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The statements made in this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration and represent the professional opinion(s) of the author. The purpose of
this book is not to act as a personal physician to any reader and is not meant to directly
or indirectly diagnose disease, dispense medical advice, or prescribe the use of any
products or services as treatment for sickness or disease. This information is for
educational purposes only. You should always cooperate with a licensed health
professional of your choice with the goal of creating optimal health. Please consult your
physician prior to implementing any of the strategies mentioned in this book or starting
any diet or exercise program—especially if you are pregnant or nursing. Any application
or use of the information, resources, or recommendations contained in this book is at
your own risk.

COPYRIGHT © 2014 High Performance Health Summit

Author: Dr. Isaac H. Jones

First Edition

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 1

The 7 Essential Steps Busy People Take To Burn Fat, Increase Energy and Skyrocket
Their Productivity… While On The Go

By reading these 7 steps you will learn:

 How to burn fat and increase energy on the go, even if you “don’t have time to
be healthy”

 How to dramatically increase your productivity, saving up to 9 ½ hours per week

 One simple and easy-to-implement strategy that will bring more clarity and
peace into your life promoted by Jim Collins in his latest book Great By Choice

 The 3 best health strategies to implement when eating out

 Business and personal etiquette strategies that will “save face” while keeping
your momentum sky high!

 How to optimize your health even if you travel more than American Airlines

 The 3 simple steps that you must implement immediately to help turn on anti-
aging, fat-burning and energy boosting pathways

 How to keep up your weight loss momentum even when you’re frequently
eating out

 How to stop cravings by understanding the exact foods to eat to increase the
hormone in your body that tells your brain that you’re full and satisfied

 How to obliterate the chances that you’ll ever get jet lag again

 A new and profound approach to time spent waiting for your flight in an airport

 The 3 most common health mistakes people make when they travel

 The ultimate disease prevention and health maximization lifestyle that could
save your life

More importantly this resource is designed for you if you want to decrease your risk of
disease while optimizing your health and overall experience in life.

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 2


After working for one of the largest multinational pharmaceutical companies in

the world, my wife Erica moved her passion to educate doctors and transform
healthcare into a new light. A light that wasn’t hidden by the facade of bias
research and drug pushing that are often driven by the voice of the shareholder.
With her Masters in Health Policy, she could be the CEO of a hospital, but has
chosen to be the CEO of a company that is pioneering the future of healthcare
through sound science and clinically proven systems. Erica and I speak around
the world at various exclusive events about health systems that are proven to
transform lives. We educate people, organizations and now governments on the
two different models of healthcare and give them a glimpse of what the future
of healthcare looks like. We uncover a model of health that focuses on
addressing the cause of disease versus treating the symptoms, a new healthcare
model that if followed could save you and your loved ones lives.

Over the last several years of your life, disease processes in your body could have
been triggered. The research shows that disease can be caused by a poor
lifestyle, toxic environmental factors, micronutrient deficiencies as well as
underlying intracellular inflammatory conditions (1-5).. Today, you and your
loved ones are being exposed to higher levels of toxicity than we’ve ever seen
before in the history of mankind. Bio-toxins and environmental toxins infiltrate
our systems causing damage inside of our cells. This can activate disease genes
within the cells of your body. Every day tens of thousands of people that often
“feel fine”, are informed that they have a life threatening disease that most likely
started silently forming 10 or even 20 years before the diagnosis. You probably
know of someone that seemed perfectly healthy, that either dropped dead of a
heart attack or found out that they only had a few months to live.

Health can’t be defined by how you “feel”, it has to be determined by how you
function. The statistics show that 4 out of every 5 people will die from the
preventable diseases of cancer and heart disease. The diseases and disorders of
the 21st century are on the rise in both the adult and childhood population. This
gets people’s attention. And more and more people don’t want another pill
thrown at them to cover up a symptom. They want to look and feel amazing
while preventing disease from forming in the first place. I specialize in doing just
that, by helping your body function at or as close to optimal potential as
possible. Don’t wait until you have stage four cancer or a heart attack to take
care of yourself, and don’t assume that you’re healthy because you look or “feel

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 3

fine”. With the amount of new disease triggering factors that exist today, you
have to be intentional about maximizing your health now!

When we first present our program to executives and entrepreneurs (both male
and female) many of them say, “This New Health Model sounds great, but I don’t
have much time these days. How can I prevent disease and get in shape while
being as busy as I am?” Some of these men and women have children, others are
single, and almost everyone that I work with have high-octane lives. If you’re
reading this e-book, then you’re most likely one of those people. The question
you ask is, “How can I get into the shape of my life in the midst of my busy

The solution is in reading over the rest of this short e-book and taking baby steps
towards long-term sustainable health transformation. Seeing that I don’t have
your lab results in front of me, I can’t create a customized health program for
you. However the information in this e-book will get you off to a great start.
Health habits form over time, but once you’ve implemented them, they will stick
around for the rest of your life! Each baby step that you take in implementing
these habits will most likely create higher levels of energy and vitality. When you
are healthier, you’re more focused, which means you can get more done in less
time. These 7 steps, if implemented, will help your body turn off disease genes
that may already be expressed or would have expressed if you had continued
down the same path. At the same time you will most likely turn on anti-aging
and fat burning pathways. Who doesn’t want that?

1. The First Simple Steps You Must Take To Turn On Anti-Aging, Fat-Burning And
Energy Boosting Pathways In Your Body

Getting your body back into a state of health can be quite simple. Why get
complicated when many of the solutions are sitting right in front of you easily
accessible and free?! Many Health Participants (my word for clients and patients)
that I work with start off their customized health programs by simply:

1. Drinking Water – Drink water to actually hydrate your body and cells
versus having it pass right through you.
2. Getting Enough Rest - Maximize your sleep patterns through
understanding the rhythms and environment your brain and body need
for deep, rejuvenating sleep.
3. Moving Your Body– Learn how to exercise less than 15 minutes 2-3 times
per week without a gym. This strategy can turn fat burning, energy
boosting and anti-aging pathways on in the body.

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These are really simple steps that anyone can do no matter how busy their life is.
The executives and entrepreneurs I work with that have the most demanding
schedules can follow these strategies no problem. This is the most important
step in this e-book.

2. How To Successfully Eat Out Without Thrashing Your Body

One of the most common questions I get from the busy people that I’ve worked
with over the years is “How can I lose weight and maximize energy levels while
eating out so much?” If you’re like them, you have regular meetings and outings
at different restaurants. Whether you eat out every day or once a week, you can
still keep up your weight-loss and energy boosting momentum! Here are some of
the main pointers:

a) Reduce Sugar Intake

Our ripped ancestors consumed roughly 15- 20 grams of sugar per day. The
average person in North America consumes over 94- grams of sugar per day.
Where does this excess sugar come from? Primarily soft drinks, sweets, and
sauces. Top tips if you want to lose weight and increase energy:

 Get some lemon water instead of soda

 Ask for olive oil and balsamic vinegar over sugar ridden salad dressings

 Ask for the sauce on the side and use sparingly

 I don’t recommend ordering dessert, but if you do, keep to the 3-bite
guideline, where you take 3 bites and then stop. OR share it with
someone that has a bigger stomach than you.

b) Best Alcohol Practices

Alcohol is looked at as a carbohydrate and is toxic to the body. It is also a
weight-gaining factor. If you’re trying to maximize your energy and weight
loss efforts it should be avoided. However, I know drinking is deep rooted in
business, social and family culture, which is why this needs to be addressed.
To minimize alcohol’s bad effects on the body follow these strategies:

 The Earlier The Better - Drink earlier in the evening because the later you
drink the more you deplete Growth Hormone secretion, accelerating the
aging process in the body

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 Before, During and After - Drink 1-2 glasses of water before you drink, 1
glass of water in between a drink and 1-2 glasses of water when you are

NOTE: Even if you have to drink the water before bed, and it wakes you up
in the night, it’s better to flush it out. You’ll thank me in the morning.

 The Morning After – Drink another 1-2 glasses of water upon waking up.

 Moderation - As a general rule try to keep it to 2 glasses, but if you do drink

more, ensure proper hydration and at bare minimum, hydrate before, after
and in the AM

 Pure Forms - The purest form of alcohol to drink is a highly purified alcohol
with no sugar added.


o Triple Purified Gray Goose - add soda water with a lime or lemon

o Chopin Potato Vodka (Gluten Free) – add your favorite flavored Zevia
such as ginger ale and then add lime

o Organic Red Wine – try to get it as low in sulfites as possible, twist cap is

 Skip the Sugar – Liquid sugar added to your drink such as fruit juice, soda
and Clamato often have high fructose corn syrup in them among other
things. This is a quick way to pack on that jiggly belly fat.

c) Turning Fat Burning Pathways On High While Eating Out

This may not be practical for everyone, but if you want to know how to turn
fat burning pathways on high and really increase energy levels then follow
these top health tips:

 Grains – White bread, pastas and white rice turn into sugar rapidly within
the body, which can cause an insulin spike and energy crash later on.
Whether you like to hear this or not, most people I test have strong food
sensitivities to grains which can lead to an increase in fat and fatigue.

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 Substitute – If have a grain or a starchy white potato (that also turns to
sugar quickly in your body) that is in a dish that you want to order, simply
ask for a substitution of roasted/raw veggies or a side salad.

d) Fill Up! – While over eating is deadly to your health, makes you tired, and
accelerates the aging process, being satisfied is another story. In order to be
satisfied for a long period of time after your meal, you have to eat the right
types of foods. Peptide YY (PYY) is a gut hormone that tells your brain that
you are satisfied after a meal. Protein secretes the most PYY, fat and soluble
fiber secretes the second greatest amount of PYY and carbohydrates secrete
the least amount. This is why most people are quickly hungry againafter
eating a dish high in carbs. Top tips to stay full and inhibit an energy crash:

 Olive Oil (Go Italiano) – Salad dressings are often full of sugar and toxic fats.
I recommend that you ask for a “sizable portion” of olive oil and balsamic
vinegar as a substitute. I like to pour olive oil on my roasted veggies and
even use it with some sea salt and cracked pepper to dip the meat I ordered
in. If you’re a female, a benefit is that it reduces your risk of breast cancer.

 Avocados (Go Mexicano) - Avocados or guacamole I typically order on the

side to have with some of the food I ordered. The healthy fat within the
avocado will help keep you full for longer. This is especially delicious with

 Grilled Protein (No Americano) – Grilled options such as fresh water fish,
chicken, duck or steak are always the best option over deep-fried and
breaded meats. If you do like something that is typically deep-fried you can
often get it grilled instead.

 Soluble Fiber (Go Whole) – The best source of soluble fiber is from broccoli,
artichokes, dark leafy vegetables, and other vegetables such as the skin of
sweet potatoes, and green beans. This increases PYY and can keep you
satisfied for longer. To make them taste delicious, put some butter or olive
oil on it with sea salt and pepper. If you don’t like them raw than ask for
them to be lightly steamed.

In a perfect world I would have you eat out at a 5 star restaurant every meal, as
they typically have organic produce, organic meat and other minimally processed
organic food options. That’s not practical for everyone, so the above suggestions
are some of the best that you can follow to maximize your health while on the
go. You’ll notice that I didn’t really touch on how to eat out at any fast food
restaurant. This is because spending time on that would assume that I would

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 7

support you consuming this type of food even in moderation, which I don’t, as I
value your life. The last thing that I will say is to ask for sea salt to be brought
out. If they don’t have sea salt than ask for kosher salt. Those two options are
better than the nutrient depleted and neurotoxic table salt (which goes through
heavy processing and bleaching). Making your own “fast food” meals, as you will
learn in the next step, will not only be healthier for you, but will save you some
serious cash.

3. Increase Your Productivity and Save an Hour Per Day!

Some people have chefs that can cook all of their meals for them. They look at
having the chef as an investment as it saves them valuable time from having to
prepare and clean up after their meals. A chef would be great wouldn’t it?! 
The reality is, not everyone flies around the world in a Bombardier Global 8000
business jet. As over the top as this investment analogy is this STILL applies to
you. If you want to maximize your productivity, save a good amount of money
and save up to 9 ½ hours per week of your time, than you have to look at eating
more systematically. Your time is extremely important.

Think “Investment”

Investment #1 – “Plan Ahead”

I used to think my wife Erica was crazy when she would write down the different
meals and recipes she wanted to make over the next week prior to going grocery
shopping. I thought it was a waste of time. Although it took a little more time
upfront than just “eyeballing” what she wanted and arbitrarily picking up
different types of food at a grocery store, it paid off.

 Pay off = grocery shopping was easy, food preparation was a cinch and
there was no wasted time in preparation or food that had gone bad
throughout the week.

 Time Invested On The Front End = 30 minutes – 1 hour

 Time Saved On The Back End = 2-3 hours per week

 Bonus = Very little food is wasted throughout the week. There is no

guesswork about “What’s for dinner?” A variety of easy and delicious
recipes can be planned in advance making for a great week of amazing
food that helps you stay the course.

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NOTE: Over time the amount of time you invest will become less and less as you
will have an idea in advance of what you love and want to prepare.

Investment #2 – “Prep Ahead”

One of my Health Participants named Derrick worked in the Prime Ministers
Office in Canada. He had two BlackBerrys and one iPhone on his side. The poor
guy didn’t have time to breathe. One strategy we implemented with him to
increase quality food intake and streamline processes was to prepare food 3
days in advance. Every Sunday and Wednesday Derrick would invest 1-2 hours
preparing food and snacks and put them in different glass containers while
watching TV (Glass Pyrex is good, please avoid plastic). He prepped lunch and
dinner and varied meals as much as he could. This prevented him from eating
out and saved him an enormous amount of time and money. His health started
to skyrocket and the people around him noticed. Whether you have a family of 5
or you’re a single male working a high pace job, you can follow this principle to
dramatically cut down on the amount of time you spend in the kitchen.

Another less intense way to do this is to make two meals in one. You make
enough in one meal for you to have in the next.

 Pay Off = Fresh food is ready any time you need it and you save an
enormous amount of time each week. It also saves your health and your
money as you won’t be eating out as much.

 Time Invested = 1-2 hours on Sunday, 1-2 hours on Wednesday (or 1 to 2

hours any 2 days per week. This will dramatically decrease as you become
more familiar with healthy meals that you can whip together quickly).

 NOTE: You should also invest into a large set of glassware, a good
thermos to keep soup or hot food warm, and a stylish carrying bag if you
care about appearance. ;)

 Time Saved On The Backend = 6-8 hours per week

WEEKLY TIME NET GAIN FOR #1 AND #2 = 3 hours minimum to 9 ½ hours


Investment #3 – “Outsource It”

If you live a high paced life and you still feel that you don’t have time to prepare
food and you don’t want to hire a chef full time, than paying someone to prepare
all your meals in one blow may be the way to go. My friend runs a successful

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 9

Health Center in Atlanta, Georgia and pays a woman $15.00 an hour to grocery
shop and prepare his meals for the week on Sunday afternoon.

 Step #1 (Hire)

Option 1: Go to www.craigslist.com or the help wanted section of your

newspaper and create a post in the “part-time jobs” section detailing
exactly what you’re looking for.

Example: Title: Part Time Cook For Family Of Three

Body – I am looking for someone who is experienced with cooking that

can follow directions and recipes well. I will provide you with a list of
recipes and would need you to shop for the ingredients and then either
pre-prepare the meals or fully prepare the meals for the week. Money
will be provided for shopping and you will be paid an hourly rate of
$15.00. We would like this done on Sunday afternoons if possible.

NOTE: Obviously I would recommend a strong screening of anyone that

would do this type of work.

Option 2: Use a meal preparation service. There are services that allow
you to come in and prepare several meals for the week following the
guidance of a cook or chef. Or, if you don’t have the time for this you can
purchase premade meals from these services which is typically much
better than processed grocery store foods as the meals are freshly

Option 3: The safer option is to get someone that you know or are
acquainted with to do this for you. Ask around, you’d be surprised at
what you may find.

 Step #2 (Plan & Direct):

Once you’ve picked someone that you can trust, hand them some healthy
recipes and let them do their thing!

 Step #3 (Preserve & Organize):

To preserve the food throughout the week, keep the sauces separate
from the vegetables, freeze the things you deem necessary to freeze, but
try to refrigerate the rest to ensure optimal nutritional value. I like to
have my meals organized in glass Tupperware in different sections of the
fridge coordinated to the day.

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 10

NOTE: Things that brown easily such as avocados shouldn’t be pre-cut.
Ask to have this left whole to cut it fresh with the meal.

Time Saved On The Back End = 4 to 6 hours per week

Money Invested On Average = $60.00 Per Week (assuming 4 hours of

grocery shopping and preparing food at $15.00 per hour)

Example of Money Saved = If you took the 6 hours and invested 3 hours
into exercising, meditation, yoga or relationships. And the other 3 hours
into making more money with your job or your business… depending on
your hourly rate, you’d be up by a long shot. Plus, over time your health
would skyrocket, you would think more clearly, have more energy which
increases your overall life experience and ability to make more money, if
that’s your goal.

 What could you do with an extra 3-9 ½ hours per week? What about an
extra 6 to 8 hours per week? By systematizing your food preparation, you
save an enormous amount of time and money. Beyond this, you get to
control the quality of food you eat, and you know exactly where it comes
from. Where most restaurants use conventional, steroid and hormone
ridden meats, you could be consuming organic, free range or fresh water
meats and organic pesticide-free vegetables!

4. Business And Personal Etiquette Around Food And Functions To ‘Save Face’
While Keeping Your Health Momentum Sky High

A dear friend of mine, Diane Craig is an image enhancement expert and

professional etiquette consultant that works with high-end executives,
politicians and celebrities. She is the President of Corporate Class Inc. that
teaches seminars on image and etiquette. Large companies hire her as etiquette
has a major impact on a business’s bottom line. It also has a major impact on
your “bottom line” in the way people perceive you. You don’t want to come
across “holier than thou”, “difficult”, “high maintenance” or “snooty”. If you’re
like many of my Health Participants, you have personal and business events that
you attend around a meal. Kevin, the owner of a large accounting firm in Sydney
asked me in one of our consultations recently, “I want to lose weight and get
more energy, but how can I do this with all the business meetings that I have
each week over lunch or dinner? Many of the meals are pre-planned, and if I go
over to a friend or relative’s house, I don’t want to be rude.”

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 11

That’s a great question. If I didn’t go through Diane’s program I wouldn’t have
known the proper answers to give. When it comes to maximizing your health
results in these situations “pre-framing” or letting people know in advance is one
of the best strategies to use. The phrase “food sensitivities” is another phrase to
utilize that is far more polite than, “I can’t have that…” or “I’m following this new
research based health plan…” etc. Lastly, by being solutions-oriented in your
communication with people, it will open their mind to all the wonderful things
you can have versus the things you are trying to avoid.

Business Meetings

1) Restaurants (without preplanned menus):

Option #1: Keep it simple, don’t tell anyone, and pick the foods that support
maximum energy and weight-loss. If someone asks why you’re not having
bread or dessert, or why you only had 1 glass of wine or 3 bites of dessert,
just say, “I’ve got certain sensitivities that I need to watch.” Remember most
people are sugar and grain sensitive, which means these foods cause
inflammatory reactions within the body that lead to more fat and fatigue.

Option #2: If you are going out to a restaurant that a client or friend picked
out and you have the luxury to speak to the host in advance, it’s good to pre-
frame something like, “Just so you know, I’m staying away from foods that
I’m sensitive to, so I may not be able to have everything on the menu.” This
way they typically won’t offer their advice on what they feel are the best
dishes. They also won’t be surprised if you ask the waiter to substitute one
thing for another, which can come off in different ways to different people.

2) Restaurants or Events (preplanned menu):

Business Event: This is easy. Typically there are a lot of people at these types
of functions. Prior to arrival pre-frame and let the host know the “food
sensitivities” you have. Say something like, “… I have sensitivities to grains
and sugar, so I was wondering if there were any other options along the lines
of…” Be solutions-oriented and refrain from talking about all the foods you’re
avoiding unless you have a severe allergy.

If you’re going to an event and you can’t talk with the host, often you can
politely ask the waiter or waitress to accommodate and they will.

Personal Event: What happens if a good friend, relative or business colleague

invites you over to dinner? Using the phrase in the example above is a good

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 12

first step. Then, be solutions-oriented by giving them examples of what you
can have so they don’t feel pigeon holed. For example, “Fish, Chicken, Beef,
with any type of vegetables is fine. For pasta, brown rice or quinoa pasta is
great if you can manage…” etc. It’s polite to let them know that if they can’t
accommodate that they don’t need to worry and that you can navigate
around anything that is presented.

3) How To Navigate Wine and Cheese/ Cocktail Parties

Eat Before You Go – You may be tempted to suck down some delicious
disease causing treats if you don’t fill yourself up with the “good stuff” before
hand. Remember that protein, fat and soluble fiber will increase PYY causing
you to feel satiated for longer.

How To Handle Food Pushers – Coming face to face with a “food pusher”
typically happens at social events with friends and family moreso than it does
at business functions. A food pusher is someone that tries to get you to
“taste” either the food they made or the food they are eating. It’s usually
followed by them staring at you as you go from one bite to the other all bug
eyed, waiting for a response. I know you know what I’m taking about. LOL.
Best Responses:

 “Yah, it looks great! I would love to but I am quite full right now, thank

If they continue then to be polite you can say:

 “I’ll tell you what, if there is any left at the end of the night, why don’t
you save a small piece for me.”

They will most likely forget about it, but if they do leave a piece for you,
when you get home, throw it out. This way, you’re still being polite but you
don’t compromise your fat burning and energy pumping momentum.

Pre-framing and using a statement like, “food sensitivities” while being

solutions oriented is a powerful way to navigate through all meetings and
events. If someone asks you to get into more details about your “food
sensitivities” respond by focusing on the benefits such as, “Since decreasing
sugars and grains from my diet I’ve increased my energy exponentially and
have lost X lbs. I know I have sensitivities because when I eat the foods I’m
sensitive to, I have more cravings and struggle with fatigue.” Personal
testimony always beats trying to get into the science!

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Health Strategies For People That Travel More Than American Airlines

Frequent domestic or international air travel can definitely leave a mark on your
health and slash years off your life. Here are the 3 most common mistakes
people make when traveling:

1. The Internal Raisin Effect: It amazes me whenever I’m flying first, business or
economy class the amount of alcohol, coffee and lack of water that gets
consumed by the people around me. Per every 3 hours of air travel you lose
1.5 liters of water out of your organs, blood and skin. That’s the equivalent to
4 ¼ eight ounce glasses of water out of your body in 3 hours. Combine that
with the fact that you lose an additional 1 glass of water per every glass of
wine or coffee you dink and you can see the raisin effect taking shape. By the
time you land, your brain is shriveled up into a little raisin due to
dehydration! No wonder people have such severe fatigue, headaches, and
pain associated with jet lag. Just so you know… the whole “brain shriveling”
thing is a little over exaggerated, but you get my point.

Solution: My Health Participants and I usually never get jet-lagged or any

symptoms associated with that even when flying internationally. When I fly
to Europe, Saudi Arabia or Africa, I have a fantastic level of energy upon
arrival by following these easy steps.

A. Learn the strategy behind how to drink water so that it hydrates your cells
versus passing through your body. Also learn the exact amount of water you
should be drinking per day.

B. Super hydrate before you get on the plane with 1-2 eight-ounce glasses of
water. Save your alcohol and coffee for when you’re not having one and a
half glasses of water being sucked out of your body per hour. Drink one and a
half to two glasses of water per hour of flying. One standard airline cup holds
between 5-8 ounces of water. If it looks on the small side, consider it the 5-
ounce glass and drink 2-3 glasses per hour. Upon arrival at the airport drink
another 1-2 ounce glasses of water. You will be amazed at how good you

Super Helpful Tips:

1. To avoid hitting the stewardess button every other second to get water,
ask for a bottle. If you’re polite they usually give you a full or ½ a bottle
free of charge.

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 14

2. If you get up to go to the washroom there is always water available in the
waiting area outside of the washroom.

3. Because you will be going to the bathroom a little more than your fellow
“raisin brains” ;), it is easier to get an aisle seat versus a window seat.

2. Super Toxic Airline Food: If you’re flying economy class, when it comes time
to eat, they bring out a steamy hot commercial meal inside of a plastic or
metal container that is usually spray painted white or beige to give you the
illusion that you’re eating off a plate. Heavy metals, phalates and other toxins
harmful to the body off-gas into your food, which can cause headaches and
an even stronger jet-lag effect. If you’re in first class or business class, you
typically eat off of glass plates, which I recommend flying if you can afford it
or if you have enough points (not to mention how cozy the beds are which
will help you get a better sleep!).

Super Helpful Tips:

1. It’s ideal to bring your own food on the plane if you’re flying domestic
(some international flights you can do this as well). If you can purchase or
pack a meal and snacks that would be great. For more ideas as to how
you could do this with ease for all domestic and even some international
flights please see the checklist below in step 6.

2. If you are flying economy and you are hungry and without any food, eat
the portion of the food that isn’t touching the plastic, paint or metal.

3. Keep a small bag of chia seeds and nuts in a bag either in your purse,
briefcase or carry on. Chia expands 10 times its size inside your stomach
and is full of fiber and healthy omega-3 fat, which increases satiation.
Nuts are a good source of protein, fiber and fat, the very things that
increase PYY, which will make you feel satisfied.

By properly hydrating your body, being careful not to consume toxic airline food
and following the top sleep strategy while traveling you will find that your energy
will start to skyrocket and the jet lag you used to get will most likely dissipate
into nothing.

5. How To Maximize Your Health and Time In Airports

Jim Collins the author of “Good to Great” and "Great by Choice", studies the
most effective executive companies and leaders in America and says that every

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 15

great leader needs "white time". This is time where your cell phones, computer,
television and other devices are turned off and you're just spending time by
yourself, thinking about life and working without interruptions. Jim Collins states
that the best and most effective leaders created "white time" throughout their
week. What better place to create this time than at the airport? Bear with me
here… I know what you’re thinking.

I’ve spent hours upon hours in airports across America and around the world.
Depending on what airport you’re in, the food is overpriced and not very high
quality. The snack stations are selling foods that are usually covered in cancer
and heart disease promoting chemicals, hydrogenated oils and high fructose
corn syrup. One of my Health Participants named Alex owns a green energy
company out of California. He and his team spend several hours a week in
airports. He didn’t make much time for himself to exercise and relax throughout
the week. It was showing around the waistline. In one of our first consultations
he said, “Traveling kills me, there just aren’t any healthy options. When I’m at
home I can control the types of food I eat, but when I travel, it’s just not
practical.” If you travel at all or have a busy job, I’m sure you know how he feels.
Here are some of the things that Alex and his team implemented that helped
him lose 15 lbs in 3 weeks and reach all of his health goals over a 6 month period
of time.


1. Implement Step #2 – If you do go to a restaurant in the airport, simply

implement step #2 in this e-book.

2. Use The Airport As Your “White Time” - Stretch & Move Your Body! – “Are
you kidding me? You want me to full out exercise in the airport?” LOL. No,
I’m not saying that, but what I am saying is that you should use the time that
you’re waiting for your flight to shut the technology off in your life so that
you can move your body a little and focus on you. Get up and stretch your
hamstrings, quads, calves, chest, triceps, etc. Stretching releases endorphins
and can give your body a little boost of Growth Hormone that has anti-aging
and fat burning effects.

I usually stretch for 20-30 minutes at airports. Let your mind go, release
yourself from the tensions of the day and think about the more important
things in life. Download “Holosync” by Centerpointe or “Focus” by
Awakened Minds, Inc., which are “white noise tracks” that help your mind
focus. When you turn these tracks up loud enough they also block out the
surrounding noise of the airport (***this also comes in handy on the

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 16

airplane***). This way you can stay focused on yourself, what you’re
thinking and maximize your “white time”.

* NOTE: Listen to the “white noise tracks” on your cell phone and set your
alarm. The alarm will interrupt the track so that you don’t miss your flight.

3. Okay, So Maybe You Could Get A Quick Hormone Pump (I know I’m crazy…
this point is only for 5% of you) - Assuming you don’t have a meeting right
when you get off the plane, and don’t have any other time for this, while
you’re waiting in the airport find a secluded area, or an aisle where there
aren’t many people. If you don’t care about what the people around you
think (you’ll most likely never see them again for the rest of your life), than
get a quick workout in. I usually do 3 sets of pushups until fatigue, 3 sets of
abdominal crunches until fatigue, non-weighted lunges and any other
exercise that I feel like doing in the airport. I only expect 5% or less of you to
be as daring as I am in this respect! LOL.

NOTE: Stretching is always recommended, but getting that quick workout in

I would only recommend if you have a really busy week and know you can’t
get one in any other time.

4. Follow Step 3, Investment #2 – Planning ahead and having a checklist of

food that you bring on each trip is really going to help you. Example

 Sugar Free Health Food Bars

 85% Organic Green and Black Dark Chocolate Bar (or any other low sugar
organic chocolate bar)
 1-3 Bags of Nuts and Seeds
 1 – 3 scoops of grass fed, un-denatured whey protein, dairy free protein
powder, Vega powder, Paleomeal which is a complete meal replacement.

NOTE: When on a plane I stir this into my water, or shake it in a bottle with
water with a few drops of stevia. I usually don’t have a problem using this
strategy on international flights.

 Less than 1 oz bottle of stevia. This is a natural sweetener that can be

used in moderation instead of sugar.
 Small container of unprocessed sea salt.
 Any other snacks you feel you want to bring onto the plane.

6. Live A Lifestyle Focused On Disease Prevention And Health Maximization!

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 17

Toxicities and micronutrient deficiencies create disease from the inside out.
Since World War II there have been over 100,000 new toxins and chemicals that
have been brought onto market. Many of these toxins bio-accumulate inside of
your body causing major health challenges. One hundred years ago, we didn’t
have this problem. Now, we are being exposed to environmental toxins at higher
levels than we’ve ever seen before in the history of mankind. Furthermore,
According to the Earth Summit report that came out in 1992, over the last 100
years, North America has had an average of 85% of its minerals depleted; South
America and Asia have had 76%, Europe 72% and Australia 55%. Can you imagine
what it is today? Genetically and immunologically, our bodies aren’t
programmed to deal with as many toxins and micronutrient deficiencies as we
are exposed to.

Toxicities and micronutrient deficiencies cause disease, but who cares? I do,
because they lead to increased oxidative stress or inflammation intracellularly.
This promotes the expression of disease genes in your cells that can cause
cancer, neurological disorders, cognitive impairments, heart disease, diabetes,
thyroid dysfunction and the list goes on. These diseases often start dozens of
years before they surface. When you start getting symptoms such as headaches,
decreased immune function, fatigue, weight gain, aches and pains etc., you go to
a traditional doctor and what do they give you? Typically it’s a drug. They treat
the effects or the symptoms to mask the cause of what’s really going on. It’s like
taking out the batteries to a fire alarm over your bed and not addressing the fire
silently forming downstairs.

TEDMED is a forum that brings the most brilliant minds in healthcare together to
talk about what they believe the future of healthcare looks like. Every year that
passes one of the experts all agree that the future of healthcare is going to be
founded in creating systems for the patient around “behavioral change” or what
I call “lifestyle change”. Why is this the future of healthcare? Because if you
teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. When a person adopts a disease
prevention lifestyle, it decreases the emotional and economic burden for the
individual, community and world.

I believe that you can prevent diseases that may be silently developing in your
body right now. It starts with a decision. I have dedicated my life to changing
healthcare systems globally. But it starts with educating you. This is why I
invested the days that I did in writing this e-book. And this is why I want you to
invest some time into your health each week, learning about what you can do to
prevent disease and maximize your health! All I’m asking you to commit is 15

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 18

minutes per week. My promise to you, is that I’ll perform through giving you the
most cutting edge, applicable and transformational information. Are you in?


Even if you’re busy, even if you travel more than American Airlines, even if you eat out at
restaurants every other meal, you can still maximize your health for the rest of your life! All
you have to do is follow through with the simple strategies outlined in this e-book and in the
interviews provided in the High Performance Health Summit.

To True Health and Real Results,

Dr. Isaac H. Jones

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 19

1. Preetha Anand et al. Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle
Change. Pub Med July 15th 2008
2. Doris J. Rapp. M.D. Our Toxic World. A Wake Up Call. Chemicals Damage Your Body,
Brain, Behavior And Sex. 2009
3. Christian, P; Stewart, CP (2010 Mar). "Maternal micronutrient deficiency, fetal
development, and the risk of chronic disease". The Journal of nutrition 140 (3): 437–
45. doi:10.3945/jn.109.116327.PMID 20071652.
4. Pall PhD., Martin L. (2009) Explaining Unexplained Illnesses, Informa Healthcare Inc.
New York, New York.
5. Kathlene M. Et Al. (2002). “Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults.”
Journal of American Medical Association. 2002;287(23):3116-3126.

High Performance Health Summit 2014 Page 20

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