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Connecting Classrooms in South Punjab

Connecting Classrooms is a global program for schools, designed to prepare young people for life in
a global society and work in a global economy. Quaid e Azam Academy for Educational Development
in collaboration with British Council runs this program in public sector to support teachers to
develop their classroom practice in core skills, the six essential skills that young people need to
prosper in the 21st Century.

Under the umbrella of Connecting Classrooms, the schools are provided with the opportunity of
International Schools Award, a program designed for students. In the ISA 2019-2022 phase, schools
have performed different activities which have brought international ethos in their local contexts.

Government Noor Jahan Girls High School Ismailabad Multan conducted an activity ‘Local Industry’
in this phase. Students visited a textile mill where they observed the process of thread
manufacturing. The first-hand experience in the industry enhanced students’ interest in business
and they would be employers rather than job seekers in their nearby future. They came to know
about imports and exports of Pakistan which has broaden their vision about business in Pakistan.
Teachers adopted new techniques for teaching. Learning by doing has enhanced teachers’ interest in
teaching practices as well. Partnership with partner school has enhanced the vision of the teachers
and they were able to know how these topics could be handled while using other techniques.

Road traffic accidents—the leading cause of death by injury and the tenth-leading cause of all deaths
globally—now make up a surprisingly significant portion of the worldwide burden of ill-health. An
estimated 1.2 million people are killed in road crashes each year, and as many as 50 million are
injured, occupying 30 percent to 70 percent of orthopedic beds in developing countries
hospitals. And if present trends continue, road traffic injuries are predicted to be the third-leading
contributor to the global burden of disease and injury by 2020. The Awareness of Road Safety Rules
is highly acknowledged by Government MC Elementary Center School Mian Channu. Students
conducted a semi survey in the community and asked the community member how much traffic
rules they follow. They invited Rescue 1122 team to deliver lectures on traffic rules in the school so
that students may run a campaign in the community to raise awareness about it. Now, students not
only follow the traffic rules by themselves but also intimate the message to the community
Government Girls High School Gilawala Lodhran conducted Water Filtration Activity in their schools.
Lodhran is facing problem in getting pure and drinkable water. Students are now well aware that
how much clean drinking water is important for their lives. They learned what the causes are of
water contamination. They learned what human activities are responsible for water contamination.
So now they try to avoid doing those activities. Students developed critical thinking and problem
solving attitude. They learned how they can find different possible solutions of any problem. As in
this activity they cleaned the water using local available things, so they acknowledged how quality
education can bring ease in their lives. They realized that industry and innovation play an important
role in their wellbeing and now they are more committed towards their studies.

These are some of the examples of activities done by South Punjab Schools. There are lots of
activities which schools have conducted in this phase of connecting classrooms. Community
campaigns, surveys, promotion of culture, peace, and strong institutions, and inculcation of science
and technology in the curriculum, have been the first ever priority of schools in this project. We
hope to promote quality education in the coming years with full zeal and zest.

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