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Salute to Employers
Through its 72 )'cars the 10lcrO:ll iooal Brotherhood of Electrica l
\X/orkers has. a t (imes, had ser ious difficulties with employers of its
members in a ll fields of the clential] industry. Howeve r, any review
of OUf labor-management relations, especially in (<:cem years, will show
that StICh ditliculties have been re lative ly few and far l)Ctwecn.
And so, inSlCtld of rcguding our emp loyers as <:ncnlies as Illany unions
tIfC presumed to do, we rc~ar J our em ployers as friend s nnd liS ptlfmers
in the greatest industry in the world a nd the one widl the br ightest
The vast majority of ou r employers have been fa ir and decent employ.
ers, have barga ined w ith us in good fait h and have lived up to the
ag reemen tS ther signed. They ha\'c seen the worth of sha ring their
profits in reasonable wage increases and fringe benefits.
In the construCtion industry there has been anained a dcgct:c of
coopera tion which has been called "the most e nlightened labor-manage.
ment relations prog ram in the wo rld ," and made thi s area of IBE\'V
o pe rat ions \'irhla lly a "Sl rihl(' ~s Indllstq'." In o rganized labor's efforts
to combat a nti -labor leg islation in d1<: form of T aft-Hartley, and some
years late r t.:tndru m-G riffin, ou r employers, represcnted by the National
Electrical COntraClOrs' Association, we re the o nly management repre-
sentatjves to J::o on record with the Senate amI I'louse Comm ittees as
bcin~ opposed to these aCls. Why ? Bccallse the), " preferred union
lahor because it's cOIll I>Clelll labor" and wanted contraCtS they knew
" would be lived 111' to."
\'Ve wallt to sa lute our employers in o ther branches of our industry
also, esp<."cially the major port ion of those heading ut il ity and manllfac·
IIIring pla nts w idl which we have thousands of contracts. \Ve have fOlllld
them 10 be reasonable, considerate and fair. The picture is the same in
many ot her bra nches - rad io·TV s(!u ions. "tuions repa ir shops, mainte-
nance operations and man}' more. The "S imon Legree," over-fed capi·
tali~tiL'I )' pc c ll1ployer JUSt doesn' t ex ist on the IDEW' front, with one
or two very rare exceptions.
\Ve are proud of tne cal iber of am e mployers, Our people a re prOtld
of the companies they work for. \X'e Sllbscribe whole·heartedl}' to tne
old Gompers' Ineor}' thnt the "worst thing tnat can nappen to workers is
for the employe r nOt to make a profit." And so in tnis electrica l age
in w hicn we live, with respect for each o ther and each belie"ing in tne
maxim wnich applies clJuallr to t:lIlp lo)er and employe - "a good doy's
work for 0 good day's pa}''' - we will go forward togetner, management
a nd labor, to new neights of progress nnd security.
t"~,,,'i .....
!:I" ]:;Ih St., N, \\,
W ... hln,n.on, o. r. ~Ofl(U
hl...oacI;"Mol S~e.rl"r.
I!(l(l !r.th 51.. N. W.
W.... hlnlftnn. n. r, 2~OO~
Official Publication of thl International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
J £ I U:~tl A Ii 1'. l'il ].I.IV,\N
hlrr .... ';"'''" T'MUrt.
130 ~~, 2:.lh 51. GORDON M. FREEMAN, Edilo.
New York 10, New York

'lICE 'RlSrDENTS VOI.UJ\lE 62, N... 9 OCTOIIEII. If)(i:~

I'·J ... ~ td,' I. \l'II.I.IAM I.AJ)\'M.\N
~~ Unlv,· .. it,. Ulv,l.. Suit, ' O~
'r""'n!" l. 0"1 .. r~"~,h;
g.....<>ntl Ill"lrltt. JO H N J. ItEIO,\N
]1,,..,,, ~~~. /'Mrk !$<l "~"" Ulobe.
/1, ...1(," t6, M ........ eh .. ,H. CONTENTS
Third J)j trl~l. JOSEI'll W, J.1(;{;~:1·r
1" 51~1<' ~tr ... !. II""", 01.
Slate "link IIldll.
All",,,,. 7. Ntw \·D.k
Fourth Di.tri~t. II . II. BLAN ln:NSII II'
~:,~; VlelD., I '~w,.. labor Drive to Honor Great lady 2
Cincinnlltl 8. OhIO
~·,fth m.trlel. C. X. U.\IIK~:1t
The Ck'nn Uldll',. I~O .\I-.I<'I.ta 811ft1. N. W. The lady and the G e nius 1.
.\llnnla. {.......III..
Si.u h Ol lerlct. J . W , J O U NSON Editorials
ltoo ... !iO~. ""ml)fr In ... ,.n...,
1I.. ll<Ilnl'. 1\
~o N. \\''''~~r U""r
('h;~"KO ~.IU;no
Reliving Biblical Time s in Jerusalem 10
Se-o'~nlh f)j,!"rt. A. f:. t:III1',\IWS
B...k n...ndl
lI uil<lln " . U"",n ItO!
Fort \I'.mh. T.·u Se cretary Keenan at the IlO
F.ill'hlh l)lltri~!. S. Eo T llO MI'SON
R""", 201. Wl/eo'K 1110111
UII~ l"ou'lh A,,·. N"'III Protector of the Pe ople
1'. O. II,,~ 161~
IIIlIIn .... Mont.
Ninth m.t.lel. r l tAUU:''' J. I'f)t;U N The Shorter Work Week
ilO (.cne .... , ... " ..... ,
Sa .. . ·r"n~h"" S, r"liro~nln
T~nth DI.tdn. T HOMAS V. R AMS E Y
Vacation Quiz 25
Itoom aoo. I~O Sou,h W..!1a S, ,,,,,,
{,hl~.If'O~. IIllnol.
becutive Council Minutes 26
~:I,,'enth Dj.trl~'. FRAN" W. J.\CO US
11m. 107. SI"vl n IIltllr" 1000 Uonhomm ... he.
CLooyton~. MI..,utl With the ladies
T,..dflh DI.lrl.e. W. U, I' •.:n·\,
1123 lI .mllion Na!lon~l ll.nk Hll lldlnil
ChRtlanOOll'n 2. T"nn~... De partment of Research and Education
INTERNATIONAL U'ECUTlYI COUNCIL Apprenticeship and Training
f;. J. F IIANS\\Al '
2121 W"OI \\'1..., ... 1" A .. ,·nu~
(,1o. "H"'" local lines
) 1U"'II U ~"" S. \\ locvn.ln
1"1...1 Diltrlcl. CII A H!.£!! II . 1' 1t. I.A ltD
161 . ·Ulmo •• A v~. Poem of the Month IW
ll u" RIo ~. N. Y.
s.",., .. d mot ,le l. C lIAI(/.~ E, CAHIU:\' In Memoriam
l~ij t'I""""e~ S,n",'
S"rlnlltldd. ~IM ......hu",'ll
T hi.d D IoI. I~e . "AltltY J . W IJ.I.JA :\I S
"~ 1I.(>.h,·, hood 11M,..
Death Claims 1m
Cinelnn,,!1 1. Ohio
Fourth Ot.trlcl, A. W. SCUll WT
11\1\1 13th St .......
Sa,..,t", tlor"e.
~;tth DlurJd., C. I:t NO IWSTItOll
3"~' ,\",h~ .. ,
Lo.. )loin.,. I:: 10"'11
St"th Di.t.l~t. J OS.; I' II C. I;I'I·I.WK)S
~~ •• Suth",.,."d Su..... t
11......10'1 ~S. T" .. ...
s.... ~n.h m.tdet. kA LI'U A. 1.1;1(,(.,. ond etc
un S""",,,q I-tr,,,,,
I .... \'~"",". :-;~ .... ,I~
~:'Nh.h 1),.I"e'. ( a ; OU(a: 1'. I'.\·M'.;IISON
811il" lOa. ass IldliOlrt"n Cro· «'ILl
II .""1"",, I' . .\I"",, i "n~,IR

POSTMASTERS: Ch.no. 0' .dd,... Co'''I on Fg,,,, lS79 l~o"ld be ,~no to In,.rftM;onol !,g l ~.,' 01 E"o!r ,~I Wo,I.'. 1l'D.) Fih"ul~ Slice,. N. W ..
S. O. C. 'vbll,h.d ",onlhl1 ud ,"eond·d ... PQ,la90 o&ld. oj W .. hin9 10n. D. C . Suble,iOlign t>,;eel Un-IIc1 S'O ltl 4"d Canldl, 51 I)e, vur.
:-V~ lhln9 10"
," ed_U'". P,,"lolj In U,S ..... Thll JOURNAL ... II no' be h.ld ,.,p.,n"ble 10' .1 .... ' "p,,"ed bv ~O" • • Don~."". h. r,,,,
ot u,h mgnlh I, clo,irw;r date.
"'" COpy "'u,1 b. 1" Ou' hU~1 on Or l lo,e ,hil lim P.ld oclvlrtl, ioQ nolo ·eDled.
Labor Drive to Honor
AGreat Lady
Secretary Keenan Heads Campaign

W illtheLE Eleanor I,ady

Hoose\'clt was
"Fir~t of the
World" long before the time of 11('1'
death, she uever lost her wllI'm
interest in the ))I'oblcllls of til('
wUI'king people of thi~ eoullu'y.
:\Cr('I' Oll{' to shirk n COlIll'On'I'1';~',
she W!lS ill the fOl'efront of en'orts
to inqu'on' til(' living eondition~ of
Ih~ downtrodden throughout hel'
lOll!! car('('r,
The win's OL lH~t pr('!)idt'nts of
Ihe l-Hiled States ha,'c left little
01' no iltla~e IX'hind dlcm, :Mrs,
H()()l;{'\'cit, Ihe purtncl' of one of the
1II0st d~'lla1llic figures c\'er to l('ad
Iht' :'Ii"ntioll through It time or cris is,
IIC,'cl,thcle!)...; ClIlcrges us 11 pcrsoll
Mr<. Eluno. Rool.vall u ,h. IIppur.d at Ih. 19b 1 AFl.CIO
convention in Millm; B.ach. She ;. being mild ... Ii', member tlf hi,:th di!:ltinetioll in her own
of the "mlricII" N..... pllp •• Guild by WiIIi,,,n Ro •• nllod, prll.i. dJ!ht- nol aloof 01' impel'ions but
del'l 01 Ih' ANG. AFl.CIO Pruid.nl GIIO'gll Muny ;•• t I.ft. warlll, []'icndt~, and wonderfully
cffecth'e in her pll.rtis.1llship Cor
those IlIOS\ ill need of her help,
lO l ling Memorial
Shol'\ ly 8 ft('r itt'l' passing, the
ExC('uti\'c Council of the AFL-CIO
m'/!t'd that a lasting mClIlorial be
crcatc'd in her memory, The
thought WilS takt'll up in millly
qUlIrtcl'S and President Kcnncdy
tlsk('d thc ('OIlJ!I"(,SS to ('!lill'If'I' the
Eleunor Rooscvelt 1ICOlorini FOHn-
dcltion, Thc bill 1}('('IlIlH~ law 011
G •••, conell.n for the Willi ••• ,\pl'il 23, l!lIi3, In sihrning the Ill\\"
of "th. littl. Pllopl," WII' I'I'{'Sidcllt l\(,lIl1ed," said:
/I m.r ~
of both Pruidant "It has I)('('n said !hut 1m institu-
lind Mn. F'lIn ~ li" D. Roo •• _
".11. H." "FOR" "fAn. tion is the icnglhcllt-d shadow of a
,ignatur. to 01'/1 of mll'\o, 1!]'Clit indidduu l, T ,lin SUl'C that
pillen 01 ,oci,l Illgi. /I '
lhe 1':I£'anor Hoosc\'clt ]' lelllOI'in l
lion II' onloo ke" be .. "...
l M .. , ROOI.~.1I'1 lavorit.
photogr.ph, ,ighl, wU u .. d
on commemor.tive ,temp in
h•• honor iuued ...Ii,r
Ihi\ mOll th. She wu Ii"t
Firs! ledy to b. 10 honor.d
linea Merth. W,uhingtOIl.

FOlllUlllliulI will ,'('!l,'d 1111' wisdom.

\'IU·l"!.!y 1lIul "UIl('PI'It rUI' lilt' "!lUJ'
:ll1d mhalw"fll"ut or JlIlItIi.· 11I'1dlll,
I'.'Ullllllli(, lu,lfat'I' IIIHI 11I11'I"lll liClIlUI
g'uod\\i!t 11111\ .\11·... Iloo".'n'l!
.. 1"'\\'(,(1 1111"111l~llolll III'" lif(,. '1'111'
].'OUtHtilli •• ,. slltluJd ('11>;1 II tOllg'
.. Jill' it!ll 1111 It·,·,r."
'I'll!' l"olllld:11 iou II ill 11('1,41 :+:!:i,.
nOO,HOO I•• ('111'1'," IHlt 1111' pl"o~l'nlil
wllil"h hll" I~"'II IIdtJl'tl'd hy it~ lIi,,-
lill~lIi"II!·(1 11<'111',1 1,1' \t'u"II'('" 'I'lli'
lahut, IU'I\I'IIIt'1i1 hll" 1111.1"1'1:11"'11 \0
,'ai"., ~1.1)()(I.f)(l() IIf II,i" 1,llIImlll
1IlII' I'Itatiunai SI'I·I'I·tary ,11/S4 ' III.
I). KI~'ltall hll' hn'u \·llm\·1t 10 IlI'wl
Ih,· ('lll11l1l1i):11 Ilithilt Ilu' 1'111;,,·
lalllll" 1II(I\('lth'lIl Wilh lilt' 1'(1111)('1'11-
liOIl ,or till ' itlll'I'IWliowil IIflil·.· ..... of
all (lllll'l' .\FI.-('IO llflilillh'~ hi' Iwlt
plHII" lIudl·I·IIII.I' Ilhi"11 "Iltlllid "I'"
1111' 'lIl"'I'"sl'lll nlillilllllt'llt "f til!'
):uld ill n 1"'11 1II(OlItll~,
'1' 1,,· I!onl j" 10 0/)111 ill II "( IIIII'i/)\I
lilill III' nil hull I'" plIy 1'1'0111 I'HI·h
1111'11111.1'1' I Ullll1·d till' ri ll lllwill): 1)1'
III\' .\ I.,ltl"dal F Ollll1ln i ioll
" I t i" 1110" IIPII".f!"illll' Ihal II ...
llHion 1111'11111\.'1'" III' 1111' ('mUlln- will).."! lIill al<.;(, ht' addl'll 10 IIII' lI)::tiu..;, lIIi">!·l'.'" 1111.1 IIJI" ... ·'~illll."
sllOnld han' Ihi" ()JlPClI'll1l1il~- 1'0 Ho()S(,\"t·1t Lilll'a!"." al I lytlt' I'ltl·k, H(,rul'" 'III(' II'll'! ~O, ) 1"", HOI'''/'-
wk., lilt' 1"1111 ill hOIlUI'ill/-: Ihl' tllt·trI- 'I'W Ym", in kl'l'pill).:' willt "Iall'l 1'1'11 hat! "hUl1!I,1I iuln 1111' 1I11I'1t!
1I1'~' ot' )11", !C1I""',·I',·lt ill 1111' lun' Ilwl I-' n. H. ltintSl'lf hm] (hn'ill).:' of hllll/.t.·1' 1111,] \111111 . ." I'I'lill).t \Iilll
~h" In/lilt! like 111'''1. '' ) 11', 1\1'\'11;1;. Ilis lirdiltll'. Th('SI' will 111111"1 ' 11('r IIlltl(·l'IlI'il" iI(·).t,·d ).tids ill ..;111111 111'1';1
-':li.-l. wl·ilill!....... lIllIl PI'I'SlIIlIII 1II\'Tlltl1'allilin ""I I 1,'lIu'nl itoll".'!'l. tighl in/! fill' illl-
"TIll' '11:111 f·alt..; rm· 1111 "lal if' mul 11Il11\(' 1111'111 III-ai!:.!.II' 10 I i"i"JI"! I1I'OI ('llIt'III" ill 'w \'11 I .. h\) Jl ('1)11 d i I iOI .....
IIIOIIUIIII'II1 . I t pl'UI-illl's rill' th., aI'- IIiHI <;(·hollll·" fmm 111'0111111 II", )11"1 , !:IIO!'>I'I I,h \'I'J',I' l'arl.I' !t,r, Ih,'
lill' 111111 "n'I 'I'Iill' l'I'"lilll;l\;OIl IIi' IUII'III. " ('01111'''1'\ alit! 'l'I'III'ily of Ill\' 11111'1,]
till' II-o"k "lit' 111'I'ull'" II\'J~'II' 10. .\11 ..... l:oos(,1'1'1I's ('10"" il!t'lIlitil'lI - 'II,,· lUIS h01'1I ill1<) for IIII' \\lIdd or
P";P'·I'illll." "iJlf'l' lhl' 11"IIIh of 111'1' lion wilh Ih .. Ililllll' 1110\'1'1111'111 1111'1 lIlt' dl ' JlI·I 'S.~I·\ 1. 111,· l·xpluitt·t! 1111.1
hll,II:llItI. lilli' 1\l1l'1 illl!' II'ml,']'. puiu1t·'] ,nlt al IllI' I illll' III' 11 .. 1' dl1\l 1I1.'lIt Itli '11.
i11'a tlt 1',1' .\I" I ,-I' I ( ~ 1'1~ ·"i "I'II' 'I'hi" (·tllll·t 'I·1I IINI" 011 ,11iI1'I't'l' 1'0-
Foundolion Program ('U' 111I1'illl! Ihl' .1"I'al'S .ll' l'I'I·,j. lt 'lll
(;"Ol'1!I' .\1"11))." \lhll "aitl 111111 " ' 0 ,
"SIIf'I'ifil·;tl1r, I 11(' FUIlIHlnlillll WIIl'I't' II i11 111'1' 11»-', 111' 111(11'1' kl'('lIly HOII<;I '\'t'II',! 1'llhli(' '1'n- il'I' ill :\,'11
pl"'l~I'HIIi will III' lIiI1 '\'I\',] 11\ Ihl' ad rl'll ,hili! ill lilt- ":III"'! of lall"I' Ytll'I, ,Ialt' a~ ":-O\'l'l'lItII' allli 11111'11
lallf"'lIlt'lit tor hUIII;!1I l'iJ,:hls, 1111' ":\11 IIILt ' ('an 1'\"t'1' 1;lhula!I' I h(' I", 1II'lit 1(1 IIII' Wllill' 1 11111 .... •. II
111'IIIllotioll 1)1' illll'J'll1Ilil)111I1 /"';11'('. lil"'~ 111111 \11'1'" J'l'h.dll'·II,·.I,
IllI' l'\·tllldllt·t! ill I'UI·Il" ill lilt' IIIII).!. ~' ..ltI ....
Ill!' rU\'IIWI'JlIII'" III' l·m ... !'J· 1'1'''1'111"1''' ,,!tUII" 1,II 'ill·.,d . 1111' "WI'HHhl)]l!'l I'I'ad - nl'tt'I·\\;tt·I]'1 wlll'll It'' 1'l1ill'ti :\1Ilillll"
Jlml aid III 1'lIIuliulIlIll." I!"ollblt'll il'1!t.·d, lilt· sun"· .'illl-{ III il i).:'lIl1·d " I'''·,.:-al(· null Oil hl'l' \1\\11 inili;llin',
I·hildt'l'n. '1'11'0 E /"/IIII)I' " uo.~l'n' ll 'JtI\I!l~h h~1' tlIdl:l).tl-{ing' hattie (CmlfilllHti (III III/ac 86)






X Ih·,'t'lillwl' I!I, I!lfi:.!. Li"iI llI,d,'" it. IIII' uf 1.",00 dis-

O f:h," 'II I"li .. i tid l;itH~lI\t1(j. a lillg'ui ...h.,,1
1'1·'·... ·11('('

!!Ih-sl ... l\Il\dll·d lilr

lad,," or .lislillf'liulI, atTin'd ill :\1'\\ p.-i,'d,'"-,, 1"-II'tl';lil, 1hIlS :IIMing
Ym'k t 'ily. :I\·\·ulllpauit·t! h.\' II tlL'lIlIln 10 till' ,\ IIII'I'il'an dl,hul ur
I~I illlle uf ;I1"lIh'" J.rlllll·d~ alld fa- Ilir Italiall IH';IIlI.'-' wilh tilt' 1'lIil-:'
1111)11"; al"\ (·IIIII1\)i .....,"U1~ :-;111' lind 111111 it' "mill',
"l1ill'<I :lhnlll'f! IIII' K. ~_ 10" ':111('(' from I) Ul'ill~ IWI' IlI'il'f ;;Iar ill \\'11-111-
1.\' Il a\"l~·. 1-"':111(>1', a Inllg' \Ii"\lIw'(' illj..!It111 lIlI, l Ih, ' ;\h' ll'<lplllilall ;\III'>\.'-
to 11',1\',,' 1'01' a Ind,\" !If alll,III(,(,d Hili 01' .\ 1'1 ill Xl'\\' Ym'k ('il.'-', I1IOL';'
,lg"('----I:i!l .\"\,111"'! tlld to I", t'XHI't. ,]'11(' IIHlIl 0111' nlltl olH',ilalf million Jl<'I"
lad~-, Ill" ('OIll'S!', \\lI'! 1111' 1/1111(1 1.;wI. '!I1110; -I\(~ld b.,rol'l' Iwl' hdl'flr ill
till' \\'udd's 1110'" fn1l1u\Ls pHiJllillJ.{. \\'cmtil'l'llll'lil ;Ilul l'tll'iosil,\', i\hll ta
d otlt' hy 'he lIIllItO!'! n I Iklw 1S,'iil IW(I Uo.;H vil'wl'd h£'I' \' isil OI's wit h a
).(t'J1ius, 1,('onllt'(\" tin \ 'i n('i. \"l1g'1ll' sillill' lIlid tllf'r sl(lIlil'd 11('1',
.\1 tht' :\11 tiorw 1 (:nll('I',\' 011' A", ,\ s 1Ill' flllllil i;ll'il,v J,rI'('W, ~Ilt' stllil l,d
in \\'n'ih hq:..:, 1111. n. t ' .. Oil .JIIHIWI',\' 11 lilllt- IIItH'I' 1I11d flls('il\lI\Nl 1)('1'
8, l!l(j :~, 1'1'ndd('11\ .[,llm ,.' . 1\('1l' g'11I's l o; \\i l h h.,1' \'at'yill!-r i\r).:Tt'I' of
cXPI't',,~i()Il, ,,']U'll h"I'
lio;i !c)l's dc·
pal'h'il. Iwl' (,),(,~ foll{)w(,d Ihelll
ull1i1 they W(' I',· Oll! "I' IIt'I' siJ,rhl,
~lil('h i~ til(' fUI'" that hus hamel!
111('11 f.u' ('I'llIl11'it,'1.
']'111' I/"IU! l ,j,wl j" lilt' 1110<;1 l\Til·
1t'1HdK1L11 pIt illt illl.! ilt 1hI' I\'ol'ld,
11"1' s!lIill' Iw<; 1)('1'11 dl'''('I'i!Wtl :1'1
('0111 pnssiOllll I,'. 1111 K'I, iut!, "'111 il'ky,
HII).!I'lil', "',\'st"l'joll'" ;tI'IIII,' alld
d('lilish, ' I'hj~ ,'xPI'I'"si,," !la" 1)("'11 Th. N.tion.1 G.I1..y of Art in Wuhinglon.
alll'iilul('(1 III '111,,11 ,Iinl"lifkd "('a· "Mono lil-O " wo. fI •• t .... ib il.d Cop;'ol II I . . n 01 to. r.fI,
S(lII'I as IIIll! 'lIlt, had I""" ' UI [,I" IO!oll
a ,'Itild III' "uff"l'l'd f"01Jl :I dist';I"l'
Mlf'h as 11I'pnlili'l III' 11'111111W "RIll'
is a \\'01111111 II Ilu kllo\\s ~Ollll"hill;t
11()hod,\" ,,1st' 1(1111\\«," j« 1111' lUI." sIlt'
WH« Oil,'" t!I'S(' I'i1lt ,d. , \ 1101111' 1' IIT ilt",
sait!' "SI", I'" 1"'01111,', 1'1\ Sllhtlt,
111\ Illllt'lwlin, ...... , "XlllIisilo·l,\' Ht lIonw
wilh d,'splli,' IIml «III' ('1111 «lIlilt',"
'I'll\' ;11'1 isl, I ,,'u11l1 l·do ,111 \ ·iltl'i. tll'-
scI·j llt ,.! till' ,·x P I"", ... iou liS "1Il1 (/1111'1'
('xPI"'<'«iOll III' iUIU'l' lil\-."
11' ,\[""ll L i'lll ,'011111 «[,I'nk ... 11('
midI! 11,11 Ihlll il 1111 ... fw"hitlllllhl('
ill hl'l'tlny j'ot' Indi,· ... of )'!"Illl,' lip'
IJl'ill:.:'illJ! In 11"""1I1IU' 1111 "\PI'(''''liot\
til' II ''''''I~'t >;mil,'. Shl' mh.:ht IIlso
Th, M.ltopola.n M~"'um of Art in N,w Yo ••, Ih. only olh ..
I~'];II" II f,'w illl"I','''lillJ! f;U'I'" ;J1xmt pl,<;, where '". f,moul painting wu on .. IIjbi'ion in Ih. U,S,
h(',,,-;.. ll'.
Wlwu sht" I.i"n (:JlI'l';"'llilli, wns

17,\'1'111"1 of 11(.:,', il \IllS 111'J'1I1l)!('ti fOl'

h(,I' 111 ht'I'OIll!' llU' Illil'" \1 if,' of 11
w\,;tlth,\', IIllll'h "ld,'I' IllllII, 1-'1'1111'
('(,-;f'1l .11'1 (;jUf'llIJ(lo, who lin'd ill
F I"I"'IH"" :\;Illll'llll,I'. slU' 1h('11 1)('·
(,111111' kllolln 11,1' ht'l' 111111'l'i"t1 nalll("
~U ;ldtJlIIIII L isa tI .. 1 l: iIH't1l1 d ,I, bul
0\'('1' III(' ('('nlllt'il's jl wa ..... llIlI't{' Il(-'c\

RighI: l "on.rdo d. Vin<;i, who p.inl.d ,h.

fam OYl "Mon. l i.....un on oppolil" P'g",
Th" p.inting ... u .,untly ""n by millionl
in th, U.S, ... hil, on lo.n f.om Ih,
None 01 d. Vinci', contempot.tiu knew the wotth of Th e lut
Supper, Monh .t the monut.ry wh.t. it ...u p" in te d on " w.n
cut" dootw.y tight through it .nd the tOOm ",., once. ,t,bl,.

to :Uolla l.i"':l 01· 1,(/ ./(II'(md( :1-; Ilw

1"]'I'll(-h {'1I11 ht,1' :lIltI / ,f/ (ii"f /'Ul/II
:\>; sh(' i..; PO)lu1:11'I.\· kllo\\11 ill Illlly.
Portroit Took Four Years
Tn 1.·,0:1, \\111'11 shl' was ;11111(1";!
:!:-" ht'I' 11IIslll1llci '·llltllllis.'liOlH'd Ill{'
\'1'1'." flllllOlI ... L"0I1l1I'do tlll Yilwi tn
p;linl 111'1" PUI'II';lil. OWl" n IwI"iO{j
flf alnlthl fUlll' .'"t'llI'S ... II!' post'tl in
Ih!' ('n'nilll.."'" l..ron.ln],) f,)III1(] Ihi<:
t;l ... k \'('1'.\· l'I'I;IXin~ aftt"';1 hilS.'· day
of \\'(ll'k nil llIwllil'l' paintin:;r, till'
U/llllr II! , l lIffhim·i.
H ,'ali7.i1l~ lhl1t ... ;1Iillg' fOl' 11 pm··
I ]'nit ('(1111,1 \\"('('III!' \"i'l",\· l)llI't 'SOlllt'
1'1)1' 11,'1', [,("']1<11',10 hw] fn, .. h[,\".t'HI
fmg'l'lI 11 I HOII'I'I'S SII'('\I'1) 'lPl'(lss tilt'
(1001'. ;11111 III' pl'o\·id"d I'nh'l'tnin ·
Jl1t'nt fur III'I' .ill~!!kl·S, .it'stL' I'S,
l'I';Hkt"S or
PHt'! ]',\', and "Wt't·t I11l1sit·
n 11':1'1 in Ihis ntll1n-;ph,',·1' Ihnt
TJ('OIwrdo da \ -i ,wi ('aptUlwl Iht,
{'lwhllll1 illg t'Xpl"('-;sion that h:ls
d. V;n~;, De "'jn~i wu int" ..t,d in
Hi, I ~etch em· 11111 dl' hi III i 1II1l1(1!'I lIl.
d.. igning
bodi~d tom, :\ra\lntlll:L dl'[ (; i(}('olldo nl'\'I'I'
1I1lIit'I"llo()tl wll.\" I,t,ntwnlu ,litln "
I!in' tIl\' pnl'''':lit 10 hl']' hIlSh:lIlt1.
B ut hI' ('lainit'd it W;lS llnfillishl'd,
3ml kl'pt it \Iith him mllil thl' I'IHI
of his dlly.... !'t'l'Illlps he lOti was
mystified 11.\· tl1l' Imuntin!!, fll('e he
had (>1"(-';'IIN1.
Tilt· 1/ .. m l i. iwi (';]111(' to thl'
l'l1iled Hlnh's not ollly as a J.:'1·cat
\\·ork of (U'1. bllt as :111 :lInh:Is.-;adOl'
or g'ood will ;IS WI'!1. Curiously,
tIll' :q,S, 1,'I'n lle£', ill bl·in~illg' tIll'
fnlu('d pm'Il'nit to .\Ill{,l'i('H, tl'lI\"


(' led I II(' SlIUI(' ('Otl l""" IlS was II'a\"-
i'INI h,l' t hnst' di~ l i Jl Ktli~ l lI'd 1"1'1'11('11
S()l d il'I"<, Imfn,\"('lIt' Jl nd Itol'll1ull-
III-'all, \\'111'11 Ilwy f':lIIH' to . \ !lIt' I'if'll
to Iwlp \10; will 11111' \\"ill' 1'01" ilHll" \\
IWIIII.'lIf·!', , D. Vinc; wu ;nl • • u l.d in
II IllIO; . \ ntll't' .\1 :111';111:\, F "llI1(>t"S
II hurn.n . ... Iorny. Thi. ;, On'
)l ini<;I"I' til' 1'1111111":11 .\ [ai,"", who
ill .\l ar 1!1(j:!, 1II1I1Ili"'-'d FiI'Sl Lmly /. of hi, d,. ... i.. 9•. H. diu.d ed
. bo ul ] 0 bod;.. i.. hi, d udy .
. 1;tetl'It·lillt' 1\1'1111t'l ly that lit, II\lultl
11'.1' 10 :l,'nlll)!I' 111 Ill"inl!' 1,""lwnlo
,Iii \ "ilH·i\ IlJa>;lI'l·pi.'I·I' to ,," wohin)!"
. ..
lUll. 'l' hi~ plan \\'II~ !lot III t'l Ilith·
(lilt MIlIIl' oppositiull ill F rll lH'P. /,(,
"' iIJ(I/'II . I h" l'lIl'is ' U'\\"SPUPI' I', ;I I'·
~ IH' d it lll( lIlt, )JO I' I l'lli l 11;1" !I/O
fn ll,ri lt, . Iht, pupl n l' wood 011 1 II' hi(' h
it i ~ j1l1illl .. d IIII S 1I11·en ,I.I' 11111· P l't!.
11 1111 1110, " :\I Il('I' il' II'S /-rl lll g"~( t \ I ' S
mig-h t ki d llll P hi"'."
Il oIII 'n'l" :11 th., I"I"'!I{'II ('lI h illl't
lH l'I'lill).:', it 11'11" Ike'it!t'l! thai allY
I'i .. k" i!Lmll'('d ill Wilkin)! lilt' trip
Il t "'(' wUl,tll th,' f,·i " ltdl.I' J!1,,,tUI ...,
1-' 1"11111'" Ili .. I"'11 tt, ,'xII'1I\1 to 1hl'
, 'nit"1i Siall'~. Ih" I't,II,I' ~11't'Ht.rl l ll'l1'
ill~ Ih., Id ... ·:IIly tll"'1' Til'S III' f,·i!'lId·
>;hip 111'111"1'11 IIii' IW\I {,()ulltl·il'''.
1' 11,~jllt'lit Ih· ';111111., I1nIHlllllt'\'11 til
his ]Wopl., thaI till' ,1 / 111111 /.iWI
w<lIIl.1 I", 1'1111'11"11'11 In 1111' 1'1,·"j·
il"111 uf IIII' {'uilt,,, SIIIII''i 1'01' :I
l<;IIUI'! IWl'ind
Mich.I'''9.lo, unl ..... po ••• y of d. Vinci, ..... i•• lou, of
1'111' ~ I '\'at(,,,t of ('1\1'" 1\:1" I'XI' I'I·j"I,(l hi, wo.k, Below: Th. Vi''1i ... nd Child with SI. A .. ".,
ill 1I';!ll"PIJI'litll!' till' fl1l1l1'd :.! 1 ],.1' • d. Vj"e; ..... ,I•• pi.u ;, hun9 i.. Th. louvre MU l& um.
:m·ill('h POI'I I'Hit 10 Ihis l 'o 1t!III·Y.
I'I·(}P!'I·I.I· ]ll'lIli'el('tl fl'olll 111(' I']" .
11!I'll t " i l l lIil'·('()u il i l ioll(',l I'II~I'~ un( 1
1l'lI l diS. I iiI' di s ti l1).r l li~ h ('tl I 11 d ,I '
(nl l' l'h'" i ll n IWil\·il.\" /-rulIl'I l(, " fi l'sl·
(,I nss f'llhiti II IJOill·d 1111' S.S. 1-' 1'1 111('(',
OIH'1' i ll tIll' !-il!!t !,,,, sIll' 11"11" ~il' ('l1
Ih(' IWOII"'! io ll III' 1111' l' I'I'~illl' l l\'s
SI'el','1 S"I'\"i('I'llI" 1I 1In" it polil'!'
('S('OJ·t whil·1! l!h'\lIIljllmil,t! lU'I' liS
"Ill' Iran-I"d, fl ... 1II1 (·ity III ('it,", ill
1111 lII'U!III'!'d ( ...... T IL!' Il ulla",1 ' 1'1111'
1ll'1 ill \ •. \\" YIII·k ('it.\· 1111111111' If lll'-
hOI' '1'1111111'1 ill l ~lIltjllllll"l' WI', ...·
(·II'lll·I'd of 1111 1'·IIOit· hd't/I'I' sht,
I'oell' thl'Ol1!.dI, lIllI l <;111' Illl" J,tin'll
,II(' pridl.,!!!, fir I'idjllj.{ IhnllLJ!h 1111
Iraml' Jig-hi" 011 hl'I' . \ III1'I'i(·1I1I
J0\!l· II('.'·
Of I'IIUI""I" Ihi~ \\11<;11'1 thl' liI ... 1
tillll' t hl' fllllllHl~ Ilidy hat! ll'un,ll'd .
I,('filtH 1'(''', hillls!,lr, '(Hlk tIl(' 1),lillt-
ill~ iU'I'ns" Ill{' .\1 [1" wht'll hi' 1]('-
I'('pl et! a ll ill\· i' ll\ iull fmllL 1"l'Il1l1'ois
I of Fl'lI ll e(' to li l'(, II I IIii' ( ' Iw i t'llll
( (" ' lIlill1t(,(/ OII jlarle 83)


1 t ' i -1 '1-''' 1 1 1 i " T r ' r " T t "l 7, j- '"'i 'f "j"'j'''i' l- ':'':


-.-,.. EDITORIAL ,.
-... ,I I ! 1 1 "! T ' "1 1 I l , 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 ) ,1 1 1 1 .;

Ilwul, Profit!. do not jusl hnppt'n. Th!;','- lIrc C'llllsed

Let 's All Make A Profit -by l!oml Wllrklllllll ... hip, mUt/'rials lind limr ,'(1\1-
1'hl' titl(' or our (>(lituria\ i1> I!w thl'IlI(' for tilt' G:!l1d Sl'n'al ion aud ..,111·.",..,.,flll Sit I('s promol ion,
.\ uni\"l'n.1lry Conwnliou of till' i\ntioual EI\'('fril'al L(,i's 1'('''01\'(' I,) "/.{('I with il" h(,I'(' lind now and
{'olltn\t'1ors AS1>(wiatinu to Iw IlI'ld thi1> Yi'nl' ill 111'1]) en'nle profits, Let's nil 111l1kl' It IlI"ofit !
Odoh('r. [ t is {'\'rlain !,\' 1111 t'X PI,(, .. ~ioll of wlll(,11 we
of Ih(' B rol!lI' I'ho()t1 art' l1i'1I1'lil,\' ill f(l\·ol'. WI' hu\'c
(pwli'(1 Illi' famous :-iumtll'l UOIIII)(,I'''' IlIlIxim OIl ","'- Machines Can't Talk
I'ral 1I\·1·ll'.. 1tllls in till' pa~('., of .'·(jllr .)/JllrlW{ that \\r(' of 'he ! lIli'I"IHlliolllll HI'oth('I'ho,," or EI(>(~lri(>nl
'''I'lli' wur~1 thillj!' Ihnt I'UII 11111'11<'\1 to lalwl' is fur' \\'urk,'rs hit"., b"('11 l'xln'IIII'I,' ,'"m'.'rlll'd, .. " Iln't~
lill.' I'IIlJllnYl'l' 1I0t In mnkl' 11 profil" ,\11\1 1<\1 w(' are 1111 brlllll"\ws or Ihl' labor 11l0\"l'IIll'nl. ill III(' <h'\<'11"
finnly ill fll\'OI' of i'Vi'r:,' IBEW "I1IJ1lo~·"r. wllt'lllt'r dUll" ('tTel'ls of aliloIlHlli"lI, ('('rlninl:,' we lI),:n'I'
ill ,'1111.,1 rll(·t 1011, or ulility or' IIHII1\lrlll'lllrilL~ or Ihal YOll ('an'l ~IOp Jlro~n' ..,., hilt WI' abo are or Ih('
rlIdio-'I'Y Itr ll'lI'ph'lIl1', rllilrlllll\. "i~1I or 1111," IIf Ihe tinll uplllion llmt wl1('11 IlIll\'hlll\'S thro\\' JlI'oJlII.' (lilt
1"\'.,1, It1l1kin)! all .'xI·,'ll('tll pl'lIfit. ,\lId WI' Iwlil""(' (If work and l ill'I'" i!; II\) IIlhl'l' worl. 1'01' Ih(,llI, 1111'11
ju", liS slrt'IIJ.d~· Ihal Ihis [Irufil "huliid bl' "lral'Nt "OIli!'IllinJ! 111\1,,1 hi' dOl II', ,\ 1"1'('1'111 stu(\," of aulo-
with tho.,~, ,,' 1111 111' 11"'(1 milk., il III(' 1I"0rkl'J'!o;- ili 1II111illil "limn, tll1l1 ill whill' I'ollar joh" Ollil'l' job!'>
WII!!'I'S, rot'dlll'l-d hours 111111 frill)!(' h.'II"fib. 111111 fUI' ("'('I'Y job ~!lilwd Ihrnul!h anl011llllinri Ii""
II UW.'\'i'I', Plillilll! fil',,1 Ihill):s iii'''!, Ih(' "lI1plf):"I'r nn' lo"t.
IIII1"t first mllk(- 11 proUt Iwfnl'" III' lilts all~·tlrill)! to It "'(','IUS a ... ir tll(' I'n,.,id,'I1I's ('Olllllli!t('I' \\'hidl i"
:-.harf' wilh Iho",' wilu work fill' 111m. _\nd .,0 wr- Inlshilll' ("Illal jlth ftPJlnrll1llilil'<; for \\"\11111'11. s!lIIuld
1I1')!I' nul' IIlI'lIIb;>r~ ill all fi.,It!., til n'ult'lIlb,'r HI'olill'r- hi' Inkiuj! plirtil'l1lar '!lUlrrl'l with thl' al1l0ll1alt'd
huml Jlo!it·y whidl 11U~ 111'('11 1\ PUI'! of 0111' or~nni7.H­ 1l1li1'(', b~'(·au.,t' III(' l'lIi"('rsily of Chit'll)!o linn' \'y
liol1 llhil()"oJlh~' .,in'·I' 1....!1l lel ").!'i,·(' ,I !!,oOfI day's 1II,'l1liol11'11 ail,)\"{, "Ialp<; thai lIIllOIIUlliu!! ;III ofli("I'
\\ewk rill' a ~C)"t! tlny'" fill:"." \\'r- ('Iwonrll)!.' nllr prnllnt'l'S n IlIlijor silifl il] Ihl' M'xr'<; sun'(')"!> flltO\\'
1111'1111)\'1':-' ttl bl' I'Hr.'fl1l of lj()th lillH' l!lld Illlttl'rials II nllio or ('i).!'irl U1t'1l 10 ""\'1'11 W01Urll Ims I W~'lI
<.,1) Ihllt poll'utla ! Iwofi ls wil\ 11111 III' "'hillit'd dowlJ 1·lwll)!,'t! to \'i)!ht IIU'II lluci one womun in Jo;()III1'
b.,' wasl,'. Antl th,'u WI' IIntl' olhl'l' nll'aMII'"S o,'~'r il1s111I1I'I'S,
and IIho\'., doill).!' 1I j.!onli WlIl'kUlIIlIlik(' job. \ \'1' " lralll'lIt\I'II"o r to Hid nllr IUI'a\lllliulis ill ~"I'ry
\\'1' ur):t' onr llu'llI lwl's 10 Ill' "al{''''lllell ftlr Ihe WII," po.,,,ihll' 10 O",'r"OIlH' 1I11,\' hlld ('IT(-'(' , ,, w llit'h
1'lIlplnYI'r" 111t'." n'l'rt,.,t'uL Tho"I' ill 1'01l"tl"lwll011 1I11101l1l1lillll bl'jl1:""li to tiwill. W(' bel il'\"(' Ihnl shorll'r
"hollltl ,10 1111 thai 111I'~- ('UII In 1)I'1I11101f' illSIIl\]1Ilioll wUl'k 1I'I'I'k pro\"ision'! and ('('rlllll1 M'('urity 1llf'IISlIn'S
of 1I1I1"lliall' wirill).!', 1""1' u£ ('!t'I'lril' hl'alill)!. ill- III11s1 II/' b1l11t Into at):'· I'nlilral'ls \\"lIlI'h 11.11101111111011
ul)"al iou,,; ill honll's. fadoril''', ""Iulob, l·hlll·l·h.,.,. 1111\\' \OlIelh''' III' 111:1:'- tOIH'h ill Ihe flllllre .
.. tor('~. Ihul wonld {'r.'nll' wiring- l'lmlnl!.."!!; f('r 1'011- ,\it'UI1\\'illl(' WI' lut\,{' /I SIIj!J,:"t'"lioll rOI' our lI1elll-
!:>tru,'li()11 ('mploYl'rs, hl'los lI'ili('h, if 1II'II1'Iil"'I!. is hound I" lIid S(lI1l(' of
l'lilil," l'lllploy('s I'nll push tllI' il" produt,t more 111(,llI. Hf'g'lll'II1I'""S IIr til\' minH'utous Ilowl'r;; of mall,"
"jllir{'," hy hoo.,till~ slIll'<; of lI])pliulIl'I''' ,Inti !.!'I'ltillg' ()f OUt' lit'\\' 1I111"'litl(,~, so SIW('\III'l1la l" Ihul the," IIr~'
pI'npl,' !Il " I,I\"(' HI'lIf'r 1~1('I·II'il'IIII,\'." ('ull,'" " llI"aills." madliul's \'III1' ! thilll\. 'I'h('." ('lIIl't
:'.I Ulltll'lIl'1llrillg' l1Wlll lwl''< .'1111 lalk lip al l IIII' )1r("'i- {'I'I'II\!' \1('\\' illt'IlS T ill'," j'III1' 1 ]1 1'11 111011' I!ond j1ll hli/'
(IllS prollioliollal rf'('llI1I11I1'IIlilllihIlS, wilh I'lllphasis 1'~'l lI li()lls. 'I'hl'y 1'1\11'1 IlInkl' \'lllllllbll' human S II g'-
011 Ihl'il" (/1,'11 parlil'ullir prndlll'l. of "OUI's!'. I!I'sliollS, bllt IwopJt' 1':)11,
'l"'\l'phl1l1(' work('I"!< shoHld jll"OIllOt~ ('xII'llsion 'l' III' rl'fol'l' Wi' urJ,:"" (lUI' peOJ1h'~al\ ollr Ilwmbe l's in
phlHIt's lind mOrt' 101lJ,:'-di"lallf'l' ('ulls. IIllie'l'. f!ld{J('y, 1('II'phuIH' or utilily jobs whil'lt t'olild
,\ lId "0 it goes with elll'h hrllll(·h of OHl' trude, h(' t!I':-,lroyed by II IIllll'hill!' 111 I'f'fu~!' 10 bl.' a "I'O).!'-
'I'his i<; Ih(' kind of <'UIlIPllig'1l IIl1yhod," ('all ('ull'r and iIHlw,wirl'('I" employ(' (lilly, 'I'llke mon' illtl'r(',"1 ill
1"·I'rybod.,' w illS. Il is u' u l," ill k('<'ping wilh IIll(1tll(' l" Iltl' job: 1('111'11 mo r t' aboul Illl' I'ompn ny YOIl wor k
maxilll of OHl' B l'ot ll('l'hood-"Whllt hlll'ls Oil(" hur'ls rill': II'.\' io IIlillk lip WlI,\'s 1l 1!!1 11Ie1l l1S of i mp rovillg
!ir{' Utl ll'l'; wh ut lu'lp;; olle, h('II \S tl l(' o l l1('r." Y(JII I' (,Olllpnll." 's o p enl l io(l~. III t'n: lr lllldisill~ YO UI'
\ V(' "1111 A'o f lll"t hrl' tl lHIl lI d." uilli jll'OIlHlII' f'a l(' or pI'odlll"t, o r st' ll illl! :"0111' st, .. "i('('; nlllk(' S Il ~~I'S l io lHi;
)( 11 1I lii on ~!'Oods )( 11 ( 1 1I11iu ll s ~' r "it' l 's an d thus IWI" be' tw ll)1'1I1 to 0 1lien;, 111 o ll lt' I' wo rll s, sll·iv(' t o bc
ro r lll It beucficial sel"vicc to I h (' ('lIt il'c la bor TlluVC- Ule Id lld of u worl!;c r t ha t 1\ co mpll n'y \\'o uld Il li tc


to pllrt with- 11m I it wou ld fighlll lIuu:hiu{' fo r . so of IIJ(' illlllj:ill n iion ('U II \\'(' (,III'1SIOI1 him as /I PI·csi·
to s l)(>ilk. 111'111 II'ho lI'o uld b(' good for o r gllllb,:('d labo r or the
)"lI"hillt,~ may do Ill(' work or p l'opll'. hU I thl'Y 1'llIllllr,\' .
cou'l IlIk,' liLl' plUt' I' or p('opil'. W{' know IIH'Y lIrt' •\lId whi t., w(,' r (' (III Ih(' i>llbj(·(·1, 11011' about ~(' ttillg
so l"(,lUlIrku bl." ('OIl!\trlll'I"d now Ilml il is ~!lid. gin'lI Ih(1~I' doll ars in 10 ('O I'E. HI'utl'utl)(,I' t l1l' *:!I mil·
a Voc'lhlllar·.,· of a (",,.Ini,, I1Ulllhl'I' "I' wOI'oI" Ih('.,· liolt b('illg ""III'I''''d for Qullllnll('r, and mOl'e to
(',1Il Wr ill' a ]HJ('ItL B ul hu\'{' ,"011 n'/HI allY or thl'S" 1",1)1 ."0111' f " i('lId" 1!l111l.1'.
Ill/u'hill(' 1fllt'lI!';! '1'111',\"11 h ,'lh'I' sli,,1t In !llIlI/llI'l'S!
.\1 lilly l'uI,' \\',' IIHPI' 1111 1' 1111'111 111'1' l'I',ull'l'" Ihl·"1,1· We Received Allswers
l'III'd Il'ilh displal"'IIII'llt hy 1II;1I'llilll'" :.:','1 Ih., poilli. IIp,,,UI''',' II Pl'oj""1 \\'IIS initi;1I"d 011 tIl(' Edi toria l
\\,(,'11 Ilt'lp y.11I alit! filII' IIIt'al IIl1jolls will h"lp, bllt pit:,!"" III' .1'1>111' ./""1'11111 a 1"'11' i"'~\I"" 'I)!U. 11"1' flJllow
JU"1\II\\"hil" work al Iwill).! ,I", Iilillkill;,!. I'r"lIlil'l'. it lip 111'1'" III"" HI'm"lIIhl'l' lilli' Edilorial "lIlilh'd,
1I111 .... lIal IY]lI' 01' "llIplll,'" 111111 110 IIIlIl'hillt' "1111 "Oll\(' .. \\'hal "'lIllid YUII 110'" ill wlti,·11 \1',' pili a l'('ilil'islIl
"1"'11 ''In'I' 10 l'I']llIll'ill:':-, dil""'l,'d III ,"OUI' Ln, tlirt"'II~ 10 thl' IIIt'mlll'r"hip.
\\". a"kl'" II'hlil .\'\111 1I'IIIIId tlu til ('I'Pllt!' a I)('th'r
The Battle Lines Are Forming 1I1'(l111I'1'l11l011 II lid a III'H'I' lid iI'". I",rl','pl il'(' 1111'111 bl'I'-
'I'll!' I",nl,' lilli'" III'" fUl'mill;,! f')I' IlI'X! ,""HI"" ('1('(', ship lIillt /I ""HI r"I'lill~ fl)l' 11 II illl1 i"1I1. if .nlll \\'!'re
liull. :'111111," HI'llIIh1iI'utls un' 1'1I"lIill:.:' ,hi' d l'in' for 11I1'·'·ltalinIl1l1 1'1',·,i d ,'1I1 W,' 11111'" 11 111 had all HPI"II'-
1I01llilllllll'tl 1'1' :-:('lIalol' 11111'1'," (: ,,[dll'1\I"I' lI'ilh al l 11111;1,1' !\I 1111"1','1' 11 11 \If ti lt' l,.ill'I·" \I'l' 1"·I·I·j\',·d hut
1lll'il'lIIi:.:-hl. Thl' 0,,1"1\'1111'1' "kill,'" i, h"illg- "01· \\'(' 11'11111 \1111 ' ('('lI d ,'I'" III 1,!lUII' tlllil 1\'1' r""('il'(·t!
Jt't·ll·d 1ll!i! H"II ( ·nll. II 1'lIl'iiol Ilill 111'11"1'01[1"1'. 'IUo',·.1 IIIHII,I' I lto1lg-"lfllI111111 lit"IIg'III'pl'O\'ol(illj! ('('pli,'" lin d
II n'pn!'t I llat "1"11])]11) 1'1"1'" of ~('IIIII(OI' (:011l\llItl'I' fUI' 1111111," SII:.:':.:','"I;OIIS t hlll hu\'l' 1'('/11 1I1(·I·il.
l'I'('~i,I"1I1 1t/ll'I' $i,,', IIlillioll all·'·II(I." ill ,It,· han k rOil lI'ill l'I,ltd 111\11',· 111111111 lit,''''' "lIl!:.:'I'slihI1S as

1'01' Ihl' l~lIil "llllll'lti;,!1I ( 1111.11 1(1~(l Ilal"· l'I'ad.I' a",·,·"" tillil' ;!,,,.~ "II, ~()III1 ' of 111t'1ll wi ll h" illl'ol'l'<1l'lItl'd
In *1 i lI1illioll 11101'" fOI' him if hi' 1'1111" fnl' l'n·l"i· illtn (1111' !1'lId,' l11lioll l'lltlt'a!i,," J1I'O~I'iI11\ fnl' 0\11'
d('lIl .. 1I1I·11I1h'1.... llip I",ill): I'm·!IlIIIII!t·d 1I1)\\" ~mlll' of IIII'IH
S.'III1I!!!' (;oltlwa\l'I' i" "Iill "pllI."ill!! "\I.'" U" ",) will 1)(' hl'lIl1;,!111 10,1'1111 ill ,·"ilnda] ... 111111 al'li(·I,· ... ill
IIIlIlI,\' 1'1"'"i,h'IIIial "llIhlitiall'~ lIl'!' l\'tllli 1o ,10. hut .1"<1111' '/'111"'1111. SOIllI' lrill h" lak"11 1\1 our 1I11'1II111'rs,
it i.. pr"'ly plain II' 111'11'''111''11. phlili"i1l1l1" 1I11d III "1111'111.1"1'1''' nlld ,h,' p1lhli(' ill "I)o't'('h,'" wlti"!l your
Ihl' Ol')!llll II'lli"'l 1II']p' k"I'p 11' illfornwil (til '\II'" 11I1"1'I11IIilllllll 1'1'I'"illl'lIl i, I·allt·t! IIJlIIII In !l1l1k{,.
111111 1 l'rl", I'(II'E, Ihal Ihl' :-:"11:(101' I','il I I." \\,HlII ... Ih,' .\I,·al1ll'1lil,' 10111' "in""I"· Ihllllk~ In ,"1111 fnr ,"ollr I'frorls
1I0lllilllLlinil nll,1 II'ill 1I1l1l1l1l1l(',' his illll'lIlillll" III rlJll l11w/lrtl 1tlllkill:.." 11111' II 11 illli "11111 1111' hi)!;':-"I"I hill the
"hl)!,II.\' . h,·1"1. "
\\,il" thl" "il1l11lioll ... lllIpill:':- 1111 thl'H, it i" l\OtlC'
tl10 1'111'1,1' 111 ... 1il !'I l"'liu:,! 0111' P'·"III., klllll\' 11 fl'l\'
Speaking Of Manpower
1'111' 11" IIh'''1 1 S"lllIlol' (; ,01,111';(11 '1', ... 0 1111',1' 11111.1' b ";,!i ll \\' \I il,' \\'" 111'1' ('('III,' IHII I III h"I'p ltlllllllll'l'illj.: lIway
11) 11I1I( uilol1l tll"1I1 "" 11'(' ~11:,!:.:"'~l,·d ill 111101111'1' at i ll jll .. li,'(·1" ill !'I·!"I1·tilll!, illl""!'1I1' II" 1I1·)!<lni7." 11 Iliho l'
,'lIill>1'illl litis 1lI11111h. i.. ,'0111'('1'11('.1, II',' slill /""'1 1!1111 it i" 1"','11," 1I1'1·1'I""U".".
'I'll,' 'lI'g'lllli~,I'd IHhnl' 11'I"ilioll I\'i tlt 1'I';,!fll'd 111 ~"II' Tit .. . IFI, ( 'I() .Yfll'.x ;,!I\ \"I' "'"1111' ... i:.:'1Iili('11111 fi:.:'I1I· I·S
atul' (: (lltiIIUI"I' i ... "It'· (,I' "1t'1l11:,! nppnl"ilinlt h p"alhl' ill a 1'1"'1'111 i""III' II' llil'll \\ill illlll"ll'alt' till' ('IIS\' in
of Iii, llt'll1l1l 1I11 l i·lllhnl' 1""'I>l'd, ilt 'pitl' of I Itt· fact 1'(lilll,
tll1ll I", 11l·11t· luiul" hill""II' a fri"1I11 (If la",II', "'111'11('\'1'1' Ih('I'!' is 11 Il'nt'k .. !oPpll:,!I' I'all,'d b,l"
11 1'1'" Ilr,' lilt· flll'l" (II·;,!)llIi7.('I\ III hoI'. 1111111,1" W'lhllllp'·I''' nlHI 1II11:.:'lIl.il1('$
011 :,:! k".I' 1'1,1,·" lil"I<-11 h.I' IIII' .\F L .C' 11l 1lf'11\','f'lI III',· (1'Iil'k III I'(li II I 0111 IIII' ""·rio,, .. \I';blt' of 1Il1tn·
IIII' lillll' Ilwl .\11' (:01,1\1111,'1' "1111'1"'11 (·lIll:,! ... •... ~ 1111(1 )1U\\"I'r "Udl \\'l1l'k ... Ioll lm:.:-,' o,·,· .... illo... T h.,." 111'" not
lilt, ('ltd of I!Hi:!. hI' 1'1111',1 "\\'rolt~" ,,:! lilll('l" 1\1111 11"lIrl.I' ," 1)]·,111" 10 ]l"illl Olll Ihl' .. llIwkil1;,! 1\''''''1' of
Ilml 1101 II "illg'I" "ri!!!II" 1'01,' 11111(1111)11"'1' 1I11I'1tIJ,III.' IIlI'lIl "1111"''', " PI'S "1I11IJlHr(>
I f Ihll l i" 1101 ,,"l1i"i"111 ""i"('(I('" Illal IIII' ~l'lIalllI' "'''"11' li:.:'III·'·": l'I'lml'I"1I b,l' IIii' HU1"'Il\1 III' I.lIhO I·
is 1111 fl'i"1I11 of l11hlol'. llli" Y"II" ~"lIalt)r (l"ldll'aj,·1' ~lati!\li,'~ 1'01' .1111," nit;:!, .\I ;(IIIIIIIU·" 11)1"1 Illrollg'h
illl .. ndll(,,·(1 II hill 10 ollllul\' II ... IIIlioll sllup ill "\'\' 1'.1' \\'n!'k slllppa~,·" ill 1111 illtlll "1'il'" I\'IIS IIlI ly Iwo·I,'lIlhs
stull' thu! ,1111· ... lIot "JI""ifit-all y 1Ittlhol'i7.'· iI, IIf HlI,' 1','(""'111. Fill' \111' ~IIII1" uWIlIIt. 1II111t1lolll's
:'Ilr. (;nldwall'" ,·Illilll" lltal lit· rill'l'''" lIlt' I·i:.:'ht 1""" 1111'IIII;,!11 jllhl,·I"'III· .... \\'11~ G.i'l pl ·I'I·,'III~;{ 1 lillll'S
10 ", .. ik~' 1I1It! y"1 h,· i, "(I'SP(lllslfl'ill!! il bill h.l· ~~'1I1\' II" ::-('('11 1
tl) l' :'I l d'I,·lllllI In IIlHk,' ,·irlllllll.\' ull 11'lIlhP"I'llIlioll \\',' "ill"I·I'I,I.I' I\' i,h Itllfl'I' PlUpll1Isis ",II tid 110' r(1I'It-"l'd
"It'ik"" 11 .... ·d'·I·,d '·rilll'·. Jllllli ... llabl,· h)' Ir,·;r,'.\' lin,'s 011 Ilti, ;,!r"""'I' Illallpo\\','r WII"tt' witll all il" all"IIfI·
and i1l11'I'i""111I1I'1I1 for 111" "II'ilt"I'" 11111 tI'·III·'· ...,.. ill:,! 11111111111 t1i"I('('s'" IIlid fl").!l'adaliotl .
.\lIti III IIII' il ni l. 1II"lI~llI"'~ 1\ld,·11 1111' ~"nlltor 'I'lli'll IWI·ltlt/l" Ih'N' "iliz"II'! ",i'" job l" II'OIIlt! juill
fl1"'lr~ willi ... ·;.:-111'11 In N,,,,illl S",·II I·il,I'. ,',," Id ('1111'1' ril l'""" I\'ith Ih" ..,· II'h\l hlfl'( IImH 111It! pUI "" .. h pr.. " -
1111' 1'III Ial 'I"(' of III,' "' 11"1 ,, 1",1 ... tl·111 II'hi,·h 1111" p,·o'·I·d ,,1I('t· 1111 tit.· "·;,!il"llI'"t·" of IIt1l· 1I111it!ll tlllll pro]lll"a ls
SlIdl /I h01)1I 1ft I h,' .\I1I1 ·,·i"1I1I I\',)('kill;':- 1" '(lP"'. IIIl1d,' 1.,1' lit,· .\ F I ,·(· I(\ ali t! i , s lIflilill!(' hndit·" Hl1d
'1'11 1'1'1'. r "lId,·r:-;. lin' 1'111'1" UIHlIt! tl", ]llI l i"il'S arlll 11.1' tIl,' 1' I'I,,,i.l I·1I1 \If ti lt' I'l1i!l'\I !-;llItl'~ lIIigltt ~'(11Il 1!
pldl os() IJI I.'· nf nil(' B II .....I· (;oldl\'lItt-r, n.l· ItO " ll'l't"'l to s ll ('t'I'I'>~f lll 1'\lIt-,


MOllnl 01 Oli.. u outside JeluJlle".., with Gerden of Gel h~emlne ..en II lo.e. 'ight, AliI' righl is I mod'ln Ru uiln chulch,

( f:,IiI",",~ 11"/1": (Ju/, If)W' /WMI/ on ,1I'I'U'ilI!t'1I) Ihnl\' w:tlt'l' fl'l)lll \\'1'11", wilh IIII' Iwol'lI' uf IIU' Bih\t,.
(1/11111, "Wlwl .... iJ' f'o/'(iqll ('il iu alit! \':1IT,\' Ilil<'iwl's or \,alt'I' (III l 'I'd1;l1'''' ,"Oll :11'1' j'U"r""..,\. 1l'1 W('
\\ '"uld r"'II/I/,!/ I,ike 7'" ri.~il? " Ilwil' hl';lI!..;; thl' ,-illn!!!' fulks still 11'1"1'1', llhlln' Ihi..; "it,\' whi,,1. is
1111_. IliA I II /I,' II'''''' !t1l"'I, l/fl/I/. 1/1111 111':1\' tlll'il' IIII'll I'('!,!'iollal "OSI1l11I1'S, tlil'ilil·tl h\'\\\'I'I'/I IWII i'tHllph,lt'ly
III (:1 /If !'fI, "';wif=ll'/lIlId. Ire /fI'C III,i"I, HI'I' ":II'it,d hUI i)('alllirul: 1111' dift"'I,t'''' WllyS of iiI','. Tlw :\\'\1'
IW/I' rllIIl" III "'11111111 IW' !IIII' !'/-'II an('it'lll ..;11'l'l'ls, Sll'l'P HIIII IIHI 'I'(III', ('ily. \\'hi"h st','n'S 11" tlli' ('HII1I;1\ ""
ill ,It/'II,~{/ff m, Ih(' lI ofy ('lIy,) haH ~'I 'I10 ';\'1' Hhil'ul1l1' II'HIliI'. 1"l"HI'1, \\,:IS IIp:,:ulI ill ISliO, It is 11
1';n'I',"wh('I'I', tht'I'I' is :1 "1'",,1' of lIludl'!"U "ily tlf ,,10111' puhli,' huild-

M";\', 1\01111'1\ nlhl ('hildl'l'll 1'11)111 Ilt'I;I/,huI('1I1 r,'nm till' IIIod"l'lI \nu'W ill),!"";, om"I's 1111(1 :ljllll""11'1I1-:; wicli'
:dl OIt'I' Iht, wol"ld 11'11\"1,1 10 a '11'11";' "I' rdidl1).:' Ihl' lil/ll's IIf an'IIH1''': hns, ... ; lwon li),:"hls mltl
.II'l'u..;all'/I1 to l'lIplul'" au inl,'n'lt! '\lI' Bib!I', Inlnil' polil'I'. II "ll1lllll"isl'" fla' 111 11/1
of illlilllltl'y with till' pI'upl,', I'U'! ,JI'I'II<';;III'1I1 i-: 'ilIl'I'!,,j III 'lIE' 11 ,,- lind i~ I:IIW'I' ill jltojllllali,,,, IUlIl
tOil)";lIlId liulf's (lr Ihl' Bihll', ffll', h11'\\', I\u' "\II'i-:li:m Ilul! 1111' -' Ios- 111'I'a ,hall tlH' Olt! ( 'ily, whil'h is
in Ihi,., Imld, I1HIIlY of lilt' 1'lIsiOlml \l'ltl, I , pI'OI-illl'S s()IHt't, 1111(\ illspil'll' alllul,,1 C'illil'I'I." IlIIill lUI I,ill'!,
JIII\'I' 1'\'lIlahl/',l UlII'!tlUlj,!,'d 11"'OIl),:"h li()u 111111 ;'11]11':11'''' '0
Iw IInlilll' lillY ,It'I'U''IlII\'1ll i'l II'ul.l- II ""il.l' dili.\t>II"

III(' :I).:"I''!, 1';n' lI Imlll,l', as in thl' o,lwl'I'i t.\' in lIlt' 1I'01'ld. I I1II'iug- 'II/I' thl' \'1'11' (' il.l' ill 1"":/1'1. 1111' O ld
tinw of C' llI'ist, the wOlllen of Old 111111', 11'1' \\'1.'1 thn t \\'(' HI'(', lit last, C ity in ,Ionian, '1'111' s' HII' of I SI"11('1


11',\' 0111' IWIlII at hHl'/':lIinil1g' ) ; Ihe i,.; Slu",t·d to !liC' ) losll'IllS, who hl"
11111111)('1' of {'\lhhtl'l~ 1111 ....1· :11 \\(ll'k lit'I'(' Ihnl :'t lohaHlllu,t\ nSC'(,lItil',1
(1 IH·I1.' Ill'I' Jih'l'lIlly IllIlU .... UIlI-; of rl'{11II il 10 hl'nl'('n 011 1111' hal'k of
IllI'm.!o;O Illlll WI' hl·lil·\(' Ihlll slll·(·ly Itis whl\(' hol'-;(" {'1·Bal'Uk. .wi! thnt
1111 Ih(' ('ohhl('I'" (If thl' world JlI'j' til(' "fill/.!'('I·lwinl;;;" ill Iht· Iloc·k ;\I't'
1'Slllhli,dw(]ill Old ,11'1'1\0.;.;111'111), t hI' Ih()~' Ilr tit!' llllJ,:'i'l Uah!,!,'I, who dill!
IIlIIllY. 1111111." 111('11 \lIttl hl'lll ('OPjll'I', iuIU \Iw 11(11,1; with all hi .. mi/!hl
~I'\ 1I1(lIlIhIOl1( .... 01' I'''uk nuh nnd ill all 1'11'01'\ 10 kt'4'p il r,'oIH g-uillJ,!
hOllt'Y ,llO' 'iIl'I'p. nlll'l1.I\\
1·llk!·... : 111 IlI'ann II ilh )lllhlllll!l1l'd LUllk·
'i\l'.'4'\-; \Ilill :tn' jalllllu'd with illl-!' 111)\lal'II, III' "'1'1' II ... ,I,il·... oi'
, \ l'allS, ~,\'I'ian". ,\ 1'lIlt'lI in II";, I; 1'1,(,1,..;. BYl.:Illtilll ' 1110:<;11('" whi(,1t :11'1'
1'01""; allli a "l'l'illldillg- of EIIJ,.di~1t IIJJlWd 1,,\' W ~lnilH'd'I!I:I:-<" will-
lIll'lI :1Ilc! .\nll'l'iI'IIIl";: I hI' ,\l'llh~ who dows, l'I'OWIlI'r] h," lilt' 111':11'1 !If till'
HI'I' 111'111 0\'1']' wilh tlh' load..; tlH'Y dOI11(', ,\('1\1:111,\', Ih(' dl1ml' i,.; !I~
1':11'1',\' 011 thl'il' 1111(·1.,,,; tlt(' ('1I1I1I'Is, I',·(·t IllIu\'(' !Iw H(l('k :lIld i ... (1"('(1'
:-:,'llll" nlill shpI'p tll:11 IU'('OIl1PIIII,\' I'aftod ill l!il(I"tl lig'HI" '~ t,r ~tl1t"'O,
11)(' ll:tti\'('" (III Ilwil' ('I'I':tIIlI", Of '1' )11' <llll"I' 1'1lI\ of ,'olulIlll:-< "up ·
('OIIl1'*', ,,'P HI't' ('(lII"tlllltl," il1I'1I1'(' 01' PUl'ts till' dOlllt\: pns! thl'~\' ('ullllnll",
t ilt' <;p1\ll'il''' )l:ltl'ollill:-:' 111(' I'I'flllti!'I'. i.. lll1· (Jllhitil' Willi WIll"'" 11',' Iltilllil'l'
:11111 \\'1' r:lll hl(Jk ,111\111 IIpllll til!' I!JIII'(' !11t'~llit's IIlld il1~('l'il11ioll"; ft"1I11
\('\1' ('iIY 1111I ! ...,'1' Illl' !'mll' li SI'II' thl ' 1\01'1111, IITitt<'1l in :-:,uld On-I' 11
!rit·" plltl'ollill:! th(· utltl'l' 1'1111 , 'l'Iti'l III\((· 11111'kg'I'11111111,
divi"ioll of ,Ill' I'it,\ i" quill' "\'it!t-Ilt ~ll'P" 1'1"1111 '1111'
"id,' III' Ihl' lhll'k
and I!IW\\o; lit 0111' 1'(III"'''il'III'I''';, It'wl 10 II II h"I"'in 11I~' lilt'
pllwl'" of pl'a,\'\'I' "I' )lohlll111111'11,
Th e Tour Be gins ,\lJI'a!talll, Elijah, /lad" ;(lItl S,IIII'
OLlI' "i!!ill";I'('iIH! ... Ial'\'i wilh th.' IIIUII,
,Iultlimlllt DUIlI" of IIII' H,"'k HI' \\'1' \I:llk 111'1'11........ tht, '1" '1111'1,' .\I','a
IIII' .\II)'iflll(' !If Ihlllll'. whil'h i-; till' III IIII' 1-:1 ,\q"l.l ) 1(1"'11'11' wlti('h i;; a
IIWjOl' )Insl\'m hul." ... ill' or till' l'il,I' I... 'auliful huihlilll! nn tl1l' il1~itll'.
Oddl.,' .'IHHlJ,!It, il .. III('nlinn \I:1'i 1)11('1' I '\'1' (':111'1 .... 1.1' 1111' '-Illlil' 1"01' tit!' tlut·
1'111'1 til' Ih(' I h ,h ... ,,, 'rI'IHpl,' lIl','a .. ill,·,) II HI...:{I hll"; l'III11'IlIl'lh ('01·
'I'h,' )),)11\1' n( I h,' 1:,11,1, (.;Itid Tu III' \111111;;, 11 !tU!!t· halt alto! "'lullpl\1o\1<;
lJUill !l1'l'I' th,' I"(wl. 1111 \lhi,,1t . \111':1 1'('1'"illu l'U~"" 1111 1!1I' fllHll'
It:lm II"" I"('atl," til "'HI'I'ilil'" 10.;.;11lI'1
i" II IIw:!lIifi"('IIL 'I1't:l:!IIZI:il lliJiltlil1t-: Fam ed " Wailing Wall'
of \\"(1(111. o\'('l'Illit! wilh !IIHI'blp lIllt! 'I'lli' WI·~t wall .. I' th,' 'I'1'ltlplt' 111'I'a
plll'l'l'lnitl til,''';, \Iilll n douhl., 1'0\\ i.. llli' \\'Hilill!! \\'1111. lIP]lI'OXill11111'ly
of ('1111111111" :11111 pilllll'S, Till' illl1"I' riO ,I'll I,ll>! lOIlg- IlIld (iO fl'l't hig-h, 111111
1'011 rl'llI'I'" ill 111(' 1101·1;, n hUj.(I' huil! of l-(il!lllIti(' hlt .... l,s or II 1)1'111\11'
1'0(,1; l!tnt ('(J\'(·I'" :Io~ ft'I'1 Ill' g'1't11llld i~II .,l'I'lln\l' st(IIH', 1 1\'1'1',111(' (It-111O'

, €Rusal€m :11111
whi(,1t loul,~ lib, :Ill (mlitll l l',1'
t o U", II IlI\'l'WI', tIl(' 11(1(,1,
010;0; ,h"I~ l.!';( t hf'I'l'ti Illi
w:d l I'm' th(' 1-:'100'i,'~
1 "l'it1:1,\'~ t il
01' Iht' 1"I'lwli

ChY'eh of Ih. N.I;vily i" Belhl.h.m i. bYil1 over Ih. lile of Ih. II.bl.
where Ch"Ii wu bom, Thi. i•• l.vo,;I. wilh m."y thou.end. of pilgrim.,
is !HI! 1·~·(·()!.!llil.,·d
hy ,Ilt, .'IIl'tluni;m
rHO' al-
j,l'nn"'IIIt1I'III, :Itld ." '\\,,; Il l'"
lU\n·d i'l Ilw Illtl ('il,\". "lli,·11 "011-
tof ,Iw Iwly "ilp>; of 1i1('
\llill'l tllI)';\
11"\11'1'1\, allli )1'1"lplil
1"111111"', 11 is ill 01,1 .11'I'U"al"1I1 that
WI' Iw.'~dll lillI' \-j"IL
In 1l1"l/ll1Iilllill).:' 0111 ........ ·1,,·'1 wilh
Ih" Iwupll' aud lilli' !4111...tlIIIHIiIl!..~.
1\"1' lIull' tht- hll/lllt~,d"tlr lilll.' '1hops
:ulIl II<IU111s 11111\ lilli' thl' ..'n'j'l"
(iUl, jllt·lItilll.\', 11"\' 1"111'1\ l 'II!'!Y illoni"
\'j"il 1I1l1! ,114' 1111'1'1,11:1111" I'lIjlJ.\"
IIlI~lt1ill).:' UII'I-till' pl'it·,,,, t tW,I' nsk
I'm' tlwi!' ('IIl IIl'oidN,\' , .i1'\1 1·1 1',\' :1Ilc!
[WI'full\(': '<II. \\,,' W'U' I' [lIl,I' 1111.'
IIlt'I'plwn"s ill'S! 'Iuo\(-(l pl'it'l' but


• •• ,

Abov.: Via 0010.0 •• (Slr.. 1 of So r.

row J i. Ih. 1Ireel where Ch,i<!
c.,ri.d Ih. cron 10 His ex.~lIlion ,

Aboy., righl: In lorlg.ound i. ,h. Chu.ch

\I' jlh !tw." 'I'hi .. is nit t'lllolion·fillt'd, insidl'; h()W{,H' )', 0111' e:-'{'S soon he·
of SI'n' Annl, In bilc.g.ound i. ind('S('I'ii>ahl(' c:q)(,l'iCIU'I' fOl' many ('Ollt{' a(;t'LisIOllll'd 10 Ih(' d:II'k, lind
a g .. n.,al ytaw of J •• u.alern, of liS- II 1ll01U('lIt Ilwl \1'(' will 11('\-('1' W(> f,!:1t7.C in 1I'0nlil'I'l1I1'II1 :11 till' lij.:'hl
fOI'j.,{,t , ;\s is so oftt' n Ilw t'1I<;(' tllIl" fiilcl'illJ,:' litl'otlj.!'h Ih(' bluish Illf!'
ing' OUl' I' i"il 10 Ihl' 11 01." ('ii,\', we blllit(>I', Anlonio Bal'lu7.7.i, Ihe fllm·
1\'(' 1 thai \1'(' al'(' li\' ill~ ill that otis l taliml lll'('hile('t who (\1' .. i!!II(,(]
pllsl 1111(1 to S<'rlm:' ll1ril' pnl,n'lOS \1'01'111 of ~,OOO YI';Il'S <ij.!Q, II S(' I'I11S many of Ih(' 1101:-' I,and sl1l'iu('s,
<llId pl~'lJs, \\Ti\t{'u (III PII]'c'hlllt'lI!. II" if our' l'H' I'y foolstt,p is \'dlOiug PIll'po"I'I~' :dlowl'd fot' this dnl'k
into til{' \\'IlII's !'I'llf'ks, nooks lmd thc fool;:;\('pS of ,"'sus <lml all those intl'l'iol' as his int(,l'prl'tatioll of thc
,']':nllli{'S, 'rlw<;(' "]'('vil' ('S m'(' HOW who hnw j.:'01l(' l){'fol'(' liS. som){'I'IWI..'S, Ihc s1tdlt('';:; of tilt'
sp]'OlIliu),! wild fI()w(,l~ and arc
0111' Ilppl'Ourh 10 Ihl' flankn o[ P;Is.'lion anti IiiI' gloom lh11t wO\1ld
d,'l oid of th(' plNlf.! III' Ih(' ,/('\\'>'1;
nl'lhSl'IWlllC ha<; ht'clI ('1IS\wlll'd pa&.. O\'{' I' lil(' elll,th,
illll( ,('(\. sill('(, it iii ill J\ nth j('I'I'itoI'Y,
fl'om tlli' Old ('it,l' Ihl'OH;!h thc Thl' illlpl'(' .,<;il'c rock I)('fol'{' III\'
tht, wnll its('1r i'l dt'\'oid of ,Jews,
Vallt'~.. of Kidron, \I-h"I't' Iht' Ol'tha.
who {,!llim the \\'uiling \\'nll is ;lilal' j<; Iht: Hock of Chl'i .. t's ":.rOllY,
dox ,it' ll'S :Ire hur'i('d 011 lilt' 1'1l...11'1'1I
1111 I't of SOIOIllOIl'S 1'('111 pic :md, placed in lid .. po~ition by Bnl'I\V.'l.i
sloW :lIIti llie :'olosll'lIl<; 011 the w('<;t·
Ilu'I'{' fol'(" holy !!l'Oll11d, 1)('('11110.;(, it had 1)('('11 dijwo\'('l'{'d in It
1'1'1\ slopt', ~in('C' tlli"! i .. 110W Arah
\\'(' onCIi willh wc I'CIlll'IIlIJcl'cd simi!:II' posilion i ll /'1'0111 of the
It'l'l'iIOI',\', 1't'llitit'{'S IIf II\{' dead
11101'(' of OUl' nnci('1l1 IlislOl'r, liS WC ;)11;1\' or tl\{' 01(1 (,hm('h \l'hOS(' O';I('('S
,h' ws 1\1'(' not 1){,I'mi1tcd to yi:sit
IlHlkl' 011\' \\' llr 0\'('1' the hills 11l1d II'CI'(, dis('o\' l' I'(ld IlI'I'I',
thl'''l' burilll g'I'OUIlCls,
his{(lI'ir:iI :lIld ]'c'1igiolls sill'/'; of \\'ilh mix('11 fl'('lillj...~, 11'(, tnlH' OUI'
. h'I'Il'>iilel!1, T Il{' ('iulde] is :111 1l11· In the Gorden 11'11\' ('of th{, ( :nnll'll of nCthSI'IIUtll!'
I'klll fortl'l'''-s of Yt' llow Wldls lind
fn th(' (;anj{'11 of Or'lhSl'lllfl11C, 1111(1 ('/Jillilll\t' 0111' tl'ip 10 Iltl' lOp
10\\'1'1''1 Ihnt dntt-.. hili']'; 10 Ihe timc
;11'(' t'ight "t'l'y old olin' \1'(,1'<.( (somc o[ Ih{' )[OUl1t of Olin''', '1'11(> "jrw
()I' 11,'I'od thl' (:I't'III; 1m its I'il!ht,
p('oplt' ('Illiltl Ihllt tht'sl' ar(' the 1'1'0111 111'1'(' is {'xlraol'dinnt',t', 1'01' this
is Ill\' AI'I!l('llillll (:111'(\(>11 11Ild )fon·
S:UI\(' In'I's thai {'xist{'d 111 Ih{' limc is Ihc hij.!'hl'st point ill Ihl' t'llli"l'
n:;!l'l,)" \\'hi;'h is 011 tht' sitl' of
of ('hl'jo.;l'S A::roll~' in t h(' (::11,,11'11) an'II of .h'rus:ill'lll.
1 11' I'oll's pnla('(' j!IlI't]('IlS,
t lwt I'onlinll(' to b('al' fl'uit. 111 I1nl'k ill llle' Old Cil,\', \l'l' \'i .. il
OUI' tour of Hllotlwl' g-llI'(\(,Il, thc
fa;'I, I hI' "'l'H1wis(':l/lS \I'ho IlIkl' (,UI'C th!' I"'nol of B,'II1('s<la, which is IWHI'
filll'flf'li of n,'lh",'ml1ll(>, i'nll"is!." of
two Il'ips, 'I'h(' til'St is h,l- (l;I ,I-li~ht,
of I h(' (::II'd('1I SI ill PI't' SS oil ['I'om St. SIl'plle'II's natl', YOI1 will I't' ·
1hl's(> hliw'", 'J'ht'I'(, is 1I!<;(l H \'I'I'Y 1'1111 fl'om ,\'l)lIl' B ihlc histOl',\' tlwl,
!to \\'~' {':111 appl'i't'i:1\C Iht' hl':mty of
tli(' \)'C('S :llld nOWl'l'S within thc pi(,IIII'(';;'III(, 110\\'('1' j.!'HI't]cn which 114'1'1', .JI'SUS ht'nlrd Ilw t'l'ipplr,
WHiled-ill (lHI'c1PIL 'I'h(' s('('ond is did \lol {'xist ill ,I('suo.;' I iUI(', T hpI'(' \1' 1'1'1' fil'\' l.1PPI'w!('ht's 10 lilt'
h,\' TIloonli/!ht. 1'01' it WliS 01) slIt'h I I ('1'(\ 100, \\'1' \'i'lit 111(' ('11\1)'('h 11001, \\'Ilidl II'llS <lidd('d illio twu
a uig-ht thai ,]('SliS slond llmOll/! the of All Kilt ions, whit'll \\'1' d\'~' idl' i" pOl'l iOllS, ;':ow, \I'\, nhsl'l'\'1' 1Ii(' tit'I'P
o1il'(, tl'('{'S
;lIlfl ;:;lIi(1 to I'('I('\', ,1:ull{'s IllII' ,Ii' Ih(> !IIost hl':lHlifld {'hut'('hl's VX(',I\':itioH, Ht tilc bOlloll) of wld('h
IltHI ,' ohn, "~ J ,\' soul is sad, ('\'('n ill 11h' 1I1'cn, \\' h('l1 \\'(o (\1'0.;1 ('liter lIrl' \ralls :Iu d columl1ii Illllt hl1l'c
(Hllo d('nth,\\'nit IICl'c lind \r:ltc.h the <'IIlII'dl, we find il \'CI'Y dark becn l'eC~'lIt 1>- llll('O\'I'I'cd,

Wa y 0' th e Cross the \ 'i" 1).,IOI·OSlI. It \I1IS rtll'lIl"I'I~' g"IlIIt·~ silltilllr 10 tllII' tic·tac·jOt..'.
WI.' Iwxl '«'t u1I1 Oil (J1II' JliIKI"iIll. beJitH'd tiwi two flf tlti' ..:lolH's ill WI' Ill',' lt1'i() lold Ihllt till' t!'atlS'
(II' Iwar Ihis lIl·/·1t W(,I" lilt' Ollt'S n'I'S(' I!I'()O\'('~ in th(' stOIl('S \\'t' I'('
IIl-:"t' alun~
tlu- \ 'ia /)UIOl'INI (SU"I't
nf Stlrrllw). U\I'I' whit·h i, I~ uJltln Illti(·1t .it'SIlS .1I1t1 I'illl\l' slood llI1lhail!.I' lilli/it' to k('{·p Ihc UOI1IllIl
I)('lin('ti Ihal ( 'III'ist (·om·it·d tht, wil('li I'ilah' lllh·I·,.! " 1-:1'1'1' homo" (·ltnllt·~··" htll"'i(''': f)'01Il slippil1J.r.
('I'O"S to ('lIhlll '~· . . \lUIlI! tht· \\U~',
( Bt'hold I hI' lI1an 1. .\ ).!:Iill. w,' ('''IWI·it'IH~. with till on'I',
To 1111' 1I1I1·th :1/111 ",*IIIlh IIf this PUllt'l'illK ""11"'" IIf a\\I'. th(' rt~lin).!:
llI" II "tllppilll! pIaN"! 1/1' "Iatiulls
Ihat 1II1u'k IIII' WILIt· nf IIU' Illts.."iuli. .11'('!t i ... lit,' pm"lIwllt ill 1111' " 1' 1'ill', thllt I\!' an' liliuJ,! ill tl\(" tim(' of
•\ lthoul!h til!' 11111'1'(1\\ \'ill I)ullll'u..... hll'illl"" "h"I'"
Pilall' plll"I'11 hi ... 11111' 1"lt'd ;I" hi"IIII'.\· i... !win!! ma,],·.
i" pll('kl'd II ill. pil!!Tilits f.'I1111 1111 lIIa!!i .. II·I·i:11 ,·ltair to 11'.1' ,I" ... us 1'111' jOUI'IH'Y 0\,\'1' tilt' \'ja Dol",
Ilntiolls 1111lay, il i~ l1uthill)t f'UUI, "hris!. Sr .Iuhll 1'('I','I'I'I'd III this .·U'I1l II'ad" II ... to till' Bn"ilit'lI of t"('
11111"1'1111'111 as till' ·· I Jitl",..:II·IIIII';.'·
pal,'(1 10 IIII' l'l'lmds 111111 I\illllllll'i,' II III,\' SI·pldf'hl"·. 11I·li,'II'd to III' IIII'
\\".1." 0\"1' tlti'l "null' al J-: a'lit'I'll1l,]
.\('1'1'0;:< III lid..; 111"'11 i~ I,!ltilU·d 'lit,· or( 'Hh-ln'," \11t,'I'I' ('llI'isl tI;lS
:tI'I'O~s IIII' 1'1111<1 al Ill<' ('OUI"II\ of
('III'i,,1 rllH'" I·I·II('ifil'd. W" 1111' "'(]JIII'what ti("
I h., I)'WIt'..: tit' Sillll (Ki"'I I'I'~ of ';1'/'11'(1III lilt' si~hl of thi" ehl"·/·'I .
.\ fl'l\ .1'I1I·d'l .doll).:' th" \, ia Sioll). \r t , 1\111k hl 'IIt'a111 lilt, ,'011 ,
Dolul'!)sn is ,iii' ]"I'iI'I('i":('II11 .\ 111 , 1'01' il is ill II 1\1'('111\('111 ('olldilioll
,'('III .11It! "111('" sig-Itt oj' lIlIl' of lilt, Hilt! dOl'S Itol Sf','lll hl'fitti,,!! of its
~(·UI1l. \lltl'I'" \1'(' "' 1" '11 1] " OII ... i(h'I·llhh'
g'lIod :-;i ... I,·I·" .11' II\1'il1g' \ln t"I ' frolll
)11I'Jllio" lI1HllIlI'lIllillg'. \\' (' iln' lold
lill ll ' I j"11illg' Ill\' 1111111.\' Ilisplll.I·S of till' S;tlllt' "ist "I ' IIS 11":('/1 ill t ht' lillll '
NI'II '1"''illlllu'1I1 oh.i!'I'I"': f(l!' iu, Ih:ll till' ('llIJI'(·h. hllill 11.\' ('0I1s11l1l -
tlj' I'll nl," ('o!llinuil1g' IIHI' d, 's('('111
SI'll)('l" 111,' ('lIill 111:11 :-:1.
II," 11 flig'll! of SIC'JN. II"!' {'Olll!' UpOl1
til1t' 1111' /; 1"'111 111111 1'\I!IS("'I'a l,' d
fU1111d ill tit,· 1114111111 of 111(' fisll .1111 1 ill :\:l/i .\ .J) .. \I'll": Ollt' of th,'
tht' l,itlw,..;tl'Otos,
whil·h Ill' nSl'd 1" [lilY his l'lx('s ll11t1 wlll'ld's 111(1-;1 lJt'l1ltlil'ul alHllll1ll"l11d
"'III' I£H!tt'I'>: h"I'i' al',' thO.Sf· !Iwl
11 SHill pi,· of thl' t.\"II(· uf I'oill w.wd (·lII·l·i"d oIT nlio \\all' I '~ ill III(' d:I~'s
I·hlll·t"llt's. hilt fin·s. ":lI ·thqll" k, ·~,
10 IW.\· .I utiu... "'1' III',' '· ... IW,·i.dl.l· (If Ih/' .'\f·W '1',·o;lnll1f'lll. "'lit' ",1011(''': .\'l·al'S (If di ... inlo'I£I·HtiOlI 11l1d r,l\llty
iUlI'I"sl,·d ill Sf·(·ill).! till' phISI"I' in 1111' ('tllIl·I~·:II·t1l11·t· '·I1I11 ·nlllll~. 1111.1 11·hu il11 ill).! nlHI Iltt, Illtwlll I' lin' 1'111111
11](1(1"1 (If ,/"1'11 ... :11"111 11" it :11'111'111'1',1 WI' art' (11'allll III tltt· ,'III'itl1I'1 Sllltal1'S Ihl' 1!IJ)o; ... kit'lI1isILI''': Ita\"(, siJ,rIl:tI"ti
;11 Ilh ' till'" "r (·III·i ... 1.
all,1 (·1tx·I"..: ('uI iJllll th'·III. Our i\'! tl"tt'rim':ltiOlI,
.\ lIllOm::l1 111'I·hl· ...... pall at'I'''''~ !.l'uid(' I'xplnills that IIl('~' WI'I'\' leumllll ( 'HI hili ie..:. (; l'ft'" (II" hn,
IIltl ... t of .11·1·11 .... 111·111·'11(011'1'1.\1 "1"'1'1":, m.uit' h~' till' .... ,ldi,·I.... "'. Iho.,", wait, dox, ( 'opts allti ,\ l'Illt'ni:1I1s lI'ol'Ship
IIlIr alll'lIl,ul! I... ,II'UIIII 10 111" E.·.·(, illl! oul..;ifil· Ill(' 1'1·:tI 'hJl·illlll I!l ('I'n' ill th,· (·hlll'('h. which ,ill'l'I'S st'Vi'I'al
11 111110 . \ I'(·h. it HOlll11l1 1I1·,·1t ""'.,. III!'il's 1I!.!() ('\11 illltl Ih,' slllUt's fill' 1I\'1',"l "I' 1:111<1,

Abo .... : A,d•• oI09',h wo,~ wilh U f .

~n.. rthi .. g
Dud S,. Scron ".g ....... h.
a.low: G.I. Oil 1.'1 i. 0 ... ~. .d by
Ch,i,l i.. lri~mph.1 ... Ir...u to J.,
,~,.I.m 0.. S~ .. d.y ""0'. e:.~e:ir. . ;o ...

Pilg,im, 10 C.I •• ty h.c. Ch,;,,', ,1'Pi .10"9 Vie 0010roi8 0 .. Good F,iday, In the
foc89,ound. m... is bowed b, .... th • hu.y e:'O$l ., Ih ' ".agie: ".,".acted. 'C,"' ;,
'I'll,' 1 ~lIsili('n ill' IIII' JJ O!.\· Scpul- O UI' \'i .. it!5 to till' holy silt,>; of hil,th (If ,h',,;wj. 'I'll(' illsl'1'ipl ioll, al-
(·111'1' is IJllllh' u]I of 11,1' {'II1I))(o1 of (lid ,11'I'l1"lIl,'1I1 111'(' 110\1' 1'00Ilplt' l l'. 1II0St d.'II'IPd It,\' pilg-l'i!lli';' l,iS$I','i,
tllO' ~1·IHlI('III·!'. \\ hi,·h is iu"idl' tl](' H,'fo l'" 11'1' ('I'OS" /1\- .. 1' inlO IIII' !\('W J'(':Ic! .. :" ll i(' ])1' \ "il'j.:-itll' ;\ Iul'ia,
('hlll'('1i I'qtnlltl:l :I "IIl:lI! :lIld 111':111- ( 'il.l· alld ~hl"I' 11'1' III',' ~u n{,JlI', W{' . "'Sllli( ' hl'i"lus Salu" 1';1'1" ( 11 ('l'{',
\it'u!. hut l'oIJlI'I<'I,' huildiuJ.! II!.'!! Il'illl'l 1111' 11'1'1'" III i)!,,, 10 J-kIIJan.\· ur Ill(' \'ir~itl Mal'.\', .11' .. 11" l 'lll'i~1
110111" Ilu' '1',lulll 01' I'lids!; ~~ o\I,t' I, to ~I ' I' IllI' TlIudlllf L nZHn]S lllHI II,,, \\'11" ho]·n ). \\'(, wlilk Ilw fOlll' :-:11')1";
{'h:l)wl .. ; :1!1I1 :1 1111l1lh,,1' of dllll'(,h six 1IIilt,,, 10 Bdhll,lwtll . •\rlt'il'l\t 110\\"1\ to thl' 1'lll1pI'[ of thl'
!ntildill~"'I. Tlu · OI'IWll' :III:ll's. ('Il- tllh,' 1I'" "s litl" Ih,' I'<!ll'! III !--I1,thll" .\lall)!I'I'. 111)1'1'""in:ill ,\lal',1
(',·u .. I,·<1 \\ilh "ill"l'I' :Iud 1!001d. :11'" Iil'IH. \Ihidl i" \\iH.liul! :11111 pil'- pl:l(·,·t! Ill(' Baht': 1\('1'.', lI't' slll'J}-
Hblmw willi ('I'I·" IJI\JlliHI {'nlld!.'s. Itl 1"''''1 !)(' :111,] 1111i,'1I In);,'" ll" )):1"1 hel',]" klwll ill illlu)';!1 iOIl.
The Tomb NOIII"I 1,"1/11 / II]" 11 :1!'lwl''! 'I'01l1h, H!tc'pl\('l'd's 1" i(,leI, 11'111'1'(' tht
\\'(' :IPPI·(HH·b Ill,' ~"]lIl1t-llI'" of Sile 01 th e Noti vily
illlg'('ls PI'ol'lnitll!'11 Ih,' :\'lIti\-ily to
('III·j"l 1111'11u/!1i II 111111'1111' pOl""1Ig:('- Ih(' sli,'plll'l·oI". li.,s ,hl,.,1
:J Ihllll"nntl
.\11 I ·lu'i"li.llI \".Iilll . . \1·()I, .. hip <It 1':1-.;111":11'11. \\'" folfoll" Ihl'
\UI.\' ,,:dlt,tll1u' I '1ltlJl!'lof IIII' ,\II~1'1. P:\('I',.
1!1I' 'ari,nl . . '!h"ill!''' \Ii lhill tilt, l"OIl~h nllt! "lOll." l"outt, Itl Ill(' ('a·
11 "]'1', 1)11' ,\I1)!l') di . . ,·lo;wd 1o th{'
l 'IIIII'f'h of IIII' :\alil it,l" in Bl'\ldl'- nafii:ltl ('hll)lt'l III' I h., .\ I!)!")~ 1I11t!
w{,I'piug' \\01111'11 Ilwl Chrisl had
IH'ltL \rl' "111(1)1 III ('111"1' Ih.· 1,IIIU'(,h Ihl' :'ill!'plll'l'Ols ,\IlIHllio Bnl'll1zzi·s
l'isl'll. '1'110 .... (' "I' liS \llm wi"h 10
Jll'ny 111'1' :.tin·11 l:qW!'lol Ity a (;"I'l'I;
Ihl'(JtI)!h :1 1.1\\ IIjll'llllI)! ill H la~t \\"tll"k. Ih'I,t' tIll' "IIII';!W'I',In'
pdt'Sl, :Illd WI' !l1·III ' I'I"1. IWI! 111'1111'1'('
hlul·I,t'.J-1t1' IIOUI'\I:!.\- HllIl )!U illl- l)t~ho) d lh,' ".\II],!I'1 ,,1' Ih,' LUI,t!"
al :1 tiull', II! tlu' '1''''111. ((lIlI.I- ""\'('1\ 11I1,lIillll'1 .\· 10 1111' dal'1; l il'ollo or t11'se('lldill~ 111 HlIlIlItltI",' 1111' IIC'WS-
ft'('1 ill !t'I1!!11t and fin' 1"'1'1 ill Ih.' :\:lli\'il,\' l .i)!lilt'.1 "nllllll''! ('11- :1 lIln~ldli("'"I pito,!'l' of :11'1 \r c' nl·.'
widl It) II hi(·1t i.. "nl jr·I-!.\- "I1r':I"I'd in aliI,' It'! III ......,. H 1"11'1',1' 1':1\'('1'11, als() ilJ(pl'I's.~. 'd :11 III\' "h;(hl III I It{'
11I:11'hll'. TIll' Ill'ig:inal 1'4(11" :11111 Indls ,11','01':11,'11 \Iilh l'i(,1t fall!'i,'" 1111,1 ,'h:]p,'l ,11.,1\', >;It]l)lorll'd III it-; fout'
or III!' ~(']lll](-hl'\' 1111' j.!illll'. IC{,llmiu- Illp""II'i,'S, 'I'll(' ll-poill\1'11 Sial' of ('IIt'II('I'S hy ht"H)z.' lif,!tll'I'" III' l"It'l·l~
ill;: aI',' lIlt' 0l'ig-iIl1l1 floo)' 111111 IIII' B("hh·llI'lII Oil 1I sInh of 111:11'1111' ill:,! S!tI'lllwn l..
·<!Inh 1I11tl)l whi,·h Ih,' hody or the helll'all, lilt' .\hal' of Illl' :\nli\il)- \\'" w:d,I' n'rlaiu Ih:d II ,. \I.

t'l'\wifit'd 1.0I'd lay. IIIlIl'l,S III(' o'adilioll:d sill' of thl' ill\('I'I'sl :llId

Small pholo al "gI.l i. f.onl of Ihe Chu'ch of lhe Holy

Sepulch.e ...1. ••• Ch.i.1 ..... bu.ied. AI fa •• i",hl i, .. iew
of Mounl Sion with conv.nl in fo.e",'ound wh •• e a 2,OOO·y""
old welt i. stif! in u.e .
8.10"" Th. Wailin", Walt ",hi,h i, .upp;)•• d 10 have b •• n
a port,on of Solomon', Te mple, In Ihe past, J ..... ga th.,.d
.1 Ih ..... U 10 taman' Ihe put glo.i., of 1.... 1 bul it i. now
A.~b la"ilo.y and lh.y .,e nol allowed to vi.i' Ih. hi.lo.ical
place . AI ' ighl b.low i. . . . i .... of Ihe inlerior of Iha Chu.eh
of the Holy Sepulch,a .•howin g enlrance 10 burial chamber.

'" /
('olwillfh,d 0111' oIiltlllpilll.! in Old , hi' IJI'Okl' lI ('1'1I1t'1l1 lind rall"11 ~IOIlI's ",'(' 1'001"'1 of huildiu)..."! IIIU\ tilt' \Iall
./el·U'<IIIt·'II ill Jl''''llHl'lllitJlJ 1'01' Oll!' of tl("l1stalNI huildill~"'I. (lId "aml- /If ()I,I .1(·I·USlIII'Iil. 4)n holi,la.\oI.
{'1·os...... m'l· inlo lilt' :'\'t·w (,il~·. On£'t· haL.n;;. Imd mll4'hirw j.!IIlH'quiPIX't1 .It·\\· .... in 1t"I'n' lItullhl·I"";. 1·1l1'1'~ flll",-s
1l1·]'t)S.'1 ,hi' fl·tIIIH,,!· f"om ·hll'clan \(I J,l'1I111·t1'1 uf hoth hUl'd,·,....;. 1"'II1'i lll! th,' S'm· Ill" ]):tdd /11111 111·k
1'11":11'] Ct'Xl'l' pt dlll'ill~ Iht' Enolll'" W,· m'l' I\('it'ollll'd i1lIU X l'\\" '" tiLt, Itlp til' ~ I h\lltl Hioll ill pil-
and ('hl"j..,llII llol Ilo]idHYS 01' wilh ,1"I'U"lIh'l1I hr Ihl' 1'Il'1lt'li 1.. lli"I' :llId 1!1'i1t1:11!'·" 10 Ill{' 1011111 til' Da I" itl.
Iht' J,:'l'anling of '<llI'(·ial Jll'idl(·J,:'('sl. ('lhl(l1IIS oll"kials. '1'hnu!.!11 II ... di ..;;- \\." filltilwt) 1II0d"I'1I ltuiltliuj..>'\; 1111
on£' i'l ,wi allm\t'd III 1·l'!llI·11. \\. (' 11111<'(' h,·tW",·1I Iht' 1\10 dili.dolll' lit' IIII' hilltlll' lind fit'Sl \i"il II,,· \"("'Y
ha\'(' oiliailll'd PI'I'Jllb;sinli fl'011l IIH' .h·l"!ls:il(·1!1 i~ a slt)lw's ,hl·,,\I. W(' h"lIlItiful 1\1'1I1"li('lirw ;\hlw.\· of 1111'
:mlhm·ili,·01 of h.. lh ·!,)I'd:!11 :lIld flll\\' '1,'('111 Itl II(' l1Iilt'oI Hud JlIill's I ),))·mililill. w!ti"11 \IHoI j'ollllt!I,,1
IIIl' (·I·os:.. ill){; OUl' 11\\"11r 1'1'11111 1)1(1 .1, ·I·LI'IlIlt·UI llild fI'I'1 ,·al'l.\· ill Illi'l ""111111·.\· ".\' 1:1'1']111111
IWIIl,'oI III'" 011 Ih,' lists :It tlh' i!' /1'1 if \\1'\'" sll'pp,'d (Jill of tlw IIIOl1l,s .• \ (·4·IJI'dillJ,: 10 on!' t'·;Ic1ilioll.
("'o'lsillJ,t'l; :111 PII"'1P,lr'l'I II"\, in p:Ig-"~ of :Iul'i"ul Id";I()l·.Y ili l u n 11('\1' 'his iol tl", silt· III' ,h,' dl·l1lh It 1111
Ul'dl'I" 111)(1 w{.' HI'" at the g'lI1C on a1)(1 din'I']'I'1l1 lI"u,",d . . \'1 II" sldd, ."''''IUllplil'lI of tit" B I"ssed \'h·j,dn.
time. 1111' :'\" '11" {'il.\· iol lIIt1d'·I·II. "'I \\t' 111'1' I II ,Ilt' "ul1tIl,la of lilt· /'hl\l·,·1t III'
sOIllI·\\hlll 111 k" 11 nIHI,·I, :11 Ilh' ..;ig-itl 'lit' DOl·mitioli. WI' Iulllli,·,· liL" 11111-
Crossing Ove r of lIlt' al1l'il'1l1 11 ,,]11'1'\1 :ill'llaht'l ";WlItlillj.!'. lir"-'<i;wtl 1ij.!I1I·\· uf ~11II'.'·.
TII(, !l1l1,l' din'('1 (·xil 1"'0111 .1 1))'/1:111 \\l'il1"11 1111 S'OI'I' fl'tIll'oI 11111 1 at I.,·illg" wilh h1l1111:-; ]'0111,·<1.
to 1'11'111'1 is Ihl·UIII.d1 Iht, ~lallrl{'l - sll"l'I'1 ,·(II·lh',"";. Th"/llh"I' 1II0dl'I'11 hllildinc: is lilt'
1'1:111111 / :all' 1'iO·('IIJlI·d 1)('1':111"" il j" TId..; i.. a t'il.,· til' (·III·lId,·a1 and I'IJIln'1I1 Hf SI. F'·1UlI'iol. (·olllp],.tt'd
111'111' II hou'i(' lilli' hl'llJnJ,t"" 10 n plwl'lllal·t'1I1 il'lll ],,·1/41U('10I. II'al hl'!' in I!tm. ' I'll(' willtltlW IId,illti llu'
.\It·. .\ lll11d,·lImulIIl, \\'hi(·h i" not ;..:"(1(11101. IIlllt'hi'U'I'.\· llI1d TtlIII .. , fum!· t'lmp,'1 alllli' i'l of ,·It'II1· dl,,01 \\ hil'"
I·,':dl.\· 11 ).l"111t·. '1'111'1'1' i'l ;1 lilt],· hilt "I un'". II"IIII411\"()]'I;. 1·111·411)():11·41. Ill'in,- 1'II:1hl"oI 11'1 III I"il'\\" IIii' l',·IIIII·t, ·, HI'
wilh ,h,· tim! or ,JOI'I];l1I lI,'"illJ.t (1\"1'1' illl!. II'xlill·";. ('II'lhillg nnd 1UC"al ,Ilt' 11011"" Ilr tl ... 1.;10;1 !-luPIlt"',
il (lilt' .\I·llh polil'l' posl I 111111 n :UlI! l·h·I·II·i,·1I1 w4l1'kol. \\',. /111' mit ' 1'11t'1I. WI' "0\·1'1' lilt' '1hm'l tlioll 11 11('"
pole IIt·,·IN! 1111' mill]. \\'1 ' ('I'OSS 111(' '1111·llI'i ....."d 10 11011' ,III' fI1"l'h·tI(·.\· of III Ihl' {'I ·lIl11·It'. whi,·11 i'i IllI' ,,1,II·st·
aPPI·oxiUUlit· /.J -.nll·tl tli'ltHlj(',· 011 I,,)ok'lhllps. 1'01· \I,' ha\·,' b"I'1I told 1.110)11"11 ('jll"i'llillll 1')1Ll1'l'h :lI1d II Ili"]I,
1'001. (·lIl"l·.dlll! 0111' IIWI1 11I).tJ,:fI).tI'. to ,hul IIII' .I,'wish Iwoph' lo\"(' 10 l'I':ld WI' lint!, i'l lIlo;() ill II dt'C'I·('pil ('011-
11110,111'1' pol(' alltl tIll' ./I·\\'i'lh ]ltI]i('" nlllll"1I' 1,\·,'1'." .JI·"iolh famil,\' hilS diliol1 . • \ flij.!'hl of "It'pol It'llds 10
POs', 1I110,IWl" lilt I,' hui. 1lliol tIIl(, il~ 0\\11 lihral·.'·. '1111l111 as it 11111.1' Iw. tilt· "11]1]11'1" I'oom" 11"1\1'1'4' ,]rsHs 1I1i11
l1.'"illJ,: 1111' l'II·llt' li f111J,:. TId'! \utl!,: OUI· sig'II'~I·I·illJ.:" in S"II ']"1'1I- lI iol dioll·ip!t·'1 g'lIlh\'l',·t! fiJI' thl' r.:lst
al·!"u ...... " Xn ~IIIII"'" Imud" I'l'ally ... d"1II ht,).tinol wi,li 11 ,·Ibn". IiI! :l SIiPIlI'!' 1111t! whil·h io; IIO\\" til\' pi,'-
~hakt·oI (1'1 (lp a liul!' a .. d hl·i .....'l< \l~ 101lJ,: fli;..:"111 oj" "11')101. 10 .\l1IL1Il1 ~i(JlI. 11111' or 111,,.:11'('1. Wt' al,.;() I"i~it
11;]<,k '0 I·,'alit.\· \1 ilh II jul!. fill' \n' tlllt' nf ,Ill' holi"o;l '1ill'o; ill 1~1'11I'] "l"it·II.\· 1]11' 1111\"('" 1""1111, Imdilitll1 -
al'c in Iht· midst uf 111lrll('t! 'Ii!'l', lIllll fl"oill 111\' tup tJf whi(,11 \11' ,'HI' 1111.\' Il('("·pt,·d ;to; III,' 1·,)\1111 \I 111'1','
.11'01\101 lI11sh,·" Ill{' 1"','1 til' lI i'l
,1i ..I·ipl,"t. HIIII II"h(,11'ill lil"i Iht, 1111"1,
of f)ayid
OUI' fillld "I till ill ]oIl'ut'1 io; ill tht'
II,'\\" Ih,lm'" "lIiH',,,,il ,'" ,\hl'I'" \H'
]11"10"','11 III Ih.· 1':I],·",ill'· _\1'\·11:1"-
olu).:-i,·ul :\1 '1""11111 I(·I1II,·( I,III ,··S('I·,']-
11'1'."")' WI' 11I'('!' ,hl·UU,!.d l Ihit·k
]ll'ul,·\.'th(, J,:11I~s (':lS4''1111 p:lI'('hllll'l1t
rl·;I~IlH'Il'~ of till' HI 'lIl] s,·;] SI'!'"lls,
Jli.·(·(·t1 tog-,'lhl'I' lUI,1 mUlInl",1 f'II'
\"h'lI"ill~. ,\01 .\·UIl 10111\\, lhl·s,· 111·,·
l'I'I·'·I1! (li<;(·!I\·I' l'it's lillll 111·, · 111·11
wIII',h 11 lioli!.
.\J!;dn, \1,· fin'] lIlli' it i,o; d"PIII'-
ILII'\' ,illlt'. lind "" Hlllil'i,llll(,
111101111'1" !·"\U11·dillj.!" \·i.~i, dlll·ill).: ,lit,
1'411ll'lh '11HP ()II 011" 10\11' ul' six
fOJ'('i;;u (,i, i,''1.

Mon~ r.. d, pr.yerboo ~ in G"rden of Geth,.m.n .... he .. Chrill prey.d on ThllrJd.y night
b.for. Frid.y crucifi.;on. Oli .. e h ••• 1 righl i. thollght to h.... b•• n in g.rd.n .1 Ih. 'im•.

JOUINAl fOR OClOIU. 1963 .

., ~­
" ;"11 1 ", ." , .
Ri'lhl: '.I.i. d •• N.lion, in G.n..... S...aJ.rI.nd, ... h.,.
Ih. Inl"n,lion.1 l.bo, Conf..,nCl. 'lov"nin'l body 01 Ih. 1111 III . : rn It !'
IlO. ,.unily W.I in •• uion with 380 d.t' 'l.I . . ."Indin 'l'
Balow! Inl.'n~lion .. 1 S. c"l .. ry J o•• ph 0, K.. n,n, who w",
mlmb., of Ih. Unit.d SI,I .. Wo, l .... d.I''l,I'on, l,d'fll
10 Ih. inl.,p,.I., Ih,ou'lh h.. dphon •• du,in'l on. 'Iuion,


II E;-\ Ih i~ W11I"S 1.111)0.11' ])(, l e· t'''tllllri l '~' " :IL'm\ i 1'1'111;11'1,1,,1, "TIlt' 1'1'I',i,lt'llt, H uil d ill~ ;llId CUIl';tl"lu,:-
W J,!lltioll \\'1IS "htlst'll 10 nth,tlti II ,{) lI"a" Ol1t' of tho",,' plm'I''';;l1 lilt' tioll 'l'I':ld l ,,,, I)(-P HI'lllll'llt; (:/'ol'j:!e
tlt(, :1111111:11 ( '( l1!frl'Pllt'l' (If tilt' In\('l" lIodd II IWI'I' "pit'il ;Illd \'\MII'\'I':iI ;1111 :\I/'all~', ]lJ'I'sidl'lll, .\ F I ,.( ' I 0; \\"ill·
IHlli01WI 1,11 1)(11' ()I'~il l li~,llliOlIl, UW' 1!I'1\\""11 I'I : I~"I'S, h.-l\\"I'I'11 I',I('I'~, inlll ,J. 1'I1I,hl('l', 111't'sidl'nl, l -l ilit y
B ,'ollll' l'hIiOiI \l'llS llg'lIill IIPllOl'l,d liy 11('\\11'1'11 1"ll1nll'iI'''; 11I1ISI J!I'(/II' \\" 0 1'1 (1'1',,,' "ltilJII of .\ IIII'1'il':I: ·J,j('oIJ
llildllg" O\ll' I nll'l'lI llliolll ll H"I'I'l'IIII)' ~\I"III1-t""t', 'I'hi" i" til(' I I ,t/ 's \'1'1'.\' H. I '1I1 I)r~l'.I· , pl't's iill'III, ,\ 1l 1: 11!!;I-
.lus"1111 I). 1\1'1'111111 1·""J,'I'!olrl MI 11 1'(,H'-101\ rot· nds\I'III'(,," 1111111'" ( 'Iolllin): \\" 11'1(('1'" 01" , \III ('ri-
IIlt'lId"'I'of Ill(' l ' lIih'd Hllllt's \\'01'1,· .Jowph .\\ 01111111' ,J OIIU"O II . ,'i il-!I'I" ('n: Ih '1't :--l'il11llall, EIII'OPI'lIl1 1'1'\1'
1'1"" Ilt'll'gnlioll, SI'I'l'I'ttll',I' K I'I'111111 ian .\liui"It'I' of Lnhill', lUIS LllInui· 1111111 i(' l'I'III'I'sl'tHal i 1"1" .\ I,' 1.,( ' I () ;
h"s '11'1'\','\1 ill this I'HIHw it ,\' ill ]ll'iol' IHnll'-lI,I' I'\t-,'II-d \' I""I;III'lIt of IIHI :lII d lJal'id :-;lIllil':II1, ]l1'""idl'llt,
,n'lIl'S n~ IWI'I' Int" l'llillilltln l ]'n'si- ('o lll'!'1'I'II(-4', mal'l,iul-! 1111' fil"!! 1;'11(' B uilditlK ~1'I'\·il't· EmilIo.'"!'''' 11111'1"
111'lIt (i\l1"lhul)] F I'I'I'IIUlI!. 1'111'1111'1' HII . \ l"l'i":111Iwt! IIt'I'11 1'11')"'('11 fill' IIntiol1l1l I 'lIillil.
l ' I',\~it!\'n1 D, \\' '1'1':1(',1' :lnd IIIIH'1' thi" hllnn!' Httoltll]lit 1-':111]11. 11111'1'- "'III' OI·d" I" (1\ " fill f /, I'" 11('(' ll11si Jlj'"",,
olli{"t'I'S of 0111' B I'Htlll'rho"d, Iwt imt:ll I h·pl'I'... ·lllnl il"l', In lo'I'lIl1- 11":1'-1 uP"" h,I' lilt' ,,(fOI'\-; of Ihe
F t1llowill).l" is n IJril'f SIlIIIlll<II',I' (of titllllli .\ ' .... N·i111ioll of :\lal,hillisI'-I, .\I'all mill .Hril'an dl'h'l!ah's III I'X·
lht, lIu,\,ting" IIIHI II;IS ~I·\'\"in!! ns Ih'lnwtl' 1'111111 I!!'I till' IIt'lt·!.("l1lil!ll fl'OtI1 lilt, 1:1'11111,.
1'11(' i ntt'I'lHlliulIlIl I.lIhOl' ('ollr,·I'· 1111' l 'ldktl ~ta It'... \\'111"1;('1"1' <l1'tl111l, lie or S(I111h ,\ fl'i('lI hl'I'llIN' uf
(,IlI'I', whi"h is 1111' '''IWI'IIlI' ,\I'lill· 11"11'1 l'It'-l'II-I\ as IIII!' or Ihl'I't' \'il'I' Soulh .\ fri,'a'" p(lli('~' (If ap:ll'llwiti
t'I'ali\"\' IMl,\' of thl' I nl\'r1Hl\iUlwl 1'1't·",idl'IIj.." TIll' ut l1t'r 1\1'(1 wl'n': 8, ( I'nl'ilt 1 Ili"'I'l'ill1 ina I jllt)l. .\ II hough
1,"h\ll' ()I'g"nllizalioll, \\"IiS ill ';I.,,,,,;iun .\ Slipl'lwulw \If 1110' "kl':linl" IIOII!' 1111' !!Ili l "11111"1'1'1'111'1' h:1I1 adtlplt,t! a
(its 17 lh) fl'HlII ,JUnt' :-,111 Ihl'Otlj.:d1 illHlt'l l l!~' Ihl' (i\lI"O'1'I11t1t'111 (il,(lIIP, 1"'",,,llIIillll /'t.llIh·mllilll! :--olllh . \ fl'i·
lli(' :!(jth lit III{' P HIHis til'S ;-\lIlIolIS :tilt! ' I', I I. Hohin"ulL III' ('lIIH1tia, I'a'" jlolil'.I' 1111t! n , h'i";l,oIlllI' 1'll1Illtl',\'
in " I' lwln, SII il zl'l'In 1111. . \ II'XlIlHh'I' llurrti ll H\('d h~' I he 1';lIIplup'I"!' III 1"iIl'I' IllI' uI·).!ll11i1.nl iOll, its Ikh'·
Pnl'olli of Jo'I'nllt"l" t,IUtil'IrlH II of tl\{' 1:I'Ollp. ~lItillll Imti 11111 ('011"'1'1111'11 10 with-
<:0\'('1'11;111-;' BI){ I ~ .. (I]lI'lIt'lI ti ll' ("" I, Ollll'l' IIH,ItIIlt't'S of Ill(' 1'11;"'1\ l!t'n ll f1'11111 tIl(' I!lfi:l M'~sion, lind
i'el"l' rH'" 1111,1 111'1('UUIl,1I I hi' ;!~O :"111\\'s \\"ol 'kl'I'S' l >t'k),tn ti(lll , IIhl) thl' 11,0 f'11I1~titl1liI1l1 {"()ll1nill" 110
dl'It'j.l"Ht(\S 11lld 6[;7 l1dl'i~(\ I 'S II Ij() !If'1'I'('(l :IS I1dl'i~t'l'S, WI'I'I\: SI'('I'('IHI'Y 1ll'(!I'isillll 1'01' I'X IHd..;i(11I of :1 m ('l1l-
1't'J)l'l'st' ll t cd 1)0 of the 108 JIll'llibel ' ]\('(\111111: l'o l 'II('li\l~ ,J. II HI-tt-rt'I'1y, ht.\I' nulioll. I' I'ot('slillg' 111(' eOll l iu-


O""id Mon", Di.,e1o.-G,n",1 01 O.I" gal ... on tha noo. "nd Iwo b.ltoni... cfowd,d wilh "i.ilon .tlend
Ih" Inlernalion,,1 L.bor O.q.n;.,,- to Ihe p.oc.. dinq. II tha maetinql W"'" h"ld in Gen... P,"ident .Iect.d
lion, ipu kinq 10 Ihe del"q.I". w • • JOleph Johnlon 01 Niqlfi •. flnt time offic. h.d gone to Af.ic~n,

ut~1 PI'\''''III'\' of till' South .\fI·it·JIII
wOI·I,,·I ..... tI,·I'·)!UII', tilt' ,\I'ab 1111d
_HI'it'HI) d('II'g"l1te'> prl'IIUltl('lltly 1t'f1
tit,· ( " lIth'I"'IW,' Hllll, l wWllit ,JOIIII"I)II
I'P"i}(III'd 11" pI·t'~idt,ttt.
I': I·il, I )I"'YI'I' of I)PIlIrt;II·k 1111"
tlll'lI 1·1"I'Ii'd to fulfill III{, Omt·t' 01'
1)J't'~i""1I1 rill' till' I','uwilltlt'l' Ill' tilt'
..... ' ...."illll. J 1t'\',WI' had Sl,'I'\W! ill tid"
Si1ll11' ,'aplwity III Ihl' I!J:i!1 ('0111','1',
('11('1'. Ti t" {',lIIf"I'I'II(',' 11111'1' innlli
dillt'd 1111' Soulh .\I'l'i('1111 w()I'I"'I">,;'
d,·It·).!a I,' 's t"'I'tI"11 I ill Is, 11 II cI I II,' ( : 1)1
"I'lIill~ Bod.I·. fuIJolljuK lilt, ('1)11 ,
r'·I·\'IIt'". lIdol'll'd I hl'('t' 1'"",,1 lit ion"
I I I J-;wlu"iuiI of :--'IIItli .HI·i,·1I
flll1tl 1111 Ir.() 111100·(ill).."I \\hn:-;<' 1I1t'11I
h",... hip i .. d"(I'I'llIillt'd II~' tht , 1:11\
('I'll ill\.! Bud.,' {nil 1I1t·!'Iill\...-.; t·\t·t'p'
thl' 11111111111 ('onfl'I'{'n('{'),
I :! ( 'all ing: 011 lilt' l)in 'I'101'-I:"1I
l'I'al IIf 11u- I I .(), 1I('('Ollll1l1l1i,'d by 11
II'il'lIl"li1l' .It'I I',.wtitJlI, Itt 1I1t'('1 II jill
t III' S"I'I'I'IIII'~' ,f ;"111'1'11 I of I lit· t 'lI i","
:-\1IIinll" ItJ -;PI'" I·ool·diltlll "d llt· tillll Membe .. of Amlfiun deleqation to ILO mutinq a.a. f.om left,
,III till' :--flllih AI'I'i(,;111 'IIII·-:Iioli. O•• id Sulii •• n. H •• ')' Oo.. tv, J"cob Potoh ky, Geo.qa L P. WU.If.
(:11 f:ol'(' I'lling- 13011,\' ('\.IlIsi\1,'1·1I- JOilph O. Keen.n, Gao.ge Me"ny, Cong,aum.n Jam.. Roo'eyelt,
Co.neli... J. H"gqerty ,,"d Rudolph F" .. p!. The ILO. " Ipeci.li."d
( ('0111"111/(//011 /XI{J/ ;!f) .geney ... oei.led with th. United N"tion •. WII lounded in 1919.


Philip Nic hoh, Jr" th. Commi ..ion. r
of Cu,tom" h.. d. up the a.at' -mem'
b. , Bure-ll coU.cting im port duti••,

BUrC(lU 0/ Custom .1( Lo Ce/ebrlllc 175,,, A un; ve rsary

~'('ar ill"illJ,!'I an in('rt'tHi- X('wSpalWI-": l'I'ft'rn,d Itl lid..; filosl wili('h is now Ih" l -lIil('<1 ~t<ll('s
E VEny ill:: IIlllllh"'I' of iOIll'is'~ 10 onr lariff at't M; tilt' "i\()('OIH\ n t'i'hlnl- CO;lst Oll:l"tl.
shor('s and an i!wl,\,;tsing IItllul)('r 1ion of I n!\I'p('IH\(,IlI'I'." lTlllil I!H:l, wh('11 C'ongl,(,ss
of .\m('ri('lUl Imll'j"ts 1'('I\II'liing Th,' tllil'(\ stalutl' I:dd !lutil's on 1111"-,,1'11 1111' ilU'OIlH' til!\: law. ('11<.;10111'1
£1'0111 uhroud. En'!":'" (lll(> of ,h('lol(' thl' lOlLlw)(:1' (lr ships IIlltl 1'1'''''''\'1. 1,(','t'1I\iI'" pl'OI' ifl('(\ the- IlHljlll'ily of
lX'I'SOn<; ('(HI'('~ into ('onlll1'l wi,h th(' TI](' fifth law ... An 11('1 to l·t'glllnW our XatiOIl'" I't'<,<,ipl'i. Two million
Bm'C'llU of ('11..;10111<1 many for till.' Ihl' eolll'(-lioll of Ihl' 1IIIIil"< illlll()';('i l of Ihl' I(llnl $~l:!-lI1illif)1l l'olll'f-\I'li
fil~t tiltll'. AllllolI)(1I it'l in!I'nfiu('· hy l:m 1)11 Ih., IIInll:l.,(' of ships or in l7~!l WI'I~' fl'mn f'lIstOIllS duli('s,
1 ion to , hi'lIl lilli," iw II III'\\' (':qwri. 1'f'''Sl'ls alld Oil ~()(I(\s. war'{'..; nIH) 'l'fll l :1~', ('ustom .. l'I'I'I'IIIIt'S SW('l1 ()ur
('m'e 10 thl' lIH1jul' ity of Ih(' pulllie, 11I('1·(·IWlldis('S illlpn)'I.'I\ illlIJ thl' ('Off(',~ h:--- !l;Fl I hillion, hut Ih i..;
,h(' n.un'all of ( ' lIslnllls. 11raitl'd l'nill'd Stnl\''','' lIas IrpPI'()n'd till 1lI1l()lllll is ollly I) 'llllal\ p('I'et'1l11Ig('
~tat('s T)l'plll'tml'llt of lh(' 'l'I"{·n~· .! uly :l l. l iH!I. 'I'hl' II t'xl dn.I', t ll(' of Olll' total 1"'\'t'lIlIl',
lll'y, is IlO rU'W('OIlU'I' 011 ,h('
(-1m !«,I'IH" fOI'.OIl .\ \I1!\1!i1 1, 1!J(l I ,
. \ m('ri· CuslOrlls S('niCt, W;iS ill Ollt'nll i(JIl,

First Ship to Pa u Cus toms

Famous Collectors 0' Custom s
the wil l (·rh·lwlIt(' il<; 17!ith
B Hrl'llll l'hl'llllghollt il'i hislor.,'. till' B u-
In<l('('(l. it Olll d nl('s
. \ llIliw' I"SHI-,'-' 'rhl' first 1'1'''-'11'1 to t'OI1l(' ILluh' ,· I,'all uf ('uslollls lllls t'llIpIOYN\ III{,1I
h,'- n month ,11(' 't'l'('lISIII",V D(,PIlI'I- th;s al'l :1]'I'in' t! III III(' POI't ur ;\"w famous ill Allwr-irill1 histor-y Ill1d
mf'H! of wilil'lI it j<; a pnt't. York fmm I.t'g-h')"II, 1IIIIy, Oil .\ u - litl'l':tIIll'(', ill{']uding P I'e-~itll'llt
E n'l1 1,('(01'(' ('Ol11pl('lll1:: its work J.!u"l ,j, 17h~1 . Tht, IU'ij!lIl1lill(, J'tr.ti.t, ( 'II\'~1(' )' .\ .•\1'1 hur-.
on (']('('Iillg OUI" Kalioll 's fil'<ll P I'l'si· ,1a1l\(''1 \\"N'ks, llIa"H"'. IIHII a lIIi ....·(,]- Il istOl'iall (:('Org-{' Ball(,l'Oft \\':!S
dl'lIl, Ihl' Fi l'Sl ('OIllilll'lIl:11 Con- Innt'O\I~ t'n1'!'!(1 1'1111";1::11(,.1 III 1I1lt' 11 ('0111'('101' of thl' port (If Boston.
~l'('s." had 1)('('11 milking pl:lIIS for William ~t'It)11 wlltl pnid $i7 1 7 1 ill I II' IIppoinlNI ;\nlhallit'l 1I 111\"-
OUI' firsl III x, So, it is Ilot SIII'I)!'is- II ul if'S. 'rllt' ('oll"i'IIH' of ,I ... ;\('11 Ihorll{, llS IlI1'1lSur{'r in Ihl' Boston
ill~ Ihal Ilm'<' of IIII' fi l,~t (h'(' YOI'k p01'1 was . I(lim 1.1111111. II h,·,'n (,tlstullthOLlst' III 1111 11111111111 ..alll1'Y
llI{'asllt'('loI HduIII('(\ 1.:--' Ilml C'nllgl'('s!; III the ('llpllI"t' of 1"111'1 T il'oll- til' $ 1,500. ,",our :--'t'a)~ lilli"'. 11 ;1\\'·
11'('1'(' Ull 1'1IS\()lIIiJ 1lI11"('I~, 'I'h{' S('('- dt'roJ.!lI. tI1ll1'l1t' was Ilppoinl('1i SIlI"'('),OI' til'
ond slalul{' of Ih(' 1"il'SI ( '01111111'11- nf .' "l~- :11, Ii"'!). )o:PI'I';-
TIll' 11('1 l'II>;IOIllS, I t i~ .'mid that. whil(' sit·
1;1I ('Ollg]'('~'1, "An 11('( fOl' In,l' iug Ihn l Ihl' (" ,..;1,'111" f'olh-dol' WI IS
fi"11 lilll[ ill Ihl' 1'llsI011lhoIlSt'. ll nl\'-
11 dlll,l' (Ill goods, 1\'/Il'('S mH I 111('1'- 10 hOIl,'1i \'j'''s('I'I l1I, d 1I1I111III'i7.('iI titOl'lll' found old t'(,(,Ol'ds thaI in-
ehundil;('s Impot'h'd ililo tiL(' " lIi\(,(1 hill' 10 oillllin 01' III hit'I' iJ(11l1s \/1' spit,t,t! him to \l'I'ilt, hi.~ LlllItJUS
~IIlI('s," was nll[ll'on'( \ 011 , I III~' ,I, ('1I1It' I'S fo,' h is 11"1', 111 1\ lI){ust of 1I(J\'~'1. , . 'I'ht, :;;('IIl'it" r,('I \I"'."
l7S!). Hil t! WllS Si~IIN\ h.\' !:('O)·j.!'I' t he' rolloll'illlt ,1'('11 1', ( ""lg)'I'SS IlP- 111 '1'1111111 i\ 1t-hilil'. 11111 hOI' of
'Vilsh i ng-t ol1 . Dutil'S 111'('(' 10 li., ('01 · jl,'opI'iJlh'tI $ 10.000 1'01' lh,' {'Oll- ·' J\ loll.\· Di.·]{" :1111\ 1I11Ill .\' oth(' I'
lect.cd "f rOIlI /111 11 lIft(' I' t hp li l's\ s l l'1wti(lll ,If 10 {·lIth' I·... tlu'lwlti ll - fnllllH IS wo l'l,,;, \I':If; 1111 im;]1(,(-jor ill
d ny o f August !l('X I {, Il SU illg-." ll ill ~ {If l il t , HI'I' {' II Il(' { 'lItl t ' I' ~t 'I'\'i(' 1' tilt' ~t.'\\' YOl'k (' I I.~tO lllI 10tlS(' 1'01' 20


tl'I'llllliOltal :1il·I)()I·I>.;. S{'aporls IllIti
1.101"(1.'1' tlllll illl('rior 1"I(/I·ls. ']"1(' 1\111-
jol"itr of thl'l1l 11I'C 10('111('(1 in ('US·
U.S. ,.,id.llh r.lurlling f, om .b,o.d .'. r.quir.d 10 m. l.
d.cI ... lioll of pu rcl,.,., .b.o.d. If Ih. pu,ch.,., withill
lim;!J 1.1. the C ulloml offic., do.. 1101 coll.c t d uty.
.r. IiJlllhollS(,s 11 11(\ appl'ai'if'I"s :<11II1'S.
APP1"lIi"!(,I"l' ('XHl1Iiu('. lIPJlI·lliso.' ant!
('Ia"",if.\· inlpOI'IS" ~I)('('illl l1!!I' III"
1lI"(' Ids!) t' ltlplll.'·!'.! ill lIt(' Xliii,' "
and ill flll"t'iJ,!1I {·OIlIlIl·j"_,, in illn .... li-
galin' 11I1d ,'111'111"('1'111"111 ('apllt'ili,".;:.
)1"11 in 1111' illl't'''Ii~llti\"t' fil'hl \Io"k
0111 of IIniftll'Hl ill ('il'il and "l'jJlli-
IInl I·a"'·... Enf"{lI"t" ' lIl t'ut of1i,'"I'''
1I,>';u1l11r WI ':1 I' IIIlifOI"lIl" 111ld IWI'-
fl)1'lll polir(' dllli('''. pl"il111l1'i1r in
(,OIll llalinl{ SlI111J,!g'lin)!.
A ru~t()lLtlllJl1'i(' i.. it huildillJ!'
",111'1'(' j!ood .. !till." hI' <'111",'('<1 ill' oil'·
Ih " 'I·(>(l. l'l1"' " nl~ l·olll'I·I.,d 111H1 IUli,]
111\(1 "(''i~('I~ t'ltlNt'l1 il1ld ('leal'N\. H
is llh' IlI"itu'ipl1l ullil'" nl lIlt' .\IIII'I'i·
l'lllI pOl'l ... III" i'llll'r t,wllt('il ill (h('
47 1'11",tom<; ili'ilJ'irt.;: of Ihl' l ' uil('i1
~11l1t's and ils 1t'I'l"iI01·il'S. Ea!'h
1'11<;lIIl11hol1"<' is lIIult'r 111(' "1111('1"
vi"ion (If 1I ('(Jllt'f'lm' flf ('1I"\I)I11S.
willi i ... appuilllN1 II." tIl(' " 1"('.. iil,·111
1I1lt1 :lI'J\I'HI"I',j 11.1' tIl(' :-;"Iwtt'. Thl'
~·('al"~. Tlili sallll'~' of *"1.00 n dl1~' tlll'(, in pr(,I'('lIlil1g' th., ('ntrr of ,lis· BItl'I'liu of (·u .. loms is hi'lulN1 hy
\\':1-; Inh'!" l·i,.1tH'I,.1 to :;;:l./iO a dll.\-. I'a"t'd :!uiutnl:-; II lid 1,1:1111 ... illl]llll'" III" {"lIlll1li""jlllll'l' or ("1"10111", wIll'
'I'll{' f:IIlH)lI~ pOI'I . Edwnl"ll At·- Sl't'.! ami Ilt'''II'llt"lil"l' inst'I'I"" \\'(' i" lI]1poilltt'f] 11\· III(' F-i1"·I"('IH1·1· of
lillg'lon Hohini'iotl. \1(lt'hd H~ n "111'- wilt untt' t,tlu'l' 11"1)('('1:-; or lilt' Bu- I Ill' "'1"'1111\11'.1" ' j'hf' illl'l1Il1ll('lll ('0111 .
1"I'au·.. rolt, 11'0 PI'''''',·I.II· as 11'1' h,ltl'lI mi" .. iolll'l· i>.; P hilip ~i(·hols.. iI'.
('illl lIf,:l'tlt al Ilw PI)I'I nf Xi'l\" YIJI'k
:11111 1"('<'1'in'd 1.00 :1 rln.\·.
.\lIollwl· 1'llIphIYf' III III(' {'1I"IOIII'
of it-; ":II'iou" st'I·I"ih'S.
TIlt' BUI'I'all nf ('1I .. lnllls (,IIIJlluy ...
Customs Is Big Op erotion

hlm"I' ill XI'\\, ,"OI·k \\,1I~ .\Iatlhl'w 8.~1 1 111('11111111 1\"01l1i'1I. ()III~' ~"':? .11' CllslulI111 :H'I i"ily i.. on I h(' lit ·
. \ . 11,'11"1'11. \Iho n('{,OIlIpnlli('d .\d · 11'111)111 \\'(II'k ill 1111' Ilisll'i"1 of ('II· {'1"('1l"" .n'H1'I.1·. a" mllli sll'ps up Ihl'
lIIil·:t1 Hollf'rl K 1'1'111'." III lilt' X1I1' lh 11IIIlhia ofli('('. 01111'1" {'II"IOIlli'i ('tII- PH('I' (If hi>.; :II'Ih-ilit's illllLi., lIIodl·t"1I
1'011', Thi", 'm II II' f'U",I01lthOl1s<' lut~ Jllo.l"t's 1)(,I'rOl"ll1 Ilwil' dulil'S 111 in- 1I'01'ld, Fi!-:"111'\'" for tilt' fiS'-'ld .,·t'llI·
1'1'1'(11"11" of ltlll ttifl's ts and ('nll'it'"
1"01' nll'I·I·lllllh l i.... (· illtpOI'I('d nn,l 1111 Speci" list in oti.nlel rug' m" k... • .. mination
tii'S p1lid IJ.\' I' I'PSit!i' lll (;(,O!'j.!'(' .0 d uly m.y be IIt.ne d. H. m ,, ~el d.ci.ion on
\\'af!hillj.!'ton. \ 'lll'inll"! pot'ls hilI(' $uch it.m. a. Iy p. of weave, grade of wool, .r·
lidry of de.ign, e¥en hardn." of tug'l ~ "oh"
1'('I'{JI'd" of" 1l1'j.!'OI in I iOlIS h.\· "'horn:I"
.h'(fI'I··lon and olh(,I' fllllWllS . \ !lIl'l'i.
('an 1)(,1~lIalili('s"
Ma in Functions of Bureau
TIH' mnin rUII("liultll tlr Ih" flll ·
1-':'1111 of ("hlnlll>'; 111"(' Ihl·/1"'--.<' ....... IIII'111
ilIu1 .·lIlt ....·,i.lI1 of 1·\Nlum .... III(' 111'1"
I"('nlioll uf f1":I1I.1 1)11 ,·u .. lll1l1'-; "1'1'1'-
11\1(' lint! Ill(' ]l1"('\'('nl ion of "IIIIII!
j.!"lil1)!. TII(' ]lul·Jln"!' .. of '·Ihluw ..
dutit· .. a 1"(' Iwo·fold: III!' l·lIi"i11l.[ of
1'('1'('1111(' ami III!' p I'nlt't'litJIl (jf
.\ ml'l·jI'Hu ilulusl1'i(''!. tlll't"t'h.'" "llf,'-
~wIl'diu/r 0111' t'('OU()t1I,'", Thu". \1(,
tlli'('t ('USIOiIl" ill OUI' pha<:<> or
I·tllt' II .. 1)I"()1;'f't(JI' of Ilu' p"llpll' I I
als(} III"()Ii'('Is till' 111':1 It II of nlll' .,ili-
Zt'll'! IIi HI IlI ti uwllif(' h.,' ('oolwmlillJ,:"
willi 111(' D('plll·tltleu t of .\ ~I·il·ul -


At f~ r I~H : New customhouse in
Boslon il hll lowe. buill e to p
o';giMI structu'e, which w"s "
' ",GII 6~ ilJ;t19 w;th ,i.
pi ll"",

AI left: Cuslo ms app'Gise.s in

Louil.ille, Kentucky, po,t office
eumine articles sh ipped into
t he U,S, from overse<'l' points,

I!JG2 siluw thnt ('HS1I1itIS Ollil'!'I'S (II WI'I'llIIlldis(' l'lillird lit *! )[ ~,­ 110 jll'oilibill't1 g'ood.", tile m('I'('lll111-
PI'Ol'('SS('\l ~)~,O;,7 ship Inlldill;!:i .j liR,O I ) \\'('1'(' II1111tl" Or I'IIIII'S(', SI)('- ilis(' is Pllss('il 1']'1'(' Ill' clut.\', D util'S
f]'o!!! f!lI'('i~J) ('()Hnl!'i~'.~; J7~, I r:G in- ('illl 11l1l'lItioli is l-!;iI'rll 10 shipllIl'lIls Iri l l he eoll('eted on it('J1\!o; ill ex('('ss
t('I'nnliolwl nil'pllllll'
III'1'inlls; U 10 Sol'il'l hlu(' ('(l\llIll'il's, ,\110- or lire IIlloWIIII{'\'. 1'111.' (,Xt'lllplioll
~]';!lltlt!lt;rJ of ~ .'U7K, 1 2n \'dli('Hlnl' g'(' \h(,I', ( 'lIsloll l" IWldl' (;,1',;:1 SI'i7.- 1'01' 1't'\lIl'llillg' 1'('sid('lIls i" $100,00
lind ll'ililll'l'ossin~s:l1 l:rll(1 bOl'tI(,I 'S, 11l'(,S or illr)!11 1 ('"pO l'ts nlltl illlplll'l~ Oil 1I1'li('I(':'I 1'01' Pl'l'sowll 01' hou:;('·
'I'h\, II\llllIH'1' of indiridllnls II ho :11 11 lot:il vl illl(' ~Ir * 1 :l,:.! I :~,7IG ill hold IlS{'-IWI to i l)('III<I(' 11101'(' li1ml
I)Hss(,ll lhl'lIl1g-11 CUsl0lJIS :rIIIOlltll('(t fiSf'II1 I ~)(j~, 0111' I!lllloll of 111('olwli(' 1)('\'(,I'llges
tu 1:"i7 ,70 1,!lR1, H lIl'('1111 olTi"iHls JH'I' :l1so 1'11- :Ult! 11101'(' tllHll 100 ('ig'III'S,
.\11 ships, llil'plnll(,s, 1('hit,II's :111,1 Il'lIstl'.] wi t h C'Olltl'Ol l illg' tli p illl-
Inspedors Are WeI/-Trained
itHliddw l ls Ill'l'il'ilt~ itl Ihis {'()H1I- ]11)1'1 of pn l l'1l1NI lind t1'iI,II 'IIIIII'l.:('d
11',1' fl'OIlI II fl)!"'ig'1I Innd 11I1ISI 1'('- 1I1'li('I('s: 1)lII'1'in~ lott!'t',I' til'l;!'ts, 'I'hi' in>;l'('I'tUl' ill till' hlul' lllli-
po]'t 10 I filiII'll SIHI('" ('lIsloIIIS, IIh~rl'lI" 1Il'lil'lrs 1I11<1 plIlrlil'lI li'UIS: 1'01'111 is 11'\'II-II':lhH'rl fOI' his w('l'k,
,\11 im]lMII'd goods, wlif'li)('I' lilf',v SI'I'l'l'rlilllJ,' ('ommllnisl lWI)]lll lJ,'lIl1lln: i.~ Ilhl(' to "ppl'lli~(' llH'I'I'I\I\1\{!isl',
;)1'1' ,IIlI,I--I'X('ll lj)1 fll' Ilifl lIIHll'('g':II'lt- rlll'lIl'l'ill;,:' FI.H't' il!l1 i\.~sl'l.~ ('(IIIII'fll lImx II I'HIIII' 1)I1>11'd 011 ('111'1'('111 1'1)]'-
I('.'(s of \'111111', Ililist hI' P I'()I'!'SS('(j 11,1" l'I'l!lllntions; PI'('VI'111illg' till' illl'lJ,':rl ('ig'l1 11111l'hl pl'iC'(' lisls IIml IIpp I.I'
\'llslnIllS offir('l'S, r'wilolils nls(l ('Oli- illl]1(l1't IIlId r"pIII'I of WillI: I'PI.ds- tl l(' rOt'I'('('t illl]lOI't dllty, I lr (':111 -
Il'ols all ('xport slliplIII 'lIlS willi Ihe tNittg' nl1l1 tlorurllf'lll iIIA' ('('",,('Is Ilot, :IS is ('01111110rrly h('i il)\'('ll, ~p<)t
('X('I'plion o f nwil shi]lIl1!'tll" \\'l l il'h nllt! ('()()11I'1'1I1illg' wilh tlll' ( 'OIISt n SlllllJ.n.dI'I' jnst hy lIPJW;)1'1I11('(',
111'1' Ilw l'I'SPOIlSihilil,V of till' Post (;lInl'd 10 {'Il S\ll'i' tlili l surl't," ]'('- IIJlhnll)!h III' 11III,\' fk\'I'lop ;) sixlh
OITiee Dl'llal'tlll('lll, 1I111 1011g-11 ('\IS Ijilil'l'llIl'rds 111'(' IIII'! hi,I'III 'I' 1', 'ssl'ls S(,I1S(, \\'iti('h :]1'(ltlS(''' lJis sH"piriolls,
IUlns in sppdol's ))(' I'illili(':r1I,I' ,:'(_ lit'(' (,lrlll'N1 !lllrl 10 n('('I)\lIlt fOI' ('1'1'1\'
'1' 111'11, III' 1Ililst follow tlrl'OHg'h on
nmiJ\(' inl(,I'Wl liOllllllr-i>O\llItl n lilil l!lf'TIlI)(' I'S (III t hril('ll Slli1,'s I'(,sseis llis slIspi('iol1S 1111d 111111,(' 11 I hOT'OlIg'h
iiI d(, t p('! lin d t() ill'l' l'rnl I'illinlioll;; 1'('(l1l'lling f l'()!11 Ol'I'1'Sl'll:-l tl'i ps, )$1'111'1:11 of the ":i\Il;Pl'tl mat his bug'-
of ('xpol'l control l'pg'1I 111 I i(lIlS hy ~:1J.!:('-('\'I'l1 l'mployilllJ,' Ille IIS(, of
EI'I'I',I' 1'('I'SOIl (,1I11'I'illg' 01' 1'(" ·
m:rill'l','1, till' imqw('to:;eop(', II lri~]I - po\\,(,I'Nl
1'IlIl>r'illg' IIII' rOIlIlII',I' IIlIlsl III1Ikp 1111
X - 1'1I~' d{'I' i('(' Ulnl 1'('I'('lIls tll{' ('011-
('llsloms in1>]){,\'I, o)'S SJ 101 ,1,11\'1'1, "1'111 11 ' '1' 1''1'.'11 i' lIl (s l il l i(1 lill' I'X-
It'llls of nil PIICkllg'CS, Wl';lpped 0]'
g-oods to 1)(' ('"por,lt'll ill 01,(11' 1' 10 lWl'inlrrrlll1 SIIIg'(', ors .'xplll iIlNl
vt'l'if,l- th:lt tll(' 1Ilf'I'1'IHlIl(1i:;1' i~ 11S IlI t rl') ())' l illiSI fill out n f'lIs1 01l 1:-l
Il lspN'IOl':;' slIspieions 11:1I'e pllid
dOf'lIl1H'll l {'d, I Il~Pf'('III!'~ 1l1Ilk~' tl]('~I' rOI'lll ImOll'l1 liS 11 "hng'g'lIgr (l ('(,lnl'll-
(':-:1111lilllltiollS Oil lh(' hnsis of ilrsti·
(ln' 1111111,1' lin1{'s, '[',,1\(', fO!' rX:ll1lp]I',
lion" 011 whi('11 hI' 111\1~t li..;1 nll
tl](" rnsi' of tll (' WIlli lind llis wif(,
rwtiOll, ('x pol'I(»', ('()nsi~III'(', 1,1' )1(' III' l11('I'l'hnllilisl' 1If.'(rril'l'fl olltsi,lr till' \\'110 Wl'l'{' l'l' tUl'Ilirrg' fl'011l ) f ('xico
(,(lllinIOdil,v 01' sJliJl!l1rlll~ Illlll 111'1' t l ni l N l RtHI('s II11(lllw IImnl1l1l ,,:d(1. witll ti]("il' tJII'I'{'-1I1()IJ l h oM irrl'urrt.
lil(('I,I' to inl"(ll\'{, I'iol:l l ions, WII!'I1 11 (' PI'l's('lIls 11 1(' 11('I'I:II'lIliol1 wit II 'I' lli' in:;pr(' tlll"S intuiliun 1('11 10 :r
goods b(' ill~ 01' :Ihulit to hI' illq,l'l1ll.\' hi~ ltllJ,'g'llg'e f or l'xllndllllliol1 h,I' n lJIOI'I)IIg'h Sl'IlI'('h I\' ili('h 1'('\'('/II('(] 10
O;pol,t('(l 111'(' dis(,()I""I'l'(l, till',\' HI'C ('lIs t OIt1 ,~ in~pI '(' t {1t', I f lir(' HI1Wllnt 1';)I'tUH(,j Il'S or m:ll'ih\w n a-in the
s('il.{'(l by Cllstoms OI'fi('PI'S, !J II I'ing- of pur'{'lllIs('s dOl'S lI ot pX('I'pd t hc huh,v's dilqwr, '1'111' fn t lrel' \I'IlS IIc1d
fisca l 1!JG::l, 2S~ seizures or expOI'll; CX('11I p t ion HlluWlItlCC :lIlt! Ilrcl'e m'c ill tlcl'nliit of *]0,000 hn i J.

R('{'l'lItl.v, fI plllillC'lOlh('s IlOrl ill-
\"(''j:ti~alol' at Idll'wild ( l\('\\' York
Inl(,l'l11ltiOllal J\i rpol't), with 110
lI{k:lII(>{' in fOl'mnlioll nlHl jllsl P, •• id.nl hft ordar.d
":u,t ill!;!, 0 11 11 hllll('II," haltl'(l 11
sllspi('iollS, lookilig ml111, look him
rulu w,iv.d for C.,,·
tom. appoinlm.nl '0. . ..... _.,
..,,-, ...,,-_
M~lIh. w Hen,on. who

,-_..... ...
1IWlI,I' 1111(1 St'HI'('ht'cl him, 'I'h(' ('d·
.!('IIC,t' -lin' kilns of (>Q('aillt' "Oil -
('1'111('11 on tht' man 's PI' NIII, I n('i
h.d .e.v.d .... ith Admi •• 1
Pea.., fa. "ll .,..,r"
w. nl to North Pol,.
. ".... , .. -..

d('utaH,\', 1'(1111(' of Ihl' hi!!!!I'sl (':N' . .

in IIii' lIi";IOI',\' of III(' CII"tOIl1't ~(,I'\'
i('(' h:IH' 1)('('11 M,izlll'I'''; at Itl lI'wild

TIl(' majol'it,\' of l't't 1I1'llill~ .\ 111('1'· ......

, .. r
_ ••• n

...... -. ......
.. r __ ._" . . . .,."


too .... "

......... -
~ ........ ,

;(':111" 111'(' It()lll'lil 11'11\1'11'1'S \\ho II;I.\" ...................

'-'f ....
-....... .... . ,,,..
Ilwir ('II'!tOfl)'! Iilllh,'! 111'1 1!ood (,iii
.. .. .' ,.....,...
, I.

,,- -....
ZI'I1'! :lilt! who do Ilot Iltt('mpt In "
SIlIlIg"!-.dI' !!ooils. 11 0\\,('\"('1', ll~ ill , ,.-,.

1111111.\' 01111'1' fit'llls. it'" 111111 .~Itlall

1)('1'('1'111:1):(' ,,1' II'lIn' lpl's \\'ho (,I'(,HII'
I hI' hl'lIdneh('s. h('lll'III('II('" 1Hld 11111'11
WI)]'k. )11111,1' olli('illl" hal'(' g'in'u
tlll'il' HI"t''t ill till' IiII\' of 11111r. and
IlJaIl,\' t'uf()l'('('1lI('1I1 uffiN'I'" hnH' hm!
I f) kill !HIIII)!I:t:It'I'S ill j!UIl h n tt) f''I.
, ..... ,. •
In Ilddiliull to itt'IIl'! Ihal 1I1il."
IIII! hi' hl'OlI)!hl ililo til(' ('11\11111'.'-. Ch." .. Arthur, who
Ihf'I'I' is n li,,1, <11'11\\' 11 1IJ1 h.\· ('(111 became 21st U.S. Pr ..i.
dent when G ..fi.ld ......
)!I,('s.". of ~O,OOO ilt'tn'l or da s.S(''! o f
...... in.t.d. wu mad.
ill' llIs Ilwt 11111,1' 1101 I .... illl])fll'\('ti Ne .. York cuolom. col·
w ilhoit! pn.l'Ilif'II! of dill y, It i'l leeto. , .. Ii .. in hi.
h"li('wel ll1nl. :11 mit' lilll!' 01' :111 .ho.t. ,to.my c......
Even though Preside,, ' ,
olh"I·. stllllf'Onf' hul'l II'it'd 10 SIIIIII-!Ult'
he w" not "nomin"ed
illlCl IIIl' ('()l1l1ll'y 11101'11 or thl' ilt'III" 10 lucc.. d him.. tr.
ntl Ihi .. Ii . . !. ~1II1Ig',d('l"S 111'(' 1i1lhl('
to filii' allll )"('lh'I'nl im])l·i-;ol1lllt' llt. ,
Smugglers' fo vori,es
'I'hl' 11,,'('(' i\{' III1'1 Ilwl 111'{' most .16.
oi'It'1l S1tl1l~I-tINI illlu !Iu' 1'()\l1I1!·."
10(1:1." 111'(' diallwlHl s, 11('I'oill ( 1111'
II'<I'!I Imlk ,v 1111(1 1110'11 "Iilllnhll' rV1"1l1
of IWI'I'(ltle,;) nlld wlIIl'h 1110\'('- ~ · A~.t.-.4&.

L.., "- ~........a::n'O" or......" cru.TO....
- ' I ''-':'' ""~ -t-""+
_.t.. '-~_~_. --IJ.
_. ....,,-r
..J --_J.I.w., .... ~ ..r-_
Cu,lom, 8u,..... eti.ity I.k •• m.ny fo.m •. ""'-1'-- ........ J. " - ~~..:..:t-"J. ..._
..,.... -
Balow • 8u ..... d,.mi\! i, ,n,IYling .,mpl•• #- ,.J/~_..:...J~ __
of il1'9al dopa ta k.n f.om , .mug91••.
F,med no •• lis l H.,man
Mel.ille of " Moby Did" .....,. . -'-",,~ ;., ,......,.
'.me, wn • cu.lom, in. -..J .. ....,...-;....,.,.. .. -I"r-''' ~ ~
.peclo. in New YOtt "'-I
C ertific.te of appoinl.
mel'll i" 1891. i, slill
0" fiI, in 8u .. ,u.
. )"1" _____

_ - ' _ _ /,/AI
~ ..:.6.-~
- . . . _ _ ....
... ___
! _.....,. J

_~ IC/r~/..,/J
Ill{'ll l s, ' ''a\('ll nnd ilin i llulill ~11I11g:· 11' 111' 11 Ilho\.1t (,IIS10IllS I'cglllllliOllS 011 II fUl'{'ig'1l NU ll l!',\' OIl yom' d ecllll'n·
~1{,I's ('XpOI't bhll,lHll1l rkt'l gold to ~'Olll' hOIIj('I\'u l'(I·hOll nd tl'it), 'l'lle l ioll, T his Itlllsi inrlwlr nil gifls
pay 1'01' (l1(' i l' illl'g-:Il i1l1POl'!S, Bun'llu prints hel p fu l plllllphlots, lill d ilcms ,you III'C hl'i ll ~illg' 110011'
\\'nl('lt tnO\'('lllf'l1!S, ~i1\e{' tlH'y :ll'C nl';lil:lhl" fl'('~' of ('11I1q,( c ;1 1 lilly lit Ihe 1'C(jlH'St of olhl'l's lind nil
so smnll, elln 11(' t'lIl'!'it,d Oil thc ('IISlolllll(lII"t.' 01' fl'onl Ihe B UI'cot! PUl'tllllsCS following' h,\' lIlail.
])('I'S()11 11,\' 111(1 lIun(\I'('(ls 01' hld<l('ll or ('11Sl tll1lS, \\'nshing-tOll ~r), I ), C, Clolllcs jllll'('llllSl'd ;'iltd wOl'n (l UI"
1I('l1illll rnlsc PIlI1\']:.1 ill n~h il'lt"'; by '1'III's,' ill(,llltie: " ( '11"'0111:-1 I l int'l ill~ yOU!' I !'ip, 11(>11' C'<!IlI('I'IlS 01' ot Iiel'
til{' Ihol1slln d s, 1\))' H('llll'nillg' Hl'"irli'nls 01' Illc Hl't i('I,'s tllnt han:' been pUL 10 IISC
An in t (l l"lWlilllwl, nOIl 'pl'ofit, I ' nilNI SI:ltt's," " [l uI\' '1'0 R!dp 111'(' still suh,kct to dut,\' on youI'
hbJ(,I' ·1J 11I1"I, ('t ill,~lill1tiOll wil l inslIl'(' l1nil f' d Stntt's 'l'ulll'isls' I'UI" 1'(' I I lI'n,
slIlllI-Q,ril'!'s' di,llllnlids nl ,I ]!1'I,tlliulll "JlIls,'s, " · ' l 'lIS 1<HII" l)oillll'I'~ " Sm'c ,\'OU I' I'('('cipl.s fOl' lIll pm',
tlllli \',11'\"); fl'Oltl ;11/~ 10 7 IWI'('I'l1t, " I Il'~istnlti())1 ,,j' F ()I, .. iltll . ~ I ;]dt, (,III1S('f; nnd lIssig-n Ihe Ii'll{' pricc to
bUI IWI't:oli('s SIIIU).I,'",I(' )'" ('111111111 ill· ,\ 1'1 il'I,'~," <, Wll,\' OI)t'll )o;\'el',\' ('\'PI'Y :Il'li('I,' lislt'(\ on ~'Oltl' t\C'c]a ·
SIII'C Ih('i )' {'(lnsi~nllu'llls, I I is \w· Ba;..r" lIlllI "l'll"lollls 11 illl": I'UI' I'lI l iol1, I f yOIl ""n' t snpp Ol-t
('omin~ mol'C d ilii(,tli l 'IlH1 d,III!!,I' I" :\')IIJ','>;i,I('llis of the 111lilt,.r ~ I H I ('s." ,\'(HU' clet'lnl'<llions with depclldahlo
OtiS 10 slIlu~I,d(' IWI 'roti('s, liS Ihree '1'1\('1'(' al'O ('x('('pl ions lIlld ('Nlnin pl'IlIlf, tllC rlistollls OmCN Itwy ilp·
1l';lvrlf'l'S fl'om 11f'xil'0 ktll'II(,(\~ tillll' lillli[" l u Iltl' dUl,\·fl'('(' ('Xt'Ill])' ))I'lIis(' IiiI' it('I1I.~, us i ng' his \11).10·
Ihe ItIIl'd W1I ,\', 'I'h(' inSpI' ('IOI' (,111'('\,· t iOIlS so 111lI 1 ('11th 11'11\,(,11\1' shou ld dlllC' ])]'i('(' l ists I'l'om fOl'C' ign
ing tlll'il' 1';11' Ih' l t'(, \ ('(1 II fnllliJi:l1' I1llIb, i l his hUsillt'ss 10 find oul nil Itlal'kC'ts, Aho\'(' all, dOll 'I n(-('C'pL
Od OI', I I is f;(,l1,'«' of SI\I('l1 pl',ln' d Ill" rl'!,('ulntioll", P i,'I, Ill' 1)1' Inile 1'1I1sC' ill\'oi('(·s. SoniC' lHC'I'{'h;lllls ~IIP'
k('t'll, us II(' tr;]I'('I(\ Ih(' 0(101' 10 111(' 1'01' 1111' lIho\','· Jisl"d ]llllllpltl" t s; if pl,\' pholl,\' ,"lIlc':-I fllipfl to II',\' to Il('lp
('Ill' pnlH'ls nl1(1 1I is('o\'(,I'('0I 11 ill doubt. IIsk q\\('sliolls of ,\'OUl' \l)lIl'ists, SOIt1(, s;lI~'s('lcl'ks makc
pOIllHl s of l111l1'illllillill ('ompl'('ss{'d 11I'1II'(\S\ ('uslVl1ls oliieill)", I II fo\'· 0111 falsI' salt's s1ip~ Jllld tlwtl
in to firc IJ)'iebs, t' i;,tll ('ountl'il's, ('I1.~IOIIIS 1,,'pl'I'S\'llln· JJolil',\' ('u.~lol!ls oflieili lsi infol'ln(' I's
tin'S 111'(' nUlI(,h('d 10 ('lIllmssii's 01' 1'('(,"1\"(,2;; )I('I'('('nl (up 10 $!)O,OOO )
Alter Techniques of tliC' snl('s 1)1'icc of !{oods,
{'onsll l ntl'.';.
SIll11I{KI(lI'S oft"11 (,11;1111'(' Ilw\i' B., 011 IhC' lookou\ 1'01' )'('Sll'i(,t('cl 8 e Prepared
tC'C'hniq 11f' " :111d Ihr ;ll'liell'>; III(,~' itt'lIlS II'h('11 s!ioppill!,(' 11\)1'0;)(\. ( hlOds
al'r sllllll,q..rlin!! ill 0]'(\('1' tn ('111(10 Lnst. \jilt 11(11. ienst, ht' pn: plll'C'(\
b,'ul'ill!! c(,l'llIill Il'ndl'lIl:ll'ks IW\Y
('uslOlllS oITi(,inls, '1'111',1' 111"0 Wilke 1'01' ('lIsl(llllf; ofli('ia\s Oil YOU!' 1'('IIlI'/1
1I0t hI' impO)'tNI.
U~C' of 111('''S(,Il!!('I'S, <0;0 Ihn ! tiley - il \\' il1 1)(' {,llsi!'I' 1'01' th!'!11 1I11d
lhC'lIls('lI'C's ('!lUlIol hl'l"lIl!!ht. \I' ,\'011 1II'i' plnnnin!! t o Illk(' II !'Hsi(']' 1'01' yOl!, I f yO\l hlll'(, krpt
fOl'l'ig'II-IIHld(' ill'ticll' IIO\\, in ~'O l1r ;1 1'llIming- llt't'Ollnt Ill' ~'O\ll' Pill',
l)iplollwts, sil1('(' th{'y !'l1jOY im·
I)(ISS('s"ioll willi ,\'011 011 ,\'1\11 1' trip, "hasl's, ,\' 11!1 will hil\'C' 110 II'ouble
mil 11 it,\' fl'om 11111il'" nlHI fl'om hng·
1'1'g-iSIl'1' it 111 ,\' ()Ul' lIt'III'P,,1 ('11~tonIS ('t)ll! [)I('t ill;..r yOlll' dt'('IH 1',1 1iOIl COl"
!!a~(' i11SllN'Iion, sOll1('lillll'S 1'l'('n t C'
pl'ohkllls. ..\ 11'0, Stllll!' N)lIIIII'i(',~ i'l' {'(lllt-c'lol"S om"" Ifl'f()I'l' ,\'0)1 1 It';]\'(', 1"'('1 1,1' :111(1 hi 11 illillillllllll of time,
f;UP fliploillal ip PilSSP()I'1.~ 10 IWI'SOIIS , 'nll'ss YOII Iw\'(' PI'OOI' of wllf't'c ,\ ss('JIlhl{' 1111 IW('ipIS nl1(l, if pOs·
\I'ho tlo nol !I1I\'(' tiip!o1llnl i(' im· iIIld 11'1)(' 11 ,VOtl Ill'qllil't'd t ll(' HI'liel !', sihl(', pnrk ,\'tIll I' O\'NSrIIS plII'chasC's
111I11Iil,I', ,,'(HI IId;..rht 11:1\'(' 10 pn,\' dlll,\' (III it ill It Sill/!It bill! 01' nil IOI!C'tllC'I' ill
II'ltt'll ,\'OU n]'(' I'C'·('ntering' til e ('01111· UIII' s('{'tion or ,1'Olll' sl1it('as(' \l'hc l'f.~
It wOllld 1)(, lIi('(I if I'\"I'I',I'IUH' ('11·
tl'Y, tlll'Y an' i'llsily ohtaiJlnhle 1'0\'
t('1'ill!! Iht' ('OIll1tl',\' ("fOpt'l':llrd wilh
cusloms offi('il1ls ns 011(' ~(,lll\(lmnn I .ist c\"cl'rlhin~ you llcquil'cd ill
fl'om (',l!1:1fb c1ie1. WII(lI1 the \\" h:lt is Customs doillJ.! 10 I1W],C'
l'olltill{' cxnmillllli'111 of Iii!! rnl' l i l'l' C':lsi('t, 1'01' the U'n\'I' lel' ! 0111'
I'C'\'('It!I,(l ;1 down 01'nnl!i''', t hc PI'Oj('(."1 nlt'C'ml r un(\(,l'Il'll,\' is the
11';1\'('1(,1' wns to\{1 thnl l)C'pIIl'tmrnt im!lI'O\'illj.! of Illc ph,I'"i('al condi·
or l\ !!I'j('ultu)'l' !'I'gnlntion"l fOl'hi(l tions of PlIssC'l1gel' Ill't'l)>: fli piNS
thC' impOl'lntioJl of (JI'lll1!!('S ;1Il(] that IIlid Idl'POl'lS, Going thl'otl~h L'lIs·
fllt' fruil \\'ollld l'iilH'I' hnw 10 he I Ollls is eVC'l' >l0 much 1l1OI't' pJellsnnt
(\(>stl'o,\'('(1 01' 1'('tlll'IIN1 to ('non(\n, now that lhesC' 111'('IIS hll\'(' hc'en
A ft(,I' 11 mOIll('III's I hOIl!!ht. I he ('I"lln('(l , fl'('sl1l,\' pai1lted 11lid 11I11\l e
g(,l1llplI11111 h<'l!lI11 pC'('lin!! IhC' 10 look mOl'C' (,I1('cl'1'ul. I ,i!!hting
Ol'nng:<'s, li p Sill ill his (1111' IInlil S,\' f;IC tl IS II:I\'(' l)(lt'li iIlIPI'O\'('(1.
he hnd ('111(,1l nil t\\'l' I\'(I: l !wn, 1)('1" 'l'IIl;[cs hll\'c h('C'n IH'OI' i,kd, so that
mi~sioll ~I'I I III('(l. \1(1 1'1'0('('1'.1,'" on \OUI'if;l s no 1001g'l'I' Im\'\' t o slOOP
his 1I'i[l 10 Illr llllilNI ~1:1\('f;, ')\,('1' ;]Jl(1 opell their l ngg;Ig'(' 011 the
\'rl'\llIpS ,\'011, lil;p IIlnn,\' I'af'nl ion·
nlindl'd .-\lll(,I'il'lIl l<O;, Ill'r pt"lInin~ 1\ 1I0th(>\' innowltiOI1 is IhC' "PI'(I·
:1 tl'ip llmt will 1111;(' yO\l 011 1 of t ho ('I('lll'nnce" systcm 11011' in (If(,'('1 in
eOI1t1tr,\' and 11'1l1I1(1 ,lpPI'('('illl(' II T omllto, 01.1<111':1, Bt' I'II11111a ll11d
many wc'nd'ers NnssHII, whr !'{'hy ellstollls inspce.tol'S
f('1\' "lips to 11't1I'(' )(')'>;," I"il,~t of
ull, I'Clll cm!JC'I' thlll it il; too l:!te 10 Give The United Way (Contirmcd on j)(/!JC 21)


The Shorter Work Week
W I'l' 1I rhf' ;IH'I'I':I'«' or 1111Iolll111i(.U IItHl till' alIlJ"lIi- 18EW CONTRACTS WITH WORK OF LESS THAN FORTY HOURS
ill),: "lilt' of 1I1U'llIpiuYIIIt'Ili. 1I1'J,!mli;w'] 1:11,,)1' j..; Local Union Company and/lr Location Hours Worked
Illot'.' llIH] 111\I1'P ~'I'killJ! uddiliultal juh" n1ll1 SI'I'II1'il,'
111('11"111"'" fill' il"1 1I11·mht'l~. (1,11' of till' "11"\IH!"~1 ;111;'
CGnstruclian Industry
most ,-I1\·,-';n' \II'npOl1s Hj.!lliu-!1 1l111-lIlpl",nW'1I1 ;111,1 1 SI. louis, MissourI 371 /,•
tho"" ('«"j-,,, of Hulomatioll \']li,·I, 111',- ,ll'ldl'I';"I1"'. i... 3 New York. New York 25
IIl1- "IUII'II'I' 11"111'1.. \\I'I·k. 1'/11' lut.-l'lwli<llwl Bl"IItIU-l'ilIM.d 25 long Island, New York 35
ur EI,'.'lr';,-;!! \\"or'kl'I''' 1m ... lak'-/I a fi"lIl sl:ulIl in t'n\'lll' 102 Paterson, New Jersey 35
"f 1111' ... 1UII'II'I' \\1'['1. ami 11111-l"1l11lillll111 "n·"j,h·111 I;t"" 134 ClllcagO, Illinois 35
dnll \f """'1'1111111 hils iUslr'luolt-d all 11I1"1'I1:1IiUlI;II li,'p 164 Jersey City, New Jersey 35
11''','II1:lli'I'''1 lind l'IH'Olll'HI.wd 1111 lm-al UlliulI". to pI" ....... 262 Plainfield. New Jersey 35
for' "I,dlU'I'd houl's Will, .m d"i'rI':I",' ill pay, ill :111 269 Trenton, New Jersey 35
'I('~(ltinljll~ S('''SilJlI'l, \\'h"'II'n'" 11 ,"1 wlw""\-t'" po""ihl." 292 MInneapolis, Minnesota 35
363 New City, New York 35
Convention Action 211 Allantic City. New Jersey 35
F"II"II!"!! i'l I III' 1'(':-;(lI,.lioll 011 11,1' "SirIl1'IN \\'(lI'k
215 Poughkeepsie, New York 35
\\'",'k" adOpl(',1 It.\' {JUl' ], l uIiI/'('HI ( 'OIlH'Il.ioll:
Public Utilities
\\' II Ell I':, \ ~. It 11'IIS :::;11111\11'1 nOlllp!""', for'II','" I" "'"i,
df'lIt of tlr!' ,\ Y. of L .. who s:tid ",\ " 11I111! ilS IllI"'(' io; System Council UlOILoc,Is 140, 142, 144, 147, 148,
11 111:111 ,"11 of wo,'k tli(' hOlll's of 111110,' ill" Ii)() 1011:'::"; 149) Duquesne Ughl-f'ittsburgh,
Iln,1 Pennsylvania 37lh--Cterical
\\'11 E I {I-:.\ ~. \\'ith hU'lillt'''-s 1111t1 filllllll'" ('Xp" .. il'IW' 1381 long Island Ughting- long Island
ill!! 11114' (If lis g'I1'II1(>,,' hoolll". 11'(' 1111' :""'1 !'XIIl'I'I"IH'ill,!! New York 371fl-Clerical
Ilw j.l11·/11 pal'mlnx of 0\'('1' fllUI' l1Iillifili IIlIf·llIplu.n·d 1956 EqUItable Gas- ,Pittsburgh,
wlll·kl'I ..... ; all,l Pennsylvania 371h-Cterical
\\, I It-:HE. ' ~, 'I'1,i" 1I11t,ltlpln.\'IIlI'lIt P'11111t'l1l i" IIl'illl!
1I1·{'{'!t'I'Jllt'" 11.1' va"t 1I'l'I'llnlng'I(,1I1 (,IWIIg'I'" tllkill!!
ph"'I', II it II 1Un('hilll'~ 1'''pl1l1'illj! 1111'" 111111 IUIIlI"1l ill 3 New York-Various contracts covering
1111 wlrlk~ Ill' IiI',', Ili l h 11 ('I,tII,1 illll'll1'l 1\1l III()~" \Ih(l~" approximately 2O,m workers 35 10 39
"kill'l /lll"" g'''I'(' 1111'11' n S"""(' or s"('III'i l \': :tIl,1 1296 Triangle Conduit and Cable- New
Wrrl': I{E ,\ ~, '1'11(' tlU"illl'SS \\,11,111 IIIIS inil(',II,' 1""" BrunSWick, New Jersey 37lh-Female
'Will lillY Sl)IlIlt! JlI'()]lllsnls 10 (' III'Inil IlIJl"~ 1II1I'Ulpl ..,\" 1710 Triangle Conduit and Cable-E! Monte,
1I!t'nl, it 1'('lI Wi"" 1'01' o l 'l!n"i~('d 1" IIIJl' 10 ii"d II", ~(Oll1' California 37'h-Female
lioll: ;tlld 1783 Francis Earle laboratories-Peekskill.
\\,III'; l n;, \ ~, L ()('IJI :\ (If 1111' m E \\, Ill' :\"'11 rlwk, New York and Buchanan, New York 37th
1111(1\'1' III!' 11'1ltlt'I'Slrip of It m!II!'I' \'1111 , \ ,'~dnl(', l'll'l 1803 Sylvania ElectrIC PrOllucts-
"howl1 illithlli,'" Hilt! ""SOll1,(,,'fullll""'" ill :llIiIf'kill/! Ihi~ Nelsonville, Ohio 37'h-female
IU'lIlrh'l1I ,If ('ill'll11il' 1IIl1'mpin,\'1I11'1I1 h,l' fi1.dltin!! to "", 1922 PyramId Instrument C<lmpany-
tI1l('(' IIII' hOIll'S !If 1111101': t]l1'J'dol'(' hi' il lynbrook, New York 38-Clerical
In;Snl,\' I,;n, '1'11111 Ihis ('OI'I'!'lIlillll pl"tl!!" ih(,lr 10 1998 Westinghouse Electric-Reform,
II"" IIIl' full 1'(''''"11''',''' of IlIi-; 0I')!1lllil':ltioll II) Iwlp Alabama 371/2
]willg' :t1,,,1I1 IllI' "lwl'It'" wlll'l. \\('('k \\ilhulIl 11'''· 1','dw', Olhers
liull in IIlk('·holllt' ]In,\', ,lIlil (1\11' 11Il('I'll<lliulI,r!' ()/Ti('I'I'S
1'1(('0111'11),:-1' nlll'ln('lIll1l1iulIS It) 1I('g'Olilllt' 1'01' til(' -;11111'11' 1'
827 New Jersey Bell Telephone-
New Jersey 371h-Clerical
1\'01'1;: \\"1,1, i" 1'111111'(' 1'g'I'I'I'IIII'III,,: 111111 h(' it ftlJ'IIII'"
H ES I)I ,\'E I)' '1'11111 lh('n,llt, ]ltlhli-;III'II itl 1l111',I/Ti('inl
26 Evenrng Star Washington, D,C. 37\',
,10[' 11 \'.\1 " Iwil'I' ,\'('111'1,1' 1111 11111101' mil 111'111] 11)(':rls
26 Washington Post Washington, D,C, 37 112
226 Capper Publications Topeka, Kansas 37\',
Ihal hll\'t' l1.'dU('I'd Ilwi!' l'I'/!IlIIl" \Iork \\1'1']'; In ",""
Ilmll -10 !to\ll... Hiltl Ihal 1111' I'dilol' rlln ;1 ~" .. jl'" Ill'
1212 WMCA New York. New York 32
1241 WIBG Ph,ladelphia, Pennsylvania 32\',
"I,lI'il'" on the II('('(',,-~il,l' of ""III"'iu!! 1111' IIUI'kill!! hllll1'S
ill Ill'dl'l' 10 I,'<IU('I' UJ;I"S IIIH'III]1I'I;'-'IIl"1I1
1212 WADO New York. New York 32\',"
1212 WPM Paterson, New Jersey 34
\\\' UIlW IU'iug' ,HHi 11 list of I B E\\' 1III,:t! l111ioll"
wilil'lI UtiII' 11111'1' 11/:1'1'1'1111'111" \\ hid, P"II\ idt' 1'01' Jt. .....-; Forty six other broadcasting agreements provide work weeks of 35 to
IIWII 11 to,hOll l' \l'OI'k w('('k, Tllis li,,1 j" llill ('(IIlII'II,It, 37'h hours, in most cases as the result of a paid meal period.
nud In' will plIhl ish slIbSt'lt'H"" lisls 1",1'(' ill 1111' Pllg'('''! • Effective 1965_
uf rUlli' ./OI/1'/w/ns , It'\\' ('UIII I'nds 1"'1wh (1111' olli('(', ., Effective October 18, 1964, Current work week is 35 hours.


l1nil('o Stille!; has not 1)('('11 rxtl"ll\,-
Protector of The People n~wllt ill tla.' lise of l'OlllnH'1lI01'l\live
(Continued [roil! poyt 2:2) slnlllps !H. a fII('allS oj" l'ccog-llilioll
ot sNvic(' to OUI' pcoplc, IWl'Iwps
examine llnd d enl' tOlll'is(s'lmj!g-ng-c Custor)]s on 11I'llill1" MIlle e\"N-in- I'ig:!ttfllll,v. 110\1'0\'('1", it. SI'l'lIIS Iu lllP
Oil the spot, so 111l1t, 11'11('11 till'." Ill'· ('I'('asill~ I1lltllbl'l' (If I'isil(fl"s 101 0111' 11ml OUI' Cllstoms Sl'I'I'il'l', II hil,h Iws
]'jyc ill the Uuit(·d StaIrs. 111(' tO\ll', shOl·cs. 1)('1'11 doill~ II llwgnHi('('llt joh ill nd-
ists silll[)l.v !lte r oft the plllllC nnt! One lllf'llIh('I' (If {'UIIg:I'('SS, Hr-)1I'c- rll inish'ring- and l' II I"Ol"cin~ 0\11' ('0111-
conlin1l(l 011 th('il'I)(,I'~Ollill I)u .. inr't'l sentntil'(' .Iolnl ,J. BtH)]W,\' ( ll .. pl('~ t,ll"i1i Iml's, t'UllIiJlItillg" Sllltlg"-
Cll~t(lrlls. 11S 11l('l!lioll(\(llJridl,\', is 7':. y ,) IHis intl"odllt'NI n hill, \\'hieh g"ling-, ns:-;h;lill{t Illillly othel' lllil l'<1
:11so (,Xllt't'il1l\'lllill~ with ill'nl, ill_ IHis 1)('('11 1'0I"t'I·I·('1I lt1 tltl' t'ollllllit- Slnles ng-('I lcies in ('nl"ol"l.:illg" theil'
slC':ld Oil' \\Ti!!(,I1, dc<:ial'lItiol1s nl lel' OJ! Post ()ffi {'p nm\ Ci\'il 81'1"\"iel', Il1\\"s nlll! Iwl"fol'llling" cOtlllllps!-;
Bl'l'Il1l1d,1. :\'n~snl1. " l i:1I1Ii, llml()- '''1'0 pI'o\'idr r()I' \ hI' biSlUlI!('e of :1 ot hel" i III pOl'ltlllt dll til's, d('Sl'I'\'l'S I hc
luJu :H1tl Kcll' York's Tdh'wild "\iI'- spI'('inl pu~t;lg:l' Stll!!IP in l'omIllClll- I"C/'og"nil ion of 11 ('01ll1l1l'!lIIJI'1l1 in'
pol'!. wilel'c tht' sy~tI'rn Iws PI'OW-I! Ol";l tioli Ilf tlw Ijfith ...\llllil'PI'!';;]I".\' ]lOS\,Ig"1' slnJllp to hOl101' its lcilll'IIlISS-
('xIl'clllC'ly SlIf'c(,s;;ful. On 111\ ol'nl of tIl(' ('sll1hlisllllH'l1t of Ih p I'llstollls ing- prJ"!'ol'lllilncc,"
dc{'1nl'nlion, the tt)UI'if.:l simp!,\' 1('11'1 Si'I"I'ir-r IllId of' (-\lsI OlliS (llllplo.\'C's '1'0 IIIl' BUri';)1l of ('IlSI OtlIS lind
thr cuslom>; oITkin! :dlOlll tlios!' I'llI" l(illNl ill ('Ilro]"('illg' 1111' i'IISIOlllS its {'mplo,vNI Ihl'OHg"IIOll\ tltp wodd,
c!insrs II'l1i('h ('xl'('('1I hifo; ,1Ul.\'·I'I'I'(, Inws." WC' Ilti"l( H"PI'I'sl'lItntl\'l' 11'1' sny, "'l'llHnks, fOI' 11 joh wcll
$100-rx('111I)lillll. 'I'he U1';ll ,[,'I·Jill'n- IhIUII(',I"s tl'ibul r to thl' HIlI'P:t1l of (1')11(' illltll)t'sl \1'jslll'S (In .\'Ollt' I iii t il
liol1 111l(11)uhtf'dl,v will hl' [lIlt 011 n ('u~tOliIS ('spl'('inll.\' (11's\·l"l"illj.t: ",[,III' ,\ 1111 i \'('I'SH 1'.\'."
Iwtiol1l1'id\' IM;;is in the 1lt'1I1' l'(1t\l1'\'.
:I n l'r('('II1.. .\"(':lI·S, comrll('J'('i ;11 illl-
POI"ls (1"1"0111 which thc 11l1·J.("I'~t 1)1'1'-
cCll tage of customs 1"('\'C!l\](' I~
Seuetary Keenan At The ILO
l'aisrfl) h,I\'(' Hl·l·i\·('(l lIS (,1)II\ilill('I'- (('onliIl1wi {mill P(I(JC 17) lill'nt,Il'Y l)]"oYisiolls ('OIlI'CI"I1 ing 1'('-
ized shipl1l('ll l~ in ll1lp:(' JlII'lill nllls duetioll OJ' lhe \I'ork fon'e, 'l' h('
lion of nil illllcndll1{'nl lu IllI' IL() llnc1pl"I.villg" principl(' or this Ht'<:om-
tlwt III'C lil"lt-d (Ill! (")1" ship", I("),,'('J"('(I
COllstitlltion ;Ind SI,I IILling" {)1·t\..:'I'S rnendnlion is thnt "I('I'llIIlWlioli of
011 to trucl, \'Ili!ssis ,lIld <!l'li\'C'I"NI
looking" low,ll'c1 the ('x(·IUsioll of "llIpIO,l'lllellt shou ld not \like plnec
UlIOIWIlC'd 10 cOm~ig-1H'e.'1, 11 is Ih(,l1,
i'5outh A fl·k·n fl"olll \ hI' I I ,(j n~ 101lg" 1I1I11's$ t 11('1"(' is it v,t! ill 1·(·nsOll fOI'
\\"ll("n the consi~I\I'('.'l 01'('11 H)) Ihril'
ns it rnntirlllcs itlS 11J)'lrtheid ]luli c.\'. )!llch tCI'lll inntion f"fltlllP('kd with
IlICl"('hHndisc, UIIII 1'\IStOltlS inspcr-
tOl"!' CXllm inc the sllipJl\rnl-sll\'ing Til l' g'clll'l'nl (Iis(,u.,.sion lItis Yl'(\I' the e:lpncity 01' t,tJ1ldllct or Ill('
a lot. of limc fOI' HII eoncr l"!lcd .
C('lI lt'I'('(1 on Ihe lJit'('C tOl' (; ('Jl('I·;t!·S wo)"kCl" 01' bns('d on the OJ1l"I;utiOlwl
H('poI·t to lh e (,l)l1)"PI'(,I1('(' - lhr I'Clfllil'elll('1I1S of tile unt!('I·tilkilll!,
C:u stom s Accrdum y IIl1liptlilioll 01" Ihe l LO ~1l"llrlt11'e l'sli1hlj~11111('nt 01' s(,I·\'i('t'."
TIl e BUI'C:HL of Customs hnt11ligh lIml I))"Og'I'nm to clmnging' wol'lel Among- othcrs, Ih(' following' 1'('11 -
hopI'S for COIlgT('s~ionlll apPI'o\',11 nceds. This discl1ssion will he con- sons ;11"(' 1101 to 1)(, 1'('g'ill"dcd it!! \"Hlitl
of runds ill the uPPI'opI'inlions [01' tinucd Ht thc next ('onfr-I'rl ll'c nnd 1'111' It'I'milla tioll 01" 1'lnplo.Vltlcnt:
fis('lIl 1%3 10 iIliIUg"\1I'illl' 1\\'0 Ill'W will fO('I1~ on: t1"l\clr unions nnd la- Ullioll lIH'ltlbc)"sit ip 01' particip:rtiuII
srl"\'i('<'s, hul ('on~n'ss ];ilil'll both b Ol" 1'('laliolis in d('\'clopillg' ("oun- ill ullioll 11(' lh'itics ou tside \\'ol'killg
pI'opo.'1,I1.'1. F'unds \1'CI'r sOllg-ht 10 II'i,'s, ill(,OIllCS, the sllIltlS ,l1ld houI's Ill', with lht' {'ollscnt of tIll"
cHt:lhl iRh ,1 CllSl0ms nCl1dcmy on ('oll(lilions of the WOI'];('I'S, HITHlll!C- 1'l1lplo~'cl', wi l hin \1'OI"kill~ hOIl)"s;
]'Ollg" hdnnd that would pl'ovidr mcnts 1"01" r('g-ionnl M,tioll nnd sel'ldll!; offi{'e ns, 01' :t(' t ing- 01' Iw\'-
enstOlllS agcnts. wilh fOl"llllll tl'nin- ilIT,lllg-('lII('nt. fOI' dClIlillA" wilh in- ing" ilcted in IIIC' enpitcil .v of. n
il1~ in lang-lIngc sl( ills Hlld in drill- dUSII"), ]1l"O!Jlellls on un im\ustI"Y- \\'OI"!i:t'I'S' 1'('pl'csrntilti,'c: jill' filil1~
ing" with the publie, ('()n~l"ess WIlS h r -ilH1IISII·.\' basili, ill g'ood faith of u rOlll pl,lint til' Ihe
also Ilsl;rd fOI' 111011('." to hire nine 'I'll(' ConJ"l'I"(lIl('t' HcloptNl n Con- pal"ticiplII iOIl ill il lll"Of"('('llillg"
intrl'pI·rtel·-hoslessrs. 1'h('.'1c !!il"l.'1, v('n ti OII llrld a nC'commt' lldillion ngail1st nil cmplo.I'('1' itl\"ol\"ing" 111-
qnalifil'cl to sp(,llk fOI'cig-11 Inn- (S(,(,I'('I II I")' K l'('nilll S('1'\"(I(l 011 I hc li'g'('{l \'i()lntion or II1\I'S 01' 1"\~g"l1la­
gU,Ig"('S, would llr s('hooletl ill tn('t lJllg-uill·, I\·tl :\1 :II'hillrl '~' COlllllliltcc tiOIl>l: 01' I';)CC, ('0101'. scx, !Ililril;ri
;)nc1 would nppCHI" ;1S .'I11l:trll .\' -ulli - ilS \\'('11 us 01 )1(' 1' ('omntiltcrs) 10 pl"O- status, 1'('lig-ion, political opinion,
fOl"lll{'cl hostesst's to \\"C'ICOlllt fOI'rig-n hihit tIl(' snlr, 11I111!IIfnctlll'C, Il"Ilns- I1lltiOIiHI c:o:tl":I(:lion 01' sOI,ial ol"igin.
l"isil01's ,II1c1 hOIlH'('onlillg" AnWI'i- 1"1'1 ', (lxhihitioll , hin' ,mel usc or UIl- 'J'h(' ('ollf(,I'cll('r 1\1~0 ;]<10[11('(\ 1\\'0
{'<IllS lIllrl to Hssisl thosr Inll'plNS g-u;l1'd ('\l lIWCltlll(,I'.V, D I'll ft {'Oll\"('nl iOlls SII pplCIIWllt cd
II"ho ('lIll1lUt s[ll':tk F,n !-{ Ii~h, IWlI(li- 1'h~' Il('wly-nt!o]lted Ht'I'(llllllICIl- II,\' I)rn f! IkeolllHlcllc1l1t ion.'1 on J 1.'"-
r-appC'd Pf'I'SOIlS, \\"Olilell with eltil- ,jillioll ('Qlll'('t'nil1~ tit" 1't'l'lIlinn lio!l g-i(, Il (l ill Comm('I'('(, lind nffirt's ;Ind
(hell ,Illd fhl' ('Ifkrl.v through of J':IIIII\orm t'lIt HI thc Illilinli\'c of Brndit..; ill CaS(' 01' Indllsll'inl A('-
(,lIstO]1IS pro('r(]ul ·('s. P el'11II]1s, some- Iho E mplo,\'N is dil'ic!r(l il110 t\\'o ('idents :lllll Qccll])ntiun,!1 1)i~('ascs.
tillle ill Iho !lot 100 distant fntUl"(', main IMI·t s. 'I'll(' fil·~ t PIII'I sets Thesc two ilems will hr SUhlllittNl
fUlHls will hr nlloc-iltrd fOl" t ht'sl' 1'01"111 slnll{b\1'ds 01' j!ell<'l"nlllpplicn- to next .\'('nr's session of the Con-
nnd olhel' scl'\"i~('s hy tltt' Bl1l"I' ;1U of lioll; 1110 SC('011 11 l'onlnin'l supplr- 1'1'1'(,1](,(, 1'01" finnl dl'chiion,



'"lI{'llliUII lil11l' an'lII,tls ,III' 01111H1'lI1l1il,\ fol' 1111111." If •.. 1I1"PI·I· \uliolllli 1'1Irk, nlll' t1,- Ihl' la'·!!I· .... , M"'lIlt'
o( utll' 1111'111111'.-"; 111101 tlll'ir' I"lIIl1ili.,,, \0 ,i"il naliwwt 11111"k ... in \lll·111 .\IIII·I'it'lI
pal'k~. 11111"1'11111". 111011111111"11". hi~tol'i"id sik" IIlrd :to .\I:till\' II. \\·:I~hilll-:"Imi I'. {'1I11l1":1
(It IWI' illh'!'I'" illl! pl1l1-('" ill ,\ tlll"'lr'11 ll1ld I ';Ill;lr!a. I.d's
J 7. :-;tl'. . \ 11111' til' f{1':llIP)"{', fall1l1llS "hri ,1I' 111111 lIl-
(·I\,-(·k ,"'Illt' knuII)I·rlg-I' 411' rt'I'oll.'diuli (It "'JIll!' of tl\\",.,
'.·u,·ls lJlollsu l lIl~ of \isil\lI"s lIlIlIlI:llly
1""1I1ioll'" I f you rilL,,, tiltH'!' 1111111 11 thinl. YOH lIt'I'd
,I \;Wlllillll 01' II \\\11'111 ll l lll''', 11. ( 'all1ldn II Wl1shilll:llHl, I ) ( ' t'. 1"llli,i;1I1ll

L ,\11 \'l'l'IIUIl, 1111' hurlll' of I :,-\ll'gr' \rnsllill),!"hJll

1'\. B llhl 1'llIlIt"!,u·illili 111111 I lislituh- Ill' P opillar :-;I·i-
11. -'Ial'yln lltl II Wm:lIiIl),rI()II. 1>. t' (> "iq!illill
., .\It .\ ]I·l\iI,h',", Ilil-du'", /lI'lIk ill \111'11, .\IIIt'I'II'11
II. ' 1\'11111·"'·1' h. " 11Ih e. l'I'1lI1".d"lIIi'l
1I ('aumln h.. \ Iaska (', Or'\').:ull I!'. 'l'lt t • 1I I'I'tIlilll).!I·, 11111111' of .\lItJr·I'11 .' 111·1;: .... 111
11. SoUl1t ('lIl"l1Jillll h.. \tahlltlllt ,,, T C·IIII1·"",(,
:: . .\/1,',' Huills 'aliOlIllI -' I IJlWIIlI-1l1. ]ll'('lIi,,1IJI'I(,
I ruliilll 'illa:'::I' =!O. BlIlT,tio Bill '\ [ nSf'IUII
11. .\r-i;.:WIH h. :\('\\ ,\I(':\i("u e, '1'!"'H'i II WYUlililig h. IdllllO (.. \"('l"lldll

~, ,'(,llllIIslolI" \"nliorrlll / ' 111'1.,1;0\"1'1'111111'111 """I'I'\:!- :! I. I lal·p!'I·' 1-"".' ..1, ,,11t'1·I' ,Juhn IhU\\I1 "'izl''] 1hi.'
fi,1U Ilw! illl'llId"" !IU' lil'allil ('II1l,QIll til' tilt' , "ill·1I SlltH'" .\I"'·lIal
" ,·I]uW"lulII· n. "m·.,·laud Jr. \\"1·,,1 \'il'l!illia t·. \·ir).!iltill
II. j '"lul',ulo h \\"yoll1il1:,r (" '\iulllllrtli '1'1 I 'ollill ill I \\ ill iam,hlll·).!, 1~·"tul~·11 1.... 1II /·,·111 III·." I·il~·
,-I. Edi'lIli lll"titlll,' uf l't·(,hnu]u:,ry. \Iilh ii' Eoli'illll II h."I1II11·k,\ h. I ;l"Ilq.da (. \" il'l.dnia
.\ In ... ·1I1I1 1II1f11·,hihifs
~:1. I li"llI·yll1l1d ~IIII'y htl"k 1I11111""llIt'1I1 pIlI·k
II . .\ l i,·llil!;ul It. :""1\ ,1,'r",·,I" I' . \"11 YIWI;.
11 \(,"lIlla II ('aliflll'lIill I'. t l '·,·).!otl
fi. Wri:,rht ,\It·ltlul"ial. t'otlll1ll'tllllI":tlill~ 1111' W,·i:,rht
'1t J,ill"oJIl 1'1I1"k ZIIO
B1'lllht·I".'" hi"t!ll"il' fil·sl lIirpl1I1I1' fli:.dlt
II. :-;ollih ( 'lIl"ulillll h. Ohill ('. \"ol·,h ( ';Il"olillll 11. Illilluis II \\'lI~ltillg-I(lII. II. t '. I" X"II" YOI·k

7. 1-'01·1 S1I1I111'I', ,,111'1·1' thl' ('11111",'1]1'1·:111' HII:lI·k

'1.•. :-;1111.lI mll j 'lIJ1istl·lIl1lJ .\lis..,ilJll, 11011'11 1'0" 11\1' 1111-
11I111·kl'" III(' (luthl·I'1Ik of lilt' ('ilil WIll". 114'\\ :l UIIIII 1·1'1111·11 ot" 11lf' 'lI"ullllw .. I'("I'I'Y .\1 111"(·11 lnlh
11111 illlu" 1I1f11111llll'lI\ 11. (':diflll·llill h. '"I'll .\ II·xinl I'. 'I','XlI"
11. :-;ollth ('amtilill h, (;1'1I1·).!iil I'. ;\(11·111 I 'ar·,I- :.>6. I II'II '",\' I-' nllto'i" I hl 1)11111 .\In''''IIIIl. 1r00hill:.! ,.1111.-
lilln unlit· 1·(jIII·I·Holl!'> or 1'111·1.1' .\ lIwl'iell1l and FC'til'nll
1'1. I )iniliond I I('url, P(1)lI1tJllltrl',I" HIIiI \ot(":llIi(" 1·I·nll'I·, l'l' I'ill(l flll·lli'II'·I' 1I11t! t!1'1'llt·lllioll
fallltHls :i." 11 IHtliI!(wl'k II. I h'llIllHI'I' It. ~ I '\\ .11'1·",'.,· C'. '\lllirW
:t. 1"ludd:1 h. II HI'llii C' .•\ 11Iskll '1 7. l'il).!l·iul I iali. '·lUltllillill:.! reI ii's 01" Ill(' ) 11I.\'I10II"J·I·
H. .\ I,("slit· :-;,·;lpOI·1, !·t'('I"t'n!I'd I!llh ITlltHI·Y 1'0,""111 J' ilJ,.:Tiflls lilill Ilwit' falllili,'s
\·illa).!t' 'I \"1'11 1I111IQ,,,hiJ·,, I.. \'I"I"tlltllll i' . .\l lh-..:!(·Im.
11. ('uIIIII'i'ti('1I1 h. Hh,)(h· 1"lalid I' \1·\\ .h·'·... I·,\" ""l1s
Ifl. 1·:i",·rlhtl\\·('!'.\l u",'um 1I11t1llulllt> '1'- \aliulllll (:llllo-l",1 (If .\1·', "ILt'I·" Ihl' .1/,,1'" I.i'll
:t. 'I't'xa~ h. 1'1'1lI1'i,l"lnlltili t·. 1\1111"'1'. paid 11 li .. ir Ihi .. pa,,' II iUli'r
II. !!al'!',I":-; TI'Ulllltll J.ilmll·.'· 11 \1·\1 YOI·k h. WII"hilll!l,rrr, I ). ('. (. 1'1·1111-
H. l\llIl~IS h. Missolll'i t'. I llinuis
I=! . .\"ntiolwl RusI,lral1 II all of 1,';11111'111111 .\llto;o'U!lI 2!1. ,\1 111111\ ](1I .. hllllll·I' ~1Ititllt:l1 .\ 11'lIlol·illl. j,dj..!"1I1IIi('
:1. ~I'I\ '/1'1'1<1'.'" h. Xt'W YlIl"I, ('. l'I' llIlsyh':lIli1l I'ut·lin:.! or lIlt' 111':111:. of Li IH"oln. ,,('n·l·t·MIll, Wash-
i r11:10l1 lItI,1 'I'II('()(IOI'I' " thISI'\·,·lt
I: :. ','Jll'odtH·t' !?I)()!'>I'\"('I I l\:lti()lIal .\ i<'III1Wi,t1 I',U'];:
II. :"01·111 1)111.0111 h ( 'ulol':I\lo ,'. SOllll1 J)lIlWln
11. :"u l·lh I )ukilla h. ~liIIIW"'II:1 C' \"('lll'lISI.:"
30. TIll' .\I:WIU, H nli ....."ioll-rul't that fi)!lm"d III :1
II. XllliulIltl ('owl",.\' II ldl fir Io'alw' alld .\ 11I"'UI1I Slllll", 1iJ,.:111 f,u· 1'1',·",1"111 1"1"\1111 -,It'xii·H.
a T(':..a~ Ir. I Ikl1lholllll t' . .\l OIl1:1ll:l
u, 'I't'X1I'I It. \1'W'\il'"\ih) , •.• \ l'izt)lIll
I:;. ("·1111' 1' 1,1Ik!' :"lIlioIWI I'III·k
H. (l 1't '~O Il II. WlI'II1 iltg lolt c. ( ';llirOl·ltil.~



executive council meeting

l\lil1ulC8 IIl1d H e l"!!'1 of Ille IlIh' rnlll i ul1u l EXCClltiw ' Council
HI·gullir Meet ing ll('g illllill ~ S"IJlclIlhe r 91 h , 1963

1'11(' fullnwillg' 1Ill'lJIbt'l-S of tIlt' 11 11\'rll:lliollnl EX('I'II- 011 . \ uJ_ml"il :!2nd, 1!l(j3, T lil'I'I.' 111"(' no 0111(>1'
lin' ('o\llwii Ilj' n.' PI"t'.;/'ItI-I'll1Iinnlll1 F'nlllswil~' <\lid hK'al 1111 iOlls 110W undl'l- 11I!t-I'1II11 ;ollnl SlIIlCl"d"ioll.
;\1(,1111)('1'-.: ( 'alTl'(,~', \\'ill illll1~. ;\ol'{lstl'OIll. l'iII/mI,
X(·hmidl. EpJlt'r'iOlI. r,{'i~oll 1I11d Plltlt'I"SOn. TIlANS FEIl OF' F U tlJS
Til ;I(,(-(H'fla llc-(' wilh 111(' PI'o\;si()lI~ of , \ rlic-I(' Xl\'_
T il E I NT I~ H NAT I ONAt PIlESI DENT Fkdioll II , pm'aj.{I':q,1. (!)) 1/1' lilt' f'oll<;tilll tioll_ Ill(' !HIIII
1'h., I'i'pm" IIIlldf' h.l" 111<' 1.1'. hi IIII' 1. 1-:.('. rown'd of $J..,I. :! h ,i O \\:lS 11"1111..;1"1'1"1"1' " rrolll IIJ(' :\Iilitary !-:;i'I'\'-
Ih(' litdkl' situation at a IItlIU'WI' uf I )oini~ within tilt' ;t'I' I-' ulld 10 th{' I BEW 1'('lIsion F uml, eowritl~ 1111'
IBEW jUl"i"di('tioll, 10/:l'Ihl'l" wilh II COIllP1X'lu'usjH' 11I()lIth~ Ill' .hllll'_ . I ul~- alld ,\\1):11";1, I!IG:J_
SUI'H'Y !lr Ihl' "('('('11\ pi'l' I'Hpi! •• illl"";1"" and IIII' \'1\. J>:IYIIlt'IIIS for I~'):al <I('I"('II..;e-, IU:III(, fl'om the- Dl'f('u",'
f'OIlritl.dll~ ],·sulto.; 1','11"1.'11'\1 ill Ih(' lillLl(' of IllI' (:(,IIl'r:11 Fund, \11'1'" ('xamilwtl mill nppt'ow-d hy' llie 1. 1';,('" as
FUl1d ami Ilw ilJ("I"(':J!«·tI ;L\'li\-iti('~ IlIltlt'!"I1lIH'1I h~' tht- JlI'o\'idl'll fot' !llIdl'l" ,\I'li('li' XI. Sl,(,tion :! of II", ('on-
'() "Inn- 111111 nffit-\,!'S, TIl(' 1.1 ', ;Ji~II'\'IlIWkd UpOIl tl\(' ~IiltllitJtI,
UHlIlY Iq,~i .. llll;\"(· ll(·t;\·;til, .. 111111 nn' lM'ing- Itndt'I'Iak('I) 1'111' l'I'POI"\S of thl' IlltdilOl'S \\"\'1'\' eXamilll'd 1111<1
al lid .. lillW, fih'tI ,
'I'lli' I. S, }"l'pol'\('d on Ill(' fitwlII·iJlI ('on(\i ti()ll of tIll,' I'(){'ld l'lIioli I G-I reful«'d to H(,I't'llt Ill{' II'an' lilll!
"lll'iUII>! 1,'lInds of Ih{' BI'Ulhl' rho(ld, HIltI suh1l1illl,d (';lnl of Ih(' ;I ppe-II11111 , 'I'hil( nl'lioll of Ih(' l()('al IlltiOIi
\\"1"illl' n 1'('\lOl'ls on Ihe II·nIlS;I(·!ioll~ 1'0nstllllllUIted dill'· was lll'llI'l1l('d to th", \' _1', 1111<1 llie 1. 1", In holh in,
illl!" III(' pnsl qU:Irtl' l', slall{'t's, tilt' actiOIl ur IIll' I(wtli union wno; IIplll'I(\, In
HETIH Ei\I ENT hoth :I11lwals Ihe nllP",II:!IlI al1{'):cd Ihllt thc 11)('111 u n iOI1
dis('\'illlilllllcd <I!-\"ainsl hilll, Imt offc r ('d 110 proof. In
l lll('nialioual Ht'PI'PSI'II'l}!;\"{' Ila,nl(,lI ~, Bl'll 1'1'. - th(' ilisiaul app('al h(' 1'{'lwats thc .... hat'I!{'_ adlli ll ~ 11)('
qlll'sl('d 1'l.' I;I'{'HlI'1l1. T Il(' I.I-:,C', lI PP I'o\'('d 11;~ 1'('qlll~1 ('hllll~I's of "iut ill1id:ltiOl1S allil PI"(,>;..'1l1l-('>!."
fOl' "I'Iit'I'lI1eltl, 10 be ('ff'-I'I;\'" O<-lolwI' 1st, 1%3, 1'11\' 1'l'('01"l1 1:\l1o\\s Ilml I10{-1I I Fuion 16-1 did I'l.'fus,'
1tJ nl'('I'PI Ih(' II'lI\'('ling" {,1I1'1l or Ih(' IIPPC I);1IIt. '1'11('
IW'III"II l'ontHins nOillillg: t o su bstu l1 tintl' Ihl' 111l{'g"lIlions
Tn H(,(,Ol"d lltl('1' \\"ilh lilt' Pl'()\' ; sio ll ~ of ,\t-tit"1(' I II , nud {-I IlII'l..t"l' __ of the aplwllu lII COIl('(' I'lIilll,; di,"I' I'im ina-
~('('I;On I I , '1uh'>('('liou ( :J ) til' Ih(' II ~EW ('ollst il ul;OII, t iOiI (II' " illl illl ida I iOlls ami P"('SSU I"'S_"
lh(' follow iug 1,('rlll1d~ II" (' }'(' ilUlh(Jl'il'.t,tl hy Ih(' 1.1-:.(',: 'I'IU' I. E,C'_ IUI'US hl'l-(' 10 the- I'('cord of the T W('lIt y_
t: , B. ~ 11\11'1';('1" ~'n' llt1t ('vlI\-cntion of lh(' IBE\\', hcld ill Si.'pl(,lII'
(00' Iw;....·oll 6 l·if6!1) $::i,-I2 I ,!)G 1)('1" l!lG:!_ The d('I('J.;"ulcs a t Ih,1I ('oll\,,,"tion CO Il('\II-lwl
end B('{,hlOld in lIlt, I'('port of the COl11lJ1itl('(' 011 (:l"icnlll('t's llllll
( On' ]lH.noll 'j G/():J) $ri,O-l:;,71 Al)I\t'~I1... 111:11 "('\"('11 11I01IJ.;"11 1111'1'(' Ilavc lx-ell I'SI('I1Il -
1I1 11lg" 01' Illi l ij.!;llt inl-\" cir('UllIs tl1 ll('e-s \\' hieh 1'1'lllIil"l'(]
INTE RNATIONAL CllAnGE I,oeal I lllion 11 ::1 to llt'l'('pl Ih(' 1I'l1\'('lin)r ('III'.! of
'I' hl' 1. 1', 1'(,])I)I'\(od 10111\' 1. 1-:.( ', 111111 1,(1('111 11niOll Hi(,1I111"! 1 B, Yillin/.(" lI,v Vil'l ll!' of II dt'('il"iin!l of llit' ' -i('I'
8-1 G Iwlt 1)('1'1\ I"l'\('ased f"()IlI \I 11(h' I' [1Ilt" I'IlHliOllnl ~ll - 1' ('('si d!'lll, .rOlll' COlll llliltl'(> is of lIlt' Illli111iJlloUS opiu-


iOIl Ihlll Ih(' IIUtOllolll~' of loeld Illlioll8, III lIIall{' I'l'I of I1IUII of 111111 I ,(K'" I ( ' llioll 'S 1';xlIlll ilJ iul!' BO<lrd, 1'11('
this killd, should lIot IX' II I)1'id~('d. " 1'1lIl'1..ws illlt')£NI \"illlllliuu (If ,h tidt' XX \ - If. Sr('lioll
B y tlllIL lit lion, tht, ('OI1\,(~ IIIiOIl 11.'affil·HI{'d 111(' all- :.!, 1'1l 1 '1l~I':lpll fi of 1111' IBE \\" COII'.. titlllion, whi{'h
tOIlOlUY, rig-hi .'! mid pI'h ilt,~{'s of IOt'al IIl1iollS 1I1111{']' !"t'a ds it'! follows:
tile I B E\\" COllst itul iOll, T ill' l.I':,C, ha ... /J\·ithl'I' til\' " I 'ltl)lishill~ ()I' (,11"'ulalillg 1I1nOII),(' Ih(' I1Il'tIllJ\.' I·-
d{'si!'c ]1111' iu ll'flt iml of IIll1'id l{i llJ{ Ihl'''I' \alu:I],11' ;l lld !-IIti", 01' 11tl10H!! I d '. 's rllbt' 1'('1101'1':0 III' lI1i'!I'I'III'I'-
pl'('eiolls pOSSI's'<{iolls of Ih., \!x'al IllIiOlI'l. I lmn'\""I', 1111' ... ·Illal iOll, "
I. E.I " will. unlit'I' lh., aUlhol'ity 1IIHI dlll~' plll(,l'duplln 11m I Ihl' IIPPI'II;IIII :t11\'{, 1'111,,(,
Till' ,'It:1 I'I.!"S 1IIIl').!I·11
it lJy Ihl~ ('o)l"lilliliol1, {'Oillilllll' 10 \':s.mnill{" 011 il'l al l"\\I'I'S UII IIUt''1lillllllllil''o; I''tluln'd iI,\' Ihe 1"('1"1"'1'111
1I1I'I'il'l, (':I('1t malh'l' IlI"ouj..dlt h(,rlll'I' il III JlI"(ll{'{'1 Ihl' jI"O('N!r\l'I''! of LI "':rI l -l1iolls (I,W alltl !)iO,
I·i,.d ll'! or C\'('I'y 111('111 1)('1' and IIII' IB E\\". '1'1,,' 1·I'I'III·d h,'l"ol"l' titr 1. 1-:.(', shows Ilmt 111(' \", 1',
I n I hI' insllllll apJ)I'lll. tll(' aplwllmll faiit'd 10 111'0- lIotifil',J IlI-uth"I' \\' l'iJ.tht, wilh 11 ('oPY of 111(' {'hltl'/-t"""
\'id(, 1111.\' pl'(lOr WIHlIS()('H'I' thaI tht' lo.·al tlllitill W:h nil ,1111111111'.\' :!lth, J!)fi3, 0" F {'hl"lJaI'Y 11th , I!)(j:t
misllsi llg", ill :In.\' WilY, Ill<' I'i!!hls and pl'i\'ih').!I's 1)(,- B rolhl'I' \\"I'i/-t"hl \\Tolt, 10 I ItI' \'. 1', E:s.:rminnliOIl of
stowrd 1IJ1011 il 1111 11 sllf"J.tIHlI·(Jt.t1 by lh(' COllslilulioll, I hi~ 11'1\" 1' fllils 10 sholl ('itlll' I' IIHlt 1111' :lpp('lluIII
dt'!li ..d 111:11 Ih{' ('lull'I..:ros llJ.!:ri1 1'11 trim \1'1'1'1' 11'\1('. or tlraL
TIl(' nplw:rl i~ tltl'I'('fol'(' dl' lI il'<1.
iii' )11""' il ll'l\ 1111,\' infOI'!lllIlioll III' \'\"itiNII'I' til cli sp ro\'I'
API'EAL 0.' WILLI AM T. KA II LE tlil' nllt'/!lItioll'l. On 1,'t'hl·lwI'.\':? 1 !ll(' \" ,1', 1I1.WIIi \1'1'011'
III till' :I PII\'II 11 II I. 1IJ.tlrill I'Nlttl''11ill!! lilt' HPI1t'l1:1I11 to
nl'olhl'I' I\ :rlllt' is :r 1II1'III]}t'I' ur ]'ot'al ( 'Ilion n.")!),
fil .. lrio; lI1IS\\"('1" 10 1111' ('ltal'gl's, XII I'\'ply W:lS 1'\'('('i\'('(1
111111 1'1 ('I1IJ1loYI'<I lIy ('01l11l1O!l\\'I'l1llh EdiSl)lt ('ollipalt,\', h.\' til(' \''p 011 Api'll 61h, InO:l, till' '-.1', aeaill
Oil S"ph·IlII)(,I' :?,Hh, InG:? tlrf' 1tl\l' I'lwliollal E:s.I"'u- 1\"I"vl(' hI RI"()IIII'I' W l'it:III_ 1"('qlH'sli lll! hilll h) filt' hio;
Ii\"{' ('t)ulll'il l1'IHII'I'f'd a I)('('isioll t,(H1(,l'I'lliuJ,.: all apPt'al all'!WI'I' III till' ('ha IW'o; wilhin I.") "a:,-"~, 011 ,\pdl :!lilh,
IIladl' hy BI'·"II I('I' I"::rld(', dllt{'d '\Uj{U"1 :?:?ml. l!lr.:!, 1!l(j:1. Ihl' npJll'lIallt Itt:ain wl~ll(' In Ih,' \ ".P, _\J.!lIln
Til Ihl' insllJllI aJlJwal, afh'I' I'al'('ful l'I',.':s.alllinalinn B I,I,hl'l" \\"I'it-:III fllih,.1 to !"l'pl,\' 10 III(' l'hal'J.!I''I,
of Ih(' 1I1I1lI1'I"OU" :tIld ,'oll1pl('tl' dO('Ulttl'llla]'r t'xhihil'l, I n 111(' 1111'11111 tttl ('. offi('t'I s uf L . t". (j~O ;J lid 111(' ollil'!'
thl' J 1';,(', is ("(1Il\'ilH'I'd Ihat Brotl1('r I\nl1l(' is IWI\'
of tl1I' \", 1'. 11"1'1'1' )l1II'Slli llg illol('p"lHh'nl ill\'I''!li!,!l1tillll''
S('('kill),(' to 11I1\'{' Ihis {'olllll'il gi\"(' II fanll'1lhll' dl'l'isiotl or till' 1'11l1q..!"I'O; Oil .\ I n.\' !lth, 1%:1,111 \\"hi(,h dill .. 1111'
011 111l' ~rnl(' (''''II' 11 11t1 I'I' id/'IH't' IIHlI was hl·fl)I·I' l ilt'
11])])('1 1:1111 ha t! slill rlli1l'd 10 fill' II "h'IHlill).! 011 1111'
('outH·il in S"pl.'mht'I', InG:?, 11111'11 his llppeal W;lS ('hal't:('o;. Ilu' \" I' 1'11111\' tu hi'l dl' ei'liOIl . III' fOlllll l
BI'olhl'I' Wl'i,lrht gLlilt~· 11'! 1'llll1'l!l·d. II I' '11'(]('I" d " • • •
TIlt' dl'('isitlll Ill" III\' E x('('ut i\'(' ('oUII('il i" ,11:lt Ihc Ihlll Bl'otiwr l:l'()I'I!" J. \\"t'i),('ht I", 1"lIIo\"('d fl'\l11I
instlllli 11PlIl':d is <lcniN!. "llit'I' if" 1111'1111"'1' IIf tltl' EX11111 illill).! Boal,1 (If J.II('al
(/nil1l1 r.~O, lind III' will 1101 1"lm'wllt I,(wal l 'n;OIl fi~O
AltPEAL Of C, L UHANI)EU in :1 11.\' 1111Inlll'I' a'l I.'H-H I (-lIioll UIliC'{'I', ('()Julllill(,(,lIIl1 ll,
'I'll{' aplwllnnl was "lwl'J!('t! willt t·'·O ...."IUJ.: liIe pit'kt'! (il'I('J,l'llll', 01' l'I'jll"('''t'l1ll1lin' 10 lillY (,OII\"1'III;un of lIn.\"
IiIII' (,,,tllhli'!IIi't1 lIy l;tlt'lrl ( 'ni,," :i:IO. '1'111' I.Ot'i11 I ' " , kind (l l' 1111 1111'1'. fII' 11111'1111 J.Ol'lr] lin inll 1l]('('tinJ.ts 01'
iOIl ']'I'illl Bwu,tl ht'lll'tl ,Itt' "llllq"t"I"', I'()ndlll'lt'd n It·illi. J.tllth,'I·IIlj..'Jo; 01' 1111.\' 1111111 Ilhl'I'1' 1I1C'rllhl' l"S of IIIP
lind fll\ltld th" lllllwl1:1111 J.tllill,l" 1I.S ,'hlll·gt'd . ,\ s ])1'II:rI - 1 B I·;\\, 111'(' IIS~l'l1rllll,t1 (II' l'I'JlI'('~('IIIi'd fOl' 1I Iwl"iOll
Ir, III '~ TI'I,rJ B();tl'd HSSl's:·;('d tilt' nplwllHnl ;t tlltHI of or 1110 (~) .'·I·III·S 1"'11111 rl:rLr' of tllis tI!'!';Sillll."
1111'1'1' )lIwtil'l,d tiollnl·s. UpOII :IPPI 'HI t o t l\(' \-.1'" this Oil ,)1111(' 11 It. 1%:1. 111(' llJ)I)('1 111 II I fil(,d ,Ill llPllt'lrl
:)SSI''t'!IIII'lit \\'us 1'(' (111('1'(1 ttl Iwo 111I1idn'd dol1n!'''. willi llll' 1.1'. '1' 111' 1.1'. IIpllt'll! 111(' (\"(';SiUlI of Ih(' V./'.
T Ilt' J'('t'ol'll SIIIl\\'S t'flIlI'lllsil'('I.\' Ih:11 thl' lippellllill 1'11(' l'('('U!'d 1)I'fo" I' 111(' I. K(', i'lI'xh'n";I"{' and 1'11('111-
ndlllilll'tl IIdol'I' the 'I'rial Boanl that ht, Iwd ('I'oswd ;\1. Tilt, ('mlllt·il "IIIII!"alulnll''! Iht, OfJi(,I'I'" of Ih(' 1111111.1'
Ihc pi('kl,t lilll' ill (IUl'slion, Th(' "('NlI'd "hoW'! Ihal hI' I()('al !lniUn" who lotlk I"ItlUllhlt, lill1t' to lllllll('lIli('lI'"
W;IS oh... 'r\"{'cI ( 1t'lin'I'i n~ !l1ll1/'I'ilil 1'01' Ih(' "I"ikl"hvuml 111111 1'('(-01'11 ']'111' ('(lIIII('it also ('UIIUut'lltlS till' Y,p,
(-(UIIIIIIII,I" ill\"ol\"l·I1. 'TIll' 1'1'('01'11 '1110\1", 111111 IIII' 111'1'{'1- IllJrl Iii'! "111fT rill" Ih., ('l!1't' ;11111 l"i/!ila lwl' 11Ik{,11 III Sllfe-
lalll ('tlnfil'1\lt·t! Ihi", tllllt h{' hatl 1"'1'11 apPI'iS('(1 h~' Ihl' goUin'" I hI' :Ipp('IIIIIII'~ l'iJ,l'hl" mllll)J'i\·ilt,J.!('~ 11l1Ili'I' 11]('
B.11 Ill' IIII' fll('1 Ihat III(' strikl' \\"11" in jll"\)).:"I"('S" :lIld ('IIIISlillltioll, 111111 r()J'
!h('ir t1iligNI(,(, ill fllrthl'I' [\II_
Ihal 1111' 1'/IIllPI111;'o" wno; I'lIlplu,\'ill/: '!ll'ikl'hl"lIkl'!''', '1'111' tllt'lItll·atillJ.t Ihl' 11'('(JI'r! 1I0\\" l)('rOl'(' tlt(' I.E,(',
t'l'elll'd slums Ihal I h{' llPlwllllllt IWII a fail' Iwal'illg, Thr I'('{'()I'II sill)\\"" "IIIII'IIIS;\"I'Jr Ihat Ihl' :IPI)('II;IIII
,lilt! Ihal he wa~ gil'l'lI l'\'~'ry oPPol·tull il ,\' 10 ofT('I' 11 illlil'llIl'd 011 1111 applil'lIliOIl rOt, ('lnJlIOYIII(' UI ( l {l 'fl' I'I'1I1
rld'I'lIM', 1"1'111'1'11111'(' 11I 1"01'llIillillll J)1I1il Sh('('t) tllIh'd I 1:1/6 1
Til Ihl' f1l('1' of the 11111)('I1I1I1I's OWII lldltlko;i()n~ ill tlllll hi' 1111.] St'I·\"t,r!lIl1 lIPJlI'('1I1il'I'ship Hilt! Ih:1I h., Iwd
Ihi" ('a'«" ami th(' l'c{'ol'(l ])\.'I"OI'\.' iI, tilt' 1. 1-:.(" dl'nit''1 pll""... 1 all 1':s.:lIl1ill1llioli I"m' ')0111'111'.\"11111 11 J.!lr{,11 11,\' 1111
this IlJlJlt'al. !BE\\' Ln"lrl I 'lliml, On I:! :.!l /6 1 Ihc 1'('\'01'"
slulllo; Ilwl 1I1.l:lIhl Ihl' aplwll:llil affiJ'llll'd the SIIIHI'
APPEAL OF GEO n GE L. \"R IGII T st;III'III,'nlo; (II I huth 1)I'I'lI'1iIllIS. IIU' 1·t'('OI'(j ,,!tows thai
011 ,IIIIIU:II·.V 10th. I!)G;J, ("11:11')..("1''1 WI'I,' lill·d lI"ilh ,11(' tlH' 1I11jll'111I1i1 llllil'llll..-1 111lI1 111' IWil SI'I'WI l lIli 111'1))'('11-
lIPPI'oIH'ial(' V .I' . llgllin.sl Ih t' apJll'lInnl, 11'110 \\:IS III ti('I'"hip of I .\I'III·'! ill I.ittlr' Hllt'I;, "h kllmms, 1.()("111
thllL till1(' a 111(' 1111)('1' of I.oeal l! lIi()u 0-10. 11lld Chui l'- i!nitJlI :.!!)::i.


1IIIIUil'it,S in<.;lilul('d ill !.ittl(' H()('k t'li~iINl II", ill- slOll(' HuhlX'I' P hmt job, ~a1iJl:ls, ClIlifOl'llin," The
fOl'lIllIlioll Owl. tlm'ing" Ill\' Jllls! 30 ,,,'ans, 111\'('1' i.. no \.I'. fUl'thcr dil'('('tC'U IlH fol1o\\"~:
I'('('()rd of tll4' "PIlt-llalll hcill!! :1 lIu'mlK'I' of Loral
., LOt'al l 'n ion 2-13 is hel'('by I'('li{" ·cd or any ('on·
('"ioll ~~ri, III' hlll'in),! Sl'j,,','d 1111 nppI1'lIlir('ship, 01' of
frol On'I' Ihis lu·oj('("t. whifh mlly b(' );(,I,,'i('('d dil'('('t,
llll ,-illl! InkplI an I'xlllnimilillll fol' , 1(1111'11(',\'1110111 SI:IIIIS,
I.,' by a l"I'I1I'(''«'III:1li\'(> of rOlli' offil'(>, Th is n!lthot'it~'
Sl'aJ'(,h of IllI' I'('('ol'ils ill 111(' 1.0, I'lIilt'tl to show lIlI."
JlI·o"il\('(1 in ,\I,ticle XV, 5('(>lioll 2: of ( Ih(' ) COil,
1,(,,1'1H'f1 nt' 111(' uPPl'lhllll 11ll,' ill~ h('('11 a IIWllIht'l' of
l>ltilutiol1· ••. "
1.00'al Filion 29;;. I.itll(' ilo('k. 01' 1111," l'N'nI'tl of his
luniu1! b{'{'11 11 111(']111)('1' of HlI." 0111('1' Lotlll in III\' !-;tntc I.nt'lll L'lI ioll 2-13 now appeliis this netioll of the 1.1".
of ,hkll"sa~. sn."illg':
Th(' 1'('("()l'd hdol'(' Ih(' I.E.C', nl<;() aliI'S!..: 10 tll(' fa('t "We {IUf'stioll Ih(' l'ij.!'111 of Ihe JIlI('l"IIntionll l
11m\. 011 1Ia.,· :!Otl1. 1!)63. WII ('al('l1(lllr 1I11,\'s "ftt'l' th(' P I"('slcknt 10 lak(> (>QIlII'ol of Ih(' 1"il'rslonc Tin' 1\lId
IIPPI'lInnl 1".~('(' i\'('d l1oti('p ()f Ill(' di'i'isioll of 111(' \ '. 1'"
HuhlX'1' P lant job at ~alinns, l 'alifol'lli,l, undt'1' ..:\ 1'-
hI' r nl.'n ''] tilt' pbw(' of IIII' !'(,!!lIlal' 1ll('('lillg' of I.Mal li("1I' XV, :';(>('tioJl :!."
llnion (l IO Hnt! Il is!'upl('d 111(' 01'd(,I'I," pl'()(,(,pdillJ!S of
thaI 1.,)('111 l 11lion foJ' IIPPI'oxilllllt('lr -10 minul('s I){', Arlirle XV , Sectiol1 2 of 111(' Constilu l ion \"('Iuls
f(ll'(' 1"I1\'1I1j!. ns I'ollows:
'I' h(' I'Pt'01'd !)('fOl'(, tl!(' I. lo:.f'. sh()ws, wilhout sllll(!()\\' "'I'h(' 1.\"1)(' of work I1lld th(' Irnilol·y 01' jlll'isil iC',
of douh!. Ihal lli(' nNw l!lIlIt falsply ntt('slcd 111111 b(' lion eO\"('I'('t\ b~· n ('11111'1('1" ml1s1 hi' d(>lillr,1 ill np'
hml SI'I'\'rli HII apprl'lltirrsliip, lind thHt hr har! pa'<.,,<,d jll·O\'t\(! IOt'nl I1llioll h'\'luws, Thc 1. 1'. Ims 1111' I·i/-:"ht,
11 ,IOtll'lll 'y man ('XIllllilllllion, Th(' 1'{'('O1'<l sho\\s tlillt alHl pOWl'l' to tli\' idl' 01' thallA'(' Ihr \rl'l'il(JI"Y 01'
h(' \l'lIS plll(,f'd in a position (If 1'l.'''I)(lIlsibilil,\' and II'ust. jlll'i"di(,lioll ('O\'('I't'ti hy any 1..1 '.01' to wk(' {·hal·r.:-c
h.I' Ihl' IIll'lul)('I"I of IJO('lti " nion 6-10 tlnd('I' tllf' :1';'
of 1md dit'("el ('('I'tnin johs or 111'oj('('\s in OJ' passing
!u\IIIJllillll Ihllt hI' wus (1IIIIIifi('d alHl ('Ii)!ihle rOl' that tlll"()ug'h lillY t(>ITiIUI'~ ,\lll'U ill Ihe judgmcnt of Ih('
N'(1)()I1sihi1iI.\' nnd Irust. '1'h(' 1'('(,OI·d show~ thnt. wllf'n I.P. sut'h !4hollld])(' dUllc."
III' wns fuid," al'~l1<;('d :11111 Il'il'd h.\' IIII' 1lJ'O]lI'l" f)ffi('('
of tl\{' 1 BE\\'. h(' slood silt'llt h)lwl'J"llin/o? 111(> l1('rll- AI'liel(' X\', ~{'('Iion 2 of thf' ("ollsli\lI\ioll \\u!t
!illiioll!ol hl"OlIj.dll l1)!ninst Ililll . 'I'ht, !"t't'un! Sill/lIS Illnt, pllH'I'd Ih(,I'I' hy the nl~'III I)(' I'S of th(' IRE \\' ill COli.
wht'll jll{lJ!lll('nl WIIS 1'(>fI\!pl'l'd. hI' (lp(>llly d('fit'd Ih(' "I'lItiOlI, hy Iln'il' OWI1 wisht'S, lind 1'01' III(>il' 0\\"11 ill-
authOl'it,\, of thc TBE\\, f'ollslilulio" and or jts li'I'{"'ts nnt! 1)I'Il('fit. TII(' "l"ij!hl" of th(' I.P. Ilml\'1'
Ihi" ,\rti(·I(' <Il1d R<'elioll hlts I)('{'n IMI('(\ IIwny liUH'S,
h~" III)Pf'ltl ttl til(> I.E.('., ;llId IIl1inl1lt(>I,\' 10 Ihf' IlItrl'-
This ('oUlH'it 111 list tnk(> inlo t'nJ"('f1l1 (>QlIsidl'l'nlion
I1nliOlwl l·onwillion .... \\'11('11 l,(,fluiJ'('d to do so. the
Ih(' 11:11Il1lg'f' (1011(' h,\' th(' ..... ndiOlls, lIIul III(' 1l:1IIH1J!p
I P. lIIl1st IIH1k(' 11 judA'I1II'1I1 tl('{'ision IIndl'l' Ill(' I)()Wt' l'!I
Ihal wO\lld 1)(' (1011(' if Ih(·,,1' lINiol1S Wt'I'(' nl1owI,fi to
J!1'Ul1tr, 1 10 him IIl1dt'l' thi" ~('('liol1, Bring h\IIII:lII, all."
("()nlilllll'. TIl!' R.,'l n,,·s or Lorn I I'llioll 640 I'end, in
1.1'. ,'(luld IIIl1k(' 1I "T()1I1{ tllTisil!u. 11 deej .. ioll Opf'1I 10
pm·" 11'1 follows:
qlH'Slil111 h.,' tIl(' hi"dwl' ('Q1I1·ls of Ihp B!'olllt'l'lIoo<l,
'''I'h(' ohj(,t'I.s of Ihis lor:" IIl1iol1 shll11 hI' ••• 10 But Illis is 1I0t \\'h:1\ Lo(·ul :!-I :~ IIIIS ill mind . It ftUI'S,
IIllIkl' 0111· ("11I·d lind S(,lI t II ('('I·tifif'lIlp of fl'lIH·1'Ilit,\', lioll.~ tllp ")'il{h l " of Ihf' t. p . III IIlnk(' th(> liveisioll,
htH1('sl.v, dn(·it' Il('.\' lind 1'I')illhilit.\,." l·ij.,dll Ill· \\'\'Oll/-:". T h(' (\\'I 'I·\\'llf'll\1in~ jUl"iSPI'udC' l1 c(' is
Till' I.ot'nl [In ion :lIld ils IIWlllhl'l'" 1111\'1' pinl",a Iheil' ill rll\'tu· of this" l'iA"ht" (If I h(' 1. 1'.
fllith lind II·\\SI hI this ohj{'('t. , 'h(> 1.1';.('. is drtl'l" '1'h(' nppral is 111('I'('fol'(' d,' n i(>(1.
mill('d to do its p:II·' 10 h('lp thrill muilliain Ihllt f:lilh
tllill 11'IISI. II is 1111' dt'(·i"ion of ,ht' l.E.C. that lhe APPEAL O f EUCENE McCABE
i""11I111 aPPcIlII\(' d('nieti.
T h(' I"('('I)!"II shows thnt th(' <1pllI'l1anl is II lllt'ml)l'I'
I I is flll"lhpl' Ih(' (l('('isiol1 of th(' I.KC'. Ihlll Ih('
of IAK'al , ' Ilion ] 311, ;11111 a IHpmlwl' of til(' EX('<'lIli\"l:'
npp('llnnt, IJI'Olh('I' aN)I').!;(, I•. Wrighl, bc 1"(,llIon'!"l
Boal·1I or Ilwl \,()('al. 11(' is ('mploYNIIL'l an ,'I(~"II'i('inl1
fl'OlIl offi('c m; 1U(>11I])('1" (If 1\1(> EXlimininJ! Boun1 of
lIIuh'r ('h' il S<'r\'i('C sllllns foJ' the School Board of tll{,
L()(·al " nion 6·10, and h(> /'Ilmll 110t 1'l.'pl'(-'S('nt l.orl1!
('il,\' of (']('\'('Ia nd.
t .. 11 inn (1-10 ill :nl.\' 1111111 11(>1' !I~ 1,IK'ill l ' 11 ion offi('rl·. ('0111,
milll'(>III11Il. tlf'I(>~III(, 01' I'I'pl·t'St'lltHtin> 10 nny ('On"('II' '1'11(> 1'<'<'tll·1l sho\\'!; that th('r(' ('xists an tI/lI'(,(,Ill(,1I1
lioll of 1my kind Ol' natll1"(,. 01" atl('l1ti 1.0(";11 (' nion 1.K,twt'('1l rd-. 3~ lind 1d r, Ian wilrJ'l'iJy nil johs wilel'(>
lJ)('('tillh.... 01' ~ath('rinh"S or ;111,\' kind wh('1'(' 1II1'1II1)(']'S lilt, Wil,(,lIlllll'~ honl"ly 1·111(' ill lX'ing paid sllllll I'clllllin
of th(' IBEW al'(' ns.<;('mhl('ti 01' j'('llI'I'S('llIl'<l ror a ill 111f' jurisdietion of !,.t' ,~.
I)('ri()\! of fi\·(' (ii) years fl"olll the dllt(' of this (h'(,I"1011 TIlf' I'('('()I'(I shows tlillt nil ('l<'<'Irieinns ({'x('('pt thc
of till' 1.1-:.(" 1IP1)1'lIant) whn al'(' wOI'king foJ' thc ~hool Bonnl in
(11I(,'llioll, al·t' 1I11'lIIht'I'S nf 1..11. 3~, and Ilwl Ih('~>
nt\'nillC'l's 111"(' pa.\·in~ IIII' wOI·killj.:" tlu('s supp!t'llIrll l in
On ,Ju l.,' 121h. 1!l63, Ihf' t.P. (klrj!lItrd hi~ aUlho.-it,\' udtlitioll 10 lh(' hasie 1()I'ul union dUN., liS I'('fjuil"t'd hy
to Ih(> nppl"Oprin lf' \' .P .• , • • • as l)1'ovid('d in .\ rlielc 111(' Bylll\\'s of 1•. lI. 3K .\1 1 su('1! 1l1(,1l11)(,1'S, ill(· ludillg'
1\", ~('(,tioll .J. of OUI· (,onst itution, 10 Inkf' ('hlll'g'(' o f l ilt, nplwltlill t , 111·(' l'I'('('i\'il1,1! th(' wil'Clllnll'S 1·lIte or
IIl1d dil'cct oJlel'ntioJl~ of OU I ' 1:!i-otl1('l"ilOoti 0 11 thc I"il'o- pn.\·, whidl \\'uslI('g'olinIPd h.v I, II. !lR.


'I'hl' ('lI/1~ l iIUlio ll of Ihe IBI'; W p!"od d t,S" Ihal fill 111111 ollll'l'\li"I' I'a~'a h h',
'I'hi" ell'I'lioll, to i.K.'(·Olllt' eO·I..'("'
IlIt'IlIIk'I'S pH,\" Ih('i " bnsie dut'~ hi Ihe il' h01l1(' loc:li Iii,', "hall ...,111"111'111 to sm·h I'm'lhl'I' nl l{'~ as may I,.·
IIllion, nml t1mt. whilr "'ol'kil1tr ill Ihe jlll'j"diciioll of a~I\1Jlh'" h,\' 111(' 1.1':,(" T ht' p I'o\'isioIiS of lhh; Pll1'II'
al1olh('I' I()('nl lIllion, Iher nl'(' I'N l lliI'('d 10 pur Ih(' Jl(,I" t;.!l'llph "Iwll nOI apply 10 thO'>{' olli('(, I'S. I'('JlI'{,;;(,lIlalln-s
('('11111;::\' o[ \\'ol'kill~ dll('~ a<; 111'O\'ilil'lI ill 111(' I()('nlull' or lI"-,,isl:mls \\·110 1'1'lit1'd Uti 01' hl'fori:' S('I)('tt1I)(,I' H .
iOIl h~'la\\'s, 1!l6:!. "
EX;IIllilintioli of Ihl' I'('('m'd h,,.flll'I' IIII' 1.1-:,(" IX"'(':I" PENSIONS J\ppnOVED
1hll1 11IP ]'lI"i,' 1'Ol1Ipi:lilll of 11k 11 Pllt'l 1;111 I is Ih:11 "1 '1'111' itlli'I'II1IIIonal EXI'('utin- ('IIIIIIt'il npPl'O\'('(l Ih(,
(',111'1 SI'(' pa~'illp; 11m';; lot'al IIniuns,"
10 Iwo ["II,mill).: pI'n .. iiJlt "JlI,li,":tlilllt ... :
If I", \\i",lu'" 10 1','1I1IIill a 1111'111111'1' or Ih,' IB EW Card Itl For mt'r l, Ca rd In Forme rl )
Ih(' :lp]lI,1I11111 11111'<' :thidt, hy 1111' 1'1I1"s aud I)I'O\'i",ioll'" Thl' 1.0. or 1...11, Th e 1.0. or L.I "
,d' ils ( '011'"11111 lOti,
Mnxwl'll. F:l1l{wall, Cathl'1'i !1I' A, 76
'1'111' npIII'1I1 i~ 11('lIi('(1. DouRal!! r, ... ,' None WI'ight I~dith S. 71i
J-'1:II·k. 1':lml'l' II. I DulJ\IIlUI', Benjamin Jo'. ""
PETITION OF t,Ll, '12-12
HudolJlh, 1' 1'1'11 .I. ",. J-:agl" , Hal'!"y R. ",.' "
'1' 11(' I ,K(', I'p(,,,i"('ti II [wlillllll 1'1'0111 1,(I('lll t 'lli(J1l I I'OIlS, S,'" Dudd "" :] l'ull'l'l', ];:dwa n l O. 77
I:![ ~ "10 ]'PI'lIlu lJlh' I li id nppl'On' 11 ;;lli l :lbl" S II·i].;" l!lld O'Brien, .r l1hll ./. . . . ,. :] W iI~O! I , GeorgI.' V, ,., i7
1,( ... koHI Il"II(' lil I-'UI111 1111,1" 1" Ih,' 11111'1'Wlli'HIIII ( ")11 Dillo n . T holl!:l:'! J , , .. . u IIl'a ld, F' lo~'d It ,. 81
,/i,rfrey, Lc~t('I' G. , .. , u Mf'dlin, lIe n ry AI"cl't.
",lilll1i,JI) 1'111' III,' I'tll'p"~I' (II" ndl'qU:t l "l,I' 11""i,dill!.! ill n
lilllllll'i:11 111:1111)(,1' 1111,'- IB E \ \' 1I11'lIlh,,1' who i... I' 11):1l!.!(,d
l\lcFalhl"n, ,Iohn 0, . .
l'okol'llY, Hoh('rl ' .' '.
~liltler, ']'honUll< C... ,
K e1!)'. 1Iul)('l"t r., ... , .

ill illl npPI'I)\"(',1 IB E\\' "ll"ikl' 01" IIho is Ilfl·kl,t!

lIill ify nIl I'tllplfl.'·('I', II)' 11'110 lilli," h,','oll1,' tlllI'mp1o.\"(·t!
Hocknl', A.
J IIhant1{'~ .. , , . , , . 6
Mnhon(')', John P. ".,

\\,ltil., itt ".\"111]111111." with SIII'!. sld!.l· 0)" Im,I,ont.··· .. Ward, ,blllll'!! ,I. , , " .,
Bluckhnm, Archie",.
1I1'II)'y L, ,., ..
JohnSom. Emit '"
'1'111' I 1,;(' ItII'US til IllI' PI·ul·""din!!" IIf tltl' :!;11t Kni,,:hl. Cal'! W .. ,'" 108
Dt'!camll, GJI'II ,., ... II
('I1I1\'('l1lillll "f Iltl' I BE\\, 111'111 dUI'ill!! SI'I'I"IIIIII'I" of
lIenry, Carl II. "',.,' 11
Lum~dl.'l1, AIiJoCI"I K ,. 10'
I!Ui:!. Ehdtl 1III'lIi uni\ltl~ "'lIll1l1ill,,<I a 1'I''''011lIioll In Addi]<.IIl. Stanle~' W... II:!
1-f{'I'Z~tein, lI{'rlwrt . " II I:!,l
Ihal (·tlu\,·uli,m ]"('qlll·<;tiul!' thaI 1111' IHI';\\" :1110]11 illinert, Roy
III1J1nmt, EIIi, II. , " ., II BrO('kmnn, Ewald J .. , l:!,t
:1 1}(IJiI',\' "imilm' 10 Ihlll whit'it Ihl' ilhlaltl PI'liliml Stancomll(',
Pili" f'lt'\\ll1't! a" i1I,,,il·ahlt,. Titl' t!1'11'j~:II"'" al Ihal 1"011· TUl"lIf'r, Joe C .... 12:1
,-\Jfred 1>. II
An~f'lIllz. Calhoun, J .. I:!f)
\,'lIlilln d..r,';\II,t!llw n'",uhuinll_ Wt'~t:llI, ,Jam{'s II, '" II
Cunll'.', William 1:11
It j" lilt' "pinilln 01" 1111' I E_{' ,hal Hlatt"I'" han· Wilson, Charit''' It ... IG
IIU' all"I'\'d 1111' "illl](liuII in all.'- P"I'('('plilll,' tll'!!("'" B:1I1, Holuml I), 17 fha l'le" J, " , , . 1:1~
dudll!!; 1111' iUI!'I"'I'uilljt IWl'ln' 111011111", Tlwr.-t",H·/' IIII' Ozins. ,John 17 ~l1'\)ll('l, George W, !:1I
Fl'~", GJt'n ,I. 2:1
I .I-:,{', is IlIlI l'al'lll'nl,II' IOwal"ll sultmiltiu)[ In IIII' 1111'111' \'al<i>O.~. John H ... ,' CW
Woltel'lItodT, W il!1()n, Sidne)' C, , " , 1:11
Ifl'I'ship :l 1'"j""I'('ud ulI! Oil lItis sllhjl,,·t IlIllll,'I' al llli" ,J a~' W,
lillil'. ~Iohl'ing, J ohn W. ,. l:jfi
Br'amlon, JOl<"ph
lJl"undage, W illiam A, 1:!I;
C IIANr.I~ IN CONS TlT l1 TIO~ OF IB E\'\' Gl'i fli n, .Iohn 1-'. , ... ,'
Cochran, Carl J .. , ... 141
l\IcHa(', WIO IIN I " , .. .
Cain, !-:1'('I'l J. 1(;()
III t'( 'nfol'lI!i t ," wi l h 11 11' wi"IIo '" III" litl' ,ll'h'glltp" Cl"ough. Willinm H, ..
Mal'till, Dcwcy II. 160
[l1'('s('tlI nl Ih(' :!; Iit ('llll\'(' ll lillll .,1' 111(' II~I '; \\', 1111' MeN{'ill, F rN]{'r-ic k ".
Ol son. Dewey B, ,.,., l (iO
I n l l'1'1l1l1iollll l E ;';('('lIli\'(' ( 'OH!II'i l d il·",'ls 11111 1 Ihl' ( ' Oil, At ki nl'f)l l, ( : ('<lI'KC A .. .
GO{,j'i llgcr, J ohn ". 16:\
s t iluliutl sltltll IJt' ('IIHIIJ,:"" 1i :1" follows: Bartlf'Y, lI u~de C.... ,
Kimhall. Pen), It .,., lS I
1'1'(',,('nl .\ I·t ic·lt, III , sl'c·tion I I, 1':II';I)[I'lIpll ( IO ) B1':Idlcr, J o~t']lh L.. ,.
Toon, W illis K , 191
Butler, CIIlI'{'1u'f' W, "
,.. 111111 hi' )'("l1lwtlWI·,'d ( 11\ lItlil 1111' "'111"('1~'f1ill!! pn)"a l'ntlillfl1l. Alexnndel'. ~o~
L:\}'lmm, SI'"
J!1'lIpll ttlttllll('I'S ,'hllll):!'!1 m·(,,"'ditl):ly Jame~ n. 41; B ergman, Rel'n~lI'd S .. 2 11
T h(' follmdttg' shnll h(' itl~"rh·d ill Ih,' ('oll"lilulitll1 Lincoln. J I.'~~il' E ... ,' IG
I)alldo, J ohn ., , .... 2:10
Kl'lly, Itny C. ".,. ,. :!;J7
ns , \ I'lil"ll' 1[1 , ~('c'lillll II , I' Hnl~l'aJlh I n!: -'l atson, Allitn It ",. 46
Pud(>, Richard A. " .. 2:17
"(10) I II lil'lI of IIH' J111.\'IIII'ttl ill" 1'I'lin'III,'lIl ("tllIt, Urnn, John J. 4r.
SWl'aner, \ .. thur A .. , 4r. Huch:lI1nn, Thom;ls I., 24fi
III'II-;;Ililill 11 1111 lit,· ('1'1111'11 of 111111 ...1,,1 1"'IIIIII·illillinll ... (III Whilllel', \'ictar 0, '" :?·I fi
:7.engJe, Janel ~1. , .. . 46
Ih{' hllSI'" 1IIIIIill,'1I in I' nl'II~I':lplh ( I • I:! :111" (IiI Ill' Oallner, :llnll('l K , .. . IS L:mrl'ti, Geol'ge :II.. , . 2,1
Illi" SI'I't1ml I I , lilt "ni""I", 1"pl·I· ... ~,tltall\'i· Ill' :1",,,i ... I:1II1 Oimm, Jr., .Iohn C, '" 48 Bradll')', Lauren II .. " 285
/II:l~' 1'11'/'1 III I,'c·~'in' l'I'lhu'I'{1 1"lIIljll'II':11 illll :1" IIIII!! " ... .\lcCommon, l't'n11lICk, lIugh F . . " 29:!
hi' lin'",. with Iltl' [l1'1/\'i"i'lII lh:11 1'1'1'1:1111 l'I·til','m'·1I1 Xlll'nUl HI'It'1I , ., ., . B(>lInt'tt, George A, :l(I:!
1"HIlI'I'lhlltilitl pa"·ml·ltl,, "hall c'1I111iI)1I(' III h,' 1I111,1t· III I'al'kl'r, .\In.If'II.';lIe P .. Bou('hnl'd. A llx>rt II, ;102
hi" SpIIII .... , thl'I'\'aflt'I' liS Inll): liS '1111'11 "'PII\I"'" "lin-hi·... Ad;,mi. Allx'l't J , ""' Kel!ltlil. Kl'ls E. ,., .. , :lO2
lIuSE', W illiam A, , .. , Taylor, Leslie E, ;jO l
hiw, ,\1'11'1" lilt' dl'lIlh of 111,111' Ihl' IIml'I'I', I'i'PI""~I'l1t;I'
Franklin , JOl'l'ph H . , . Gl~'r, Chester 0, ".,. :118
11\1' III' It",SiStlllll Hilt! lti~ SPIl1\sl' all." 111111",,01 [l1Jl'lillll :12]
]tl'Znl'l', Lt'IIII ," ,., Lan'CIl, Cnd K , " " ,
(If tlli' ,i I'('I'{'!'IlI 1'(lIl1l'illllli!)!! ,,111111 III' p;l,\'1Ihll' !II 11 Nolan, Jll 1l1eS L, " ... ;j!l:!
Hightc!", (' hndes H. ,.
IUlI!]I ",11111 10 Ilis h-(' !l dll·illl·.", '1' 111'11111011111 of l'I"il'l" I'rluge]', II n1"1'~' It. .. . SWpll's, George W. " :J:l:!
1111'111 "" lIllwIlSHl ioll Jll1,"lIbh· IIlldl'I' Ihis "!,'('Ii,,u ~hal l Ohll>lll'[lIl . I!. M. " ... " Slebhins, P hili p C, :na
h.· aclUul'iully l'q u il'1li" tll 10 till' 1','1 il'vlIll'1l1 ,"'!IIIJII'Il"lI' Newell, Al·thul" .. ,'" Houdlc)" Ol'vi!le J , ' ., a5t


Card In F orme rl y 1\I t' m hl'rl'h i II i\ 1(' mbC I'~ hil) Me mbe rs hip
TIlt' 1.0. Of 1..1 I. In L,U, 111 L.U, In L.U.
J esser, J:.ke ......... 35G O'COIl110", John .'II. .. IO<!4 MCCIl,'thy, Chal'1es ,. 3 Vieeli, An gel p, .. ,. 11
Calla way, Clinton W.. :1[>7 Hanson, ,John W. !07~ McT wigg:ln, Thomas . 3 W ebe!', HalTY L . . , .. 11
Lyon, H udso n H. .. 357 Brc\\'!'r, Charles E. ,. 11 56 -'l cye,', Karl F. "', . 3 W illiamson,
Wrig-Ill, Nuul, 1". :W2 SChWI\I'k, Albcrt C, ., 121 3 Morgnn, Chade!! II, ,. 3 l\l ol'l'; s I;' ... , ... . 11
Bouche, Adl·j ... ,1 ;\I. a97 Pc,'!')" George D. , .. , 124 5 Mo,'gan , Claude S. ,. 3 C,'OIl', Willi am D. , .. . 18
lIan~cerr, ('1:11'1'111"(' -I... 40S l3eck('t', 1"1'('(1 C•. ,.,. 1209 ;'.I\lr"ph'l, Edwanl V. 3 IsenOI', Willi am N .. . 1B
G'"ar. 11(>'11)" D. ·IOU Allanl, Il al'o ld J, ... , 1:1:I,J O'll eal·n. Michael p, 3 K:lI"pc, Gcn'aise G, ,. 18
Dykm!lII, ,\Iwlld H. 149 Kinnes , Christe D. 1377 Or,tcr'ndOI' f, Hct'tll11n 3 ]\'I c])uf1ie, l\lartin V, 18
Mendenhall. l"red P... ·185 McGinnis, Jamcs Eo 1393 Palmed, Louis ,.,'" 3 Miller, Edwa"d J, .. . IS
Vin("('nt, William D. .. 1194 C la),k, I~\'{: ret ]\1. 178:! Pnttcl'son. Gcol'ge O. 3 Pottinger, H iram 11. 18
Britton, Eldo n I~. 499 PalLl, Louis .. . . . , .. , 3 Swanson, Gco,'ge F ... 18
:\Ildel' ~on, Alfred L. FiOI .\It'mher); hill Rosa, Salvato,'e 3 W elch, Ral ph .\1. "" 18
WoodSlI"orth, Jblph B, li02 III 1.,.11. Schafer, li erman W illiams, PelT), D. ,.
3 18
See, Prank C. ...
Hickman, Hall)h
Bair(\, Hurry D.
J:wkson, ,Joscph ]\\.
Schelle, Frederick
Schmidt, W illiam G.
Il autamaki , August ..
Black, Ostar P.. " .. l'
Cone, Hal'old J, [>90 KulhllCrCI', Albcrt W. 1 Sd1!'rihcl', Milton.". 3 Webcl'J.(', Elme" C. 23
Federick,.1. It 5!11 Snrdel', Curl B. ..... 1 Rdl1'eiber, Oavid ., .. 3 Ya:r.el, Hel'man L. 23
Nichol~, Donald 1\1. .. 595 Aceatino, Albert,.,. . 3 Schullel', E dwnnl W. , 3 Palmet', Lewi s C. 2li
lI:mcock, Gt'ol'ge B. " GIl AndoJr, Sull'udol' . , ., 3 Shulmull , Alexandcr 3 Pike, Al'thu ,' S . . . 2G
Bad!',', .\Ien'yn A, , , ,. e17 Annis, Clau(le 3 Sic)!;ri, Samuel"" " 3 Small, Robert II, " .. 2G
Ludwig, J ohn R. 6:j3 Armstl'ong, HalTY C. 3 Smith, W illiam p , , .. 3 Phillips, Gcorge M .. , l!7
I'!offpaui!', Jo ~c ph C... fol4 Aronoff, Irving",.. 3 Steinkamp, Otto, . , .. 3 Litt:1UCI', Jul ian 28
Tewart, I'rycc .. ..... GI8 Bialkowsk i, Anthony 3 S"l1i\':.11, Noell' ..... 3 A n<lnl!" Dewey W. 31
I~jshcl', Nob le V, ..... Gij!J Bielecke, I~"ank 3 Sweck, ,John F . . ,., .. 3 lI enick, Cha1'les H. ,. 31
Lch t o. A l'thul' L. 6G:j I1reining-el', Frank H. 3 '[' ull y, Waltel' 1" ••. ,. 3 JOI'/!C))SOn,
Pagel~, LtHli s ...... . GGa H,'yll, Michael " .. ,. a Vasl<:Lr, I.cro}, J, .... 3 Charles N. ,. , , . , . • 31
Pe\'ney, Samuel G64 Billman, Howard E. 3 Viggiano, Vincent." 3 Mugnuson, Carl O. . . 31
i'lJilbul"ll, Hufu s K. !iG{i Caml'hell, John J. ,.. 3 Wonna cot t , John A. 3 Pendergast,
F iedlel', Geol'gc M. G75 Clement John 3 YHI'ock, Samuel Il. " Wal L..,!' E. , .. 31
Beving-ton, 111I1'old P.. {;77 Crnwfo.'(I, John H, .. 3 Zitck, Fl'ank A, , ... . 3 Sheils, F'nLncis E. .. . 31
l\l a .lI'el·, Clwrlcs W .. .
1I !I1·tman, Iblph E:. ..
1\laloney, T homas G.. .
Graham, Georgc)I....
CL"immin~. J en:miah
Disenn, Erasmo F . . ,
Dolan, Patrkk F. ,..
Chaul'in, Reno G, ... .
Kcstell, Philip
6 Benoit, Cc<u'ge N. ".
n iUo, Sr., J ohn ,. , ..
I'i)z, BeJ'n:L1'(1 O. 708 Duhnick, Jack 3 Vn lentine H. 6 Donncl', Frank. ,., •. 38
1\Iuelle,', Chul'les A. .. 7iG Duff, Leruy E, 3 Mo)'gan, J ohn C. ,.,. 6 F o rtenbaugh,
Raub, H!I!'\'cr G, , , , " n~ Edge, E.hl'al'd 3 O,'Ut., Julio,., .. "., 6
'I'11I..'OIlol"e .... . . . . , 38
Hoaeh, ClcnH'nt B, .,. 7:!:l Ei~lel", Il cl'hert W. .. :; Ol'tley, I'hilip B. 6 M c nt' !'mot t.
Roux, W ilfred F, "" 730 Esposito, F ra nk ,... 3 Gentld A .. "., ..•• 38
Phelan, John L, ., .. . 6
Burnett, i';wing p, ... n;:; F'a rgie,', AI·thUl· B, ,. 3 Ode)). W aIte" J. , .•.. 38
POt-tN, W illi;lln G . . , 6
Li\'ingston, Ruel Co. ., 711 Pa1"1'ugia, Angelo .,. 3 Hose, Willia m A, ,., 38
Sommer, John"., .. . 6
Scribner, Athel 7111 Feinsll'in, F rank .,. 3 '1'hollla~. Nicholas S.
Vondrasck, AlIto)) '" :l8
I':d~on, Glcn /" ",.,' 7fil! Finnegan, John P. . , 3 J)oneg:l1l , l\IcL"le E . . . '10
W ill<on, Lawrence, . . 6
;\Iagnus~on, Oscar A.. 77(; Friedman, Morris .,' 3 Dowell. Lloyd ", ..• . ,10
Little, James I~, ., ... 7
Bainny, .John A. 779 PUJ'~ t, .John E . 3 lI e!l{l1cy. Geo rgc D, ., ,10
AI'thlLl', Al lrcl'l A. B

I'I,illi]J:', ('h{lde~ P ... , 7~1 Gnbor(!, J umc~ J . . ,' 3 Hood, Ernest W,
I,an,!;', A l" thuI' 8
Nelson, Ha rtT J ... . .
Clc\"<~ ll gel', n add N,..
Jensen, Arthur ,J.
Gcih, I~red e l'ick D . . ,
Ghcnll'lli. Carl
GalJl'i('1. GCQr'ge '1', .. ,
Lakl', \Villialll F. , .. ,
' I't·evillyan. J ,', '"
Sl1'obc1, J')~I']lh l\1. .,'
Willi~, Je s~(' Cluud
Lapinel', 1'1Lui ,.,.,"
G ,'af, 1! ('I'hcl't l\1. .,.
Harrigan, 1\1ich[l('1
HCI'I'1ingc,', Charles, ,
Stodd:u'd, John S ... .
Sullivan, Jos!.'ph T, ,. ,3
Waldemnl' K ... ,.
Blcxnndel', Kuhel':l, Joseph ... , •.
W:llIII'IIP, Luthe,' C. 881 Hoffman, i\l i('hael A . 3 I~ O Il('l't R. .... ,'" 11 Bcche, SI"., Ernest L . .
Hunt, 'l'h('odol'c C.. . .. 888 Horne, Irwin W, .... 3 Rl Ll'IIS, W illiam E. ... 11 D Un('un, Chul'leg A . ..
Lewis, F rrd E, 889 J ackson, lIal'old I~. 3 Crnig, Norvin L. 11
Hadclilfe, JOS('llh n.
Dec, Herh('I't V. 8!)l! Jacob~', William W. 3 Eh!.'rly. Il cl'bcl'i I;' . . , II
Taylor, Courtney L.
CI'isman, Dcvere ~:11 JamJlole, -'la"cLlS 3 GOl'd/,n, Isidore, , , , .. 11
KempllCI,,1\l arcus 3 Alexande!',
Hahn, HO\\"I\1"(1 P. !J31 II Ul)lIt£'C)), John ." ., 11 Adolphus 1,. ••• •••
H;\mC-I', Palll ,.,. 931 Kctzli{'k, Ch:u'!cs 3 H al'l'i~, Fiel.len II. 11 Ralllllall11, Ilnl'! nn f1,
H:lmel', J[aIT~' C. !I;ll Kingman, Auhl'Y 3 Lindhlom, Swun J. ", 11 Culln:l1't, 1·l any E .. ,.
:";haw, 1I arlan J, nl Krikawa, ,Jos('ph F, 3 ~llLrquettc, Lee D. , .. II J)e~mond, E(l wlLl'd S ..
Rauch, J. ](i),k !).JS L('e~l(lnt!, Puige, Clinton II, " • • 11 I l'\vin. J ohn J , ..... .
(':llvede)', George D, !I:>2 TheodOre 1\1. .,.,.. 3 Pelt ie", 11 erlllall J . . . 1l Lenhy, Emmet T, " ..
1Iovind, Alhel't H, ". !It,:! Loehelwn, Edwal'd , . 3 Pony, Joseph S .... . 11 Manifold, Fmnk ., ..
Danhurg, Co"I1('lius J. !lGI) Lu.lelllllnn, Shi"lcy, W. p, 11 N cillon, And rew B. ..
McAlistcr, Hal'old .. , no Rcrna I'd \V. , , , , . , , 3 SloculLl, HeLTick G . . . 11 Ronan, Cyril I.
Lanchestel', l~nll1k H, 99:1 l\1:lc Donald, E:dwant 3 'rhorillg'ton, Schneider, 1~I'('d
(VConno,·, ,John A . .. !1!)3 l\lnrtitwt., Ibfacl ,... 3 Chal'll!S n ... , ..... 11 S(:LifnGI', Loui s P. , ...


1\1 CIIIlwrf<h i II .\I t' mb("r~hill )1~mh("rllhill )Ic mbcr",hij'
In 1•. 1I. 111 1..1'. In 1..1 1, I n L.ll.
SUlid. Hnrold B..... . 4G Callis, Archie R. . .. . 811 ~cthilll{, Louis 129 O'Neill, Charles tOO
llor<'t'n, Peter O. . .. , 81 W ithrow, Gro\'Cl' C ... It!) ::WU
Cal(,~, l:ichard A... .
('ook, r.,·athan M.... .
Brar.ill, J OSCll h R . . _.
lI el"log, H cl"l~rt
A lewll1e. Sr ..
J ... S~ I'~nlkcl)~tei n .
Cl:lrc ncc J. 130
Pett'I'son, Petel' ..... .
SI~IlI" J oseph F ... . .
~tIt )

Cumming;;, Wnller J .. 18 \\'illilll)) i"..... .. . 81 J Ollll, )Id.r-an T .... . 130 W illIOlI \\" .... .•••• 2H9
E,.;haia. Gt'Ol'ge K.... 18 Stet'le, 1". (' ....... .. 81 1':ltUl"('lHl, 1'('t(>I' A . . . 130 Helu'r. Clifford J .. .. ~1tI
II nl'n~oll, II. II. •••• • 18 llll\·i~. lI al·,IIt! 1. .... . !>iIi ~ ... hmalr.. ~I· .•
1':. II .. 1:10 H ill, John C. ...... .• ~J{I
I.utll)', Fred O..... ,. 18 Or;lke. I.('ro), A ..... . 81; ~Jll'aI{UC. {'I:II('I\("(' F .. lao lIilt nel" 1I 111'I'Y F •••• 2 1U
I' ro!'lOl', J o,;cph W •• . 18 XUl:uel. John ... ...• 81; An'om:uulo, \'ICt(1I" •. 131 i\laguiN'. P hilip .... . 21U
Smith, A. H . 18 Ru1'II1'. Ellwurrl F ... . !IIi B"jtsdlt'r, f:.lwanl I~ .. 13 1 Pi llto, ('hadei< ..... . ~W
Tict'. Erllc"t K.....• , 18 Clark. L:I"'I'I'II<"C J . . . !IS ('armell'lr. Tholllll. O. 13,1 Shillll. W ill;ml S .... . 2111
T()u~,aillt, IlalJlh n.. <8 CUI"I"ie. 1-'111111. II • • • • '8 ('onolll', ("lalc1)c(' I. ... 134 Kenkt'1. E.lward It •. 21:.!
We,;t, A lrn'(l L .... . • 18 McQuillen. J O~'ph P. '8 Doyl('. SI" .. J II~('llh .,. I:U Pharo. 1I 11lTY :! I ~
Burt, 1I:1I'Old )1. ... . P lck:lnl. Sr.. Jo,;("ph !)S E/{nn. J O~(' l lh)1 ... . Davil', J-:,Igar _ . .... .
Cn~~, II m'lyn G ... . ••
F I('''~l·nhar.
51 Sh:I\\', W illiam \\' .. . .
Taylor, 1':<lw:11'(1 ... . .
Erdman. J ohn F .... .
Fannin/{, ('hlll"l('s ... .
I\ ihn, F n'd .... ... . .
Schou. Howland ) 1. ..
E dward L. .. ..•• ,. 51 )It-lI uj{ h, Jvhn \\'. !I!I f'it"l.l{f'nllrl. 1-::11"1 J . . . I:J.I Snyrll'r', AlonZ() D.... ~1 -l
F riMlnl:ln, II:IIT)' J .. . 5l O'Connor, J ohn P... . \19 For"lJf'rg, G. II ...•.. 131 NOI't\)flllcleHu.
)Ial't"l.. G('•..,.go O . ... .
Mottelel', Allen I;: .• "
Braun, '~u/{("n f' I.. .. .
Rer:lnltJlld. J O:!('llh ... .
F'rost . .I1));I'I, h S ..... .
GOI·rillg. J:ic·h:lnl W.
la t
Art hul" .J. .... .... .
F'nl ~('I·. J ()~e Jlh ..... .
Il yall. J;tmes A ••• ••• H)t 1:11 1)1I\·is. E lml'l' W . . . . .
I'nlin. Arlr ian
Hil·IHlI"fI~. lblllh
SCh('I'l"1.. Lee 11.
SnYI.'I·, J ohn ,I. .... .
Valltlelden, Okko .. . .
Grlletz. ) Ia l"tin
111I1lI111:I1"<1Uil.t .OsCIII·
II l'it, F:lmf'l" II.
1:1 1
13 1
1I :1I"1"(,Y W . ~~!)
n o~'I(', Fred W. fit RU ITOII, (,IUlI'It's A . . . \1):1 J onlan. A lnoltl n... . 1:11 Bevill. Frel'lcI'jck J ... 2:1(1
Carhat. S;l!llue l fit Rerkowilz. ~Iorris .. . wa "'('anc. A lo)'~iu)l I... . la l Ml'i)un:litl, BaiTY R. Z!l1I
1I il1, ( 'IWSll'l' .... .•.• 62 Cvlmel·. "' enneth O.. . 1\)3 Kf':lt ing. \\'illitllll S .. . I :ll I'I·ol1t. !.lIurence E. 2:1(1
J IH·uhus. Am"l.i J . .. . • fi2 lIallll , Odo F ... !O:! lA'{', Harold Eo •••••• 1:11 Willou).:'hh}·,
V('nu", Fnlnk ..• , • • • 52 lI ol tlel" 111'1"1)(>1'( P ••• 1(1:\ Ma ll. J olm G....... • 13 1 GOI~lon A ........ . :!:!tI
K t'lll'nhl'q..-e I', ll00PI'I', lIa ro ld E ... III:! McOf'rmotl. !l ooker, I':mi l T ..... . ~:1I
Ju hn n...... .. . . . 58 )Iulinl'ky, Sam 1(13 (,llI1"I'ncl' ...... . . 13,1 L UIlIII'}· • •Jamcs ill. 2:1:1
Lnnstnl, lI erhert N. 58 )Iallning'. J o,;ellh J ... lU3 M('l'anuu·a. 1'11111 J .. . 13< F(>l\\b. J' l~e llh H .... . 2!J7
It y('r .... ·, Theodore 1'. '8 ~ld"I1 ('('ney, O'I.('ar)" .11'. C:111111"ell, n.
I) ..... . ~:18
Shattuck. Eal'l Kil'k [,8 Eugene S. . ... ... . W!I \\·illi;1Il1 .J. ....... . l!l-l ))('hruhl, A I'lhu r ~1. .. 2:18
SiI1111"'1l1, (inl)"llon .. . fiS i'f' udlcton, Clyde C.. . lOa /'l'l"tlf', A ntnn 13 1 Le<>. I ~()hert D. 2,1;,
\ 'lItlllnrll1l1n. iIIerll.' '" 1i8 Toomer, BCllCdil-t A. WI Shannhan. J ('I'I'Y .... I:\ t 211i
Phil li[l~. Lloyd ..... .
I'elllll'l. J e,,~c 11 .••••• 5!I ;..'('I!lol1, F luyel It ..... 101; S luu·key. n nminlC'k .J .. 1:1 1
It ltil'il(,I· .. 100;ellh J . ~I:I
HHj{"dal(', lIill('1I ~1. . lit) l~a~oll. S I1(,lIc('r (:. 1118 Sll'M't. Cunra.1 )), 1:1 1
J)f'kal"~kl.', SI·..
WhIlU('r, I) ixic n... . Sullil':lIl. )1:ll'lin C. .. 13 1
I1l.'lIamy. Hal[lh 'I' ... .
B fIIWI1. J()sl'ph I·' ..•••
Br;lu n. Anton ....
i\1i"ter;l, J o~e J1h C.
Simon:ot, li enry \\'.
T ('all. F rank T
TC'lljuk. :'>Iattlww ... .
\\' ilhalll
)lrlllll, 1\ 1'1'11('l"t •. .
Gell, Wi lliam E .....
Cari(>f, 1-:. lw:11"I1 M. . . (i(; 8to\"(·r. J rUlll'S \\'. 110 \\· lIh ll~)rg. Hurl"lf .. . 13 1
H ilhun, C. So ...... . (jG V.... linl.'1i(·h, Jr., \\'arnimnnt. Nutile. Jo~eph 25(;
Ja mf'~. W:llter S . . . . . (j(j JO~CI)h 1111 Huhf'rt K. 1:11 Patlf'I'soll, J ohn B . . . :.!fi:.!
"'a i~('I" 1-::L1·1 II ..... . (iii lI t'lICl (, I'~()n, J ohn n... 1Hi 1I1)1 ]:lI la)" Hn.ll'u·k T . 136 Toman. I-:al"l H ..... . ~I;:.!

(:al'l""III, Andy S . ,8 Kenclel"llilJ(', Sr., H odll'~t(,I', LlIlhl'l" F. I :W i\I cF;ultlclI, l\lauricc .. ~(;:l

~ld·:lIth)·. J.. W . . . . . G8 EUI{I'I1\' I ...... ... . I If; lIa y, Alfl'l'll J 1:18 Sdlw('ikert. FI'cd ... . 2H!I
RI nkf'. linny L. 73 )I;l r\ln. I.;tWI"('lIce A. I Ifi HI'rimfU111. ItnlJj'rl I';. 14:1 lIall, P hilIp F ..... .
I'aui li ..... .
1\,.11).:'1'1', 73 S('al('. Olh'('r 1: ..... . Ilfi \\'('nll'l'. \\'alt"r I' ... Iii!) ))\l tkin. J mlCl'h H ... .
~lal'l1n. Willnnl 1~ . . . 7:3 B ryan .•J(lhn J . I:!f) A ]l(ICI'~nn. )1 i Ie> 1;;3 J ('nninj{~, F rlll1k n .. .
SI'hJn~",'r, H arold P. 73 Snwl"t. Cia ff'llt'e S. It I "'id!!e·I·, )hlt,11I II. 1!i9 l .owntl('~. Hary I. ... .
T ')l1lpkin". Dalrymplf'. IJou. L. I '''' l1 ulllo(·k. 1\":ln .1. IGO VI'f'llt'h, l1a lTY A . . . •
rhr'.~tt'I· II. .. 73 I'aul L.
i'llynf', I "" 1)('lIm". ltnr I·: 11;0 )lcl).)wI·II.
O'1I11t'1I. Itanrlall O .•• 7G Heithnl{, S. 1'. I :! I 01,;0111, '\ ... I~ B. Hill \\'illium C•. ..•.•.. 271
Whlmnn. Carl II .... 7(i CI().~(', Ho)" I:, I :.! I nUs.~e·y. Ah'\anel"r C .. I/i I i{ igw.<. E:11·1 •••••••• • 271
Afl'I'rltal"ll. 111'1"111;111 •• 77 ('olll·ad. (;f'ltrl{~' E .... I:.! I F:jl)('l1lau~{'''' SUII.l(>rlallcl.
AllaM,', .-\ Ibert ~. . " "" CuuniuJ!"lmm. T h,,,,,lon' I'
B I.'IIt1('tt. FI"('(I A ••.•• "
77 Jal1l('._ I';. 121
161 ;\1111"1111\ A. ~-;I
GI't"('II. Bl;'nj:11ll11I Hi 1 Gl)l)d('. Juhl\ n...... . 278
lharlwt II. li alT), .... 77 r.allllghC'l·. AlIrOIl A. 1:?1 lfjl
Slatc·~. ~r .. Fmuk lI all. 1:0)":11 A...... . 278
1)11/1(';111, J all)l'~ (; •••• 77 il olhs. Jrlhn I.. It\
'1'11111)(,11. 1I1'lIry F Iii I ) 11<'Im('l. F. I. ....... . Z'ifl.
Flluly. F I":;llll'is n... . 77 )lalhf'\\"~. \lIrl) I. ... . I:!I
('01l11l·1". \\'tlliam I.. 17!i 1':lhIlCI·. Chlldl.'s tRI
Gnll.llllul). I.{>~ll'r U.. . 77 Shull. Luthe'r E . . . . . I :! I
" ernh:tI·rlt. lIa}' \\' .. I :.!'-, C'I\\·h·.~. Oli, ('1' J 1'0 HlIltn.ki . I lent·}· ..... ~~~
Cimnt, EI\wal·t! K. 77 .
1I 11l11lin. James I'... . 77 IIC'1·lnltll. 1...J:uul G .. . I~:) Fullilll{iI)), J"hn S. 18n I)jt'l'r, Eric A. ~!)2

1!('~If')', E\'('I'Nt L ... . 77 Bith{'I', F t1~lj'l' O .... . l~:) l\"il"lIllIIi. ])an.1 A. ISO GClvelman. lIarold W. 2!)~

Gf'Ol"ge ...• 77 C0I1Sl11t1~, Frank E •.• I t:, :-;al'j{l·nt. ~allHII'I I). ISO Il:l n~{'n. T h(,(ldol'e R. ~!)~

Milk.', Itay A .... , .. 77 l)a U(', Arnolel I~;; \\'ilkill~nll. ("1:llIcll' J. 180 HanSI'll. Earl J ..... ~!):.!

~1111l'r. William I~... . 77 J.:n~dl('(ll'.

IlfJhel't C. I:!;; MOI·C'lI • .I0hl1 II IS:j II ill, 1\"r-~tQr t:. 2H~
I' l"Ic·l'. (: ll.'nll A . . . . . . 77 liellenga. 1';lm('1' .. .. . It5 Bla>. J: i,·lml"d \\'. 1!)1 lI ultj{ren. !tar .. ... . t!l :.!
R~t"l., Jo~cllh C..... . 77 I.ittlc. ThUllla~ G. . . . 121i (·lll'i~tf'll~on. i.('(1 191 K:IIII', Lawl'ellce .... . ~!I~
Hohrcl', Al'1101l1 F ... . 77 )WIC1·. ('hat"!"l( W... . 1~1i Santll.'l·, Paul T ..... . 1!l1 Land hl'l').:',
ItlH'khahe r, Lynn C .. . 77 Reed, Halph C.... .. . 125 Gr('{'Il, Edg-:ll' .. ....• I\)1 Hidmnl B ....... ,.
Smith, Cloyd N ... .. . 77 Wilcox. Fl'nuk fJ .. .. . 1 ~5 Smith. Gu y .. .•.•••• H)(i Sd\(>I'kcnl111Ch,
~mith, !\Ierl·itt O. . • . 77 MCYC1', EllIcr), .•.•. ,. 12fl Cullan, Cllll1'les A. , •• 200 Gt'QI"!;;"C M •••• • ••• •


1\lcmhc r shhl i\l('mbership i\Io.:nlbership Mcmbt'rs h ill
In L.U. In L.I'. In L.U_ In 1.,11,
Stark, R oya l A ..... . 2!)2 A l1dl'ed~e, Azul' 357 Petel'son, H\I"o O. , .. " 94 S tewalt, Murdoch... 595
Wl"i~ht, H erl)(!l·t 1\1. . • 202 Fleischer. Arthur J. 357 P rtlsch . Leo.J ..... , .. >I!)>! W atson, George C. .. r,fJ5
BU!''''cll, Ol'lo I! ..... 295 Hackney. Shil'ley C. 357 n ux, Arthur L . . . ,., ,j!)·1 .i\l oniSOIl, A!hel·t 5!17
:'.!c P c:lk, HlItTY 1\1. 302 P hilli ps, J ohn H. 357 Sl!hmitlt, .Ja\,,,h ., ... . 'I!)-I Bamell, A I'lhm' C. G9!)
Parsons, Wil liam W .. 302 WeavcI', J nck L. :{57 Wnas. AI·thul' F. " .. 49,1 B(' njll lnin, C. D. 59n
Sullivan. J ohn W .... :102 R01'nhlll'tlt, S,'., SI'hmidt, Robe)'t A ... 500 Red mond, ,\h'in J . 004
1"1':I\'is, Earle I). 302 F't'cdel'ick .. 3Ha !'atton . Neil ..... , .. !jOt Kenney, ,\I:u·tin E, Iii I
Myers, Hayes ...... . :W3 Bible, Ralph 1\1. :lljfi I'('rl'etl, Cecil W.... . 502 NellI, J ('l'ry P ...... , /ill
Bdll!lvn, Chadcs C .. . :30·1 Well:5, ;\lel\,;11 P. :1(;::; \\',lIialll", Chad ..!, C. GO::; E\'an~. GUll.. fI!:)
Ihown. Dcw<,y H. .. . :JIJ I ..1.11('11. 11 01114'1' O. :W!J Benson, O"Ca)' E .. , .. 50G l'ainter, Clint F. 0\:\
D:\\'is, William II. .. . 30,\ Eckle~ , Joe V. , .. 31;9 F'nllaw. John H, .,.,. 508 Da\' is, A)'lhul' C . . . . , ti l 7
Ellis , Floyd O. 3U,1 Hoyt. Geol'~e It ;{G9 II clmly. [ 51':1('1 K •• ,. 508 J el1~(,'l. Christian .,. 1;18
Hana, Chal'If'S <.:••••. aul Huh. Wall('1' L ...... . ati!) i\l('y('r, (;Iar(' G. ,.". 508 Sinclair. E;:l1'l F. ,... lil8
H:lr1ey. r~aul /0'...••. 30,1 S<lU('r, John H ..... . alin Sawyer. Holand J, ... 508 )lcAule)" J. L. .i::!!)
Lichte, Alfred J, .... ;J().I TOI'stl'ick. Martin F.. :169 OUl't)en, Elmel' L. 611 .\llIc Donald, Elmer n. li:l1
Malllooth, Russell T . 301 Wattel'~, Silll!! II. :Jli!l Bow('r. Fnlnk L ..... 513 ,\l el('(', Sr.,
Mnl·lell. John F ..... . 30,1 Eytcheson, Oney :172 itufTnel·. Rich:u'd n. 51:3 Thoma~ It .. li:11
Suilinlll. Paul W. :j(t I ('alToll, Sr.. Amzi E .. a79 lI avens, Joseph I~ .... 5lti WlIl'I'en, 8,'.• Wchstel' I,:JJ
Lf'wis. William H. 3()5 Vdlz, William A ••• , • a80 Lindsa\'. E llis n. 520 Born. ,I oh n ~ton A. Ii iii
Lucas. Gool'ge W. :lOi M01·g:ln. SI'.. E reho·n. ('al'l F'.•. ,. 52:> I'eifet·. A I'('hie C. (,,141
Ka l;sing, AII)cI·t F. 309 Gcorge T, ........ :381 Delane~', Edward,.,. 527 O:d('r, Hobe"t G. 64:\
Hoc, J ames T ....... . 309 Remer, 11 (>111'), , ,- • •• , :!!n ;\'O\'otny, Adolph l\I. 527 Bowe l's, Sr., Cecil S, 1;·18
Uhles, M01Tis I::. ..•. :109 Hoehel. Ch:l1'h.'s J , .. . :~tln WCI'ner. Otto 528 Colle),. William O. ,. (, 18
Vowels, Horner J . :109 HOi'll, Hlul:lh.' B, ... . !l()0 ;\lo.:Gnlth, James L. ,)a l Smith, n ay II. li"9
Bouton. Harold C. 310 KIIObl()('k, CFUS P .. . 3i)0 T hompson, En)'1 V. 531 Call1ll!)('lI, ,Iacol.l I.. ,. Ij:""
Chnuncey, Leon L. :lJO Low, JI' .. na\'id B . . . 3!10 T iJl)lIl. Edward C. 53 1 Coomh;;, W illiilms E. 1;5 1
Fance)'. George B. :310 Cook, Crarul:lll :19 1 I,('\·ans. JI'.. Crahlree, W illiam T . ti:)"
Fortnam, Waher F. 310 J ohnson, Shi1'ley E, ,. 397 Patl'ick H. ...... ,. 5~3 ) l cUnde, Sr.,
Gl'iHlths, RObel·t .... . :1I0 Bodenstcin, A lbcl·t D.. ,1U0 Stehlik. A lhe)'t J .•... 5:J3 J amell ~1. ., ...... _ .i54
McGuire. A lbert C. . . 310 W he:lI. ('al'l 0 ...... . 101 i\I(oore. John R, .. , . ,. 1)·15 R('ilIy, Bernard B. .. G;)-I
)IcLoughlin , Hounsell, Alb('rt B. WI I' rCilet'icks, nnr .... . 551 ,Iohnston. George W.. li59
Lawrence E. 3 10 O' n eilly. Victol' J , .. . 111-1 lIadges, Emil .... , .• ::i5 1 ;\lath(,II)" 01'\'al W . . , (j[,9
:lliel's, Fred B. 310 ;\I urie. William It .. . IUli Ol'a:son. Donalel ....• 551 WOOlly, William W. . (;!i9
;\I illcr, John J. 310 1I:l rgro\'(', Ito\)('rt R. ·II G Austin. W il1i:lm ;\1. •• ;;58 H:lrtm:<ll. Hoy T. Iili l
QUinn, J OEeJlh F ...•. :1I0 HOI·tOIl, OPC:lt' B. .JI8 Fyfe. SI·., Gffll'ge ... Cl61 L'wleJ;l'Ovc, Eugene A. lili1
Smith. MYI'on ...... . 31() ;\Ial·sh. Harold I~ . .. . 120 ;\101·ill. Charles Eo ••• 561 Heltnc, T hon1:ls ,.... iii;::!
\\'h('('lel', Edgal' ..•.. 3 10 Allllleton. ('h:u'les A. 12!) Stones. J ohn ..... , .• 561 .J I'!I('I'itZ, Arthur .. ,;6:1
F'r('('man, Fl'ank D.. . 311 Ral'll<'s, ;\Iartin I~. . . 429 Ahletl. A rthur ... , .. 567 Schneider, Gt'egol' .. •..i:l
LiUon, Leonal'!! L ... . :1I'i Slnln~. "'anu'l' L .. . 12!) lI utchins, .00 1'nold W. !iS7 I'uck('it, Orl('y H. ... 1.(;;'
Walker, Geol'ge J ... . :11i Wootl. Enl'! O. 12!) l\Ia~!<C. Al'lhur 568 BUnlin, AII1C)'lus {'fiS
Rowles, Ray ...... ,. 318 Boyet'. A ••.•.... -1:15 ;\IOl·in. Adelanl ..... ;;68 'i' ull('1', Frank 1;/i9
Wilmarth, Glenn M. 325 Fox. W ilbur D.. , ... 1:) 1 l1a(1o. E<iwal'd J. 5G9 I-I ,II'I1C", Charles A. (i7 I
Valentine, ;\linOI', HOl>el't F , •. ,' 1,)3 RuttlCl'. J ohn W. 5(;9 Davidson, .'\ I1t1rew S. lii,1
Columbus F . 329 Con!;Qlati. David J . .. 1:;5 Flelning, F.arl G. 56!) K,'auss, Chl1l'les F. .. (;7;;
Full'S. Mahlon V. "., 332 Martin, T homas E. ,. 1;,1, ;\li llel', Jr. Davitl G. 5G9
J ncoby. Hem'y ....•. Fashnel', Ch:lrles W . li8a
332 Easlman, William J. IGI W heelel', Waite)' It 569 Lung, Sr.• Clemens Ii'. /;8:1
Suili, Nick ...
Penney, J oseph P ....
Chouinard, Felix B.
']'a l'\'ell. Raymond J.
"'Hi!ji5 E a~tlll:rn. Glenn II.
GaITI'lL Ro>, p, .,.,.
Chad dock, Da n H . ... /;84
P lnce, SI"., Phili ll T. " 3as Gal'dnel', Fn:d J .... "/,6 Keen, George E. 570 Gl'i ni th, (;U)' H . /i8-1
CUrl'ie, W altel' H .... a39 J one:.;. Hufus J . M iG Arnold, 1-:'·('I·('t E. , .. [,73 .Johl1son, L ~'Ola ll L . liS!)
Burnet t , J oseph II . . , 3<0 Hhodes. J ohn A .• , ..• 'HiO Call, J ohn D. ....... . 573 Pel·kills. J ohn S. .. .i!l :!
Francis, W allcr L, ., 340 Eliding:.;, Willimll V. 17::; Soeki)}", G('ol'ge n, ., 573 F loren, Edwa l'(l E . li!)7
lI ines, W illiam E ... , 340 Rohet' t san, Ea 1'1 D. 175 Aljoe, ,Joh n ... ,.," 574 Manlz, O!i\'el' G . .... (;!l7
.J ohnsoll, Arthlll' P . . . 340 Floort, n O)' ....... .. 177 H ull",,,,", EJ'llo.:~t E, .. ij7-1 .M cAu lllan , J ames.. GI17
Lowney, Da niel A . .. . 31 0 Hesser, 1~loY II S . . . 477 Thoma~, George D... 1)74 Nischan, John C. .... 1)07
McCalllc)', Rex .. ". , 3" 0 :'I I eliott, Carl E. 177 Gl'ill1~I('~', \V i1h u l' W. 576 Rus~e!!, George Eo /i!l7
J ones, Ralph E. 3"7 Ogliell. Ed ..a l' W. ,.,. 477 S\\'ice, T I'o~' ... ij70 St:'mle. Ot':l K ., .. ,' 71):!
Smtth. FI'ank C .. , . . , :~<l 7 SJllllh, LeSlet' F ... ·" 17 lI al1. "'a E .. ".,., .. :Smit h , Al'Chie A . .• ,. i()(,
"-'S 1
Coachman, Wenlen, Max C. .177 1'1Ik('I', Elmer S. .J ense n , Geo l'gc S. 71)7
Richard A . .. . . . Wells. Chest('I' D. "i!) 1'" 1'(';11" Frank L. Cres>!, F iord H. ,. 70S
T a1i;l fClTo, Ehq;'ott, AUR'lIst P. <8 1
Charles S ... . .. .
Bondel', A rthul'
E pley, Eal'l
Cook. ][ owal'd ... . .. .
LiIJ~e~·. Homer.!.
W ele'h, Ausley A . . . .
Stl';lllKrrlfl, ,\lfl'NI
Boutet, P hilip J.
Branch, Lloyd J ... ,. 352 H ill. lI al'old ·192 C:uJdell, .J ame~ F ... , GSS Coo pel', 8,"., Leo n L. 7 1(;
Il uthinson. Laure nce J . 588 D a\'i~, Cla re l1Ce E . 71(;
W ells, Willet S . •.•• • 352 BUrkeI', Onl ,.,."., '19:3
Ho~~. W illiam T. 3[,3 Bl'onn, 11 0\\':11'(1 P. .19,1 /) ('tll1, l1e11l'~' P nul b93 ]{ u)'kcnd;III, 11'01 D . .. 7 1(;
Smith, .J ames A. 35:~ Buc tow, Wallel' .. . .j!) 1 Anderson, Cad A, ,., 595 Lo\'i ng foss. No!'ald C. 71H
Boshard . A rno ld 354 Goethe, J oscph J . <If' " Booth, A III('I·t E. "" 5!)5 Smith, F ra nk X, 71G
1~llingswor th, J akutll , Fl'l ix P ... <1 !JoI Ellswort h, Wa lt er S , 5!15 Cu llen. Tel'1'ence D. i l9
E rnest R. . . 354 Kl ein, J ohn K ,,!)<j lI u tchi n ~, Hugh F . ,. 595 Gel'm:1n, Lawreoce J. iZI
Shi pley, W il liam C. 354 Koh lhoff, Wal t er 49,1 Hyan, n an ,\1. 595 .i\l ol'1'i~~ey, J ames F. 722
T enney, J ohn n . . . :154 :'Il c Kibbin, 1'::11'1 J. 49 1 SchicrenIJeck, W ilhelm. .'Il ax imi llian n:j
Geigle, R einhul d G . 356 O!sllU, Sr ., Lulli;; " . , '1!J.I Lloyd II. .... ". ,' 595 Clifton. J esse L. ,.,. 7:1;J


l\I e milt!nhi'J Ml'miwr:-hill PEl\SIOi\ S OENIEO
I n 1..11. I n L , r.
Tlw 1"111111\\ ill/.! IlI"w!i()1I applit'"lioll,! II"t'I'(, dl'nk'll:
Warn·n. Hugh
Ballk~. Johll W .....•
I)lliley, Winslow t:.
Garlach, AI1W"'1"\. .,
910 Ol,;('n. )Iartin
Knoll, Ol'w('}' F.
L,C'. :1
Card in 1.0.
Buwman, Dwight M. 731 Moulton. WiIIi:Llll II. !.IlU
Uwtrith, En!'!€' E .... 731 A)'erl', R, .\1. • 15 Tr-oml.I.,)·, Floyd B. Canl in 1.0 .
l'al'l'lIl', u>wi~ .\IiII€'l". Gl'orge B. . . ,
G. '."
lIuI\,ml. Itoland ,\1. "
In/ll{,~, Cartl'I' (' .....
lJudmnnll. Stoke ... A.
\\'ull('. CI~II'('n("1' J. ,.
!.I 18
.\1'1"')11111111, .hlt'lIll"·III~ 1\"\'1'(' "lIlmlilll,,1 lind ('OJ'I','("
~lallw"rth, .\_,hury W. nl Bod.-berg, ~ilR ..... . !ll!l
lIurholt. HaYIll!lI\d J. 7:15 lI:1ttl'l1, Jasper .,'" 919 tiolls \111\"1' IW"II 11111,11' III tIll' lull'\"llllliOlml (Hli"I'
,Im\l'." HolK'lt W . . . . . n5 I.(·igh, Waltet· ~ ...•• !119 1·1-,'ul",l .. uf 1111' hiJ"lh till!.· .. (If till' fulttl\\ina- Illt'mhl'l'S:
~I·id,·r~. William II. 7-11 Thmllilson,
CI'{'han. Patl"irk .I . . .
Ko1ic'(-'k, JOH('llh K ..
TJu'odol'e It, , .....
Bl'l"ul~', Hen .. )· J, .•. ,
'1 ('lIIhers h it'
I n L. I'.
) Iemhe rs h ijl
I n LX .
,/(·ns('n. :'.iariU!l P... . 753 Lar~n, Charles E, " !);'i;l
WUl'llnl'l'. Eugenl' II, Bah ... Arlhur W, . . Hi9
(;('OI'lo;"e I L ....... . 760
!'I'aU, .lames E.... ,'
Scheid, Cla1"(.'IIc(' \y,
Finn, :'.Ialtin , .. , .. ,. :,,2 Lacina, ('harlfOlI Hi 1
KO~~(l\\"I'I", I~iolol' "" How{'. ('hm.' lIce 2\1. 271
1\lal'lal", 1I(,!1r~' J.:. •.• 760 HhOl[l'. Clal'cnec W. 9(;" I'll iller, MOl"ris ..•. " JUSI. Lev J. ..... . .. 405
Tnthum, Claude M . ..
Th"oliol(' ]0', •.•• ,.

71i !
Bigelow, Hal'old L. "
Wi~l'nmn, Claude C.
Hog~. G(>ol'gc A ••.•.
l\Iullc'l", William ... ,.
Nis!l l (>~', F I'('(I(')"kk V ,
l 'al'l'"l1a. [)O)lIIinkk "
,,"" Campi)(,IJ, Pe t eI' . . . . ,135
Byrne, .' o~eph E . ... 465
Ba rrwlI, J {'s~" I,:. "" 481
l';il11haJI. Jamell H, 7Gl T hotll)1!1()ll, Om! I.. ,. 97!} HOg-N'II, T homas J .. ,
Doran, 1':Itri"k , . , .. , 488
Wh('tslom.'. :'.lichu('1 .. 76:1 Ang('vin(!, Loui(> ('. mil; Vel"lllily,', Frank ... , :J Chavelil', Halpb H, . . 5ill
J:LI'oh(', \'(""1 I-:I'(-'I"t ., 7G5 KnOll, l1amld p, ,.,. 997 W;tll('ridl, Dndd .,., Faunce, /tonal. I A. . . 677
.1(l!1(,~. l.('wi~ C. .. , .. 7Gi Cal-I'cnl('t', Adie It ,. lflO:? Gla"K"w. ~I('de E. ,. Selbe, Gilhel·t .. ,.,. 697
Gihson, WilHam F . . . 7G8 Stroud, Lpon Jl. ..... 1002 H('(-'fl, lI{'I"ht'l·t ('. '.,. II Kaisel', OJi\"('I" L... ,. 702
Dul)(>. Louis J. ,., .. . 770 J{olllk\'am, GUsta" ., 1I!1~
Gnllugh"I·. n"l}('rt ' •• 28 Conl'O)" John J, ., ... 817
~('Il('(·al.i.eo I) . . ,.,' 770 Moni!<On, Geol"g"(' W. IU:M ]HrJ),'rmntt. Hamiltoll. Andrew" 915
t:nrgl(-', John C, "" 772 Oliv('l", Leo ,\ ...... . 11).17 Rog{'I'~, Itobert S, .. , 1002
:'.1il-hHI'I E. 31
(;ihholll'. :\lrl)ow('11 ,.
(;I,'nn, JI·..
772 Irwin, )!:u'k KelwlI
JlU'obs, Hugh (; . . , ..
Churl"al, JOM.'ph , ...
Connnr, 1.('1111 \\'. ..
39 DitllCh. lI{'rlesR O.... I!)I!)
liOI)Il, G('()rgl' F. , .. .
William T. 772 Butler, !'ark I). 1081 ~t{'lIht'II~, WiII;ml T, 77" Card in 1.0.
GI(,1II1, Sr., John JU ••• 77~ Finn:.", Frank A.... IUBt CI{'\'€'I:tnd, Itichanl E. 1111 COIHVL Clifford It ..
1Ii11l'r, FI"(-'(I It 712 Doolittle, John I.. '" 10Cl5 Southl'Il, I({'ginuld 105 Card in 1.0.
Sturk, WiIIi{' I.. 772 HN'd, F{'I'gus T . . . , J099 KUI,lallllw_,ki, ~tanl€'y 1117 Lemmon, 1oh.'h·in J ...
Winl!:al'd, Gt"I)I'gl' W, 772 Baumgardner, Stl'un), I..ouil< " " .. 110 Cal'tl in 1.0.
II:l1"II('>:t>" Oi-w{'y 771 .Iarob R. , .. , ..... 11:18 O'Shaughn('''~}", :'.Ia)::,ee, Perry C. "
111"(' h{'nrs. Willinm R. 778 '\lorinK~tar, John A. 1138 I Knaliu~ l' 1:1 I Cill'd in 1.0,
Hl:tI'kmon, Wallel' C, 780 I.('hon, George L. .,. 1139 YO%.2.II, J)mlll'nico I:J-I Prior. Fl'llncis
Ahhtltt, AI"lhm' .. ,.,. 791 WitlinlllSQIl. RalJlh Jt. 1141 Wal'l'('II, IIl'l'ch{'[ laG Card in 1.0.
Hdl, Dew{'y _\. 794 TI'nlIUI~. Eitner .,',. 1117
Sdmol"r, Elmet' A, 794 Lloyd, William II, 1151
H()s~, Ilan)' ... ,.". 798 McMull{,ll, 1I('!"~hl'l n. 1209 nIHTIi DATES i\"OT CII ANCED
'I'harf'l", Huhert G.. , 800 Flynn, Christr , .. ". 1220
H (>q(l('~j~ I'm' dllll1g't'~ ill hirth dnll'" III IIII' TZlt('l'lHI'
Hudlolf, 11('111'), G. , .. 80a M:dlo)" Anthony W. 12:31
Amhl'oHia, ,l oR('IJh '" 81~ C:ook, W illiam , .... , 12"ij ti011111 oml'" I'I'('IJI'II~ or tlH' r[)lliI\\'ill~ IIH'rIlIH'I'~ In'I'c'
EI'k(,l('ns, [.uuiM W, " 812 Duncan, 'I'l"oy J-:. ... . 1241) d"lIil,d:
A i ~I'r, Ruhin ]" , ... 81:\ ?l cN(>ill, John I.. ,.,. 1:?4!l \ I,' mlll'rl. hip i'tI (' mbl' rs hip
El"mer L, BI3 Lonl, l!:uTY It ..... IZij7 In 1.. 1', In L, l l.
Da\lghe,-ty, ,):m1('11 D, 814 1)('1i('ITV Herbert 1:110
Ikck(>tt, L~'nHul W. 816 KhH'kill'K, John K 1:110 W agll('I', Chadell E, It) Longallh'kCI', Oda
nr."al1ti~, ,J O!I('ph 817 llug)l'r, Bernie A, 1:11:) L<-Vur, John 28 Card in 1.0.
I.avrli(', !'lltri('k 1', 817 Hidlllnl~on, noy l:ll!l )Iol'an, i':llrirk .....
Paxton, GanHt J. .!(j·1
Lal11llkins, G"urge N, 82"-1 :'.Iulch. H('rman L. ,. I:{Z/i ClIrd in 1.0.
l:l:?6 Oli\'a~, I.oui_, .,. ... Gil
ntlW, GOI"I"('.<1 It 8:17 W,'l1lwOl'lh, lIarold .\1. ~rhwartz, "'nmk
Wl'iglll. AlIl('I,t F, ". 846 nYlll1, William A. ' .. l:la9 Mu%.2.uco, ,loSl'ph A. ,. 8G5 C:llxl in 1.0,
YoulIghloO(I • .Iuml'~ C. 847 IIryan. ('harlt'l' F, ... la·HI C:H'I', Elizahf'th r Williamson, D('\\"e~' ..
Banghart. Dana T . . . 8"0 11111. Wade II. I:I~O C:II'II in 1.0. Calxl in 1.0,
Wibrm, Ivan A, 8m ~l:llll', Paul Ii. I :191
Guuhlin. Eligar B. '. gr.1 Caywoorl. lian'), .... l:l9Z TIll' 1','('01'']" will I", ('irllll)'!"('d witt'n fI('~'ptahlc cd·
linh"",n. no)' \' 8G:t I'o\')u('k, JakE' .,., .. 1:192
)lrK('(lIl. Edwnrd J, l..'Ullh, lIan'\! H..... l4!'it dl'lw,' i" "Uhlllilll-d In IIU' I K( '.
Gnnhlf'r. Carroll A. 865 WlL~hhUl'n, Irvin)::' .\1. 1517
I.('ifhtll', ,IutiUII t:, .. 867 nl'(-'~(" Hollin R, ... 1/;(}8 ' E\ T UEG l L \H 'I EET ING
1'1"I('h, Rel'lIard II. ., 867 Hendrick. SI·., 1'hi~ Ull'I'lill,1! (If 1111' ) E(' wa .. held in \\'a .. hhu!lon.
Lill}', XOI"\(-'1I So , •• , 872 Fnllik N ...... "., H::lI
W(-'ntworth, John K 873 1":1111', Milo C. i6;U B, ('. '1'111' Illt'd in/.! adjll\ll·I1t'l1 "'I·itla~·. HI'ptt'lIll)!'I'
1I:II11ilton, Clrlll' W, 88:) ~rhl('irel', Hoy 1710 lalh, at :l':Ull',1I1.
Hoyll', William C, ". 88' Donohue, Patrick '" 17fi7 'rill' III'X! I,t'),!"ulnl' 1111'l'Iill,l! wiII IX'gin at ] 0 II,TIl.
('()ttmil'c, G('(ll'gl' H. 88. MOl'I'ili. W. R . . . , , .. 18tif1 )rOlllln,l", )) t'(·('mlN.'!' :!ntl, l!Jli3.
Oclllt'oul". Arthul' D. 88. Kirchllil1, .I. II. ..... . 19-jij
Koonlt., Chestcl' .. , . J9!)6
(:1'OI'g'{' P. P attcl'!IOlI
,Iudd, A. K ........ . 88.
Nl'al, Geol'gc C, ... , 8.8 COl'kum, lI arrr ., . . • 2067 Re('t'l'lill'"
I'lll'tain, Ar t hul' G • . . 908 Hobinsoll, Leroy ,.,. 2093 l lttt' I'nnt'iol1/t1 Excculi,'c Council

JOU t NA L FO t OCTOB ER . 1 963

llolV '[0 \\I. (~ f1" d T. P
Oil A NU)IRl~R of yenl's the so n h.we the floor, [ l'B ~I1l'pri~ing
F nllnw
Dale Cllrll(>gic hILs 1>C1'1l
synonymous with teaching' people
how much )'OU can 1"IL I'l1, B ul always
-01' sincrre,
sel f Whl'l1 I 'm dying to tnlk ahout
T Ilt' 1I('xl I'ulc is a rclated one-
how to he happier, how to cope with Thc sl'colI(l I'ulc is Rim p1cst. a11(i ( r) ) T1.II.. in terms QI illl' ",h,'r
theil' pfohl(,ll1s ,lnd "][ow to Win eal;iest of all: 111111/'''' inler ..... /,".
Frit'n!l! and influence People," (2) Smile Find out whal other pl'Ollle (]o,
(Thought our mYS\f'rious title might This old world is gloomy enough what they like, their hobbies, Bone
intriguc )'011.) without morc sour]l\lS,~rll, Smileil :I t'(' up a hit if ~'()U call and Ihrll I'nll'r
W(lII, r ight hCl'c and now I'd tikI' (,;Itrhing anll hring out the best in into COI1V(, I'SUtiOIl. SUPllOSC ~l;u'Y J,
to f('collnllcnd that all OUf gals who people, They can cherI' n S'ad IlI'nrt, col1rcts unti(IIIC salt cellm's. H )'ou see
can IIhould take a Dull.' Cnrn<,gic Cluss comfort a lonely one, Thl'l'e's real a piece ill a magazine, all ahout the
if 0111' is taught in your h01111' tOWII. power in a ~mill'! lIIosl valuable ones, read it, j.,"Ct thr-
Til,,), a,',' {" ..dnnting, fun, and worth The ncxt rulc 1lI1l}' not t('{'tll as im- f:lct~ ~o )rou call pass on this infol'I)):I-
f'\,('ry J)('nny til"y COSL If you can't portant as Ill(' othl'rs, hut it means lion on a subject really intel'(~sting to
takl' tIl(' ('ours<" th(ln huy til{' hooks a lot. )1:\I'Y. The s ame goes for thc add
" Jl ow to Win l~ricnds and IIl/lu('ncC (3) R tmrJII/.rr 1/((1/ <J ntllli'S IlIIut,' Brill!l'r- pla~'('r, the gal who mllkl'!i
Propll''' and "Jlow to Stop \Yorr)'in){ is lu him tll{' IIwe((/'llt nllfl mUll/ .",. Itnlimao.:ItM;ar-" '" the little hoy wh o's
:Jnd Start Lh'ing" by Mr. Carnegie, I)orllmt 8010111 111 Ihl' g"fllillh h(/(· 111ad ahoUI model planes, Get ~omc
and leaI'll how to be a Imppicl'. mOI"C gIW!le. fad!l, Talk intelligently with thrill
intf'n'sting, man:> useful 1)('1'8011. We should nIl tl'Y to )'ctll('mber on th .. ir Slll'cial fields of interest, and
Now with all that huild-up, I'm names and get llwm right, Nothin,::- !18k q\I{'~tiol1S,
sure no onc connected with 1\1 r. (':11'- pleases anothl'r so mUl'h a s to 1)(, re- Another relnled rule is tIle filial
ncgic, hill schools or hooks, will ohjl.'Ct mcmherl'd and h;n'(' hill na111e used on(':
to our Jlurllphr:lsin)( some of hill IIUp:' nrtl'n. This little COllrtcsy can win (6) Mf1~' ( tlil' o/Ii('y 7)('1'>1011 I. II iUI
grslionl'l for getting m01'1' out of lifc you lois of ft'iellds.
/IIII'/al/t_III/11 do it sil/arell/.
lind pussing tlll'm on, The next rule 1M a kil1flt'cd 011C to This i8n't really difficult. When you
WOIl(le rful Hul e~ the first. ,Ll'ct right down to it, it's just lJl'ing
All of \I~ wtlnt peoplr to IiI\(, lIf;, el) 8e II !loud 1i~1 , 'n,')'. 1~'IIN)I/I'f1II/'
kind lind polite, It's defl'l'l'illJ.:' I"
)11', Cnrnt'gic in his famOIlS hook givl'lI OIlH'I'1I tq tnlh- ((I"JIII 1111'1)/111'11""'1,
OtlH'l'S ill~lo.:ad of wanting Ihe lillll"
six rules t1lU~ will "do the tl'ick," [l's SUl'III'isil1~ how 1111111y pcople
light, being III'OUlI, oursch'es,
!lcre thry arc: are considercd "hrilliant cOllv('rl'ution·
(I) flf '('OUl" gnlllll(('/ll illfl ""Mlnl i/O ali:;l~," not hl'c!lusl' Ih ('), ~a)' \,I')'Y
You know, just going over the Cal"
"tI,,'I' II< "1,1(', much, bul lwenu~(' Ihl')' sny v!.'ry liall', negil' l'ulell, they call he SU1111lWc! 11]1
Thill means listening to thel11, l'cal- Tlwy let the oth('r fcllow ha\'!.' a good Jlrl'lty 1'I11('('inctly in one cQ\'el'illR' )'11]('
ly tr yil1J.;' to undcrstalHl what thcy time ail'ing his joys alld sorrows. H's the Goldell One-"Uo Unto Othl'l'l1
nrc ~ayin~, caring aOOlll thrill, th"lr a su r e·fire way 10 win f,'1('nlls 111](1 Ar. You Would Hal'e Th .. m no lInl(l
hOI)CII and fears, hI otllt'r words, this avoid for<.'\,l'r tIl(' {cn!lent'y to 1.(' a You."
Now we know I\'a~'s to milkl'

rull' llwans supprcssing your wunts horc, (You know tIl(' definition o f u
amI li/'!Iircs and lettinJ: the othcr l.er· OOt'e? Thr man who talks ahout him· fl'icl1(ls, 1I0w about looking ror a rell'

,. .
.¢ •


l'ulC'1I which will let till keep them,
In living with ])cople, there arc timell
when we jUllt nUlurally want to win
thcm o\'cr 10 our way of thinkillg, In
I. O. Favorites
doing this wc IIhould rcmember the
old a(\a/Z'e: Soliit' of tI", girls at the I nternationa l Office nre our guest recillt'
" A mall convin('ed :against his will ('()ntrihutors Ihl." month. Here's an unU lIual and dilTerent salad-t )"I>e
III of tht' !!amc Ol)inioll still." dish that e\'('ry()n~' likes:
Winnink Yonr Way !Juro lh)'" lIean Sa hld
So--here are a few maximll tor 1 can \fa x string 1>t·:,".'1 '~ ('UI) 8n llld oil
winning pcopl(> OV('r to our side 1 can Gn..~11 ~Iring i}(,:lns 'lI; cup red Wi1U' vinegar
without otTend ing th em, I can Ki,tn('y 1,,'anN '.!. cup "ugar
eI) TIt(' IllIiI( W(l1I 10 urt Ih(' /iI'Ij! '2 onion (rhoPIH"11 fine) salt and I)c]l lle r to taste
vf 1111 l!r(f!IIIII'1I1 il1 It) I/I'oiel ii,
(:!) S"ow rr~/II'd Ivr 111(' o/Ilf r Drain all li'lui,1 from 1>t·:1I1~. pla('{' in bol\'l IIdd CholJI)('d onion and toss
1I000U'" "/liniIJII" ,\'('1'( r tt'll II IIIIUI fl("s g('ntlr so as not to hr('ak h,·nn".
1(,"'IIft!. I n anothl'r bowl hlellll ~a1:ul oil, \'inegar, lIugar, ~lth and I)('PI)('r. B(,:lt
This rult' inciudN' alwaYlI ktting Wilh ....gg I)('al~r or uS(, bl,·nlll-I..
I1l'<l1111- savl' fatl'. Admit valil] :lrgu- I'our o\"('r heans and 1)J't'l<" gl-'ntlr until ]i(luid CO)))('s to tOil. P lace It
nwnt" nncl don't belittle the thinking plate (~tn;IJlcr thu n howl) on lop and USt' 11 weight to hold platl' down
of otlwrs. !II) that all hl'ans will 1Jt' con: n:d with li{IUid. l\llow to remain in re-
I\'('xl. if you want to try to win frig-eratol' ovel' night.
~Ol1H"Hlt' oW'r to YOU)' way of think- When I'cady to $('I'Ve, pOUI' off liquid bt' for (' placin!.:' ill s(,,'ving dish.
PI) II I'{fill in II {ri(lul/II '1I.'f1Y,
Brlligcl'encc never grts anyhody
• • •
li:l.\'ll1g' the girls for Brillge IUl1rilf'on? W h)' not tr)' :
anywl1l're. hul a friendly a ll])fO:lth i\l uril"s ('hid•• 'n A 1..11 King
will. And if you arc wroll/{, admit
it at Ollte, T hill tak('11 1111 th(' llting I CUll diced ch[ekcn '2 CUI' milk and cream
out o( making milltakell, lind the pro- 1 \:';1), chopped onion I cup d,ick('n hroth
\'('rhi:11 "wind out o( your adversar),'s ,~ ,,1i('('(1 I)('JlJlt'r (finc) :? ths, huttel'
~ailll." I~ ('U II sliced pimie nto I tlls. ('ooking sherry
( I) Try III Uti tht' olllt'r l)u... on I cup musilroums salt
"II!/i,.!/ "y • .'1, 1/('" imlll/din/. III, 2 tlls, flour liash of C:lytnne
St:lrt your logic with points not Gently saute onion, 1)('111)('r amI IlIUShro<llIIS ill tlw butter, Stir in the
conl"lVt'rsial :lnd thl' hattl("11 half flour. Add the broth. Gradually :Hld th(' milk :Iml cream. Add the
won, other ingredients. ~)'\'t' in wII)"m ]latty ~hells 01' 0\'(',' toast,
(:i) 1.,1 Ifll' I,lh""II'YHo" (III (I ffr(nt
(/tul <>( the Ifllf."i,,!!, Thill me:ln~ not
munopnli1.1ng the ('()nv('r"ation wi th And hcr(!'s:m old favoril(' flxl.'Cl tlw "asy wlIy:
rOUt· !lrguml'!lt~. Li st('n :lnd look for i\! a r gn l'l'I's " La'f.)' (: a l '~ ~p!lg h t'tt i "
fall:LI'i('.~ th at ma y IItrl'!Ij.:'lhen )'ou r
ca!le. Rut h)' ,,11 Inl':11111 liS\(,I1, yo u I lb. h:t1uhur!!('r I pkg. thin sll:tglwtli
may It'arl1 !IfInlt'thillg, .~ cup ctlOllp('(1 onion I t.~II. \\' orCN;t('r~hir(' Sauce
(Ii) /.(1 till M"a fellow fed Ihllt '~ cup chOI)IJCd Jlt'I)Jl('r lind ",el('J'Y I t.'<Jl. or{>gnllO
1/". i<l('(/ i... f,j". Thi~ is r{'ally su re- 2 tb". butler salt lind Ilepl)('r to taste
~ :\ 0, ~ cans tomatoell
fil'(', II mar tnk(' SO Il1(' (loin/.!" hut it's
\\"o,·th il. Cook cho]l,,('(1 lIlgr('(lientll until w!lIl!'r in huller, Ad,1 Iwmhurger and
(i) 7' rlf ""If""lIy 'II ""(' Ihil/flR 'rul/! cook until all thr !'eel i.~ ).:"on('. Ad.1 t Olllat.)(>.~ and ~('a~onin~. fir ing' to
/1,,· "I/'CI' 1I"I'Hml'l/ III';", vll'il'w. a hoil and ~imtJIe)' grllily f Ol' ](I minuh·M. La y row s p:l!!heUi on top
Can'l rOu juH imag!n(' what n nice of mixture, Turn fi,'1' low lIIHIl'I' pnt, 1'0\'('" nnd 11'1~iml1l('r <)0 lllinut('s
old \\'ol'ld this one mi!(ht he, if morc 01' until spaghdU is 1I')ul,'I'. ("'Iah~ <1 ~(>r\"ing.~)
of us tried thi~ ,'ule?
(8) 11" IIYIII/lfllil(li( willt aU' uiller •
Ilf'r~"II' ill((, lllIli /llIIllflhl .... Looking (or a dr,'jlm y d"~~"rt! !I "rl", a ~un' W:I)' to lour man's heart:
OUl' \l ore Hull': Shirl/') 's ~ 1Jl'cla l C lll't'~{> Ca ke
l..adil'~. lhuse nrc lIome rules! ~'ot )Iake crust by combinill!! I I, fU llS Kl'!IllItm cl·:trk/,r crumbs, I~ cup
£':lsr, hut do tlwy wOl'k! powde)'ed sugtlr, I teas poon all!lpi('(' :Iml 'il CUl' melt('(1 butte,.. Spread in
T hat 's ju~t about nil we 11:1\"e 1I0ttom of a ~J -iJ1('h slll'ing (01"111 IHU1, II)"cllsing SQl)l(> Ill) the "irlell to (onn a
SIJal'1-' for Ihill month girl~ , I)ut in the rim :thou\. '" inth to ". inch high.
back of thl-' mimi lIomrwl1l'rl-'. I<r('11111 2 8-ounte p8ckagt'll C,'CIIIII cheesc (let sof ten at room temperature)
as if tht'rf"11 :1 rt'nlly impo r tnnt C'ar- ~ l'!;:"gs Ilt'att'n lightl)'
negi!' rule that goc", ·"nml" rriliri.=c, '-" cUJl !!ugar
(11111/, 11111 UY (Ilm/lfllil/, " :! tSI', \'anilla ('xtra('t
I( w{> wnnt to lit' hnJllW in this Stir cheese until so(t :lnd crt·am)'. Add ('(Cgll, sug:lr and \'anilla, Beat
world, WI"\'(' got to IH other!! 1)(, hll l)- un l il thoroughly (· ream L..1 nncl ~mooth, Pour inlo cru~t, Buk£' ill a 3:iO
Il~' :tlld help thelll to hecome hllPPY, degrl'Cs o\'rn ~!j minutes, lIU'n tOil with
A good WlI)' to ,10 th ll1 i. by remrm- "" cups !iOur c r/'am
be"ing the above. Nt'\'l'r nag!(ing, I ths. sug:tr
Imlisi ng- thl' good inll\('ad of l·m pha- :! tS]I. vanilla extract
sizi ng the had _we ll gn ls this is "ac- Relltl'n to o\·('n. Increas(' trtllprrature to <1r;() d('~rC'e" !lnd hake 7 minutes,
('('n luating till' positive" in the right Cool, then chill. (This is quite rich lind so may be SCI'\'ed ill s mall slices, )
way. 00 it lind rcsults will come
rolling in! • • • •
So long, See you next month!


d ------:.-t--I----------;1---+-
Re sea r c h
_ ---+----+--l--
nq Ed u ca t ion
Output And Employment In Electrical Manufacturing
(,'.'I'flmil flf 111'11 ur/ir/r.,,) l!),i:1. Tilt' yl':ll'S 1!1·17 h) l!I,-):1 SHW PI'1'\,.'lIllIgI' hnd I+",n to :t.! 1)('1'i'('111
II raid,\' f;uh,,!nlltial illi'I'P:!'-;/' in 'I'hl' r:l"H:-I'O\\il1~ ('II'{'II',mi{'~ inll 11'i'
'1'Il(' (,ltlplo.I"11H'llt l'I'l'onl in '·:11'('- 11'.1' ll11s nil ('\'('11 hig:hf'I' ]':I , iO ot'
II'klll .\l lIllllfll t'11Il'itlg' Ih)t'~ not ",'. ])I'(lIllldi{lli \\ol'1wl' t'lUl,1n,I'lllt'r1\,
11,'(-/ 111(' I'npid g'l'o\\ 111 in 411111'111 but illtlH' IO '~'(,:II' lWl'intl 1'1'0111 1!1!;:1 \\hitl' ('llllill' til tolal I'lllplO,\'IIH'll t .
to I~lfi:.! ('llIplO.\'!l\1'1I1 hm; 1101 in· I II ,Il(' IlIillIlIl'," pOl'liOIl Ill' lI lt, el('('
dl'S('l'iIIPd 111'.;1 TIIO!llh in I h(' fil's t
(']'1'11 'il'( 1. 11'1111 ii'''; inollll't I'y a full (i(1 PI'1'(' ('lll
pal'l of OHl' Iltlnl,nds or , hi .. itldl''''
' I' hl' ('llIplo,\'Itl('1l1 1'1'('01'(1 of \1 hil(' 0)' 1111 l'lllpill.\'('S HI'I' 1\ltik ('olin]'
11',\', I.I'd h~' hig- i,WI'I'lI";'''i i ' l pl'O-
dlH'lillti Id' l'II'\'!I'''lli,·" 111"\ .. \11(>\ .., ('olin I' Wtll,kl'I'S i~ lILore i'il\'ol'uhl('. \l'1Il'ki'I''': 111101111'1' 1 :1 1)1'1'('('111 ;11'<'

01l1]1111 fot' Illl' ("nth'" indus!!·.... IIns E lt'r-Il'i<'nl -' l lllluf:lI'llll'iu)! i..; 1111(' tit' "1I11110y.'11 ill "killt,.! 11'<.""l11hl,\' johs.
,+. ,'11 1111 l1n'l·ll~t' of 7 IlI'l'I"'111 11
tlh' It'adt'I'" ill 1't,,,.':I]'(,h :11101 .It-. whilt' only :!i ]WI'('(,l1t Ill't' in "1'llii
,·t'IUPIIIl'lIt aile! ha..; hisltwil'ally 1'111· skillt',1 Ill]t] U1I"kilkl] Il\'('upatioll'"
:"1':11' ill tIll' 110,,!WIll' IWl'ilid. Bnt
1111' l'mplo~'II!t'nt fiJ!IIn'" III Ihl' lul- p1uy"d 1I11')!I' 1I1011Ik'l-';' H'
wi"lItifh' Thi .. i, 1111' fn""·,,t·!!I'O\\illl! ]lOl'lion
III' ,I,,·plt-dl·il·n1 1lIII1lIlfn('\ul'ill!! ill-
low ill)! lahll' 1'n">;I'nl a difi','I'I'1I1 :IIH\ h-I'hnil'nl wIII·kl'I"'. Whilt· ('01·
"il-tnt'l-. lal' l'mplUYlll('lIt 11lI~ hl"'11 illl'I"',1'<in~ <l11'<\I',\' and indii',I\I's ,1m! a ""II·
J-:11/' f.()rllf:.VI' IS 'J'lI f: lillii'll ra"h'!' than !mld I'lltpl",'" "wnt ial POI]'! inll of tilt' joh uI'WllilH.";;
EI.f,T'I'/(f{'.I I. 11.\('/1 n f: !.' r 1111'111. I n 1!l-l7 \\hilt- ('O]bll' "1111']01.1- IltIll d,) 0('('\11' ill lIlt' rnllll'i' will lw
l ,y/,r',,"J'U )' 1111'/11 1'\'PI""';HI1t,oI :.!:! ]11'1'1"'111 of ft)!· witilt, ('"I bu' I'ntll\'l' litan p\;1111
( I n 'fhOH'i~IIHI"l hllnl \'lI\plOY1l1dIL n," 1!l1i:! ,Iw 1'111]11".". ".
,\11 "1'Il1111I"1i1Ui
Y,';I)' Em"lu,"'" El1 lp11I,\'"S
I%:.! '.,"i~'" I ,11:1,;
I ~I ( ;O I,U;I; n..., 7
I !l,-)!l Source , United States Department of Labar
1,:1!1I !I()7
Bureau of Labor Statistics
I !H'j j
I ,~-I !I
1.:1 11
!):;!) All Hou,;ng
D~te lIeml Rent
In,iO 1,:I~:1 !)7r; Comb'ned Food Appar. 1 Tot al Only
Mont h Yea r
I n:-I ,i I ,~ II !I~ I
I !):i-l 1.1 !IO H~ I
A. Index under NEW Ba se Period :
1!).-I:l I ,:ttl ],O~!)
United States Average, 1957 to 1959 ::;: 100.
I ! I,i:! 1.I ,"'!i !JOfI August 1963 107.1 106.0 104.0 106.0 106.8
I !l:i I l. II I Mil; July 1963 107.1 106,2 103.9 106,0 106.7
1!l:iO !l!ll 770 June 1963 106.6 105,0 103,9 105,9 106.7
I !H!) .... Ii:! 0:1-.: 102.5 104.8 105,8
August 1962 105. 5 103.8
I !l-I"i !l!1I 71i 1
I !l-l7 I,O:\:i " II) NOT£,....-tnueo.e in ALL ITEMS lor po •• 12 ,",onllll woo 1.6 Indu. Po inlJ, c r ~
:';'Hlrfl": \. ~, I )"]lll 1'1 ItII 'II I ,)f In~ .....,,,.ined "n~ho"lIed dlll;ng POll "'OtIlh.
I.ahol', H III'('au HI' l,ullOl' Rtlllisti(·~. B. Index under OLD Ba se Period:
Tolnl ('mploYllwIU ilU'I'\'Hst,d .tG United Siaies Averoge, 1947 to 1949 ::;: 100.
IW\"('('1I1 ill Ih., pu~I":u'
p"I·i'kl. August 1963 131.4 125.1 111.5 135.2 146,8
whi('h 1't'I)\'I'''I'IlI~ 1111
Hlt'I'a)!(' July 1963 131 .4 125.3 111 .4 135.2 146.7
j!1'1J\1'lh I'nlt' of :!.'i P('I'<"\'1I1 P('I' June 1963 130,8 123.9 111.4 135.0 146.7
~·"111·. Il ow{'I'(,I', I)\'()(ilwlion Wlll'ki'\'
t'I1IPI{)~'lIIi'1I1 itH'I'I'HSI'1l hy olll~' :If) August 1962 129.4 122.5 109 _9 133.6 145.5
P<'I'('1'1I1 lIlI nl'('I':lj,,:t' of :'!.2 P"I'(,I"11 Augu st 1961 128.0 121.2 109.9 132.3 143 .6
1wI' YI'IIl' ill Ihi' poslwul' ]l('riwL I II August 1960 126.6 12 0.1 109,3 131.5 141.9
August 1959 124.8 118.3 108,0 129.3 139.8
fad, Ilh' lIumlwl' of JlI'odll('tiOIl
August 1958 121.7 120.7 106,6 12 7.9 138.1
wOl'k"l's ill InG:! wn .. just hUl'('ly
llh(I"(\ I h('\ 1l\l1l11,t,1' i'lIl ployt'd in


']'hl' mOUfsl emll/HYIIl(,lI l gT()Wlh
111II1 has ()('('url'cd ill ('1('(' II'i('al £'.II1'/,(I) 1/ 1-:.\"1' I.\' 'I'/II~' 1~' I,E(' 7'Uf('_ lIJ
IllIUlIlfllClUl'ilig in lh(' postwar .1lrLCIII,n;Ur !.\'n(' . . ."l'ur nr II.I.[Of( !'UOJ)l: ('TS
pcriod 1 1II~ hC'C'1I 11II1'\'C'llly disl l·i· I !J:;.9 . IX/) /Wi:!
hU1I'd ;111I()1Ig' thl' \"l1l·ioW',; S('j:(llIt'nts ( III ' l'holl"1I1I,1'I)
of IJIC' indusll·.\·. J I is tlol pos.sihl"
1'( I'{'()lt
10 l'umpIH'I' M'('!I))' 1,ItlJllo,\'lIlfnt
rl'UlII 1!Hi 10 IH6;!, ns J,.!ol)t'II'rnplo.\·· "". 1,(' . /.fJJ9 1.91;2 ('I"//Iye
1111'111 (/;Itll fot' thi ... pI'I'iot! is 1101 EII'ell·it,;.1 Di,! I'ihnl iolt EIlllipllH'lIt :11; 1 lOti lOi.~ :!A
lIvailahll'. !I 1)\\ ('\ \'1', "'01111' idt'a of Elt'I'lri";ll 1l lIlusll'i;11 ·\Plllll·;llllS ali:! I;!:!A I:!O.O - :!.O
<;('1'101' J,.!111Wlh {'lilt 11\· .... '('11 in ,ht' 111I11"" 'lu,I,1 .\ ppl ialll"'S :l!j~1 1:!:!. I J1i.-l ....:1.'-:
11.ljllt·I'nl 1111111' ('Ollllllll'ill~ '·lIlpluy. EII'('!l'i";11 Li)!llling lItlil \ril'ill:!: I )nil'C's :161 IO-U 106.0 J.n
1111'111 ill 1!l.:"I!I all,l I%:!. Bolh 1!1:1!1 I·; II'('i I'UII it,,,, Judn ...,!'.,·
111111 1!16:! \\""1'1' lI;ll1l1t'I' output YI'lIl'S ( 'OIlSI\III1'" I·; 1"('11'1111 i I'''' ( Undill-
I'm' IllI' indus!I·.", lind 1III1s ;tn-III·II 11 '1'\- SI''''', 1'\1',) 3(;.) }i:;. Ii 9. Lj lOA
.I!(JO' I 111\ ... is 1'01' ;I lllt'lIllillJ,:flll sll1d," .\\ ilitnl·,'· E II '1' t l'OIl i(.'1
01' '·lllpl".'·lllt'lll shins ( I< Hd111'-1 '(tWill. 1 ~I!l1ip.) ann 1 ~,"i.!1 :!:! 1.0 IR.n
1':I(,(,tl'olli,' ('01lIP0111'1I1 S ;Uii I ;"i!\.(i IH 1.1 I :I.fi
1';llllllo.'·llll' lll Ii!;.· OlltPllt in ·
'I'u!nls 1:11. ] I !lfi. fi 1fi.:!
"1'1'11"",11 1l101·t' ill Ih,' ,,It'('Il'lIl1i(' ... ill '
dllst)·," Ih;11I ill (Jlhn ",q.(lllt'llts of ~\ [ is\,. 1,:1.·(,\ I·i" I':qllipult'nt :In!) ~:!.,"j 1"!i.0 lUi
.,IH'II'it, 1Il1lIlufll('llll'ill;,t. T his is ill [ ndllsll'Y T olaJ ... 3571 , :1Ii nGi.:! 1,0:t"i.:! i .O
SIWl'P ('IIIlII·a ... 1 \(I Iht· dl'l'lillitl:':: 1'111- 1':II>('troHif'''' alit! 1:1'11111'11
pJUYIIlt'111 l'I'I'onl ill Ih,' lIJlPlial1(,t· I 1I,IUslt'il·" 36.>, G-7 +:l!li l t;-1Ii.8 l.(J(HI.O 18.0
i lid IIsII'Y ;1I111 11 I,., IllltullJ.! I ht'
111111"'1-" IIf ill,lu,II'i;11 appal'lllus,
1'111' Illh"I' s"('I(lt~ III' IIII' illtlustl'Y ill('iln.It·"·I'nt itl'1l1'. Ill-spil(' Ill{' I l'i('11I 1lH'l n 11 1';1 ('II1I'i lit.:" IIIU'it ('on "ill('1'
11111"\' Iwt! l'I,l;llin·I.,- '1tahh' I'lliploy- illtJ'IIIIIII'!illl\ (If 11111)1'(''''('1·111 hllllt..;, Ih(' ilnpIH'1 Hf I'mt!w'! ,;uh:-.lillllioll.
1111'111 1'1'11111 I !1."i! 1 III I nli:!. 'I'h(' 1l('1 !\lllt! t'll1plOYI1It'IlI ill 1111' 1i).!'111 IlIllh
,·n·,·,' 1 of lilt' I'nsl-~I'l)wing' 1'1('(,- :tlld {'1,,,,'ly ;llIil,t1 lighlilll-\' fixl1l1'I'''!
O·Ollit·S irlllllSII·,\'. IIII' 11i'fliuilll! ;111- induslri(" has Hot lIInit'I'iaJly in· J\ IIt~lh{'I' 1II11JOI' l't'II'on 1'01' Ihe
pliallt'\' illtl 11SII'.'· /lilt! Iht, ollwl' ('t"('as('d. \"il'tu;tll,\' tilt' "!atll(' 1111111- '!Im\" I(I'0wlh of "111]110.1'111('111 in
111111'(' ..;tnhh' indu'III'il'''; hilS I)('(·u Ihl' h"I· III" \\"(ll'k"I"'I W('I1' "lIlploy,'d ,,\t'I'II'i('lIl 111111111 fa", 111'ill~ JIlIS 111'('11
'·lIIpll1.I'IIII'1I1 sllI:!lIlIlinli Ilwl Itn~ lII:tkilll! 111101·,''1('\'111 ;IlId ill,'mllks II,,' 'lIlaI'll ]'1,(1I1111·li,·ily il1f'l'l'a_S!.'s
,·II1II·lII'I('l'iz"d ,hI' tollli intlllsll'." ('('III 1'I',"I1J(''' ill I nti:! :1'1 W('I'(' Ihal Ilan' ()('('UI'I'('t! iulhi..; inlluSl1·.\-.
,ill"" I !I."j;l. ('lIlpluy".illlnkillA' li:::illilll! ]11'(111111'1'1 1'1·tl(hl("i,·il~· I'slimalt's l\I'l' 1'1'('-
ill l !l-ii wl\l' l! iIH'11ndl''1I'1'111 ]11'1111- 'I'ul,'t! ill Ihl' fulluwil1;,t I:lhl". (s('('
Product Substitution II(,\-. .1()JlIiIlHit'tl Ihl' illliustl·,\-. Kn PII/.::I' 3H),
T h(' P"I'('I'din~ di ... f'lI,,-.,ioll flll'- Ih(' I"Inl t'mplnYIllC' III ill lpal'l nf IJII' ' I'h,·s,· I'sl i 11111 \('s 111'1' hnsl'd 011 th('
lIislil''1 n J.!"(Jod 1I11f'1".: I·()\lIId 1"01' 111'\\' iIl1Hl"nliol1 WllS IIi !. "1 11]11".\"11](>111 .JilIn of lilt' B \lI"'1I11 of
1'\1I1Ili11illA' till' "ollll'1I1ioll I IIII ! \111' 'I'his ,·:.:nlllpl" III' P"(11111<'1 sullsli- 1.111101' KIlIlis\ic's :lI ld IIIf' PI'()t!II('-
":':IIlIIl,lillg- (·II'I'Iri(·nl 1I1Ilnlll'lIl'lul'- Illlion i~ jusl 011\' (ll' 1111111 .\' .• \11110.,,1 I i()11 I lid ,':': tlf tht' 1·..'tll'l·ul H,'S('I'\'I'
illj.!; indusIJ'," will pJ·,JI· idl' .iohs for ('\·1'1'.\ ' III'\\" illllt)"lllioll hns ~Olll{' Houl'(l, nut! witHI' litl'.'· ;n',' lIot
,wrl, l'l'S displu(,('(1 in Ulitl'I' 1\1·I'1\S. nel'·I' I·s,· illlpli('aliolls flit' ulh('I' ill- pl·oliLlt'li\'ily 1'~lilll11h"; ill Ih(' strict-
'I'lli' IHI'tS liS di'i('IISSI't! ill Ih(' IWI'- dU'!\J·i, 's. The 11('11 jll'Odll('IS mil!l lt ('sl SI'IlSI" lhi'.\' fll'C' nd,,(tU:I\1' for
c·l·dilll:: S('('liIJII n'wlIl 111111 lola l ('111- nol I{'lld 10 till' t'lilllinali()11 of tltl' I'still111till),! (·!tIlIl!.:('S wilhin III(' in-
plll.\"Im'llt i" jU";1 ltuldill1.!' its OWII. olt1{'1' intlthll".", nlthtHlJ.!\t this l!lIp, <l1I'ill'y,
)1 1111." I'I/lim lltll! IC'('hllolu).d l'at 1)(,11 ... SO\l1l'1 iulI's. hut till' illlpa('t is J> 1'O(hl(,li\'il~' f{)l' all ('ll1ployl'S
(\t'\"I'llIpIIII'111 will ('11':11\' whol,' III'\\' ill\"lll'iahly sl1,(HlJ,.! ('II(1ug'h 10 !t'at! ill('I'{'l1",{'t1 11.\· i O 1)('I'I'('1l1 ill Ilu' ]losl-
illtiuSll·it's. hilt Ilti~ is lit h(·..;1 a hall' 10 "'la)!II:tlioll ill tIl!' oh!t'I' indllsh'y, Will' ]I('I'iot!, whieh \1'11l1''iI'IIIS lUI
'1'IIIlt. It 11tH '''' (' I"'all' 111'\\ il1tln~­ 1-'01' ill"'WII(,('. tl\(' illlr()(hl('lion nf ltV(' I'Il)!(' ill(,I'(':t"t' of :l.~ pC'r('1'111 ]l('1'
II·il·'1. hulll"''1I' 11('11 111·ot/lle\>. usua l- 1111' t":m,is\or iws kad 10 Sllll.:'IIU' .\'t·;II·. l'I'0I 11I1'tl\'ity f()l' pl'odlll'lioll
ly 1'I'plll('I' nIdi' I'. Ulon' ('OIl\('lIl iOlW I lioll ill l ilt' ('()1llt'lIlioll:t1 I 11 hI" ill' Wlll'k('I'S ill('I','lISI'd al ;111 (".('1\ I"lIsl('1'
1'1'()fhll'IS. A ('/;Is,..;i,· ,'xlI mp lt' is thl' dllsll'il'S. II I ;t(l liit ioll. 1111' ill(,l·!';!S' 1'1111' HIlt! J.!I·I'W h.,-!"Ii ]11'1'('('111 fOI':l1l
'111j,slilllliUII fir 11)(' 11111/1,,'*'\'111 li)!ht. ill~ IIS(' til' 1It1I1II'rif'al ('() IIII'OJS ltas :1\"t'I·IIj.tI' of ·1.7 Iw]'(·!,nt 111'1' ,\·I·al'.
1'111' illl'lIllth's('I'nl li)!hls, II I Ihl' lat!' 1'f'..;"I,,·" ill ti l·('lining- 1I1111·kl'ls fIJI' 'I' hl'SI' illl'I'I'ast'S 1lI1' lal')!t'I,\' Ihe
1!11O·... Ih(' Ihllll·I·,(·,'1I1 li)!111 '\"1IS a ('()Il'·(,llliuI11l1Ilt:l('hillC'louls. I II this !'I'sHIt of t(·t'hIlO\oJ,.!il'aJ <l1'n'lop-
1""-lIll1liOII1lI'Y IIt'\\ 1'1·I),hll'1. hili 10 (':t"'I~, 1111' IWIt pl'(III'I('I"; 1111'1' h;1I1 111('111, in 1111 1'11;]'>;"'" or ('11'c'II'i('lll
11 IHI')!" l'xt('1l1 il l'I'plat'I,t! iU(,lIl1- 1111 :111"·1 ..... ' inllllH't Oil il)( l llj<;II'i('~ 1II1II1tll'l1rlll1·i ll/.::. 1'111' milk('I'" of
"1''«''' 111 lif,(hl"!. 'J'lw\lg'h til(' inll'tl- ral' 1'1'11I()\-('(1 from (·II·{·II'i('It! 1lI1111U, all\Oll1ali()1l ('ltllipllll'lll ha"(' 1,('('11
d'lI'lion of I hi' J1t'W pl'udlll'l <lid fll('lurill)!, 'I'hl" list (,(lu lll 1-\'0 Oil (p li,']; 10 appl.\' 1I]()(1!'1'1\ 1I1l1(,hil1l's 10
('1'('1111' n('w joh,;. il nlilO hll(1 fill lind Oil, \Jill it is ()hd()lIs IltHl IIII,\' thl'it' 0\\"1\ ]l1'(ld ll('l iOIt PI·O('C'ss('s.
1It!'·I·I·S(' ill lPlIrl ill Ih(' making o[ uwlirsi,; of cmploY1l1cllt ill clcc· 'l'/tl''tC chllllg"('s h;1\·(' la];('11 mnJlY


fonZl~ 11m! 1lI'{' fill' too 11I1111('I'OUH to
c ile ill this bricf $11111.\', but sOl11e I' ROJ)Llf: 'I'1 \ ' I 'l'Y I X T i m
idea of the mng-Ili t udc- of change E I ,].;C 'l'RICA L JI.\C I II:,\EHY 1i\ IH ':-;1' HY
call be seen ill the following" ex· 1!l.j7 - 1 !)!)!)= 100
Output Output P"r
One of the mnjol' CIWllg('S has To!nl Pro,lu ~ tion Pl'r 'fOlnt "rQ,I'H"!,nu
'{(lnr Ompul. Ernplo~' nwut E"'plo.nucut E"'plo~' IIWllt
I)('{'ll tIle d r\'r lopl1lC'lI t of prin \rd EmJllo~·m"n!
cin'lIits. Pl"int Nl eire ui t" a1'e now 1%2 12K..J I I :; III I I:! 111;
lls('(l ill Ill(' place of hUlld \\'il'(I(1 ] !l(; 1 11 5. 7 10H I ll! ]07 1 II
cir('lIits ill most l'1ldio uud li'IC'- I Hlitl 11:.U.i ! Of! lOG 10. 107
\·i.,>iol1 ,>('Is nnd h:w{' j!"ainC'd I1l1pli. J n.)!) 1 0K~ 10.) 10, lO, 10:;
('atioll in othl'l' IlI·C;IS. 1'llc lISl' of 1 !l.)H !10.0 ~, ~I~ !lG !Ix
l)]'illll,1I c'iI'('\Iil~ hM; ('limil1:lh'd tlir 1!l.j7 101.1 10 1 101 100 f)~

I1rrl1 1"01' 11];]11.\' !';oldr]"('l's. ll!jl«'l11 - 1 f).j(; IO:t3 100 10:; ]03 !li'
bll'l'S, l('slc)'s lind inspcctors tliat 1!1.j:; !la.7 !l:~ 100 101 !l..J
\WI'(, lH'cdcd ill makinA' tIl(' wil·t'(1 Ifl:;..j. R~.5 no !I;) 92 k7
cil'(,lIits. I n addil iulJ. 1lIlh)lIlali(' ] 9.);1 !lO.!.! 100 III 9l ....:2
lIIf1c·hilws now place the <.'olllplelC'd 1!l:i2 7R.3 ~!I HH 88 HO
('i l'('1111 illto the> finish('(l prodll(·!. 1!l:i I ()~.5 X..j. !}=l 82 7,
On(' IIwc·hilll'. 11:I1l1e<1 ".\ nlofnb" I !}:;O (ilU 7:i R3 !l l .s·)-
h~' its dl'wlojll' I'. UCIJ{'I'nl _'!i lls, (':111 I !l-I-!l .j!1.7 (j:; W) 76 7"1
ns.'>f'l11hl(' in n little 11101'(' Ihnll 11 1!l·P;; :;:3.0 7:; ;-..:! 71 6.~1

minut(' thC' same nlllllh('1' of 1lI111- 1!).47 51.1 7>.\ 1'7 GG ;i!I
tipiC' 1'11'('tl'onie IIllils Ihnt it now
t;lk("! one \\'ol'k{' I' a full dn~- 10 sttlllill~ a 111II11<'1'i(';"I1 ('onll"ol apl)tl- ('ont1"OI. bill the nUl\lhrl' is shal'pl~­
lls'<;('ll1hle. Tlds lIIa{'hinr nlld olhl'!"s l'alllS in it~ bu·!!t, Ensl P ill"hm'/!h iIWl·l':lsinl!. XUIIlCl'i('nl ('()nI11)1 '>~'S -
lil;;(' il illsel't IU)I onl.\· pl'i11lrd ('il'- planl. I n Jl\ost 1H11l1C'I'i('a\ ('\)1]11"01 11 ' 1I1"l m'c also heill~ dC'wlolwtl 10
('uil hoal',I", hut also lllllllrl'Oll:-( ..,y!<l('llI~ ;1 lap(I pllIwht'd h~' n ('UIlI· III(' point ",h(ll"C' 011(' ~,\'SIC'11i rHIl
olhcl' ('Icell'olli(' ('Ol1lpOIH~lIts Imd PUtt' I', 01" im·I·I'II"liu!!l.v h,\' "lill1pl"1" "(lIlll'Oi mallY marhinl''' lind ~l1i,J('
ha\'{' npplie<lliO!ls fm' I)('rond Ih(' 1l1mnwi {'(Iuipllu' ,,!. i"l 1I"l'd to ~lIidl' 1111'il1l('g'l"a\i'<! oppraliolis of a (' 0111-
radio IIIlll tclc\'i~ioll Illlllllifactill'in;! Ih(' 1)ld ('011\"(,lIlio11111 11I'i1lillt! mill ph' h ' :Hts(,llIhl.v l inl'. ')'hC' 111'1 r!fret
illdu!'ltr~·. fal)l"ir:ltiu!! maehint's. Thi,> ('11111- of till' liS<' of pI'inl('d ('il"(,lIil"l. in-
. \ 1I01hel' majol' dcwlopuU'1l1 1l0W pkl(' I.\· C'limilHlIes Ihr n('('ll fol' m;l - -«'I'lill!! 11111('hil1('8 awl 11I11111' l'i(,:1\
OC(,IIITinj!" in ('1('cll"h'al 1I1<1l1ufae- c·hil,(' op('1"nlO1'l;. Jt is I'''llillllllt'd ('unll'ol "ysl4'l1ls h:1'< h('(' n tilt' sital'p
turill!! ; .. thc whit' S<'alC' nppli(,Hlion thaI ol1l~- ahollt :l.OOO of tl1I' :lll1Iosl p mc\ lit! i \' i I .v i 11(,1"{';lS('S P n '\' illll "ll.\·
of 11lI11I('l"ical (' 01111'01 "~·~h' lIIs. 1"1)1' \WI) lIIillioll 1II:).'hin(' 1')1)1'1 nllw ill "itt'd, nnd IIIC' rl',mltin.l! 'ilo\\'
installcr, "\\·cstill/!hou<.;" i" lIOW il\- liSt' :l1'r rlpdplwd wilh 11l1I1WI'i":11 ~I'owlh in (,ll1p\O,\'III1'11I.



Confu sion and Cha os has h(' I'11 a:::-I'('I'II to. [''()I' 1110:'\' \\1\11 ~O\\, wllllt nhol1t 111I1Si' jlllll'II I' ~'­
hll\'(' 1101 :\flhl' I't,d to a sOllnd pUn(,,\" mall (·I:ISSt's ! 1 10"1 appl'i'ntiN' 11';Iill-
L Hit'I.\- I1wI'l' hw; ('CHIIC oul of
Ol s<.:i(>etioi1, lilis >;h0l1l11 1)('11 wm'lI- in/'" PI'Of!I'f1l1IS hu\"!;.' el'l'HIt'1! 1111"111111111
''':lshill/!Ion fl l'lIs11 or I'ul,'s, polii'.\'
ill~ to ~cl 11](' h01ls(' ill O1'dl' l'. 1\)1' Iwl1l'I' II'Hilling Ill' j0111·IW.\!III'n.
'>tatl'IIH'IIl;; l1I!d ('diets IWl'tailling
to Ilw admission of apPI't'l1tiel's HlI(\ Sch ool: Ju st Around th e Co rn er \\,11.\' not IIH,k o\"cr lIw "llOrt I'om's,'s
tile PI'O('I''':' of s('l t'c', HOI\' nnliln],!t'lllld sHirt (l1H' IH' 1I100'!'
.\TO!;\ join\ /'ol\11l\iltN's Ilnl"!' ('\1111-
lioll. ('ontl";1(l;('llng and eOllfusint!, p\rll'd plnl1~ 1\11' 1'('11111·11 in"II'I1("\itlll jOlll·III'.\·I1I;] lll'lass\',, ! I" IhC'1'1' 11111'('d
if ('anii'd 0111 th('y \\"ould ('1I\1S\' \"io- of lIppI'(,llli,'l's, ,'1"1';] 11).[" 111(' 111" 111111\(' fill': B lnl'lll'ill\ HI'adillf!, 1"1111.1a-
I,llioll of contl·acts. (\isob('<li(,llI'(' of wilh \·o(·atiOllnl .,dIH·:llioJl diI"ITI01'S 11It'l1 l als of "Iotol" ('01111'01. BII"i(:
I'ulilllrs lind 10\\"I'I"ing <Ii" s t nlllhll'(h, :11 II\!, schook (,111:'''1''1 'i('I·l1p. ill- T III'OJ·.\', 01' :'\nli0I1:11 E!r('I1"i("-;il
Wllnt is 10],(1 done! I t S(,(,IIiS \0 gll'\l\'lol's se,lce \('d . \\"1I1'I, hooks 1111.1 (' I)(ll'!
bc IIrs\ to eonlinuc soulHl 111"11('\iC'('<; textbooks ortie red, and nil 111'('1,),,- ('\'1](' 11111)\'e mati'l·inl "P P(,llI'"d ill
(If S('[t,,'lion 1I11ti l Ol·dC'l· ,'Oltl(':' out SUI'." infOl"lIlntioll scnt to 1':1(·11 np- II!\' ~1'1)\('m hl'l ' issue of \ he Q!' \J.l-
of ellHos Hnd sOllwthi ng" pl'H('1 i('l\l ]}I'(,l1t icc, 1'11';1) ('o:-;''I'U ,\C1'011.)


Watch Jurisdiction
Urg es Secretary Kauff man
1..1'. I, ST. LOUI~. ;\IO.- Au/{ust has
ju~l :Ihout run it..ielr out lind the
Im'~lwct for SeptcllllM'r lookll "strike
(1"('(',"It seems thnt all of the build-
ing trade..; of St. Louis and vici nit)'
h:1I1 working agl'eemcnu with con- log will keep 0111' men fllllr rm illoyed glaSll I)anel or a ]Jrt'fabl'icated ell'<.'-
tnlNUI'~ whi(,h eXllirt'd in July or tlH'Oligholil thE' long hanl win tN, tri cal (hlul'E', while another tnule luid
August. A rew trad"R illfhl(ling the :lllI{'h of our full elllillorment is claim to s('tling a l'E'nE'Ctor which Willi
Elf'('tri('ai Wo rken had no (lifticuhy due to th(" hu,;ille,;;; IIHlII:ll(("1' ami his also II PUI't "r this ~:l.Ine fixtUI'E'.
('(Jllling to tenllS with their employer's ;1!;sistalltH who keep clo,;(' l'lI(o(,k on MF:MlUmS OF LOCA L NO, I :
hut ollh('r trnd('~ hnd to r('.~ort to II all joh;; largE' 01' l<l1lal1. allll niUHt ron- onl)' the dose sUl'\"eillancE' of YOUI' job
IItdk(' :lg'llinst thl'it' ('oIlII":lC\OI1;. At st:IIJtl y fight ot]l('" lrml('~ wh,) arc in its entl)rty, and it quick call to
thi~ time (AugU st 2Gth) ju~t otle al\\'uy~ tr ring to claim part of the the hu~in('~s manager's olllce l'an fu!l~'
lnldl' ill sti ll in the JII'(I('''~S of n ElectdeaJ WorkC' n; ' jUl'isflirtioll, ]l u\\,- protect rOil I' jurisdiction, Don't hesi-
"trili(· with thl.' llo ~!lihi1i t y. of its heing e\'el', \\'ith the help of lh{' 11I('n Oil the tule to ndl, right 01' wl'ong,
s('Ulf'll hdol'" the w('('k ill 01'('1'. Local joh,~ II'C have hcen 1I10 ~ t ~ ur,'(' ~Aful in A llis ])ul(' ~ t artc!I at a new bowling
No. 1 hns heen (Iuih' rortunute in IlI'Olc(,ting that which l'ightfully he- es lnbli sh nwnt heing el'ccled, 0\'(',' the
hilling full ('mplo~'m ent Ihl'oug-hout IOllgll to the E lectrical W".'k(' I'II, On l)e ttin~ of pam'l ~ eovet"illg' the mll -
th{·.~(' "l l'ike~ ('\,en though many jobs OIlC joh two 01111'1' It'ad(' ~ IlIi.1 l'laim chinel"~'. 011,(,)' ll'ades claiming that
\\'1'11' :Ll !I s tand s UlI. We hope when to 1IlII'ls of elct'tt'ieal work: onl' \i'lidc they in~tall('d thi s panel at the Ins t
thill I:Ist trade resu mes wOl'k the Lack wHn ted thc filling and !letting of n bowling lane tha t was credcd. SUI'e

Business Manager's Watchful Eye Guards Jurisdiction

J~,i ~dic!i on d;~pul"pl.gu ...... y 10c.I union b~1 wilk clo~e ,oop ... lion b' lw een Ike b~.ine .. m.n.g,'" offiu of loe.l I, 51, loui.,
Mo... nd the men on Ih. job Ikey ~.uelly "n be .a!lled \/,ti,f.cto,ily fo, Ike EI.,I,i,.1 Worker, He" i. lin ,1,cl';c.1 fidu,," containing
nuor ese.nl lu bes inclo.ed by gl ... , GI ..ien cI.imed Ih, filling . nd inll. lllliion of thi. '11 .... Thi. fidll" wu f.b,icdled lind wi,ed by
Eleel'iul Wo'~e,", .nd belon\l' 10 Ih. Electrical W or k, ... Holding Ih. '11 . .. in dilpute 11'. John Well .. , on, of loc .. 1 I bu.in ... rep'"
.enl dliylS on 'ighl, On lell il Willi"m Jun9" . t ...... d on Ihe Saul job bling don . by M.d Elec t, ic Co. Thi. picture "I 'ighl . ho...
Ih. lop p.,1 of Ih. "me rod"" m,d. up 01 nIlO"le.nt tub " coye'ed by , "n"lo" All elec trical rodu, .. of thil Mill" II" being
in. /. lled by loc.1 I members,

H .. , i•• n,w indllllr., Ih,l w," o.g.ni,.d nol 100 long .go by the bUli"",, m.n.')," office. Thi, p;c!ur, Ihow. Ih. b.d of • co ntrol
bo .. d Ih,l W," m.de for Ih, .i,·condilionin9 I.. d,. Th i, comp'''y mIkes con t'ol bo.. d. 10•• ny Iyp' 01 mlthi ..,.." m.de 10 their 'p,c;.
fic.lion Or the., will d"i9n .nd m.nu(.,elu" II", bo.,d. 10 me.1 .nyon,', bUI;n ... n"d.. Th.r, . . . . eY, .. 1 Ihop. doin9 Ih i, ,lUI of
wo,k .nd .11 h,YI conl,,,10 with loul I. L.fl t' F,. n\; H,om.I~., ,hop fo .. m.n, .nd Ed. Huli,. Union .Ium fill ... make .11 .i, con .
n" lion._Conl,ol P.d Co.. Diyi.ioll of Wi]lj.m. Equipmenl Co., .re Ih. m,n"f.elu,e ... AI 'i9hl w, I.. th, b.d of lhe p'II,1 th.1
Will in di,pu le, Th i. p.nel w.... cov... d with III.ciri",1 w o, ~ .nd i. the wo.k of Ik, , llIeldclil wor ker in mounting .nd connectin9 in ito
enti .. ty. AI.rt ..e .. p.y. of!' in ,u" lite Ih,,,.


they dill, but the old panels hnd 110 I will pass Oil to you liOnlt' of lh o1'<<" Do you not wonder too, which or the
eleetl"i c wOt'k aU nched to them whil e figures, IlnYII could be the good oll('s-then or
the new ones we t"C fult of elel'ldc For th:!! ),I'ar lh('r(' \\'(' rt' $I'\'('n now? J will concede th e fact that the
lI"it"C!! and sockets :111(1 othet· eledl"ical local un ions of till' 1I1EW with 11 l'om- ('Ollt o f Jiving was possibly more com-
de\'icclI. hin('(1 Illcmhl'l'!<h ill of iii in ~!l ss(HtI·i. putah](' to the- wage scale than now
One of Iho mOI'@ inhwe,tinll' ('lIg; rOtllpnl'l' Ihat if you will I" lI,~' II i- hIlt th(" ... t"lIIlanl of living was not
tl('(!I'ing joh!! Ull!II'I' con"truction in r{'I'tory of IOt"al union~ ffll" l!!fl2 lillt- what il now is, Look about you and
SI, Louis is the n:17-ff'l't-hi!d1 l'tainl('~s ing ::II lOcals, Uw total nwmll('rshi ll take stock of the many things rou
steel arch ]ol·:ttl'~l on Ih{' I'i"cr f ront. of which i,. unknown til 111('" (I·;tlit",.' ,. ha\"r Ihat wl'r(' not in Ihe wild{'!lt
The stnin l(,!'lI ,,1(.. ·1 " .....·Iivllll an' fahri- .\','/(': 1!1,'1/4 i8 flt(' 1I!('m/lI"/"lfhlJl JiY/lre Iltt'am!! of Ih(' "old-lim("r"" W hat
cated in th(' (,list and l'hi IlPf'<1 to /'ltll'/I,) makt-s l)Ossi hle th(' things WI' ha\'('?
St. Loui1'<. :'Ilt-Donllid Construction II Sllac(' lwing lilllit('d, I will ("olllhine Surl'ly you do not Iw1i(,l'e il is so, 1)('-
local ('onll'acting firm, hll/l con,.tl·ucl('d 1111' ('(1Il11Jal'ison!< 10 Lonlls l\o. I a nrl ('Huse Ull' lllonipcl inlerestll wallt it
two c.-atH'lI that WIll CI':lwl up IIIf' out- :.!, tIll' olll~' t\\"o li~h·,1 in 81. Llluis lit thu!!, but that it is Ihrough the e[Torts
side of ('nrh I('g all thl' sl('('] "('("(ions thaI tl all'. Both dainwd 7t) pt'n"t'ut of o f !IOm(' to calTY OIl thr Imille that
al'C 1m! in 1'1:\('('. When thill Job is tIl<' tl"arlt, org-nnilwd 10clllir, wm'IH'd :111 \\'a~ Mlat"h~1 hr OUI" (ol'(' (all)('r.<; to hal"('
completl'l! it will h(' a 11111'1 o f th(' new 8-hour" day and "I 11IlUI"F Oil S:Hur'dll~'I!, IH'!!!'I" lhi!ll!~ fo!' oll,"selvrs and our
St. Lou;~ National Park, WI' I'X !l('d. 1\0. I had a 111('I1\II('rship of :.! /; OIL f,'lIoWlllNl. i.et liS not hrCOlll(' satis-
thi!! park to h(' l'om plet('d b~' th (' tilll(' J anWL1"y I, J!)I:t, 11 d('crt'!L!<" or :t!I ' fi /'Il with what 11'(' have, for to be
the next !13 1~ \V Cot\\'('nlion i~ 11<'111 in fmlll l!)IO, tut lRf'd h~' ('t' ~~atio n , 'I'll(' ~ltti!i fi t'11 is to IH""ish" A.<; \\'(' of this
St.. I,onis, ~tlllt, \\'a~ $.;.:!(t pC'" '/"11, 11""1"1" l\'l' n' g('!I('t'u ti oll w ill 1)(' ~on)!il1el"('d "old ,
110 fnta l jul, :I("ci,](-nt ll, had lfH) Pl'I'- tilllE'rs," mIL}' postcrily I"eap a~ mllch
I"t'm Itt till' nwmIWI";; hip wOI'king 1Irld(:I' fl'om ou t" l'Irorh as wr have from t hc
al{'"t'I'm l'I' I ~ cllvPI'ing wa~t·.~, !toLlrs and pa~t.

"Good Old Days" Not union l"uI(,1I and 11'.'1"(' unl 11I1·nil"t·.1 in
lilly s tl'ikl'.~ "
May it lIot he saill of rou "SOlll(,
f!('O lllt· fall fo,' 1'\'Hything ;IIHI sland
So Good, Says P.S. Today til(' llll'mhrl'lIhill of I.t\(':tl '\'0, fill' nothing,"
I i~ j:H 7, ('ar"llingg an:: acconlilW to H \I!O.,/) Ih;!'IlY, p"S.
L,U, 2, ST . tO l'l K )J(l.-V,' ry oft{'11 w()t'k cl:l s~ific ation . Loc:t1 :-:0" :! had
w(' h(':lr 1I01lJ(' of Ill(' "ohi-timl'l'!!" :I Ilwmhrrshill of HIt) with no ilwt".,:tIi\'
say sO Illl' l hing nbout Ih(' "goOlI old 01' tl(,(,I"I':l s(' from I!)W" 'I'otlny'" n1\'l11 -
Ila~'II" and we wondl'" why tlwy w",,'f' Iwrshi p is I:tG7. 'I'll(' wag-I' nth' waR Baltimore Local Creates
considl'rf'<1 I{O(I(I. I am mon' IIronl' to $3.(".0 1)1' 1' (1:1), with a timl' 10"~lI o f :!tl
won<il'r lIint"(' 0111' I' r"~id('nt lI at-ry 1l('l"(,(,)1~ in the find and fourth 'tU1lt·-
Progress Committee
Snelling hall 10:II1I'd ml' a :'I!issoul'i t{'I'lI, du(' to h:l!1 \\"(';,UWI', Th('rt· Wl'rl' 1.,1 ' .2 1. UA LT I.'I!O HE. :'I tD,-Election
HI'<I Book of JUI:t, COlll llill'd lIy Ihl' <10 mC'mJxoI".'; Ollt <Ill IIt,.i l... :ltIU ,Ia)",. tlut· or ,,11\("('1''' now Is hislOJ'Y, ret \\"ltJlin
SI;lll' RUrl'au of l.4Ih,)I' SI:!tist ics, It to wagt' (tu('stion for whil'h th(' I.ocal (Ill(' mOlllh a fast nnd flt l'iolls ll:' Ce has
is a faclua l r ('lmrt of all I:!hor ol'l::'lIni- Imi(l s:t,ono,oo in II trilit, fund s Ht thr Il-('l'n I'l'l hy 0111' lIew otlicers h('adl'll
7.ations ill the !';Iat{' for the YI':II' 191 1. mtt:! of $ 10.00 IW I' II'l·,·k, Ity RU 'lilll':<~ :'I!:ilHiger Wulter T .
\\"lIlt, wilh his tlt"plrllS cnl'rgy and
Gateway to West Rises tlril"p, ha~ in a l> hol"t lime ~howlI thl'
llH'tnlwnhip I he spit'it of things hoped
A Il(,W concc pt to SimI' up t"r!l ewed
int('n'st in 10ta l :LfTair"~, at. least it is
((,It. b~' U'l 10 hI' Il(,W s ince we have

1\ heard no Ilwntion of tlll' sa m e in ol her

IOI'al~, i~ th\' I tHlu~II"Y P rogr ... ss Com,
mittt:'('" This COlllmittee replaces th e
• fOl'llwr Stcwal"d'~ M('r ling-" T he r\'-
f1uirptn(: 111 is dTOl"l- and \\'O"king on
atty numb('r of the various committe!'s
within Ih{' local or as a d(!l(!gatt:' t o
work d('lIling in UlliOn :lctiviti('s with
I Ollll't· I m du. At present there are 85
n\('mb(,I'~ on the roll with uhout 50
mor(' ('ager to fi nd t hei l" nmll('S ill the
1.P,C, roll.
On(' (I( til(' main fundions of the
I ndu llt I')' P rogrrslI CommitteC" ill to
:lllsi,.t in orl{ani~in~" We know lhat
lIallimort' needs much drort along
111(';;1' lines li nd this CQlll!nitt('(.' has
1111'1h'NI filI I 1"000pl' ralinn" T hl"'y ,U'I"'
willing to d,·op what they :1l"C Iloillg
at any hour at t hl' l"()mlll:lnd of the
loc,,1 I, St, loui. undo u. thil picture .ho"in<;l the hU<;Ie Crt nos mounled On th. lid •• of lJU K in{, ~M mana~el" and jJr()('('('11 with
Ih. Iwo le<;l' of "n "rch whIc h will b. 637 f•• , hi<;l h, I"br ic.le d 01 ""i/ll.u " ... 1, and will :my 111:m p that ha\'C" bt'I"'n llladt,. T his
d e pict the <;I"I,way 10 the w.d, ,or Ihe <;I.t,wlY 10 Ih e eul. dep.ndin<;l on wh ich W"y ,"ommitll'l' will ope!"al (' in el'e r y phase
you lire 90in<;l, In th. di,l"nc. "e tw o brid<;l." .llhou<;lh on ly On. "PP'M'" Th" r. ..t of IllI' lrn"al union actil'itirs,
On" •• the f"med f.d. brid<;le buill .. lon9 "boul 1895, II wu predicted by d . pl ici "I I·:m·h 1.1'.('" membe r is issued a ('ard
Ih"t li me Ihat if would lIe .... r hold up IS it wu built on arch .. with nO lup",trucIur •• whith ill to he punch ed m on t hly, giv-
but i", jull ... <;Iood ~' ..... r. n Il sup ers'ructure IhowlI il on the ne .... "r V.I"" n, brid<;l. illl{ ('I'idence of hi s willing!lesS to do
.. nd i. locot. d farthe r nort h of th. E.. d. bridge, tho wOI'k eX ]lccted o f him" Sutlicient


Local 3 Salutes Its Fifty-Year Members

Gc.nd old "', .. 01 l oul 3, N,w yo,~. N. Y., WI', p ••• "nted with lC.oill, gold welchl' .nd IBEW d'.mond dudded pi,.". II 110" rlgur.,
m.. 'ing h,ld .t MI"h,nl" Celli,., AugulI 8. They ... e'o ,on9,.I .. t.t,d by ISEW S",,,'e.y Jo.lphD. k"",", ... ho ",ed, the presentationl.

Among th, "ollorld SO-..,.. , IIEW ","",b,,, wI •• Edmund 'nd F,.n~ SimpIO .., 16.y .. ,.old
twi,," who both ....tid wor ~ ing in 110, Eleelriul industry more the .. SO Y"" _go .nd "' ...
,"i'i,teel ;nto lour) loq.''''''
llff 10 riqht: Herold SI•• n, lo,er) elto'n,..,: F'lnk SimPIOn;
Pt..id,nl J"lmi.h P SIIIIiYI"; Edmund Simplon; tBEW s.c.,t ••.., Jo •• ph D. K.... ,,,•
• nd Commiuionl' "",.. nd 0'''"9,10 01 the D'p ... tment 01 Wet .. Supply, Gn end
Elldricily of New Yort

",.",be' to rece; •• hi, cilation ond

gold w.lch from IBEW Secrelary Jo"ph
D. Keenan wa, John C. Schley. le ft to ri9hl:
P... id.nl J.r.mia~ P. Sum.an; Schl.y. who
i, 811 y .... old; Com",i"ione' D'Angelo and

so . ..,.. , tHEW ",.mb.. tt ..e •• h.tI.d by Sec.etery Kun." lor Ih.;r devotion 10 the principles
01 t •• d. u";o,,i.m ov .. the 't ..... A total 01 S3 Honor Membe .. r.ceiv.d the cov.l.d pin,
gold .... tch .nd cit.lion. but only 38 ...... ble 10 allend th. meelin9'

alu'I'l1l1h's an' 111,,0 apl)Oillt("(1 ill the hO(ll.~ an\1 in.<;lructor.<;.... , ... , This
"\"I'lit that ~onw, for guoII I'nll~(' lire rl';!r ncsl'ly 30 0('11' apJJr"lIli(','~ haw'
IInahh' to nttl'lul, or shoull\ on(', with- h('('n ind('ntur('d. I.ots of IUl'k tn you
out goot! ("aU;;I' 110t pI'l'form hill ,Iuties, ((,110'1',,1 Paltl))' \':Iil olrl'rs Ih(· I':IIIH',
h" will lIoon find hims<'lt relllac{'d hy )Iotill' Control ('ollrS('1S rl'~lInll",1 II)'
1111 :l111'rl1all'. N('il \\'ngn('r al'(' ('XIWCINI 10 h:I"(, 111\
Csuall~', II h:llld(ul tit workl'r~ ar£> illt'rl'llll('iI atl('lulnnc(' this )"(>ar, all \\"('11
:\\"nilahl{' to ('arr), out th .. IIUIJI{'roUS all th" ('t)1Il'"(,,, in IIlu(' Print an(1 J-:~ti­ rnol11l, Virginia: 80, Norfolk, Vir-
t;\~"11 o( a I"<"al, nlHl it ill :11\\":\)"11 Iht:' mntillg. For tho~(' who w:lnt to hrllllh ginlll: 1:f!O. Xcwport :o\('Wll. Virginia:
"nnl(" ({'w that art:' tall,OfI upon to do UI' on Coil(', :t rdn'"llI'r ('ours(' ill 37!), Charlottc, ~orlh Carolina; ;:;,
thi .. work. A ... urprisinK amount of III.'inl{ ofrt'rl'd. Pilt~hurgh, Pennsyll'ullia; :lod to all)'
('nthlllli:,lIm hlill I)(>t>n brought ahout This hn;; I)ft'n II )T'ar o( lIlow ~lllrts oth('r It'1('alll I IIlt1)· lUll'" o"('rlook('d,
through tl1<' I.P,C, Great things ar(> in ('on~truction, in th{' Haltirnort' arl'lI for th('ir grl'at h('ll) in 1)lacing mallY
~'xp(,Cled of thill new idea lint! 1 shall 1I11t1 our ;:;ilu.'er(> thankll go to I..()('al" o( our "rothers on their jobs,
k~11 you IKultt'<1 lUI 10 ita r{'sults. :-':Oll., 3, ~('\I' York; 8(i, Hocht'MI('r, TIll" Stag Party to Ix> held Satur-
With Septemlx>r just around the N('II' York: 3S, Detroit. ;l1il'hiJ.:'tln i dar, Sl'lllcmber 11, 1!)G3, shollid he
('01'11<'1', the npprcllticell will Il0011 be <\11 , L:l.IIcastcr, PenllsY!l'llnia; :~1;~, a howhng /lIIC(,C8S. "Live \Vire Chico,"
{'x ll{'('It'(l 10 tr.ce their pup'cr, l)(Oncils, Wilmington, Dc1all':U"e; GGG, Hich- (ChiN Voso) , and the elltire Enter-


tainnlt'nt CommittN' han' IJUt ;1 lot o r 1'I111Ifl·ntl('1.' 1111(1 for(-'man training. from l!J:~:! to IlI:;O. Ill.' was a ehartt·r
efforl iliiO it to nmke it just t haL ComJlletion C"t'rtificall'S were presented llwmiJer of th(-' NaJ.ll'lau ~utTolk Build-
Ou r registrnr, R ill Rurllit'k, has a to 24 foremen and :l!l aIlPI'entict'1I who ing Tralles Coulll'il amI :tCli\'(' in Ih(-'
,'cry active (,olllmith~ of some 20 had COIllI)It'ted the ('(lU I'S(-' of stud)' pre- Nussau Eledrical ],(';Igu('. In 1\1 I!;, h(-'
memhers rUllctiollinK lind it is l hl' goul scribed (Ol' their rCSlledi\'e courS(-'s. orglmized the Maintf'll:ln('e Elee-
o( this commitll'f' 10 11:I\'e t'\"'ry Illem- T his year nl!'o marks the eleventh lin- triciallS at Hcpublic Aviation C()rp(~
\)(or and those l'ligihle in hill househo ld ni\'(-'rsrlry of our roreman's training ratioll nt Fu rmingdale. Long Islaml.
rl'gister('(l lo voll' by nl'lCl election. program. I I C;II) truly IX' lIaid Ihal he de\"ol('(1
This is 110t only in comlilianel' with the John Brush and Thomas )Iessemer til(' majo r \la l·t of his !i r(' to tIl(-' S('I'\'-
('onsli t u t ional ehang,' or our lust rct'l'iv('d the i\'as~au-SulTolk Chaplt·r iet, of unionism anti til(-' eause o f 1:II>or.
ConvenUon, il is 1\ must (or all union Awards. LOl'al No.2:). I BEW gave J Ot· will long Iw rt'nwmbered hy all
r1l('IllUf'rs. if \\(, a r'I' 10 IJaI·k II'gi~hl t ion it~ awal'(ls to '··rantis JlOllncllv and who knew him.
ulld It'gislators bt'lH'fil'ial to Jahor. Hohl'l·t TI·oinno. 1' 111' As.';,ociatioll or l{()m: nT GI!U\IAr.:, P.S.
f>:nclosed i!l :r Ilkllll·j· of our fir~l 1':II'\'lrkal (,onstruction En,ll"inl.'ers·
gl'luluating d;lss of tht' ( ndu.~triul Awarlt w{'nt to William HOIl<1. Our
Atolllic Ener·Jn.· ('''IiI·''e. (lI"trl1ctOI' lit'\\' )I('morial Award. which was in-
Lnrr~' Miller, has hllli much re~l)(ln,,(' slitut('d last }"{'llr by Local l-nion 2:; Lew Palme r Cited for
lIin('e announcinJt 3nothf'r da_"s will in 1Il('Ill"!'Y of our former BUJOin('AA Years of Fine Service
1)(' institut('d this fnll. Atomi(' eliNKY ) Iamlg('r Jo"eph C. Gramer Sr .. was
in the electrical field ill th,· coming won hy John Bru~h. T his award COIl- 1.. 1'. 26. \\ /\ :-; III ... C,TO:,\. 1>.('.
thing Hnd WI;' should all tak(' ad- lIist{>(1 of an all-('x]I('ns<,-paid trip to Brother L. C. (Lt'\\1 Palmer who will
vantage of Ihe l'ourRes otTel'ed, not ~oulh(' .. n Sl"l('~ Alillrentict'ship anrl \'etil-e orr SI']lt('mll('\' ;jllth, I!lG!!. aft,,!,
only fol' 0\11' o\\'n illformntion. but (01" TrnininK Conf('r('l1C(' at Na~I1\'ill(' , having h('('11 a ult'mh{'r of L(I('al 21; f(lr
!\t'l f -]l,,('~t'I·vatiOn. TI'1111('~~i'I', J uly 21 through J uly 27. :18 ),('rtnl, hns ll) his eredit nWI\~' fints.
At th(' pres('nt tim(', negotiations 1'. J. Panz('ca, ('lllpJore .. -nl('lllher, In 1!}:l9 he wall m:ule the fir'!It ('hail'-
art' underway, hHw(·(·n 1,'()I:al Union and ('h:l irman (,f til(' ,Join\ ApI)r(,lIlke- man of th(' J oint Appn·nliceshi\1 ('0111-
21 ami :-".E,C.A. At our Ill'Xt \\Titin!(, :;hip llllli Tr;1illillg COlllllli\t(-'e, at'tl~ 1 mitt(-'f' and in 1!117 W;IS Illude Ihe fir!lt
w(-' hope 10 Ira\'!' a full I'undown on all to:lstma~t(,I' alld there wel'e mallY full-time chainnan o f th(' J .A.C. in th('
Ill(-' 1·('~uJls. Our !wgntiating tCam IH,()P\(' of lIote s('atCfl on the tlai~ who United St;lt(':<. T hill !'equi/'cd him to
('on~il!l~ of nU sirll'~s iIIalHlJ.{'·I· W alt('I' !lll()kl' briefly 10 a wry I'cct'pli\'(' 11':1\'('1 to nwny ('itiel> from coa!\t to
T. Sko]l]lj P r'P!lidl'l1l Ja('k W . •\11'- aUlli('n('('. T o nwntion a (l'w: 1I 001Or- cun~t to nllend conf(-,I'enc{':<, a~ this in-
Co .. kh'. and Ih'\'onling Sl'Cr('lnI'Y ahl(' H. L('(' Df'llnison. Sufrolk Counl)' I'lulled 1I1l of the huiltling tmd('s' a],-
Hol){'rt Arnold. {'x('('uti\-e, The 1I01101'ahle E. H. :-;'ick- Ilrf'nticeship JlroJ:'ram~. lie wn!l Ill·
JO:;.;I'II l!uH''!.;IJ.·n:K, P.S. ('1');011, Xa!ls:lu County ('x('('uth·e. )Ir. b(')I"'s finl "-,pr(');t'utnth'(' for th(' nill-
lIu.':h )Iuqlhy from the United Stat(,!1 tnct of Columbia J.A.C. and h('11I Ihat
Ilqlartm('nt of Lubor, :'Ilr. J. W. Crtr- oniee for :-{'\'('II renrs. III.' W:li!! aJ~
p"ntf'r, \1~ilh-'1I1 of Long !sluml l'h(>~('n first dminllun of th" O.C.
Sixty-three Receive LiJ{hting Company, lind Broth(-'r Lin'l1I;ing BOllrll :Ulcl h(Old thlll olllee
C o mpletio n C ertifi cates Walt{'I' Krak('r, bU!lill(,.'<$ murlngt'I' of for ('ij.('ht year:<.
LOt'nl llnion 2:;. The mellll)('r~ <If 1.0('111 1(j I;Tl':1I1y
1.. ( 1. 2.;. 1.0:,\(j I:-;I,. \ ... n ..... Y. On WI' WI'I'(, !ladtl('nl'd hy Ihe (il-alh, :lP1Jl'eci:rte th\· fnilhful ~('n'ice ,'I'n-
J un\' 22, I!Hi3 tlw Joint ApPI"('ntin- July 18. of another fo r mer }'"sinl'IIS df'l·ed. knowing thai it was throug-h
ship and Training Cnmmill('(' ror th(-' manag('r. J oseph Lor('nz. Ill'otlwr hill ulllil'ing efrorl and til(-' many hours
EI('f'I I'icIII Industry of NaR";1II ;11111 Lorf'n1. was a.!<l!islant husiJl<'sS man· ~p('nt lK')'ond 1110' ('all of Iluly lhat Im~
Sufrolk Counli('s "lltlnl<ol"t'd lh(' annUl'll ag('r of LOt:al a, I ln; w from IU:!G- hrought natiollal \'{>('OJ{nitioll to OUI'
('umnll'llcemenl t''I"I'I'I'I~I'I' IIml Ilinn('r· 19:.12. 11 (' was the 11"sl husin('!l~ man- ",l'IlOol and 11)(':11 uniun. It was not
(Janet' to honor lh(' ~raduatl'!! of our aA'('r of Local 2:), IREW and s('rv('(i until his scholarll gr:llluatN\thal they

Take Industrial Atomic Energy Course

Th.". m.mb... of Loc.f 2<4. B.llimor•• Md., h.v. lal.n adv.nt.g. of th. IndU II.;.] Alomic En ..gy Cou". ofF.r.d by the loul. B.d
row, ].It to right: R. lp h Mill.,; Thomel &l1kil; John M.HtI1on; Richard O.H. y; H.nl H.n.u •• ; Ch.rll1 Gr.nl; Elm., hlh: JOllph
GUlt.vSOn, F•• nk O.I.y. Fronl .ow: l." y Mill •• ; Albart C.in; Willi.m H.rtm.n; Allen Full .. ; Emil Ed .. : O.val Jenkins, .nd Lou il Gyo.y.


Combined Ceremonies for Apprentices and Foremen

A ioin! dinnlr.d",,,u w .. h.ld 10 m.'~ the completion 01 It.ininq of Ih. 'PP'I"lic.. end fo.lml .. of Loul 25, Long I,'and, N. y~
uch .. Ih.i, own dill I.~.k The", younq men I •• the comple'ill9 eppflnlicil.

Theil men compl.ted .dv/IInc.d foremen Irlining und .. locel 25.

realized thl.' value of hi " ah'jet IIN1WIlIi str'IIc1iOli mateda! und the hell) or ,Joe their itinerarics while visiting fOI·cign
fOl' disd"linr and (Iltend:lI1('e l'cquin" Taylor', \l'ho is aN )'ou all knoll' the 1'01lIltl'i(':;, !lO that (l"Om time to time
nH.'I1l~, as they now look uJ)!)1\ him all Oil'('('llll' of Skill Impl'ovclllcnt Train- I would II{' (11,11.' to 11.'11 rou about them,
having 1)('('11 theil' rl"if'nd. The uffit,(,),s ing fill' lhc 1.0, Bill Bal·ti('\' Wll~ down sollll.'whl'l·1.'
and memht'rll or I~.L'. 2fj wi~h him 111111 iA<'ai 21> was \'{'I'}' (Ol'tullat\' in hav- nl'ar )-;OUlh' Amel'iclI; Jiln l.'hl.'l'\l'()O(i
hi,. wond('rfui wile many )'e:II'" of ing ,10(' Taylor hE'lp in org:lI1i:ting our lind his ;;afari we!'1.' in :\orth ,-\(1'11'(1
hUIlI)), 1'('lil"('ment. Journ{')"m:1n EIN"tronic da~R, which rt'("'lItly and P:lul Ole\'el'i is now visit-
P,'csidf'nl John F. K{'nnedy in his W;I~ OIll' of the ,'eD' fi,."t in the IBEW ing in Ro mc, Italy,
n-ccnl bn>aci<'aoll,., hnsn't rai1('(i to and hit,.. "J'o"en to he (Iuite >lu('CE'II~rul. We al"(, \"I.'r)" WI'll IJlea>«'(1 with the
ll1('lIliOIl th(' vnlue of ('{Iurllt;on ill thi s The /{I'll.iluules ha\'E' helped in ~uJlply­ way ""':\-I'OI:\T" ill working out.
day ami ng(', 1'1'('l<il\l'lit Gordon 1\1. ing our I'ontr.lctol'ls with ~11('c:in1J)' Thut ill thl.' n:tme of thl.' 1)I"Og'l'am be-
Freeman who ft)!' tht' I)ast I<(,\'l'nil qualified men for th(" electronic ('(Iuip- ing ~IJUnsore(1 by all of lhe Intel'l1a-
years hMI tril.'d to hring the llH'mhl'l'S ment ther h:l\'e to imtall, The de- tional I'resill('11t1l of the Building
of th(> IIn;w to re:tliJ.:e th:lt without mand f<H' thel'{, nwn is in('I'I'lIlIing 'l'I'mll's' union", It ill known a~ thl.'
fUl'thl'l' education in I'ledronit'~. the ,'u,Jitll}' Ther'e(ol'(' we al'e hoping 1'I'l.'lIi({l.'lIt'lI Ot'ganizing CommiUel.' and
changing times nlll! nutomatioll could thel'e will be 0101"1' O( OUI' yourrger c()llI,iMs of a l'el)t'(':;ent:!ti\'1.' fron} each
\'(>I'Y easil)' put the bite on theil' job!! member" who will tnke advanl:lgl.' of i lllt'l"n(ltionul Office with an office ill
as it ha ~ done in othel' liellb or I'n- thi" I.'ducatioll to II1"UI'(' nOL only thl'ir W:! ~ hingtol1, D.C. Charlie Quinrr of
de;IVol', 1'h('l'e itl no excuse (or not own futlll'e but that of the loclll'B. the I HEW is chairm:!rr of the whole
keeping p:rce wilh the times, when our NOlI' that we hllve some globe-trot- committee.
Intel'lmtional Office hn s made i~ 80 ling memlren; among us, it would be J O~I)h F, CUl,tice, executive !iCCl'e-
cas}, to ohtnin fl'om them uch'ice, in- nice if they gal'e us a rundown on ~II')' of the Washington Building


William F, It}'an and .\lichael
Presentation Ceremonies at Local 25 :llul'I)h)" and J our1\e~'n1:l11 nichani
I recently 1'ead somewhere that of
all the things you wear, your expres-
sion i9 the most important!
JA;\n;s ~, McK,w, I'.S.

Large Class of Apprentices

Rece ive C ertificates
L, ll, 16, S I';,\ 'I" I'LE. '\' A~ II.-_h
the~c llI.tes go \(. I)I'(,~!\ YOUI' i«'dh('
can repol'l onlr :t );tlIal! flu!"ry of al'-
tivily on the l'ollstl'Uf'tinn ft'ont flfler
Speachei, pre.anta lion. and dancing were the future. of thl •• ening at the dinner-d.neo a prelly Idow ~umm('r. The )lu~h to
01 local 25, long 1.lend, N. Y. o)len ~C\'l'l"ltl 'WII' fiChoolR :lnd ')10' ~l'C ­
ond flolltin)l" hl'ilig"(' Ol'('t' l.uke Wa;;ll-
in){toll 11:I~ s!)Ill('lI'lml hl'lped n belvw
:lVCl'lIg-c lOituntiun. Our 1)(,ll('h ha~ not
I)(!en CleUI' ~i tll'I' blOt y('ar wIti'll we Jlut
109'l'lher'l \\'01'111'8 Fail' :Inri ]1rollnhlr
huilt an e'H'C~~ of nl,a l·tmentft anti
tourisl accommodatiQns, A~ we llf'ad
into Indian Sumnlf'I', work in the ~hi l'­
ral'lb allIl rUl'th('1' afield will help rc-
lie\'t' saml' M Ih(' I)re~sul'c,
With thil'l :ll'til'l(' goc!< (I )Iiellll'l' of
our 1:I~1 gmfiuatin)l" cl<lss of a))fll'('ll-
liee}! who, with tlwh' J:I(I~' fl-iemls, :It·
tendt'f\ a hanlluel Iwld in thl'ir hono,'
TI'adl'lt Council hns informl'11 Ill(, th:lt ,'('I:ltionlOliill between him anti Local at litl' 13('11 Franklin lIotel. Ed OI."l)n,
se\'eral joh!l that han' b('('n "I'I~- :2(i. Out" heart,felt sYIllp.'lthy ill ex- president of l.oe:1I Hi, i!> to be COil'
1'01~TEn" arl' to he 1110 pel"~ent tendl'd to the here:l,'ed f:uniHf'!> uf the gratulat('(1 un <I filiI.' job as 111a911'I' of
t:nion, Aft('I' mllny }"1':11''; lIt trying d(nmrte(i, (,(,I'e1110ni(';l, while AI'n(' Rel'gene, who
to (l])('1~ltl' individually, Ihe Building When driving rour car, flt'h'e with fOl' !tix ~'ea1'!' 11lI~ a~!;iRtt'(1 in 1)lann ing'
TnHles union!! h:l\'l' fountl out hy ~Io­ ('an' to l'how the olhel' fellow how the haIH1111'1. i~ all'O due for a hOUlluet.
ing thill, much hmo; heen lo!<t. :-low .• mart you are. It only take!> a momn The Ill'inci jllil ~ I'e:lkl'r uf til(' e,'e-
the- liml' hal' ('(lIllt' whe-ll aJ11nu\('!> will to drive 1'('('kl('!>lOly! ning W:l~ Chnrll')' H"ranl of Ihe Pub-
band t(>~ethel' to I'('~ain thl' wOI'k thut BE LlNIO:-l", BUY HIGJ!T, RUY li(' Hdations OfliN' or Iltl' Bepal·tmelll
in the- 11M'! ~1'\"N:ll ye-ars ha s gone 10 CXION. bye now! of Lnbol' and Inilusl,'ies, IIi!; t:llk 011
the non-\.Inion contnl!"tOl', It is Ihe ,'('I'('nt (11'\'el(lpmt'nt~ in ou!" trade W;l~
H. p, (Kt'TS) K.:I\".\I ,\:-.', I',S,
J!urp()~(' of Ih{' clltnmiUe(' not to II't enjoyell hy all present.
the genl'ral ('olllr:1t'I(}t'); :<qll{'t'ze out Cong";llulatio]\~ and a "':II'm wel-
e,'{'n one of the union tr:ldl'~ on his COlll£'" to our' frai£'"I'nity w£'"I'e given or
joh~. Syracuse Class Complete s ('harll's ,I. Fo('hn, Inte"tHltional Vice
It if! with tI('('p "('gret II'CO r(']1ort the
fo llowillg dealh~, Brothl'I' FrC'('man S,
Two Semesters Training
(Dick) Ealon dicotl hll AuguRt :,!!)th, 1", l T, 43, S YH ,\ (' t l~ E. :-'. Y,- At our Palmer Retires
;IHl'r ~p(,llIlillg !<(,I'(,I'al w('(,ks in Orncl' nlf'!'linl{ for the 1l1l>Ilth of AlIgu ~t the
Ho ~pi tnl at Hi('hmoIHI, Vil'ginia; memh('r ll of the Ele("ll'onic~ Cla~~ II'ho
FI'ank Geraci, Sr., faU\f'I' of Bt'oth('1' rompl..tl'(1 thl'ir first :1ml $('rond !'t'-
Thoma!t (Tom) G('raC'i dil,d "n Sel)- )1w:;lel' of instruction undCl' Bt 'l) \hcr ~
temhcr 11'1. al hill ~Ullllll('1" hOllll' at Tink{'r ~Iml Ami r(,('l'i\'el1 C('l'litiral('1I
Co"b 1!'land, i\laryl;1Il11. I-:dw[l1'I1 C, of t"olllpll'tion from Ihl' Inll'l"Il:Ilionul
Ern:!l, chail'nlan of th(' hOllnl Qf thl' Office, The:;e were in th(' furm of a
E. C. F.rn~l COlllj);lIl}', onl' of our pocke t- ~i7.ell canl ill an ;lltl'acti"e 111'0 -
ial·,lt:l'!'<t ('ontraeh.l·1I in the Wal'hington, tet"lh'e ('alOe. ;'I lllI'h favorahle cortlnWJlt
D,C, al"(!a, died of :1 hl'a!"t attack at was heal'd ami I am .>;u.'e thl' Rl"oth('I'"
lhe age of it on AugU l't :\lIlh at Lan- who earn('d them are proud to carry
ca!'ter, l'enll!'ylv.tIlia, whe1'e he wa!> thl'tll, At the completion of thi~ f'OUI"!"{'
"i!>iling 1"(!lati\'('!<, In 19"i :III', EI'nsl the;\(' Brothf'l"5 will he (luaJifi('d {'Iel'-
foundell the cl('C\ritall'Olltl'arting firm tronil-~ I('chnicialls and he list('(1 on

whi"h uore his nam(', I'rior to Ihat Ih(' 10c;I]'!> l"econ:ls as ha"iug til{' ahit·
time he was 11 m('mber of 1..ot:':!1 2G, itr to illst'lll :l1ld IIwintain thl' apPr!-
"Itu~ of this pha~e of our fil'ld of
Ill' \\';15 the contra('IOI' on lll:lll)' of the
1:I1'gest elCI'tril'ai illslallationll fol' the
I,;nited States Gn\'l'rnm(,lIt "oth in 011 our !<ick list for this 11l,)nth arc
Wushingtoll, D.C, il1ld oUle,' (lreas, HI'Othcl'S Dick Kedin, Dick ]{el'~e, Dan Broth.r Llwi. C, P.lmer, di"c!or 01 Ap-
onc of which is lhe new lioulle Office Sheehan, Jake GI'('enherg, Jim "-Iul- prenlicelhi p r .. ining for Local 26, W .. sh,
Lluilding now nearing completion. His lane and Joe BaiTY, ington, fetired in Se pt ember el 67 yeo"
Ita5sing m~\l'ked the end of a I:herished Congratu lations to new Appren t ices of .. gl,


Apprentices Certificated by Local 46

Compl.tion certificate. wet. presented 10 th e.. of l ocal 46, S.. "", Wash. In the group p ictu •• from I,f! to "9hi, lop toW:
Donald 8i,~. tt : M,lwin Bal: 8..il Sinel.it; Alar O.lund; Leon.rd Osborne: Gordon Dudl.y: Rob,., Ho"" II, . ; Adrie" Pe lenon G ....,.
Ky l.; l erry Co>, Ind Don.ld Brodie. Midd l. tOW: Bu.in,n M,n llg" G,ne N,I'on; B,nque' Commill•• m.n Arn e Be'gm,n; President
Loc,,' 46 Ed Olson; LoRoy Hin kson; lll"y Govurl; Fred Heco.; Loui. Herrin ; K.ith Andlrlen; Jerry H. lfillld: Gerry DolI,rhid,; Ralph
Kling ,hi,n; Wayne K ,,~,: Nin lh Diltrid Vi c. p... id,nl Ch,rI,. FOllh,,; NEeA Chapt,. Mlln' g" M.ynerd Sundt, .nd Apprentice Coo ••
dinetor Bitl Wilbur. Bottom row: J.A.T.C. Ch",m," Art Si'g.l; Ne'il Wehon: Don.ld Sherard; P.! M.. hell; H. rol d Ruk; 0110 Ruum:
Herold SI"nkey: Doneld Cedd.lI: R"ymond Co. ; RichMd Bord .. : Bill Alivid, .nd George S.well.

P re!>id('llt of our \,inlh Dif;tl·id. Gene

Kelson , n\l "ille~ )lul1u,I!'l'I' uf Local
16, G('nl' lI ei!>!>, 1111l'1'lIl1tiollal Hl'pre-
senUitiv(', Ilml )1Ilynal'll Ruml!, man-
agl"r of thl' loc;11 t·huiller of tll(' Ka-
lional EI('('tl"iflll ('olltnlctons A~~ocia-
~ew journeymen not ahle 10 IIUend
the hllllllu(>t Wl')"(': Alvin Atchley,
Ulmiel noivin. Fr€'ll J)ohhin i'l, Hoclney
Erick ><llll. Gene ,",O.'l\('r, John Holdt,
Han·), JoiJllIl!>en, G~lI"ge Kl'I'rY. Hich-
ard IJ('ar>'OIl, AdM neinell, I{ohert
Schuhz, Richard Fl'lk('r, Holl('l·t Shufr,
Geor~'1' SV('inlil<l.lll, lind Ml'rll' Whit-
!{oIJel't Sibley, a lIlolo,' ~hop11lun, is
our IWW rI'Jlre~entati\·(' on thc I [e!llth
and W ('lfa re ('olllmi\t('c. li e WlIH HP- ,
11oint('d to fill out Ihe 1<'1'111 o f Rill
Dell, who ret'('IllIy re~ignl'!1 ufle,'
faithrull~' >'('l"vil1l{ (01" 0\·('1" Ilinl' ),('III'S,
W ir(>lllllll Il aroll\ Millll, wag ap- Art Siega l. chairm.... J.A,T.C. ,,"d own.. of flu"ic, p'lienh the C.rlificate of
IlOillled to sue"t'I.'I.l Hohel·t Vllughlln Completion 10 Keith Ande ..on, wh ile Lot.1 46 P,uidenl Ed 01.0" aniih.
on th(> I-: :l:amining R')!Inl. Roh'" ghoes
will he 111111\ to fill al! he laught night Rr the lime this ill in 111'int a It'\t('r n Ul'in(,~II :'Itanage,· Nelson also
!lfhool f01· ou,· M:lrine ho~·~ 'Hili was II will probably have l)('ell mail('([ r('- urge!! 1l1('Il1!.1el'JOI who ha\'c nol been
husy m('lIlhe,· of t\1(' ;\lal'il1(' Elec- ~lu'dil1g II r('\leat of Ollr POllUl:u" fi "lIt to mcetings lately to drOll ill lind .'1('('
trician'" Educatioll!,1 Commi\tft', We ;lid da:,;s. accot"lling to BUllinrss Hep- Ihe "1l('W look " in th(' bU$in('>'>' Offif(,
wigh him "rots or rut·k" ill hill new ,~sentati\·e Ilowa)"(l Mye,·!!, linci th(' E)(ccutive Ho;u·d Confel"enc(,
\'entul"e in Californiu, .Now that vacalionll liN' O\'el', H u~i­ UOOIll. ~'('W w:llnul panelling, lloon:..
Don Marl,he"l<Ol1, bUIIll1e,.,. r('pl~­ ne"s ManaJ!:('r Gelle ~('Ison is hOlling furniture ancl light fhtu,'t".'1 have
Sl'ntativ(' fOI" Out' Sound ('ommunica· Il\lIn~· mOI't" Illelllber.o \\'111 he atlenchnJ: addl'<:1 ",'Cally to the appeanUlCC ami
tioll l"nit, rt"llO,·tll IIbout 50 mell in 12 0111' t"Cgulal· meelings ill oril('r to k('('11 ('nki('nl'r of th(' organization.
sh011S W('I"(' aW:ll'lled raise>, in II new UII 10 dale 011 1l1atle~ :Iifecting Ull on 8illl'(' 1lI~' 1111;1 writil1g pension a llilli-
two-y('nr contrllCt. As of S('llt(',nbf'r I, the lIationlil llct'lle. Th(' haUs of ('011- cati()JlI~ ha\"(' 1)('('11 r{'('t'i\·€'I1 from: C. I.
bal'lc wal."("l1 will 1)(' $;) . .",0 IW'" hour gre.>;.... are mort" im llO,·lDIII Ihllll ('\"(',' HOIllIII, 1':dwarc[ S, Desmond, Han>ld
Illus :l 7 perfent Vacation FUI1(\ and during thill Sfssion, a ll we rank and n. 8Ulld, Frank Mllnifold. IIn lrien S.
10 cents pc,' hour in t heil' OWl1 Ii ('allh filcr~ fi lld our individllnl Il'lters count Hau nmnn, Willter B. J ones and J ohn
and W ('lf1ll"e Fund, which (01' a lima II l!ig whel1 we write our COllgl"e.'l~lIlen, Jol1l1 llc n I n\"il1"
JtTOUP, ('1I'Ties II IIUl"llrilling nUlllber of Katlol1al A F L-CIO 11(':l(lllual"tcl"lI is
i\lclllhel'!I who hll\·C passed to theil'
benefit s IIs ually found only in the JlII!>hing fOI" n hig t;ll( "lit rol' tll('
flllal "cJOlting plnl'C nre: Alfred D.
larger Ilolides. On Murch " 196 1, IW('raJ!:e dti:l<'n an,1 us a[warJl! is
I)okken, Merritt R, Shellhorn, I)omi"
their ('ontl'uct calls COl' UII 8-f('nt Ilel' vitally il1lc,·esteu in (('(!{'!":Illy II IIP-
!Jorted conlltl" ud ion, These lIimB nie C. Swarh, 1';nrl E. Veirs, Their
hou,' raise; on Selltember I , 1l)(l"I, a f riends will miss them all,
IO-cellt I)er hour hike nlld 011 MM'ch 1, IIhould be Cllreful1r s ~u died hy c\"cry
1965, IInothe,' 8"cellt I':lise, member of th c local. KN UTl! MALu:rr, P.S.


p:l nie!!, :1m! pIlI'tly to :I ~\':II'(')ly of protected by u lonl: canvas dl'OP, If
Keep the "U" and "I" j oul' neymen, lIecessury, it ca n be heated by hUIl-
In Union! Says L.U. 51 In the lellcl'8 to the JOI It, \J, the dr'ed s or heat lamps, This IlIUst be
thought most often exprellll('([, con- done to pl'C \'ent dock s ide tempel'lItUl'C
LX, 51 , S l'l t l :"l"GFI E LD, IL L.-Con- cerll~ aU('lu\Bnce at unioll meetings. clmnge", from affecting the delkai.e
gl'atulations to the bowling team, com- If it Wf'I'f' 1>OIIosibie to get e\'en hnlf Imn:lI11tS,
posed of Local :;1 members elllilloyed o f nu)' m('ml""r~ tn attend th('i)' IlIc('t- III a few months the Santa l\lal:da-
by the Centt'al Illinois Light Comllany inK" th(' "lIl'11ti1l'l"h(l<1d " t'ould he made lellli will he join('(1 by its thl'('(> l)J'and
in Springfi eld, on theil' 8uccellS :11 the ju .. t that. Dul ),"11 I'veI' !llnl' to think new sillter shi ps each with :1 ~O,OOO'
19th !HEW Bowling Toul'nament, thut if you t(Hlk IH)th "U" :lIld " I" out ton dis placemellt nnd :lb[e to carr}'
T hey "resented their t('am trol,h~' to of "l'nio,," IIU' unly think I('ft would 125 lla ~-;engers. rillS 81,000 stelll$ o f
OUI" local and it will I)(' 011 di~lllar OIl I~ "nl)lI" an.1 that mean~ "nnlhinj.!'," bananas with 1)lent)' of room Il'rt
our office in SJll'ingfield, Su 1('1 Ull nil muke :I l'Cal ('Iru)'t to at- 0\'('1' fOl' contninel' cargo, It i" e~ti­
At times it app('ars thut more and t('rl<[ at 1(':I"t ~ome of the IIwNings lIlate;-1 that the t'OH or the ollel';ltlon ,
1JJ0re is snid about "Sn(ety" lind less an.! he 11 "uniOIl IIlt'mbel'" nOl JURi "a excluliing lIhilll<, will exceed 25 million
and [es.q dOl1e to make sur(> thut wOl'k 1l1l'mber of II union," dollal's,
is done saf('l)" N!gardlelll'l of other 0, II, P~:IUl\, P,S, All this job near('(1 COl111,Ietion an
facto]"!; lIuch :1$ rost, spe('fi, ('tc, All int'idel1t occul'ro<l whi('h 1)1'0\"('(1 why
of us are inclined te lake a litt[e e:ro:tl"a our Ru ~ine"s M:llmgl'r I.ouis Vehling
chance if it mi,l{hl !I.'1\'e oUI"!<£'I\"('lI a is held in l'uth high elltcem h)' our
litlle work but this ill on(' ,I{(lf')C1 way
Wiring II Banana Boats" 1lI~lI\ht'I'l<, In the usual I'ush to "brat
ac("itlents nre cllused, E,'(,11 thou!!'h Big Ope rati on Says 52 the (Ie:ul-line" thc I'Il'('tl'icianl<, like
you lila}' gl't b)" with a lIhOl't cut time other trades were slarting 10 get ron,
and lime again, e\"entuall)" a slill will 1.. 1' , 52, 'EW AH Ii:, X,J, 'I'hl' lirst sidemble overtime, while many of our
be made and thell it will I~ too late IIt('I' tow:lni milk in!;' our OWII ('ity of lI1('mht'I'" wel'e.' "w:ll'millg the I)('nthes"
to do the job safely and thus keel' a Newark onc of the wor1d'~ 1I11ljOr in Ihe day-room, Ollr hll1<incl'.." lIlnn-
nmn from heing hurt or killed, Until hannnu l'Ol'tll wa~ inuugurute(! a f('w agel', aite t' [I few I'()nrel'ente~, I'on-
e\'eryone inlli~ts on all work being months ago wh('11 the Illlignili.'('nt \'in('NI the ~'ontl'["'tOI' to ('IllJllo), ,\ollh[e
done safel)" nt nil times, injul"I(>s and Santa Ma!{([a[eml tied up at th(' (;J:H'e tl1(' llIen 011 the job, 1'hi1< a ction re-
fatalitie s will continue, So let each of Lin(' dot"k on the south sid(' flf the lie\'l'C! our "out-of-work" ~ituatiOIl to
us make Slll'e that we will not be one Port Ncwn,'k channel. a ('on ~iderahle cl('J.;'l'ee, It is dil'('t"! M-
of those who h:ld an :!.cci([ent hecause Read" to unload the delicnt(' fruit, tion of thi ... SOl' t thllt has won fol' hinl
the}' didn't use propel' lI:lfet}' prec:lu- all<! wired entirely by nl('lIlh{'rs of th(' 1'{'SIl<'Ct of the I'ntire [[Ibor 1lI()\'(',
tions, LOt'al ~o, f,~, waM the wOI'I/['~ lllf)~t lI\('nt of our Statl', II I' wa~ l'('('e ntiy
In ou )' jul'i~diction, c otl~tnlction llIodel'll bunana [mlldlillJ.:' "p('I'nti\lIt, uIIlIUitJl()II.;ly 1'1.'- 1'\('('11.'11 11I'e~idl'llt of
wOl'k continucll J.:'ood and our hench is lI ard[y hall Ul(' ship'/! [ill('~ 1)('{'11 malie till' E 8He:ro: ('oullty Huihting 1' l'a{les
IlI'esent[y empty of journeymen, Il f:l ~t when th(' fOUl' pOl't:lh[(' J.:'!llItl'~' Coundl for his third 11'1'111,
seems that there lire not us many line_ tU1'1'1't cl'an('s wel'e 1'011('<1 inln Ilo"ition ".:0 Ff;I~I), P,S,
men a s thel'e ollce were lind ulll('!<s lind in n \'1'1')' f('w miIl\H('~ thl' hig
mOl'e efTol't ill made to lnlin uJlJlI'Cn - IItl'lll!! of ha ' HliI/IR w('re Oil Ihl'ir way,
tices th:ln ill lIein!: done lh!.' si tU;Jtioll TIll'Y ul'e I'le\'atl'(\ nnd COll\'l'yt'/[ from
will get WOI'S(', Neith('J' our contmc- til(' ship'l< ail'-('nntlitiMl(';t h(ll,[ inlH- Spokane's Long-Time
tors nor utilities seem to like to use YI(luaUy \I'I'allpN! in plusti" h:lJ.:''', Nlch
apprenticclI, hut if thc)' (10 not u!<e w;'ighing IIlIl Jlounds, Whl'n tht' B.M . Krug e r Retires
and train them, they will h:l\"e mol'c hanan:ls rcach "n" de<-k oth('1" l()llg- L.11. n, !-'I'O I{'\ "Eo \\ <\ SIl,~ In ,Iu[)".
aud mOI'C trouule filll\ing capable sht).,t'lIleli tl'llll~rt'r tht'1ll to Ihl' r:II1\':l1< 1963, I'alll H, Knlg('l' r('til-ed :IS husi-
wOl'klllcn to do till,> work llmt will anll l'uhl)('I' cOIIVe)'OI'9 whi('h C':l1l'r nes!! nmllugel' of 1.c)(':i1 73 of Sl>oknne,
have to be don(', We :1lX', C\'cn 110W, them into the (':lVernOIl5 Gran' I.ine \\'lI l1hi llgloll, lie hnd :Hi yeal's of Illl'm-
having tl'ouhl(' fi nding (IUalifl('d joul'- wllrt'hou!<e, There the), 111'1' j.:"radNi 1J(>l'shil) the last I~ )"('Uj'S he was
nc)'man lill(,llIen fOl' OUl' utility IIrow al,,1 consigned \'i" :11\ intl'ic:llt' ~~·~telll bu"in('~s manager. Paul decid('(! to re-
el'ties, This is Ilartly IJ('(':Ju!«' of the of conn-YOnl to w;liting trll('k~ <H mil- tire while he :lmi his wife were sti ll
education:!.! !ltandards or the rom- roall cars, Thifl IOllding p\atrclI'nl ill ill gooel health, The), plan to tr:I\'('\
IIml do some camping, hunting ami
fi llhi ng,
'BEW Tournament Champs PUIII has n hi sto.'y of sen'it'l' for
the IIn: w ami ('O('a1 73 which lJ(>g:ln
in 1!)~7, lie hall I~n ('Iectcd to all
IIn; w f"IlIWentionl< since 19-11. H e 11lI.!!
ntt(>ncled humh'('(I!! of other imporl:lnt
meetings re[ntive anrl important to
t he local. I~aul W:lS on the "E" l1oHn!
fl'om 1928 to 1911. lie W:lS a.!!;;i~t:lnt
businellS manager from ~Iareh 19J7 to
1911 and fl'Olll October I!H6 to Mnr('h
1919, l ie WliS e1ed('(! business man-
nger I !I!) 1 to 196:1,
I'HIII was lI!'Isilll :llll busille:o<s man-
nger d uring the trying years tlmt s aw
the uma[gunmtion of the IBEW I()('a[s
of \\'a11ace :Inti Lewiston, Idaho, and
WJllln Walla ami Ynkillla, Washing-
The "Kilo... lh", members of loc.1 51, .mploy.d by 110. C.ntr.1 Il[inois Li'Jhl Co, .1 tOil, with Spokane, Washington, li e
Springfi.ld, III" with .Il. troph ies ... .,d. d Ih. m for winn;n; top honors •• the 19110 drove Ill OIl Y thous:tnds of miles duri ng
1.8,E,W, bowlin'J lournem.nt, Left /0 ';'1"": M."h.1 Benne": J.mes Hop~in.; Bill Hlnl.y; the REA yelll'~ :tnd the heav y ('on-

Bill Sternber'J: Ben Wilson, Ind Bill Tud e., stnl clion years of WOl'ld \Val' II ,

These efforts l"etlUlted in 1)]"(widil1g
Jobs (or thousands o( I R I': W members.
lie was always a tltrong building
tmdell wOI"kel" lll1d hns lleell hell)(u l
in repelling those (Ol"res fighting
Commended on Fi ne Record
ugainSL oq.,'"tlnized IIIOOr" Since 19:;4,
h(' 111111 sel'\'ed on the Construction Ne-
gOliating CommiU("('"
The local union 1l1N'ting of J uly 8th
wall dedirated to honol'ing I'aul. The,"e
to congratulate him \\"(']"e oSe\"enll old- •
limers, Included Wl',"e: Roy Johnson,
Sr", AI Onhbtrom. W" R" Gittings.
L. W, SeoU, Pnul F. Mirhuels, J" RUII-
~I Rates, Willillll' » ('lInnda, W, II.
Maxwell, The latter t\\"o have been
p~~ente"d 50-),l'a" "ins 111111 .-.croIl8.
Aillo at the Ill('elillg wl'l"e E. D" Coke-
ley, inte,",w ti onnl Heprl'scn t:lti\"e,
Ninth Dis tt"i('t nnd ,' ame~ Li('lwld ,
bu si nl'!I~ mnna)l"('r o f 1,01'11 1 112, Pa ~eQ . AIt .. r lwei ... yurs eo bUlin," meneg,r of Loc.1 13" Spo~.n" Wuh "" Brolher P8ul H"
W nllh i ngton" Krugor h... 1.. I: .. n hi. re lir em enl" AI II ferewell go l,logelh er, Brolh .. !Cruge r, .ocond fr om
Paul mude a fal"('wl'lI ll peech and in la ft, is congralulatad by, fro m lefl: Robar l Bredan, Iha na .. bUlin." meneger: Inta,n._
it cXllressed hi ll l"t'g1"rl~ that he wus 'ion.1 Rep,eoenle ti., E" 0" Cok,ly" end J,m" Li.bold, bwin." men'g"r of Locill 112,
,"etiring nnd tolll o( his I}(',"sonal re- P.. co, Wuhinglon"
g:lI"d (or hill loclI!. Thl' IOt':1I presented
Pa\ll with some fishing ('(Iui llment,
J)uring Paul'lI 12 )"('aI"8 as husinl'~S
managel", he hlul :1lI his assistant,
nOI)('l·t R,-ec;kl'n, who walil el('('ted busi-
ne",,; manllge," at thc 19('3 eledion.
n oh has sen"(>(1 in va dOlls CUI)aeities
ill the local and in 1I~!\O('iaU'{1 labol" or-
gnnizations, lie Willi ;111 "Fo" noa''1:1
member nnd taUl{ht apl)1"entic" unci
journeyman 1'11I~~{,11 at th" Spokanc
T radt' School. 11 (' 111111 ht'Cll set'l"etary
of the locul'~ J,A"C. Ill' anI! Paul
Kruger establishell euntmt'il' with in-
!lulill"jes where the II1J':W ilil !'('Itlom
recognizell. Thcl'e illl'luilf' tranl'fol"ll1('r
winding l!hOI)l!, IIl11illtenalll'(' at l)ul" Sed wi.h .. are . , tend,d to Broth" !C'uger by Yin,e Forem,n of the becuti." Bo .. d,
nnd Imj)er milll', and in trad, zinc ancl I"ft, end by Glen Evenl, becuti •• Bo.. d, .nd Ed Wi.n.. , right,
silver mining :lnd IlHlnufaeturing. Rob
wall elc<:t('(1 delegat(' 10 tIlt' lust lhr('(' )"()(I(' the rockin' dmi .., n ight IIO\\" Ilhun(' {'Ollll)llny wcre one of the 11101,,1
Rrotherh ood I ntct"lllttirlllal ('Oll\'en- things '\I"e bel{innillg to h1"ight(,11 U]I. difficult OUI' h\llline:<s office has el'<'"I"
liolls" lie has ljel"\"('cI Ill! vi,"" J,,""si(INlt Many o f the boy:! lire working at tl'" l'xll<'"l"ienc(lI1. The first ("Olllllany <lfT('r
and Jll",,~i(lent sCI"rrnl tilllr ~ of tht' Wa Rhington State Uni\"('I"~ity, l'ull- wall !lO lIIHIf"("PIIlllhle that it waR
Wu "~ hington 8tatr J.:l rdl"i(-al ('oundl man- where lL lal"j{<' ('xpflusiOlI 1'1"0- tUl"tlNI down hy an oV"I"whe1ming ma-
whith is H joint indlL l'tl"y-I ('l{i~lati\"e grllm is un(\"1" W;'Y" Spokane iK II jl)l"ily and glll'l' t he r>,'I'g"otinting" ('Olll-
('lfol"t" It. pionr"'"t'!! t hl' )"rl"('nt hil{ illl- wond(,1" ful ]llael' I" lVol"k and li\"e and milt('c :Il1thol"1t), to ("1111 u >; t l"ikc if
P'"(r\'{'m('nt~ in tJI(' t'lM'tri<':Li ("0I1tl"aC- \\"(' feel it has II gooll future. n('{'c~~:,,"y" T h(' following ll1(>('tinl{!I
tors and liten~t' inl'I)('ction law" ~(,NI1Ni all tl()ome(1 to fai1111"e lJUt al
Wi th Roh'l' h:\('kg1"ound IInll tmin- ih:I(,\J.lI [.\\1"11';, 1',8"
thl' last l11illute the cOllllllln)' 11id im-
ing as I'aul's :J!I>4illtnnt. w" (eel th" pl"l)\'e the olTer III1fI withdrew ;'1))11(' of
local is in good hnnd~" To helll him th('iI' I"elw"~t""
op('rute tht' local union. ht' has al)- General Te l Talb Th(' final off('r as attE'llted iR (III" a
I)f)inted lIe1"l) lI uehll'1" :IS hi~ a~"il'tant.
Thl' following offit'('r(l wel"(, ]"E'fi'ntly Completed With Difficulty tw,,..year conlnl('t and calls for Ill·
I'I'('UseS 0(:
el('et('(1 to serve: P I"f'siti('nt. Otto
I.X. n, S E.\ T1' I.E. "AS II . Tht' Plant G «"lIt!l in 1!)1;~ and 'j" ('enU
IIl1ug('n; \'j(-e 1'1"I'~itlrnt, Ralph Bentz: in I~lfil.
S('t'onti An nua I (illl f Tou nl:lment
H('('Ol"Illng 8(,(,I'I'U\I'Y, B('nnr 11001)el'; i'mllllll'rcial I ('cnl;; in 1!1fi3 :Inti
~1}!"'Hlred by OUt' L'nil I~~ in l'u yallU I)
Tr"usurl'r. Allan \\,i1 i1OlI" waR held at thc BrUllk(lal" Golf ('Iult :, I'('nt"~ in I!)f; 1.
E)(('cuti\"(' R()anl: (;1(,11 Evanl<.
in Tlll"olll<l on Augll.'!t ant. lIu(' to Tram(" 1 ('entK in 19(j:J anti :; ("entlil
Vince Fort'man, :lIul HI',"ald Lyman" vacations, the all(',ulal!("(' was a liul(' ill U)1i I.
Examining Hnard: Clal"l'nct: ('an- I!lIlHllel' than last year hut e\"('r),ol1(,
t('l"hlll")" lIan"ie ('0)( IInr1 lIay HII("ln ~" Thilil will Ill;lk(' a tup !;Cale of sa,!!1
had :I good time. The third annual I>('r hour"
\\'ork h:l!\' heen :<Iow f,u" two ),('a'"11
!!IUI'namenl is schNlul{'I"1 for SrJllem,
in the SPOklll1(, 1II"(,:1" :\1:lnr l1ll'ml}(,l'" 1)('," in I!)GI ~O:l!' lt1 IIVOill tll(' ('onfhrt
There were tW() othel" majo,"
hn\"1' had to ~k w()I"k ill the Bay d1Un)l"I'~ in the rontl'act and both fllv-
wilh \'acations,
Arl'fI o( CalifOl'nia. Ilt Butt('. Mon- !)]"('il the ('oml)allr" One ],crmit!l th('
tana, Las Vegll!". Nl'vllfla. lind at the Th(' winnel'll thi" )"I'al" \\"(',"e lIub ('IKht,hour dar tet 1)(' I<Choollle<1 IIny-
II l1nfortl I)l"ojt'('t :It l'a!l('O, Washing- \\"J"ight al1d ChaJ"lel! Gall:'ghel"" lIob liml' I)('tween thr hOIl!"!! of 7:00 a.m"
ton, Many al-e still out of jllrisdic- won the low g'"OIilS tl"oJlhy and Chnl"ley to 8;01) ]1.111" and for any cOI1>'('(:uli\"('
tiOll, Some CO\)h!Il't leave and just wo n the low net tro llhy, /j riaYN of the wt'Ck" T he ser.:oml ]1('1"-
took nnother hit('h in thcir belts and Q",' ncgoli:ltionll lit Geneml Tele- mits lhe comJlnny to transfer ('Ill-


Top Gollers In Seott'e say, " T o be strong, olle must be
health)" and to be lU.'Illthy, this local
must hn,"e good relll"ellentation at nil
meetings:' Good luck!
GU':uua: E. L lIT....:I.m:ncER, P.S.

Dinner Cite s Apprentices

Completing Training
L. U. !18. I' HI L ,\IH~ I. P ~II A. P A. On
J une :W, IDr.!'! the A ppr('ntice T raining
COllllllitteE:' for the E ledl'ical I ndu~ I I'Y
gave a dinner in honul' uf the a p·
pl'cntices who ha\'e cOlllpleted their
f ou r yeal'~ of technical school train-
At the ucond a nnu a l Golf Tou rna me nt sp on.or,d by Unit 122 of loe,,1 77 , Suttl., W u h" ing. TIl(' dinner wa s held at the Engi-
l ocal Pre"den t Art D ,, ~en, J r" presen" the winn in g con te, l"nls with hand.ome hop hiu. Ileers Clu'" in l>hil:ult"lllhia.
Th e w;nne" ..e, I, ft, Bob W rig ht , po le d igg er op . .. lo, for Suttl. City light, and Cheri"
Ge ll eg her, li ne fora mlln, Pu g,,' Sound light li nd Pown •. A fine dilll.er was !;('n'('{1 mllrn'<1
ollly hy tlte Im"l alnl humidit~·. It
a pp·enrs 01:lt thc F.ngin('ers do not he-
ployes from OIlC location to another to Bill Hess f(.1I" being a lillie 1:lte in Iieve in air-conditioning. A fter dinner
on a short. notice with no choiet' ('Xcellt wishing him and :111 of his the best William n , W alker, dil'l..'Clor of Ap-
to (Iuit. These tI-:tns(Ct's can I>e as of luck and good he:llth on his r<'til-e- J)renticf> T raining, lI('n'('<1 as toast-
fat' as 300 miles. T he COmll:ll1r would mcnlo I know I SI){!ak for C\'cn'onc mas t ('r lind in t rodm'('(1 the SJJ('akers
pay the ol'igilHl ] cost of mo\'ing- but who attended his rctirement purty ;Ind olll('r honored gUClil!<.
if the employe had the o!lPOt'tullity whcn J !':ly~u ~o()d time W:lS h:ul by
to mo\'c back Inter, it wou ld be at his Those add ressing the group we l'e:
all, Also ut this time, we extenll our W altl'r J. il uhn, United States 1)('-
own eXJlcn~e. Comliliollil such as this h@"t 10 Wil liam 11 :lnlien who will be
do no t Ilmkc fOl' ])I"ogrCS8. We rcad partmrnt o C La\Jor, t\elcl rCllresentn-
retired whe n this goes to Il l'ess. Our
ill the llewspa pers and ot her rcp(wts tive, Milton Sussman. vice p r incipal,
best wishes also g'0 to Frank Stll~cy Mastbl\UIll Vocation a l School and W i[-
of the strike aga inst this ~al11e com- for' t he best of cvel'ything and a 10nK
pany in F lorida . If the ir polic~' does li:lm B run t on, di rectol' of V()('aUonal
and en joyable l'c t ir·ement. Kllowing
no t cJmn!(,e, the F loncla eX pcI'le nce l'rainin\:" Philadf>lphi a Boa rd of Ed u-
you pCl'!;O na Jly lind wor krng {'Ioscly
could very we)) lie I'epcn l cd hCl'e in ca tio n. 'I'll(' s !lca kcl'~ \:,ave pe t' li nenl
with you all thesc yelll'S, we in ClIze·
W ashington two rCal's fl'OI11 now whe n a nd timclr advice on the iml)OI' WIl('c
novia send our' liille'el'e wisheR for a ll
this contl'ad expires, of teehnii:aI tra ining nnd thc need for
of the b(!~t to you and your wi fe.
T hat ill all fOl' thill month, fu rthcrinJt cduca ti on in our hiJthl~'
A t thiE time. we :II'C wOl'ki n g IUHler technical wo r ld.
ST,\ ", ROII'f:"" P.S. a new ('ontt'ad nnc! to all C'oni:crned,
a good one. Thanks to those who IlUt Busines.s '\1 :lllag('r~ F rank God-
ill a lot of time Ilncl etfOl"t, I'm sm'c schall. L.t'. 98 ; Clnyton Smith, LV.
Congratulations Go it is ,'CI'Y much aPJII·eciated. A IS(), 380 and Bill Hnllett of L.U 65 1 werc
good luck lO OUI' ItCW slate of oUkel'S, I"'''~ull'(l. T he ]11·esid(·llt.s of thc IO~:l1s
To New Officers llnd t'emember, it's ellSY to llcct'))l ;1 were then introduced, JoseJlh Hal't'isoll,
job, but to do 11 good job is hard. L.U. 98; Brothers ;\!oyer, L.U. 380;
L.t'. i9. S YU ,\ CUS E, X. Y.-At thill Thanks fOI' :1 job well done to OUI' and MOI·gall. LU. !j!i<l. Pl'~sirlenl
writing', I want to extcnd my apology outgoing office.'s. In dosing, lpt. me .loS(~Jlh Ba rrison arlc!l'f!ililt'd tl\{' grollil

Dined in Philadelphia at Training's End

Pic tu, . d.r. the 'ppr... ticu who . " e nd . d d in ..e r cel, br~tinq the com ple ti on of th,l r four yea" of l,ch"ic.1 .chool 1,.i ..;l\q " "d. , Lv,.1
98. Ph il.d,l ph i., F,vnt 'v ..... I. fl to ' iqht: L. ... Sc u one: H.rb Goodm . .. ; Rob •• t M. rt i.. ; l.. d , uti ol1 Larry McCe rly ...d H. ,b H e.nl c h~e ;
Tom Volpe; J.d 8.d . • nd L.... D.'.... iI.,. S. cond 'ow: 8ill W .. ,i.. ich; J im Co n.. ors; Neil Moyer; Ed Fole y; Fr.n~ Re": Tom GI ll e SPie;
Ch.rles S.. llbach: Joe M.urer, a nd John 8.. 10 .... Th ird 'ow: F<a n~ Cun .. in,;!ha m: L. w Kulin : Da ve B ,, ~owih ; Plu l Gil mo<e; 01 .. Fell·

.. .... 11; Meu';ce Le vine; Geo rge Ayer, ; De n Co. tell o; Ke nny La, ."d Ric hard O,m,n.


Basic and Advanced Training In Boslon

Grad".-Iu of th. Elect.onie, cou". off.rld by Loca l 101, BOlton, Mu. u: hu l.t h , .nd Ih oll who h..... completed apprentice Irainin'l
1'I'I0.t reuntl.,. wit. honored in present,tion eeremo ni es. EI,ctronics g,.d"at •• w"•.
, I,"d illg fr om I'fl' GeO' ge D. Sui,: Beni"""n
White; Edmund J. O'H.r,; (tucher); W,lt .. D. Reid (d i.. ctor); Routio Pu li .. r.co; John Fa ..eU; Willi.", Clu,y. and Pau l Cullen.
Knuli"g, C.rI F. Art.; JOllph McN .il; Willi.m raylor, alld Bad.r M."h, AI right, Mayor John J. MeGly"", of Medford, Ma ll., ad-
d ..... , the muting wk;l. W , Iter J. Monl l!,", locel 10) busin.., ..,.nege" li.tans in b.C~9'oul\d.

frtr('ssing thr im»orlllllc(' of ","ood

unionism fill(1 111(' rt:'''ponsihilit), of
{'aeh gr!lflualc' to h('111 IIMmoie and
fight to mnintain tht' union Ilrillciplu
lmd win oW'r tho ..... who wou]11 destroy
organizNI lahor.
AI!'o in ntll'ndantl' w(',· (' Thomas
Nril!\On. I..l1. 98 fo:,,('("uti\'(' nmard and
Apprf'llli<'I' Training ('oll1mitl(o(' 111('111-
ber, and our vt'ry callah](' Instructors
I.arr~' ~Icrarty ami IIi'rh II cnschke
of I..U, !18. One of tlH,' J:Talhmting
apprentices, W ill W usinich 1h('11 ca mc
to th e ,'08tnll)1 ami ulrp .. ('11 thanks on
llt'hal( of till' gradtmlln l{ d:L.~!i for thc
plTo r t s ami th(' s('rvic(' t'x tl'ncle c1 to
tlH'm dur ing tlwir tl'aining,
Art t' r a )'ouIlIl ('Of Ilictur(' t aking and
g('Tlt'ral anll'ni t it')I til{' I'v(oning came to
an en,!, Thi ~ wu~ a filll' I'la~s of ap-
pr('lItic('s who h:1\'I' rl'{]('I'lI,d tr'('dit on Norm~n R ic~ordlon. Gover nor. BOlloll Ch~ptu N.E.C.A.. prelen ts Gove rnmont Savings
th('ir local unionil, "lay Wl' ofr('r ('Our Bond. to top apprentice s, Le't to right . II,nding' Arthur Reymond; Leo C. Re .... ud
congratulu t ions, good luck anrl Iwst (tucher); Norman Richard.on ; J,ffrey Ku lill9 ( Iucher); Jo.eph Car ito, 'nd Ch~tlel
wis hes in til(' }'('al'~ to C01l11'. Shinney, Kn"liIl9 : Lew;1 Ve .. e. ;.: Robert R.. k, ; Jam .. Tru e .. (teacher). ,nd Oov;d
Local !18 was Mldd('nl'll hy tIll' r(,(,(,llt Ouid.on,
d('ath of ]lI'IlHione.1 ll1(omh('I' nrothe r
Ja mes HOKall. Rrother nogall, who "First ~t yourself comfortahle-thl'lI aehie\'(' full be-lIl'fits within our or-
r('('eh'C(1 hi! :;(H'l'ar pin Hnd scroll lOll can do a goofl job:' We S;IW this ganization,
in I!I/i(), sl'n'('(1 as trustt'i', tn:'Hsllr('r, sr:;lell1 in arllm] Ollt'I'lllion at thl' fo'or tlw pa!<t f('w r(,3M1 w("\'e had
lIssistant hll~lnl'~!i nmllal('l'l', \-il~ Ralch IIO\Wrhou!!(-' joh wlll'n CIt'IIII IITI Ol'llOrtunit~' to f,!'et the wrinl';!t'!' out
Ilresident, pr('t'illent lind finllllcial huilt a numil('r or sl}('('iaJ,tYJ1>{' !'tools of our Il('lIil'. and e~'en wOI'k a rew
l5('oCrl'tary dUrillg hi~ IIH1nr lI'ars or 10 work Ihl' Alli~,('haln1('r~ \'I'rlil'al tr:I\'I'I{-'r!l I)('(a"ionally, i"ow, with Iht'
fin(> Sf'n'irl' to LocHI t'nion !l8, Thl' ~enl'rators, ' , .. , " SUrf' likl' that "llmlliHion of H numht'r of ron"lru("
om('~rs :11111 IIwmil('rll ('xl ... ,,1 th{'ir lOin- kind or all\'1('I'; no\\' if I ('an jll~t fiwl tion j()b~, Ihl' IlicWN.' i!l ('hanl('ing,
ct'rc S)'1I1JI:lth}' 10 hilt family 011 their a ('Omforlahlt' ~llOt 011 thl' 01' w(,)(Mh-n TllI'rl' lin' ullw:lrds of I:! win'men Oil
loss. Illank ill front of thl' t}'JM'writl'r - - • til\' No, 1 IJtlOk. with more t'xlll'Ctl'll
Ju:'" )1. Gr~:I{.'K'II, P ,S. The hand of well'on1l' wa~ offirillily within 3 w(--('k or two,
extrnded 10 II numher of 1'01Jtr;lclor!l \\'(' (hot-ply l'qrret till' pas."illg of
who si)!III.'(1 our latest agrf'Nl1t'l1t and J1 rothl'r Paul Ilammer(luist. win'mall
ahout J.i of thl'ir 1'1ll 1)lor('ll; which I.'ll1plop'(1 HI EIt-<'trir Ml'ltor ShOI),
Local Combats District lIrtion shoul.1 bring to all 1'1111 thl' .' III' ill IHln'i\'e<I hr hi/l wife and
50 Thrust Successfully lid 1\'11 i('s IIf Ilist rid fiO in till' ('I('t.'lri- ,Iaughll'r, ... ,. Our !'inrt'rl·~t sY1llPll'
ca llradl' ill thill HI'('H .... , ... , It ill thil'~ ar!' !(,)J( le l'ed the Il('rl'lI\'t'l1.
1., 11. 100, !"HESi"O, (''\ I.II-',-''Son,'' hoped our 1It,'W IIll'lIlhers will tl\'~lil It {, I'e allli 'I'hl.·'·(,; An ybody wanna
f<ai ci Frcd SlIekett (now rl'tircd) to th cmselvcs of the e<iUl'lIliom,1 1Ie-l'vicl'lI 1'('nt our old office o\'er 011 Fl'e~1l0
GINJn whell he Ill'Okl' illto the tradc, s llOn so red by Lo cal 100, in ord('r 10 S I1't'I'L? It'll still a\'aiJablc, .

J OURNA L fO R oeTOIU , 1963

I ns u rance 1)lsn for t he ninth District of Basi n. We will never cea se to he
WS!! (li~cu!lllcd at ]'ecen t Santa R!ll'ba"n
60-Year Man nlllllzed at his clear ment al :Ittit ude,
mt..'Ct. . . . . . . . . Ma nuel Lopez, B. T. his recollection of even ts, places, da tes
Secreta r y an d B. A.-UlloPllOsed. of variolls jobs a nd histol'Y o f local
. , , , , , , A must for ullion men unions that he possesses, It is beeause
locally-t he mi mt..'Ogra phed lis t of ot me mbe r s such as Bro t her J acques
el~led repres('.ntati \'es, appointees tl mt not on l}' I , but all OmCE'I'~ and
and committees... ' .. Somethin' must melllbers of local u n ions, cun (eel
be bn'win', it's all quiet in lil' On'ie's justly I)roud of having such :1 fine u p-
corner, sl:lnding gent1em:ln within our 1l1elll-
We like-the fo r m la yout A, Q. bc r ship.
Coshy uses all steward. It contains Sometimes. dUl'ing the course of
IItlmc, addrcss, be neficiary. whom to eve r~'_day business, we overlook t he
notify, dodo r and hos pit al prcfet'- s ignificance, harll wOl' k :111(1 sacrifice
enl;Cli, duc!! and Ilel'eent information, t hat t his type of me mher has d«(li-
etc, Mim('(ll.::-raphed ill loosc-Iea rcd cated during his life spun for t he
Ilotahook form, t his could be all(' &llI'C bettel"l11ent of the n)'otherhood, in this
wa y of kee p ing insu r ance nnd other ca se the [B EW, Be<::lusl' of thi~ , we,
in ro l'llHllion up to da te. t h e me mbers toda y, al'(" enjoyizlg good
Q, Q, on tIl(' P. F. (Chinese P ro- wa ge ra tes. wo rkin~ l'ondi l ions a nd
vel'l ,) "Greal M"" " "vcr feci gn.'alj A proud ~lId ~"ppy mom e nt for Lo cel 122, fr ingc bcn«fi ts t hal \\'I' re lInhca r d o r
,;mall men ncvel" fe el ~ m all.'· G ru t Fa lls, Mont" w"s th~t ill whi ch IlI la •• lit t he t ime t h i!! nWIllIl(' z' was ini \i ate(1.
HElm HI;, .,., p, S. nal10n l l Ra p.elentat; .. e R, J, Willi"m l May I Sll ~' in ('onclusion that t he
-- hand ed a toO·yu r ISEW me mbefl h;p pi" to
Broth er Hen.y J acque l,
hOllor Iw.stowed on Brot lwr .Ia('qu('s by
th« JHEW in t he pre,~('n l alioll of this
Outstanding Journeymen, pin was ('{Iu u lly "ha l'("(1 by the lIll'm-
which t he oflkers of tIll' locu] union h("r" of Local U nion l:!t; and, we are
Appre ntices Honored reel unduly pl'Qud. vl'ry proud of his member:;hi p in our
ilcc«ntlr tht' honor wus hestowed organiza tion,
L. U. 103, UOSTO="'. i\L\ SS.- At one
UI)on 11\1' ali(I Intc l'nulional HellrI'Sl'n- JO II X A , l\1c)I Il.L.:N. B.ill.
of our largest meetings of lhe year
1lIlivI! It J, W illiams 10 present u GO
on Jul}' 2 1, 1963, Mayor J ohn J. :III'-
)"i'U I' Ilin to Bn)lher lI E'nry J Hcque.,;
Glynn of Ihe City of " l edford, :ll asSrt·
who resides in Hasin, :lIOntlllHl, a Local's Bus. Mgr. Ziegler
chus{'tts, addressed Local 103 nnd
small lown, no longer than a nOl'l1\al
III'e,;ented "COm l)ietion Cel,tificatt's" to
14 jout'lleymen who ('omplCleci the
tity block, !;itu:ucd on U.S, llic-hw;IY Joins 1.0. Staff
thn'e-yenl' COUl'se in Industrial Elee- W hile corre5I}()lulinl.::- with RrOlher L. LT. 130. :\' E W On1.r.A X~, I.A.-
tl"OI1ir-s at the Weldon Voca t ional High J acqul'!!, who is cUl"rcntly !)2 yeal'j< of Congratulations go to Rrotht'r An-
School. Other guests on ~tagE' WE'I'e; <l1-I'1', to ~wl up an aP II I'QI)l'ia te time fo r thony n. Zieglel' nf'wly-uPI)ointed
J ohn II Il!<ton, SU I~rintendent of th« IIr('S«ntation of the 60 reur I)in. it I nternational I'cpI'elwntali\'e of t he
SdlOOls, City of Medford; Waller n. was (Illite rel1\ u rkahle to sel! his ('I{'a l', IR~: \\' ,
Hl'id, directo l', " 'eldon Vocational l)n'eiRe handwriti ng.
Rf'honl, l\If'lJrorll; i,f'fl C H f'IWIHI, .\ 11_ Brother Zicltler will he nttaclwd to
International RCJlresentative It. J , Vice President G. X. 1l:lrk(']"s sl!\ff
!listant !Hl IJ('rvisor, Boston Sl;hool W illi:ull." and J spent scvl'rai hours in
COlllmilt('c ; Jeff rey J , Keatinf.{, dil'l.'C- in the Fifth Distrirt. He WllS iniliatNI
Ihe l'ompany of B ro t he l' J aCCIUl'~ and into locul 130 in Hl3G, serl'ed H is ap-
tOI', Sulurday A IJ prentice Classl's, at his n,~~ociales and friends in thl' town
Ho~ton Traile School.
p renticeship, and joilll'd 11ll' l1ni t('(1
l\'ol'mun Hidl~\rdson, GO\'e l' n(lr of States army, sen'ing fOll!' and onl'
1IIIIf years including- 18 months in tlll"
the Boston Ch;lp lel' or N E CA and 1.0, Representative I~uropean cam]mign,
lnl'rn be]' Qf ou r J oin t A pp rcn ti cE' and
T ruining COl\\ll\ittl!e pr l!scntcd $t5,OO Aftcl' t he \\'11 ]' Rl'othl'r Ziegl('r N,'-
G()v('rnment Savings Ronds to lIine t ur ned hOl11e anrl took hi~ plat·1' in
ajl]l]','ntitl'lI f tH' ou t standing aea<1('I11ic l.Otal 130 as a jOU!'l\{')'IlWn win'mall,
l'pe')]'lls for til(' past school r { ':!)' , T he He was I'leetcd to the E Xl'CUtil'«
following bo~'!! rcceive{1 AWllrds: Board :Illd s(']'\'e(1 a~ I'hairman toz'
l-"i"~1 }'rll' AJJflf{'ll.lic,',~: Hollert H. <l1)proximately eight Yl'ars, After thut
I!al'kl', ,I I',; JOS{'llh J. Carito; ,-\rthu!' he was assistant husilll,'!'!' nHIIH!g-«I'
J, i bl \'11101111, fOl' !':ix ),eaz·s. and fiZlall~'. sel'l'ed as
-"('('<Jilt! 1'('(/, A IJ/Jrollic('!(: Hol)('r~ hU!':il\l'ss managl'r fo]' two years, li e
J . Perkins; Churlcs E. ShitllU'r; SlwZlt mal\~' hours nill'nding' night
Lewis J . VN)('zi;l. cla!':.'Il's !':tudying public rl'lalions amI
Ims c«rtificales of com!)lelion from
T/,iTll }'{'(II' A/JIJTnHiccs; Sumuel J .
Y;\ICA, Loyal:1 Uninrsit)', nml the
C:u'ito; David L. Da\"idson; Hoherl F'. University of Okl:lhoma.
DICK K~l,.I.III~Jt, P.S,
11I-olher Ziegl('r ('Omes froll! a
f:\mily of I R EW m('mh('I'S. 011(' of
his rcla\i\'es was a tharter member
of Locul 130. lI is father ami two
L.U. 122 Proudly hrothers (all deceased) \\'('1'1.' lIIelll'
bel'S of Local 130. I n conclusion raul'
Prese nts 60-Ye ar Pin P re!'!': Secretal'Y adds his ll('r~()llal
1.. L1. 122, G lt f:l\ 'I' FAI. LS, ilIO :\'T. - congrntulutions 10 the man)' good
During th« ('our5« of 0lll'ralinl~;1 loral wizdws from all of your fri('nds :tlld
union within t he In ternational On e of th e ne west memba" of Ih. Inle.· H t'other's, Rrother and I ntel'lIution;11
Hrothcrhood of Electrical Workers, n" lion81 sta ff ;1 Brother Anth on y R, Z,e91" Hellrescntativc A nthon)' Zieglel',
the r'e occusiOllaJ1y fu lls a si t uation ill of Loc,,1 130, New Or1 u nl, L". Gt:OHm; T, Flwa:I'iSt' lI t! ~:, P.S ,

so THE El eC TRI CAl WORl(fRS'

Jr., has nhout colllpletctl his orJ:ani:la- ling, Lowell Thornburg and Gerald
Local 136 Hosts tional work and we are h;IIIII)' to 1'('- VlIseil,
Progre ss Meeting port that all commillo'b :rr(' fune- Building T rustees, Don Bellttie, Art.
Honing in the best inll'rNlh; o( this Mottiee, Les H('plogle.
L.U. 136, n Il O I1 ~G II A) ' . A L I\ . - local union, Rroth('r FU(IUa lIl.'l.tctl I II'alth and Welfare Trllstee~,
Hirminghlllll and l..otul 13G werc re- that "there are Illan~' obstaclf'll to he James Deardorff, CharlCl! ltiM, afl/I
cent. hru;ts to the I. H. f:. W . Fifth Dis- overcome but with Ill\' (ull ('(J()1K'ration WiIIi:,"1 Yode r ,
trict Confrrence. We were very hUllpy o( the meml)er shill. th(' beRt intl"n"u; J)onnld Beatti(' was ele<:tM business
to have our m:Jny distinguillihed gill'sts of Ihe lIIelllber!lilip will be sern'll" To mallagl'r and financial S('I!retary IIgain
anrl eo· .....orkt'rs with WI on this oc- this statement I echo a hearty, AlIIl'n! witholll oJlPosition,
casion. It wall a Il)(':tllur(' to Illeel new Our memhershiJ) was ~:IIId~'l\(,tl hy The membership e)(tends thanks to
( riend!! :Inc! 10 fl'll('W 0141 friendshi lul. lhe rec('nt l!calh o( Brol11l'I' lJ('wey all the retiring ofilcers who spl'n!
In mixing and mingling with our R T ay lor. Brotlwr T"ylor l<u!f('r~·d a ma ny hours toward the b('tl('rm('nt of
I{u('sts, on(' could 110t twlp hul hu\,(' hea l't atl:,ek allli 1 ",s.~~'11 away lit his ou r lontls,
a feeling of Ilridr and !'IaUdal'tion in home in KillJ,."!<tuJI, T('nnl'88(,(', Our Work at tl)(' IH'esent time is good
hring a nwmhl'r o f lIud\ a filw or- dl'{' lll'lIt ~)'llIpathy i~ 1')(11'1111('<1 to h is in OUI' jUl·i~didiun and we 11;1\'(' a fl'\\·
g:l nization liS the IR Ew. family. t rn vt'll'rs working here,
The 1l1('('Ung was 11l'1'.~ill('(1 o\'('r hy J , F. WII.SOl\', F'.S, T ht:' following UPllrl'ntic('1I 1l1lssec.l
our '"cry lillie and c:qmbl . . Vice Prl·.~i­ t h.· jOlltlleyman's exam ill Junl'; Wil-
dent G. X. B:u 'kel', and includ~1 tulk!! lilll\1 )Iurch. Edwa r d B('audoin,
(rom Intel"nuliO/wl Kl[I'('uti\'e ('uuudJ Horrahl Ni('IllIlIl, Darrel :'I l ilstlmd,
111('lIIb('r5 Brothe.' J(J{> I':l)per~n and South Bend Local itonalcl Koch. Larry i'rIye r ~, Ilnlph
Brothl'r A. W. Smith, EX('futj\'e J ordon, Hay Trippel, Olto T ;lylol' and
Council l\I('lnhers, along with rrpre-
Reports Election Results Itich:lrd Krieg.
sentatiW'1I frolll 1ll0~t of the 1000alli in L.I'. 153, SOl'T II IU.~X I). I ~ I) .­ I 11111 sorry to rCIMlrt thnt Xi("k
this district, The Illany fille IJI'Oj{rt'!llI Loc:II 1;,3 held ele('lion of ofill'l'rs lit Dragisie of 153 and 0, T. Workinger,
reports l'efi('{'lt"l'l a tlt'i:'p f('t'lill~ of ('011- the .July meeling. The re,<;ult.!J of the :I (:onlraetor in ~:lkhart, ha\·e pns)l('d
ftdence line! oJitimi!lm for the ron- :awny since my last wl'iling.
el('('tioll :Irl' as fllllow!<: Prl'sitl('llt.
tinned growth :lIld w{'ll.being (If Ihe Rl·SS~;!.I. E. SCIIAl'urJtT, I).S.
IBEW, W(1 f('('1 that mu('h ,!COOt1 ill Thurl Cunninghnm; Vice I'r('RitJ('nl
aCCQmlllil<II("t'] by thl'!l(' Ill{'('tings nnd Donald Hink; U('rorlting Sl'('rNary
we shall look forwllrd with 111('lI$ur(' to Don Thomas; Trl'a;:un'r Al'l ) Intliel'.
the nl')(t ool\f('rl'lIel', On bl.'hnlf of Ex('('ulh'e RoaNI: 1I01)('rl Unlltl'rs, Local Holds Successful
the olliecrll lind memtwrll of thil'< I.o('al Jall1('ll Ueanlorff, 0liC1II' MOI·ton, Jack
UniOll, may I say thnt " I t was nicc )Ic;'r!anJl :111\1 K('nny :'1 10011.
Ste wards' C o nfe re nce
to ha\'l' you ill Birmingham." Examining Roal'll: Hidmrd :'I la('k· L.l'. 16,i, (' III CAGO, II. L.-l.ocal
The work IIituation in this jurisllil'-
lion still I('a\'('s IllUdl to 1)(' tit-sil'NI
hut the IIrohlcm illill'inj{ atta('kNI with Represented at 5th District Mee t
fn'sh ell(1rg)' by i1usilU'ss Managt'r
B!'Own allll his filll' nnd aJ.:Krt')l~ive
grolll) of a)lllistant.Q, "1I11l-Ch:ll<ing" ill
a \'('r)" 11(1)ulur ;:port and we fl't'l "lIr(1
lhat gl'atifying r('llulLQ will !l001l hc
1I{'('Il. B...,UH'r Brown lIay:; Ih;J{ II{'
inten(ls to make this I'linml(' IIn;:uil:l-
hl(' for non·union lIi'1lvilil'lI. ( T hiM ill
1I0t a rlil'l'l'I Iluoh' bUI ill 11101'(' slIil:lhl('
for print.) AII)'way, Wl' al'(' hO]ldll1
thllt w(' can ('all our out·o(-lown 111('111'
h('rs baek homl' in till' IWIII' futUl'C, O.l.g.'n from loc.1 136, Birminghtm, AI." ....... among Iho~. who .. lIend.d Ihe 51h
Local Union Presi(jr'nl Hob Fll(lua, Oidric/ Conf.r.nce 01 IBEW in Ih.i, hom. cily.

In e n inform. I pr •. confarinci ch. 1 .r.,

from I.ft; Inlern.lional Vic. P,uid.n l G, X. Ba, ~ e,: locel 1]6 BUlin ... Man. g. r H, W. B.o.... n:
J , B, Pol l., 51 h Oidric l II.ff, an d J OI E pper~o n, I.E.C. The Ilnion.....er. h.rd in Jul y, AI ri\lhl ... Ih. na .... offic. .. of loc. l 136, From
lefl: BUli nen M.n. ger H, W, Brown; Vice Pre.id.n l C, W , J on•• : Pruiden l R, H , Fuqua , Jr,: Reco,ding Sacretary R. t.. Va ug"' :
Tru.u ... R. F, Croo ~ , and Fina ncial Sacre la ry J, F. W il lon,


At Steward's Conference in Chicago

Sieward. from various depadmenh and •• elS are sun II Ike luncheon which wu pari of Ihe Iraining conferonce 10. Stewards of Loc.1
16S, Chic,"",,,. AI right they aril ioined by Vice Pruide"t. J. Woo.t.r, S.,<;t.ta.y W, He",l.y and Tre...ur •• C. John.on.

Don S.rv.tiu. end M"rtin Ewing", carryon .. di.cussion durin", the conf ••• nce and .t rig ht B.oth •• Ewinqil' i•• U " . t lunch with II
9'o uP 01 loealII.ward •.
E\\'jnl;cl', Jl .. wus assisted by Chid
StCWlll'd Don Servaliu.~ ill leading lhe
conference on Legislative Pl'ohlCrIlS
f acing the unionH ;It the local and
lIational Ic\'cls. The second hal f of
theil' conference was dc\'oled to the
III-ese/it contract with the eOlll llany
and its enrOl'cement under terms of
the g'J'ie\"anee proecduJ'es outlined in
the contt"act.
BUI';iness HellJ'escntali\"e Hobert A.
Nickey, assisted b~' Business Hepre-
sentative Robert J , Dahlke lead the
confer"ctlce on the IlI"Oper P l"epul'tltion
of Ct'ic"ance Cases and thcir p resent:l-
lion to mana~ment I)COllli.', T his ItiS-
eussioll leads, naturally, into the sec-
olld half of lile confel'cnee whit-II
discusses the enforcement of the con-
tmet provisions embodied in Ollt· Ill'('S-
enl conll'act.
.'Ilotion IJiclures were shown dul"ing
the cOll fCl'cnec, one being "Opcmtiotl
B rotherhood" a'lIl one film dealing
with the problem of gl'i('vunces" Thel'e
wet'e the usual "coffee brcaks" ;!tld a
Rober' A. Nid.y, bUlin ... rep,u,.n!. l ive_ lea,h .. di""nion al the bl.dboa,d. delicious luncheon was 8et",,('(I, which
gave the conferees a chance to get to
165 recently held a tl'aining con ference 2;:), .19(;3 nnd the second CQl1fe'"ence know ench othe," and discuss the Jloints
fo r' its 150 stewards, T he fil'st con- was held on Satu,"day, J une 15, 1963. made during the different sessions of
ference was held on Sahll'day, May P l"esident-Business Managet· Mnrtin the conference.


The con(erenccs proved to be vcr)' have 'drug-' becausc I, and T alone, and if they will include a photOf,!l"uph
informative :Ind man)' favorable com- nm foreman? " or two, I'll be glad, most happ)' 100,
ment~ wcre receh'ed, It is hOIW'<i that A lso, the tru th lie!'! in this state- to write a stOt·y arollnd these items so
another conference of thi!'! nature will ment : H ow many tll('n have I had a t lllit I..L', Iii will ha\'e a story in our
be held in the ncar (uture, "reduction in forec" for, bc>cause hill JU\IIS\ I..---:IS we have had since I first
J OII :-: W, W(I()wn:u, p,S, interp'"etation o r the working 3gt·('t· IJ('I'nme Ilr('$;S $;CCI·etar1'.
men t was not the snme 311 mine? Xu! I did 1lli.!1 thl"cc months whilc wOl"k-
he. W3S Itot ~I~it:lting, (Ot· he WilS tl·Y ing in IInytona Reach, F lol"i(iu, :IIong
ing to Ih·(' 111' tn his obligation liS ~I II with ~t'\'cnll othcl· Brothers from Ja)[,
live Up t o Agree ments I RF.\\, mcmh,',·. Ane! now I'm workillg ill L. L'. ~(), ~I
Urg es Correspondent Sc:nch yuur millc!~ IIlsn felt" this: We X('w y" .. k City-unci Jl:lt·Uculurly
IllU~t rot·gh·c :11101 furgrt. Why tortut"e Bt·o·nkIYII, F.S,A. How abOllt Ihat?
L, t l, Iii, J ~\(' K S O ;" \'ILl , ":' 1'1.,\,_ Yllltn.('lf am[ 1·,al!l!('mt.· the tt·uth I knfll\· there are quite a few other
Linrlllrn lne nlwlI),!,; H'al'ching fOl'the whcli it il' So trUII·h I·;.. il'l" to forgct tht' H rotlll'r~ frOIll J ax UII h('re, all/I I'm
truth, Thc 1I'uth in life-- -11~ w~'11 lUI in hall ]13"t and 1"/·1I1I"11I1",t· thr gj)()/I that Sllrl', also they al·e just us gl"lltrful
wOl'k, a Hrothcr hac! dlllW, WI· alllllake mis· ;\!'! I :1111 to Iw wo!"kin~ out of I..t1. 1,
T his ffioclrrn (;Ist p::wc in thi!! life take<, II"n't )"nll~ I dlln't menll to w!"ile l;tori('!'! ahout
today Icaw's Ilmch to bc ~Ic"il"('tl hoth in Do YOII rt'lIl1'mlll'l" h"w you (on""Cd mp('lf tlnly, hut u!tlil I {"an II:ct slnril's
CXI'CI'i{'lIl'r 1II111 al~o in uncJ('ntaneling Y<IlII· tiekel intu uttt· I,,,·:d·~ Or, 11('r1ml)'I f ro lll hack home, I'll \'"I"ite :Ibout I..U,
th(' hahitll of hiA f('lIow WOl'k('l"II, pIli w{'t·(' a tfa\"t·III't·~ Thl' tt'lith lies 177 llI('mb('r.'l working in I..t'. ~o. :J,
In hill $(';Irl'h fOI" thr truth, II 1i11l'- in, whr di" yOIl lNIV,' l\nnw? for, I kllOw who the>' are, lind, all
lIlan line[s II lot 1:lckin){ in Iht' altitml(' It is ~aid, "A f,·il'lIIl fiIH!.;; :I (l"icl1ll lioon Ill! I can make {'ontact I 'll Irt
of his L'nion IIl·othel's t/)\\"al'jl~ 11(', where,·er h(' lila)· go," Yet a lineman Jaekliol\ville, F lol·ida, ktlOW how it.'!
him~rJ(, lind othcl' .... will I\olll'ol"k fOI" you wlwl1l'l'er h(' hllM ll1t'tlIll('r~ :lwny from home al·e doillg,
II r kllllW~ why cc!"lain ("hallgt'lI! al"e a choice. Tht' truth lir~ wlwre this A ll y011 hl·othe,·s in Jack~otl\-ill(',
rlHu l{'-lik{' Il1cn quilting on(' joh to lineman fOllnd it in OUt· working plclI!l(' lS<'nd Ille >'0111" stOt·ies, :111(1 pic-
cith(>l' sit on thc I)('nch UI' 1lt'l'hnJlll go ag reement. II r kn(j\\'S it will b('nd, tures, I'll 11(>('(1 thcnt soon, S('II(I t hclll
and work fo,· anothet· RI·othl'l" in the fOI" it is flcxihlc. Tit quit )·OUI" joh is 10 Ille at 1!J2 Ycriliont St., Bt·ooklyn ,
I()(":II. a ('I·edit to himsclf. Ask allY tnll'ellet" N, Y. U.S.A. 112(17
Why ill thiA? "' hcre lie!'! thc b'uth T his life, thi~ \\'OI"ld, this local, this F R.:IJ C,\ :<;(,II.I-\, P.S.
that mnk('" a {r00f1 uniun mCIl1i1t'r quit working a/!Teemcnt, couid and would
a goo.1 job, po~"ibiy leaving thl' crew lit'" 11 lx-ttCI· IJrol'ilil'r when w(' tnke all
in :1 strain? the lie". and untl"ltth~ out of it , all.1
\\'hcr('in li{'s the truth al~o thal will IJut the,..,in all tht' truth!! that ha\"(' Beaver Little League
Il('('n handed us 011 11 .• ih'('r tllatt('r,
ha,·1' hilll H·t'k anothel" Brother's job?
In a linl'mnn's qucst for th(' truth, e\·er since the I REW was found('<1
In Baseball Play-offs
he is looking for a job th:lt i~ heing hy men who !!tOOfI lik(' Illcn, togNher. I., ! , 201. IIE.\ \'1m, P. \ ,-The R(,;t\"('r
rUII ill a maltlt('r which gi\"('.'11 I't....lit ane! fought with all thl')' had in this Arcil Littl(' Lenf.!1Je A li-StuI' tenm hn!!
to Ollt· IIt"f'{h'(""('<.<orl; who f(llIndc<1 Ollt· world !'O that in th(' ultimntc end we 1·1'('(·lItl)" rl'lurn('(1 from II thrf'('·.IU)'
wondcrful orgnniz.1tion- lind, tt1 a might ha,-e fr('('dulll, fre('(IOIll from trip to l":lt,·obe. I'ennsy"·allia, wll<'re
modet·n fa~hiolt a gOOfI rell('Ctioll on rcur, want- and 11r('jmlicc, thc)' Ilarticil'lIted ill lht' Stale I.ittle
our own 10(':\1 IIniol1. • J,l'aguc T OUI·It:nllcnt final~. T lti!! tcalll
Thr tl·uth hI'S in a union joh hcing ( L iller letter 1"If·d,·N/ (rom IJI"Qlflcr of I I h()y~ was '·Olllpriserl of the h(·~t
work('d by union R t·o t hel"~, nCI·OI·ding, tllwilla) play!'l"lI frotll lhe eig-ht tr:lmll! in t he
and, ill ('omplinnce with 0 11 1" ,\·urkin/l" .I ust a s q u il-k as I I:Htl get the s tories HCIlW,t· At"('a Litt le ],e:I!!UC, OIiC of
ugt·('enlent, pl·ollljscd me hy thr prel<id('Jlt of the whleh ill t hc 1.1)(':1 1 201. IHEW l'lIioli
Now in this sense, the truth Ii(>s in local, and the tlCW hlt~in<'ss manager, tcam. TIlt' t'nion tl'am was rrprC-
this fnct and this fact alone: YOIt do ~rll lcd Ii)' t wo hoys, E arl Stewarl, a
Ilt· you don't wm·k by a Itninn Hl{ree- Diamond Jubilee fi r('·lmlling pitchcr ami l all Bodl'lI , an
m(>ll1. You ehhel' abidc by its rules or eXl"cJlliotmlcatcher. T he team did not
you don't, nmkc the fi1l1l15, losing to u Levittown,
YOIt ar(' 110t mot·ally 1·t'lI IJon~iblc to I'Cllllllrh·aniu, team 4-0 ilt the M'tlli-
)'Ollt· fellow Ihothel"tl, but you are limlill 011 Thur~da}', A ugust 8th, Th('y
bound hy YOllr working agf('Cttt('nt to al~ I()~l to a Pittstown , r(>nns~'h·ania,
Ii\"(' Itll 10 the st;lndard!l lI('t by PI-ecC- tCIIIII in the ('olt!\()lation gallie on Sat-
dent::c, ul·dny. Iwaver was, howe\"er, Otlf' of
You nt'e not to straddle the middle the fOUl· best te:J.ms in the 5t;\lC out
lille lltHI ask your Rt'othcrs to prove to or a total of 150 that Iml·Ueillatt'<i;
YOIl a point that you know is not cn- and th(')' ,\·('re Distrid 3 chamJls as
lil-ely covered, fOI" )'OU know that it, w<,11 all !o\('('tion I (Xot·thwest l'('IltI-
woultl take :t hll·ger book :Il1d n IHwyer 8yh·ania) ('Ilamps,
t o tHkl' nil the loollholes Ollt of our A ll of the boys we!"e f1"olll the
wot·king agr('(,lncnt. B('a\·CI· A t·r:l, sOllie of whose fathc,·!'!
Th('n, why do you do it? Why do wOI·k ilt the Beaver 11101 nt, Amon!!
)'ou eon~tant l y hunt for witdlt's :lnd tht'!Ic h()rll are Pete :'I l adg;u', I.t'ltny
try to make our working agreemcnt Kell)', J im Bilotto, alld Bob POI·tlllan,
fit )'our I)('r~onal ambitiOlls? who,,(' falher managed the tealll. This
Sho wn here il B.olh.r R. ymon d E. Ev. nlon ill only the S('("ond time in the hi~tory
Ask )'ourllt'lf Ihis (IUestion: "Ir the of l oul 181, O.h ~ Olh, Wi\C:onlin, u h. r.· of Little League t hat a team f!"Om
truth lit's in the wontage of tit)' wot·k- '.'''eel hit 6O'V.. r pin from !',uiden' C.,I, Rea,·rr County has been in thc slutI.'
ing nKrl'CIl1(>nl, then, do I , knllwiugly, to n Koik olK Brol h., E".n,on, no w aI. b.· ]Jla)"oITa, the other time occurring in
not tell th(' I I·uth when I interpret uny , .. m. .. n ISEW m.mber on AU 9Us! 17, 1901, l!mG, :lgain a team from Be;l\"el".
11a r! of it 10 satisfy Illy I JO~itio li ill AI Ih • • 9. of 65, h• •e ti,.d f,o m Ih. T he tenm tm"eled to Latt·ollt'" by
t his eotllila ny?" Wi scon,;n !'ublic S.",;" C o' po,.. tion wh.,. hUll ami we l·c ho used a t S l. Vincen t
Am [, to f m·tlter t h is conviction, ask h. wu .. lin.m.n for 10 y.a n, 1.,,,in9 Ih. College for fou r da ys. In a dllition to
YOIlI'scl f t h is : " H ow m an y H,·others lut 10 Veers U I n .ali. I.nl lup eti nl e nd. nl, the gUllIcs a nd p rac t ices, Ihe fout·


Upon finishing a CO\ll'se in electric·
New Officers In Rockfo rd ity frOI11 II Chicago school he wellt
ill t o business fOl' himself as a con-
l.uter he was em)lloyed by the Shell-
nndwh Valley R EA" In 1f)42 the Cily
of 1lnlTisonburg, Vit'gillin, employed
him us !)Ower 1)13111 e ngineer" Follow-
ing his position with thc City of lIar-
risonbUI"g he wot'ked for 10 years as
Electrician and ]lower plant opel"(ltol'
fot· Madi son Collc~e, lIalTisolliJurg,
Viqdnia, a state-supported school.
Upon u(lvice from his physician he
relit'cd f,'om e1cctl'ic:Ll work on Sell-
tembel' 15, 1060. In (lnlel' to havc
cllough yeurs to collect the uniOIl pen-
These Office .. WII •• installed at the ,"gul., meeting of locel 19/>, RocUord , III., held on sion he paid dues tll1'ollgh AI)]"il 30,
July 2<4. Front row, I.ft to right: Kenn"th J. Fra"ci., u.,culivi Board; EY.r.1I Hammond, 10G3. He receivec.\ his first pension
Executive Bo.ud: Ted F"gl!.bu'g. E..cul; •• 8o",d; CI."n". J. MlIy'H. finen,i.1 •• cretery; chcck June 3, 1963, tht' firH olle rt>-
Rich".d Hey., .ecording secretary. Bed row: Glen H. Kline, , ..... SUte.: D.¥;d Hoffman, eeh'ed by a lIIelllbe," o( thi~ loca\.
&emining Bootrd; Florien Amelung. vi" pre.ident; Ron.ld W. Lind.ay, bu.in." mUIIger; n ,H.I'1l w, ~~n.:, F.S.
W",..n Fehl.r, presidei'll. Two Eumining BOMd membe .. were .b.en t, Welt •• Dupont
lind Olli ver J ohnson.

teams pal,ticipaling spent a day \'isit· hcnefits (or othe),s as well :1 9 youl'self Outlook for Work
illl{ Fort Ligonicr and (dewittl Park and votinlot for the l"if.!'ht men and Poor in Norwich
neal'Ligonier. All c:K:penses were paid women to sen"e us in ]lolitiral offices"
for by the Nat.ional Little League 01'· If we hll\'e done the,;e thillgs, we IMt'. 225, ~O I{ W I(' 11.
CO:\:\.- JoSCI)h
guni7.ation. who!;C hend{IUarters :Ire in ha\'c done OUl' job as union mcn; i( FrAser, u membc,' or good l'lllnding
Williams!lol't. Pennsyh'ania, This is we ha\'en'l, we h:I\'e shirkt><l OUI" re- of Loc;tl 225 (or the past 23 years,
Ilat't of theil, toul'n~lIllent J)"ogl'am, sponsibilities, Let's all do OUI' part! ha~ ,"etit'ed from thl' electrical field.
whieh leads to the Litlle ]..eugue Retll('tllbet': Be Alllet"iclln, Buy Joc's <Iccision was II1"Olllpted by ill
Wodd Series game on A ugllst 2<1, Amel"icnn! Ae [juion, Buy Union ! h('ulth which hns plngued him fot" thc
Don POl'llllun, the mana!!,el' of the B~:ltNA1UJ W, JA~f;8~, P,S. ]Just few yeat'S, Joe informed mc he
t.eam, works in the Engillem'ing De- Iws heen in the electrital field fOr <1G
parlment of the Denver Westinghouse rea,'s, stal,ting !.Jack in 1917. H things
Plant, have ~one accot'dingl~'. he should h~l\'c
First Me mber at I"ce('i\"(~d his first check :1I"ound the
DO .... NA nISS~:I.I. , P,S,
Harrisonbu rg to Retire tll'l'IL o( September.
A s f:lt" as his I'ctiretllent Illans go,
Lt!. 216, 1I.\IU W 3Q:\ !l I'H{:. \ ' A.-
Cincinnati Local Joe told me he is just going to relax
E:l.I'l A" Kline has l'Ctired, li e "'liS
alld, o( course, take ill some fishing
Admits New Members bonl ncar Rl'ondway, Virginia, 01.'-
now and then,
cemhel' 27, 18f)u and has Jj\,etl neal'
I.,U. 212, C I ~C I NNA TI , OIlI O- On Rro:u\way ~tnd lIal'l'isonll\ll'g, all his \\'l' ll, Joe, we all wi!<h you a long
August u, Lotal 212 \\'p1co1l1ed into its life, lie Silent his eady life on a and healthy l"e t il"emcnt ~lIId will miss
org'anization a ATOUI' of 1<1 desct'vinl;: farlll. sC(:ing you at the It":Hle, We hope )'OU
medmnics, Many o( this gl'OU]l had
tried to gain memhel'l'hip (01' years,
OUt' new mcmhet's 111'C Raymond Reck, Local's First Pension Check
I.e Roy Cook, lIal'l'y L, CooIH:!t', Hobert
Cunun, Clyele Day. Law,"en(e Feld-
haus, Sam lIait::'is, Riehard E, Lei-
b,"ook, Anthony Mal'shall, lIelll'y
Neidieh, Mkhael Neidich, Roy Pruitt,
J oseph 1\1. Sch:lIlle,· and Gel':dd E,
Sturm" Just as patience ha s t'ewat'ded
these new members, so has Local 212
been rewarded by accepting them as
IllCtl1bCl·S. Cong-I'utulations to ;Ill of
Dul'ing thc month of August, Olle
o( OUI' fine aplll'entices, J ohn Davis,
advanced from a (our-~'ear al11)]'entice
to a joul"nc)'nmn " CongnJ.tulations,
I hOI)e all of our union tnembers
slwnl a few moments on L;\lKlt· On.y,
exn.mining their past union I"ccOl'ds
and asking onc {IUestion: Jlayc I a s-
sumed my I"CS I)OIlSibility as 1I good
ullion member? This responsibility Henry 0, Hively (left) , prllidenl of l ocal 2 16 of Hanisonbu rg, Va" prue nls Earl A. Klin.
includes attending union meetings, with hi. fint pen.ion chec t Mr, Kline i. Ihe fint memb.. of the local union to retire

sel'ving on committees, stl"i\'ing for with . tigi bility to receivi th. IHEW pension.


SO Years W ed rnall;'g"t't indie:lIe thulllh" {Iown, but They were married lit thc First
let's hupe thls yea,' is hetter than the P ''Cl!b~' terilinChurch on August 25th,
pll "t few. l!)]:~" They have fOUl' chll{lt"en, ]]
Well, that's ull fOi' now! Sec you g1'llIlckhild,"cn and seven greut-grancl-
next issue! children.
PAl' l. C. RII.E~~AN, P,S. 011 Il('halr of all Local 231 membent
we wheh th('m many mor(' hallp}" anni-
Th(' hu~ine.,;s at hun!! conce rn!' the
Golden W edd ing . imuranft' program. Mr. lIarry :\"elr,
Insu rance Hig hlig ht Report of Nt'IT I nSUI'allt'e Agency, visitell
wilh 1Il(' Exccutive Buard memiJ.('t',!I
1..11. 23 1. S [OI1X CIT Y. [0 \\ A _ thi s nHHllh and will also aUcnd th('
Brothel" and 1\11'1'" l-:\t'ret1 l 'I'{'~cott Ilext regular meetillg of the local to
w('re honort'l\ ~u(>~t:l ilt an 011('11 house discu~1I the Hospital InsU I"ance 1'11111.
h('ld August Ilh at tht' r\cw W(' ~ t­ The "Ian i~ working s uccessrully eX4
minish,"" Church h('I"I' in Sioux Cit)'. <.-epl rOr the nt'e(1 to illcrcase our par-
Brothel' 1>I'e"~cott rf'{il't'(l frOIl! th(' ticipllting member!'" The qu .. 1ity of
a,other end M". Ev.r." P'.leotl beli. the (>1(,(·t,·j(,:l1 industry in l!1;;:; aft(,I' 38 this policy lind the quirk ~ettlel11ent or
yu . . . . they pOle .t the Op... HOUle y('an' of service. III I!Hj7 th('y 11111\'('/1 :111 chlilllll make thi ll illSUr:lnCc 1I
ma,\ ing th.i, Golde" W.dding A"";vlnery. [,'om Sioux City to 1,; 1 Cajon, Cllli- worthwhile illl·cstmcnt.
Brother Pt •• coll i, a te,i,.d member o f [ol'nia whem they pl"4's('ntly )"('sicl(', GAIL GUlMS!.!:Y, P.S,
local 2) I, Sioy. City, I•.
Con struction at Niagara Power
will eh-op around the hall ortrl1. as you
know you ar(' always W('I('OI11(', Good
On AUJ,!"u !I"t 17. 1~IG3 (Iuite a number
of our BI'oth('I'~ ( tom Loc:d 22;, wet-e
g\l('st~ at a I)irni(" at th€' home of
State 8(,I1:1tOl' I'('U'" P . Mariani of
GI1)ton. :\Ir. .\Inrialli, who iSIII"('!<idrnt
of the Thnlllrll Elcftl'ic fOlllll:lny of
Gruton WllS hll:<t at UII annUlI1 ]licnic
(01' all hill ('IlII11u),(>(>s anll lIwil' (:lIlli-
Ii('s, und rnJln lhr "('pt)rtll I 1111\,(' re-
(,f';\"('(1, nil Imel 11 "",ol\([(')'(ul time.
At OUI' lu~t uniOIl Illrelin,;r Anthony
Pucci wa\< UIII)(Jintef\ ('h:l;nl1:111 o r our
I1('W Sirk Commitl("('. TOll)' !"('!,(n"ls
"F.iI" MalOI1(,y to 1)(' comillJ,:' tlloJ1J,:' fine.
"Ell" W:1I1 taken ill ubout fi\"(' w('('ks
"rio)' to th;1I I('tt('t, :Lnd wa~ ho~pil:11 4
iui! 01H' w('('k, foIlO\\'('I1 h~' 1'('I'uIH't"a4
tim) at hi s hurue" Jiope you ft'f'1 IJ(>ttel"
" ";d""
We h:l\"(' :I Il(,\\' workiJ1g alott"t't'tllent
wilh OUl" f'olll":letor ~, COpiNI (If whieh
nrC 1I0W hciJ110t p"inted. We hUI~ to
r('("('ive titt'1lI " lwl'll),.
Well, winle,' is just IH"Ound the
t'ornel", and as \I"e all know thal'lI the
tillie of thl' y('ar lhnt \1~unlly IlI"inKS A, th. multi,million doll.. NiagM. Pow.. P,oj.ct t.lll ,h.p., m.mb... of Loc.1 1]7.
had news as f:u' :IS the work I'ituatio n Ni'g",,, Falls, N" Y., a,,, proud of the ... it.' p.. rt Ih.y ". playing. H ........ "'"~ th"
goes. AI1 )"('port" fl"OIll the hUl!<iu('ss thirteen p.n .toch und .. conslruction .. t the m.in po....... hou,,,,


• --"
- --
- ---

- "
Bro lhers J ohn And.non .. nd 0 ..... Morrison pau .. in ' h"i, ... o, ~ on the m.. l.. conl!ol p.n.,1 for the pow.. hous •. Rig ht; Brol h" .. J . k.
ROI.n, Ar t McGill .nd F, .. nk R.. bb work on On' of th e many t",min.1 c.bl n.h in the po ... r hou . . .... itch ylld.


Outs tand ing Records in Superior tmlH;formed to high voltuge and con-
tt'ollecl fmm 11 switch YIl,'d COlli posed
of Illi, 230 und 345 Kil ovolt (KV)
secUOI1S, Miles of cOllllllex relaying
cit'cuits lind intl"lcate control sys tem~
I'egulnte Ilclivcl'ics of j)()WCI u,e,'
transmission lines to the ("Ollsumel's
thl'oughout the st:llc,
LOt.'al 237 fe(lls IIl'oud to have been
n Ilan of the COlll'ltJ'lJction of this
gigantic I)OII'el' prQjrct and will :11_
\I'arS look with jll'id(> at OUr contribu-
tion to the de\,elopmcnt of the Ni
:I,t:am fl'onticl',
JOHN C, :'1 10011,\1)(,\1':, 1',8,

Successful Officer
Tra ining in Texas
L,If, 2i8, CO H PI '!oi (' 1I10 ST I, TEX,_
Our \\'OI"k situutioll if; som('whn\ hcltel'

At ou. $pecial muting of loul 276, Superio., Wi$c" July J81h for "Iedion of office'$,
IBEW pin, "'e.e pr... nl,d 10 Iwo of ou. r,lif,d member"~ A 60,yea. pin Wit, ,.... , .. nl,,<1
-- lit this time than it llils 1}Pf'1I for the
past ('oupl(' of Y(,<Irs, Man), of OUI'
mCIllI)('I'S have Ilt'ell ablc to I'etunl
home, Thel'{' still arc no jobs of long
dUI':atioll lind IUI'ge ('nough to pro\'ide
to 1.1., 0, E, Eby Ion I,ft} and a 50,y'" pin 10 Mr, E.ic W, B"rgman (cenl"r) by our work fOl' :til of our mcmbcrs here in
p,,,,idenl, Kenneth lorimore, aft" which a luncheon 10'.0$ ,e",ed, OUI' arca,
Vice Prcsident A, Eo Edwnl'ds with
Niagara Powe r Pro je ct lon gates that can contl'ol or stO]) the most of his staff, ~pcnt SatUl'day und
flow o f water into the twin conduits Sundur with us ('ollllucling :t school
Described by P.S . which cal'r)' thc watel' four miles to and educutional I"'ogl'am fOl' our
an open ('ana l and fOI'ebar between officel'~ of Locll] Union 278,
I.. l', 2ai, N I A<; ,\l t,\ 1:,\I.. t !=;, ~,Y,_ the Lewiston rUml) Genel'Hting Plant
July Ifl, 196:.\ mlll'ked the comilletion and the Robcl,t :'Iloses ~iagal'a POWCI' Thi ~ sehool was onc of the most
of the 720-1I11I1ion-doll;1I' Niagal"U Plunt. i1lfol'mati\'e cducatiOlJnl 11I'OgrUIlls. I
Powel' I'I'ojC('t with the dedic:ltion of Becllusc of a 19:;0 tr@aly between h:\\'c e\'er I~n Ilrivi1('ged to attend,
the Power Vista Centet' huildin~ Canada al1d the United Stutes only The duties of caeh office were co\'el'CI:\
which is located on tOil of the south so mueh walcl' muy be di\'el"led (l'OIll lind its 1'(,SIIOusibilities outlillcd so Ihal
end of the Jlowel' 111ant. the I'i\'el' above the Fall s so as to each oftker will hc ahl(' to (unction
The Inst fi\"(~ yenrs hltve becn gf)OI:l TlI'esen'e nlld C,,101"''-~ the Ucuut)' o( more effieit'ntiy,
rcars fOI" Lo<::iI 23i, rrotll the first Niag:lra Falls und the I'i\'er, The The T:lft. l lal'tley, L:tnd ... nn Griffin
sho\'el full of dirt that wns tUl'uNI fOl' amount of wulel' is to be shared and other laws mllke it IICCe.!lSUI')' that
the sl:Il'1 of the Ilroje<:t to the last Cf\uallr by the two nations, our IlU:W bookkeeping, uudilillg ;Inti
fixlu)'c instlilled at the I'owe)' Vista \\'hem powel' d('mands nrc reduecd, l'('IIOI'llIIg to st:ltC :and gO\'(,I'lIlllenlnJ
Cenu,'I', OUI' locul has gaim'fl not onl~' waleI' fl'Olil the fon,bay ill pUllllled llgelleies is no IIllIal) item,
in expel'ienee hut in m<!eting new into 11 l'esel'\'oil' which co\'el'S appmxi- OUt' 1.0, IlI'ovidcs rOrms lind pl'oced,
friends fl'OIlI othe!" I(l('als tlu'oughoul nm'l'l\' 1880 Heres of land and hns n w'e for the operation of eaeh 10000al
the countl'~', It was l't'Il,o!"te--[ hr Rusi- eU llae;ty of GO,OOO acre f<!et. At sueh union ofllce, Vice PI'{'!<iclenl F:dw:II'ds
ness :'Ilanagel' Brother IIUITY ,IOl,dun times, s\II'plus power fl'om the Robe"t und his staff euniet! us through a
that during the IlI"ojC<'t we hlld o\'el' "loses :'>Jiugara Power Plant is u~ed thol'ough Sluc1~' of many fOl'llIs anI!
(i,Ono tn\\'elinlor Rrothl'l 'l! in onl' jurif;- b}' the unilg :It the Lewiston Pump III ocCl:IUI t',., L'Il,telilcl' with a COlllp,'r-
diction at one phase 01' unothcl' with Gcncl'ating Plant to 1}IIIllP watf'I' into hensl\'l' stully of the IflEW Constitu-
a I)('ak of uhout !)GO f'leetJ'icians em- Ihl' resct'voil', \\'hen powel' dcmand!'> tion anti thc By-Iuws of L.U, 278,
ployed at one tillie, [I.I'e inCl'f';lsed, the 12-pump moto" units
1'1,~' Ult'UllJCI'1l or I.ocal 237 would
The Texas G\llf Coast Chapter,
al'l' I'C\'el'sed to function as tul'lILne l\'Ef'A, entenained the Vice Prcsi-
like at this time to ('''Ill'e;:;s lh(';,' g":lti- gl'nel'utors with an installed capacity
tude and cxtl.'nd n "job well Iione" to dcnt, his stuff, the local lIliion oll1ccrs
('J( 210,\)01J KW, Thc waleI' is then
all the Bl'othCl's rrom other loca[s and thr;,' WI\'CI'\ wilh 11 hoat I'ide alit!
u~cd ugain along with the water f!'olll
who gave a big hclping hand in {'Olll- fillh ';UIIIl!'1' S:ltun!ay night. On Sun-
thc twin conduits and forehay as it
rln~' OUl' local ul\ion pl'esidcnt, the
I)]eling this nHlnnnoth project, lIml)!; into the ~iag:ara P('>\I'el' Plant'!!
busincl'>s m:ln:lgel', finnncinl sccrctlu'y
For tho~e who ha\'e not !'('ad 01' 13 !,I.'llstoeks with un apllI'oxilllatc and tr(':I~u,'el' pnt('l'tuincd the visitors
hC(ll'd of t he Niag'(lI'JI, PQ\\'ct' l't'oj@ct I-:'I'O~~ Iwail o( :lll fppl thus :ldivntinJ~
with lunch,
we b"i('fly eXJlluin some of the details, th(> pl;lnt's 13 ltll'bine genf'I'atOI'l;, the
The di!Tel'cncc in W:lter Ic\'('1 along IUl"gcst e\'l!I' constructcd in the (ree OU)' journeyman school is making

thc Niagara Hivc!" I)('lwccn L:lkc l~l"ic world with a total I'atcr] instulled g'OOf] Itl'Ogl'CSB and they al'e now well
and Luke Ontnl'io iii !;!2Q fl,CL. At ('apacity of 1,9['0,000 KW, alunj! in th(' l'If'Conrl unit of Ol'o t h('J'
Nia~ara Fulls, hOWC\'OI', thc Ih'op is T he firsl poweJ' was producer! in J oe Taylor's Elcctl'onic Technician
only liG feet, To make possihle the FehnJaI'~' of i!'l(il and all :!ij ~enerat­ (,0I11'I'IC, \\'(' ;Ire most fOl'lunate in
greatcst lise of the maximulll dl'op, ing units of bot h plants were O)l('I'at- having' Bmthcl' Clarencc Connel' as
two InUlke !It,'uctul'es 11I1\'c becn bUIll 1Ilg' by Octobel' of J~)G 2, T he "oltage Instl' uctol' In OUI' J oumeyman T ech-
about two Lind one half milcs aixwe from each ge nera iOl' ut the Niagal'a lIiellin 1't'uining P t'ogmlll , Bl'othel'
the falls, These strueturcs house 400- Powel' Plant is 13,800 \'olts, It is thell Conncl' is a g'l"adu:l te of OUI' own


Officers' Training under Local 278
. . . - - - --...; r

; offiurs' I''';n;ng .chool

B.other EdwMds il leen !rutin9 of ~ quulion under di""uion dur in ,:! one of Ih. cl ..... "ion, al righl.

the cOlusa, F.om left: A, R. John.on. G.org. Ba.d.y, Raymond

Seot! and A. R. 8r.wton.
:lIJIJrentice !<ehool , going on from there
to I«ome a KmdUlllt' of Ikl :'olar
Trchnical 11II'I;lu1(' lind ill a most
Cl1lJabl(' inslt'udOl',
Tim('~ mu~t h(' lIomewhat l)('tt('1' as
OIU' Credit Union (01' the ftt'st lime
since it was ol,!{uniz('d has II SlIl" ll lulI of
llIoney to 1(»111. OUr lllcmhe,'l'I ~a\'il1.l(!I
now ('~c{'(!(l the lonn~ outst:l nding. We
hav(' !let·Jut'ed Ii 1I('I"'('l1t di\'idend for
the Illist fh'c ),(':11'11. 11 0\\'('\'('1", if the
1lI,.,sent tn:>nd contilHu.'S 111111 we huild
III' a lot or cush 1I0t working, then our
dh'ide,ld ,'ute lIlar b(' 1('$111 lit the end
or this year.
Who need.e; a lIew hOll~c-tl':lilcl' or
CIII" financed?
JA\lK.. C, I'.uU SII, P.S.

Bowling. Picnic, Fun A Ihird I.io 10 condYcf the Corpus Ch.isl; proc•• ding. were Jad G.imm, P. A . At... nd.r
and ' •• n" Godd •• d.
Highlight 292 Letter
..." .
181; 1'('(1 S«'Stl'01l1, 180; Jerry LU I'I<I)Il, gmtutions, fellows , for a good season.
I hll. 292, ;\1 1;\ ' '': '\I'OI.Il'', ;\11;\';\',_ 1i8; William Schwartz, In; John
The following IlI'tide ill submitted (or Wagnel', 173; FI~I ;\Iehatfey, Ij~;
publication in the Jnllt~,\I.: Our lion Peterson, 171; Jim Culligan, ),0; Our Annual P icnic was held S.:l.tu ....
t""eh'e Rowli nf,!' Teall1~ ju~t finish('(1 J\elllleth Peterson, 1iO. day, June 22, at Antlcr's Park, L:lke-
(mother f.!'ood year. Hillh !tIl me honors The aCCOlllpanying "il."tuI"(,s show \'ille, .Minnesota, and a fine time was
went to Ihl\'e Newlltrolll with a ~,18; E:II'] Forrel'. who has bow]('(1 with us had hl' all!
M. J. Lal'son, ~4i; mil Seestrolll, ~"i; from the Oeginning of our bawling
and Jl'lTY L:lI'!lOll, 2'1:;. ]l'u).:'UCSj and the First-l'la('e Team
We wcre honored by the attendance
Thrl'c game high; Rill Scestr01l1, c<)ml}()SOO of Hay Sdl,wfel', Rill RCl'k)', ol our lIew U.S. COllgrcssman, lJollllld
IiH:lj Dick Whitrwy, f;lj~; Jl'l"1'Y Lurson , Ted Seestrom, Bob ;\Ic('al"ty, :trld Bill E, VI'asel', who did his s hare of Imllll-
6/i(), SCc!;tl'om. shl1king lIn10ng his host of fl'iends
Il igh tcam 5('or(' II'US WOIl by the This year's OniCt'l'S are FI'oo hcrc.
I~UGS with :I !.lSI. The thr~ g:r.1l1e ;\Ieh:llrey, presido:ntj .\1 . J, Lllrson, T he kids had a ball-what with
11igh score went to tho BU I.BS with vice JlI-esident; and John Wagner, scc· such entertainment liS Da"e Lee ftom
11 ~;;8i. I'Ct:II')', OUI' Umlio-TY Section and his P uppet
The tOI) ten howlers: Rill Scestrorn, Altogether, thel'e werC 70 men on Show, pOll), rides, Ultra-whirl, cal'S
I!)\; Dick Whitney, 181; Ill'uce Young, thc teams including the subs, COli- and other rides.


Congressman Visits Annual Picnic

n. memb . .. 01 l(l~al 292, Minn ea po lis, Minn. , a nd t h." guesh IhDro~9hly e njoyed the onnll~t pi cnic st. 'l e d by Ih. 10(:,,1 in June.
A highlight of the day wu a visit Irom U. S. Cong r. .. man Donald E. F,ue r, in luit , wh o pOIf! below I. ft wjt h O.n McGin nies , Do n
L.non , J . Abrahamlon a nd K. Sibb.n , KnOlling : Ev Er;ctson and P. G reen, t he picnic commi tte • . AI ri9ht bolow ... Bro t h. r! Sibb"n,
O. Popki ng a nd R. Bake r.


ConqfUlm. n Frill.. sl, ikes I fa miliar polit i-

ul POle . t the Minnupolis ou li"g. H. ;s
.. Grst lerm Democr,t.

F.om t. lt: Busi nen Mlneqer J oe K.ech; P.e, idenl Bob G om.rud ; Brother Ee.1 Te ylor Work Outlook Good
I nd f.mily In d Con q 'fS,me n F.ue.,
)lcGinncss. Don Larson, Jack Alwa·
For Onta rio Local
A well-round(>(\ 11I'ogrnm of conte<lts
included the shoe kirk 111:11 brought hamson, Ev E rickson, P hil Green, and 1,, 1', :\03. ST , CATJl AIO :\ES. OXT, -
out a lot o r good kkk<.'rll , a good field 1\enny Sibben. who engineered :. \\'('[1· E ll'ctions h:t\'e been the tOltic of con·
fOl' {ast 11\:11\ und woman racing, :1111\ planned d:lr; and ou r thanks, too, to ve rsation, here as ('\'e r y local ex·
last bUL not lc:l;;l, SUller'\-i!wd swim- G ur Alexandet', our financial !WC I'('tUI'Y l)cricnt'Cs. Bt'othel' 1\en Potter was
ming and water skiing whkh made who lllli in his usual full day'~ work ! rcclcclL't1 fol' his fifth two-year term
t his day one of t h,.. Ilf'~t. T hl' IlUI'l'iC To those of you who mi!'scII this as business lll:IIHIg'l' r , Bro tl1l'r Les
wa s most helpf ul, putching u p t he picnic-you li r e SUI'(! to be in on the Culliford is ou r new p resident ;
m inD!" ca sualties , {u n It ex t ~'eal'! Jh other Rob 1~(lm und~ \'ice presi dent;
OUI' tha nks t o the commi Uee : Dun R OHERT E, J URK Q\S KI, ]l ,S , n t'o t hel', Doug ilatts, sccretul'y·tl'cas-


Keglers of Minneapolis Local

A chart .. bowl" in the lum of Loc~1 2'12,

Minnupolil. Minn., is Ea,1 Fo"". At tight
.r. the mUlblr1 of the 10e.I'. for" pillce
'Urn. For thei, nlme., I.. th l .ccomp.ny_ Lively Election Held ami Eddie Collins, as t.eller~, Cor nn
ing I.tte., rxcel1rnt, IIr('cj~(' nnd IIccurall' joh.
In St. Pet ersburg Our local deridNi to hllve a l'I'Crl't
lIrer; and Steve W:lldo\"ifh, rN:ord- Imllot without til(' votillA' machinl', ;)nd
ing IIl'('r('l:lr),- -won by uc<'lall1:lIlon. L.U, 308. ST, Pt-:1' t-~ usnl ' nG. FLA.- IIS(' the old-ral'hioned paper ballot.
F.;c~lIti\'e Ronrd: Broth(·rll John I don't rceall, in :til III)' Yl'lirs that I
Man), of the membe,·s were OIll)()l;('d
)Iathius, n\lrk Jones, Wll1t Slu'lt- hll\·c been II m('lllbrr of thi~ local
tUllko, Ihinn O'Grad)" lI ul'old i'11{IUcl, when a union ('I('(':tion of itll onkerll to thill lIrrangement but it crtnt('(1
and John Pollack. (':rcated so mudl (':('it('n1('l1\ lind 1('11- illt('resl and I helieve wa~ rl'SIIOII!;ibll'
sioll 10 ;111 thc IIominr{'s, as this yrar. for hllVillA' :!48 mcmbel'S out of a 110"-
Our Local !I]lOl1sor('d Rrollll'r Pot-
I('rs' son, D:lnny. in the All Anwrican F irst or all I wllnt \0 <-ongrlliulatc !lible 305 ('Iigible voters turn out and
(SI ('uthrrincs Ontario division) and thank Rrothrr Evan (Hl'<l) :-"r]- vote,
Soall Box Dl'rhy, and Dann), made son liS Judge, and Rrotlll'rs \\·ilbul· ""lillY or Ollr retired 1ll(,lllh('rll :11-
a r<'lliarkahir ",howing lIy winning the Wood, J im Cole, Jr., Fr;lIlk Couch tended the ('l('elions and I was \'(, I'Y
n ."inll Thusullu Troph)', for the fust-
(':It hcat of the day. but unrortu-
na\('I), Willi eliminlited in lh(, 1I('i'ond
Fun and Prizes in Minneapolis
hE'lll. Enclowd art' a COUI)k ur phot08
of 1J:InI1Y Rlld his car.
We nre hUIII), lit Ihi!\ liml' 10 {-njoy
full 1'1I11)loYJl1('nt, with on(' lnrgl' Ilro-
jl'Ct thl' (;ar.I('11 City Skyway, ow',· the
\\'I'II:1l1d Shill canal, :tllproxillla(t'ly
onl' and a half mile!l in 11'1IR'lh, w h i"h
cost to tho tU1l1' of 20-lIIilliol1 dollar!!.
Ou " I'XJI"I'i4'l1('(I O\'C I' thC' yca l'lI of Ion I:'
!inC'A of (l'nnlc bCinl:' Iwld \I II will hc
l'liminutf'd a nd l'VC /'YOlll' \\'illl'njo~' till'
;;1'(>IlC'ry of the great fliR'ht-I()('k~ to
til(' :Iouth, and a good look at Lnkc
Ontario to thl' north. Anotiwr IJrojl'Ct R..cu .. nd th l .wlrdinq of prill' WI . . hiqhliqhh of the l oul 292 p,cn". M.mb.n burn
which will II(' starling thi!! winll·r. It up .ome • • ~. . . n.. qy Ibo~. Ind below It Ih. pri .. .t.nd If. (topJ Eo.> Eridlon. J.d
is Il towlly IWlf·un·loruler fool '·lIITiel·, Ab ... II.mlOn .nd Don Le ..on end (bottomJ Pllil Grein Ind D.. n McG inn; ••.
to 1)(' buill at the Port \\'('111'1" IIry
J)ork .... This nlone will wh liU 01" ,(I
IIwmbel'l the IM'st Jl:IJ1. of lhill winter
-~Oln(' WH,UOiI mnn hourll. Wl' ('01\-
teml,lnt(' S("\'('l"nl oth('r proj('(Ct fo,' the
SllI'lIlg, III) \\'(' feel IlI'elty 1or!!",,1 at
W(' wish 10 ('xlend 10 any B" olh('l'!!
Iran'ling through th(' :-.'iHg~II·~1 1'1'llin-
8111a tl\(' hOIi I )il~llity of OUI' Oflil'l'lI ;111<1
r('(lu('sl Ihnt the), com(' in :nlll vi ... it us.
We hu\"(> ha,1 a couple hom Tl'lWS,
which WI' W('r(' "I'ry plNI~l'd to ~('e.
WI' ar(' !lituated in St. ("athurinf'll,
Ontlll'ion in the St. Catharine!! L:lhoul'
T('mJ)I(', Jali Oakd;lle AWl\ue, whi(':h
h ous('s all thl' offices of t he Ruiltling
Trari('s unions. FOI' now, hest wishes,
K. M. POTnlt, It"",


su q wised and h a p py to see n l'other u ndc r st::lndi ng of the ml';lIling of
Ral llh Rean, S r" t he pa st president Bro t herhood. Busine ss of Local
of Local 308, observing a n d II nxiously Our local has hCt'n bUlly 011 a high. Discussed in 338 Report
counting the votes :IS they we r e an- line j ob, (or Floridn Power Cor pora-
nounced, tion. W e n rc using mllny out-of-town 1.. 11,338. OEK ISON. TEX . - It is ,"CIT
Our voting hours wer e bet ween 7 mcn a nd we lire ,"c r y f ortunate to get hot in T exas, north-c(!ntral liny Wll):,
lUll, and 9 p,m, on Monday, J u ne 17, some of the country's best to com- but the work goes 011 just th(' SlIllie.
19!;3 and many of the member! stnyed plete this job, cven our weathl'r-m;m admit!! it. Our
to wilne'" the rehlrns as they were Rrother J im lI ughes has givcn me B,'Others atlending me('ting!l know ii,
:ll1l1oul1('ed by the telle r s, the infornmtion for this nrticle as I also our guests, \ Ve an' in hOlll'S game
I'l'rlionally, I was \'ery hallpy to see :1111 a "narrow back" that has l1e\"er provillions will be made by n('xl ),par
the Kn'nt interest taken ill thill plce- "jump<,d n Slul11l)," at this lime to JI,'o\'itle mOl'c com-
tion :lnd know the future of our union fortablr lind t\esirllhle meeting!'.
~al lIarri!1On A,,"odlttes Inc. of
lUlIl all organiz('d lahor will luhance )Iiallli, is Ihl' gl<lwral contractor of Hegllrdl('!\S of tht' 111'111, our meet-
with this l}'\)C of participation in 1111 this job nnd Jim !'aynl' is gel1eral ings wrrl' op('nt'(l on lime :tlltl all husi-
affai rs pertaining to the conlinullnce fOrt'nlan. ness eOlltluCll'tI, T hel'c wa~ :t "('r~'
of il., w(,lfare, lIenr.". Trll("kinj.!' Comlmny of :IIil· long di!!('uJ\Sion on our Apllf('ntice
The race was "cry close for some wllukee, \ \·isCtml<in. a suh·contractor P rogram (8:21 to !):3;, Il. m,). Then
of thc officers, hns I-:ml.'l'''ol1 lIel'1!Chel as ~\IJM!l'intend­ we eleeled Brother ~, F, Ch,·i.~ti (our
R roth!'r lIadley will continue as ent and Ihotlll'r Frank Couch a, rl'gistrllr) to att('Jld til!' AFt-ClO
Slat!' Con\'pntion in 1I0ulllon, TI'XUll
bUflilit'SII manager, a post he Imll held G('lIl'ral Foreman,
for I:! )'eari', Il l' (1I'(eU1('(] Ilruther A ugust 23·211h. AI~o 10 lIU("nd l1l1'
T here al't' I:!G tOWI'rll that run from
Bob Abbott or a \'ote of 132-111;, the Xortllt'list ~ub-station in St.
TexlllI State t:!('('tric:11 Work\-rs As-
sociation llI('eting tlll'H' i( 1)I).1<ible,
Rrother " 'aller Antlr('w~, the in- Petcr:<burg and tt'rlllin;lll' at Ihe Cur-
cllllllK"nt prl'sidel1t of our lo("tll was lew sub-stution at Oldsmar. The An'll1'ding to our agrl .... nll'nt. it is
also victorious and dt'ft'lltl'll BI'r1l1ett towers art' I:lf, f('I't high· -2 t:il'cuit- tillle fOI' It new wa!!:I' !ScalI' to lit., IlI'l--
Corey (your cOrrCSI)flndNlt) I :!:I-I :!3. 1,!lnO,OOO dr('ular milla eaole and a 1):1,'('11, elr('cti\'e September INt. 1!)(}3.
Brother C. L. i\lcKill1w~' will eOI1- :!:)O.OOO \'olt Jlrimltry, Brother Otlle :IJllloint('{1 tht· follow-
Would Iik(' to say thnl th!' job i~ ing N('gotiating Committee: B rother
tinul' as vice prl'sidl'llt and Brother
EnH'st Gollr retaill~ his ollke as running ~moolhly and :lccordinj.!' to Harold Austin, J , A, Brow""r and
fi nancia l secretar'y, n r,other J.' J'II llk Al_ t he nWll Ih(' II l'nnl'~ 'I' nlt:ki ,lg" Co, is W , A. Cla!1<'Y, Sr. to do the j(llr. Wagl'~
bu r y wus ek>eled to the onkl' of one o f till' filll'st lilu- {'onlractO I'l< to only ('UII I", eonsicl('rC'lI al thill tinH'.
trf':umrer and Rrotiwr G('Orge come into Pilwllas County, " ' 11,[,[,\;\\ A. Cr,,\:-:('\', SII" p,S.
H umphry is now the rl'l'onling .llI'crl'- n rother A l,t ('!'isle uilil his wife,
tary. ;\Ial'il', havl' 1)('1'1) hlcll~l'd with triplcts,
HI'othe l' H ugh Huckd(. . ~clll'l will bo r n on J uly I I. ! ~)(j:\, a t St. All·
r('I)l't'~l'nt the linellwll on th., I;;xt'('u- thony'~ lIoll pilal, S1. P('tel'sLrU I' ~,
Salute t o Electri c
tivc Board and Brothers A I,t Christl.' Florida and til(' utllllinillll'iltors s latt'tl Meter Department
anll ItU8Jl. Fra,;('r will re llH')\('nt till' that this is thl' first tinll' in 31 ~'I.'ar~
insi!'" wir(!m(!n 011 th" i': x('l'uti\'(' that this Illuilililc birth of triplets hll.!! L.U. :1:;2. LA :'\'S I i\' r;, \11('11 . I'll'ase
Board, occur,'ct] lit this hOSllitul. The COlli· allow me the privil<'gr of intrvdut'illg
BI'oUu'rs Carol II . (Chop!))') White, bined weight of thc thl'l'l' little girls the "EI('clrie Meter J)1']lartnwllt" of
Norman BUllton, Gene Knoll, John was 12 lhs-:! oz, the Hoard o( Water lind LiJ.;'ht to the
Hahmann and J ohn Sialkl'r 111'1' on Rrother CI'iste is in a tlaze and ill li ne R,'othel'hood of f:le<'triclil Work-
th(' inside wireman'!! EXllmining ch('Cking hill "Ohms I.aw" to fine! Ollt ers.
Hoard. where he "went wI·ong.'·
T o tlate we hllve r,a,3ti!) <'lIlItOI11I'I'S
Hrotherll L;lrry Funnin, HUIIII Hall, T he Cri~t('11 have tllI'('(! boys 1I11(]
on our lines and the Met!"!' DelHlI't-
0111.'1 HN'd, Jim Puync lim] ('harley a girl in lttlditioll to tl1(' tripll.'ts and
ment conl!ists o( 11 journeymen and
Ow.'n!! weN' elecled to the lin('lIu'II's we hOI)(' Ihat till')" 1111 stn~' well land
Exumining Board. hav!' a ha IJII)" and hl'althy future. G apprentice!!, Quite a m:ln'lIizr<l job!
I would like to lakl' thill ollporlunity T h:lt's 1111 for thill month from Pollowing is a bl"C:lkliown or ~ollle
to wi~h ul1 :: liuccel<l<rul t('rlll in ollieI' sunil)' St. P('tel'Sirurg lind the hrothers of lhe Electrical Mete,' lIeplll·tment's
lllld hOI)C their wisdom and rl'splln!li- of Local 308. dutie!! for those who ma)" wonder
billty will hring about (Ill iucrl'llsing what a Meter Department und('rlakes.

Sponsor Soap Box Entry in Ontario

l ocel 303 , St. Calh.,ine'" ant .... nd. UI I~ e •• •hoh of De My Potte r and ~i, ,oep bo. e ntry ' pon.ora d by the local. In Ihe ce nt • •
after Ih. w. i9h in h, a we it. ~ i , III.n a nd al ri9 hl ~. il poi •..:l e l Ih••1.,liIl9 line,


Florida Power Lines "Going Up"

On·th,-sunl .hoh com. 10 UI from l ocal 308, 51. Petersburg, Fl •. , of Ih, .,.clion of 126 po ..... r Irensm inion lowers in Ih,ir ~icinily.
Broth.r Ron.rd Sch\lm.~., of Loc.1 11. Cllverend 10ungIS ,t the conlrol. of • 65.lon Lim. wilh • 110.foot .tid. Cenler: l lcing on
the 9'.\lnd .,. 8,oth." Wood" Jacob. end COl, ,II of Local 108. Righi: A 10"" i. ,.i••
d off the ground.

a,lIl, dolly .nd bred. in piau. Center: Sterling 10 .,1 on foole . ... B.oth,,, COl {l081. Smiley (l081. J ,cob. (108) and Kuyhndall
(lOB). Right: Th, lower i ••,1 on ' oot,r.

I. P!'illlat'y ~I('tcnl\('n: clocks <H'e also hllmllcd by llistl'icl w~11 II!! kcepinft' meler warehouse up
(a) 1I1111all nnd Illaintain t,':lI1I'- men. to dnle l;lock wise.
(ormer metering-both pl'im:u'y nnd _I, Collet'lions (one day a w('('k is Until recently metcl'm('n hll\'c
8(>(:oml:.ll'Y· de\'ot~1 to past due art·ouIlLs). ,louhl('(1 <18 eledricnl insJll'Cto,·s in
(b) :'Ilaintennnc(' or HllItion :lnd :). I.o:ld checking ami deetric hCllt- rural :II'('8!1.
sub-station instrument!! :11111 !ll(·l('r'ing. il1l{ checks, One of the mosl iml)()l"tant (Iulles
(e) Voltal[l' :Lnd CUlTl'nL compl:Lillt!!. Ill. MNel' LaOO1'1ltory: or til(' lIlete,'mnn i!l that of 1't'''I'c~ellt­
(eI) Work on distd llution trouble!!. ing lhe cOlllllHn)' in lind aoout the ('us-
(a) lla(l,lte, cariln'ate. clean, alH! re-
t ..ansfOI'/)11'1'
loadinl[. voltage and pair lI\ete,'1', tomerll lu'emi1'es. If he is neal :Ind
POWC!' rador cht.'(! k ~, I. ("heck and replllcl' cut"l"t'nt and ('ollrtrous thllt ill 70 percent of the
(e) lIa\'e 16 in!!tallationa u!linl{ im- 1)o1(,l1li:l1 coils when nee<I~1. bllllJe won! Whul he sarli ami docs
IJUlse metel'ing. Ohh!1llObile "Iunts 2, Rel>llIce j('w('ls and bt'arinR"ll r('nedH on the COIIIIJ:mr,
largt'st with eight dill/mel!!'. when needed, I am endos-ing some Ilicture9 of tht"
(0 The industl'ial hilling is also 3, Ileplace regi1'tN' and chl'1'k latio Sf.comlarr )Iet('r gang, Meter 1_'1b.
done by Iwimn .. y men. when n('('tled, J...'1lng, P"inllll')' nnd )Ieter L:lb. fON!-
II. S~-,onda,·)· l'IIetermen: -I, Check all ('ll"Ctl'ical conn('('liun!l men, ~ondnry foreman and our
in nll"ll'r, union ~t('ward. I hope to h;I\,(' some
fa) ('omlll:lint te.'1tmg in the field
5, Change ove,' mett'l'lI rrom two to pieturell of thl' Prilllary )letermen in
(one man),
three wil'~. the future.
1. Tcst ing mete,'!! in th(' licit!.
(b) Clenn llml ]'epail' and ('lIlihl'nle JOBS p, IIAlU'.sTElI, 1'.8,
2, ('hcekil1g wil'ing 111111 :Jllplian('e!!.
a. i;XI)llIining meted 'll'!' prind lllell (when net'essa r y) time dock~. photo
to custome)"!! and the n'!I!I()I1S fo,' theil' el!.'t'll"k cells (st,·e!.'t light relays), :In,!
bill being what it is. t,'ansfo,'mel'S (CUl"I"l'nt nnd 1)()ll'1ltial: Diffe re nc es Me nding
ratiu, I{I"0und check.oc).
(b) l)iMtricl Men: (c) i)ielecll'ic tl':il~ 011 all l'uhher In Port Arthur Local
1. Sct and remo\'c mete!'s, goods used by vadous !lelJ:II'lnu'nlll,
2. Tu rn-ofrs :Llld t\l rl1-ol1s. (tI) RuBel UI) C.T. endosurell rind 1•. 11. 390, I'O lrr MrrIl UH. T t-;X,-
a. Check switch conneetiolls nlld sec hand ou l meter sot'kets HIl,1 olher Il ellu to all Brothe" s and Sistel's from
that all wil'ing is corr1!Ct. Off ]lellk equipment to eJectriclI1 con t ractor!! li S nil of us here on the deep south

JOURNAL FOR OC1 0 6Et, 196 3

Metermen of Lansing Local 352

Mea t some of !h. m, I, .m!!1I 01 l oul 152, LI Mi",:!. M i~h . l . ft : Otis H.~hl , prim.ry m.t,rin,:! end me !., lib fo •• me ... Rig"t , 111t/ed l
G, ry KnIght e nd (" ,nd,ng ) John H.rp.I,. end AI Plun k,tt . t Ih, 'lit bOlrd .

truly W:lS grateful to ha\'e workMI in

the jurisdiction of Ilapid City. South
Ul.kola. I only ho pe we will be in :I
Ilosi l ion to repay SOUle of ou,' travel-
ing R rothers with wQ.,k in t he neal'
f uture.
Locu! 390 has gon(' through fjui te
a turmoil the IHl Rt two \'eal·~. I ;llll
SUI'C tl1o~l loc a ls with llll' ;l('ute Shol"l-
llge of work haw' ('J(perienced some
of the samt' W(l('!I that we 1111\'(", but
our caS(' seem!! to ha\'e been more
critical due to th(' f;Jct that we 111'(' :1
miJ('d 1(1(:11[. I sa)' ('nitcal beca use we
1m,,! ,,,, u""L,,hl~· ""\Ilium)' ,,5 (:11' a"
fin;lm:e ill <'ollcel'nMI. It lIeelll!l the
Front . ow, f. om I, ft , Vi, S~ n c" Ga ry 8I, n, h..d, Jim 8.nklr, Bob R ind o~ a nd ~ i d meml)4!I'1I working in huilding 1rullell
J onu, Soc;o nd ' ow' Mao Hou.., R. y Blo nlhin" Ken Spoo n.., 0 4n B~ neu u and A.t (journeyman wi remen) carry t he load
G •.,dno. , ,I~ nd i n q b, lo.. ~ b ~ nk of molo... of k('('I';"~ tI", L .. ~n l U ni.. ,, 's fIl HtIlI'C,,"
Goltlen Gulr Const, which hasn't IM'1'11 lUll'(' /:in'n .. \II" memlX'rli with the litth,' up fo.' (Iperution:al ex pense, They all
golden (01' the "a;ot two Y('lU'1',
.'SO work tl1l')" 111111 llbove their (lwn melll' Ilay :t working :a!l!le~!ullent. Wheri'IIS
Work here on the Coast Imli lleell be"hlll, Thank:; also to the 1000ais all the m:allltellan~ m('mhers on ly 1m),
c:o.:ceptiomilly Idow, T hankll)to lO OUI' o\,er the United Swtes, too nUl1ler'ous Ilucl!, "f ...hiell I' "cI'y small I>crccnt-
neig hbot'ing LocHI 527 in GHlve:;ton to mention, tha t ha.'e wor'ked OUI" age 1I1a)'l'! in the local u nio n l l'casul')'.
n nd Locnl a9 ill Dallas f Ol' t he II.!<.Sillt- memiJer'lI the Ilast t wo yell rs. Yom'lI Th ill is eSI)eciall)' ll'ue when most o f


Installed at Anniversary Mee ting

Inlt.lled by Inle,n"lionel VicI_Pt.lid.,,! Ch.rI", J.

We'. !loft to ri9hl) Rot.nd S. McKintet. p ...idenl; lun 8...... 11,
end Cyrlll A. Sp<I .... E.emininq a ... ,d m.mb... ; Rich.rd Armbul ••• lcD.din'} ,ecret.ry; Wey ... Sew.,.., E•• ellti ... Board member; At!
V, C •• llon, I, ••,u.e.; Clyd. Treynor, .. ice.pre.ide"l; .nd GeO"!!" H. York end Oli ..., M. Guinn, Ene,,'i ... Board m.mb ....

our IIIcmhcr!l are wOJ-king. lI ()w('ver,

the same is true in r(,\'{,1"8(' wh('11 work
is scarei'. This view ill nen',' tnkcl1 by
:In im;idl.' wireman hut I,'ue nonethe-
less. When mo~t or our wiremen H,"f!
on the road, it ill thl.' small 1}(,I'("('ntngc
kept hom!' that k~Il!l our l()('al union
fUllcti oning.
The IInri \lart o f (, II of thi~ i~ the
"olities involved in (Iny mixl'd local
where a minodty lin)'!! the hill 1111(1 a
majority rllns the show, In ell!lellee, it
!'tackll up this way, \\'e h:we nlllH'oxi-
mately !JOO memh('rH: of this number,
thel'e al'(' a(lJllllximat<:'ly :;[,0 on main_
l('nance :lnd only aGO OIl building
lmdes wol'le AnYlll1c ('iltl re:ldily sec
how 110litical ly th(' maintenance ~I'OIl]1
can elect an),on(' to ollice that they
choose. A!! a result of this, then' ha\"c
been hard (eelin~s l)('tw~11 Ih(' two
grOU]1!! 111111 it went II() far all to cause
a mO\'C'm('l1t to chnrt('I' an inside W;l"<'-
Illnn IOCII!. Thank" to th(' fon.'l<i~ht of
our International onke, 1hill didn't Vi~jan John.on, p,eoident of the Au.me,y, loul 428, Inte,n-tiona! Vica.P,a.ident Foehn,
take 1)lnce. ConSC(lu('ntly, an election Bu.ineu M.nage, B.. ~.n . • nd P",ident of the local Rolend McKinley cui the local.
of offic('I's was duly h('11i il) JlIne and Ih,.. ·"o,e bi,l"d.y c ••••
a new I1ll1tC' of offic('rs was el~ted, and
1i:I)'ti)" Oil the Examining Bonnl wel-e wh('n he took office ;u: busine~ 11111.11-
I nm haplI)' to 5.'1)' that the new offi·
IlI'others Jerry Melton, Fn'(1 ~1il1 er, ll/..<er. Th;lt'l1 all for now. S~ rOll at
<'t'rs lire doing a "bang-IIIl" job. I
~. L, \,ickl1llir, JI·., and Rennie ~I!l'(­ the next meeting.
think ea<'ll member hll!'! \'owed to wOl'k
well. W. A. GlKOt'ARlJ, I'.S,
with them nnd hel,) them to do e\'en
It is the sill<'el'e hope of thi~ sedhe
bettel'. The new oftlcers elect{'(1 wel'('
thal all of us will let ")"J.:,ones be for-
liS follows: P resident, Jert·), \\'ood;
~otten and all of 1111 will stdn' to
\'ir-e P,-('sident, ('hu'elll:e ~ I ('ride:
work tQJl:ether for a iJeUt'I' local union
Boys of Asbury
Reeording Secretar)" Hobert \\'. Pel'-
kins; TI'easurer, Leo Chellette; Husi·
and by doing this we nil stand to ~ain Park All Working
a bettel' wa), of life for 01ll'IICIH'8 and
ness :llunu/{er lind Finlillcilll Secre- our fltmilie~, One w])~' to kilOW ),our L. l l, 400, ,\ SIII ! II'!' I' A HK , X. J .- Yes,
tar}", PaUl f>:n1l10n. fellow union member better and IC'ilrn we had :I hot, humid summer, bllt we
l:xeculive BOllt'd: Roy Hamke, I\hll" more abollt YOlll' lIllion is to nt\('11f1 found relil'f ()II the heaches. A s nl-
vin Ha,Ltsdale, I\lul'\'in NOHCk, J. Z. more locul IInion meeting-so Inc'iden· \\'a)'~, thct'e was Illenty of swimming,
Smith, lind Dewey Lo\'elndy, Only one tally, at this wl'iting all Olir memhcl's honting lind fishing on the Jel'scy
candidate t)ualified for the 1';Xllmin- are working who wis h to wOl'k, This IIhol'e.
ing Honnl, Elected was J. 1>:. l lal'dy. II Jlt'ak!< well for Hrothel' Enmon; (~n­ In winler, the linfol'tunate membel's
A1I I)()inted to scr\'e with Brothel' .\Oiclering thel'e were 180 on til(> henrh who ;Irc out or wOI·k shiver, ami in


summer they swelte r, But OUI' hoy!; Rusiness Mallngcr 8 eav:Ul hrll'f1), J ourneymen, and $i,5O for apilren-
can feel fo rtunute, for they nl'e ul1 I'ecounted some of the h i,;tory of the tices, All allplicntions wcre sponsored
wvrking, So, c::heer Ull, Henlenlber, a local union s hu'e it WII' dlllrt~ 1 in and then invClItigated by un Rpp-oinled
pair of pliers is bette l' t hnn II fishing 1903, with eight I'ha l'l!'I' llu'mh('rs, T he committee,
Jlole, r('CQrds re\'eal that tl1l' latl, Brother Other interesting items in t his book
OUI' meetings nrc vel'Y w('1\ at- Ed Doill h, wal! thl' first, rI'ally ful1 - include: "M,S,C, to IIUrclm5e a 1ll(,111
tended, and our aJlllrenticeshi l1 8<'hool tilll(' hU.l'ine!l.'! mana)::""r, II,' W(I/I fol- tirk('l for uS(> of an)' worthy Brother
is IWOj.:"''e8!ling nicely, In fnet, they lowl'd b>' Brotlwr \\, E,I Bryull, Gll'nn who IlIa)' st:lnd in ne«1 or II.slli~tlul("t'_"
are turning out elcdrOlls in motion to Dol)lh, and in W18, 1\':111 R{-;lVlln, "Rrother J im Baker ele(!ted as dell'-
replace the electrons who moe in re- Prior to t hat tJllI{" thl're w('n' n num- g:ltl' to the 1905 Louisville Conn'n-
tirement, ber of llart-time agen t!>, induding tion-delegate to furnish own financ('!j
Rrot hf'rs Ray VinMn allli Louis until he C:1Il be reimbursed by the
Raul'r. Most of the job IlOhcing Willi locllI union,"
I)('r(ormed by the mem1x-r,;, alld the " Motion to imllOse a fin{' of 10 dol-
Builil ing Trad('l' secretary, I{I'1ired lar.!! on an)' mem!)('r patronir.ing
60th Annive rsa ry Brings 1nll' ]"lllltional R")lrl');('n lati\'{', BI'oth('r Wil.~o n and Ca rren Saloon-said
Many Re minisc e nc e s Cllal"l~'1\ R"I,r'~'I, "a~ tile Iluil,lil').\ fluloon being (Ieclnred un fa ir to or-
Trad('!< Sec l-C\(II'~' prior to hiM IIppoinl - gunilwd Inho r by the Lnhor Council.
L. U, 1211, B A K F. H SF I f'~ L n, C ,\I.II~,­ Il1t'nl to thl' International Rlilif. The Amendment ofTl'1'ed by Brother James
On July II, 1963, Local 428 ollS('t'\'('d latl' Illlernll t ional neJl]"e~{-'l1tati\·(', B:lk"I' to nlnk{' a fine inSllection on
its GOth Annivcr'slI"y and officinJly in- Ill-othe,' Amoll f'~e(!ley, thc gland old groundl' that none of 1~8 mcmh.,,,.
stallNI the ncwly-eleeted OffiCP1'S to man of the Ninth I)istrit't, WUlI lht' Iluiulge In mall Ill1d SI"tltUOIlS liquors
theil, l'("s l.lt'Cth'c omces at 11 III}('('ial second full-timt' HeJll'('selllati\"t' of thl' mnl'ndll1e-rll aceeJlted und carried,"
open Inl'<'ting, Ke-rn ('ounty l1uilding Trades ('OUIl- "\)(';lth clnim on Brother )Iurclock
International Vicl'-l'resident ('h:lI'le~ cil. I\ {' was the first I"Cllr('lIl.'nlntl\'e denied by Grand Secretary, i\\.8,C. to
Foehn, belltowed tht' ohllgatlOn on the who wus fur'ni shcd lI'llnSllortnliOll IJII~' iudcbtednes& a8Sum~1 hy local in
OmCNS elected for th(' ensuing tel'lll a hicycle-in 1912 or thl'I"IIbollt5, hurial of Rrother )Iurdock, and also
of OffiN!, lie followed UU'il' in~tl1l1ntion All1o~ has told how Local 128 nego- to Ie-t dortors 1;lke whatever means
with a \"cry informlltive and intel'est- Ullted an agreement where thl'y wert' th!')" 11(.'('I1Wd necessary to try lIlId col-
ing talk on SOllie of the Ilt'ohlelJ1~ of no lollj.!"e,' r'(,()uired to ra .... y theil' h'et for mediclIl bills_"
the RI'other-hood, lie allpl'lIised the stcplndders on th{'ir bicyrle..~, T his The local union, in thoM' days, e\'i-
membel'll al)d guests of the iml)Ortance took plal'e when one of the- Ele-ctri- (I('ntly had no business manager, 110
of political action and COPE to their ciallll was observing a Ilrt'tty ankle F:xl'Cutive Boa rd or Exnmining
economil' welfart', lind warned thc."Il and inadvertently ran his hic)"tle into Roard: hut clid hll\'e a door foreman,
not to he dUllfii or mislead by the a wagon and hroke his leg, Th(l 1IIIe, firf" infJM'Ctor and recolld in~pector,
PlVlmgllnda of the hate mert"hant.s. Gene Gartley, owner of Rakersfirld Me-Ninl;:'S ~ne-rall)' lasted less lhall
This fallCist-type promotion ill only to Electric, was ('!!tablished in husinf'ss 0111' hour (no business managt'r's N'-
wen ken lind destroy union!<, and to through the ('trorts and fund s of the 1101't) and were- quite often held
ultimatel)' return thc wor'kinlt man's local ullion in the- ellr!)' 1920'R to at- w{'i!kl}" on Sundays,
lot to industrial peonage, Hr,other 1(,1l1]1t to derellt th(' notorIous lInion- The I.adit"H' ,\ uxiliary of I.ocal l ~8
F oehn IIlrongly urged and I'et:OI11- IlI'caking, Ameli<':1ll P la n_ (lC'Corated the- taules, Sll ilillied :11111
mended that every union memher' Pl'llllioned I1INlliter, Rl'Otll('r P('te /It'!'\'1'{1 the allniversar'r cake, "ie and
l'egi~t(,I', vote in c\,(>t'y eledion, and Ncut.:"('bauer, atHI 1I(,\'l'l"n l oth('l' oill rolrl'(',
\Ionate nt least one dollnr to (,01' 1':, 1Il('n1hers of Local 128 harl IU'l'~(' r \'('(1
This WIIS the Vice President's first thl' original Minutes of IA)("al 128
atlendance at a Loca! 128 mct'ting, from 1903 to 1907, Thl.'rl.' Ill'(' muny
and tlw memhers werc both "I('as('(\ inteN'sting n'«lrds ill this minul('11
anti honored thut he uccclited this hook. T he eight chartl'r ll1l'mh('rfl Clam Bake Enjoyed
invitHtion to participate in this 811(-'(-'ial were ('lllllloyt'(! II)" the SUIIl'd Tl,I~'­
Ille(!l1l1j.:, phOlle- and T('legr;lph ('omp/IlIY of By All 437 Members
T he IBEW film , depicting thc Rnkt'rs fidd, The hlle Jim Raker, L.t ', ,13i, FA!. 1. Ul n m, ;\IA:-:S,-Th{'
highlights al)(I procedure o f the last founder of J im n akcr EIl'ctrifil'r, be- third annuli 1 clumbake of Lora I 13.
i nter natiOll:11 Convention W1UI ~howl) ('amI' a memher in 1903, and ()1)Vious!~' was IlI'ld fialurrlay, A ugu~t :N, l!)G3
at thc meeting-, T hill film lJ1allifc ~ tl'd wall very acU\'c in local union ulTai,'S, at 1I 01-nhine A{'res Rl'hoboth.
the imporlance o f delegating good Thl' lall' Ra ymond )IUlll{l-'r!l()n and Among til<' guests present wert'
local union rCI)resenlulion to all con- Charll'S O\\'I'IIS, were initial('(1 in 1901, 11 ,'other and :'oirll, J ohn Flynn, Local
ventions and confcrf'nl'es, The initiation ree wall W dollarl' (or ~23 Brocktull : R u~ine~~ i\Ianag('r

Third Annual Picnic in Fall River


J;lIl1es .\Iurllhy 1111(1 Presiden t Eli Fer- Contribute 10 Fine Safety Record
ge800, Local 224 New Bedrord; Busi-
neu M.mager and
Donohaue, I..oclli 13:1 Taunton, Thl.'
retired members llnel wi\'es prc>!t'nt
weN'; Brother lind Mrs, Georf.,re WiI-
MMI, John

- .-
liums, " Irs, Willium Hollins lind "Irs,
SC\'igny, BrothH lind Mrs, Churles
Niles, Rrothl'r and Mrs. Harold Old-
ing, Mr. and i\lr~, Tom Conlon, Delta r
Ell'Ct ric Company lind Mr. Gl'Qrge
RishOIJ and SOil, Crawfonl J:::lect ric
Company also allend{'(1.
A f\er the chowder, races were held
for the youngsters, and thc winners
!jO Yard Dush: Stcphcn Cross,
KUlhy Alnu:ida, J 08('Jlh Gosselin, Beth

Aishol), KClHwlh Ashworth, I)lIvid
Cros!!, J efrrey Souza, Arenda 1){'(lllrd, " tlOMOR
Three L('gf.,'l'd l{;ace:
Lynch, Stcpiwll Cross, I)ebbie ('l"OSS,
M::::;~:; ~'~.";J . Shinn.,., fou rth from ri."h l, pr... nli uf. l., oUhlanding
"t ,h. E..I Milli nod.1 mill of Ih, Gr.. 1 North er n P" p" r Co .. 10 Ih"
.M aurcen il arrington, J osl'ph Royd, union .,,1. 1., committe., Second from I. ft i. C I."nc. W. Dempsey, ,.pr ... nt ativ. 01
Stcphen Biltdi1TI', PuL Doherly. Beth Local 41 1, Mili inod , l, M•.
Gr{'gory, I-'('tl'r McConncll , Ken neth
Ashwol'th, Beth Bishop, Cnrol Ash- Smith Eleclric Com pany, ])ella wi nn(' I's in the Alabama Deep Sea
worth. E k'dric Company, Ct"aw ford E l~tl'ir' I" ishing Hodeo, Certainly were some
WIll'elbarrow: Tommy .M c('onllt'll, Company, Bernard Elect ric CoIll \l1Iny, uig fish ca ught !
Mik(' K('rriglln , Aarbara Bigho Jl, a nd 1.A'll\'itt·Colso n Com puny donated T he A'ood !It\pndallce at the ll1eetings
Kathy Alnll'idll, Pamela Crollll, Debra some or the I)rizes. Th(' men and hoys hns really h('('n a \\'elcom(' sight. Work
Cross, Richard StArmour, J o~cph played sor tball with Bro l her p('tl' must be picking UII a little because
Boyd, Stellhen BiltclilTe, Wchn rd Harney as umpir(', while the ladies some of the ll1embers I haven't seen
Brit'rt'. and girls enjoyed Ringo. in fluite awhil(', Also know the lIew
Brother Hay Mc('onnell ns..QistN by A cookout ended :a \"ery enjoyable officen welcome the good attendance,
Mrs. McConnell, Bernadette Adams da)'. because it is onl)' by en'r)' I"ember
and Helen Sinimister judged the races OSCAR RAHOS', I',S. attending nnd t"XIJtessing ollinion~ that
and distributed Ilrites. After the bake we can hu\'e a good and strong local
Brother Clarence SClllister and 11 ('I('n union.
were callers ror II nUlllbel' or lJ(\uare The election o( new officers also had
dances. The S(\uare was filled h)' Rill
Local Cited for a \'el'y fine turnout. lind we were
und Mary Rl"Own, Andy llIul Bctty Wonderful Safety Record happy to /ICC e\'errbody taking ad-
Shil1lle, Al and P. l hel lI ord('n and \'llllilige of theil' l"ight to \'ote. Would
Rl'other Skill lind Bel'nadetle Ali:1II19. L ,H. I i i , MII.LI:>iU('KJo:T, "U~,-T he like lo tak(' lhis oppOl'tunity to con-
P I'i~e9 W('l'(' (lilll l'ihuted to the follow- F.a st Millinocket !\Iil l of Gl'eal No r th- gratulate OUI' outgoing omcers ror a
ing lucky winner's in t he d rnwingll: ern Palle l' Com puny WIlS (lwnrd{'(1 the joh well Iione a nd ho pe the ncw slale
Arthu l' I\!cLl!a r, F red Iloller tshllw, Ame1"icnn Paper nnd Pu l p Mill ion of ofllcel'~ kCi' ps u p the good work.
Charlcs Ni1('s, Dori!! Fata , Beth Ann Manhour A W;lrd, T he E m l1 lo)"e r ~ Our' new officel's :1l"C :
Gn!go r y, l\hlr)(1' Goslin, Cla l'encc Grou p Awa rd of l\l c rit, T he Nationnl Pl'esident M, B. "l cGill ; Vice P I'csi-
Simister, Hob<' I't Morse, Stell II Howell, Safptr Council Award nr M('ri t li nd dent A, D, Smith; Hecol'd ing Secre-
Bob Heagan , Louie Harrington, O~cal' Award or Honor ror it~ outsta nding hu'y I.. I':. Bla nchard; Business
Maynard J r., Geff "'Ial·tel, Vic Lawto n, llChievf'ments in the field or safety, Managel' nobert II . Dawson; Treas-
Tom Conlon, And)' Shipl}(', J ean Ma- The noard of Directors of Grell' Ul"er W. n. lIouck,
ine Morsc, Billy Oishop. Narthern untlounc{'(1 the instllution or f:x(!Cuti\'e Board Mcmbers al-e: J ,
a ")l il1ion "Ianhours" schol:lrshil). !-~. RllI'nes; I':. R, Buckner ; L. J. Cain;
The ehild or one o( t he comlJUny's G. E. Dixon; D. H. Harrison; A. P.
8ig Mack Retires enl1)loycs will be .. wardN a $500 J ohnson; lind H. W. Larche.
Kholarl<hip each yenr ror rour rears Ex:unil1iJl~ Board Members are:
for each million Illlillhour achieve- C, A. ('hrilltnmni G. O. limn; J. L
ment. McCord; C, F. T hom:ls :Ind F. M,
Local ,171 is extrem('\y proud o( ils Wllrcl, J r',
part in lhe safely program in (:rp:lt A lIictul"C of the above officers is
Nortll('rll, ha\"illg worked mOre than cnclosed,
700,000 hou rs, or 2575 (lays without 1..'1OOr sl'ol"{'(1 a good victory in the
a di!'..1lbJing injury, dispute hetw~n Olll' recently orj..ranized
bl"Oth('r.!! and Baldwin County !-:Icctric
('OI'llOfation. l..oeal 50G h3d been on
strike lIgainst the company (01' a good
while seeking better wages and work-
Mobile Local Wins Victory ing conditions. During the time some
H , D. McCord ( ri~ hlll no .. n b., many ,I.c. After NLRB Investigation damab"1! was done to the e<luilllllent
trician. a. " Bi ~ Mu J ," ,.Iirn . t Ih. ag' and our Ilrothers were blamed (or it,
01 10. H. i. tha fi n l m. mber to ,.Iir. L.ll. roo;;, :"IIOIULK AI.,\ .-(:reetingll hut when the N LHR il1\'estigat{'(1 it
Irom Loul Un ion 4<41, Monlg omer." AI,,· ( l"Onl good ole Mobi le, in the heart of was found that the cOlllllllny had don('
bama. P. A. DiPofi (I.ft), pr •• id, nl of loul Dixie, \\'hel'e thc wea t hel' is too hot ror the damuge so as II rcsult l he BOIIl'd
441, congr""II"I .. Brolh., McCord and p..' comfort, but j ust right ror fis hing, has made thc following l' u [il1~ :
.. nl. d him with a 20·y.. r pin, Ji olle some of t he Bro t hers wel'c big Bal dwin Count y Electric Corllol'ation


Leaders Chosen ,n Mobile our "cousins" from the neighboring
0111' rl'vised JRF:W Constitution has
now UeI'Il lmn!llated and "('lll"int<.'d in
f'I'elu:h; cver)' l~re nch -lI]Jeakiug II1t"111-
bel" of 0\11' local union should hu\'1'
his ropy by now, :'Ilore rorJi\'_~ :U'('
available at our omce for the 1I11'1I11)('n,
we mal' ha\"e mi!'~('/I, For !<Iml(, "-,11-
son or othl'l', the student!', at (lur twn
Uni\"ersities in MOn1rel11, majoring in
Illdustri al-Hl'laUons ha\'(' l'hnwn a
mal'ked IJJ'I'[eJ"l'uce flit" OUI' I HI';W
Constitution (or their rt'~ca,,'h on
unionism thi ll )la~t y(':lI'" ,Hl'mil"i!!
me of a .s:lyil1~ h)' a famou~ ('n1(','-
loul 505, Mobil" AI •., h.~ ~ho1ln ill .,.. ....I.te of offic.r~ for th. cominfj te.m. Their lniner "cvcrybody w:tnts to ,,'1't into
".mlS .re give .. in the loe.!'. I,tt,., the 3et!"
has to l"einM.a\(' nil the eml)IO~'e!l laid August 1!.Ilh. 1963 ami will terminate Speaking of uni\'l'l"sities, three 11101'('
nff to their fornwr positions with()ut on )Ia,dl :I1S1, 1!1Ii6, Th!'! wa!::'e in- scho)ar!'hills ;\1'1' :l\'ailtlbll' fOl' IIfInll
IH"l'judin,' to UU'i!' S('l1iol'itv and all ('reaSe Ol"el' that period umoun t s to and duujtht('l's of lllemher~ 1.'1l1ploycd
0111('1" d~ht!\ IWII p1"ivilcges. 'Also milk· ;,;; cents I,l'r hour distl'ihut{'(1 liS fol - in the buil(lin~ tt'ad!'!s again this >'elll".
ing whole for any lOllS of pay, 10\\'11: ]() eNlts f'fTcetivc AU!;l1st 19th, ]o'inal date for 1I I111lieation is Octobcr
Cong'l":ltulatiOIl!l to our llast Rusi- 1!)6;]; .-) cents per hou,' at the end o f 15th, The seholal'ships 111"(' grant{'(\
.. e)ls )t:lna~f'l' Tom "J'uey for a joh Octoh('I' 1963 (or thl' Pension and HI'- II)' the Buihlin!::, Tmdes Joint Com-
welt done in working .!IO hard :lnd long tirentent Fund; 20 cents Oil Apl"il ht, mittee fo,' "tudl'llts in all hl":lIlchc~ o(
fot' the heUf'nnl'nl of oq~anh;ed labcl!" 19(;4, and nn utldiliol1al 20 cent!r on ('nginl!ering lit ('ither )lcGiIl l'nh'('I"-
rUl11 rOJ' our Rrother memberll. Al~o Apl"il 1st, 19H;;, ai ty or the Uni\"(','site de )Ionln:;d,
llftel' such a good JOII, he deci(led not The Ii r('l1t~ contribution hy til{' and ]lar the full tUition for a fhe-
to run (01' reelection. II elu'd 8011l('OIH' e1ll]Jlo)'l-'" (01" lhf' i'('flsiOll Fund will III' rear course,
say he \\'as going into the iec·making matched by lhe sa ml' cont"ibulion Since my 1:lslletlel' to the JOPflI'A I.,
husiness. ( ,'om Ih(' enll,lo),c, and this funcl will we have hnd the official opening of
Rye for now! be trunsfel'llbl(' between emploren. in the Cultul'al and Sports Centre for
C. A. C'IIIUST\lAr., P .S. the construction indur,tl'Y (more on the employes of the building imluslt,),
this in Ill)' n('xt lettl'r), in Montreal. The eeremon~' wns nt-
Our Groul' Inll unulce which is also t('nded hy lIis Eminence, Paul F.mile
t1';l118fel'IIbll' will h(' maintained with Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Mon-
Huntington Brother's the slime contl'ibutions of :; rents I,el' treal. The cenlre is 10<:3t('(\ lit 2:.!75
St, Joseph Blvd, F.n~t. All OUI' nt('m-
Untimely Death Mourned hour (I'om hoth t ltl' emp!O~'cr and the
('m.,loye, hut the weekly indemnity be)"s ill'C in ... itNt to avail lhclllsc.h'('!I
I_Ll. ri .&9. IW '\" TI :,\ t:TO:-'-, w. V ,\ ._ hellelits huv(' he€ln inel'cased by $')0),00 of its f:tcilitie.s; it was built for rou
It ill my Mel duty to report that ller week, lhe~lJy gi\'ing a journey- and rOUI' famllle!!.. The SwimlttiJlg
I1I'oth(',' Ril('y He)'lIo1c1!'1 paSSI'd :Iwa)' mall $72,00 per w('('k and the UIJIJrt'n- I)()()I is just dream)' , , , but don't takf'
Oil Jul~' 26, 1963, while \'isitill" hi"! lice $;;2,011 1)('" w('('k sieknl'AA and my word (01' it, see for )'our!!clf,
llan'nts in Salillllll, Cnli(ol'lIia, ucc:iclent benefits effeeth'e August 1st, There 31'e c:ulturnl and s l>ort activiti('1l
1%:1. to suit e\'e,'y one, you name it and
Hl'oth er Hc)'n01cls had 1,('('11 a mem-
hel' of the IREW lIin('e 19.11. At the The membel"fl of the negoliating the)' ha\'e it , , , eVe" heard of ;'Es·
com1llittee \\'('1'0 n l'others F f'r!HlIlIl thetic: G)' lIl1l:1slic" , , , they have that
lime of hi ~ death he was an :lb"ent of
State Farm Mutunl I n~uran('e Com- ROl1cher, businl'ss managel'; l.uurl'nt
IWI1)' and a member of the COIl\'enUon Casl1ullol1. tI!lsistant business Il1llll- OUI' aPIH't'ntices are remimled lo
Club, an honora,'), group COlllllos('(1 o{ ager; Holalld FiSf't, Lo<-al Union register ut the Allprenticeshi]l Centre
to" insurance salesmen, Ilresident; Wi!fl"id L'Esperan('(', Ex· for the fnll ('\'ening classes, Registra-
{'('uti\"e nOlll'd dmirman; and rourll: tion will last throughout the 1I10nth
lie was an enthusia~tic stamp ('01- of Septcmber (rom 7 Il,m, to 9 p,m,
ieet/)!' Il11d Ilf'longed to thc Ameritan trul)', We W('I'e al!lO fOl,tunate in Im\'·
ing had the :l.I;Silllnnce o( Hrothf'" .1 im on ,\]Ol1ltll~' H to FI'i(lays, Thl'l'e Hl'l'
Philatelic SociN)',
Wolf!;an!::', Intcrnational UC1Ir('sl'ntn- al!<O lilX-'Clal c1UR!'CS fUI' jvurnc),1Ill'n
WI' wish to extend 0111' lI),m1mth)' to tiw', who sat in dUI'in~ many !<e~si()ns wishing to IIttenci lhese courses,
his wife and familr, of negotllltl()nS, We licknow)('(lge the sel'vic!'!s I"('n-
W, I~, G[[J!ION, F,S, OUt" neg,.,tiati()n~ with the emr.loy('rll dCr{'(i to our local union unemIJlo),e(\
in this Ilart ,.,{ Canada an~ ul1i1lue, members thi!! l1ast summer hv our Bi~
due to the (ad that ;;;ome of thosc ter local!! {rom Ont3rio, \\;e allllr('-
Correspond ent Reviews a/o!"l'Cement!l lire /tr:\Cted in Ellgli sh 01' eiate it Brothe" l1 , , , we hO]l1.' some
Frenc:h de l)('IlItin,lr on the 1"'1;'ference dar to be able to I'eturn ll,,~ (n"ol".
Terms of New Agreement Ity the int1ividunl ('mployer, :11111 We'll omit t1am('11 for (eal' of forR"et-
thet"l'(OI'(' tIl(' lli ~cus~ion!\ at the nl'go· lillg 80m!'!; thanks II/o!"ain fcllowlII!
L,U. a68. 1\I0:\" I' I(I':AL, QlIE,_ Our tinting (:11,11' must ne~c~sarily be Speaking of nnmes, that denomina-
ncgotiation!'. with the Coq}()nltion of sometim('s in 0111' language alOl)l', and tor "Pulitzcr Paul" in the July edition
Mastel' Elcl'tricillllS of the Pro\'incc at tim('~ in both lan,lrulIgcs, This, of of the JOllflNAt., was most titting (ali
of Quei)('(' for a ncw agrt"t'lllf'nl, U~ ('"ourge, lIOund!\ lik(' uttl'r ('onCu&ion to n plumber would sny ) to dl.'lIiKmlt('
now concluded. ami the 1I1enlbe,'~ of a newcome" , , , but to us nativell, it'll Rrother I'nul Garrison of L.U, 12:;:; of
OUl' loclII union ha\'(' aeceptN\ thl' just stambrd ,)rOCNiure, • ,lU,,1 thl'\' West Nya('k. New Yo,'k, That guy
l"<!Co mmendation o( th(' XeKotialinl{ 'HI)' that we nef'ti a I{oyal CommillSio~ Garri!lOn is I'imp!y ama:dng , , , Mnt'ie
Committee IJY secrl't hallot this ]la;;;t to l"el>o r t on vl1l"ious effectll 'HId and Kathy have every reason to he
1110nth. aspects of hi-cultumlism! Who know s ilt'ouci of tltei)" dad!

.. The new agreement is efrccti\'C . , ,we muy le!ll' n Kome t hing yet fl"olll Two more members ha\'e joined the


ranks o( our IK!I1sioners th is past nllillicat ion neceSSll irelllent a,'lIl1t la II nou t f ait Illa isir de vous an noncel'
month; Brothers Arthur Lnmbe l't and fi n d'octobre; on J)('ut se IIr<lCurer de~ la nomi nation du confre re Claude
Al'thur Masse, Our best wis hes to bot h rormules d'apl'licntioll au burenu Dubuc au poste d'assiSLallt a gent d'af-
these members (or n long and hllilPY I'e- local de vot re union, fnires de notre Un ion loca le, Le con-
lirement, We alllO regret to report t he Oepuis ma dernier(' lettre nu fl'ere Uubuc a dl'butc dans ses 11011-
death o( two ot her members t his 118st J OI'K!"AI" nous :I\'OIlS ell I'ou\'erture \'elles fonctions Ic 25 aout/li3; iI ~hait
week: Brother David Fe bri le, nn np- officielle d u Cen t "c Cultul~ 1 et Sl}Orti f melnbre du Comite EXCcutif de notrl'
pl'entice, killed ill un lIutolllobile a cci- ]lou r les elll ploy~s de I'ind ustrie tl u Union Locale, et I10US sommcs SUI'S
de nt ; a nd Rl'other Armand Huel, batimel1t a 1I1 0nl l'~al. t]lI'i! /Ili um S'lIcllu itter de son trllvai l
(Ol'mel' member of the Ex('(: uth'e Le noul'enu cent"c rut inauguI'Cc ;IVec SUcws POll I ' Ie Jllus g,-and bien ~Ie
Roo I'd, who passed away suddenly, Imr SOil E minence, Ie Ca rd inal Paul notre Loca l. Le con f rere Dubuc de-
Our condolences to the fam ilies o r E mile Leger, A rehev~ue (Ie Montrliul , \'il'lIt Ie 3e nssistant ell devoir <lu con-
thelle brothers. et il est situe au ~275 BI\'II. St-J oscph f l'ere Fernal1d Boucher, agent d'af-
• • • • • East, Tous les lll('mIJr('" SOllt ill\'ili's fll ires,
Les neR'ociatioIlS, en vile d'une :Iinsi (Iue leurs familll'!! iI pal,ticillCr \\'e al't' Jlleaflt'(l to announce the
nou\'elle con\'eiltioil collec:t h'e avec les iI ses nombrellsc", al'li\'it~:<, II I'J}Oin t ment or Brothel' Claude Du·
membres de la ('Ol'llOration des XOU!; tenon~ iI l'alllJI'I('I' II nos buc, forme I' Exec:u!i\'e Roatll Mem-
Mnitres-F.lectdelens, sont Illaintenant :lP llrentis egalel11cnt, 'IU(' les l'OUI1l du ber, to the I'ost or Assistant Business
terlllill{'fl;, et lell 11I<'I11I1,'es de notl'e !SOir au Centl~ tI'alllll'l'nli,,!'_ag(' \'ont Monllb>'("', efreeth'e Allgllst 25th, 1963,
Union Locale ont ndollte la rec:olll- hie utot rccoml11('ncer, 1'(,III'egistl'ement
se continuera dUl'unt II' moi~ de ",ell- Ilrother Dubuc now becomes the 3nl
lll:l ndntiol1 du comi l~ p ilI' \'ote S('(.'I'et
Ie mois del'nier, lemhl'e de 7 ]I,m, iI !) ]I,IlI, Ilu Iundi 1111 nssist nnt, wOI'kin/{ full li me under the
Ln nou\'ellt, convention est efrective vencll'edi; nos cOllllmgnons SOllt invi tes lellders hip of the Business l\I nlmger
1\ comptel' dll l!lnoOt I!JG3 et se te nn i_ il lI'enregistrer I'OUI' ,Iell COUI'!! !!llcel- r e n mnd Roucher, We wish him the
Ile)'a Ie 31 mil l'S I!lGU, I.'augmentnliol' :lUX :1 leurs intentions, bcst in the ac{'olllJllislllllent of his Ilew
hOI':lil'e pour Ie com pagnoll est de II nous fllit plaillit' (Ie rend,'c hom- ~l utie8 fol' the J(l'elll(',' Uenefi t of 0111'
fiikls I'e pa rt ie comme suit: IOcts Ie ma~>'(' aux nombl'ellx officiers ~Ie locallx local union a nd of 0\11' n ,'othe l'hood,
I!I llOllt ]!lG3; !ict>! it In ti n d'oclobl'C de not re F ra ternitc it l l'a\'e,'s 1:1 Jlro- LoI' Ii; G, TII ~;l!.JAI'LT, P,S,
1!I(;3 ]}Our Ie fonds d(' pension ; 20d.s \'ince d'Ont3l'io IIOUI' JeUl's sel'vic-ea
Ie ler avril I!lG]; 20Ct8 Ie lei' 1I\'l'iI rend us i nos chomeurs dumnt I'l'tl\
19G5, dernier, I\'ous ne voulons pas men-
La contributiOIl lie :)('ts pilI' rem- tiOlmer de nOIll!!, iiI' ol'ainte d'en ou- "Licks" and "Pro mises"
Jllo}'('ur pour Ie fond8 de J)('lIsion s('ra blier, Encore line (ois, mel't'i!
r~Jwtl'C par l'eml'lo),e i'gnlement, et Nous a\'ons Ie Illaisir cglliement de Review Events in Amarillo
ce fonels SC!ra trnnHfcnlble entre les \'OU!! annoncer In I'et~'nite de :! aut res I._If. 602. ,UI .\ II I LI.O, TEX,-We're
emJllo}'eurs dans l'indu~trie du bati· lIl('mbres pellsionnaires de la Frater· "till doing business on the sanl(' ('()r-
nlenl filius de Mtnilll Ii. ce sujet dans niu~ ce mois del'nier: ce sont les con-
ner, now redecorated aud remooelNI
mon prochain 1'3111101'1.) frcres Art hur Lnmbert et Arthur 8Olllewhllt. L,U, 602 hllsn't been henrd
Notre Assuranr:e G"ollpe, (lui ~t lllls.-.e, A tOilS deux, nos meilleurs
\'OCUX de longue vie <'I santk, XOU!! r rom in SO long that when President
t1':ln~r"I'able t'galelllenl Ilel'a mainte-
devons ligalemenL avec I'et-tret VO\)~ Bu rord Est('s IIIlJlOinted us Ilress sec-
IIue nil meme nivenu, en ce {lui concel'llc r{' l nr y it was our intention to fill thl'
In cont"ihution hot'ail'e (Ie ,icts, m.Iis l'alll}Ortel' Ie deecs de :! Ilutres lJlelll-
bl'es duran t 101 scmaine tleJ'nihe, il J(lIp wilh a sort of synopsis, Our good
II'S 1...~nC(lces d'illllcm n it~8 hetw:lo nm- illt{'ntions still incl ude making ] hi~
d tl il'e~ on t Cle ~t u gn1l'ntC8 dE) $~2 pal' s'agit du conrrere David Ft"Il1'ile,
selll a ine, ee~ t it Ilil'e de $72 pour Ie :lJll'I'ell ti, d&'cdc accidentf'llement et "{'P(lt't II SOI'I of "Ietlel' from home"
COmp<lgllon ('t (Ie Sr.2 pour I':lp]l,'enti A "111:111d Rue!. lt ncien membre du ('Q- for 0\11' IIIl!mbcrll worki ng ill ot her
mitli I!: xccutif, Nos sympathies aux juri~diclioliS, a friendly line to those
it C01ll 111e,' dll lei' (lOut .1903,
],es memures du Comite de negOl;in· f ami lies CP I'ouvces, who h.we visited liS, and o r course a
lions Hllient lell eonfrcl't's s uivants:
"~el'n a nd 1I0\1ch('", agent d'nfraires ; Stand-Out Cla ss in Amari"a
Luul'ent Casaubon, a8st 'Igent d'af-
faires; Uoland F il!('t, president du
Lotul; Wilfrid )'ESIJ(:rallcc, Jlresidellt
dll C(lmitk Execulif et \'Oll'C SQussigne,
Nous IIOlllllles rec:onnuillsants ewilc.
mcnt envers Ie con f l'cl~ J illl \\' olfgang,
rellr~scnta.nt intenmtiollnl, l}Our SOli
prki('lIx conCOllnJ dllrant ces ]lOur-
Notre Ilou\'ellc ('onstitution de In
Fnlternite est mllint('llnlll rc-impl'imcc
I'n fr:llll;ais, et chucille membl'e de\'rait
en avoil' r ~u ~:I copie 'I dale, Des
COllies additionneJlcs sont disJlonibles
pour ceux quI' 110U8 n\'ons oublics,
Nous de~irons I'nll]le!er :lUX mem·
bres, que chnclue :lnllk Ie ComitC
Conjoint des ) I ~tierll du B:itiment
dt"cc.-ne tl'ois l/Oul'5('s d'Hude uni\'ersi·
taire nux fils et fllle., des employes
(ill ll9 notre indust)'ic, Cell bourses sont
accol'd(\es 110111' tou les les facultks de Ama rill o, Ter" pr oudl., lntroducu th ••• n. w l ou! 1)02 iourn• .,m. n, Th.ir GIn. hat b.. n
genic :lUX 2 unh'el'sitcs de Mont real, .n ouhh nding on., .nd .11 journ. ym. n', . .. min_ .ion grid" w... ~up..ior, Th. y ...
et d' unc durl!e de ij IUlII Y comJl ris 1I. f! to rig h. ' op row), Bill Hammond. , C.cil K.. "", lo.... 11 Fa ulkn. r, Jim Eo ••• ; (bottom
tous les f n lis 8cola;" ('9, 011 doi t fail'c ro ... ) Bill S~ .lIb" 9 , J r" Devid Ba k. r, Ro b. r! Oliver .nd Travi. Trammell,


Local 605 Attends Birmingham Conference

Did,id Prog,.n
op.ning .... O$.on. P.t. conf... wjt" Int ..... tion.1 Vice
p...idenl G. X. Barh . 4' "",ht.

'::~:;;:-:w:..~•. acrlm pege: 8.0Ih,,, She re r B.dmen ( 1493), Gi ll"l pi. ( 1028) . Unide ntified, She H.,
( 1028), I"II,n4',0" 41 R.eprelenl"",,. 5i 0"9"1, Uniden tifie d end Gillupi. (1028).

ing IllP most rormidahle ;tnti·moos('

task (orc(' ('\,{'r conceived; inclll(l('(1 1111
inllOCf'nt looking hUll ('apIlble of sud-
{1('nly (lil<gor,!:'il1g th(' aforl.'nll'ntiOl1ed
j('('p~ , lHunching two helicopt{·r~ HIH I II
'.... ("I)I1naillllanCC satellite and- well , we
don't WIUIl to he guilty o( irreSI)()n~i­
hlt- I"('I)()rtin~.
I'rolll ;"!": \\'(,·11 try to ('nlist Leo:>
Singd, who in ph'M'Jltll 1.... L1, II >!I'nt~
11i;uw pilot :lml It ("reditablt, photo.
gl"lljllw,' (also II ('reditahle wiremnn,
by til(' W:lY) to fly U9 in under their
UrI.-· Vollie Will;Oll is or~anil;ing
SOliI(' o ( our mu~icinnll into :I band.
Prf'~(>nl III !lu'ir fir'>,l meeting :tnd
jam !\('~sion W('l'" Vollie. mil l...ItFn"('rs
Jr ....~d Young, St('V(' Bl;lcknllln, Uick
report of nn)' I!ltI)Cri(,llcl.' or e:lqK'ri· UrI.-: A sufficient grouJI of our W(loll!.'y ;Inll 1);lul Gene Nelson.
m~nt of hlln: thnt might 1)(' of inll'rl'l;t insili{' memlK'r!l and next of kin hun~ 1" -01111.,(,: I>ieture, natch.
to a local union racing simi!:lf cin:um- alll,li('(1 (or a Credit Union ('hllrtl'r. Tw,'nty-y('ur )Iinl Wl.'r(' reet'nl!)'
stances. I'I'I'II';~!': :\l ore news and good n('wl', :lw;I1"III'1i to Arthur "Pop" Machetl
I n sll;le of the journa1i!ltit' I)ri\'i"'g,' hard work on it is as infectious :II< his allli to Tom Rush.
of JouLlill" IlIYII..! f (vunl1'lr?). l1Wrl' t'"llmsi,,!<m is.
1.;f'I.. : Ruck p.,dngo, our a!<!'.istant .\11'II1I)('rs rt'i."l.'nt1y retired, or allilly-
!1I"e jU!il not (>lIough of IIl1 to ro\"er
in.iC to r('tiro:> ar(' (,luudf' :\1c/):mio:>l,
that much grouncl fint cra('k out of Im~ine,,~ :lJ.,... nt, has taken on the
n(\llitional dutil'S of regi.'!trnr right Arthur :llachl'lt and Tom Bush.
the box. We do want to l'iuh mit tht'
l)lcture o( our rl'C('lIt :lJlIlY('lItl(," ("01lI1lI('nliahly, j'mmi!«': SOtl1(' {·om- W,- dt'1'ply rl'gf"l'l the pa"ing of
gradu(tl('~ :18 !loon as I)()".~ihle. So h(,fl' m('nt~ or n('w~ itetl1s (rom him in the Ihutlwr "rlt:/: Stroder.
are a (('I\' lick~ nnd a few lJ1"Olllillt'g: future. PIli[, Ih:!'n...:rr, JII" ItS.
Lick: You should have h('ard P rl'si· /.irk: It i!'. rumored thaI Ru('k
dent F:st('s hrug on this graduating 1'(,<laJ.,'l>, Vlln H('nfro, Iiolll{'r lIark{'r,
class ( set" acromlllinyillg IJidurd. J{'rry R:l1'«lel1 and other O('c:lsional Jackson Local Reports
l'rom;,!!': Thel'<' boys arl' sm;arl c"nf{'d{'ralt·~ who are known to make
cookie!!, hut outstanding' r('~ulul dOI1't d('\"u;;talinl[ annual assaults on Colo- Successful Progress Meet
come (rom II second-rIIte IJ rogrlllll, r:llio wildli(1' with ~uch dl'lllorulizing
commit.tee or instl'uctol', eithel', We'll cqui lllll('nt as tHO HP j('pp9 that cun I., t ' •
60:;, JA CIi: SO:-.', i\II SR.- Th('
cli mb trees, arc cli\lIdcstindy aS~('lIIhl- Fifth Oisll"ict. 1" 'Ogl,(,811 Meeting for

come U\1 with more on lhis.


Install Mountain Line
In Virginia

0 .. til. ground end in th •• ir, th.l. m.mb .... of Lout 631. Ro.nol., VI .. e.e ,nll,II,ng th .. Clovl.d.II.Smith MOllnl,.;n liu. Th.i,
nem.....iII b. found in the loul', I.H ••.
St. Petershurg, the other night. Lots
of our pool,le are lJeiJlK jailed IIml
the com llallY is using otT-duty police-
Illen as office.'s of th(' law, l'iding
cOlllpany trucks. Yet regardlel's o f
:\11 the obstacles til(' morale of our
lle()ple is very high amI they ar(' tie-
tcrminCtI to win, 80 all the reporta
From th(' '-ariou~ rt(1)(Jrts ('oming
in :11)(Jut the strike in Florilla, the
PI'OK''<'l'l' :\Ieeting ju~t Ilbout huilt up
a full 11(':1(1 of steam from whirh
many IllTangements were 111mle fOi'
1lI0l'ai financial lind physical help
(or our Rrothers and !=iisters. all n tap
011 the "Nle""oi .. o( this g.'eat B,'oth-
el'hood of OUI'S,
Brother Bat'ker urg('(1 ;'Ill ou,' n1f'n1-
uers to register and ,"ote, saying thnt
under the Lanrirum-Gt'illin Inw we arc
,'estrided from Iloing things. whit"h
othe)'1j ure pe.'mit.ted to rIo, He ~!Ii tl
thal we shou ld expect t he in l )'()(ludion
1D63, was heM III The Dinkier Tut- o( more and mo,'e anli·labot' laws, the anticipated reSUlting uuildup by
wiler Ilotel. Ili,'minghnm, Alabama, lie added that Alabmnn and 1>1iIlSill- pl"ivate CUllital in the lurl"Ounding
Jul y 27 and 28, 1!J(j3. Brothel' C. E. sippi Labor Councils with the aid and IIl"eas. This ele<:tt'ical buildup should
Shafrer, assi!!t:'"t lJu!tine!Jll uuml.lger assistance of CO PE are doinK a be terrific,
und yours tl'uly t'e,wesented our local nmgnif1cient job in keeping our mem- Broth('r Charles Horn. business
union as delegates nt this mC('ting. bers informed and abreast of the manager, L,U, 323, W. Palm Reach,
The invocation ..... 1111 by an As.-'Icmhly l)(Jlitical trenris, Flori(la, !laid he needCtI linemen badly.
of God Milliliter', ufter which 11 \'CI'y Se"eral loeals I"CIXH"led inside wit"e- Suicl comc to Florida llml spend the
fine welcome 111111,'(,1111 was givcn by men antilable ami alllO that lOll! of Willie ... bllt to call him fi rst, lie says
li ugh Brown. J r .. business manllKer, their members were working away their journeyman rate is $3,9,) pet·
Locnl Union 1:16. Promptly III 10:00 from home and some out of the Fifth hour plus 10 cents Ilel' hour Health
a.m., Jut>' :.ry, Brother G. X. Ib,'kef, District. However, f1uite a few locall and Welfnrc Plan. lie encourages
District I nternntionul Vice President rel)(Jrte-d that they needed linemen, other locals lo negotiate th(' H('alth
opened the meeting. with smne re- Brother Gilstrap. business manaKer, IlItd Welrare Plan, Sa>'s it will tie
marks about our District having 903. Gulrport, Missil!lIippi, said he membeMi to )'our locnl and keel' them
ll10re people on IItrike than c,'er be- nooded a few linemen now and IJefore at home.
fore, lie said we hnve a IItrike on in long" that he'll need lots oC them, lie Rrother Tom Druey, business man-
Flodda, on Geneml Telephone Com- sairl their local now has mo,'e line :IKeI'. G05. Mobile, Alaunnm, said they
pany Ilrollert)l involving- 3000 of ou.' wo,'k than they have ever had hdon:>. Ilild It stt"ikc and nn NLI~ B cas\!
pcol)le, li e luhled that we hllve n NASA has a hUKe P.'ojt'Ct in Han- againlll HEA in hill juriKiliclioll, The
totlll of about 4000 1le()llle on strike cock ami Pearl Riv('I' ('ounties, which i1'"(Itherhood won the CltllC nnd NLRR
in this Di strict, is in the Jurisdiction o r 903. N A!=iA o."(lel"Cd REA lo I'u t all lhe men in-
I t was 1"Cllo.'ted that 3M pickels is l'c heduled, as Brother Gitstrllll told volved back to work nnd plly them
inclmiing an Inte.'nutional Re llre- us, to III>C.nd 500,000,000 dollal"S on the their 10llt wugcs o( nine months,

scllt:ltive wel'tl out in the mill in one project, T ha t is not to mentioll So we (lin see t hnt thet'tl are also


Gifted on Sixtieth Anniversary su re these will be developed to the
satisfaction o( all,
T he remainder of this article is
going to be devoted to a man among
men. It was my honor to have served
under this Brother and I will bI>
( orever in debt to him (or the many
OPJ)(Irtunitics he presented to me, T he
(ollowing poem is a tribute (ar exceed-
ing anything I might writ('-(or those
of us who know Uncle Ben a tear
may rorm as we l-ead and reminisce-
let us ne\'er (OI'get the fine eiToI'ts o(
Bl'others like this:
T()-Past President Ben Reill y
So ~·ou are closing up your tool hox
uml at'e culling it a duy,
T he end of a beginning that will sta,'t
YOli on YOIII' wa~'
T o the li fe that \·ou have dreamed of.
golden days of play 1\ml e:lse
Forgiving" and forgetting, whel'e one
clln do as he ]llea~e.
T hen there will he lots o f SIlHretime
and t hinlt~ to fill YOUt' wishes;
T elld ing lawns, \';\cuum cleaning,
wa!thing and drying dishes,
On Ihe occalio n of hi. 60th yu. of IBEW membe ~hip, B.olh • • Net. Nehon i. p,ue nted If you think that )'OU can t·amble. you
with a com mlmo,ative pin and a to~ en of the aR,ction of the memban of l ocal 1tl, will learn a thing or two
Chicago, by BUline .. "',n.gl' H, H, Wuve., T hat Kat)' has many thin~, overdue,
lined up (or you,
some bright SI)()ts in the Fi(th Dis- State Eleetl'ical Workers' Associ:ltion Oh, it's great to be 011 pension, it i"
trict, And all told, we did reeeive a at Beckley, West Virginia. Rrother sure a hallp~- lire
great !'Ullply o( inrormation (rom this Fisher was elected chail'lllan and SI)(>llllinl{ da~'s out in the garden tak-
meeting, I was very hapJlY and Brother Neal Rorce of Local 972 was ing orders f'"Qm rour wife,
honOl'cd to bI> el('('ted as a delegate elected secretaJ'y-treasul'Cr, They will
(rom our local to attend this \'el'y .sen'e two-year terms, I made II J'el)()rt When at day's end you al'C ,-esting-,
imj)Ql1:ant meeting, Wl' are sub- of this meeting at our r('J:rular union you will start to reminisce
mitting hel'cwith a groUI) o( S('\'(>I1 meeting. I ncidentall~', thert' are a lot or the wodd )'011 left hehind you for
llictures taken at the I>rogl-ess )I{'(!t- of emllty seat!'; at our union meetings, all ens), li(e like this.
ing and hope that the editorial !'latT Line negotiations, which wel'e 11('11' You will mil;" gi\'ing out orders on
will fin(1 room ( 01' all o( them. God in Cincinnati, Ohio, for this "rea. I he jobs when you wet'e Ros)'
RI ess OUI' count r ~', industr y and ha,'e been ("Qtn lllete<.l. JouI'neYl1len Of Ihe ne\'el'-enlling struggles to save
n l"Qthet'hood ! linemen I"ccein!d a 14-cents w,lge in- the jobs rrom loss,
J . W . RIlf;ti~:I.I" p. S. erea!le, bfinging the il' scale to $'1.0:! You will miss the ( un and clowning
Ilel' hour, Brothel" Fi sher ncltotiated \\'h~n the joh wus rea lly t'ough
( 01' the S t ale 1) ( Virginia. Whcn t he men came thl'oug-h with
We l1a\'e very good employment at honors, p roving no joh~ to thcm
Roanoke Member this tillle for hoth insille and olt t ~ide we re tough.
To State Assn. Office work. Howe\,('l', all of you know th('se Y Oli will mis~ the feel of the ga\'cl
conditions coullt change 0\,('1' night, and the noisy thuII it m,l(Ie
L.U. 637, HOA NOKE, V,\ .- W ith t his B. T. "Pt:l'O:n'" Pt;N!)U:rOl'O, 1'. 5. As you sholl t(!(1 "You're out of order."
lettel', WI.' al'e enclosin/{ fOU l' picture;; when one of our memhers stra)'e<.1.
o( the Clovcnlule-Smith Mountain You will miss the gTeat debatel's, ;1>1
Line, The men riding the wil'e ;Ire Tribute t o Pa st t he lawyers on t he floor
Brothers Hal PQI·terfield, r reddie A l'gue(\ man)' subjeeL'<, till you said
Stewart nnd Rob Lowmnn, T he Ilic- Presid e nt Ben Reilly "Let's ha\'(' no more,"
ture or the two "d:y riders" are
LX. 6:i1. C IH::STI-:It. P l\ ,-Thill letter
Thert' will be times o( day-dt-eanling
RI"Qthers POI'tedi.eld and Stewal't. while rou idle Oil the beach
These men nre ridin~ 70 miles o( line will be my la!'t alt('mpt at jourllnhsm
in...<;talling Sllarers. Reside the truck fOl' a while, I am goin~ to tUI'n over You "Ul-e could solve the liroblcms, if
YOUI' gavel you could reach,
are line (oreman Ray )litehel1 atl(\ the I)(>n to Rrother Dan Mi nnick. who
Groundmen Halph Gra\'CS and Am- will give us many fine artides I am Y l'.5, it's great to 1)(> on pension, it'!,

brose Akerfii. The group IlictuI"t' was sure, I have enjoyed writing the what )OU have waited (or
made at Stewartsville by Rrothel' local's news and pulting a rew n ut l)aI't of your li(e will alwa)'s be
)litrhel1, All the men are f,'om thig thoughts o( my own but reel it is hack at Six Fi(ty Four.
loca l except Brother " P inky" Plum- time to have some new idea!' (or our From one lI'ishman to anothel"-
Iller o( I..oeal :317, B,"Qlher Scruggs o( members to ponder--so let's h::we a ~1a~' the Ile\'i! never fifl(l your
Loca l 1393 and three j..,'l'oundmen, T he go at it. Da n ! hiding III ace.
joh is being done for the APPlIl a('hian The big news at the local union is by J ames A. Doughert y,
l~ower Com pany by Key~tone Con- OUl' (orthcoming Pengio n Plnn, long
Pe nsion Membel',
struction Comllany o( Uu ntington. o\'crdue, It is a wekome a dd ition to Local U nion No. 654
West Vi"ginin. our e"panding benefi ts. There ill a
In Jul y BI'ot hel' Fi sher and I at- great deal of work to be done herore See you T hursday nite!
tended ~I meeting o( the West Virginia the details are worked Ollt but T am YOUNG AI\' O\' AI\'otmsol" , P.S,


week. the ad\'ertiseillent ha~ IlrO\'l'n that ..... e have several 50 }'ear members
Labor, Manageme nt Hold beneficial to all concerned and hns but. this is the first. time we have hnd
gained public recognition for union the oPllOrtunity to lillY honor to two
Joint Ad ve rtising Drive contradors. Anyone desiring (urlht'r members who have tarried the bmlller
1_11. 6;5. 1~ 1 . I ZA nETIi . N. J .-Sum- information can contact us and we'll of the IIJEW for a IJeriod of GO years.
mertime and the living is eusy! But, be hapllY to oblige. The picture which accompanies this
now that fall is here, it's time {or nil We will tell you all ahout the local's INter ~ho .....s RI'Othcr Nels Nelson re-
union members to I'ClIOI,,!! to faithfully picnic in our nexl lettel'. I;ei\'ing hill GO-yeal' ]lin and a transi s-
:IUend the local's monthly meetings Although 0)111' local is not large in tor rndio (a gift frolll the local) from
and take an uctive "al'l in the loc:iI'II numhel" WI' have many mcmbers who nu sine~8 l\Ianngel' Weaver. OU1' other
ucth·ities. OUI' local hus lin en\'i:lblc al'e at,ti,,(' in civic :lnd COllllllunity GO-yelli' member nl'other Clnrence
re(ord which cun be muintnined only afrairll. Often ~heil' efforts are neither Hayman has been spendin/{ the SUIll-
by the interest of its m(!mhcl'S. At- 1'(!Cognized nor appreciated, ami so lJjer months in Wisconsin nnd the
tend the me4!ting!l; olrer you,' sug- each month we will single out a melll- hono1'8 in his case will take place :It :I
gestions IIml 01)illioll8 during the bel' and tell you about his outstanding Inter I\atl.', As the picture show~.
meetings. not in <:rilici81111 urlc,- the achie\'ements. I n this issue we snlule Rrothl'l' Xcl!<Qn is s till in good ~hape
meetin,brs; volunteer YOU!' serviCe!! Brother J im Dwyer. amI Ki\'e~ e\'ery indicntion of being
whcl'e they nrc needed :ulIl eoopcnlte Rrothel' J im has heen an nctive around II long time. lie spent Illost of
(uJly with the officerll of your local. member of I.oc:al (;7:i fOl' Iii ye:lrs. li e his yeul'lI at the Automatic Electric
WOl'k in the Union County ;lI'ca is is a member of th e ":x('{'ulive Roord. Compnny as (OI'Cman of the electdcal
very enCOUJ'uging. A few good-si1.cd Along with his activiti!'!' ill the locnl. Illnintenoncc delllll·tment.
jobs, ready to bl'enk, offer I)rosp~ts he also finds time to 1)(' ;I busy lllem- li e was the I'cciJlient of many \\'el1-
of a IH'omifling winter. 1)(,1' of the WoodbddJ{(' Volunte<>r First wishCli lind had the 1)leasul'e o f ,'e-
In J UIlC. the local held elections with Ai.l SIIUU(] whi('h se1'\'e~ II IWllulntion newing IIcqullint:lllces with the melll-
the following ref;u lt s: PI'ellillent IIUlCh of '15,000. Although th£' Aqua,l :IIISWer" bel·ship. hut particu!!,,'!y with some
Kirk, Vice President T om Stone, Bu~i ­ ItOO enlel'gelll'y c;dlft yen!'!y, Hl'othel' of tholle who worked under his su per-
nC'!<A Jl,!all!lgel' John Wernel', l~ilHlncial .Iim alll] his fl'iend s give fil'st aill \'is ion.
Secl'ctary AI Ghuui, Hl'cordin~ Sel;- instrtlctioll~ to OUI' locnl ll1emhel·.~ :lnd
A wondel'ful e\'ening closed wilh
retul'), J oe Paguno. :lnd TI'en ~t1I'er to the (Ipprentices as pllrt of the
:'I)I" 'OIIl'iole refl'eshments and of
Russ Zinglel·. apprenliceshilJ training. Jim \'011111-
tOUI'S(> the usual tales of how "we"
The new Executh'e Rourl! members teered the service in connection wilh
used to (\0 things years ago.
are: John O·COllnor. I;hairman: AI the safet), campaign conducted by the
Lockwood; Jim Dwyer; Neil Boyle; local. HI'other Jim is also an :u,th'e \\'!LLI ... " M, T"" 'L()R. P.S.
Di('k Christopher. worker with the town's CYO ha:<kl'l-
Examining Boord nlt'mhers are: ball program. Yet, with all his fOlll-
Lou Rettingt'r, Sr" Rob Lewaine, mitments he still has the patien« ond Banquet for Apprentices,
Andy Bracuto and Tom Ghuui. (,I\erg)' to raise fiye children,
Two ncw lrllst~ are lIarold lIar- We take ofT our hats to Rl'Olher N o w J ourney men
mon and Ken Rrncuto. Jim Dw}'er !
Let's congratulate the onicer!l :Illt\ L.ll. 7 101. ;\II XOT. X. DAK .-Locnl
wish them success. We elected them. Union 71<1 and the Dakotas Chapter,
110W let's stand behil1(l thl'm! NEC A, honOl'C<1 se\'en completing lIP-
OUl' meml.x:--rship shoul(1 he I;on- III'enticell and their wh'es at an in-
J.('I'atulnte(1 on 100 percent regist ration bO-Year Me n Honored formal banquet and completion cere-
in COP I~. It iA gl'uti fying to know mony lit the Clul'cllce Parkel' Hotel
that we realize the im pol·tunce of
By Chicago Local on J uly D, .IOG3.
Ilolitical action and Ule lHu·t it plHrs L.U. 7 13, CHI CAGO. II.I..-Our reg- T ho Minot lind fli smarck- Mnndan
in securi ng OU1' job!!. ular meetin/{ in August was the ocen- Joint Apl)rentice~hi Jl and T I'aining
For the IlII"t yea I'. Local G75, in Ilion fOI' II )'ather inlel'esting evellL Committees issued the United States
conjunction with the union electrical The 1)I'esentation of GO-yenr pin!! and Uepurlmenl of Labor and Joint Com·
contr;lctors, hns been (,;lI'rying on nn suitable !\Crolls of a11JlI'eciation f,'om mittee fompletion C'el·tificates. alollg
extensh'e advel·tis ing ('lImpaign in the the 1.0. wm. the highlight of the e\'e- with a billfold with un embossed-/{old
locnl neWSI1IIIJer, Allpearing twice a ning. Local 713 is I)roud of the (nct s tml1lJe<! seal of the IREW and NECA.

Complete Training Under Local 714

Four young m,n r.unlfy compl.t.d Ih,ir epp .. n!iu Ireining end ...... r. e,rtiliulod b¥ loce1 714. Minol. N. D"t From I.ft 10 righl: In-
Itrudor Pa lm .. SI"d .. m: eompl.' in9 "pprentice. O,ti n l enon. D"n e h.mb.... G.,¥ Radlin. John Ga.. lh . • nd 8....... of App,en ticllhip
e nd r .. inin9 Fi,ld R. pru. nl. tiya G.o'g, D.S.u lel. Nol Iho.... n e ra K,nn.lh Felch. Arcnr;o. S. I,II.r;o.. and Dele linnel. W iv ••, 100,
w . . . in . 1I.nda ne. ,,1 Iha informel comple tio n ceremo n¥. From I.ft 10 ligh t : Mr. end Mrs. D.n Ch.mb.rI. Mr, e nd Mrs. O rlin l "non.
Mr. a nd Mri. J ohn GiI .. lh . nd G" y R,dlin.


Polling for Houston Officers Held

... full lur"out of mamb .. " of loc .. r 116, HOUllon. T..... ,.r.cted th. ,I .. t" of officers for th. eoming year.
in Ih. h.. U W.Y'. th.r. wu plenty of politicking in e¥'denee lalo •• Ihe ¥ole, we •• c .. t. Th. "1,,,lion comm ill •• ,
¥.'Y bUly dey.

The cheng8 of commend. Put Pr esidenl p"t Sioul 10 lIo",ly-el"c.t"d P, uid""l John Ferrell : Pu' Bllli"" .. Ma"eg'" H.r.
man W"ggoner (right' wi$l,u new Bu.inen Meneg e, Guy Du idlo n well: P"II Recording Se cretery J . D. Alley (right) congralulat .. ne ...
Record •• Kenne th lovel ece.

Rus iness Manager Dallas Whe rley and Rismnrek- MlI miu!l-Chail"ma n Jack Ragenstein, A, 0, liolmes, Ge<u'ge
Assistu ut Rusincss Manager Walter Hell)1ing, Secn!llll'Y Waltc l' Skow- Ha nson, James Pe:II'cy. GcoI'ge Yine-
Skowl'()nek COIllIH"ised the Jl rcJicnt.'l.tion ronek, Hoberl Schwiclen bel'g, J ohn man . SI'" Plllmer Stadum, It'ving
cOlllmillee (Int! aWi.II'ded the cCl,tificates Ro}'d , Mell)(l\Il'nc Kincaid, Albert BC5ema nn, Puul IIossow lind So],hu!i
and g ifll'l. l~ctuw. F red Monnan, W iIli:Ull Kl'aft Henri ksc n,
Members of the Rismurck- Mandan and Chlll'lea l~ischc l" Mr, Edullrdo Agui1:ll', nationnl tech-
und Minot J oint ApJlre nticeship and l\I inot-Chninna n n, J , Rretheim, nienl di,'cclOl' o f UIlIll'enticeshil) from
Train ing Committces are Il S follows: Secrctal'Y Dnllas Wherley, A. D, El Salvador, W:l8 a guest of the com-


mittecs lllld I)raised this industry for Follo wing L.U. 716 Election
Ole ad\'nneements lleing ninde tlwough
apl)n'nti('eship lind tl'ainin~, Mr,
Aguilar'li \'isit was mnde l>OllSible by
the RUl'ellu of Apprenticeshi p and
Trainill~ 1111(1 he nccomllllnied Field
Hepn!lIelltati\'e GOOI'ge DeSautel,
JAln;g p, SCII\IJI.oo~ I , Oil'ector

Brotherhood Day Comes

To L.U . 716, Houston
L,U, 716, 1I 0USTO:-'. TEX.- We had
the nonlilmlion o f onkers in ,\lny. the
election in June lind the In~l;)lIation
of oniC('l'Il in Julr. The rollo\\'inJt' men
will S{'t'\.(> U~ (01' lht' next two re:,,·s:
Prcf'ident John It. Farrell, Vice I'resi- The new office" hue e 9.t' .cquai~led meeling .ft., Ih. in.lallalion.
dent Clyd(' Wag-np1·. l{('c01'dilll{ Secl'C- Business i\1anllger' Gu)' J)a\'id~on , Burkett, .Jr., Rill H it-h, It E. "nob"
tary Kenncth Lovel ace, l'ill(llIcial The new Executive BOlll'(1 memhet'lI S\\,lIl1l\ 1I11d J. I ). AlIe~'.
Secretary L, J. "l'l'ell('hy" Galmichc, (Ire: Gene i\lOI'g:lIl, 110Ilal,\ A, Wag- The EXlIllIining Bonnl members
Treasul'cr W, L. "Ril!" Kl'inK and ner', lIomer' Shilling, II. E. " !larl')''' :11'(>: Ha}' Kench'iek, J ohn Comhs, J . Jl,

In the Jurisdiction of Local 728

. t--r
. --

A Iypicel line di.l,ib .. lion cre_ of Locel 128 pl ...e. in in ~ho'n, Buk 'ow: B. p, Sulli~ln Ind Howl.d Budr.y. Middle 'ow, 8ill
Reevu, John C .... or., Ol,on .nd 6.0.q. R"uo, Fronl: 8ill 5.. lon. Sill R.. ~., .nd Bill Sidon ;nll.1I hoi ~onduclo' on Iha neW pol.
distribution job II 'i9hl.

, ,- I J

••• I
• --- ,I
f, om I. ft , G.n. Lucod . qroundman: C.rI Bu"ell. gen".1 forem.n; S~ool Sidl",
fo.ema n, Brot h.r Her.., (J. k.1 J lCob. on, Ihe forem.n, d irec" II.. work on Ih.
ne w ,ub.t.lion .1 ,ighl,


On the Job In Fort Lauderdale

N .. ,i"9 comple'ion und, . Ih. h.n,h 01 memb... 01 l oul 128, Ft. L",.,d",d.l e, Fl •., is thi. 240 K.... 11.. 1 lower Ii .. , lyin9 Po.' Eve.·
gl,dn .. nd th' D,"a dum pl.nll. N.t Harri,on Co.. end He"ne. Conllrudion Co., er. nOw .ddi"g e"Clth" b.y lor th, neW unil ,",t
go,. on ,10. Ii", in J.nu.,y 191>4. AI ,i9ht .... , .. the No. ) Unit 01 the Pori Eve'91,d" .tum plant the' 90el inlo p.odudion in J.nuery
1904. Unit No. 4 i, lell,dul,d lor J.nu.ry 1965.


'f I

• I
Rflmi" Hllmmond adjlnh Ih HO KV , ... ilclly.rd end E. eeulive Boerd Ch,i,ml" GIO.gI Rouno. d,mon\lr.les Ih' ,I'e"9Ih thai •• ,",d
him hi. ch.irme .. ', pOlition.

Thl 'i", cra ... on the 240 KV Iwild. yetd job 'r', Ile .. di"9. 1,1t to ';9111: Bill Eld,idge; Clyde Creig: Fo,am," Don Diu, end Ste..."d
Hllllk G'IIY. Sitt,n,): R.", •• H.",mond and Be,ni. M., k.lI. H.llk G,.y ,orh "'1I1.,i.l, .t ri9hl.


"John" F eerH'Y, A, T , Campbell :Ind Fun In th e Sun in Reading
It "Robb~·" Wibol1,
TrustCi'!I I'll thl' Vanl(ion Fund
Committl'f' af(' "(.n limn and Rob
Ueleg;ll('1I to Building Trades Con-
vention are John H, Fal"l'ell, l-:h11l'I'
High, Don 1101'11, I.. J, " F renth),"
Galmiche, Bob ¥ul'br'ough and VOnl,Id
W, Rddg('s,
It was 1\ \'el')" intel'('sting el('('tion,
I think I ("an speak for the entire
Illl'ml)f'I-shiIJ in eXJlr'e.o;sin!;, our slIlI"e,'c
gnrtitu(\(' 10 the ela,tion hourd for' the
womierful job they did in handling the
el('('lion, Members who R('I'\'e(] on the
election ooa,'d Wl't'(,: judj{(' J, ,/. MI'-
Kenua allli \l'lIel'lI l\like l\llIlone,
lI alT)' flokl'llIe}'er, Graham Kempe,
Llopl Smith, M:Il'vi!ll Pal'mel)'. C, E,
Wilson. I-Ial"old Woodley, Jim T r:llrk,
1\1;1(' li:II1(lh(,I"I'Y, Jac-k nohCt,t~, A" F:. enjoyi"9 Ihe good food end f.!low.hip el Ih. p"c:nlC: of l oc .. 1 10, R.. ding , Pe" eta I, ft
Stel'ens, .Jody Mi skl'l1, T , r, Moore 10,i9hl: Gue.1 Hf,"'y Rodg er. , locII 313 : PTcnic Com",itt .. _Ray Selh .. , Tommy 800"e.
lind I~, C, I.l'wing, Gen. Schoening, John Cumming., Jr" R, lph Abel, Emerson G'oh, Chuck Rhode., Jerry
T he majodty of the m('mberl< eho~e Gordon, Fr~n~ Schnebl., C.'erer, Sul.d, Gordo" St .. mm,
theS(' offieen to repre.o;(,lIt us. find
though SOIl1(, of UR 111:1>' not agree, It't's thi" one, T hE' :mllual ~iowdown of llritt:lin ill the lItewar"d. The conlluetors
all ban tog('thel' and gl't behind the :11l:U"tllIent and hotel huilding hns will be 1,:.00,000 eM ;nld the :-.rut G,
office,'s allil give lhem OUI' full('st co- started hut the husinelill m:rnagel' lI aninson CO, 1t:IS the wir"(' rontl':l('t,
opel'alion, slaled he thought it would hold 11 11 for Bob Dl'Cdl'ick has lItalt('(1 the joh with
I !\:tw il l"othl'l' Pat Stout, OUI" IlUst (tuite sorne time yet, one C1"(,W, mor(' to hI' :trilled thill wet'k
president, IIw('a,' in the oOkerfl, A t Last llIonth's i(,Ul'r slal('(1 that the ,f tlrl'Y cnn he found, Ii i" brothel',
the c-oIllJlIt'tion of th(' int;tall:ltiOlI, nl- PI"('l;" ;;e(Tetar}, hnll gone to n linl' 1I:II'old. II thl:' s:tewflt"fl. Itan a('I'O,;S
mO!it all of tht' rnell1Uer"ll ro~t'. wt'nt to crew, II I.' ii IItili there ami in thill 1"('- Hllnk Gray in the Port E"ergh)/Iell
tbe front of the room whel"e the)' port he !Olate:> that they are not lhe "witch )"111'11 where he is the steward
shook hal\(l~ ami eonJ!'ratul:rted thE' one_~ that are foult'fl up ('ither" L F., for EI)lllK'o lOt'r'\'ices 011 the :!to KV
new Offil'el"II, They e"(changed COlli' l\1 ~'('rl' i~ the lal'gt'~t employe1' of our ICwitch yard ullder con~tnldion, Time
ments anti pledged their lIul'porl. out(lide unit nl{'lllhers with f!\'1' ("t"('WII lIi£''', n (IU:lltel' (,(,l1tUl'Y pa!it Rrolhel'
Rt'other'!!, it was a wOl1ller"(ul sigh t. I wOl'king Oul of the Laudl'rft:l1 l' YllI"d II;Ulk waH 111)' 1I0ie budd~', Our oth('I'
heard .'\0111(' I'£'I'Y nice COlllm(,l1ts from ;Ind three at 1\1Il1pano" ("a1'l HUI"I"I'II huddy of thut el':\ 1"t'c('ived his lO-ye1ll'
the oOi(-t'rs :11110, e:q)l'('ssin~ their all- anrl Alex Bolton ar-e the gelwl"tll fot'l" pin !:rst month. il ,'other George
Ilrl'("i:ltioll for the IIUPIJOrt tlwt th(' IIIl'n, Goorge 11m'sos, Let' Gnl"tm:III, IInigle, 1)011 BinI' ill still the 1'111111"00
Brothers J.:'al"(' them, Jim SIr"w, J unior I):l\"is, Rob lIenn~", of that proj('(:t. Don huilt til(' fir'st
The fil'st thing that {"'"II(, to Ill)' II. G, SE'xtoll, anrl Cecil SlLlter~ all.' uchlitit)n" SUrE' wi~h we eoul\l J!'(>\ !<Ollie
the Forcmen, R1'olll('r" I., I~, 1':I)'nl' ill pictures of the I)()W('I' hou!'(' under
mind Il'as H l"Olhe!"hOl~1. This; was it.
the Lauderdale Ntcw:lI-.:1 :11111 Jim ('oll!<tnlC'tion III t hat nr'ca" You ot her
Ru t why clIn't it hnl,p!'n everYIllt)!"? I
would lik!l h' lake thi~ oppo,'tunily to Budlanen at th(' Pompano ~'n"(1. All II1l'ml)el's ~end us r<,,,n"t~ :1ml photos
thellc ('1"ews ar(' on di~ll'ih u tiorr, Jake uf your job, We would appl'eciatc it
eOllgl"atulal(' Ihe (JOIN'I'K ami pled).\"('
Ja('ohson is out of til{' ho~pital and and the I" 'e~~ Sl'("I"('t:II'>' wo111t1 he
my (ullest support. Gorl 1)(' with you
will wind 1111 thl' start-up HulJstntion happy :)J{nin" The 0\'1'1"IIe:ld negotiat-
in e\'el'y drds;ion,
lit PorL E\"ergl:l(ll'~ thill w('('k but hall in/{ ronllllittl'e conllif<tlllg of Rrothel's
Ron Lilt I I~:H, I'"S, two 11101"(' sche<lule<1 to II('!::"in thill l\l utt II rnd('t"!<On, Jak(' J aeobsol1, Pele
month, ])Oll!;' Chaffin i~ thl' stel\al"ti l.cwill anll n iH Eldritlg(' r"Cporb' no
and Gl'l1e Peacock lht' stud !::"r'unl. I))"ogr"rl'~ on negotiat,ons but h3.\,(' fa-
News of All Area Jobs Thel'e is an ('xillting :tW,101l ACSlt \,ol';lbl(' hOlle!; al; all pa"ties have
138 KV II-Frame iii-Un£' fronl the agreed to ml.'{'t again"
From Fort Laud erdal e Ihlll:l IIteam 1111111t to Wpst PlIlm Heal'll " our hy!:lws are being chang('(1 ~
tltllt was built jointl>' b~' I.ot'al.'\ i:!8 IIIUY ha'-I' an inte'"C~ting report next
1.. 1',728, "" I~Al' UEIII)AI.t;, FLA,
-There ar(' no 1I1(,lIIh('rll out of work, and 3:!:1, The conductor">! nrl' now hp- m')IIth,
either inf<itl(' or Ol'erhNld although a in!;' pm'allelNI on the exil'lting framl' Fil'irlnJ{ throuJ:hout the jur'isdiction
few mE'ml)('l"l! remnin out of town, A but IIwl1ng with :r double l<hO(' to the It'llwinll good with the fl"Cl'h,watt'r
few tml"el('r"s are working ill the juris- !\:tmt' "trlng of in;;ulaton., TIll' Jille- spenl'S 1I10rl' dominant than the snll-
diction, A ll S('h(}()1 constrlLction has ml'n ('all it bundling UII" Well! It i~ wOlll'r \'arrcty, Rroth('r' Jim Dolnn ill
censed but those men were "lal'NI at that hut no One excellt J l'n"y Wil- still hr:lgging "bout his dee]) fried
(Iuickly, Floyd Anderllon rellol'ted his liam~ cou ld think o f that name, TI'o)" lUuck("t!ll 1Iml :IS I\(J(Jn as I get the
CE'ment IJI:lllt would end within thrre Hurrell the SUIlt'r and flob l.iUlI the )"N'il)(' wI:' will "ass it 1IIong, We think
w('('ks and the other 1,lant under G,I-", Pete Lewil'l the steward, lIon't the ll('('1"et is in the ldidng,
Woodr R('('kmnn iB "ast 90 ]J('I'("{'nt know the lessE'I' chiers, S'''t 1111",(;1=-8, P,S,
compll'le, Those memherll will prob, I was talking to Buddy Johnson to-
ahly go to the l1u rllillj{ home as da r and irE' JlOW 11II~ four lil1l' l'I'I'W~
nr'othel' Jim Dolan hilS hegun culling adding another hay to thl' I'xi~til1J.:' Re ading Local Lists
for' men, '['hiH job II'! unique in lhnt th,'ce ba ys 011 t he :.!40 KV ~h'el towel"
it is completed without any wil'ing 01' line, lI is forenlen include Mu tt. lI en- Slate of Officers
IJlumhing instnlled, Will tr")' to Irn\"e derson, T" J , Mc Ke nzie, Mike Sero/{-
a repar'l ill next months JOI'I1:o. \1. on gins lind Ya nkee ZUCCIII'o. Dewey I.. U. il3, Uf:A Il I:"\G, J> A,~At our


Proud Record in EI Paso our first full -fledged gene,'al run,off
in November, whieh is unuSlial in this
state to say the least! Until now this
has boo" strictly :I one·lla rty state,
At times we may have seemed to
deJllu't f.'om this one-pll"ty thinking,
but we :U"e now going to h:l\"e a defi-
nite (hoiee (01l1{' :oJo\'clllber. This
"other" "nrty hus Knin('d one seat in
the legislatlll-e :lnd , think it has ~one
to their hearls..• , RI' that a ~ it may
our registl'lIr is keeping liS \\"1'11 in-
fOl'llled as to the way the wind i~ blow,
ing for lahor and we :\I'e acting 11r·
For those who haven't IH':lI'd the
complcte outcome of local elections it
wa~ like this: I'I"('sid('nt J, M. Hieh-
lu'(]son Sr,; Vice p,'elddent John Ha r_
gonj I{('cording Secl"etal"r A, C,l\lunn;
Trcas uI'er n..witt Wal"ll('r. and H, L.
Tucker is ou,' tlt'lI' hll~inl's~ manager,
Broth • • T. Arreor~. member of locel 960. EJ Puc, ToY" proudly poin ts to th e ,ign whi~h The ";x('cuU,'c Board exists of Gl'Org-e
• howl th .. , th e employe, of the Stores O.p~rtme~1 of E/ P",e Eredric Company wD'~ ed Lackey. elmit"l11ull, Hayfonl KinHrr1 •
5,000 dey. ,;nce their lu i IOII.l1ma a,eiden l. Oth.r membe .. 01 the dep arlmen t .re Wayne Baj.:"Il'Y, A, 1.. A]('xanrlcr, and
C. Mei., R. Martine>, Jr., T. Vuquel, H. S.lal. Jr. and l. Rivet., ;\Iarvin Wentherll, The EXllmining
Ju ly meeting the neWly-elected omcers BOllI'd i~ cOlllpoSl'd of Ed Pogue J 1""
lallO" at all le\"els in the next two Hay PHllt, W. p, Cook, J, H, l'icklU'd,
of Local L1nion , ,:1 were installed, years will not be more restricting to and It C, BlankeliShijl, Until ne."o;:t
with Past 1','C'si(\t'nt GeorgI' Wei rlrH't' thc inte"csb of the working man, time, Yall COllle!
issuing the oath of OffifC to the~e new I would like to say a fl'w words or
officers: Pr'csidcnt Eugene W. S~h(\{'­ ('II ,\III,.:''! Cou:, P ,S,
]I)"llise ro" the COPY. committees of
ning: VitI' President Elllcl'.!'on :\1. Oil" local unioos and Centrnl I.ahor
G mh; I(econlinj,r Secrcta 1'\' .J ohl1 M. Uoion Councils who \'olunt('('" theil'
Dobbins; Finandal SecrH:.;·y ('ly/I(' R. time lunl effo)"t to enligillen the 1111'01- Shall They Die In
SI1)'d(,I'; Tretl Sul"('r Gordon T. Stan1l11; 1)(,"8hip rePl)"ding Ihe flualilicalions
Bu si ness :'olaml"rel' Ft'ank .J. iliUm',', and \'oting records of all ca lulir\at('s, Vain? Asks La . P.S.
Executiw! Roard: (,haI'J('~ II. !thodes. in regard to the Inoor mOVCllll'nt.
I.. U, 99:i, "ATO~ IW l ' G I;;' LA,-
Jay 0, G"oh, John 0 , ('ummings, .I,'" l'IIan~' of Ihe Rt'othen tak(' too IIII1("h
EllI'I~' on ... 'lIo.'nillg, \\':llter Glockn{'I',
Ernest A , ;\10)'<"'; F:):nll,ininl{ Roanl, fot, gr:1I1ted these days :lnd (Ion't ('\'en
27, ki lllle<1 hi!! wif(' ali(I two baby
John p, H(!e(I, Frank J.. Schrmhle. exet'cise their franchise ao(1 \'otl', Thl'
dauj:!ht ... rs, ),:"oodb)'e, as he "'as leaving
lial"l'Y 0, ])owl ing, combined cfforL~ of the (,O PY. \'olulI-
fOl' wo,·k. ;\Iinutes III tel", the young
To ou,' new onk-el's and thos(' who teer committees thl"Oughollt the coun·
tru('k drive!" \\':lS dend with tllI'ee ,38
we,'e rr'el<'Ct('(l. \\'(' off('1" ou,' eong,'al\l- t ry havc hl'en " "ital f;I('lrH' in dis-
ealil~,' hullets in his hack, This
lations, Ihother,~ of 1.0('111 Union 74:1, coul"lIging more l"estt'icUve legislation
t":I),:"('(I), hnllpene(1 on a s treet in H o-
yOlll' inl(','est can be s(, ,'ve<1 by attend- al-!::lillst the labor mO\"l'ml"nt. Th!'ir joh
boken, New JeJ"~ey,
ing n\{'('tings rej(ul(lI'ly lind SU]>llortinj( has I)('{'n a thankl('ss one, and theil'
In Jarkson, l\Ii ssi"s ippi, )If'fl,!rar
these represen t llth'c~ of you,' 10<':11 effort s are I'\'l'n t"ir!iruled hy some, \VI'
!<:\'er~ apllI"O:l<:heri the hom(' ",he,'e he
union, YOUt' di~ctt~l!ion s anri ('onvic- eongl"atulatl' cvery COPI': committee
linxl wilh his wifl' alid three chilclt'en,
tions should Iw math, dUl'illg sessions in the entire COlltltry!
II c was shot h~' a fleeing assuiiant.
of the local union, only, Our etlrl!'av- J()S~:t'lt J, J ,I10WllK,I, P,S.
The 37 y('ar-o ld I\lr, 8vct's wa~ th('
o"s should be fully ("ooper'ative, I\li"l'issiP1Ii fI('ld secrt'tal'~' for the :r.;'a-
DUI'ing the yellt" \\'(' If)~t th"('e of tional A~sO<'iatioli for' Arh'ancellU'nt of
our Rroth('I's, J ohn I), T ~chudy, Sr" Barbec ue, Elections-Grist Colored !'l'ople, F or years, .1\1 1", 1':"l'I'S,
Re,'t ('<,d"ie Wint('r ~ , nnrl ArthUI' D. G, a \'et(')"lln, had (liIigf'lItly wo.'ked for
Hawk, We f('el th ... Jlas~ing of Ihl'M' For Scribe's Mill bettcr trealn)('nt, full freedom ami
Rt'olh('I's with SOI"l"OIl', 1111(1 {'xtend d('{'ll 1..1I, 917, ) I EIIIJ)I.\;\'. )II SS.-J-'rom 1I'u(' delllO<.'racy for his mce,
sympathy t(l tlll'ir families, ~Ir. Glockner. also a \'ell'l':ln, worked
(Ieel) in \11(' heart of Ilixie we ~end
The annual picnic fo,' t1H'mhers :Iml gl'('('tings 10 OUI" far,f1ung members fOl' the !iame principles to h('lp his
th.:il' families I\'U'I held at the &IUat'C out of state, At this writing we are Ill-Olher union lIIell1l)(" '1I of his l'ace,
and Compass Gt'ove with spet"in l lltten- Illanning our annual Rar, R-Que, this Beyond allY doubt, th('>,f' activities
lion paid to the enl('rtllinmenl of the tillle it will I)(' hl'ld in ) Ierifiian, We w(']"(' th(' Illoti\'lilion for hill murder.
children, Charles "Chuck" Rhodes lmel hope e\'eryom.' can attend hut if I\"e Rolh ml'n fought for' juslice in hi~
his committee are to be cang)"atul;lted Iion't see you Ihere we will think about own way, and (':I(·h suffered the most
for theil' ('!Tot'ts in provieling exe('lIf'nt yOIl, at Il'ast! unjust conscqu('11( leath, The mur-
refreshments and a good time f(,r all. The new onken; han: h('('ll obligated der of l\Iedj:lll' Evers was, as II,e
Gllests o f Clnil" lIollingf'r w{·,'e two and Our' new Ru siness AI-,'t'nt i" AI'othl'r i'r"('sid('nt said, "all act of al1llul]jng
Rl"Othns fr'olll I.ocal Union 313, Wil- n , L. Tucker. The wOt'k outlook is 1....1.t"llIlI"ily." The Nnlion mourned, and
min,:::-ton, I)e[:lwal'e: Ed Taj:!$.,rert lind good at 11I"esent and as of now \\"(' have th ... body of ;\tcrlgar Evers WllS in-
lIenry Hodgers a.nd their familie s, a fel\" tl"llvellel'S on one insill(' jo1! l(,l"l"cd in the Arlington i\'ation al
By the time thi!! gOE'S 10 Ilt"el<!;, the al1,1 three olltsi,le eonstruclion joh~, (,emetet'y,
No\'eml}(',· CI('('tiO ll ~ will he upon us, Othe"\\'ise on the ne\\"~ fl'ont thl' Io<'ai !lut who, oUlside his family and
We hOI)(' the successful ellltdhiales will and st'lte eledions :I)"l' wodh noting, f"iends. moul'ns fot' Walter Glockner?
be sympathetic to the CHuse of lahor, The Governor's eleclion is by far Ihe Nel"crthelellS, these two mcn mude
:lnd that new legislntion concerning nlQst interesting as we expect t.o see the " ullI'eme sacri flee, They ,!rave their


Jives, fighting fOl' pI'i nciplcs lind ideas Lo u Cvetllich, our p l'e~id{'lIt, the Walle r Oda, adminilltmtor Pacific
- for things the)' thought would bet- officers and memberll wish to con, Eleetric:11 Contl"Uctorll' ASIIOCiation,
ter their respedi"e org:J.ni7~"tions, Let gratula te the IBi': W J unio!' R:II«·lmll Pl'esentation of certificates was
us too, join in thl' fight for which one League (or winning 23 ganH.'S in a madc by ~I r, Jack Endo, chairman,
or our uniOIl members believed in .so row, However, th e)' lost the county J oint A)lJtrenticeshi'I and Training
intensely, chnm pionship to the American Legion, Committee. who is nlllO an electri(":ti
If we would wOl'k and fight harder Wnlter Kl eemook, Hocket Depart- co/ltt'actor nnd OUI' bt,other, Robel't
for conditions und the betterment of men t, collecir·d lllore thun $ t OO fOl' the K, lI asekaga, noll' se l'vil1g a ~ the
OUI' 01'l,"llni:e:ltion, we would know how bll!!Cball league hanquet. lIellut)' dit'ector fOl' the Slate Oepal't-
deep in our henl'!.lI thnt TI'uck Driver A/l(h~w Benedict, who waH n lIyn- tllent o( Lnl1()r anti I ndustrial Rela-
Walter Glockner did not die in \'aill! thetic machine OI)('I'ntor with National tions, Bob W:J.!I the ('xeeutive secretar}'
All union members, let us I'emember Electric fo r 27'2 )'Cllrs, has IICcepted for the CIO of Honolulu and the di-
that there are thousands of men fight- n l1()sition as rOl'elnan with Reynolds redor of corl': before his IlrE'lIent
ing fOl' the hf'tle1'1nent of OUI' organi- Electric.' of Chf'!lt(,I', Penn~yl\'nnia. n]1l1()intment.
zations, Let us. too, join the fi/{ht and Congratulations on youl' m'w job. A pat on the back to !'>It', lIan'y 1',
maybe one duy, the w01'ld will he a Andy, ChikamOl'i ;Illd his willing am! able
hdtel' pIllet' in which to Ih'e, :;('l't"('taIT, ilal'riel Hushimoto, ror' tht'
:-!ick Kalabokell, a fonner local
In writing ubout these two ~egro detniled progTnllll11ing or the 1"\'1'1'-
Ilre~illellt, has IX'C1l placed in the
Americnll~, I hn\'e not meant to Ill'each mony which I thillk was enjoyl'll b)'
Uocket ()ellllrtmclIt with one-thll'd of
llbout the ract' issue, but I'uther to e\'er),one, lIa rr)' is the re lnesentath'e,
hill seniorit)', III' ill one o( the Wil~
remind OUI' members or the de\'olion wOl'king out o( the PFX'A-IFIEW AII-
Ili\'il<ion ('llll)lo~'ell whu was Idt with-
to and s:lcl'ifices they mnde r01' causes pl'entifel<hill ami Trn ining COOl'(lina'
out n job when the Didsion do!<C<!
and ol'ganizatiOlls in which they be- 101"11 oftlce,
(Iown, A few othel' members with 3,-,
Iie\'ed. Since I'm de\'oting this rel1()I't to
ye:II'!I of !!eniol'it}' have been 111:1('1.'(1.
Pt:n:1t A, Cn~STA:-'-TI~O, P.S. 11111'I'enti(,e!<hil', I'd 11180 like to olTer
lIoJle \\'1' hal'e Iwtter news for the
my cOllgra.tula.tioll' to the Joillt A1I-
next i~!;ue,
Ill'enticeshill and Traillillg COl11mittf'<'
J Oli N GOZ\'II, P,S, fOl' Ihe l'l'1."ent " Willill111 1", 1~:llt(' I'!!()t1
Ambridge News All AII I1I'enticc!lhi li :o,Il'mOl"ial AII'al'(l"
Bad This Month which the), won for thi, al"t'a from
Honolulu Loc.1 Holds thl' nUI"(':t u of Apprf'ntkesliip and
L,U, 1073, A MlmIOG..:, r' J\ ,-August Tmining, U. S, Oe lJ:ll'tment of l.ul)(1I',
31 was a ~ad lill Y (or the Wh'c Oh' i- Completion Ceremonies Since the fir ~t wireman gmlluaU'f1
sion employes, This di\"i!lion was two dccudes ago, 198 hr,,'e lIuc~!I(ully
closed down just hero!'e 1.11001' Day, I.,U, 1186, HONOLULU, lI AWA II-
) Iun)' a llloon h:l!I IJaS!led shtt'(' our completed the Ilrogrnm und .. r the
the day designated for laoor'l magnifi, "old" TelTitorial AIllirenticCllhili Ill'a-
cent ad,'unt't's which were mnde by local has contdhuted to the " I..ocal
gram ami thE' "new" SIHte 11I'oglllm,
our pioneer wOl'ker!l who laoo,'ed un- Lines," 110])(' I ("an find some I1CWI<
to keep thE' Broth('rll infot'med o( our Thel'e hHR been a total or 11!18 :1]1-
der dink-lilt conditions to ('al'lI their ]lI'entires who Im"e coml,leted tmining
dllily bread, Man y men of the Wire lulest event!l and happenings,
(I'om this State since it has been in
Division Hwod on the tlll'ellhold of Starling with 0111' most I'ecent .. vent. existence,
30-yC3I'lI !ieniodty, Now. that the OUt' Annutll Gnlduation Cel'(,11l0ny ror
The eleell"i('al Jl!,Oj.':l'um has a]llll'o~i,
time was llear for them to enjoy the 28 new jout'neyman wiremen WIlli held
nUllel)' 115 apll1'entir('~ in \I'ninillg
matedal benefils for all the!;C years on Jul)' 3rd at the M'!I r.an~h 1I 0use,
Ilrest'l1tly and should be in(lentll1'inj.':
of sen'i«!, they can onl~' wonder what Guest speaker, for the event WI'I'e: allother 15 or 20 new al']1licalltll this
the future holds for them, Mr, Alrred l..aUI'el:l, director, State sum111er,
We hope thllt alii' union ollicers, Department of Lahor arJ(1 Inllu!ltrial I':nclosed Hre !;O!llC pklu)'es 1 took
rl'Om the local to the hcndqU:II'lel's in l{e!atiOI1~; M r, BenHLl'd p, l\'ey, super-
at the g-r:Hluatiol1 c~ercille with the
Washington. will \1')" to cope with \'i!lo!" !lul'cau of AppJ'entifel<hill, names o r the gTaduatell included, lIn-
this situation and help our scnior United States Orpal'trnent o( L:11>01'; til ne.'1(\ time, , ,
employcs, who h:l\'e built up this un- ~Ir, Willard H, Loomi!l, dirrctor of
ion, to obtain some gainful em]l\o)"- ullllrentice);hi]I, Stnte Oellal'tml'nt of
ment. 1..'100" :Ind Industri:11 Relations; Mr, EI.".:n HA~I\:-'-o, Acting P,S,

At Honolulu Completion Ceremonies

Front row pelt 10 righl), JATC Membe'I-D.wid Mo,,,hit., M, " .g.ment: Mino,u Kouchi , t.bor; Kellllelh S.ili, M.II.ge ...elll: J .<J
Endo. ch.;,m.n, M. n'gemelll: Buddy Ol.mi, M,II,g.m.,.t; Robert FOl, L.bo': Te,ulo Hel., Men.g.m,"I: D.lli.1 Ty'u, lebor: .nd
Mas. H. jime. l. bo" App,enlice 9,.d".t,,-S.colld . ow lelt to ri9ht: Rob.,1 Hi9': Edwerd K.n"hi,o: Geo'9' T.rey.m.; SI.III.y
N.~.o: N. oto Y.m'gi,hi; Geo,g. An.miy.; G.ry To~udl: W.lle. Hi9.,hi; Williem hb." .lId Lew,,"ce K.w.moto , Thi,d row: MillOrU
Nitt,; Rob.rt H.red.: He,b.. t l'!I: F•• nchol K,, 'olu: J. m•• K,"ooh.noh.no: Rob.,t To l uio: SI,"I. y Y.m,neh; Hid.o Og.I., ,lid
Th o..." K.mib'y"hi, N. w Jou,n,ymen b.long 10 l oc-.! I IU"

JOU INAL fOIt OefOaU, 1963

New leadership for Waltham Members It's always a ]l lell ~Ure to report
good news, Ccorge Glowiak of tile
~~- ---~- West Side won 300 dollars ill a
K llight ~ of Columhus !'atlle, J im
Isaacs nml his family took ofT fOl'
ClilifOl'nin, but minu~ Ihe talllPing
tt'ailer lhat he had bought for the
ll'ip, Jim bought a su per-ultra-delu xe
tt'lLiler hitch thut ]lut dings ill his lail-
gate lind I)Unched hole,; ill his gas
tunk, Aftel' Illudl fru~tt'ation and
anguish, J im took off without the
Jim Zemke of the A]l]lliane(' Rrallch
Offiur< of loc.1 1505, W.ltham M ~u .. b,ing indalled .1 Ih, Jllly muling, left 10 ,ight: took hi~ family to Camula (01' their
Donald J, Luh.,., finenciel .ec.elary: J ohn Ce".,., yice p".id,nI; MIII,ice Meinyille, t'IU' va('ution, Prl'sident J im S('hllli,lt had
lI,e,: J<lmel F, Mlliioney, p".iden!: Con.u,lo Mo,gen, "co,ding .""t.,y, end I,ying W, to (or ~uke \";II'ation plaus this 8U1l11l1Cr,
Flltche" bu.in,.. menager, J illl is ha\'in~ a hou!'c huilt-cscuse,
plca ~e--tl'}'ing to hu\"e a house huilt,
Seems that Ihc buildcr is a thinking
man, insist.~ on building til<' house
hi s way without rCjranl to J im'!' p[ans
;!nd spceitkations,
To fini~h on a mol"(' SQml)(,I' note,
lhe Ilre1'S se<Tetal'r h;ls to I'CllOI't th;!t
hi s fifl(l('n~ycar 0111 !;On, LarJ"Y, has
his arm ill a sli ng with fracturcs of
the arm :tnd COJ[,II'!)(IIlC, PlaYNI foot-
ball (t:u'klc) withoul pad;;, Two othcl'
hud(li~ in t he MIllC ga me made thc
injul')' li st with a llL'ok('n tOt' and a
pulled thiJ{h m\11'dl' that will he taped
for tlH'<'e we-ck~,
ST,\:-;Lt:y F , .Jt:7.1AK, P,S,

Er eculive BO<l.d Member< 01 loul 1505, ,rl,leel Jun, 19, 191:0), left to ,ight bo ll om 'ow,
K,nneth M,ren,on; Jo"phine McGuinnu>: Grady. Havermen; Dorothy Doh ..t.,., 'Ico,ding Be Mindful of Trials
""liMY: Alice Wal ~ .., vice ch,i,men, Top '0'" 1,1, to ,ight: Anthony DI.tll;O, ch.i,men:
J amll Kilroy: James McOu',ney: Witliam Boolln9: John J, O'K .. I" end Jo.eph C.,n,y, Of Sister Local
ways! Bl' writillJ{ lIJ{ain next month, L. U, 11:, 1. YOHK, I'A ,~A1though the
C. G . Yard Again union mOY('mellt and illeal~ are in
lb:l-R.::-': SK\HS, P,S,
Full Steam Ahead thcmseh'cs !;('riOLls at all times, this
articl e I$; being \\Titlen at a lime when
I~,U , 1383, n~\I.TI:\I O I(E.. :'III),- With !;CI'iO\lsnes.~ is 1Iot only the k{'rword,
thc wind and thc ,'uin out of Illy h:li .. , P.S. Says He Reports but of llmjor COnt'CI'n to all memilers
T call now sit (Iown to write the ,'ellOrt of OUt' [OtIa!.
of Loc:tl 1383, IloWIi by the land of
"Trivia" for Vacation Time 1.000ai Union 8:!fi, which rCllresents
pleasant li\'ing :It C!lI'Ii~ Bay, M:u'y- Iwtl, llli, O Jo:T HO IT, ;\II C II.- This thc employes of the GenCI'a! Teiel)honl'
land, heltel' known m< the Unite,1 hcinJ{ the "!Ita lion month of AUJ{u!lt , COlllpany of FlOl'ida , is on !'I trike
State~ ("O:l~t Gual'(1 Yant. this ('olumn will l('a\'c the Jlrofound lIJ{!linst the General Telephone Com-
Thc at"ti\"itics continue, T hc ship, wI'iting' to olh('..,., and ,I('\'ote Ihis Ilany of F[01'ifla, i{('JIOl'tS h:l\"e been
way is :It"th'c once mOl'C, With th(' month's ('o[umn to l!'ivia, received by us that the m:1tlagement
ncw h!loy te lulf'rs !lhaping up fnUll thc The West Si(l(' Brandt helll its is trying to takl' away from ou r
keel. tlw rat',1 is J{cttinJ{ to feci Hk(' allilual J!icmc on Sunday, August Ihothcl'1I !lomc of til(' thing'S we ha\'{'
thc !I,tlll(' 01.1 placc, Now, thc 1}()llUlar :!5th, Th(' pirni., waR aJ{lIin h«ld at fought rOl' :111(1 A'aincll 0\'1.'1' the pa:st
fJue~tion can he a!<ked, "Is e\'('I'\"hodv I\'01'Y F;u'Ill S samf' as !:1st re:Ll', hut yelJ!'~, ~l:1ntlg""ment is, in effect, try-
hapJl~'?" Let's hOlle ~o, fOl' we' h:1\'{- thf' lJt'lll1ch was fU l' tunate this ycal' ing to de:stroy the union,
h:ul wOllflerful wcather fOl' OUl!lOOI' in h,n'illj.! a ~N'h lll('([ Silot o n all islun<f W(' al'e cOII("cl"tled bt.'Causc, in the
work, with a cOll u<'I't ing hridg(' at l'arh Cllil. futur(', Ihe enlll'e laho!' mo\"cmcnt in
[I ha): bl.~n a wonderful RUtuJ1J('I', The kid ll had u \\'ond('rful tim<,- th(' telephone industry may be alfecte<1
Th('I'c h;I\'e heen picnil's, cookouts :IIHI ridin.: puni('l< ;lt1<1 fin' I'ngine~, watch- h~' the management's demandli UllOn
v;lcatiuns for tho1'c who could affol'd inJ{ :L hOI'!\<' Rho\\', awl 1)laying !Wm('s Ihi); loetl!.
to g:o, with 1)J'i~c... fol' the wil1!1<'rs, The EV('J'Y meml,cl' of thc I HF.W should
Front the ntreting: hall. hu~in('~~ 1J(lult~ pla)"('t[ 11101'1' sophi;;tieate<l take note, and SUllPOl't fully Local
has Iwen ('anlet! 011 al' usual hv \'0111' g'am(',~-like cgJ{,tos,~it1g, fm' il1,~lan('e, 8:!G's actions a~ !.test t hey can, The!<e
devoted ;uHI faithful of1ic(')'~ a!lIi !;l('m- :'lIt's , :'Ilax Hunt \\":L ~ ~ f>lalt(,I '(,ll hy an men, "our B rothel's", al'e sta11(jjng
het'~ who an' a lways on hand fo), the ('J{g' alleg'('dly to~ ~('d by :'II I', !\lax on what we all helieve to be jUl't and
m('{'ting):, So the re~1 of YOI1 l1rollH'r~, Hunt. I'ig1t1.
com\' to the Ilext meeting' and Ree wlwt T wo new men, naran~ki and Wo wish our be~t lind g-ive OIL!' full
lhe ot'J{aniz;>tion i~ J!1:mlling- ;l!HIl'tril'- Wf't'(' hi"c,1 :11 the Fct'llLl:ile
n L"i,Ig-('~, I-IU PI,orl to this cause,
ing' to do f 01' you, Apl'liau('(' Hrnndl, ILnd \\'et'{' SWOI'n The ~onlt'ad lwi\\'('{'u nul' 10<.":1.1 ;and
With fondest g'reetil1g'~ to all the into the uniull at. t he ALL~u ~t 14th the managemen t of York Telephone
Brot he!'): of the IB EW, I will l'Io,~e mt~tinJ{, We t'I'ATet to I'Cj)OI't t hnt amI Telegraph Company was signed,
this leucl' uy reminding you: Con- the~' were laid ofT be fot'e this column a l1l1 the contrnd books :Ire hcing dis-
tinuc YOUI' safety fi rst missions a l- could be w ritten, trib uted to OU I' memhers us of J\oW ,


Cong l'alu tatiol1s to our RrottH' l'S und memhers, T his ehange wall tha t it a ll Y Wlliker, J ames Kil ror. K('nlleth Mel·
Sislers who were Oil the r.,'egotiating clllltli,lat('" I'ullnillg for an office, ex- n nllOn, J ames MrQII('('Ilt'y, Gladys
Committee (or hringing oock to us an (']uding I-~x('{'uti\"(' RonI'd members, il llberman und J O!leI,h CUl"lle)",
llcct'lltahle eontl"ll't. llidn't l"eceiH' tlw llIajority o r the VOles W hen t his goes to Ilrint the long
C IlATT"~ Rn OX: W('kome to Uw ('(1St. then lh(' two ('an(lillate~ rece ivi n g
1\IIIII mer d U),1I will be o\"el' lind l h('
following Brothers and Sillters of th(' 1110:;1 \"I)l('~ fUI" that oml't' wo ulll e lcction in the pa!it. We will be neur-
I..U, 1 Hil who I'{'relllty joined: ('1111'1' a I'un-off "[(,I'liol1 to 1)(' held illl{ a new yen)" at home a nd wOl'k,
Brother C('ne Hotthf'1 anel r.ohert within S('"\"en Ilay 8 ;lft('I' tilt' I"t'gular S IK'aking of newness how aboul COIII-
Stanlbaugh: ~i~tt'rll I'allll'tt(' Garr('t, dedion, AI,;", at thill IIlt"E'lilll{ nomi- inl{ to the m('elingtl and a('(}uainting
Ph)'!i"'s Witlllt'r, Kal'l'lI ~h('nl)('rg('r, nnliolls of omr('/'!I tonk 1,ln,,". ,"om'Helves with \'our nt'w ()m('('... s~
Sandr:1 Lehnlllll, I';\'clrn IIn\'t'l'!;tkk, Priol' to th(' ('I('r(inll Oil" I1wml)('I'~ Tllke li n e\"enll1J.:' ~IT ;lnc! join tlwlll at
1>OI'ot hy Scott, Unda V('il'('I', 1Ic1('1l wiln('~~t.'(1 OIl(' of Ilw 1l11l~1 intl'nlli,,\;' ;,:(10 p,m, I)n th(' !'('(,'ond ~Ullc!ar of
' '':II't7., J anire A clam~, Ill'tty lI armon, ,'am paignll (,\'1'" w:lg('l] in 'lUI" I(wa!. the lIIonth, P:II'(il'i"ation in rOlli' local
K ay Kaufrman, Hila ~Iyerl', Sally ;\llIch inler('~t wa~ di;: I,lar(''] by th(' union meetin~ is not only a Ilri\'il('gf'
King, .\lary l'ow('lI, Carol Rurg, lli]· m('mlM.'I'j; as th(')" 1i~lenef! to Ih(' 11)"0' hut your 1,{,"'jlOIII.ibilily,
{lrl'(1 Khnl'(len~l, J oyre ~('inHlII, allll :11\(1 can',!; of th(' l'alldi(I:'I('~. and h)' A'(;~:I.O J , l\ \1.TSOS, p,S,
J :I('(111('1ine E I 'I'!I'~', COIIJ.:'rnlu]atiOUl< to Ih('il' own in,lul~en('e in d('I~lting Ih('
tll('se R roth(' )'~ ami 8i8tel')'I who ha\'(' i"su('s among th(>m~el\'e~,
jUlOt dedi('a tl'!! tll('m~('I\'('1I to h(ttt(tr- On J une l!l , I!lG3, til(' "t'gu lar 1'1('('-
lIIent o f tht-l1ll1el\,('s and t h(' labor liun wa s conr iuel('(i wi t h :L t Ul"no ut of P_S_ "Sounds Off" on
movement. RO Iwrt.'ent of the lI1eml)('I'1I "oting,
We ex tend nUl' IIYnl lmthy to R)'olh('1' \\'h(,11 the ,'('"ult,!; were tah\lllIted (in
"Compulsory Arbitration"
L ynn Srotl on th(' (Ienth of hill fathel', the wee hours o( the morning) a nll!- 1.. 1' . Ir.62, CIIICAGO, II.l,.-T he Hail-
G ('t well wi ... h(';; go 10 Broth!'r ll n r- off ('Iedion was ne('-de(1 fOI" foul' pOlOi- road WOl'kl'l"1I 111"(' Ill(' firl<l, W hirh
s hull Smilh who is in th(' hO'~ !l it a 1. tiol1~, wor k"I's ar(' rl('xt _ SI('('lwllrk('r~.
Sillier G rn('(' T arlo r is bark on th('
T he run-ofT WlIlI held J UI1(, ~Ii. 1!W3, Milll'l'!', Lonlo!"~ h ()rel1len? A nd 111('1l
j ob aftl' " a I('ngthy !"('{'up('!"ating IX'-
Fortunately mothet' natur(> W1I!l on our whirh onell- Te!('Jlhone 01' l'ulJlic I.." lil-
r iod from 1111 on-the-joh injUl'Y. it)" WorkeM.l, T('alll~ten;, A lltowol"ker~~
~i(l(' and o\"er 70 pe)"cent IIr Ih(' mem-
Brother C, White and Vif(' Presi·
hershill turned OUl , on a hot day. to And then!
d ent J ohn S:lIIrlll'd lire workinJ.:' at the
!<C"tlle the i!<..~\I('S hy eleclinJ.:' their re l'- W('II, if Congl"e!',!: clIn leKislale COlli'
IICW atomic ])(IW(,I' plant lit Pellch-
1'('!I('nla li\'('s fo" the nexl Ih,'('(' ~'('al'II, PU1110l'Y urhitnltion in a (lil'p"I{" be-
Hotlom , P (,llnKyl"ania,
W ilh a Jl lhe hntlol8 in an(1 ('oun t('"(1 tw(,en Haill"(Hld WO.. kC I'~ and manage-
Alld 1:lst uf all , we Ilut Ull pu~le ...!1
(lll1ot her lonj:!" night ) the r('~ultll were lII('ntlO, why nO I ill other lal"lOl' elis-
!lIl1lOllncing lhe union meNing wilh
gi\'en to the n)('mlK'rll, l'ut('!,~
the date at til(' nlft'ting. W(' put them
lip onc week l'arli(')' thnn uKunl. :\l l1s1 Newly elected offic('1'lI :1)'(': J:lmel< 1-',
And if ConJ:"l"etII!'authoriWfI anti
he that SOIll(' fellowK II('(' the posler Mullone)'. liresident; I n'ing W, P re~id('nt-a]lI)Ointl.'<l arbilmtol''; al'1'
and t hink that union tlu"(·IIllJ.:' COllII''; FI('tcher, busi lless manage)'; Ilonahl going to wl"it(' lhe rules undN wh;('11
thllt salllc w('{'k. T wo h(1(1 IIhow n III> ,J , Leahy, finandal s~rl'lal"r; :l nd 1'111 1'lo),('!! wo,'k in p ri\"at(' illllu;:tl")",
(It t he ml'cting site one w('('k carly. Maurice i\! ailn'ill(', t,-e"~III"(,\", Onke"l1
why ha\"c IIllions at all? 0 .. ]"'i\"<lt('
\"('·ela't('(1 wi t hout need of a !"Un·ofT
I), ~, :'o IU ....:R, I',S, intlu~lI'y~ If wages and working con-
t'leclion wel-e; J ohn Ca!le)" \'il'(' 1!I't'si-
(lilian!! ar(' to Ue- detel'lllill(,(\ hy th".
d('"ll l and Consuelo Mo"WlI1, I'('{'())'ding
)l('C''1'lat'r, Government, IIhoul(ln't <Iuantlty, fJual-
Run-Offs Bring New 1'11(' 1II(,111 1)(,I'S rcclectal to Ih(' Ex·
rly and ])rite o f I-:"oolls, and the IIt'otit ...
of ill!lu~ t ry, n l... o he control\('d?
Officers in Waltham etuli ve Boal"(1 we re; A!l l lwl\y Il t"
S ta sio, W il lilllll Booza " g , J ow phi\ll' Lltuler th()~(' (.'ond it iOnS Ihl' United
L. U. 1:,0:;, W./\I.'I'II A ll , MA SS.-At ~ l c G tlinness, J)o l'()t h~' Ilohel't)" :uHI S tatell \\"i ll have h('('olllc a cOI"])<)ral('
OUI' lla)' 1I1('('11llj(" a byl;!w ,'hlUlj..,"C was J ohn J . O' l\.eefe, Newly elected Ex- IItnl(' as defined in the palOt b~' :'ol ul'8o-
voted 011 lInti IIHII!W!<i by llll' nltl'nding ('('ul)\'e Ro."lrd memhen UI"(,; Alir(' lini a nd Pl'lll'til'('(i today hy F r'anl't),

Pullman Co_ Retirements in Chicago


G,o\>p ph otog ra ph I. l . " . 1 th . p,u .nl.t<o n of Pu llman Co mpany . ,ti,.m.nl u rlif'iu l.1 to 8rothe •• e.-.",II ..... n D. n H. nde an d
Miehael 8udlV~ of l oca l IS62, Chicago, on July 21> in th e .I.ct.ical deparlment shop of th. Pullm. " Comp.ny's Calumet SlIop •. Front
ro w. I, ft to rig ht: Jo hn Gon.,I .. ; Th om .. M. ho .... y, p.nsion .. ; " In~y" Ol te n, pr ..id,n t 01 Loul 15b2 ; E¥... " 'len O, n H. nde: Willi.m
Hof.., . 1,dric,1 d.p.rlm,n t s.. pe r¥isor : Mic h.. 1 B.. dzy~ : St.nley S.. ,o... i, c, ,1.ctric . 1 dep.rlm.nt 10rlm.n : J.c ~ J .. [g~ , p. nsion .., Kneel·
ing: Fel i. L.mb, ,, .nd J o, . ph B.. d. y~ , AI. o inc l.. d.d in the photo I"
oth.. rlprl,.nl. tl¥.. o f m.nlg emenl, Loc.1 15~2', offic.", ,om,
of the .I, ch icl.ns end no ... ·el.ctr ici. .... of the P.. llm.n C omp.ny', Ch ic'90 Mec h.nics Shop .nd C.r.. met Shop"


Power to control will be in the hands
of a few indh' idunl& :lnd th@re will
be l)l'ecious little freedom (or anyone
As we see it, comilulsol'Y nrbill"3+
lion by legislnth'c aclion is a stcp in
the wrong di,-et;tion.
Viewing the locnl scene, we are less
gloom)". C:aJullu!l Shops have received
12 P ullman I'arll to he remodeled :lIld
two b:ull)' wl'eckl'(\ carS to be repaired.
Not ollly are all the Electricians on
the I5('niorit), rOlltl'1 Lad, at work, but
Rrothers Charlet! Shel'wood, Norbert
Alldrcws :and Richllrd Rader have been
:added to the roll.
Just llriol' to the ~hop ~h ut down
(01' SUlllmer "Malions, Electricians of
Calulllct Shop" and Chicago :\Ieclmnics
Shop jOin(>(\ with local IlIl1nngelllt'lIt ill
hOIlOl'ing' Brothel' E\'erett V an ])('11
II cnd(' anti H,'othe,' Mit-hael Rudzyk,
both of whom I,etired after many
ye;u'!! will, till;: I)ullmnn Company, jl,I!',
Willilllll Hamilton, managel' of the
Calumet Shops, pre!<Cnteri it cCl1ili.cate
of sen'lel:' to Brothel' Rudz)'k, who
came to Pullman in I!H !"I and has lx-en

KNOW doing electricni work (or the COlllpan}'

since )!)I!). Brother Uudzyk intends to
continue his long-tune IJa!'ttime o f tak-
ing strollll through hill neighbol'hood.

SOMETHING GOOD jl,II·. William L.uther. rOl-eman o ( the

Chicago Mechanics Shop, presented
the certificate o( ~I'\'ice to Brothe"
V:," Hen Hende, a skilled craftsman

ABOUT wilh tool!!, whose hobb~· has been the

CI'e;ltion of UM'(ul items for the home
in Cedar Lake. Indiana, which he
huilt mO!ltly hy hilll!l('lf. lie intends

YOU Wouldn't thi s old world be better

If the folk s we meet would say-
'" know something good about you!"
to l'1K'nd In\H:h time with his (our
childr('n, I I p,"1'nn,lrhil,lren and lour
gr{'al-KI'{'al grandchildl'('n. You can
write to him :II C"eduI' Lake in the
RUIlIIlIer nud "l\Omewhel-e in Culi,
And treat us just that way? lOI·nia" in winlcr,
" I nky" Olsen, president of our locOlI.
Wouldn't it be fine and dandy IlrelK'nlefl a rash gift to each retiring
If each handchlsp. fond and true, Brothcr.
Carried with it thi s assu ran ce- The RY lllPllthy or members of the
locllI is exlenl1('(1 to Mr. Stanley Suro-
." know something good about you!" wiec, Electrical Department fO,·elllan,
"],1.0"" .... ife 11IlS.~ awar Ju ly 7. . . ,
Wouldn't life be lots more happy All of us wish good health und good
luck to Brother J ohn Calhoull who has
If the good that's in us all gone on disnhilit)' pension, Rrother
Were the only thing about us Clilhoun ha ll hltd an excellent work
Tim! folks bothered (0 reca ll ? rero ..d lit the P"lilnan COmlJlll1Y At-
Juntn Shops until theh· closing and at
Cnlumet ShOllS !tince then.
Wouldn't life be lots more hap py ROl' WOlI.n:sll\"la:, p.S.
If we praised the good we sec?
For there'!) slich a 101 of good ness
In the worst of YOli and me! Re port fro m W o rke rs In

Resid e ntial Lighting

Wouldn't it be ni ce to practi ce L,ll, 200;;. I'III LJ\I)EL PII IA, I'A.- It
That fine way of thinking. too? has been fluitll Mille timc sinCIl OUl'
You know some thing good about me. local has ))C('n hellrd f rom in thl'
J Ol"llN,\L, and it is my elnnest hOlle
I know something good about you? to (01"\\"111"11 articlc~ mOI·C f'·('flucntl y in
thc futlu·c.
by - LOUI S C. S ill MON. Lora I 200.; is nn electrical manu-


At Conference on Steward Training

From l ocal 2020, Columbll'. Ohio. came th'll p"rlicipanh for !h. 3·d"y cO/l I,t,nel on st,w.,d t •• ininq .. Ohio SI"'e Univeuily.

factlll"injf local ..... hich n'llt"escnlll ahoul Ml'lhodist CllIux'h where he had been
Good Empl oye r Mo ur ne d a 1I1('I11I)('r of the onitial honrd and
!j1iO membcrR cl11]lloyed at PI'Ogl'cll9
MUl\ufuctu l'ing ('ompuny of i'hilIHld- By Texas Lo cal 2078 Sunday S{'hool leHchel'. The Itcver('M\
phin. The P rO,l{I"CNlI COlllpany i~ on(' Fnlnk Cady, pasto!' IIf the local :'oleth-
of the largellt Jll'oducf'rs of l'('~idelllial LX. 2078. ItOCK IHLf:. n :X.- ll is Oflillt ('hurch fflntlu('{t:"fl the sen·iee,....
liJl'hting fixtul'l'lI in th(' C.S.A., ami with much r~J.:'I·et that I sit hl'l'e this Interm('nt wal' held at 3:0() 11,111. in
is at 11N!S('nt doinl( 'Iultt' well. Wr :l1"1! morning JIIl,1 l"-IIOI't th(' (Ieath of :'oil'. C("nt('I'\'illl'. Texas. :'olr, Yl':lgel' i5 SUI'-
hop('(ul that buj,til1(,!l1l willl'('mllin "'/lod, J im f{il'i! Yl'agel' ....·ho W!lS l1en,onnel viH'd hy his wife Ml'l', Cnrml'1I
nnd 1ll0l'C of OUl' 1llf'lllben are l'et·ul1~l. sUI)CI'\'isol' :11111 director of th(' I ndus- Y(,:lgl'l', who is :I IlI·l't trl'ade teadle l'
tl'ial Genemling- COtlll)nny Kince its ht.'l'(' in the elemelll:tI'~' !IO:hool.
Thl.' recent I"('signnlioll of our viet' beginnin~ \tI Y(,;II'S ago. with whi('h TIll' ('hu1'('h was flllt:"fl with friends
Ilre!lident, and rt'giMtnu', J:I»lt'1I ;\1:\11-
roml)an}, IBt~W Local 2t178 ha~ h:1(1 n and t'Q-worker's, both lahor and man-
den, was :1I:<:('111('d with much r{'~rel.
fontinuous: yearly ('outmct. :I),,"(''''('nt cmliloye~. or IGC and Alcoa
We would likc to 1lj.."1lin SIIY many J. n. reaJ,."t"r, as he Will' l)("lIel' (0" whi('h we l)roduN" elc'l'lricity, as
thanks, Jim, (or a joh well donl'! known, pasf'{!(1 awny at till" ;Ig-(' of Gi w('11 liS many out-of-town fr'iell(ls who
Con~l'alulationll 111'(' in 0)'(1('1' tu (lUI' of a heart alluc,k on Monda)', AUg-lIllt kill'\\' ~lr, ""ug",' in hil' 111'1'\';Olls yeal's
new vire II1'f'sili('nt nncl ,'cj.:'islt'ar 19, 1!)6:1 at 2:30 p.m. ill J{idml'flll :I~ II Itl'llooi tcad)('1' an<l !l(lllllnistrator.
J ame.!l Dupree, ;nul al'l() FI«!tl Skoc- Clinic and Hospital. lie had heen II J, It WIIS born Augu~t 13, 1902, ill
zyhu., OUI' new f;x('Cutiv(' RO:lrd mem- heart patient rO!· nI:lny y('al'l', al- ~Ol'mnnR'(>(>, Texas. ron of :'>Ir. :111(\
ber. The best of luck fdlows. though he continued to wO!'k :u'tiwly :'>il'!!, Quirk Yeager ilolh now deceased,
at I GC and with many ('i~'ic :11111 ~'ollth lie !tnd hi~ wifc. the former Carll1en
OUI' Welfar(' Committl'f' ('ontil1\H'~
programs until his dcath, Fur1('l'nl En'ell Moore, WCI'\.' ma1'l'ied August
to do a \\'ol1(((,I'ful job, s(,lHlingo fruit, :W, I!):\:.! in Sh!'c\'('pol't L(mi..iana , J, It.
s('I'vi.'e~ we1'C held at II :00 a.m, W c.l-
nOWCI'~, etc. to OUI' 1lI('lllbel's who an,'
nesday, August 2 1, 1%:], at S1. Johns \'c:l),(el' graduated from high school in
in l1('('d of help, l'hiR hclp. to thl' NOI'mangel' in \!)]!), II I' ,'('cei\'ed h is
Illcmber!', is Illadc IIO!'!!ihlc in lar/ote Mourned Rachl'lOl' of SeiellC't" (\egree fl'om Cen-
I)art, thl'ough thl' purchuse of the tcnllr)' Coliege o( Llluilliaml in Shl'e\'e-
;;(l/ nO t ickets ('1I('h month, It is :1 IlOr'l in 1!l:!G, :11111 hill :II:lstel's degr<'C
!'ihume that 11101'(' of OUI' memb('I'1I do fl'ol11 T exaR A and ~i ('olleg-e in 1!)3G.
not !'iUIllI01'l th('il' \\'l'lf:ll'e ('ommitt('C Il l' alAo die! fm'ther Krlliluate work at
hy bU>'ing these tick('ls. If (':1I'h nWIlI- Gl'Ol'ge l'('uhody Co1!('ge fOI T('achcl'S
llel' would huy only one tick('t ('\'N')' in N:I!<lwil1e, T ('IlIl(,ss("f',
month, the t'ommiUM' couid clo lIlu{'h, 1"'101' to joining IGC in Rotkdale,
much more. Tel(IIK in HIl)3 J , H, was a!'l'istant to
the IIUII('l'intellll('111 of the Tf'xas Power
Attend:uI('(' lit our locnl union l1u,"('I- :1111\ L ight Company lit the Trinidnd
inglil i!l still \'I'I'y Iloor, and till' (,ml..-t'!! I'lunt for \0 YC;II·s. lie sen'etl as
{'an not undel'Staml lhil' indiffel"t"llt al· superintendent. of :«hool" in the Trini-
titude of tht.' rnl'mlX'l'IIhiJi. Thc gr('att'"t dad indellemlent School lIistrid, the
t'nemr of all unions. and the t'nlire N('I:h('1l Indepel\dellt SC'hool Distl'ict.
I:lbor 1lI0\'ement, il'l thl' intiifff'l'('m'" of :11111 the Mnr<luez imlependt.'llt School
lhofle mt.'mhel1l who (10 not I'el{ul:lriy J lillt I'id,
attend thei r local union mcetingfl, So W ith all these Ilast jobs and ties be--
let.'s be real union 1l1(,lIlb('l's ami :Ittf'nd hinll him, when J . It Ye:lJ,."t"I· came to
the meetingl'. nockdale he i1mnediat('ly made it his
hOll1e and with a new p1:lI1t and com·
In dosing th('n, I would like to "UI{-
pan)' to orl.'TI.nize and hundretls or joh
gest. this thought, don't he half-led, II("
A f.i.nd of loc.1 2018, Ft odd.I. , T• ••• , l«'('k('r8 to inten'iew ('ach week, this
led, by yOUt' loe:11 union Om('I'I'S to· Mr, Jim Ftic. VU9er, ti9ht, h.. p.... d di d nnt keep him from becoming an
w:L1'ds the IIttllinm('n t of our Illutual .w"y, He w,., p. roonn.1 .up•• ~i.o •• nd di . a~ti\'e civil' Icader fl'om the start. He
goal-a union dedicated to th e w('lfal'e rector of th e Indu,t.;,.1 Gener,tin9 Co, The al IW hil( I a nC\'er-ending dedication to
of its Illcm be l'lIhi ll, Thank you. other man i, Ft. D, 8.00h, pl,nt superin. the you th lind sports IIcti\'ity of Hock-
itoc'Co J , CO I••: I.LO, R./'of, tendent, d:lle. Ther'e ne\'el' WitS a high school


football gnmc, 01· a Babe Huth basc· of Lhis will ll·uly he l11i~~\'d by hill as the steel and ahuninulIl industries
ball gnmc or any major $1101"18 activit~' fl"ienrls lind e11lJl Joye~ . [ l"cl1wmhl'!· 10 g-ot a s wc are connected with AlcoH.
~oin!{ on that J. H. wascn ·t thcrc, and years :lJ.,'"O when I r:lILl(' to hil11 in (Ies· Las t yea!" we got a 3-week vacation
not only a~ a org:lIIil!.cl· but also as n 1)C!·ate need o f of :I job, ,/.. It . was vel·~' fOI" all em ployes after 10 yeal·S ser·vice.
!;Iledatol· who enjo~'ed the )::,allle. MI·, husy a t the time hul took t he time to Wc al"c also asking fOI" shift diffcl·Cn-
YC:Lger W:LS cUI·I·cntly chairmun of thc heal" my ~ lol"Y, A lIl()nth or ~o latel" Ual increases and othcr minor wOI"king
:-'l ihull County Ulli ted Fund campaign, whell I wa.~ hil·(>l! 011(> of the nr~L condiUons .
chail"ll1an of the Rockdale Ch ambcI' of th inJts he urJtl'd me to do was to joill Brother Clifford Siefliert is Jroing to
Commerce Hecrcal ion C'ommith..'C and the union II'hidl WlH' just Ueing or· Houston to attene! the Texas AFL·
chail""ll1Un o f the Hockdale Hotarr ganizcd. f:VCll as a (·ol1lllany mall he C IO SWle Convention. Well th is let·
Club . lie was past IJI·esidcn t of the nl'w the importanc... of ol"j{aniwd lahol" te," is 1011).:' enough su I will close now
Rockdale Chambel' of COlllmcrtC, the III I"('lalion~hip to labor m:lnaj{cment. and write more next month . SOITY to
Rockd:de Athletic A sS()('iation :Lnd a SUI"C Wl' hnll OUI" di ~nl-l"l"ec111(>n t s ovel" :dl t hat there hn~n · t bcen a rel)Ort
P~l!!t Ch:li1"111:111 of the Mil;ltn COUllt)' S(>\"cral nmtte!"l' with him bll t you from us in the J O!"lCN,\L for so long
Red Cro~s Chapter. In :LdditiOll he could alwapl tulk t,) him and if a 1'1ISC a timc .
~el"yt'"(l a term :1:. State dircdor of th(' had to).:'u to arhitr:ltion, w('11 tlu.t was Dol',\1.I) H. Ib:nnST, P,S .
Tc)(as Babe !tuth LC:lgu(>s am i hc had all r·ight with him, You coulll argile
also bec>n a co-managcL· of thl' " oek- I/vel' the I1l').:'utinlin).:' t:l1l1(' with him
dalc Amel"ican Legion Ilaselmll T eam. thi~ IIWI·ninj{ :11111 ch('cl"" the hOIll('\own
In addition to all thi s 111:' scn·ed on the team with him that aftcrnoon and
Syracuse Local Holds
Community IJc \"elopment commiltl.'e of ne,·cr a cross wOl"d W;LS said.. Il l' Delightful Clambake
the East T('x:ls ('hum bel' of Com- llidn't Cllny his job off o f the joh with
merce; was a pa~t chairman o f the hinl, :lnd nC\"CI· took :lnylhinj{ Ilcrso nal 1.. 1I. 208,1, SYHACl!SK N, Yo-On
Hockdalc Lions CIllo Civic Impro\"c· that was said to him in lilly of his Saturllay, August 2 1 our local held
men! ami ('om1l1unitr Bettcrtn('nt mallY Capllcitle..... God lo\'c and let this its second c[:Lll)lmke at Suchon's (south
CommittL-e; llast district commi!<Siunel" ~hor·c of Oneilla Lake) . We had 350
good man rest in lJoe:I{."C, hc will not he
of the T exas II cnrt of Te)(:I!; Roy peol'lc at this gala e\'cnt . T he mem·
Scout Council: nr1(1 also a chartel' bers nnd guests of OUI" local who at-
memlJcr of the Southwl'st ('onfl'l·cnce In othel" ncws of lh; ~ loc::il w(' arc tended thc hakc eX]II"C:ssed that they
F ootball Officials ASllol""iation . All this cunclltly ul1(l('I" ('onll":lct r](>gotinti om; had a very good time.. The (lay wa~
in a flllition to being I»crsonncl sU I»cr· with IGC, bllt the t!l.'llth of J . It cloudy hut we wel"C very thankful that
visor· and safcty d;I""('('tor for· IGC! Ycagel' has lcmporal"ily sto!)1}('(1 us. the weathcrman W;L!) Wl"ong in his I))·C-
Yes I sa~" :mr 111:111 who C!lll do all \\'e arc ;llIking for· H IO·week vacation dktiOlI of rain . Some of our heartiel·
mcmhers e\"en went for plane rides at
Clambake Held by Syracuse Local the hakc . T his was a continuous type
of bake whNeh}" tl1(' fOOlI W:IS served
all day . W(' had softball games and
egg and halloon·throwing contests . T he
inside acti\"itiCll inrhuled dancing ami
card playing .
O\·CI· $:;00 worth of merl'halldiSl'
was gh"cn fOI" door IlI"izes and game
Ilrizc .... The IlIcky memhers and j{uests
who WOI1 jll·izes were exceJltionally
glad that they uttended thc !Jukl'. The
"rizes eOllllilllcd of dock~, can"ing
!;Cts, hill folds, glm<.'Ws, t .. igar·cUe light-
en', steak knives, hair· d1"~'cl", ~]lililling
rodll ami 1·1.'e1;;, toastl'r broilcl';;, tran-
sistur I"adio~ , elel·tl . ic raWI"!;, steam
il"OIlS, clectric call opener, tonsle,", elec-
tric frring pllns, beer, whiskey, 11111\
cal<h jlrizc.~ .
We wilSh to thank the committee for
Th" offic"" of Local 2084 po." 10, the Jo~rn.1 abo~e .nd b,low We have candid .hoh a job well (lone. Without t heir efrort ~
I.~ " n d Ihe .econd annual clambe ~e held by Iha SY'aculI, N. Y. , 9rouP. Seal,d le ft 10 our dnmhake woulel not have hcen
ri<)hl: Robert Wi llillm., pruid,nt of Local 2084; William Schrode. Intern. lion.! r"pre'ent, JloR~ible.. T he ('ommiltee ("(lnsi~!('(1 of
ali v,,; M". Schrode; M". Willi"ms; Stell. More, treuurar; Mrs . Wi nterh.l l. Sland ing' J:lt""k McDonald, chairman; Bettr
Jad Normoyle, chairman of Executive Board: Jad McDon.ld, vice-presidenl; Mrs . Me . AlIcII, ticket scllel· and g:lte checker,
Don~ld; Jerome Winterhalt. Inl"'M lion.1 rep.uenta l;ve; B.tty AII.n, r.cordin9 secretary; Stella M ore, ticket set\cl", gatc I'h('(""ker
Tom Flannery, financial .ecret. ry; 80b Curcie. chi,f .t,ward . and purc}laSCI' of gi fts; J ohn IICI""l)('I·t,


cJUll'ge of glll11ell; J Ul'k Normoyle, IIU!.>- pU)' him call Ill' liulllmcd 1111 III thclie gint'('I', l1nalOllli<;t, hlllltui.;t. 1I111th(',
licity; Dnve ll1uckmnn, Stanley C l l1l"k, WOI'IIIl, "\\'1'11 donI', old friend, well I11l1 lil'i nn, ph~'sil'ist, SI'II]IIIIII' :111( 1
nOl'is [)UII'1'!, l.es1el' Luthel', n ill Mat- done!"
lison, Phil Mcl)emlott, J oe !'repiom GO\'CI'nor Frnnk ("lenu-IIt hn'l 81'- },:'('ol0Jri ... t. I i<, sllldi('d lltl' J1lalll't~
alld Jack Snrlicr, ticket sellers, I)()inted all old linl', (,ol\~('l'\'ati\'e IlOli- (('OI' I'('('t1~' Wl'oh' Ih(' SlIIl 1101'S not
JO li N N ORMO" I,.:, P,S, t(cian, He.-lJCI1- " lI ub" \\':lltl'l'I', to the HltJH) , Wll!l'I', Ih(' f1i~hl of hink
Kc(au\'el' sent in th(' S('llatl'. \\'(' willh th(' flo\\' of hlood 1IIId d i..;('()\'('11,d
him wet! in hill n('w jnh :11,,1 hllp(' that
Ilw falla('y of IWI'lll'tllal tntllit)lI. III'
he gh'el'i labor a (ail" shake.
Sen. Kefauv e r Mourned We 1I01e that RI'other Al Wright of Ih·'Iij.('IH,d nil a 1'111(11'('(1 ('111" a sul)-
the 12th Dis trit-t hnl'i rctired after nUII'illl', a t1hin/! slIil. 1111'(·1111111(·;11
As Friend of Labor IlHttly years of II('vQtt'll 11('1'\'[('(' to the l'I'allt'S, lLnd nn :1111'11)01111'1"" (fh'\i('"
I REW. Rrolh(' I' Wright wall in~tru, III llI(,llSIII1' lilt' SIIN'iI of wind),
J.. U, 211 3, Tl' I,I.A IIO:\I .I\, TESK, -
menial ill hel,'ing establish l.(J('nl ~11:l
Thill Illonth is n ~nd tlllle ill th(' his-
IIncl IIUPIX))·ting UII arlt"r WI' were
to.'y of Tellnes!l(,{,. With the untill1cl~' ch:Il·lcI·cd. We wish Rrolh('I' Wright M irror Writing
death o( Sen:ltor 1':8te$ Kcflluver, 0111'
the best of e"erylhing in hi!' I'f'lirl'- Wilh 1111' \':\('I'ptioll of a 1'1'\\'
.;1:111' lost one of its 1l10st r(>\cl-ed
menl yca rs. pUilllill~"". thl.'I·" is littll'
1)1' his wOl'k
dth:ens, ollr cOlllltry 10llt n gl-eat
News (I'om our 1000ai S('('m~ to he
1It:lt('lIm:ln and the wOI'king mUll lost Ilwl \\,. IwYi' lodll,\'. WI' d o hall'
IIC:U'CC thi!' month be-cau!'e of vacntions.
one o( his most loynl (I·iemill. It will Ids ri,OOO, PllJ!\' 1I1)11'1)l1O\( ill minol'
On('C ag-ain, we usk !)ur loeal 1ll('lnbcl's
ta ke a mighty hig 1111111 to fill tlw Sen-
ami othe!' meml)(' I's of the IR fO;W to \\'I'itillJr ( Ill' IIml l' 1'1'0111 I'il.dll If)
:Itor's shO('~, nml the mcmory of 1h(>
~('n d items of i"t('rest to your IlresS 1(' 1'1). ill whi"h Ill' l'I'('(II'(\I'd dntn 011
mall who wore II toonskin ('III' will lie s("CI·elnries. Al!!O w{' ask rou to :It-
with us who kn('w him (0" :I long ph ilosophy, Itll'l'nlions. ]llnllts nlHl
tl'l1Il roul' meetillg", vote COl' your eon-
lime to COlliI.'. "idions a nd rou will be s\lI'pl'ised :Lt ltlliulHls. 1'h(·... I' 11lIj.tI'S idS() inr\tu\f'
Senatol' KdllU\'C'I"~ (01l0W1'1')I IIdol"cd t he flatisfaction you will gnill ("0111 hllll'llI'inl<; fOI' ill\'l'l1t ioIlS. lWei ai,
him, his ellellli('s reSIM!Cteli him, :lnd I laking a llal·t in thl'!;(' alTairs, IhOIl/-:h th(',\' 1\1'(' not dilll('llsioned.
helieve the greatcst tribute we could {" W, W.;SSO:-'-, J~,S. Ihl'.I' 111'1' as Itndt'l'SlllIulahl(' ;1S if
thl'.\' W{' I'(' 11Iad(' hy an I'IIA'in('t'1' of
Iht· 11l'l'''('llt <ill:'o'.
The Lady and ('II Ih(' lady, ]>"I'uJ,[).!'ia, n pall'Illt, 1.,~mltl·t1f) ..;(·lllom firti .. \wd .my-
hat! '<101(>11 it fl'lIm IIU' 1,11111'''( ilIlIl
tilill).,:' hi' .. tnI'1,'(1. for his inu'n,<in
The Genius 1','l1u'I!I'I\ IIII' jllIl'll'llil 10 il'! Imlin'
I'lIt'iosit.\, ill :t ]ll'tljl'l'l IIs1wlly dl'Q\'('
It nl.\') \\'ilhill n 1lI01l1h. 111'11'1' an him inlo olllt'l' l,(,:tlm" of kllt)wlt'( l ~c
('lm/j'lI/rli trom }Hlfll' i)
ItH'h-hy,ilwh s('r'ulinil.:tliUIi 10 ,"('ri,
\\'h(,I,(' hI' S1l\'('I",-"iwly 11I'O\'l'd him·
II" ('1011 X, and Ih"I,(, h(' k('llt it 011 f:'o' IIH' 1IlItll('lIti(,II:'o' of 1114' IWII'II'nit.
!II'lf 11 ).,:'1'11 illS,
Ill\' whil(',wmillt'd w,lll (If his 1)('11- Ilu' .I/1/I1f/ I,j<~(/ W;!<; :l:,!niu IUIIIJ,[iug
l'OOIll. (.\ I'II'!· his d"HII!, 1"I'IlII('oi'! ill lIlf' 1,'l1It'rl', Introducing Leongrdo
I l)(lUl,!i1l il fill' 11 IIl1'I'(' LOOn :,!illdt'lI I n a[lI)(-1II'all('(' ],eOIl1I1·t!o was 11
I hll'illl! \\'OI'ld \\'ar' I I. tIll' "llint-
d!lI'litS. tlIP Plptind('llt or *,11,000.) IHII, I'x('('ptiorlllll.I' han,IS(II1)(' man
iuJ,[, IInd('I' 1lt'!','al'iollS ('011t! il ions,
It is Iwli!'I'('d that lIuo pnil1lin~ IliI~ wltisk('t! 1'11)Ht 1'('fll:,!(' 10 l'('fllj.tC' \\ho pos..,('s~t'd 11 bCI\'it('hinJr 1\('1"
I\'lls ill IIII' I';in~'s IHtI:I1'I' :11 I"on , in 0\·111'1' 10 (,Sl':ljlt' t hl' Xmd<; '1110 StHUliil,\', "I tlil\/' I1mn.I' 1)1111'1' !!I'ni.
lailllll('all in 1:i:iO, Illlt! his iull'n! IUlIIO\·t·ITllII 1·'!'lIll(·I'. hut llJr;lin the 11.<;('s, hf' had un 1'1'1'11 , ":ls.\',/-:Oi llJ,[
\\/lS I hat il '!h(Juld l'I'Wl! ill in I hi' smilin:,! lad,\' "ItJI'I'w'd l1'iumpilHlIl- 1('III IWI'l1l1l('llt. II I' had I"·\\, inlinwl('
I·o.ntf (·llll('(·lioll. B ill ill liO!). it W,IS ]~'. ,' i"('I'()lld tirm' sIlt' mls "!II1:mg:- I'I·il.'I1(ls, but 11'11)1 1"1'1'.1' fond of (,hi l·
1'0111141 in ,Il(' s;tfOIl nf 1',lif( (,',,!(n'r 1'1'('11 in till' /,11111'1'/ IrllI'lI a trlHII ia(' tll'('I1. 1Inimal'< lind binI>.. 11 (' i"
"U Hili and in I~()(), :\llPolt'1l1I I'('pt s1\lIwti tlJ(' port rail, hut nJ('\1'I." nt'\'I')' kno\\'11 til hH\'(' l(Jn,d 11 wom,
il ill hi, h(~It'(H)1I1 nl 1111' 1)"la;., dr.' ('!':u,kl'(lllw JlI'OII'('Iinl! J{la,"", Xilll'(' HII. II I' w:ts in 10\'(' wilh IH·Huty.
'I' ui/(rirs. Jo'ilwll,\', ill I ~O I , il \\':1'; I hnl I i11l('. silt' 111l~ l'njo.n,t1 1111' dis, ],t,tII1:!I'do (hI "itwi \\'11S hOl'lt ill
hUll)! in IIII' (;"(/11(/ (;/ffrn', uf IlIr lim'Iiolt uf IH'illl! Ill(' 11111~' pninlinJ,[ I·Hi:.!. in \'ilwi, H dll,}!!'t' n('l!I' 1·'101'-
1/l/.~f( -"I,/lIIf((m d" I ,OIlI'r!' 111 in till' l ,flul"', \\ilh a Iwl ..... lImllHllly ~'II('I', I lal:'o' 11 (· W:l" th(' illl·l.dti-
l 'a!'I<;, I>'I'all('(', J!ltlll·'1. trml~' (,hilt! of !;('l' P i('l1), th(' <;nn
On 1111' 1II00'llilt!! of , \ II~U"I 21. II is quill' po .....,;hll' that L('1l111!1'tio Ill' 11 IOIlg- litH' Ill' In'II·III,t!O lIollll·il·....
1!III , IIII' whllh' wodd of al'l '!hook <In \'ill\'i IW\'('t'SIl<;PI.'I'If'11 Ihnl hi~ nlld a 111';)"':1111 g-il'l, ('all' l·inll.
witi'll il \\a<; 1lI11l11l1ll('I'11 Ihal thf' 1/")1/1 /,j;m IHlUh' slll'Pll"-~ hi<; mll~' n~.f()l'( · ]'l'olwl'du WllS IIIii' ~·r·;lI' of
1'11111111111" 11111111 / ,i"11 h:1I1 h('I'1I stol('11 ni(h'pul 1I(,{,0I1Ipli"hllll'nls in 11111('1' agl', Iii'! falh~'I' mal'I'i('d II g-il'l "I'
1'1'1)111 1111' I,<l/H'/'I', TllI'll ill XO\'('JII, fit,ltI ... 011 lILt' I'(mll 10 ilHlHoI'lnljly. Id"! SlH·ial Sl1!lI(liIlJr, 1111' fil .... t nf hi.;
IH'I' I ~ I :~, :111 Italiall h:'o' Ilw 1lI1111(' ],I'OIWI'(\O lIa \'il1<,i w:t'l n tr'ul.' fUll I' \Ii\·(, .... lll!!l br,(HI.!!1LI 1,,"!)Itnl'do
1)1' \'ill('1'nl 1'I'!'nJ!J!i,1 offt'l'l'd 1o 0.:('\1 ..;(111 or H<'lIai':s;III1'I', Ihat 1)(,I'i(l(\ Ilr 10 lin' with his flHnil~' ill IIII' alll'p,;,
till' 1/ 011(1 I,j.~(/ In ,III :!1I1iqlll' l!enle!' ('ulllll':11 and illtl'lI('('lu:l1 :!II'al('ninl! 11'111 110111('.
in 1"[01'1'11('('. 'r11l' tll 'nll'I' "lid fltr II' llil'h followril till' 1111'111:11 sla/-:lw- \\'11(\11 hI' \\,11" \-1 .I'I'HI'S of ;)).:'1',
1,,,'h'l' l!{'('ompuni('(\ 1' !'1'1I~~i;1 to hi .. lillll 1)1' 1\1(' ~lid , II,· 1\\'(1'.'1. II I' Ims hi .. pl'Ond fH l lil'l' look him 10 F lm'·
hlll('1 1'00111 11 11('1'(' II(' 11'IIII)\'1·tI 11)(' 1I1.',·n (':111('1\ "IIII' 1110"1 1'("'pll'lld('nt 1'111'(' \\0111'1'(' lit' lK'NWll' ;111 :1])]111'11-
pnillling: fl'olH H 11'llHk ill Ilhi('1t h (' fiJrIU'l' in Ih(' hllllHtlI I·:I(-f'." I n a ll- IiI'" III tlw famous al'l is t , \ 't'I'I'()(·.
Ililcll,epl it 1'01' 111'0 .\'('111·.... ( ElTonI" di t ion 10 his I!('n ill .~ ;IS 11 pninl('l" (· Itio. ' l'h "I'(' 1)(' slll(lil'd lilt" 1,;Jlill
CllIsl~' bl'li('\'in},:' :\'npol('()I1 had slol- he ('xl,t'lled as nil nno'hittt t , (';I'il 1.'11 - !l Ilt! GI'(\('k ('Jassi('s, philosoph:'o',

1II111 IWlIllll ie· ... 1111<1 IlnnlolllY 111 Ol'd ~ '\' Lododro's paIJ'Ona~t' \Ill" 'I'llI' I,(lill lIS a sl .. hle. SiMI.' \\'ol'id \\'111' I I ,
10 11\'~'(lJIt~, H ).!,~od artisl. Suppr/' ( 1-t%. II!lH). T ill' tii-WOII- thl' tlllll'ul bus 1}t'l'l! J'!·sItH·l·.1 )1n1"
'l'lw III'Ij,1 ,"'ITO('('hio \\'H~ tOIll- solulc I.odo\·i(·(, 1'\"1\11')<1 .. <1 1,I'olln l"]O tinily h.l· IU'O\t'<,liw IlI;lSOIll'r, a nti
mk'liolll,d to jlninl lh(' nfl/}ii.illl uf 10 mnk(> Ihc painling on Ih(' Willis Ihou).!'h only a -;Iwliuw or ils fo]'m"I'
('/,,.,\/ (uow ill ( 'Oii':i (;lIlh'I'Y in {of Ihl~ Chm'I'h uf !'-\lIulu :'I llII·ia ,]1·11(> bcalll:.· ],(,I1111i" ..., ,·i ... ilor" 10 Ih,'
:\li1:II1 ). WII~'n Ill' \\'W~ IIPul'ly (:I':II:il' wil('ll.' )Ias... \l'IIS 'Illitl 100 S:1I11n :\1;1I·il1 dt'lIt· (;l':Il.i.· mn~' still
fini"lwd lI'ilh Ihl' pi('IUI'(', Ill' :JI· lillll's 11 d ...I· for his wif(' wllll had S('{' Ihc llniIlWIl'l] HIHI .-xpl't',..."i\'('
1011'".1 I WOWII'!lO In pailll 1111' :111:,.:.·1 dit·(] in 1,IJildhil·lh. IiA'UJ't'" of ('h I'isl IJIld II js _\ posl I,,~.
011 Ih" flll' II'fI. J.,,!-:','Ilil Iws il Ihal p ainl ... I.... \lP 10 Iht' li11l1' of lh(' W!ri\{' ill Ill(' f'lItplnr of Dukt'
111(' hl'illilllll ... In(iI·III·~ IUIJrI'1 1'.11' H(·II1Ji'-';lIlC(,. hlld ll'll'(] fill' 111i'l "lIh- I.odm·i(·o. l",onal'll" 11.'sil!llI·'\l1 sys-
MU'Plh,,'d hi" 1lI11~1(,1'\ \\"01'1.. and .il·d till' \t'xl. " Tak.,. ,'al of m~' t.'1ll of plulIlhinj.! ;11111 dl'nina!:(' flit'
" ,'I'l'ol,(,hin IWI'('I' Jl1lililNI nj.!ain hud~-. nnd d rink of 111.1' hlotwl ." lilt' (':1..;11('. lie' ;tI ..." huilt 1m Hi!"
. \ 1 till ' 11/.:'(' of :?-t. 1"'ollJl]'lIo wm; 11I'IIt1:u·do uscd a 11101'1' ('{)]l1pI'plwlI- l'uIlililiuuiJll! ,-,"sl"11I 1'111' III., 1))1t'II-
IHllllittl,d to tIll' fliliid or 1'1"\,,j. sil(' OIU........"\-I·I·il.l, 0111' tl f .\tlil sl,:dl I'~' Ilt'tll'l)()]]1. I n Ihl' l·il"l'l'. just
<'il1l1s lllL( I .' potht'('lIl·ics (Ihi" III\(·I'S· b('lr:1.1' J11('." lIu"i.ll· tilt' (·ll"l!t-. 1]1' Il1Iilt n I:!-
101' of flU!' trlod,'1'1l unions ~'f\lItnil1('d 1Ji.'OI1<II·do h('li('l'('d thnl IIII' il1ll('l' foot pHlI(III' l'quipl'l',1 Ililll fulLl'
a I'ompnn:.· of /'lIint"I''';) 1111(1 h(' Sl'lf of II .. uhj(,('I. lhl' "11".\'(·hl'." wl'ig-hh·tl :til' S(.()<,)p"; thaI pil,kl'd \IJl.
husi(,.1 hims('lf wilh inlll'pl'nd('llt ..;Imlllc! ht, ;IS ('1·ifl,'111 in n pninlillj.!' nasiit'd alld (·()tll.,,, I Ill' ail' nlltllh"11
l·olllll1i .....;iol1" ill 1·'111]'('111'(', Olll' (If a>,\ 1hI' phy .. i,·al. In his 1,lf.~t Stllliit I'. ]'nJ'I,t'd it IILI'ou~h a hollow >.;hafllu
hi.. 1','1\ pllilltill)..~ 11II1t l'I'llulin 10· ll(' !,rllllg'ht 10 lhl' l1IuI'nl IIU' illl]i· I III' ht',II'OOIll.
I\;I~' i..; 1111' . I IIOI'(lIi'1II (If lilt l/llqi \'i(]lllli l'II1(ll ioll" of ('llI·i..;l\ Ap()..;· !J ul'ill!: Ihi>.; p('I'iutl, 111(,1'(' W;1!1 a
( ( 'IYii':il whidl hI' p:linl('d 1'01' 11lI' 11(,,,-111(' f('llrfut Hnd ,IHI'Ilt,t! t'X' /-:1'\'111 Jlla~1I(' ill :\1i1:'1] 111111 killt'd
:\IUII/1"II'I·.\· of Snn /)onl11 O II SNIP 11I'\·..."jl)lls of 11 1111'11 ami II r.:uill.l. a Ihinl Or 11)(' (·il.'·', popldllliUII.
1'10 ill 11'-:1 .\ IIhoug-h Ill' 1\1'1'('1' Sl.'lf-('oml('lIIllil1).!' f.u'1' of IIII' II·uilOI·. 1,{'()l1a l't1o qni('kly 1)(,111'II'all'<1 111t'
('olllpll'II'tI Ihl' pail1tillj.!. it (·II·al'l." .Iudas. all "'lying. " I..; il I. I ."I'II~" ('UUS<' of III{' "lwl'ud •• 1' IIll' CI)II·
Idum";:J "i"lin('1 dl'p.II·IIII·,' 1'1'0111 111(1 1J('()I111 I·tlO wlIlk('d Ilw ,11'1'('1'-1
laj.!ioll anI] dn·\\' 11)1 pIau..; flU' 11
sl'\'II' of Ih., I'ul'iy 1-'101'('11 1ill" painl- Iww·lypl.'. uml"l'l!TUUlH] -;('\\;I~t' "ys.
l1a il:.- unlil hc fonnt! a lIIodt'l I'm'
.·1.... ·f ud;ls. a 111;111 who IUIII "luII'ply- 1I'1tt whit·h would {'1IITY away Ihl'
1"''IlIlal·do. ;11 Ill<' a!!" (If :m. w('nl ,!t'fhu'(] r('Hlm ....... To thi'l ral'l' hI' di"t'lIS1'·inl'(·sll'<l fillh Willi' 1''1';1.
to )!il;m \\hl'l'(' h(' ~I'n'd Ulukr Ihl' ad.]t'(l ;1 I)('an]. 11 1' 1]](,11 ""'111'('111'.] I" Iml'lnony wilh this lill(' of
IWtl'()IlUJ,!(' of Lodol'i('1) Sf017.l1 for 1't'II'<OlIin:,!". III' planlll'd 11 ".·ily IWlIII·
n" dilij.!t'1111~· fm' fat·"" fol' IIII' 1'('-
IIII' IU' ... I 1!1 ."1·1I1~. lI adllfl 11('JII'1I 1IJ:liuillj.! II .\ 1'o,,1I,·s lIlIt! ,'an'full.1 liful" wh;l·h 11'11111111",' lmilt fill tWII
"f hi" J·isillj.! l't'I)l1I1IIiol1 ill Flol'- IIIndl' >,\kl,!('h.'S of 1111'111. 1.'\'l'k II c fllI'IIII'I' plallllt'd "'-;;11_,1
i'!H'I', I.o(]mil·o <.;('I('('li'11 hinl tl) l'a,,1 IiI " 10Il'ns" {1Il111!,'I'1! sulJ]IJ"i,.. \
Souwlilll('S hI' would 111011111 Iht'
a IlT'mlz!' "ql11''lll'illl1 'llal1lo' in hllJ1(H' fUl'th"I' away fl'om lh~· l'ity, tlwl'l"
SI'.ln·oldiuJ! :IIHI pail1t ;111 day with·
or hi..; I'nllll'l'. 1·'I·l1Il('.".;(,O Sfol'y.lI. h.l' "i~lI·ih1tlin:.t 1111' 1'I·..;i",·nls onl'
Ott l I'lIlill~ or ,h·illkill):. '1'11.'11. fm'
(11'('1' II llf'l'iod of 16 :.·t'lIl.... 1,('011- a with'I' ;1 1·ca.
SI'I'!'I'al d:lYs. 11(' \\'011111 1101 Ilurk nl
1If'(10 ~Iulli('d 1101'S(,<;. dl'l'\I' II1UIlY, 1"01' Olis new ('il~-, ht, dl'sig"lwd
all. hul IlIl' I','I.I' sil :l111! slllll.,' his
ulliny .. kelt·h(,,, liHd IIII'll (';lSi Ih(' hous('s silldla )' 10 om' 1)I'I'.I':illI'i('ah'd
lInfinish('t1 la l)()]'. lo'i l1ltll~ .. Ih" 1':11'"
'll 11 IIU'. U l'ill l'I' li"t l'id(' 11 1101·..;e. ill
of (,11I·i'l\. \\'hi(,h 111(' nwnk!'l Wllill'ti
1:"1'1' or 1(){i:I.I· 1111<1 pl/lIl1li'd 10 ('on-
(·Ia~·. t'lIfOI'IUliall'ly, wh(,11 hI' W1IS "('y walt'l' 10 Ih~' ";t,(·tllld IIntn-..; of
'-01' 11IIII0sl imp:lfkllll~·. nPI)(,1l1·(,d.
1'('ud.l· 1o 1'11,,1 Ihl' "Iatlll' in 1111'1111. III(' bOIl>.;('S b.\- 1111':IIIS of lifliug'
1,('011:1 "do 111'1'('1' fill i>'\lwtl I h i.. hol~'
:'I Ii IHIl \\"11'1 lit Will' with IIi(' 1"I'('IWh, ~(':1I'" whi('h \\'oult! hI.' UIlt'I'Hll'tl hy
fllt'l'. 1'01' 1](' ('Ould nol l)]'iJJ~ 10 Ihis
1I1l1 1 III!' !IO lun'l of l)J'(lIIy.I' dl'sil!" llll' pl'cs...;m·t'.
count('nUIl('l' Ihf' lWI'ft'l'\iOlI \l('
IlnlNI fl!l' till' {':1"Iin~ \\,('1',' lI'>I'd,
"i .. I](.'<1 to CXPI·f'S.";. Mililar y Prowess
iU'lI('ml. fo1' .';11111011 .
III 11 'i:l, J.I'IlIHlI·(]O \Ill ... (·(l]lIlUis- Negfe cle d Glory I,rn]ol'i('o Wt'lllt',] IInl In :lPI1I'('('i.
..;jolll·d hy Ihl' monk" til' Ill(' Im- 1111' 1.1.'0111l1·(]0·s I'PIlIHI'kahll' plan,,_
1l111('uluh' ('ul1('('IHioll to painl nn
FOI' thc l,(,.~t SU/llif/" LI'IItJal'llo .\ lthouJ,!h ~lihlll s('i'lIwd tIl IN' ill a
did nol liS{' Iht, 1'1·.'.... ·0(' 11"'111011 of
nlllll·lli.,.·t· (01' Ih('i1' 11.'11' (·hnp('1. slalt' of I'tlll,llllit "'I·ifl· \\ilb 01111']'
his lill1(,s. hul ('X ]ll'l'illll'l1h'd willi
T ilt' pailltillj.! faill'd 10 'lllli..;fy Iht, h'I'I'ilol'i('... Lot!,,\'i(·u Ira ... :11"" ill
oil It'IlIIlI'I':1 \\-hil'h ).!'al"l' hill1j!I'.'ah'l· Ilifft"I't'lll 10 1,1'(IIJa I·,llI·" plan>,\ ftll·
monks. IIIl1I 111t'.\· I·,'fll ..('t! 1o JIll."
t il1l(, III!' t'OIIIt'mplal ion. IIOII"I'H' I·.
him. ht't'lIn"I' it lIas nol t'lll11pldl'd milillll'Y inl'l'l1lillll>'\ \\!Jil·h wOII!t1
111 a 'lpt'('llil'd lim('. honi('nll:.·, Ihi..;
Ihl' oil did Ilt)1 lldh('r(' 10 Ih., "lilt· hal'(' JlI't,It,(,t('d his (·il.I-. Il l' tit'-
u~'i':ilt~ w:llIs. and I)('f()l'" :!O Y.':It'S
painlil1j.!. lilt' r iraill of 111(' H{J.·f...~ "i)..:'!wd a J,l'1I11 similnl' 10 lh(' I: allillJ!
( 1.(111\·]"'). 1111" 1)('('OI1H' (111(' (If Ih('
had pll"scd, liJ(' p:liul illl{ 1.('/-:1111 10 Jrllli u,,('d ill Ih(' S]l:lllish-.\ !1t(']'i(·HJl
wodd'" most flllUou.. I'cJig-iou.s fiukl'. " rill ' \I·hidl l'uU"i>,\I!'fl of Ihn't' 11lI1lk~
PUilltill!-:,S. 'I'll(' lIlonk!>; of III(' t'1I1tt·(·h I'ul a or h'HTP\s. /1 (' nl'io t1I'Sil!lIf'd 1I 1'0)111',
dool' I'i~hl l linHll!h till' lIIiddl!' of II'ht'I'(cd 1I1·t1l01'l'(1 lauk 1I'11i,·1I ('OIIt!d
Th e last Supp er thl' wull und JI !1ow\'t1 tlIIlOl; (' II) cl l'irl 11(' 1\11'11('(] in an~' dil'l'el it)11 nnd \\1_"
P I·(llmlll.v. I hI' J,l'1'('lI11''lt \\,01·1;: (j1' (' I' th(' mHstl'l·pil'cI'. l.nl.' I·. 1\":1- opl'l'nt('(l hy 11111 11]1111\"1 '1'.
l ~l'OIIIlJ'(I t){'x('('uteti (1 11 (1('1' Du ke PUIC-OII'i; sold iers u~e<1l1l1' l'('I\'t"lul'Y 'l'UI'llill)! 10 ink]'I'sls oj' his own.


he \\TOle II ""I1'lllisc OIl I'ailllin~ " ,' s he lI'orkl,t! 011 Ihl' ImUlt' S('t'II(" l'I'()II:u·t!o Ih('11 I'l'lurn('d to ~liIlln
Mid a "TI'('IlliS(' on th(' FJij.l:ht of he was l'on"IHnlly ('hit!('(1 :md and p:lillt('d tltl' ,"'1. Joh?1 th(' B(lI"
B il'<!s," a study which Inlt'I' Il'd 10 mot·ked h.l· I h(' la ll'llll'd hUI j('lIloml list ( 1,0111"'(,), 'I' hl' (,XIH't'ssioll of
hi~ I'XIX'I'iIlI('UI~ ill ;111' Il'l1wl. l ie :\lil·llI'lallg'I'lo. Ih('l1 :!~l. IIho \\'ol'k(>d Ht. .lolm·'1 fa('(' pI'OI-irh... l'('n<;(IIIS
\\'1'01(' th:11 "a hil'c! i.. an ins\l'mn('nt 011 :l hallh' ~'1I1' 011 th(' oppositl' fOl' flll11wI' sllfi'ulalioll ah(l111 tIll'
11('('OI'diuIJ 10 math('llIali(,HI I1lw." Willi, lln!' til' thl' man." inl('r('<.;H'(1 "]l",I'('h(' 01' illll('1' sdf" of IIhieh
' I'hi" was ill li/1(' wit 11 hL'I h('lil'f I';sitol's wh(} ('11111(' 10 \l'llI('h IIII' 1\\'0 1,,'IIIHlI'(lo wr(lll' liO Il1lwll. Th,· llod,'·
that "11\1 11111111111 in\'(''11i)tal ioll ('all al·t;s\s work was till' 1!}'."I':lI·,old of HI. ,101m, II" 1.('(1111\1·do pnill\l'11 ii,
('1111 il'll'lr 11'11(, UII\(''t'' it 1':1!l lIas.... I{apha('l. This ."OUl!!.! 111;]11, 11(' ... lined pO"....·,-.I.'S holh Illllwulilll' 111111 1'('111,
IIII' mallll'lIWlif':11 11'';;1.'' \0 I)o.~ 011(' of 1111' wllr1I]'S I:'I'(·II\('<.;t illill1' <'hal'lll'll'l·i"I;(·s. ,\\'1"1' Ihis
I"itllllh- ill I ·I !)!). l1l1' FI'<'lIrh art isis. stllt\i('(i hU111 11I1\'i1"1''''' wOI·k,. w'lI'k. Iw wo,·k,·t! 011 h.l'llntllli(' ('X-
!'apllm,d :\lilull mlll 1IIadl' l)ul\(' :llld Ih{'u dl'1'id,·t1 III illlila\l' } ,('0, Ilt'd nll'lI I" tI n Ii 1'1) 11 t i IHlt'd hi" SI uti i('s
l iI'x IO\'it'o 111('11' INII'jUg:
1)I'i-;OIH'I', 1111I'I1o's styli'. ill 1111:110111." 1I11t! /1\"'(11111111;"".
1,1·IIIUlI·I\O IlillillUI a Illlll·WI. I II' " .. 1,('OII:lI't!O'" 11I111'al pl'l)~I'I"i-,,{'d, 111 l :i I !1, LI'()]l:lI'do 11'1'111 III l ~oll1l'

SPI'llt lilt· l'I'lIlHillill~ :!O .1·1'1I1'S of till' NIOI"i of II\{' twttll' S('I'llI' j.(1()\\'t'd tu work Illl(It'I' 1'0]1(' 1,l'u X. The
Ili~ lit'!' 111I1I1kl'il1jl fl'OIlI ('ily to III'iniHlll!.'·. 1'01' hI' 11:111 IIlixl,d III!' IItI'('1' .'·(·11I'S hi' );1)('111 1111'1'1' \\'('1'(' till'
f'il.\·. paillls lI·itll :t 11':1'\.'" "l1h"tlll\l'l' )(lIh:ll1]1il'''' til' Id" I'lllit'l' lifl'.
FI'lllIl ,\lilrlll. h(' WI'1I1 10 ' \' 11;1'1' II'hi('h 81\11'1;: "II"il.l· to Ih,' 1\1111. n lll ) f irltl'lallJ,:l'ln hllll alrl'ati.'· plIiut('t1
H" an ('lIj.dlll'l'l· lind 11'1'011' or pl:lIl~ IIdol'l' Ih(· pninliu)! 11';1S fiui:;llt'illl1l' Ih(' Hislh1l' ('hllfll'l :lIltl 11:1" al 1I'0l'k
('OIOI'S hq.mll to 1'1111, 1I11d :lll()tlu'I' IItI IIIP lomh "I' I'op(' .llIlius. n a'
10 sin!; Ihl' '1'111'1,;'1h 111'1'1 , 111111('1'11'
IIIIIS\I'I']1il'('(' 01' tllis j!1'(':11 1-('(,lIiul! pltHl'l. IltI' I'opt"s l'al'OI'itl' :I1'list
pllll1S Ill' or a dil' ing suil
l'1juippl'tl il11 nil\"{'.. fnl' illha1illl{
\1';]'1 lost. whit fin;,,11I't1 hi" l1s"ig'nl1l1'lIls in
ami (·x11alill).:' whidl II'oulf! ('n:I\)I(' 1'('(111:11'(111 Ih"1l ('OIWt'IIII'at(',1 011 1'I.·I·,II·rl til1l1'. 11':1" alsO hll"I' llnd
:1 Illall 10 SlI'il11 \IIltll't, 11":111'1' I1I1d his stud.l" of Ih(' :lI1alllm~' of the lM·I'omill).! \'1'1'.1' ri('h llUt! p';Jlular.
111I1I1:l1I 1)o.){I,I'. lit' stutlil'd Ihl' \'('ill'" t.1~)lwrtl() 1II'·I·,·ly did I'ariml" p('tI~"
sink ('IH'I1I." ship" h.l· dl'illinll hoi<',;;
into Ihl'lll. Fur 1111' III·i1li11l: IH"Ot'Ni, (noll·<I pl·tl·jlil'lltion" III'II'l'io,,(·I<', ,\lIh" In1Hwd IIII' '-nli(';III TIl\' !'opt'
rO'<i,,). ImI1l'''. 111'1'\',·... juiu", :11111 II,'I-,'r ga\'(' him :1 l'ol!)l1Ik... ioll to
111'1'. 1~1I H11·t1n liI'"ig:Ilt'd II 111'11 Ih·ill
fUl' horinl.!' IIII' holl'" illln IIII' p1:mks 1'II11'aiis of I Ill' !t1ll1l1l1l 111),1 .,' :1" I'lIilll IIUII'I'I'I'I'. il i" h('liE'I·,·t!lhal
ILO 1IH111 III'fOl·t' hill) Imd tlUI1I'. II I' 1"'ulI:Il'(\n's sllOl'king I'Xill'I';III1'I1I"
and IlwlI h.l· all:u-hiull 1111 il'OIi
('1'('11 kl1l'll' till' HUIIlIII'I' ul' llIuSo"!t,<.; nil ('lIdnl'('I"I 1I'('I'l' Ihl' II'ut' l'1 'a~JI1
II illll"''''' lIith :1 1"n'l' I!I'al" tl1l'
dh"' I' {'iluld 111I1-.I.·U 1111' holhHII of '1'< luil1'd \0 ,,111 ilt·. I lf' 111:11](' skl'I('hl'" fIll' hi" di"lih of I.N)l);lI·d,,_
Ihl' ship wilh n "'('I,('W j:H'k IIf Ihl' frunllli 111111 III11Xill:II''\' si, ,\1 th(' i"l'ilHlioll of Fl'I)III'(li" 1.
Ill' nl<;o dl'l;i)tIIt'd :1 oW'-lIIl1l1 suh. nll*'s: Ih(' douhl(' ('UI·,':llur·,' of lite 1,1'011111'(10 ~1:t,II.I· \\'I'llt t,. 1,'I·:IIW{'.

H1:lI·illt· lIwl hltlll'I 'pl'ollf l'I,_"t" l'ul' "pin{': 111(' ('1111111111'1" 111111 I'aln'" of lakill!! lI'ilh hi1l1 III!' .l/"1/1( I,i.'!(/, tlH'
d;IJ!J!{' I' I'olllhal Undt'I'II/lII'I" Oth('I' till' hl'1l1'l :IUd IIt(' Huho1'll I'hild ill I'jl"lil1 11111/ ('hiM wilh .'iI, ,1I111t',
pl:lIls ftO!' hll,,11' 11'('1'1' hi" min(' IIH' 1I'0nlh. )11'I1i1'HI 11]('11 lutl:I.'· 111'(' lilt' .'i/. '/1I},11 /11(' t:flllli.~/. 1I11d his
l1"ll)l1ish,'1I h.\· Iltl' 1I1'{'1I1·a\'.I· Ilf lhl'SI.' 11I111111 ... ('I·ipIS. I )' , 'UI" III'C-(HIlPHlli('d
hWII.~. (''1l1ipp1'f1 wilh j.!III1!1()\wl(,I',
11 1111 pl'illlitl)! il'ons wltidl In'I'(' 10 skl'l('l](·s. 1,.1' llis pupil, i\1o,I1.i, ,rim lil'/"! with
lit' lit Ililh fil'I', 11 (' ('Wtl j.!nl'l' Ihl' Ilim in Ih{' l'i~l1\ 1'00111 I'III1!t':ll1 d('
Experiments in AefOnoulics (;1,," X.
IIPPI·oX;lllnlt· liulI' fUI' "illkill).:' 1111'
'rll1'ki"h 111'('\.111\1 1,1,(111ll1'1]'I':; pl:lIIs l'I'Sllil nf IIi ... 1'1\1111' III' hil'lls
. \ " :I 111'1'1'. 1,('()II111'tiO Ih'l'Il II'E·II :I" hi'
'1""'1' 100 1I1!1'H!H'I'(! 1'01' IllI' ('n~i . 1.1·l)lwrdo hi 1.';0.\ 'k"i~I1;'d 11 1t,I'i ll~ 11:ld Ihl'()III!IIIJUI his lir('. I II' look
nl'('I'~ to fathom, m:l1,llill(' wilh ,dug'S Ihal 1'l'sl'l1l h]"d II Ill'\\' in'I'I'I'''' il1 lifl'. III' 1I11Hlp

111.'011111'1101111'11 1'l'tUl'IH'11 10 10'101'- I hll'il' of II Iml. '1'111' .... • II illJ!" 111'1'1' 1'11lI\'i ful' Iinduiu!! 1111' 111,1111'" and
"111'1'. WIIl'I,(' I,,· WlI" l'IUllmi,,,iI)I1N] 1(1)(' flHPlll'<I wil h mall]1l11n'l' \I"hi,'h IIII'lIill),! tltl' 1'in'I'S illt,) l'al1l1k 1'1",
h.\' IIII' 1110111, ... of Ihl' ~1'1'lilt, ) 1011' 1,,·llI'li"I·I'III·0I1111 j!:lin l'IlUII).t'11 fOI'('(' 1\ il111 \';"ilt'd him 01'10'11 1I11t! :Iskl'o.I
:1,,11'1'." III 11:1 ill I 1111 II1I:II·pil'(·I'. I-:YI'I1 10 lin 1'.';0 pnlllHk Idlll 10 111:11", 1I11'(,II:lllil':1I d"',{H'a-

IIII' "k,·II·II fir lilt' I'i,."ill 11/1/1 ('hi(,l Iii ... IIltl'" W, fI.l·ill~ WI'I',' 11"1'/'1' liOln ... fOJ' 1I,,t101inl..''I III till' p:II:II'\',
wilh SI . . 1"1/1 (LOIII I,('} aUI'II('I('1I 11""'1,11'(1 1I111il :lfll'I' IIII' \\"I'i~hl '1'111'11 hi" 111'111111 11I').:':1l1 III f:lil and
ruall." \-j"il')I'" IIho dl'WI·t1 it willI hmlh,·t< !.didil1!! ('\.P'·l'illll'II'" at hi" l'ij.l:hl haltll 1k'1':l11I,' ]1:11':11.171'0.1
1'\'1'1' 1'('11('1'. I\ill.'· I I:mk ill I ~)(tl. 11(' ,h'"i,!!lwtl I I, · I'lIlIltlllll IUII'.!I'I' ]I:lilll I I,· tll'/'\1
a IlI'lil'''pll·I·-tY]I'' "Jlpnnltll" whi,,1t lip :1 1Ii11. Ihllll'.!h IlI'l'I'I' ;]
Re tu rn e d 10 flore n ce hili] a 1:111-"1' .... ·I·'·W 11111'1111 II,· :I1'i1) t'l.,Ii)!iou, tIIllIl. III' mad., hi" 111'111'1'
,\fll'l' II IU'i(·r Irip til "I'nil'l'. :IS Imilt 11 1I:l1':WIl11l" 111:1111' "I' (·nl1ik,·t! lI'ilh f;'MI :11101 1111' ... 11II1·I'h. Oil :\in.'"
a ('(II1"1Iitlllll fin mnps tn ('{'''Ill'!' lill"11 wlli~'h 1'I"';~'lIlhl!',] :I 1"lIt. I'I'(IIU :.!, I :'1~1. III' diC'd
1 ~01'l:i:I, 1,1'1 '111I1'lln alwill 1"'IIII'ILt"l whil'll I... hl'l;"I" ''] :I 111:111 "'lIthl \';111 I II lillI' sl:JI"IIH'Il\' )11·lzi paid
In Flm"'Il('I' 11111'1'1' IU' 1111" (·OIlIlIIi:;· sarl'I.I· rl'~'1Il 1Il1.'· 11l'il!h1. OIl!' 1,1""1111',ltJ ,Ia "illl·i IIU' t!1'(·all· ... t
siollt·d to Jll1illl 1111' Ullllff flf ,\)1' huu,l!·I·.1 Y";lI" 111'1',,,'" t:ali'l~l. III' Il'ilmll' Ilwt 1"JUIII h(' plli" tlli"
qllill!'i ()tl tl1l' lI'aJ1 or I iii' I'nll11.;w 1I'1·(,tr: ".\11 I.b,il·d ,'XI'I'!" 1111' 1':11111' f,!"llins of W'lIl1i"l'~: " I I i" 1101 thl'
Y('('rhiu, t il\' j!1'1'1I1 ('Olltll·ill')III1I1IJl'I·, fu!'(',' :1g':Iill,,1 1111' Hil' U!> Iht' ait' 1', 111,·], or 11111111',· to 1'1'lll'Oj,lu('C Illl-
IIIH] IIL(' J/mw Usa. :tgaiust the ohjl'ct." 01111.'1' sl1eil JIIl1ll."


Mrs, F D R
('"u/iltlt(r/ !/'lllll II(I(JC 3)
Memorial Bibles
sh(' J'f)Hltll'd th« \\odd 10 tOIl('h til('
Itt'Ul'ls anti lirt 1h(' hf)jI('s of people
ill Willi!.
Y(·I. with all (lr IWI' ('ontads with
thl' 1/'1141(, .... IIf \Vm'ld aff;lilos, "IU'
fUUlu1 lillll' to Plll'li('i]1111(' as 11
ItWlllhi'I' ill Iwr OWII !'i:.do ilt til!'
lal~II' lump. llt'1I1 f ••• , IIUI,'P thall :2':-,
,\' /'lIt'S, ,\.s!lw alii hOI' (.1' 11/'1' ('011111111 .
. ,)[.\' 1)11.\· ... ,,114' I\ol'l((·d in till- .ill!'i,.;
ilil-lilill lit' lh,· !\.·\\SPIIIWI' (:lIill! .
~IH' juith·d it pl'Olllptlr and \\; 1" ;1
r. 'I ''l!!I'!!! ;1\11'11(111111 111 thl' Ilwdill;.!''';
"j" t il\' \\'nsliillg,t,ul " llild.
Honored By Guild
Sill' \'I'I"'in-1l 11('1' :!.l-Yl'al'-pin
h'lItll tlw l:uilti nl lfi(' l!lfjl ,\1"1,-
t 'It I f'lIJjII'lltioll 1I111id Jlw (-111'('1'" of
111(' I'l!I·k ,·d 1.1111"(10111. .Iust hl'fol'"
111111. tlWllkillg' lJll' /'Ol!\"'lllinll
I'm' till' SI1PI'11I'1 /!ill'll IIII' 1'; lplillUl'
Hnos,'Y"" ('11 11,'1'1' ]0'011111];11 iOll, :\ I I's.
HousI 'n·11 IlIld Ilw Inl!.!" ).:lllht'I'jll'.!:
In !'('.~Ilonl'f,' to n numiler of rCflllf>~ts from our t()('al union!;, inq\lirin~
"Yiltl kUIIW, I Ihink 1111' !;Iho!'
how Ih('r ma)" ohtain union_Ill;lde Ribles (01' -"ym llath)' offel'inj.,"lI in ease
ltIun'JlH'tll hll~ II j!I"'111 1'011' III play ')( dNtlh, we hl'jng ~'ou Ih(' folfowing infOl'llmlion. HIIII('~ whil'h HI'(' tllll1-
ill 41111' "oUtlll',\' loda,\', You Iwq' pleh~ty ullion II1rlll('-in their printing and bindiu\-:", an(t l'ontainCft in a
al\\IIY~ had til(' j,I\':1I of "pl'\'in!! tlw union·made ;'edal" I.Iox, oolh helu'jng' the union lahel, may tl(' oht:.ined
11I'\ 'd~ "r I"'opl,, Thai i~ a 1I1i1',j
M('lIlol"inl Bihle,:, Inc.,
illlPIlt'IHIlI Ihill/.\' til 1'I'III('IIIIk.'1' 111'-
P. O. Box t::01.
"III1S<' iu "111' l'ol1nll'," \I'j' <11'1' 1'011- Kash\'iIIe, Tennessee
S1111111," ;I\'I'\I~I"! (If IIt'i ll!! Jlllllf'1"illl,
Hil)lell al'e :lI'ail:ti)ie in PI'otestant, CatholiC" or Jewi~h ('djlion~ and
i~til' l1\'upli', litinl,jlll-[ mil,\' Ilr l\tnl inc!u,l(' ,::'oltl 1('1\1'1'111,::' of tiJ(> name o( the union 1"'(,I<('ntjnl{ tilt' gjft hot h
11I1I,·1t InIJIlt'." WP (',Ill mn"I', Illi the ~Y!Ul'allt}' 1'111'/1 and on the back eO\'('I' of th", Bihif-, The Bihles
"'I'll!' 'lIllol' 1I10I'I'IlI,'nl_lln.] rll'l'- 111'(' pric('d al $8.(i'-, (01' th(' la)',::'e ('dition. At the JlI'e~('nt time ItlO)'(' than
Iwp~ I 1'1111 SII.\' 111,1' 11IUI'I'IIII'IlI, too, 150 o( (>(11' kwa! Unil)nH are purchasing' :tnd !<ending Ihe~e r.!e!UoI·iai Ri ble!;
a~ t(jkcnH or ~rmflathy. For fur t her illfot'tll:ltiOIl, I,IcHHC write to the
h''I'llll ,~I' I s'lilll'liulI's tl1ill" I IUfl'!.:
alld"(,~H g'i\'I'1i ahove,
liS lill i'" liS IItI,," IIi" .'·(JIl do~ 1 1\,('1
thill it is )1111'1 of <lUI' jllh 10 kH'P
:lIi\'l' thl' ir]I':lIs tltnl .I·on s\al'lt-I1 \1'1111 IJI':II'~'. 'l'Itis OI"!!llIliwtiIJIl 11'11'; dlll('. [\ i~ hopl'd Ihlll :IS 11II'HP
Il'il It, I III' illt'lll" of 1"(,,,11.,' 111,1 pill!! "II!-tll)!,'d. Ilwl ~lilj is, ill ('Ulllhllllillg" SlillllJlS "\11111' il1lo 1111' hillliis :Illd
IIII' ]11'01'11' In h,'III'I' (·\llltiiliuIlS. hi Ih,' stH'lIlltd "Hil!llllo-\\"ul'k" la\\'s Itlllill'S 411' tli(' 1II1'llIill'I"S 411' 1 h,· ,\ ,,' I"
II 1.1'\1"1' \\11," III' lifl' II'hif'!1 i~ P,lI"t 1l0l1 (III tlll' 1~Ii)b ill ~1) III' 0\11' (' I () lil('.'· will pt'IIIIIPl ;!1'IIl'\'0!1S
"f 111(' hll"i" of dl'IIlOf'j'H\',"," slnh's, .' I I·S, rc "US~ 'II'Jt h,d ill Ihl' "lIpJlOl·t IIf Ih,' ,\1" 1,_( ' 111 1,:lt-lIl1ot'
It i.. in k"I'pill:,!' Ilith Ilwl .... pit·il I'HIIII'aiJ,!1I til 1I1111111Sk 1111'S" "'111111111- !1o,lS,'Q'lt )[, 'IlInl' I;tl Futld I )I·jll'.
1hili (hi' plnllfl 01" Ilw 1,:If'll1l(1I' SUI'." "P"II sIt111' lall''' rot' "h;11 Ih\'~· (. IIf1j'( "bolll h"". !I" II 11111.11 IIIII/ri,
HUII"t'n'lt :\[I'tIlOI'i:1I l-'uUIHl:ttion \\,(','1' 1111 nltl\\,1;: Oil IH'I' 1.1I1)()J' IIll1f 111.1'1 lI/olllh,l
11IIn- h"I'1i tll'lll'lt,d, 1110""111"111,
111 ('lIl"1"yill): 1'111'\1 11 I'.! .'Ir·s, Huu:-.{'- 'I'hllS , \'11'11 ill 1111' lasl .1'1'111'" tit" A.\'S II'I-;US TO Ql'/Z OS /' A r: 1-; 2!i
\"I·It·s illl';ds (Ill hlllllllll l'i)!!ltS al111 hl'I' lOll/! 111111 Ils('flll lif\', sh(, \\;1,.;, T. , II, I, :!1 I,
111(' dij.!'11it ," 1)1' Jnllol' II1\' pl'Og'I'l1l1l slill 11 fij.!hfto,. ful' Iltus!' (':lUSt'S " I, , ..,
will 1'1,111','1 h\,1' \"('1'.1' I)l"nl'til'al ll]l- whi('l1 al'(' til(' ,'(']"1 ' uf lilt' 1'('lISlIlI :1. I, I:!.
:!:!. I,
11I'lIllI'll to 111(' pl'obll'IIIS 1/1'<.1\11111 liS, rol' till' l'xisll' I1t'(' of lIlt' Illh(ll" H1()W- II. I, ..
I ),'spill' Ill' I' !It'(>{)('('up:tl inn wil It 111(' 111 , "5. ". \,;, ..
-", ..
'\"III'III·willi' IIn'airs, ,'[I'S. Hoosl'I'I']t :\fl's, ](OUS\" '"I\ \\1I\1ftl hll"p 1)('\,]] 6. , tH, :!fi. ..
,. ..
r"uII<I liJlI!' ill 1'1'\'('111 .\"('III'S to 1)1' iii .I'I'1I1'S old Ull (I\,!"I)('I' II, Iflfj:3. 7, 17. ,,-
-', "
,'O,I')l1lil'lIll1l1 witlt 1'111"1111'1' (i"I'I"'lIo,' 1f 1'1' bil'tltd,l,I' lIilllw 11I1I 1" k('11 b." lh(' I, 1.~. :!~. I,
I 11'1'1"'1'1 II. 1,1'111111111 III' '\1'\1' YOI'k, ("I,II'llSI' 1",)1' IIsl' of I:iO.OOO,OOO ,),(','11 1 fl. 1~l. t!I,
IJI' Iht' .'\lllil)lHlI " I'llg"III' rOl' '111\1\11'1- StlllllPS bl'lll'illl{ ht'J' piettll'(' 011 tltal JO. ," 20, ." 30,
liN M
Prayer For Ollr Deceased iffembers
/-'(/Ih(/' ill IIfl/l'(/I, Tholl lw,~ said fha/1/Ol mIl' .~prlrrolf' 11/f1,~ from "/( .~ky I/tUN'll {)II 'I'll !! fll/~S/lilllJ I,III .~.
'/'11 .'1 y(llll(ll('~s (111(1 'I'h ll IIIf I'('Y 1/1'( (l'II'YII'''r/'(' 111(111 il l .\/ ill IIII/" ".or/" in 'he ('0111'(1.1/1' of 111f It, fill fOIUJIII-'Simt
of /l'IIIIHII, till' 111/'( IIf lit tit' ,/tiIt/,.,,1. /"",k till ". ill Thy lI'i." /1II1I /1111/11111'111 011 11,('.'(' (Jur n rolll(rs 11'1,0 hurt
/XU.\II! (III. I .ill 1111111, uhf) 7'It!l'\/II,,.mtf'.~,;,, 'l'hYI'IIWI rflll IWllds Ifllli Ii(a/' (hfm Stt'i/If!l/o 'I'll y "I!!I,~I Ihlrl'
ff/ ,Iwl/{ ill "(fli/lilll-",~ forc/'(r.
( 'om{ol'f thl' 1j(1Ir/.~ of fhllu who I//fIIIl'I' ,W liil//rl.'llhf lo,~,~ 1)[ /l1f',"1 their ,IN/ I' olles. II tI" aum If! IJifll'
1111 it' 1(}!I(li!l(,s.~, /'f III iI/dillY U/('W {/III/ ill jllsf II fillIl "./lil(' IlIfft will /11' I'( 'Hli{j)~ ill I/ NII'fJl /Iud 11(1'(1" (1111111,1'1'
TII/'n then tn 1111, Falha, fllld fill Tllini' "cye ill on til, I!POITOII'," 'ft it r('iIl /'lI1 liS ldw IIIIIIlbill Wt~· Thy
1Ir1/I. (;i,'/' !/.~ .~/rrllytll {ur flH 11I,~k\ of 1,11/(/-,/. 1.11 lUI Ib, Ih.", 11'(11 ""II blmr tit/It T it" 1t"1' will 111 '''/r(
mt till' IIlII,·j'"".. (;j"1 1/,\ fill /I'i" If! lit" l/.i T ltoll !f'i,~I/(,~1 111/ 1'11 '1 ,hildrll' t" li,,/ It"'illff fIIlf "",,tlllr .\0
till" ".11111 11111' li,,(,,\ 1/1', ,,1'(/' 1/'/ (f1,1! 11111.11 ,'lIItl' II) '1'11/( .~lIl/illf/. ,., 11111'1 d,lIt( my III',~I. 1,'ll'd.lllb 1/1/ 101ll1f.'·
. Imell.
1!I' rman C. :'Ilill('r, I... H. 17 Arl F. Erdmnnn. 1..11. 4!11 Ed";lrd C. J{ohin l<nn. L.II. i02
B"," O~I"br. '4. IIIP9 B", .. 14"",,.., II. 1910 I ",,, 11110
I ... ""'~J ", ...
r~ 11. 1919 , .. ",.,.01 O<,,,b~,
1-. 1961 / ,,",.'rd .II., 1" ''111!1
/)uJ S~,'~_b~. 4. U61 n".1 A ... "" /9. 1961 1).~.1 S~I' ..... b~, 6. 196J
C harlt'l< C. Hrownin/o:. L. l '. 18 "ilhur K Gehrkt·, LX. 49·' William 1(. Smith. 1..1'. i02
B" ... F~I.. u." !. 119'
I H.".,~J 1"', 7. 194'
II,,,,, J ... " • ..., 29, 1"9
I "., ... ,J I"".
111. 19"
II .. ,,, A","" 10. /90'
, ,,,,, ....01 J .. ,,~ F. 10 411
I)'~J A .....,' 6. 196 1 /) ...01 S." ...",bn ". ''161 I), ~" :S<,u,"b~. 11. 19'1
Juhn B. ~1:Hlink, 1..11•.i13 Arlhur ~. Will e lllill{'r. I..... i02
,\r lll~and \'. L,'uh~l. 1..1' . 18 II,,,.. 1>1"1 H . t9d9 II .. ,,, I . ......,. 2'1. 111'6
II",,, b.lr 14, 19o,
/ "",.uJ A"t"" 1(1,
O.~J A" t "" I. 1961
IV" f .. "' .'~.1 10.1, I . I~46 ' .. I.. U. III
/), ~J A"lIw" II. " d'
I .. ;.,.'~J .II", '. /94]
/) ... 01 A " .. I /J, '''61
}~nrl l W{'~' HI'), lIlIlIIs. L. l l. 549 Charh'" ~\Irrcd 1(0) (1', 1..1'. !132
Theoourl' Schrot'dl·r. 1.. 11. 18
B,,", N".~ ... b., H. IRIIO
""'H AI .../o II. " l l B",,, , .b,u.., !'. I'IO~
1"", ,,,• .1 Iw". I. 1926 ... LfJ. "6
'"" ....." A ,,,I " 19H
/" ,,,.,..J J.u .... , 11. I'll' 1""
I), .. J 2:. I9dJ U .. J Aw , .. " 1. 1961
D i.d J .. ,~ 16. 196J It I.. Brigh l . L.P. 5:.8 1(,' nn el h \\'. Eil<'·IHlHln n. I..l·. 96'-,
Thuma ", It Swa h, I..... 18 II"," O r."b~, 11. /907 B", .. .~"I"r",h~ , /0. /911f
''' '''.'~.1 J.".",b~, I. IU7 ' " •• ;....01 J ........,. I. 1960
8 M .. J"", 11.191 1 0 ....1 A ....... 16. lUI D"d ~ .., ...",br, 10. /96J
/"",.u.1 A, ,,I I, /961
I),~J A ..... " J. 1'161 .\ ullr(',. L. "\ !IIIE·noll. 1.. 1'. 602 lCudolllh F. l1 o/o:.·r. 1.. 1'. 965
II",,, ""," ..... b.. J. IU1 11", .. M_«10 16. 1 90 ~
\\' ill i:lI11 1':. S wan l<UII. l .. l '. 18 I"",., ..J Au."" U. 194' I ...... ,~ J I"H ~ I. 1941
/I "", .11.,,10 2'. /901 n orJ A"."" 16. 1961 /l; .J S.' ..... b .. J. /96/
I",,,,,ud f·,b,,..,, 4. IQH
O. J . l1 il!. 1..1'. 602 AI .. ,unde)· LI'fe b Hf'. 1..t!. 10!16
L. L. TUl'~rl.
I); ," J .. ,,, 16. 196J
1.. 11. 18
/I",,, S .. "'r,,,"..A",,,,.
/,"'; ....01
I. '9!/
17, '9)9
II", .. N". ~ml>~ . 11, IR~ II
,,,,,, ....01 .If., !1. 19H
/1 0'" M.,,10 1. 1900 /) ".1 A .. ... " 14 , 1'16' 0 .,01 S""·,,,b .. I. '''61
, ,,,,;,,,• .1 I'~b, ... ~ F. 191' Fr:mcis J . E.ckrich, I.X. 6i6
D,~d 11' .. ,11"" iI. "61
Jan1/' '' \ \·I'ey. L..l'. 1098
II ..... I ." ..... , II. ' ' ' ' II ..... I ...... II. IV,)~
, .. ", ....01 I .... I •• /9'0
.\Ilwrl J . Warsh:u"k" 1..... 21 0 ...01 1 .. 1, 16. "'61 /1 ..... "'''' • .1 N ... ~ ... b~. 4 . I"~'
B"'N ", ... do 14. " , . O.r.1 S'Nr_b,. 1. 1"61
1,,,,, •• ~.1 S~p,~ ... b~, '. /961 Fr;Ulk J) . B:.lller. I..l' . i02 John II . ' l alar, 1..11. 1128
I),~d l .·~u ... b.. , " . 196J B.. , .. I'.b , ... " '0.
/",,,.,.,1 1."".'1
~, '~41 I"", •• ~" A~g~,. !~. '046
,\rlhl/I" J. l1 ... n'wlI~ . 'Y. I..I !. 2:1 n,,·,/ lui, ~. 1061 0 ..·01 "w ~ w" H. 19d1
8",,, I'rh,u • .., " lO O!
C'hllrl.,s Beall .,,.. 1..11. i02 J{u~clle II. Sullhlln, 1.. 11. 1128
I "",. , ~d ,//.,..
A /fl. 19H II",,, ,It ...10 .!O. 11194
/), ~J S~".~",,,~, 1. I QdJ II .. ,,, O""b" 11. '901
I ~" .....J I ......... H, " " 1 .. ", ....01 J .. I, I, "4] ;" L.V " '
'lI' rrill J . Pellil. 1•. 1'.41 1).~.1 S..,'~ ...b" ". /96J D.~J A ..... " H. /961

B"," A"II"" J. lilli' CIt'amon 1\ . E'ans. 1.. 1 . i02 H arold Baumann , 1..1 '. 1I11
1... , •• uJ I .... , 1. I'll'" I ..... hd, 17.1901 B ..", ." .. ~ ..",b .. ~. IVI1'
D,~d A ..... ,. 14. '~6J '"",.,~J O,,,,b« III. 19r 1 .. " •• ,~.1 Ou.",h .. III. 1914
/), .. J S"I'.< ... b.< J!, '''6) 0",01 A", .. ,. U. /961
Frank X. Simm('lh. 1.. 1'. 11
8"," ".b......, !'.
1.. "; •• rJ Feb,u ."
II. ' ~16
Luclll'r J{. 11 I1rll ll',.. 1.. 1'. 102
1/",,, A,. ~ ~" 1'. 11/90
Hichard S. Brt)(lk ~,
1/"," ,4/.,,/0 11. / 9JII
I.. Ll. 124.;
/),,01 AU II"" l~. /96J 1,,,,,.,,,, /II".<",h~. I. 1914 I,,,,,., ~J O....h.·, I . ,,,,,,

Willi:11II J . :'I l arlin. 1,.1'. 284

I)"" J"I, 16. '~ol /)'rJ A", .. " ,. 1961
B", .. A" ..I n. I'll' Oth"r 1'. 11 0u/o:h1011. 1.. 1' . i02 J amt'" lI arrey. I_ LT. 1215
I •• ".uJ I',b, ... ~ 16. 194. B.. , .. N.,,~ ... lu, 6. /90 ~ /I",,, A .. , .... II. 11196
J),~J 1,,1, : I. 196' ' "",.'rJ "h, .....,.
It. lue /""' ..~.1 I ....... , II. un
O.rd J"I, II. Ifdl D"d A ..... " I:. '961
(;ilbt'rt Trenl, 1..11 . 309 IlI' rllUIIl I."nd ll, 1•. (1. i02 E. ('. HUnlllhre,.. 1..1'. 121.>
B"," A" .. I 6. 111119 B, .... /II ....."'b" I. 1900 B" ... S"I'Umb~, HI. /901
I ",,, ...J A" .. I n, IV/1 ,,, LU. II! I",,,.,,,, /).u",b .., 1, ''I'! I .. ", •• ~J I) ... ~",b ... I, H44
Dud Aw, u,. I. 19d1 1),.,01 J~l r ~. I 'I6J /);ro1 A ..... ,' ~II. /963
l1 ol":ml F. Hnnl<t. 1..11. 128 Juhn II. ~Iil"· u rd. 1.. 1'. ;02 Pau l A. 1.0" .', 1..11 . 12 15
8",.. J ..... 12. "06
I"",., ..J M.«10 4 . /9!~
I ",,, D .... "'b .. 'I. 1041
1"", ••• 01 O""b .. , II.
B.. ,,, M ., ,. '''1
/961 I "", ..." F~b, ...., " '960
0, • .1 A"II"" 11, 196J /),~J J .." !I. 1961 1) •• 01 S~"u,"b~. 11, 1'6J

JOUIINAl fOil OeTOlfl/, 1963

Hobf'r t So ) 1f1f)8l'. L.U. 12·15 Ja ck T. Wh'c ll. I, .U. 12"5 !la rry K. Sur. I..U. 1260
R",~ S~~"",br. 11. /919 Bo,,, M."h 18. t9H B", .. M. "h 10 . ''110
1"",.uJ A~ ~ ~ " I . " " I ... , ... ,d M ...h I . lUI 1";,,.uJ J.""."
I . 19411
I).~J A~.~" J. 191f1 n ••J ~'PI."'I> .... 6. 1961 D,~J A ..... " !~. /~OJ
Ja ck Sta mbau gh. L.U. 1215 Emmell D. Lh in g" ton. L.LI. 1249
BO'N ",,'~ If, 191 I
1..",.uJ .4l.,,10 I. /9IfJ
Bo," Du~ ... h.·,
I .. ,,,.,..d ) .. ~. 19. /942
n. "9' Mllry F. )lilll·r. 1..1'. 150;;
/ N"'.UJ ltI ., I . IU6
O,~J A",,,., 11. "6J DuJ J~ ... ~ . 196J
/ ), .. 11 A~' N " 11. ''16J
l!arlon Wall ace. L. I!. 12H fo' luyd E. S nydt·r. L. U. 12111 IInOt'rt T alc, L. l l. 162 1
Bo, .. M ...h 2~. I9JO B", .. )""0 /9. /914 Bo," Mo, 9. IM9
' ";,,.,~J J,,~o I. 1962 1.. ;I;.uJ IN''~ /J. 1960 " .." . .. J Jo.... ~. /0"
/).~J ,., .. . ",, 19. 196J O,~J ,., .. , .. ,, 20. I'I~' D"II JNI~ :]7. 19U

Death Claims Paid m August 1963

L.U. "'amo ~. U . HOmO

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THE ell \' I~ TilE itAim H AT CHItI ST)(AS-1963
II l'r"'" ,,, flU' In) whu Wl'llr' n " IHlrd hil t " (:" l'U I Il hir:het ("hri~lmll~ lTff.
W ilh II liglnnins: fl ll~h (,,"r hi. n.m~: II ny li"~1 nn<l more holly.
(',,111'<1 J im. J , ..' or I'~t~ I .... ' ~nn .... ,",wirl de.-p llround Iht door.
111"" ,lnru,~1 hllrd I" I",a l ·n... fiN'~i,11' ""ilI IX' jolly.
Wh .. n .. ll'i"Iri'·1I1 IM,wl'r·,. Iii" I:umr. 11 ....... 111' ""('It j.)y wilh Ihankfulnf'P.
W ilh blu(' 1'11Illuhra..- ~1f'f"I'~ r"I1",", I,ll"
Thnt 1111 thl'''I' bll'5j;inl!'~ hr.
.\ 1.. 1 hpnrll< ""ill' wi lh c l"""r liu,
"u 11111111'<1 nrnr~.
.\ ronnd Ih~ ('hri~tmn" ,~.
'1'b~N"'~ II" r,",rn r"T \\hil~ /'o,llnrll hnl'.
111,""1 ,,,,,I ",,-,·,01 lin' "" .lrunleT I .... '·, b<",' 111,,1 "Iff" "II /I "rny"r
.\ s I,,· _h"I,,·~ h",,,I, wilh d""J:"I'r; T hill .11 Ihi~ j",' "'I' know
11 (· k" .. ,.._ II'" lilt' uw~"i"l: "r r,."T_
'I ,~ht Iinrr, nu,lInlllll'd ror Yl'nr~ 10 roml',
T hill Fr... ~I .. m's J!r"l'ion~ zh'",
\\'h,'l1 ~'",," "ir~I",r ",rulh _lid Il hll!l!Iy'~ :-lhllll fill "ur hl'l,rl~ 11 ,,,1 slour 1111 on
~trn ... k ,I .. wn. Jt •.~ Ih.· , ime "r .Hllr 'I'" lin' f"r 11 1:\1 <'I'l'h ,Iny.
y,.~. " "",,1 I"'''TI (.,,,, ~ l i ll ""11" willi Fur r"""illl:' lIw tr" "~lIr('" .\ wl I h"l 'h" 'l,p{'Io'rs I"""'liu/: us
~ .. ,·ro\\". O f , h,· ~lI ll\ "h>r's work :-l 1",11 ,,,ni~h 'luill" "\\"I,Y.
lI i~ h""~,1 hl'''oJ h~'11 I".\\". Y"II 1,ln1lt,p,1 with l,lt'IIM,n'. 1; ..,1 "pUI l il ~ !>;nr, I" frI'O' 'lw wf\rld,
Il nl n"1 ll"nr"" no" y"" r",~, ),,,lIr "l)r!oI fll ~ "',,r w,,~ ~.'I "n hi;:h
11.·'11 br I""'k ill Ih", lIi;:1I "h,,'1 ,,,,,,,,rrow: II'jllt ,.,,,~ hr;l:ht ",,,I "I""r; 'I'" " ""r"r' u~. u" mallpr whlll
Y,,"r .\I'P ill Ii;:hl , -'hI " ,. ir"I(' ill II .., ~k).
Ypo<. I:i,,' "'" tlw ""'u wh" Wpllr ttU' ,I "d nUlllU11I is IH'r,'.
"Iw rd lu. '~·' n. A. lI onl"f: ~.
\\'i,h" lighllll"l: I1n.h ",,'r ,llI'ir ":'''IP~:
E II'('I ril-ill rr~ ull
.\1 .' "1' EI.u ;", (~ ,I,~:.
H"i!r 01 /,'nlll'ri 1 Oyl,..
/,.('. '.'0';.
KP" I' Ih" l ':-l ,\ lall / •• 1 .•J!I.'I. ('lIi""II", /II. •
,\ ~ II,.. Jri):Jr ,·"ltll):p l'''ur~ Ihr""J:"h h,.r • • 1M ('ItOVJ DEXT
, .. in", 11 111-1 1"\1\' , imlll:in" whlll .I(If' dOf'S
1("ilr"",1 ,1"1"Ni,'" I" hllll1; I I ~)' ),,,u.
1'1 'N.H': t ·.\ .. I~I· U X1\Uf. ,,-t,,,* l. n' lO" tI"i,,!: "n Ihi~ l'r"I~'rly': .....ilh hi~ l11"UI',-. II.' ".,,~ ~h"rl "I'SltT'
U'i!r ,,/ .1tdcill f ' "/'1'11''' fir; ... ,." II lIm: I 'm I,,,.kill!.' fot till' l'rp~i,INlI of II",. ,,,,,I hp i • • h"rt nl.'_iu I"dny.
1.. 1 11.;, /'uTIIIINII. fj,f'/I Ihi~ railn."d. F r ... I- I" h.. Ir,,-illll." 10 bor row from
• III·I ."·,i,,, ' lh. yr~h'! \\"'11. l'''1 won't l"" .~
fliltl him h('"r,'. Il ill X". I '", trJin;:- In ho r ro w from
niX I.f.NS ION lluIIl I knn" Ih,,1, hu* I '", Oil hi~ him
It w",. ,I"",r, 'r hurhl'r wh" "nid t hnl tr"l'k~. •
,,\I., m"rliui i, "II rilda, 1\,,, nro' ""' lII;rrl\
FII " " Ho_\, A I.WAYS
IWoI Ihr.·" "r.' 11 .. 1 ",,,,u~h 1•. 1. 1'11i, "/'11,." I'" .. A. , J. A (,hti ~"nll~ In'e
.\ Ij,·t ill ~"o ,,'
AUTU)I X I S IIlmE FALL \\'iIl al"'J\)"~ I.l rnse
Wh .. " left ' 0 trQW .
•\ 1111111111 i~
With il~
_nll!k,'·h"~., ' I n )'~:
\\"1",,, .\u tuum "·n .. ,,'.
dr(' ..'t'll in g"ldN' EII 'i I.: Il R\:'I"T.
I ..""·,,. 1•. f '. l.l6. lIi rm iIl Il Au .....-Ifa •
.\ ~"I"l'Il!" I illll'
"f .'f'lIt Ar~ whirl ... 1 J,}' willll~. ,,, .... "-I'r Ihr
\\·h.. " Ir.. f'~ ar~ nb luzl'. !:TOIIII,I :
Tbpir It,;("" "f gold
\\"hN' hlr~'!lli,,:: R'"'-f'rs ,hnll how Ibpir 1',,'" !i np",~ " , whn weft 1'111.... enjoyed
.\ 1,,1 r,~1 '·II~ll,I'ro)",lI.
heads, .h ... k hnnlinl: ,,,tNhl;' r. One linpman was
.\ 1111 11111 ... lIu,1 I .. 'rri .'~
110"'1' Ih" ir ~N'd~ ,tull g') In IIt .. ir l>f'(ls: " r"~ln'llll'r: tlw ",h"r enioYf'(1 hi~ rUm.
:-:"ilJ ""'r th.· ~r"uu.1. I\"h,·" fl"hl" nro' " 1,,,,',-.,-1 "",I Ihr hnnl'~t II"" ('i,M. WPI XO\'pml",r do)' when the
'1'", ~ki,·" "r~ hrilllnll'- in,
'1'" 1"l'~1 i n I"nl"r" n",1 ill 1111' hin~;
*"." ",,,rl' ""' in th~ d uck mnr~hts. they
1\., hll ... ",,,I "'''nr, ,,,ok ""' lill'ir I hHm.'~I''' II"d 1!t's:ftrr tllk·
I lr 'l'il1'"1:: "Hr Wh"" ",:Hul"rin.:: hinl_ h".r Ih,' :-:.. urh· in:: ~\\'i ~ ~- I h,' Il'No t llll'r .I r illki nj! hOI
\\'ith n ~il:'n "11,1 " I.'nt_ Inud" t'lll. ",,"p". Ih,. ",h.. r JirrPtno111 dr,"kiu!: hnt
Thl' r1l~IJilll:: wind \\",. k",,", loy Illt'i r lliKlu Ilml il i~ FilII r"m \\·It"" 11I"ir ,I", rmosl''' Wl' r,. " "'1".1',
1.1l1l~ 1111' Ir('""s \" HII'~ I ' I ft,,, .: I "'N.1V~, lIl .. n:: ,'"nIP nll P 1",1<' d ,,('k. TIl(' I p~lo) l llll'r
.1" it .,'1111(',,,, I.'nns, 11 ' iff o!
U "'(,,,o/,rr, ni,,,,',1 "au::, h"m(. hllll r:- nothilltil'! !Iis
.\,,,1 Ih,' mi_ ' ), rnlllM """1'. 1•. 1. li!l. /1,,1/"11. '/'1'-1'. rll,,,·llri n killl: I",r""'r lIiIlH'd-bam:-do wn
,.,"'''' I h., ,h ... k II i.. 1'111 ('O ml'li"'" n! ,-.,-1

NAME, __ •... ~ .................. _..... _
him "" hi" ::",,,1 ~h(\(.' ill l: . "(lh," ~IIid the
rnm·drinkill!: hllllll'r. "llI"t w n~ I'llsy wilh
t il" 'ky full "f ,hH'k~."
1~ " w.'II" G. ~ .'I '>1.:1\,
Url;rr,/ '''P",hl'T.
NEW ADDRESS., ..................... .,_................................................. _ _ 1•. 1 2 1.1. ' ·"lIrOIlI·rr. 11. f' .

Clly Zan. 5'.'0
,lf$ENT LOCAL UNION NO .......... _ .................................... _ __ Y,,"r r'""~II'i'< MOl'", 10 dnw ne_r:
1'h.. '''lIl·h of )'Ollr hand, "h !to IIn r :
CAID 1'10 ......... _ .......................... _ .......... _._ .......................... _ .... _ \\'1' Wtn' snilin e n lilng Ihrll life Caily
(II .. rtLlown _ ch • •• w i,h lou l U.. Ic.nl \\'1th III"er " thOll l:hl. nOT II fta r .
O LD ADD.ESS ••. __ ......... _ ... __ .... _ .....,__ ••.• _ .. _..... _ ....... _ __ I n III1l'h a ~bort while, it w,"" o,·tr :
Yf'1 II IIfeliml' of bliu it did lItl'm:
""r. In, Ilmld If'nt"$ of t:"ln dnt5ll,
I ""'ok/': It ".,,' only _ dream.
'OaMEi LOCAL UNION NUMUL ___ .... ____ •. _ _ _ __ Tll n)t.o. K£RB ,
Willi 0/ J ohn L . K tt •.
116, JlOlfl lo~, Te~.
lIe-I.-e I 's xel mnrrled.
!<lhe-All rl ghl.
( L ong site nl'@.)
:-lhe- W hy don 't you u), somethin g ?
II/!- !" 'e ~"Id too much nlrend y.
You'll be SAFER
by a
(or anywhere else)

..;-,~ ....-
when you

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