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As a business school majoring in management with international
business concentration, the researcher will analyze the service quality
towards customer satisfaction in PT Vardion Digital Nebula.
Service is the process of ensuring the satisfaction of customers with
products or services and also one of the key factor in establishing a
company’s reputation and brand. Service is an important part of maintaining
ongoing client relationships, which is the key to continuing revenue. For
this reason, many companies have worked hard to increase their customer
satisfaction levels.
Service officers are at the front line of the company; therefore they
must make an effort to provide quality services rather than conducting
management policies or service structures. It's easier to create a successful
management policy and a system or structure for service delivery rather than
providing quality front-line customer service personnel.
Services can be performed in various ways, such as in person
interaction, phone call, self service systems, etc. According to Ettore, the
customers information should be obtained to better understand their view of
the service provided. The quality of service provided, determines the level
of satisfaction of the customer even though what is seen as quality by one
customer may not necessarily be quality to another.
In this study, researcher will study whether customer service
provided by PT Vardion Digital Nebula can provide satisfaction to its
customers. PT Vardion Digital Nebula is a company that provide enterprise
resource planning service. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the
integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time and
mediated by software and technology ERP is usually referred to as a
category of business management software typically a suite of
integrated applications that an organization can use to collect, store,


manage, and interpret data from these many business activities. PT Vardion
Digital Nebula providing their services to their customers through
telecommunication and e-mail media. How responsive they are and how
well they serve customers when using their services or want to submit
complaints to PT Vardion will greatly affect the satisfaction of their
Satisfaction (satisfaction) is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment
that arises because someone compares the perceived performance of the
product to their expectations. If performance fails to meet expectations,
customers will be dissatisfied. If performance is in line with expectations,
customers will be satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, customers
will be very satisfied and happy. The customer's assessment of product
performance depends on many factors, especially the type of loyalty
relationship that the customer has with a brand. Consumers often form a
more pleasant perception of a product with a brand that they already
consider positive (Kotler and Keller, 2016).
Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services
supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. In a
competitive market place, customer satisfaction is seen as a key of business
strategy because high levels of customer satisfaction can bring several
positive aspects to a company. Therefore, it is important for the company to
provide quality service to their customers as to satisfy them, make them
loyal and retain them at the end. That’s why the researcher title is “The
Effect of Service Quality toward Customer Satisfaction at PT. Vardion
Digital Nebula in Jakarta”


Due to the limitation of knowledge, the researcher limits the subject
of this final skripsi paper with the purpose to make the writer easier to
proceed in research. For variable x, which is service quality, the writer will
focus on the dimensions of the service quality including reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. For the variable y,

which is customer satisfaction, the writer will focus on the customer

satisfaction level. Because of this Startup Business is based in Jakarta, for
the company data retrieval, the writer will retrieve it via email and Google

The problem formulations in this research paper are as follows:
1. How satisfied the customer is with the services provided by the
2. How the service quality can affects customer satisfaction ?
3. How the service quality impacts customer loyalty ?
4. Which other services activities, that the customers will regard as the
major determinants to gain satisfactory?


The objectives of this research are:
1. To assess customers expectation and perception level towards service
quality of the Service Counter staff in five dimensions, such as
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
2. To evaluate how service quality affects customer satisfaction.
3. To establish how service quality impacts customer loyalty.
4. To identify which other services activities, customers will regard as


The benefit of this research can be seen from two sides, as follows:
1.5.1. Theoretical Benefit
Theoretically the results of this study are expected to be useful
to provide a reference for the introduction of customer satisfaction
and customer service quality.

1.5.2. Practical Benefit

Practically the results of this study are useful as follows:
a) For the writer
Gain knowledge and develop office management knowledge
regarding service quality
b) For the community
The results of the research can be used as an initial reference
to create and explore about service quality

The system of the research is as follow:
This chapter will describe the background of the study,
problem limitation, problem formulation, objective of the
research, benefit of the research which contain theoretical
benefit and practical benefit, and systems of the writing.


This chapter will discuss the theoretical background, previous
research, hypothesis development, research model, and
framework of thinking. This chapter contains the definitions
and theories that form the basis of the research that taken from
various sources.


This chapter describes the research design, population and
sample, data collection method, operational variable definition
and variable measurement, and data analysis method.



This chapter will describe the general view of research object,

data analysis that contains descriptive statistic, result of data
quality testing, and result of hypothesis testing, and discussion
of the results that obtained from this study
This chapter will describe the conclusions from the results, the
implication, and some recommendation from researchers.





The technological advancements allow startup companies to
more easily develop their business into the international sector. With
the touch of a finger these companies can reach customers in various
parts of the world, making them doing a international business.
International business is defined as all business activities, including
the creation and transfer of resources, goods, services, know-how,
skills, and information, which transcend national boundaries. The
resources may be raw materials, energy, technological know-how
and patents, capital, and organizational skills. Good sinclude
manufactured parts, sub-assemblies, and assemblies. Services may
include accounting, financial, legal, consulting, import and export,
health care, and transportation. Know-how may include product and
process technological innovations, copyrights, trademarks, and
brands. Skills may include organizational and managerial skills.
Information includes databases as well as information networks.
In doing international business, of course international
marketing is needed. Marketing is the process of planning and
executing conception, price, promotion and distribution of ideas,
goods and services to make exchanges that meet the goals of
individuals and organizations. International marketing is marketing
whose operations cross the boundaries of more than one country.
The companies that will be examined in this study market are their
services through the offers they advertise on their website. of course
the services carried out by the company must achieve certain
standards so that customer candidates can be interested and also trust
the company so that it uses the services that the company offers.

Service is one of the important processes in increasing

company value for customers This makes so many companies make
service culture the standard attitude of people in the company. An
integrated service culture will create service values, which will
affect the customer repetition rate in buying products. Therefore, the
value of services created must always be managed continuously, not
only when approaching customers and during transactions, but also
after transactions occur. Services that start at the initial stage are
services aimed at building relationships with customers. However,
services provided after the transaction are services that customers
will always remember about the company and products. Customers
who always remember positive things about company services, tend
to give referrals and generate positive word of mouth about the
company to other customers. Indirectly this will encourage
customers to participate in using the company's products. Services
can provide benefits to the company. In general, company leaders
fundamentally believe that high quality will provide high income.
But many of these leaders have not believed that investment in
developing services will benefit the company. It's possible that these
leaders are right. Investment in developing services may not be
profitable. Conversely, a lot of money is spent by companies every
year to improve services. It is common for companies to waste
money to achieve quality services, ranging from improving
expensive service features that are not important to consumers to
spend training costs unwise. A positive relationship between
perceived quality and profitability is empirically documented. Large
data from the Profit Impact of Market Strategy program (PIMS)
shows that this relationship is not explicitly related. In The PIMS
Principle, Buzzell and Gale show clearly that, for the long term, the
single most important factor affecting the performance of business
units is the quality of products and services. A quality will improve
performance in two ways:

a. In the short term, superior quality will increase profits

through expensive prices. For example, consumers are
willing to pay more for products of superior quality.
b. For a longer period of time, superiority and quality
improvement are more effective ways to grow a business.
Quality brings the company to market expansion and
increase in market share. The resulting growth shows that
competitors with superior quality will benefit from their
opponents. As a result, even though there are costs used to
improve quality, over time these costs will be covered. The
proof of this is that in general, businesses with quality
products that have a cost that is more or less the same as their
competitors. As long as their selling price does not exceed
the limit, they continue to grow, and at the same time still
gain superior profit margins (Buchari, 2009).


Kotler in Panjaitan and Yuliati (2016), revealed service
quality as a way of working for companies that strive to improve
quality, continuously to the processes, products and services
produced by the company. While according to Tjiptono in Panjaitan
and Yuliati (2016), service quality is the fulfillment of the needs and
needs of consumers as well as the accuracy of delivery in offsetting
consumer expectations.
Lewis and Booms customer expectations in Khoirista,
Yulianto, and Mawardi (2015) states that service quality is a
measure of how well the level of service provided matches. The two
main factors that influence service quality are the expected service
and perceived service. If the service received, or perceived
(perceived service) is as expected, the quality of service is perceived
as good or satisfactory, and vice versa.


The concept of service quality is an assessment factor that
reflects consumer perceptions of the 5 (five) specific dimensions of
service performance. According to Tjiptono, in Panjaitan and Yuliati
(2016), determine that there are five determinants of service quality.
The five dimensions, namely:
1. Tangibles or physical evidence, the ability of a company to
show its existence to external parties. The appearance and
capabilities of the company's physical facilities and
infrastructure and the state of the surrounding environment
are concrete evidence of the services provided to service
providers. In providing services, every person who wants
service can feel the importance of physical evidence shown
by service developers, so that the services provided provide
satisfaction. Forms of physical evidence services are usually
in the form of available service facilities and infrastructure,
service technology used, appropriate service provider
performance with the service characteristics provided in
demonstrating work performance that can be given in the
form of physical services that can be seen. The forms of
physical services that are shown as service quality in order
to improve work performance, are one of the considerations
in organizational management.
2. Reliability, Every service requires a reliable form of service,
which means that in providing services, every employee is
expected to have the ability in knowledge, expertise,
independence, mastery and high work professionalism, so
that the work activities carried out in the forms of satisfying
service, without any complaints and excessive impressions
the service that received by the community. The demands of
reliability of employees in providing services that are fast,
precise, easy and smooth become an assessment requirement

for the people served in showing the actualization of

employee work in understanding the scope and description
of work that is the concern and focus of each employee in
providing services.
The linkage of the dimensions of service reliability
(reliability) is very important in the dynamics of work of an
organization. Reliability is a form of characteristic or
characteristic of employees who have high work
performance. Reliability in service delivery can be seen from
the reliability of providing services in accordance with the
level of knowledge possessed, reliability in skill in mastering
the applied work field, reliability in mastering the work field
according to work experience shown and reliability using
work technology.
3. Responsiveness, The willingness to help and provide fast
and appropriate services to customers, with the delivery of
clear information. Allowing consumers to wait without a
clear reason causes a negative perception of service quality.
Every employee in providing forms of service, prioritizes
aspects of service that greatly influence the behavior of
people who get services, so that the responsiveness of
employees is needed to serve the community in accordance
with the level of absorption, understanding, incompatibility
with various forms of services that they do not know.
In principle, the core of the form service that is
applied in an agency or work service activity is to provide
services in accordance with the level of responsiveness to the
problems of the services provided. The lack of
responsiveness from the person receiving the service,
because the form of service is only being faced for the first
time, so it requires a lot of information about service
requirements and procedures that are fast, easy and smooth,

so the employee or service provider should guide the person

being served in accordance detailed, concise and clear that
does not cause a variety of questions or things that cause
complaints from people who get service. If this is done well,
it means that the employee has the ability to respond to the
services provided which is the cause of optimal service
according to the level of speed, ease and smoothness of a
service handled by the employee.
4. Assurance, The ability of company employees to foster trust
in customers to the company. Consists of several
components, among others communication
(communication), credibility (credibility), security
(security), competence (competence), and courtesy
Each form of service requires certainty over the
services provided. The form of certainty of a service is
largely determined by the guarantee of employees who
provide services, so that people who receive services are
satisfied and believe that all forms of service are carried out
thoroughly and according to speed, accuracy, ease,
smoothness and quality of services provided.
The essence of a convincing service basically relies
on service satisfaction shown by each employee,
organizational commitment that shows good service
delivery, and behavior of employees in providing services,
so that the impact of all service activities is believed by
people who receive services, will be well served in
accordance with the forms of service that can be believed in
accordance with the certainty of service.
5. Empathy, giving genuine and individual or personal
attention to customers by trying to understand consumer
desires. Where a company is expected to have understanding

and knowledge of customers, understand customer needs

specifically, and have a comfortable operating time for
Empathy in a service is the presence of attention,
seriousness, sympathy, understanding and involvement of
interested parties in the service to develop and carry out
service activities in accordance with the level of
understanding and understanding of each of these parties.
Problems from those who want to be served. The parties
served should understand the limitations and abilities of
those who serve, so that the integration between those who
serve and receive service has the same feeling.
This means that every form of service provided to people
served is needed to implement empathy for various problems faced
by people who need services. Those who want service need a sense
of care for all forms of service management, by feeling and
understanding the need for prompt service, understanding various
forms of service changes that cause complaints from the form of
services that must be avoided, so that the service runs according to
the desired activity by service providers and those who need
services. It means that empathy in a work organization becomes very
important in providing a quality service according to the work
performance shown by an employee.


According to Kotler and Keller in Panjaitan and Yuliati
(2016) satisfaction is the feeling of being happy or disappointed
someone who comes from a comparison between his impression of
the performance (or results) of a product and his expectations. The
company will succeed in obtaining customers in large quantities if it
is judged to provide satisfaction for customers. When customers are
satisfied, there will be a harmonious relationship between producers

and consumers, creating a good basis for repurchasing and forming

word of mouth recommendations that can benefit a company.
According to Danang Sunyoto in Khusaini (2016) the
definition of customer / customer satisfaction is the level of
satisfaction of a person after comparing (performance or results) that
is felt compared to his expectations. The level of satisfaction is a
function of the difference between perceived performance and
expectations. consumers can understand one of the three levels of
general satisfaction, namely if the performance is below
expectations, consumers will feel disappointed, but the performance
is in line with the expectations the customer will feel satisfied and if
the performance can exceed expectations, the customer will feel
very satisfied happy or very happy.
According to Panjaitan and Yuliati (2016) consumer
satisfaction with the company is interpreted as a situation where
consumer expectations of a service in accordance with the reality
received about the services provided to consumers. If the service of
a service company is far below the expectations of consumers,
consumers will be disappointed. Conversely, if the services provided
meet consumer expectations, then consumers will be happy.
Expectations of consumers can be known from their own experience
when using the services of a service company, other people's talk
and advertising information.
Tjiptono in Panjaitan and Yuliati (2016) states that the
creation of customer satisfaction can provide several benefits,
including the relationship between the company and the customer to
be harmonious, provide a good basis for repurchase and create
customer loyalty, and provide recommendations from word of
mouth profitable for the company. Lovelock and Wright in Panjaitan
and Yuliati (2016) state that, satisfaction is an emotional state, their
post-purchase reactions, can be anger, dissatisfaction, irritation,
neutrality, joy and pleasure. Satisfaction is influenced by the

comparison of services that are understood with the expected

service, and as the customer's short-term emotional reaction to the
performance of certain services.


Kotler (2016) states that there are three aspects of consumer
satisfaction, namely: Loyalty to the product, the existence of positive
communication by mouth to mouth and company are the main
Loyal to the product, satisfied consumers tend to be loyal.
Consumers who are satisfied with the products they consume will
have a tendency to repurchase from the same producer. The desire
to repurchase because of the desire to repeat a good experience and
avoid a bad experience.
The existence of positive word of mouth communication,
satisfaction is a factor that encourages positive word of mouth
communication. This can be a recommendation to other potential
customers and say good things about the product and the company
that provides the product.
The company is the main consideration when buying other
products, this is a cognitive process when there is satisfaction, where
consumers prefer the same company to get services or products from
the company.


Bela Dwi Kuntari, Srikandi Kumadji, and Kadirisman Hidayat
(2016) examined the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and
loyalty case studies at PT Astra International Tbk - Daihatsu Malang branch.
The population in the study were customers who made repairs and
maintenance in the workshop of PT Astra Internasional - Daihatsu Malang
branch. With a total sample of 124 people with Purposive Sampling
sampling technique, the customer carries out maintenance and repairs at

least 3 times. The technique of data collection is done by using a

questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in the study used descriptive
analysis and path analysis. The results showed that service quality has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality has a significant
effect on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction has a significant effect
on customer loyalty.
Kusuma Wijayanto, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta (2015)
examined the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and bank
customer loyalty. The population in this study were all Surakarta branch of
Bank Jateng Syariah customers with accidental sampling technique. Data
collection techniques with interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis
technique used is the classic assumption test, namely the normality test,
multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test. In addition, multiple linear
regression tests and hypothesis testing using the F and t tests were also used.
The conclusion in this study is that service quality has a significant effect
on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on
customer loyalty, and together service quality and customer satisfaction
have a significant effect on customer loyalty
Based on several studies that have been conducted indicate that the
quality of service can provide a direct influence on customer satisfaction,
but it could be that service quality factors provide a very weak influence
compared to other factors outside the service quality factor which certainly
has a stronger influence on customer satisfaction.


Hypothesis according to Darmadi (2011) is a presumption statement
to the relationship between variable studied. Based on the formulation of
the problem, the purpose of research and literature review, the hypothesis in
this study are as follows:
Ho : The service quality has no effect toward customer satisfaction at PT
Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta

Ha : The service quality has effect toward customer satisfaction at PT

Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta


This study uses a quantitative approach. Primary data collection uses
survey methods. The survey is a measurement process used to collect data
using the Subject questionnaire and the Research Object.
Definition of research variables are independent variable and
dependent variable. This independent variable is often called as a stimulus
variable, predictor, antecedent or free variable. Variables free is the variable
that influences or becomes the cause of the change or the incidence of the
dependent variable (bound) (Sugiyono, 2017).
Variables independent in this study is the service. According
Sugiyono (2017), the dependent variable is often also referred to as output
variables, criteria, consequences or related variables. The related variables
are the variables that are affected or that are the result the existence of
independent variables. Dependent variable in this research is customer
satisfaction. The research model of this research can be presents in figure

Service quality Customer Satisfaction

(X) (Y)

Figure 2.1 Research Model

Source: Prepared by Writer (2019)


The Framework of thinking in this research can be seen as follows:

Background of Study

Customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a products or

services and also one of the key factor in establishing a company’s reputation and brand.
The quality of service provided, determines the level of satisfaction of the customer even
though what is seen as quality by one customer may not necessarily be quality to another.
PT Vardion Digital Nebula providing their services to their customers through

Problem Formulation
1. How satisfied the customer is with the services provided by the company?
2. How the customer service can affects customer satisfaction ?
3. How the customer service impacts customer loyalty ?
4. Which other customer service activities, that the customers will regard as the major
determinants to gain satisfactory?

Theoretical Framework
1. According to Desanto (2008) Service quality has a very strong influence on customer
2. According to Kotler (2000) when performance meets expectations the customer will
feel satisfied and if the performance does not meets the expectations, the customer
will be dissatisfied.

Ho : The service quality has no effect toward customer satisfaction at PT Vardion
Digital Nebula in Jakarta
Ha : The service quality has effect toward customer satisfaction at PT Vardion Digital
Nebula in Jakarta
Figure 2.2. Framework of Thinking
Source: Prepared by Writer (2019)




Research design is defined as a framework of methods and

techniques chosen by a researcher to combine various components of
research in a reasonably logical manner so that the research problem is
efficiently handled. Research design can be broadly classified into
quantitative and qualitative research design.
The type of the research that the researcher uses is quantitative
research, descriptive, and causal research. According to Sugiyono in
Restiany (2018), the definition of quantitative method is a research method
based on the philosophy of postivism, used to examine the population of a
particular sample, the technique of collecting samples is generally random,
data collection uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative or
statistical in order to test specified hypothesis. With quantitative methods,
the significance of group differences or the significance of the relationships
between the variables studied is obtained. In general, quantitative research
is a large sample study.
According to Sugiyono in Restiany (2018), the resolution of
descriptive research is research conducted to study the value of independent
variables, either one variable or more (independent) without making an
agreement or using another variable.
In this study a causal design is used to explain the relationship
between variables using statistical analyses. Causal research is research that
aims to investigate causal relationships. Causal research therefore always
involves one or more independent variables (or hypothesized causes) and
their relationships with one or multiple dependent (or outcome) variables.
In addition there may be ‘‘mediating’’ variables sitting between the
independent and dependent variables, reflecting the causal process or
mechanism. Causal descriptive research aims to establish the effect of the
independent variable(s) on the dependent variable (Oppewal, 2010).


The research population is an individual who is the source of
research data. According to Sugiyono in Restiany (2018) states the sample

is part of the number of characteristics possessed by the population. A group

of subjects who will be subjected to generalization consists of a number of
individuals who at least have the same characteristics or characteristics.
The location is at PT Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta, Which is
located at Jl. Pluit Mas V, Blok D No. 9b, Penjaringan, North Jakarta
a. The duration of this research is estimated to be from June
2019 to August 2019.
b. Population is all the objects of research that includes
customer and other data that are related with the research.
The population that the writer will use is the customers of PT
Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta, which is 135 customer
c. Sample is part of customer and the writer is choosing random
sampling technique so all the customer will represent of PT
Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta without exception.
The research population is an individual who is the source of
research data. According to Azwar (2015) participation is a collection of
subjects that require subject to generalization of research results. A group
of subjects who will be subjected to generalization consists of a number of
individuals who have the same attributes or characteristics.
The level of precision, sometimes called sampling error is the range
which the true value of the population is estimated to be. This range is often
expressed in percentage points (e.g. 5%). Thus if a researcher finds that 60%
of customers in the sample have adopted a recommended practice with a
precision rate of 5%, then he or she can conclude that between 55% and
65% of customers in the population have adopted the practice.
The approach to determining sample size is the application of a
simplified slovin’s formula to calculate the sample size in this research. A
95% confidence level and p=0.05 are assumed,

n = Sample size

N = Total population
e = Level of precision (use the margin error of 0.05 and confidence
level of 95 percent)
The population size of the research is the customer of PT Vardion
Digital Nebula in Jakarta which are 135 customer.
When slovin formula is applied to the above sample we get

Therefore, the sample size is 100 customer of PT Vardion Digital Nebula


There are two method of collecting data that will be used in this
research. Which were: library research and secondary research. The library
research, researcher will be collecting data by reading books or references
from journals which were related to the topic discussed. The Second was
primary research/ field research. In this research, researcher did the research
directly to get the primary data. The researcher will compile the question
that will be used in the measuring instrument used in this study, namely the
Customer Satisfaction Scale and Service Quality Scale. After the measuring
instrument is compiled, the researcher will then conduct a professional
judgment together with the supervisor to assess the feasibility of each item
used in the research measuring instrument. Repairs will be carried out in
accordance with the results of the professional judgment. The researcher
will then do a try-out of the measuring instrument and then make repairs
according to the results of the try-out if needed.
In doing questionnaires, the researcher will use likert scale to make
a range of respondent agreement through google form. When responding to
a likert questionnaire item, respondents specify their level of agreement to
a statement. The respondents were asked to indicate their degree of
agreement with the statement or any kind of subjective or objective
evaluation of the statement. The questionnaires will be distributed online
because the distance between researcher and respondent.
Here are the following scoring criteria using Likert scales:

1. Options very poor has the value of 1.

2. Options poor has the value of 2.
3. Options average has the value of 3.
4. Options good has the value of 4.
5. Options very good has the value of 5.


An operational definition is a description of the one particular way
in which you will measure the variable. Operational definitions are
necessary so that reader will know exactly what the variable is and how it
was measured.
There are two variables that are being used in this research, namely:
a. Independent variable (variable X) is a factor that ca be varied or
manipulated in the research, in this research, the independent
variable (variable X) is service quality.
b. Dependent variable (variable Y) is a variable that the writer is trying
to predict. In this research, the dependent variable (variable Y) is job

Table 3.1. Blueprint Service Quality Scale

Variable Indicators Questionnaire
1. Appearance of the
Tangible website.

2. Interface of the
product that the
company provided.
3. Time needed to
Reliability complete the
provided service.
4. The quality of the
Service Quality (X) provided service.
5. The readiness of the
customer service to
Responsiveness help the costumer to

use the product or the

6. Clarity of the
customer service to
explain how to use
the product.
Assurance 7. Politeness from the
customer service.
8. Job mastery of the
9. Recommendation
Empathy from the customer
10. Customer service
operational time.
1. Worthiness of the
product or service.
Loyal to the product 2. The consistency of
service or product the
company provided.
Customer Satisfaction (Y) 3. The customer
experience when
using the product or
service that company
The existence of positive word 4. Will you recommend
of mouth communication the company service
to other people?
The company is the main
consideration when buying 5. Brand Image of the
other products company.


Data analysis methods are the methods of examining the relationship
between two variables in this study.


The validity of the measuring instrument is the extent to
which the scale can produce accurate and accurate data in
accordance with the measurement objectives. A measurement
instrument has high validity if the measuring instrument produces
data that is relevant to the measurement objectives (Azwar, 2015). It
is vital for a test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately
applied and interpreted. The product moment of validity formula is
as follows:

⅀xy : Multiplication between variable x and variable y
⅀ : Total square of each x scores

⅀ : Total square of each y scores

Table 3.2. Validity test scale
Score Validity
0.00 - 0.20 Very Poor
0.21 – 0.40 Poor
0.41 – 0.60 Average
0.61 – 0.80 Good
0.81 – 1.00 Very Good


Reliability is the consistency or stability of the research score
in different times by the same respondents (Yusuf, 2017). The
reliability coefficient has a range of values from 0 to 1. The more
reliable the coefficient is close to number 1, the more reliable the
measurement will be. Reliability testing on the Customer
Satisfaction Scale and Service Quality Scale will be carried out
using alpha formula by using statistical data processing software.

a : Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
N : The number of items
: Average inter-item covariance among items

: Average variance
Table 3.3. Measurement of reliability
Score Validity

0.000 - 0.200 Very Poor

0.201 – 0.400 Poor
0.401 – 0.600 Average
0.601 – 0.800 Good
0.801 – 1.000 Very Good

Mean is used to count the results from the questionnaire for
both variable x and variable y. The mean is a value that helps to
summarize and entire set of numbers. A set mean is calculated by
adding the number in the set together and dividing their sum by the
number of members of the set. The formula of mean is as follows:

: Mean
x : Particular values
n : Total Number of observations MEDIAN
Median is described as the numeric value separating the
higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution,
from the lower half. The median of a finite list of numbers can be
found by arranging all the observations from lowest value to highest
value and picking the middle one. If there is an even number of
observations, then there is no single middle value; the median is then
defined to be the mean of the two middle values.
Odd: Even:

Median value = X Median value

k = The location
n = Number of respondents MODE
Mode is the number in a given set of numbers that appears
most frequently. The mode provides a way to summarize a set of
numbers without examining all the numbers in the set.

: sample variance
x : individual value
: sample mean


Dispersion in statistics is a way of describing how spread
out a set of data is. When a data set has a large value, the values in
the set are widely scattered; when it is small the items in the set are
tightly clustered.
a. Range

b. Variance & Standard Deviation


: Sample variance
S : Standard deviation
x : Individual value
: Sample mean

: Sample size
Normality test is used to determine if a data set is well
modeled by a normal distribution and to compute how likely it is for
a random variable underlying the data set to be normally distributed.
The purpose of normality test is to set whether the regression model,
confounding or residual variable has a normal distribution. A good
regression model is to have data distribution normal or near the
normal. Application of the Chi-Square test can be checked by the
formula and scale below:

: Chi-square

: Observed frequencies

: Expected frequencies

Table 3.4 Normality Test Intervals

The Scale use for the normality test:
Normality test <0.05 Difference with standard normal
Normality test >0.05 Data is normally distributed


Linearity test aims to determine whether two variables have
a relationship that is linear or not significantly. This test is usually
used as a prerequisite in correlation analysis or linear regression.
1) If the linear value of linearity < 0.05, there is a linear
relationship between dependent & independent variable.
2) If the linear value of linearity > 0.05, there is no linear
relationship between dependent & independent variable.
Regression analysis includes any techniques for modeling
and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship
between a dependent variable and one or more independent
variables. More specifically, regression analysis helps us understand
how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any
one of the independent variables is varied, while the other
independent variables are held fixed. Most commonly, regression
analysis estimates the conditional expectation of the dependent
variable given the independent variables that is, the average value of
the dependent variable when the independent variables are held
fixed. Less commonly, the focus is on a quartile, or other location
parameter of the conditional distribution of the dependent variable
given the independent variables.
The regression of X and Y can be defined as:


a : Constant Factor
b : Slope of the regression line
X : Independent Variable
Y : Dependent Variable
n : Number of respondents
Correlation analyses method is used to check the
relationship between two variables. It assesses how well the
relationship between two variables can be described using
monotonic function. If there are no repeated values, a perfect
spearman correlation of + 1 or -1 occurs when each of the variables
is a perfect monotone function of the other.
The correlation coefficient formula:

r : Coefficient correlation
n : Number of respondents
X : Independent variable
Y : Dependent variable
Table 3.5. Correlation Test Scales
Score (r) Correlation
-1 Perfectly strong and negative
0 No relationship
0.00 – 0.199 Significantly low and positive
0.20 – 0.399 Low and positive
0.40 – 0.599 Moderate and positive
0.60 – 0.799 Strong and positive
0.80 – 0.999 Significantly strong and positive
+1 Perfectly strong and positive



Determination test is tested in order to find out how the

relation of variable X to the variable Y is in term of percentage. The
result of correlation coefficient will determine the value of
determination in percentage. The formula is:

D: Determination
: Coefficient of correlation

: The sum of x value multiplied by y value

: The sum of x value

: The sum of y value

n: Total of respondent
Table 3.6 Determination Scales
Percentage Determination
5% - 49% Low
50% Average
51% - 99% High


The hypothesis test is used to decide whether to accept Ho
or Ha. The Hypothesis test is done by comparing the z-table value
and the z counted value in order to test whether the value is accepted
in certain area, z-test is used for sample size more than 30 people.
The formula is

z : hypothesis test

n : number of respondents
r : correlation between variable X and variable Y
Level of significance / Error margin: 5%
Level of confidence: 95%

The scales of hypothesis test are:

If Zcount ≥ + Ztable, H0 is rejected or there is a significant level of
If –Zcount ≤ - Ztable, H0 is rejected or there is no significant level
of influence.
If –Ztable < Zcount< + Ztable, H0 is accepted or there is no
significant level of influence



PT. Vardion Digital Nebula is a ERP based company which
located in Jakarta. Vardion Digital Nebula is a software
manufacturer and developer company which was founded by the
Indonesian nation's son since april 2014. Vardion Digital Nebula is
empowered by the best team and smart innovators, programmers,
reliable who create great products, teams that help develop systems
in all businesses, and customer support staff.
Vardion Digital Nebula focused on entrepreneurs who really
need software system to easily support their business, quick and
precise. In line with the company's increasing need for business
software, software development to the next versions and after-sales
services continues to be carried out on an ongoing basis. PT Vardion
Digital Nebula has made various software on multiple platform
starts from mobile apps to desktop apps. We meet as the Best
Business Management Software. Vardion Digital Nebula has been
used by more than 40,000 small, medium and large companies with
60,000 users (users / licenses) in Indonesia and abroad. The amount
is always increasing.
Vardion Digital Nebula is an Indonesian and English
business and financial management software, flexible, well-
equipped and highly efficient, designed to suit the needs of small,
medium and large companies in Indonesia and even abroad.
Its vision is to become a market leader in innovative and
easy-to-use software manufacturer and developers for small,
medium and large scale companies in Globally and Its Mission is to


transform customer needs in managing business by providing highly

personalized services of international standard.
Robbins (2007) defines organizational structure as
determining how work is divided, divided, and formally grouped.
Whereas the organization is a consciously coordinated social
unit, consisting of two or more people, and functions on a relatively
continuous basis in order to achieve a series of common goals.
In the context of organizational design, Ivancevich (2008)
defines it as the process of determining decisions to choose
alternative positions, work projects, and departments. Thus, the
decisions or actions chosen will produce an organizational structure.
The organizational structure of Vardion Digital Nebula in
Jakarta is as follows:


Project Manager

Consultant Senior Programmer HRD


Figure 4.1 Organizational Structure

Source: Vardion Digital Nebula (2019)


1. CEO (Chief Executive Officer)


The Chief Executive Officer is the highest position in a

company where it is they who determine the direction of the
company's development at a glance.
The following are some of the tasks of the CEO:
1) Design and communicate the company's vision
2) Motivate team members
3) Recruit team members
4) Predict market trends
5) Describe the company's business strategy
6) Building relationships with investors
7) Manage financing and budget
2. CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
CTO is a role that can be said to have only recently emerged
due to the development of internet technology and increasingly
advanced Cloud applications. The abbreviation for CTO is Chief
Technology Officer. The task of this Deputy Director is fully
responsible for all technological and information activities
within the company.
1) Unify product development
2) Understand current technological developments and
their adoption
3) Manage product development
The project manager is the person appointed to move the
project organization and lead it in achieving project objectives.
In large and very complex projects project managers must even
have the perfection of competence.
In carrying out their duties related to project teams and
stakeholders, effective project managers are required to have an
ethical, interpersonal, and conceptual balance that can help them
analyze the situation and interact accordingly.

1) The project manager's responsibility is to meet needs

in the form of task needs, team needs, and individual
2) The project manager is the link between strategy and
3) The role of the project manager in business
development and the survival of the company has
become more strategic.
The role of an IT consultant is to become a technical
specialist who focuses on integrating information technology
into business and shows clients how to use IT technology more
efficiently to help achieve goals and targets.
This can be done by introducing new technical solutions and
software platforms for IT infrastructure with the aim of
improving processes and profitability. IT consultants usually
work as a bridge between the technical team and staff members
by gaining a clear understanding of client requirements from the
business model and strategy.
There are several different reasons that might require the
help of an IT consultant:
1) To seek advice and recommendations on business
and IT issues
2) To diagnose and correct challenges & opportunities
3) To make recommendations to improve team
4) Implement a new system to increase productivity and
5) Temporarily help during projects where hiring
permanent employees is not needed
6) Advice from external specialists

Understanding senior programmers is a term for

programmers who are already proficient in one programming
language and are usually able to provide solutions to problems
faced. Besides being proficient, senior programmers are also
able to translate business processes that are given and applied in
a program. In addition, senior programmers usually provide
guidance to junior programmers.

The following tasks are carried out by the Senior


1) Arrange codes from programming languages to

produce a program that is capable of doing a job.
2) Test a program that was made whether it was able to
do the task as planned.
3) Looking for deficiencies in a program to then consult
the solution.
4) Analyze bugs and errors as they make improvements
to deficiencies in a program.
5) Re-test a program until no errors are found that make
the function interrupted.
HRD is responsible for ensuring the company gets the best
employees. Therefore, in terms of employee recruitment, HRD
is the part that is considered most responsible for managing the
selection process. After acceptance, the next task is to maximize
the best ability of the employee to better serve the company.
HRD is tasked with recruiting and developing employee
potential. The following tasks are carried out by the HRD
1) Recruit employees for positions needed by the
2) Provide employee training and development.

3) Supervise the performance of each employee.

4) Provide recommendations for appointment of
positions and compensation.
5) Employee payroll distribution
6) Conduct employee surveys and grading.
7) Oversee health and safety equipment for employees.
8) Establish teams for company projects.
9) Coaching and problem solving for employees.
10) Maintain the solidarity of all employees, etc.
Programmers are simply someone whose job is analyzing,
compiling, editing, testing a collection of programming
languages to then produce a program that can run certain tasks
automatically. For easier programmers are people who make the
program itself by using a combination of various programming
There isn’t much different task between senior programmer
and programmer. The following tasks are carried out too by the
1) Arrange codes from programming languages to produce
a program that is capable of doing a job.
2) Test a program that was made whether it was able to do
the task as planned.
3) Looking for deficiencies in a program to then consult the
4) Analyze bugs and errors as they make improvements to
deficiencies in a program.
5) Re-test a program until no errors are found that make the
function interrupted.




This chapter will explain all the data that obtained from the
result of the research, researcher will process and analysing the data
using data processing software. The result that obtained from
processing the data will be used as a basis for research and to proof
the hypothesis that the researcher stated before wether the
hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
The subjects in this study were 100 customers who used the
services provided by Vardion Digital Nebula. If seen by gender of
the respondent, then the distribution of subjects in this study can be
seen as follows:
Tabel 4.1 Respondent Characteristic based on gender

Gender N Percentage
Male 66 66%
Female 34 34%

From the table above, it can be seen that the respondents who
contributed to the research consists of 66 male respondents (66%)
and 34 female respondents (34%).
The results of the questionnaires that have been answered
by the respondents will be shown as follows:
Table 4.2 Q1. Time needed to complete the provided service.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 3,00 3%
Poor 13,00 13%
Average 20,00 20%
Good 44,00 44%
Very Good 20,00 20%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 3 participants (3%) answered very poor,

13 participants (13%) answered poor, 20 participants (20%)
answered average, 44 participants (44%) answered good, and 20
participants (20%) answered very good.
Table 4.3 Q2. The quality of the provided service.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage


Very Poor 18,00 18%

Poor 18,00 18%
Average 25,00 25%
Good 27,00 27%
Very Good 12,00 12,00
Total 100,00 100,00

It can be seen that 18 participants (18%) answered very poor,

18 participants (18%) answered poor, 25 participants (25%)
answered average, 27 participants (27%) answered good, and 12
participants (12%) answered very good.

Table 4.4 Q3. The readiness of the customer service to help the costumer to
use the product or the service.

Answer Frequency Percentage
Very Poor 2,00 2%
Poor 3,00 3%
Average 9,00 9%
Good 45,00 45%
Very Good 41,00 41%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 2 participants (2%) answered very poor, 9

participants (9%) answered average, 45 participants (45%) answered
good, and 41 participants (41%) answered very good.

Table 4.5 Q4. Clarity of the customer service to explain how to use the

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 16,00 16%
Poor 14,00 14%
Average 31,00 31%
Good 31,00 31%
Very Good 8,00 8%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 16 participants (16%) answered very poor,

14 participants (14%) answered poor, 31 participants (31%)

answered average, 31 participants (31%) answered good, and 8

participants (8%) answered very good.

Table 4.6 Q5. Recommendation from the customer service.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 6,00 6%
Poor 15,00 15%
Average 43,00 43%
Good 23,00 23%
Very Good 13,00 13%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 6 participants (6%) answered very poor,

15 participants (15%) answered poor, 43 participants (43%)
answered average, 23 participants (23%) answered good, and 13
participants (13%) answered very good.

Table 4.7 Q6. Customer service operational time.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 2,00 2%
Poor 13,00 13%
Average 33,00 33%
Good 33,00 33%
Very Good 19,00 19%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 2 participants (2%) answered very poor,

13 participants (13%) answered poor, 33 participants (33%)
answered average, 33 participants (33%) answered good, and 19
participants (19%) answered very good.

Table 4.8 Q7. Politeness from customer service.


Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 11,00 11%
Poor 14,00 14%
Average 36,00 36%
Good 29,00 29%
Very Good 10,00 10%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 11 participants (11%) answered very poor,

14 participants (14%) answered poor, 36 participants (36%)
answered average, 29 participants (29%) answered good, and 10
participants (10%) answered very good.
Table 4.9 Q8. Job mastery of the staff.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 5,00 5%
Poor 7,00 7%
Average 21,00 21%
Good 30,00 30%
Very Good 37,00 37%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 5 participants (5%) answered very poor, 7

participants (7%) answered poor, 21 participants (21%) answered
average, 30 participants (30%) answered good, and 37 participants
(37%) answered very good.

Table 4.10 Q9. Appearance of the website.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 11,00 11%
Poor 21,00 21%
Average 29,00 29%
Good 28,00 28%
Very Good 11,00 11%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 11 participants (11%) answered very poor,

21 participants (21%) answered poor, 29 participants (29%)

answered average, 28 participants (28%) answered good, and 11

participants (11%) answered very good.

Table 4.11 Q10. Interface of the product that the company provided

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 9,00 9%
Poor 13,00 13%
Average 19,00 19%
Good 35,00 35%
Very Good 24,00 24%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 9 participants (9%) answered very poor,

13 participants (13%) answered poor, 19 participants (19%)
answered average, 35 participants (35%) answered good, and 24
participants (24%) answered very good.
Table 4.12 Q11. Worthiness of the product or service.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 9,00 9%
Poor 19,00 19%
Average 25,00 25%
Good 28,00 28%
Very Good 19,00 19%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 9 participants (9%) answered very poor,

19 participants (19%) answered poor, 25 participants (25%)
answered average, 28 participants (28%) answered good, and 19
participants (19%) answered very good.

Table 4.13 Q12. The consistency the service or product the company provided.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage


Very Poor 4,00 4%

Poor 7,00 7%
Average 15,00 15%
Good 38,00 38%
Very Good 36,00 36%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 4 participants (4%) answered very poor, 7

participants (7%) answered poor, 15 participants (15%) answered
average, 38 participants (38%) answered good, and 36 participants
(36%) answered very good.

Table 4.14 Q13. The customer experience when using the product or service
that company provided

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 13,00 13%
Poor 16,00 16%
Average 24,00 24%
Good 27,00 27%
Very Good 20,00 20%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 13 participants (13%) answered very poor,

16 participants (16%) answered poor, 24 participants (24%) answered
average, 27 participants (27%) answered good, and 20 participants
(20%) answered very good.
Table 4.15 Q14. Will you recommend the company service to other people?

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 4,00 4%
Poor 11,00 11%
Average 40,00 40%
Good 31,00 31%
Very Good 14,00 14%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 4 participants (4%) answered very poor,

11 participants (11%) answered poor, 40 participants (40%)

answered average, 31 participants (31%) answered good, and 14

participants (14%) answered very good.
Table 4.16 Q15. Brand Image of the company.

Respondent Answer Frequency Percentage

Very Poor 7,00 7%
Poor 12,00 12%
Average 41,00 41%
Good 30,00 30%
Very Good 10,00 10%
Total 100,00 100%

It can be seen that 7 participants (7%) answered very poor,

12 participants (12%) answered poor, 41 participants (41%)
answered average, 30 participants (30%) answered good, and 10
participants (10%) answered very good MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE

Table 4.17 Mean, Median, Mode

N Min Max Mode Median Mean Std. Deviation

Service Quality 100,00 18,00 48,00 38,00 35,00 34,18 6,90
Customer Satisfaction 100,00 7,00 25,00 19,00 18,00 17,13 3,92
Valid N (listwise) 100,00

Researcher has made a scale to interpret the result of mean,

median, mode by determining the interval range. Below is the
interval class for Service Quality:

Highest Value = 10 statements x 5 = 50

Lowest Value = 10 statements x 1 = 10

Table 4.18 Statistic Scale for Service Quality

Interval Class Scale

10 – 18 Very Poor
18 – 26 Poor
26 – 34 Average
34 – 42 Good
42 – 50 Very Good
Source: Prepared by Writer (2019)
Here is the explanation for the statistic result based on SPSS
program from table 4.17 using the scale for Service Quality variable
1. The result for mean of service quality (variable X) is 34.18,
by looking with scale the that researcher previously made it
means good.
2. The result for median of service quality (variable X) is 35.00,
by looking with scale the that researcher previously made it
means good.
3. The result for mode of service quality (variable X) is 38.00,
by looking with scale the that researcher previously made it
means good.

Below is the interval class for Customer Satisfaction:

Highest Value = 5 statements x 5 = 25

Lowest Value = 5 statements x 1 = 5

Table 4.19 Statistic Scale for Customer Satisfaction

Interval Class Scale

5–9 Very Poor

9 – 13 Poor

13 – 17 Average

17 – 21 Good

21 – 25 Very Good

Source: Prepared by Writer (2019)

Here is the explanation for the statistic result based on SPSS
program from table 4.17 using the scale for Customer Satisfaction
variable Y:
1. The result for mean of customer satisfaction (variable Y)
is 17.13, by looking with scale the that researcher
previously made it means good.
2. The result for median of customer satisfaction (variable
Y) is 18.00, by looking with scale the that researcher
previously made it means good.
3. The result for mode of customer satisfaction (variable Y)
is 19.00, by looking with scale the that researcher
previously made it means good.


The validity of the measuring instrument is the extent to

which the scale can produce accurate and accurate data in
accordance with the measurement objectives. A measurement
instrument has high validity if the measuring instrument produces
data that is relevant to the measurement objectives (Azwar, 2015).

Table 4.20 Validity test of Service Quality (X)

Question Number Validity Value Critical Value Conclusion


1 0,6190 0,361 Valid

2 0,6706 0,361 Valid
3 0,5116 0,361 Valid
4 0,6532 0,361 Valid
5 0,5825 0,361 Valid
6 0,5658 0,361 Valid
7 0,7733 0,361 Valid
8 0,5637 0,361 Valid
9 0,6912 0,361 Valid
10 0,5304 0,361 Valid
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

From the validity test table above, it can be concluded that

all items of the questionnaire for service qualitty (Variable X) are
valid. Based on the validity value above all the questionnaire items
for each variable is valid, because all of them are larger than r table
(0.1966) for n = 100 with significance of 5%
Table 4.21 Validity test of Customer Satisfaction (Y)

Question Validity Value Critical Value Conclusion

11 0,6957 0,361 Valid
12 0,7071 0,361 Valid
13 0,7707 0,361 Valid
14 0,6258 0,361 Valid
15 0,6572 0,361 Valid
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

From the validity test table above, it can be concluded that

all items of the questionnaire for customer satisfaction (Variable Y)
are valid. Based on the validity value above all the questionnaire
items for each variable is valid, because all of them are larger than r
table (0.1966) for n = 100 with significance of 5% RELIABILITY TEST


Reliability is the consistency or stability of the research

score in different times by the same respondents (Yusuf, 2017). The
reliability coefficient has a range of values from 0 to 1. The more
reliable the coefficient is close to number 1, the more reliable the
measurement will be.
Table 4.22 Reliability test of Service Quality (X)
Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
,818 10
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

Table 4.23 Reliability test of Customer Satisfaction (Y)

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
,728 5

Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

Based on those tables, it can be seen that the output of

Cronbach’s Alpha for each variable are greater than 0.7 which
means that questionnaire data are reliable (consistent) NORMALITY TEST

Normality test is a test conducted to see whether the data

that is owned by the researcher is normally distributed or not. A good
regression model is to have data that is normally distributed.
Normality test used in this study is kolmogorov-smirnov.

Table 4.24 Normality Test


One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

d Residual
N 100
Mean ,0000000
Normal Parameters(a,b)
Std. Deviation 2,59812067
Most Extreme Absolute ,063
Differences Positive ,063
Negative -,041
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,626
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,828
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
Based on the table above, it can be seen that Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) 0.828 is greater than 0.05. This indicates that the data are
normally distributed.

Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)


Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)


Correlation test aims to determine the level of closeness for

relationship between variables as expressed by the correlation
coefficiet (r)
Table 4.25 Coefficient of Correlation Test


Total Service Total Customer

Quality Satisfaction
Total Service Quality Pearson Correlation 1 ,749(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 100 100
Total Customer Pearson Correlation ,749(**) 1
Satisfaction Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 100 100
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

Based on the above table, the significance value of

0.000<0.05 then correlated and based on the guidance of the degree
of relationship Pearson Correlation, it is strong and positve
correlation of 0.749. DETERMINATION TEST
Coefficient of determination used to see how big
contribution of free variable to dependent variable. From the output
SPSS obtained the following table:
Table 4.26 Coefficient of Determination Test
Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 ,749(a) ,561 ,557 2,611
a. Predictors: (Constant), Total Service Quality
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

Besides that, determination value can also be calculated by:

From the table above, it can be seen that R Square is 0.561,

which means that service quality of Vardion Digital Nebula has an
effect of 56,1% on their customer satisfaction; the remaining is
influenced by other variables outside this study. SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION
Simple Linear Regression is used to predict the value of the
dependent variable if the value of independent variable is raised or
lowered. Here is the result of simple linear regression.

Table 4.27 Simple Linear Regression Test

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 2,580 1,325 1,947 ,054
Total Service
,426 ,038 ,749 11,198 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Total Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 855,037 1 855,037 125,388 ,000(a)
Residual 668,273 98 6,819
Total 1523,310 99
a Predictors: (Constant), Total Service Quality
b Dependent Variable: Total Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Processing Result (2019)
Based on the above table, we get the value of a = 2.580 and
b = 0.426 so that the regression equation can be written as follows:

Y= a + bx

Y= 2.580+0.426

The above can explain that:

Service quality is represented by X and consumer
satisfaction is represented by Y, a is a constant price when X = 0,
and b is a regression coefficient which indicates an increase or
decrease in the dependent variable based on changes in the
independent variable.
Based on this formula, the regression line equation is Y =
2.580 + 0.426x. The value of a = 2.580 explains that if service
quality is not carried out then customer satisfaction is 2.580, while
the value of b = 0.426 (regression coefficient) explains that every
one increase in service quality, customer satisfaction will increase

by 0.426. Regression coefficient is positive between service quality

and customer satisfaction. HYPOTHESIS TEST (Z TEST)

The Z test is one of the statistical tests that tests the

hypothesis approached with a normal distribution. According to the
centralized limit theory, data with a large sample size will be
normally distributed. Therefore, the Z test can be used to test large
sample data. The number of samples of 30 or more is considered a
large sample, while in this reasearch there are 100 persons.

The Z test is used to know wether service quality has impact

towards customer satisfaction at Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta.
Here is the result of the hyphotesis test (Z Test).

From the result above, it can be concluded that H0 is

rejected and the result of Zcount is 7.452, which is larger than Ztable
in 1.96 for the significant level of 5%. Therefore hypothesis
alternative is accepted in this research paper. It means that service
quality has impact towards customer satisfaction at Vardion Digital
Nebula in Jakarta.

The main results of this study indicate that there is an influence of
service quality on customer satisfaction of the Vardion Digital Nebula
company. Where the results of testing simple regression analysis on these
two variables obtained a value of rxy = 0.749 with a significance level (p)
= 0,000. Ho rejection criteria if p <α (0.05). With p = 0.000, it has been
proven that Ho is rejected, which means that indeed there is an influence of
predictor variables, namely the quality of service with the criteria variable,
namely customer satisfaction.
The reasons that can explain the effect of service quality on customer
satisfaction are: first, from the significance value of the research (p) which
is small from the significance level (α). Second, there is a positive
correlation of (rxy) = 0.749, from a positive correlation value, besides
showing a correlation, this value also means that the better the quality of
service, the higher the customer satisfaction. Conversely, the worse the
quality of service, the more indicates the existence of consumer
dissatisfaction with the company.

The results of this study are very in line with what was stated by
Wathek, Nyandoro and Markovic in M, Johnson (2017) international studies
based on the application of the SERVQUAL model have found a significant
relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction.
It also supports the study of Grönroos, Berry, and Hoffman & Bateson in
M, Johnson (2017) which states the extent of the needs of customers are
met, and how well a service is delivered to meet these needs and
expectations. If indeed the quality of service is better or in accordance with
the expectations of consumers, consumers will feel satisfied otherwise if the
quality of service is worse or not in meeting the expectations of consumers,
consumers will feel dissatisfied.

Based on the results of categorization of service quality variables, it

was found that most subjects in the study had perceptions of service quality
at the company at a good level and categorization based on customer

satisfaction variables also found that the majority of corporate consumers

had good customer satisfaction on the quality of service provided by the
company. It is very important for a company to think that service to
consumers must be maintained or improved, because quality service is a
very important aspect. With the quality of service, in addition to making
consumers feel satisfied or attracting consumers to remain loyal to the
company, this is also important in maintaining business and winning
competition between companies.


In this chapter, conclusions and suggestions will be described regarding the

results obtained from this study. First, the conclusions of this study will be
elaborated, which are then followed by suggestions both practical and
methodological which are expected to be useful for future research related to this
Based on the results of the research the influence of service quality
on customer satisfaction in the Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta City can
be concluded several things, namely:
1. That there is an influence on the quality of service on customer
satisfaction in Vardion Digital Nebula in Jakarta.
2. A positive relationship indicates that the higher the quality of
service, the higher customer satisfaction, the lower the quality of
service, the lower customer satisfaction.
3. The effect of service quality accounts for 56.1% of customer
satisfaction and the remaining 43.9% of customer satisfaction is
influenced by other variables not seen in this study.
4. Based on the average research results, the level of customer
satisfaction in the enterprise resource planning companies is in the
good category.
5. Based on the results of the research the average level of consumer
perceptions of service quality in the company is in the good

The role of service quality on customer satisfaction is very high.
This can trigger and influence consumers to make positive word of mouth
communication. This research provides an overview of the phenomena that
occur, including the following, From this study, the results show that service


quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction,

meaning that service quality has an effect on increasing customer
satisfaction. Vardion Digital Nebula should pay attention to the quality of
service they provide to customers. At this time, the quality of Vardion
Digital Nebula's service is good, but it would be better if the improvement
in service quality is done continuously, so that consumers are more satisfied
with the quality of services offered, because in the service business, service
quality is at the heart of a company's life If service quality is not considered
properly, it is not impossible that customer satisfaction will decrease, as a
result, customer loyalty to the Vardion Digital Nebula has decreased even
customers may move to use enterprise resource planning services.

In this section the researcher will end it by giving advice,
considering that this research is still far from perfection. The following
recommendations are expected to be useful for the development of the
continuation of scientific studies regarding Industrial and Organizational
Psychology and useful for the enterprise resource planning companies. The
recommendations are:
1. Methodological Recommendations
Based on the results of this study, for parties interested in similar
research or to develop further research, should pay attention to the
a. When filling out the questionnaire, assistance is needed
because it is very important to be able to minimize the
presence of incompleteness and also fill in all items in the
research questionnaire.
b. Based on the coefficient of determination that shows
customer satisfaction is influenced by service quality only by
56.1%, the rest of consumer satisfaction is influenced by
other variables not discussed in this study. So, it is suggested
to researchers then those who are interested in examining

customer satisfaction by reviewing other factors namely

product quality, price, situation and personal.
c. For further researchers who are interested in examining the
variable quality of service and customer satisfaction can use
different approaches to obtain varied results, such as
qualitative approaches, experiments or with factor analysis
research methods. A qualitative approach can be used to dig
deeper into other factors that influence service quality and
customer satisfaction. The experimental approach can be
used to see how the quality of service affects consumers. The
method of factor analysis research can be used to see
percentages quality of service for each aspect of customer
d. For further researchers who are interested in researching the
service quality variables of the enterprise resource planning
companies, it is hoped that more developed measuring
instruments will be used so that every aspect of the quality
of enterprise resource planning companies services is
represented and can be used by residents of enterprise
resource planning companies and other parties besides

2. Practical Advice
a. Service quality is a real behavior given by a company that
has a strong relationship with customer satisfaction.
Although it only contributes 56.1% to customer satisfaction,
the quality of service remains a concern for the parties
company, because the results of the categorization of
research results, the majority of consumers have a moderate
assessment of service quality

b. Companies must increasingly understand the importance of

service quality in marketing, not just prioritizing profits or
targets, but the quality of service must be considered more.
Quality of service is one of the important factors to be able
to make consumers feel satisfied, according to the theory that
has been stated. Service to qualified consumers is the key to
success and the basis for building the success of a company.

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