfectly normal
for you to think of doing blowjobs or even getting oral sex..

3.As Marriage is Important Every girl should get married and its not bad to try
dating in order to get the perfect man..

4.I won't judge you if you masturbate because it relief stress a lot and
moreover i don't see a sin in touching myself.
So this aforementioned frame eliminates bad orientation, guilt and makes
her sexually free with you.


These three questions are scientifically proven to create deep emotional

connections, connect to her fantasy and passion, and make her automatically
invested in the relationship..

QUESTION 1[Connect to her fantasy].Where is her dream place she would like
to go if she could escape her current way of life.?

QUESTION 2[On self fufillment].What is the one thing that would make you
fulfilled in like an how would you feel.

QUESTION 3[Timeline and direction]what is your long-term goals for the next
ten years and how do plan on achieving it.

These questions makes her EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in the relationship

and by now there are already visible signs of attraction.

One other way to get emotional investment in a relationship is to make

them work for

you, with you and around you. She automatically see you as someone she is
pursuing. Here is a short description of the basics of getting compliance for sex.

1a.Physical investments; Girls should be investing around you from the

moment you meet them, you should get physical investments like touching their
jewelry, wristwatch or even picking out things from their hair etc..
B.Verbal Investments; When you tell them to tell you what is special and
unique about them that could benefit you OR you ask them if they think they are
worth you...they begin to feel a range of emotions towards you which deepens
the connection already established by rapport.

2.Accept and reward all investment you get even if you are not interested.
When a woman offers investment of any kind, whether it is an item you don't like
or something you don’t care about. it is better to accept the gift and give her your
validation /approval than to decline and show lack of appreciation..

3.It is also important to be aware of Investment. Everything she does from

slight touching to being focused intensely on you is good. The more she invests
the more she will feel that she is the one chasing you..If you validate her
investment properly, you create a dynamic of Her being the aggressor in the

When she feels she is chasing you, compliance for sex becomes all to easy.

NOTE; Shot gunning is a good conversational technique for holding deep

conversations. It has been discussed in the previous Chapter on Brainwashing.

By now you already know how to get attention from a girl, converse well with
her, develop a deep and meaningful bond with her, you would be proceeding to
attract her permanently which takes us to the next stage of the seduction model


ATTRACTION is basically defined as the action or power of evoking interest or
liking in someone and something. There are so many ways to categorize
attraction, it could even be a quality or feature that evokes a pleasurable states.
So now that you have her attention and you share a bond, you should ready to
attract her permanently.

So many determinants of attraction have been researched by famous

Psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung And is a broad area of study in social
psychology but basically ATTRACTION is based on BEAUTY,SEXUAL DESIRE, and
admiration for personality attributes.

The techniques explained in this chapter seeks to exploit flaws in the

female mind and unconsciously trigger attraction. Once you slip them into
conversations you can be sure of what she's thinking. At this point of seduction,
SUGGEST ATTRACTION and it will occur, because at this stage she is probably sure
of your intention, so she will eagerly play the role of the one being seduced.

Below are attraction loopholes in the female mind to automatically elicit



Give her a piece of information about yourself which is not to be revealed to

anyone. Psychological Research affirm that if it is a heavy disclosure of personal
information, the other party would feel obliged to reveal something of equal
consequence. Even an open secret would still trigger deep romantic feelings in
her.Each time you insinuate the secret could be exposed, it further amplifies the

Scientific research claims that 'SECRETS' triggers the release of phenylanine in

the body. It is a chemical in the body that is not only responsible for romantic
feelings, but responsible for relieving stress, depression, acute confusion and lack
of appetite.


Hearsay means something heard but not known to be a fact. In some

contexts it could be seen as rumors or even gossip. Scientific research shows that
HEARSAY makes up to 30% of our self concept/image. The socialized female
requires connection, acceptance and care, so you use hearsay to insinuate both
positive and negative statements you have heard about her, her work, her
passion, family etc.


1.Someone told me you are a very nice person, but she said you have also done
some questionable things in the past.

2.Assuming she is a fashion designer;

I heard on a TV Program that though fashion designers understand and

appreciate beauty, they find it difficult to maintain a long term relationship.

Human beings bond through shared experiences both positive and negative
which causes, attachment, and attraction. Negative experiences work like magic
because suffering hardship on a road to a common goal strengthens human bond
tremendously. so once you orchestrate an unpleasant experience, it causes
instant attraction that is only amplified with time. It triggers IDENTITY FUSION due
to the fact that it causes her to do a lot of reflective thinking about the
relationship. It forces her to forge a strong bond with you and stay committed and
loyal to you..

If you are observant, you would notice that football fans of the same club
bond tremendously after losing repeatedly..


Assuming you take a girl on a date for the first time and things go sweetly, to
orchestrate an unpleasant shared experience, you could tell her.;

X.I lost a lot of money today while we were together and it seems to me that
you are bad luck but don't take it hard on yourself. Once I decide to build a
relationship with you, things could work out.

This doesn’t just trigger attraction alone, it also creates a strong bond.


Fractionation has been explained thoroughly in the second chapter and it is
useful in creating emotional states, especially the DUAL POLARITY principle which
takes a woman on a rollercoaster of emotion triggering ADDICTION.


This method gets her to chase you and should be used alongside other
attraction loopholes. All you have tell her you are busy or unavailable during a
proposed period of time and give her subtle hint that you are losing interest in
her. It forces her to make decisions. It could also be used when faking breakups.


X. During a hot argument, tell her you want a break up but still keep in touch.

X. Tell her you need personal space but that you cherish when you spend time

X. You could tell her nothing last forever ,you could move away anytime.etc.


In our traditional gender roles as males we are expected to chase by

default, but if you have dated enough, you would know it is entirely possible to
make a girl chase you. And to make things more interesting, some women prefer
to chase than to be chased. In other words female loves to chase guys too.

When a woman gets dominated by a man, she has no choice but to chase
especially when she gets ignored by the man. This pattern is hardwired into the
female psyche.
Some ways to get her chasing you are;;

1.Tell her you love three things about her but don’t reveal the last one.

2.Ignore her.

3.Tease her.

4.Establish similarities between her and a popular TV personality but don’t tell
her why you think so. lot of questions will race across her mind and make her feel
uncomfortable. She will think incessantly about you until she resolves the conflict
brewing in her mind.

5.Pulling back after getting physical seems hard, but it works. It shows control
and also gets her chasing.

Lets say she starts kissing you and things get hot and heavy, you step back
and tell her you want to take things slow. If you don't give her a reason, she will
go crazy and run after you till you give in.

Another classic role reversal technique is to blame her for making you
attracted. you might have come across this technique because R N B singers use it
all the time.


The seduction process can be viewed in terms of devalidation. Validation

basically means giving positive feedback in a relationship, and in every group of
people the person that gets the highest social validation is the leader. So
DEVALIDATION is when you withdraw validation or give her a negative feedback
.So its automatically elicit attraction and attachment especially if you have always
been giving her positive feedback.


1. I am seriously reconsidering what i find attractive about you,

2.We know am attracted to you but I don’t know if you value the quality am
offering you.

3.Is there any special thing you possess that i can benefit from.

4.Do you have anything interesting to offer me apart from sex.

Make sure to resume validating to keep her thinking about you..

There are some other determinant of attraction like Natural abilities,

Attractive personality traits, social proof, but not to worry, those loopholes work
like gangbusters.


There are some 'DARK', 'INNATE' personality traits that attract women
naturally and are noticeable since childhood. Guys with these traits are naturally
attractive to women. In psychology they are known as the DARK TRIAD



NARCISSISM; It is the pursuit of gratification arising from vanity or

egoistic admiration of one's self image and attributes.

The term originated from Greek mythology where young narcissus fell
in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Simple put Narcissism is
an inflated love for self. It is also a form of excessive selfishness and admiration.

Basically you are a narcissist if you display the characteristic below.

1.Excessive self love.

2.Obsession with particular object or even life goals.

3.Free of worry and sadness.[NEVER HAPPENS TO YOU].

4.Elevated self esteem.

5.Exploitation of others without regard for feelings.

6.You think everyone exists to serve you.

7.Demostrating contempt for other peoples ability or achievement.

8.Proud and openly Shameless.

9.Attempting to create a perfect illusion.

This Personality trait is common among male celebrities, and their drove of
female fan would do anything to sleep with them.

Machiavellism is a political theory of Niccolo Machiavelli on maintaining

political power .Machiavellism as a personality trait is characterized by lack of
empathy, focus on self interest and personal gain with high disregard for
conventionally taught morals. A Machiavellian is seen as always having double

Some of the characteristics are;

1.Mostly unemotional.

2.Hate conventional taught morals.

3. Highly skilled manipulator.

4.Understand power play.

5.Lying and very deceitful.

Most influential world leaders and politicians are Machiavellian, It is what

let them lead large group of people and achieve great things in politics and

Psychopathy is characterized by refusal to conform to societal standard,
boldness,egotism,lack of empathy, Divergent thinking ,meanness .Psychopath
have disregard for human nature and consider others inferior to them.

Many of the best entrepreneurs in the world 'PSYCHOPATHIC’. Sometimes

back the founder of Uber, TRAVIS KALANICK was accused of being a SOCIOPATH
and he built UBER to be the most valuable private company in the world.

Cultivating these inherent traits would give you the ability to put women
under your control almost immediately. Guys with these trait tend to be
successful than guys who don't possess them.

To inculcate the traits, all you have to do is sum up the nerve to use the
BRAINWASHING methods found throughout this book and success is assured.


Another powerful determinant of attraction is social proof. Imagine you wake

up in an unfamiliar environment with no idea of where you are and how you got
there. You are feeling hungry...So you walk outside your hotel room to get food
and you notice two restaurants, One filled with people and the other empty.

Which one would you choose to get a meal .

This is an hypothetical example to highlight one concept 'SOCIAL PROOF’.

Wikipedia define social proof as a PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENOM where people
assume the actions of others reflect correct behaviour for a given situation. The
effect of social proof is most pronounced in uncertain situation where the correct
course is not easily determined.

Social proof creates an aura of desirability in the target and makes

her attracted to you. To get social proof to work for you, you would seek to create
an illusion of popularity by surrounding yourself with people; Members of the
opposite sex, former lovers, sex friends, old friends etc. This stimulates rivalry and
raise your value. Once you have a reputation ,women would begin to approach
you more often.

Some further tips on social proof are;

1.Reconnect with old friend, lover, classmates co workers[both sexes]etc.

2.Spend time with quality people especially when it reflects in their

appearance e.g. beautiful girls, well dressed guys.

3.Spend some money and throw parties.

4.KEEP FANS INSTEAD OF FRIENDS. If you have fans instead of friends, you are
clearly at a high level of social hierarchy and girls would favour you above other

Remember, Women are CHOOSERS when it comes to having sex[How

frequently have you turned down a random girl for sex] and Celebs who are
walking testament of social proof don’t get to choose woman a lot, instead they
get chosen because of the advantage of popularity..

SO let me conclude this chapter by congratulating you again on reading to this

point. And using this techniques to get girls is basically BRINGING A NUCLEAR
WEAPON TO A MATCHETE FIGHT.SO Use this power wisely and if you want more,
proceed by reading the last part of this book called the SEXUAL MAN SEQUENCE
on Enslaving any girl you have already attracted.




THE SEXUAL MAN SEQUENCE is not for the weak minded.....You must
doing it without hesitation, Question or doubt..


A lot of people find it difficult to do this, while some people succeeded. So

what makes the difference between someone that gets half hearted results and
others who get unbelievable result is what we call FRAMES...,and a strong frame
comes from a strong frame of mind and as we know, what you believe in your
mind is the foundation for what happens in your reality. I did not develop this
method for criminal use. I believe I am only providing information, so use the
method at your own risk.

Where to do it...

The Sexual Man method can be done anywhere, though some environments
are likely to amplify its effect.
If you imagine The Sexual Man Sequence is about altering states of
consciousness and putting someone in a willing trance, then its not something
you do on someone, its something you do with someone, so its a kind of shared
trance which is essential in creating a SHARED SOCIETY consisting of you and her
and finally override her existing identity with one that is subservient towards

With The Sexual Man Sequence, you will deliberately be placing her under
hypnosis which becomes permanent with fractionation..Hypnosis could be viewed
in terms of altering states of consciousness to make Target open to suggestion
and influence, Strong enough influence that cause drastic changes in her
personality. Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind stirring the unconscious mind

Three important factors for HYPNOSIS to occur are;


2.Bypassing consciousness,[Suspending critical analysis and judgment].

3.Strong frames of a leader.


''It Has Been Said That Energy Flows Where Attention Goes''

Intent is fluid, and in this context am using it means a firm resolve to carry out
action[s] in future arising from Forethought and planning. An Intent get stronger
with FOCUS which simply means directing attention toward a particular interest
or preplanned activity.
Actualizing a STRONG INTENT is simply by setting goals .or tasks and
completing them. It gives you more confidence, goals could be short or long term
or even difficult mundane task. If you could stay focused on finishing anything you
set out to do, Under 21 days it automatically becomes a habit and you will begin
to feel your confidence soaring.

There is Intent all around us and everything that happens in the world

is a result of the interplay of Intents. There are people and forces around you that
most likely have intentions that serves their own interests and not yours. Be
aware of this power play in every situation you find yourself.


A Presupposition is a structure of language that makes un-verbalized

assumptions, for instance, if I tell you i am not going to Europe again, it would
make the presupposition I had been to Europe before. To apply it you can start by
speaking directly to the child within them by asking them things like, “What would
the kid in you say or do right now?” or “What would the kid in you say to the you
of today?”You can also presuppose that you are talking with their child or with
their old self and thus bring it out by your very presuppositions.

By “presuppose” I mean that your words and actions are guided by

underlying beliefs, assumptions and frames of reference. For example, if you
presuppose that the woman you are talking to is the most sex crazed whore that
you’ve ever met, no matter how she tries to deny it – you might just be surprised
at how she unconsciously picks up on your frame and through rapport and
connection, makes it true!
When we talk to people on every time, most of the time we have
preconceived notions of what type of person they are, based partially on fact and
partly on assumptions.

We take this image and project it on to them. If there is a connection and

the other person can relate to the image that we’ve given them, then this image
becomes a part of their identity in relating with us.

Now looking to the past - take a person who had an abusive childhood. They
may have felt that they were essentially “bad”, that they deserved it on one level
– that they were flawed. But when you take the person that they are today, and
have that person look back to the child that they once were, with the eyes of
what they know today – then reality begins to change. Parts of them that had
been locked up and repressed begin to open up and heal – they begin to see that
the child was essentially good, in a bad environment, and made the best choices
that they had available to them at the time. Understanding first occurs on a
mental level and then goes deeper to an emotional and then physical “feeling”

Imagination -> Emotions -> Physical Feeling

Others have said, “Lead the imagination and the body will follow”. That’s a weak
perspective. What IN10SE Says is exactly 10 times more powerful – Lead the body
and the EMOTIONS and then the
MIND will follow.This is how things are set up for us biologically. We are creatures
of both mind and body. What you do to the body releases chemicals inthe brain
that change and influence the mind. For example after orgasm, the brain releases
“bonding” chemicals ’ like Oxytocin, that cause us to feel a sense of connection
and belonging with the person that we’re with .

Lead The Body And You’ll Lead The Mind.

For example, knowing on an intellectual level that you need to eat doesn’t mean
anything unless you feel hunger in your body. Knowing on an intellectual level
that a woman is attractive doesn’t mean anything until you feel the hunger of
wanting her with your body. What people feel with their bodies and feel
physically, they rationalize mentally.

Given that parts can conflict, when the physical, emotional and mental
parts do conflict, people will act the most consistently on what they feel
physically, less on what they feel emotionally, and even less on what they know

The Hypnotic Seductionist Frame

So what is the hypnotic seductionists frame? Well, first let’s look at the
words and come up with some definitions. Again, hypnosis is the result of three
KEY factors.

1) Focus

2) Suspending the critical factor - suspending judgment

3) A strong lead and a follower.

The stronger the frame of the leader, the better the results. The better the
follower (or we could say the more RESPONSIVE the follower) the better the
results. Once you assume you are seducing her, she automatically places the roles

So we’ve talked a little about having a strong frame, now let’s talk about
creating responsiveness.


Responsiveness is a condition of openness - where someone reaches out

for something. It can be both externally driven or internally driven. It is a
motivation. It is receptivity. An example of externally driven responsiveness is
where motivation comes from an external source - like reward and punishment.
People generally tend to move toward pleasure and away from pain.
FRACTIONATION is one of the most effective ways to motivate someone. You give
them pleasure for moving toward a certain desired outcome, and at the same
time give them pain to move away from it. Fractionation has been discussed at
length in previous chapters.

Everyone has some sort of pain in their lives. Its just a part of living. Once
you’ve built up enough rapport with someone, you can evoke pain as easily as
talking about it. It can also be brought up by cold reading. An example of
Fractionation would be to say to someone;

X. “I look at you at times and beneath all the smiles I can see something else”. You
may not even be aware of it. In your eyes there’s a deep pain that’s you've never
gotten over. In fact sometimes when your alone you probably feel this pain and
you might be right at the point of discovering the Source, but at other times it
may just break through and make you sad without knowing why. At some point in
your life, your heart was broken - and it shows... I can put my hand right here on
your chest (as you do it) and I can feel you are in pain. As they open up and pour
out their heart, empathize with them. Listen to them with an open heart and
mind and you will have evoked their pain. Once you evoke their pain, immediately
switch over to evoking pleasure. This form of fractionation is sure to evoke the
response needed.

One other way to create responsiveness is using a psychologically technique

called the GRADIENT PRINCIPLE. You start out by asking small and trivial requests
and then gradually increase your requests until they find themselves doing what
they would never have done for you. It has powerful implications because it
increases attraction, and also conveys more value and authority.


1.After talking with a girl for a few minutes in a club, Invite her to dance.

2.After dancing invite her for a talk with you outside

3.After talking invite her for a drink, and then a stroll to your place if its nearby..

When someone gets on your ’command train’ be sure to reward them

accordingly. The longer you can get them to ride your “command train”, the
higher your value becomes in the interaction.
So why the emphasis on value? The answer is that the more value you convey,
the more authority and attractiveness you’ll have, and the more authority and
attractiveness you have, the more value

you’ll convey - and on and on.

The above sentences are instructive illustrations and you need to be creative
as contexts would differ......


Everything starts with you and in every interactive process between people,
there are clearly defined roles. It is our nature as humans to define our
roles in every interaction and with every person we interact with. It makes us
comfortable to know these things. Be very aware of what role you take.
These roles are called Meta-frames and meta-programs in psychology. Are you
the giver or the receiver, the leader or the follower, do you move toward or move
away from either reward or punishment.. Do you have flexibility to recognize
the roles and frames in an interaction and are you able to adapt and change
roles to those that best serve you?

Your frame is where you view your role in the dynamic of an

interaction. It’s your position, your status and your role in an interaction.
Whenever two people interact, there is an interplay from which the dynamic
develops. An interaction with another person can be viewed in terms of
your actions and their reactions, and your reactions to their actions. Power
play is always in effect. Unless you are in a predefined role where rank and status
is already set (like the military, navy, politics etc...) then you play a Major role in
determining your status in the interaction. If you don’t set your own status
(whether consciously or unconsciously) then the other person will set it for you
– most often in their favor, not yours. Let’s first look at your actions. Do you have
clear actions with clearly defined goals that are driven by your intent? If not then
you need to do so. Everything that you do needs to be clearly defined and
congruent. Try this– stop right now and look exactly at what you’re doing.
Define the goal and the purpose of your actions right now. Learn to do this in
each moment. Practice being fully conscious in each moment. Know what
each moment is for. If the goal of this

particular moment is to learn something, then put your full mind into it and
don’t do it half-heartedly. In this way, you’ll get the most out of each moment. If
your goal is just to relax, then just relax and don’t let anything distract you from it.
Clear actions come from clear purpose and focus in the moment. Now let’s look at
your reactions to others actions. Other people are always trying to determine
their status and have to prove it to themselves by exerting their will over
others. How the other person reacts to this determines the other person’s
status in the interaction. For example, let’s say that you start dating a girl. She
may test you continually by asking you to do this and that, and you may in fact do
nice things for her – but you may only do them because you want to and because
you want her to be happy. If you get to the point where she’s saying “RUN” and
you’re saying “How FAST?” then there’s a problem because she has you under
her control. You never want to be the inferior one in a relationship – you
should at the least be equal. Now how do you maintain your power and status in
an interaction? Much of your value is based on your reactions to the other
person’s actions. In general, if someone wants you to run and you
automatically say “How fast?” then your actions are determining that their
status is above yours. At times Cult leaders in power will have their Followers do
Difficult tasks at their slightest whim just to keep on demonstrating and
reinforcing their power. But for example if you were to say, “What do i gain?” You
are automatically putting a value on your actions.

You are not giving away your power for free. When you put value on your
reactions, you up your own value in the interaction. Your reactions determine
your value. Someone with high value will say things like, “I know you may want
me to do this or that, but that doesn’t quite work for me – What can you do for
me?” THAT has to be your implicit message whether it is
communicated overtly or covertly. Another thing you can say is, “If I do this for
you, will you do this for me?” Again, you are putting a value on yourself and
there’s nothing wrong with that. Remember that value has to come from
yourself first. You have to set your own value. Also remember that higher
value is attractive. Your actions have to reflect a higher value. So now that
we’ve talked about the Value frame, let’s talk about Authority. Authority and
Value are very much interlinked. Authority in itself conveys value and value
conveys a sense of authority. The Authority frame is when you convey a
sense of expertise in something. It is when you have knowledge or skills
that are meaningful in a given situation. It is when you have the solutions to
problems. Take on the Authority frame in your daily life. Now, you can be an
Authority on a particular subject or in a certain part of your life. That’s not just
what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is being an Authority in your
OWN life. Be in Charge of your own life. Take back your power if you’ve given it
away, realizing that your power is yours to keep and yours to give away if you
choose. Every moment is a new moment to choose to take hold of your power.
Whenever you set your mind to something and decide to do this no matter
what, and then you follow through with what you’ve set – you are demonstrating
your power.When you’ve taken a hold of your power, you can then start to
demonstrate Authority and power over others.


You’re probably wondering what these two subjects have to do with

each other and what’s more, with the SEXUAL MAN.To answer your question,
realize that we are most vulnerable when we are regressed. Regression is a state
where you return to a previous state.

The state at which we are most vulnerable is during our childhood. This is
before we’ve learned how to consciously cope and deal with stress by putting up
walls and defenses. In fact, when a child who doesn’t have defenses experiences
stress, they often just have an emotional response and cry- or if the stress is
great enough, their unconscious might do unpredictable things - like they
may stop talking, or they may block it out all together.At our core there
are no walls and no defenses. If we’ve bonded with another person like
infants do normally then we know what it’s like to feel connected at a
deep level. In fact, in this state of connection there is no sense of self.There is
only the sense of connectedness. Ego gives way to something deeper and
more meaningful. I’m going to term this the Bonding period. Some would say
that the experience of love itself is motivated by the desire to bond again at a
deep level.So how do we choose who to bond with? Read this Statement carefully
and meditate. We bond with the person that causes us to regress back to
the bonding period - to that earlier state in our lives when we had no sense of
self, no walls, no defenses - just connectedness. So how do you use this
information? One of the most effective ways is first to presuppose that the other
person is a child. Talk to them in a caring and genuine way as if they were
a child. Have fun with them and just act like kids together. Nurture them and
when they open up and tell you about their hopes and fears, reward them by
nurturing them both emotionally any physically. Have them tell you about their
childhood. Your goal is to know the child within them.

Sexual conditioning

Sexual conditioning is the process by which sexual behavior is modified.

Aristotle once said, “When two things occur commonly together, the
appearance of one will bring the other to mind.”In OPERANT CONDITIONING, it is
proposed that emotions can be linked to a neutral stimulus. To apply this to
sexuality, let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you want your
lover/PARTNER to orgasm on command. It may take some patience and
some practice, but here’s what you do. Understand that the desired
behavior is to orgasm on command. Now you have to have a stimulus. Lets
choose something like pinching her neck. That is the stimulus. Now you must
get her to unconsciously link orgasm With you Pinching her neck. From this point
on, when she has an orgasm with you, softly pinch her neck. The key is that
you must do it every time. It may take weeks or even a few months, but you’ll
eventually get to the point where even the feel of your lips on her neck gets her
turned on. After several weeks, try just lightly kissing your partners neck, let them
feel your teeth on their skin. You may find that as you continue to do this,
they start to get turned on, and then as you pinch their neck, allowing them
to anticipate your intention to do so, they orgasm. The other thing you may want
to condition your partner for is to be adventurous sexually. For this, you must first
normalize the behaviors. It has to be ok and maybe even something that
appeals to their sense of adventure and excitement. There must also be
a certain amount of desensitization to resisting factors. Part of desensitizing
comes with repetition, and part comes with constant exposure, which may
include being exposed to the behavior or the idea of the behavior in a consistent
but yet non-obtrusive way. After making the behavior normal and ok, you have to
provide the motivation. For some the motivation could be experimentation. The
motivation may also be for your partner to please you. If your partner has a
self image as someone that is adventurous and open-minded already, then this
image will most likely carry over into their sex life as well. Motivation may
also be provided through reward and punishment. The next step after
normalizing, then motivating comes the stimulus-response patterning. In
order to set up a stimulus response pattern, there has to be a distinct
stimulus, which must be virtually identical each time it occurs. The stimulus
may be subtle or it may be obvious - it just has to be the same. It would be
easier to provide the same stimulus in the same context at first, (example;
rubbing your partners feet before going to bed whenever you want your partner
to perform blow job for you) and as the stimulus and response becomes
more automatic, you expand the context of the stimuli to other situations and
places. (Rubbing your partners feet at a cinema and other times and places
which would be followed by your partner performing blow job in those places
and times.)The last step in the process of sexual conditioning is habituation.
This is where the stimulus response pattern becomes automatic and regular.
It occurs without hesitation or thought. Remember the principle that the
strongest human instinct is not survival - it is to do what is familiar. Its been
said that if something is done 21 times, the same way, it automatically
becomes a habit.


Everyone has a roadmap to EMOTIONAL STATES. Take for instance happiness.

Happiness is an emotion. It is something that is experienced in the moment – in
fact, all intense emotions are experienced in the moment. e define the
roadmap to a past experience by accessing MEMORIES. We define the
roadmap to future experience by accessing the IMAGINATION. But the best
part of this method is that you don’t have to figure this out – you just have to
lead with the right questions. The right answers always start with the right
questions. State elicitation is just a matter of defining a state then having your
partner define and describe their experience of it. For example if you
wanted to both associate yourself with someone’s childhood as well as evoke a
state within someone, you may say: You then selectively ask questions that
cause them to further describe their experience of it. You may then say, “So what
was it like when you were doing this?” “What were you think-ing?” “What
were you feeling?” “Where were you feeling it in your body?”All of the questions
cause them to define their internal state at the time they were experiencing their
past memory. They have stepped into the experience of it. They have become
associated. One key to elicitation is that when you elicit a state and link it to a
body sensation, you make it real in the moment. The body will begin to
feel what it felt and although the logical mind can rationalize the difference
between now and then, the body and the emotional/physical minds cannot. Re-
read what I just said – it’s that important. “Tell me about the first time you
ever had sex what it would feel like in the future, or have someone
remember what it felt like in the past, you are indirectly creating EMOTIONS in
the present. a guy.” The emotional mind and the physical mind only
experience the moment. Just think about when you were experiencing an
intensely strong emotion. You were fully associated into the moment.
Nothing else mattered. Your logical mind was on hold. Think about the last time
you felt intense pain. Where did you feel it? You were fully associated into the
moment. Nothing else existed for that moment. Now think about the last
orgasm you had. Where did you feel it? Did it come on gradually or all of a
sudden, was it intense and earth shaking or was it slow and sensual? In that brief
moment of release you were fully associated and nothing else existed for
that moment. We feel emotions in our body. Haven’t you ever had a sinking
feeling “in the pit of your stomach”? Or had a “Warm feeling in your heart”? Or
felt so stressed that your head was “going to explode.

Here’s an example of a state elicitation leading into a body sensation:

A.....“If you had thought about one thing or person that you love most in the
world what would it be?” (This could be any question that asks for an
intense emotion or feeling)“X” (the thing/person) “So when you’re thinking about
“X”, how do you know that you love this the most – what is it about “X” that you
love?”“Y” (the reasons, the details) “So all of these things, where (repeat “Y”
reasons/details back) what is it LIKE when you have these?”[They then must go
into the feeling to describe it, and as they go into the feeling, the experience it
in the NOW – it has become REAL]“So as your feeling this [you’re presupposing
that they ARE feeling it], try this – if you were to take this feeling and tell me
where it is inside you, where would it be?”[They show you] “And if it were to be a
color, what color would it be?” “How about feeling warm or hot” “And is it
moving” [You are causing them to describe it – thus bringing it to life, and turning
it into a Symbol through the use of Synesthesia – overlap of the
senses]Synesthesia is how our unconscious experiences much of our internal
reality. It is our sensory filters that separate out our experience in order to
make sense of things. Body Sensations are often linked to colors, Emotions
can be linked to kinesthetic body sensations. Given that your unconscious
speaks in the language of symbols, emotions can be linked to colors, and body
sensations follow suit as well. This is where you have them close their eyes.

Turn it into a symbol

B.. “Now close your eyes and imagine with me. If this feeling were a color,
what would it be? Where is it at? Does it feel warm, hot...? How is it moving?”
Synesthesia is how our unconscious experiences much of our internal reality.
It is our sensory filters that separate out our experience in order to make
sense of things. Body Sensations are often linked to colors, Emotions can be
linked to body sensation.

Programming sequence of thoughts using operant conditioning

EXAMPLE A..Being that you are sexy and mature, you will agree with me that
the woman in you needs to express herself fully[MAYBE YOU WANT MORE
SEX].You might hesitate a little, but doing blowjobs is the perfect step to
talking about it..

Next, as she accepts reward her positive responses according, but if she
disagree use negative reinforcements like the EMOTIONAL BRAINWASHING
techniques i spoke on earlier in this book. After making these statements a fair
amount of times you automatically set an image for her to live up to..She
automatically takes up a subservient role.


CREATING A new sexual identity.

A New sexual identity is created several ways. First of all, you must project a
new IMAGE onto the person, both via your words and your actions. This is
where you presuppose that you are interacting with a NEW person – the new
person with the new sexual identity. For example, to bring out the “PORNSTAR” in
your partner, you must believe that they are REALLY a porn star – they just don’t
know it yet. You may not just come right out and say it, but you would talk about
the PART of them that is sexually adventurous, the PART of them that has sexual
fantasies, and the PART of them that wants to explore her sexuality. – Remember
that as you name something (the NEW sexual identity) you make it REAL – as
you describe it.

Someone i respect so much once said that what makes a woman sexy
is about 20% physical and 80% MINDSET. The ideal woman is one that a man
both wants to protect and possess at the same time. So skill sets can be
learned. That’s what makes them skill sets. There comes a point however in
any skill set where it becomes almost entirely mental... Almost entirely
reflexive.. It becomes mindset. This is where you want to be. Then there’s having
a mentor. Having someone to point you in the right direction, to show you what
has worked for them and others, to give honest and open feedback - is priceless.
But if you did not have access to guidance then am sure you are feeling excited
and powerful with these piece of information i have given you..

Finally you should be aware that with great power comes great
responsibility. Please use this book wisely and with good intentions as it could
cause serious damage to the female psyche and create an OBSESSED STALKER.


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