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"Our Cause is the cau se of human justice, human right s, human securi ty.

- from the Dec/atation of the Internationa' Brotherhood of Electrlca' Workers
hl".... I;oo..JI l'r~.;d . .. 1
1200 1&11'1 St •• N. W
W uhinfPon. O. C. 2000~
' ~'c' .. ~lio .. ,,1 Srr~I ... " OF ElECTRICAL WORKERS
I~OO 1i,(1'1 Rt. N. W
W.... hinll\on . O. C. :':000'
/ .." .. ,/ ...... T,,,u •• ,,
UO b .• t ~'tll SUHI
New Yo.k. N. V 10010
Volume 70, No, 6 June, 19 71
Fl, ..! OJ.lriet. WII. I.I AM I..,\OY)I,\I-: Features
H~ Un;vc,..ily II l>d .. !'uil" 601.
'I'O'Ollln ,. Om .. ('Rnn,ln
IBf..W Well Hepresented at ML·CIU Building 1rades
S.-'~m,l Di t,;rl. JO liN t: . •'l.Y NN
1:00'" ~2J. I'~rk S.I""'~ IUd" Legislative Conference 4
MA. " ..II .. ,'u. O~II"
Thinl m.t.lrl .• \, I:. J()IINSON ISEW Construction Conference Meeting in
,;01 U"il,Io"". 1(""", 301
f;(l7 w,' hlhluon 1M Washington, D.C. 8
1',tt,hull/h, I'll, 1 ~~~8
. 'ouo-tll Di.lr1<:t, 11. II. IIL,\NI..:N$IIII' Right Now ... Check Your Home for Fire Safety! 12
~~2r, V ic"'r~ I' kw>',
CI1lclo"'nll, 01'\,,, 4fi!!06 IBEW Codes and Standards Committee Meet s 17
Firth 1l1 '1I'1~!. .1. n . l'A'rI :
H Z! I' .'nchl co';! lit .. N.E .• !'ulll· 202 Hono rary Membe rship Card 18
,\IIQnlu. t;"'l'lIia ~O~(I'J

Si~lh OJ,uie!. T . t:. MA I.O!'''': New Housing Planned With Union·C hamber of
Nortb Oa.bl"!~'.
"!QO ""111'"
lIu ildi"lI'. Sul~ ~u
Ho... l Commerce Cooperation 19
II ........ IU inn;. ~O:.~I
Scv~ntb Oi.I,kt. UAYMOND G. DUK E
~'iOI .h.'n"~ l:. .:.. I
Suil~ II~
Arl'''lfIo''. Tuu 7'iOII
t:ll/hth 1)i~ldd. S. K THOMPSON Departments
ItQom 101. WI"",,x III,hf .•
330~ F"urlb ,\ , ... No",h
Editoria l Comment 2
P. 0 no' 11I!l~
U'L1'".,.. ~lJnl. '9103 ISEW Members in the News 3
Ninth m,t.ie!. W I~ VINSflN
I,,,,, ,.;.""h . :1 ('am;no 1\.... 1 Congressional Cable 11
110.. 1 s...,,~ ...
Sui.., 101
Canadian Labor News 20
:<;"" ~~I"", I'"lifo,ni" 'ltr.
T .. n'III);"ri~'. Fli.\:>il.: T r.IH\I)N~:Y
It"um 1106. 3~0 So,,,h Well. S, ..... t.
Les Nouvelles Ouvrieres du Canada 21
(,hl""l«>, 1lI",..1 "4}>,01l Safety TIps 22
.~I~~~"th D1~tr;<1.. IlIlBt;IC'I' K. U_\J:I ClT~
333. 1.11111,,1'1 lU,hr. Apprenticeship and Training 23
~""O W. Dod"" IC, .."
O nUlhl<. Nrh.ukn !ilI11~ Local Line s 24
T'....Jflh Di.tri"l. \\ II. l' t;TTY Resea rch and Education 36
II bllaUI Bu,"'lnlf. Um , .'~" :100 1'",,1 ••
M~m "h, • T~n""", ..... 3111 II: With the Ladles 68
In Memoriam 70
Death Claims 71
.~ . J .
On Our Cover-
212 1 W ~"~ W I.",,,.I,, ,\",'''''11
MHw""h ... \\·i"·o".I,, :,~~O~
1'1.&, I)i,~dct. 1\,11 .1' 11 1I ,1I.I.O Il-IN
~:,o IV. Wnlcr i';1 .. ·c' . ~nd Floor This month's fron t cover spotlights a
Elm; ..... N~ ... York ),1'101
S.'<:o".1 " 1-lriel. J,un:s t'. llUl. I,ON t:Y
proud part of our Brotherhood-the
lr,~ ('Iinlon !;tc.... ~
) I nrll.ol"{), t.! ......"h.....,tt.o 017~'l
linemen . Ou r members st ring the lines
'l'hlnll);'I,ict, 11 ,\1:1:\' J . \\[I.I.I.U[S and install the transformers, handle the
1111 \;,I,·y ,\nnur
C;"d"'IAtI. Ohln .:,~o~ t rouble ca li s, and In major part power
Fourth Oistrlct. IIAlmV Ut:XU:V the industry and the homes all across
:,01 Pulll am St. SW.
AII"nul.. <;...... lIi. ;o31~ North America. We salute these memo
I'iflh D;~t.;c •. JACK t'. ll()U1a:
~"01 ~;""'I Ili.l.olo" bers, who , in any kind of weather. night
S"cln.II~1.1. )h .... url '-.'01

!llxth DlRrh:t, THOMAS 11_ l'U1ISU:V

or day, are on the job. keeping the elec-
';!21 l.I..... d ....,. tricity flOWing.
Gal.... t"". TtUJI 71:':'0
StoHnih Oi.lrlcl, 1:.\1.1'11 A. l.t:lf;O!i
[ ' ~O :;"",... n~J' ,\,.. nu.
[.All Vr .... :';,...,,<1.0 ''-'101
. :llIh llo I)i»tdcl. (a:OI(;" I'. l 'I\'ITt:I(~ON
Suu~ 60~. :133 Wdllnll,on C' ... ~nl
Winnl'''-'II ". :U.n .. Can.doo

ML·CIO ond ClC
Editorial COITunent
The Idea of Union Members Bearing the Blame
For the Current State of the Economy Is Not
Only Unfortunate, But Ridiculous
~ Today, organized labor constantly is being hammered at by anti-union
forces so much that, in many cases, the general public is beginning to believe
that millions of workers who earn their daily livelihood under collective
bargaining contracts are some kind of monsters trying to destroy the economic
progress of the United States and Canada. Nothing is further from the truth
than the misconceptions and the false propaganda put out by these selfish,
greedy people. They are paid well to attempt to cripple the economic structure
By Charles H. Pillard of the workers, which we have st ruggled for generations to achieve.
'Mernational President
Organized workers who choose the union way of life do not have to take
unfair criticism from these parasites who do not have the backbone to stand
up for the principle that all peoples are entitled to human dignity. Organized
workers sllould not be discriminated against and blamed for tile economic ills
of poor governmenta l leadership.
The record proves, with few exceptions, that members of unions in the United
Slates and Canada are hard-working. devoted people, earnest and patriotic
in their efforts to make a better way of life for all the citizens and to have a
coun try that has security and equality for all societies.
Efforts to blacken the image of unions is nothing new. Unions have been
under attack since their beginnings as organizations. But today, generations
later, the attack has been shifted, and the individual worker is being wrongfully
named a culprit in his community_
Because of the constantly-changing economic condItions existing in our
society, our members cannot remain with the status quo in the amount of
wages they receive. The cost of living is stIli rising. Union members. who by
their increased productivity Ilave brought tremendous profIts to the employers
and the stockholders of the huge conglomerates, are being asked not to
demand a living wage. When the workers. through their unions, reject this line of
thinking by management at the bargaining table, the workers then are accused
of ruining tile economy and are pointed out to the public as culprits. Maybe
we who are in the trade labor movement expect too much understanding from
those outside of It, but we know we can justify our actions. The idea of union
members' bearing the burden of blame for the slate of the economy is.
not only unfortunate, but ridiculous.
I urge alllBEW members to redouble theIr efforts at being good CItizens
and working even harder for the good of their communitIes as a whole. I also
ask our members to identify their community efforts as beIng performed by
members of organized labor , by members of our Brotherhood . In this way,
we accomplish not only our community responsibility, but we can also make
progress In improving our public image and bringing about better
understanding with those who do not have a bargaining voice.


IBEW Members the News
Local 24
Money for
Howard Furman
.. "Save a Child 10 Serve Man-
Local 26, Washington, D.C., Business Manager Tom Noone, center, presents a kind " is Ihe name of :.t unique
check for $2,393 to Fou rth District Vice President H. B. Blankenship, left, as 8ill clwrilabll! progr;ull Ihal Brolher
Crews, right, Director 01 t he Wes t Virginia and Ohio JATC, watches. The money Howard R. Furman, of Warfords-
was col lec ted frOIll Local 26 members lor the ISEW Marshall University Memorial
Fu nd. Last year, a chartered airliner carrying the Ma rshall University football team burg, Pennsylvania, a memher of
crashed in approachini the HI/nlinit nn, WP.~t VHElnj;!, airport, killing all aboard Local 24, Baltimorl!. Maryland,
Local 26 members quickly came to aid, donat ing $2,393 to the Memorial Fund has spent the last Ihrel! )l!:trs de-
to be used to aid the families 01 those killed. veloping. which will bendit the
crippled children of America. Bro-
Stewards Participate in Training Institute
ther Funm1ll has purchasl!d. in
Brusse ls, Iklgiurn. :I beautiful. an-
tiqu~, mechanic;11 urchestral organ .
lie will go on tour \\-jth thb organ,
the onl} une uf its kind in the \\orld.
and promote the s:tle of recordings.
I he procc~d\ \\111 be dOililted to
hospit:lls for crippled children.
D. Sparkes and G. Schelhouse, fourth and fifth respectively from the left, Brother Furman·s progr:JIll is his
represen ted !DeW local 1383, Dettlmore, in a two·day Leadership Training Instl· own original idea, and he has dc-
tute conducted by the AFL·CIO Metal Trades Department recently. The inshtute
s ign~d the program to suppkmcnt
was presented by the department in conjunction with its Baltimore area Metal
Trades Council, wh ich replesents more than 800 workers at the Coast Guard \ ariou .. e\-CIIIS such .... the Shrine
Shipyard CurtiS Bay, Maryland. ei l ell'''c~, foothall games, horse
shm\!; .•md other cv~nts sponsored
IBEW Members Attend Building Trade s In stitute by fraternal and ~(}cia l organiLations
as charity e\ents. BrOlher Furtnnn
IHis bl!cn disabled since 1967 with
loss of ho.:aring in one car and Joss
of equilibrium. but this has not
Slopped hi s dedication 10 crippled
chi ldren. For further infofll1<ltion
:,bout this benevolent charilY pro-
gram, ··Sa\e a Child to Serve Man-
!..Illd:' write to J low;lrd Furman ,
W:1frord ~hurg, Penn!'i) Ivania 17267.

T..... elve members 0 1 the IBEW recent ly attended the InsMute lor Building Trades The organ purchased by Brother Furman
BUSiness Agents at the AFL·CIO Labor Studies Center In Washington. D. C. TopiCS is 10 feet high and 25 leet long and
studied InClu(le(J: the economiCS 01 the construction In(lustry, labor law, equat weighs two lind one·half Ions. The
opportUnity plograms, and current labor problems. Attendin g were: Roger C. organ wilt be taken on tour to raise
Bltzet, BUSiness Manager, Local 229. York, Pennsylvania: R. E. Cartwright, funds for cflppled children.
Business Manager, Local 262, Plainfield, New Jersey; William C. Douls, Busl·
ness Manager, Local 414, Lanca sler, Pennsylvania: Joe S. Duffey, BUSiness Man·
ager, Local Ill. Denver, Colorado; Ralph M. Gault, Business Manager. Local 357,
Las Vegas, Nevada: Guy E. Mahoney, BUSiness Manager, Local 1021. Uniontown,
Pennsylvania; Earl Oliller. BUSiness Manager. Local 22. Omaha. Nebraska; E. M
Scott, BUSiness ManDger, Local 540, Canlon, Ohio: Donald A. Skinner, BUSiness
Manager, Local 952, Ven tura, California: Herman Teeple, BUSiness Manager,
Local 48. Portland, Oregon; Fred J. Veigel. President, Washtenaw County AFL·CIO
Council, Local 252, Ann Arbor, Michigan; lind Rich:lrd Wilfllcrt, Business Manager,
Local 145, Rock Island, mlnois.


IBEW Well Represented at AFL-CIO Building Trades


As newsreel and teleVision cameras ran, 5,000 delegates to the

AFL·CtO's Annual BUilding Trades Department legislati ve Conference
followed closely the keynote address of AFL·CIO President George
Meany. Th e delegates spen t three days listening to senators,
cong re ssmen, and governors pled ge support for labor's programs.
They also Visi ted the ir representatives on Capitol HIli.

.. "'Iore [han 5.000 bu itdlllg dclcg:ll e... nearly all of them loca l
trad":$ Icadcr~. including 550 I BEW union leaders. stated their resent-
members, frOIl1 all o\'er the nation. rnelll at the building trades' bei ng
met in Washington. D. c..
for .. singled ou t for o IH.'-sided \\age con-
three-dOl) legislati"e conference and trols. while the prices of good .. and
a one-dn) sa fc!) meeting la[c in scniccs I h t} must buy continue to
April. ri ~e.
Delegates to the AFL-ClO'!o An- In his ke) 110le address to the
nu al Legislative Conference of the conference. AFL-C IO President
Build ing and Construction Trades Georgo,! Meany served not ice that
Departmen t heard sena tors, con- Ameriea's workers arc " fed up"
gressmen. and govo,!l'IIors pledge with the Nixon Adm inistration's
SUppO I'! for labor's progrwns. The efforts to paper over its economic


-:', 1.1 ,I IfirI , ...;.j2
-.,:-- ...
If \"1 1"'-

-' ~ t.

Flanked by 18EW International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, AFL·CIO PreSident George Meany told
Jr.• New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller greets legislative the delegates that labor Will not accept
conference deleFl;ates. The governor made clear that he the role of scapegoat lor the failures
strongly support s direct federal grant programs, Including of the NIXOn AdmHlIstration.
massive federal aid to education. He received a most warm
reception from the delegates.

railures with "rosy rhetoric and wage, Meany said . He urgcd local scribed as "amiable." but ob\'iou<,ly
Madison Avenue girnmid.ry." He union activity in and support of the left both si de ~ ~ till ap.. rt 011 the
declared thllt lahor will not accept AFL C IO's Committee on Politicol administratiun economic "game
the role of scapegoat for the failures Education (CO P E). plan."
of this administration. "We will not The building tr;ldes 1001ted An important parI of the con-
be patsies for these people," Meany I)resident Nixon to address the Con ference was the lobb) ing on Capilol
declared. ference. but he d ecli ned. and in- H ill made by thousand .. of the dele-
"We've gal to l oo~ 10 Capitol stead invited the presidents of the gates as they culled 011 their con-
H ill rmher than to the E:((.'culivc bui lding tmdes unions to a "gcncrrtl gressmen and sen:Hors. They were
Mans ion to gel the things this discussion" at the White House. armed wilh detail ed exp!:lIlutio ns of
counlry needs," including public $eventeen union pres idents met major labor-supportl!t1 bilb and re-
works, health security. public serv- with I.ttbor Sccrl'tttry Hodgson for port forms to pass on the results of
ice jobs, and a higher minimum a 75-l1linu\e di sc u~sion that was de- their int erviews to Ihe full -time


Senator R. S. Schweiker (R·Pa.): "We Congressman CarlO. Perkins (Chairman Senator Hamson Williams, Jr.
need to overhaul the private pension of the House Labor Committee): "It (Chairman of the Senate Labor
programs. It is high time that we in remains apparent that the admini· Commllfee): "We have a great deat of
Congress did somethmg about private stration is inclined to try to hold down labor legislation. including a pension
penSions. The way t hmgs are now, only wages as a means 01 flghtmg inflation. bill to protect the workers' pension
a handful of working men and women while displaying conSiderably less benefi ts. You must see to It that all
ever get a penny out 01 their penSions." Interest in profits . . , ." 01 thiS le81slalion is approved.

lrade union leglslati\c representa- He predicted that Congress \\ ill the Ha)l1sworth and Canowdl nomi·
tives. pass key bills on labor's priority lisl nations to the Supreme Court.
The day-long Illeding on job "and send thcm 10 the Prcsitlent. • Sen. Henry M . Jackson (0-
~:lfety and occupational hcalth We would hope that hc would sign Wash.) lashed out at the Nixon
focu~ed on the union rok in im- them, but if he doesn't. we wi ll Iry Administration's domestic «.'cord.
plementing the new laws pas~cd by in evcry case 10 override those vc- No previous Republican admin istra-
Congress, \~h ich arc now ill effect. toes." tion has "lllade s uch a mess of
Ot her highlights of the legisla- • Sen. Richard S. Schwciker ceonomic planning," he charged.
tive conference included: ( R-Pa.) said the public service jobs Jael.son called on the administra-
• House Majority Lemler Hale witt be enacted. even if it is ncc- tion to unfreeze the S 12-bi llion in
Boggs said Congress witt not stand essa ry to override a presidential appropriated government fund s as
still for the continu ed refusal of the veto. He has brol.en with the ad- a tirsl step 10 getting the economy
President to spcnt! funds Congress ministration before, he reminded moving and providing jobs,
IHls appropri;t1cd for urgentl y-needed the delegates. to su pport labor's • Sen. Harrison A. Williams, Jr.
programs, induding public \\ork~ position on "the big votes that (O-N .J .), Chairman of the Senate
and housing. counted:' including the rejection of Lahar COlllmittee. promi~ed to

" What this nation wants is for this ad·

ministration to face up to the needs of its
mitlions of inhabitants who are not bank·
ers, financiers , or Wall Street gamblers." ,
-AFL·CIO President George Meany

'RIS/OINT PIn Ibf ..

Interna t iona l President Charles H . Pillard discusses the proceed ings of

the Conference with Elevator Constructor President R. Wayne Williams.


Congressman Hale Boggs (House Senator John V. Tunney (0 calif.): Senator Henry M Jackson (0-
Majority Leader): "We propose--and "Presldent NI)lon is BomB to find that Wash.); " ... t have been warning
thi s IS very vital to you people m the the economiC difficulties III this coun try of the economiC poliCies ol lhis
cons tru ct iOn Industry dependent upon weren 't crea ted by the worklllg men and administration. I polnled ou t two years
construct ion for your jobs-to pass an women who just want a Job, want some ago thalli wa s one thing to l urn the
act of Congress, If necessary, to lake· home pay. wlllnt sOl11 e bread and spigo t off-that is. by lacking up
require the Presiden t to spend the butter on the ta ble, but by the e(:onOI11IC interest rates and sh utt ing o ff credll-
money Ihal we have already royalists surrounding thi S While and another thing to turn the spigot
appropriated," House .... " on again .... "

move key union-supported bills his aides with playing politics \\ilh and federal payment of all wel fare
quickly th rough his commiuee but unem ployment. "They havc lried costs.
stressed the need for union mem- 10 blame th e sad slate of the Ameri- • AFL-C IO Legislative Director
bers to press their senators and can economy on everyone but Andrew J . Biemiller told the dele-
congressmen to vote for them and Ihemse l\'es, where the blame be- gates that "unlike Ihis ;.dministra-
the Presiden t to sign them into law, longs." tion ." most congre".. mcn and srna-
• Rep. Cui D. Perkins (D-Ky.), Delegates also guve a warm re- tors have "a friendly attit ude" to-
Chairman of the House Labor Com- ceplion to New York's Governor ward the la bor 1II0\emCnl and :Ire
mittee. criticizcd the administra- Nelson A. Roddclh'r, " e.;;pile hi .. at least rcsponsi\c to it .. rrohl{'m ~.
tion's lack of a "scnse of urgency" endorsement of ge nera l revenue- He contra!>tcd th .lI with "the
in see king funds 10 administer and sh:l ring without federa l earmarking. chief spokesmen of thi ~ administra-
enforce the Occupation:11 SafelY But Ihe governor made clear that tion" who "arc Ir}ing desperately to
:lI1d Ileuith Act. he just as strongly supports direct make scapegoa ts out of labor in
• Sen. John V. Tunney (0- federal grant programs, including gcneral and COTlstruction labor in
Calif.) charged Ihe I'residen! and "massivc fcderal aid to education" particular."

This was the oller all scene at Ihe one·day Safety Conlerence held after the Building Trades LegislaUve Conference. The
new Job Safety law was discussed in detail fo r delegates.

JOUINAL '01 JUN!, 1'71 ,

In his address, I}resident l}ilIard
emphasi7ed the anti-union efforts of

n~1n politically-powerfu l individu <l ls <lnd

groups in this country, both at thc
~tat e nnd nationnlle\'cl, who are try-

ing to dmg organized workers baek
10 the old "sweat sho p" days of
the 19th century. He parlic ul:lrly

C(Q) N§ T1R{ UCTll (Q)N

stressed the need for organizing a ll
qualifk'd electrical workers "be-
cause it is ridiculous 10 havc m EW
members unemployed because of

C(Q)NFIE1R{IENCIE the l:le k of union control :lnd our

members have to travel all O"cr the
country seek ing e rnplo) men! while
electriC:11 construction work is being
do ne in thei r local lIllio n's jurisdic-
Commenting on the suspension
The I DEW Construction Branch Director of Ihe I DEW Construc- of the Davis- Bacon Act and the
Conference was held on S:nurd:1Y, tion and Maintenance Operations l:lter lifting oE the suspension by
April 17. 19 7 1, at the Washington Department, 1. M. "K im" Parker J}rcsidcnt Nixon as just the begin-
Hilla n Hotel. Washington , D. C. opened the meeting and ca lled upon ning of the federal !.'Ovenull en t·s
Over 550 delegates attended the Brother Tom Noone, Business Man- act io n by the present administration
confere nce, which was highlighted age r, Loca l Union 26, Wash ington, to gain control of the wo rkers'
by the remarks of Internatio nal D. C .. who gave a warm welcoBle to wages a nd all the other benefit s re-
President Charles H . Pillard and the delegates visiting the nation's ceived under the collect ive bargai n-
International Secretary Joseph D. capital. Brother Pa rker introduced ing system. President PiII<lrd warned
Keennn. President Pillard, who was given a that federal controls, unless stopped,
Also present. were International standing ovat ion by the delegates. would break the back of the Ameri-
Treasu rer '-larry Van Arsdale, Jr., After acknowledging the delegates, C:ln labor movement. He explained
C\'cry district Vice President and the Vice Presidents, and IEC mem- that the AFL·CIO Building and
International Executive Council bers, President Pillard delivered a Cons truction Trades Department
member, many international Rep- most stirring nnd informntive speech and all the affili:ltes vigorously op-
resentatives, and members of the on I DEW policy regarding the con- posed the executive order of Presi-
1.0. slafT. The delegates were structio n branch of lhe Bro therhood dent Nixon which established the
pleased to sec President Emeritus and conditions thaI exist in the con- Wage Stabil izatio n Comminee for
Gordon Freeman there. struction industry today. the Construct ion Industry and Iha l,

Internat ional President Charles H.
Pillard addresses the 550 delegates
to the tBEW Construction Conference.
I Ie was joined on the ,.hu:. by Ihl;!
International Vice Presidents and
Executive Council members.

International Secretary
Joseph D. Keeniln gilve a
most inspinng address
uklng for support of COPE.

only :lfter all the general presidents C IR . although av,lilable, is only to proved if hours outside the normal
of all the building trade union .. were be used for the purposes th:1( it "orking day arc nOI compensated
advised by the leg:11 counsels of the was meant to sene. for, in contr.ICIS calling for less than
department and their general coun- I)resident Pill ard advised the an eight-hour day or 40·hour week.
sels that the executive power of deleg:lles th:1I "Organizing remains The delegatcs were also infonned
President Nixon to create thi .. wai,,'C the Number One priority on the list that any pcf'iion v.ho creates dissen-
board was legal. did they conscn! to of I13I:.W activities. and all loe:l! sion in mEW local unions by or-
scrve on the stabilizmion bo:lrd. A unions arc expected to organi/c g:lIliLing ~pecial groups or clubs with
criteri:1 of rules and regulations had the territory awarded them." He the purpose that membership in
not been sct up at that tulle. and urged that the loeal unions reg:lin them \.\oould bring speCial pnvlleges
President Pillard said that, when all control of jobbing truck worl.., re~i­ is forbidden to do so undcr the
the ground rules were estoblished, dential house wiring. and contract IBEW Constitution and Ihat anyone
all local unions would be notified. maimenanee work in plams. doing so is liable for expulsion rrom
Noting that the executive order The new Occupational Safety the IB EW.
calls for each construct ion industry and Health Act, Public Law 91-596, Throughout his remarks and in
10 set up craft industry boards, hI; :.aiu , Hlu~t be :.trict ly elifon.;l;ll dming. I)rc~idcnt I)illard thanked
President PiII:lrd told the delegates ,llld local union sa fety COl11mittees the loc:tl union officers. the Vice
that Ihe IBEW is in a most fortu- shou ld take on the respo n ~ ihil ity and Prc~idcnts and their :.talTs. and all
nate position to h:lVe the CUIIIICi! become active so that I UEW mem- IBEW members for the help
on Industria l Relations 10 represent bers will benefit. The I nEW has and cooperat ion gi\'\!n him and the
the electrical industry; nlso, Ihat supported :1 shortcr worl.. \\eck. to support afforded him in carryi ng out
other construction unions wished relieve unemployment. but nu con- hb lIutics:ls Inlernational President.
they had established their own C I R. struction .. greemclll v. ill be '11l- ("<JIIt/lllln/ 011 (1'/'(1<' 18
The C I R is not perfect. he ex-
plaincd, hut the C I R hao; brought
monelary gains and relief in working
conditions to thousands and thou-
sands of members of our Brother-
hood. He lerl no doubts th:!t the
local unions were still to negotiate
with the full inl('nlion of lwgoliOlling
for agrecments that would meet the
needs of their members 10 justify
the rising cost of living and Ihm the

This view of the Conference shows the

right side 01 t he hall and more of th e
delegates attending.


, ,, ,.

Top fight: PIctured at the conference, left to nght, are Inter·

natIonal Secretary Joseph D. Keenan, Chicago, III.. local
134 BUSiness Manager AI Soudall, Local 134 AsSistant BU51-
ness Manager JIm Moore, International Vice Presiden t Wil·
ham ladyman, and Local 134 ASSIstant BUSiness Manager
Joe Klngsl)'.

Above right: International Tre asurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr.,

center, con fers with International Vice PreSidents Wilham
ladyrnan, left, and J ohn Flynn. right.

Right: InternatIonal PreSIden t Charles H. Pillard, right. g ree ts

Wash ingt on. D. C., Local 26 Busmess Manager Tom Noone.

These del egates follow closely the remarks of Interna tional The Interest and concern of delegates to the Constructlor
PreSIdent Pillard at the Construction Conference. Conference are eVIdent from the faCIal expreSSions of these


[OnIiRESSlonAl [ABLE 'e-'



labor Bla sts Nixon Administrat ion The Nixon Administration ' s plan to cut business taxes
For Plan To Cut Business Taxes by allowing firms t o claim bigger depreciation
allowances on equipment is -dead- wrong- economic
theory and of questionable legality, t he AFL- CI O
has charged in In ternal Revenue Service heari ngs on
t he proposed new regula ti ons. AFL-CIO Research
Director Nat Goldfinger testified that most of t he
revenue lost by the government , if the plan goes
through, will be pocketed by the nation' s largest
a nd richest corporations . Senator Birch Bayh (D- Ind.)
termed t he entire proceedings on the proposed tax
break -an elaborate charade," si nce the Treasury
officials had made it clear that the new rules will
go into effect -regardless of what is said or done
at the hearings . n

Poll ster l ou Harris Finds National Opinion Pollster Lou Harris has reported
National Health Security tha t the concep t of National Health Securi ty, whi ch
Has 55% Public Backing has the s trong endorsemen t of the AFL- CIO. also
has the approval of the American people by 55 t o 30
per cent . Harris reported th e favorable response t o
new federal legislation aimed t oward 8 a comprehen sive
health insurance program which would combine federal
government, employer, and employee contribu ti ons
in t o one heal t h insurance program .- The only form
of insurance now before Congress that fits this
description is legislation backed by the AFL- CI O and
introduced by Representatives Martha W. Gr iffiths
(O- Mich . ) and James Corman (O- Calif . ) and Senators
Edward M. Kennedy tD- Mass . }, William Saxbe (R- Ohio ) .
a nd John Sherman Cooper (R- Ky . ) . The Harris poll also
found that 48 per cent of the public was worried that
they might not be able to choose their own physician .
The labor- backed health care system allows freedom
of choice .

Congress Approves One-Yea r Congress has approved a compromise one - year extension
Extension of President's of the right of the President to impose wage, price,
Authority To Impose Wage , and rent controls . This one - year extenSion was a
Price Controls compromise between the six- month extension proposed
by t he Senate Banking Committee and the two-year
extension supported by the Nixon Administration .

GE, Westinghouse Hit LeaderS of international unions representing 200 , 000

On Job Exporting General Electric and Westinghouse employees hit
at the two huge corporations for their overseas
operations and prepared to launch countermeasures .
The esc, meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, noted that GE ' s
overseas work force is increasing at five times
t he rate of th e U. S . force and t hat Westinghouse
now controls more t han 40 overseas companies .
"Profits, not patriotism, are the goals of these
corporations," the CSC said . The CSC is now looking
to 1973 negotiations .
~ Fire killed approximately 12,- heating ,md cooking equipment; 2)
200 people in the United Sta tes Defective or misused electrica l wir-
during 19 70. Property dcstroyed by ing and equipmcnt ; :l nll 3) Cardess
fire last )I!ar rcached II record high usc of smol-ing matcrials. These
-S2.710,OOO,OOO. In Canada. fire three major cam~es :.ccounled fOf
killed an CMimated 600 person .. and 48 per cent or all building fires of
caused an cstim ated S181,900,OOO known caUi>C in 1969.
in losses. Complete figures of tin.! damage
These figures wcre collected and arc not yet complete for J 97(). How-
published by the Nallon:.1 Fire Pro- ever, 1969 figtll'l:s :m: complete,
tection A ~socia t ion, Bos ton, Ma ssa- and they C:Hl give some idea of fire
chusetts. prevention fo r the homeowner or
The NFPA has found that thl! apartment dweller.
principal caus(.'s of building fires On('- and two-fami ly houses and
arc: I ) Defcctive or ovcrhea ted apartments were struck by fire



620,000 tillles in 1969. with prop-
e rty losses of $643.000. Each d .. y,
on the average. the cost of fi res in
residenti:1 1 property is 18 lives lost.
1,701 homes and apartments dam-
.. ged or deslro) cd. and more than
S1.761.000 in dollar losses. M ajor
factors in fire deaths in homes in-
clude failun.: to plan ahead for
escape in case of a fire emergency
and dcl:l}cd discovery of fire.
Facts and ligures alone cannot
describe the headache of lire dam-
age to your hOIll!!. the heartache of
inju ry - sometimes deat h - which
tire nw) bring. Every home fire
re prese nts a fai lur!!-failu n.: to cor-
rect Iwz<l rd s. 10 IlI ke precaut ions.
T a ke action rig ht now, T est you r-
self to sce how your livi ng a rea
rates for Iii·\! haza rds, and how li re-
sH felY conscious you and your
fami ly arc:

E, cr)' " no" in Ihis du'c k lis'

, ho\\ l1 nhcre ~ou r ra mil)'s fi rc s.lfe-
,~ prt'CllUliollS full sho rl.


1.... 0 .... a}s 10 gel OUI of

Have An Escape Plan c\ cry room III your

housc? ....... , .... '
Yeli f\.o
I-I a ... c you made-a nd do
T Ill' NlIIiul/{// Fire PrO/l'{,lion A .u(x'jmiull SIIg,J:C'.flS ,II,'St, IlOilll.r ill \OU rehearse regularl),-
{lI1 eSC(lI)e 111,,,,, 1/ IlOles IIIlIl !all/il\' drillj ('till ht' 1111' (iinnellc(' C'II pl an~ .... ilh your fam-
be/weell 1I ""gelly Will gelling el'eryotle 0111 .WI/d.\'. Uh:"t 11011', l!tilll. ily. including thc chil- Yes No
how yoltr f{llllily {,llll ('wape from each room . . . t'.fl'l'ciaf/y ,hi' ren'! .,." ... , ... ,.". 00
bel/room .1 (II /ligh, . Do you kee p c,it rou tes
clc:lT-t:\I>cciall} of ~uch
t hing~ :lS room healers
Make your plan now- and stoves, \\hcre a firc
might ~lHrl l h u~ blod ing
(I ) C :lrcrllll~' fi gure 0111 III lellS! ,,,'/1 roul es 1tl the ulIlsidc fwm your csca"c~ Arc bcd·
ever}' rOOIll in Ihe ho use, Rl'lI1cmbcr. fire IIl:1 y bhK' k lI ... ual M lIim a ~ roo m \\imJo\\ s large
or hall ex its. cnough :md low cnough
10 'cn'l,! a~ cmcrgcnC) Yes No
(2) From "I'pcr ll oors; 11 M.' ,)o rch :11111 garage roofs, ladders, or e~ i ts? ." ....... , .... . 00
trccs us uays to safet, '. Do you I..no" ho\\ 10 nOlify
(J) Inslmel clIch ,'Cr.<J11 ho" 10 rc:u.:h Ihe phulIIcd c~i l . 1',0' ide your firc dCparlml,!nl
special help fo r iln alid!!o li nd infa nb. quickly ;md corrcc l I~ in Yes No
(4 ) Be !ourc )011 s h.~ p "jlh ha ll or bedroo m d oor~ d u!)cd .. . 10 case of fire? ........ ,. 00
h elp hold b:lck fire.
F. l'Ee lAllY I;O R TH E
(5) Agrcc 0 11 lIignal ("h b lle. hom . ctc.) -lIm) be IIc('dcd 10 a ll'rl C IIIU1H ..: N
peoplc in otlll'r roo m!>.
Do )'ou mal.;.: il a rule nc' cr
(6) I'ick an oub idc mt.octin g place nhere Ihe ra mi!" "ill gather. 10 I.:;I\C small children Ycs No
H:I\'c rule -" once oul--.!llll) oul! ".
(7) 1'1:111 10 no tify Firc J)ep:lrlmcnl (Iuick!) afler cnti re f:lluil) i~
alonc or unallcndcd? .,. 0 o
Do )011 ~hoy, rour bab}sil-
0111 of housc. Icr the escape roules from
)Ol1r hOnle, :md gi\c in·
(8) TlI EN I)R ACT IC E! A 'uid a 1!:IlIic Irugl'd) b~ h:n·illg c"cr)"
structions on Ihe right
onc f:llniliar "ith )our clllcrgcnc) lire esclIl)c plllll . way 10 Cri ll Ihe fi re de· Yes No
p:lflnlcnt'! .. , ... ,., 00
Do your babys itters (and
you !) know Ihe first rule
of s:lfet y in fire emergen-
cies: Get every body OUI Yes No
What To Do In Case of Fire?
fasl, don'I go back in , ..
Arc your children !rai ned
0 o K eep Jour w il s (1110111 )'Oll , Ue m e mbe r: Lij "., S lIjf' l ), come fir sl,

10 keep :I sa fe dislance J. Spread the alarm! Be sure neryonc gets out!

fro m fl ame amI spark Yes No
Alfemm(' escape rOllfe.~ shollid he pr e-plalllu·d lor lIig'" or day ill
sources? 0 o case sltlirll'ays or halls ar e blockn/ by hem or mlf)J..e.
Goon SMOKlNG IIAHITS 2. Call your Fire Department at once-Get help on the
[ s smoking in bed strice[y
against the rule in your
home? Do you make a T he {'til ire family .fllolfld klloll' loearioll of 11I'(lreSI fire "ftlflll box
bedtime check for smold- alJ(l hOIl" 10 report a fire by flholle,
ering bu us looging in J. Then , if the fire is still small _ . _ Fight It!
upholstered chairs and Yes No
sofas? .......... . . . . . DO E I'cry hOllle shollid IIl11'l' easy-IO-reaeh firefighlille l'q ui/lllll' lIt . A
Are yo u careful how yo u porlflb/e fir e eXlingllisher lIlItl yOl/r can/ell hose call gi\'e gOOlI home
d ispose of cigarcHes, ci- Yes No pr oteclioll . Hi' sllre YOIl /... 11011' how 10 fighl diUcrnl/ Iypes of fires.
gars, and pipe as hes? D O 1l.(,lIIl'mbf' r: ( ; t>t l ' I ' l'rYUII (' 0111 ji r M_ 1/1('11 I'flll Ilw Fire O" l mrl .
Arc there pic-m y of la rge, "11'11 1. IU' jorl' " " f'm/, / j ll l! 10 fig llt. IfII)' firf'.
sa fe ;Ish I r:I)"S th roughout Yes No
the house'! .......... .
Arc nWlches and lighters
o 0
Arc gasoli ne and OI her fl am- ELECTRICITY
kepI OUI of the reach of Yes N o mable liquids slored in Do yo u sec that eXlension
childre n? . .. , . , . o 0 safety cans, and kept well cords arc ne ver run unt..lcr
away from both heat and Yes No rugs or hooked over nails?
GOOD I'IO USEKEEI'ING children? .... , , . , DO Arc a ppliance and olher Yes No
Do YOli keep ru bbish clclllled
O Ui of the attic, basemenl , Yes No
H ave YOIl made it il rule
nevcr to usc flamm a ble
cords in good cond ition?
Arc a ppli;lllces checkcd peri-
closets, garage, and yard? o
Is paint kept in lightl y-closed Yes No
liqu ids like gasoline or
kero s ene ror cleaning Yes No
ot..lica tl y to be sure they
arc in good operating con- Yes No
mela] con tilincrs? , . ,. o
0 clothes or sl;lrlillg fires? 0 o dition? ... . ... , . DO


FIRE lOSS TOTALS (1969 Estimates)
United States 12,100 deaths 2,424,000 fire s $2,415,000,000 in losses
Canada 615 deaths 64,500 fires $ 181.900,000 in losses


(Annual Ave'.I") (Annual Ave .. &")
No. 01 fI'" Common Occupar>c:las
United Sial"
No. 01 Flru
$ Loss No. 0 1 fires
101 _ 1 f 'equenl Caines U.S. Canada M ost 'Lou

Smokmg, matches 160,020 21.200 Dwellings 398.200,000 545,840 1

Electrical 146,380 8 ,720 Apartments 71,080,000 71.840 42,886,000 47,590
Heatmg, cooking
equipmen t 84,040 5,250 Hotels, motels 33.340.000 13.060 )
Children and matches 67,540 2,300 Schools, colleges 47.720,000 9,700 4,838,000 410
Open lights, flame s,
sparks 67.480 1,760 Churches 20,960,000 3,740 2,779,000 220
Fla mmable liquids 59,940 1.800 Barns, outbuildings 102,680,000 49,920 15,295,000 5,870
Incendiary, suspicious 39,240 1,080 Stores, offices,
restaurants, etc, 350,760,000 78,000 35,569,000 4,530
Chim neys, flu es 29,100 1.4 10 Garages, service stations 48,260,000 44,700 ~
lightning 20,640 2,640 Warehouses, g rain
Industrial property
J 43,110,000 9,050
Spontaneous ignition 16,800 380

I s Ihe right ... ile fuse 115 to dCI'dop this illjorllllllil'e article 1IU'lIIhcrslli" orgalli:OIioll dl'l ,ot('ll 10
;!mp~ for lighting clrcUlt') jor Ihe i Ul/mai. NFPA is a 1/01/- lite retillctioll of the loS!>' oj life (ll1ll
in each sod,et in the fmc ",ofit. I('c/mictd wlti ctlllclIfiO/ltli IJrO[Jcrty by fire.)
box? Do you u-.c a ne'"
fusc-ne\-er substiltue~­ Yes '0
after each blo"'? ... , ., 00
Is your TV amenn;! installed Complete Red Cross Firs t·Aid Training
where it cannot filII across
po"er lines? I ~ it equipped
\\ ilh a properly grounded Yes No
lightning arrestor? " . , ' o 0
Arc furnaces, stoves. ;md
smolepipes far cnough
:lW:I)' from combu~tiblc
wlIlI~ and ccilin~s, and in
~ood repair? Is your heat-
In g equipment checke d Ye~ No
ilnllually by II ~ervicem:III'! 0 0
If yo tl have Imrwblc heater,
in your homc, do you ~ce
thaI th ey arc properl} Yes No
maintained and loc:l ted ? 0 0
Do you male sure there arc
no clothes. curt ains. or
furniture ncar an) sto\'e.
heater, or lirepl;!ce in Ihe Yes No Through the mterest and efforts of Apprentice D,rector Meh,m Wlnegarten, the
house? ........... ," 00 Red Cross Multl·Media Flrst·Ald Trammg Course was successfully Initiated into
the apprentice program of Local 584, Tulsa, Okla. Local 5B4 was one of the
Do you have the chimne~
f ..st labor groups to make such traming avaitable to Its members, and 31 of
cleaned lind ch(:eked regu-
ItS members have completed the coulse. Here, Robert G, Batchelor, Terry
larly to insure against Campbell, Oavld W, carpenter, Jon A. Flanks, Darrell Leak, Ron LeWIS, Kenneth
chimney fires? ... ,', ... W. Nelson. Larry Ree, Tim $anerileld, Larry Stephenson, James L Sulivent, and
For safe ty again~1 chlmnc) Art Nelson, who is also a volunteer Red Cross first·ald IIlstructor III the standard
and o ther sparks, is roof Yes No and advanced courses, perlorm the skills o f first·ald during one o f the practice
co\ering firc retardant? . 00 sessions, Their instructor is Mrs. Bethet W. Myers, AFl·C tO Community Services
Representative, The other l ocal 584 members who have completed t he course
are Mrs. Betty l . Roe, Gary R. Brashers, Jimmy Wayne Campbell, Rogar K.
fEllilor's /lOle: 1Vt' lI'ij'h 10 tlumk Canada, Hollis D. Copeland, Jr., Mel Cortey. Gary l. Craven, Eddie l . Herrel,
Dn/C/ UichardWII oj the Nati()lwl Thomas C. Hundley, Douglas l , Masterson, Ronald O. Sanders, Mickey Sculla wl ,
Fire l)rQlectio ll Associtl/ioll for the Robert Date Sullivan, James l , Tornberg, Michael C, Updike, Boyd E. Weber,
informatioll (l1Il1 I,hotographs w;etl Dean Caveny, Ro bert E. Kennett, Clement Mulllns, and Do nald Ray Sullivan, Jr.


.. The I HEW Codc). ami S\'II1t!· from 17 to :\0. \\ hich would be in
ards Committee melon Aprit J 6th. the interc,>1 of lkcreasing Ihe worl
;It the National A\'i:llinn lIuh. in load It wa~ noted that there ha\'c
\\'a~hjn!llon. D.C .. \\jlh J \1 been approximalcl} 1.000 proposals
Parker. Director. Construction :111(1 for change.. in the nc\\ code.
r-. laintcnancc OPCnllllllh, chairing Din:clor Parler !;pnle on Ihe

IBEW the meeting.

I.c(lnard Tholllits. a retired lIu:m-
her. \\:1\ a guc~t and related '()O1l'
Grounl..l Faull Protection Technic;11
~uhcomminee. on \\l1ich he Sl·r\"e~.
;1111..1 de'iCrllll.!d Ic.,!', being made. He
uf hi., l'xrcricncc .. in the hm'H.Ie""I- alh ...ed Ih;1I the Flcctrical Field
CODES ing field wilh [Ile American '-101-
linn;11 $I.ulliard, In.,IiUIiC. l ie aho
Senic..:: Commillce. on which he
aho sen e... i~ comidcrin~ a mood
CUJllIlIClllCd on radio noi.,c r\'uuc- .. tat..: electrical c{xl..:.

AND linn effort .. of !loomc of the cumrnit-

tcc .. :Hu..I db,cu~~d ~onh': of hi .. ex·
pcrienccs in in lernal lonal :.1:lndanh
Rubert \. Cou lt er. A5sislant Di-
rector. ClIn"uuction and ;\1ai nle-
nance Operation .. , reporh::d on the

STANDARDS aCli\itics.
C harles I-Iart. who handle .. COLi;,:
:lCII\ Il les for NECA, (lutti m::d the
Subcomrnittl!e on l\ lobile Homes
and Parh, Rccrc:t!iorwl Ve hicles,
Mudu lar and Prdab rication Con-
proced ures of the code·IIl:t~ing
COMMITTEE panels fo r the benefi t of thc newcr
COl1lllllitec members. I k liiso de·
Cud c panel members reportcd on
the activities of their various panels.
~cri bcd some prel im inary discus· some ind icating that they arc cstalr
MEETS sions Ililing place, regardi ng the
pos~ibil i l Y of reorga nizing Ihe clxlc·
lishing advisory committees withi n
(heir loc.. 1 unions to llSSl)ot in an-
making p:lIlel structure. al)7ing prnpo~a[.,.
O ne .. uggest ion ha~ been m:u./c to Director Par!"er advised thc COIll-
incr"::I ..e Ihe number uf the panel~ n>llfilll<".1 "" I'''':!' Jl~

The IBEW Codes and Standards


Robert V. Couller, Assistant Otfl~i:lor,

Construction and Maintenance Op
eratlons, 1.0., gilies a subcommittee
report. Sealed at the head of the
table, IS J. M Parker, Dlre<:tor of
Construction and Maintenance


Code Committee
COllfilllU't! Irom pag~ 17 Honorary Membership Card
mi llec of plans to a ppoi nl :l hcrnatcs
who would attend panel mee tings HONORARY MEMBERSHIP
whe n the regula r members have
connicling meetings.
A ncw National Electrical Codc
comes out c\'cry three yC:lrs. anti fHlU NAlIONAL 1II0 TMERHOOO OF ElECTlItCn WORllU $
this is the year for a new code 10 JO li N \,'. S ~lIT I I
be published. The code-m;lking r.ro.-.un t.5. t'1"l
process and amendment procedures " ... i<tkJ,J.o. ,,_ _ , " ...........r C..II., 'M , .... _~
arc continuous oct\\cen codes. ,"'_".-J,., ,.....
B ........"*-" .. / fJ"'''NJ \I ......... ~..J

After considerable efrorl and con- ._.~, f. ,....."~ 0' ... ,,_"""'""
troversy. the IBEW had. for sev-
eral >,C<lrs. four rcprcsem:uivcs 011
:""'1'" ~
"tl ....
four codc-ma~ i ng panels of thc Na-
tional Electrical Code. Then. latc
in [969. the goal of one IB EW rep- -I~his is a rel~rodllction of the Honorary Membership Card. as pro-
resenta tive 011 each of the 17 panels VIded by Arllcle IV. Section 3 (15) of the IB EW Constitution.
was fi nally rcaliLcd. Local union.~ t~H~t \\;<;h to present an Honorary Membership Card
T hc'lc I BEW rcprcs..:-nl:ltivcs. ;111 to a wort hy llldlvluual arc to follow Ihe follO\\ ing procedure:
of whom arc business managers of
I. T he proposal 10 present an Honorary Membership Card
their locals. except one, af:: Roy
musl be subrnith.'d to Ihe local union and recei\e the
Sachse. Locil ] I. St. Louis; Thomas affirmati\e \ote of majority of members in attendance at a
Van Arsdalc, Local 3, New Yorl.; regu lar Local Union meet ing.
Ci ty; Earl J. Oliver, Local 22,
Omaha, Nebrasl.;<l; Thomas B. 2. T he proposal. 'Ilong with the info rmation of the local
union's action. h to he forw'lrded 10 the Inlernational Vice
Noone, Local 26. Washi ngton. P r~sident for his recommendation .md rdaral to the I n l e r~
D.C.: Ric hard Acton. Local 38. nal;onal President.
Clevela nd; Dan Di amond, Fin,l ncia l
Sccreta ry~ R ceo rding Secretary, Lo-
3. The Inh:rna liona l President \\i ll. upon receipt of the alTirrna~
cal 58, Delroi !: John V. O' B ri~n. live recolllll1cnd;lIion of Ihe International Vice President.
Local 103. Boston: Fred J . Smilh. issue and forward the Honorary Membership Card to the
appropriate onicer of Ihe local union for presentation.
Local 117. Elgin. Illinois: Johnny
W. Dalton. Local 175. ChaHanooga. A \\eek to 10 da)~ \~ill be requ ired 10 ha\e the name engraved and
T ennessee: C. E. E(h~ards. L~al forwarded to the local union. You mu~ t provide the International
177. Jadsonville. Florida: James OlTice with the name and date of presentation.
H. Ox ley. Local 191. E\/ereu, Wash-
ington; P. K. Sizemore. Local 349,
Miami; Jack Anderson, Loc;)1 354, Construction Conference T he session was closed with re-
ports frOIll Director Parker Oil Ihe
Salt Lake City. Utah; Grant T 'lle, rulllilllll"/ from fHl)!1.' f(I

J r.. Local ~OO. Asbury P'lrk, New In the afternoon session. lnlerna~ Joint J urisdictional Boards, and
Jersey; Howard Volz. Local 569, tional Secretary Joseph D. Keenan. se\'er:11 Vice Presidents \~ho chair
San Diego. California: Homer D. in an inspiring speech. reminded Ihe the IB EW ~ide reportcd on the
Grows. Local 661. Hutchinson. delegates that the enemi('S of labor commillCC's progress. R . V. Coul~
Kansas: and James C. Sharp. Local arc once again on the march. and ler. As!.istant Director of Con!>lruc~
850. Lubbock. Texas. he urged all those present 10 work tion and Maintenance. reported on
The IB EW representatives on the very diligently for CO I)E~sponsored the activities of the I BEW Codes
code~making panels arc bacl.;ed up candidates and 10. once again. do and Standards Committee and rC'~
by the II3 EW Ccx.ks and Standards whatever is possible to get union ported tl1:l1 Ihe I!l EW is now rC'pre~
COl1l miuee. \\ hieh meelS at kast membe rs to regi~ tcr and 10 vote in sented on all Ihe national panels of
annua lly and \\ hose activities, in Ihe elections. Ihe Nalional Eleclrical Codc COlll-
the interim. arc coordinated by the William H utton. Executive Direc~ miltee. Intern ational Rcprescntali\c
Depart lllent of Construction and tor of the National Council of Mel 130) Ie, Assistant to Sccrctan
Maintenance Operations through Senior Citizens, a guest speaker. Keenan, made a report on the ne~
correspondence. thanked the I S EW for the ~upport national safety la\~ and explained
An exa mple of its functions. in it has given the counci l and asked some of the details of the law to the
addition to the :-.Iali0l1:l1 Electrical for continued support for a mllion,ll delegates. All of the delega tes and
Code, is its revie\\ing of a proposed health insurance law and more gucsts who attended the conference
draft of the Residelll ial Rehabi lita- Social Secu rity benefi ts for older expressed the opinion that the con-
tion Code. and retired cit ize ns. ference was most informative.

Key figu res in t he Scranton housing program to build hundreds of low- and
moderate-income houses are, left to right, Chamber o f Commerce President
Char les Trentalange; local I nvestments in Vi tal EnVironment President Joseph
Welch: Scranton Central Labor Union President and ISEW l ocal 8 1 Business
Manager Philip F. Brady, father of the unique program; Scranton Building Trades
HOUSing Corporation PreSident Matthew W. Flynn; and William J. O'Hara, a prom-
ment building con tract or.

Union- .. While eve ryone is bemoaning our ('ommunity puts on a united
f ronl.··
Chamber the critical housi ng situation . the
Scranton. Pennsylvania. bu ild ing T he fcderal government. thrOll,llh
trad es unions arc doing somethi ng the Federal Housi ng Administration.
of about ii-wi th the backing and fi-
nancial assistance of the Scranton
.lnd the state of Pennsylvania.
th rough its Department of COIll-
Chamber of Commerce. muni!} Affair~. have provided cffi-
Commerce Scranton. inh:rnationally-known
for its union-C of C cooperation in
cielll procc~~ing and encouragement.
The trainces of Local 542. Inter-

Cooperation post-war. comm unity industrial de-

velopment projects. has comc up
national Union of Operating Engi-
neers. headed by Harold Coslett
with another first in the forma tion a nd Ralph Schwartz. arc aiding in
of thc Scr.mlon Building Trades thc road and ~ite prepmation, .Illd
Hou$ing Corporation ( SBT HC) . J o hn Evans of the AFL-ClO's na-
fo llowed by the form.nio!1 of Local tional headquarters has lent ad min-
Investments in Vital En vironmem istrative assistance and has promi~ed
( LIVE ), the Chamber's housing further aid frolll his unit during the
arm. construction Lind financing periods.
The SBTHC began to check out COl1gre~slllan Joseph M. McDade
possible housing SiICS, a difficult ( Rep .. Penna. ). who is close to or-
job in the rolling hills of Northeast- ganized labor and the C of C. has
ern I>enllsylvania, and. with LI VE's also ca rried out many dinicult and
financial support. came up with IWO productive assignmcnu. for the hous-
principal target areas. Several build- Ing program.
ing trades locals provided thousa nds A "model horne:' which \ViII be
of d ollars of their own "seed the prototype of many of the houses
which will be partially bui lt at 11
money:' which was later backed by
local factory. was const ructed and
sta te fund s, to launch this comple x
W;lS inspccted by prospective buyers.
program. hundreds of whom signed up for
Ph ili p F. Brady, Scranton Central consideration.
Labor Union President amI [BEW Brother Brady feels that thc new
Local 81. Scranton, Business Man- housing program could reach a S 15-
ager. who originated this unique ap- million mark wi thin the next few
proach. said. "The Chamber's co- yea rs :md envisions a successful
operation will not only lead 10 program because of the outpouring
tremendous success for the program. of cooperation to this challenge to
but it will speed up the construct ion provide good housing for low- and
of more than 500 new ho mes, as moderate-i ncome families.



Organizing Power Commiss ion rcturn 10 the IB E\\ and ha\1: no\\ relief from the payment of union
~ Since lal ~ I:I~I ~car. Local
been re-cstablished undcr ncwly- dues on religious grounds. and cer-
1615. SI. John"s. "c,doundland. chartered Local Union ::!330. Wc tification based upon 35 po.'r cent of
has been organizing the Nc\\ found- applaud their deci!.ion :lIld \\CIcOllle the employees' being signed up for a
land ])ower Comnll'iSlon. B} mid- their membership in the Brother- \·otc. or 65 per cent for automatic
Decemocr, the cilmpaign \\:t!> so hood. Apart from thc a(hantages certification.
successful that an application for to them as journeymen and appren- T he full impact of Bi ll 167 and
certificat ion \\lh made 10 the la- tices. il is of Mlmc !'>i!!nilk;mcc to ~im i lar legislation throughout thl'

bour Relations Bomd . The provin- n:alizc that every major cit~ in Can- First District IS st ill !>OJl\l: \\ h;t!
cial government Ihen decided that ada now has m EW inside worlo.crs vague. Hm\oever, there can hl' no
the Labour Rdalions Act did not on a ll major con~truction proj.,:cls. question that the Goldenberg rec-
apply to the cmplo~ .... cs of the New- We hope that ..tatl'lTlelll ma~ soon ommendations ha\e had a tktcr-
foundland and Labrador Power also apply 10 ;111 rc~i(klltl;1 1 worlo.. mining clTect on recent gO\ ernmc-l1t
Commission and Ihat Ihey would l egj~ l l\tion. T he me"sage is cI.:ar;
Legislative Changes the ncw,> media. the academic~. and
come ul1ckr the proposed. but-not-
)ct-prociaimc(1. IJublic Senicc Act. Of all the changes recelllly intro- the \lariou~ govcrnment!. have found.
After di~cu,sion\ with various duced illlo Ihe Ontario Lahour Re- in the construction industry. a con-
l ation~ and Right s of Laho u r Acts. venient Whipping boy in their light
pcople in the gO\CfllIllCIlI . particu-
larly the premier. it became clear the most signi ficant ;lre tho ..e affect- against mnation. It is. tt1U<;. thc re-
Ihal. provided the r rca~ury Uoard ing the const ruction induo;tr). I he spon... ihili ty of all of us to become
W:lS !>atislicd Ihal thl' m EW repre- major innovation was thc e .. tabll~h ­ involved in labour c\'l' nt~ around m
sented the J1liLjoril~ of Ihe powa ment of a sy~ tc m of cOlllr:lctor as- and to rcaliL.e that \\c must fi~hl to
~oda t ion accreditation. ...imilar to maintain the free. collecti\l' bar-
comJl1is~ion's operating cmployees.
the board \\ould ~rant vol unt;lf} union certification. gaining process to ensure th:1I
recognition to the IB EW. That is Exclusive collceti\c bargaining prc ..ent kgi~ I :llio n is nOl further
whcre the I BEW qand~ ;11 Ihe lime rights arc grantL'd to an dL'clrical amended; and to take ~tep!. to u~e
of this writing. We ha\c the major- contraclors .Is~oc iation. pro\ idcd it cu rrent legis!ation. whercwr po .... i-
ity as member'> and ;1\\ ait the proc- can demomtratc to the Llbour Rc- ble. 10 the be ..t advantage of the
l;un:ltiOll of the new act before \\e lations !lo;trd that it ha'> 50 per pl:ople and the industr) \\c rl'pre-
can be ollkially recogniled. ccnt of the contractor" in it~ ;"\':'0- ~erll.

What the go\'ernment has done ciat ion who rcprcsclII 50 per cent of
is to divide the worlo. fore.: into two the electric;]l worlo.er.. in a tk'>ig- La bour Outlook Serious
grOllpo;; namely. thl: public SCClOr nated area. Such an accreditcd a.,~o­ From coa~t to coast. the o utloo k
and the private ,>ector. T hc puhlic cialion is thell entitled 10 m'gutiate for lahour grows more seriou~. In
sector include'> ;111 tho:.e \\ hosl' a collective ,lgrC"men t lhal i... hind- Briti.,h Columbi:l. it \\as the ~kdia­
wages come from the go\ernment ing on all of its contractor mernbcr~. tion Commission- Bill 33. In On-
and companie'> which afC construed After :tccreditation. thc act prohibits tario. thc go\ernment 1\0\\ has
to be paying wagl:'> \\ith go\ern- indi\idual agreement". e\en in thc eca~-and-desist powers- Bill 167.
ment or public funds. r he pri\'ate c\"cnt of a !.trike. In $a ... katchew{1n. the prl:lIlkr ha:'>
sector inclUl..b, ;111 of the other,>. Furthermorc. \\hcnen'r;\II unlaw- ~ta ted /lally thaI. if thl' gO\l'rnml'nt
such as .. tor~' ll\\ n.:,-.;. papcr mill!.. ful Mrike or loclo.out i~ c:tlled. ilU- is re·eJected. it \\ ill. :tftcr sel'lo.ing. a
mines. etc. thorized. or merely threatenl:d. the mandate from the people of Sa"-
board is now emp()\\ercd to i~sue a t.atchl:\\an. hring in labour courts
Return of In s ide Wiremen ceasc-and-desi~t ordl'r. l'nforeeablc ;Uld compulsory arbitration tlf ;111
Ne:lrly :1 dec'lde a~o. the inside as a judgment or ordl'r of the Su- dispute.,.
wiremen in the Prm incc of New- preme Court, under pcnaliy of a In Quebcc. the construction Jfl-
foundl and con .. id.:rl'd that their in- S I.OOO-a-day fine for nOIl-compli. tiu~tl) i.. rl'stles~ under the e\e r-
tereMS would be .. t be ..crn;,·d by ance. conru .. ing rules of Bill C 290. and
disassoci;lling them ..ehcs rrom thc Bill 167 also provide ...... tronger now. in No\a Scotia. a construction
!B EW ;lIld funning an independent maChinery for the ,enkmcnt uf j ur- !.ubCOlllm illee of the prm'incc's
association. isdictional dispute". rl'cour~e for Joint Labour-rvhmag.:mcnt Stud)
In March, I ~7 1. hy an over- persons a lkgedly mi .. tre;lted b) llll- COlllmittee has prepared further
whelming m.ljority, they voted to io ns in cm ploymcnt oppurtunities, c(!IIfill/led 'III pllgl' oY


Les Nouvelles Ouvrieres
du Canada
.. Oepuis la fin de 1'':111 dernier, grande majoritc, onl yotl'S en favellr amende de S 1.000 par jour pou r
la Section LOC:llc 16 15 de SI-J ean, de s'aflilJer a nOU\'C";1l1 ,t\CC la F lOE toute infraction.
Tcrre-l"euvc, a rcuss! ;, syndiqucr sous la banierc d'une nouvclle scc~ Le Bill 167 prevail. cgalem..:nt,
Ics employes de la Commission tion Local 2130. Nous ks f~lici­ un systi.·me de r':glemcnt de di~pute
I-Iydro-Elcclrique de Terre-Nellve. Ion.., et leur ..,ouhaitons la biell\enuc de jurisdiction. un recours pour
Vcrs la mi-deccmbre, notre fr:Her- d:lIls le<; rangs de noire fraternitC. toute personne subissant tine dis-
nite dcposa une rC(llIelC en accn!- San,> com pIer les <I\antagcs que crilllin:ltion qudcoO(ltle dan<, les
ditation auprcs de la Commi~sion leur aniliation puisse lellr apporter offrcs d'emptor. une disp..:nsc pour
des Relations de Travail. :1 titre d'hommcs de melier, il est Ie paiement de cotisations syndicaks
Lc goun::rnClllcnt provincial de- significatif de nOler qUl' nOIre fra- pour de,> raisons religieusl's, lIlI "ys-
creta ~lIr Ie Ch:lIllPS que 1<1 [oi des terni t ~ repr~sentc maintcnant tous lem..: d'accrcditation bas': Slir un
relations de travail nc couvrail pas les elcctricicns sur les grandes chan- poure-cnlage de 35 pour cent des
les employes de la COlllmission tiers de construction dans tOUles ks employes :l In suite d'un \ote et 1111
I-I ydro-Elcclriquc de Tcrrc-Ncuvc ct grandes vil!cs du Can:lda. systcme d'accreditation automatiquc
elu Labrador. d qtlc ccs dcrnicrs Nous espcrons qu'il cn sera ninsi, lorsquc ce pourn'ntagc cst porte
tomb'lkm ~{)US la jurisdiction de la cgalcment. pour tous lcs chanticrs :165.
loi de la fOElelion publiquc (qui n'CSI de !"industrie domicili:lire dans un L'effet ;llonge lenne du Bill 67 el
pas encore sanction nee). aven!r rapporche. de toute legislation semblahlc dans
A 101 suite de plusicurs rcnconlno'S Dc tous les ch;1ngl.'llwllls appor- Ie ler district n'est pas encorc connu.
avec divers rcprc~cnlanls elu gou- les, r0cl.'rnml.'nt. :1 Ia Lui dl.'~ Rda- ['outdois. nou,> sommes conv,lincus
vcrncmcnt. ell particulia Ie Premier tions de Travail de [,Ontario, Ie rlus que les recommandatiolls cuntl.'l1ues
Minislrc. il fut alor~ convcnu qu'a significatif est cdui cunccrn,mt I'in- dans Ie rapport Goldenberg ont
condition quc la tresorerie soit con- dust ric du b:llimenl. Lc changc1llcnt sensiblcl11cnt impressi<)t1c nos I~gis­
vaillcuc que la F lOE representait Ia majl.'ur est 1'~I<lblissel11cnt d'un sys- [,Hems dans cc domaine. II cst cI,lir
majoritl; des cl11play~s de la Com- tl:!!1le d'accreditation pour ks a~~o­ que la presse ct les gouvcrnelllcnts,
mission Hydro-Elcctrique, ceUc dcr- ciations patronaks, scmblabk au ~\ divers paliers, ont cnfin trOlI\'~,
nil:!rc acconJcrait la reconnaissance systcme d'accrl'uitati(JIl s)ndic:tl. dans rinduslrie du biltiment. leur
volontairc ;1 la FlOE, Des droils exclusifs de n~gocia­ meilleur cheval de balaille contre
Cest la situation au la F lOE en lion collective sont accordcs 11 une rinnation.
est actucllcmenl~ NOlls a\ons syn- associalion palronale poun'u que 11 est clair, eg;tlcment. que nous
dique la rnajoritc des employes et ceHc demiere puisse d':montrer it <l\ons tous la respon~abilite de con-
nous attendons la proclamation de Ia COinmission des Relations de tinuer :, dCfcndr..: Ie proccssus de
la nouvelle loi avant d'clrc accr~dite T ravail qu'elk repr':selHe 50 pour la libre n~g.ociation collectivc en
de filt;on officielle . cent des employeurs de la el ite a~so­ S'<lssurallt que celie Icg islation nc
Ce que Ie gouverncll1cnt a fait se ciatio n. ct q ui Oll t :1 leu r emploi au soit paS amendee davanwge et pa r-
res ume :1 l:l division de la ma in 1I10i l1s 50 pour cen t des salaries tau ! all il est possible d~ Ie faire, de
d'ocuvre en deux groupcs not am- dans un territoire donne. Unc telle se servir de celle memc legislation
ment eclui du sectcu r public ct du association accreditee est par la dans Ie but de protcger les intcrets
sccteur pri"e: Ie SCClcur public etanl suit..: autorisce ii negocil!r tine con- des membres que nous representons
dctini COlllllle cclui couvrant les em- vention collective qui dcvil'nt obli- dans celie indtlslrie.
ployes payes ii memc Ics fonds du gatoire a l'end roit de chactln des D'un ocean :1 raUlre, la perspec-
gouverncment el des entrepriscs de employeurs qui font partie de I"ass(}- tive concernant la legislation ou-
1a couronne, ct Ie sccteur prive clant dation. \'Tiere s'agravc de jour en jour. En
dcfini comme cclui q ui s'applique a Ala suitc de r acc rcditntion, la loi Colombic-Britanique, il s'<lg it du
tOllle Ics ,w tres cntrcpriscs non-gou- defend loute signature dc conven- Bill 33 relat if ;1 1;1 Commission de
vemcmentales telles que les CO Ill- tion collective particulier..:, et ce, Meditation. En Ontario, Ie gouvcr-
mcr~a nt s, Ics usines tic p;i tc ct papie r memc dans l'e venlua lite d'un arret nClTlC11l poss~dc nw ill tcnall t tO llS les
ct Ie sec te ur minier ct Ie reste . de travail. pou voirs [l\<.!C son Il ill 167. Dans Ie
Depuis une dizaine d';mnces, les De plus, dans tout cas de grl:!ve Saskatchewan. Ie Prem ier MiniSlrc
eleetrieiens de la province de T erre- illega le ou de colltre-gn':vl! a Ulorisec, a declare n!CCllllllent du'advenant
Neuve avaient decide que leu r in- la Commission dcs Relations de tine re-clection d Ll goU\ernement
teret pouvail clrc mieux protege en T ra\:li[ cst ma in tenant autorisee dc actue1. il se propose de sournettre
sc dcsaJriliani de la F lOE et fo r- meltre fin aces activ itk mcmc avec lout conflit ouvrkr sous rarbitrage
ma nt une associat ion independame. Ie support. si necessaire de l"autoritc obligaloire el d'en faire sa plate-
En mars' 197 1, ces derniers en de la cour supreme et d'impose r une .iII;1t' (I /1/ pllgt' lJ


for You and Your Family

Your Sunglasses
... Thi~ Yl,!ar. people in the USA toms. Even if Ihis lIocs nnt "ruin rul for bO:lli ng and driving. \\hcre
:md C ana(/a \\ ill spent! millions o f your eyes." it ccrtainly can ruin bot h ove rhead and low-Ic\el glan..
doll ars on ... unglas.'>cs. Says a pam- your comfort, your dispo~ition. and a rc moSl troublesome. Coated
phkt publi~hl!d by the National So- enjoymcnt of whatcver hrought yOll lemes arc also preferred for pre-
ciety for the I)rl!vcntinn of Ul ind- o ut into thc sun . O bviously. it may ,eript io n sunglasses which requi re
Il C~S, "Nature provides SOllie people nc\'er get this sc riom if you arc ~uch a high correction that their
wit h tiller" in the ocular and Ill:tClI- merely sunbathin g, wilh your eye~ thickness would make tinted Icn~e,
lar Illedia which arc 10 to 20 time<; at rest. But it is quite a different much too dark in the critica l ce nter.
the dl:mity thaI ot hers nrc born matter if }ou :Ire re:lding. playing Some lenses arc plastic. Like
wit h . The differences bctwl!CTl indi- lennis. softball. skiing. or. abov\! all . glass. plast ic lenses come in a wide
\lid ual ~ arc far g reat!'!f than the dif- driving hour :lfter hour (III :l sun- range of qualit y. Olher things being
ferences in the tknsil), of the <;llll - baked su perhighway. In such si llla- cqu:l1. plastic lenses :Ire lighter in
glas.\cs on the markeL" tiolls. )ou r eyes arc in co n ~tant mo- weight. shatter-resistant. and les.. ex-
Says the Med ical Research La b- tion. up and down. side to side. pensive; they also demand far
oratory. U. S. Naval Subnwrinc ncar 10 far, util izing the entire lens gre:tter e:trc in handling ,md dean-
113<;c, New London. COIlI1\!clicul. in area. and their uncca~ing effort to IIIg. becau!.C they arc l';I'i l)
its Stw/(/(/f{ll' lor GI'IU'rt/l " Ufl}(J.\"(', aecommod:llc to shoddy len~l" ,non ,cra tched.
"Since the inj urious rc.'>ult, of glart.! tales its totl. The o nly permissible genera liza.
may be, ;11 least in parI. sceamlary rhe function of thc absorpti\c tion i~ that shoddy su nghlsse, arc
involwlT1cnts following ,qui nting. lens is to cut out speci fic rays from , hodd) sunglasses. whe ther inc~­
frowning, :md constrict ion of the the spec trum : for gl!nl!ra l sungla ..s Ix:n~ i \'e o r expensivc.
accc .....ory muscles. any dcvicc which usc. these would be the illvi"iblc Most buyers select !l.:nscs that :lfe
contrihutcs to mu . . cular !'daxation ultr:lviolcl and infrared. This i .. :tc- too light for average usc. One rca-
complished by the addition of cer- ~on is that Ihe da r k e~1 lem yo u ca n
contribu tes to eye hea lth ."
Says a rcport o f a . . uhcomm ittee tain chemicals to the len .. fmmula . ,ec through in :I brighty*lighted ~to re
of the Amcrican Acad emy of Oph- Pol;tri zi ng lenses, made of either will he quitc inadcquate on :1 bc:tch
glas!. Of plastic. e mplo) a built-in or ,ki slopc. \\herc the illuminat ion
thalmology and OlOlaryn£ology.
"opt ic:lt screen" to absorb the vcil- will be 200 \0 300 times more in-
"Sunglasses should be \\()rfl o nly
ing glare of lighl nl}S vibrating in len.;c.
when the intcnsity of light produccs
,ome. ~hile allowing o nly the useful In ,ic\\ of the abuse 10 which
discomfort. Thc penalt y for their
r:l)'s to pass through to thc eye. Such they u~ually arc subjected. \lUl-
wear o therwise is Ihe reduction of
g l a~s frames lIescne morc :lIIen-
the individual\ tolerance to bright a kn~. for example. enahles a 1I101Or-
tion than the~ gel. For stead) U\C.
light." ist to penetrate. not on I) the glare
the), should be just aboul as rugged
C heap. ,ub!>tandard ,ungla~,es from his O\\n ca r's hood. hut ;1"0
:IS the quality frames on pr.:scrip-
reprCSCnl a \;Irge sharc of the tnlal the glare off Ihe road. tion glasses. A major weak I)oinl ,11
sold . Their makers ho ld that mosl Coated or rcl1cctorized knses Ihe bargain counter is the h inge
of the imperfections arc so minor havc a Ihill mctallic Ijlm ;Ipplicd by "hero.: Ihe frame and templl! join .
the average person can'l detect a vacuum process 10 the fron t or CO!>t-cutling manufacturcrs connect
thc m. This is a sp..'Ciuus argumcnt. bad surface, or both . This males these unils with a simple pin. in-
Whcn the imperfections arc "Illall. pussibk the "gradient den~ity" len .. ste:ld of a screw or rivc\. This is
the eye can morc or les, accommo- (wry dark at the top. I:IIX'ring nff just (lne mOfe inde:\ of the gulf be-
date to them by ntu!)cul ar cffort. to light at the bottom) a nd the tween (I u:li ity and junk in ,un-
:md thi!) it continu;lffy auempts {(l "double gradient" (darl :It the lap glll'ises. It suggeSb that Ihere i~ u
d o . Result: m use ul;t r and nervous and bollom, but muc h li ghter in Ihe grc:tt de:11 more \0 selecting thl.'l1l
fa tigue, wit h it s att endant symp- ee ntcr). The lalle r type is more m e- than meets the eye.




Is the Future Gloomy? when the federal government began government is putting restriclions on
Wh.:n we look about us. we see promoting apprenticeship and reg- us. In spilc of all of Ihe rules, reg-
uncontrolled innation. a drop in istering program standilrds. ulations, and conslant inh:rfcrence
total building construction. Ullerll- Registration and promotion and har:lssrnents, we believe that
plo)menl. more "regulat ions" by the brought an awareness of the weak- our industry will come through with
government (many of which wc nesses that existed. Then carne bet- nying colors.
brand interferelle.:), and other signs ter selection, more attention to on- This can only be accomplished
of the times. All of thi~ has the the-job work. organized courses for by continued cooperation between
effect or making OllT JATCs extra related instruction, and many other NECA iHld IB EW at all levels. with
;l unified approach to our problems.
cautious about taking in ncw ap- improvements to training progr<lllls.
prcnticcs and 11<Is a tendency to During the past three decades, Let's keep in mind that we arc op-
erating a training program, second
make pessimists of all of us. our industry has reached a high de-
to none. that must and will supply
With just it lillie thought, we gree of proficiency in turning out the needed, qualificd rn.mpower for
realize that construction work has competent journeymen, but due tomorrow. The National J ATC of-
alw:lys run in cycles: feast or fa- mainly to some of our progrilllls' fice will continuc to work wi th loc:!l
mine, some would say. In spite of lagging behind nationally-recom- J ATCs to gi\'c guidance and as-
the ups and downs, electrical con- mended patterns and practices, the sistance.
struction work has continued its
growth .lnd expansion, and with Ihe mierc lecturc de sa nouvelle loi des
incrca~ing use of electricity, this Nouvelles Canadienne Relations de Travail el. panni Ics
growth \\ ill continue for some years "';If' fh· III f!1It:r } I nombreux ch<lngemenls qui y sont
to come. This growth makes it im- forme polilique auprcs des clectcurs npportes se relrouve une section
perative that the industry do more du Sasblchewan. Dans la province speciale rcl;ltive ;1 rindustrie du
planning to meet the needs. M<ln- de Quebec. l'induslric du b.'ttimcm b:itiment qui rendrait tout syndiquc
agement and labor ha\c made cer- est boulcverscc par Ie Oill 290 landis susceptibk de poursuitc judiciaire.
tain adjustments, but what seems to (lu'en Nouvcllc-Ecossc un sous-co· L",s syndiqucs r~illisenl mainlC-
be the most critical need is that of rnit~ parlemcrllairc etudic pr~scnte­ nanl que les lumees soixantl' (1960)
an adequate supply of Irail1('d man- nll'llI des nouvelles propositions on!. a toute tin pratique, dirninc la
power. dans Ie but de changer leur proce- n~gocialion au niveau local dans
dure d'accrcdil:nion ct dc connit de rindu~trie du b£nimcnl. Plus encore,
During the first half of th is cen-
jurisdiction. Lorsque ccs proposi- ]a ml.:nilCC d'imposer un syslemc de
tury, most labor requirements were tions allrolll ete approuvecs, on negociation seclorielk dans ceUe
met by men who entered the trade, s'attend it ce qu'clles sefvent de base industrie no LIS app:lf<lit comllle un
picked up their skills, and "dug pour une nouvclle legislation. danger reel relalif au mainticn de
out" their limited tech nical knowl- La I~gislature du NOllveau- lout Ie systemc de In negotiation
edge. This system beg,lll to ch<lnge Oruns\\ ick a dcjii complcte sa prc- collective.

International Brotherhood of Ele,tri,ai Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report

TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH $ 1,110,640.75 $ 735,893.38
TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 11 MONTHS $13,914,140.68 $8,059,551.31
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH ! 101,100.61 $ 417,988.76
DEATH BENEfITS PAID LAST 11 MONTHS ! 1,456,191.90 15,489,687.67


Local I Scribe Reports on
Numerous Local Activities
L. • I. ST. I.OUIS. \IO.-Ihe :.et;vities
during April ",ere quite hea,). so we
",iii ju~t ghc Ihc highlij:lu.s in Ihi~ letter.
The Anmml J:.."I. ... )O D;I) Dinner "as
held in Sprinj:licI<J. \1 ,,-.ouri Political
Chairman [)",n;.ld \Iein he;ldeJ Ihe SI.
I.t)uis dclq~;llion 10 tlii .. !!irair. I h,-s<: an- Local 3, Phelps Dodge In Negotiations
nu;" JIIII1('r, prescnl ;.n opporlune lime
10 leI our loc,,' let!, .. I;'\{J1' I.no", Ihal ur-
g;IOiLed lahor i.. l>chind lhem: .. 1..0, 10
lei Ihe'tC polilll:i;IO" he,lr our \le\\" on
pl'ndlOj: lej:"lllIHln pertalOlOll 10 Ihe
lah.)r "WHmen\.
I he I (11:;11 I 1I1.1OI.l 1),,101,r "("i!r;lm.
in cunjlll1Ctillll \\llh Ihe ,'mencan ReJ
[ru". i, lin Ihe "''') lu ,100lher 'tI."\:e)~­
ful ~eaf lIul \\e 'Iill neeJ nmfe dllnors:
\t). IIrtllher<;. ma~e :10 efrurt h. Junale ..
I"illl "f tll'H.d fur Ihi .. \\,.rlhllhik prujt'l;l.
r he I ke lric \nj:kr\' , i.. hini! (lub of
r 0<;;" , h..:ld iI, hij:!!c,1 liml he..1 I,)urna-
menl un Aprl' l(ilh find 171h, al lable
Rocl. I Hl.c III Ihe 1I.:;lIl1iflll J\li\'>fJuri
OlMI.,. hmlll.' IIf Ihe he..1 h;I" Ii,hing in
AI1)eric;, lI eallqll.lrler~ \\ere Ihe (;,mp-
hell ''')il1l 11<.1.,1 11.11:1. Th., ",ctur. sho ... s ...,em"" .. 01 !lie lGCal 3. N.... Yo,k C,ty. Ne&ollltlna CommIttee ,n
rum l.ud ... l ' re~ldenl IIf Ihe Ik":lric sen'On w,th Ph.I". Dod.e Flfle.n •• ss.on. we'. h.!d ov.r • pt!"Od of th.ee months belore
• cont •• c' I& ••• m,n\ WIS r.lched
\11!;icr,' ( luh. ,lid an ",ut-wn,lin!,: jot> Ilf
.. eeiug Ih;.1 Cler)"nc h;.d ;111 enjol;lb1c
lil11e Journc) men. apprentice,. and re- Local 9's Education Committee
lired member .. v.ere in :,Ilemllince. fepre-
...:nlill!;. " ctlmllkle ~m"','ecli"n of Ihc
memher .. hip
Y,IUf .. ninc h;11I Ihe pr;v.le!;.e anJ
honor <If fj,hlll!;. wilh relired I uc,,1 1
m~lIIhcr l h;,l'Ilc \ 1 11l'~ler ;md hi, gl.lnd-
'iOn. :lppren\l~t III'oh) \ Iudkr R;"ph
"r~lle c;lIIghl Ihe hii!i!e~1 I>;,~, IIf the
luurnamcnl :1 fjle-alld-Hlle-Iwlf p\fund-
cr. Did Kutel \\ol" 'lCc,'nu \\llh a flOur-
;,ml-tllle-h"lf-pllund h;",.
\11 I ~,Ln ';') i, Ihlll elerlOlle h,.d a
lef) enjtl);thk lime.
Rernemher. I.eep buy ill!; uni"n·m.u.J.:
11M'" It (.H.'I('II!.I'S

Ph elps Dodg e Worke rs Win p.ctur.d lie Ihe mem""" of I"e Edue.hon Comm.ttee 01 locil 9. Chlc.&o. Selled. lett
\0 "&hl . • ,e DavId E Rlwlln.s. EXlmm.n. BOlld me"'''''r Jerome R WailS. Y.c. P,.,.denl
Wage, Pension Improvements W.lh • ..., J O·Boyle. Ind Bus,n.ss Repr... nl ... ~e N.c~ Bur~.rd Sllnd,n.· R.co,d."& Sec.e
lat)' Rob.,1 P SUUs. WIUe, y Cnetoo •. Ch."man of Ihe Educal.on Comm.tt •• John l.
I..l . J. 'FW "ORK. ' . \ . \ ne'" G,tKon Jr (Execu' ..... Board membe<l. James B MI,shlli Glenn A R.dl,n. John T
Ra ...!,n&s. Clyde R HI",elt. Gene D,C •• nn •. Ind P,es'den' fred S H.nc.
Ihr~,,-)e;lr I'help~ 1}\ldj:e ~tlnlr.,cl 'n-
~urptJr;llint: ,ul><.l.lnli;.1 "'age In.:rea ....... c;ll;un in Ihe ~unenl ;'j:reemenl 1,,\;,1 \If I ~ nCSUlmhvn '>C~\lon~ "'a, helll
and ""'ceplllj: rK'n .. iun ;lnd ",clf;tre gain' The l'en""ln l'l;ln c •• II" f'lf m;I\imum I>'er " pl'flt.... of thrce month, lI<.'forc a
"','s \IgneJ fur 7'0 \\lire ;III..l (;,o1c DII i- ~edf~ of <;C:rlke fllr cllglbl"l) fllI'oI:d cunlra,1 "l!.eem~nt "''', reached.
\Iun memi:JCf'. (wm t~ 'CdI' 1\• .J() )e:tr .. and frum Ihc IIU)'I I~ , I' AbIHII. H M.
!lIe nev. 1"'1.:1. fc;td,e..l .11 a dc;tlliine pre ..... nl 'l.7< Ilf 'IUI() per l\I{lnlh per
lIIeelin~ on \1ar.·h 2.Jlh, ";I, oler- le;l(. ~.'ccull\ul,tItH' lime '1M" ;\1 Ihe
... helmin);l) r:.hlie..l :.1 •• )pe(I;.1 meeting ;H~e \Jr :!on )e;u·~ fur lin C;lrI) reillemcnt
Educ atio n Co mmittee H elps
held Ihe ftlllu"'in~ ..l •• }. ;,1 Ihe ,,);e vf 6tl ) e;lrI. I I u\~ fur e>!rly In G iving Labor's Sid e
<'onu;lci ICnlh (llil fur" 'O,,-','nl·;ln- rchremenl reduo.:ed fmm ~i, per (enl .\
hour "age boot"l Ihe Iir'l )e;tr." 2S-~enl­ le,'f lu four per ~enl a )Caf I_. l '. \I , 0 11 (' \co. 11.1..- One of Ihe
an-huur-inere;' ..... Ihe ~ond )e;,r, ;,"d ;I 1 he II-rn;OI1 'eguli;lltn/,l (1)1I1IIull.'e. rl:';\1 pr,)bkm" Ih;ll d"ltlfM our unlun
,22-ceul-.ln-htlur in(ren'<C Ihe Ihirll lear. I~jed b). \"",l;ml lJu .. ine" \"IO;\/,ler le;IIk"'hip i.. ufganilcd labnr·~ ~horlagc
Olher (onlfllC\ g:III1' ,"elude p"~ fUf I"'" I~u" Slem. nu,,"C\~ Repre,cntali~e tlf g"..,,1 puhli( rciallou, ;0I11l f,II'lratl1c
add ilion:l! hulid:.)\ ..... ,Ih 1I\\Uf:IIlCe IhM htule \ elr;l'1\I. ami Ch;\lrm;ln R:.y (jal public") I"" man) pt:npie. tnCItU.JIO);
,\ rnerni:JCr will he p,oid if 1,,- is home laghcr. ",duded Sco.:rClat) Juhn \\I:\I .. h. IIni,1Il memhcr,. do "I)I appre.;i;lle ur
sick dlJrinJ,: Ihe .... eel. of Ihe hulid,,): pal J;\me5 Ginalo, Rocco I II'>C,I, Archie rcaille flu", ilnporl,IOI :, nd ;;ITcctive the
for ju ry d Uly: nn increlm: in ben"a lC- Cherr)'. ,\ nd rew Shedu"sl.y. J:t me\ Il lg- labor mOH'mcnl\ (ontrihut ion~ tu our
rn e nl pay; rlll i lllpro ~e d hO'l pil;,IiZalion !;.in<. Robert Silva, Aloc n l)em.lI!, Jmc ph 'IOC iel)' nrc.
" lid iIlSllra" ce pl nn; :md neede d modifi- Tubi;.~, and 1)00ni n il·1. I (ll;lbrigi ll a. A In nn d rlll i \oJ IIdd"e~s ullrsc ) ve~ to


Ranch Vacations lor Winners I~rolhe ..... Hilrr} Bryer. Rohert Catan7;lro.
John I)ohcn~, Williilm Lind~L). Walter
IIPuma. Alfred Par),.er. and Mi~'h;lel
Wian. AI<'o lending a hand \Ooa, I're\idenl
E\erett w. I.ehmann. II was a 'er) im·
pre,\i\e \ight for the persons in allend-
ance lu ~e.
The ('\enrnl! ~lllrted \\ilh a eoelt,l;1
hour \Oohldl preceded :t prime rih, uf
bed uilmer. I'rofe~~ional entertainmenl
follo\Ooed the dinner. Singer Tina Rohin
\\a~ e,celle",. eHn t,) the point of imi-
latilll! 't()ll\e or the famous femal\:'
~inller, of )e\ler)ear. rhe featured come-
dian for Ihe c\ening \Ooa.~ thaI evcr-
famOlh 1101111) Jo)ce from Boliton. lIi~
routine \00;1\ unbelie\ant.::. It included
The low .. ClU political drive &ave (b~ the jol..c-. of el er} elhnic group.
tIme you re .. d this) a" its door Prizes two He~ide~ dlmeing all night to the mu~ic
all·e.pense t"p~ to the Seven W Ranch. Just saYIng "howdy·' at the enH .. nce to the
ShOwn ;s Burt George. OWne, end he.d Seven W Ranch. of limm} !>mith :lnd hi\ orchestra. there
wranliller of the ranch. Member~ of lO<:1I1 22. w("re dour prizes Ili\en 10 lucl..) \\inncr~
Omah ... Nebr .. have been actIve In buying Ihe stille licen~ing Jaw was pa'iSed. Thc AI Junc,. whu "un the J1r~t pri!.e. $25i):
dollar ch3nces for Ihe big wins. ~ I r\. George I ;lIle. 5100: li nd M r~. Lee
,tale employec~ have II fillh t 10 unionize.
We thank Ih e COPF commillcc for GfLlnbcrll. SSU. AI,u. everyone allen.!in!;
Ihis problem. we establi.,hetl an Fduel!- worl..ing hard to get such Icgi,lalion the dance received :t \cry allr;lcthe
lion Committee a few }ear, ago ..... hu~e fla~scd. ","UI cnir journal.
initial ubjenivc was to develop rIO edu- Worl.. in Ihis area is still nol good. We th"nl.. the officers of the Enlt."rtain-
cational program for ncw members_ The one thing I can say is that our menl Committee fur a job well dune_
We have ~mee expanded our dfon~ b}' atomic planl has been :1 life-saver this The) arc ('0-( haimlen Ra) Slater. Jr.
t.!i",emimlling infonnatiun on a \ariet}' \Oointer. iju\ine~s Manager iarl Oli\er allu Ra} Van (ura. 5.:eretar) J ohn I a .... -
uf 'Ub,CCIS to the entire membehhip. h:t, hi, \\orl.. cut out for him. and he ha.~ son. and Treasurer 10hn Cullin.\.
One ~aluable source of inforlllation of been able to I..up our Brothers from Brother I-:d\\ard Shade ..... hu has al
\ilal Interest has been the IBI W I eader- ,ining [lTI)und t()() long. Icast to ~ear, in our indu~tt1. retired at
,hip Training Manual, .... hieh inclut.!es Remember- be aCIII'(', \Ia)' aeli,c. and Ihc age of 71. The !lmthers al the Mea-
~ections on Ihe Labor 1\hl\emenl in a be proud Ihal you are a union member. do\\brool.. flo\pital jobo;ite. under Ih,-
(hlmging Econom). the I-li,'or) :md dirL'Cliun of Brother Freddy E\:I",. gave
Al S~(NS. P.S_
Structure of Ihe JIl EW. Ba~ic I :,ws and Brother Sh"de a going.a\\ay p;ut) al Ihe
I'olicie~ of Ihe IIl EW. J'roblems in Orga- Knight, \If loillmbu~ Hall ill Hic~s\-iIIe.
ni.dng. and Collecti\c Bargaining I egi,- Long Island Local Holds Brother Sh:t(Je waS born in Garden
I:.tion Arrecb Labor. City on September 6. 1900. T\\o }ea ....
Valentine Oinner· Dance later. hi. famil\ IIlo'ed 10 Mlncola. :lnd
We 'Iut.!ied the manual. and for 1\000
}ea~, each member of the committee L U. 25. LO'C ISI,\,,), ;.;'.Y._Thc he has been rc~juing Ihere e'er ~ince_ lie
tool.. hi~ lum prescnting a \Ooell-prepllrI:d spring highlight of LocIl1 25 \Ooas the is married lind h;l~ onc daughter IIml
wmmar}" of a section al our regular Valentine Dinner-Dance on February three grandchildren.
mcmbership mectings. I_llh. \\ ilh 400 person' in allend:mce. IJrothcr Shade ,rarted to \\orl.. in "Ie"
The commiHee. under the leadership The union·s meeting h:11I "as decorated Yorl.. (il) as a temporary chairman "ilh
of Chairman J ohn L. Gibson, J r.. has by IJrother Paul I ar!>Cn and hi, helpers. Local -'. I-l is first job on Long 1\land
done an excellent job. and we arc look-
inll forward lu increasinll ollr number
lInd Ihe scope of aC livilies in the ncar Retirement

Scribe G ives a Plug for COPE;

Work Not Good in Omaha
I.. U. 22. O \ IAIIA. 'E lHt. -lt seems
I..ind of tiresome to repeal Ihe same old
thing. btll \lh) in the .... orld doc~ a
BTI)lher believe almost fe\eri_hly Ih(l\.
if hc gi,,:s a buck 10 COPE, he has done
h;\ part for S:llvalion? If \lC uon', hecd
our r~ent IC!iSOn~. the old S:lying. ··Y()u
ain·1 seen nuthin' }-et:· \\iII be hard and
e~pen~i"e 10 s\\'allo\\.
II) Ihe lime }'UU reat.! thi~ letter, you
will kno\\ \\ho \\01'1 Ihe prizes of our
10\la CLU political dri\e. I thanl.. Burt
George. owner, head \Oor:mgler, and chicf
boule \lasher of the Se"en-W Ranch. for
his grildous help in the project.
I' rc,ident Ralph Cro\\1 is \\or~ing On the O<:<:"$;on 01 hIS re'"emenl. B,othe. Edward Shade was .,ven a going-aw ay pa,ty by
the Brot he", on the Meedowbrook HospItal jobsile. left to IIghl are Charles Wolters. shop
hard du ring the I cgislali~e s.::,sion. II steward a t thO! Meadowbrook Hospl,a ' ; Mar k CO$leILO; Edw.rd Shade. hono red rel"ee;
seems to pay otr qui Ie .... ell, a~ la~t )'car, Eve.ett W. l"hmann. Presiden t; and Ca,l S<:ha,,' .. r, ... ice PreSIdent.


Long Island , N.Y. Party At Wa shington Conference

A Valen!ine Dinner·Dance was the spring

highliSh! o f Lo.::al 25. Long Island, N .Y .
Members of t he Ente rtainment CommiUee.
seated. left 10 right are Co·Chairmen Ray
Va" CUr" and Ray Slater, Waller LiPuma.
and Louis Pincus . Standing; Kenneth Rayno. ,
Treasure r 10hn Collins. P~ul La rsen. and
Allred P a rker. Enjoy ing Local 26'5 hosp'tality, follow,ng Ihe business manage,s' meeITng On Ap,,1 17\h,
are Business Manager Tom Noone . 26; Financial Secretary Clayton Smith. Local 380.
Norristown , Pa.; Pres,dent larry Hogan. Local 26.

Mrs. Robert Gorman and Ale~ Martin are

snapped by Ihe came'aman.

local 26. Washington. D.C., h eld II recep ti on for viSI t ing Brolhers attending the ISEW
cons t ruction branch mlle!!ng on April 17th in Washington, D.C. Shown, left to .ight. ,,'e
tnternational Viee President Andy Johnson: Business Manager Tom Noone and Vice Pre si·
dent Ted Moseley. Locat 26: and Business Manag." Henry Forna.a. Local 98 . Ph,ladelphia

again feeling lip to par . We "~rlainly the country- anti·labor k.l;i~lalion. and
wish Ed nuu his wife .l;oud henlth and Ihe r~cent anti-building tr;ldes pu!ic' j(",
many dhys of happine~s in the future. emanating fmm Ihe While Hl)u,c'.
Bou GOllltl:". 1' .5. Internation:.! Presidenl Ch;trles H.
Mr. and M.s. Robert Schaefer enioy ing
Pillard delivered an inspiring ;tddr~~, ;11
daneing_ ollr construction bram:h meelin;; 1m
Local 26 Participat es in ISEW Saturday. April 17th. in whidl he de -
was assigned (u him by Joe I urcnl. He ,~ribcd our currenl ~itllation in connec-
worked on Ihe new COtirt hOthe building
Trades Conference tion with the Davis-Bacon slI'fX"'n,ion.
in ...·\i neo la. and from (here. h~ wcnt 10 L U. 26, WASIH NCTO:". n.c.--Ihc wage ,tahiliz;ltion. jurisdictional proced ·
(he golf course job in L:t~e Succe'~. Annua l Building nnd Cuml rucl ion Trade, lll"e., and the rccelltlY-;ldoptcd wor~ ro)c,
Thcn. for a period of 10 )ear •. he was Legislative Conference was h<:'\d in W,,,h- negotiated wi th the National Con,lrue·
(eamed up \lith Br<)lher Pele Huber at ington. D.C .. April 19Ih-~~nd. and once [,)!"s A,~ocia1ion .
Necvcs In,trurllent C ompany. Brother 'tgall1. it was our plea,urc to di~"u~s 1I11siness M anager Tom Noone. in :tn
Shade hud been on ~hc prc~cnl " !cadow- probicills and ,>olutiol1s 10 problem' 11;(h elTort 10 ellucate ~ome of oLir }oLlnger
broo~ jub,ile for Ihe la'i Ihree ye;tr~. our IIlEW Brolhen fr"lll ~() 'I"k~. members. had as his gl lc,h "pprentice,
Brother Sh:tde '~ rC,IMJt1 fur reliring ;, The theme of the confcr~nce \I:t, one Juhn htrro. Lewi, Denham." Charles
to help e~re for his ;.iling wife. How- of an cxlrcmcly·seriOIl' n:tHlre. deta il ing Briui. ltnd Bob H azen. along with om-
ever. he is very uptimi,til.' and pl,IIIS tu subje, r, Mtdl as IInemployment- \\ hich cers of Local 26. inc1ulling Bruthcr~
travel 10 California IIhen hi, wifl' h is rampant in our industr} thnllt!,llOul Tom f'yle~, Gus Pappas. ;lnd Hob Hul -


comb. o f our Re,idenlial Uni!. A lw
present \lere Brothcrs Tom Mulcare. J im
Training Graduates
MO'oCk). an d Dick Martin.
The empIO)rT\enl siluation in the juris-
diction of Local 26 has been stable dur-
ing the ~cent time of trial. but it ~houhJ
pid. up sigmficantl} in the mon ths ahc;,d
After a I.Ii!tCus~ion of mlcmplu) mcnl
around the coUntT). we find Ih:ot I 'ICal
16 members h:I\e much to hi.- 111IInl.fui
for 10 thi~ regard. New pro;ect, c.,m·
109 out of the ground 10 our area IOdude
a SolO-million building for the Inter-
natlon;!1 Monetary Fund. the I- IJ] IJuild·
IIlg. eSlimated to cost upward of $4'.
milh(lO. plm t\lO laTlle regiona l shopplllg
\;enter,. and a $70·million additIon to
the po\\er plant at Chalk " oin!, Mar)·
local 26. through the effuTh and
genero~it} of all membe rs. recentl) pre-
sented 11 check in the amuunt uf $1,400
t() the l'olll"1h Dh lrict IIl EW Murshall
Un ivcr,ily Merno ri:, 1 Fund. '1 he spirit
of charity cJenrly indicates tlw t II wther·
S .. ,een members 01 Locil 41. 8ullllo. NY., recently completell I COurse iO Supervisory
hood is still the by\lord of our tlreOlt ur- T"lolf\g a\ Ille Cortl,1I School 01 Labo. "nd Indus'''"1 RelatlOos. Shown. lIere. lell 10 .11111.
ganization. "re IradUlles A. John Peters, James M.'I;O, John Beltz, Harry Mueller, Will.,d Meye".
We are getting geared lip for our Neil K~ter. "nd M"rtln RYlo. Blck <ow: inSI<ucto, DouII.I WIIlnICke<; g,"du~leS Etto.e
COPF Dollars Drive. The actual SUrvivll1 Olmi"nl, 8.uce Stuber, Robert CromP• •od Geo. Adlml; Robert 81""ne. NECA Chlpl,r
M'''''Rer, .<"dulles Henry 8rlCflmilo. KII.I Riehm , lIod R,ch.rd Mln,n; Wllbu. Hoffmlo,
of the Inbor mo'ement \liII be the issue AUISl.OI 8ullnesl M"n"I'r, "nd HI.Old Zoe,b, Ch,l.m"n of the Educ"hon CommIttee
faCing us in 1972. Mr. Ni~on lind hi'
economic game planners are bound and
determined \0 bring the labor mO\e,"eni
and. more specifically, the building tTllde,
to their I.nees. H is uSe of the ,tippcr
)tide rule in dea ling \li th the Ihellhood
l,nd ditlnity of thc worl.ing people i\ a
dl~gTllce 10 our country in thi~ d,,) lind
"b...•. In plam language, " Ue's Got 10
Go In '12:'
Register now and exercise lour Tights
a~ a Hiler. Contribute to COI' L_ if'
)our InSUr;lIlce prenuum for the huure.
T£o MOS(LLV. V. I'.

Sixt ee n Buffalo Members

L,1t 10 .ilht "" ;n~l,uCIO< OOulin Win· Le tt ( 0 "Ihl " ... Instructor DouRlas Win
C o mpl et e Training Course olcker. Anls,,,nl 8ullne.. Mlo'Re, Wilbur nlck"r, Aul$"n! 8u$l .. ess Man,ger WIlbur
Hoffm"n, and NECA Chap ,er Manaser Rob· HoHman. N(CA Chlple. Manage, Robert
I... U. oil , n UFFAl.O, N.Y.-On Mnrc h erl Bllgane p.ennllng certil1cate 10 gradu· 8lg/lanG . • "d Chairman of Ihe Education
III. 1971, at the E ~ec u l i ve R e~tnllf[lIlt in ~te J ames Ma rt in. CommlllU Harold Zoerb.
CI1t.;cktuwHga, Ne w Yurk, 16 membe rs
o r Loc,,1 41 werc honored, ha ving COI11- Dougl:" Winnkl.er, Cornell instructor,
pleted the cour:.c in Supcrvi-.ory I rain· sEnted Ih:.. he \la~ lIe ry pleased wi th the
ing conducted by the Cornell School of enthmia\J1l of the cla!>~. He also 5.'1 id
L:\bor :lnd Industrial Rclu.tion\. T he that he i\ lool.ing forw:'1Tl1 to futu re pro-
eOUTM! is one of lIIany pre<w:ntcd by the grnm~, and in\ ited conllncnt\ from lhe

Committee on Journeyman Fduc:llion, audience.

A) lI ~ual. the grodu:lte~ enjo)ed cod- "nig { iene" Adams ~usscsted Ihal the
taih. fine cuisine, and conlelSlllon ~up­ area contmCIOTlt I;,~e ad'antage of the re-
rre~her COIIN~ \\hich will be presented
plied by the electrica l eontroctor~ of
Burr" lo. in the f"lIIre.
Kobert iJiggane. Progra m Coonlill:ltor Wilhur 1I0lfnmn and Robert lJiggane
I,nd Cha pter Manager, Wes tern Nell p~'>Cnlcd .liplom:l\ to Ihe gradllate~.
Yor ~ ~t:l1e Chapter. NECA, Bunalo A fl crv.urd" all retired 10 the lounge and
Dlvi\ion. extended congratulations to the enjo)ed 1, great ~how ~II,rrmg Li nda Price
gr.. duate~ an d informed the coterie thai and lhe I'ipcni. a local group.
I05lructor W,on,cker p.Henl in. certllielle to
the cla~s would be the last of it~ t)PC I'adulle Roberl C.omp, Ll'('1 ' I: C, IhcIIOWS" I, I'.S.
for ..orne time. Every member intere\le,j
III lhe program was given a chance 10 :11- Wilhur lIoffman. A~~htanl H u~ines-, Distribution Wo rk Picking
tend one of the fin: classes. \lanager of Local 41. ~tated Ih:,1 the
Harold Zoerb, Chairman of the Fdu- local \las 'cry pl<.'l1!><.'d with the 3l1end- Up in Hartford Area
till ion Commil1«. representin, the elec- ance. a, \lell as the men' inter.:'t, in I.. l ' , 01 2. II A KTFO KD. CON N.-We
trical contractors, explained the vallie of the program, lie informed the galhcring ha\l: three fairl)'-largc hi·lines going at
the program and reminded the graduutes thai. of the number {}f men who began the lime of thh writing, bll t due to Ihe
thllt refreshe r courses \\CrC in the plan· the courses. only four di d not complete ma teri:, 1 ~hort:, gcs. things arc not going
ning ~t :lgCS. th em. as fa~t (h lIe had ant icipated. Ou r dis·


Hartford Award Recipients a fine linctn;tn and "ill be miw."t.! hy ;1 11
of us.
T "o of our members were gi\en the
Nlltiomtl Life-S:IVin g Aw:ml hy the
Kemper Life J n ~Ur:lnCC Compau}. "ith
Brother Don Grillg~ receiving honorable
mention, for the part the..... Brother,
pla)ct.! in ...win~ th" I he~ of h'u teen-
age 00)5, IJrothc n John Shftne ant.!
Thoma, Rice remo\'ct.! the boy, from
a to" cr in We~tcrn Ma -.s.1chu<;elh :tfter
Ih ey h:lt.! come in conl:l<:t "hh a n~ .U()O·
volt line,
I ,/ One of our medlank~. Brother l lln~e
AJc~llmlcr. 'pollet.! the hal' on the tlpf'Cr
/ platfurm of the lO"cr and r:ldiocll fur
help, Brother, Shan" and Rk e re'fl'I,"d,",1l
ant.! got Ihem 1I0\\n One twy had htlrn,
over <10 reT cent ,)( hi, holl} I he ulher
hoy diu not comc in ~onliKt hUI 'lIf-
feret.! bllrn~ to hi, Imnd , when he pill
Ollt the fl:II11,,' on his friend\ hair an,1
CIOlhe\, lIolh uf Ihe huy, nrl' ali'e an,1
doin g \lell. Ih:H1k ~ to the (H,I H.:tl<lll uf
thew IIrOlhcr~ ,
Il11el'lIaliulial ReprC'>CII1:lti\'e Joh n
The Kempe. '"1"""<;8 Company recently honored members 01 Local ~2, Hartl a'd, Conn., Keilty tool. lime olf from a ,..,ry hu,)
1m uvlng the Ilvn 01 two teen·age boys. Shown, II""., .... Kemper Insurance "p,auntat,ve
Re id, who presented Ilia awards: Brothe,s Jolin Shane and Tom Rice, who re<;elvcd aw/ltds, \Chellule to be nt the mec!inJ; for the
and Don G"18$, who recerved Ilono,,,bl. memlan. a"Hrd, pre'>Cnl;uioll,
NcgoliHlioll~ "illt the Hre"er '1 f<'1'
Compan' in WOfee't" .. arc finalh "an
ing 10 mo\e alonJ;.
I :un happy tl) report Ihat the IIU,ln',
of the ' oo:al 012 lI ealth :111<' WelL'fe
unanirnOIl,I) acee ptcd r 01::11 1fJ~ lIIel1l '
he" lIlto the program. 'I he ne\\ prllg r:Ull
,hall he lnown a' the I ()o.;al ~:! "nu It.~
lIealth :111<1 Welfare I' rogmm. Ihi, "rll
gi'e the ml'mhcr~ of the t"n lo.:al, "mn·
age in ,i~ 'tate~, Conne~' ticut . Hhl.l<lc
hl anu. M:I\\llehu,c!I). Vermont Ne"
Hamp,hirc, and Mlline.
B u~inc" Manager 1':1lI1 I. oughran "nJ
hi., ""i,lunt, Jmlle, , ollghman, "en' pill
on lhe lIoard of I rU,le,,' 10 repll'w nl
l.oc;11 Il)~ ,
Wc "Iwld lil.e to heal' JrOill :HI} ,,,kr
loca l, Ih:11 "uuld he inlerc,lc" in .'011."1'·
Le U 10 >18111 Ire Ke mpe. I rl S\H8"C a representativ" Reid, a,ollle" John 5111"'", Tom RIce, ing II reeiprOCHI Hgree mc nl til prule~l
and Don Grl8S I , Inlemallon8 1 Rcp'U"nIM ive JOhn K('llly. and President Tom Garra l.y
their mcmncr, while working her" . a,
well 11', uur member, "hen IIle\ :>le
Lin e -Con struction Crew "urking in Ihe ,i\icr IU'::lI\ :lr~':1 If ,n,
,Olllo,'t I ruman F , 'khlehofer. Admini, _
IralOr ;111\.1 II II,ine" M:trHl gcr of I "uII


Sea ttle's Wo rk Scene Lacks

Rosy Hue for Nea r Fu ture
L,U., ~ 6, St: A IT I. E, WASII . - I 'K;,I ~(,',
worl. fur the la ~ 1 :.i\ month ) h,,, I>o.·en
'ery dllll , We h:\\c :thoul 250 m,'n ,m
the bench, '111.1 the r,)re,a~t i, n<lt ,,'r)
P;Chlfed " Iha T D. BrDU , ,. The urne crew 11.<''''8 Ih e s .. utl" •• 10 "sa fO'>)'. Ihe hig h unempltJ)Ill"nt r:.te.
crew ,n PI",nfield, &ell"'8 coupled \lith Boeing\ canccll:lliun uf Ihc
.!ruet"." AI "ahl Brothe, Shane
end shop , tewa,d leo ra"che . d"cun Ihe ,,{hi~c Ihem 10 CHI! in <llh;lncc. SST, doc, not furclell a markc,t incre:hc
Job . , '"",d o r cmph)} men I rur Ollr I1re:!.
II j, with d""p I'Q;I'c1 th:lt I repurl the
On 51. V;t1cntiru:', D:I Y. Local 01(, Iwhl
ueath of one of our oltl time n1<'mhCf~, its V;denline'~ Janee, \lilh 11111\1e h)
t!'itHl1ion i, 'Ia rtin ~ Iu pid up quile
nicely, ami all of our local men arc W;tv .. 1 "Bull" Oalc" "h" p,l,w,1 :!\'It} J ohn H ind" We h:ld all tlU I,landJllJ,:
'~O flin~ ttl Ihe pr.:'ent 1;'l1c , on AprilS, 1971. Btlil had h""n ,)11 juh\ Mll<1r~:"bun', and ever}'one h;,,1 " line
H any of OUI' Int"cltn~ Brothers arc with tnO~t of OUf hoy, \\ h" lut,,, heen time , ., he .lV'll' pril.C \I ;, ~ wun hy J llne
cO Il,idcrinll coming inlo Ih,' arc:I, I 11'0[,1<1 :tround for lhe jl:t,t few )<':11'" Ire \\a, 1(lIbalcal,u.


Val entine Party Local 46 was recentl}' given it private
,Idvance: showinJ; of a remarkable new
piece of equipment made: by Ihe EM F
Corporal ion of Seaule. The device is an
;Ililomatic AC molor brake. Tht.' small
size, luw cos!. and high degree of relia-
bilily of Ihis bra!.: ... lila!. ... il unique and
safely feasible for Ihe firsl time for
11l()II~afl(h of applications.
DcsiJ;nated the FMF 1\Iodcl 291, il
electronkally mlllerl'; illl AC mulor into
its uwn bra!.e. II ra).ing i, achieved b~
~u't;';ning ll1uJ utilizing the mutor"~ nor-
mal bac). I /I.I J . I hI.' br:I).'" i\ Culltilliiall)
regcllt.'r.lting Ihe mu!:ne\i~ field that nur-
mail) ... ,i,t, in rnollor "inllings \\hen
they ,Ire de-encrgb:ed. When this hac).
I 'IF i~ ,hunted, Ih ... rllvhlr is ~uddenl}
SlOpping h ~mooth. fa~l. and cum-
pletely 'afe for all ~inglc- ltnd three-
I"IhaSC mulur. \hT'lUgh l~ hp. Ihe t \ ll"
lim).e i, full) ..d,u'l"hk t<l i\C(Omrmklale
an} dl'grt.'l' uf !-ra).ing inten~it) needed
and "ill 'ol1tTol motUT\ upaating on
Th,,, picture shows Local 46 members olld suests enjoy,,,s the Valenune p.rly vulinge\ fmm lOll thTt1l1 gh 000 V,\C'.
50·60· 11/
In r1<l c,,~e i, it nc(es~ary to makl' an}
c\rcn~iw nu:chanka l modificatiun' tu
i!1,tall the "rrl).e. and Ihere b no me-
chanical \\lOar ur 11l:IIIHcnancc in'ol\"Cu
in ih 1I't.'. I he une thing nr:.::dcd i~ an
electrician tu in,t!!11 thc dc-vicc.
With 1\\-0 ) ... ar-. of ,ucCl'"flll lield te,t-
in)! in indu,try hehind the Seallfe com-
pan', it i\ 11l<)"ng inlo rrududion. antI
b} prl", lime "ill be r.oady lu ,Iart
filling urd ... rs.
If "Ifet~ "ere Ih ... tlnl} feature of the
hr").e. il \\<>ulu he J:reat I1C"'. OUt ·in-
ere<l~ed pr,lllllction "ith J;Teatcr ~afct)'"!
Well. it'~ ;,buut lime.
Infnrl11:!tiun un the L1\IF brake is no\\
avnilahle up<l1l rcque,1. Wrill' tn f 1\1F
C"rpnration, f;jO Yale Avenuc N., Sem·
tic, Wn.,hin gtun %109.
The members and suna also enioyed II,., ~m'>r8nbord.
C J KI II'!'I , I'.S.

EMF Motor Brake Detroit Local Complies

With Safety, Health Act
I.,U. SM. D ETROIT. \H C II .- The new
Occupational S,'1feIY and lIealth Act. re-
eentl) signe,1 inlo In" b} I' rC<iident
"i\01I ;,nd hccoming cfrcct;\e I\pril 2Kth.
h,,~ alrc:td) bee" met by Ihe aelion uf
f.lur of our nlemhers who hltVe com-
pleted a training COIIN.e on the tech-
niques for in~trucling eonslruction safel}
<lnd health (Oltl'>Cs. J hi~ tr"aining has
W,lh an EMF b.ake. Ihis .011 !ormer CDn b .. made the~e men qU;lli fku in 't rltctor~.
slopped In 12' 01 One .... volullon. as opposed and there will he a great need fur Iheir
10 Six O. seven ,evol"',olls. Ih'" eliminating servi.·" as this new silfelY act gets unuer
the tremendou s danaer Inhe,en t In Ihis
machine. "Hy.
Under this new I"". "oich applies 10
We all regret Ihe pns~ing of f~rulher~ e\er) employer engaged in a bu,ine,~
Forrest W. R U~I lmd William Ifendriek- nlfec ling commerce. the Secrelary of
son. I abur will M't the standards with "hich
M.. mbers 01 Locat ~6. SeaWe. Wnh .. were I~rother~ \\ho Tl'CentJy Hl"lplied for re- bu,inc\s must compl}. He will ha\'e
recenlly s>ven .. PrlVi'" adv .. nc .. d ,how'"8 0 1 lircment <Ire I ...on H. l ~eTwn. I rick eOlllmillee~ tu recummend and ad'i-.e
the Du,omal,c AC mo,o. blak.. mad.. by
'he EMF Co.porat,on. The brak .. alvas In· Juhnwn. I . A. Ju slescn. L,\ Waechler. him along rhese Imes. Fe.leral in~pector<
creased production WIth arealer '''' ely. The Willi,IIl1 Lgb.::rt, Virgil I . h"n ~. Nicl. w,11 is.,ue Cila tion, fur nllcgl'd violations
"'OPpin8 I,me 01 Ih e rad.al arm saw. $hown D. An ehela. II l, rold D ice. Winfred D. :1 penalty of up t tl S1.000 "ill be im-
abOv... i5 reduced !rom lour an d ona·" .. 11
mInutes to s .. ven uconds wllh the use 01 GUlhnm. I:. A. Gruber, Roy H arris. and posed for each serious violfllion. and a
th e brak ... A. I. Young. simil;lr pen:lIty may be imposed fur e:lch


Construction Safe ty and Healt" Instructor s An Important mailer such as Ihis de-
'iCf\C5 our conSidera tion. M ake the effort.
e\erl )uursche~. plan 10 \OIC.
The Wiremcn 's Brotherhood Fund i,
:lpproachinJ; 600 mcmbers. Do lOU be·
lona? Granl~ ha'e IxCII incrca'o('d, and
II de<lth t>enefit has been added. AI<;(l.
flroli~ion~ for our rellfed memN:-r~ :ne
now III effect. If lOU \lunl to join and
need furlhCf informa lron. contaci an} "f
Ihe uflkcf'; Allplicalion~ art" :11 the union
h,lll. A~~ )uur ,hop \Ie\laru Iu gCl )()U
appli";lht)n~ .Ind '>()me ~()-.'iO tidcts.
The prc~idcnl of lhe ladie, au,tliar).
M f'!. J"die Llml. h:l~ a~),.ed me lu rCp!..)rt
Ihal. hcC:IU'C of a hid of p;rrti~illatiun
al meet lOgs. etc .. Ihe hoob and record,
Will I'C ,I()feu ,II the un;un hall IF. al ;I
(Illure d.lle, .. n)une wam~ 10 ~Iart 'lg;lll1.
Ihe boo~s and reeurdJ, elm be plded up
Four memberlO of Local 58, Oer.oll. Mic h. , have completed the 1,.ln lna COUI5e on techniques
lor Inst,ucllna Con!;I'uC!10n nlety and health co~"ses for meeting Ihe 'eQuhemenls 0 1 the I'rulll Ihe 111emocr, uf Loc:1I 611, a IIIl
new Occupationa l Sa lely ~nd Heallh Act , Show/! with Ken M"rray. Chairman o f loc~1 58's uf Ihe harJ 11:11 lu Ihe laJie~ of Ihe
Safety Commlltee, ~te InSlru~'o' Richa.d Btuil. Examinlna Boa,d officer: In.,rUClor Ku,t :1It.\ilillr) fur :111 Ihe "urk Ihey did behin,1
In•• on: Fled L- Herrl s. President . Loce' 58: and Inst,uctor Kenneth Jones. Instructor F.enk
8al~o, not pictured, ;s the lou'lh Instruclor,
Ihe ~cenc~. Ihelr \lor~ for (OI'F, an d
lheir wtlr~ un the luear~ anni\cr!>;lr)
Ilarly :II Ihe /t ilton II nlel !t fC\l ).::, ....
nun-,e riou, duir,tiun. Willful ur n.'pe;~teu e'lnt \Hller ha/ar",. :tnu e\en tlwugh ;'ltt), rhanh, 1,luics, for :1 job "ell dunc.
villiution~ Illa) len,1 t<l " Hne uf Ull lu Ihe ,un \la~ shinillJ;. Ihe 1!Hld,(e!', had Wor~ in Ihe lHe" rell1;lins 'cry gu"d,
~ I 0.000, There :Ire nHIll} 'Ilher pn)\'i- Iheir day. \lhile Ihe f.. ir-\lealher golf.·" willt arC" Innclln!! IlrOlh<,~ being ahlc
,iurh reg:HtJing the :Il·t. Im d il \I ill t:l),.e fell b;rd in the IlllC~. -I he e'lnl so;r~int: 10 \lur~ here. I he alomie po\lerhuu!>e at
time 10 \lor),. (lut :III the ,l;lr),. are:r'. All JUS! added to the sport,man,hill :lnu 1'["lIe\ ille ,lilli Ihe We ~lem Electne I' I;tnt
in ,III. iI's a \tart in the right dir«:tiun. challe nsc of Ihe ellU~, .:ontinue to prolide good cmplo}menl.
Recenll y. the I leetric:11 Indu-tn A ';lIl1ple uf \arioll~ CIH1lmenh hellrd Other job\ ur nule arc lhe l'rudenli:,1
TraininG ('cuter nnd uur local uni.m throllgh Ihe day \la~-"If I h:ld _": " I I'la/.ll. the Culurndo ~tate B:lIlk Building.
reco:h'eu frlml R epre~enillti\e JIIme\ uiun'l sec that \I:ller puddle": "NII:e ,hOi. c1lnl;t\ ,\1 Le;Jd,illC', Gcneral ClINe W:ue·
O' lI arll ,01 t\lU United St,rtcs nUI!-' Ih,lI I1nl }UU ~houlu h:l\e--: "Tnll I1:1d, house. :rnd the addition 3t Siapellun Air
hat! no"'n mer Ihe Capitol in W;I,hing- \Otl're In the roUGh for 'lire-: anti -Oh, hclu. \\l1h Ihe \lor),. picture gout!. \lC
tun, O.C' -, he \Cho<ll alr(,;I\I) hilS II II;IJ;- "h. YOllr putt \111\ a lillIe ,tronl;- )OU c;rn onl) hupe 11 ri.'mltin~ Ihal \I;J}.
pole on \lhich 10 fl y ,mr CIUlntr}', 1ll(1) h:L\e In 11'0\: H chill \11011 to J;ct "'Ie~ ~e )ou :It Ihe meetings. TI1:II's \lherc
colo", a nu Ihe locnl i\ now in Ihe Ilroc- tin Ihe grcen!" ,I', happenin \;.
ess of obtaininG a pole :Ind a melllorial All in all. it ",a~ a gn-at da} uf fun
fur Ihe membe" ur uur unlun \lhu hlrle JI)I,' '! IIURKE, JR .. P.s.
;tnJ brotherhootl. Plans are alread} under
ghen their II\ C" rur Imr eI)Umr), "01) fur ne~1 lear's tourmtnlenl . I hl"'~~
I're,idenl Fred I . U :lrri~ \1:1' ap- 10 the comminee for ~fl(JIl~orinJ; n \er}' Many Contracts Completed
J'IOinled h) Ihe O;r~lund (. uun l) lIo:tru fine tournamenl!
uf Commis,iOl1cr, 1" :t ~i~-)' c:lr lerm lin For Seattle Local
We e\lIlt:ralul,ltc the fulll)\l101,: IIrulhen
Ihe OlrkJ:lnd Cilunly Ruau ('llmllli~\illl1.
(In \I inning Irophie~: eh:"11Ilion~hip flight 1.. 1 1.77. 'sE"TrU:. \\ AS II .- Man) I,f
., he oflieer, lind memhcr, of l ocal 511
-fi"l IlI:ICe. R:IY Duncan. ,ceond. u~ thoughl negutialion, \lIm ld be (ung
cortgra lulale Intermllioml l I' rc,i,lel1l
(harles Me;r d. :tnU third, R ~~ Barne~: lInd dra"" oul lhi, )eM, :lIld Ihe \la)
C h Ar iI" II , I' illart! un hi, III'Puimmcnl 10
Ii,,! flighl-first III ace. Willi,lIll ( . aTl'in. Ihing' .' Iarted, il h)u~ed as if we ' HJllld
thc Con\lnl~'lion Indll'II'Y SI:abilinllion ,cconu, r. R. Lo)'ll, lind Ihirrl . I cc hc righl . ., hen thing' began to full in
COlllmittee e,lahli, hed hy P re, idem I.o/a: -ccund flighl -lir~ 1 pl:lce. IlIrry Illaee. :IOU nO\l \Ie c:ln repurl thai m:,")
Nixon. Ru,..:II, :.econd, John I , Redden . lind conlr;lel, ;lrc eum pktet!.
Work here in l)elrod i, ,till \er)' ,10\1.
Ihird. Ronnie I'lemmon,: third fllghl - I he l'ug"'1 Suunu I'o\ler :Ind I ighl
II is the hope of eH'T)unc Ihnl il "ill fir'l place, Aderun Wilh:um, ,eeond. COlllP;Ul) \la) III Ihe ~econd )enr uf II
Ilie~ lip thh \lIl11l11el'
B"bby Cullaru, :1111' thirt!. V:rnee C:,pe- I"Ll-}ear conlraet ;rnd u()Cneu for \lagI"
J An: Wtl KI .. . ••.oN. 1'.'\, hart. Iligh <ocore honors "enl In ' rilli, IJIl'}. II sculed for II wilen per cenl ""
lIull"n, \lilh :1 ~pl:rshin1: I~q. e rea!>e , \lhich equals 40 eenlS per huur.
Dallas Members En joy R. I'. O'RIII ,. I'M DIM. and the 100 per unt ..cale, from SS.Il~
per huur 10 SIl.05 per huur. There "'a~
Hand icap G olf Tourname nt 011\0 an Impf\.nement in Ihe medical
L.U. 59. UAI.LAS. TJ.:X, ., he Annual Scrib e Reminds Members Ilrogrllnt \lhidl \las negutiateu I:I~I )ellr
IBI-W ~l lIndic:rp Gulf ·I \.urnam<,m \las To Vote in Local Election IU he cff..·cli\e Ihh lear.
held Sunuay, April IlIlh . •It Ihe -I eni- 1 he Wa,hin,ton Water I'u\lcr Cum-
\Of! Wes l Golf (;uur'o('. fur golf-IlI:I)in!; L l '. 68. I)t::'" t: M. C OI.O.-On <'alur- ll'IIl). lin coln MI' A. and Modem EICI;:lric
Brothers of our local anu their flt1uilie\. U;IY. Ju~ 5, 1971. 7:00 A M Itl 7:()() :111 scllk'..r fur 40 cenl) per hour on a
Some (i5 electric:11 J;u1f<,,,. tluffer~, and I',M.. Local Ill!', meeting hall. ~6(,O unc -)c;lr cllnlr;rcl, \lhieh brings the !;C:tlc
"l11uduer~" IUrneJ Hilt for a \er) en- Ius:",. Denwr. Culonl(II), Til"!,, Ihe from 55.59 per hour to $5.99 per hour.
;o)':lblc day , 110\le\er. Ihere \I<,rt no real lIule. lime. Hnd place of I ,1(;;11 Illl'~ elec- ~nohumi,h Ctlunt) Public Ulilil), DIS-
elCC!riflinG Sl;ore~ tllrneu Ill. :11!hnugh lion ur uftker~. trict emplu)eC) ;lcce plcd a 27-munlh con-
occ:l~ion:llly. }UII \Inuit! hear !Oume Fach uf liS should 1ll~~C I"CT) "'Tun 10 lra.-t -~'cn per cent Ihis )e3r fur 40
~hoc~ing COl11nlenlS, lule. If }Oll arc nUl ~hlc 10 gI'l It) Ihe c('nh per huur. bringulg the 100 per cenl
Aner a Jung. dr} ,pell In J)OIl1a ~, a tHIll, \lrilt' I., Ihe Clccli'lll judge. In cart· -.e:,le h, 56.05 per hOllr: :m Il ddilional the
rea l, soak illg nlin fe ll on Salllnl:l)' be- of mlf hall. for 1111 :Ih~nlee halh)1. T h i, flCr cen l u n J anuary I. 1972. for 30
fore Ihc tollrn:lr11en t. adding II few, ekclioll i, fur Ihr<,e-)e:rr leTllh ,if utlicl·. Cenl, per huur. ma~inG the scale 56.35


pl:r hour. Then. on January I, 1973. a b)' more than 3 to 1 to terminale the
eost·of·living increase "..iII go inl o effecl.
Boy, Whot a life! contratt \I ilh the Georgia I'o\l;;:r Com·
bul Ih a l becomes part o f ..... haIC\·er is pany.
negOlialed on April I. 1973. Proposed changes in Ihe contrael
Gm)! Ibrbor I'UD. Lc:"..is I'UD. and ....erc: exchanged bel ..... ecn Ihe union and
th e U.S. Bureau of Redamalion al eompan~ on April 26. 1971. Th e first
Ya kima all settled on one·ye:lr contracts session for negotiat,ons. on M ay 4. 1971.
at 'oC\\:n per cenl for 40 ce nh per hour. ".. iIl h:l\c la~cn place "..hen )"ou re:ld this
bringing their scale from 55.65 10 56.05 leiter
per hour. On SalUrda)·. April 24. 1971. a joint
Hemon. Chelan. D ouglas. Fr;mUin. meeting of the "'ecmhe BO"lTd~. bus;·
Grant. and Obnogan P UDS and the ne..s nllUl:lgas. "nd tinnntial ,ecrelaries
\V a,hmG lo n Public I'ower Supply System uf Geurgia l.00.:a l, 1!22. Alh ens; 923.
signed t\\--o·~car comr;ICI s. 'nlC "A" Group Augu\t:,; 7110. (tllumbu~: 8')6. Macon;
on Ihc 100 per cent rate will receive :1 847, Rome: 511. Valdosla; and 8-1.
lotal pad age of 73 cenl~ per hour ove r Allanl;l. "n\ cl) nduc teli in M;lCon for
the life of th e conlract. The " W' grou p the pUlpOSC of nm a lgamating Ihe ~even
on th e 100 per cent rale will rC~'e i'e $ 104 local IIJ1tons inlo Im c loca l union. "..hieh
per month over th e life of lh e contrad. Retired BeoU,,,, G,,,e, POliS . left. and semi will be idcnlified ;.s I UCl'] 11-1 . rhe ama l·
Here is a breakdo".. n of th e im:re;I.!oes. ,el,red B,othe' Ne'ghbours. members 01 Lo· gamali!," i, elfeclhe .. ~ of Ma} I. 1971.
eel 80. Norfolk. v .... 'elu,ng in the Florod;o
On hbru .. ry I. llHI. "A" group- IOO sunshine. It i~ nOI uncommon for a change of
per cl.'nt--40 cents per hour. and " 0 " Ihis nature 10 creale some concern among
g roup-- IOO per ce nt-S56 per month; on belie\e Ihal Ihere is a line crew wor~ in ll Ihe membeT'i. H \I""e~er. if eac h and
Deel.'mncr 1. 1971. "A " sroup-- lOO per in our area Ihal hasn'l at one lime or every member "..iII du his part in dCler·
cent-Ihree eenlS pe r hour. and "S" another been visited b) Bro lher Hass. minin~ thai the one·lotal·union eoncepl
group--IOO per cenl-S5.00 per monlh; Kee p up the good wor~. FranL! can and "..ill ""or~. it "..ill be 10 e\eT}·
and on " ebruaT) 2. 1972. " A" ,roup-- I otal 80 has bee n ..addened by the one's advan tage in pro\iding a greattr
100 per eent-30 eenls per hour. a nd - If ' death of nnother memher. Brother degree of unit} .. h ich ... ill. \lit h }our
group-- l OO per cenl-54 ) per monlh. Simon P. '" lI am" Bennett. Bro lh er Ben· help, bring abou l """er "..age~. hours,
The final 100 per cent stales "..ill be nell had been r;;:tircd Ie" Ihan a }ear. and "" or~ing conditiolls Ihro ugh a more
56.H per hour for Ihe " A" group and ha~ing scf\ed Local 80 failhfully for uniform applieatil)n of Ihe eOnlratl and
5906 pcr mon lh for Ihe " 0 " group. Aho. man) years. We e\lcnd our <,ympa th y 10 Ihe enfortement of 'ame, "..hi.:h "..ill a.~­
one d:l) ..... iII be added to the an'rual of hi, famil~ an d friends . ~ure .111 of us a gre;l ler degree of job
eath ... m plu} ee who \las on th e pa yroll on ll rothcr~ .... ,\ 1. Mall er. J. E. B ,,~er. securily.
Fcbru,lry I, 1971. a nd rcmains on it :md R. A. Meye rs. memhers of Ih e It i, gUild Ih nl ".. ... nrc togethcr. 1 et"s
Ihrl)ullh February I. 1972. It is a o ne- J ATC. nl1endc d Ihe Vir!;Uli:1 Slate Ap· ""'or~ a t \ta}ing loge lher. in Ihe inl erest
time-only cha nge. prenliceship (onfere nce "hieh wa~ hcid of solid ari ly. "hieh i,. of cour'e. \\-- h:11
lJ allu h for Ihe toming elee hon will in Roa no ~ e. Virgini: •. \l nreh 2Jrd·2.'lth. our or~;mil.a lion b all about.
be nwiled 10 )"011. !'Iease In~e lime 10 lUld look an ac ti ve P:l rt in nil pallel w,· J. \V. GillS, A ~S r. H.M.
mar~ your h"II01 nnd ~;;: I1\J il in. Give ,ions anu di'\ClI,sion~. A~ nl .... a}s. Ihey
Ihe men ek'Cted a real vote of co n· O:<lnl<' b:.d more ~no"..ledgeahle :.bout
fidencc . arrr<'ntiee~hlp Ihnn Ihey "..erl.' "..hen the)"
Worcest er's Buffet -Dance
SIA:>O 1J.o\\ I ' . I'.S. left. Is Treme ndous Succe ss
H o".. 1ll:1ny of )"ou Brother; ~now lhe
hi~ .. )r} uf th e chnrlered l oc:11 SO. The I•. l '. 96. \\on C t-; STE K. \I ,\ SS.-On
Old -Tim ers Keep in Touc h; number "..as a<.!iigncd to NI.'''''roT1. Rh ode April.'. 1971. local 96 held a buff;;:1
Meet ing Atte ndance Improves h land. in 189-' and 10 (Ie\eland. Ohio, and dan<:e al the Knights of Columbus
in 11197; in 11199. "..hen our lotal "..as Hall. Well o\er 250 people allended.
L. U . 110 ..... OKFO LK . VA .- Frum lime chnrtered. 110 \las as.~igncd to us. D id and before the e,ening ended. :III Ihose
10 lime. I hear from '>Omo: of our relired }Oll ~no" Ihal !>Ome of our IIJEW lotals presenl "..ere inquiring aboul Ihe l(lCal's
and scmi·relir~ d Brolhers ".. ho have ", ... re ch.-Irtered before some o f the ~ta i CS ne,1 <oOCia l acti,·it}.
made their homes in \ arious p<trts of the joined the Union? A dl.'liduus bulret wa~ inc luded for the
United Stal~. J U,I recentl)" Hrother A\ of Mil) l. 1971. I ()Cal 1I0's offICI' hungry re\clers and dancer<;. and. at the
John I. Nei~hbour~ ~'iCmi·relired) .... ill no longer be lotated on 26th Street. one o'doc~ closing hour, it seemed ns if
dropp<.'d us a line and wished C\er~one r he new [,d ll rcss will bc- IIIEW l ocal no one h ild left.
\lell in l.oe;11 80. li e a lsu cnduscd " Uni un 80. Rooms 100· 102. J ANAF Of. I he hig c' enl \ of th;;: c\'enin g "..erc the
picture of himself a nd retired Brolher fice Building. N orfol~. Virginia 21502, thr;;:e dra"..ing, for Ihe three I:,rl;'" bollies
Greer Potts rel:,,;n!; in Ihe Mill in Roe k- '1 he telephone number will nc 857·5351. of ··chc... r:· Th e ludy Ik~el holders
k'{igc, l'Iorida. Boy. "..hal a life' Rem ember Ih:ll IInion "'{'Clings a fC "..ere Ihe en') uf the eTO"d.
BrOlher I'o tts i, ma~ing his homc in held on the fil'lt \Vcdne"day of every Complim;;:nl~ o n ;1 Job \\"1'11 dune go 10
Florida. <lOll Brother Neighbours i, month al Ihe Tl.'a m~t er\· Ii all, I'resi d enl A. Winn San~ouc)' lind his
wor~inll for the SIBte Eleclric Comp:m) Word 10 the \I ise: '"God inlend~ no tommltlc ....
uf Orl:lnoo, Flo ridB. and hope~ tu re- man 10 Ihe in Ihis "..orld "..ilhout ""or~· Prr~;dent s.lmouC) has a few more
tire in Ihe ncar futu re . Good lue~ 10 ing, but il ""ems to me no I~ e\ idenl e\enlS in Ihe planning s lage. and I"m
bolh of )OU and )our wi\e~. and rna) th at He inlend, e\ery man to be happy sure Ihat the member; of Local 96 wi ll
the good Lord w;l1ch ovef you. ill hb ""or~.'"_John Rus~in gi\'e :111 Iheir support in nm~ ing every
AI Ihe last t..... o meelings, ;111 of the J. D. H OII.()\lo~. h ., 1'.5, Lotal 96 :IIT:Iir a tremendous , ucces~.
seats "..ere filled, and many o f the Broth· FR.\I<oK V S.uu ,~S, 8.\1.
ers "..ere Slanding. This is the "..a)" it
should be--c\ery member l a~ing an at- Seven Locals Amalgamate ,
Ihe p:lrt in his lotal un ion's bll~ine..s. Merged with Loc al 84 Con struction Workers J ee r
Brolher Frank B;lss has don ... an oul· Presid ent Nixon in Newport
slandmg job of politins Ihe line gnnS'> L.U. 8-'. ,\TI. A ....- I'A . GA .- IB E W
working in Ihe area. Many new linemen. member.; emp lo~ed b) Ihe GeorGia L. U. 99. I'RO\'II)E="C E. R. I.- Friday.
grou ndmen. etc, wor~ing here have be· Po".. er Compan)' hn\c:. by a referendum ~l areh 12th. "..as a bright. su nn y day.
come members of Lotal 80. I do n't !>Ceret ballOI conducted by mail. vOled \lilh Ihe lemperalure hoverinll in the


A Frolicsome Group

lau8hln, I! up, left 10 "Ihl. a.e Rll 0,,110.

MI~e Grasseschi, Yini'll. I(inl. and MIke
Tt>ese a.e .,;enn of Ihe buHe! and dance "Qulno.
01 local 96, Worcester, M.n., .1 !he
I(nighls 01 Columbus Hall, hI "prol, Th" PIC' P.eSlden! " W,nn S"nsoucy plesenlmg a
lure show. ~ome 0 1 Ihe many dBnclng bollie 01 'chee," 10 one 01 the lucky raffle
cOllples WInne's, Olck Gamache.

ufll~r .1(1., H )'011 journeyed 10 Nc\\pon

1hal murnin~. >uu found that Ihe Iraftk
,\;h not only healy but Icry unu_ual.
I hcre I,crc 5.;hool bu-,sc~. commercial
hl""~" ,tod carlo;td upon earloml t)f tIlen
"C;tnn!! :1/1 Mnt) of ,-olorful hard 1mc-.
I\! ,hI' be"ilt.icrmcnl of man} \,ho
"cre t;oing to the gr;lI.lmllion c~crei'>C,
at ,nc !'-c"pOri !,-;)\:l1 Offieers Candidate
Thai I.een Sluff from Ihe raHle !lcUIl Is &:hoot. Ihi, tar!!c carnIan "'IS made up
counled by. left 10 "Ihl Broce DOucette,
J,m McKeon. lOUIS Sch'affa and John of con,ln,,::tion "orker.. from Rhode
Mooney 1,1;lnd .lnd ne.Hh} \1;1,S<tchu<;Cl!\ \\ho

Davis-Bacon Protest

Membe,s of local 99, P,ovldence, R I we" .mo"l Ihe 2.000 con

S,,,,clion wO,hl"$ who prole.led Ihe suspensIon of Ihe D.vis·Bacon E.ecu',ve BO.'d Chalfm." RusseU Ide and E.ecul,~e SCla.d mem-
"ct. when P.esldenl N,xon Iuended Ihe l'ad"""Cln enrc.ses al It>e be •• R,ch •• d 1'''1 and Y,,'Ot hICl!IS, S" WIth other mlmbe •• of
Newpc>rI Naval OfllCe" Ca"dldate School 5hClwn a,e P,es,denl lOCI! 99. u they iOwal' the a", .. al of P.esldenl N,.on
Rlcha,d 51.ombe'l. Execullve Bo •• d mem~" Dan,el FIt""a and
YICICI' TeloUs, S •. , '1'11:1 RecCI . d'''1 Secretary YICIO, TeICl!rs, ~Iand·
"'I ",,110 membe •• 01 local 99 du"nllhe p.otest

Mo.e p. o tes';nl members 01 lClcal 99 c.,he. a lt e, the .",val of

Here •• e some ClI th e local members whO crossed ove, Ihe b"dle Presiden l Nl.Cln. whClSfl heHcoptet Ca" be nen just bfllClw t he
du , 'nl Ihe exclleme"l 0 1 sell"l P residen t Nixon. NewpOrt·J~muIClwn B"dle_


"en: on their "ay 10 prote~1 P re,idem
Nhon'~ ~u"pen!>ion of the Davh· Baeoo
A Good Catch St. Paul's 50-Year Member
Arri' iog al Ihe Admiral Kalbrus Road.
II hi~h leads to Gate One. ooe noted that
il \\a~ hcalily barricaded oot only \.lith
\\ooden hor"", out also "e\\port police.
Hehind thc barrier "cre o\cr ::'..000 hard
hah . .- ith plae:trd~ and amplified l;>ull
horn,. ralientl} a.-aiting thc arrhal of
the Pre)iuen!.
A barricade had aho been ....-1 lip at
the main entrance 10 Gale Onc. \\ hal
,tood /)cl ... een Ihe barrier and Ihe ,mall
lnoll. "hkh lIa~ the de~illnaled arca for
Ihe hlnding of the President", helicopter.
\\cre th e N'e"port policc and a bridgc.
Al the en d of the bridllc wa, :, lonel} At Ih e ,ellular meehng 01 Local 110, SI .
~ I arine ,.·ntry box. Paut. Mi"n .. B.other Ed wafd Cappo cen tef.
was presen ted WIth a 50· yea' membership
When I're~ident Nixon emerged from P'" by Pfesldent George Kt ein, teft. as Busi.
hi, IwliC(lpter. all h.::ll broke loo,c. '1'1'<' ness M.. "agef J ames CUffa" tooks 0 " .
thou-ami ,hOUling voice~ pcnclr;lled th." Bfolher Capp sefved the tocal as v'Ce pres;·
de,,1 10f t5 years. He rettred ,n 1969,
air. hili thc Shouh were nil in vain. a, Press Secretary Earl F. McBride. Jr .. Locat
the lli,ta nce hetween the I) re,ident ami 103. Boston. is shown w,th a 120·POund.
the l'om truction wor ker' w,,' more Ih"n e'gh H ool hammerhead sha fk and " 32·
ISO ~Hrd,. Fr u~lralell and :mllercd, the pound . 56· i"ch wahoo. which he c"ught St. Paul's 60-Year Member
hard hat;; wailcd for President Nixun to
1 hc return trip "a, something cl,c, In the nex t fell month.,. we lIill be
A, P re,ident Nixon\ car came into ,iShl. reporting on the appr.:ntice graduation
..cleml hundred conSl ru etion "orkcr, and our Annual Outing. BOSlOn i, on the
boiled through the barricade ami mcell mOI(,

aHO" Ihe bridg ... to the Ma rine 'iCntT} E.IRL F. McBKmr. JR.• 1'.5.
box. Ha,lIly. Ihe lluard rai l "f'" 10"er....1.
;,nu !U o...paT\ment of Dcfcn-.! polic~'
rormcd a line behind the rail. The} "ere Retired Brother Honored;
later joined by a ~m~tI continllcnt of Local Signs Contracts
ner~ou, \Iarine~, and then it becam.: a
,\ Iexican standoff. I .. l . II I.I>E:\'VEK. COLO.- In 1'l arch.
A, Pre .. idcnt NLxon alighl.:d from hi .. LOI:"I I II honored RrOlher Burt Sunon
c<lr. the ollterie .., )elling. jeerin!;. and "ith :I 6U· )ear pin. Brother Sullon 1>0.'-
deafening booing from Ihe ampllf",u ..:amc ,I mcmber of Local III ,h II lIater
buJi horn<. ... hioly startled him. He ho} fur the o...nver I-ire Department in
Bus,ness Manage. Cu""n and President
p.,Il'>Cu. look an ama:tingl}·I(mg loo~, and \ I:lf"h. 1911. He retired from "cti'e ..crl· Kle,n vlsiled the home o f Brother and Mfs
then ha~I;ly boarded hb helicopter. The ke in Ihe Fire Dep,mmenl in 1957. Albert Mall"usson 10 pfesent Brothe. Albe.'
con,truL'lion wur~ers were nOI to he ut'- Hruth ... r Burt ha, .)CfI(d in different w,th a 6O· ye". pin. His membefsh,p 'S oldef
Ihan Loc"t 110'$ charte. (charte.ed '" 1912),
nied. "nu they "eren'\. It Ila, a ~ucc.:,,­ onke, of our local. He ",b a delega'c .. s he waS intl,aled "L10 Locat 23. S I" P"ut .
rul lll,} after all. to the (nlern,jlional conlention in 19~ I ,n 1911. "nd translerred to Locat 110 in
Tho....- of you Brothers who Iler.: nOl ,Iud h,h on (ii,play >II hh home hi~ 1'}!6. He has bee" on pension since 1,}5g
there. II hy "eren't you? You nK!} not n1lmeru(" delegitle I>allgl" a nd uniun pin'
think "e ha\'e a problem of lital con· IIhkh dale back 10 1911. I ,p.:nl " p>ln ha~ lahen a ,lap at organizL"J 1:lhor. So
Cl'rn now. hut you wi ll eventually .. e.; of Unl" morning Ilith Bu rt in hi, ho me far. I han 1101 s.· . . n any rrugr~ms to
,I del'a,ting clrcct on Ihe con~trudion ,JIld Jj'tencd to nUlllerou, (JIlJ intl." re,ting
curl> the rate of profil' being made by
indu'lry very shortl y. If you Ihin~ Ihing' ~lOri~ .. of 11 long anu full career.. Burt
the hlrg ... ~"ompanie~: in f:lel. mo-r h~ve
a ..... going to gel beuer. th.:n lah· a lonll ha, (' grea l pride in the IBEW and increa .. rJ.
luo~ into Ih.: pa,t and sec if you r... mem- upcnly lli'play~ it. w... " ,h \\ell. arc proud
rhe 1971 Ulilily Conference for the
ber a lime II hen this local had men of Burl. $cl ... nth. Ei!!hth. Ninth, and 11th D b-
~iuing on th e bench and !>O many \\orkil1,1l Loc;Ll III ha~ <;ettlcJ a number of trkl .. ",!, held in D(l\ler in 1'l:Irch. Dde-
out of IOwn. .;unlr.lch ~jl1ce the fir't of the yc;tr. Those g:lIe, allcnding the confcrence were
C.>1lgrall1 l ali~'n .. to (~rother Mi~c Farg· .,...!lled " ere REA (t\\o-)car conlract. :lp' lI u.. ine" \I anagcr Joe Oulrey. Kermil
noli on hi, marriage. We are abo Ill au pro~imatdy 20JI<;' ). the Irec conlra ctor
jJ:ICU'. 10hn Meader,>. Jim Kel,o, "rank
10 ..ce that hi .. 'lay in the ho .. piwl wa~ agr ..... ment (E"O-}'ear agreement. appro., i-
Pellce. Edward Mcalk rs. Harlan 5o::holl.
" ,horl one. Good lucl. 1' Iike1 matcl~ 1I r} ). Communit}' CATV con·
trolCI ItwO·} ear agreement. approximately Donald Shaputb. Ho"ard $cOlt. Jim WiI·
M.IRK BKUNU.U, 1'.5. !>On. Robt'rt Ma,.on, and Fr.lIll Bubon.
HI'! '< ,. ~1Urgeon Warehou,><, Emplo)ee\.
I t,,<>-) ... af agreement. approximately All Ihe udell;:Olt.'~ agreed it "a~ Ihe besl
Local 103 's News paper 16,~ r;). and 1'lorgan Coumy RE A and mO ..1 informat!>e conre ..... nce th ... y
(three-H'ar agreement. appro.,imatcly halc :llIcnd... d. )1o" ,,"er. the one..<Jay
Is Doing Fine ::'.3''', I. ' "ork .. hop did not pro\ide enough lime
L.l', 10J. UOSTO~. 1' I ASS.~1 am proud You .. ill nOle on the percemage h .....al· lO di'>Cu .. ~ thc (Urrent problem~ thor-
to r... port that our ne" IIniol1 ne"'p'Ipt.'f. uo"n, Ihat the actions of Ihe federal oughl}"
103 Ekrtrim/ World. i.. prob~bly l>C"ond gOlernm.:nl during Ihe fi ..... t part of 1971 I ,ugge..1 Ih:1I all member.. be pre,ent
only to the New York publication. and ,urcl~ h.. d wme effcct on negotialion ... I
Jo not mean 10 imply Ihat il curl)ed Ihe :n their re,pccthe unit meeting to hear
lI'e look for"aru to further improle·
menh. Rememher, Number 2 trie,> inl1ation of our counlry. bUI th .. 1. once Ih( ueh:llate~' r... porls.
h,mJer. :lg;Lin. Ihe aJminis trati ou in Washington J O Il1'. C. MJ IIlI KS. ASST. B. \1.


Kennewick, Wa sh., for linemen, a Ii'e per cent adj uslmcnt If I may ha~e a parlin1: "'i_h. It h
for foreman II I nnd 1"' 0 nnd one·half thi\: I hope that the membership uf the
Members JlCr cent for trocl.. operl1lOI"ll "A-; 80-fuot loca l ",ill su pport Larl) in his ne", po--i·
hcigh l pay on "ood pulC'!. or an}lhing lioll as presi dent of Ollr local. If ther.:
sU'ipended free of StrUClure~. IllUSt be criticism. 11.'1 It be eon _trll~'lilc
Fo r clc-ctrici:lIls, he \.Iun a Ii,c per IInr.i nol de_truclilc. Lllrry needs time
cenl lldjustmenl for forem:ln IV. forl:- 10 orgunize and pUI his p l an~ inlo efr"-l·t.
man III, and permanent forem:m II : up- Gilc him the lime. Support lour oRke~.
grauctl three minor ui,trkt~ tu forcman 1 11m reminded of Ihe fare",ell p:l"agc
III . and upgraded tv.o fllrcmcn I 10 II; in John Dun)an's 1"'1:,j/U'J I',"..:.rol,
al\l.l. Ii\c per cent ad/u,wlcnt for c:lble ",h(n another mel his frieml~ tu -.;I)
splittr~. l!uod-b)c: - M ) ~"'ord I glle to him ",h<.l
I'or cmfl~men. he obtaincu di'Tri~·t ,hall )uccc~-J mc in Ill) pil!,!rim,,~e. :lnd
crnlbnmn eI:l~silicatilin in "ur u!,!reemenl In) cour,,!!e and ,1..111 to him ",h,) cn"
lind ul"gradeu threc craft'lIlen (mm " If" 1!(1 II. My llIarl..~ ;\IId \oCUh I ellrfl "Ilh
10 MA." mc to be II \.I'i'nc,~ for me thai i h:l\e
" '- - .
Amon. Ihe members o f local 112'. Ken·
All of Bub's friend, III IIJ>,\ '" i~h him
"'cll in his ne'" line of ",orl...
foughl his banks who nuw "'ill ~ Ill)
new,,;k, WISh., who work III Hu";o. Inc., nub "as repll1ccd un thc l ocal 12.'i Good·b)e and God hle,~ } 011. Local
Pnco. Wllsh,. are OW'lhl Myers, lell. and ~tll'r b) Onil1e 1,}l1n\, 111',\ fureman III I-I! "'ill al"'a}\ be "home·' to IIle.
lllO J. L,ibold They lire .hown slandinl by :II I'a"l.'o. W:lshinGIOn. On ille i~ not a
one 0 1 Ih. panels Ih,y bUIlt The pan,l r ,..UL SHOOP, I'.S.
boardS bear 'he IDEW union labd. I1C\.lenmcr 10 125. :" he ,cr.,.ed a~ hu,i·
ne,~ rq're~~nlative fur t"'(1 }'e:lrs in Ihc
liltc 19~(k We wi~h ),Oll the best. Or· Brea k in Weather Improves
Work in Local 112 Is ville!
Very Poor, Future Bleak Work in Harrisburg Area
I his ha. hecn one or the IOtrl!hc~t
I..U. 112. KE ... ".: \\ ICK.
WAS II._ )eaN e'perienced by l ocal 125 fl)r 1..(1. U 3. IIAIUUSII UI{G. "A.-At la't
Wurk in ollr juri..diclion is lery poor. negotialin!; ne", contracls. So far. nonc Ihe "'cather ha~ IlIl..en a hreal... and
and the outlool.. fur thc immediate (tI- tlf Ihe utililic~ undcr 12.'i jurisdiction ha~ \Ollie of Ihe Ilorl.. Ihat had ","en held lip
IlIrc i, bkal... With the .Imldown of our becn 5Cltled. IWA emplo)ecs hale ~en h)' Ihe had "'cal her 1\ no'" prugre"in!,!,
1I:lnfonl area. our ~piril~ lire down. gil'cn :1 H-ccnt.fl<.·r-hour adjustmenl at Thc Cumberland Valley Senior H i~h
As tlf April hI. I,ocal 112\ new busi· the journeyman 11.'\1.'1. errC-Clilc l\Iardl Slhool job i~ ta~in1: ,hllpe: II i, Olll of
nco,s manager is Geurgc I I(;in. I3 rOlher 28th. This came :lnout bce:lu~e Taconm the ground, and columns :Ire heing
Flgin "'a~ scleelcd b) Ihe B:c-culi\e Cil), I ight is one of thc utililie~ used !-\ flOurcr.i in the m;!in buildml!. r he ;Idmin-
UOlud h) IiII OUI Ihe Icrm of Brother H. BI'A in it~ annual ~Uf\·C)'. . i,trmion huilding b no", under roof. :\IIr.i
L Zit"man. "'ho "'as Ilppoinled as Inler- Worl.. ha~ been vcr) ~Io", thi~ P;l\t the ,ide '" alh lire tompleleJ u. It
national Representluhc of the , inlh ",inlcr. "'ith onl) a fcw ,mall Contr.I.;!' SponauGle's Son\ ha~ the elcclrI~al "orl...
Di,tricl. We wish IJrother 7ieman "'ell in force. \.IlIh Brother jame, C lacl..ler ;1' fore·
~lIkrrN J DIIII. ",S
man The eosl of the proJCCI i~ o\er ~y­
in h i~ new job. We I..now he ",ill do a
eommend:. blc onc. millil)n. hUI it ",ould hUH' i">I:cn m"'t" if
thc ill., pllyer.· group hnd nOI rr<1le,led,
GrOMGI' Et GIN. B.~ 1. Local 142's Scribe AI Ihe Scolland School for \c'len,m
(hilr.ircn. :1 nCII gymna~ium i, in plOg·
Brother Ayers Accepts Submits Swan Song rt:". ",ilh a S9~.3()() cleltr;c;11 contract
New Position With BPA 1.. 0 . I·H . !'lrrSlil ItGIl . l' A._For the held hy C. C. Kouc:lmp of Yorl... Pcnn-
pa~t \C\eral )e3r.. 1 h:l~c been prilikgcd ,)h.lnia. Brothcr Glenn Gr.lnl h fore-
I..U. 125. I'ORTI. \ 'n. OIU:.-On Dc. to be 1~2's press scHclilry. ,,~ ",ilh all limn on Ihis job. The J-l ov.:1f(1 1'. I· ole)
ccmber .11. 1970. Hruther Roben W. thing,. Ihere m",t (Ollie :on cnd, Thi~ i~ (Oll1plln), has ehe high·ri-.e ar:lrtlll~nl
A}cn rc,igncd a~ a"i,lant 11lI~lIle~~ Inan· my I n~\ :Irticle. , :1111 Gfnleful lor the hou-.e job tit J-ifth and Wlilmli. ,lIlJ it i,
ilgcr on the Bt)nn..:'vllle l'Ollcr Adminis- op p,lrllini ty th(,\ I' ~c had cadi monlh goinG ahead at a vcry good ra<.:e "ilh
Inltion (HI' A) and Corp I ngincer~, to 10 ,hare my I ic""s wilh )OU. II rueher " Marty" "onl;O; a\ furcllwn .
:\cccpt H new p,,~iliun with the BI'A II Iw~ hecn gnl1ifying 10 hear fTl'1ll General Electric Scnice ha, the ad,lili'!Il
SafelY $cction in churGe of thc Scalile thu,c of IOU who hUle tal..en a momen! to Ihe old Ree\C (hocol:l te huildin!,! in
area. or 1"'0 to expres, npinion\ on Ilhat I Her,hey. I'cnm)lvllnia. ;lIId i_ ,t;lrting
" Bob" ~tafled "'or~ing for Local 12S "'rolc. To ~ou. my hearlfcli than~s. '" ilh Urother John PUll I" foreman
on June ,\0. 1966. tnm~fcrrinG from the I hale cndealored 10 prcsent limcl) Pill,burgh l'l:llc GI'h' hn' _lane.! to
I\lcter·RcI:l)' 5..-":li,)II in Olympia. Wash· article, COlering (urrent IJ;lppenings in {!et the plot relldy III 1\11. HolI} ':opring'.
ington. During hj~ lerm, he \.Ior~ed \Cry the 101:111. A fe\.l :Iflicle~ hale heen con· I'cnn,)lvania. for it. ncw S~O·million
Iwn.i amI \.Ins in'lflllllenmi in gelling the tro\cr"al in an at!empt h) hale )011 pilln! Ihat I\ill produlc Uhulll ~()C)·mil·
ful1014ing bcnclits--:ld~·;tI1ced cffcctil'c thinl.. :Ihuut the unllerl) In!,! cau,,,.,. If lion ~quare fect of gl:", :1 )C,)r. I he
illite of pa) mised b) three munths amI lin) thought of ;\ seriou~ nature ha, been pl:lllt "ill incorl'lIratc t"'o no.<l1 prlll'c"
an 1:\lr.. da)'s pay in lieu uf holiday engendered. then thi, endcalur h3' becn uni". Thc fa(ilil) '" ill hOlI'>(" the- r:omp')'
\hifl differential for nlln·r.lt.lting shifts: .1 'IK(:e,\. n)', fifth and 'l'lh RO:II !,!1.1" linc.
t"'o-and-onc-haU-da)~' pa) for "orl..ing rhls lear is :I )car of grcat challen!;e II hkh will operate parallel to ca~h
holid;l)s fur operalll"'. Iii". per L"l:nt ad· fllr Ihc local. The grcate\! unrc-.oilc.! \lIhcr. The t:lr!,!el date fur r:ompletlun i,
JUSlIllcnt for chief IIp("r,.ltlf'> II ,!lid III , I~~ue. of COUI"SC. i, the nCll\)tlaling of a lui) I, 1972: ho"e\'er, :11 Ihi, time. nil
nnd 21;, per cent ndju\IIllCIll fur senior new contracl for U- II). A long. h;lrd ~' Ontraeh h:llc ~ell let cnher than thc
nnd ptXlI rclieh: mlmeri~HI lifllitHlion on ~trull!,!le lic, ahead 1111111 thh hc .. ome, an I>,,\C ",orl.. that h no'" under \1:1) . I he
numhcr of peuplc that (,on he ~l1J1Cr­ acctllllpli,hed fao.:l. rlllni lIiI! emplo) ablllll gOIl flCople lmd
\ i\cd b)' chief operator II. ,on" paid mea l Thi, year hilS '>Cen a l'hanl;e of com· \.Iill be a hclp in ~cllin!,! olher pl,III"
[K!riods for ~hift opel'nhlri ')1\ 1,lenime. mllnd of Ihc Iox:II, hme~ 11:lil; resi!!ner.i into Ihi, area.
Bob "'as also ;lble tll 1!ct UP!!raded as prc)ldcn! of the loo;al un April 1_\ ill Brolher John A I)on..on. Jr.. Ilho h
'II:\er;.1 minor operahllJ; dl\trrds. "hich dClolc full time to the uOoee of bU'lnc" Ihe I ilc prc,idenl of I d", In L. Heim
re\ultcd in additional chid up.:mtol"ll III : lIl>ln<lger of U-IO, I :orr) lto'..:1 "'a\ ;op, Cumpun}. has hecn in Ihe IIarrhhllrl!
the unly ne!,!oti:'lled fl<,int ')~lem for r;,l· poin!cd b} the Fwcull\C Board 10 fill out I lo..pitul ",ilh a pin(;hcd \crlehr.1 "hi~h
ini of Sllbsla l ion~ on Ihe We~t Coast ; Urothcr HaiS" tcrm. require, a \'cry delicalc oper:llion. I-Ie i.


h"\lng a painful recuperation btll I:' re· II "e .:uuh.ln·1 ha\e ,upplied lhe numhcr hccn appro.cd for Ihi .. lear. ...0 all you
co\ering nicely. of cenified "elders "e did ... c \\ould memhe .... name )our gamcs and help
'0111'> trol) i~ still on the sid. Ii,!. proha!:>l) h:l\e !>Cen Ihose job~ go 10 Ihe )our local's teams bring home Ihe IrO-
The frnclured I.nee is as good a~ clcr. filler;--so. congratilla t ion~. Jerry! phie,. Our local is always proud of it..
hut lhe !<houlder docs nOI heal. U) lhe i(eccntl). our Fxecurile 1J0:lrd !>c. ~porh·minded members. and Ihis )car.
limc >ou read th i~, I "Ill hal'e Ihe final lecte<l Brolher Kennel h "Curly" Jone, lie ha.e :tpproved a \'ariely of ~porl'
ucci,ion aboul cUlling. When )ou art: for our Anntml Award. in appreci:llion ,uch a, "",f'hall, basketball, fool hall.
pa,1 70. )'ou don'l ".,nl 10 lal.e Ihe for Ihe many hours of t:rali~ \\orl he 1"!()"lin!;. and golf. Eler}bod} ,i!;n up
chance of h:,\ing 3 'Iiff ~houl<Jer. "hilh rem.kred in Ihe he'l iOlcre,1 of unioni,rn. and do lour o\\n Ihing.
i, "hal il mighl lum 0111 to he if il doc~ E\en Ihou~h Curl}'~ project. the credil 'our, trill} h:" j."1 hccome the fa·
IlQI heal properl). uni(,n. ne\er Hoi olf Ihl.' ground. lhe h;· ther of a nc" ;,on. ~nd things haH~
A 'lag picnic "ill he he lu on June 26, eClIli\e Ro ....d I"ecogni/.e<l Cur1~"!< elforl'. slol\ed dOlln around Ihe hou-.c.
197 1. from 10:30 A . ~1. 10 6:-'0 I' . M.•,1 \ \ ollder if an)one ha, Ihoughl 10 :,,1, J,,\II, C. "CIK!." S~llTll, I'.S.
the I'o,tal Rod and Game Club on Rot.. ,0meNxl)', rnan in Wa,hinglon (Won'l
el'" Vallc) R~lu . It ""ill be for L"l'al >(,mebody claim him?). "ho is 'II hu~· Lexington Local Honors
1-1' Illenlhen only. and Ihe re-.erl.,tion, ily holding do"n Ihe huilding tnl<lC)
mU~1 he in by lune 71h.
'Pop' Stallard
"a.ge'. jU'1 ho\\ efreethel), he h holdmg
CIt\MLDi D. """rpy" Nl\o,. 1'.5. do\\ n ta'e' and ~uppre.."i llg \\ hile L. 1I. un. U: X"· GTO~. KY.-AI Ollr
~I"",,,: OOIP'O'I e~pan,ilm<' ,,\nd laxe,. Construclion lnit meeting in April. our
he>. lile "O"! We. here in !Jerrien membel'> had lhe plea,"n: of "itne...,ing
Members Home After W orking [ounl>. \lichlg:m. ju" "enl through a Ihe pre"lC"nlalion of a SO-year pin and
In the Big City -15 per cenl hile in counl} expendillll\!~ p"'que 10 Brolner Bill " " op" Siallard.
in one }ear. :lnd no\\ Ihe he:I<lline, c"l1 Since thaI meeting. I'\'e "onderc,1 a
L. I . 15J. SOl rrll IU·: NI>. ,,,n._You for a budget h<J.o..l of ~!t per cen t. How couple of time, whether :my of the
I.no"". il'!< !;.uoU 10 be home again. aruJ lung h: ... il !'>cen ,inee )'OU h:lU a ~I<: p.-r memher~ ga"e "ny thOllghl 10 ho" long
"e'\e nothing bill t,!ooU 10 report on the cenl incrc;o ...... ·.' A lillie more of Ihh. agl' "50 )e;,r, :tgo" i, ,md "h:1I " op.
tre;llmenl alforded U~ h) Local 3. We along "ilh a lillie elforl. and "e'll prot.. and man) othe .... lile him. "em Ihrough
lal.e Ihi, opponunity 10 Ihanl. Ihe Brolh· ahl) be ahle 10 ~I Ihe cOllnl)'~ name in Ih.: laoor 1ll0\emenl. You lno" . the
el'> 'l\ the Joinl IJoan:! in Flu .. hing and ('hanged 10 " I~:.rrcn ." 1:l1:>or mOI'entenl lVa~ ,till prelly much in
the gang 'II Ihe Roclefeller i(c-.carch U tl" ;tholll helping him 0111 th e ne." ih infanl'Y in 19~1. ;md men me 1'\lp
H..,..pital. for a plca!<ant three·month .. W) lime aruunu. fello" .. ? I mcan uul of no doubl rccehcd man> i",ulh :lnt! ,ufo
in the lIig ·I o"n. \ 10)1 of II' apprcci .. le ollke. H memory loCrves u~. he ~a i,l ­ fered hard tillw~ to I.ecp our chlrter
our ll rothcrhoo<l -.ome of Ihc limc. but IIhen h~' failed IIJ rn:,le il a, go'ernol" going.
il\ II hcn Ihing, lighlen up a bil an<l Ihe o f California-Ihal he "oul,ln't !'>c i-':Ich member of Local 183 O\le, Pop
UrolherhOOtJ ,1:Hld, read y 10 help II' "r(lUoo lu -.cr\(.' a, "hipping hoy. So Stallard an ;,,, ful 101. and lherdore. I'd
Ihal "c re"ll) :.ppreeiale il a greal <l~'al rle.I-.e. 'et\ nOI force him 10 ha'>e an· lile 10 ,peal for e\er) memher h) ..:ly-
more. ""her go Oil Ihe office. ing thanl }Oll. 1'01'. )00'\1.' been a p.-r-
1\llhough thing, did lighlen up 10- A. G. "(,IU (, - IJI L\ I'S. 1'.5. fl"{"\ e,ample of the perfecl union nlelll'
";ud lho!- end of lhe lear. "ilh a nurn- ber. I hope "e h;l.\e Ihe plea,ure of
her of u\ on the hench or Ir'amping il . ~eing }Oll n:cei\e more hon"r~ in Ihe
jot><. "re 'Iarling to move again.
Dual-Type Party Planned future.
A .. !'>cfore. il i.. Ihe Donal<J C. (<)•.)1. For Local 160 Brothe rs Another one of Ollr "uld he"d," II hn
Nuclear 1'0YlerhouloC al Bridgman. \l kll· L.l . 160. \lI N ;<\EA I'OUS. j\1I~ ,....'.- 11 ";I, prell) Ylell I.no"n :trollnd Ihe loc,,1
it:an. Ih;'1 h re'pon,ihle for our full ern· i, linally going 10 harpen. B)" [lOpular i, Arlhllr "Pre:ll'her" Colli",. Well. ..
plo}menl. One reawn for our ckall <lcm:on<l lUld rcque,1. Loc.. l 160 i. going monlh or \() ago. Preacher said ... , Ihinl
nench I~ Ihe p:l)olf of the \Ieldint: 10 h,I\e a "beer·bu,!"· and olU·limer, 1"11 ,top "orling and gi\e Ihe job h"eI.
cl:h-.e'. -..et up h,r~d)' throut:h the drorh p.. n> in the \linnea[lOlh 1:ll>or '1 emple. to the )ollng 'bllcb: .. He i~ now retired
o f BrOlher Jerry Va ....·il and the coopera· 117 S.F. Fourth Sireel. Minneapol,,- :IOd i, no douhl taling adlantage of Ihl'
lion of our lar~e't electrical eOnlr3.-10r. \ Iinnr,olll. at 7.311 I'.~I. on Frid.I). Ii'hing gear Ih,1I lhe 1:>0)~ on Ihe 1)1\
KOllen and Illair. ;" l\![lOrlc<l in Ihe June -I. 1'J71. Dam job ga\(~ him. I'reach;;'r :hl.ed me
I' ebnmry hmmili. JU"I ~ure " .. ~hOOl in ', \\e 'eqlle'l Ihe "re-.ence of all rClired 10 thanl. C\er)one "ho. in :III) "a).
mad~ hi) lime in the lrade a plea~lIrc.
and aClilc members of Local 160. lndi·
~:lliun' arc Ihat an enjoyable ewning h
or helped him in an) \\a).
Local 153', Award in ~lOr", for lOU. Be \Ure 10 ,how up' (""filll/cd 01/ P"'.!I' ).~

"In J. DlRn. I' .~. 50- Year Member

Work Situat ion Looks
Fine in Jacksonv ille
Ll . 177. M (' h:SOl'\V ILL E. n . A.- 1
am hlpp> 10 rcporl Ih:1I the \Iorl. ~ilUn·
lion 1001., fine :,1 thi, .ime.
The !\nml:ll SharehulUe .... \I eelin!; of
l oc:,1 171', ereJil union ":h helu on
};IOUll"} .\()Ih 1\11 hu,ine~) concerning
the: credil IlIIIOn ";,, <li'>l""u"ed. and
ollir;el""'i "cre ele~led for Ihe corning
Recently. Brolher Kenne lh "Curly" JOnK. \1 Ihe conehl\ion of Ihc bu,ine"
eXlreme ri&hl. "'IIS ..... II.ded 11M! Annual m ..... ting. there "ere drll" ing' for door
" ... ,.rd of local I Sl. Soulh Bend. Ind .• fo' priJ.C'. Among Ihc prizes "cre a porIa·
Ihe m,.ny houl"$ of &.".s ....... k he rendered .n
the besl inle<esl of un.on.sm. The ,.w.rd hie T\. a lahlc·model r.!dio. -.cleral
wllS pr~nled by Brother It,.,. Hall. who ronaN.: radio... and a \ariCI) of sm,,11 L~I 18l. le,"nglon. Ky .. <Kentl,. pres-enl,d
On&lnale<l \he .... II'd. Sho .... n. left 10 ,,&hl. ;It ~yellr
p;n .nd pI;ltqUl 10 8<01he. B~I
appliance,. Almo't ClcT)one pn:'\Cnl "On
lI.e Business Manlae. lloyd Robinson. P.es;' Pop" Siall •• d. Pop. lell. IS sh ...... n <Ken"na
dent J,.ck McM ann. Brothe. Ray Half. Ind a rri«. elen if it .,a) ju'l a ham. Ihe p,n and pllque from Business Manlge.
Brolhe. Kellnelh "Cun,." J ones. Til.: al hle lic budgel of the local has Jesse Sleele.


department of e::,e,arch
~,< I
• and ducation

More Leisure for the Working Man -The Shortening Work Week
.... AI the !U rn of the cc mu r). the liat. During Wo rld Wa r I. II hen d id much 10 furthcr Ihe cames
Illost typ ical . non-;tgr icultur:11 \\ orl.: government a n itudes \\cre fa\'or- c hampioned by o rganized labor. B~
wed. \\as 60 houl"o long. The ,ncr- abh::. I;.bor made substantia l gains the latc I930s. thc 40-hour \\orl..
age \\orl..er labored IIi>; da}:- :I \I Cd., in bargai ning strengl h. Conse- \,..cd had been made o Okial 11:1-
10 ho ul"o each day. In the 7 1 yea rl! quc ntly. thc eight-ho ur d a~ sp read lio na l po licy.
~ il1 cc then. the avcr;lgc work \\eek qu ic kl y. a nd Saw n !;l) wa~ red uced The dfect .. o f World War I and
has d ccn:::lscd cOIl'iidcrably 10 it<, frolll a full \"'o rk d a) 10 it one-ha lf the G reat De p rel>~io n on lahar
prese nt ••wrage of ~() hour'l. That \"'o rl day . lly the end of the d ...~:\(Jc. , ta ndard ... "crc powerful and far-
gj\..:~ the a\c rage \vor ker In Ihe the ;\h!r:lgc \".o rl wed \~ a~ o n l~ SO reach ing. but they a re not till' tlnl~
Un ited Stales today 2() hours ~ r ho urs long- a full IO-ho ur reduc- fac to rs whic h havc eon t ri h ut ~'lI 10
week more leis ure lime- lime free tion. T he Gre:1t Dcprc..... ion of thc Ihc shortening of the worl.. \\ed .
of the nccc~si l ) (0 ca rn a li'i ng. I 'J30s led to a fur ther reduction in rcchno logieill adv:lncc~ such a' au-
Ma ny factON h;I\': (:ontnbutcd 10 the .. Iantlard \"'o rl \\ cc k and saw toma tio n anll consisll'n tl )-high ra[e~
the Irend to\\anJ mo re Id,urc lim e. thosc new ' Iandard .. e nactcd inlO of ullc01plo) I1IC1\1 a n: abo of majOl'
but till' cha nge, hrought abo ut by lnw. T he Natio na l ImJustria l Rc- im po n a nce. Accordi ng [ 0 Ihl.: A F L-
Worlll War r and lhe G n::m Dcprcs- covery Act. thc \Val , h - H eak~ Aet. C I0 boollct. t (lfwr LooJ..\ I II A 1//0'
,ion IH'rc r)l)".. jhl~ Ihe 1110" inllucn· ami Ih..: Fair Lahor Standard, At:1 11/(/1;011. ·· 13c[\\\.'cn 1909 and 19-'7.
OUlput pcr man- hour in Ihe total
private economy roIiC a l :111 ann ual
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX- UNITED STATES AVERAGE ra tl! of two per ce nt ; he tween 19-'7
Source : U.S. Depa rtmen t of l abar, Bureau of Sta tistics :lIld 1967, it rose 3.2 pe r ccn t per
year. Thi" j umJl in Ihe ratc o f PI'O-
REV ISED INDE X SER IES '- Refere nce Ba se , U.S. Ave rage, 196 7 = 100 tl uclivilY growl h h) more Ihan 50
." ." per cenl means that. on till" a\ erage ,
I,.",. It.,,,,. Apparel Heollh production tl uri ng each hour of
Com ·
bine d '
b,ned f ood Hou.ing

Up ko:ep
& h<
\\o rk ca n do uble in 22 )ea r... in-
... tead of in 3R years. a ... p re\iou ... l~ .,
Mar. 1971 139.3 119.8 117.0 1224 118.6 117.8 120.6 II now ta l cs fewe r worker... than
feb . 1971 138.8 119.4 11 .5 .9 12 2.6 118. 1 11 7.5 120 . 2 ..:\cr bdore to prod ucc Ihe g.ond ...
Jan . 19 7 1 138 .6 :mJ ~erviccs A merica necds. T he
Dec. 197 0 138 .5 lechno logic:! 1 ad va nces thaI :lfl'
Nov. 1970 137. 8
making lifl! casier and mo re com-
O cl. 1970 137 ..01
rortable for most have cost man)
Mar. 1970 1332 114.6 11.01 .2 116.9 11.01.5 109.7 11.01 .3 people their jobs. Sho rter hours.
Mar. 1969 125.6 "hell ul>cd as a \\ ork-sharing d e-
Mor. 1968 119.5
Ma r. 1967 11 5. 0 vice, ha v..: he lped ~o l vc th b prohlem
Ma r. 1966 112 .0 hy rcd ucing indi vidua l wo rl.. timc
SIo.I;ng w, lh Jonuo.y 196<1, Revi ... d I.. de- Silt; .. <ov".. lotnily unih includ ing i .. d'.,duol
ami thereby o pe n ing joh o pporluni-
...... h.. Ii.illg 010<'1.. le lo,,, ' hol do l" Ih. Ind.,. <0 • .,,, to",ily un,h 01 '",0 ... "'",I! lics for those d i~ p laced III ;Iutoma·
pe .. o ... ollly. tion a nd ma king room for nc\\
entrants 10 Ihc labo r rorcc.
NO TE , (ono""'e' 1'';<. In d " . 10. ALL ITEMS inueo . ed O.~ Indu I'oinh d",ing the pa ..
mo nth . O. 0.3% . Thi, .,quo ll e d o n ANN UAL RATE OF IN CREA SE 01 36% (0.3% X Wo rld Wa r I. thl' G real Dcp res-
I n Th" in( ' l ol. in CPI d u.ing Ih . p O. I YE AR wa . 6. 1 In de . PoIn ts 0- ~.6'1.. .,io n, incre;ls!,!d productivity. a ulo-
I'et(en lage ;nu.oo. b e ...... n ''''0 do' •• 1. <ol< .. loled by ... b ',a< ling Ih., Inde . nu", · ma tion, a nti unCm plO)I11CIll h:I\!'! al l
be. fa. I". ,0,1i •• dole 1.0'" '''01 I... . h. la le. dol •• ond by di.i d ing 11M ,.,Iult by
plrt)ed a pa rI in shri nki ng Ihe \\ork
th. ; .. d ... nu",ber I... 11M eorli. , dO'a . ,h.,n ",ultiplying b y 100. EXAMl'lf , f ... '''e
pe.iod Mo reh , 1970 to More" 1971 , 1 19.' - 11 ~ .6 = !i.2 Inde- I'oin" : !i.2 +- I U6 \\cd. It i ~ now 33 ' ~ pCI' ccn l
= •.0%. .. hu rte r th an il was ci rcn 1900. a nd
Ihc Ire nd i.. continuing una batcd . A


sampling of I BEW :lgree ments indi- \\:ly. Why, then , do so Illany people lebure. 'the work week could fall 10
cates that we now ha\'e over 300 fcc l they have so little leisure? The 22 hours by 1985, or it would be
local unions which operate on a 40·hour work week may be stand- neeessal) to work only 27 weeks of
work week of less than ·W hou rs. ar(]. but it is far from uni\ ersal. Ihe )ear, or the retirement .Igc
Many people !>Iill work at jobs that could be lowered to 38 years.' ,. Of
I'aid Vac:lliolls :md Holida~ s no rmall y exceed this st:tnd ard. courSi.'. this i:. not likely to happen:
Prior to the 19405. most workers Others work overtime or t:lle a not c\cr)onc prefers increased Ici-
were paid by the hour or by the second job in order to mcet house- ~urc to increased earnings. But it is
number of items they produced. hold expeno!.es. to pay for ad\ anet!d cert'li n that leisure lime will in-
Whe n they took time off for a \aca· education. to purchase a fe\\ Iuxul) crc:ISC.
tion or a holiday. Ihey forfeited the item ... o r to pa) outstanding debts.
money they could have earned in Still o thcrs spend a considcrable Th . . ;\1:IIIY Forms of Ll'is ure
that time. Since the n. there has amount of thcir free time worl.ing There are many fomls th is lei-
been a steady increase in paid V;IC3- on do-it-yourself projects (\\ hieh is sure could take. The length of the
tions and p:tid holidays among full· essentially on ly the subst itution of work \\eel. or the work da) could
time workers. By 1968, two- thirds unpa id labor fo r the earning of in· be reduced further. Vacatio ns could
of the no n-fann workers in this na- come) a nd on the maintenance and be ntended or the number of holi·
tion were receiving paid vac:llions. <,en-icing of their durable goods. days incrcased. So far. those h:l\e
Not only were most Americans re- been the most popular trends. But
ceiving paid vacations. but oflke The Future of Leisurc there are many other possibilities.
and plant workers were reeei\i ng an How much leisure can \\1.' expect Sabbaticals. those eXlended periods
average of eight paid holidays a in the future? The r:lte of prOLlue- of lea": al regular intervals that
year. The Ircnd tow:trd negotiating tivi lY, the needs of e mploY';"J"s. the college t eac h cr~ have enjoyed for
longer vacations and mo re holidays technical eOI1!>t raints imposed by in- such a lo ng time. could be modified
should continue througho ut the 70s d ustrial equipment. the changes in to fit the needs of many other occu·
as marc and more \\ orkers express the occu p:l!ional and indmt ria l pmions. The steelworkers havc ;11·
the ir desire fo r greatcr ;lmOllll\.') of struc ture , and the degree of cm- ready useu this principle success-
leisure time. phasis that workers and unions fully. T ime spent in school could be
place on shorter hours-as o ppo)'ed e>. tended. thereby increa~i ng our
Longer Life rind Earlier I~ clire lllenj

r Not only is lhe work week-now

spiced with paid vacations and holi-
to more money-have been thc de-
termining factors in the past ; 1I1(]
will continuc to influence the
e mde ne), as workers and citizens.
And the transi tio n from work life 10
carlier retirement could be human-
days-getting shorter, but the gap amount of leisure in the futur\!o iied by providing for a gradual re-
betwee n the work lifc and the total Lohor Loo J.. s (II AlllvII/miOiI tiremcnt program through a pro-
life of an individual is gelling larger. statcs thaI "t he pos~ibilities for grt!o;!>i\'e rcduction in work time fo r
Betwecn 19(}() a nd 1960, men greater leisure arc truly :.taruleri ng. those ncar retirement :!ge.
gai ned 18 years in life expectan cy; According to a st udy made for Ihe These :tre only a few of the possi-
women gained 22. During the same Automation COl1lll1is~ion. if we bilities. Leisure time will incrcase.
length of time. the work life of mcn cho~ to u..-.c all the producti\it~ It should be everyone's conet!rn
increased by only nine ~cars; that gains fo r the next 20 years for 1lI0re that it be used 10 its best ad\:IIHagc.
of women only 14. Therefore. Ix)th
men and wOlllen can look fo,"", aru
to at least eight more years spent
o utside the labor force. But e\en if
life cx peetancy were to !>tabilize. NEW ADDRESS ___ .•_. _ _ _ _ __ .. _ •••_. _ __ _
the proportion of an individual"s
time spen t earni ng a living \\ould
still decreasc. This is because there
is a growing impetus toward early
CARD NO. __ .. _ _ . __ ._.. _ _ _ _ _ _ .• _. _ _ _ _ _ __
retiremelll in the United States to-
• day. Through the benefits afforded
by collect ive bargaining, the normal
(If I>tIk.nown _ che<-k with loul Union)

O LD ADDRESS .. _._ .. __ ... ______ •.. _ __ ........... _._ ... _ .. _ . __ . __ •..• _.,

retirement age-the ago! at which

an employee can retire \\ith full City

benefits-is gradually being lowcred fORMER lOCAL UNION NUMBER ... _ .. __ .... _ ..•••..••.•.•..... _ .. _ .. _ .... _ ....
from 65 to 62 years of :lge. I f YO U H.lYE CHANGED lOCAl UNION S
Why' Man~' Don' l FecI Resjec1 _ _ _ _ _W _' _"_"_'_T_H.lYE NUMBER.;.
, .,;,_r .,;'...' ...
" ___ --I
T he work week is getting o!.horler, Mail to: Circulation Department
vacations and holidays arc becom- IRtemational 8retberllood 01 Electrical Workers
ing more numerous, and an effort to 1280 1m Street, N.W., Waslrinctol, D. C. 20005
reduce the ret iremen t age is under


COlI/iWlt'lt /row PII.S:(' j~ CQ PF b nOI II poli tic:1I pan)" nor i- IIrother Willi.ul1 !- . MilleuJulf. SI" a
Our Negolhuing Com mim-c dill :1 fine it committed to the ~u "porl of :10 ) p:., t prc~ident of lhe local, "'a~ pre-
joh un our cont r:lct thi, ti mc. cun,ider- PlirtiClilar party, COPE h :. ~ heen in- \tnled " 6O-ye:lr pin h) hi, M)n. Wil1i:.m
in.': c\'cryth in.!: lhlll is happen ing in Mrueteu 10 work in ~\lpport of ca ntli- " Bill," Jr .. \l ho i. also a f'JIII! prc\idclI\
WIl ~ hin 1!I On, I ",ill not give any detllil, dll.t e~ '" ho ~upport b,.~ue .. of concern 10 of I hc loe:l!.
until it is appro"ed by the International rhe AI-L-C IO regardll."s" of Ihe cllfl(li- " in, lO.erc rhen prescnteu ro 55-)ear
Ollie\'. w e do. hO\lcvcr. hale a la~lion d:l1e~' pan) aftilialion\, 1\l ao) ~lIi"" nl.lJc memhcr, Victor Feinauer fprc-entl."u 1'»
pl:.n io it, IO.hich h MllllC.'thing '"' l11;1n) hy or~niznJ 1:lbor at t~ harl',liniop tHhle hi-. -.on. Victor. Jr.) . Rohen iot;art).
nlemhc", h:l\l: \lanted for a Ion\; IInu: , rune been 3uaded in ,late legi,l;uurc' EdI\ :lrLi Bermc,. John Keller, AI h. m -
Worl. h alood right nO\l and IOQL) and in Congre" h) reacrionaf) ghJllf'J' mer, William Meincrlll.'}. Fugen.: Me,'-
promi,in\; for at Ic,l,t the fe,t of the Ihal cOIIIJ not :,ehicH' their ohjcuhe, ler, I conard O·Uricn. Clilforu Ro-.r, ami
ILim mer. I know I l'lromi-..cd 10 l\fite th, .-,ugh negotiation ... ,l" lan) or Ihc :Iilll' John Ka)lI\ond.
...onu:lhing ahout the ,Jilferent jot><., hUI of the AI-L-CiO can he :Ichic\cd onl) I ift~-)car "in, ",ere pre-.rntcd 10
Ihc\C foremen arc ju,t IOQ bu.y to Ellc in Ihe Icgi']:ltiH' h:II"- Ilmlhe,-., l:d\l,Jro.l Bender, Charle, Urad-
nle any uope on them. Well. that'. lheir Ihere ;Ire 12.0flO lohb)ing grouf'J' in t-ur) , I-Idcr /-icrmc,. S~"~'I~r Jan'oCn
llOr) ! W:"hington. D.C.. reprc\('nling e\er) h'!t:wltteu b) hi ~ )On,. ])onaiJ ano.l
rlli, i, :lho1l1 il for thi\ monlh. nll,inc,~ inlere,t io Amerle:., ilKlluhng Jerr»). rJlO.;Ini .... u~lcr_ Frcu \\d;tgc.
C I lilt ~CI ScIl~ 1 11)111 . P,S. grollp~ that attempl 10 cllrb the laho.lr :Iml lI arr) Willianl',
nhl\.: rI1.~nl :m.1 gruU[}\ th:11 \llI.nl III Pili
I urt)·fil·e-).:ar pin, \\ere pre....:ntcd III
CO PE out uf hll,ine" , Rernemhcl', e\cr) - 14 Brother\: 4U-ycar pin~ to 19 Broth-
Loca l 210 Members Attend thin\; }'Ull '" in at rh e oarJ;uininJ,! mhle er,; 35-}c:tr pins lu .:ight: 3U-)e:lr r in,
to 70; 25-year pins 11.1 7-1; 211-ycar pins
Utilities Con fe rence c:m he 10,1 in Ihl." hall, (If (ong l'c" or
In 13.\; IS_year nin, 10 151: rm,1 IO-)e'lr
in lour ~tUlC Il-gi'hoti\c hnlh.
1..1 . 210, ,\TI. '\ " T IC C rry, N.J ._ pim 10 10K mcmber:>..
CO PE neeo.l, your L1oll,lr, It i~ 001
The 2 ht nweling of Ihe -I hinl D j,rrkl Remini'o{'ing and I'.. rt:,~ing uf rern,.,h -
timiJly :.... Ling for Ihal dollHr. CO I'I
Ull lit k\ Worl. \ hop Conference II;" ment' I>roughr a memorahle :Iml hi.tori-
!,:eh )uu )UUr 1110ne): il ":In" il ~ dul -
Ilel.1 al II",: S)I,' ~U-..c Il otd. 5),r,u:II-e. l';l1 ell'nine fllr I neal 11::! In II dow,
I:, r. Some men ne\'er gave a doJl:lr to
Ne\l YurL. un April 16th ami 171h. WI." congratul.t\c thc folio" in!,: jour-
COI' F-nohoLl) 1."I'I."r :.,Leo.l, . , .!
Keeent dellelupmelll' in U KD ami nC)IllCll \lho havc ,uCI.·c"full), "\)111ph:ICU
IVjIf )'01/ ,:;1'1' (/ d,,1/11r /" CO I ' I~:' n cour....: in Ihe Fundume lllal, of Motor
ch:lIlge. in , lnte PUC rll le~ Ilere di~­
Wtlll\M T. H \rll.l\' , KI(;. Conlrl)l IInJ recehed ccrrifk:lle, Leu
I he eomhination of emplo)'ct'~ on Uolll1ler. E"crell Bro\l n. Dale Bun;:h.
URD "OIl the cI,,~~ific:'lion~ uf fllult- Ray 1-r-.lnLcn,rein . I...,rf) Gunn. I nnmc
finde"", \\ ith it. clfect 00 olcrhead o.Ic-
596 Brothers Honored at Jonl.... Bud I"ic~r. Rohert I"lurph). R:I)
panmenh. \la' \l\Iuicd. and Ihe exlent Local 2 t 2 Pin Ceremonies &:hr:lnLl, Jo.: ScOIl, an,l Alt-.:n \\ il",,.,
of comf'J:W) l·l.mtfllCI~ (trenching. ell', ) 51 I~II \ I- J()t",o,.I''s.
\\,1\ e~'0I11incd . 1.. 1 '. 212. C I" C" "ATI, (llllU- April
Olher ilelll, on Ihe agentb \lcrc em- 3, 1971. :1\ rhe NC lherland Il iiton I h)tc!.
"Io)ee an,1 cl11"lo)l."r contribution\ h' l oe:.1 :'!I~ honured 5\16 mcmhcr, 1\0" Local 229 Mourns
receiled pin~ .IOLI certific:.IC' fur III or
um hClilth f'J1;,n\. lru",mi,~ion and o.Ii,-
mort' lear, of -..cni.:c.
Brother Flaharty
Iribulion Lh,p:.lche .... and Iheir harg;linini;
unit aClh' itie,. houri) ro'IC\. ~hifl~. Ihifl Thc c'cning bt-gllO \lilh (,Ol~t"il, :1' L I . 229. 'ORI\: . I'A.- 'I urI. lU(al
~ : 31), and at 7:U4I_ !hI." J,!lOe,1\ eo;u)eo.l II mOllrn, the dC;Jth of anuthl."r Hrothcr-
premium, p.uu, Nt> dUlIe, . .,afel), enler-
ing qualificlllioo<., anu 101:11 uniuni!:ltio" delil:iou~ nu/r.:! dinner. After dinner, R"lph S I' bhart), \lho dic..1 .m :, Pll\l -
Our delc!,:"lc, ,",crc f're~idcnt Chnrle, m!l~ lcr \.If l'crcmuniel EI!lI;trtl 1\1 I."rhou-.e juh in I imeric~. Pcnn,)lvania,
Arnolll, Bu,ine" 1\Iaml!,:cr h.t Kil~hle, -.chmill intro.;lucc.1 Ihe I;lIe,l\ III th~ ,m ,\lurch 2~, 1'171
,pc:ILcr~' lahle~ " rc~ident Fmcrilu\ (,ur- K:tlph livcd in R:lhr". l'~nn,)' hania,
Slu '1 ho,np,ul1, rcp fe -.cnling Unlleri;fUund
:.no.l URI). lin.! A"i'llIm B,,,il'l<:\\ 1\tlOll- don 1\1. !-recn!:ln. 1.0.: Viu' 1'l'e'lo.Icnt :rnd \lorLed 0\11 uf Ihat :rre'l for Iluile a
,\l'U (OII'rhe:1<11 Ginu 1\ lonehcl1i
II. B. 111:tnLen'hip. Fourlh l)i'lrkt ; II C \lhllc. He \I:t~ horn on June 17. 1915_
rnel11~r J :u: 1. F . Mu()re. I Uth 1)\'ld.t :
~ IIc!;ome m\ul\ed- re!,:"tl."r 10 \Qre ;,nll :lnd h:ld 31 )e:lI"> 01 '\C(\i~e in Ihl."
\ole-~jlc :. dollllr 10 CO P I~.
Ii' C ml."mher lame., 1\IuJttlne) , ~~ond IIl I W
Di'lrict; IE( Chairman I J , 1 ",n'\I;IY: II i, Brolhl."f'o \I ill mi\, him \er}
Inlernalion:tl Repre-enlatilc Ilud, ''vil - mudl, ,\ Ia) Goo t-k" him ;11,,1 Ih,' (;Ull-
Attends Utilities liaJll-.on. !-ounh Ili.,lrict; Jllme, Il arlt)ll, ily,
Cinrinnali BuiMing t'rade\ Seerelar)':
Conference Kol-.:rt W~hm~nn, 1I1I'lnc" \ I"ra l.!et,
II , 1\1, 11I1IIIN , I'.S
Local 212: and I' red 1011.", I're,jucnt .
Loc:11212 . Local 231 Celebrates
Spe...-hc, \lere gi\cn h) "Ie,illl-nr
rOlerilu~ Frecman. Pre\iuenl I Ole, IIthi-
55th Anniversary
nt ." \llIongcr Wehmann, Hnll IIlll, lcr of 1..1 . 23 1. Slot X ('1'1' . 10\\ \ 0"
ccrcmunie~ Schmitt_ The m:l;n ~pe :'~l."r I"larLh 27th. I_UL'al 2,11 hdo.l it-. 55th I\n -
of thc evening \I~, Vice I'rl."~idcnt Blnn· nller",r) DinJ'er - Dan~c in Ihc O:I,i,
~cn~hip. I':.rt> Room .. I the Municip,,1 Airport, A
lhe highlight of the clt' nlng \\a, the l" "-~t,,il hunr :11 6 3U I'M . preceJed ..
prt'-.ent;ltion of 50-. 5 .~ - . M)-, nnd 70 · ddi l iou., ~te;l~ Jinner.
lear I'"n, h) l'rl."IiLleol 101': :Ind /ltI" '\fler rhe dinner. the lanle.. :IOU -..ct-
roe.. I"lanaper Wehmann . tini' lO.ere dcared from the Oour, and
UrothcI Albert Behrman. 9-1 )I."ar, of tho....: In ,utend;,n~c enN) ~'11 :.n e~cOlng
,t\;e. \\00 \\a., initiated on Jill) II. I'JUI. uf II .. neing to Ihe mu\ie of the Gu~
\I :1' pre....:ntcII \I ilh a 711-) car pin . lie II nhn Hano.l .
BuSiness [dwil,d "1:01" H,tc",e.
Manala' \;U\C ,omtl vcr) guoJ :Id\ i..:e on "1:1) inl:! Ih!,inc .... 1\lanallcr :Ind i\lr~. T im Mur-
local 210 , "tlantic City.N.J" shown h,,,e. hc,.l1h). enj"yin!,: lif.:. :1011 ~t:l)ing )Ilung, r:tl, Brother and 1\Ir,. Did Gill. an.1
pa'I;~lpal.d In Ih. Ullhlies Conferene. 01 unu 1hen pro:l>Cn1cLlIO Loe;,1 21~ u mo,t- Brolhcr and Mr~. Gail Gnm~lc}' d,d :1
the Third and 121h OI,I"CIs, held In WlI$h·
Irl.""'urco.l i;ifl. a reproduclion of the \Cf) finl." Jon of orga nizing Ihe o.Iinncr-dance.
InRIOn, PC., M•• eh 2_lh·26Ih, InclUSIve.

P,esldenl eh.,l" """old , ISO ."ended. fil~t Ediw,) incanJescent lamp. We \lould liLe 10 sec more of lOU

Local 212's Pin Ceremonies

Bro th, . H arry W,lh am •. lEe mamb... 'KelVln& h" 50-year pm Jlnd
At the p in ceremonl •• o f l OCI! 212. Cmc'nnati, Ohio, On Apfli 3, ClI,W,,,.t,, Irom Pr.alcHIn, [me"lus Gordon M. fr.eman.
1971. at Ike Netherl and HIUo" Hotel. 'II. local hanofed 596 memo
bers wIth 10 end m ore )/"" 0 1 service Th., pIcture shows 8.o th,r
Albert Bet.. m. " , ••"ond " om "Ih! . •auiv ;na hIS 7D·y.ar pi" and
ce.l, hel' lt.

B,OIM' WIlham Mlttlndo, f, Sf CI,,'er, ' Kelvlng h,S 60-)1'.' pin

Irom his son, 8,othe. WIlliam. Jr., I ' pOdIum.

55th Anniversary Celebration

local 231. S,ou. Cl l y. I,. '&Cently "eld 115

55th Ann ;v.... 'y D'nne,-Oance In t he On,s
Party Room I ' ttHo ,"" ",.cope' A;'PO.t. s., ted
a t the head 'abla. lett to "Iht. I" Broth" Scenes 0 1 th. d.ncing crowd II lOCII 231-,
and M ~_ Dick GIll. B,Olhe, and 101.,. Ga.1 Innlveruory cel.b •• lton,
CrimM')'. Bus,n.u M.n.au .nd M..... T,m
Mu",y, Pr.llden l .nd M..... Ro.,.rt a....om, Thlrty·ye.r m .. mbe. Robert Fr•• m.n ...... iv·
.nd fo rmer bUlln.,. m.n'ae, .nd M.s.. Tom Ina h" Pin .nd c., IIIo".,. f.om his hUhe.,
Dua· n , P••"d.nl [m."lul Go.don M. freem.n.

mrmt-cr, and }OLJr familic, at the -.oft-

t>;11I j:;lIlIe~. r or an rnjo~ahle r\eninf;.
"!I~nd the "ame' the t~;1111 nccd\ )0111
'UI'f'Urt. 1"11 report Ililer on the team",
In th e n~\I 1\\0 i"LJ~' or the hl/lflltl/,
I II '''t \(~ ;1 f~\\.- l'i~Utre, of the po",r·
hOII-.c adllilion lit the George Neal Sta-
Some o f the memb" • • nd th eir wive. an_
joying the dall .. loul dinner. Lo\RR ~' NIILSU.-, I'.S.

JOURNAL fOR JUN f , 197 1

Ann Arbor Members Dinn er-Dance lor Retirees

'" d,nner-IIance hono.ing IWO ''''iren ...". recently .."III by local 262 . Plainf,eld N J • 81 I h ..
HeilWOOd Inn ,n M",I,n5v,Ue. SIIOw". ,.,1, 10 rl&hl, .'" Oon Kennedy. 8U5i""s~ M~''''K.'_
Loo;al 269. T,,,n\on , NJ. : J ames Gano; AI T.. "y. In!ern"toon.' R"p.uenl ,lI1Ive: Bob C.,lw"llht.
6uslf'leu M"n~II"r. Local 262; John O'COnnor, BUl onen Manege •• tocill 615. (l.nb8th , NJ .:
r •• nk M.,ch.tto, Busineu Man ale •• Loelll 456. New B.unsw.e k. N J lind Bob Ounlellvy.
Inl • • nllhOnlll ReP'8S8nUlt.ye

IIrc uncomforlabl) do, ... Il l! mll'l. ho'"

e\'\~r. '>Cc the u n rairnc,~ of com rols on
on I} one segment of l'on,lruetion. Left
unlow;hcd. Mr. Rl"i .... l. are maled,,] ~up­
plicr., lending instilU[il)n~ . o,:ontr.H:lor..'
profi[~. and rcal c .. lah! ,pecul;uo",
(June I'O'>M"J). I'r...,uJcnl Nhon j,
nu"'sing \1> lO .. anh II price·",,!>,!: ,Iabili·
lllliun ho.lrd. If he j ... all ..... gmcm\ of
Ihe t"O"'lrucliun 'rim] ,hQuld he in-
dmlcd .
I- RI U J. VI le i I, I'.S

Two Brothers Honored at

Bus"..ess Manale . Bob Ca"w"lhl, beh.nd
'peta ke,,' Jtand. looks on a118' p'8un!.nl Local 262 '5 Dinn er-Dance
cert.l.cates 10 .eWees Emil Th.om and [d 1..1 . 262, I'LAI,"!'I": I.!). ' J.-Our
LeI! 10 "Bill : tiary U"ms lon, Jeny 5W8"/>Olll Ou'ye •.
o.:.ullu Holley, "nd Bob F8 "i J local recently held a dinne r·,bnee :It the
1{,·,1"0lX1 Inn in /.1:trtinwillc. I he afr"ir
1\\0 to three million "i~es Ilill nOI for·
"":t, "ell auo:ndcJ h) lho: menlhcr\,
1,10:1 Ihal blatanl anti-union aClion al
ch:Clion lime in 1972. Iho:ir \\IIC'. :md ell""" Our "hi in·
/lui, hNI gue't ~ \\ere AI Terry :toJ HoI>
' he I' re,idenl'~ Jechion follo\\cd more
Dllnk;I" Y. International Kepre'>Cntllli>e~:
Ihan a month o f fruille" (t\' mmi,lruhun
I r.m~ ,\IarchiliO. /II"ine" M ;lnll~o:r.
effort, to \\ in h,luntaq nJ.!re~rnenl "ilh
LOChl 4.~6 . Ne" HrtI"'\\icJ.. Ne', Jer-.e);
con,lruclion mana gemenl anu union
John O'Connor. Bu,ine" M:tnu);er.
lelluers on ,onte fOfm ula for rC'lfaininG I .)-Cltl 675. El ir"hcth, Ne\\ Jer,ey: lIml
CO,I" [)on:old " ,-nneJ}. B u)ino:,~ \I "n:,~er.

Whi 'e il i~ Iru~ Ih"l Iht!'e ll r~ ,orne 1 0(:aI 1('9, T renton. Ne" ]eN:} .
:lhu';C~ of collecthe bargainin!! rr:l cli.:e_

lIonor.:d III Ihe dinner \\ere 1\\0
by J.ey con~mlct ion union,. hoIh lar~e
alKl ~lIIali. mo,1 local, an: fe ' fIOn,ihlc UrOlhers ""ho rc\irell Ihi, )ear. The) a n::
ShOW" ," thew plc!u,,,, ;0...
m .. mholts n l
b"r~"">c,, a"J 'Ii!} ",jlhj" lI,e .. rauelm,
I mil I hrom. ",ltu h:" hocen a memhocr
Local 252, Ann A,bo •. MICh ., " Ih8 Tn· ~j nee 19~6. and EJ Dur}ee. a memhocr
.,,&18 [Iecll !C Comp.ny S.I,n8 Fo.d b.nquel A, \\ a~ poin ted out \0 GrlIrhieall)
Lell 10 "Ihl •• '8 Ao1 "' H It,n8, D~le Sc:h'oen. anJ cloq\lenll~ b) ,)ndit.::lte,1 I"ror ,in,e 1\0141. Our b.:,1 """h<,. 1~lI1i' lind
Oou&l., HOlcomb. and Ben Hue' My8' , Ld. fur a long alKl hnppy retirement.
colu nlllhi Victor Rei-el in the ),Hi/lml/
I "j' n (cl'Cnlly. many "mlm locah \\hllh Our IhanJ.~ ;lrnJ aprr~ei:tlion 10 Bert
Scri be Ve igel Gives arc run liJ.e fcuJal baron., arc ""iI) oul ltidJulph. Fran~ A,h, "oJ John \l ean).
of line. Ho""e,er. Victor Rei...:1 onl) Jr .. Dinner Comm'\le(': Inember.. for a
Views on Davis-Bacon ridell OUI Ihe ""01'\1 e,.;"mrle', Ihe ~mll \I~r) en;o)ablc e'ening.

l .. l . 252, ":"N A RBO R. ~ II C II .-The that maJ.e, Ihe most innammator) rC:ld - \\ c ", ckome ou r nt" journc) men.
f' re,i,len t of Ihe UnilcfJ Siaies rulled a mf,l . I' hil I cpa. I'al O·Oonneli. alKl Jim Ma·
mo-.l ,currilou, n icJ. on the ""orJ. ing The W:t~hlenaw Counl} BuilJinl; runey. "ho haH' comrklcd Iheir aprren-
OlUn in Ihe rept!al of Ihe l)a\,j,.II:I\;on T rade~ are nOI OUI of line wilh Ih"'ir licc,hir training. We "" bh Ihe..c men a
Act. li e ,ing .... d OUI a grour of "orJ.ing r:"1 '>Cu lemcm" ,u.:ce"ful futufe in Ihe cleClri.::li Ira.Ie,
lIIen in ""hat, in my urinion. IlHl) t"tC Mr. Kei-.cl is a foremo,1 I:,bor ""filer A re minder 10 :til member, : l oc:rl
dC'i-Cribcd as IInli-union i'lII. in Ihe n:llion'~ daily prc~,. He I"ulllly th,:uion ""ill be held on J un~ '51h.
can ,,,),,t,.Ihe I' re~idc nt Ihll \ Ihrec j.. a friend of labor lind ealb hh ~hOh Clime oul and \ot e~
anfJ one- hal f mill ion men :tnd nnother a~ he :.ccs Ihem. Someli me~ Ihe hl:nh KI f\l'" /'It J, 01 Cicco. 1'.5.


Off to a Lady's Rescue Long· Time Brothers

'rift. Brothers Marty PIUman, lefl, and Den

,"s Schirmer, "8hl. of Local 278. Co'pus
Ch"slt. Tel[ iI,e sl><lwn rebulld"'8 servIce
on " house fO help oul • fam,ly. Tile locil
power comP'lln), dIsconnected the urv,,,.
3ft., be,ng called to Ihe home to ,epai. It
But the woman, shown with he' Iwo smati Members w .lh 25 "nd mOre years of seN.ce,
chlld'·en, Illen contacted Local 278.
hench bacl. 10 \lOrI., Icaling more than
Vari ed News Re ported :!OO ,liII \lailinll for more l\tlrl. hi
From Corpus C hristi "real..
Since lhe fi"'l of Ihe }ear_ \Ie ha\c
1..( . 2711. COHI'l S CIIRlsn . T E X.- hct-n on a 'wC\-en-hour d:l). J5-hour \lorl.
'01 long allo. IJu,ine,~ Manager L)nn \lccl Thi, ma) hot\e prc\cmed C\o:n a
I al~' rl"(ci-cu a rhone call from a grealer anlOunl of la}ofr... and it m:l) t-e
"oman \\ho Imd a rea l problem. For one of Iho: fa~ l ur, for Ihe oplimi,til:
three U;I)~. Ihi, Iloman and her \\\0 \lorl. picturc :11 thi, lime. We do feel
~·hitur ... n had heen llilholl1 electricity. Ihat il "ill he "':Iera! month, before Iho:
H<'r <,Ieelrical ""vice ri'>Cr had a ,hort hcnch b cleared ;,11(1 III' "re "al'l. to
in it. ami uhen , he called the poller normal. ho"e\l'r
• ctUnpanv. it c:Illle 0111 ;10<.1 disconnected
In March, loc;o' 292. M'nneapOl>s. M.nn
honored members w,Ih 25 and mO.e yea's
Ro ... II IJ W. COOl., 1'.5,
Her lolal income hcing S96 a month. of seN,ce ;n Ihe B,olherhood. Shown, left Work Remains Slow;
~hc had no "a~' of rayinG an eketrician to "ght, are 40·ve;or member Clifford Han
for Ihe repair, needed. ~he h<ld con-
son, Walt.r SW"fczek. and (.wln Jans_ Outlook G ood
"leII'd \I'\cral ageneic, for help. hut to 1.. 1 , 306, \J\H:O'. OIIlO~,", of Ihi,
AFL-C IO_ ha~ announced hi~ candid:ll')
no "",iI. She Ihen called our union hall for the onicc of p~,idem of Ihe Tc,:t, \lriling in April. \Iorl. in our area re -
a' her b,t hope. !!rother Tale contucted main, ,10\1 ,' hhou~h the \lorl. olltlo.,l
AI-I-OO The eledion will hc held in
BrOlhe", \l ar!1 1>l!1m:'n :Ind Dennis i, Ic!ood. il ..ecm. :h though JOh-, an:
Augth!. 1971. Harold i~ the falher of
Schirmer. a,l.ing lhem for lheir helP. _10\1 f-~lIm!! ,I:lrlel[ " he pa-t \limer \1:1'
BI"ine" \Ianager I) nn ., ale and \\:1'
M1U the men \lenl It) the \loman\ home. our \lO",t in ...:\cn )car... :10<.1 \Ie "n·
him'!'lf :In a"i,lant tol"ine" manager of
They then galhered Ihe nccc~"ary ma- ..:erel) hope \Ie l\iU h:I\C full eml"lo) -
our local ~Icral )e;lr, ago,
terial,---o·<1on:lled II) une of our I:Onl1";II:·
• tur_and completed Ihe work before
&e )ou at ollr ne,t re!,"IIlar union
ment in the ler) ncar (1IIurc.
We. in LOI;"I "16. ar,' ,addcl:cd hI
darl.. H ah ulf I{) lUll B"olh~r' fur l"Om- Ihe pa"ing :IIIH) of Brulher 5\1igarl un
ing 11.1 the ",:',cue and fur promoling R'{"I!II(1) II. 5 11 I'IIOMIM. 1'.5. Api'll ~Ih. Brolher S\li!:!:tri ..en'cd a, :til
good public relaliun, for Ollr 101':,1 ulliccr of our loc:ll fur J() }e:tr,. He lIa,
lIniun. Local Honors 149 Brothers; pn.',Idenl for fuur I<,:,r,. \Ice pr..,ill.. m
'\1 our rel,1ular 10,;:,1 un,on meeting in for four }car" :tnd member of Ihe I ,-
April. Ou,in!',,, \ Ianagcr Tate reporled
Work Picking Up :Iminin~ 80arJ for 1\\0 )car~ AI Ih,'
tin Ihe prol!rr" of our 100. .. 1 union ,ince 1.. 1 . 2'H. \l 1" t. \I'OUS. \11" . - lime of hi~ death_ BrOlher Joe \I:h 78
Hurri!::lne Celia. I he local ha, ocen $ue- Our March union mecling \la, \Ome- )ea", old
!:e"ful m -.(lIving thc prohlcm of Ihe Ire- "hat uniqUt" Ih" IC:lr, In Ih:l1 'Ie h"d, Some of our Brother, ne\er ..eem to
Illl'ndou> inllu~ (If non-union conlrac- ,!'Cci:11 n!colc!nition of 14') Brother, \lho lo'e inlcrc,t in Ihe :, rf:tir\ of UlIr loc:,l
lOr.. 10 dale, pr:loil':llIy "II of Ihe .... h:"e :!~ or mure }ear .. ;I, mcmlle ..... of union. T\lo 'LKh mcmbe1"'> are /:Irolhch
"ontr:lI:tor.. are either union, or h;l.\!' lefl the HrotocrhOO<l Each of 111.:: Brolher, ~ I orri~ Gan}:.rd ami JaI'l. Pol,ley AI·
lu" n recched an IB I \\ ..en '~'C ptn. rhree 4(J..- though the .... Hrothcr~ are on pcn)ion.
Rc!:cntl}. klle ..... of a,sem were ~igncd Icar memoch e:u;h r«·ci\·ed 1\\0 free Ihe) :,re in allend:lnce :It :,11110-.1 c\'er}
\I ilh Ilk.' Conn :lOd the Conlinem,,1 elc,,- lidel' 10 ...:,. our \I 'nning profc"lomll fIleeling. I hope \ome of Ollr }OllOgcr
Iric comp.1.nie" :Ind prollre>~ h reporled hocl.e} team, the North Stars, in action, me mile", inh.:ril their cllthLl,ia,m.
un ~\"Cral other org:,"i/ing efror" " IUlal uf 1ll0rl' Ihan ~()O memhcr, Pr'·\I'ml). our local i, "orling on a
O lher good nl'W .. i, Ihnl our genernl lIa\ al the mcclinJl: lu WilllC~S the cerc- retirement program of some ,orl. A,
fund ha\ recenlly ,hown a marled im· muny. and "C :Irc rlanning 10 malc il of Ihi, rrinling. it "ill ha\c been 1"1'<'-
rTUH'ment. And, \lhile J am on good an annual alf:lir We e~tend thanl.. 10 ...:nled 10 our hod} for po .... it>k ac lion,
ne\l~. I reporl that il lools as Ihough our old-wne mo:nlt-er> for Ihe ,lrenlllh \\e C:1Il only hope Ihat. ,ome da}. oLir
uur mUl'h-hopcd-for go;ll of repl:Ilinlc! of lhe BrOlherhOO<l l'Il'al \lill ha\c :1 \upplenlental progr:lnl
Ihe e,i~ling Corpll, Chri",; Cily Council Bu.m.. " \lan:lller Charli~ Slari. re- 10 help our Hroillers through their
i. on Ihe \erge of hecoming a rcal;l) ports Ihal lhe \lorl. piclUre h finally Jl:ol.ten )ear\_
Added 10 local :!7S', Ibl of -fiN~" is pieling up in our :uea. w~ \I~re able 10 I Ihanl. Local 56. !' rie. I'enn,}h-ania:
Ih:1I Brolher HMold Tale, \lho i, prb- -;end about 100 of Ihe more Ihan 300 1.000'al 67). l'ainewi1le. Ohio; l ocal 10,
e nll)' direclOr of ed uca tion for the T exas members II ho ha~e ocen ~inini: on Ihe Huller, Pcn n,}hnnb; Local 1099, Oil


(i ty. J'en nsylvania; and l.ocal 712. Bea· goU wit h Local 320 as a part of the pany emplo)ee~ have recent ly affiliated
ver. Pennsylvania, for putting our memo eve m ? \li th the IB EW and wi lt have preference
bers to wor~ in time of dire une m plo y- See you all in New Palt z. in pl aC ing their stewa rds in the school.
me nt. It is the cooperation of peo ple P AUl. T . ( iI \IURA. p.S. T he program will be co nducted by th e
lil e this thaI ma ~ es )Oli feel scture in Unher~it> of 'fainc in cooperation \lith
our Brot herhood, the Internalional Office. AI lea..t 12 shop
OL~/101~ M . JOII\i'O'\I!... H.M.
Full Employment Continues, \Ie\lard, from locat 333 are cxpt(:ted 10
But Outlook Not Healthy :ltlcOO.
Btll Deartkn annoonced Ihat the tbe
Nearly 100 Members Return Ll l. 332. SA~ JOSE. CA U F.- \\e are (,re:uer Portland Federaled Labor
still not having full emplo)ment in our Council I' arrangmg a di nner-danct.
To Work After Long Strike area. and the ~ummer doc, not loo~ too ",hich \lill he held in September. as a
L. U. J09. E. ST. 1.01 tiS, ILL- After good wi th all the gO\ermnenl cuthac~. ,alille to Labor Oa) .
one of Ihe milde,1 ",inter. in retent \\c h:l\e a large shopping center that
Sc\eml members participated in a
yea ..... we ha~e '\e\eral hit~ of good nc"'''. II ill fini\h up this ,>ummer. and with
li\cl) di,,-""u~ion regarding the problems
Our nearl) 100 memhef~ "'ho :I re em- quite a fl'\I BrOlher. ~Iill out of \lor~. it of worling on 345 KV. The meeling
ployed by the \Jnion Ueclrk Coml'Uny is not a healthy oUlloo~ .
adjourocu:Li I 1:00 1'.\1.
returned 10 "'or~ 10 earl)" I-ebruart. The I congratulatc Local 1'128. BO\lling
Gree n. " en1Ue~y. on its ne\l press sccre· GtORG[ A. ROllw,w. p.S.
Union Electric ~trile I'.a~ the lon!;c, t in
Ihe com pa ny', hi,tor). ]:"ting nearly t;lry. a, Bob Dillard IIor l. cd in OUf art' ..
three nlomh,. Our mem\)cri hale re- for quite Mlme lime and j, "ell knO\ln
to our loeal Hrothers. Iloh an d hb ~\lell
MA TV Brings New Pha se
,pecled piclct line, of the O['Crming Po-
sincers and other IBI' W loe:ll, at Union wifc. Sue. were alwa)'~ \le lcome ~hitor$ Of Work to J urisdi ction
p Jcetric three ti mes in the P<l~' si.~ }ears. ;1\ our home.
A ",ord of thanb to these good union Our '\Iegotiating Committee i) hard at L.U. J4 7. 1lI';,s ~IO I ""' ES. IOWA- With
work on our flC'" conlract. :1\ our con- the innovation of MATV, a new phase
tract expired on May 31. 1971. We tru\t in elec trical comtruction \lorl ha) been
Early report, on the propo'\Cd nell SI.
lhal a ll of the hour, ~pcnt by the COIll- :Idded 10 the juriMliction of Ihe i n~ide
LOlli, airport indicate il will he huil! on
mi tt ee \lin bear fruit and tha I our new wirem a n hranch of the trade recently.
the llI inoi, ,ide of the ril'tr :md in
Local 3t19', iu"i~ittion . Hnal plans for conlratt ",ill fulfill the member, \lhht,. Through tht tffort~ of the 10\la St" te
the airport II ill be madt' in ahou. ,i~ The date of our barbecue has been se t Co-ordin:lting Committee for Fleetrical
month,. for Septemher II. 1971. \I hich h mov- Appremitcship and Training. \lhich in-
Our ",iremen hal(: -.elc:tIOO a NegOli- ing il up quite a bit. a~ the eommiutt "'ituted II progmm to lrain jourflCyman
at 109 Comminee and arc ha\ing meel- feet~ that. afler Labor I)a), more mem- \liremen in the installation of multiple-
ing' to ma~e propo-.al,>. \'e have a little bers will be able to bring their familie~: anlenna TV ~) ,tem~. a ncw field is being
catching-up to do '" it h tht other build- the allendanee will be greater. 100. de\elopet.! \lhich should prO\e to be lu-
Brother I)owns ~till hcad, Ih:tt commi t- crati~e for hoth electrical contractor~
ing tmde, in the afe;1 at thi, lime.
Wor~ i ~ <,till onl) fair in our area A ICC . ..0 good food t~ in ~lOrc. and IB EW wirema n members.
fe\l of the higger IIirem:!n joh~ are the We surely hope th:iI all of the BrOlh- Much (fedll for imtiluling the lrain-
58-million Militnry Air '1nln,port lIead· e .... and friend~ of H~ \lho arc awa)" ing progmm and promoting Ihe M,\ TV
quartel"l building at ScOIl Air forte will plan on attending our 60th "nni\er- program i, due D:l.\e Billings. N I-CA
Ua..c. a ne\l por~·rrl)(.·e""ng plant for sar)" m 1972. \\ill ha\e detai" on It A'\Sistont Dlfector of ,\ pprentice\hip
S\lift and Comp:lO) in Ua-t \1. I.ouh. l.tter. ;Ind JourllC) men Trallllllg. \I ho i~ ro.'-
and a large. new high ,~hool at (ollin~· I am hoping that all nrother~ ta~e a \pon~iblc for (o-ordinaling and organiz-
ville. III;nol-. We al~o hale ,,;::veral ho~· long loo~ al what the go\crnment i, ing the training program.
pi tal additio n'. trying tn du ami i~ doing to II~. All of Fo r the pu rpo.,e of implementing the
Pos,ible fluurc joh, indu<le a new St. u'\ ,hould , land lip and be (OUnlel.! in training prvgram. ir"hlructor trainee,
Clair (ounty (ourt Houl,C ;11 Belleville: the next eleclion to help the Brother- wcre sc1ctteu from lo"a IR EW Loc:als
aho. an 58-million project and an S8- hood and to ,ave 'iOme of the line 347. Dc, Moine, la nd Fort Dodge):
mi ll ion ad,lilion to S. Hizahct h\ I-Io'pi' thmg, th.u hale been e,t;lbli,hed o~er 23 I. Siou~ City: 288. Waterloo (and
tal ill Bellc~ille. Southern II linoi~ Uni· the years. which \Ie are Io...ing nOli. l et \ I:...on elly): 405. Cedar Ibpid~; 704.
~ersit) at r d'Ward~\ille i, tal~lng ahout u~ IInit~ 10 pllt the IB EW in front to get
D ubll4llt: anu 735. Burlington.
building a $29·rnillion de ntal whool men in the government who \lill Ilor~
rile IHFW instructor; :Ire now in tht
fur II~ and not al:ain~1 u~.
hCl:: I' Vt"t 11.. 1'.5. proc:e'~ of t(;lining IBEW mCrllbcr~ in
J. T. W ~'SON, 1'.5. Iheir homc 1000al, in Ihe rudimcnts and
teth nology of in'lalling and ~rvicing
Local 320 Scribe Reports
Meeting AHendance Impro . . es; MA I V ,y'tem~.
On Business Schedule Conlrael negotiations CO\'c ring tC'("hni~
Grie .... ances Discussed cian' h;,\e heen (onduded al Radio-TV
L.l' . J20. l'01 1G II KEE I'SIE. ...... \'.- Ne·
gotiations IIiII start on nag Day. June L.ll. 3JJ. I'OKTI.,\:-.'I>. ' IE.-The all- S13lion J.... K .... -r in De~ Moines. Howc\cr.
lime record snO\lfalt in tht' Northe:l,t :11 tho.: tim ... (hi, :trlielc IIa~ \lriuen. ne·
14. 1971, "ith one of our negotiahlc
had almO';t melted lI\1ay 'When \Ie ht'ld got ialion~ COlering Production De part·
ite ms being Ve leran) Day:" a paid ho li-
day . Ratifica tion \Iii! t:I ~C pl:lte J une our April meeting. and anend:m(;c waS ment emplo}o.'i.'s \lcrc pending. Con t racl~
18th. :It 8:00 1'.1\1 .• in the American l..e- greatl) Impro\ed . for Itchnici"n, are alMl open this )car at
gion Hall. New Paltz. 'ew Yorl.. Pre~ident Don Hoothhy and Vice J....G I O, \I a<;on City. and "eRG. Cedar
Some of our me:mher\ feel that the'\e President Dearden reported on the l1ric\· Rapid~.
meelings are nOl important. rind they antes di..cusscd a1 Ihe meeting of Sy~tem The manufacturing agreement II ith
don't bother to attend them . AI\la),> re- (oundl U-23. Vice I're,idenl DC;lrden the George A. Rolfcs Company'. Boone.
member that. if you do not a!lend meet- also ga\"e a report on lhe recent New 10\la. ;tnd the recently-organized Un lied
ings. there are other people \lho are at- Fogland Utilily Cou ncil ami the Gre:ue r F lec tronies Instit ult Unit. com pr;"ed of
tending to "'mr hl"inc"~. Portland Federa ted tabor COllneil llltet- cle(tronic~ in,trucloN. are ~ti ll to be ne-
T he: officeh \lelcomc new ideas and ing'. gotiated. So-a busy su mme r is antici-
thoughts. \III.' are referring to the m;w Prc,idenl Hoolhhy explained the rea-
son) for arrangi ng a school for ~hop paled .
memberr-a nd yei. lhe old-timers. too.
stewards. Ncw England Telephone Com· FRED H . POWERS, p.S.
What respon!>C do I hear 10 a day of

MATV Instructors in Iowa Torrington Local 383
Begins Neg oti ations
L.1l. 3113, TORR INGTON. CO N :"'.-We
hcSitn our nesotialjon~ for :t nclV con-
tfUet in Apl'il. a~ Ollr old one" ill expire
on June JO. 1971.
We II1U,1 back our Nel.!<>tiating Com-
I11l11e1:, III April. \I'e gal"e Ihem full P')II-
er- up 10 :md induding ,! ri~e aC lion.
We hop.:: il "ill not ,'ome 10 Ihi,. hut if
it doc,. lIe mu,1 <,t:tnd behind the COJ11-
Illl1lee 100 per cenl.
We h:l\e man) propo,:tl" II hich
"mild benefit th all. (or our ne" con-
tract. T he) are hiJ::hlightcu by :t wpcrh
denial plan and ;'" improw<l medical
Membe.s "om Seven Iowa lOCals were plan. If the),\! propO'>al~ arc aecepled.
and technology of In5 lallln& and uf\I,cing MATY sys' e ms and ar. nOw In lhe p.ocess 01 Ihe} \lill 1-..: of great aUlant;lge to the
training membe.s 0 1 their respective locals, Su led, left 10 "8hl, are Ted Kern and Gary member~ of our loca l ami Ihcir familie\.
S;Uern, l ocal 288, Waledoo: Clyde Erickson and Norm PIII'am, loc~l 135, Burlington '
Bill Garrett and Gene Sewell. lo<:al 347, Des Moines; and Jack Delan,ore and Rourt I' m ,ure our l'O!llraCI negutiation, II ill
Rei ter, loca l 288, Waterloo, StandIng: Jim lewll. local 231, Siou. Cily; Dave Billings. bring an inerc:!\\! in al1cndance and in-
ASS Istan t Oirecto •. NEC": H ~ns Ralong and JeffY Oberman, In"ruclors; Jim Bemrieh and tere,1 a t our meelinJ::',
Mike Porter. local 347: Bob Novak, Jr .. Local 405 , Ced&r R8Plds; Mile Oalsln8, Local 704.
Oubuque : Don Payne, LOC81 405; Jim Banerd, Inll rU<:lo r; and Jack rinn, LO<:a l 704 . f- I :my of ollr l11eml'Cr~ in Ihe Line
Dcpartmcnt hal'e heen imoll'ed in (On-
Toro nto Memb ers Attend code~ w(lulU he aholi,heu, llnd Ihe na- ler,ion wor~ in Thomlhlon during Ihe
lion:11 cooe, "twid prevHil -I hb h, of 1:1\1 few month\. Thh "ill eliminale Ihe
Educ at ion Sem inar COl1r"oC. :Ih'lIrd. Not onl~' "ollid Ihe "llilO-loh ~till ion. a, it b due for com-
I.III:tlily of l'on,lrI1Clion he retluced. hu t ple tion in ;I few momh~.
L. 1f. 35 3. TO RO:"TO. O.Y I'.- A ~uc­
cc;s~fu l educa. ional !>eminar on ~hop the safely of Ihe individu;11 homeo"ners GII'-G Nnul". 1'.5.
,tcwanh. labou r cconomic~. :md collec- lIollld he threatened.
n u,ine" ' I:mager Dana l)cil7 ha, led
live bargaining has jU\1 been completed.
the fight for the cooe" On f- Iaro,:h 22011,
Local 383 Brothers
\\il h 4 40 people in allendancc. ,"orty-five
of our members made lip the l:trge~l, he he;Ided a gr')lIp of II S ckclrician~
'ingle grOllp, Wilh pre,~urc hcing who :llI ende <l the meeting. On Mnrch
brough t upon liS by govemmenh :Ind 29t h nnd on Af1ril Si h. 1:l rge nllmb"r, of
mamLgelllenl. il i~ impOl'lanl th ai I'''' im- ollr II rolhcr~ were a l\{) pre,eni, Ikc:HI 'iC
prove ollr hnowledge of Ihe other ph:I'oC\ uf Ihe gcmlcma nly attitude ,11(lIIn by
related to our trade. all union mel1lbc~ anJ :1 fine ~pcedl hy •
We a rc loo~ing fOfllanl 10 our ,pring Brother Fd VonDri-~a, "I: hal"e l:wined
n lot of ,uPrort frOI11 the counci l mem-
dance a linle more Ihan "'U:II. :" our
fall dance ,,"':IS ca ncelled. T he building
"hich \\e ,,"ere renting ":,' nOOllcd out
,,"hen the nearby ril'er overt1o\led ii,
11)C fin:1 1 ctrect of our efrort~ is nOt
}el ~nOIl n rhcr~ h II meeting ~heduled
for I hJ,ine,~ Manager Deit/. the Le!!i~la­
Hill 167. Ihe a nti- labour rulin},: that til'e Commillce of the City Council. a nd
ollr eon;.e rl'alh'e government forco.:d on rcpre'oCntllt;"e, of !I UD. We are all hop-
LIS. bec.nne law on Febfllllry t5l h. Org:t-
ing Ihey can rcadl lin :Isreemenl in
nized labOllr throug hout th j~ province j, favor of the c()o, I ~,.
alread y c.'(pcrie nci ng ~r11e of i l~ re~lric­ Ma n y Ilf ollr IIro lheT' h:lv!: hI! Ihe
lions. road 10 find "ork, !lnd "e ,till h:n'e
Ollr Negoti at ing Comllli \l Cc h1l\ met ahout 60 men ,)n Ihe N:ne h, '1he C:lllo,(:
wit h the ToronlO Contr:, clOr~ A"ocia- of a IO! of our employment i, Ihe P,e.,d"n l Oan Van Oeusen and r.~uu.".
I'JIIIHncr,' "ri~e . F.ank Musnlman, local 383. TOfrlnglon,
tion on three occa~ions bill h nmhing no Conn , •• e s hown liI~tlinll really involved in
hea,lway. ,0 "e h:I"e ;tpplicd for eondli- A fi'hing derby ami camp-out :Ire
planned for J une 26th lind 27th. We <:onverslon work in Thomaston . Conn. (P,C.
atio n. lu.e by <:ou,lesy Of Ch~ rhomaston Express .)
There is a ~ubSlanlial :tInount of wor!: hope thai all of our c;Imping Brother.;
forcca\!. h '~ jusl ":liling for bellcr lUtd their f:lmilic, wi ll 'rcnu the "cd·
cn.1 at cump and thai the (1.', 1 of the Brothe r Prog ana Receives
lIe:lth..:r and money from lhe fedcml
governmenl-:lOd for a new contract for member, Ilill cOtlle on Sund:ty for the Panama's Hig hest Ho nor
fi, hing deroy :lfId fi,h fry. 'I he-c elcnts
BOil GIHNr. I'.S.
\\ ill I'C h"I\1 on Ihe f:lfJn of Brother L U. ,\97 , UALUOA. C. Z.- P roudly. and
Lio}J Gitchell. whol<: land borda~ Ihe "ilh p l c a~ure. the mel1lbc l', hip of Local
I'ecatonicn Ril'cr nC:lr I-ree por!. J'J7 pr ... \Cnh a Ji,li ngl,j,heJ member or
HUD Pressures Ro ckfo rd Ollr Annu:tI Picnic will be held on our local to our Brotherhood. He is
Are a for C od e Co mplian ce J jlly I llh a! Ihe 1'.100'>1; I'll r ~ in Rod.- Il Tilt her Manu:ti M. " M i~e" i' rogana,
ford, (,h:lirrnan ('hIIC!: Die hl repo lh Il ho was recently a"lIrdeJ the Repuhlic
I•. U. J6 ~ .
ROC t\FO RI) , 11-1..- Tho.: con- that Iher.' "ill he pony ride, for the of P:<flanm's highe't honor. the Ordcr of
~t rLlction indll~lry
in Ihi, :Ifca h:ts been younpler, lind plenty of gltllt..:, and V:I!>CO Nunez de Ba lbo:I, \Iith the ranI..
under attach by H U D t Ikparlmem of gOOt.I fOOl! for :111 . of l'ommandcr,
Hou,jng amI Urh:1O l)clc!opment) . L<:!\ all try to \uPllort :tn<'! !l!Iend For year" /IIi~e h:t~ pcn.onally
Eighl-million ..loll a r, h,j\c hcen proml\ed the\(: union"pon,ored :Ic hlj tic" I hcl "or~ed "il h the h:utdicappc<.! children of
to the )(ocUand :lrea if Ihe council not only build a stronger bond belli een 1':lnanm, particularly "ith Iho"C al Ihe
:tgrees to ccrtain paris of the H U D pro- Ihe Brol hc,"" bUl :11-.0 ,trengthen r:mli ly Helen Kelle r Sc hool for the Illind.
J::ram. In com plying \\ilh H U D, aU city lies. Rool R W. JOIINSON. 1' ,5. Ye:lf-round, you will find M i~e in the


Ambassador of Good Deeds Local 425 Committee

Shown are the member. of the NeaO\rallna

Committee of local 425. Fa"monl, W. Va.
Se,lled. lell 10 fI&h]. aro Pres,dent J. Cnso,
Buslnns Manlae' p, Cerken, and Vice Presl-
donI C. Hale, Stan(lln&: J. Olixa, C. MeG&<>,
and J, W pel(lf5,

On Kinney Shoe Job

B,o~her Manuel M ·-M.ke" P'OKana. membe, 01 Local 397, 5311>08, C.Z ...... IOS recenll)'
eWlrded .Ile Republic 01 PIO""m,,'s hIlliest honor. the Order 01 Vuco Nunel d .. Balboll. In
recolln,l,On of h'l pll,lenlh.op'c acllvII,es. He Is Shown ..... ,Ih Ih,,,e of Ihe ch,ldren III Ihe
Helen Kelle, SChool 10;>' Ihe Blond.

role of aUi\c phil,lOlhnlp;., anJon!! the,,, 10.;;]1" We are I{)(l~ing for a break in
"hildren. l-Ie h lheir ':011,1;,"' ,j.ilOr. the "e<llher ~o Ihal ,orne of the amici-
their friend. aoo llllll".ln;I,". ;Inu he ha\ r;lled "or~ ~an ,Ian
plc,J~cd him...elf 1tl their fUHcre \Urporl. "he h.inne)· Shoe ra~ll)ry h nearing
\111..: h pr(..enlly 11l_1.lllmll p';l\gruund (.Implelion, "he elo!dTllal (on1ra~lur on
equipment thai S;lnla "'''Lc'' Clau, t;.I\C Ihe job i) Ed"in L lIeim of U<lrri,bur"
'I' the "hool 11111 nlllrc than thi', I'enn,)hania. "ilh llrulher John Doo-
Hruther \IILc: Pro):an;1 'f'!.'nch nlll<:h uf ..un, meml:oer of 1 Ql;aJ I .n. lIarri,bur,:,
hi. h.lru-carncJ m"m:~ ;In,' hi' \ alation heM '"pcrinlend.:nl. Urlllh<-r Don'on
fWOl hi, M1rcni'>llry \'untf{ll hou..c .,;]ill he y,a, pka")l.!d 1'0 ilh our meo "hu
"rcraluf j<.lh ",jlh tho: ",Inama Canal 1'0 Ilr~eJ on 1he lub ,lOll Ihal he 1'0 i,hed
COnlpan)-in order hI tHing l1Ior.;- h<ll" he Ilouid halo.' their caliber of y,or~­
I'me" to P,In.lllla·, h,,"diG'prcd (1'111· lI\:ln~hip un all of h" lut,,_ 1 'Im h;IPp)'
lIren 10 ~ooy, that Ollr conl(;1I:lol'> arc plcil~ed The Krnney Shu. factory lob, on whrch
Ililh our membcr,hip_ member. of local 425 .re workina,. r5 near
1 he people of I',L!",m;o 1'111\1: been gen· Inl completIon. Back row, lelt 10 fI&h!. are
llIndy IUIKhcd b)' th i, IIIIW man, Mi~o: We "hh )011 a 'peed) rCl'OH'ry, John, Paul Close, Plul Cerken, George HarueU.
" truly an Amcrican nmba'\adur and hupe to ,ee more of you in our and JIm lUZler. Middle rOw; Bin Thorne,
;,hroad , H~ he i~ II New \ledford, 1\1[1,,;1' jlll'bdielion. G, F. "Red" Fredericks. and Jack luver_
front rOw F OavII, Chatles McGee. Bob
ehu,cu" t'lt)~ frum th e very ..... :It uf III1~ilK'" I\l ana),!c r I larr), Dan le)"
American wh:llinll lIml ,hipping hi,hlry.
I he Order of V:I\CO Nunct de lIal!wll
l.oca l 596. CllIr~,hur!,1. West Vir),!iniu.
h;" H po"erhou\C joh SUi Tlg, which i ~
Wilson, and Micka)' " Honey Boss" QUlllce
.,Ih Ihe (1I lmina1 iun of ;1 long 1i,1 of wilhin driving di, lancc fur 1110,1 of our
il\I;W,I, for J\ 11 ~c l'rnllUIW\ impOllanl Illclllhcr" We lli~h you Ihe be" o f [uc~.
"'ur~. Amung them arc Ihe J\ lerit<Jriml\ Hnrry, We're lery gralcflTi for your
~un "f Ihe Cit} of l'anum;1: h. e}'~ 10 Ihc hell', Th:lnb.
('il)' of I':lnanla; IIcncf:I~lOr of lhe I'al\' AI a rccent m('cting. BrOlher C. I)al-is
am"nl;m In,titule tlf ')pcdal Ldu~;olion: gave a lery infollllall\e report on Ihe
(;mal Zone I I~ uf Ihe Year: Caml! We,1 Virginia 51"le I kctri~al Wor~er\
lime I illli of the) car; :md "anama I V nleellOg. Brother J 1);01''' reported on
allll Radio Guild uf Ihe Year. Ihe apprcnlin~ eQlllnllllee. \a}ing Ihal
' hrough Ihe 1m/rIIlll. "II of Ihe Brolh- Ihe program i~ mOl-ing alung lery l'oeil
erhood lIIay no" ~IIU" of the regard \\e ha.e acccpled nine new arprentices
held 0) a ne.ghhoTlng ~UUn1r) fur one "hu y,ill rrobably \Iarl .,.;haul In lhe
of our menlhocr, , he memne'" of 1.()I:al fa II.
l\l7 arc ple:l,>(,0.1 III ,hare uur pride m Broth<-r John Dolinar reporte-d 10 Ihe
Ilmlher M:mud \1 I'rullall;o, Morganto" n B& T. 1 he-re "a, no rei'Ort
81'1)\l>er JOhn Donson. member of local '43.
D I \1. ( 1 us, n.M. from Clar~~hurg. I el\ go. ltmlllie_ H.,,,sbura,. P._. who .s the supeflntendelll
Negolia1ing lime h here- again, and on II>e Kin ... y lob. "and",. by the Edw.n
Brol hel'> Tom Com"ell. Joe Olc\a. and L He,m Company's car
Work Siadens in Gary Rw.h are asshting the i'egotialing
("umminee. Brother Corn"ell rea d Ihe Regarding Ihe repeal of the D'l\oi~·
Local 425 Area ro."1I1t, of the Ne!;olialing COnlmiuee ac- Bacon Act. our members sen1 copie~ of a
L U. 425. F,\If()IONT , w .v ,\ ._Our lion for body nprroval and cumments. form Icller 10 Ihe vllriolls kgislalors of
I.orl: picture h:., ,Iad.encd vc r)' much. There were aho \Cleml dbcus.ions on Oll r di\lriet in protest o f the indllsion of
a nd ou r busme,~ man;IGer i~ bus), tryinll Ihe variOlh propo,al~ for inch"ion in a new $Cclion .'iA TO the existing rule
11.1 llct worl: fur our bo)~ in nei ghbo rinll Ihe agreement. 29·CFR Subtille A,


Brot hel>. Utlcnu }'OUT union mcctin g) ranked second in a c1a~b of 609. This program when D r. Burr Coco S uperin.
,Ind offe r an y constru ctive criticbm Ihat fa ll. Scoll plans 10 enroll ill South Da- tendent of V oca ti on~1 Sc hoo k nn·
yo u cn n. JOt down a line to help yo ur kota Slate Univer~i t y, B roo~ing ~. South nounccd his retire ment. dkclive :H Ihe
Brothcr~ in their co rrcsro nden ce to the D akola. whcre he will major in cngi- c'nd of the w huol YC8l'. D r. Cue II ill de
1cgi~ lat or~. nceri ng. ~:I lily OIlis-cd by all. :I~ he i, a GOod
Any r;Lvorabl e 1cgisl;1tion )tart s from The work piClltTC eo ntinucs to look friend 10 "II of labor.
'eralch ,1Illi I:o ntinuc, 10 grow if it h,h good fo r o ur urelL. :lI1d ;It the pr<;>,cnt The graduat es arc shown in th e ac-
merit. So. pleMe keep in tou ch wi th tim c. all memhcr, ;Irc \\or~ing. ·1 hI.' companying picture, Sln ndin g. left 10
)'our union repre~n t a ti\' e abou t iS~lIe) HOle! (OIl1'ention Ccnt('r a nd th e m:w right, they are R. R oyto~. IL KOller, E.
that cuneern labur. Write your ~nalOr~. Siuux V:lllcy Il o'p itill life bOlh ,Inning ~1ci'''Incl·. G . lI urg,tclie. G. Radec,ky,
cungrc'~llle n . or dclcS'lte, about seHin!! to pid lip 'peed, Wc hope 1110re men Jr., R. GrelleI'. J . l'I'C,u llo. G. Dav ksi n.
favornble Ic!!i, lalio 'l in "n or!!ani/ed cf- will be pla"ed Ihere ,uon. r hey arc J. Bilich. A. H lI hhard. A. Montie,. S.
f('lr\. , Iarting 10 rehuild the new ~rllnmcnl '\ agy. J . J\lulh, nnd C. 1\1k'ale. &:aled
C Il IK t t s ·l . /l1 ('Gr r . I'.S. I:umplex at Hrd alll i Kh1.ani,. II'hieh arc Willi :'111 \IcF vuy. (ht11l'l11an. JATC:
\\11$ <Ie,tl'o}cd hy a ro.u·ing lire only a Juwph J. Schull7. rctjr~'d memher. who
, hol"l lillle ");0. We arc very than~ful prc~cntcd gifts :'l1d certiflcale,: and
Scholars hip Winn er tha I no une \Ia<, hurt in Ihe ,pcctacular Leon 1' . Boyce. A~~i,tant lJ u,inc~~ M:!!1-
hlale ,duch "ump leleJy lle\lrO}'cd Ihe agn.
complex in one hOllr, LI ON P. BOI'("t. A,,~t. 11. 1\1.
Urban renewal i, ,lowly "Ilarting to
(hange Ihe fllce uf <lo1l11l01ln SiOlt X
I-all,. mill IIC ,hollkl rcnli/e a good Local 466' 5 W o rk Slows ,
amounl of il~ \\01'1. in th e fulure, Slill to Credit Union Hono red
bc let Ihi, 'pring j~ the new librar}. Ihe
addition t o Ihe !':ttrick Henry SdlUOI. L l '. 466. ClIt\IU ,ESTO;"l. W. \' ,\ ._
T hc arc hitect, have heen c h o~en-and D ue to Ihe cold ,!!1d l<JllG winter. work
planning i~ LInder lIay- for the Fanh has ,lowed dOli I! '1)l11ell ll at. We ,Iil l
RC,OUrl'e Ob~er\,[Ltiun SHll'llite CumpJcx. h'" e the Jolll1 Alit!), pUllel'holl,e job
Since my JIl-t ICIICI', \\e h{'ld OLl!' gO;llg. I t ~eelm :\<, lhullllh \\()r~ will
Chri,ll11a, party. :\Tld e;"'ly Ihi~ , pring. again pid up in Ihe nrea when the
the Annual SI;tg lI'a' hc ld. lI'e:tthcr impruvc~.
LeI', all rcmcmhe r. fe Il OIl'. Ihal the The new lIatawllI'I., i, h l,t about
election of loc:LI uflker~ i, coming up. rc,tdy [() ,I,trl un Ihe FII. Ril'er in
I\ l nke it a poinl 10 ~'a,1 your vOle for C tw rlc,\un, and there arc !>Cleral con-
Ihe mcn who YOIl lhin~ :!re Ihe he'l (raUur' in Ihe Allo) planl at Alloy.
wiled 10 run uur local for Ihe nl.':\1 West Virginia. So. alnng Il ith Ihc,.: :lIld
Ihrec year~. ,t fe" uther jub, in lh.: :<I'ca. 11 might be
Sco tt A,ehe,. S ~>n o f B,oth .. , and M, s. Jack a pro111i,ing yc.tr,
Archer. Locel 426. Siou~ F~lIs. S. Oak" is D,\VlU FI I t I K. P.s.
t~e winne, of this yeo,'5 Annu~1 Cha rles I he Ch"rle,ton clnlit union ha, done
Sandb .. ,s SchOlarship Award . Young A,che" lery lIell. and it, unkcl" arc IU be con-
abo~e, expects to majo, In ""g i""",ing at
South Dakota Stlte Univ .. ,slty.
Gradu ation Ce remonies Take L!rat ll l:tled fur Ih~ir good \l01·~. fOI' il
ha. ea!'1led th e Thrift lI onor ,\"ard of
Pl ace in New Sc hoo l th e National Credi t Union Adm ln i,tra·
Schol arship Winn er Named ; L lJ, 456. ;"l EW IIR UNS WIC K, ;"I.J.- I,on for ib ~u~('e,~ in ~tinll":1I inG ~"ving)
On ,\I ardl 31. 1')71, tifkl.'ll a)1prcnli('c~ :"nung ,111:111 ,avcr,.
All Members Working
gra du a led frOI11 uur IU.::l1iOllnl ,(' hool in The IHEW 466 I'eden<! Creclit Union
L lJ. 426, SIO l x FA LI..5. s. Ut\JC - w c F",t BrUIl,,,id, II II:" a h:lpl'Y neea,iun attained a mont hl }' rail: of Gl'Ow th of
arc vCI'y happy to nnnouncc Ihal the fu r all 11110 allenckd. e~pecii1l1) b..call\c 7.S % in aecount~ under S U)OO, whic h
• win nVl' o f thi, yenr\ Anl1lml Ch;;Jrles thc graduation cercillunic, tVO~ plm:e in "a' ahUI\' the :!I'el'age ful' feder:tl credit
Sililuberg Sehol'LI·,hi p Award i~ S,'OH o ur new. sp;lciuLl~ ~ h o()1. F,u:h graduate union~ uf , il11 ilar ~i7e.
Arc her. ,on of Ilr(lth cr nnd /III',. Jad rCt'eived :1 te"IC I' "Ilel ca~ from Ihe On De(el11ber 31. 197(), the credit
ArdlCr. Scott i~ a very Inlcnled young locnl. lInion had 16~ mcmher, \\h() h,ld ~al'ed
nmn and ,'nrric, a 4.02 average. He is A bit of rl o,t,dgia enlered into Ihe a lutal of $')0.7!2 . rhe credit !ln ion h ,,~

Local 4 56 Graduates

Fift ee n app rcntlces of Loca l 456, New B,unswlc~. N .J .. ,~ cen tly g'8du. ~ ed fmm the loca!'s ne w vocational sc hool In Easl ij'un$wick.
S.... Local 456's Ictt .. , fO' Iden li fic/Ol,on.

JOU RN AL fO R JUN E, 1971

need your \Upport "hile "orldng out a
United Crusade Donators COnlra!;t Ihal .... iII meel our needs.
We will elecl new oftic('(, On JullC
26th. If YOII are nOI ha ppy \\ Ith Ihe ncw
officer<; after election day. remember
thai it nlaY ha\e been )iour nh..cnce thai
eleclcd litem
Worl. i~ ~Io" in our "rea al the pres-
enl I\1l1e. hUI \\e arc optimi\u<.: no" Ih:tl
the \\ealher b dearing. 11.''\;1, i, h:t\'inJ;.
:. ""'1,'11,' \llUug\t1. .111.1 \li ,~i~~ii"pi ha~
had more lhan it, ,hare of rain dllring
the "Inler amI ~pnng monlh,.
11 ",, 1 Il RO\\IlIR, I' .S.

Office, Meeting Ha ll Near

Completion in Des Moines
L U. 499. I)I-:S \IOI i'ES. ,.\ . We are
pica '\Cd Ihat. ;Ifter a lenglhy remtxlcling
projeci. our hll~lnc" ollke lind IIl cclin~
hall arc in Ihe final ,I age, of ~")1l1 1lI e­
Memben of Ih. 10 member nan.11 Unit of Locil 465. San Diego. Calli .• a,e .hOw" p,esenl'''! T he 1ale Gene Nllnhtrom. former
Ih"i' unll" 1,1, ·shl'" donlUon 01 S715. wh'ch aW~'~lInc ~ hill .. "'u, .. II,~" SID per """. to
bu\inc~ manager .... ho later beeame ;10
Ih" 1910 U"lted C'uude A~c"pl'nl: Ihe ~he~k 1o. Ihe cause 's Bus,ness Mlnagl' Baum (I!>
da.k su, ll. who ha. been labor's IGlned eu'cu"',e 10 Ihe U'''led C,usade 10' Ihe PUI sev.... 1 International I \ecllli\c Council member.
yea<s. (B,olhe, BlUm I. al-.o cha"m,n of Labor' s Communlly Se .... 'c •• Commllte. and a h3d the forc,ight 10 urge Ihe purch;I'>C IIf
memb •• 01 Ihe BGI.d 01 O"eelon. United Crus .. de in San Ojego.) Olhe,. In Ih. p,~t\lf'" 1.11
10 rilht. a,e Ma""no Sal~ldo. J •• AII.ed H . LuedTk". Arthu. M YO'gnl. C. W Muo.on (ElI.e(:u· lhe property. l..catJer'hip "11\ conlinll!'!'
l ,wI Board mlmb •• ). M.nry M Go"uIU. Em,l R. Sm,lh. and AUlusl G.oso,lch under Kenneth A. Sa\\yer. former busi-
nc,~ manager. who in \-t:hruary. 1<)11.
SF I'CQ Job in N:llchel. nnd UII)ine \~ ":I ~ 3p\lOinlCd a\ an Intermllional Rcpre-
50-Year Awardee Manager John r rid..on recen tly ac- \Cnlali'c. Of eouf"'('. the lob ne\er could
cepted a ..afet)i a"ard from Conic)' C. h;l\e been completcd withoul Inc \olun·
Ward. general ,upcnntendc:nt for t<"Cr help of '00 man) in the nrother-
SEr CO. The a"ard reprc..cnh 2S.000 hood
man-hOUr<; "ilhoUl lO'Jt-time Injune~ for
JeTT)' R nuna!,!an. former pre,ident
lhe electrician!> at i'allhel lon~ tnldion ,
and a~~i,tRnt hu,inc,~ m:.nager. "ho ha~
Our contract come~ up for renewa l thi~ heen appointed hU'Ine'i> lIlun;,scr O} Lhc
monlh. Wi th the hurd h ul~ hein~ hl:ulled I-Xeculivc 1I0ard. ha, been a Ie:ul e!" In
-or 0;0 il see m ~-for ull of the innalio"
ma l in!; Local 499 an imporlant ~oice
in ollr counlry today. "e need the !ou p-
pori of all member, of l ocal 41W. At- and force in Ihe Iowa lahtlr mo\ement.
Congralulaljon~. Jerry!
lend ollr union 111eetln1;' :lnd bad. ollr
Negotiating Commillee membe,",. "ItO JAl>IIl> L. FtT.fGII\AU). I'.S.

AI Ih. Ma,eh gene, .. 1 Safety Award Presentation

presented HI B'OIl'" F.

a cilallon
",,,,Ice II ~:~tj~t::J.~~i~~
:','_,.":~.~:::" Baum
"S",S"" 8011 be .een I!>

scr\ell members of total 466 ~ince

196::!. htmc\ I.. Smith i\ pre~i<knl of the
crellil union. anll R;tlph II . Gccne is
The Nnlinlllli Credil Union Adminl~­
lralion conduct, II~ I hflft Iionor A"'ard
pro~nlln 10 providc in!;cnli\c for omdal~
of federal nC111I IIniom to enCOllraJ:f,'
memhe" "lth ~mall accounlS to S3\C
resul;lri),. a\ a pari of theIr famll) tinan-
ci;ll_managernent pl;lns. The "dmlm~tra-
1'1)'1 chartc,", und ~Upt!f\lo,e~ o\er 13.000
federal credll unions in the Uniled Slates.
WII UAM F.. "1m 1_" MCCOIII.Y, R.S.

Members of Local 480 \

Receive Safety Award Local
... Ie ' 80. J8Ck~~~";. t:!:;;~:~~?:~;~:::::,":;e S(PCO
w,lI"Ioul job
10$' in Nl leh.,..
I;me inju"".we •• ,eeen.l.,.
Shown p,esenled
III lI"Ie •
p.es'n lll-
I;"n. t a,e • I ollh. Inlernllio".1 P"P'" Company. 8.nlness ""8n"g'"
L U. 480. J.\C KSON , M ISS.- W. M. JOhn • • leWI,d I" Amswortll. end the gene, .. 1 .u"".",I""o,)",,1 u l SEPCO. Coon l.. y
" !Jill" Ainsworth, ~Iew!trd on lhe C. Wa,d.


Promotions Whire Plains Old-Timers

Recenlly. local 501. While Plains, N.Y .•

Brother Kenn eth A. Sa .... ye r. former business Brother Jerry R. Dunegan, forme, prUldenl honored three old· l lmers al II dinner. Hon ·
manager and president 01 l0<:81 499. Des ored fluestS. lell 10 righ t. ...e Brothe rs
and 35&lst8 nt bu slneu manager. wu ap· George fara. J ohn Horrigan, Sr .• and James
Moines. la .. was recently appointed as an pointed to the office of bUSiness manage, on
International Represe nt31ive. Wh alen,
Feb ruary I. 1971.

In Newly-Remodeled Ha" "Nol for profit. nOI for charilY. bUI for

White Plains Local Honors

Three Retirees
I..U. SO l , \\IIITE I' LA I-";S. N.V.-
Three IBEW vetcrans were honored re-
eenlly at a tlinner. Brothc" J ame,
Whalen . with 49 )Cill"'> of <oCTllce:
George I' arn. II il h 39 }'ear<;; and John
Horrigan. Sr.. wilh l~ )ea",. ,,"cre Ihe
lineman Ed Coy. $ft.reulry o f the ()o:eo;ulive honored retirees.
Boa.d. ler lell. enjO),5 a friendly g"HOgelh", Ol'er I.m 1.0000a l 501 membe rs and
In th e newl~·remodeled hall . frielll.h atlendcd Ihc affair Ihal (00)..
phlce lit Ihe Park\\ay ('a,ino in Tuela·
, 'rO)..e . He is now :tIIending some of the hoc. Ne" Yorl . The cI'ening Ila~ hi£h·
local\ socia l function.,. Slarting hh ca· lighled \\·ith Ihe introduction of Ihe
reer in 1920, Brolher Joe r()'j.i: quid ly \(I Ihrec ge ntlemen. "ho were ">C\'erely
Ihe rank~ of helper. journeyman line- "roH~led." Every mi,tllle Ihey ever made
man, b:tlleryman. and ,witehman. adOI'I- III Iheir electrical ~;Lfl'er, \\al> SPOI-
ing easily to all po,ition~. li£ht<.'d. lind thl:) tool th\.' ribbing wilh
In 1957 , whe n lhe different ';1.e' of guud humor, enjoying the elening Ihor-
wire were chan ged from l'op]lC r 10 :du· oughly.
l11iI1Ulll. he I\a~ cho~en as fOremiln of 1I11,inc ~~ ,\t allnger Frc(1 Wright. along
Shown in these two photos are lineman ap< Ihe S~lvage Dep:lrlmen!. '1 his WUS il II illt every other oll icer of Ihe local. IVa,
prentice classes in session in th e newly.
remodeled hal l 01 loca l 499. move wh ich has proved 10 be economi· in :ll1cndancc.
ca l and profitab le. Aflcr ~peCll l a l ing on I he membe rs of Llx.:a l 501 lI"i,h the-.:
lhe probl,'lll, he invented a ,elf-II inding wonderful fc llow\ good health alld hap-
Local 500' s Proposals wire apparatus. Throul(h thi.,. Ihere \\:" pin<.'~~ and extend Iheir gr;llit udc 10
Met With Negati ve Answers am pIc time ;lv;Iil llble for ,alvagillg an)- IhCIl1 for their etrorl~ in ma)"hl£ Ihc
Ihing th at wa,> metallic. "uch as llIal"1line local "lint it i, loday.
I..U. 500. SAN ANTON IO. TEX._ I o· ho1t~. wa~he rs. elc. GMAE:~11 D II /It I. I'.S.
c:,1 500 i~ in the midst of healcd ve rb.. l ' ocal 500 Credit Union CommiHCe
dhpules wilh man:tgcmenl in :m itllcmp t IlICllIbeh rccently il"ended " conference
10 reach" o;at isf"clory "or)..ing ag!"c.'- III " Or! Worth. Tex:\~. and returncd "ilh Bologna Sandw ich Deciding
ment fo r the coming }ellr. F\'crylhing ~ome lI<oCflll information concerning Factor in Tru ck Issue
rea~onable ;' nd jU~1 "hich Prc,i dcllI E. credit unions. ltepre<oCnting thc eredil
D. Ha ll and Ihe hilrd-Ilorling ml'lllbcr~ union 111 the mceling ,,"ere f' re .. ident '-.t l.520. AUSTIN. TEX.- In one of
of the Elleeulive Bo.'1rd h;ll'e a,led for Meh'in E. Cole. Second "ICC " re .. ident our ~hop~. lie reccn,ly had :1Il c~pcri~
has been Illet "Ith a I1(!gati\e "nS\\l'r. 1t01:lIld \1. Neer. ami Trea ~urer L. W. ence in 1:lbor·nmllagement rcl:Hions. A
Local 500 ha~ gone along "ilh manage- H:I'lings. of Ihe BOHrd of Direclor,; Iht of )hop ruJc~ included onc th:'1 \Jid
ment on everything il \\a~ a ~led 10 do. Chairmlln Willi:un E. Proctor. Secrclar)' not permit Ihe men 10 U'IC com pliny
such as the 'i.'1fety campaign. Uniled Jae).. A. Uleey, and Inelnbl."r t\. A. ~ul­ trud~ 10 go 10 lunch. And Ihe mcn pro-
Fund. ell'. Now th:.1 Ihe local h aslmg lenfu..s. o f Ihe Credit Commi ttee. le'leu 10 Bu,iness Millla~,'er /11a..: L"u·
for a lillie eonsider«tion. managemenl In 1936. 10 me m be~ of I <)Cal suO IIsc h.
refuses 10 )ic1d at all ; therefore. LocHI boughl 5100 "orlh of ,hares. Ihere!:» T he nC'1 d:ty. llrOlher L:ldu-.ch inviled
500 may be forced to do "Omclhing Ih.11 giving birlh to Local 500 Credil Union. the ,hop owner oul \0 lunch. lie lool
"ill be un plca'iilnt for manilgemen1. !-rom Ihat day 10 the pre:;cnl. it ha, he- him 0111 in the country. handed him "
On a more cheerful nOle. Joe C. come a gillnt among credit union~. Sl'r\- ,:Icl llineh (it wa,n'l vcry frc~h). and
Sl.:hodls has been released from Ihe ho~· icc and dependa bility are )..ey wo rd ~ for lold him Ihat. ~i n ce he e.xpceled our
pital, where he was reeU]lCnHing from" l.oclil SOU erc.lit Union. Ih mOI\O i_ member.. 10 cal Ihal lind o f lunch, he


~ould e<lt 1\ \lhile tho:) di"'I"..... d lhe of 1\\0 pf il\ :lpprcntice'. Uruther. 1);I\id
lunch prohlem. II IOO~ on I) one-h.lIf or Santo Rosa Local 55! 's Moblc) ant.I Jerr} \I,oood_ Hoth Brother\
tlw! dn bolOJ,lnll ~"nd"k h 10 gel the Journeyman 01 the Month "'ere .. med ;1\ lin ;!lltllmobile accident.
IUllch rule changed llruther I :Idu,ch Ilrother .... ohley \lU\ III hl~ th'nl )car ur
Ihen houghl the conlm~lor il ~ t ell~, ami npprenlice~hlp and "",,, em pl(> ~ed hy
Ihe C(IUr.c in bhor·m:ln;ll;elllenl rela- the J. K Juhlhon Iledric (omp'ln).
lion\ "';,1\ completed_ Brolher \\0Iit.1 ",,,, in III, ..... cond )e<lr
\\e are sorT)' 10 reporl three recenl he had ..... ned ;1 tvur ",ilh Ih ... Sc;Ihct:,
Ilealh,. 'Ir<>. La\onia ("oilier, \life of ,ince he "'3\ Indentured-and "'~, elll'
the 1:1": C. \\e,le) ("oilier. died on plo}ed by the KU};11 1Ic.:lric Comp;on~.
" ,11,,11 23 ....1. She \II" employed a~ one We e'pre" our he<lftfl'1i ~}-mfl"lh} In
of Ihe ~crelarics in Ihe local union Ih ... f:l!l1ilic~ of the...., )OUn~ mcn.
otlke. Brother Del l iorella. one of our Wor~ in Oll!' arca i~ pretty IIlLlch al a
relired members, p;h,ed u\luy on April ~land'lill n, fnf H~ IIC\\ con,nuetiml
Illh. Ihen . on Apri l I.Slh. Brother "'" ~ " c\)ncerned. hUI mO~1 (If ollr
Chllrley \lC) cr. Jr. died. '1 heir man) member, "hu ""ant ttl "'or~ at home ure
friend~ will mi-.s Ihe...., jine people. emplo)cd :11 the Uro"'n' Ferry 'udcar
Our local gOI a bml bre:l" Ihi~ )car. I'lant. It appeaf\ Ih:l\ Ihi~ "'ill be :Ihoul
1J.e(ore \Ie had our Iir,1 llC~oli:lling the onl) W(lf~ \ll' "'Ill probably I\;\\e for
meeting "i[h Ihe contr.leto....· 1\egotial' wme time.
illS Commine{'. our '"friend " in Ihe !-Iceliun will won he held al our 1()(:!ll
Whit e Il ou-.c cmne 0111 "ith hi~ order lmion. and I hul"C th:1I many qualific\l
limilln!; nCJ;otialed "aile inacase,. At mcmbcr~ "ill he running for oflkc. We
Ihi, lime. no one ~now~ if "e will be ~hould alwa)\ rClllcmhc r Ihal the "W' in
uhle 10 set Ihe ~ind of ",uge increa..e \Ie 8rOlh.r Wall r.rn .. ndo. member ot loc .. t IIl!'W \land~ f()r Brot herhood, M) Ir)' 10
IM.'CI.I. Wit h Ihe ~lnd of friends "'e ha\c SSt. SM"I.. R...... C"M. .5 the toe.'" furl her tho! n.u'-C by nOI downgrndin!' a
in lhe pre'<Cnt admini~trntion. \Ie can't "JOurneyman 01 'h. monlh" He ,5 PICtured I;ood Urothcr "'ho ma) be: ljuallrJed 10
afron.! any more encmie,_ ... Uh h>s ...., •• "Do;' .. nd d"ughter. 0, ....
run for olliee. Kemembcr. mud thfO\ln
Our CO PE dri\e i, twin!;. \lell The i, ground Io-t
[:ICtil~ of [he presenl admini,lralion ha~ He,! lXI"'c,hou-,<; conlrol llIan in Ihe Our AIIIIU.ll 1\1'1}lenl'Ceship Banquet
hro~en down any re\i'H," cc 10 COI'E ~·oun lr y. Good drinking huddy_hr.lIldy ""<I~ held in 'hi). nnd it wa~ one of the
\U flPurt thaI may hn\'e c~i"ed. I oc:ll and w<tler. lli J:!. J:!.uy-grcHI bodygu!lrd rno,t eluhnralc ever held here.
S2U inlend~ to have Ihe hillhesl perl'ent- fur w:'J~inJ:!. Ihc ~tree lS of the Lily at Well. 1"11 doo,( willt ","lying Iha[ th~le\
llJ;t' of CO I'F ..ale\ of 11 11) local in the night. no place li~e home if you hn\en t J:!.ot
n<llion. Our goal i\ fur c,u.:h mun 10 bu~ 'il"llflkhulI_ lI ad a great heer hU\1 Ihe mollC) to go out.
:1 lic~el a monlh for ~i, month ... Lel \ afler Ihe Ja~t general meeting. Boh I RIP Atu_s, I'S.
~ if -.orne other loe'.. 1 umon l'an malch Barrte'. our oRkial h()';t home d:IY
-Qr O:leecd-thi~ goal ..oon. I am goin.!l 10 do n Ihumhnllil
M UIlItH WH,i~. I'.S. \~cleh on thaI grea l J:!.uyJ. did hI' u\u:lI Election Coming Up ;
great juh. ,", es of heer. Hard ~Iufr. I er-
ritle do il yo uNdf ~an dwkhc~, Only one W ork Sce ne Qu estionable
Introducing Walt Fernando , ehlLfnc ter got drun~. hm "'hat the hell
-Ihere i\ al"';I}~ one.
I" U. 56'}. S"" 1)11-:<;0. CA I.IF.-With
Ihc com;ng of June. we <Ire again fllCCI!
J o urne yman of th e Month 1/.,,111 "fI'~ I'ractk .. Uy none here. "ilh thl' eleCllon uf olliech. The eled;On
1..1I_ 55 1. SA1""-" ~OS \ , C \L1 F.-Our M n) p,,~ up. Jerr) Ikc", ~:llIcJ we up \liIl be held on a S:lIurda)' :It uU' 1. ....... 1
"Journe)llIan of Ihe munlh" is Walt Fer_ Ihe ulher da) and ;IS~ed me 10 ha\c onton hall :11 21~ \\e~t W:hhlllgton
n,lIldo. who i\ pictnred on Ih" page \lilh olher I'" men PUI a nOie In the "col- Street, and :111 membe .... are urged to
hi. wife, Dorothy " n o." and dalJ~hter, LImn" if Ihey ha'c "'or~. 11 0'" aboul ,e' lurn OUI (or thi~ importanl e~cnt. If )OU
[)hie. YOII can tl!lI frum Iht' elp re )\ion \I,oe ha\e r:lmilie~. too. will not be able 11) vhil Ihe pol". -end a
on W:,1t\ face th~1 he i, pru,al uf hoth Mm'l"\\' lI o~"li". I' .S. "ritlen reque'l IU the eleelion judge re·
hi, women. :lnd pnnl\! he 'hou ld be. n, que~lins an ah,enlee hallol three diLY~
' 1)0" i~ jll.. t abou l the heM eoo~ in prinr to eleuion day. Let", all cOllie oul
Northern California, and Dixie is a rcal Two Apprentices Are and ma~e Ih" the toe .. election \le\e
Ii,e .loll. embar~ing on an acling ureer. Mourn ed by Local 558 e\er had
\he recentl) got a hil part m a IllU'le Wor],; j, 'till \Iow in San Dicgo. 11\
being rumed III ~nw Ko-.a I.oo~ for I..U. 5511. S II EFFIELD. A t A.-The mo:.t of the I:!T/le JOhs arc manned. The
her on your screen before too long. lJrulhe" of Local ~SII mourn Ihe deaths nucle .. r po"'er plant at San Onofre
W:I!t lI ml I are \lor~lIlg dO\ln in San ha~n't )tarled ~et. \0 il "ill be nt lea,t
Fn,nci'>Co. seeing liS how there is no :Inolher year or more befure it "ill he
wor~ :lround here-loca l 6 Im~ ,ollie Mourned needing any men
high,rise \ tulf. San 1-l1l1lei,ct) i~ th e home The Veternm Admini\tr.Hion 11()\pil:ll
of tOllri~ts. an<! galluping 80-go girls i\ nearing the fini'hiny 'Ill!;e. A conlr.tCI
"',lhoUI a ~u l("h-nn hil lflant~ and no has ju~1 been leI for a 600-bed h"'pnnl
hra~. 11\ a beauliful 10\ln if )I>U Me in Camp !>cndll'ton, bU I II "'III la~e ;1
.!llrl" :md what hard hat JOt'Sn'!? No "'hile before IIlIr men \lill be n«ded
cover charge on Ih,ll. bUI brill!: lob of Ihere.
1001 if ~on are nUll)' enough 10 wal~ I Ihin~ Ihal all of Ihe huilding 1r.1l1c,
il\l<l a gu·go joint. can be ~cry thltnHlI1 ttwt cnough rre\-
Where wcre "e flO"",' Oh, yea h. Walt. sure "as hrought IIpon I'r;:,ident Nlxun
Walt ;\ one of Illy he,t rricnd~. He ha~ to reill~tate Ihe Da vi\- lJ aeon ACI If Ihi'
'tCrveti on ,he F,ecllli\c IJoorJ am.I all had nOI been done. il would ha\e Ilralt
thaI ~lIld of thing-a greal union man. a terrtble hlo" 1(1 Ihe "hole of the eon-
"J :11~s li~e Arthur Godfrey and has jusl SlIown ar. two .. pprentic:e' ot loc .. t 558. ~truction Irades; and in San Diego, II
about the same ~ind (If personal;t). Top SlItff,.td, AI ....... ho w ••• r.c.tnUy kIlled In .n could ha\e oc"Cn ,,0!"'>C. as a large per-
automobil•• ceid~nl. O"ylit Mnbl.,.. t.'I. was
ll1eehanic. too--can wire Iln)lhmg from a tll ird yur apprentice. and Jerry T. Wood, <:e n!:lijC uf VUI "'or~ ;\ for lhe mililllT).

an oUlhouse to a po"'erhou~, and has. '" SeC-ond y •• r .pprent1c•• So, \Ie nre \ery gmleful 10 all of )OU


Local 569 Me mbers on LST Local 605 Membe rs
on Substation Job

Vernon K,ng, lelt, and Jim Wallace wor~ln8

In an ."'sme room aboard 3n lST.

Golf Winners doing subst ,\I,ol1

I...::al·s jutlsd,<;!ion, nils
bemg done b~ 3n equ'pment ope,alor
These two pleh,," show members 01 Local I"'emen in th, hi 11ft
569. San DIego. Calif., who wOrk on landing
Ship Tanks (LSTs) 'D. E.s Hokin and Galvan
,n Ihe MI,;n" Un!! aline National S'eel and

ShlpbUlldmg Company, He.e. larry Mecher.
stand and Gary Ber(;hotlz work bellind
11 SWItChboard, one 01 m,,"y on an lSl.

for htdflin1! 10 bring abom \hh change.

Lef, :111 \\orl. log<'lho:r in IT) ing 10 pre-
\f.'nt ,ueh lin Ol'currcnce again.
II rothe ..... 10;1\ all lal. ... a few minuu:'~
of our time In rClllcml1er OUf member.
on the ,id li'l. It I:tlc, onl} a few min-
10 pid.. up th ... phone and call one
t ..... ,
u( 1t...·1Il )U'1 to 1.:1 him lno\\ that \\c
are thin!.in!; of him M:.n) \If )011 !..now V.ce P,eside,,! Ha"y U"duy. local 592.
Ilruthcf Tom Chaprocll. \\ho fe ll from :1 Voneland, N J. , preHnhns Ifoph,e$ to wjn~,s
I.. ddcr '-C\cr:LI ,,,_'ell.' ago. I he fall of the sPflnU golf tou,nament_John Ka$par,
lefl, for tow g 'ou , and Don McCraw, cente"
"a,,,', a ~riou, one: h{)we~cr. "hen he for low nel
\\enl for X-nl)" Ihe dOl:'or~ di-.co\ered
,hnl h~' had I!nll'lOne~ and remoled
cr, Jim Jo,[ anu '.:I-.on Coonl'r, Jr. for
lhem. Brother 10m "on', be to re-""Ie their crfoft' io hring;o!: thi~ ~lIccc~~ful
turn to "or~ unltl Ihc mlddlc of J une,
and I ilm \ure he "ould li~e to hear
Pri/-c~ \It'le don;t[ed h~ I\ui\ili .....
froll1 <'0111<: of hh (11:1n) friend,
('<)Illl11;lh.·... m~mhcr" 1I ,ITr} 'imbay
A, of lhh IHiltn~. no ne" contraCI', t( h;.irm:.nl. AI (lifTon!. Ro)ce ,,>ana-
1\'al) or \lerch:tnl. h:II'e b.,:cn an-
m~n. Augi ... ,\1t:righi, Dale \n}'utr. Ron
nounced. I f no new l:onll,ll:h :Irc let hy
Bullock al1ll 'IIII} Van I/ oo~. Arranr:::c-
Ihe fiN of ne~t >ear. the "or~ pit-lUre
mtnh for ollr '1III1n1l.'1 lournament are
on the "'lIcrfront "ill nOi he ler}' no" nnd ... r 1,\"ly.
A I ir'l \nnual l e,tlmonlal Din ne r
No ne", from Camphcll Machine Ihi, Im~ been plJnned for July 10, 1971. al
month. MlI}he ne~1 monlh. HO\l aoom th ... Sa\'('~ Inn, ill \lhich lime lonr:::-timc
\ome piclUre\ from Ihere·.'
m"'ml'l(:r" of the 101: .. 1 \lill he honored.
M t;IIM~\" 1101,\,11 L. r.s.
J \ \11 , '-. JO\l, I' .5, He,t', substation <;onst,uCI,on work is pe,
tonned by 6'0111"'$ Jolln50n and Alford.
Spring Golf Tournament Local 605 Speculates on was concerned iI' Itl "helhef Ihat elller·
Is He ld by Local 592 Summer's Power Supply gcney wppl} would pn)\idc cnour:::h
pm\er tu gel Ihem Ihmugh Ihe ,ummer.
L U. :" '2, VI'oJEI.A'oJO, N.J._Our I•. l '. 60S, .I ,\( ' KSON, '"SS._ Wc wun. Threc hundred NOllhIH'\[\i,te Chicago
,prin!,: !,:olf 1OlIl'mUlIen! ":1\ held un !:wn. dc'r if \lUr COUnIT) i, ltny heller orf thi~ hOll1e~ "'ere plunged in", da\'~lIc" for
,lay. Arril 4. 1971. 111 Ihe PineerC'1 'IImrn ... r- frllm Ihe ,Iandpoim of eleetri- Ihree hour, lJIIC night. curl} !aSI "um·
CUUnt!"} Clun. Golf balls w<'re distri- c;,1 ~\lrpl} :11111 dcmand - Ih:m il was mer, whcll ;! he:!1 IIa\e cau\Cd Ihe :,ir-
huled 10 I:! lu dy \I 1I111<:r,. Brother John ,luring the "tlllllll"',' 01 1970 when conditiOne"" ,)\crloaued Imc, to OPC ll
Ka'plll" lion tOil !;1"O~~. tm,l Brolher Don hrO\lnO\ ' h ;Iml blac~()1lt" were Vt!Ty allwmalkally,
"leGra" 11'011 IU\I net. A huffet "as "lde'pread lhr"'ll;hOlII Ihe .'ollnl ry, 111 1'170. Ih ... Pre,idenl', Ol1ke of
..... rvcd :11 Ihe Clllhholl ..... afkr Ih" h)llrna- La'i >ear, ll<:forc il \la, re;dl}' hOI in Emcrge m:} I' rerarcdnc" 'iud Ihm lh e
men!. New Yor~. the CO INlII(juted Fdi,on :trea mO,1 lilely to f:let' aC\lIc ,hona!,le~
Vice Pre,idem Harry Li nd';;l}' pre- Co mpany":" having til buy and Wlns- of power e" ten dt!d from New Y'lI' ~ to
..... Iucd lI'ophics 10 Ihc winneT~ al our mit pOI\CI' from a~ fal' aw:,y a, T ennc,- Gcorgia and imo Alabama lind Mi,,;,_
April l11eet;n!;. We wi ~ h 10 Ihanl Broth- !oCe, ;ll1d th e power induslry in thai ;lr<':1 , ippi.


Local 606 Graduates Davis- Bacon Ac!. "hich all of u~ in or-
gani.:ed laOOr should be familiar "jlh.
O ur :,pprenlice school lopped OUI four
journeymen who were feted at a dinnl!'!"
given in their honor. These men arc sure
to be a great as~t 10 our local. I" m
proud 10 announce Ihat the four men.
Hob McConell. Neal IknlOn. Jerry
Shoaf. and John Milanich. are all Ii-
ccn.:.ed. ;II1d t"o of them hine their mas-
tC'r's licensc\. Congratulatiom!
O ur 1000al had a Vllle ntine part) for
the IIlelll\lcf<;. 11 W;IS a fun "lTllir for
those "ho ;' ltcnded. The melll WII, oJe-
licious. and a Ii>e band pTOvidetl mll,ie
for thO!.C who "anted 10 \wing.
We are in the proce~ of enlarging
ollr meeting hall and ollices. T he "or)...
is going fine. and 1 am ,ure Ihllt. "hen
it is fini,hed. we al l ocal 606 "ill ha'e
a meeting h:11I to be proud of. TIlt' hall
is something "e·ve needed for a long
lime. ,,"faybc 'ome o( the guy, wi ll al-
tend a meeling just to 'oCe Ihe ne\\ hull.
All )...iddinJ,! a\ide. it will provide more
T~ Apprenho;esh,p Com.ntlt,.., of Local 606. O,lando. fI",. ,eeenlly honored Iou. e'adual"s ~aling 'P,ICC for member<..
at " d,nne •. S'andmll behmd Ih" .. WIW"S. ,,," 10 "Ill'll. a,e Bob O'Conne". Neat Benton, Jerry The "orl in our area is holding it~
Shoal, and John Mil.nlCh.
o\\n. and "e ha.e some lra.·den "or)...-
ing on D f,ney World.
Our lir'M!nlcn are looJ.ing (o,""ard to
installing one of Ihe lurge~1 transfornler~
in the United Slates. It will be in the
Orlando urea. I hope to h;,\C more
:Ihoui thi, IUler.
RO(;[R JORD.\s. I'.S.

Local 648' s Officers

A"ttend 212'5 Ceremony
L.U_ 6-18. II A' l1 LTO:"/. O IllO- T he of-
ficers of I ocal 6~S re.;cnllv atlend{"d
Loc:!1 212\ !BEW servke n~g amI pin
cel'{"mon) in Cincinn:lli. Ohio. We "ere
inviled 10 ult{"nd Ihb important oct.hion.
and "e con\ider it an honor to haw
been pan of it. We tale our hah off 10
)011. IIrOlher. of Loc;tl 212: lOU eer-
M.mbe~ 01 the ApprentICeshIP Comm,UH. 1:lInly )...no,,- ho"- to put on a nic ... aff:!ir.
and thi, writer "as very imprCSf,Cd.
loui~ were warned of exp«lcd hrown- We than~ y·ou for :t ~ood time; we
Val entin e Party OllIS during I"" 'limmer. certainly did enjoy OllrM:"e~. Rc~ardin~
We r~1 sure: Ihal OUT great industry i- Ihe remarl, )'our ma\ler of cercmonie~
thoroughly capable of mru;tering this ter- madc in reference to Local 6-'8. we
rilk. llpparentlY-nlltion" ide ~horlage of than)... him for his J.ind "onk Wc a~­
electrical em:rla-: ho"ever. il looks to u~ ,urt- }Otl. though. that if certain Ihing~
as though il "ill laJ.e ;,omething like a "cre re'eT$Cd. LOC'.t1 212 "ould do It)...e-
era .. h program 10 do il. "i..e. rhal', all a part of the Brother-
hood a~ far as ,,-c are concerned.
1. W.Ru"" •• , .. .s. Well, thi~ is election month in Local
641;' In ca\C yOIl dun·1 hnuw wha. that
Orlando Local Is is. I'll explain. EH-,ry tWO year~. "e u.,...d
to hold an election of officers. bill starl-
Busy With Activities ing "ith thi~ eleclion. elections "ill be
L.U. 606. OKI.\. ... nO. FLA .- The pa~t held e>cr) three }ear~. This h the time
... scene o f local 606'$ Valent",. party_ couple of "eeJ.\ ha'e been a bu~y time "ht-n "e get a chance to ,ote agillm i
Se3'ed wl lh their wives. I,,'t to "Chl. a'" for local 606. Ihat ollicer. or officeT'>o "e do nOi Ii)...e.
Business Manage. Joe Scott. Sulllv"n KUlon, The S.;J\e Building Trode, meeting Thi~ is Ollr big chance to gel hacJ.. at
Ca" Peters. and Ca,1 Tied ... m"n, wa .. held here in Orlando. A~ always. that gu)-il doesn't nm)...e one bi t of dif·
thi~ ";IS an Intere,.ing mo::eting. We "'ere ference how good an oflicer or union
The Naliona1 Rura l F1cclrk COO(lCra- privileged to have I ielilenanl Governor m:, n he b. Why. in the p:tst twO year~.
th'c Association also :;aid last }ear thai 'I om Adam' a~ our gue,!. Also pre\- thi~ officer. or officer,. stepped on my

I"e faced Ih" most "rilieal po .. cr short- ent "a, Orlando·~. or Orange Count)_·lo-. toes once. twice. mllybe three times. and I
age since World War [I and ma)'be the sherifr. Da\e Slarr (a good man to ha'e I wa~ innocent on eh'ry occasion. and
""orst in Ihe l12-year history of the in- on our side). Some of the topks dis- now is "hen I' ll gel e,en.
dustry. Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. cussed "ere the "age freele and the ' I certainly....bclie'c that the foregoing


is lou~)' philO'\ophy, c~pedltlly \I hen II( 400 persons, including Inlcrna ti,)nal
usc Ih:ll tine of Ihoul1h l 10 dl·cide on Rcpn:o;enlali'le Robert W. Dunlea vy.
Re tired Members
whom we II:tnt 10 repre-.cnl our local who represented Third D bt rict Vice
union and Ihe III J.W. We ~hould f"rgel I' rc~idenl A. R. lohn!>On. and hll~ine,s
our pen)' difference, \\hen \\e ca,t our manage,"" from our ,bier local~ in Ne\l
VOle~ and vOle for the people II ho will Jer...:y and I'enn\}hanhl.
do Ihe be .., joh. Whene\cr \Ie do other- T he hu\ine~, managers in :lnendance
\li-.e. \\e lIre m~ing 11 'tep had\\:tr<l, for ... ere Ra) Greele). I ocal _~:!. /'.:e"'llr~.
Ne\l Jer<;cy: Ftia\ L. Bar:tm. 1 (.1\:,,1 IO:!.
Our Of.·\1 huilding " ~omlll~ right I'alel'->On. 'e ... J e~): Ihl\ll,rd ')..:hier.
along. ,lOd hy Ihe time )tlll re;.d Ih., kl- 1.01.·,,1 16~. Jel'oCy CilY. /'.:e", Jer...:).
ler. Ihe hrid \lorl. should he fini .. hcd. Harr} Hiltner. 1.000·al :!Il. Atl.tolic ("it).
We lIould h~e Itl '><."C m(lre prOj.!re" on ~e'" Jer-.cy: H()b Cart ... righl. 1')I.;l.1 :!6~.
Ihe huilding, M IIC hale "',IIICd a tong Pl:!infiehJ. 'e\\ Jer\C}: Don;old "enned).
IIme_ Wilh 11 linle hit uf lucl.. h,,"'eler, l.uc:11 ~69, Trcnton. ~e", ler\C); lame,
... e'li be in t-efore ... c I.no ... II W Allen. Local 3.14. ,\thllllic ("it). Ne"
I ot" \VOt I K I II. I ' .S. ler .... }: John C noll. i,)I.;al ~~II. I'erlh
,\mro}. 'e... Jer...:): lluh Sc-haller,
' oeal 367. Ea~lUn. l'enn,}lvania: Grunl
Bu siness Manag er Atte nds ral~. Jr.. Local 400. A,huT} Pllr~. Ne .... Pictured. hefe. life BfOlhe,s lliHY Ke,lman
lind rfenk Clemenl, both ,eti.ed members
PU C H ea ring in Hartford Jcn.cy: Jerry l!rade!. Sr.. t oel.l _~'n.
01 loc.t 697, Clry Ind Hammond. Ind. Re
"ine1lIOd. ~~" JeN.'): Phil " ell)'. Io;:al cently. Bfother Clemens v,sjl~d BrOlher K,,;\
L. U. 660. WA 11-:ttIl U I(\'. ('Ol"j'\ .-On 439. Camden. New lc r .... y: 1·l1tn~ \Iar· mlln, whO II vef)' actwe ,n sen,or c.hnn
April ~lh. tlthine" \Iulmgef Gene Alx:l chi1l0. Local ~"'6. Ne\l Brun, ... id. Ne\l 1I"lIiB ,n llII Vegas. Nev
attended <I hc;lrin~, held hy the I'uhli.:: Jer...e~: and Fran~ Kcll),. I ocli l ~1I1,
Ulilitin ("omml"ion al H arlford, JIl Ie,,· .... lorrbIO\ln. ~ew Jer-.e)'. SinCe l anuar) t. 197 1. Broth..-r\ Wil-
limon) agl.in't Ihe (I'&I-rcque,ted r.l1e 1,;101 ··,\ rehic:" !>telt'n,. Jame, ··Charlie··
Our honored ~tle~" ... ere ~O·)ear
Increa\C. " re~. \lei ThMp. Ru, .... 11 Coo~. Earl
memher, Sherman G. "hiler. AI I o;:~ ­
AI the hearing. Brother Gene made I'u"'ell, VHnc I earn. DOll Iklrid.
\\11Od. 0110 Velhinger. Vince Ti!;he. and
Ihe follo\linj.! point .. · L" ... rence Uro ... n. lind II..rr~ I-ricl. h:lle
("hark, .... rau\~. In commem"r:otiun of
the puhli~ h,l\ been fa~ed ... ilh :11l- Ihe oc~:,~ion, "u~ine~~ \I Jnager John retired_
too-frequenl hro ... nout~ l.nd po"'er fail- O'Connor pres.:nted e:oeh hOnOfW l1t1c~1 Loo~lIli! ahead through the ~ellr 1977.
... tth 3 goW \lalch. another It~ tlll'mhc-r, "'ill he eli!;ihk for
White ,ubjceling the pul>1k 10 poor pcn\ion. At Ihl' pre.... nl lime. Ih~re ;ore
The alfair "'3\ a 'lIcee" be~llU'-C of
'>en'ice. lhe ulililie~ h:l\e 'penl million, lhe efTorl\ of our encr!;elic Fnlerlain· 71 "'ido\\, l,r our dcparted Brolhe,",.
on promotional aClivitie, and Ihou-.:lOd, ment ("ommiuee. eon,i,ling of ("h:oir- \10'\1 of ollr reliroo memhc-h remain
on re..carch:
man Niel. "hilippa. Ed .... irl.. IkIb prell) 3(1he. ellt:3ging in !hhing. li"il'
While cnjo)ing lheir legal montlpoli,- Schant;!;. Bill Zielenb:och. Jim .... enlla. mg. IralCling. l.nd helping 0111 in the:
tic fl'O'>ition\, Ihe)' h:!'e enj.!aged in pro- Fr.101. Cunningham. and B"t- Gir!;,h communil), in ... hich Ihe} Jile.
mOllonal giH'a ... ay) 10 preferre., r.;u,IOfn-
II ~ ;.. intere"tin~ 10 nOle Ih:n ;oil tlf lhe One of our 010,1 .... tilt' mt;'mbeh. in
From Ihe ,:1I1ettmry of lheir fr;onl'hi-.c
fhe honored member~ -.cTled :I" oOkel"' Ihi, re,peel. i, Brother Lan) KeHm;lO.
of Loeal 67~. Our 101.·1.1 owe .. nlulh 10 ",h(l "'Ith hi, ... ife. Ik"ie. ha, hcen en-
~talU." Ihey h:'le (lone oul all.1 renderet!
lhe-.c: men \lho guided our memlK''''hip JO)in!; Ihe t:uod. health) climale of I a\
'oCrvice~. nlade !>otIc,. and perf"rmeu IhrOUl,1h ler)" lurt-ulen\ Ilme~. Thdr dedi - Ve!;a,. /'.:eladl •. ,in~ .. he relirt'd ill JlIllU·
"'·orl. normull), done by Ihe privllle !lCe- cation 10 the Brolherhood h,l~ heen lin llr). 19611.
lor: in~pil"lliion 10 u, all. 10 he!;in \I IIh. I l.rr) ;<, the l."i,t:ml
Ant!, in con~hJ\iOIi. he poinled out
We are proud. nOI "nl)' or uur ~O m:1m'l,1er uf lht! II Capilan Mohik
Ihal 11K'<>e Iltclic\ hal·e llOt heen in the
~'eM member,. but aho uf our )llIlIIl1er Home Cl.mp in I 'h Vt'I,1.I'-. "hk-h 1:.l.e,
be~ 1 intere~t of ei lher their ~ha reholt!cr ..
member... One. A~i~lllOt Bu,ine" \I:o n· lthout one 10 lhr~e hour~ of hi, lime
or Ihe public Ihe)' 5cr'lC. eHeh d:.) , ·1... i~t' :. momh. h" ;md hi\
ll~er Neil Bo} Ie ha~ been named h)' the
The second o f a series of <,crnin:l r~ for AFt-C IO Central L,bor Commillec tu "'ife ullendcd World War I group meet-
¥oung union membe ..... ~pon~on:d h)' Ihe lhe post of ~hairnlan of the Veter!ln .. in!;-\ ... here Ihe) pIa} t-ingo :md h;I'e pol-
Connecticut Slllle I :tbor Council .....:os A"i~lance Commillee. L'llion Counl)' h,,~ dinner,.
held al the Unin'r,it)' of Conllel'li~ut Chapter. rl cr} Wcdllc"la) nighl. from 6:011 to
Our loe:ol "'ll~ reprewnled h)' Georb'C
The purpo-.c of th~ conlillillee i.. to Iti:OO. Ihe 01er-50 Cluh mceh for pi-
~ Ii alli. l' fourth'YCM ~rpre nl ice in our
ofTer a'>1>i,tance 10 r~lUrning '1demn, in n\Xhle j!amc, and . ..omelime~. l. POllucl.
lATC prollram. George. hi~ ... ife, D iane.
finding emplo)rncnt in lheir eommunl' dinner. Brolher Keilman h pre,idenl of
and d;UJllhler. Kohin. lile in '1orrington.
lie,. Such in'oh'enlenl in communil), :of· thi, cluh.
Mired .IO\ln 10 ii' o ... n. t!i\mal fheal
fair, i\ becoming more eOl11nmnpL.ce I he " eitnmn<, 111..0 Iluend the Ameri-
policy. Ihe pre~nt admini~Ir:ll ion hll~
anlonl,1 our local lIIemhers a .. lie 'IriH' t;on A, ••O.:ialion for Retired I'cople meel-
\Cen fil 10 ca,t the American Cun,lrIlC'
lioll worl.er in Ihe role: of «unumk viI· 10 heeome recogni/.ed. nOI only;" ... (lr l.· ing' I... ice n monlh. along \lilh lhe
inl,1 I1len. bUI a, 1eader~ in our ~·"lIInHln· I rnl'el (luh meeting, and t-:mquch. and
lain. all of \lhich ~huuld IIml.e lY72 all
il)·. ~Iill auend church Cler) Sunda)'.
Inlere\ling ~eM.
ll roth~r I arr} re.:enll)· r~eeiled 1I per·
J.1l ~1''' til II '-..I, 1'.5, \Omll cilalion from \la)or Gra}!>On of
I :.~ Vcga~ for hi- inlcre,' and ,upport
Elizabeth , New Jersey, Local Local 697's Pensioners "f the DII!;1 Center, \\hich b beinl,1
turned ol·a 10 the Gotokn Age Club
Honors Fiv e 50-Year Members Total an Even 100 for Ihe uClivilic~ of Ihe loCnior dli;!;en~ in
L. t l. 675, El.Il.AlIE TlI , NJ .- il w:" I..U. 697. GA in' ,...'-11} IIA\I\IO'I}. 1 .1\ V':!;H'•.
our prhile!;e mld ple:o~ure to honM our II" I).-On April I. 1>}71. fOllr morc Keep up Ihe good "' or~, !.;. rry. a~ all
50· yeli r ll1ellllx'r~ III our Amllml Din- memhers .If LlK";" 697 relil·cd on pen- "f thc communities :. re proud of )011,
ner· Dance. ,ion. We now h;lI'e ex;.cll)' 100 pc,,,i,,,,· :lml ~o :lrc "c.
T he :II Tair wu~ :ll1endcd by mure Ihan er~. C II IKIIS O. W II.SON, F.S.


B u~ine,s Ma nager WCllver lUIS bee n very
United Officers, Stewards at Meeting hu\y negoti3[ing co ntm clS for ~e,cm l Oof
Oour ~hOop~. He "';tS sueccs~ful in Ihi,
ta~l. :mu our mcmbcr~ em plu)eu in Ihe
~hop, arc now enjoying beller Wl.ge~
IIntl hcncfils.
Wi lh Ihe pa~~in~ Oo r A\ .. i,. ant II II,inc ....
Man:lger William r ay tor, "ho al'l'
'>C nc" !'I~ pre,", -.c~retary. !'Ind the dep .. r,
turc of A .... i,t:l1lt Bu.. ine,\ Manager I'cte r
l'c \(lle. 111m I'em IU \\url fur Ihe Al I -
( 10 pnll\ilal :mn, CO PI-.. lI u.. inc ....
\larwgel' ,\ C,ller otppOmleu Brothcr,
("rri~!io und \\il~on to hi, oOkc ,L.Jf
Bmther Carril,!lio h;l.I '>CrIed a, pre,i
de nt of Ihe toe:.!. :1111.1 Hn)ther \I;ihon
"11<0 on the I x(."culin' 1I0.. rd
AI our mOo"[ reccnt I .Aeeulile IIn,lftl
meeting. Ihe huald :IPPoinled lIfl)ther
(nrriglio a~ pre .... 'cerCI" ..} anti Brulher
J tarry I'ryor a~ rc g i~tnlr .
;\, for the I\\Jr~ ~i t llati()n in (llir juri,-
dl~lion. wc hope il "ill ilnprlJ\C I he
l11l1jolily of 0111' .. hop, :lfC holdlllg theil'
\I\I!l. and we "i,h fur impruvclIlcn t j.jr
Ihc \)th~'r' in the nCitr fllture.
I he loeal i~ in Ihe ]lrocc'~ of Ir"in):
10 urglmi/C m,Jre .. hup'. ,lIlu "" hope to
he ,uc~c"f ul.
JOlt", C 111111(.1 10, I'.S.

Brother Ruley Is Just O ne

01 Local 716', Hobby;,!,
1..11,7 16, IIOt 5 1'0'. 'tEX .- We arc
['ftJlIIl to Imll' ,Imun~ our tllemn.:r .. :.
~rca . 1lI.lny hobt'o)i\h. \lho in Iheir 'p,)re
IUlle ueHI.e Iheir :lbi[iIIC~ \0 IlCI' en·
t.Ic'IHlr,_ f or cX <tmpte. Ilill Rille ) h."
mu .....: r... <1 Ihe [,mel ice uf lIf~hery lind the
prefah ri calio n uf ;Irdlcr) 1''1"ipm... nl
I hrou ); huul Tcx[I\. hi' .. lill, and
(fllrt~m!m,hip )"'" ... heen prulet! I~' h~
Shown In th UI two picture, are the off,ce.s Rnd stewardS of t he E~ansv;lIe. Indiana. unit 01 "JIIIC of the bc~l. :, nt.l CXf'Crh nlll,i,lct
Local 702, WUI frllllkfoet. III., who allended " ",UunS at which the speaker was Hilldon
Robe'll , Assls talll P,o felSo" Depa rtment of Lebor. Education, and RestO .. ,el,. Indlnn~ him to he a~ £real an archer :t\ thu",
UniverSIty. II hu IiI cd in Ihe lime of Robin Il ood,
IIravu ' l arry Stephcn,on \\a~ winner
fn Jnnu:lry. 1')71 , ollr onkcr~ uml ll' "Uuhl,jll\lin); llpprcnlicc" of the
Credit Union Doing Well; lliurth-yeul' d"~,, He will reprc~cnt <lur
"cII'llrd .. of Ihe Fvunwi ll c. Imli;.na. IInit
42 Members Laid Off allcndcd :1 mectin); at \lhich thc ,pealer local in thc ~l:Jle tunte,\ whil'h will be
11'11, l1 i);d\l1l Roherh. A"i,l:lnl I'rofc"ur. held in Corpu, (' h ri,li.
LI I, 702. W.:~T FRA"Kl:OIfr. 11,1.. 1 he entirc membcr,hip is al":I>,
1)cpartrncnl of Labor. bJllc:llinn, lliul
_ I he otliccr, nnd ,!at! of l ocal 7(1Z Rc-cal'dl. Indi:)na Univcr~ily, I' rofc"or
:Irc plc:I'>Cd h) report lllal Ihe loc:LI', R"hert .. ,pole on the role of the .. tCI'·
credit unum hll~ completed ii' fiN ~car ard. un ;.rhitratiun. and on th e under- Modern Robin Hood
uf opcr"lInli with every indicaliull Ih", il "WlllJing uf Ihe conlract. A gc~n.1 di, -
j, \Cr,inil :I~ 11 1'1lhmhlc a,~1 to Ihe ( lI"il)n -(t nd-que~lion period \la.. then
Jllcmhcr\, hellJ
Much <If the S IlCCC'~ of the credl' II i.. I'ilh plea~ure th:.1 annUllllce
union J'C'I ~
in the h!ln" ~ of our Cllp"hlc Ihftt il i, almost s ummer in Sou.herll JI.
,lalf 111 We,! ir,111lfort, lIIinob. and lIe linoi,. and Ihe Ihh are hiling We invlle
cumpJlIllcnl the \llllT mcmhc .... un their m~'l11llcr, everywhe re 10 vi,i. Oour :Irea
fine "orl. I he tinker, and , I.lff of Ihe ,Ill" enjoy the recrcaliomll fadlitie'
10.:<11 ur~e all of our memn.:r~ 10 mulc F ~IOI\Y D . RUTI U III 01111. I'S,
u-c of Ihe -cnice~ uffered h} Ihe (n:dil
hum our I vUllwil1c. Iml iaml. unil.
New Stewards Welcomed;
I'C regrel 10 repon !hm 42 of uur mem· Contracts Negotiated
ber' I'cre IHid uff in J.lnu:lr) ... ' the
Soulhern Indiana Gn~ uml f lec lric (,)111 1..0 , 71 3, C II IC AGO, Jt.L,- B II~ine"
pall} i, llo,in~ d(lwn It .. Ohio Ri'er ~en Manager H arry Weaver 'WclcOomed the
erutin!> pion!. I he C\l!I1P:on y i, converting lIew ~ Iewards who wcre elected in J unu- Brother Bill Ruley. loc~1 716. Houston. Teo ..
ary. and urged evcry .. ["ward to ItCrve co uld give RObin Hood some com~lltlon
Ihe hoiler, frol11 coa ! to ~a, and "if. It with /I bow and attOw, Bil l Is ~hown wi th
b expected IIH'! Ihe ph.nt will be bnck the nlcmber~ 10 th e best or his abi lity. 11,. t rophies he has won f ar his s ~ lIl In
in "pel'lLtion hy the end of Junc. S ince uu r l a~t le tt er 10 the JOItrlW/, archery.


eager 10 :.ee our loca l conlinlllllly male hu rr y Ililh ;I re placeme nt for prc~~ \C-
10w:1f(1 success. 1 he think ing majori ly
Personalities in Local 728 erela ry, or there will be nOlhinS 10 re-
hopes Ihal Ihe be,1 leader~ will .... in Ihe place, as we losl our hair yeaf!> IIt:O.
cieclion. Mean .... hfle. had. in Ihe dome, aided our e)C\ "jlh glas~~ 25 )e(l1"1>
Ihe eou nl remain, ball Ihrce . Slril.e ' .... 0 bacl.. (lnu rcplaeed ollr teelh I) )ellr\
for every conte~lan l . ago. And .... e .... iII hal-e our he3ring :Iid
··A heallhy mind in (I he allh y body." inslalled Ih b .... eel.. Who I.nows. "e may
The'iC .... ords ~hould ..ene a~ a reminder ~how up al II meeti ng Ililh a ha irpiece
to Iho<,c BrOlher, who keep gn,) .... ing ne:t!.
horizonlally. Ohl,o~il)· i, a di..e:l..e Ih(ll ' ow Ihal :In of yOIl are receiving 1":1)
ca n be prewnled by I.eepmg }our...:lf m d\Cl.'l.\ again, remember that. "hen )OU
, hape wi th a good diel amI )(Ime cxcr- purcha,e :1 pro.iu(1 and arrilc ,It Ihe
e , )C~.
checl.·out counler. you hale made a de·
The \Iorl. , il u:uion ha, begun 10 im- li,ion to hmld. m:linlain. and ,u,lain un·
prO\e. :lccordmg 10 Ihe inform3uun of innt~m b) hu}ing onl) I h~ good, .... ilh
Ih t\ine~s Man:tger Grnha m Kempc'. l ei Ihe union la~l. or chI' ~ou hale ~ho\Cn
us hope Ihe dH.:I.-dkl. of Ihe \Oo ire 1001\ 10 gi\e )lour mOne) 10 3 uniOIl-bu\ttng
may be he,trJ for a lont: lime. • manufaclurer anc.l. probahl). 10 :1 big
And by Ihe \Ooa)l - -,I [lOm t of informa- In loul 728, fl. leude,dele. Fla .• "8t\,nS conlribulOr 10 Ihat ' alional Righl-IO-
tion- In HOll,ton. l e.\a ... on l-l igh\Ooay inst,uc lor George Roussos and Ass;.lanl Ap-
p,entice O,ra<:lo, Arnold Bleeke, look on e. Wort. COmmtllee_
~9 going nonh. Ihere IS huge sisn Ih:H The long.a"ailed journe)man training
Iwo 0 1 thet, s tudents, Paul 0s0! end Tom
rC(lf,": ··Do nol I.ill anmuJillo,: Ihe Slico, p,acl,c, Ih." knOll cia" on ngg mg i, under \Illy :lIld t,
Nixon Admtni,lnlllOn mtght , 1:lY In fo( held eileh S:1lurda) mornin~ III Ihe
anol her teflll." dOlln,lui" \C~lilln of jour 1000al unjun
Relllemher. II rothcr,. no unton i~ h:llI. Thi~ h Ihe fir~1 under Ihe progr,Ull
~Ironger than iI, mcmher,. Come 10 Ihe
meetings. We had belter go hcfore Brother lioh
A"IIlIII" GUIIIII. 1'$. [te" mad aIm in.

All Local 728 's Members ,

Some Travelers W orking New Have n Local Fet es
1 .1 . 728. FT. I ,\ I n ENJ) AU :. "· I.A._ Retiring Ol d·Timer
All of our mcmhl,or. arc now .... orl.inl;. L_U. H 7. ~I-- \\ " \ \ E ...... co' "'. -The
hUI there are 'lill ...,mc tralelen on lhe membel'\ of l ocil 747 held a reliremenl
beneh. It 1001.' ii' If \Ooc .... ill h;\\i! .... orl. p.1rl) for (leneral Chairman \1 DeRili\
.. II ,ununer. hili t.ti.'p pTa)ing Ihal .... e Ph,. Jenkons. above, ,eplaces Howard Buck al Ihe " elebu, ("Iuh on h1nuar) 1(, •
nCler hale anolher .... inh:r Ill.e lhe pa~1 ~~. who ""oe:ned al bus.~s man'le. of 1'171 IllCre .... ere "ppro~im"leJ) 1 ~O
Ihe U ... men·s Un,t
one ... hen .... c h"J (,41 memhcr. Io."lling. hlemhcr-. and [tlle'I' in un,-rIdan.;e
YOII member-. .... ho lefl to .... n and \1 ,mrle'" un lhe old -.:e.... ~I alen
.... ,Inl 10 relurn. call )UU( hU~lnc'~ m(ln- R(lilrood in l1j2~ and r.. tir..d December
ager: .... e arc ,ure he Gin find .... orl. for H. 1970..... tlh ,I hll,ll of 47 )ear... \\hen
)IOU 1\1 'Ianw on Ihe railroad. lhere .... ere
I he memhcr-.hip l(I\ed 10 add llnulher unly company union, un Ihe propen}
(I"i,I,lnl 10 aid Bu,ine" M!lnll.l;er \\el- In 19211. AI 1001. an :u:li'e part In 1lI!!,I'
don in orl;ani/ing. We heliele all memo nt/inj!. Ihe elcclri.:;tl \\ort.er, tn J(Jln the
hel'\ .... ill be ,mi,liel.l .... l1 h \l i).,e O·lIrien. III1-W
The oll <,io.:" mallager\ Job gcl\ lOugher In 1':116. Iht' ml \\ "on lhe flghl 10
eadl un>: recen tl ). II r,lI her, WeMun. Pal reprcwnt Ihe ele~trkal lIor ).,er, on Ihe
Sheldon. !Inl.l RKh:lr,1 Wienke "ere -':ew 1·laven R:ltlruad. HO.... clcr. 1\1 \ ur-
jailed for pa"i"g OUI h:tndl1ilh un Ihe gani]ing efior" didn·1 ~IIlP there. lk ..... i.'
(orn conslruclion jub. Thc char",$. ho ... - a ~harler memher uf Lu..:al 1I!i9. -.:c ....
e'er. have ,inl·C I1ccn di'rni~..cU. We Yort.. ' cw Yorl. and \Cried 1\, recor"'-
Iholll;hl Iho<,c ,hi)' endell .... ilh Ihe \I i,- tng ,el.'relllTY for 10 )ear~. pre.. iden[ for
\ i"tppi ineidcnc arc .... )<'ar, bad The job 01 all,lIani bUSiness manae.' en
tails one'S meel,ng of lOme SI'I"8e Chaoec. I ~ )ear'. local chainllan fur 2~ lent',
A"i'13m Bu\illc" \ 1,ln:ll;er /l o":lrd lers. as Hugo EOIII. shown here. doscovers Hnd pre,idenl of Ihe local I ederalion
iJ",;t.le), ha\ re,igned frorn ht, JOt. of =-1 for 15 )ear~.
repre'>Cn linl; lhe lineme n, but ... e ft:el In 19!i6. he .... a' eleued general (h,ur-
Ihal Ph il Jent.en\. ht, rrplal.'emenl. i, "n man of S),lelll Coun~il =19 ..... hich ter-
r~cellenl chOIce rIlor) eOlered Ihe area from 'e .... ' ort.
mood IJanl. (hairman l .. rl Wuest 10 nOIIOn. On hccoming a general chalr-
hall anOlher one of hl~ "hIOO<l)" parttes. 01(10. 1M: [001. on i' ne ... battle of r.. pre
,101.1 .... e h:lle pillUr" :tnd a \lor) for (I -.enling all of the clcelrical .... orl.el'\ un
fUlure leller 10 Ihe hll/mal. The pre,s Ihe New Ihllen Ra ilroad. He Ihen .... enl
....--crelar) i~ graleful II) )Oll BrOl her\ .... ho on to bcl.'ome pre .. idenl of 5} "!em I ed-
donale a pinl for U~. \\c clen hale one cn'ltion :: 17. I\htlh repre'>Cnh the ,i~
for Ihe ne~t parI}. nun·operallllg union,.
Brot her Wuc,1 :"I.cd U\ 10 1<,11 :111 )OU In 19611. Thoma, R::Umq. then Inter-
llonor~ [0 be ,ure 10 cre,lit I oc:al 12K in nalional Vice i' rc .. id .. nl. cal1el.l upon AI
your name .... Iten )IOU don"[e blood ;II 10 help organt/e the Penn Cenl ral Ratl-
lhe ho,pita!. r hal ..... ay. you .... ill recci ...: roa, l eleclrici:ln ~ lit Altoona. I'en n ~}ha­
credil. anJ you .... iIl be eligible 10 "llerld nilt. Al a gre:l' per,unal ,;u;rifice 10 him·
Ihe nexI pm·l), wil h your wife 0 1" I!irl ..... If anll hi ~ f;lm ily. he acce plClI Ihe
M,~., O·B".,n, newly·edded ISs,S!anl
friend, a nd il WOIl't co, t ),ou an)llhing. ""SS Manager Jim We ldon , will challenge. He "or\';ed in Al loona ,elen
We think P re~ i d cnl l'cret had heller o088nlzi"8 the juolsdlc.lon. month,. dc vu lil1 J; nwny hmtr) 10 Ihe joh.


The No,"",all.. Line Depanmenl is tional activities. Much of his ellira du-
Re tire m ent Party scheduled to converl lhe Greens Farms ties we:re performed on weekends and
No. 2 circui! in Westport from 4S00 in evenings on his own lime-if one can
Delta to J3.SY \e:ry M)(ln. we also have say a business manager has any lime to
severnl oliler con\e:rsions planned for call his 0\\ n. He made ee:rtain nothing
!he: immediate future. interfered wilh his dUlics as busine:ss
See you al the neAt meeting in the manager of Loc:tl 756.
American legion Hall on COllnty Street Brother RO'iClli's eivk acti, ilic~ in-
in I'\or",al]". cluded being a mcmher of Ihc F'lual
JOE A:><IlI"!>O". P.S. Opportunilie, Board of Da}wna Ileach
and Volu~ia County: of 1·luman Re-
'Ollrce~ Oc:~elopmcnt Nee:d Study COlli·
New Interna tional mi"ion. and the Volusia County
Re presentative ('haner Study Commb\ion. In his org;j·
ni/.alional aCli,ilies, he scl"\"ed :t~ pre,i·
dent of lhe Florida State: [le:l·trical
Workl."rs As)ocialion: \ 'ice Pre~ident of
Members of locill 747, New Hilve n, Conn .. the Florida State AFI·ClO~ Vice I'rc~i­
held ;II relire....,nl ~rlY fo. General Cha,,' dent of the l' Iorida State Iluildlng
man At DeRII,s ilt the Melebus CI"b on Trades Council: Pro:,ident of the Da~·
J an"iI», 16. 1971. Shown, lefl to .ighl ... re lona Be3ch Central Labor Union; 3nd
Ihe hono.ed ~t and hIS w,fe. JosephIne.
and Intern ational Represental,ve .. rod Mrs. I're~ident of the Da~tona Beach Building
George Thomas. Trades Council. He \\a~ a Illenlhcr of
thc l\1i ~,ile Site Labor Relations Com·
millee. thc John F. Kennedy Space Ccn·
New Dentis t ter. and coordinator of the Project St:lbi·
Stephen J. Yardan. lilation Agreement. the John F.
It member of Lo~al Kennedy Space Center.
747 and Dn ele~tri. In view of hi5 pa~ t record, we :Ire
cian ""Ih Ihe Penn Dan Rosetti. former business manager of
Central Rallroild for local 756. Oaylona Beach. Fla .. "'11$ .ecenlly confident he will pursue the duties of hi,
the past ]0 yeal'S. appoloted Inte.nat,onal Rtp.e-s.nlat'~ of Ihe new post "'ith his usual 7eal. So, be,t of
announced ...:ently f,flh O;st.icl. lud._ Dan RO'>C:Ili. and to our ne\\ 111I,i·
Ihal his son, D ••
Stephen W. Yardan, ne:~s ~ I nnager Don Carter J;oes our flill
hild graduilted from New Business Manager measure of ~uppon.
the Temple Unive.·
soty School of Den·
ED VAUSTtK. p.s.
I'st»', Ph"adelphia.
Pa. Congratulatoons Brother W estfall Becomes
to you. D. Yard .. ".
and beSI 0 1 luck
to you to, fulu'e
Local 76] 's New President
success. 1..1 1. 763. O" AII,\ . N ..: nK.-At (lur
re~ular meeling on April ht, Pre,idenl
When the election was held. the !HI'\\ Oscar Johno;on tendered hh re~ignation
was chosen to represent thc e\o:ctrical after serving in that position for fi~e:
worker~ 011 wha t-before ih merger Mlccessful yean. Brothe:r Wayne We~t ·
with New York Central-", as Ihe old f:tll. who \\a~ ~erving a~ vice president.
Pennsylvania Railro;ld. is now pre\ident of our local.
rhe member"i of our local \\ ill cer·
tainly nli" the ocnefil of AI's ",i-.dom
lind courage. We all whh him anll his
wife many happy year"i of retirement
f o.me. assistant business mlnager. Don
Carter, was appo,nted bUSiness manager by
the E"<;ul,ve Boa.d.
Members of our IOCIII ha"c been busy
moving line~ on Inter-tale 6110. '1''''0 of
our thre:c·mun crews just completed
IIlo\'ing a to\\er with two e:ire:ui" of
J\~II S P. I-i LCU[S, !'.s. 161KV.
Dan RoseHi Appointed Tilt:- '1ebra~La State Electrical Coun-
eir~ ElIe:euthe BOllrd met in I.incoln.
New Safety Manua l International ' Rep' Nebrasl.a. on April 71h. All board memo
L.ll. 756, DA Y1 ONA IlE,\ C II. FLA. hers und International Represcntati ve:
Re ady fo r Signing Russcl1 Mundorf \\ere prese:nt. M:IOY
- rhe oftieeh :md rTlCmher~ of Local
L U. 753. NOK \\ A ll\: . CO~""'·.-At our 756 were quite pleased \\hen our e~­ I'\cbrnsl..a legislati,e bilh "'cre discussed.
regular meeting on April 11. 1971. Hu,i~ teemcd International Pre,ide:nt Charle~ Most of Ihe IBFW k>cah in this state
ne~s ManaJ;cr nil! Klemi~h reported thllt I I. I'illard appoinle:d Bu~ine~~ Manager hclong to the: council. and we hope Ihat,
lhe new Safety I\ Ianual with Northea~t Dan Ro~eui as International Represcrua· in the near future. tllc representation
Utilities h ahout 10 he ~igned. Brother tivc to serve under Vice President J. B_ will be 100 per c<'nl. The eouncil\ main
Klemi~h is one of Ihe IB EW represcnt:t· Pate in the Fifth District. The uppoint- ho.l) meel ~ annually. and the fllccll li\"c
ti\"c~ on Council U-2-l \\ho h:l\e ~pen t ment wa~ effective March I. 1',171. Board. quarterly. The: FlIecuti\c OO:lrd
Ihe last one and one-half years ironing Brother Don:lhl Carter. A~~blanl me:etings alternate bet\\ecn Lincoln and
out di(ferenee:~ belween union and man· Businc" ~·I :tnaJ;cr. 'HIS appointed h} our Omaha.
agement for the: new Safe:ty Manual. F~eculi\'e Board 10 ~erve in the C:lpacity I"hc ofti~el'S of the cOllncil are: Presi-
Our Annual !'icnic \\ ill be hdd on of blhines~ mana~er. He \\h coached by dcnt Arlie Heald. Local 165. Lincoln.
August 21.1971 . at lhe YMCA grounds Dan Roo;.elli, and \\e arc confidenl thaI '1ebra~la: Vice President Robert Baber.
in Whtpon. Brother Ray Cullen is hop- OrOlhcr Carter \\iII do an ellcellent job local 763: and Seere:tary· rreawre:r
ing for a) good a turnout as we\e had in Ihe performance of his new dUlies. Ralph Crowl. local 22. Omaha. I'\e·
in pa.~1 )ear;;. By the time this aniele appears in the bras]..a. The Ellecutive Board members
By Ihe: lime rou rcad this anicle, our h"''''III. Dan Roselli will be actively en· are larry Wescoff. Local 165: Ray
new contrae:1 wi!h the: Conneclicut Ugh! gaged in his new duties. We are proud Faust. Local 1525. lincoln, Ne:bra<J.a:
and Po\\e:r Company will be signed, the of hi) p:tst achievements and the varied and RoIx:rt !'olice. Local 76J.

union hopes. ~ope of his pa)t e:ivic and organiza· ROIIU.T P OLICE, P.S_


pan y'~ :Iverllse, Yet, U liule more than a
Interstate 680 Line Movers yellr ago, li n individuul in maOllgc ment,
performing sim ila r d uties and huvi ns a
higher average than the member, was
transferred in to II different job.
If IhJs lIll'mber .... ere 1erminated, asked
IJ rOlhe r Allams, who lhen .... ould SCI the
company uveralle, :Iud \l,ho th en .... o\l[d
be :INnc the company?
IJ rothcr Burn) ~Ia t cd Ih:lt his one
child ~hould nOI ha\'e 10 compete "ith
Ihe be)1 of anolher person's four chil·
uren. tl. l anagement felt a comparison
.... ould be fuir if Ihey .... ere doinS the
..arne \\ork,
1 he member's immediate ~upc:rvisor
"as questioned ubout Ihe member's
work hllblts. l ie replied Iha\
., he company thcn inquircd .... h)' lhe:
IIIcmlx-r had nOt applicd for pchtcll jobs
,inlt the firsl or the year, The union
pro\cd thai no jobs which the member
Memberw 0 1 Local 163, Omahlt, Nab,,, ha ... a been busy moving Itnu DO In!e~U'le 680. Mem ~oul,J perform "cre poj,ted during Ihal
INrw 01 the throte,mao cr........ hO halped move • tower ... ,th Iwo ci.cur" 0' 161KV, lelt to lime. rhe union re'luc\ted that II 30-duy
rJaht, ... Cd Cash, Bob P.'.'500, Ed H..dln,g. Pe,a Kaiser, ;lOd Jack f,one)" e"len~ion N: ghen 10 sec \Iohat job,
"ould t>e rorth~oming. Ihll Ihe reque~1
Member's Job Protected \\ '" denied,
Brother Nixon thcn Muteu Ihat he felt
By Grievance Committee it \Ioas po~sible to resol\e the i,~ue, e~pc­
l'ially ,ioee the mcmber had had \C\eraJ
L l ' , 8J9. AUG L'STA, ME.-Our 1000lli
~e:tf'r' etpc:rience and because hi ..... ork
.. houkJ be \'ery proud of the: Gricqmle
h;lhil' \l,erc cJ!cellenl. It could no\, he
Comminee, con~i~ting of nu~ine .., \I:m·
";lill, I'C 'roCulcd on a union-m:magcmcnt
ager Joseph Nixon. Assblant lJu~im:' .. ha,i, hut on a humane ba)i~, ... ilh hulh
\lanager Robert Bum~. and I);n 1.1
.. ide.. con~erning the:mschcs \l,jlh Ihe
Adams. \10 ho<oc effort~ recently prote.:ted
.... dfare of :Inother pen.on, therl'by
II Olember'~ job,
reaching an acccplahle solution.
The cOlllpany decided to lerlllinaic Ihe
IIrOlhcr Burn' addcu thaI, throu/!hOtl1
employment of a member \Ioith ..eH'11I1
hh life's Clipcriem:e, he of len had 10 re·
)cars' service, claiming that he \10;" not
tral(' hi\ stcp" anll re-e\aluate f:h'l~ be-
uomg his job accoruing 10 comr-an) fore he coul,J come.' 10 a !;.-.thfaclory rJ.:-
~Iandards, In a leiter 10 lhe We~lern Di·
\i~ion mana!,':er, As:siSUlnl lJusine\~ Man·
\ I,tnrtgement agrCl'll to lhi~ if. before
IIger Bums requested a heilring a~ pro- Ihe termination ueudlme, Ihe member
\ided for in Article X III of our
could perform a job \10 hich may comc
COnlraCI, The hearing 'MIS belli on
up. A joh rt~ helper "as found-one
\ llIr('h 31,1911, in Le ... i'rton.
"hich bolh the union and company
r he company maintained that Ihe
:tgr«d the member could perform. I he
member ":I~ not performing hi .. "I)rl.. IIH:rnocr MIS Iran~ferreu to the ne" job
~'lli~factorily in comparhon 10 the (o1Il-
Ililhoul 1I jXhling. according tn Article
XX I of the .... orl..inll- all-reemen\.
S'a'e Elec'rical Cauncil 'f' Board So, mcmbe~, )uppon )our uedicateu
officers in Iheir t'lectcd re~pon~ibilities,
for the prOiecliun of )'our ri/!ht,.
D ~\II) F. Ao\\,,,, 1'.5.

Chattanooga Local Calling

linemen for Work With TVA
LV, S46 , C It.\1T,\ NOOGA , T I~ "' ,_
At the: rre'\Cnt lime, .... e can 1I'rC a fe ...
linemen to \Ioork ... ilh TVA on ~lec1
high·line. If any linemen care to comc
10 the 1;I'I:00t StitH! of Tennes-.ee. !c\ tI~
hear from you. May I w:trn you that
)ou IIIU .. 1 t:lke :1 ph)~ica l e:rtarl\ln:r'ion~
If )011 have had any bacl.. inJUry, )OU
\\ill nOI be hired.
Brolher Charles lI aswcll, Chai rman of
the r~ccUlivc Board, was appoinlcu fi-
nanci,,1 l>t'eretury 10 till Ihe une'l:pircu
The Nabras ka Siaia Elac,,,cal Co..... eil·S hacul,ve Board ,"anlly mal in LinCOln, Neb., tenn of Brother Jack Under\looooJ, "ho
Shown, left to .Ighl, a.e Vice p,e.lden' Bob Baber; board members La rry Weseolf and Ra~
hus l; Inte,natlona' Rl prUln laUva Russ Mundorf: hoa,d mamber Robert Pollee: Pre.1d,nt pa~sed a ... ay. Brother h el.. Ca..c i, the
A,l1e Helld; Ind Slc r eta,~·Tranu ,e , Ralph Crowl. new chllirman of Ihe E:rtccUlivc Bo:rrd,


\\e hale purlha'>ed a new builUmg i.-ad at lIorl., \\c arc glad 10 report mtcrt"m; information.
IIlth parl.m!! fad lilies for ollr memt'Cr\ Ih.1I Brother Samm) Cnmalu ., i.-all. on While Charlie ... a\ in Louis, iIIe, Leon
al 1313 McCallie Alenue. AI Ihe pre,- the job and enjo) ing the be:\! of healtb Ethcridge lIa\ repre!ICnling 980 at a Gas
enl limc. \\c don', I.noll IIhcn IIC (an aftcr ha~ins h'ld a \icl/c of Irouhle\. Ulilil)' Conference in hei.son\ ille.
1I101C, bill IIC 1IiI! do our t'C" 10 I.lOCP \\e arc '>Orr) 10 rcporl Ih'lI Urolhcr 1·lorida.
thoc member<; informed, Gil) \\ right. imlrumenl melh"ni, al the AI our la\t meeting, Local 980 picl.ed
Ketired Brother Charlic lIenry, IIho Cilics ~rli~e Oil Reliner)·. p'I".cd aVon), up 18 new membcr\. IIhkh is a neVo re(·
b aho a (harler member, callie by 10 m \ 1.trch \\c !llrer our heartfelt condo- ord for one 1I10nlh. We hope 10 S<.'C all
pay u~ a vi~it, He still lool.s re:11 good knee, 10 h;" lIife and fltmily. of our Illcmile" al Ihc ne,1 meeting, We
and h d(ling lIell. AlUiI.' A. I'III"II, I'.S, II'cr.:: lery honorell 10 hale a li5ilor
Good lime' arc jll'l aTou",.! Ihe cor- froll1 anolher local- Gene Comb\, a for-
ner If you dun'l belie'c me. :1'1. mer member of our 10.::11.
" Trid) 1I,)y:' Local 880 Mourns Thi~ i~ the 1\[\1 .trtide our local h:I'
I here i\ a ,lory behind Ihat. Mull Brother Leo Riley h:l<.I in the JO/IrIIII/ for quill.' -.ome time,
lIa~ Jcfr\ boxing trainer, and Jefr \loulll '0 I ",ill intrud,,~e Ihe officers and lhe
go Olll :md get clobbered ill eal:h round 1..1'. KgO, S lOt X CI I ", 1A.-I.{)!;"aJ memhcr.. of Ihe J ~el:uti\"e Board. T he
Mull lIould say 10 him, "Bo),. he ha, 11110 mourn, the lIeilth of J co II, Rile), ofliccl' are Pre,ident Donald Pith, Vice
nOI laid :1 slole on )ou.~ :md JeU n:- II ho pa<''oC'd alia) I ellrllary 241h, Leo I'rc~idenl I con I theridge, Recordmg
plied. " M Ull. I.eep )'our c}e on the n::f· (:Ime to Ihe 1011:1 I'uhlie ~rvice COIII- Secretary Joo>cph A. Siupka, Financial
cree: somcbod) i\ beaung hell out of pliny in 1\141. lie \\a, emplo)ed in the Sccrelar) lflin I \\ )nne, and Treasurer
mc," I inc Department a~ a ~m:llI-lfell fore- David 1', Petel"'o.
F I OYI) H. WII 0;0-':, p,S, man. l ie will be mi"ed by nil. T he I xeeulile Board mcmbcr~ are B
D;. ~e Ihm..o ll Anti Jume' 1~lr~e, arc Gene John'>On. C. F. Au~lin, G len G.
Ihe lir" jouTlle)man clec l ncian~ In I.or:ul lIelller" Robert A (.ardner, ~Ind Ronald
Bu siness Manag er Reports ~KO 10 graduule under the fo rmlll ap- N. lillie,
prenlice~hip '>y,lem. Thi .. program lIa~
Work Situatio n Unc hanged CIIIIU II COl n', JR., P.S.
in,lituted by the eOll1pan) :Ind ~y .. tem
1•. 1' . H6 1, LA KE CH ARI-ES, L\, -AI Council U-14, 1 he apprenlke,hip con-
our regular meeting on April ~, l'HI. ,i," of four )ear, of :.~:.denll( lIorl.
Scri be H arrison Airs Views
H u~ine~s \ Ianager Jimmie FOJ( reporlell and ,Iud}, plu, on-Ihe-Job training and O n Bell Syst em Pensions
Ihal Ihe lIorl. ,ilualion i, unchanged and or.1I ;md "rilten le,l\, (onJ;rntul;ltton\,
thai 386 IIIcn arc lIorl.ing in the are:l, J);lIe anll Jame,. L. t , 10 11, S \ "' FRANC ISCO, CA I.I F.
including 16 tm,eler~. This h Ihe lea,t -No mailer \lh:lt III.' gel Bell Tele-
WII ' I"M I WII '>0'11, 1'.5.
number of Iraveling Brolheri IIc·'e h:Hl phone to olTer "' In pemion improve-
in the juri,tlk lion in a long lime, men" :11 Ihe bMg:tining table Ihb
ll rolhcr Fox ,taleU tha t Wo lf 1' leLlrie First Graduates monl h. il lIill Ix: an abominabi.:: 40
yeur~ hehind th e l imc~ for many. llIa ny
ha, the cun trac t o n the new Sem·, 'tore
people! We nrc negOtialing Ihe whole
being I"will here anll that 1l:lTtlett hal
eOntnlcl and I!") ing 10 hrcnk the ,lnl!1'
the contract on thl' new Telephonc
glehul.! the comp:ln)' h:l ~ alwa)'~ had on
building: hOllel'e r. the lIorl. h:l~ not
non·management pen,ioners! A I l a~t
been let al thi) time.
chee~, thcfe \\a~ 59-billion in the Bell
l'roh.1hl), the higge,t ne"" Ihat ha, S)'~em I'en,ion l und, and il\ gro\ling
ta~en place here in quile a "'hile i\ the
This i) ORTf-Local lOll !o<'flins
announcement hy Olin Chcmleal~ Ihal II notice on )"ou Ihal Ihe handoul practicc\
"ill (on'lrul! it~ ne\\ (hemi,,!1 eomple, of the P:I\I arc dead l Thl~ b bargaining
here, This new eomplC\ \\ill bcl;in
i"ue :: 14. and lIe're deadl) ....,riOIl'
wmc lime Ihb ,ummer. anll the fil't aboul II' We uenmnd Ihal the shalllcful
pha~ h !O be completcll wilhin tllO
one per (ent pen\lon formula ui~lins be
yeaI', It i, under~lood Ihal thi' projeu inerea'>Cd to 1110 pe r cenl. Wc dOIl'1
II ill evcnllmlly be Ihe large,t lhemienl O;ove Hansotl ;otld Jam" Bl,kn ere 'he
1"5\ Jou,neyman eleCtrICIans 01 Lcx:"t 880,
"ani :Iny more penllle~ 'tolen Ollt of
ho<-",I 10 Ihe economy in Ihi, arc:" blind men's cups! Jliere will be no mo.e
510 .... C,ly, ' e .• 10 g./lduale under {he lormat
Brother Fo.: ~I:lled Ih:lt he hcliel·e, IhM apprenllCeshtp s.yslem, In"lIuled by t~. Com· grale robbingl If Bell wants 10 fin'lll),
one of the major faclor, in Olin\ tIe.:i- pany lind System Council U I", T~.y are rill il'>C'lf of " '11.1;1113. then the (om·
,ion tu build th" major l·umple, here i\ shown n Wall Bern05~I, .ubll;ollon IU .... '·
pan)' e;m meet 11\ on fair ground on lin
the l;ooJ latxlr-management fC\;)li{JO' Inlendenl, prnenl' Ihel. d'ptom .. to them
imH~ that i~ a national f,H,graee!
thai pre~:l il in our juri.,dietion. r he lIell compan) i') the largesl :Ind
Itrolher l ox. in hi~ report ... rgetl the Well-Round ed Co ntr act rithe" eorporulion in Ihe world, and it's
membcr,hip to gel out and regi'ler 10 10 Ihe InOSI PTllsperou~ country on earth.
vole llnll 10 try to elect lahor\ frien d, Is Goal of Local 980 bill her 10):11 pen,joners live a degraded.
It) our ~tale and 10 ou r fcder:11 Con-
1..1 '. 9HO. j\·O RFOLK , VJ\ . With eon- hUI1l·li~e reU'CllIenl ·1 he "corpornte
gre~', a\ II ;, imperative th:tl III.' ,Uppoll image" h ullla), uppermOliI in the
Ime t negotinlion~ the Ilig thins at l ocal
people who will help m, lJKO rig ht no\\', all mimh :I'e on propos- mind<, of n1:lnagement. bUI Ihe poor Bell
Brother Rolalu.I J a~~in receml)' IInder· II" AIH.I (lITers. T his ~e;tr, We nrc \,or~ing S),lem pcn\iuner lil'e~ wi thout dignit>·
lIent ,"r!!er), on hi~ ~nee. We hope thai, fo. <l lI'i'lI·rOlindell ('""ontfllCI Ihlll lIiII un II 1910 ~lur~!llion Outrage! He i\
h) Ihc time he read, Ihi\. he \I ill be !>cnefil ali of U~, Rcpre<.cnling l ocal '.ISO shen a form leller and a bronze pin.
lIell on hl\ lIay to reCOler)'. arc Donald I'ilh and Joe Stllr~!I, IIho congratul;t1w on his 50 )ear~ of de-
I~rother Jamc~ D Uumhlc i, bal.'I. to lie fct"l arc 1110 of Ihe fine\1. I·Oled lu)a1l)'. and Ihen discarded under
\\OTI. afll:r haling major \urgcr) on one Congratulation<, to Ch.trle\ Au,tin, "no longer u\Cful:'
of h.\ e)e\. Th., I' lhoc <,Ceond opelallon Mi'luel 1','eue7, \lcrle Rodge". IbnI.') Shame. ,harne, Bell Telephone'
of Ihi~ I.ind thai he ha~ undergone \\c Jo..idd, and \lehin Whllc. IIhn jiM fin· ISIIlf"! ,,, Iof' rf'Cli(ittl" f I ) DI"crimina-
arc delighled th'lI rolh operallon, hall' i.. hed a ~er) helpflll '·OUN III Commun- tion hc:I\\C'Cn m..le and female emplo)ec\
been ~IKce\SfuL hi~ e)e~ight i, great I) ,IY Service,. A Utililies Conference lIa~ -AI prcscnt. a feln;tle ernplo)ee may
impro~ed. held in LOlliwille, .... cnlUtl.)'. and once rei ire five )ea .... earlier than a male on
We hope Ihn t Brolher U. I . Smith, again, our "man on the mo~e:' Charles C la'>S '·A" or Clas~ '·B" pen~ion. (2)
who wa, ~u lrering lIil h a b:llI leg, i, Au,tin. allenJed and broughl back murh There i~ no righ l o f ~lI rl'il'o rsh i p ciau'>l:


At Local 1049's Dinner-Donee We arc nil quite proud o f Don's
achie\Cment~. for, not o nly is he a n cx·
ceptional sHiden t with a four'Y'car grade
:1I'emgc of 99 and a near·perfcct alte nd·
anCe reco rd ( hc mis)('d 1.... 0 clas'ICs dur-
inG hh apprenticc-s hip. and one of these
.... a' to attend a labor conllention for
local 1141), but he b also ac tile in
local :.ff:lirs. In Mil)'. Don competes for
thc Sclcnth Di'>lrict OULslanding Ap-
prentice\hip Award in Local 271's build·
ing in Wichita, K ansa~. Wc .... ish him
the toe .. t uf luck and congralulate him
on toeing !.elected "Ollahoma'~ 197 1
O"I\tamllOg Apprentice."
We conGnnulate ou r members who reo
On Ma.eh 13. 1911 . l oul 1().I9. lons t,land, te nll)' compltted NECA's Effcclive
N.V.. h.ld it.. Annual Dlnner·Danc. al Ih.
Hun\ I"81on Town Hou... M.mbe" 0'
Entertainment CommIU.e. 1,1t to '18hl. a,e
Forcman,hip Work,hop, held al lhe H il·
Ion Inn on April 16th and 17th. We
Chairman P Anulon •. Co.chalrmln C. Han· Sealed are Cong,e~$man lHI •• Wolff. s .... nl-.o thanl. NPeA field repre!.enlatil e
un. R. la, ... n. and J. B.,IOloIU. cial guesl. len. and J . Peploe h ck Gooden ,IOU NFCA Cha pter /II an·
:.ger P. R. [Ji,hop for conduct ing the
"urk 'hop. I unlte .... HlOd Ihere will be a
repeat pcrform:mce in September.
We WCfe deepl y ~hocl.ed and sad·
dened by the ~ udde n dealh of membe r
J IIO 1·loch. Jim had auended NEC,\ 's
.... orl.shop and hccarnc ill during the Sat-
urda)' sc,\iun. lie died the following
UII}. Apn l 18th.
Jirn well mcd by our membcr~
and thc "Iany tralle ling Brother, who
worked on hb jobs. J im r;iJJ a smoolh
job and got a 101 Uul uf his men withoul
bcing pushy. Words lire too inadequ;ue
to de5Cribe the feelinG~ we mcmbers e.~·
pe rie nce at th is time.
We e'tend our deepest sympathy to
J im's wife and fami l}'.
Inle,nallonal R.p ..... nlallv. AI G,ln. t.peelal l efl 10 "ehl a,e A. Chliek. Execuliv. Board;
guesl. ,.11.and AU'$Ianl OUlln.u Manaeer F. l ooze. BU$in.ss R.p,esenlat,ve; A, Git ....
DAl t; A. Co-.:. p.S.
Phil Robinson. Inlernational Represenlal .....; and T. V.n
A!'$dale. Bu~iness Manage •• l ocal 3, New
Vo,k. N.V.
Outstanding Apprentice
for men- H a female emplo)'ee dies,
hubby doc, n't ge t a red ce nt unle,s his
During thc e'·elling. a color tde"i,ion
wife WIl\ 'UPPOI't1n8 lum. (l) A Mualler
~t lIas :l\\arded 10 L:.rr) Redtl of EII ~t
number of )"I.-an ure required for "e~ted
pen,ion rii:hh (from 15) wj,h no min i·
W e thank the Long hland I ighling
mu m retirement age. (4) Upgnuie the
min imum retirement pcn~ions from SII5 Company for ils repre:.cntation-numely.
and from $ 125. I . Ru,hmore. G. Broil n. S. Ric h :lrJ ~. L.
Clements. and M. Procclli.
J ust in case the poor Hell S~'~tem pt'n-
On be half of all who attended, I ex-
sione rs wa nt to fcel II hen they bite the
hand that ofrer) them what's jol.inGly reo tend thanks anti congratulations '0 the
Fnterlainmenl Commill~'C for a ;oh well
ferred to a~ lin "A" pcn~ion. )our local
umon is hlning ner,e~ imtall..-d in Jen- done: also. a special thanl.s to Brother
J . Barlololli for the door priles and for
the orchids Ihal lIere presented to thc
1011'" A. II IKlt t)()S, I).S. ladies.
If I hal'c (orgotten to mention any-
Local 1049 's Dinn er-Dance one. please do nO! feel lioli,hlw. lor, as JATC Chal,man B.n 0_ Slar.,. «><>grlttulalK
Oon SchoU, l ocal 114t. Oklahoma C,I),.
long as you enio)cd youl"'>t'lf. that is
Is Scene of Over 400 "hat counts.
O~la_. whO wa, ree.nll), ulecl" Okla
homa·. 1971 Oul"andins Apprenlic •.
L. U. 1049. l.ONG ISLANI>, N.Y.-On C" ..1tl t:.S 1. Lot::FI U K. JR., I'.S.
March 13th. we held our Annual Din· Gil Ste inen, Business
ner· Dance at the lIu nlinGton Town
I-louse. and iI .... as, to say the least. lery Local I 14 1 A pprentice Manager, Resigns
impresshe. All the women lool.ed beau· Named State's Outstanding I•. V. 1194. SANDVSKY, O IllO-h ..... as
tiful. \I ilh great regrel that we accepted the
Over 400 members and Gue,ts were in L.U. 114 1, OKLM1O,\IA CITY, O KI.A. resignation of Busincss Manager Gil
attendance. including special guests Con· - Afler a day·long conlest in Tulsa. Sieincn. effcctille Marc h 1st. Through his
gressman I c)ter Wolff, Internat ional Oklahoma. on April 17th. thi§ )'car's lirc les~ cffort~. we ha le prog re):.cd into
Reprc..entalille AI Gill'" Busine,s M ~tn· olll_tanding appren tice. Don Scholl. w,,~ a fine union.
ager Thomas Van Arsdalc. Loc:,1 3, !>ek'Cled as Ol.lahoma·s Outslanding Ap· T hrough hi~ assiSlancc. Ihe Ohio
New York Cit y. !lnd Na~Mlu Cou nt y prentice for 1971. Don competed Ii);:,in)\ Pen nsylvania Electric Coordinators was
Commissioner of Lnbor H.obe rt Mne- outs tanding apprentices from Loca l 5114, formed. and Ihe Slate Safety Code was
GreGor. Tul ~a . and Local 384, Muskogee. pushed inlo Ihe final sleps. Gil was also


NECA'S Foremanship Workshop

Members of local I ].1. Oklahoma C,t,., Otla .. wt>o o;ompleted W."lker. Clyde M."lIheW$. Ch."rles Spencer. Mlh Murphy . Arhe St"&as.
NECA's Efleclive ror~ anship Workshop, held .t Ihe Hilton Inn on loUIS w.tn."nt$ (contr"CIO,). Gene McDaniel, Ralph C.. nl ... U... nd Don
. . p,,'
16th and 17th, lI'e snown he,e. SU,ndma. ~" to ,.&hl•• re Ron Scouins. Sellled: Jim Town5end. Jim Hod>, Malt Counlryman (lOClll
BIshop (NEe ... Chapter Mln alle .), J;ock Gooden (NEeA r.pnsental ..... ). 444 . Ponca Clly, Okl .. ,), Jim Wilmolh. C. L McGraw, Spec Hartm an.
Harold Crews, Leon McLane, Be" Klopfenstine. Rly W,lkerson. B,II W.. ylln lewi 5. John Soulhwell. Paul Robison . ."nd Jim Hushes.

an active member of the Ohio Slate Local 1238 M e mbe rs

Electric Utilit), Associ:llion and an Exec-
mhe Board member of the Ohio EI~­
Iric Conference.
To his many friends, Gil has r("lIrned
to the hoob :lnd is t.loin b fine.
To Gil. v.C' 8h'C our hcanfcll than],.s
and ",ish him lhe be" in his new ven-
011 lil-RT R. A:>:I)I.II5O:-:, Il~1.

Broth ers Aid Cause;

URD Establ;shed
L.U. 123M, WIU II "'GTO N. 1>1<:1.._01'1
April 24, 1971. Brothers lIenny Wilkins Lett to righl .. re Bill D.llow, Terry Jackson,
and Sam Mento parti.:ip3led in the an- .nd Al C.lvelli hUllng the gas pi_pflo,
10 fus'na_hi1e il ... sls In Ihe "P'8 .,
nual "Boy Scout Good Tum Day'" for
the benefit or the Good"m Indu~trics.
They dro\c two radio cars. pro\"ided by
the Delmar-';j Po"er and Light Com·
pany. ami co-ordinatcd pid·up points Members of Loc .. 1 1238, Wilmlnalon. Det ..
for the door·to-door eamp,lign to collect IlI),'''8 .. "4" PVC duel for .. n under·...."d
all u'SCd item~. C<OSSlng. left 10 riSh!, Ihe), .... Joe logullo.
H r01her~ Howard E. lIoffner. locomo·
Terry Jackson. Bill Newlon, and AI Calvelli.
tive opcnltor a1 lhe Edgemoor power
Slat ion. retired in April after 20 years'
'\Crvice »ith the company. We y,hh him
The talenh of Brothers AI Boroy"l.i,
lineman IC 4l, and Howard Dunkel,
lineman IC. y,ere PUt to good U<iC " hen
they a.\oSisted in moving a house. The
Hrothe rs mo'ed energizW. 1200-\"oh pri·
maries amj nO-volt M'(:ondaries 10 facili·
illte the moving of thi, house. Away we gol Ed Borowski, in buckel, holdS
wires as house moves unde. il.
In Al! gu~t. 1970, :tfta much discus·
~ ion lind neJ;olialion~, the Underground
Residenlial Distribution Department
(URD) was eSlabli,hed. The original
complement consisted of seven men-
shop stewa rd JO'>Cph LOI;Ullo. Fdward URD c ,ew 51f .. ightens a transforme. pad.
Crew membe~. left 10 righl. a .. Ed Uni."tow·
Uniatow~ki. Will iam Newton. Jallle\ Sin·
ski, Joe LOIlUllo, BIll DIUf1W, .. nd AI C.. lvelli.
dair. Terry Jacl.wn, Albert CaJ"C'lIi.
and Will iam Ditlo"-~ho came from ,
the Cable Department . the Gas Distribu - Gelling up in Ihe world. Ed Bomwskl .. nd
tion Department. and the Li ne Depart· Howard Dunkel prepare 10 mOve.

men1. This departmem b being eApanued Paper Company Consents to
In May \lith the addition of t\lO more
Welcome for Congressman
mechanics and o ne truc k driler. Local 1315's New Program
One of the purpo!>Cs of URD \las to L.U_ 131 5, \JOIUtE, ,\LA.- Aft er n u-
CUI dOlln the necessity of havin g to use merous meclinb~ between Loc:l1 131 S
ou\<.id e contrac tors. It has been a ~tOTiny and mana~..ement of the International
eight and one· half months for thi s de- P:lPCf Comp.1 ny's Mobile mill. President
p:H1l11ent. Imer-departmen tal \lorl a)· Don Ev;IO\ :md pa~t prc,idem Hmcr
\ i g mnelll ~ have been one of the local'~ Ne"'~ clrort~ proved not to be in I'llin.
problclll\. The company nOtified Local 13 I 5 that
Brothe r Alfred D. Appl eby. machine th e pro!;ram concerning the instrumelll
and electrical shop!> could now be offered
opel'1l. tor Ie in the Line Dcpartrnen1. i\
runnin!; for a po~ition o n the New Ca~· to the member,.
tIe, Gunning. Bedford School Hoard. On March I~t. the program \la. ac-
Brother Appleby' is just one more mem- cepted by- th e helpers of the. In,trument
ber o f Local 1238 \I ho i) active in Dcpanmcnt,
communit), affairs. Although thi~ program is not stream·
lined to benefit e\'el)0oe in Ihe 1\\0 de·
~1A,RSII"'lL A'-TO'-SOS. P .5. Local 1255. West Nyack. N.Y.• recently held partments, v.e \liII continue our efforts
a welcome rKeption fOr newly·elected Con·
gressman Pet e, Peyse ,. "how n al cente,. in Ihis direction.
Scribe Relates Events W,th hIm are BusH,eiS Manager Herman
Sonnenblu m. left. and Business Manager Pat
CII "" I S L AIIR I:liO llt: . P .S.
Of Local 1255 Damiani. local 363. New C,ly. N.Y.

I•. U, 1255, n EST i'"YAC K. i'".Y._

Management and Local
Summer h jU\t a round the corocr (\lith Retiring 1315
pro-.perit)??). Now, watch ho\\ fa~1 the
vacation sea!oOn \I ill II)' by.
" !-loner Bill"' Ne\\ton, of the Tooling
!Xpanmenl. i, about ready to retire
after all of th~ }ears; so is "Charming
Joe' 'Buhler, our -ole faithful" of the
\l ainu'nanee Departmen t. Over in the
eight -foot Forming Department, Ka y
Th om p)On II>IS the Iud } "inner of the
color TV !>CI.
Our ]Oth Annil·er';.;lry D inner- D:mce
b coming <,QOn-be read)'!
We recentl) had the pleasure of meet-
mg our ncwly'-C'lec ted congressman. Afte. numerous meetIngs between loc.t
I'e te r Pc )'!>Cr, \lhom \Ie feel \Ie helped IllS. Mobile. Ata .. and the tnlernatlOnat
ge t elec ted. Haling mel him and db- Pipe. Company's Mobile miJt, a program
eonee.nln8 Ihe instrumenl and elect.ical
cusSC'd current iS$ues v.ith him. \Ie \lill BUSiness Manapr Sonn... blum . lett, SUnd· shop was olfer"';! the members. Represenled
\\orl e\'en harder for hb re-election 11>£ WIth Bill Newton. 0 1 the Toohng Depart. al the negot,al",ns. standIng. telt 10 riehl.
\\h<:n thai time comes. Preside nt· Bu .. i· menl. who " .ell"ng_ are Paisley Uv;ne:slon. M.nage •. Interna t lOnat
Paper ComP.ny. MobIle mill; Oon EVins,
nbS M a n,lscr ~lcrman Sonnenhlum :md President of loc,,1 illS; and L M. Fi-she •.
his \life v. ere the perfect ho;,t and ho-.t· Ou r union is ta lin ll a mllth stronger Inte rn ..... n.1 Represent.llve. Seated: B,oth·
ess at the \\'elconl<!' reception for the position in our Safet} Progra m. a, ers Johnson. Clark, and Burgess.
congre~man. AI)O on hand "ere Pin promised. We \I ill no longe r accepl the
Damhmi. Busine!>S f- Ianager o f Local compan}', procr:l~timuion \\ it h their ex- Year 1971 Is Not Good
36], Ne w City. New Yorl, and hh v.ife, cuses. We \I ill not tol erate the com-
al ong wi th Lou Olori. Bill Hea th. Den- p:my's prolonging the taling of the For Many Members
Ier West. and Pa.ul Garrison. \I Ilh their necessary cor recti"e action. and the eom-
\I hes. L.l'. 13",0, ~E\\I'ORT i'"[WS. V,\ .-
pan) has alread} found out a~ a re~u h So far, the )car of 1971 has not becn
CongrC'i\o1Tlan Pe)'5Cr ha~ hee n ap- of the report from the Ne\l Yorl De- good for Loca l IHO mcmbeno.be.
pomted 10 the H o u,"" I·.ducation and partment of Industrilll U n:ie ne. \l hich Brother Dalid L Snide r. v.ho had
Labor Commillce-lhat's \lhere it') good ha, pUl them under ,uneillance. The been worling in Wa~hinglon for 'iC\"Cral
for II~ to hill'e a friend. compan), hecame \er) indignant ove r rears. paloSCd aWlly on April [st. The
Our April meeting was a doorhu\ter. Ihis-too bad. It is ..-r \\ho ~h ould he membcn of 1]40 \lcre ,ery sorry to
a~ :Inti ci pated. We sa\l l>Ome f,lce~ \\e indignant and in\ulted hy the com pan) 's hear of Brothcr Snider's de at h. We C~­
have n', see n in years lat the meeting complacency in filili ng to ghe I h a prcss our deepest sy mpath y to his hrn-
haJJ). The nlo>t impon:mt b,ue on the healthy. clean. :l nd comfortahle place to ily.
worL. as !>arc allli hei\lth y conditions afC AI)O. 1\\0 rC!ired members. Il rothcr~
agenda was increasing the omcer.;' sa1:t -
morally due u~. Ernest E. Enin ,IOd i\ lauri ce L. D ills,
ries. A\ u,u:ll. there \\a~ a lremendou\ Well , B rother~. \lC are H'f) fortunate pa~!>Cd a\la y rece ntl y. All o f thcse men
vote of confidence for B lI~ine!>S M,lnager 10 hal'e a dedic:lled [Inion leader lile \\iff be greatl)' missed by the members
Son ne nblum :lnd hh o flicers. F.~eept for l !erman to lool out for our affai r.;; of 1340. 1\1a)' the) re,t in peace.
somc minor opposition, which was e~' howe\er, he necd, ~~ur coopera tion. We'..e al'>o had a lot o f inju red ml."m-
peeled, ,Ill of Ihe inCfease~ \lefe :11l" Let's all allilcl the safet ~ and he alth ben;. !'intt of all. Stanle) John)On \li\S
prOI'('d by an oveno.helming majori ty. probkm~ \\ ilh renc"~d ligor and report injured in an accident and is still out of
The hig hlight of the meeting w,,~ a ll h a~rd~ and acciden" to our ~hop "orl. bllt he\ now home :lnd re st in!;
Brot her Henny Mack congratulating sle\la rd . comfortably. In the s.1 me accident. ap-
Brot her I'/emlan a fte r the vote. ( I s ure Keep the f'lith. and I \I ill con tinu e to prentice D1Wis Jo hnson wa s injured. He,
wi~h I'd o:ld my C:lmera hand)' for \\rite on! Right on ! 100, is still out and is mal in::; :l good re-
th a!. ) PAll t F. GMllilSOl'o'. 1' .5. covcry.


Just recentl y, BrOlher Sle\'j~n Slump ing- .... as ,ery good. Reports on a ,ery wor]..ing headquarters. upgrndc: pay for
WIiS involved in an eleclrical bum. and important grievance in the Cenlml Con· acting foremen. a regular, e~tablbhed
receh'ed Ii flash burn from 440 "0115. trol Room at ollr Kincaill general sta· pay dll)" and :a substantial wage in·
His hands .... ere burned bad I)'. Ue h tion .... ere made. Aho. the com "an) '5 cre:I'>C
nOW in the hospilal and will be away proposal for the manning of Unil S at We arc ...orry 10 repon that the Imion
from .... orl for a couple of monlh~. the 1'0M~ non generating \ta tion .... a~ lIi,· recently 10\\ a .ery clo-;c NlRD election
The '>;J me day Ihal Brother Slump cussed at the Po .... erton meetinll. for the emplo)ct's of the To .... n'>Cnd J·or·
mel .... ilh h i~ accidenl. C urt h Moore. In both ca!>C,. ded,ion, are being e'lr)' Company hccause of \Omc ,cry
one of lhe I.... in,. fe ll about is fct'1. lie made on the Hoor of the mCC!ting ..... hile que'tionahle lactic$ hy Ihat Compan),
received a few cut. arK! hru i",~ and \uf- others arc pending. Mo,t of Ihe deci- lI u,ine~, \I anllgcr Elliott report ~ that
fe red 11 ~pr.lined :Irm. ~ion~ concern ~ou , our Brothe,.." and it the loe:11 h:I' heen ,ucl:C~ful in recaptur·
IIrOlhcr I;d die Morri'>Clte i~ slill in the behooves nil of u, 10 IIm]..e a \r«ial ef· ins a . . inlole linc·building job from :.
ho'pilal. hut hi, trou ble ha, nOI heen di- fort to attenll all fulure meeting,. non· union conlractor and h:L"ing it rehid
agnO'>l.!'1, We hope 10 loCt:: Ihc~ BrOlher, 1 he word from our people at Ihe Kin· hy uniun cuntrac t or~. Non-union COli'
bllcl to .... or~ ~oon. caid generating: ~liIt i o n is Ih:ll new con- t nlClUr~ h:l~e been a ~ource of much
And. la'i hUI nOl le a ~ 1. I .... as Ilpcratcd ,iruction is pending for Ihe in,t:.llalion con~ern in our juri~diction durinG the
on o n ,"'lurch 2nd for a torn eMlila ge. of induced ur"ft fan., in Ihe hoiler, la,t fe ... )'cur,. bUI the union i, , 101001).
and Ihe doclon found th ai n hone di .... the re. All of u~ who lift acquainted wilh hUI ,urel)" finding effeeti,'e methoth 10
ea~ had cau,ed a hole 10 dele lop in my the problt-ms lhere hope th:1t Ihi, phtn i, comhllt Ihe prohlem,
righl ]..nce. So. I ..... ilI be out of .... orl,. for fo llo\led Ihrough , a~ it wou ld probab l) We of l ocnl 1393 appl:tud the ,tand
Ihree monlh, or longer. go a long \Ooa)' toward :llIev;:.1inl( the .... hic h InlernallOmll I' re~ide nt Pill:Hd hn,
Eowis E. CO/loi/loi lll, I·.S. problem of:1 dirt y. ga."y powcrhOlI!>C. IIt]..e n un Prc,idenl Ni.\on·, ,lab in the
Al our last regular I-xecuti~e B01lrd hac ].. of all worLers b) Ihe "I... pen,ion of
meeting at Taylorvillc, Illinoh. Brot her the l)avi,·8 ;1con prevailing "nge la" ill
C hicago Local Has Art Witt y lOons nppolllteo.l to fill Ihe ~a­ Ihe builo.ling tmo.lC\. Wt' arc encouraging
Impressive NLT Record caney cauloed by the pronlOlion o r long· :til o f OIlT memhen to nood Iheir ('on'
lime board member Nehon Ue.IIc 10 gre"men ... ilh letter<. of prote"
L lf. 1359. ('IIICAGO. II.L - Through· manage ment.
oul lhe va riou ~ dcparlmenh in our gen- 1' 111 [) WIl IGHT. 1'.5.
T he con~trur;:tion of l nil ~ at f'owcr-
enlling \t;.tion,. there r;:ert;,inly ha~ been ton il. pretty llIuch on schedule, \I it h Ihe
an impn:,~ive amount of e,cellent projected ~tart·up date ~Iill tenlati"el~
record, in NI I (no-lo-.t·l;me) :Iccide nt ~. !oC1 for April I. 1972,
COPE Campaign, Negotia tions
I douht Ihat I hale all of the NI T
record, from all of Ihe ,1;.lion dep:ut-
The nexl anlicipated elent i\ the ini· Begin in Waltham Local
tial filling of Ihe cooling I.l]..e. Thi, joh
menb. hu l phlUd il should be gi~en the i, to be done from the chlorirtuled w(tIer I.. t l. 1505, \\ A LTII t\i\ I, \IASS.- The
C:llumet ,tallon. a, our BrOthef\ Ihere of our Unit 4 conden,ing unit. 1971 (,OI'L campaign is duc to gel
achieved a one·)ear NLT ar;:cidcnl I'ec' All o f the Bro ther, at 1'0 ...... rtOrt are under \Ooa~ ,hortly. CO I' E ~Commilt ec
ord on March 19. 1971. The coal h:,", hoping 10 sec: Ihe comp:tn~ :tnnounce Ihe on Political I dur;:ation) b the polilical
dling gruu p :.t Calumet h :h the 10nge~1 huilding of a Unit Ii at I'o .... erton in the :. rn\ of organlled 1:.OOr. It , purpo-.c I' 10
record for ~o.l l h,mdling per-.onncl on ncar future . infonn worL cr~ of political i..:out', .... hich
Ihe '>\tcm. rIlA!'<ClS 1'. 111111 ~ I 'I. I' ,S,
hale ' I!;nifk:ml influence on their "hread
HO.... eh~r. it i~ nOt the longe~t record. nnd hUller." and 10 a~surt' Ihe election
compared 10 other I)pe\ of .... or].. 'lich of puhllc official. \lho ... ill fa ilhful!)
a, ,tore,. shop transportation, etc. It 1\ a repre'ICni the loter. the t:I.\ p;I)er. and
plea~ure for me to hear of a department
Local 1393 Welcomes
the wor~er
that can \Ooor~ Ihrough a )caf withoul Full-Time Business Rep 1 ocal L~05 COPE dri~es h a~e mel
an NLT accIIJelll, We congrululate lOU .... ith (lre::11 ... u>;cc:" in recent )e",.." Not
on your imprc..:oi"e record. t.u. 1393, t:-:UIAN,\I'OLlS, I:-:U.- We
a rc plealoed to .... eleome Brot her Jame, only h:l\e our monthl) COI)E mecting~
Ca lulllet ulso ha ~ group~ Ihut have heen .... ell :tttended hy the mcmber,hi".
wor].. ed over SOO.OOO mlill·hotlr, for a l-Iobwn as a full-time hll'inc ..... rcprt!>t'nt·
ative. "Jim" previou ~ ly .... or]..ed on ~pe. bllt we hl.ve been fortumlle in altnlctin~
totul o f 10 years. They :Ife c:iectrical to Ihc'l('; meeting' the highc~t caliber of
maintenance. 17 years; boiler cle:mer" cial assignmenl\ for the loc(ll.
Our local j, planning to puhli'h a politkal ,po~ e\men in thi, region. At
12 yea,..,: electrical openuor~. I I years; our April meeling, for e:o.ample, Allor-
and fuel handlers. 12 years. monlhl )' ncw~let1 er. \lhieh .... ill he senl
nc)' Gener:11 Quinn ... a~ our gue,t
When Ihere lire outManding reeor.h to all membe,.., :It their home: :tddre~~.
~pe:I].. e:r. A, 11 rC)llit of th h high le~cI of
Bu sine~s M:lnager I-Ierbert Flliotl lmd
made ..... ilhin all o f the ~I:tlion depart· inlere'l nn d p:lrticip:ltion by Ollr oflicer~
lIIenl~. you mu,t get the m e'~tlle Ihat
the membeh of the E:>.ecutil e Hoard
feci Ihat such :. public:ltion \Ooill Lcx:p nnd member. in the whole CO PE effort.
there :Ire :1 lot of people trying, Ihin~ · .... c Im~e becn ahle 10 ma~c signific:tnl
ing. and .... arling in a safe ma nner, our members better informed on b~ ues
whkh are important to the union, We conlrihllti on\ 10 the ~lIccc:s~fu l election
In chec]..ing Ihrough the 197U winler hid~ of mlln)' dbtinguhhc:d candid:.te,
accident reports. it become~ obviou~ that hope Ihal th b monlhly conlal·t ... ith
each member will ~tj mul ate ne ..... int e re~t for puhli.: ()flke.
icc was :1 ~poiler to )Orne o f our B rot her~. In :1 relnti\el)·~hort period of time.
I>it holu-a lld anythi ng th;1l hllmpers in Ihe affai~ of the local. Since otlr JU'
ri \tliction co,er. more Ihan 70 {'ounties lhe mc mhcr... of otlr local hal'e mnlie
.... or\;ing people in inclemenl .... e;!ther- their mOlr\; on Ma.\SIlchusctts politic....
seem to la~e the ir toll, ThiS. 1 th in].., is o f Ihe ~Iate. a ne .... ,lettcr '>Cern ... to he the
nlO!.t practical mean~ of comm unication. rhrough continued participation ..... e e:ln
ood. bccaulo'C.' ..... inter is the time of Ihe impro,e thi\ fine record. We hope to
Congr.uulations to Brother hme~ 1_
~ear .... hen .... 1' all ~m to be acutely hcilr from )ou.
I·o .... ers upon complelion of the: AL8AT
a\Ooare of Lnown hlll:ards, program. He appeared at a recenl I·.xec· egOliation\ have begun het .... C'C'n
GtOIlGt D . Dl-,o;('IS, I'.S. ul ive Hoard mct'ting to recei"e his grnd· LOI:al I ~O~ anll the Raylheon ('om pan)
uation certificate: from Ihl\inc\\ Manager ' I he old contract. a~ )ou Lno\l. will u·
Members Hea r Reports on Elliott. "ire: on AuglN 31. 1971. The'll: negolla.
Agreemenb h:" .. heen reached .... ith tion\ commenced in Ihe l a~t wcd. of
Important Grievance the N. G. Gilbert and the Asplundh Apnl. .... ell in ad\an~c of the cont ract
L. U. 1361, I' EKIN, ItL.- The attenu· Fore ~lr y COlllr(ln~~. Some of th e hene· de adline. in order to allow ample time
ance 111 our hl ~t union meeting-the fiL~ gained by the union include paid reo for the union :md compan y to ~tud y the
Kincaid ~cs~ ion ~ and the I'owerton meet· port lime. esl110li,hment of :1 permanent propo~:. h under consideration.


Angels of Mer~c.:.
y _ _ _ _ _ _--. Loc al 150b Ce le brates
25th Anniversary
L.U. 150(;. "AI.. EST IN E, T EX.-On
I April 3, 1971. al the Sadler Motor
fl otel, LlX'al 1.'i06 obser>'ed its 25th An·
nhersary \\-jt h an a\\ards dinner.
lJusine')5 Manager James Sansom
.)('ned as master of ceremonies and in-
r trodu ced special guest, International
, Keprescnlathe A. K. BrewlOn, and hi ~
"ife. ladel}n, o f i-Iouston. Tellas. and
Mr" Te ~~ie Dilh. a retired member "'ho
"as the ani)' charier member pre~nt.
Inlernational Kep resen tatile Bre"ton
pre<oented .)('nke pins to members ",ilh
fi ..e, 10 !IoU l.'i rears (see piclure for
names and identification). Mrs, l\larie
Berry, Miss Chri ~line Schnaufcr, and
Mrs. Lucille Welch, 2S'}ear members:
M..... IJeUy Jell, IS-yea r member: Mrs.
E,~ie Alford , IO-rear member: and M i\~
Su,ie Thur~lon, Ihe-}e:,r mcmber, "cre
unablc to alle nd the dinner.
Aft er the presentalions \\<! re milde. In·
tcrnati onal Keprcscnl'lti\"e Brc"ton con·
gralUlaled Ihe memix- nl on Ihe IlX'a r s
grO""h and progrc"s during the pail 2.'i
During the dinner. Mn. Walter J ohn-
son provided bad.ground organ music.
:md after dinner. mmic was pro\ided by
a local band comprised of \I rs. Jame~
At"' ood. Da\id KO'iwn. Dr. Ko)cc
Kno",le" lIob Kelly .•md Karrcn llnd
Ken Kell y.

Brother Cheasebro's Son

Becomes Eagle Scout
Ll/. ISIS, 1. Il'COI.N. ~": II R.- II }ron
Chea'o('bro. I K-)ear-old son of IJ rolher
and 1'01,.... Clarence Cheasebro. recenlly
nee-,ulle :on I:ilgle ScOut in ceremonie,
altendcd b) Ii.'i pcr'oOns.
Byron\ '>Cfliee has included being pH-
11'01 IC:IlJer nnd u ~blanl patrol lender
for the I lIi:le !':urol and senior p:l1I'ol
IC;ldcr for the troop. He has also heen
den chief ror t"'o dem in I':lck 12) :It
the WC\I\ide ~hoo1.
Members of l oca' 1505. Waltt>am, Mitn .. piclu.ed here, rec"nU~ received cert,,"celel /0' lie h:I' merit hadge:> for camping, cil;-
complelln,ll it "our,.. on IIfI' with Nat""" Holmes and Millon K3UI a. Ins\ ,,,,, ' o •• lhe len'hi p in the community. citilcn~hip in
prOS'''''' was coo.dinatfil by Local 1505 end SPOfIwted by It'll! Amencit" Rid C.on
the nalion. con'oCrvalion o f naturll! re-
'oOu rce~. fiN aid, lifes-wing. nature. per-
B mine ~s Manager lamc ~ Mulloney Ben'iOn, Mary Darling. Mary l ontel,
and !'residenl Arthur O!>born ~he their '>On:ll fitne". ~1rc:ly. ~"im ming . cooLing,
Kita Ford, Ha;.(ci Gome" Millie Ohon,
thanks and congra tulations 10 those animal industry, :lrchery. aUlomothe
Carol l'arJ...in'-On, Alphrin:1 Pestana, run·
-..;.fety, c;moeing. coin collecljng, home
members .... ho submined recommenda- ice PlonLa, ulilia " mine, Mal)' I e·
re pa ir~. ICllIher "ork. music. public
tions to our Negolialing Comrniuce. PaGe. Sandm Mar{'hant. Claire ~ I organ, .pealing. and reading.
Thc~ suggestio"" ha\c bcl:ll of IIreat Blanche Varl;a l, liO\\;II',1 W:IILer.
\'al\1<: to our union in its efrorls 10 for- George Siha, Arthur O,horn. Kon Mc- We congralU lnlc Byron on hh
mulluc and prc..cnl 10 Ihe Ra) lhcon achie'clllcnl~.
lean, Mar) Ma rsh all. Alice ('o--.Ia. liclty
Company a contract pac!.agc that is re- Coltrel!. Roland l ortie. Glad), Barre, VIMGIL E. C'SI1. B . ~I ,
al i~ lic in Icrm ~ of our mcrnber~' needs l ouise Smith. Slaciil Lil"alle, Agne~ San·
in the foreseeable future . tos, ~ I a ry Boh.oneall, Kita Sill'in, :Ind
We congmtulale the Nonh Dighton AGnes SoU1.."I. Aug ust a Scribe Reports From
members who successfull y completed a If the firM-aid in ~trll ct i o n hclfM to C harles ton, West Virgini a
cou rse in first :Iid, comluctcd tinder the ~a\'e the life of e .. en one of 0111' mem-
au!>piccs o f Local L'jQ.'i fi nd Ihe Ameri- ber~. Ihe~ members' cfforb IliIJ he jllsti· I".U. 1579, AUGUSTA. CA.- As you
,-:10 Red e ro,s, \1 ilh Nillhllll Holme, fied , le .... e Chnrle\lon, Ihe capil:ll of West
:md Mihan Ka s~ i as jn'lrIl C'(lI'~, SU I' I'Q RT COPE! Virginhl. 'Ind Ira ..el west lo"urd the
Completing Ihe ,'Ollr,e Ilere Nora II I NKY W, ~1.\ NCI""'I, I'.S, Ohio Ri Ve r lind down :tlong th e Knnll-


gans we re all together.
Awards, Anniversary Dinner I've see n a lot o f guys J kn ew 30
years ago--Trn Buc ka lew, Sam Good-
win, Austin Hall. J im I'itc hferd, Haro ld
Hamric. and on nnd on it gocs.
" Beller i ~ it Ihat Ihou shouldes t not
vow. Ihan Ihnt thou shoulde~t vow and
nOI pay."- Eccle.~ iastes 5:5.
GOLOI N D. C~qo. ,',s.

Working Hours Increase

From 48 to 60
L U, 1608, FORT \ \AY:","t: . 1;0..' 1). -
Work here ha> varied. I're-.cnlly. "e }Ire
on 48 hOUh and "ill ineTCII ..... 10 60
hours nexl "eek, a~ of lhi ~ wriling.
Wilh lhe new ~COUI lin(: shaprng up. plu..
many other changes which arc occurring,
"I.' arc kept bu)y.
Our Bargaining Comrnillee has been
meeling "nh Inlernalionnl Il al'\e,ler of·
fidal s-a~ pari of a oc"ly formed coun·
AI Ih. recenl 251h Anniversary and awa"ls dinner o f local 1506. Palnline, Tex .. held 81 cil-in ChIcago. DClaib (He being Wilh·
the Sadler "'otor HOlel. International Representa t Ive A. R. Brewton. extreme righl. presenled hel d pending final deci,ion,.
service pins 10 emt)!ov",es of Ihe Pa leS l lne T",lepho". Company. Le ft to . IRhl are Hal Smith At ~ mee ting "ilh Stan Ke~ler,
and "" 5.Billie Oweos. l(}.y", .. r members; Milehall Ca rnes. 15.yn. member; and Mrs. Sybil
Sh .. 'I" 10·y",'" member, appren lice in,II'1IClor. "e ((Ime up with
~O(lle p iclUre~ of recent !;n1dllating ap-
prcntice~. There have been" fel> since
On the John Amos Power Plant our la~1 repOfl. We do nOI h:lve group
piclUre~. a ~ our cercmonie, (Ire for indi-
I' iduah. We (Ire encio,illg hlO piCiures
th is time and will sc:nd ~Olllr more wilh
our ncXI leller,
Sec ~'ou next mon lh.
TOM Klllll1l R. 1' .5.

Toronto Memb ers Threatened

With Wage Cut, Freeze
L.U. 1788. TOH:o;o..~ro, ONT._ On Jan -
uary 51h, worker~ at Dunlop of Canad:1
werc a~kcd by Iheir company 10 lake a
10 per cenl CUI in ":llary. and on Ihe
19th. Acme Screw Hnd Gear. Ltu. threal-
ened Ilml, if their worker, didn 't accepl
a lIage freele. their planl "ould c10'iC
dOli n in lhree monlh,. le:lving I.OOQ
Scribe Golden 0 Casto. Local 1579. AUlSusta. workers OUI of "ork.
Ga .. is presently working oul of Local 466. The wi,e,pulling gaog. ,how" 1I",.e, is In
Charle Slon. S.C. He is pictu,ed WI th the charge of J,mmy r".lI. Dunlop of C:tnad:t ha' reall y ,tartcd
wlfe' pulling cre'" Lett 10 right . the cr"'W wmelhing. Where "ill il end'.' A b)-·
n,emb",rs are Levi Slone. Dale "' etcal'. L",s· stander II-ould probahl) Ihink Ih:tt the
10' Dolony. Francis ROClenwald. Oon WIlliams. Carolina. of IIhit'h Slip Kinder is busi.
Bill "'",'call. Golden Caslo. and Jilek Ha ...s. ne~~ mi.nager. ~ C, Ern~l. OUI of men lIor~ing for Ihe-.e cornpanie~ arc.
Dolhan. Alabama , i, doing the job. and making reall) hig mone) II hen. in actual
i"~ going along prell) ~mOOlhl).
fact, Ihe) are nol.
"ha River 10 the ,mall lown of I'oca. The Or~ani71llion for Furopean EcD"
you will come 10 Ihe sile "here they are It'~ nice 10 "ork \\ilh Jad liarri \.
Slon). Dan WjlJi:'m~, D.• le Ml'lcalf. lind nomic Cooperalion and I)c,'elopmenl. in
building Ihe John Amo~ I'o"er I'lani. " 'pcl'ial report publhhed on ])ecember
We all know thaI Ihe Kana" hn Valle) I'n.nci\, of lhe wire-pulling cre" in e()'11
h:tnuling. J immy !'rail ha~ a prcu} good 19. 1970, ~:.id Ihat Can;l(lmn ... age~ wcre
b con~idcred lhe chemi(:al cenler of Ihe
bunch of mcn, lagging al>olll Ihree year, t-e hirKI inuus,
world-amI \Ilwt a beautiful 1;\111.') il
Our old buddy. John Legg 5hippcd \I ~ try in re'pccl 10 intre3..ed output and
b! corporalI.' profib. Whal do lhe-c ~uhsidi­
We all kno" Ihn! power is ncce,.,.1ry, oul of coal handling-gO! rid of It group
of men lIith Olcr 140 )'caf",' c'perience aries of conglomerate., ta~e , ... for? Is
but it <.Ce ms :. shnnu: 10 dcSlro) beauliful
in Ihe lB EW. One nice Ihing he !;.1id Ihis Ihe "rilmg on the ":.11 for all of us
1:Ind . But "I.' liI'e in a limc "hen IIlcn in bargaining Ihb rear? Than~ goodne,s,
have quil lilling the soil. a\ they have lIa, Ihal "C ~ncw II hm 10 do. Fver) ·
thint: "orks oul for Ihe be,1. "I.' have .. orne org:tn;7:rtion, a, "alCh-
t:one to work in the facloric, . dog~ of the economy; Olherwbc. IIC
The John Amos !'Iant will he a ~Ieam Well. fi,hing time hlh arrived in We,1
Virginia .:,O I think I lIill get me 1\ pole would be co mpletely hr:. in"a~hed by the
planl fircd Ilith -=oal. Built in the coal ma'5 medi:1 and our go'·crnnlcnt.
dbtricl of We,1 Virginia. it II ill have anll a c;l n of night l'r;I"ler, and helld
for the I'oca Rhcr. Sec you lhere. In Ihe l)cccmber i'>!ouc of the /QIlrll"l.
five unih when fin i~hed- l believe. I
DOl called Ihe Olher night and said I ~aid Ih:.t the con.,crvalive government
don'l ~ now II hat the KW r~ling per Iinit
Ihat Chllrley Penn had passed away. of Onlario w:t, !;oing 10 In~e another
wi!! be. look al Ihe an ti· Labour lI ill 167. It did
T he John Amos Plant i~ being built Thi~ nells hreaks my heart. a, it 11:\~n't
long ago Ihal Charley, Del. and Ihe und Ihtn leI il pall in h\ enli rely. II
Ollt of Loc:!l 466, C h ar1e~ton, South

l oo ~ ~ a<> if t hJ ~ J~ goi ng 10 be a n elcc-
Fort Graduates tion r ea r in th is province. and I hope
that o ur Broth ers here \\iIl remembe r
this bill "" hen they (I re fillin g in th eir
elec ti on baliOiS.
In t hi ~ is~ u e. I a m giving a summar y
o f o ur new vice preside nt. Brothe r Bill y
G il ro)·. Brother Gi lroy ha5 a l way~ h;ld
~ood allendance at local union meet i ng~.
Ue came 10 u~ frOIll lk lfast in Northern
Irel;md. Hc pl;l)eU on our soccer tC3m
1;I,t ~car amI helped 10 "" in the inler-
trades cup at l'lel.ering. He al50 plays
Gaelic footba ll for the Garry O.... en
C lub o f T oronto. ;Ind Ihis )'ear it \\on
the C hampiomhip League. Brother Gil-
roy .... a~ a member of our Barl;3ining
Commiuee la,t )car and did a wry
good job.

Main Proposal Is
'Money in Our Pockets'
B.ot he . Oon O,w. !tu.d hom lell. rflcfliy,,,« hl$ compl .. toon c .. I1,I;':II I.. from Rod Ouhllm. L.U_ 18 17. I)A.I'UI ' RY. CO:,\ N_-Uu~i­
" ssislanl Work Manager. Locat 1608. f ort Way .... Ind. Ot"e,... p;':hlfed are. from lell. SllIn ncs~ l\lanager Paul Barr reports that Ihe
KHler. "~nt;':", 'nstnlcl or; Ted Bry~n. AsSlS lanl Superinlend.. nl of MII'ntenanc ..; and Paul !oC'\en locals compri'ing S)~tem Council
Haenltling. &.. nfl<31 l ore ..... n. (lecl"cal Depal1 ..... nl. U-N. of .... hich l ocal 18 17 i~ one. ha\e
exchanged propo ...ah .... ith lhe Connedi·
Cut Ligh t and I'o\\er Com pany. a part
of the Non hea'>l Utili ties System. We
ha\e a \ariety of proJ!O"'1.h eovcring \.1-
cations. hOlopilal hcnefi t ~. and a dcn t:l!
plan. But the main item i\ money in our
\\ 1'. m . e all other lIoorli ng people in
America. ha\e felt lhe pains of inflation
do .... n to Ihe marro"" of our bone~ . In-
na tion ha ... increa-.cd at a llI uc h-more
ra pid rale Ihan ha\1': OUf .... age~. e~pc­
dall} for tho-.e of IJ~ \\ ho \\orl. in the
utilil} fie ld. We ha\e inerea~d property
la'l:e. eac h )ear. :lnd a ncllo ~talC tal i~
'Iaring U~ in the face. And )cl. "ilh .111
of the problem, facing the labor mo\e-
ment ..... c ~till ha\e members "ho are re-
IUClant to donate a bud, 10 COI'F.
T here arc o\er 1.200 lobb)ing grollP~
rep rese nting e\cfy blhine" interc,t in
Amcrkll . illduding STOUPS tha t allempt
to curb the labor mo\emcnt. You may
not "am 10 lal~ an intere,! in politic~.
but re,' a"uroo thaI Ihe eoemic_ o( the
Brol"er Tom Kell .. hfl •• third from ,.. ft. 'flcfI,v ' ng his compl .. toon c",,,,"cIII .. from ROf'I Duham. labor mo,,!mem "ill lale an int~rc,1. as
Oth ...... 1.. lt 10 righ t. are Stan Kestfl'. Paul Haenlliing. and Tfld Bryan.
the) continua1l) support legi~la!ion to
Toronlo Brothers

Brot h e. La.ry Hon oll n . s ie ward .. I Middl .. •

Th iS pic ture sh ow members of Loca l 1788, To, on lo. an i , . t Middlepo rt T.S. po l1 T.S.


pllirolnmn McCl,rty and wbh him the
Local J 898', Egg Hunt Local Talent best of lucl.!
Glayds 1I0gue, DeparUllenl 2144, and
I-Iclene Balmer, Depanment 23.51. lire
I:,king raTt in the III'i~hly·stalled produc·
tion of 11 ,.//11 I)"I/y to be presented by
the Readlnll Civic Opera. Both girls are
hllving a b:,11 rehear,ing their parh in
the chon'~. A, they '>II) in ~ho .... hi.!:,
'"Breal. a leg, girl\'"
E!tZ\UI11I M . BOl..Z£I_Uf<;O, P S.

Sick Officers Improvin g;

Agreements Signed
Gladys H<>8tHt and He'ene e".,.... ,e"n"
Ing Ihei, palrts fot th. musical production 1..11, 1969, REI)\\OOD cn·v. CA I.I F.
Hello Oolly. _ I am happy to repo" \hllt Recording
Secret:.ry Ilelen !,iel.os and B II~ines)
American Legion Hall. F lm Street, D:In- Repre!>Cnlall~e Richard " Oiel." C ripe.
bury, Conneclil;u!. al 7:00 P. M. both recently hO'ipitali,o;ed, are now re<l-
F. P. 01 $MOSU, 1'.5. ing :,t home. IJolh :Ire eager 10 relllTO to
their re,peclh'e Job~. hut the dOClOr ~llyS
they Jm"t ""lIil:1 few more weeJ..\.
Local 1898 Hold. Annual Brother Mel Downing, a member of
Easter Egg Hunt our loclli ,ince 1963. h:" been al'arded
I~ St. George Award for adult leader)
Then two pIctures show Ent., Bunny and L .U. U1I8, I. Al' R":UMI. E, " A.- FiGht of Ihe Roman C:,tholic faith in Boy
Ihe 800 chUd,en wl'lo etlended th. Local ]898
Ann ual Eastet [aa Hunt at Bernha.1I Dam hundred children <'cmmhled for 140 Sl;:Ollling. Mel slllrted his .'>Collting career
dozen colored eggs at the Local IN911 a.. a )OIlth in S:tn '· rllncb,co. and ha~
Annual Fa~tcr FGg I-Iunt held III lIern· risen to the po,1 of Neighborhood Com-
hart~ Dam on GOO<! Friday mornin!:. mi"ioner for the Golden Gate Obtrict
., hree F a~t er ne~t' .... ere a .... anled 10 in S:tn I-rllnd~co: he i~ abo lhe San
the finde" of "golden" egl!~. Anthony Francisco :,rea I:,) chairm:tn for the
Ge hrk Chrh Ri,\zldewk1.. and Margaret C:,tholic Seout Conmlltlee. During his
Frccm:m \lere the .... inner... One hundred career. Mel ha, nl..o .... on nHlny !>Cou ting
other priles \lcrc ghen 10 chi ldren .... ho award,.
found ~pedal egGS and all o f the chil- New agrc:cmcnb OIl Siryeo, 10\111-8.
dren each reeehed a hag of I a\ter lind I cnkurl h;ove been tht' hig nc ....·~
cand),. :Irollnd here. '1he be,t part of the Stryeo
Commillee members for the CIlI: hunt ;ogreemenl I! Ihe r:li,e in .... ages-------IO per
were Flizabcth Bor/ellino. Special Serv· cenl Ihe fi,,1 yeur und 'oCven per cenl
ice~ Chairman; Louis Cavallm:ci. Co· the sccooo and thinJ years. At In)ul-8,
ch:,irman ; lIenrielta G . I' reem:m t1'a,ter the neW :,greeJ!1enl clIlh for a pen,ion
Bunny): l'a-.qu:,le Gino: Ark:, n Pall.a; pi:,", im pro" ed ,icJ.. leale, and a redllc-
Gary Goodman: and Barbara H cl.. tion in the mcdic:,1 deduchble (amount
This a'o"p o f rep.esenllltlvn of Local 1898. Margaret '"PeG" ~I odgl.in .. w:,s pre· you pa y beforc the In,urance lakcs
laureld ale, Pa" helped to mah Itle e88 1\,,1'1'
f un l o t the childre n. sented a gift by l ocal 111911 on the occa· o\cr), from the pr~'loCnl $100 to $.50.
sion of her relirement. T he prescnlntlon AI the Lenkurt meeting, Bllsiness
wa~ made al :, dinner at Ihc Lincoln Manager An Jones lind the Negotiating
Retiree R e~tauran .. COnlmittee recommended Ihat the menl-
Peg re tired in fo, l arc h :,fter alinO'1 13 hen turn do\\n the compan y's mQ)t re.-
year-. at We .. lern Hectric and :., a memo cent offer: howe,er, il \las a(ceplcd by a
her of 1.ocal 1898. She IoCr\"cu t~ local
a~ chief 'le\lard. ~te'o\:mi. I xecutlle
Boord member, and Community Scnice'i St. George Awardee
counse lor. Pefs charit) .... orl., golf. and
being a full·lime hou~ .... ife .... iIIl.cep her
Attending the dinner .... erc !'re,ident
Pa...qual., Gino. Vkc I' re,iden! Arlcan
Pall.a. Trea,urer l oui' ('n\:dlu..:ci, and
Shirley \\ ilham... chief ~te .... ard in I>ei;'~ ,
la.I .... orl.ing area.
The entire loclil extend~ be,t wi,hes

Ma,gll.et "Pes" Hodghins .... as .ecenlly hon·

for the fuifililueni of the plan ~ Peg h:.s
,nalle for the future .
Stanley McCarly. formerly t'mplo),cd
Dred by member. of Local 1898 on Ih. 0<:- at We,tem i"lectric in Department 2373,
C2$lon 01 II." retirement. She Is shown ac-
cepting 1"& Bill p.u .. "ted by th e members. re~i~nt'd 10 'oCne :h one of R c:"Ji nl!'~
"fine~ t .'" Stunk)' I'a, recenl ly , .... orn in 8'01Ile. Mel DownIng. member of Local 1969.
liS it palrolrmlll wllh the Re:ldmg I'olice R,dwOOd Cily. Celli .. Is IlIown . III ';alli .
hurt you and the l11embers I'.C rcprc~nl.
Department. . ,celvlng Ille SI . George a ward fo. edull
I'lca~ give n buck \0 COPE! leade .. o f Ihe Rom~n Calhollc faith In Boy
Sec you al OIiT local meeting on Ihe t oc;11 11I9g ollict'r~, repre .. enlativc~, Scouting, fro m HtI.bert Hoove., Ca tholic
thi rd t.l onlhlY of Ihe month :1\ the and members exlend conG ratlllations 10 Scoultlll Coo.dinalor.


vote of 900 10 1132. Thc bigge\t change Vice Presi dent Ha rlan I-I. ··Whitey" the new oflice rs at the regulltf monthly
in the contract Iwd to do with a new Clarl.. Recording Secretary Jeromc F. bnsine~s meeting On Marc h 19. 1971.
medicil! plan. \.I hich i~ grea t if you go lJ.crger, F inancial Secret:lry Robert F. The new presi dent' ~ lim job is leading
to Ihe hospital! St:mder. and Treasurer Viclor I~. Rot h. our local in negotialions for a new
Did you !>Ce the slory about our Shonly afler the election. hn lillcial aSll:'tmc:nL The presenl conlraCI expired
sc hool project in the April I\\ue of the Secretary Robert E. Swnder \las lip· on May t II h.
J()IlrIwf? We Bre bui lding ~ ~hool pointed to the 1.0. ~t:llr in Wa,hingcon. I're,idem Quinhlll !i-lliJ the four major
through the Pcace Corps :md lire now in I),C. Hi ~ onice \\a~ filled hy Kcnn) It. deJllHnd~ to be propo-ed 10 th e compnny
the mid\t of a fund · mi,ing drive. with :1 Me)cr.) for bargaining :n the nll1ional !clel arc
goal of $1.200 10 comtrucl onr -.chool. r~eculi>·e Hoard 111c111l>1:r, are Hr)-cc F.. -\\:I!;e~ . l"OrnrnOn eJCrllt:llion date for all
JOII' "-NI.LI IICII. I'ltl S. Qual<;el. Dc:ln 1'-:. Fryc. Jr .. W. Joel. :Igrcerncnt~. fringc~. and union !>lX:Uflty.
·1 hraen. Anthony C. Vacl'nti. Viola ··Vi·· ' I hc'o(' dl·Jlmnd~ \,crc pre.ented 10 Ihe
Ro~cr,. William ··Bilr· \\ offord. and We~tern I lec-Iric Company·s Omaha
New Officers Elected; Walter ··Wally·· Bohon. Worl.\ on 'larch 10lh and Ilih. and al
Lo cal in Negotiations Over 2,500 membe", lotcd in the the thru olhcr location~ now III bargain·
largc~1 IUmo\ll in our local"s hiswry. In mg--{-olurnbus. Mont8oo1ef). and Indi·
Lll. 1974. O.\ lA Il A. Mm ~ .-Otlr local all, 27 candidarc\ sought thc 12 ~i· :lIlapoli~.
helJ it\ election of onker~ on Marc h J, lioM. Thc o\crriding b,uc: is \.I Ri,'e'. and
1971. Elected to ollke \lere I'rhidcnt· I",crnational RepresentalilC Thomas System Council 1:\1·3 has propmc:d l!. 28
BtI~iness Manager Michael D. Quinlan, J. Uidman IFI\'e the oath of onkc 10 per ccnl incn:a.'iC in "real monies." cou·

Local 2038 Members at School

Memben. of Local 2038. RIs,n •• Su.... .. ~nlly completed '" cOurse

.n IndulI • .,.I eleclronlcl a' 11'1. Sa"kalch,wAn Techn:c..1 Inslitule.
SIAnd,,,. WIth insl,udo. Jim HlKhlbett, front, e,e, lell to '18h1,
Brothe,s Albert uh.Ie, Uoyd c.•. Bruce Jerred. BUleh MacDonald.
Alym" Taylo,. end Don Wlls-on

8rothe .... Don W,IIOn. left. and Noel G.v,n Iu.n f.om \helr wo ... for
the c.me'AmAn.

A peUle during s iudy for Brothe" Albert LAha'l. IlfI. and Lloyd Gu.


pled with an unlimited cost-of-Ihing Remcmber. if it happens here, it
claullt. T he Ilage propo...11 abo calh for coulf.l ha ppe n 10 YOll .
Loc al 2252 Completes
a base rate addoo o'cr and abme the F. "' .""lIliIC""' \l lcDo.", t D, l'klS. Year of Negotiations
g... n... ra l w:lge increa~ for day worl and
tradc~ cl1lp[oyee~. 1.. 11. 2252, IIOLL Y\\ 001>. FLA,-We
Fringe hcncfih include incre'lscd vaca- Sydney Mines Local Goes ha"e j U ~1 Compleled our negOliation~ for
tions. more h o1ida)~. a IJcller ho,>pilal To Conciliation Board nnolh('r Three·)e:!r contrllCt. II ~urcly
plan. Inrger wage inccnlive~, !:hnnl.l!:~ in "a~ II rough yea r for 1lCI,tIlI ialion\. hUI
pcn~ion~, and improlcmenh of I ME
L.U. 21196, SYf)i\ ' '': Y \11:\, f:S, N.S.- Hy lie did man:!ge 10 gel ad d itional ho[i-
pran~. Ihe time }Oll reaf.l Ihi~. our loe:!1 will da}'~. a ro,t-uf·liling dati ...... lin incr(3)oC
T he'>C propo\nl~ h:ne ~ ... t 10 be 111:11.'1.1 hale me l w- ith lhe company con~cming in w:t(.'C~, nnJ an improvemenl Oil our
upon h) Ille compan) ....... gotiation' hone negoliation\ on a Conciliation Board in~ur.,nce.

been held in l'ew Vorl Cily and at Ihe lelel. The l'\egotialing Committee repre. Man) thanh to Inlern,lIional Repre-
four loca t ion~ now D:lrg'lining. -.enling the 11)1::.1 con,i~1I of D,lIld S. \Cntati~e '-"ude GurlC). of lhe b fth Di~ ·
!'re,if.lenl Quinlan \t:.ted that :1 10lal Pile. I're,idenl ; Geoff Wihon. ,hop Iriel, for hi .. lime and intere'l in g-elling
effort of \upporl hy Ihe member,hip h 'Iewarf.l, S}dne) fllioc s: and A. J. An· our 100'al 10 where "'e are IoJa). as "'('
necf.l ... f.l if the go:th of Ihe union negolia. derson, Vice I'rc\ldenl and Chairm:ln of hale i:rO"n in strcn~th and number.
Ihe E:\erut;'e Ilo.1rf.l. Our nlcmllcl')hip noll' incllllle~ employ-
10t\ arc 10 be achlCled.
rhe Concil.ation B0.1rd con\i\h of ees from the Amphenol Corporation.
I- uu R K. 1011"'-0'>1, ASST. I I). union nomince. John L)nl. Pres ident of
TII(" Shorl Circllil r ighllll!; Dc\"iee~. Inc .. anti Ihe Cokman
Ihe NOIII Scotia /·cf.lcr;llion of [ :. lxmr; Cab[e :lIld Wi re Company.
Chairm:!n It T. Donll[f.l . f:tl:ulty of law, AI~o. ma ny Ihanh til (O I' E R egi~trar
Members Complete Course; I);llhou~ie U n il'er~ity: and company rcp- Chct Ferri~ for f.loing II lI'o nucrful job.
re ...... matil·e. Mr . Smilh, Q.c. We had another \uccc\,ful CO I'E cam.
Work Scene Grim in 2038 Th i~ i~ the finol time the local has paign :lIld ar ... ready 10 \tan another.
I_U. 20311, Rt:G IN,\ , SASK.-i\-Iembc rs bee n involved in a Concililllion ])0.1rf.l We h:t~e nl..o ~enturcoJ into the ~porl
of Local 20311 recently comp[etef.l :l hcaring. T he rccommcndalion~ of Ihe of bo\\ ling. hal'ing t\\O learns ~pon<;()rcd
JOuroc)man upgrading cour-.... in in- board will be mllde public b) )ours h)" otJf 10C'.a1, and wc're bow-ting "'ilh lhe
f.lu\tri:ll el«tronks lit the S:t,latrhcwan truly vilt lhe oc"'~ mef.li:!. C LU Au~iliary. We are I'e ry proud of
Technical Imlilule. The cour..c includef.l From Sprucc Lale, New Brumw-icl. Georgia Prince\ ",inning " 1~o", lef of lhe
worl wl lh I'anou, electronk componcn'" BrOlher Uumby Informs u~ Ihat lhe ~Iaff \I onlh-: ,hoc now has lhe opportunity to
as rel:llef.l 10 Ihc:ir i ndll~tri:11 lIpp[ication. i\ bacl to. normal an d will be joined on enler the " Bl)w[ your Way to I urope
Some of the inSlruchon wa~ ,ilcn by April 26th by IlrOEher P. L. Fr..scr. who T ournament." GOOll lucl, G('orgia.
Brolher J . Hi)C h... bclt, a former pre~idcn t has been slud)ing e n~incerinG III Ihe We arc mlercstef.l in Ihe tHEW tour-
of Loc:l[ 2038. Universi ty of New Brun ~l\ i.:k for Ihe na.rne~ 1 II hich i~ bei ng held Ihis year in
Al though the timc allolled for Ihe p:t~1 )car, Brolher Fra'>Cr, :1 pa~I ~hop fll! arnl, lind wc wou[f.l ;Ipprcci:ltc any in-
cour '>C ",IS ralher short , Ihc members sleward. i~ in Ihe Spruce l.ale :, rea. fornm tion on it. We a re "II WOmen bow-
wurled h;l rd. and all hn\"e ex pressed in- 1\ ['>0, BrOl her !' ic hon h a~ intemions of k'" but don't forgel wornen', lib, I'[ea,,;
lere't in :1 propo-..cd '>Ccond pha'>C of t hi~ g-oin~ to Furopc or J;mlaica for hi, va- con t:t ct Dottie Ni[e,. !'rt~if.lent, Local
cour.e for next wmter. calion. "hi[e BrOlher Uor",ood e~pcclS 22~~, IIII' W, 632S SW. 20th Sireel.
As for the worl ,ituation, it is I'ery 10 be going home to Newfoundl anf.l for ,\ Iiranmr, H orida 33013,
grim. O,er 30 per cenl of our nK'mbcr· hi~ ""<lcation. Donll Nn IS, I'RLS.
~ h lll 1\ une m plo~eu, :mu lhere i~n 'l Ill!llh R«ehed a telephone call from
"'orl coming Ull to imprm'e the ,illla· Brol her \l elnicl. "ho i, OUI in I·argo.
tion. We ha\'e a fev. m ... mbers worling North D'llotil. on a TD-2 tOUfSC, He Los Angeles Local 2295
in other areas hut OOt enough 10 alle- Idh U\ Ihal Ihe min.~lirt is ,liII popul.. r, Is One Year Old
viniC Ihe ,ilUalion. blu much 10 hi, di,may. there h no ,iJ;n
A.s for gOlernment labour rel:llion ~, of hOEp:lnt~ )el. Also. Brother Pile ap- LI I . 2295. I.OS ""'Gt: U :S, CA I.IF._
v.c now ha ve one of Ihe rnO'l oncrOI" preda t e~ getting out and pnlcticing a bil April I, 197 1. reprc..enh the F;"'I An-
pieces of legislalion Iwnging oler uur of photograp hy ,ince Ihe wea lhe r has nilcrsary of l ocal 119.!'i. wllld, wa~ insti-
heaf.l~. It h commonly rcferrred to a~ cleared up-he need~ ill lUted one ~·e .. r agC), "ilh International
Bill T ",o and h \Uppo~f.l 10 be :m emer- Brolher-. MeKeigan .mf.l Talcrner h:lI ... Vice !'r..... idcnt W , I .. Vin<,Qn presenling
gency \Cn'iees a~·t Ihat empowers the go\"- just returne d from" Iwo-"''''el lou r of Ihe chartcr. / nll."rnalion:!] Rep re'>Cntali\"e
emnK'n t 10 force any union to cea-.e a f.luly :tboard thoc cable \hip, the St'lII","', C. P. ""Chucl" Hughcs alro :tssbted anu
strike anf.l return 10 worl under penally having heen in~ol"eoJ in unf.lerse .. eltblt: ha, been a guif.ling light eVl."r ~inl."e.
of fine. repaiN '>C.II11ewher... belween Jac~~nville. Now. Ihe local has come of :t~. and Ihe
F1orif.la. anf.l \\. Thomas in Ihe Virgin 01'\1 [ocal union et('( lion will <;oon be
Thi~ bill v.otS u-..:-f.l ag:oin~t Local 2038
I ;' ~I J une. Ihe reaSOIl ]1.eing thai our blanf.ls Brother McKcll,!an le[]~ U\ Ih:1I
II rOlher '1a\"ern.cr ~pcnl !>Ome time lall- 1'!c;lding 1.1)1:31 :!19,~ i~ BlhlllCSS Man.
~Iflle SUllpo~d l y creatcd .m ecoIIUlllic
ing to "Malph" on his Hbig-. while tele· ager- l inancial Sccrcl:try Theodore L.
emergenc)" in Ihe " ro\"incc of ~~la l lhe- H HTe~ "' Ag('e. who i, al>ly ;h~i,ttd by
11"01". The gOI"crnll1cnl of S:1\~alrhe";l n phone. ~ince things were :t hil 10Pll}-
B u,ine\~ R epre-..cnJatilc~ John CrumpTOn
ha~ rccently scrn fit to e-.;p;md thi, hill lu rvy al lime\ whik on hoard Ihe ~hip.
anf.l Anf.lrew T:ly[or.
10 encompass all Ihe worling people of It i~ hehclef.l Ihal I~rolhcr, \leK ... igan
Loeal 2295 i~n't c.o.:lcl l} a newly_
Ihe province. It i~ jU~1 great [i, ing in a and 1 alernef will be leaving- for Ber-
founf.l"'11 loca[ union. :., it \\ a~ in cxhl-
province v.here the worling people no mud a ~ horll y for a two·wed lour of
enrc a~ Ihe Main lemm!:e Unil of LOca[
[unger h.I\e the right to collectile bar· duty in con ncetion with e:!ble r"'l':!ir~,
g:linmg. II i ~ II plea,ufe to sec Brothcr Barry
r t. I o~ Angele,. for the pa,1 18 )ear~.
During Ihal time, Brmhcr Tex A~-ee
'1he government of Saslatchcw:ln is harl al "'orl .. fter a ,horl i[hl(',~ . We
'l'r\'ef.l a\ sl.lpcrvi~ing hu,ine" repre..enlll-
now threalening to implement luoour are aho cxpc~ling to ..ee George Ander- liI(' of Ihal p:lfticular operntion for 23
courts.. if Ihey are elected again, which wn bac~ in ~)dney Mmes for :t lour of
)'ell,.... rhere are now 62 comlXmie~
"'ould jmt about rum all chanc" of f.luly during the ,ummcr months,
under agr«mcnL Ui, ,,';1\1 lno"lef.lge of
collect;,e bargaining in Sa~llltche",an. We're loolin; forward 10 r~ci\ing a organlllng and negotiallng contrac" ha,
T hc imp[ement:l hon of labour cour b is few ilem, from ou r C1:trenvi lle shop m:tde him ler)' compclenl in administe r-
being opposcf.l by e>'ery labour org.1nil~· ~Ieward for nex t monlh's Ieller. Le l '~ get
ing the rc)pons ibilitie) of bu~incss ma n-
lion in Ihe prolincc, but it secms only mOl ing, Sif.l. ager.

:m c lec tion ",ill a\"e ni;lbou r courts. Dt 1""IS W . MAIIAI.lK, I'.s. A [ong wit h Business Manage r Agee


One Year Old New Local 2332

was One year Shown on
International Vice President Inl ern.lional Represe ntalive frank Adams os sl>o .... n adm",;sle fOn l Ih e [ BEW oalh 10 Ihe
pruen t ing local 2295's charier, as Inte,· new members 0 1 Local t332, We"ton, W.Va., E and C Depa,tmenT, Monongahela Powe r
national Rep.euntal;ve C, p, "Chuck" Com p "ny. l eft 10 "gh l "re BrOThers F.a nk Ad ems. lynn Haynes. Georg, H,.,tlS. Ross Ptlce
Hughes looks On and Bill Hortman

~llIn conlract rwgOltal l('.IIl'. Congrntula-

Mourned lion) to our Brothers of Local 2.132 for
Brolher Ralph (Sam.
m y) St Ilwell. crew being fa ithfu l unti l ~lonong.:llH:la " o"er
luder and an em· COm1):!ny 11:1, cau:.cd 10 negoti:lle,
ployee of Mononga. A \pt.'d:11 1lll..~tll1g was held at the
hela Pow." for 13
years, was aCCIdent Mi1J 900 p Communi ty Center in Weirton
aUy killed on Febru· on April 28th. At Ihi~ 1I1eeling. the
ary 28. He .... as .... o'k · former I'anh:ondle U nit of Local 696.
ing on a SCheduled IJcllllirc, Ohio, n:cehcd its Local 2332
operatiOn and fell
'rom a hellhl of 42 chaner, lind elected onicef» for its local
for a three-)e"r tcrlll, IB FW Reprel>Cn·
'"' tative I' rank AUllms conuucted the elec-
lion, Oflker, eleeteu for Ihe local "ere:
Election o f uniol1 officl."r>, ",II talc 1-10)0.1 Pugh, Prhident; Fdgar I-I a ll. Vice
Thesa office", have served local 2295 for pl'lcc Ihi~ month, Imml."uiatel} prior 10 I' re,ideot; !Jill Sec"" Finand.tl Seerl'lar}:
one year. Lefl to right. Ihey "'". Business election. crucial conlr.ICI ncgOlilllioni JOI1I1 Young. ·1 rC[hlircr; lond Wi1li:om
Representative Je>tm Crumpton, Busineu wi ll COlllmel1CC with th e Lod.:. heeu Air- Burr Rrrnrdinl!' 'Wrro'tllr)
Ma n age •. flnaneial S"";'e'ary Tt>~or. L. craft Compan y. followed in e10l>C oruer
"Te." Agee. and Business RepresentaliYe A mution \\11'). made ;ond regularl}
Andrew Taylo, by Mc Donnell ()ollgl;o~, Non h Americal1 <oCeondetl 10 eleci three melllbeN 10 the
Rodwell, the H ughes Tool Company, EXel·lIIh·c lIoaru, :llong "ilh the lice
the l'l ughe~ Aircraft Company, and pre~it:lent and reeor.ling <,ec oelary. Tho~
Aerojcl. eleeteJ to Ihc Execulive Board "ere
Negot i'l ti o ns "cre recCl1lly concluued Harry W illi:!m~. Oley FloyJ, :\111.1 Cl11T'
wi th the Califo rnia (kC"eN Association, enee Scalf With thi, r0'lcr of fine
whereb)' man) frin g.:: bi:nefil~ "ere BrOlher., "I." life It.,ured th~lt l<x.::ll
gained, including a wage paclage of 2332 h !>cillg operated hy :t \e ry compe·
S 1.40 over th ree years. The pre<;ent tent JlI1.! ~lf-<:on~iou~ I:!roup of men
hourly ":!J!C IS $6.305. lmd \\oil) meet :lll prublern~ in II sentle-
Longralu lallon\ 10 all ollicen ;lnd manl~ :Ind IIprighl ra~hion, "ith a "ill
Brot her members of ( ocal 2295 lIml 10 hone'tl}, ..erve Ih,'ir union 10 Iheir
best "i~he~ for 11 ~ucce~flll future. mlllO'>t anility.
J OIl r-; C. CIIUI>II'TON, Mus. Itl t'. 011 h'nrllary "lllth IIII' "lIlplo),'rs of
Ihe I':mlwndle 1)11 i~ion "'ere ~adJened
Local 2295's off1ce Slat! busy ar work b} the aceidenl31 dealh of Brolher Ralph
ISammy) ~lilwel1. Brolher S,1mmy W:IS
\I crew lender und nn employee for
came IJlJ ~inc~s R cprcscnlalivc~ Crumpton. Congratulat io ns to New t3 )ellN Wilh 1I.10nonogahc1!1. Ilrothrr
~I afr melllber (or the pa~t five ~Ca r~, lind IBEW l ocal Sammy "'!I~ w()rkin~ on :t scheduled in·
Bu ~incss Reprc>t!nllllh'c Andrew T aylor, terruption at the Weirton substation
st;trr membe r for the pa,l year. LU. lJJ'Z, WEIRTON. W. VA._Awale where lhey were m,t .. l)illl( .1 new 138-
There aTe grelll organiZing oppo r- re citizens of the world and rejoice with KW transformer,
tunities for l oca l 2295, whil.:h is the Ihe E nnd C employees of Ihe l'anh.tIldle Brot her Sammy is $un'l\cd by his wife
objective of ollr great IB EW. The local's Uhi,ion of Monongahela Po" cr Com- Luella. a MlI1, 1Il:Jrk, and II dalll:!hler.
pnny, n part of the Allegheny I'o\\oer T rllcy 1.ynn.
jurisdiction con~ish of :III electrical·
~)'~telll, The FOllrth Court of Appclils The ';Ulle of ull 'arne' 'la, :l bill for
electronics t1lllinlCnnnce a nd operation n lled In f;IVor of the I'linhand ic cm- $25,00 'it'nl 10 Ihe wi llow by Ih e Steele
work, as dcfined in Arti cle XXV lll , See- ployees' being: repre~nted by the lU EW. lind Wolfe Funeral I lo me of Weirton for
lion 5 a t' lhe Ill hW C;on~ tiluli ol1 , "hen t-1 0oongllhela Power Company accepted removing Brother Sammy's body from
performed in the Southern Cu lifornia the ruli ng and ha~ met wit h (IlEW Ihe pl ace of Ihe f:lta1il y, We irto n Sub-
area, e,~cJudin g e lectri ca l mnintenllnee Representative Frank Adams and Broth- ~tn li on to the Weirto n Genen' l H o~pila1.
work presently under euntract with ol her ers Floyd Pugh . Curtis Buller. and R. G h '~ w.-I('onl<' hn (' ~ l/l Il rolh'"r Ri r hftrfl
IIJEW local union s, Co rbell on t"O se pa rale ocea~ i o n, (0 Cml/illm'li 011 '1iI~'(' 69


Th e Flowers Th at Linger On
.... Lndies. sum Iller is the time in the ;Iftcrnoon. RClllove all leavcs age the othe rs. One to thrce wec ks.
of year when beautiful flowers arc and tic the flowc rs in small bunches depending upon the flowl!rs. arc rc-
everywhere :md beautifu l bouquets of three or four blooms. Put each quired for them to be pcrfectly
of freshly-cut nowers n.:gulnrly bunch ( Hower p:lrt first) in a large dri..:d. When they lIrc dried, remove
grace the living room. Many of you paper bag Ihat has bc..:n perforated them from thc paper bags and put
I.. dies probably have your own for v..:ntil'ltion. ;md hang bags in a thclll in a place free from dust.
beautiful flower beds ,lIld c ...·cn rn .. ke warm. dry, and dark place. The
flo .... er raising :I !.Crious hobby. But attic is ;m "tecllent place. bcc:luSC Ror.lX and Cornmeal Method
how unfortunatc it is that nature's it is dry and dark enough so that llle bora .. and cornmeal method
lovely blooms (;Ide and will so the colors will not fade tOO much. is recollllllcnded for daffodils. dais-
quickly. C heck the nowers evcry fo.:w ies. love-i n-a-mist. marigolds, roses.
Well, ladies, you can enjoy your days; if any arc mild..:wetl. relllove zi nnias. scarlet sag..:. etc. To pre-
flo\\ers longer by taking mea!>urcs to them ;nulledi;Hcly as they will dam- p:lre the mixture. usc onc part borax
preserve them, and you .... ill then powder to six parts of .... hite corn-
ha ... e them in your horne long after me:II, and mix thoroughl). Pour
your gard\.·n is barc o about IWO inches of the mixture
Pl!rh:lps. SOIllI! of you ladies have into a paper bag (size of bag de-
instructions for drying 1I0\... ers pends upon the size of flo .... l.'rs) and
tucked away in some niche. but g\!ntly place fl owers (!lower parts
you don' t remember where. Well, first) 011 top of the ll1;xturl.' in the
just re:ld o n if you arc dead serious bag. Theil, care full y pour the rest
about preserving some !lowers for of the mixture around the flowers
a muc h later da te. Ulltil they aI'\! completely covcrcd.
There arc various methods of Seeure the bag and h:lIlg in :I dry,
preserving flowers. depending upon dark room. This method also rc-
the types of flowers they arc. Three quires as many as three \\ceks fo r
of them arc air-dryi ng, borax and drymg, depending upon th..: weather.
cornmeal. and si lica gel.
Silica Gel Met hod
A ir. Dryi ng Method
The quickest way to dry flowers
Grandma used the first method, is by using si lica gcl, which can
and it is still the best onc for dry- be obtained at garden centers. The
ing baby's breath, globe amar:lI1th, merit of this product is that it
bclls-of- Ireland. Chinese lanterns. dries flowers more rapidly. and thus
artemesia. goldenrod. yarrow. lark- the flowcrs retain more of their true
spur. strawflowl!rs. lavender. Queen color. Follow the dircctions on the
Annc's lace. money plant, cattails,
corn tasscis, gra!>ses. milkweed pods, Your dried flowers wi ll last a
etc. long timc, and evcrytime you look
When usi ng the air-drying
at them, you will call to mind
method. pick the flowers-only per-
fect alles-when their moisture memorics of this summer you arc
content is the lowest- in the morn- about to enjoy.
ing, after the dew has dried , and Tha!"!> all . ladies.


I I Local Lines
I I ,,,lIIi,,,, ...l lro,,,, fIll X" 67
: Recipes for Junc Bridcs : Ch:lmbers. I\ho was di..chargcd from
-.ervice wilh the U.S. Arm y. He wa\
II (hull: h, ,lit' IrmliliuIIol //tomll o/lI'l'thlilll:.r. H ere arl'
SOllie rrcipt'f .\"0/1 li t' .... briril's 11111.1' lH1II1 t (l /r.\' (I.r Ildl
II aunched 10 Ihe 504th Si~nal Comrmny.
Brolher Ed~ar Iiall has becn Icry
"m)' latel) mal.ing plans for a sicl.. bene·
I ,!i""er m,."11 is specially,p/tlflll t'li/or /wo.) I lih Orpnil.3tlon for lhe Panhandle em-
I I pIO)ec~. An) employee in Ihe Panhandlc
I I lIi .. hing to join. i ~ eligible.
I Fre nch O nion Soup I " an handle cmploret's hal'c joined Ihe
I 2 medium-size 0";005 \'. t,nPOOn ull
II (jrc;tter WeirlUn Community Blood Pro
I 'h tablespoon buner O"s h pepper
I I p,n t beel broth 2 round$ lout I gram. a plan llhereby all membeu, Iheir
I 'h teaspoon Worcn,.... hl,. uue. I , ..spoon .Hled P.' ....san dlee.. I families, parenh. ;Ind in-laws are as,
I Slice onions thin and brown in butter. Add broth, Worcestcrshirc J ~ured of blood in case of emergency.
I sauce, saIl, and pepper. Simmer until onions arc tcnder. Pou r soup into Thii plan is good worldll ide and is n
I individual ca~rolcs. Arrange toast on lop of soup, sprin l.lc II tth grated
I cheese, and plllec under broiler until cheese melts. Scn'c$ 1"'0.
m\l~t for nIl.
fd'" in. son of lineman Henry and
Wandll Co, of 3339 York St.. Weirton.
I "U~ cho...:n 10 repres.:: nl Weirton High
[ C heese-Shilled I' CUf S:lIml
School a~ a R hodc~ Scholar al thc 1>ly-
2 ta blespoon, pe • • JUice lettuce
l 'h OUnces cr",m cheese ',~ cup mayonnaiSi mouth Troubte Shooting Contcst 10 be
.. ,,",ar h",rves held at Ch:!r1e~lon. We~t Virginia on fl t:!y
Mi.\ pear juice \\ilh c rcam c hecse. Fill pe:!r hahe, and pre~s logethcr 14th. Ed .... in i ~ being lopCI nsored b) .... Ihic
Place whole pe;!r on lenuce and tOp with mayonnui~e . \lolor Sales Inc. of Weirlon, Prizes for
",inners lIill total Illorc than Sl2S.000
Stlllfctl I'ork e hUIIS In prizes lind ..chul:lTl>hips. We e:ollend
hC~1 "bhes lind ~oud winning to Edwin.
2 double pork ',"OpS \.i, t eupoo n talle
'f;, cup bread crumbs I teupoon 8rllied tlnlon A,l:ain. in clo)ing. \lC w"nl 10 expre~s
't. teaspoon nit. on" IH'PIH" ';' cup dlc.d IIpple our ,intere 'Ipprecialion 10 our Urothers
I teaspoon minced par,ley 3 tablespoon. milk
II ho remai ned faithful to our ta use over
Cut a pocket on the bone side of e:tch c hop. Combine next eight Ihe )car~ of orllllni7_ing unli l now that "'e
ingrcdicnts a nd m ix well. Sluff each chop with bread mixture. Placc in .lIe " 1",,;,1 Ulllun, We are laught Ih'lI
shallow pan :tnd bllke in moder;.te O\en (350 0 ) :IOoUt o ne hour or un[II he IIho r('nmin .. f'lithful until the end
tender. Sen'es t\\o. "hllil be ~a'ed
Ct lit! '<let Sc01T, I'.S,
ZUl'chini and Tomatoes ALI G nltin
". pound ~ucchlnl 'I. teaspoon 'alt
I lablespOOn choPlH'd On,on 0 .. " IH'Pper
I tablespoon 0,1
''- cup cooked to m a toes
". cup .,ated c" •••• Canadian News
Wash 7ucchini and cut inlo one-fourth-inch pieces. Cool.. onion in oil, rmiti/lllfd from I'(l/!f }O
add z ucchini. and cook slowl) for file minutes. ~tlrring rrequent]}. Add proposals deali ng \1 ith cmployer ac-
to m atoc~. ~alt a nd p(·pper. Cowr a nd cook file minule~ lon ger. Tum creditation procedures, jurisdictional
mto greased baking di~h. ~pnnklc ehl'Csc over tOp. and h'll..c in moderale dis putes. e tc. When these propos:l[s
Ol'cn (375°) about 20 minutes. Sen'cs two. arc approved , they arc expected to
bervc as the basis fo r further legisla-
Buked I'olnloes
Scrub 11'.0 medium-size pOlalocs and dry thoroughl )'. Rub well wilh The New Brunswick Legislature
fat if a soft skin" dc!>ircd. Bakc in hot mcn (415~) for 45 minutes or has given first reading 10 a new L I'
until potalOC\ an: soft 1\ hen prc~scd 10gelher \llth I he fingcn. Ri."mol e
hour Rel ations Act. and among the
from oven ;Ind make 111 0 g3shcs in the e~n ter of the 1)Ola lOC\ in the form
o f a cross: pres... 1>Ot:ttocs wilh the fingers. Inserl a lurge piece o f buller. many changes, is a s pecial section
!>C.IWI1 lIilh \all :!IIU pepper and serve piplllg hot. o n construction. bringing " mu lti·
":l1Iplo)er. multi-union'· bargaining
SIr,!" berT) S ho rtcakt' 10 th is indus try for the first time.
All unions 1\ ill become legal e nli
2 ~tIIl~
,,, t ablespoon wat.,
"I cup IU8·'
pont sHawbe..... tics, able to sue and to be sued.
'I, teaspoon ... an ,U a 2 lI,blUpOorIl 'Ula ,
',:/, cup s ill ed lIour ';' CUP h.~ cr.am. wh lplW/d Trade unionists of the future may
Ita teaspoon ,al t I
I well look bac k lit the 60s ItS the
Bea t eggs Slightl y: :uJd II aler and vaml!:l. Sill 1I0ur. '1I 1t . a nd one·half
I la~t dec:lde of construction negotia-
cup sugar together: add to eggs nnd beal unlil smOOlh . Po ur inlo un·
grcased la ycr-cake pan. Bakc in moocr:lle Ol'cn (350°) ltbout 10 minulcs,
I tions on a local leveL Morcovc r,
I the spect re o f multi-trade. multi·
Inv(Or! pa n: cool. Wash a nd hull st rall hc rrie!>. Save mO~ 1 perfec l one! for I
garnishing. Cut or crush remainmg bcrriL-s and swecten 10 ta~te . Spread I regional. and multi-scctor b argain-
berries on c;lkc and garnish with whipped cream a nd whole berries. I ing looms :tS a real threat to the
Serves four. (Thc extra scrvings make dcllclOu~ mid-night snnck.) I
___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
continued c,~ i stc n cc of trade har-

gnini ng.


p,.ayer /0,. 0",. Det:eased Membt'"s
Dear GOlI ill fI('(II 'ell ahm'c. 1I'{' m()urn for ,11t.'l'e 8 m/hers allli Si.I/l'rs who hare reall/fy (/l'/wrled from liS.
Craw Ilwl ,"e.l' IIUl)' rl'cl'il'e 1/1(' reward\ l11l'Y hUIIIMy sOl/ght (lltl'r llllll grewl ,I/m 11'(', YOllr sen'wlls II'ho reI/will
011 Harlli, \\Iill follow Ifwir good eXGlllpft'.!>' so 111m we II Ul)' (Ill he r eullited (Jlle day ill Your hOlllc. N al'/' merc)"
() Lord. 011 (If{ of liS. Aml'lI •

.\I iehu'" /.;. CO"" o, 1.. 1'. !J li nd W ibl... 1.. 11. 11 0 Jo:d " 'Ilt'd I.. AII(h "·~<I n. 1..11, !;9i
f);~J D u~ ... b~, II, 1971) /I,,,,, I .. " .. 12, H09 II"", I .. " .. ,. IOJJ
I"",."d 1) .. « ... 1"., 4. I!NJ 1.. ,'I ....d No""'"'' II, / 041
Frllll k J . Dt'an, 1..1". !j IJ ... J N ......"b ... 9, 1970 I) ...d r,b'''.'7 H. 1971
OJ.J J."~ 4'r 1. 1971 LUllili II. Ba lin. 1,, 11, 130 Charles 1\ Mc.\ rcil.'. I..{T. 69i
" uu l 11 . Gumlju l:". I..I!, !J B"", "'., /II, J9H /I"." 04 /,,,1 III. 19011
'";"., .. d A .. ~ ... , 11. 1966
n,.4 D~u",f, .. 10, 1970 I);,d No"·,,,bn 17, 1970 I";,, .,,·J 1''''''''7 14. 19H
/);,d 1."".'7 29, 1971
lI a n ','y L. II no\l'r. 1..11. 9 11"ht' r ' I\l·s!"t·l. L. P. 130
IJr.4 O,,,,b .. 19. /971) II,,,,, M.-y j. 1921 Id a lI o ... ell, 1..1 ' . il3
I"j".'~d tlp,;1 n. 19~1 /""i."d 5./,'"'''/''' ~9, 196 7
EII!!.-r O. Joye.'. 1.. (1,9 /)"d /J«,·,,,b., 26. 1970 I), .. d 1"''''.'7, 1971
IJ,.J O.,,·mb •• I . I'I~O
Juhn II. Fa u]I< . ic h. L.H. 309 Cur,,1 [o; le.,h, I.. {I, 71:1
UN"mll'.! W . :\Ic('ul'lnick, I.. l ' . 9 I"" ...,J Ar,;1 1. 1927 I "" •• ,," A"~M" JJ. 19iO
1)".1 tJ,umb .. , 6, 1970 D, ..d I." ...., 21, 1911
Dttd 1." ....,. ' ' ' '
Edgar II. l\al11p\' II. 1..11. 309
W illiU!!1 C • .\Ic n ona ld , I..I T. 9 I",,'~'cd J~"u,y J, 19" Il al'1'~'CaI'1J1'nl.·", 1.. 11. 1111
1)"·4/)«.,,,10., 211. /9iO V,cd I." ....~ 10, 197/ I"", . ,,·J S.~'c",b" III. 1942
D; ..d I." .... , 2J. 1~71
'1'1111111 ;,,, E • .\Icl.:llljl:h lin, I..C. 9 J :IIIU',. '1'. Kt·hu ... 1..11, 3;i3
U,," D~«'",b," 14. 1970 II",~ O""bc, 1 I. /91)0
In;"."d M ~"h IN. 19)9
c, "O\(' r C'. S h"l lhcrd. 1., 1' , 120:;
/"."., .. d .If_"h ,. I~IIJ
Ji :Hrr I' aul\·).. 1.. 1' . !I I)"J J."u"" ~7, 1971 VI,·d I."u",. Il. 1971
U"'J I • • ,u." 2, 19" I'lulull l( olll·UUllil<. 1.. 11. :1:;3
II", .. J .n ...., l6, 1926 Frultk Sad ilt'k. 1,, 1', 126U
( ; umu'd I'NIr!'<lIl, 1., 1'. !.I I .. ,"....d A",,,,, n. 196' l),~d 1...... '7 ,. " i l
I) ..'J V,u",b~, 16. 19'0 Ott" hb,,,.,, I. 197/
1.1.'0111 W. Hl l tlin~'on , 1..1'. \ ,13!)
W llIi :lln \' <111 I.\·n ll"p, L.I1, !) .1111111'11 II . 8 h" IIi'(' ''. 1.. 11 . 3.i:\ 8"", Jul y 1iJ. 19()4
/),~J No>c",bu 'I, /910 /I" .... Oum,"c' 14, 111'99 I",,,.'~J "b.".,y. 19~6
1" ..i."J O""b ... II. 194! I), .. d I." .... y 11, /971
F"lInk Y<lltll~, I.. I !. 9 D ud F,I" ... " I, 19~J
I),," Du~"'''''' n, 1970
Will iu m J. Silk. 1..11, 3;;3 MILIITt' .... (; iH' ns. 1..1 • 11 39
Bom J." .... y 10. 1119,
Il cnhuJ'd! Ah"II,'n , 1,, 1'. 17 II" ,,, N""",/,n 18, IN~II
I",,;.,,·J f·,'b,u".,. 1946
I";".,,J Ap,,1 J(1, 19j! I"",.,ed tluou., l', 1941 /);,J I."u." II, 1971
D,," 1~" M .'1' 1911 /) ... d f"b'''''r J. 1'171
J .. hl1 [o; l r am a, 1.. 1', 3:':1 L('lund P:. ris h, 1..1 ' . ,1:W
T c d J nr1l's. I..l'. 17 /I,,,,. A" . .. . , 1J. 19VII B".n I .. ". 111, 1119·
' '''''~' ''J I"M J2, 1960 /"",., .. d /)" .. ",b .. 11. /947 I"",.,~d f,'b,~.,y, 1946
/)i,·J I." uo", 19 71 /),,·d frb""'7 1. 1971 UuJ I." ..." II. 1971
P Ulll K .Iaksich, 1..Il, 22 1I \'I' I1Ii1n II . H url"", 1..1l. I;;!J I.l'O l1arbin, I..I!, IriO.;
/I" ... luly IN. 192 J I"",."d S ..r ...,.. b .. , 1911 /",,,.,,d IMI, I, 1937
I,,,,, .,~d
0<",",. I, 1946 I) ... d Jon".'7 Il, U71 D ,,·,J I ' .. b, .... y II. 197/
/)"J /Jtr .... b" 11. 1970
Willi:ult 11. I) ll\i ~ nn. 1.. 1 • 16;;
Jo:Hri ~ n\")'('I·. 1.. 1', :1 1 I";,ia,,,d On,,!,,>, II. I 96 I 01,1.:'11 BtH,mh,, ",',·. 1.. 11, I.;U5
/"",."d ;Iu~ .. . , J, IQ21 /)I,d 1)"1"",b«, 197" /"i,i.,.,d 1''''''''1 I, I~~I)
I)"d f.b, .. . " 9. 197/
/)"d 1."u17 14. 1971 W . S. Ells ... ort h. 1..1 1, a9;;
Th"ma ~ ) IUrjlh), 1.. 1', ,I, I;, .. d No.·...""... 9. 19-0 \I:Ir iun K ('olt· man. I ~ I · . 1;:;05
/)"J /),t.·",bO'. 16, 11/70 .Jnltni.· L, c,<lI'~. 1,, 1'. 602 /,,;" .... d "" r
V,,'d I." ...."
J. 19~6
!~. 1971
,,,,It.It,d )u,," 11. 1919
OHu J . 11.. ist'r, 1., 11. II I)"d hb'''''7 IJ, 1971
/), ..J V,u",b" /7, IP~O Archihald ;\lcAnluy. 1..1 1. 1;;0.)
E. I.. Ilick~' r""n, 1.. 11, 6:17 l "i"",.,J N"'n"b .. 1J. IO'J
An~II" 1 W. I.U I1,hIUis'. 1.. 11. 61 I,.", ....d ",."It 7. 1941
I)"J I·,b,,,.,, II. JO~I

I),,'J I~"N"" 1P71 n. l)i,J I)" ..",,, ... 19. /970

OSC1. r A. I h'i n in~c r . 1.. 1', 1;:;0;:;
F n'd (;(.I'(,\,(. 1., 11.86 11 ""'HI'\lI ,. l ,iJl~c .. mb. J .... I,.LT, 6:17 h"".teJ 1 .. 17 tJ, IUJ
/)"J 1)N: ..... h" /970 /,,;,i .... d l Jtu",h .. , 11, 1064 D"d I""u •• y 2 1. 1971
D;eJ I)r .....""... '. I"'~O
H,,, .. , .. b.u.,
J :lnll''' J . 0.' 1-'1'", 1.,11, / 10
16, 19011
l"i" .,.'J "'., J. 1911
(.'ll1l ri l'" F . I,nll!ni ,.. 1.. 1'.637
I";".,,d ,I/,.. ,it " 194J
F rnnlz H. 1I~'c k .
8.m. I .tt .... , I!. " "
1.. 1' . 1898
I"",.,,.d /),·...."'b .... 1961
I);,.J 14"""711,1971 I)«d O""b .. /J, 1970 /)"d J."~.,, 4, 1971


EWBA Death Claims Paid In Fehruary, 1971
Am o u nl S"''',,'n .. Al1l o ul11 S Urn ll me ,\ nlOul1 1

MS Nu ~e"t. M. R ..... 1.250.00 210 l1 ~nn,
W. M ••• ••• 1.2;;0.00 92.") lilrerf. O. C. 1.250.00
Hclobrard ic. K M. 1.250.00 213 Wuerth. U, ..... . 1.:1,,0.00 ~f HI Boutelle, C. I). ].2.';0.00
Burke. J . J . ... . . 1.21)0.00 2 15
, I.owth er. G. ~' .. . .
Sc hw ent . W . J .. . .
ZI 9
Slwl J. ri .... .... .
I.ne or. A . ./ ...•.. .
lil 2f,
lIuurj.:"ciu~. C. P.
rullier. T. O.
1.~ 50.00

," Drlltt. M..... . . . .

Jllcoby. S ....... .
Brown. B. It •. •••.
P" .. ris. J . \\' .... .
I'orn('ll, I). C .... .
Tink(·r. W. \1' .
lli ekok. I\" . ,I.
Fr)'o". A. J ..•.

3 Morris. J. N . .•• •• 1,2,,0.00 ~Hj [[ !>lfm"", T. E. I.Z"0.1I0 120" lilr~l'ht·1"f1. G. C. 1.2;'11.011
Sic"dmnn. ll ... . . 1,::(00.1.10 21" I\ur.'nkie" in. A .. 1,2['0.00 121:: lIorul. ,I. J. 1.2.;O.QO
Johnson. S. I/. .. . 1.01l.li7 256 Ilnlbeek. S. t:... .
,, lI ibl .... r. J. C . •. •••
Jllmes. E. A •• ••••
A",i,·rRon. G. !-l .. .
lI('mmi".:-. J. E.
Shrum. I.. S.
flail. L.
\1'iIM"n. \\'. C.
31nlek, 1'.)1. .. , .. 1.2;';0.011 !!!I2 h.ne~",arck.~. J. 1.2:,0.OU 12~~' Smith. \\. J ..... 1.2;)0.00

8 Sehulh. C. II ...•. 1.250.00 3<,. Wlllk\·r. J. 1( ••••. 1.2:;0.00 12'i(l 1""ot·. .\1. 1.250.00
Delln. F. J. 1,2;:;0.00 :10~ F"I-:,·I, II. I" ..... 1.2:-,li.lWI 1347 \Idll'nry. J. B. 1.~i'iO.0I1
Iluglln. R. F .... , 1,~ao.OO 32] lIu~ht'lt. It. 1.2,';U.OO 13;7 Er,II". (;. J. 1.~51f.OO
1\I uBtu. G. J .. ". 1.250.1111 323 f',h·~)(;. F. I'. 1.2;>OJHI 137j 1II1ine~. G. 1\. 1.~50.j)(J

"" DUnelln, F. A .... .

I\ujllw". C.I' .... .
Pi"I'itl. G. D.... .
3 10
i)rulln, II. W.
Bobertso'l. 1>. F.
11 f'.til;
Ikdfr>rd. W. O.
":~hmirlt. F. ~I.

1.2iiO.00 365 J)""is, ('. C • •. I,Z;;O.UO \[,2:1 (iu~tr". I.. X. 1,2;;O.()0
P l u8ch. J. O .••••• 1.250.00 ~t!!1 Adki,,~. C. H. 1.2f,O.OIl Ir'2!) IInrnrn. J. A. 1.2fiO.00
Sho u ~e. G. C. 1.250.00 ;W!I m "ck,.... il. F. C... 11:1.:1:\ III:!! H,~". t:. T. 1.~[oO.OO
Sutto", \ '. I. . .... . 3li:l !.zr;o.oo
1.2,,0.00 \',,"bog"~I·t. J. 1.21i0.00 11::11 Slni,.~, H. !1.
Flllel·. ~;. II. 1,2,;0.00 37fi lI' )c" r" l. 1'. It . 1.2f,li.liu 1~2:1 EIl", t t. F. It. I.Z50.oo
C~rb"ne. J. B •••• 1.2iiO.OO 3711 ('~rt"oJl. J r .. A. E.. I ,~f.(l./)O I ~:17 Hid,,'r.r~,,!\. C. 1.25U.OO
22 Jllk~ich. 1'. S .... . 1.250.00 ;1~7 J\lI\I.~on, T. t:. 1.2~U.()0 18i;; P"l·C. ~I !->. 1.2,.0.00
2" Berenl. I. A . .. .. . 1.250.00 ;mo 1I 11I("I("»rd. It. It. .. 1.2[,0.(JO l!f:17 lIul("hc •. H. G... . 1.250.00
Itio"e!. Z.
He witt. I.. W.
;;h(·ehnn ..L A ..•.
;\lrCoweu.lI. B..•
I ~I~ 1
Forcier. 1\'. A . . .
JJlff!int'. t·.
w. \ .... .
" Rt. John. W. )1. 1.2r.o.00 4Z!1 J)1Ii1~·. 1.2;,0.00 2011" l';nkcrl~n. ('. A . . . 1.250.00

35 3lartincllu. It. G .. 1.~50.OO 42!1 Whel'll'r. J r .• C .. . 1.2[;000 22~li ])'''il. Jr .. A. E .. . 1.2:.0.00
35 Simo"ellu, n. J ... 1.2;.0.00 153 ItobrnBon. It. II. t .2[.0.00 2:W;; 1;lId{Jm~k;. C. A .. 1.2:,0.00
38 Dilser". F. G. 1.~"0.00 Hill lI orton. II II. I.:!~'O.OO I. O. (23) l)"ut~"h. B. C. U;.o.OO
31/1rli"e7;. n. C. . . 1.::50.00 •161 Arbln~n;. II .... 1,2:;0.00 I. 0. (;;8) lIu~hrH. T .•\1 . !.250.00
Jelln. It. It ...... . l.zroO.oo 477 J(lh,,~. M. 1.250.00 1.0. (71) (iuld~berr~·. II. 1.:150.011
Dobbins. B. f:. . . . 1.2f,().00 Williams. II ... . 1.2;;0.00 I.(). (IWI 1O".hJlm. E. J. 1.2-50.(11)
Mrllul". \ '. E .... . 1.2;:;0.00 4!12 I'o"t.nl(". C. T ... . 1.2.;0.00 I. O. (11,:11 Schmidt. J. II. 1.2.~0.00
Pcit. ~; ...... ... . 1.250.00 .19... Ii)"!),,r. ~. 1.2,,0.00 1.0. /318) \'oullK. I'. t· . . . 1.2.,0.011
.16 Hoswitk. A. A. 1.2;;0.00 ~ill 0 pl: l'lIorth. G. G. I.Z ;,O.OO l. O. ( ,;~! I) I.''''I-'l·''. II. II . . . 1.2:W.OU
<8 )kFllrl" ,,,I. A. M. 1.::00.00 4ilt Vonrh('e~, J. A. 1. ~!iO.OO r. O. (7!I I ) Su llh'''''. J. L. 1.2,;0.00
fdS I. O. (8111 )
Wilbur. E. B.
!\"" cl~on. t:.
n·Sullivlln. R. C.
1.2;'0.0 0
('owllrl, (j . 1'.
Jo,.,I1,,, . .Ir .. \\'.
MUOrl·. J. ]t, •.•.
I. O. (Sfll\)
I. O. (113!f)
~lcO""r~1. 1\'. E. .
Tu~ker. ~: . A.
) I cl,,,"cu". X. ,I.
:;8 Webb. J. E...... . 1,2,,0.00 ;'27 !'lInll'Yo 1' •.1. I.Z;'O.IMI I. U. 112121 l'rllr!mnn . .\1. .•.. 1.250.00
~ !l En!-:Ii~h. Il. C. 1.2f,0.00 fJlO -""nhub. Sr.• IV . W . 1,::r.O.flU 1.0. (13"71 Hulll·r. \\" . .\1. 1.2;-,0.00

"" Flickinlt"l'r. C ....•

Dreuer, D. L....
LemRr, H. II· .... .
T ittle. It. L.
(j. It .. .
I. O.
(1 IM.l
I'en~. (II
II nn"y. E. E.
lIulchin!...... Ii. D.
'Ium ... r. T. J

"" )lucDonald.lI. K ..
Zllhrowski. J . I'
1.2;';0.00 ,,61
' Iel)on"ltl. J. A .
Br.. drord. ('.
1.2;;0.00 I'l'!l~. I II :-;~hJl.r. J. Ii.

lIuneko. F. A.
I\lein7;. T. C •.....
] .2:,0.00
1.250.00 ;otiS
J.Hri,iere. It
l'en3. 121
/'e,,~. 131
Sl·h'mn;.::",,,n. B.
Ac"atin(l, A.
IIl'cker. F. L.

Weim"n, Jr .. J. J.
('allln;. Jr .. A... .
('ouItes, W. t'.
\I·"lter~. ('. C.
\\ i1~"II, 7.. L.
)Inn"u. ~. IL
I"·n". \:11
~ 3)
Bcrtolued. 11 .•••
(',lTuella, ~'. T . . .
I)tl;; \I'liitt"~k. ],2;;O.IJ() I'~n~. PI 1J~lulio, H.

B"I~on, \\'.
Frelnnr!er, II. 13.
Tngg»rt. G. G....
I.Z ;'O.OO
Iii I
(·ox"". J . r.
T . II .
;,:,,18(111, L. 11'.
\\'ih! H . 1J. C.
Pe!)l. ! ~ I
l'en8. (31
I) ~",,, ,,,

Didne!". M
.. 1.
I. Z50.00
till (;1\ F"rbcr·. J,' .. L.
I Hi
I I';
D.·feo. J. J.
Co ll ins. II. A.
('Titl" , C. ~ !. .... .
4iI :\
,/ O!' ~~. 1'. t:. . ...
\1 " I.l'nd"". II. O.
I'l' !'~'
!'c"~. 1.1)
1:(1 Fu~ci. D..1.
(in",bl"". \\'.
)Inr<:um. J. \\' ... . I;:U 0"),·r5. T. t:. 1.2(,0.011 l'e"K. (:.1) lI "h" ..\1. S. 1.250.00
It ),cknUln, R. f:.
H08ku~. J.
6 10
Hoehne. II. C.
It..,~e, E. II.
lIuudbury. II. 1'.
II nrrito". T
125 (""rl~o'\. J. A .. .. . I.Z"O.OI1 11113 lIollnnd. J. E. 1.250.()1i I',·"s. (~) I\e\!lid. ( '. J. 1.2;;fi.OO
>30 Hnuer. I.. II . .. . . ] ,2;:;0.00 !;73 E\·lIn~. E. A. 1.2.;IIJIIJ I'ens. (31 I\i"dermlln. II'. II. 1.2,,0.00
'30 I\e~~ell. It. A .... . 1.2;;0.00 673 Shllrp. J. F. 1.2IiO.Oo I'~,,". 131 1"'''''I,e. F 1.250.011
131 Anderson. H. M. 1,2:,0.00 675 \\"lIlcMki. It. J. 1.2,,0.1111 !'enR. !~I )',·<ll'r . .\1. \1. 1.2f.o.OU
li82 Iillnl)", I.. W . . . . 1.2:",0.on I'enl. (31 [.ec~l'. II. I I. 1.2a1l.UO
Bieschke. T . fo'•••
De'·ine. T. 1II .... .
D..,nO'·lIn. II . E .. .
1.2:.0.00 li83
Burton. (i. 31. .••
Zerbc)". S. (' ....
I'"lo~. (:11
Pc" •. (~)
l'"w~lI. \1.
Hu~h. !'.
'" 1\01'1" W. A.
I.Z50.OO f,~2
Ohon. C. 1I.
\ll'Anlle. c· J' .
l'l'nl (31
P) Si ... .::e!. I.. 11.
~iher, r.
'k('omb. S ..... .
Re". (I. J.
J.o'·f'!nd~·. M. II .. .
Wd('h. (i.
Pen8. PI
Pens. /:IJ
Sutt"n. J . J.
J. P ... 1.~50.00
1~6 ~!»r1{Jr. O. \\' . . . 1.2f>0.01l 72 1 Il;H. t:. t:. 1.2,,11.011 I't!n~. (I;) A~hbnu!-:h .. J. I.. 1.2,,0.00
136 McCord. I. . V... . 1.250.00 7:.1:1 :-ie"l. II. 1.2;'0.011 I'~n~. (q ~lcl\c .... ('. C. 1.2S/f.()I)
I~!I ("""nd,·11. E. 1.2;;(1.00 7:15 j!illin.:-.•. \'. I.. 1.2.~0.(j/) p~,,". (~I ~"l11nwrk"n"" F. I .250.0~1
~ ! nn~). A. N ... I. 2r,0.()1l ,I;) Swk,· •. I. .I.
1.15 I'e,,~. 1. 2.~0.I1Co
Delohn)'. F. 13 . . . 1.::,,0.00
15 ~
Powell. ][. B.... .
]["Id. ][ . ~:.
1.2r.().00 '"
1I""k. ('
It,,;"!)oll. 1\. I\".
I)uh"". I).
I'c"~_ (il)
!',·ns. I~f)
I','M. (1I)
I ;",,"i,,;:. 1'. I).
hsk~. E.
UtI .x t"r. \\. \\' ...
''0 Thie~. R. W. 1.2fiO.00
8·111 1I"n81"1'. (L A 1.2~(Uj() Pcn~. (] I) I!ri,h:: ... ~. A. 1.2;;0.00
165 ij(lneB~. C. \\' •.. 1.250.00
173 Cool. n. O. 1.250.00 IJ.lr. 1·"d,·r"..,.. ,I. t:.J. 1.2f,U.01l Pefls. (Ill nron. J. ~. 1,2;;0.00
!-lhlnetl. \\" t:. 1.2;;0.00
Wieni~wsk;, R ...
Orrick. II. E.
Ingram, W. S .•••.
Tsnn('r. Jr .. I).
T(I]b~rt. A. W.
I'cns. (I])
1'1'''8. (Ill
l'l'n •. (II)
I1l'1li"""r. E. A .. .
I.nrollNle. E . . . .
~I""d)". O. 11.
852 l'"rker. E. M. 1.2:;0.00 Pens. (II) 1.21)0.1111
~lIpp. 1\. E.
Tobey. H. l-'.
B~u <:h. 1'. ~:.
89 4
('onlin. It. L.
Sinll)'O". t :. I).
I'l'n,. (I])
Pens. (17)
S... h'''llll. )1. \' • . .
Wick, E. l l .
i'helplI, II. ~'.

JOURN AL FO R JU N£, 197 1

1.0(M I S u rn ;,mO! ,\ mo unt 1."" ,, 1 S urm,n.c ,\ "",u tll 1,,,.,,.1 S urm,mc ,\ mo U,, 1
l' eM. (17) lIil(llCr. w. ~' .... 1,250,00 ""na, ( 135) Ihljl(ett, D. '; 1,250.00 I'"nl. ~6zr. ) O1m!telld, II. W, 1.2&0.00
Pen" ( 17) 11'lIl'm"n, S. \I 1,~{;O.OO I'en •. (131)\ An rc",~, J . II, 1,~50.00 I'cn~. 1;;'21 Wch'h, J. ". 1,250,00
I' cnl.
I'cn •.
\)'''llIltison. G_.\I
I,onj:"tr. A.
I'~Urlon. , . (;. ".
I'''n •.
F"irl~)·. F ~1.
Kell) , P. J.
Ud\·C". L ,,
,'e"l, (567) Smith, \.
I'cn •• 1M,!!) ('"Idwell. C C.
Pcn •• tSIIH 1."10' • ..,,,. H. L.
". 1,2M.OO
I'tnl. (27, ~mart, F. D. 1,250.00 I'cn'. 11"41 I'ini"". F. 1.2;;<1.00 I'cnl. (6Sttl J"d.."n, A H. 1.2:.o.0/J
t:'-k, H. O.
\ule. J. A.
(lI,on. O. li.
l'l'n •.
1'1'11 ••
W"btr. J. t:.
!.uu, I'. A,
H"III" ('. I., ....
"tn_. (!;!!;;I ])"Ibt)·.
I'cnl. (5!'51 K,nll"IIlH,:h. J. .:,
I'enw. 11;]7) ~1,,1,,1<·)·. A_ ~:.
F. ] .2i)O.lHI
] ,250.011
(.3 1 )
II'nklllield, \\" W,' 1,2;,0,00 I ' ~n~. (tri~ I 11",1(1, I., F. ...... 1.2;,0.(\0 I','no. (H~j I IIn}'\oul' l\ , ('. 1\ . I ,~50.00
FI""riu~, L. A. ] .251l.UO I'~no. ( I T~; I lIu""", A. ].~r,O.l111 1'1.'11,. {~;:I'; I (·".rk, H.
I'l'n •. (~II I(IlIHH, O. 1.2;,0.00 l'e"l. (17/; , \t,,,I,h.t1. A. ],2r.tJ.lW) I'"n" {1;:\7, I)kk{'r~"n .•:.1 .. I ,~r.o.(1(1
A:b..rn:lh y • It
t .. ,.. ... "
1'.·,,"_ (1);,0,
PC'no, (11(1
\1 ,1\. F: J.
O'lll'll. \\ , ],2:,tj.l~)
I'(·n. !+~ I!I , ('nit. A \
I'tn~. , ,
.~~:. Klrh.r,h. I;. B
1.250.01 1
14;;. ()1I"n. W E.
I' .. nl Olll
I'(·n •. 1193,
Et'r~~"n. I' t;,
,. ].2;>(UHI l'~n~. (q:',
I·t·n~. (Ii.&!',
!-Ihrp"lrd. T C 1.250.fHI
Hllal. F.
Beder. A. C.
IIrl)II:-I, E. C.
1'<"111,. 119,; I
]'1'111. {2!O1
WIUIj.'", F J.
1(""", \.
" 1.2.'>11.00
1'1'''.' (liii!"
!-I1""n. II
{'"n"n. I.. E.
I'cno. (li5!!) \I'~n'! t. (~. W ••...
1'.,,, •.
lJ unl1~r. ~1.
I\"K"n. \\.
". 1.~r,O.fI(I
l'l'n~. (2IU)
P"na, (2]21 F.·"
l'hl'pllt'I'd, H. I..
B. t:,
P ('IIK. (lili_11 h " "NI, r. t:.
l't·,,", (6;;; I Kn"(', J.
I'('no. IH7[,) YOIU\I'. J_ I.
. ... 1,2FiO .1)1I
1'1'111. (481 .IIRr""lI~. F I.. 160.011 I'.·n •. (2121 11,,111<'11. H. It 1.25H,OO 1.250.011
I'.,ns. ("Ii, )Ione. G. \\. 1,250.011 I'C'''~ ( ~I:!I )E"hll".litth. C. ].~Ml,4H' 1'('" •. Ili"~ I J.opu, F. J. 1,2,jiI.lW
I ·"n~. 4Hh Tho"'~on." W, 1.2;;1)'01) I'.. n •. (2131 T.lt.. n. A H. I ,~.'iO.lIO Pen •• (li"KI Br"d"n, I.. J. 1.2:;H.!~1
I·en~. 14!!' Turnrr. A. ('. 1.2;.0.011 I' .. n•. (2]" 11",,1 h, E. r"n •• (fil'H I IIl'nlll"", ('. J. 1.2folJ.IHI
I'cnR. (ftll
" en •. (51)
IIIIcker. J.
.II )H~, (;,
". 1.2:;O.fM)
l'l'ns_ 121.& I 1..111,'11. .\1. ~: .
!'.,,,~. (21 II W('nl,,"rth. ~:. o.
" 1.~r,o.lKI
] ,2r.o,(KI
I'l'nl. {t;~ . I A1HlI, I. I..
I'c,,_. (IW41 Kmud, C «.
l'l'n~. (SII l't(l~on, A. F. 1,2ftO.OO I·~nft. {Z ! 4 I 1\ i1c"x. H. 1,2t.O.IIO 1'1'11 H. 11)!\i, I lIullinltore, M. J. 1.2ftO.OO
l>.,n8. (,; I)
]'"no, (fill )
I'.,,,s. (MI>
\1',,1<10". \ ~:.
Hh!hhill. l'. E.
~Id<(' ... R. A.
I'ens. C!31 1 l1ul!h('~, F'. E.
I'~nl. (2~81
I'en •. (24;'1
Il n)H. !-I. H
H. ,.. 1,2[,0.011
I'e,,". (7021 B)f'!' II' . E.
I'{'n~. (7021 Xorn", C,
1'('''.' (7091 01,10.1.-, H
1'.,,, •. 1,)81 ~I dtll", J. E. ].2:;U.lI\) I'~nl, (247 I t;,"h.u., J. B. ],2to/I.011 Pen ... 1713! Fronullk, E. J. 1.2:,0.00
1'1'11 •. (:;8) Sharp. H. A 1.2;.0.00
1.250.0/1 I'cn". 12:;!'1 (;".111)'. P. L. ].2,~U.HCI I'l'nl. 171111 Plou.
1'( n •. (591 Knolt, J. t:. 1.2;,/1_00 I'enft, f21}31 C:rl'l!or~. I .. T. ].2it1tJl\l I'cn •• (724 , L"n"inl!, .\1. 1.2:,0.011
l'l'n ... (64\ I.undquist. A. 1.250.011 !'enft. (21;31 11111,'•• l:. A 1.261).(10 Pen.. (721i1 1',11', F: 1.250.1)11
I'rnl. (;;6, Ander .. on, I. P. 1.2:,I).OU I'e" •. (Z;~ , Aricl', C. E.
,. 1.2aO,00 P('n'. (7341 B"nm·r . .\1. M. . .. 1,250.011
!' cn •. Hili I (,hlll,n",n. F' 1.2:)0.00 " enll. 1 2~1I' John~on. 11' . 1,2;,0.00 ".,,,~. {j3~ I \'cllk." 1'. H. .. ... ].250.011
I'I'''~. (61;1 I'ruitt, A. \1'. 1.250.00 I'l'rll. 1211111 ~Iren. ~I. J. 1.250.11\) I'eno. (7141 \-"gel. E. ~:. ........ ].2;;0,00
I'enl. (671
I'en~. (6111
It"ddick. F. I..
S,·h"it.,r. A. ,. ].2,,41.00
I'en~, (2!1:!1
I'~n., (21'9)
11111111110. :\,
('It.r).;, J .
I't'n~, (744 ) \\'i~ ... Jr .. \\"
I'l'nl, 171;01 l)n"·~on. A. I..
, 1,25/1.011
I'enl. (701 .\hnhc"'-s. I{, It 1.250.1111 I'~nl. 130tt l .ud,'IIII. J. 1.2SII.OO I'"n_. (;rl:)1 1)1111')', E. 1,;!foO,(lO
I'.,,,~. (721 (·uno. A. I' 1.250.00 I'~n~. 13041 ("h" n,'I:, (" . A. 1.2:,0_/)(1 I'ena. (;;!'I Itob('r!'. J. R. ].2;,O.OU
I'"n~. (71il (·ull1nllnKs. II . II 1.250.()1I I'~nl. (311H Elryrl', C. W. 1,2:,(l11I'l I'l'n •• (fiO] I Hobbjn~. G_ C. 1.2:.0.011
I'cns. (7 li) lI .. khmlln. C.I.. 1.2:,11.011 l'en~_ (:lOH StHn)(,I ... W. H. 1.2;;0.0/) p.,n~. (11011 Snid.· •• II . (:. 1.2i)O.0I1
1'1'115. (76, (:Icl!h".n. t'. I .. ].2;;11.0(1 "",,,- 130:",1 SII ... , H. 1.250.011 I'l'na. fttl7 t ('oll"ny, J. J.
,. I,Z;.o,IIO
I'l'nl. {77,
I'",,~. {77,
Bilker, F.
IJridI(:C'. E, ", 1.251).011
I',·n~. (:1071
I'('n~. (30!! I
ShMnk, O. H.
('111\.'n, R E.
I'('nll. {tt:lH I l.atluk.·,
p,·nA. (8~2) Du)"lt. J. J
I'en~. (77 ,
I'en •. 177' Edrl~. ,.
Brooks. F. ~:.
1't'1I~ (301! I
I'l'n •• 1311 )
Sommerkllnll). II
Otl"m, E, E.
I' .. nl, I tt;;2 I K,III·(ri(k. II.
I't''' •• I !!.,!I I John."n. I' H
l'"n8. (771 H"h..,r. A, F. I.Z51).Otl I','n •• (3111 Hh,neh"Tl. E. A. ].IIOft.Of! I'~n., ( !I;;!I! 'lcAn.h. (' H. 1,2,.0,011
I' l:r,~. {771 Smith, ~1. o. 1.2;,0.041 I'cn~_ (317 I nutt"n. Sr.. J F: 1.25n.()U I'.'nl. (1I7~ I ltud"lj.)h. H. I .. ] ,~r,O.OIl
Pens. (771 \\"lH"m~. T. 11_ 1.25/1.011 I'",.. , (:117 I lI utTlI1l1n. J. H ].2:;0.11(\ F'cnJ, 48!171 01(:1.,. D. H. 1,!!M.OII
I'l:n~. (j\' I Il ubbllrd. H. J. 1.251).1111 I',·n •. 1321il ~I N:n"'-IlII, 1'. J. 1.250.0U l'ellK, 1\11).11 Ful"", H I •. 1,~i)0.0I1
P.,nl. (7!11 ~h('k(')·. t·. J. I.ZSO.OII I'enl. (~2rn ' I tllt'r, J. M_ 1,2:,0.041 I'.'n •. (!l2~ 1 !llch('r, E. 1.250.011
I'en._ (791 " ... r)·. T. t:. I.Z50.00 I'I'''~. (:1321 Wi,'k~tronl. G. I.. 1,2M.INI 1'('11'. (!!~II :\eiulic. I.. II. 1.2aO_00
I'l'n'. (SII U.mm.,rm.", O. 1.2;.0.011 I'l·n •. (3331 McK .... ne)·. F I.. 1.2:,0.110 I',·n •• I!':)~ I 1~"I,11O in. 11 H. 1.2,,0.1111
I'"n •. (8~ I
I'tnl. (8 ~ I
Pens. (981
Il~·rd. W. II.
III. milton, \'. S.
Fr~c, II. T.
P.'nl. t:l331
Pcn •. (3~91
Pens. (35~1
".\ltrlon. H. ".
I'feilrH •
1I11lnk. II. J.
I',·nl. I~H' I"'n~.'n. G_
I'"n •• ((II!H 1101111111)". J
I'(·n •• (!H;tl lI"blll'on, I'. E.
Pe"s. (!III) .\leA,,,),. J. J . 1.!!5O./)1) 1'1' I\~. (:IS21 IInnnulll . F. 1,2,,0,(111 l'criK. (!Ui;, I Thinl!\"(>I,!. A. I I. 1,2t.O.OO
I' ens. (ICJ31 I; .. don, FI. i' . 1.2fiO.00 I"'II~. (3r,21 Jnme~. E. 1,~50.00 I'cn~. 1102·1\ Itic." 11'. A 1,2:,0.00
I'en~. (10:11
I'cn,. 11(3)
SullivHn • .1. I..
W.... chc, H. H.
.. 1.250.(1)
I'ell~. (3r)31
1'.1". (:lS31
lIerlf"ldcr, I.
1... mDII.d. A E,
I '(·II~ • (l0:1:! I Robinson. II. T. 1.2;;11.00
1"'''1, 1I03~ I IIlItchin.on, F. I.
I'enl. I lOll) ~1"Il . .d. T. S. I.Zr.cI.OO I'(·ns. (3581 l'k)-bl'rK. T. 1.~,iO,OIl ].2,,0.(111
I','ns. 1 111311) Strob.. l, 11_ ~.
l'C'n •. 1101'1\
Pens. (110)
ThlOt. R. C.
lIodllm, T.
I'cn8. 13621
I'.'n •. (3t;:, I
Wil.on. II. I ..
HrrlO·cr. B. , 1.251U){\
l'l'nll, flU\! (·arpCnll'r. \I W.
"~n •. (1 U:" DII"I~, W.
Pens. (116) II(-Itil!". B. c.. 1,2:011.011 Pens. (3fi51 lI"drh·~·, J E. 1.2;,0.00 l'cn8. t 115]) Wlltllon, II. A. 1.2;-,11,1141
I'rns. /121 ) llu~I'nk. G. J 1,2<;0.1)11 1'1'''.' (:I~!!I \lcnn"It, A. 1,!!~li. ')/' I' cn~, (]U!3) Lucu, S, B. 1,2;-,0,0(1
PIlIIS, ( I~'I I H."hi,·k. M, I.. 1,!!5f\,U{\ I '.,,,~. f3fi!ll l,e",IR, I.. 1.2;'0.041 I'~n., (121~ , Amrh~in. J, T, 1,2,;11,1)11
I'eno . ( 1~4 I
Pcn!. (1251
!l 'rl:.
". ...
Ald.' n , A. ~;,
!"'II~, (~7!1)
I','IIB, (3/11l1
E"I" '., (;.
Frick~, II'. K.
1',·lIfi. ( 124lJl 1I 0w". 1.. J,
I'CIIR. I J:I:Wl ~Iurl'h)'. J. ('.
1,~:, ' I.I)I)
P('n •. (1 ~5 I
I'I'n •• ( I~;))
I'l'n~. (12!t1
Fr~"fh. II. H.
lIi1k )1.
I. . I ,~:,o.O()
I ,2,'>0_00
I'('n~. (3!171
I'ell'. UOII
I'('nll. f4(t11
~1 "d)"nnl'l1. J.
Fnu,·r. S. K.
] .2.'I!,1H!
I'l'nl. (13!'2. O.,jd, I. ,
1'"" •. I ]3!lZ I An.l ...son. (:. t:, 1,250.0(1
I'tn~. (1.'\111 \Ill'''''' It H. 1.2511.0(1
Pcnll. (1251 )Ic(' • .,.rl·. \1 J.
l'hrevc, H B
1'1'11', (4121 "
R"r nol •h , t:. A ].2:'(U~1
",·n~. Ila~ll W ell~. II. A. 1.2i)O.(HI

"." HH.
I'~ns. (12!» I'<,n" (4~21 1I"lIl(:h. ~. 1.~">ft.ll\l

"cn •. I] ((14. 1.1".l·, A, 1.254).1)/1
1·l'n~. 112:;1 Whitt. R. X. 1.2;;0.011 l'I'n8, 1~291 I.In,l~tr. D. F 1 ,~,ill 011 1.251l'!)l1
Ell,,!!, PI'n •• ((H51 Lahnens, n o.
I' ens. (13O) )),,\ffT"", F. J. 1,~,ilJ,()(1 I','n~. (~:II ) 1,2;;0.011 I'I'II~. (Iron. A!lflrnoll. F C. 1,14r'.~~
I' CII$. ( ] :II ) AH\ ,>rnwc\;. H. ~ !. 1,2,;0,01\ I'rn •. ( 45:11 l\ .'" •. ~. , F, 1.2;·,(1,0()
I' "11 ~, (1 ':311 II' hll lrll, J. J, 1,2,,0,011
l' enB. (I~~ 1 !!nbbinl!loII. ;, 1.250.00 ( 41111 O'BrI"ll, D. E. I.U,O,(j11
,. ,'.
1','nft. I'l'n~, (1jl;(I!,) WII)"!lInn. H. H. ].2FiO,OIl
l'en3. (t3 ~ ) Ilt'em~t('rbocr, I.. \.:!SO.OO I','nft, 1·1(;;',) Il"rtletl. IL \,2,,0,1111 I.~[,O,O()
I"·II~. ( 1\111\. BarnhHI. W J.
".,nB. (l3H fl clH. t:. ].250,()(t !'tnl, ( Iii,',) K,·hn. L. 1.2:;/1_1111 1.2;,/I.O<t
I'I'II~. {1!l"Iit Korn. \' A
I'en~. (I:J4 1 '\til. J. )1. 1.2:;1).(+0 PfnB, (4H,'.\ )h.kt., J A 1,2.'00.110 1.250.(141
"tn,. 121,'.01 POPf', J. A
I'en ... 1 i3~1 Kubal. L. J. 1,251\.011 ".'''1, I~fij,
( ~~t;1
.\111111'11. II H.
(;""dman. t·. I'.
I'en •. (134. \larqullrdt. G. 1.2:;O.OfI I'en,. TOTAl. I'Ann:xni $li';3.32~!'~
!'I'ns. (13~ • :-\,,,.k. F. J. \,250'(141 I'('no. {4710 no,cr. II. ] ,250.fMI
!' c n~. (13 ~ ) SCOII, :'1. 1.2.',0.00 I'en~. ( 41\11 l\('~_I ... , ~. F. 1,2;,(t.0I\
I'.,n~, (1 :!~ 1 Smith, C. ~1. 1.250.0(1 I' I'II~. (.1116. ('""k, H. 1,2SII,on
Ptn~. ( 1 3~ I SllIlon. S. M. 1.2;',0.fJ/J 1'1·II~. ( 4!1,j) \)vul'"hty. O. li. 1.250.00
I'ens. ( 134 I S"r~n,,,,,. A, ,0 1.250.00 l'fnl. ( 1!1 4 1 1.",lwl!:,. C \1. 1.2:111.011
I'.,ns. (I3~ 1 Siridde. t:. ] .2:'O,l!O I'"na. (4!141 Il ubbo. K F. \.2,,0.00
I'"n •. 1 UH '·iller. r. J. 1.2;;0.00 I'''nl. 1~I'41 R"h",i.lt. J . 1,2511.00
I'en •• (1311 Wlthil'r. J. II. 1.250.011 I'en •. (:;()O 1 lIelfh, J. C. 1,2;,(1.00
Pcn •. U3H Wilke'n. W. F' 1,2ij.O,l}O I'en,. (5011 K"ton" D. 1.2:,0.00
I'"nl. (I3H Willard, J . 1,2;;0.00 I'en •. (1)1 II 1 Xew'Qml', F. J, 1.2r.o.00

'HE U£CTltlC At WOUE' S'

MY DAD FROM A GRATEFUL FATHER I loved him too; he was my Dad.
He loved hiS mUSIc; he played in
How do you say It all ou t loud? Ou t 0 1 the grief and anguish bands.
He's dead and gone; he's passed away. That made up t he days of my life, Who was thiS man? Don Grosshans.
I w ill not lose him, I have vowed; A ray of hope wa s granted me
He 'lI live w it hin my heart each day. When you said you'd be my Wife. Rita Grosshans
Daughter of the late
The tears are hot and freely fl ow: You knew, as only angels wou ld, Donald W. Grosshans
We mourn him each In his own way; When our marflage had begun, local 111
The healing Will, o f course. be slow, That each man hopes that his ',rst·born Denver, Colorado
But we 'll go on and face each day. Will hopelully be a son.

He taught us truth and how to love; You granted me thiS deep deSire; TO DAD ON FATHER 'S DAY
He gave to dear ones all he had; My son made me a dad,
I know he smiles from Hea ven abov.e. And for SIX, wonderful, long years, The question comes up every Father's
Oh, pain of saying, " He was my Dad." He trul y made me g lad . Day-
How to honor Dad in a special way.
N. Th omas But, in your angel wisdom,
Daugh ter of the late You knew we should have another, This d ilemma st ill unresolved
[arl K. Brown And so that I wouldn' t spoil the ',rst, Must soon be solved,
Local 125 You gave to him a brother. Ere Father's Day rolls around
Portland, Oregon And I, empty· handed, am found.
And now, the only emptiness,
The love that I'd never known, My first chOIce of a gift would be
You gave me a beautiful daughter, The peace of God eternally,
MY DAD Who was welcomed to our home. But t his gIlt runs agamst man's ways
And IS oft en neglected in man's days.
My dad was a man; he was a man to Dh, God, wh at have I ever done
To deserve th iS love d,vme My seecond choice, far second at th at,
That started when You took Your very Is for lools th at Will stand pat,
He was a man to me;
best Not wander all around
He was a man to my sisters and
brot hers And made I nat angel mine. And hide and not be found.
And, of course, a man to my mother. Vacations and less work are voices
Ramtro Arellano
local 570 That have ru ng in my head as choices,
My dad was a s re at fat her;
Tucson, Arizona But I have not t he power
He wa s a father to Jack, Jan, Tim,
To brmg either to !lower.
Joanne. and me.
I never will forget th e wonderful thin gs
A GREAT MAN long life. happiness, and health .
He did lo r our family . Coupled with a degree of wealth,
He wa s a man we all d id love; Are wi shes th at wo uld Ilft-
My dad loved o ur fa mily, and we loved
h,m ; Now, he's gone; he's up above. But still, t hey're not a gift.
My dad, to my way of thinking, was He was swee t , good. and kind.
Omner, mOVies, a night on the town-
ano th er god When people hurt him, he didn't mind;
That's a way thiS day to crown.
Who t aught me everything I know, If someone needed help, he did all he
But that Is impoSSible, you see,
And I take all t he adVice he gave me could.
For when ou t of town, that cannot be.
seriously. Some people are bad, bu t he was all
good; There is always a stand·by,
When my dad wa s my and my brothers ' When you remember him, don't be sad. Like a handkerchief or a tie.
coach on ou r baseball te am, But although it's the thought t hat
The only th mg we ca red about was hiS counts.
commg to t he ball park; A tie my Imagmation flaunts.
Of course, with him on the bench t el·
ling us what to do, There IS only one thmg left, I know-
We knew we were gomg to Win . A sum of money on Pop to blow,
On himself only to be spent
When my dad and mom were together, And not saved, shared, or lent.
I always felt good mSlde,
The se were the parents who loved me, May t hiS present, if only in a common
And I truly will always love them. way,
Make th is, Dad, a very special day.
William George Johnson
Son o f the la te Edward Statler
John " Jack" Johnson Son o f Ralph Statler
Local 11 local 570
los Angeles, California Tucson, Arizona

" ' ''''~.''

Sunlight contains invisible rays-

SIlIlglasses • • • ultraviolet and Infrared-which potentially

ara dangerous to your eyes. Too much sun
can produce effects on your eyes ranging
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Scielltific or partial or tolal blindness. If you squint,
furrow your brow, constrict the muscles of
the eyelids, and end a day in the sun with

Glare tired, teary, or inflamed eyes, sunglasses

may help. The National Society for the
Prevention of Blindness says the normal

Protection. eye Is well equipped to handle light

unaided, but not all eyes are normal.


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