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President Emeritus At Ceremony
Gordon Freeman in New
Presented IBEW
60 Year Pin Building

• President Emeritus Go rd on M. Freeman proudly receives h is IBEW 60-yea r

pin from Internationa l President Charles H. Pillard and Interna t ional Secretary
J o~cp h D. Keenan al th e ne ..... Internati onal Offir.e Building in Washi ngton,
D. C. The presen tat ion was made during the June mee t ing of the International
Eltecuhve Council. left to n ght are Internatio nal Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale.
Second District Cou ncil Member James F. Mullaney, Fourth Dis t rict Council
M ember Harry BCllltty, Third District Council Member Harry Wllhams. Seven th
District Council Member Ralph A. LelBon , President Pillard. Assistant t o the
Pre sident Marcus lOftiS, President Emeritu s Freema n. Secretary Keen an, Fifth
District Council Member Jac k F. Moore. Council Chairman E. J. Fransway,
Eighth District Council Member and Council Secretary Georj!t! P. Pillhllson.
First Dis tri ct Council Member Ralph l . Halloran and Sixth District Council
Member Thomas H. Pursley.

J.lt.rllofio,,,d I'rt. id. "r
11 2~ 16th St., N. W.
W . .hl ngton, D.C. 20(1005
J Os ~:p n D, K EEN AN
" '1 • .--110".' Sffrd4'/I
IIU I ~lh St .• N.W.
W .. hinl[\on. f).C. !!OOO~
h l ....... li~ T . _ r•• OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS
, ,,. .. J~ ... ·I A,~" ....
Fluahina, N.Y.

FI rat nl 'I,I"I, WI L U \ M LAO Y MAN
88 Unlve ... ll~ Ul vd .• Suit .. 501. Volume 72, NO. 8 August 1973
Toronto I. O nl .. CanRd ..
Sftond OI,I.lel. J O li N t~. t'l.Y NN
12lI O mce PI... U.. II<lI,,1I'
220 t'orbel nod
Or.l nt ...... M_h" at. O'JIU
Third Ill.trkt. A. R. JO II NSON FEATUR ES
801 U"lldiml". It<lom SOL
$(11 W"shlngton lid .
" ;ltlIburllh, I'll. I ~2a Are Nuclear Power Plants Needed? Yes 3
"·o.. rl h ni.'rI~l. II . G. WII .LJA MSON
7710 Hend/nll' I{ood
At"I ... rI"w1l .:;'c'<!utlve nidI!:. Social Security Changes Tha t Will Affect You 4
!iulu 9
Cln~I"n"tl. O hl" 1r,~~1
Fifth 1 )1~lr l<'t. J . U. " N I'I,
l U7 l'"no htr<'ll St. . N .\<:.. S ulle A04
Not ice to Mem bers 6
Atl"nla. Coo',..I .. SIIIO!l
SlstJ, I)i.trltt. T . •:. MII LON E
I~OO lIar~r R... d
International Execut ive Counci l Min utes 7
N"rtb O .. kb ....."k 1IIIII<Iin•• S ull., U
o.k ll rook. lIIinol .. 'O~!I
Sevenl h III trl.... It,n'AlO~[) C. Ol' K E 1973 Union Indu stnes Show 37
2701 A~.,nue E. Eqt
Suite ~12
Arlln,,!on , Ten. 7COII
£Iah!h 1ll.lrlct. S. E. T U OM PSON
Jlooon L O~. \\'11ea" BldJr .• OEPARTM ENTS
U0'1 FOII.th Ave .. North
p, O . 60" 1998
BIOIn ..... M,m ~ r.~l o~ Editorial Comment 2
N int h l>Iot,let . 1'0', I.. V I NSON
1100 Soulh EI Cam ino 11..1
1I0,~1 !)qlla,.,., SII I!e 101
.!Ian M al~. Callfornl. OU 02 Research and Education Department 20
T~nlh OJ,I.le ... J'it,\ NK T. m ,.\ IlN~: Y
(y ll • ..., Oflkoe lIuikhnll' L S u il., till
IO~OO W. IIlOi n. 11... ,1 Local Lines 23
I~mon l. IUlno" 8011nl
Ele-Ie"l h m I.I~I. 1I0 1l ~; IIT K. C,\ lt IU T Y
l)ulle SU , I..kln IIld.-, Wit h t he Ladies 74
Sll'90 W , Dodlle ll00.d
O",,,hn, N ~b .... kA 6li 1l~
Tw< lrl h 1l1.lrlel. W , ll. 1 ' I:.~rTY Death Claims 75
Wh lt.li t 1I1111,lIn¥,. U", Ga l , 2-100 1'01,1" ,
Me.npb l., ·l'c .... eu~... 1~ 11 2
In Memo ria m 76
~::. J , FRA NS WA Y
C . ..i ..... " "
t l tl W .. t W llk"Onll n A'-enu.,
~lIJw,,"k~, 1'0'1..,..""1,, »~03
n ..1 m.t.let. \tA l-I'll lI " I.1.0IlAN
:.-.0 W W bt<. SI.ftt. 2nd Floor Summer and all its magnificent colors
EIl"t .... , Npw "".Ir
are depIcted in the Crand Teton s,
8.."<'()'1<1 IJI.t rl~!, JA MES ~', MU I . I.O~H;Y
11>1 Clin tOn litrft( Wyom ing on our front cover t hiS mont h.
M.rlooro. M"...,c hulett. OLa~
Thl,,1 lJIltrlol, II A III( " J . \\' II. I. LU IS We di rect your particular attent ion to
1111 Gllk1 Ayen lle
Clnelnn .. tI, Ohio 4:;!0', the al1 icle begilHllll!:: on page 3 " Are
. 'O\I.lh 1lI_lrkl. II \lUl Y B t:X U ; Y Nuclear Power Plan ts needed? Yes. " In
:.01 1' 11111"", SI., S.W.
Atlll.nta. Geora-ia 10312 the center of the Journal is a special
l'lf'h r...... w:t. JAt:" ~'. ",IOO / IE
color report on the II::H:W's partiCipation
~!'O2 E•• I lliviaion
Sprln.ncld. ~Ii_rl UIIO!
in the annual AFL ·CIO Union Indu stries

,. . . "
Shnh Dlotrkl. T II OMAS II. l'U I181. 1'.: \'
8Z~7 U..... d*.7 Show.
(:.oIv .... lon. Tu,.. 11,;.;,0
~venlh IlIl\rI~l. IIA I. PII A. U : ICON
U30 S wrene7 A venll'
I... V ~IIU. N e'f"n d.. BBIOI
f:IJrMh 1)!.lrkl, GEO llC ~; 1'. 1',\T Tf; I! SO N
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S"It~ 5n3. au W~lIln,"on C'_en\ .'/' ~,
W lnnlllt'V D, M" n .. Ca nlllll .' .!
. '

" ~" ~~~ . f I ,.,:

..• :. ~... ':::',:: •.
"'"" 0 O N U N ION M AOE P .... P ER
editorial COlnlnellt

• Organized labor began ils struggle for The industrial and ~ciol rights of
the workers ninety-two years ago in 1881. Before thollhere were sporadic
attempts by many individual bodies of craftsmen and workers to bener the working
and welfare conditions of their liyes. In focllhe struggles of workers as (I laboring
force reaches back to ancienl doys of the (rohimen guilds.

Bul it was nol unlillhe founding of the American Federation of Lobor, thol
dearly defined objects Clnd goals were sel up, and progress toward them begun.
Since thot lime organized lobar's struggles have tontinued to be (I conslonl
bottle to red ress the wrongs enforced upon the workers by anti-union employers
and Ihose who would restrid organized lobor from functioning in important
and necessary programs tha t bring a more secure and beller way of life to the
workers and their families. As in the pOST. organized labor is now faced with
contention across the bargaining table thaT even surpasses previous allacks on
organized labor's lifeline, the free colleclive bargaining ,yslem.

Organized labor today not only faces its traditional foe. the anti·union
employer as a bulwark against its goals, but il has been mode the scapegoat
for the economic ills of the country broughT about by the greed for profits by big
business corporations. To feed its enormous oppetile for profils Ihe gianl
corporations were always noloriously onti·union and their policy of low ....age
scoles have been notorious over the yeors. II has laken orgoni:r.ed labor many
years to overcome the strife and impoverishment borne by the ....orkers in the
qUI;:)t for decent ....ages and working conditions. It took yeors before management
and big business conceded Ihal orgoni:r.ed labor could rightfully porticipote
wilh management in a spiriT of colleclive bargaining ThaT meant bOlh lobar and
management .... ould be reworded. However the corporotionl have never lost
their lust for profit and in no way placed t he good of the ....orkers or the pocketboak
of the consumers above the drive for more and more profits.

The g reed for more and more profits by conglomerates and multinational
corporations, financial insti tUlions' high rates of interest, and high ta)(e5 have
placed a highly inflationary economic burden on wago earno". Because organized
labor goes 10 the bargaining lable to negotiale for wages Ihal will enable its
members 10 meellhe high cost 01 living, the highly paid propagandists of big
business allack the trade unionl .... ith vigor. This leads the general public 10
believe labor, not employer greed, causes inflaTion.

Every trade unionist should make every effort to cambalth. untruth thai il
belillling lobar. When Ihe wages and working conditions of organized workers,
which are ....on al the bargaining table suffer. then the public .... ill really see The
rich get richer and the poor gel poorer.

, fSEW Jou rn,,1

ARE NUCLEAR and radio advertise ments have been
u\cd \\hile time-consuming litiga-
tion has been introduc..:d IIltO the
courts to hamper :md d\."lay projcct!>.
Attempt') to generate moral nlltragl'

from rcllglou.<. d c nolilinalion~ be-
cause of the long-lived toxic wa.:,tc:.
and the need for long-t..:rm Mor:lgc
• The oh~lructioniSI:) an: ma~ing ha\'l,: aiM) been made.
the rn()~t of the pn:~l.!nl nuclt!ur Lobb)lIlg on the national and
energy controvc ..... y; from all 01>- st;Hc levels hm; becn increa')cd by

PLANTS :,c r viltion~ It appear!> that they :lfC

most actively engaged in eM:alaling
and warming up the cOlll rovcl"Y.
Their ultimale goal i!o to achieve a
thL'5e :lIlti-grm\ th grou~. Our con-
grCM,mcn and 'talc lcgblators :In:
practically having thcir arlm twi~lcd
llnd L'ars bent by ob!.tructionist.s (0
moratorium o n nuckar power COIl- further their quc')tionabtc goal:..

NEEDED? slruc tiOIl. Om: or the lir ... ! !!otep!> in

achieving this goal call be seen in
coun actions initiated to halt the
operation or 20 cxi~ting nuclear
Any success that thesc people
have had leg.isl;ui ...d) has been llt
the state le\cl rathcr than the na-
('oJlf;mll'd {W tm.g,' 19
pown I\:aclor.s. The oh"truclioni'b

YES do not walll any reactor" operating

or allY nc\\ reactor!. built.
H ighIY-\llphi\lil.'utcu campll igns
hene been conducted 10 rally public
Editors lIule: ., Jllj' (Inidl' 1,,'/U'f'.H('S Q
I'irll'110illl 01 IIII' fUl;1V rt'8l1rrilllN lite
lIucl..ar po ..-..r illdrulry. ,\lor~ IIrridl,'s
011 tlris sub/err ...iII appt'ar II! III/urI.'
!.upporl to their ca u:;e. In these
i.fSlles 01 III<' )ollrllll/.
carnpaign~, ncw!.papc r, tdevi.<.ion,

""gUf!, 1913 3

• The labor mm..:mcnt halo long Allo\\ablc E:lrninJ;!:s U p~d

sought the goal of sCl"ing that ade- For those persons who choose to
quate Soci;!1 SCI.'Uril} and Medicare work part-time afte r retirement. the
insurance hcncfih arc pro\ ided to amount of mone) the} will be
all Arncricam in their lime of rc- allowed to earn prior to an of her's
tirement or d isabili ty. T his ycar. we being applicd Ita:. b",en increased
have moved one slep close r to that from 5 1,680 to 52.·WO. Also, the
goal. reduction amount ha~ been changed
to allow a straight S 1.00 reduction
Incrt'lIscd n...ndib in benefits for each S2.00 earned
Beginning in J unu,try. 1973. pri- over the $2.400 limit. This means
mary Social Seclirily benefits \\crc that a retired worker wbo carns
increased significantly_ so that a 55 ,000 will ha\", no Social Security
married worke r who retires at 65 reduct ion fo r the first 52.400 anti
will receive a benefit of approxi- will have $1.300 reduced from the
mately S400 per mont h. r his pro- remaining S2.600. This also is an
jection is based o n the assu mption improvcmcll! from the former SI.oo
that the worker is eligible for maxi- reduction fo r each 52.00 e;lrncd
IIIIIIIl Social $ccurit} bcncfib. Thc from Sl.6S0 to S1.880 and a dollar
average anllual bcncfi! for a retired for dollar reduction thereafter.
couplc \'oill be 5293. A worker "'ho
retires at 62 will reeehe approxi- Cost of Lh ing
mately 80 per cent of that :,"lOunt.
A special lIIillillllllll benefit of One of the most innovati\c fea-
$8.50 a month times the worker's tures in the new Social Security pro·
years of service in cxces~ of 10 was gram is the cOM-of-living .. dju~t~
also added. This means that a mcn!. Beginning in 1975. all bene·
persoll with 30 years in cove red ern· fit~ will be adj usted each year to
ployment will be guaranteed S 170 a keep them in line with cu rrent liv·
month (S8.50 x 20). ing costs. r he fin.t adju~lment will
To pay fo r these increased bene· be based on cha nges in the Con-
filS. the amount a worker must pay :.umer Price Index occurri ng be-
into Social Security wa ... inc reased tween the third quarte r of 1972 and
to 5.85 pe r cent of the first $10,800 the ~econd quarter o f 1974. If the
of earned ann ua l w;lges. The increase is three per cent or more,
amo unt of wages ~ u bject to Social benefits will be increased by the
Security tax will increase 10 S 12.600 slime pe rcentage in 1975. After
in 1974. 1975. benefits wi ll be increascd an-
nually each tim", lhe Consumer
Sun i\ ing Spouse Price Index increases by three per
I n addition to the blbic benefits cent or more, but there will be no
that the 1973 program provides, a decrease if the Consumer Price
wido\\ or v.idower will be given 100 Index d",clincs.
per cent of the covered employee's Adjustments for changes in the
benefit in the event o f the em ploy· Consu mer P rice Index will auto--
ee's death. Hov.ever, Ih i:. will be rnatically take effect. unless Con-
n::Juced to take into account the gress. in ;1 given year, votes an in-
longer period over wh ich benefits crease in Social Securi ty benefits.
will be paid. Previously. when When benefits arc inc reased by
suniving spouse's benefit \\erc paid, changes in the Consumer P rice
they wcre reduced to 82 1 1 per cent Index, the taxable wage base will be
of the a mou nt the covered employee increased by the percentage in·
had been receiving and then actll- c rease in the average wages o f em·
a ria ll y red uced , ployees covered by Socia l Secu ri ty.

111is will also IHlVe the effect of in- ing year. and their premium would
creasing benefit.!> in the fUlUrc. be- be increased by 10 per CCIlI.
C3U!oC higher earnings will Illean an A 'irnilar situation occurrell nn :1
incrcnscd average wage but will also lIluch-tilrger scale when Medicare
mean higher payments. wa~ entlcted, since many unions h:ld
already ncgotiatell health benefih
Dis..hili!), C h:mgc!o
for retirees. Subsequently. thcse
Two changes will affect disability unions quick ly re!.olved the problem
benefits receivctl by those covered by negotiating l."OrH rltl.':tual pruvi-
under Social SI.."Curily. Fir;l. the sions for retirees to provide that
wuitiug period for disability benefits many of those heillih ser.'iccs nOI
has been reduced to five months covered by Medicare, such as coin-
fronl the six n10nths required in the surance and deductrbles, would be
palo!. Second. employees who arc supplemcnted by the negotiatcd
tli1>ablcd bUI under 65 will be el igi- pl'lIl and duplicatcd co\erage would
ble for Medicare Health Insurance be lIroppcd.
after they have been on disability Thc new, expanded Medicare
for at least IwO yC:lrs. Covcr:lge also alford, an oppor·
lunilY for unions 10 negot iate similar
Insu ra nce Irllpl ic:.1io ns of health coverage for tlisablcd work-
Medicare Co\'cragc ers or 10 provide health coveragc
Because of anti-duplication for thc two-year, five-month period
claulocs in many negotiated health required before Medicare benefits
pl:II1S, benefits will usually not be begin for those disabled workers
payable for services reimbursed by who do not have negotiated health
M edicare. In addition, Supplemcnt- bencfits fo r th at period of time.
ary Medical Imurance ( Pan B of Also. payment for I)an IJ of Medi·
Mcllicarc), which mainly covers care from the health insurance or
outpat ient and physician's service, disabi lity program fund may be
h. vol untary, and the beneficiary negotiated. This would provide :1
must pay a $6.30 per month premi- non-tuxuble benefit to the disabled
u m. worker.
In some cases, when a negot iated
p lan provides simil'l r coverago.:, a dis- 1974 Inc rCII!'ICS
abled worker may c hoose to drop On J une 30. 1973, Congress
out of Med icare'!. Supplementary pas.,e(i tl 5.6 per cent incrca.,e in
Mell ical Insurance to avoid the Social Security benefits, which will
premium and to rely only on the lx'Come effective on July 3, 1974.
negotiated health plan for these This increase will affect over 30·
services. Generally, such workers million Social Security bcneticiarics
should continue with Ihe Supple- and will, in some measure, offset
mentary Medic'll Insurance. Other- the rampant inlllllioll experienced
wise, they mlty find that they will during the pasl ye:lr.
have no coverage for these services
if the union anll employer modify Fut ure Social ~ urit) Bl'ncfi lS
the health plan for the dh.abled to Although these changes will im-
supplement those areas not covered prove the lives of rctired and dis-
by Medicare and to omit those abled workcrs, they ~Ii ll filII f:rr
areas wh ich arc covered. Workers short of organized labor's goal ...
who choo~e to drop the supple- Only when the retired or disabled
mentary insurance would not be pcr:->on can live in true dignity :lnd
able to re-enroll in Medicare's Sup- reap the rewards for which he hll~
plementary Med ical Insurance until worked, will labor fcel its job is
the fi rst th ree months of the follow- donc.
The dl.!~cripti()11 of the provisions of the Nat iOlwl
ALL IBEW "A" MEMBERS Electflcal Benefit Fund i~ WI iuel1 in a nUlllIler calcu-
lated to be understood b) the :I\'erage participant or
Pursuant to Section R of the Welfare and Pension beneficiary uf the plan . rhe re is no charge to you for
Plans Disclosure Arl. ),ou arc entitled to examine copies forwardint the de~cription and ' or summary of the
of the dcscript jon~ of the mEW Members Pension 1)lnn financial report.
and Ihe latcst allnual linuncial rcport in the principal
onicc of the !!lEW, The d~cription and the latest
annllal reporl afC avaIlable for your cxaminaliull be-
tween the h our~ of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on Mon- EMPLOYEES WHO ARE
da)s through Fridays (except on legal holidays) 31:
International Broth erhood of Electrical Workcr~ CONTRIBUTED UPON UNDER
1125 15th Street. N.W.
Wa:.hing\l)l1. D.C. 20005
Telephone : 202/ 833-7000
In addition. )OU arc entitled to receive a COP) of the
descriptioll and an adcquntc summary of the latest RECEIVING NEBF PENSIONS
annunl financi,,1 report. Either one or both \\jll be
To a!o.<iure thm all employees who arc contributed
mailed direct!) to you if you rcque", l>amc in writing.
upon under the Nat ional Electrical Bcnefit Fund's " I %
The documents ""ill be mailed to you within 30 days
Chlu!o.e" receivc copies of the Employees Benefit Agree·
of the receipt of your request.
HLt.:IlI. all employ en. \\ho contribute to NE IlF ha\\:
Req uests 1>hould include your address and should be
been requested 10 di~tribule :1 copy of the agreement
1>ent to:
to each employee.
Joseph D. Keenan . I <i T he Employl.!e Benefit Agreement specifies yOllr
Internlltiollal Brot herhood of Electrical \Vorkers rights to pcnsion and dbability bcncfits and yOllr o bli-
1125 15th Stree\, N.W. gutiOll!o. unde r the Nation:11 Electrical Benefit Fund, In
Washin gton. D.C. 20005 the event you h3ve not recci\'cd a copy of the agrec-
l11\:nl. NEBF will 11Ulii one directly to you if you rc·
The d escription o f the provisions o f the II3EW
quest :-.:UII C in writing. The NEI1F add r~s is shown
Members l}en~i()11 Plan is written in a manlier calcu-
lated to be und erstood by the average particip;UH or
Addilionally. pur~uant to Section 8 of the Welfare
beneficiary of the plan . There is no ch arge to you for
and I}ension 1>lal1s Di~clos ure Act. you are entitled to
forwurding the description and/ o r 1>um mary of the
exa mine copies of a description of the provisions of the
fin anc ial report.
NatiOll:ll Electrical Bendil Fund and the latest annual
In :.ddition. you arc entitled to receive a copy of Ihe finanCial reJX>n :H the principal office of NEBF. The
d esc ription and an adequ:lte summary of the late1>t an- description and the lalesl annual repon are avaitable
nu al financial repon. Either onc. or both. wi ll be for lour e'(amination between the ho u rs of 8:45 A.M.
mailed to you within 30 days of receipt of your request. and 44" PM . on Mondays through Fridays (except
Requests sho uld incl ude your address and should on legal holidays) at-
be sent to--
'1ational Electrical Benefit Fund
N .. tiullal Electricul Benefit Fund M aLlison Bank Building. Suite 600
M adi~on Bank Building. Suite 600 1730 M Street. N.W.
1730 M Street. N.W. \Vn~hington. D.C. 20036
\Va!o.hingloll, D.C. 20036 Phone: 2021293-161 1

• I!lEW Jou rnco l

executive council meeting

Thc following mcmbe~ of the International E\ccuti .. e LEG AL 11 ..:FE" St:

Council ",ere present: Chairman Fransway and membc~ i'ayment$ for legal defens(', millie from Ihe neren~e
teigo n, Williams, Mulloney, Halloran, Moore, Bexley, Fund, .... crc examined and approved in accordance with
Purslcy, and Patterson. the reqlliremcnt~ of Article XI, Se<:tion 2 of our Constitu-
Miss Alice Keegan, an cmployee of thc I Brw, applied F INANC IAL RI~ I'ORTS
for retirement, to be efkctive J une 5, 1973. Her request The llllditor's reports covering the various (unds of the
wa$ approved by the lEe, Brotherhood \\ere presented 10 the counci l, examined, and
The council authorized the retirement of International
Prcsidem Pillard mel with the IlC a number o( times
Vice I)re~idcnt William Lad) man, at his 0\\ n request, to
10 discu~s 5e\-crnl mallers--the National Electrical Benefit
be effccli .. e November 1-1, 1973,
Fund Annual Meeting: Council on Industrial Rclations:
n t:TlRnIENT OF INTERNATIONAL 1......:,,1 ulJlvns UII 1>trilc. IBEW Pn.)gIC1>~ Mcclillg~, Safety
RHR F..8ENTATIVES Committee Progrnms: the New PI:m for the Senlement of
The following Internationa l Rcpresentatives requcMed Jurisdictionul Disputes in the Construction Industry; strike
retirement, which was grantcd unJer th.:: provisio ns of a~~istance; :lnd u numher of othcr Ilrntherhood prohlems,
Article III , St.'Ction II of our Constitution; to be effective
as shown:
p, A. Alexander, effccti .. c July I, 1973 &''Cretary Keenan presented finuncial reports covering
the IBEW Pcnsion Bcnefit Fund: the Licctrical Workers'
Alfrt:d Terry, effective July I, 1973
A. R. Johnson, effective September I. 1973 Bencfit Fund~ tbe Gencral Fund: the Defense Fund: and
the in .. estment portfOlios of the Brotherhood in Canada
REI-'UNI1S MAOE and thc United Statc~.
In accordance with the provisions of Article III. Section
II (5) of the lB EW Constitution, the following refunds INT ERNATIONAL TR EASURER
were authoril.cd: Internntional Trcasurer Van Ar~dale aideci the lEe on
Richard H . Crabtree S3,699.82 sc\eral matters.
Resigned 5/31173 A RTICLE II I, SECfION II (10) OF THE
I' R":-II ETIRDI ENT WI00W'S B.:N ..:Frr
I)ur)uanl 10 the authority gi .. cn to the International
Ihe Internallonal I::...."(ccullve CounCil appro\-ed the ap- Executi .. e Council hy the International Con\ention, the
plicaliom for Pre-retircment Wido .... 's Benefit, as provided follo\\ing re\' i~ion was made to Section 2(b) of the Rules
for under the terms of Article III. Section II (] 0) o( the and Reglliation~ :
"(b) The election, \\hen made, may be rescinded by
AI' PLI CATTONS FOR JOI N T ANO SU RVIVOR written al)plication filed with the IEC prior to
O I"n ON thc participant's aCllIal retirement date. If the
I he council approved lour uppllc3tions lor Joint and partlcil)llnt is within six month~ of his retire-
Survivor Option reduced benefits, a~ provided for under ment dnte, approval by the IFC will be rc-
Article III , Section II (10) of Ihe Constitution. quired before the rc~i .... ion cun become effec-
ti"e. If his spouse should die prior to his aemal
TRANSFER O F I:UNOS retiremcnt date, the election of the joint life
As provided for in Article XIV, Section II of the Con- and survi\'orship benefit ~hall be automaticully
stilution, Ihe ~um o( $7-1.53].90 \\a~ transferred from the re\cinded. If the participant should die prior
Military Service Fund to the IIn'. w Pension Benefit Fund, to h,~ actual retirement, this election shall be-
covering the months of Februar)'. March, and April. 1973. come null and .. oid."
Unlier the provisions of Article X I, Section 3 of the Con-
Slilution. the International I:\cculivc Council tran5.ferred A I'I' EAL OF GI.YNN ROSS
S297,652.44 from the Defense Fund to the General Fund, T his is an appeal from a decision o( International
covering the mo nt hs of February, March and April, 197]. President Pill:lrd which arises from charges filed against

"'''g''' ', 1973


Brother Ross for alleged violations of Article XXV II. union elections, found totally without merit. Be~idcs.
Section I, Suhsections I, 3, 9, and 13 of the I BEW Con- the state court required you to forfei t the money 1
stitution. bond which you had filed .... ith it to assure compen-
Brothe r Ross i, the Business Manager-Financial Secre- sation to thi~ IlIIcrnational if the temporary restrain-
tary of Loc'll 640. The charges werc filed with Interna- ing order was improperly granted .... ithoul notice to
tional Vice Pre~idenl Duke by a mcmher of Local 640. the Internationa l. The court so found. The U.S. Di~­
triet Court refused to issue a teml>orary restr'lining
It has long been the practice-uniformly applied in order three times when you requested it to do SQ,
accordance with Article XXV II , Seetioll') S, 9. and 10 of further indicating a lack of merit to your claims."
Ihe IBEW Constitution dealing wIth charges again~t an
ollieer or reprc~ent;1I1\1e of a I V-that the IV? would "All of this litigation, lacking in merit as it .... AS.
be responsible fo r the conduct of an investigation ami could and should have heen aVOided by you as an
hearing into the alleged charge~, to evaluate the finding§ e,"perienccd lmd responsible ollicer in your loca l unio n
of fact obtained therefrom, and to male a determination ami has re~ulted in a suhstantial outlay of moni ...s in
of the ea~e. anorne)s' f ...'es and costs. including stenogr.\phic trao~­
cripts. court cOSts, and other expenses directly con-
Brolher Ross todged several complaints of alleged preju- nected to these court cm.es."
dice and bias by the IVi> in thi\ particular maller: there-
fo re. in an effon to eliminale an} real or imagined fe,lr International I)n:~jdent Pillard found os follows:
of discrimination in the proceedings. Internation;l l P re~i­ " I find )011 guihy of violation of Article XXV II ,
dent Pillard took jurisdiction of the case and delegated an Section I. Sub~ction I of the IBEW Constitution.
International Representative from another District 01 the lind in aceord,lIn;e with the pro\isions of that Article.
II1EW to hold he;lring~ on the charges and to forward you arc IIsscssed. as an onicer of the IB CW. the
such transc:ripu, exhihits. evidence. or other matter de- amount of $7.000. repre\enting monies AS attorney
... eloped in such hearings dir~clly to the International fees IIml co~ts c:o;pended h.,. this InternationAl in dc-
President for hi~ determination of the e;lse. fenloC of your court aetion~. And in IIddition thereto.
Hearings were conduclCd on all charges on October 31, in accordnnce with the provisions of Artic le XXV II.
1972. and No\'cmbcr 1. 1972. you arc a"re~scd. as an oOicerof the IBEW. the amount
of $3.000, which assc~smel11 h hert'b) ~u~pcnded.
On January 15. 1973. the International President dis- provided. however. that if. .... ithin three }ears from
missed the alleg'lIions of violations of Anicle XXVII. the date of the above decision. )ou arc found guilty
Section I. Sub~eetion~ 3. 9, nnd 13 on the ground~ th:1I of the snme offen~e as heretofore charged, then the
"there was hllie evidence in the record made at the amount of mone}' as suspended shall immediately
hearings to support thelll . . . . " In the same decision, the become due and o .... ing to Ihis International."
International President ordercJ that a second hearing he
held so thnt Brother Ross could fully pre...ent an) further 111cre i~ a \oluminous record hefore the IFf' on thi$
evidence that he desired in his defense of the alleged vio- mllller. A ~ubstantial amount of the m EW member~'
lations of Article XXV II. Section I. Subsection I. money has been spent to meet the civil court actions o f
thi~ member 'tIld officer. After review, the International
The second hearing was held on February 13, 197.1.
E'iecuti\e Council concurs in Ihe comments lind Jeci-Sions
The charging part y offered no new or additional evidence
of the Internationa l President. Th ... IEC believes that
or tcstimon)'. Ilrothcr Ross wa~ afforded the opportunity Sralher Ross has received suh~tantial justice. T he appeal
to present, and did present additiolHll testimony nnd ref- is therefore dcnied.
The International Executive Council has re\·iewed the AI'I'EAL or DONALD I-I. MERK Elt
records in t hi~ n1<ltler. They show Ihal BrOlher Ross dill Dona ld ~ l erler was pre~ident of 1 000ai 400. Charges
in fac l resort to the courts for redress of an alleged in- were filed ulleging that Brother ~ I erker violated the pro-
justice .... hieh he believed had been done him without first visions of Artidl.: XXV II. Section I. Subsections 3, 4. 5,
making usc of. for at least a four-month period. the 10. 15, and 2J of Ihe IBEW Constitution. A properly.
process available 10 him under the IBEW Constitution. in- constituted hearing was held. teslimony and evidence
cl ud ing any al)peal from any decision against him. ta ken. and a decision was re:lched. Rrothe r fo. lcrker was
In the (Iccision of Ihe International President, d:lIed found guilt)' :b charged. He was fi ned a total of SIO.OOO,
May 2, 1973, the II' said in part: rcmo"'cd from uffil.:c, and expelled from the IBEW.
" It would seem clear thllt commencing the 17th of The record shows conclusively that the appellant was
J uly to September 25 th, and during the pendency of aware that persons .... ere purch:.... ing fr .. udulent journey-
the election process. you engaged this International Illa n wiremall I.:ards in the IB EW, and that he fai led to
in litigation wh ich a state and federal court !tIld the take construct ive action 10 correct tha t practice. He was
U.S. agency in charge of correcting illegalities in awa re tha t a pa rticular individua l pu rchased a frau dulent

• tlEW Jou.nol

membership card from a local union for S2.500. He territory, when in the judgment of the IP such should
neither filed charges nor notified the proper authorities be done."
of the local union or the International Oftice of this fact.
There is evidence that he assisted cennin individuals to "Sec. J. The IP has the right and the power to merge
purchase fraudulent membership cards by directing thcm or amalgamate LUs in an) community or section
to thc sellers. As prcsidcn! of the local union. hc failed where the facts. dcvelopments. or conditions-in the
dismally to carry out the dutics lind responsibiltics of his judgment of the I P-warrant such action, also to
omcc. decidc the lerms or details of 3ny merger or amalga-
mation whcn the LUs involved cannOi or do not
The I EC has cxamined the record to ascertain whether agree."
or nOI Brother Merker was afrorded natural justice during
the period since the charges \.\>cre filed. Due process has "Scc. 4. When a LU docs not-in the judgment
bc.--en observed. of the IP--organizc or protect the jurisdiction or
territory awarded il. then its charter may be sus-
The appeal is denied.
pended or re\'ol..ed by the IP and a new LU estab-
AI'PEAL OF EDWARD J. NORDBY lished. or the jurisdiction or territory awarded to
another LU or LUs."
Article X, Section 7(a) of thc bylaws of Local 494
reads as follows: Under the authority granted to him by the IBEW Con-
stitution. authorization for the change in jurisdiction was
The monthly dues shall be: granted by the IP. Local 200 now appeals from the In-
(a> "A" & "BA" WORKING ternational President's aClion.
MHIBERSHIP BASIC DUES DUES It has been a long-standing practice. uniformly applied,
~ I anufacturing S 1.00 plus S2.00 thai the District IVP has the responsibility to make a de-
All other 1.00 plus I % gross termination and a recommendatiOn to the IP in a matter
classifications earnings of this nature. In the instant case. the IVI) made the re-
quired recommendations and sct forth a number of rea-
The District International Vice President on November sons that led to his action to merge the local with LU 623.
10, 1972. ruled as follows relative to the application of The Intcrnational President. in his summatiOn upon
the one per cent gross-earnings clause: appeal, sel (orlh the fOllowing:
" 11 is quite clear. and there should be no confusion "Specificall)', the members and the jurisdiction in
about its application. The one per cent working dues question were nOt properly policed in that a full-time
in this case would apply to the gross amount paid to agent was not employed by the local union (0 protect
the llll!l1lber in wages. There is no provision for any its jurisdiction: there have been unauthorized work
exclusions. " stoppages duc to Ihe IlIck of the elected oOicers lIS-
Sliming their responsibi lities of their rcspecthe omce,>
Brother Nordhy is a member of Local 494. He has
and showing the leadership that is needed 10 prevent
appealed the above cited ruling.
work stoppages: the current EBF rcports reveal that
The International Executhe Council is in complete of the five COnlractors reporting. not one is in signed
agreement \\-ith the decision of the IVP. The appeal is agreement with the current collective hargaining
therefore denied. agreement and three of the five contractors are de-
linquent in their payment to the fund from two 10
five months: and. fiOlllly. the local union has not
The !B EW District Vice President decided that it was properly been represented nor participated in the
necessary to transfer the Inside Juri!.diction covering the State AFL-C IO or State Apprenticeship and Training
counties of Deer Lodge. Granite. and Powell in the State programs - _ •.,
of Montana from Local 200 to Local 623. This action
Revie .... of the facts in this case shows that the decision
was approved b) the International President after con-
to merge the Inside Jurisdiction was not arrived at with-
sideration of the situation in those counties.
out due consideration of the whole matter by the IVP and
Article XV, Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the IBEW Con- the IP. Also, there can be no doubt that the IP has the
stit ut ion read as follows: power and authority under the Constitution to take the
"Sec. 2. The type of \\-ork and the territory or juris- actiOn which precipitated this appeal. He has plainly sct
diction covered by a charter must be defined in ap- out his reason (or judgment and decision-that the deci-
pro\'ed local union byla\\-s. The I P has the right and sion was logical and rcasonahle. and in the best interest of
power to divide or change the territory or jurisdiction the members and Ihe local unions involved in the transfer
covered by any LU, or to take charge of and direct of jurisdiction.
certain jobs or projects in or passing through any For the abcH'e reason~. the appeal is denied.

""9"", t973

contin ued

A I' IJ b,\L 01' ~ . 1\ , DOL F I Drother L~,~un Illeu appealed that decision (ruling) of
Brother Dolfi I~ [l member of Local 1207. Charges .... ere the IVP.
filed by a fcllow member. alleging that Ilrother Dolfi h,ld While There W!l~ accept:lnce hy those in the local union
violated the provi .. ions 01 Article XXV II , $cction I (Ill of Ihe method 01 TUtl f) ing an ag reement which had hi~­
of the IB EW Con~titution. Specificully, the charges alleged torieally neen lI~ed. there could he no urgent reaSon for
tha t BrOlhe r Dolfi ilUd ~Iandered or otherwise wronged a the IVI' 10 inlerfere in the muner. although the method
fcllo ..... memner of the IB EW ny :I wilful ac t or ac t ~ ,lid not uctu;i llv conform 10 the luw~ and policy of the
Review of the te~timony before the local union Trial Brotherhood. But when an objection wu~ legally rai\ed hy
BOard .. ho ....s an incident occurred \\here Brother Dolfi a member or \ll('mbcr... then Ihe IVP h,uJ to lake action
maUl' a thnllghTh'~~ and provocative remark. With the 10 nrin~ the local into conformit). 1 his .... as done by ruling
gralUilous aid of one or more b)~t!lnde rs. the rcmar!.. W:'lS 3" ciled abo."e.
rcla)'ed to the complai nan t who, with some justificHtion. For these rea~on~, the appeal is denied.
interpreted the re lll ark~ as being in refcrence to him. A
he:lring was held h} the local union Tnal Hoard, .... hieh
found Ilrother Dolfi guilt) a~ charged. and fined him SIO.
The IEC wishe, to inform Brother Dolfi. and Ihose of Article XV II . Section n of the IBEW Constitution
hl..e mind. Ihat the place for unIOn men and .... ,.}luCrl to reads Il~ follo .... ~:
senle their .... orkpl<tee difference .. i .. not in the public place. ··Scc. :!2. LU, outside the railroad industry may form
but in the union hall at the union meetings. where their system councils for bargaining purposes..... ilh the
peers can judge und adjUdicate tho"e diffl'rcnc,'s. Had this approv,,1 of the [P o and shall do so .... he n d irected by
been done in thi~ case. this action could have been a\oided thc [I'. Where formed. The LUs affec ted or involved
by the applic;llion of mature judgment and good sense hy shall alliliate. and remain w. and shall pay for the
tho<>e concerned. suppon of. and conform to the approved b) la .... s of
The IEC uphold .. the dCi:ision of Ihe local union Trial such \)'~I(,111 councils ..
Board as to Brother Dolfi'" gUIlt in this ac tion. The SIO
fi ne i" hereby canceled lind onlered 10 nc returned to the Loeul ::!J25 h one of several local unions thut ha\'e
appellant. bargaininll rc la tlo n ~hips with the New England Telephone
and T elegraph COm l)any. System Council T -6 w u~ formed
APPEAL OF JAMES i\I. LOGAN to coordinule Ihe nargllining on that property. Local 2]25
rcfu~ed to !! tlili:llc wi th the council. and was Ihen ordered
AI the regu lar mccting of LlX::11 103. Bostoil. M !I~S3- to join by authority 01 the Inlermllional Preside nt. The in-
chuselts. on Octoncr 24. 1972. an ac tion was tllken by Mllnt appelil io Ihe lEe is agai nst thai order.
the memben pre,cnt which in effect disposed of the man-
ner in which a wage incrcment \\0111£1 hc divided between It h3~ long been Ihe policy of thc IB EW to form ~y~tem
mo nies paid 10 the ll1{'rnners and monie~ paid into the loc!1 1 councils on HpproprlHte properlles to coordi nate the bar·
union Building Fund. Attending the meeting were Inside. gaining proce". Also. it has long been the policy of the
Utility. and C:lble-~plicer members. -I here is no accurate Bro herhood. unIformly ap plied. thai local union~ ..... ith
count of tho\C present (estimated at ahaut (00). nor j~ bargaining agreements on th:ll property be required to
there an accurale count as to the dh'ision bet .... een the lItliliate .... ilh the sy~tem council ..... here formed.
branches of the trade of tho'>C .... ho .... crc prc~enl. Kevie .... of the ~!tualion in which Local 2325 find .. it~]f
It lIppcar~ from the record that. histolil:all) sl)(;a!..ing. J~"!> IIOt rcH~al an unU'lual or arbitrllr) action b} the In-
the memhcr~ of the local union employed b} differenl em- ternationnl IJ re~ldent. S)'SICm Council T-6 appears to be
ployers (although on ltCparate agreement~) have 3ccepted functioning (I" il \\a~ intended to upon formation. and for
a perce nt age of the P3) ratc ~t h} the principal lubor the purpoloe to .... hich il was dlrec tcd. The month ly dut's
agreement and Iha t all those members have been allo .... ed of 50 cenh are not e\orhitant or out of line .... ith those of
to \ote at the \!Inc The principal lahor agreement .... a\ to
other .. )~telll councih. There ha~ heen nothing 10 ~how
be ratified. L:(ception .... as taken 10 Ihe action laken at the
Octo~er 24. 1972, meeting ht.'Cau~ mcmbers othcr than
that Ihe form.Ltion of the C'OLlncil :and the requirement
those emplo)ed under Ihe principal luoor agreement were Ihat all loe:l] unions on the propert) Ilffiliale .... as of a
pre\ent and VOl mg. fri\'olou~ nalure. or Ihal the other local unions .... ere not

Ari~i n g out 01 Ihat p rOte~l. Ihe Di~trlct I V P ruled a~

IT",lled in the snl1le manner us Local 2325. T here is
follows; nothi ng to indicate that the autonomy of the local uniOI1
has been IIhridged in uny sub~t:LllIial way.
"Onl) member, eml)lo)ed b} employers signatory to
the agreement In ques tion will be allu .... ed tu Vllic on Upon revie ..... the lEe linrls Ihat the International I}rc~i ­
the acceptance or rejcction of the terms o f tha t agree- den t aCled wilhin his cOnstilUlional aut hority in thi~ mal-
men t. " ter. T he IIp pelll i~ Ihercfore denied.

ISEW Journ"t
exec utive

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DUEENEY, T, J. ___
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_* 15S '" FRANK _ _ ~ ROOE WAll, W. If. _ _ O'ROURKE, 4-
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Augu st, 1973 11

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CAt.lPIIEIL, I, P. ,~

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JACKSON. (; ,~

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HilER. J, M '"'" '" • '"
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Wfllr.HT, C. W. ~_ •.•
B_ILH C. O.... _ ..........
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...... __ $SO

KINORI CK, I. 1. ". .... 125 ,~
KRISE. A 101, __ ,~

,, ''""
"'AIN($. l. JL. _
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GUNN, lit.. W C
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IfIlRTO'l. A.
PARRA. H. l. _ _ _ _

_ 111 _ _ OM

*:...=---=_ '"
WEYSHAM. L. W. __ --- ,~
"" BACHMAN. R. _ _ •_ _ '" _ 180
""30!1 • _" _ _ _ .OS
IStW Jou , na l

IH"BUSMI~ NAPIER. L y, 551 PA!JUJI, J, H 516 Hilt. J. E. _ 116 • _ _ 1151

IN lU BUKER, t. M 551 WYCII£, J. E. 51i (lW.~,I. 816 • _ _ 1151
BAn~. t. N. __ !63 OMS8Y. I, a. 6l.' RAGu"ND. E. H. 8:6 • _ _ 1111
___ ua
e. lasS, O. p, til? IUSSEll, H E. _. ..316
"'" 8[olDINlifIElO, O. S5a _ _ _ 12:5

BUl. W, S S5a 8ORMIR, C. H, iaJ BLOCK. T. l. 811


I.. ""_ 421

'" COOK, t.
EC~, H, M.
CAIlSO~, G. 1<.
S 1011010,15. A. W
HA..K. $, H, _
FUTCH, W r. __ .._
80l0, W ________ ._._

_ 1206
,..... 4 S fU,~K, H. T. " 5se
E~CUE. 1<. W. _ . _ ..... &l5

~~:ji~~~_ "n""'""'",a•
.___ 428 HO_lH. R. H. 558 KUNZ, T. 685
.. __ 429 HUELS, R. P. 558 BEILEH, G. A. 68S YANTREESE. C. R•. ___ .. &l5
_ _ 429 HUSTANO, C. R 6a6 EllS. W _ _ _ _ _ .. Sl6
own~, R. A. SS08
YIHS, W T. 681 laEMER. I. J•. _ _ '"
-.~ POOLE, P. " S5I

•• STfWART, W O.
TOlol9REllD, B. J.
8'1'OU$, C, H. _...
&t6 1245
U,VOIE, G, ,.
PHIT, E, .. _ _
fEilGUSON, I. 10.
I.AN~ES, C. I. __ _
A EXM'IOER, C. I. _ _
NEILl. L D. __ ._ _ _
, .. ___ "50
_ Il.s

WADD£llJ C ___ 568 CIBSDN, N. R. _ iOO

"' '''t
___ 441 lJieOGAST, E W 7Jl BR·OG£S. W. L _ _ _ '" C. _~12IS0
j, ~. -- ., BUE .. , C, II, _ .. __ 70~ THa .. PSON. K, _ _ _ _ ., .. _ .... _1271
_ . _ .. 441 BA~ . V. C. _, 569
•.. _____ 441 BIRDSAll. H L __ .. _ 569 CU,RK, 1. B. _ _ _ _ . ,~ MOllER. S _. ____ . ... W _" .. __ In?

--_ ... 4.11 BUIT. I. r
C.leUSH. W
GRUNt/MM, H.·f
CUM>.IlflGS. H, _
GOllOAl!D, B. 10.
HOll!CL.W. 10. W _..
PARDIECK. B. F. _ _ _
____ ,n
1. 1:Jl?
MOO'. N, e.
PAlMI.R, I. S. _ _ _
WiIGHT, O. W _
161 ---""
S. 1352
STINSO"'. l. Y.
_ 569
'u 1I0RO, J W
lISTIHG,' P _ _
trVIr.SON, 1. W
IiUYA. 10. I.
'lIlll0N, H. C.
WALKER. c. _.. _
',.==== """"
'.,._--- ,.,
f. 1361
HOdOWAY. C. J 574 11)
WALTER. 0, F... _ _ ,, __ 810 _ .. _ 1377
r.........._ \317
McGlOlHLlN, R. e....,... 516 BROUSSARD, M N. IJ6 WANNIHGER, I. 890
COE. W. J........ ,_, ....... "...... ~ ..... 1377
.. 581
716 SCHRAH{, G. H. Hi' ".'.,,'.• "-.. -" 1m
RAHDLEMAN. .. O. __ S84 HULU,,"S. C. C. _ _ _ , 7J6 CAMfiElD. W. 1< • .... ___ ._ 898
IONES. M B, _ _ il6 HAU'S. T. A. _ _ _ _ ... ,~,
HARTLEY, 1. T. ~ 10RDAN, O. H. _ _ '" FISACKEILY, e, C. _ _ ' "
. - ""
GU~NAH , W A, _ _
s.t;HWIPI'El, H. _ _
I£RNICWI, J T. _ _ _ ' "
TATA", E- "-
PlEASANt, JI., J. _ _ ' "
=:= ""
i :!:l::;:J~:::::::::::: "'J
PEDPER. H W S92 VERNON, W E. 116 HOOPER. C f. 910
MORRElL, • __ m WinJE, H, G 116 lEONHIJIDT, H. G.
VENC·K. JOH N _ _ _ 911
HillS. '. __ ,~ WIlSON. E. F, 116
HALLfORD, H. H, 1!1 R'Y, J W .. _____ 9\1 • _ _ .Il9l
MJ..ClllY. I. 1. S95 C. __ 1:!9!t
MECIlE. T P. _ _ _ S95 HOLT. M. O. '"'' _ .....
HAGGERTY, R. P. _ _ _
SUCH. W t. _ . __ ' "
BACOH. I< I. _____ , . " _ _ 1141
OAHS~ H C, ...... ___ ,~
SUTTOH. C. _ _ _ ._ m ,. _ _ U19

SHIELuS. W. M..... _ .. _ S')5 B[NH~ M , H. H. _ _ _ , 932

TH'ESSEH. I. j, _ . _ OENH1 _ R. E. _ _ _ no RLEY. C. It. _ _ _ _ ' " •. _ _ .. 1484

WHIU, W A. ____
'" J
JACOBwN. H. W. _ _ _ m LAYTON, C. I. _ _ _ _ ••
SM'lH. I C _ _ .... _
[W[~. G J.
FU£R$THAU, 10. A.
.. ~9
,. - - - ___ ,,~

PEtERS, R M _ _. _
WOODROW. H. H. _ _
DURHAM, I ,. ,_.. 733
"0(, B. H _ _ _ _ .. 9(9
TH"Mp.ON. T. !oil. _ _ • •,
WILIoI~UH, C. K. _ _ . , -====
---- ""
_ _ _ ,~,

HUNt. HOWARD C...... _ '" HARTUY, R L. III
$CH W[IKARt, £ T, _ _ " r.o!i H'X, A .. _. ..133 .ll' EH, L R ____ ._.", ~ 1~31

_____ , 1S41
TURNIPSEED, I, W. _ _ m BURDT. B. W ____ '"

_---, ,
HUGHAN, C A. _ ....... 6ffi _.. ___ 15041
PA WE'.CZVK. F. I .. _ ..... _ .. 601 OSIIf'H. G E. _ ..1)1 JOHN~ON, T. L _._. _ _ ... 9!il
YOHEY, l. W __ • ., DIllOI!, C, R 135 KllIolPEH, [. O. ,_ _ _ 953
on RUDE. G. { _ _ _ _ ~J ..

JOINES. M. 0, __ GU.DMAII, A F, 135
YI,AtlEN, H K. _ _ ~, _ . _ 1579
In BItlOLEY, H. 10. _ _ _ ...
!CHur . I. I 910

•, - - - ""
. , _ _ 1631
--- ""
GUVES. • E. _ _ _ '" RtJBlE, C. J 756
DHt. H, I,
,_ _ _ ."
HEtSO't. M L _
~"[KV'k, C. J
BOWU, 10. W _ _ _ ' "
910 ___ ,roJ
WOlf, J. M 611 CORDEll. f. O. 15C Cot_MPloIAH. [, C, _ _ on .",',.---ml
PAYYE, C l, 619 CURl, E.... _ _ '" nOYD. T D. _ _ on ,ro,
DAIL. 1. H. , _ 760 "cClIN , O. C. _ _ _ ..... 9n
SUICKlIH, l. 619
DOBBS C. S. 160 ACKLEY, C O. _ _ _ _ ' " ... __ l7Ia
JOLLOTA. C. .. 625 .. _._ \110
OWENS. 1<. S. 631 OWE NS. f E, .. 1M f' YN~, E, L. _ _ .... _.. 9'1"
B'BB, R. P. ,'" 631 ~ M ITH, fRED L. .......... 160 K'liLf, I. I. _.. __ ............ !IM .. . . 1725
BOO~Y. J, ..................... "'" 631 WA ll, C. B.. , .. 160 ~IIGNAC, II, 1. m "" ... __ ...... 1149
H....... ___ .... 1911
STROM. C. 1. _ .......... 639 lo"ns, L. _ ........... __ 7li2 ~'tROV. w. C. _." ... _, _ 995
M'ROUETTE, l. 905
__ .___ ._ 1956
GOLliHUGH, G, W. _ _ ~. $ANDUS, S. 101 169
McClUIE. J Y _ 6tO B~lrlELD, W m P'GOTt. 0 Y. 9'15 R, 1981
RENETTI, p, r;.&O WOODCDCK. G. 713 !C'YICQUE. R. Y. _ _ 995 IEIO . ~
~'lJ..o;sO. H S r;.&O LItE. E, 0, _ 118 WH'~('1ANT , I C. 9'15 TANGUAY. H. C. 2253
THOMPSON, E, r r;.&O HUBURD. J. A. 794 URB_N J 102' NOPIIWI S H _ _ _ " "
PH"u'PS. 0 C, 643 WUSO~ R. A. ___ 19' PAIMOUIST, I. E. 10"7
HJlIR. I. E, .. _.. /j4S O'I'(\NYEll. P F 199 H!nEll. A P 1(112
M4I1H<W'l J, 0 64 W~RH<US. T F 100 W'Ll'S. E, W 1012
5T pons, E E. 649 HUMMEL J f. 8CI c.punsTO, 0 !p.l9
~'DE~. W P. IIlI 1I'1~' £Y. a L .. __ !r"g
S![~HENS. R W 6504
BIRHEY, [ E 659 HU[Pql. ft. I. B'" 1~~II~nNIS ( C. _ _ !D68
~".~~n. G C. 1'1<.8 HOIMU Pl"SIO~S DEl'll EO
C.~SEU, J It. Btl CLEA~Y W I, 1~16
r.RHN. E- 659 n. ' .I'.wil, tIrlte .. nul
VU~k, ( P.
_ 66J
_ _ .J
I S. Sl3
ROB'SOH, H. H. _ _
1\!6 "a_
Writ MI,d :
MiI.fil ."Io~.tl ...
HARRIS. $, W. 666 SPOON, M l. _ 8" BU,CIlMER, I H _ _ ".
C ~II![I, C, 1. 667 ClJRK. C, t 816 THA~P, F. H. 1121 "'COONALO, A. G. _~nl in 1.0.
YESH, I 10. _ _ _ _ ' " ~OOM .. , T. _ _ ._ _ 115 ESTIll, C E. _ _ _ lIU CUUERTSOH. C. H.• Card III 1.0.
ItARTel<HK, W. tl6 MILLEI, I. O. _ _ _ 11'1 BRI<ocN. '- G. __Canl in 1.0.
flRtno, A. 675

Augu , l, 1973

WHEH£~, III. A. _ _ _ 1024

~(N S I DHS "".OHO ""NIY, Y ..
RUH, I. W.
11)19 "" ._.. _
" _ 101
_ ,It
fARNUl~' f. ..
nl 11I.... '"d l [.u~ l "e
CUlcil "".ue. sn 1,1;_'
eorl, ret",.,., ,rl'''' 'rl!fit
OElIl, ft. H, _ _ _ 121)1
--'"U, ROINWE L, H, Eo
Wlt$()N, .... C.

."llul,.I$, n 510 •••:

TMr 1.0.
cACE W M. ..
1lI0NAS, ClUI~ II,
- ~""
v -
'" _ 121

CAl(~. H H. _
lIPII""T, R. _ _
... 'tAIN. III ..
WHCN, N. E. 12'5 n ,~ BUUCHIH, fit lS2
PIK£, HARV£Y R. _. 1241 ,~ s.uwn C. N. 381

MUllEN, WlliAM I. _ I
RE IN HARDT, IRVING 0, 3 CASTRO, .. JOt .. ". .I2ftO _" 125 OUXBuh, G l. 311
ATKINSON, f. .....
MORN, willIAM K, _
PIKE. W B ..... _
,"" ...... 125
PAYIS, W. J, ..
TlfOJ,U.N. B. R.

TOB(R, C. "- m9 ,~ EVERSON, J. "- ¥J1
STANloill, Il 101 _ _ b
...... - '"
III1ADY, KE1(N(fH III 11 VINGOE, It. R 1331 ~ JACkSON, I. I. 391
ROBERTSON, IR, G W II WRAY, novo 1 1362 WIUE"BI!OCK, II r l!Il
1361 - 'N
"'ARTlN, $. C

. ....,.
HUNlS. JESSE C. .. (0 SCHI'I Il. W. _._ 1421 ROROWELL, l. A 413
EO~ONG5, C, W 1m SLIMhK l. W 4?Q

••" '"'"
- ,.
TI!DRNE, w. r. ... 40 UI.IMERtNC. N, J. "I'SS SIAPLES, F. C: 420
ILHIE. CliffORD iI6 fIIAN. r. .1S4'l CERKEN P E- 425
ROIINSOS, (, £ ..U!IO ~ "'A'IGRU'" w. W

lECROY. I. l. _ _ ~ 429
'Ullts. II A
§l IUMIUSMIP "• S'NS, W. ... .

, " L 134 LNSIl[[~ ..... i. oUI

RHO, I_ R. '" 17 E. ,

OIOS. A. O. _ 4a
.. , .
DOlllh, V, I.

,,, --,.'" AIIUHS, H. J, . 481

U,'" _ ICI
._ us
flOST, A, f. .
, """
GOSSEn, E, W 412
OUHlElO, E. R. lliU
,, '" COU. l. D. 4&3

I. 52 rL[C~, E. C. * ."

.~~""::~ """- 3 4&3
MrllCt CLAUHCf. l. 1&0
"" HICKS. C, K. "-.. 48l

ROWEL 1• C. l. 1&0 Nt~nYEY. N C ql
SJlA"NON. IHGr.oU 165 MtRf("S. w. C.
•" - '"",m"
- Ql
cn, E. I. 20D
__ POUlSON. It. G 4&l
BLOr ... U, NMRW O.
,,, •
CONflUl. N. W.
JACOn, IV _.
PRIC , I, ( ._*
:~!JhioNiCR':" :::"":"
DOTlLER, L J _. .
280 ,,,
, ..


"" ]91
,_. 191
'"" 195
WOlfE, M R.
"'ARIIN,. M. C.
WHIT!£". H.
SPI£CEL. W. l.
OnR. JOHN 8. 3Q2
, n

IoIAlH£SON. C. 52'

81.1((., OSCAR I{ JGI N(IOICII, ~. "- S<'1
' ''ALlER,
311 "• "'OWN, .. E.
JU~ES. r, S.

,,, ""n '"

OAVIS, THOMAS l. 311 HARTWICK. A. "".. S51
M~'K(HlL{, Jill .. IAMU N. n'i
. , 'C:' -m STI"'PSON, F W.
~RM'\N, O. B. ~

. "n
DEBRABANGER, M. II, lS2 _ _ _ 245 SIMMS, W. l. 558
HAUSn. RGB RT I, JS2 .... CREAOY. C, E. 561
JETER, B l. . _
351 ,, ""nn t•..' _,_
_._" 2S8
_.._ 269
HAU. R S. _.

•_ 21~
""n --'"n.n, TIlACII , A. J. ."".
WILSON. G. PI. _ _
'" ,• - '"
I'OU'iD. 'I(. I .
", ..... _ 483
,u• "nn ---.... :'"~
UYNFR, NOR MAN H, ,,_ 497
HOUSER. . . G, (!/!I
U "" --- ,. '"'"
BIANCIiI . ~. J.
SUUWOM !H. f . W.
OliAM. ~ . J. _
It "•• ,.
SAUlO. A. It. ._
SWlflSON. H. J, S32 It

HlAVA, C P S41 U ,It
ROUEA, H. E. _ 514 It _ JI\
lOUOUMltlt. RANDOlPH 61l


.. ..
McDONALD. HANON 111.- :: 621 It tHO ... ASON, fRED C. 61l
.• , ]24 AllAIN, J, G. fi29
J( ! ER , C, T•• _ _ ." 659 U ._.. l2S InLtVEAU, C. fi29
_ 1(9
--"' COOOROW, S. J. _ _
LILLY, O. A. __
SPIIACUE. V. F. _ _ ...
1'91 It ,ro --'"
SC/iOll. I. C. _
UUNA1HY. 0 I. _

,ro HENOERSO~. r. H. _ _ ...
llotH. ALYIN E. _
---- ,.
,ro -'"'" MANU. P. _ _ _ _ _ . .

IENNETT, J. K. _ ."
LlEW Jou rn .. 1

HART, J. II. _

DA~I$, G. D.
DREW. E. J. _
"" '~l

K£NNEOY. C. ~,
POWElL, II, M. *.
GUEN1H, W. A. 659
'fUlkS. 8.
P(HISEN, r. £.
. E. 16!1O
PORTER. l. W 16 ~,

&S9 COCHRAN. L I. 11
MlGHO, IR., W W. &61 G. _ 1110 IOIIGflT. p, 11
WATSON, R. G. __ '"
" 1,Ul
BRIIH[Il. £ I,
Ii -'"
GI88S. W. L. _ _ .
HANSHAW, A. V. .. _
CIL':, S. ~. ..
LAC~Y. W. I. _
'" .. _ JIll
,_* 301
JONU, C. _.... _ '" •••2150 DIGRAM, M 4(J - .. JQ9
PIKE. L __
&ASTlA.'1, A. ,
GILSON. D. t. _
KAltER, D. _
GR[[It, •
KkOl'. R.
DOSS, L. C. _ _
HldTlWt, j, l.
HUIl$OH. •
M£RRm, K. W
46 --'"'"'"'"_ _ 322
__ 1l2
HAUSE, T. V. _ _ 116 TDUl DISAftlllTY PfHSIDN S RYCKM~H'. c. A. 48 . ~ ... __
. _. _____ 333
,_ JJJ
RITell, II. C. ___ 116 A,p~DnD OYU. G E, _ 51
VEROT. P•... _,
HAMllk C. J. _
Th elu.cit ''''''.~ UI WilliAMS, R 0,.
M C~ O WN, IR., E. l.
iJ ,
~:g~s'ok ~.
~hIUMlII. £. A.
J m
11111 'iIHili!r
't, I"I,
,lllillll, It

AGU. S. E- "

THl 1.0, or LU ~OGL£R, C. 10. _
MrU.UN C, V.
59 ••
aau£c~, W. M
JUEHNEI H.... _ _ _
P£RAlI ... IOSEPH _~
MUtDIli/, w. f.

!leL£[. T. K.
taMOnE. L j _ _
11 ARC£HfAU1. £. ,. &6 »,
VAlleE. W. W.
BAII.ER;f'HllIP K. _._

KEfRllIt. T, H
MAlHES, f. W
fOX, F. e.
,, _ _
_ '"».
KENNEl, C, A. * _ ,~
LARSO N. K. f.
coeoJ • 11..... _.... III MILLS , C. H.
._... _
_____ 378
SEGRAVES. C. M. 812 DOUOHERiv, G W." "". 1:14 HrFlLE. l. 1]
STlq, M. B. __ 816 BlAC ~"' U. KENNLTH W 2U Ell iNGSON. (. T. 16
UTUl, G. W. _ _ '" BURGESS C L . 214 N(}IIRIS. f H. 76
YOUNIO. C. R, 811 HDVAK, SI(PH[lf I. 214 COX. O. 0 n .~
PARKS. W. 11.. 115 CLAUI, lOUIS I, 415 Gill. D. H n
8£"" n. C. H.
1110'1111. CHARLlSG.
YOtJ~KE'•• .I..
IlllIOOfIE. H. E. &IIi lI"OOW CHMUS G. 419 DUHS. H •. 10
PE£PlU; II. T. "
B£RU .•. - - - - .,
ARORE I • I. P. _, 8S9
161 WILBERt, IR" W J.
McPHllfPS. J. I
II '"
PI. IdsoN. W. .." 100 SM'T H, r 8. . _ 82
RICE. H. r. 889 WHEnER, fOREST E. 740 POMMERfNING. £ C. _._ !16
100 '"
- ...

ST£ElE, L. E. 90l HAWN ROBUT H. S1I& WHITE. W C 100
MillER. e. S, 915 PHllllps J, • . 10012 REAM, I E, 101
WAllE. £. C. _ ." ROOf, Rj YiIIO~O D .1319 HUlliNG, ,. W lOll
JOyeL. F, 920 PAWlOWSIlI, E. _ _ ... /jOlnL, W 110
l[C(;ETI. A. R, m HAMlllON L w.. 1311 IElSOM, M [ 112

PRIC[. e. N. , 'l3oI BEGLAU. ilUBERI 10 14:/1 fREDERICK, j, C. 112
WOlSKF. M • ~ II[NO[R$OM, C. A, I'!II OALE. M • 1>0
eHESMORE. E- /I. 951 POOle. WIlll£ F. 1491 rOL(Y. W F 124

.... ,
CROWEl l, P. A. . 952 ANKER. C. 1180 MAHOWALD, [ M 124
HALST(A • W L .. PAIHE. M E 124 ON
WE .. IUSHI' OBER. G. It 115
THOMPSON. 0, 99!i IH I.U 8REWER. P. W. _ 116
IHOIIPSON. R. 1002 BUNNEl.~1 J A. 12& .~
MCCUE, R. A. ""- 1007 VOLTZ... H 1211 .~
IAKUB WSIlI, I. J. 1(149 CONREY. M. A. 1
IIIIRKE, T, L... 1)4 .~
MCeORO. H. H. 10019 SU{OMty[R, ". J. __ ,
CAI~, R. l.
BlOO .... L •
CAMPBEll. G. r.
114 ...

HEMORICIl. w. r.
fnOIUJl. M, ill
10E, II. C ,
_12 12
GRIJ(I. •. I _
MALEK. f. •.
JOROA~, f, I.

R(IO, W. W. _1212 WAHRHAFTIG. M _ _ _ l

O·AOU_H. p, J 145
WOAK. H., .____
GLASSCOCK. [. O. __ ._
_ 159 '"
MERROW, ERNEST l. 1145 OiSTErANO. L, ___. _ _ , HIN SON, £. E, 110

WHITE, WILMUI l. 1245 COOK. R, R .. • TAYlOR. L P. 180 '0
MEYU. E. C, 191
SILVA. t. H. _ _
CARDiff. L 0
• fAIR. II G
HUll. W. G.
210 III
GlUts, J. W,
"'I L , __
CLA , I. I . _
"",IC ... __
WiNWARD, •. (
_ _ III '"••
VOLK. •• F. _ _ _ .. 1l!i2
MARCOTT. H. J. _ 1426
fORYST, J. M. _ _ .*_1427
COOPER. D. '-" _ _ ...
','·w--- .••
ORMRC , M. I. _ _ _ 1421 TORGEhOIt, O. A. _ _ lSI
GUMMOW, O. l. _ II
Augu,', 1973

RIC[, VERNON ,, ___ .•••• 1001
T. -=:. ~
EVAliS. C, G.
ADlHOCK. G, J. "
... 115
NIMMOtlS, W. 0,
HU~IS, l
HARRISON, F. I. _ _ ,_ 318
WlA.oE, f. W.
8AK~~l H. H. .
_ 191 ,,,'"'"
DENNINGTON, W '''' w,rTIN. fRED W. loll! ~ SIMn;uli, O. H. I"
flllCH, A •.
IllARElleD, H W.

OUVEt, M M. _ _ _ ' "
U;AR[, C. r.
EDEHfIElO. J. f.
lIutSHl, I; L.
"'CAROE~ E. H.

JOHNSON, C f -"" M"UNllt, .I.. C zn
Gilts, BEN M
.._ 514 PEACOCK, B. T. !]3
,, '"'"m
BA~LE Y , w. 222
" 5~
6!1O MHIIS. O. (,
•. ••,•
fl FMINr.. I. I. _ 711 PElTET, F. l. _ _ ,~ ~.
BItOWN, A. G. .. .. _ 211 ~.
n, 1,II,w,.. II Itt.1 "1'
•• McMICKlE, S. A, .......... 280

.,lilY "'1'" h .. il 139
li.u w•• , ... ,", PRESSLEY, E. B. • 1U PARI. C, l. __ 28~
BROW1l, G, L. _ _ _ ' " ~ JOHNSON, G. N _ 292
StHES, C. P.
GHU'jI. II. T.
_ 295

WEBSTER. B, 1-.0 ro CRGEPER, J. f. J09
DEAII. A. C ,"

GUDES. ROBERT . .1515 AUSTIN , H C. 111

G~B8$, W
n PRAll. G. w.

fIUY. AlfltEO R .1603 311
IIOOD, III £ SCHOll, W. [. 322
BARREH. K~'HER'NE M, __ 1~

fORSYlIlt B. A.
pRICr, u.
J~MES, L. B.
McI(fAALANE. CLEON l . . I!lIi9
COl(. W. "I.
m ~,

OA~IS, R. t,
f ARR, A. e, "_ .•, " ... •• MEMBUSHIP
" ""
DUNC AN, W. M. _

'" IN LU COrrlN( W, A. .... 33-4 '00

MOO Y, A, 0, .... ~(~ in 1.0. SIR I C ~ [y, B, A, _._ J40
1 "" SHULL, H, S.
" J.t9
CAIIR. A. B. " 1m
."llcnIOH fU YlSnO MU(lUII, II, F. I HUOCEIIS, W. T ~9
n. 1.1..... " •.,1 hlc,,,,,
tIIud ! .",,,,. ."I'Uh"1
11101111, D. l.
eEVltl, H O. _ ,
.. "
HOBL~t.. W. t.

h. UIIU "etIt It ,tali" O'OAY. ], , , _ _ _ _ , LIINOY. I. E. 363
h.dl II I~I I,II ••i", I"
SCHUflR. t. __
SIOMfR, I. F. __
.. BLOCHER. P. r.
MilLER, J. D.
J&4 '"'D

o\POSHIAN, A. Ij J peAVY, G. A. 311
eiANCO, P. _ _ _ , ,ro PHILliPS, f, C. 382
BRUNO. N. _ _ 3 SCD", E. F. )87
PESEK, EMIL £. ., CHIUkJoS, C. ___
DORSH, £. "" .. _.
~OlSON. C. ...
..• 109
41~ •

DOnE, J. J. __
GIOIA, P.... _ _
, ,.
SCH~ [ !D[R, F. _
424 ".",
SION[. WilMER ,..
~ '"
lANGE, J. R.
K(MP, J. B.

HAU, LAW ~[HCE II, _1110 m IUODIS. V P 0161
, m
ROG£ItS. L 8. 3 !HILt. [. *1

A"lIUIIDN 10' vUnD

ROS£H. l.
:I [. r. '"",'"116 SCHum, W. I
411 ~.
AIC"' '0 nllS ION
SWITH. I, L. _ _ _
SPillER. E. __ ._.....
", BASS, J. C.
GLICK, S... ___ 3 MASCOE, A, '81
U. ,.11 •• 1", ."hUI,fII f" CAVALIER, R. M. 5
'" COO K, R. II ~81

~lIte' rol~1 IVES, J. M. '82

" ".11.. hufil HOFFMAN, W. G. 5
WYNN. J. W H. 5 CllAUSKAS. J. J. .!lot
W.I "."" HOLDEN R. K. oI!l-I
roW[R\"A. J. _ _ 1
MUlIUS"" SULk./o.. J. __ 9 M!CHAL~, J. C. CSt

coaa. HIRAM C. ---2129

ell(N, H

SIIoIS, l. D.
JUll£R. W H 11 ''MM STEhllEB, ~. A,
~Ol'CKI. J J.
NOUI', G. W.
,~ WElSH. 1,
urNTON. T p,

J, Ilt
\ NON-.HlIED WlWIUSI SUlEY, A. B. 11 5(1]
VARtlA. J. C, _ _ " T. III FILUlOI. a. SIll ."
T.. 1.,,,•• liM.1 luc.'''p
eMn il .,,'",. ,.,_H' ,I
8LAI,. W S
8L[SSlljG. I. H, _ .. _
11 ,.
m '"

,.,,. TLUSCHER. A. A. ~,
Ibl 'fll~ ~'Hfi' ,,"~I I "'1. ueRECHT. A. C, 18
I'" ,,"ilio'l •• Inlel. XII , HUTCHINS, R. A. 18
,~ TCIBIOts, P. _ >U
K£G[8EIN, R. R 531
Stetio. 2 tI Ibi IBEW Cu-
SliM,.. " I.. 'lIi,lIl"
It.lliclarlll . 1 II, 1, 1 .. 1••
MILES, O. J. __ ".
,. ~ ITILE, J, V,
MARIO N,. R. L. .
S38 '"
OU[RSOII, W, L. __ ",
'Il _·rtlir.' ......J, UTUGUA. F, 25
OARIj£ll, R. H. 25
';'~~'~'i.~ ,~
HGLD[Ij, [. r.
ROlIllWO. A. [.
~1 ,m,
CUD IN rol .. UU SALATY. H. 25 ~. ' W, l III
THE 1.0. IN lU IOTUER, B. L 215 MAY, E G. 110 DESI .... OINS. N. 'iU "",
tOWARD, G. I. ~,
HaIj$OIf 0, f . 21 CEIM[I, E, A. __
'" CRAllr. II. L. ~70


CUllEN, O. It. 31 litWIN, JR., JIlIiN W. ~ lUI
HGll, W. G. _ _ _ _ " CAU , H. L. 11& HARDESTY, I. Y 5&1 . 1147
GUBTIL, M. A. ____
REYNOLDS, I. l. _ _
McMI LLI N, M. I. _ _
tRANDfl[LD, E, t.I . " __
_ _ _ HE

!lEW Journa l

c. _____
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TIDWEll. W. M n

CLlRIOGE. ,, n '"'"
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RICHY, N f. - ,

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AllEN, W. C.
BRINK"'''N, ,'"
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BUTI. SR'j C. A.-
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CAROEN, ,L _ _

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JACOIlS(lN, 101. O. ___ •

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lANCASTER. H _ __ ,~
lORHIl, G J. _ _
NIUSEN, f, B. _ _ _
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Aug ... " 1913

MUllnS H I~
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..'"••'"'" .% L(OB(1IER, F [.
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CH~MBHLAIN, H. "ij-,

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f. ___ 1\6 .N LEWIS, F/i:AIIK A_
_ _ _ ".116 LEWIS, REGINALD J


., --".,.m D,TR.t.PANI, MAl1l1EW

URGO, JA ... £S J. ,•
.. 567 _m
'" ,_ 11'8

...... ,•. 733 HARI, BERNARD r
JIJ .733
_. 133
__ 734
DOYLE, WIlli"'" M '"

573 ".1!.",·, - ~~


."' '",.''""
fAIoIS, lAANK ."
_ _ _ .• 589
m COOL, LLOYD D. '",%

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_____ liO SHINN HENRY E. .~
••• N (00

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,~ w. 163 COMBS, JASPER
---"' QUEEN. RALPIf .. CIrQ I" ""

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JUIESON, a. W .. Clrd ,n 1.0.

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10, 197].

.~ C.or.. Sec,.i."
.~ on Inll.","_1
p, Plll.,~on.
[~.C"" .. to", ... ,t
.~ .NIHONY 671

.. IBEW Jou.nal
fud, dcems it imperative tllat an Ih.:,c units is 132.349 MW. I>re,enl
NUCLEAR alternative fud be utilized. nuclear COl1l,lrUClion co~t~ of nuclea r uni\.s
fud is the only imn1edi:ul.' an,\\cr. arc clmc to 500 pl.'r l.ilowau of
POWER unforlUnatdy. th.:rc arc no unde-
\,,:[oped hydro ... ile~ that c:m he
in\talled capacity . Cw,ts of the.)('
projl.'ch in today\ dollar "ceed
PLANTS utilized for th ~ ];Irge ;lnll)unh ul'
energy required. 5ulur generation
(l7-billiun dollar\. AI ...ome sites 1\\0
or 1110re rea(;tor-. :Ire being in'llIl1ed
i, a toy in the la b \\ hich need, \\ hieh will place con\truct ion Cw,h
('olltl"" ... 1 from f'Or:t! 3 much more rcscarch and dc\elnp- f\lr the\\! projech in Ihe billion-
tiona I k\cl. In many of our .. Inks melli. \" ind and tidal gencr;ulIlI1 ;lfe dollar rang.:.
tlK'} af!! rc~pon,ibJc for the illlrt)- largely impr;[ctical for stcad) lar!!c 'l'cedlc, 10 <;a). th ...·...e projet.:h
tluctron of kgislatiol1 .... hlch \I(lulu bl,)Cl.~ of I)()\\er . ami !!colhcrll1al i, I11c:m thou"Uld~ 01' JObs for con+
hamper nuclear energy gro\\ tho nm :Ivaihlblc h) he produced ;It 'trUClilln wurl.er\. and ulx)Il C~lm­
M05\ of the "balf" bill ... have qui":ll) r'::I'ionablc COsh except at a !'ell I>lction. mall) hundrc<.h of job, for
di ....d. :I" Ihe majoril) or our lq:i,· j,olated ,iles. utility \\orl.I.'J" along with the tC111,
tor, rcaliL": the economic damage rhc demand for clcctrkal ener!!y of thou,and~ of job, required to
II hich would be c reated with thl' .. c i, doubling e...cr) w . . en )ear,. Cer- manufacture all nece ...sa!,) compo-
bill-.' pa ..."agc. lain ;!rea" in the CU UllIf) arc 1.'' - nent' for th.::\c projects.
At pr . ·<;c nl, bill" arc p..:!rKling ill peril:ncing a ra'l~r growth r:Ii~. it \Vith Ihe chrunic high ral..:: of
Minn\!,o(a alld New krwy which j, clear' 10 SCI.' we ;Ire a p(ll\er UIK'lllploynlelll c'<periencl'd Ihe'~
would rC\lrkt nuclear gnmlh. amJ hUIlg!) lIuliull. Our economy :IIlLl !lu,t re .... ~eill~. Ihe'~ jul" arc \it:11
Icgi,I;Hivc bill, may be rc\ubmitt<:u national well-hem,!; depend .. on. anu hi our national economy.
again in California in a"nlh .... ,. a1- IIU.,I h:)\e. Ihe eler-inerl'",ing de- Obstructioni'h tnU,t not be per-
1~·mpt to ob(all1 a nuclear mora- manu') of clectrica[ cncrg~_ mited In grind to .1 halt ~uch a vital
torium in thaI 'latC. rhc environment. \"hich \11.' h~:.r \egmcnt of our eeOll0111) for whal-
Th!.',c ckwrly con lrh cd cal11- ~u much ahout tOt];I) .• lI1d thc d:Ull- c\'Cr their ~clfi\h interest miehl be .
paigm II ilh ,Ill their subtle innu- aging efTeets of our lifc stylcd on il . The rightful nlle of :1 critic-i n rc-
endo... arc a clear threat to the de..:· can on I) b.: l.ept clean of furthcr '>01\ IIlg dilf.:rellces i~ to offer aher-
trkallllclu<,tr). and at linu' .. , it j, ~'\:­ pollution h) the U'o\! of dectricit); natl\C ~()IUli(llI~. I he ob"ructioni,ls
In:rnd~ diflicuh 10 di<,Ccrn truth Oh'r 9{) per C...'1lI of 1111 .:n\;ron- h;1\e nOI done this. I heir onl) solu-
from fal ..dlOod or this b!at:lnt prop- l11ent •• 1 de\ ices lkpcnd upon eke- tillll j, "don'l build," "don't do thi .....

agallada :ltl ~n1pt. Irieily for their operatIOn. or "do ,lJlllcthing cI,.: ... · The cn.:rg)
III the illflltll da)s of Ihe dee- rmJay. nuclear I.'llergy ~upplic, cri~i, I" ill IUlt di\appc,lr with :t se-
Irical ind ustry. gr~a t contrO' er~) Ie" than four per cent of Ihe IOwl ric, uf dun'". Critk~ \"'e need; ob-
am,!.' mer the u!.e of declricit) III cI.:ctricit~ gencrated; howcver. Ihat \lructiOIl"1\ we don·t.
th~ homc; Ihcn crilic~ argued Ih,1I 'uppl) h a vilal four per cenl Be- Othlruetionil,[l, ar.: not the onl)
it \\:1' much too dangcrou, to pcrmit eauw of operating nuckar ,tation,. lllle, capahk of pUllin!,; (In a cam+
declricilY to bc u\cd in the hllm ~ there ha\c been :ldl.'{IU;lIe \upplie, pl'lign. \n effecti ......, c:unpaign W:b
and ,ti l 11llllHll,)r of dire pl'oph ...... ic ... of ,·lwrI.:Y for NI'w Fllglallli. waged in the California legi~lati\'l.'
were \oiccd. rimc 11,1, ,inc~ ,Iilkd Flurilla. Virginia. ami IIl il1oi,_ With- la,l )e:u' to dcfl.'at Propo,ition 9 al
Ihilic old crilic,' \oicc~. and )l'ar, oUI !luck',lr "tation,. ~hurtilge, the polk nll~ parlicular proposi-
of progrc" made III the indu'lry I"ou[d have exhtl.'d in Ihc~e :11'1':"'. tion \"OI,ld ha\l' phll'l'd a fi\e-)ear
hOJ\ ... provcn th~ daily us~ of dec- Thc I,afel) record of tht' nuekar moratorium un nuclear construc-
IricH) in the hOll1c 10 b ... ~af~ '(\ 'tatiun~ i, imprl· ....,he. 1'0 dale. no tillil Organi/ed 1:lbor III California
Olll' \\mlld I,~riotl,ly r<li,c a hUl' and memb('r of Ihe gena:11 puhlic ur p[:1y~'t.I a \il,lt role in the ddeat of
cry tn Iwvc il r~ JllOvcd from Ihe all) of O(lJ' member' havc ,u lTered thi' Prol)()~itioll which if pils~",'d
home today. an) ill I.'ffcct'i duc \(I radiation from \\Huld have cripplcd the California
Thl' nuclcar indu,lr) i" ,t;1I in ih the'>C ~talion~. and thcre ha\.: lx'en eketrical utilit~ cump;lI1ie ...· effort 10
infant ye,)r,. Soml' pmhlcnl\ \\lIh Il\~ 'l'riou .. rclea .." ... of rad,oacli\c mect the energy denJ;lnd in Ihe n..::ar
fud h,,\~ occurn.:d. Ihe conlrm~r,) m:llerial to Ihe el1\ ironn1L'nt tuture.
0\ cr the emergenc) core cootinl! Durinj.; recent earthqua~es ill Org.ulILed labor ciln lI1uster its
s)~t~m IlOIs not been re!.{)h~d to Cal ifornia. both lIumbo ldt Ba) amI ,uppon in all qates 10 merrick the
e\cr~onl..·'" ,ati,fuction. and thc ,tllr- San Onofre nuclear plant.. \~.:r~· op- pre"ur~" that will be brought to
age of long-li\cd ralJioi\OtollC' for .:rating. but Ihe carthqu:ll.e\ cauwd bear b~ the fne~ of nuclear pO\wr.
hundreds of years is under il1\.: .. ti- no danwg..: tIl Ihe,l.' plants. StandarLl I he I BE\\ contmues 10 support
gation. 1I0\\c\er. it JlIU\t Ix: horn.: opo."rating procedun!" called for .1 th~ c'(p:m .. ion of the nuclear in+
in mind that millions of dollar, and pr.:cautionary ,11U tltown and a de- dl"tr~ It i, I BE \\ " opinion that nu-
th,lus:md, of man-hour, havc I'/Ccil taikd chcc~ of the 'y ~tel11~. clear pm\ er i, ,a fc. reliable. e n-
all('/C:u.::d to the ~(l iution of thl."e \, nf the end Ilf M arc h. (l() \ Ironl11l.'l1tall) acceptable. and the
probkms. The problem, ill nuck"r nudear IJO\\cr units wen! under be'l econom ic \~ay to meet the
1)O\\ er arc not being ignorcd. con,truCl ion . with 75 morc planneu. po\\er needs of the consu mers of
Because depletion of our fo'>!>iI Combined gener:uing cap:lcit y 01 the nalion.

A.. g ..". 19 13

departlnent of Research 1/
and Ed'ication
, 1/ I\.

Wanted: A Fair Share

• Working pcllpk ;Ir~' tlw h:lcL.- of an ellraoruina r) humn thl' l nfair Trade 1)(Jti ril'~
bon~' of Ihi, nation. I h~~ ha\ \! ,trung..:'t in :W )~:Ir... I he ritle uf American I\age ... arnen; arc IlO[
been influent ial ill furmllll! \lUI' na· exp:llh illll inerea,..:d drill1Hllicall~ in only \icl inh of high la\e, and :l
(iun'" 1;1\' '', II gO;I I, ii' puiirjn alltl 1972, l'nJin,g IIjl h :1 fourt h-tluartl'r
it-. d~ ... lhl) for mcr 200 ~l:;I1'''', In - gai n of ~32-bill i {}11 in Gru,.. ' .1- tight job murkel: the) nrc ul,o hl'ing
l'\ploi led by th ... 1l1t1ltinatiunal~ ;md
deed, wen: it not for Ihe dTm!'- of liunal Product fG\' P ), h um ~\'ilf­ ,gianl conglomerate, Ihal are export-
orga ni/cd \\'{H~.: r» ami lil!.'i,. ut1ion~. c nd 197 1 tll ,eaH:nd 11)72, tho.: ing American job~, capilal. tech nul-
nm,( of Ih l.' ,udal Icgj, l<llil lll froll1 GN P ,0al'ed ·oi; IIX-hilli\)ll . Iho.: ogy, and prudllCli!)n in e \l'han ge for
which;lll \mcricam hale b.:ndilcd boom in 1,.·I)rpurUll· pmli ... ,,1 '1) e\lI1- a legal \\a) to pa~ pitifutl~-Iow
would nCler halc CO lli!.! III P:I'''', tillueu unabat\.'d in the final (IUiu·tl'r \\;tgl'~ :tnd m:linlain ~ub'landard
\\ hal. thcll. docs the \mcrican llf Iln1. l11 a~ing it Iho.' eighth qu;tr· lIurking conJil j oll~.
worl..cr \Ian! in return " \\ ithout tel' in a roll in \1 hieh l,.·lIfjXlrittl·
I he I13E\\ i~ nOI ag:lin~' fOI"... igll
:h 10 race • .,n. n;lIitln:il·
Ji ~l i nc lj on l'arniny-, \h'nt higher and 1I1L' third
Intu..... hUI il i" lignin:.! the OUll1lod.:-d
ilY. crc\:u, or ,ucb J cundition. he quarter in a rOil in II hieh thl'~ 'l·t a
Il)lh ('emur) trad..: poJicie\ Ihal
wanh [ h~"': ba,h,: ina l i~'nabk rights re ...-ord .
hal .: 10.. 1 Anwrkan \\'ork.;- r~ nl'arl~
-a right (tl lifo.:. Ijlll'rh, di).!nil}. Yet the \Iur~\.'r', Ihe pepple 1110,1
(lne milliun job opporltlnilie, in the
equali!} of up portull il}. ;end eco- rl" poll,ihlc for Ih\.' 11\!l1ll'nt!ou,
la,t ,1\ }eal'>. The IBEW is again"t
nom ic ,cellril}. a ri!!11I 1U ... 'Iahli... h ,tride, "'dng marJe, arl' not , ha ring
traJc ,,.,llicic, 11\llt arc eroding en-
and l11 .. in\;1I11 hi ... f;llllily. In prmidc in thl' profit.. llIade pm.,ihk· h~ thl'lr
lire U.S. illdll .. trie, 1{''{liles ... hOt.'S.
for its wl.'ll-I'l\!ing through cCllllumic hard lIor~ De .. pih: thc rapid ecu·
nomic expan,iull in 1971. -IA-mil- clot hing. ,t.;-d. aulO. rub~r. and
\dHch .. c:cun.:
;tnt! ,Ud:1 1 1I1.: ..... ur...•..
lioll II'lIrJ. t'fI. IIf (iI',· Ilt'r (I'llt 01 thl' declrunic l'l[ uipmenL It i, again ..l
ad~(lllah:: huu .. lIlg. futxl. cliithin~.
lahor 101'ce. II..: re ,titl un..:mplo)ed Irad..: po licie, thaI fatten corporate
and Ill ~dic t l carc: imd ;1 right til uh-
prolil~ "hile undermining ,hl'
win g r~aler i!1col1l~ in ~ ~l'J)i!1g \\ ilh in May.
It doc, nut hale III he that I\ay. 1\ll1l'ric;1I1 "'COll um)' and i ~ aga in"
hi .. conlribuliun t\) ,(x'il'l~ I h~
' 1 hal' i~ no l'COlllJllIk lall that ,a)'
lr:uk pulici..:" lhal allow multina-
American \lllr~~r \Ianl' a 1;lIr
lie h:II'c 10 hale fi l'o! per cent-or liona l curporatioll' ba ...;-d in thl'
fl)ur per c..:nl. or :111) olhl'r nllll1l""r Unitl'd SWte, to produ('e g<XX.! ..
I Ie is not !!cui ng it.
ahro:ld in cheap I:lbm nmrkct" anu
lIf IX·u"k- III 1L·Ulplu~etl. I he r.: i"
The 'I ax S.\~Il'1l1 [ 111'11 ~dl th\.' 111 in thi .. COWllf) al
'0 much 1I'01'~ [hal nl'l·t!, til he
high Al1le ritan pl'i c.:~. wilh 110 bl'ne-
T a~c, for ~x anlJ)k , Ih ~ l'\i'>linb don ... ; 'I) 111:111) hult,.:,. ,dlll!)I,. ami
lit 1\1 the ('UIl,Ulller. The I HEW i,
lax ' y ,II':III . It i, rigged a!!a i !1~t hospilal~ to h.: buill : and ,I) mun y
again'l the phil o~ophy Ihat put,
wage :tnd ,alary c al'll ~n. ill f:!l or of tml",-Ir:lIl,il '~'leIl1S and uthl'l" pub-
big bu,in ~~~ and thl' \\c:t1th~. lic rm.:i litk', [0 Ill' COIl\t l'ucled that it pruti" above palri~)(i~m.
r oday. a famil ) uf four l'u ming do.:"I1-1 nllt~C goud ,etN,.' til h;l\..: For all of Ih ~·s..: reason... the
S IO,OOO a )ear ""ill p;l~ an :1 1~·mg.:: an)lhing hUI ;t full-elllpll)~rnellt IHI:.W 'I ro ngl) su pporb the Bu r~ e­
of S905 in fcd~ra l income 101\1.". If l'conomy. Simpl} "a[cd. cle r} Hartkl' Bill. IIhich lIould bring
Ihe $10.000 """:1''': im:um.: from ,t:lle ,\Illerican \\\Irk..:r ,llI)uld hah' Ilk' Al11eric:1II [r:uk poliet..:, int o lim'
or local bond ... Ihe fall1il ~ I\uuld opportunilY [0 earn a decl'nl 'la nd- II ilh modern econo mic realities.
pay no laxe .. :11 all. aI'd of IiI ing and III ~ ahk to eun- 1·.I,'l·cti\l' Controh ~ec(kd
Thi, i, jU\[ plain unfair: Iherl'-" [ribulL' 10 thl' prudll('IiH!nC" of thi~
no othl'r ""orJ for it. It\ unfair 10 natiun . -I he fe .. kra1 gO\l'rnlllent' .. current
1:\;( Ihe I\ag..: e:lrn ... r in full \I hil ... Th.;- pr..:....:nl uncmplo) Illl' ni ,iltm- program of II ag... amJ prin' conI 1'0[..
corporation .. and thl' I\eallh) ('an ,iull. not on I} p..'rp.:luatc, a Irilgic J(X', littl~' or nothing 10 lif' Ih.:
... ,ade Iheir fair .. hal'", through ""- hUlllan lIa,le, It hur" (111 1' el·unulll~. hurden which pa ..1 pha"e~ placed
emptiolh, lkpktion allul\anel". ae- Unelllplu}lIlo.'nl luru, (·un,ulll~r .. :tnd 'lJLla rd ~ Oil Ihe hild, of Anwrica· ..
c... lcrateu ue pn.:eialion Ilritl·-un... in- talpa)e r, inlO Ildrare c.:lil'I1! '. 1\11 I\>\lr~c rs.

\e~tnH.: nl (·rellit .. , and a hu'l or uther of II" hear th..: co,t .. and th~' c.:\JI1,e- A, ele r) jobholder knm". II ag~'
as,orted gimlllid .. anu luophlllL·... qLl..:nee~ in ri'i ng I\clfare l·U,['. L11l- lIe re held 0,10\\11 whil.;- pric.:~ a nd
c mplo~ menl COI1lI>l:II,aliol1, I{"I la l proli[, lIere al1ol\ ... d to ~ ~ ~roc~.;-t.
I~ m[ll{j .\ IIICllt r\!\e nue\ ;II1U htl,in..:" mar~ l·t .... hi~h hllpl o~er:-. I\>cr..: on1} 100 happ ~ 10

The U.S ....cuno m) i.. in the mid,1 crime rate .. , and :til the ro.'~l. pulk..:: lIage conlrob while Ih.;-) l',,(-

IlJEW Jou,n ,"

i'h:J. but 110 1n00chinl!ry capabk uf 111..:111 prcdicH:d a ,ix per Cl!nt Ill- Kor!!an War dOl)!>. HO\\c\cr. foocl
dlntirt'lv keeping price!> in cheel.. er...""... in food prices for 19D. If prie~, ros.: 7.:! pa Cl! l1t between
ha, )..:t been dcvcl0pl!d. Ihat ligur... had been aceural.... il Jamlllry anJ \lhi). 1973. ma"ing
Ta"e food, for ..:'(ampk. La't wou ld h:l\e reprc'il!l1ted Ih..: bigs..:,t Ih..: m:lUal situation man) timl!<;'
n .. 'I.:~'Jl1b1:r. the Agritu ltur..: O..:p:m- on..:-} ... ar gain ,ince intl:.tillllar) \\U"..: than C\lX'cl~d. In fa~·t. food
pril.:..:' ha\ ... iner... a~eJ a ,... a lloping
5-'.3 I)(;r cent in littk O\l!r a J~I:adr.:1
Alr... ady. the Whuk,aic Pricc In-
d..:\: ,hOl\' thOlt chickcn, ar~' lip 6JA
Source, U.S. Depor!men! of labor Bureau of labor Statistics
1}o,'I' ...... 11\ from 1:I,t )<..'.1 1' ; cl:H';', 5 t .J
pl'r l·l·nt: bacI)II. '16() per Cl.'lIt; and

'ndu Dar,
.., . ,
REV ISED INDEX SER IES-Reference Base, U,S. Ayerage, 1967 - 100

he .... lie",. Appo'" H... I,h

~·otr.:..:, 16.Y Ix:r e<..'nt
'\crl!II', bad ~'nough. Ihe bll)il1g
A, jf that

Co", ·
b irted ,.... HOII.i"9

rll,mer of th,' narinn\ ,\I)r"I'" lIt'-
clin ...d 0.7 per Cl!nt f(olll \pri!.
Moy 1973 152.9 131.5 137 ,9 1333 126.7 123.5 129.6 197~. to -\pri!. 1973. l'll!cau<,e ul
Apr. 1973 152.0 136.5 132.8 125.8 122.6 129.2 high..:r price~ alltl higher ~)t: ial SI'·
ClIl'lly laxc,. r hl! gHilh in rl·at ... am ·
Mar. 1973 151.0 129,8 13.4 .5 132.3 124 .8 121.5 128.6
Feb. 1973 1.49.6 121.1 128 . 1 iug' th;1I \\or" ... " l11atk in 1972
128.6 131.1 132.0 123.6
ha\l! now b,:cll ;til I.:nll \\i])':u out.
Jon. 1973 148.5 127.1 128,6 131.4 123.0 120.0 127.8
Dec. 1972 1.48 .0 127 .3 126.0 131 2 125.0 121.3 127.5 .hl'tict"- 'u 1\ l o ft", Nil I .t",~

Moy 1972 145.0 124.7 122 :I 128 .5 122.5 1195 125.8 Allh: ..ica·" wo""",,,, \\anl a fail'
Moy 1971 140.5 ~h;Ir..: o f Ihc .. hund;II1Cl! thcy h;l\-l·
Moy 1970 134.6 produccJ- no mor... ..lid 110 Ie".
Moy 1969 126.8 I h..:) wan! a fair ,har!! ta\: '~'I":I11.
Moy 1968 120.3 a d~'I; ... nt job for l.'\ ... r)one \\hu
, 19j7·j9 Ref", .. " 10 ..
\\anh to \\ork. an l.'nJ 10 unfai,
NOff Con ...."" ',;ce , .. de, 10< .. II ir, ... . inc'eo.,d 0.' I"de . PO;"' du.i"9 Ille poOl ",onl". Imde pr:lclic..:~. and inldlig~'nt. jU'1
0< 0,6%. '''" ,quoUed "n "nn"ol '0 " of , .. " ..... 01 7.2% 111 X 0,6%1. Ih. i~· ;llltnini~lrJtion of an~ c\:i,ting ~'Ctl.
creo .. '" CPI d",ing Ihe po.' y .... "'0' 6.' 'o;n" 0' j.j'1. nnmi~ qabililatiun program. I hl!
Pe"enrog, inc ..... e be lween r~e 1"0 dOl,. i. <ol<ulo,ed b., ."b"ocli .. g n.. '"d..
\m..:rican wor"er \\anh and H..: ... J,
N"",be. 10' Ihe eodiet dole IfO'" '10o. fo' . he 101,. dOlv. ond by d'Yid;nv Ihe rel~1I
by Ih, 'nd •• numbe' '0' .h.. 1O(>,li•• do". Ihen ",ul!iply;ng by 10:> a gm ... rnrncnl thm \\ ill I'll! r.;'pnn·
U ... MPlf fo r .he pe.iod 0' May. 1972.'0 May. 197], 131.j _ t2~.7 = 6.' Inde- Po,n"; ,jv", 10 the n... cth uf Ih ... p..·opi.:. I hi,
6,8 di.id.d by IH.7 = .05.5 X 100 = j,j%. i, th..: ric hl ·" count!') on ..:arth. :II1J
\\ur~ing pi.'opk h:t\l! madl' it that
\\ay. Thc) do nut """ f:I'oriti'lI1,
but Ih ... ) \\ ill nOI iJCl· ... pt inju,ticl.·.
Source: Stotistics Canada (1961 = 1001
Inde. Da" Heo"h & oloon
lI,ml ,.... Ho ~.;ng Clo.hing

Muy 1973 148.4 1574 151.3 137,5 134,0 156.3 143 ,8 CHANGES?
Apr. 1973 147 .3 156.2 150.1 136.4 133.9 154, 1 143.0

Mar . 1973
Jon. 1973
144 .5
151 .6
148 .0
134 ..4
133 .9
141. 5
Brothers, we want you
to have your JOURNAl'
Dec. 1972 143 .3 147 .1 1<16 .8 135.1 133.4 151.8 141.4 When you have a change
Moy 1972 138.3 137.4 142 .2 131.5 1332 1119.0 1392 of address, please let us
Moy 1971 132.7 know. Be sure to include
Moy 1970 129.6 your old address and
Moy 1969 124.9
Moy 1968 119.3 please don't forget to fill
NOtf, Conod .. ·• ConIum.. "j<e Inde. for 011 " ..... inC'","ed 1.1 'nd .. poin" d",;ng 'he in L.U. and Card No. This
10., ..... 'h. or D,l%- Thi. eq .... lled on onnuol 'ote 0' increo.. o' '. ~ '1. 112 X 0.11 information will be help·
The ;n"e,," d",j"SI Ihe PO" yeo, w"o 10,1 poiftl .... 1.l'JI..
""enl09"' in ....... between ,t.a two do' .. " COlh,t"ted by ."b',o<Ii"1I ,he I"d •• ful in checking and keep·
Nu",", '0' 'he 100,1;". dole Ir...... 'ho' '''' Ih .. 10'" dole, ond b, di •• di"g 'he ... "It
by th, indu n"",be. lor Ihe ...,Ii" do " , ,h.n ", ..!tipl,ing by 100.
ing OU f records stra ight.
U"'M'lE, for .h,pe,iod 01 Moy. 1972. '0 MoJ. 1913 .. e.• _ 131.3 = 10. 1 ' nd .. Po;n" Use coupon on page 72.
10.1 di.ided bV 138.3 = .0130 X 100 = 1. 3""

A"II".I. 1973
Rally Held to Promote Employment
and Un ion Conditions in the Mo·
tion Picture a nd Televis ion in dus·
tries. IBEW Joins with IATSE,
Lobbying on Capitol Hill.
The National Conference of Motion
Picture and Tplpvl!';ion IInions held a
National Union Assembly and lobby·
Rally In Washington. D.C., recently
Delegates from the IBEW, seated cl ock
wise from left, are Arthur Korff , Dlrcc
tor. CATV; Jolm Barry. Interna tional
Representative, Third Dlstrlcl: William
Burtt , Internallonal Representative,
Sl~lh I)Istrict; George Magdich , Inter
natIonal Representative, Filth District .
Edward legan , Director, Bylaws De
partment; John Kam. Internatio nal
Represen tative, R·TV; and Norillan
Rugen, Busmess Manager, Local 1220,
Chicago, illinOIS.

National Safety Council Labor Conference Burke·Hartke Trade Bill

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Sena tor Vance Hartke and Anthony

Belllssll11o. Assistant to International
PreSident Pillard, conler on recent de
velopments in support of the Burke
Hartke Trade Bill.

Attending one of the three day sessions on the prevention 01 accidents In
P'Ulrto RICO, wen'! members of Local Unions 2296 and 2333. Pictured With t he
delegates are the President of local Union 2296, Jose A. OrtiZ, PreSident of
local Union 2333. Henberto Rodriques, and Charles H Tupper. Dtrector. Safety
Department of the IBEW Others In the pIcture are;
Robtlrt L Crullt--A.".",."lilnl Dno:dor. Government Employees Department
Thomas Cornell - Safety Director. Local Union 25
Edward J Legan-Director, Bylaws Approval Depart lllen t
Melvm J. Boyle---Asslst ant t o the InternatIOnal PreSident
R,chard I:hazl!, Safely U!fector. local Union 58
Internahonal Represen tative George Santiago, who arranged to have the dele·
gates attend, IS also pict ured.

12 IIEW Jou.n ,,1

local lines
Old-Timers Luncheon Heroe s in Chic ag o Railroad
Accid ent Receive Awards
1..1 1. 'J , Cl IIC\(; O, III.. On Oduber
~tI. 1"7:. il I'il!;;~ 'll~jde"1 ''''LIJ,,~J .".
Ihc IIlinoi' Cenlral 1(,';lro.,J. II inH.llleJ
a n:M'1:nJ eolli,ion of o.:ommulcr tr.lim
Ih.1i ro:,"hed in ,,~ r;j"tlili .. ~ llm! olcr
lUll .njurie,
., he (hica¥o Fir~ f)q •..rl"'~nl \\:h HI
cha.'!;c of re .. elle 'Il'e,;oIlUll~ -I he) fe'
que.le,1 h.:l p from tl~ Chie;oco T ran,il
Aulhoril) ..... ho ",nl men amJ ... quirm:nl
10 Ih .. at:dd ... nl ....:t:ilC HI "";.., in t'~r)
.... ol' fl\)"ihl~ The r I A 11111: I;re .... Ih.II
I(IIUnleefeu for Ih" 'l"illnUlcnt t:on.i. lcu
(If 1 01.:111 9 ll1 .. mh..'I\. ,\ rthur ,\rduini.
Juhn ,\nf:el. '5 F . n"ho .. ie .... iez. \\'.,It ...
V,ca P,esldent Robert Ra"de. loc,,1 3. Ne .. Vo<k. N, V presides at Ihe luncheon ha'd In D roll<.'na. l uui, SIC\\.lrl. ;tnu John \l UT'
honor of Ihe loefll', 50, and GO·yea, membe,s I'h~ I he..c: ,lie" 1I,,,l.e,1 (.. ,," liAS ,\ \I
IIntil : 10 I' \1.. hclrint: 10 ckilr ucl'n,
Local 3 Honors Its 50-. 60- \\i,h him man~ )e~" of harpin .. " "mJ ami I"init hurning e4uipJIIcni tll l'ul
j,!\l<J(1 Il.:"lth in h ... r.. urcmeOi. l .... l'lcJ pll:~C' of 'Ieel tn' rPln!! Iklint,
YeM Members at Luncheon \~ II r.... ult (If Ih,. ~cnr', c~p.'n ..kJ In II~ \H..cl."ge.
IIlo(lu Ban].. Drhc. onr llpprenlin... ~lln C,I.I'u'ophie\ ilf th" niliure rru..tll~e
1..1 . J. , ..:" 'ORK . , . , .-On Junl:
11th, ;1 luncheon .... a~ J;i~cn h) 1 1100;.11 3 hc ill'll) proud of Ihe IremenJou, iHI"> hcr",..: r."pon", .. frunl inJ'\IJu"l, <lflU
Ih .. ~ did in org;lIli/in t' Ihi, mo" ,u~~c,,­ !;Wllf". man~ of \\hom Ihe }:cncral p"".
I(J hUl\uf our mcmhcr) ,'ho allaineu 5U
,100 Ill) }ear, of mcrnhcr, hi p in our fil l pruJ,lram. A reemu 1.011. rint.. h'll" lit: ne\er hear :tht.lul I he ma!!nificcm d·
l,lo;:ltI ,mu Ihe 1111 W. T .... O:n1}·~i~ Illcnl- !",en donal .. J Ihtl' r.lr h} I..o.:al ~ forh 1') our mcmt-cr, L'oillril>lIt..J .. iglli f
O1ell1l",r.., \\illt lI .. nOllion.. ,Iill IlI:i"f: ie:II1II} IV Ihl." I>lcr-" II re,,'lIc opcr..tion\
IlCr, ro:cei\eu 6U-)c<lr pin .. llOd o.:iullion ..
Ill\en <II h\l'-p<ta). ,", POIIll of inter"'1 i,
(rum the !Hrw. in udUllion 10 ched,. in II " nnformn,,'''' ,h.1I Ihe roe .... , meol". III
thc alliount of ~1I1() (r('m IOC;11 1. The thlll Ihe amount of "Iuod donaled Jur· the .·unf",ion Ihal e\;,leJ. tlid !1Ot rC~I'Il'
lOll Ihe four-da) Jllle .....t . enotlJ,lh ,.1 nil .. lhe oldion .. uf Ihe", "~n
(o,te( of our memhcr. .... Ith ~n 'c"r<
meet lhe Il.IIal 1">1""" ,uppl) occJ, .,f Ihe It ......"ld ha, .. t>c~n ;tn opfl\HlUnll) fur
'oCnio.:c to the 1111 \\ anu I ()Cal J \\:\,
~nlil" i'C\\ ' nr~ I\Iclrnpulil<tn art'a flU' Ihc public to hCilr aNJIlI Ih~ gll<xl IhinE!'
ino.:lc;I'oCd b) the audition uf 120 pilln ...... r
une ..In}. '1 hc Apprenllce (ommillee uniun member, do. "hi<.:h ilfe mol'.. rep
memhe ..,.
Iful) .le'>Cnc, Ihe IIHtn~' of Ihe ~ili/~n, re-.elll.tlil<' tlf Ilw cali I",!' (IF Ihe pt!uplc
"' he ne\' ~()')"llr memher, \\ere of Ne\\ Yor],. for Ih~'11 un",lh.h inler... 1 .... ltn hclvn): 10 IaN." union, Ih;!n Ihe
" .... "rJ.... d lhe 1;0H:leU IB I \\ pin, lUlU d-
10 Ihi, iIl....1 humnnc pfIlitrum, \I,u.11 J,'rogal"r) n\;ller..,1 thlll ,. Jlut>·
1,llIun' ;llong .... "h _Ullahi)_ln-..:ribeJ ~"Id
..... I1..-hc,. \~mhuti/in\! Ill.: hi~h ...,t'·Cnl Tl1o\l 1\ \ \, AR'-Iht I. II. \I li,heu .lix'li.Jt union. ilnU their m"'mh:r"
I ()lOll 3 ha .. rur Ihe.e mo,t Imill mCIll-
t-cr<-. Sol11e of the ~ue't 'fI("II.Cr. \\ho
pr'LI'>I:d Ihe a"emhled member. fOI 'he Chicago Heroes
irnl't1rtaJII role Iht) rla}cd in huilding
our union .... en: Ilu,ine', Milna!!er
I hom ... , \ iln AI-....]ale, \t...:relar) TrC,I\-
urer uf -':e\\ Y(lr],. !)1:t'C anu (",t~ IJo iIJ-
in!,! Ir,loe, l ..hl.ITd (Ieilr). and for01rr
Millur uf Ne .... Yorl. (il) Kubert I
\\u!,!lter. Vice f' le,id~ltl Kollet! K~·.".Ie
pr~,ideJ 111 th e fun~hetln meeli'I!,!.
flu.me" Rcpre'>Cnlallle Rnlplt ["m-
hilrJi. :~ member ..r 1 0(';11 1\ .1;,11 for
16 le"r., announceu h" rel,rem.:n\.
elleo.:lhe lui) 3 hI. I omt>..rJI h.1~ Illore
Ih;iIl ~O )C:lh o f member,hlp in I t",,,1 .1
,L nJ I' thc proud o" ner of lIll 1111 \V
~U·~cllr honur pin. R"lrh WII' the i>u,i-
nc" rc prc'>C nl"li l·c fur Ihe Con'lnldill!\
D ill''''n III Ille J01111l0\\n lileil II I \I.tn-
hM':lIl \\ ht-r.- '-lillie flf Ihc laq,'e" rllitJ·
in!,!, In Ihe .... o rld .... ere con,trUl:lcJ Jur- B"51 ..... M8n"8.' J ...... A McC.nn. Loc.I 9. Ct!icago, ,i8hl, p'nenl~ IBEW Ule'SilIwlnll
lI .. ilI,dl 10 s'x m.mbe,~ .."" wo!unlH'ed 10 help 'n ,escua Ope'''I.on, 01 \I•• illinois een"a'
ing hi .. lenure or Om\;c. r he ollker. ano ARIi,oilld "cc,denl In Oc tob." 1972, L. h 10 ughl, Ih.~ a •• 6,0Ih.rs "'Ih", lI,duml. John
Iltemt-cr) will mb) Rlliph l omNlrJi tout IIn._1. S, E. OObo5i ... to: •• louis SI..... rt. w"ne< O<o~nill, and John Mu.phJ

A"S",I . 1973
We a rc prowJ 10 annOl1l1l;1' Ihal HII "1\ Iho,: bod y l,1 Ihe Cltl"":: of Ihe meet in!!. IHiling. lJpeni nl> is sc hedll led fo r Jllne.
Illen recci\l'd IBI W • ife-\ll\ing A\'l. rd~. I Ir'l. Nehr3~" a G".ernor J,IIU,·' I \\m I 'In. '1 he I'lc.:Iri.:,,1 ':Utt tr " ... tuf i, Ihe
which were pr,,:...:m.:d III Ihe men at a g,,'e :, , horl I;II~ on '''me or lh~ nlrn'nI lI igh-V COfpor.tlion. The for.'man "
regular C1 A IJoard meetmg h) IJu,inc~~ tlill~ Ix'iore Ihe ~Iat.' leM"I"wrc. II., .• 1'0 ('h:ll"lle Ad:tnl" and the ~hop ,1I:"',lrd.
\ l;lnagl'r J ame~ A. \h Clmn. lhanled Lo<:lIl 22 for the '"f'l'Ofl II ;:ale l'ele M,ller
Conl1rdlulallon" Brolher... from .111 of him during hi .. ",;ullp.• i!'n. \\O(~ In vur ,.rea I~ ~1I1l ;), 1!llk ,10v.
Ihl' ,IIlic('h and Illl'm"'er, of I 110.:,,1 ':I After lhe g{)\crnOf'\ 1;lll IH' hl'.oroJ II at lhe pre-.cnt lime~ hov.e,cr. V."f~ .n
Nln.. III M" IMI). Ii ~..,. Ru'. fev. v.or,h from hlv.,.roJ lorin,,,., v.ho ..c:'cral 1;I(I>e projc<.:I' i~ t\p.:ueu hI
nl Ihe lime Ihe cnd'h('.j rkllne ''''~ rc).:in In Ihe 'I'f~ n::.lf fmurc \h .11!.lin
I•• len v.:" 1I ,-,anulI'atc for m,,,.lr. I V."1I1 II) Ih,tn~ Ollf ,i-Ier 11K.""h for Ih.·ir
Governor and Editor mi,;hl ;,,1<.1. he "ll, ,m:ec"ful lillY j, ,"IW """I,"l(e in Ihe ;Of~:' of empltJ~mcnl
ma)or of the eit} or Omah.. .....'rn'· of ""'InI'''' \I imager Jad. W ' k( or~1c
Ihe other guell, pre ..... "1 v.erc 11;lle '<nil- ;tnu '\, CA fhllph'r " :lna~er 1\1".In.:V.
torI Itl:lir ..... RichcnJifcr. Ri .... h..rJ \ 1 \ Iteell prc...:nleJ the li"'l pcn,!on
I ddllMn. Ona1 \ .....C)I. I ranI. 1 1',lil, ~hed.,. ",lIcd tr) Ihe I .ocal 2-1 i'en",rn
John Ca .... II1;IIIi!h III . l'\o:hr.I\la ,r"le I lind. 10 eligit>ic member, .11 our 011."111-
I al't)r Commi"i".. :, Ger.II,] (hc,hd. l>cr,hil' meell nl! on .\Ill) 12nd. It<'lipl
am i Nchra,la ~((Llc A I 1,-( 10 P'c,iJl'nl cnl~ llf Ihe ~hcd., IleTe rd ll:trd r. Ar·

, l3 ill Il rcnna h. '\fler the 1:,1",. I'dro.'·h-

men I' v.erc -.en ....!.
Memher.. uf the I \I'':UIII'" !loaHI .I ud
Iwld. Ne h ull C B.l l er. John 1\. Ikd.
I< nl a nd K. I-p ple). Koherl G. :..ltlt,f":,,
1 0111' <.r. Polk). J os..·ph 1\. Pr,,!;er, ",1-
Ihe "'1"loe" manager, :., Ihi, IIlil,I1';. :lIe liillll O. I'rager. Jo-c:ph 1\. RitLr.'r. I r:lll·
planoin); 10 ,llIemj Ih.· Illh Di,rri.1 ci, ,(, RUll1ltn~, Andrell I{ tt,n.ll.. Jr.,
l' rO!lrr,;~, Medin,: in I<:.pill (il~. "'onlh Willi:Ull I , 1:' ) lor. John E. Whilmorc,
iJ;').OI:•. John D. W"'oo. ,mJ Ak\:mJer J '"n'
Unlil ne\! month, \Ie III 1 ,>--;11 :!2 ehc'l.i.
LIonnle Weak.

Edlto, of OmAhft. Neb,-. LOC8 1 hoJ1C }OU :.11 hlne a ,afc and h"PI'Y t hew member..' 10}il1t) " nd Ikd i.:;r·
22'. New~lel!er. "l'!hL, p,e,.nt. a copr 01 Ml m mcr, lion 1(1 I (Jeal lJ lln,1 tlw IIlF W ~rc ;1"
tha Pilpef to Neb,a$k. Governo, James E>:on. D()u(' C,\t\. ,'.s. I.nov. kdj!.e,J .tIld app reciated. "e \\ j,h
them v.ell in theIr relireml'nl.
New Mayor and Friends New Medical Cente r Nemembcr- UE UI'-I O-': il L;' V ... -

Eov. \11.0 R, L\\lo",. I'.s.

Thirty- Year Members

till 10 ,I~hl ... Iha J"CCIIsl," Cllnd,d3'a ThiS II the new medical cenle' In Columb,~.
fOf Om.h8 mayo" the Hono,abla Edw8,d Md" on which m"mbe~ 01 Local 24, B.. lll-
Zo"n."r. P,/!Si{lenl Ralph C.owl. Gove,nOf mo,., are employed.
l1tmn EKon. and Vice P,n'denl Sam Sca.·

Executive Boord

Th,," n,embe •• of l oc,,1 34. Peo,i8. III .. re·

celved 301''''' ''''''ica pins. letl to "F.ht.
'hey lire DICk RII,.I,ick. F.ank Broc~mere •.
R"r Jd~"lr. "i.rt" BulKh. Ray r'(JU,,>d, R,ch
.rd Koke. and IIndy M"ye.s.

50· Year Broth ers Honored;

"'embers 01 Local 24 who .fe wo.k,rtB on New C ontract in Effect
Iho n_ medical cenle•.
I.. U, J .J, I' EORI \ , IU •.-Al our \1;.,
Mambarl 01 tOCCI' 22's ExeCuIlY, 6o ... ,d. let\
m~~linl!. lhe nlt'mbcrs g;nc " ,I:mllinf
to '18hl. a,e Oou8 Ca.er, Lrle r'Hbu'8, Medical C enter Completed ;
V,ce P'Il'$,de"1 Slim Scarpello. Walt Sm',h, malinn 10 1... 1,) .~O-)ear Brolheh, '1lller
p.esldent Ralph C.owl. Gordon Pouoos. Bu ..- I'-e1~on ;Ind Wilham Sluart. Sr.. ....'10
nllSl ManaRer [a.1 0".,.., and Leon T,mn'Ml" Work Is Still a little Slow
man. "'ere pre..c:nu:d ~().·}c:ar pin~ b) I'r':'Idcm
I . _ 2-1. 1\ \I I " luR E. "n. The: pi.:· Ixv..') \\uud~
IUre~ "PPC;lrinl; v.ilh Ihi~ arlide v.ere Brlllhcr~ J'Ioet-on and Sluarl helped in
Political Figures l'l~en :11 Ihe 0<'" medi.:ul ~enlcr III ('f)- the llluidint: of OUf local. The) ...:no'd
Illm!'i;l. Mafyl;tnd. I he h,hp,lut hlt~ 'I~ 011 Ihe r~r.'eIiIlH' BO:Hd. I\ pprenli~e'hip
Attend Union Me eting opcn,tinl> rootll~. IWO X-ra) lu()m,. 'Ind ('}Illlllillce. "o,j ~peCl:t1 eonlllliitce\ ror
I.,U, 22. 0\1 \11 \. ,\1' 1m. WhOo.:II·f lipproxinl:lldy 60 nc,h. I here lire plan' I QCal .14 I hc....: lirOlhcr,' .-,cli\c union
~:I)" Ihl'l 1 0..::.1 22 and ih "meer, nrc for ll.ddilions 10 thc<.C racili!ie, in Ihe parliclp31iun hit, ~tov.ed dov.n. hul Iheir
nOI Inlcre~lw in rnl,I, .... :'prmn:mt) W;IS near fUlure. T he buih,hng i\ four ,IOI IC\ lonlrih"lIon\ Me: ,Ipprecimcd, We wi .. h
nOI III Ihe April union meeting. T he high. v.il ll a seven-fOOL-high lI1e.:h:tni.;1I1 lhem mllO)' more happy )ellh on Ihe fu·
mee ting ~Iarled oul It~ "'"lll, hUI Ihere II fe:1 hetv.een eac h l1oor. Con'lruclion lure, I'm ,ure Ihal our apprenlil;e~ ho~
v.ere II few special gue~h who add ressed began in Seplcmber, 197 1, und, :II Ihis thaI Ihe)' will be in as fine hc:ohh a~

24 '8EW Jo ... no l
th e~ Broth ers after they've worked at
the trade fo r 50 }'C!lrs. Tree Trimmers Annual Pensioners
t he member\h,p of our loca l lip- Banquet
"rOI-cd a new contract IO.hi~h lO.enl inlo
effe(:1 on J une "I, We nq;o";lIeti a
..:6'7-cent-pcr.hour 10u,I fl"ei.u)te--IO
CCnl~ per hour will i!0 inlo (Iur relire-
ment plan. and 36' 2 .::ent\ per hour ""ill
I'oe reecil'cd in \\;Ig.::,. ' I hi, i\ iI one·).:::!r
rllmrar l
\ IO.cel..l)- 'i.1felY m~linlt i, U fliITl of
the new cmllrdtt 10 he:lp UNIre "Ife
1O.(Wl.ing condlllom Some of lh.: Ian·
gll.age of our new conlrae! h,", I .....,,"
eh;Ul~.:d to more elo..ell' follol'> the 'ug-
gc,lion\ of the Inleflwlional
by loul u.1§;~~~~;~~~~~~~
10 tlKhl, ••• Amb'O$e "Andy" Peaehlt •. eh~r
Thai is alt ft)r now.
rlt. m.",be •• nll GO-yel'" pin ,ec'pienl: P,ltsi·
d~n' Ed e.,n.. ; !l,1I Z,nIl5h.lm. 7CJ..yea. pin
DAKKI I t r. 1'oI t "10', 1'.Ii. ;
.2. local wo,k,ns
H,mmer 's .... o,kHl! 10' N.....
,eclp,.n,; BUlin.u Manaae. A'I BlIuder, In.
,.,n.l,oo.1 Rep'.,.nl.""e He,man Teeple:
England T," Hl .... eSle.n MassitehuS<llu._ .nd R. E, P."otl, SO-y1I'r p,n ,ecip,.,nl.
Local 36 Mourns Deaths
Of Two Brothers
L. U. 36. ,....'on ll lt\i\I I'·ION. ~ I ,\SS. It
i) I'>ilh dccp -.or m\\ Ihm lIe r" fl<lfl 11111
r"cem p:I,\ing of Brolher, f ltl, Gro.ltl)
"m! Len ny Neunlan", ~r. Bolh Ilrothel'
lO.er.: ;lethe in union alralr,. B rol~r
Grad) up 10 rhe lim.: of h,\ retirem':"1
and BrOlher N~Llmann unTil the lime uf
hi~ de<llh, We utcnJ our \leepc\1 \)lI1p.l-
Ih} 10 Ihe fHmilie\ uf the..e IIrolher"
AI Ihe flrc..en1 time, \lC :ue entering
ne£Oliation~ for our !I¥recmenl
Thc local ha\ hutll II noot I'>hiLh .... ill
re u-.ed in thrcc area raradc" I lope-
full). \Ie .... iII hale more inform;'lion
and pictures on Ih,s n a future "\ue
NOIt.ll \s G . AM,I It\, I'.s.

Local 42 Area Has

Sufficient Power
LU, H . II ,\H:TFOH:U. CO .....'1 .- I\ t thi,
.... ell I rom all rep:>rt~ in the field. el·-
\lriling. ~ummcr ha~ Itrrilcd in IllIrlfmd.
erYOllc who h;l~ lIscd the lrCnicc\ 1\ \'cry
R~'t:ord h!gh~ have hCen reconh:d Ihe
,:tti,ficd wil h Ihe fc~ull~.
la,1 ,ouple of dny~. "i ll\ 1,1 """"JUI,
We hope Ihlll. by Ihc limc Ihi .. ICIl~ r
slarling II lreatly in ollr neighhoring
;lppcar~ in Ihe Journal. "C will hlll'c
~Iale~. !-IoII'th'r, \lC h,nc \Ullkienl
group alilO imurnncc :I\'ailahle.
pO\lcr in our IIrc" 10 la~e CMe of our
1'11.'1,,1' be sure 10 relurn ~our IInilln
tmmedulle ncc<I~_ 1\ 1\ mdeed ;1 rh:;hllre
pi.:ni" tic~ets a~ soon as JlO,\ible.
10 go 10 heJ \lllh Ihe air-condil lon~r
Remcmhcr- Be Amencan; bu} \n"'ri-
running and 1101 hillc 10 \lllfr) about
low \oll:t)te. can, Walch for Ihat union label.
Our wor~ piclu re i\ nOI a~ ¥O<.HJ .h it JAM I .'; U. FIt\sl M. !'.S.
has been in the pa\1. Quile :1 fe .... of Ihe
hi-Iine~ hal'e fini~heJ up rCl'cntl), lind Portland Local Holds 22nd
nol too many new jo.... hUle .. 1(lrt.:J \ ~T.
HO\lclcr.....e do h41e '-Orne lO.orl. ltI Annual Pens ioners Dinner
~ighl in the ne;lr fUlure, L,l . -'II. "ORTl, \:'\ 1). ORE,-The
WI.' would lil.e to than~ tlllr \I'ler 10' Ri'er Queen Re~taurnnt .... a\ the '>CCnt
.::al~ lor pulllllg our men III "tlrl. lIUT,"!: of the :!:!nd Annua l Pcn,iOllCh Dinner
thii \Iacl. perilKi. lIol'>ewr, I :UlI mO\t held hy Local 411 on Ihe elcning of 1>I a)
happ} 10 reporl Ihal \\'orl. 1\ piding up 10th. Of the J8S relired member' of
in the: tree trimmins ,"du,.r). ,\lid lO.e [vcill 4~ Ii-ing throughoul Ihc Counll'}. \ \ IlImnl " Hill" Zin~heilll IO."~ pre-
fIO\I hale approximatel) 110 Ir«m~n lOS attendcd the: dinner which honored ..cnled a 70-)car member<.hip pin. having
lIorl.ing in Ihe JuriwiulOn of I ')<:011 4~, Ihree member\ who recci>ed their 50-, heen Imtiated inlo I _oc;t l 255. A"hla!ld.
I .... 0111<1 lilt 10 t(ll.e thl~ opJ'Ortunil) 10 60-. and 70-year 1I11:mben;hip pim Wi,con'ln. on AugU\1 25, 1903 _ Oill
Ihnn~ In"'mal inllnl Rl'rr"'It'nt:tltl," Gm- Amhro-.e ~Aml yH Peacher, who i~ Ihe e:III1C to the I'orll.lnd ;lfca :tnd deposited
.Ion I-lodge and I{,ty IIneoll fo r thc tin~ on l) ~lI rviving charter member of I _ocu l hi, Ir.l,clin!! .::ard h.·re in 1937. ' -Ie h:t~
joh, Ihey h!lle been doing, ~e~ping Ihe 411. w", pre~e ll .cd a 60-)car Illemhe .. ~ h ip IlCc n reli l'ed for 23 }ear;. Some of Ihe
prohlems !lOlled in thclr rC'III:"\l lc ure,I~. pin h} Inlerna ti Ollal RCfl rC"5CnlaliloC lIer· "ldcr l"emllCh lIIay re membe r u\ing ' he
We are happy 10 repon .h:u our man Teeple. Andy h:'I$ heen enjoying hi~ old "ling Punch" whic h Oill inve nted.
group purc h ll~ing of hrClll :Ind e)c gl .I~'>C~ retire ment for 15 years an d is lool.ing b;tcl. be fure Ihc hydmulic K.O. euller~
OI l rcduced nllCS is worldn; out \~r) fww:lrd 10 ano lher 15 }cars. wcrc e>e n inlltsi nc\l.

August. 197 3
R. E. Parrol! .... as pre"'nt ... d a 5O-)("H On Ma} 191h, .... .; held our A"f'r~n·
pm aintOSI the }car, late. h.;nin£ h«n
Members on 161-KV Job li(c~hijl. Safel), and Scr... ke Pin A\I.lTI.h
inili;lted into L. ocal JS on No,('ml"<r I~. Banquet. There .... ere 270 membt!r, ,nu
1918 A former o\\ner of \l orri-.(m !;UC'b pr.'..cnl, ,tI1d e\Cr}onc had " ~(l<)I.1
l'le!;tri!; Compan). he h;., he('n uOlnJ! time. E\er)one I~ aheau)' looking f,lf'
..ome e'len~i\e "'orld·tl';.l'eling ,in~c hi, .... Md 10 ne,1 ~e;!(~ P:lrty. \l emllef'
relln:ment nine )caN ago. "re"'l11 10 re.:ei\e reeol;nilion ;I' ",,\I
If u!>inc<,s \l anag ... r \rl KolLukr md IOlIrnc~ man lincm'n In the pa\1 1\' 0
Prc,iiknl I d Barne, a"i,t ...d Int ... rna· ,e<lT\ .... ere I 10)<1 JO\le\. T om SmJcr.
lional Reprc",nlati',,,: Te\'pl<' in pr~'...:nl· i'>ile L;-Inning. John H ukoml-. Wa)T!e
Ing 19 mher memhe"'hip pin, to '(l•. J);t,j,. t arr) Paul. Joe Fdin .... I "rn
U·. J{)-. and J.~·} ... ar rnem ..... r'. Slone. J im 5011t.)II. ROl;ef Hand,lra. M ile
In tailing. to m.ln) of Ihe pen"on ... r, Glenn. Dalc \ nnGinlcl. Gar} "'1()CLe.
uuring the ("cning. il ":\, ;tpp;U... nl 111.11, '1nl' G;In Call....
alt hough Ihe} ha\e hunJ! up lh~ir 11101 \l i... h;.el Glenn. Al W;l\hen. ;lnd
belt~. Ihq h'lle Gener;III} de\<."I,lpi.'U n~"" J)'l\ld \ anGinlel \lerc prescmell .... ith
Inler"',I, and hohhie,. anu m;In) ;Ir;: ",:. MemM'S 0 1 loc ... ~~. Des Momes. I...... ,e IHI W J ife·<,;,I... inll A\I;lflh.
li>e in com mu nil) "nair,. '1 h;ml, 10 ,he eonst,,,e,,n ... 16t·KV hne for c. A. Hoope. T ... n·je<lf pin, \', ... re pre",nlcll t....
Inl ... rnational and local pen\ion henefil\. On .Is ~eeuon 01 O" .. ne A.nold £n",gy Cenl~. \\,, )ne I-l;IrgCn'. I- u~ ... nc LO\lman. (;,Iil
10 Ih" WaShburn, I... hn".
nu r Brother, .:an IMl for\l;lrd 10 ;t Rd"h . T om So)Ilc:r. J ... rr~ Spieler. ,Imt
lu ng, ""~l1re r"liremenl \lhich mh ... r"i"" Bill Waterllur). \ lar,hall SleJlon rc'
ma y nOI have heell po"il1lc. eeilell hh 15-}.:ar pin. along \lilh Did.
Of Ihe retired pen,ioner, pr""'nl al Andre. ~hort y Relph. John Warr... n. ;:nd
Ihe '-'inner. 59 h,I\", he ... n reti red Ihe AI Wathen. \lho rcrel, ... d ~O·~cal' pin"
)'eal'> or more. 'lnd II of Iho...: h:!\e Onille Qualle lIa~ Iher ... \0 "i,'l up hi\
Ixen retired o\er I ~ )eaf~. Th<" olde"l ~.~.)ear pin CI;lr]" ... \1urph y rec ... i\cd :t
memher allendmg 11K" din ner I, 92 }C;Irs '()-)ear pin nnd a relir.:llIenl pin.
)oung. Local 55 congralulalc~ Ro~r Unit.
Oon;lltI Barm\l. ,Ind Ru'>SClI I' rc"ill
.... ho ha'c become journe}man lin,'men
~i",:e the h,II1quel. Thi~ hring) 10 nine
Pins Presente d to Members; the tOlal numN:r of mcmher, who h,.,,'
More Journeymen Needed huome journe) mcn ,ince J anU;lr) I.
LU. 5J. "\ 'S \ S CITY. \10.-"-1 our Afler a 1c;1n \lInter. lhe linc-·cle;w,.n,e
April m ... cling. il .... ,h Ihc pka~ure of \lorl i~ \laning 10 pid. up. \I an) ['Co-
M emM~ '",e conSI<uctm8 a 161·KV it... 10.
HII5111<...,<' \I;Ul"gCT Chilfk, Jom', 10 prc,' pie do not thIn]" of Iree Irimmin~ a~ "
\tte L. £. Mye.s ComPltn, on ... s sechon of
ent pin~ to J(l of our m ... mher;. lhe O"ane Arnold (ne.gy Cenle. to Wastt Inldc. bUI Ihi\ \I(lr]" i~ a~ ,pet:i;IIi7(~d a_
O ne member re,e;'cd a J5'~"M "in. b".t>. Iowa. lone tn~ide \\ 1T1nt.! or line lon,truclion aOtI re·
BrOlher Ra}mond r . <;milh. Ra} ha_
hecn ill for "om ... timc .Ind \I'll" n,11 :.l1Ie
• 'Illires 1;000 llCople tu do the \lorl .
Until " ... \i~il wi:h }OU n.:~t month.
to allend Ihe meetin!; to ae!;cpl h" pin. j!oud Iud in :111 ,our \entures.
We hope \o,,'re f~..... ling a liul1.' hel1er.
\l1{I/HI O. ~\L\l.I',S.
Ray. ,lOd al'M) hope that ~ou find ,I liule
pleasu re in recei\ing a J5·} ... ar pin.
Memher> re.:elving l().) ... ar pin .. ,Ir" 50- and 60· Year Pins
Oeorge W. janus. W. D. WooI~}. Jacl Presented at Dinner
\ lc Kinn ... y. Stuan Owen,. Ibrold Pd-
h,u1I. L. L I'r k.... MHion G . f' ulc rn.
C hC'Ic:f Scl,or. Jo>c ph Soplie. Gahc
(':Ir lton. :.nd 1.lo} d K.•\kC orrni.:l.
-' I.. U. 58. I)ETI(O IT . \lI C II.-The A'~II·
.:ialion of Rclir~ ... ,. Wi\e, . •tnt! \\Iidllll '
he ld ih AnnU ;11 Di nner al our hnll on
T\l enly- the·}enJ' "in, II ... rc pr"'''''nled \ 1:I Y 19th. which \I " , "cll ;lll... ntlcd It
10 FU\lard \'arne). Roherl I C\li ... \1M· ~Hlrled otT wilh a codl;lil ho ur and Ihen
Yin Lllea ... Millo D. N:IIl!;e. L... o li m Ie. ,I u... li!;iou~ dinn ... r. Speeches \\ere ~ilcn
C ha riI" R. Jone,. Iidon Judd. D" nicl I-y A,'>OCialion I' re~id ... nl Joe l\1 cC.mh)
SI"),lOn. C luren!;c Sledd . Arlen 1 <.;t and gll"',1 ,pea:".:r 1)",1 ry T. Shih •. I \e!;'
CI;tir. Rob<:rt Wal~c:r. Leo \\01 11",,,. lIIi'e Vice I' re,ident of the Soulhc,l"tcrn
Flo}d Saw)er. M:ljor I Olli plin" RI\h'~rd \ l ichi£;l1\ Ch;l pler. N~CA.
William ~. Jimmi ... Weher. t-r 'III('i, Itar- Ttt" C. A Hoope, Com pan,. w.lh lOG .. 1 55
membe.s and "av"I".s. '5 .ns, .. IIong found ..
I-l igil-Ie 10 rec ... ;\e 6().,eM pin, ".:-r~
ton. \I anin Barton. I conard Bun)a:'d. I,ons 10' 161,KV ~I"'" pOln be'",ee" Itt" l!rother. H . \tercler. C O rabnmn. R J
Alt-.cn Comh<.. (icr:.Jd (00]". Hert-.crt O"ane Arnold [ .....)1 Cenle, a nd Ih" B~. UO\l ... nn"n. R"hrnund 1I,lm1;,". anu Ar·
l·reTlln!!. Paul Oarr.'11. ROh"<f .... ill ... nn). slrom S"bslat.on IIngl0n 1'hillip, and 5U'>car pin~. H O.
1,lIlher Lcdt-cneT. (h,Irl("> 'I. P ... rn. J Klough. \ . Herl;~h, \ . Camptocll. r
R ~ndcT\. <1M RtI}m e nd L <.;mith Sufficient Work for Members, Cann.... tra" J. Dc'lIle. C ,\ . I- rkhon. I
I' m hap,,) III n:porl thai (llir .... or]" find). A. R Goode,. D. G ordon. R. J
\Cene is gClling heller ;111 the 11111<' Some Travelers in Local 55 Mad>Onald. I l ong. J . V. Miller. W
rhere " r... plent) <II JO'" for "'ler)"I'e. L. U. 55, UI':S \10"":5. 1\ .- 111.'11,1 II. \I oadie. I'. C. Rilc~, F. A. Ta}lor.
:Ind \\e',c ,uffcred ,I _horcage lIf lin ...· frum 10 .... " and "II the m ... mbt!r\ of o F. Ber!;!. ;lml 1' . I>ruen.
men. I 'ICat ~5. oul-,Ue It>'l\lruction anti line Pins and !;il;.lIon" \lere prcJ;Cnl ... d w
I'm hapI') 10 -cc \(1 l1lan~ IralcleT\ dearancc. All ,ile pmicu~ in the ,I"tt relir......., "resent III Pre\ldent I r ... d II.,r·
finding their \I'I) to " an';I' Cil}. W;th· ar... mO\ln~ a[on~ f:liri) .... ell. ... .."n ri~. I'... rr\ T Shih, prl."'>Cnled them .... ilh
out the hdp of '>C'eml lin ... m ... n from Ihou~h \le"e h;td more th;tn lIur _h:lfe " J;ift fTtlm Ih ... C\lI1U"dON. Wil h all tho:
other loc;I"- ....... \I'lliid nOI t>c 'II-Ie to of T;, in ..\ t Ihh \lruin~. all our memjx,,, ,mile' and laughter. ;1 \la~n'l ha rd 10
m<ln Ollr job>.. There i, ,till :1 need fur IIho want to worl .lTt orr Ihe ben~h. '" ..ee Ihat e"er~one h,ld a 1l00d. time.
Illore jOllrnqmen. ml diliun 10 quile a few tralel er, II ho Ilrother Rich;lrtl A. Long lIOd the for·
RO"l tll F. BOII ,\I .\N. I'.S. arc working in Ihe jurl-ltielion. mer P;ullcla E. I h oma~ "'!Itered 1Il10 Ih ...

IIEW Jou.nol
A ssociation Dinn er Giant Ga vel Be ne fit Games

Re",~. W,ves,
DeI,O,!. Mich., urvlce pins end I
we'e presenled 10 SO. and 6O·yea, mambe.s. The Public R~hliloni Commil\~e 01 Local 50,
P'~~,rI~." F'~rI HI",I ... I~U. l:"n£.I't"IIII,'''' fiO
San Amonlo, Tex., held benef,t VOlleyball and
yea. recipienl Richmond Ha,man, a. Asao· bukelball aamu lor the ch,ldren of Ihe
cllll,oo P,esldenl Joe McCarthy .. nd 6O·ye~, SI81e Cl"te51 Hosp., .. 1. Her~. Cha,les Lo,enz.
,eo;iprent look On. O.. ck row. r,,,aoc'el and lell. 110" fo. '~y·up, ""'Ih K~;ln SChultz
8u"r~nl"e'nl the .ebound In eal. o f a moss.
Record,ng Sec,e te". Oan Dillmond. Bus,ness
Manllge, Jeck Jone •• end Perry T. Sh.lts.
E.ecuhve \I,ee P,e.,denl, SOUlhellill<n Mlch,. Fred Ibrri~. B u~ine', Mlln:lgcr h el.
ae" Chaple" N[CI\. Jone\, and }Oll r, tnll} ,lent 10 Wl!' hing.
tun to uppcar hdorc Ihe Cou ncil Oil In-
dl"lriul Relatioll'> n'~urdl!l!; the .W.hollr
wel"l. :Ind the NI ('A· IIJI W rC~\II1I'
mended Siand.l rd l(e(err;I] I'roc~ullre
which the empl o~e r, \lere \cdin}; to re-
eehe in Ihi\ }ear'S neglltiations, At thi'
writm~. It is nOI ]"'llo"n \lhill the ( IR'§
Jeei-ion will N:. hut I mml "'I) Ihat
oolh Brother Hdrrb bnd Brother JWII':_
ga\<.· a \ery good pre..cnt,ltion on t-ch.1If
of the union to m,lintilin our pr~~nt
~.'I·htJur ""ee].,, and rderral procedure It
\Iii' im~re<;ting III sit and IISlcn IU olher
local Llnion~ and Iheir emplo}er, n\;l;"m.[:
Fmn~ ,',••"."""'"
J Oh" Mille" Dick
Ihelr Ilre..cntaliom for the dcnmnd, th:)
"'~re '\Ccl. ing. A UFO ,a O"e< Ill e nel .1 Ih~ bene f'l "olley.
.. nd ... 10•• G.ddes. Beck .•.;C .." •••• : ",c'P Sorry :thoU! not ha\ing an .. nide la'l ball s.me .
leot, OiU Moodie, E.. .... '"d Joe month, There \13, nothing to repon,
he" \\ II "I N~O'. I'S.
We ddjng Party Five-State Meeting
Local 60 Com mi tt ee Holds
Benefit Ball Games
L,U. 60, SA"'" A;\'"I'O,\ IO, 'I EX , The
I'lIhlk Relation, C'omrn illee of I (>cal (ill
held t-cnclil ba,keth'llI nnl l mllqh,,11
gamc, fl" Ihe ehHuren o f Ihe \I.II~
C h~"l Ilo'>pital :tnd rui .... d a tOI:t1 uf
5318. Thc t"hiluren .. I the hO~pll'll '\til
h;t \~ a flne Chri,"n", lignin Ihl\ )c,lr.
thnnl.< 10 th e dfu," :II nl 1r1l.,.,lIhh gem: r-
o<,it) of Ihes.: hnrd -wo rl.in g people.
The member'<. \\ivc~. :Ind friend, \lho Membe .. o f Local 60 "Iended • I;"e Slat e
\lurl.ed IOwilrd thi \ gOil l arc Chilirnmn helllill ,ecuft'y meel,na In Aust,n. T... Lell
10 "8ht. Olrwe, Kay. local 60: Roy [vllns.
Thf! b",1f! ~nd v.. nnm II '~ dulrl,.n and \1 ". Rud ~ Mendor.iI. Mr ami " " . P"'!Iil1~nl T~."" SllI tl! AFL.cIO; lind IotanUllI
MI members. L." 10 , .. hI. B,oth•••, - " . ; George Weber. Mr. and I\1r.. Gene kllrlln d'KU" In. he.lth sec,,"ly b.1I III
H.,oId Thorn..... !NO,enlS 01 lhe brode; the Chami>crillin, \Ir. ,\Od Mf\. Fu I 'p.tf"I, Ihe ..m,(1,II,.
b"de, Ihe fo,,,,,,, P.me'e Thom"l; Ih.
8,oom. Rrcha,d Lons; lind Mrs. "nd B'olher \I f. and "'n;. (':I"'ln Dd l,lrI. (':Irl
Leo Long. p;!rrenll of Ih . g room. We )c1. I'red Krause, Keilh &' huil/. Juhn
lot I. \I r. :Ind Mr., Ch:4rl~\ I.or~n/, \yl
hoi) ~m te of \ledlod. on April 71h, _i.t Ib rl"n. France' John,on. lIarl>ar"
RILh,mj is Ihe okic,t '>On of I \eulli,.: ,let lu~J.e). SuI> and lIill} 1)c\>lirnc.
Hoard memt>l:r I eon l ong. and Pamel.t Connie Hour~. anu other, \lh~ n;tllle,
,~ 1lM: dau!;hler of " rothcr ]] .lr,.1d I mil) h,,_e UflllUcd.
Thorna~. :11-.0 of 1 ucal ~It RiLh IrJ \11iI1. we ghe II he:lf\\ "th1In]." '<III t<1
LUIlI1." from :t fumil ) (If ] ox:!1 511 mem- the ~tr ] , _olley!>a1l le:lnl and Ihe IXI),
heh_ .. n uncle. I...:onllnj long. :In e'ti- ha, l. cthall learn of SL Gcntnl, lIigh
nmlur for 'I ri:lnllk I 11""' l ri~: IlIlHl her 5d1O>.>I. :., lhe> \uppJied lhl: CUIllPC lili uli
un~le. Geor):,c $I.ym:uh]."i: 111H.I h" .IIr.tnd· find Ihe pillce 10 pl:11 I wou ld lil.e 10
futher. lco l o ng, Sr.. now deL~.IxJ. ...:e more of our rnembers laJ.e p,I" in
The nC\l ] yw e d ~ l"C\ide in (hC,lerfieIJ the">!,: ch:trita!>le fun(tions. It \luul,] llo
TO\ln~hip, Ihelll a 101 of good to gel in_ol\cu , :C!o ;l Oli"e' K".I", cente., lind M.n ual Belt'lIn,
"8hl. I.~e nOln On the Kennedy and G .. , -
The Negotiillint: Committee. I're,id:nt eliariwhl(: :11:1 ma]."e ~ one feel good. l'lhl 8.lI a on National He allh SKu,ity.

Aug", I, 1913
\1c mhcr, <If 1 (11:;11 (,n h:I'" Ix,'n in- Bfulhel' "ho hUI", beel) JlIcmber~ IIr ,he
Annual Dance 1I11 W ~n" I <lc:.1 67 rUf!tO )e:.r\ Bru,h·
dOl:lfinn llnl! Ih,'m...:IH', lind ol her, In the
filcl~ of Ih" new h: enned\ llnd Gfillilll~ er...\l ' ollng. anll J lle IJode ",cr... ]lre-
Utll, on '-':llIonal lI e"llh ~'~lIril\. ...:nl"J ~O·)(' .. r pin ... ~erl.'kll'e,. "".1 ref'
Brolhe1" Oh,,'r 1\ :1) and \ 1,1n1l:11 ijc'l- .. ,111;11 leller- of rC~.)gnluon fr"111
Irltn ,mu I aHenu~u ;1 Ihe"H,It: he .. hh I ntern"liunal " re,idcm (harle' II Pil-
-ecllril) t1Ieeun~ in AIl'lin. '1 rIO" " co- ttrd AflCf Ihe pr.:..cnl;I,ion. Ihe rn.::m-
pic from /'Ioc'" \k ~i(t •• OI.l:lh\lln.l. '\f' l>cr- g;I\o.: Ihc-.c: Ihnth.'r, ;) )t:muintt .lla-
lan\Ol~, Loui,iana. Alah"m;l. \11 ..,,,,ippi. hl)l1. II fOlher' \\;\Iren II JrLll-1i 'Ir.J
.10,1 ('e"rgl;' ,utclI(kd Ihe tIIl'cling 1<1 J' •• rler l ong. "'1Il1 ,.IC al'>\l relired lIl..:rn·
h.-:Hn "!>olll Ihe tlf.'''' hill :mll 110'" tile Ix". "uendeu Ihi .. JlIe"'lm~. :md Ihere
,I;ue ct>nmUllCC i, \tr~"llI/cd. I h~ 1"0- I ",'" tIll"h rcmim't<:lng N:1\.eCII Ihe...: ui,·
llIlj!lI" heJ l!enllemcn.
,I,,) ..... mlnotr "':1' hlrtlnl hi Ihl." I C\;I,
1I 00;ol1h "'C"LHII~ (1II1lI1liHI·e. "hl,h "" .. MemberS and .he .. """1$
Annual O,nne.OIIKI 01 local 67.
.r•• ho",n .. I the (Jllr Ih;II\~' and ~'lfll!r.IIlII<lli,IO' ;Irc
"h.'nd~u In Ihe ..... line Ino:" rllf Ih ... I r-
org:' IlI/I'u h~ Ihe "'Iale A I I ·C IO.
I hi-. h,J[ If cn .. ~h.'.1 inht [a"'. """Id forh ,hq pilI fuflh trWn, Ic;)r .. :tl!0 at
imprt>le ",.rling .In.! Ihlnl:! c.,,,.lIli"I1'
pr,,,ide h ... "hh l'ur... fllr :,11 \111\::ri",;In'. 50- Ye a r Broth ers ftlr Ihe meml>cr"
nOI )11,1 II dlU...:n f"," ' 1 he 1'0,1, of
'me food :lnu I->c,.:rage, \tere ..... nell
IW:lll h care In \ m"rkol h;I'~ ">llrl'd 10
,,1(]ln.1 unr... ""muhlt: limih I h ... ;,Ieragl,'
(.. 1111'" mIt ,h,' mceling. and ,)111.'0: a!!;tin.
ho,plllllil<lllIlI1 In,tIt.ln,e 1m, Ilnl~ 47 .. e ITtnnl II rnlhe r h: ~nn"'lh "1I\1I"r "f Ih~
CI'nt' fe1ll1 II "n Ilw \lollar. \Jmini,lr;I'
Refre)h menl COlllllliUe.: for" !,!oud i"I •.
liI'c C("I\ e;11 u]l Ihe rcnl:, intng q I." ... nl\. J I\I \111I\IIIIH . I"
....."lIe Uhur.lllce ]lOti,;i,,, h,"I' unl) :1
..... Icn-c ... nl ro:llIf11 un the ,1"II"r 'c,. I
,:lId II ..... ICll-1:Cnl f'·lurn. I hell.' "re ::0 Local 68 Celebrates
t-III\ "11 he.lllh weufil). t-1I1 none ha,e 75t h Anniversary
Ihe pel>pk 111 mtnu. e,ce]ll 111l' h: enn ...u}
1.. 1 . fiM. U t-: .... \ t-:K. COI.O.--On ";\1
Bill I ... ,l) .tIl,1 (,I Illilh, IJill I I' R :: I. \\ ril'"
Htllr ~,)II~fl'"m.m .lIll1 ,enOlIl'r'. ·\,l ::nlh. 1 0;;,,1 61( (orma") .:elet-rOl'e,j i"
7~lh Anni<er';lfI II Ihe ')en'el \k r·
lhem 10 eO·']l<ln..or Ihi~ t-ill,
BUI,oes$ Man."er Don John...,n, leI!. I~ lh"lIlIi-.c: M;Ir1. ",ilh i1lore ,han ('O(J I",.'r-
I~ II) IIn!tln; t-III \l1Ierll'a": tolJ~ lOPE
shown Q"$f!nltnll pml .. ...:I K'OU. to SO·yu. ... ,n, on ;)l1enJan~e. I h ... fe,lilili"" ,,;lnc,I
lideh. membe~ Joe Bock., and AI YOU". al Ih., "ilh open hou-.c: 111 "111 IIC""~-rem.>tkllu
(.It' 11""1,". ".S. ,eg"la. monthly millIng.. 1I1I1"n hall ,md ;t]lprenli~e,hi]l hlliIJ;n!!.
Ih ... "';" fullol\ed to\ a 'OI:i;I I hom "I
Ne w Business Mana ger :mJ I ;,111 ,ure Ih.ll lho:: he~1 "'i'h~' uf Ihe \f lirt "nu " uinll ... r "f prunc n"'-.
e~ ... r} mel11l>cr ~o '" Ilh him ;Inll hi' r,lm- "'pe,,~er' for tit.: I'lenon!,! 1111.1",kJ
il) 10 hi ~ ne" ]lO'lhOIl I I~hlh l)"lriet \ i~e [' •.:"U ... 11I 'I"nkl
\Iiehael 1I .lppcl,'lIc "ill fe]ll".e lAm -I homp",n. In tern,'lllInal I \Cdlli,.:
:I' ,tur hU'ln ..." l11;tn,,~,·r. I\l1le h;" ("",,.;:il mo:mhcr hel \1 .."r.:. l'r~',i,Jcnl
..... rlo:d .1' ..e\Td"rl or Ihe Quin~1 J o,nl n",nnl I elllman. :Ind B",me" \ ' ,Ifl,,~.... r
"]lprcntic...,hip ,,111.1 I r;tining (ummille'" Rul'oo.·rt I e~tt nll. I he ,",O\.'alion ;,,,
.lnJ ,r.. "
Illcrnl->cr ~,f "\lr , \,·~.III,e !!ilen h)' Brolher 1I !11th II .lrri"llll. ""tI
1I\.1:.rd. \Ve e'lcnt.! ""I' 1tc,1 .. ,,11<: .. tt> IIr"rhel J uhn I'e"eud ..enc,1 .... I\I ( fur
\Ii~ e •• ' he cuntillll\'~ h. g.lIi.le I", Wilh Ih.· elening.
M ile IlIlW 1Il Ihe ]1<,\ll i,. n "f hll,me,~ 1"0 Ir) to li,1 ! h~ 1\;LlIle, {If ,.11 :h,'
Ill:tll<lser. Ihe O lline\ J'lin! APron,III";e- mcmt>cr, r.:~~i'ing ...·r<I~~ ]lin .. "11111.1 11."
,hill :tnll I nl inm~ ("lIIllnlll lel' :' PI'I)illl~,I "Ulr~ 1<10 much ' ]l.ln·. ,\I I "ill 11\1 .. n l ~
J im Vich,"e)er .1" II, n... " ...:~rl'l'lI\ ;on J Ih,l'>(.' "tlh ::!.~ und more )c.,r~ of ..... r.il·e
C ha rle .. RI-,ch"r " .... 110.:" memhcr. in I h~ IIl I W. Si~I} -}o:ar ]lin, "er... [If'e·
,\1 our r~I1I1T:lr munlhl) I)le"'lill g. "e Wlll.·u III r~lircd I11I'mhc r, Ch"rlc,
had Ihe rle ....ur.: \.If IWlloring I"''' H'lir,'.t Bru"n_ Alia J one', \rtll,,!" h::'fIi, Juhn

......-:-.1 75th Ann iversary Cele bration

B' Olhe. M,d... e' H appe kotl~. l ocal 67.
Quoocy, 111,. I~ Ih~ new b"llnln manag~. 01
Ihl 1QC,j)1. rlplaClnR BrOthlr Donald A. JOlin·
Ion. whO hal beln Ippoln l~d adm'nl$trah~"
a$lilllont to thl Stal. O"ICIO, of labo •.

Annual Dinn er-Dance Held;

50-Year Bro thers Ho nored
I,.U. 67. our" ",. II I ..-Our dinner-
J:lI1~C: heltl ~m ) cl>n"Jr~ 16.h '"'' l' Ire·
IIwmh)lI ' 'll~\·e". III ..:1\ Ihe 1.-,,-1. ()n~ ...
:' I;;,in I)ur I Il;Ln~' 10 Br,tlhel" (f.'r;t]oJ
\oSci anLl \ ' i~e ' rericl .. for Ih .. "orl
olllJ ]l1:lIlI1inll IIMI lIenl inlu maling Ihi~
~:111I llll'Hir ,"cec"f"l.
AI :1 ' IJoC",i:t1 Itl eclin~ Ilf ,l\!r I ,eoni-e
IhlUrd. "'" IIcr ... in("fI)ICd Ihal Ihl,inc',
" I:In:lllo:f Do n a ld A. John,nn had t-.e~n
nplluinle,1 a "lllinl 'lral l ~e :I","al1l II) Ihe
~Iale D ir... ctor of I lIb{lf. !Jun h:" ""ned Local 68, o..n"e,. Co lo, .• ecln tly ce leb,aled II. 151h Ann,tllru,y. Show n are members w,th
Ihi, ItlCH I and his CU llllllllnit ) h<.lIlOf"ttl). 35 "tid mO,. yu, . In Ih e ![lew whO .aceitled .ervlCe pin,.

18EW Jou,nol

75th Anniversary J5-)ea r rim to re tircd me ln be r, /J . I) . ef) nOt to l"I"h in . ~Icral l oc:t l ~ o n (he
1If1l1 int~c r. Joe Burge r . Jo hn Urad Ie} . ,'f~"r and nl' Mh) wi ll mf1~1 li~ e l } , Up r ' }
Jo h n Burk e. Sr .. I'. W. C ro n hi t. Jlhl'l!r enoug h hand,.
Gi j'''on. Joe K orth"i,. A l bert Pennock. D UtlLI) L V'II'. It .S.
J<Np h Sl: ha ffer. Lo.lis Spea r;. Th codore
SwaTh. a nd John \~ illson and ae ' i\"(: Cable-Splicing Cla ss
J!'-}ear me m ber, John JIl, rgc .. on. AIIIt'rt
Curhon. h e!. G.lhlcn-warrl. I:: d" ,(rJ
GI,rmcl}'. G e(Jrg~' 11 (,·chl. J o hn L)nch,
Jame, MI: Uonald. AIc\ f, 1<; MorrHle. J .
It \l iller. A rthur ,\l urr,,}. F mef;llJ Nel-
,on. '~'ro)' ,'ier,.e. (harlc, I' igeon. II ,IT_
\,Id ~homl>crll. I nui, Schillf. I lllil
Soud;l. Wendell J or.,..,;trcr. I ar1 Undcr-
"oOd. WilIi:rfll Wo.,d. and Ted Ser~ ~ .
I hin}--.cvcn pin, " ,.re ~"'lIr"cd 1(1 TC-
Fi thrh nj~lrlr.t Vir" Pr .. ,lo1~'" St"nl~y Thomp. lirnl member'> wilh 1\1 }C:lf" of "cnicc.
Ion. leI! . presen ts B.oth•• Alva Jone5 will!
a 6O.y.,,,. pin. 67 10 Hl:li>c me m t-ocr\ Ililh ) 0 }car, of
..enicl.". an d 51 pin~ In actil ... and rclire"
memhl."r~ I-lil h :!~ y... "r-. of '-Cr,ic ....
A 1'1' ,'If II", I.,."l tr ••1 10 B, ...!!,c, Local 74. Atlanta. Ga .. hotS had anolhe.
group of Ionem.n complele 10 cable spliCing
Kieth Bailiff. Chllirnwn \,f Ihe FllIerwin· COurse. Left to rlghl "'e Joe Sm'lh. Fran k
mCf ll Comm ittee. and all (If the eOlllll1il- Smllh. ,"slructor Bob Sla nley. Andy Carr.
tc~ membe r, for a j(lh 11 1." 11 do " .... II I\a~ Aui513 1" Business Manage, Richard Ky aU.
r.hri~ I "r.as, ~nr1 Rnyhon futr.h.
~I m~morab1e elC llln~
lI ope 10 '>Cnd in a fell pholo~ \\ith
1\11 leller IhC' nnl lime.
o;;cc IOU al Ih" union mceting. Ilrl,)ch-
JOII" " Ih llt.: I,JII., r .S.

Le ft to ngh t are Mr •. Roberl legino. Bus,. Ne w Build ing Under Way;

nen Manage. Legono, lind V,ce Pr.,..ide"1
Thompson. Spokane Site of EX PO 74
L U. 73, 5 1'0 "': \ 'F. \\ \ S Il .~ I .oc;t1 73
h rca II) e"cil~d fhl\( .hl)s about 1I~0
"re,.ml c'enl" On.; I' Ihal. .-rUn .,~
) ... ar, ." re nlin g "m.e quarter ... the 1000nl
Lett to right Me f'ank Smllh. Raybon flitch.
I"struc tor Bob S ! anle~. And~ Carr. JOI
\\.ill -.QO!1 h ~"I' iI n,'11 ufliee lind mecling Smith. Chris l ucu. and Tommy H e<rlng.
hall \If il\ H'r\ \llIn. T hrough forminl' "
huildin~ a"">OI."(:'lion ;,nd mom h I} pal-
meru, hI the mcmbcr~ for Ihl." p"~1 filc Ca ble-Splicing Class Held :
)e;lf'. \\1." I-Iere lin"nci;llI} ahlc 10 ...·cure lin eme n Nee ded
pf<Jpo.!rly and Ihell d~linlk a re h llC,.l lI ral
dra " ing,. We hope I() n' lehrnlc r h:In~" L U. 7 ~. ATI,A"'-I A. GA .~ H. ccenll).
~i\ in!! 1IIl d C hri -t m." in UUT ne \\. hui l"· I nr '" 7--' ha d "nnl ll('l' rr"lIp of lint-m.·n
in!!. ~"m"l ele :I c;tblc-'plicing cour\<!. T hl'
F\~ilinl! evenl Nu m i->cr T llo is FX PO ..:iu" \,;r~ con d uc led in our ~uth Gc,,,'-
B,olh". Larry McGill, pUI aSSistant bU$i"eu
manage" puiS h,s "gn'h... on a com. 7--' World', F:. ir_ IIh ieh will he hel d in !!I:I arc;, o f S;";lnnrrh. We cal"inl) ;tr-
memora , I"" sign. <;JltIL.IIlc II-I .I~ l-o...wl>"1 .\1. 197-1. T hi, pr~ciale Ihe lim~ :.nd p:ltien~e Ll rot~r
h the onl) major Inlcrnalional c\plhi- Buh Slanle) of 100.:.11 1.!()8. S,,,,,nn;. h.
Mu lpicde. H arr} M Ull. Juhn \ I urphy, lioll current l) ~e h cdiliell in Ihe Unih·J (icorgi:l. pill jmo in,truc!ion of thi~ c h i "
1r.. a lH.! Fn lnk Wel k Hfl y-Ihc year I' in' SIU IC, d\l rin~ I hi, decad e. co ind d ing AI'n. lie lI;tn l 1(1 Ihanl. ';:\I;lnn:, h l"le~·
"C"C p rc'c nl cd 10 re tire d IllClllbCI' I-k r- II il h th e ,.c!e hntli lill o f the ,,:lI io,,', Inc mill l." I' fur Ih ~ II~": III Its taCllll ic,
her! Gill. Fuhrman lI ~i nb. N id L il lo. :!OOth Nrt hd u). '"('rld>!n l;n!! T Ol1lorro,, ', to c OIl(hiC t th e cia". I'r..: \ iou, to OUI 'la,
C. B. Linemeycr. F,J 'lin I\ lad.e}. l\ nhllT Frc .. h. Ne l-l En,ironment"' h the the me ' '' I1I1,lh cla~'. a cour'o(: I-Ia, comrlelr,1 in
'l ul1 .. h)a n. Ed" anJ Nc\\\:umcr. J,.'hn of 1' '( 1'0 701, " hic h j, Ihe Iir'l imerna- uur Nonh G curgia ;IT..::t uf AII~I\I:I.
\:'lr l~tndcr. G COfl;lC I'urlcr. Char I.:, KcJ· tional r~pu,ili\ln III I'C the med III th,' \1 th,' pre ....·nl till1e. I-Ie ha'c ,\lie
rn"l1. ;'[ul 10 h n \\ hite lind ;Klhc mem- ..uh,;c,·1 of en' ironment :rnd o Uldoor H'~­ tnln'mi~,ion joh in Salannah. hili \\ilh it
her li ll l Cecil. fe.ll ion. limited nu m her o f 'leu p l~ on il. We h;r l~
l ift}-) c:rT pin, \\cr~ pre'clll e d to re T he fair , ite inl:lllde' IWO i,I,lI1d, in mor,' di~ l ri lllllil)n \',)r~ ~oinl'" tll:,n I',~
[ired nl Clll bc n. Gemgc Ha il ey, JII':: Ih l' Sp,, ~an e Kive\", 'urro ulld cJ h) 1 1r~ ~'cr had . Due hI Ihe i n cre;r~c III OUt"
C,rl..on. Slan1e} (IIrl!1f~r. William ru~gc,J Spo~ : l ne h ,II,. The IOO-lICrc I-Ior~ 10:lU. we a rc placing Illan) If"lllc!
I j,11I:T, Fdgar Mc},.. r. C larence T rlld. ... ,I,)I-IIH,'"n .. ire I' hci ng ,",c;lred :. ml ral" ... r,. If :In) of ),)1) linem ... n "olllil1g ~hi,
"nd J. J. Yan nadto ll ud a,.tlll: m~ m h"r rdh re<tored and I ril n ~formcd inw ;1 \\U) ure il\ta.. ~ted. drop to} or gi'e u, a
('~\Ir~e C lark; 45-}ear rin~ 10 relireJ J;toling d Ol-lntol-ln ri'erfrum p;rrk e:tll. If lhe IIQr~ i, ;tI.,ilable. I\e "'ill
rl1em l"~f'\ Joe Ci lo. J uh;l~ Peloid!. F. (, \1:011\ nell bui ld i n~\. Imrlek rC\laumnt\. -.e nd }llli OUI.
Rid!,:. G. l. Re hm , L:ll-lera nce Rida. e tc. 'nre bei n ~ h ll ill in Ihe JO l-l ntOI,n It i.. lhal l i m ~ o f )c:tr ag;rin. Q llr ;-.ie-
Ibl r h K i(/cr. Neil Sulli l;w . nnd Fd 'lanl Mea 10 !>en c thc Ill:on} l' i, ;lo r .. to "llr !!Uliming (" o lll tll ille'" h:I' go tt e n togetlrc,
Wrigh t ;lIld aCl ivc mc mhe rs M} run Ibi. 10" 11 ne xI yea r. a nd. man. if ~'O!l h,nen' l and II \lr ~ cd " I' Ih c pl"tl po~al , to he "\1 11-
la }. I re d Ba ucr . and Ja me~ Lc~~e . ~cn Spokn nc for I' :, 11 11I ie, }OU "<:111'1 milled to the con lnlct.)h. \\Ir arc ho ping
I t>,'I)"-)ea r pins I-I" c re p re'l'm ed I" rc- I.noll it~ tll 1;... 1 a new CO'llr;rCI ,ig ned b} Ihe 1." \-
tired members K;u l Il rOl-l-n and G l'orge \\ orl. righ t now i, fH i r l ~ slo" for p, r" lion d:llr o f Ihe (lId one. trill Iha !
H,ullmc r Im d ac ti ve me m ber, F red lI irn- r lo.--':Iricians. and :tl lho\J~ h I-I"or k " ill he h:" bee n h:. rd 10 accompl i~h o l e r the
ba um. Neil Byrne, and H e:.~ D ier, k ~; gooJ for a wh ile, the local urgc5 IT:I, el· )cars.

Au g u, t, 1973
O ne 1,1\1 Ihing. . . bu} union, ;1011 if lI:.Cl "ilh the Norch"cst Li nc Cun'"I1C- Trophy Winners
:rou can nol. :11 Ito,r hili Americ:m, h,r, Ch:.ptcr o f N r CA
Abo pu\h tu !;tl Ihe:- ll ur~t·Harllo..~ !\ill 1 he paelo..a~.: al·e.: ple<1 h} h"II,)1 in
pa\....ed. ) ,,"rnan ";I' \11.(,11 per huur Ihi'
J. D. 1 \"'1.1"1 r • I'.S "r"nlo.., do"n Itl <;1I,2~ p..-r hum \Tn Ihe
li nO:llIan's scale ph" ci~hl ,"C'nl, rer
huur 10 NfB I I'.:n,inn I undo III ,cnh
Seattle Local 77 Signs
More 1973 Contracts
I'\'r h.l"r laeatlon .Iud ~5 ':<'01' p.', h.lUr
.. n health and "elf.IIC,
1 h~ (on_lru(\iun memhe", h ... ," luleu
I•. U. 77. ';E n TI L \\ ' '' II . \t,:, :,al
more conlr'IU' h,l\c Ix'.'n ~'Illcd fur
1973. I)n~et Sounu I'o"cr .\ I i~hr Cum·
Iu lale Ihi~ nine·.:ent·pcr·hour r"du~·
tiun un Ih,- h.lurl< ",;ole. m;olo..inlo! II "'''.111
I'\'r hmlT, "ilh n,) dJ;tn~,· in 1 ....11",",
Thl bowl,"S teague 0' Local 80. Nodolk, Va"
pan) i, on Ihc ....·.:·lnU h'ar !If II 1"00- pen,iun. or hcahh ,mu "clf,lT<: f>l1I11<1I1\, 'Kln"~ held ., banquet and d.,nc," F"sl
\t;!r conlnll,;1 Hnd IHI\ ,)po:n...1 ftlr ";I~C, ').:'ll1le Cil} I I~hl rcccnlil hdJ ,I dIn· plac .. troph.n _.e p.e.lnted 10, lell t'-
'1II1~', 'Ihe "'Irlo..er~ "ill !,:CI II ("V, in·
"Shl. Jlck .. SweetwOOd. Fa~1 H.ch, F.an~ ..
ncr fur il> "I'prenlice Iinem'lIl ,r,,,lu.• I,, SweelwOQd, Ind Jack H.ch,
crea-.e in Ihe 11)1") per nnl ,,"Irnn m.m ,Ill.! Ih,'ir "i,c\, I hc gnlllll;u", .• IC I,'n
'l"alc r,'r -:,(.,77 po:r how It j, rdru;'crilt H .. rri,. Colonel J) (urli,. "-cnneth I
lu I\ pril hI. "hl.h " Ih.: ''''lie rim~ Ih,.: ~Julh. Jo\C I, Pen:.. \\illi;om "- \lllkr,
Ihe denl,,1 plan nC!,:UlialeJ 1'1\1 h',rr "cot "-clin " ' "ert, 1)"11011.1 " '\;1I_dIC.
inlO circe!. \\ illi'<l11 F. (h'lllenJ"r, "nd I ellll.lr.1 1\ ,
'\ .. o hol1lhh I' UI) ,il!ne(1 a h,,,·,ear "-",,I:lnd
,'unlrad for a 5.J~· inclc,.", "hi.h ",ill I hew Bmlh.:r, h.lle pm III :t 1.. 1 uf
"ring Ihe 11J7.1 ~;(Ic <In the lUll p"r cenl limc anti elToT! .,n Iheir "Pl'lenl"e,hip.
r;lI e to ~6,7~ per hour, On J,mu.ln I "n,1 ... e ~no" Iht) "ill he a ~relhl to
1'I7~. ,I Ilenl.t! rl,m gOt:, inln Cji"~1 ami Ihe unilln,
on April 1. 11174. II 1"U\1 uf Ii\inlo! plu, a \\'1- ;11-0 ";lnl II' I!"C " IIlI nf .rcdll
2.7"" inae:t'i:. Itl lIur oOkcr" con,mill,'c mcrtll't.'", .In<l
In Cenlnol \\ u,hin~lun, \\ ,,,hin!,:ton in,lr",;lor- for .. II Ihe limo: ,md elloft Left 10 "Rh!, Robert HI ... m.,nn, Mar,. Hart
I'uhlie I'o"er "'IJPI'I~ S~\ICm <lnu 1 r.lI1lo..- Ihn un .... lfhhl} Pllt mlo m.llo..lIl\! Ih" mlnn, AltCI L• .,ch, .,nd Gene Leach rccel~'d
lin, Gral11. QIo.. .. "\Ilo!un. (h.:1.m. .!IlU P!l'I!r.lm the- _u~ce" il i\. HeGnd pl.,et trophies.
l)olJgla~ I'Ll) h'l\e al"l l'I.:';\'I',ed a (.,mgr:uulalion, 1\1 all "f ~.)u.
6.]'" incrc.l....e of <'11.75 rer h<.ur un .hI: SrI'" U""I .... r.s, r"~t "inter. "u~ir.:~, \I.mager (,,:11":
WOr: rate. I ea.h "3\ lud,l 10 pl;tt:t: 12 mC'n In ~I\
\V,,~h'"~'un \\ ,Iler 1',," o:r (.'mr,m~ 1I1I.>01h, 'n)"a). Ihe \\'Irl. ,ilUali"n "
'Jceepled .In inl.:rc,l'< <If f" lW'. 1m " Work Situation Improving; h':l'mnll1!: 10 10010.. Ollt "''') for a ~'hdn~'C
joollrnC)1I1an Ii""",an lol"lk "f 'I> ('9 r.:r Dec ision to Be Appea led '0... ror Ihe bad 11('",,-'1 he ( .. n·
hour. 'Irlldi"n IndlJ~tr) "1.lhilmllioo (ommlt·
The four·llJol".11 con_lrudiun ;I!,:rO:"nI~nl I .. U_ liD. \ A,- \, ,11.: (11..1
~onn)J . "' , ICO: I( l..c') ,Iruelo.. 0111 our IK"~Oli,.l<'d
hcl"een I IKal 77: 12~. l'mll.lIlll. Oro:' <,;1\II1l; 1'0<."'1. h.. \c ,>(lOlC' '0"..1 nel'"
"I dt)uhie lune for o.erlillle and tho.- .,ud,·
g.lIl: .un. 1nCOnla, "."hin~h,": and and I hale '>Om..: 1"uJ 11('"~" In rcpurl linn.11 heJllh and "clf"re JlCr.:.'nlil"e
(\59. \l eMon!. Or,,~on. h." jthl rc~ci\"d Ihi, month. Fir-I. lhe t:uod nc"~ \\'Ir~ The- C I'\C did '>:l} Ih.l! "C could hl'~
",(lrd Ihal Ihe (.m'lru~tion Indll'1I1 ~ta· h,,, finalll bot)m..:d ""I. "ilh ,clcl,.1 itlt>-- Ihe .I~·(cnl in~-re:,I-C, Of .:uur'il:. Ihe hll,"
hili'"lilln (,IIIUllillec h,I\ IU\! Io..n,lI;lo..cd hirin~. One nllllr.l.:wr ( .. lied r"r '" ne" rnan"l:!er and the l'-e~Olialinl:! ("m·
ninc cenl, olT Ih , cccnll)·ne~oli"lcJ lon- mlln) a~ 12 men in ,'nc ..I,,}. Dlull1\! thc mlll~l' ;tTe: !,:oin~ 10 ;IPI'I-· .. 1 the d,·,:;,,,"1.
').1 u\ "ill ""ail anu 'ICC" umil the .p.
",,;.1 I"" heen hc'lrd.
Graduates and Office rs 1 he 1')1.:;11 uniun 1",,,llng lca~lJc h,,·
j,he,1 iI' \C;l\On "ilh u hulTcl :l1Id .Ian,c
al the I ulo..e \\ ri~hl 1I(llel on " .,~ ~Ih
\~ ah\;J\~, the a .... "rdin~ (If Ih" ,roph,e,
\\;I\ Ihe Itll.!hliJ:ht of the elening.
/I,llI' )OU purch,lo,cJ ~our C QP1--- "il,1
~l'I'1 R"mcmlx'T Ihal for CICr} uulla,- ",e
put mIn (01'1 in Ihi' "rc:t, "C t!el h.• ~1o..
u.luhlc Iho: amount. lilc rlllllle} "ill help
t:rO:;II" in ,ellin~ men c1ect.:d "h .. I'e
fccl ;lr ~ Ihe he,t.
We, al Ihe 10.;;11 unit)n oftk.:. ".:re
IC/\ 'url'ri .... d to o,c.: Ilrolh,-r John 1.11
lor hcin~ "hcelcu inlo lhe omc.: tol hi'
....111, /lr,uher I a\ Itlr re'idc, in !---IonJ ..
;lnd h,,, !xen Hr} ill fur m:,"} "eelo..,
Ix'in~ ,unfined 10 " "hlekh:Jir. John, \' C
"cre 1.!1,ld 10 ..ee )(>11 :lnd .:h:'1l oler \lId
lime' "ilh IOU, Surr} ;tholll Ihc ri.-IU'c'
I 1\)),110.. of ),)\1 nm lurning <lU I.
IIr,l,hcr Joe 1'}lcr ptc-cnted journ~1
Ill,," l'crllfi'alc~ It) Ihc ilrother, "ho
Cl)ll1pletcJ Ihe JoumC)lIIlln Codc Ct",
Recent gradu"," o f Local 71, Seattle, Wuh" I'e 'hown with offICI" and m.mbe., ot Ihl I'T~wnlllll()n' ,,'cre malic ;.1 lhe 1",1
ApprentIce eon"nIIlU. Fronl 'ow, let! 10 "sht, WIIII"m H. Fa.nham. Home. E. B.lltl",. and
Clyde J . Shalfer, (Omm ll lee memb... ; Lon H .... I" g.adua!e: Arnold J. Sc h.oed ... i",!llIcla., IIn;on 1Il00clinG. BrOlher J Ot: "a, III,' 1"1.",1.:
• nd Colonel O. CUrlls, gnldu. !. Second 'ow, Paul T"ppclt, In51 ruclo.; All Oake" J." In,II<ll:lUT .
P.eside n! ; By.on G Hood, Bu.lne., Rep,esen1 8 ,,~e: and Kennel h L, South and J05e I Pen., I he Joil\l Apprcnl i!:c,hir and Tno ininll
s raduale., Third .ow. Llon.rd A Korsland. 8radue!e, Walle. J, Wh ea llS, comml !1el mlm, Commillcc ol'er Ihc p:l \ 1 ),car h;" ufo
bel ; and Will ",,", K, Mille •. Ke~ln r EHert. Donald M Nitsch e. and Wllllem E, Ch.llender.
H·adu3Iu. IHeli bl'ICntl courses fur jOllrnC}lll ~n

ISE W J .. ,,,,,ol

'nul he r fir"t aid cia,>" an d :, hC <l ling <lnd \iled .,:ueSb. rhirt )· th ree of Ihe reliree' re"pee,,1": eOnlT:lllOr, arc Uec hlcl ( IIrflO-
ai r-condilioninp. conl l'ol cla s~ :m: 10 be and Ihei r Imcl) ""ivr.\ alll'nued A ,\cli· rUlion and Uni le,! Engineen. ( U.. ld" in
,>Iarled ..aon. I'lcase lale ad\anla{:c o f cioll" prime rih dinner. fo llo""ed h) Ihe Sle""~.In- l·osler ).
the", classes. a, Ihe eO!>I is \':f) 10"'- fine mlhic of Carl Dengler's Orehe,lra, A major pro"lem e\i~h in the Ne""
t'oool" onl). Our local Union i, onl~ 3~ prolidcd c\er)ollC I,il h :1 great c\ening Ib, en area. wnh .1 HOlolard J ohnl,()n'~
~ ,h ils n1emiler\. Le!"~ l eep up w On,e again, ou r rnlerlui nm enl Com. fr.. n~hisc to be "nih in Old 5a)hI"00l..
d:.le I'.lIh ()ur lrade ,trill :mend ch,,,c,. miltee tlid a fanlaSlie joll. Terr~ ).\.:\1;1- Conncetkut. The p rojc~ 1 "ill be ""il1 h)
Sclcn of uur fou nh-~car :. pp renliw, nag h. Ji m I' ie r..:c. and Date Smilh non· union lallOr. /I. major delllon ~lr:'li <>n
r...,e;led Ihci r journc)lmm ca ....h <II Ihe I.JUehed all Ihe b:I ....,. in,>uring. :1" Ih:~ i, planned h) Ihe Ncw I onuon anJ N':II
I.hl un;o,) oll"cli.lg. '11.,,) ale D." iJ , ..I. ..1":11' do, Ih ~t e\'cr)l.me ha \ a S.lOJ /1:lIen Building I r:,de, on Ihe ;Uh \;Ie
II:H'It.... \l kh,lc l H ornc~. T hOllm" !,allil' lime. '1 hi, commiuee i\ \Cry acthe pl.ln· in an allempl 10 deler Ihe ,""ce'" of
u.:t">. J.,mI.''> Smilh. J errolU SlouJt. D,,,· ning our Annll;11 (,1:lIlIhal.e anll l' i.. '1',' ",,;h projcch no"" !'Inll In lhe future. We
rell Walet">. anu Iknni, Da,"':f, .md .11..., "I:lnning ahc;1I1 f,'r Ollr 7:"lh nUN ;act immediale!) in our ,lItentpb 10
l'le,,,tenl Jael. H id, pre...:: nl eJ Ihe jour· Anni,cr"l ry "hi~h ,,"l tale 1'1",,<: U1 ,top Ihh non·union Ilcti, il ). Our ,Innd
I1C)l11l1l1 card,. (onl!f:llullilion, 10 all of No\emher, 1974. IIIml lie la~en. lind el iden.:e of 0111" ill-
),'U' ' [ il Ihe neXI lillie' II.·ruion, mll~1 he ma dc I. nollll 10 .LlI
I •• ~h monlh. Ihc :Ipprenlice,hip ome ... itl('"ll\RIl 1\111('11111, I'.S. tho .... I' ho Ihre;lten our e~i~lellle lind
In'lil- CI <lIIl:llion canl, '0 IUfiml'> jour· lIetl-i't:inl!. We n",>, not he \1I~ce"ful
1I.·~mell "ho arc Illlrlin{: "pprcllli..:::,. heft:. I'ul "e mml leI IhlhC in~o"ed
I' I..il,< 'ale lime III fill QUI the...: ~-aHh Pa y Board Gives Favorable lno ... Ih:1I "e "ill al""a), t>c reall) 10
;mu Jrop 'hem in lilt mailh•.j \ . I h<: .. J''''I1~e lo"ard, our i!ool of union I,.hor
ctlmmitlee ",>1., Ih;lI )tlU rill 0111 Ihe can,l
Decision on Contract on Ihe ~on'lru~tit)n ~iles.
in Ihe pl'e'-\)m;.: of Ihe ap pre nlil'e in· 1..1I. ""', SE \ 'ITI .E. \\ \ SII.- \\ci1. [ OI.:al 90 will enJo), U famil~ oul ing
"lheJ In Ihl' lIa), he'll lnow "h) )llU pfOmheJ good IIell), :Uld il wem, 11"'1 "loII.Q II il h ils 1f".Idilional 1I1<'ntl'cr\"onl)
gr;oJe him ,\ ce rlain lIiI)·, 1.":1 llic ;'i'" Ihe IlIeml'Cf'. al Continen,al l eicphl':le :lffair.
prclllicc I.no" whal he\ doins 'Hon.,:. Comp"n} of Ihe NOI'llIlIe,1 (formerl)
., hi, i, hOIl he le .. rn,. Rede\Clopmenl tlf Ihe lo""n inlerior ;n
Wa,hlllgion '1ele ph<)1lC Comp;II1)) Irc 1 ,,,1 Ita,en ""ill ~Onllllene.: ...oon. The
DiJ )OU I.nolol Ihill lhe' UnlleJ SI.l1c, Ihe fortunale on<'" IkcaU<;e of elfvrb ,jolll.,r ,,,,Iue of the con,Uuclion pmjcel
o"n, It> per cent 01 the "orill', a111011lll' 111;l\le ") Ihe local :lnd Conllncnt~r,
bile, .md .'i.1 per CCIll of Ihe IIt)rld', ra· II ill C\~.:cd $30·mil lion I he prO)'O:':1 "itt
rmln .. gemenl. :1 fHlorllllle deehion from he underm l .:n h) union cr.. f". l;,r.,:,·1}
ui", anu TV '\CI,. Ihe CII'oI of I i,inS COlln~il fI' ,I) Hoard) Ihrough Ihe dTor" of Bu,inc,'i M!ln"J!ct
Word 10 Ihe II he God h ollr rcfu;:e un Iheir COnlra" nesoli:t1~d in \1 :1.1 ('If I)ominie Panngro"i. ' I he Ill;,jor dCIChp'
,,0.1 'Irenglh. a IHI I're'Cnl hdp m 1:,,1 Ic"r \I:" ;lI llllole(l to wJ. e eirc~1 in
Irou\lle. (P~a!m 46·! ) er\ hale agreeJ 10 h:l'c a union projc';l
I" enlirel), relfl);llti\c 10 Ju ne I. 197:!, A ft"" month, " " d, lhe pro--pcch fo~ "
J, D. I hll t II'tl)'. JR .. P.S. I he 1"1~la!!e amounted II) appro'tinl;ltell union pro.i«:t In l a't lI ,nen ""ere IIMI.
9.71", 'cV'l·ur·li'ing ciao'>.: and a :lnJ non·e \ i'lenl looa). lie Clln :lnl i",
"agc ,'eopcner arc Jue in Augu,' (teller PIlII.' :1 total union project.
Spring Dinner- Dance l\fillcn in May).
A fCII of our 1 U<.::,I 911 lnelnber, hil'e
\ ,IItC) Telel'hone Com pa n), :11~0 a
<.'ol1llllel1lal elllllp:ln). w,lI !legin negotia· c"lt:teJ. 01 ,hili II) will enler, Ih, 1"<111,
lion, ""h Ihe local Ihe 111,1 part I,f M,I) Im':ling "11'>ine'\. We e~lcn d our he~1
"i,he, 10 lhem, '1 he~ ",II be anor ..kd
for " lIage opencr ;11111 Ihe ,kl·ltale
clau">e. There " :,1"1,'1 a CQ\t-Qf·1ilin. ctllllpletc ~OOJlCrallOn ") the 10..: .. 1. 1"h"
"tll~lIon :lfforJ, It, a I,ro:auer "a"'" "f
clau"," in Iht COillra~t. Ncgolialion~ "ilh
opo.'r.llilln~ til our unending clulIp.lign
Gcner;11 Tclellhon: (1IIIIP;II1). hl'.l:rn
;1i!i1jIN Ihe non'lIniun ~hallenger~.
are ... lire ~urrentl) unuer ""a). "til it i,
too e;lrl) 10 juJl1e IIh,,1 Ihe ouleome lIill I)!( I.. I' " \(,1I.0~"I. I'.!-t
be, M,In) i,npn)\\'mcnh ha"e heen pro-
[lO"Cd ,,) Ihe eom mitll'e. including ., to
po.'r cenl aerOoo,·lhe·llo:lI,! in """Se,.
Employment Sce ne Improves ;
A ,Hil." ....., ... .Il1cJ I ,iua). \1;1) I"'h. Members At ABC Briefing
al II)cOO AM, again\t the eighl Itk·
phonc tlliritic~ enmpanie, reprc\Cnlcd "> I .l'. 102 . I' , ·I Io' USn'. "".J .-Wilh 'C\
eral jub-; haling ,llIrled r... eenlil. em
Loc;,1 1:19. Approxim·,Ic1) fi\e monlh\ of
neguh!llioil'> ;lnd aelile inluhe!llenl ") p l U~l1lent herc 1001.\ helle!' nOli Ih;'11 il
Ih.: Mediali on \crvice "roughl Ihe ,'·,r· h;" in 4uil(' :1 II hite. I' rc,cnll~. all our
tic,> 10 11 ue .. dlOl.:l I he i\<'lIe i, \\u~e'. men ,Ire \lorling, ,LIld ollr , 1:,111\ rio'·
ami lhe' Te1c:phon.: l·II"tie~. In(orr'" m"in, ;1\ il \lil' ;01 .'ur la,1 report. """"
rateJ. olrer is onl) ~,!I".; lhe- Io..:al i\ er;tl cun,tru.:tion Ifa<.le, IlK:ll, in 11..:
'-Celing 7.7%. .. re •• hale sone tin :,Inl.c Jue 10 1I,'ge
IItgoli;,li<ln'i. anll :dlhm,(:h Iheir l'Cing
AL DI' 10'. I'.s,
<1111 \hllll' no imm":Ulilte died on :1,..:
electri,';\1 cun,II'II':li'l11 \Iorl., ,hm,ld Ihe)
Local 90 Is Currently b,' <1111 .. n} lenglh III 11111 .... Ih~) could
.. treel Ihe ,ob, nol'. IInder ,0n~lIudion.
n,." ••e scenes 01 Ihe S'~lh Annual Spnn. Enjoying Full Employmen t
D,,,,,er O.nee of Loc:.1 8c.. nochu le •• N.V .. I ..... uf uU' "",,,,he,,. r um Be)1I anJ
held .t the Top of the PI.l •. I..l. 90. ;o..1~ W II""". ("0" '.-1,)·
t·;11 'X) h currently enjo')lIIg Ihe ben~rit,
(hc"e! Cooper, r.:.:,·ntl) "II in un ;'n
,tiC <'·untraclUr, A ..,oci"l io n "ricling.
of full empIO)nlerll. We :,TC \h<lfin~ In Iheir Jel"itcJ I'Cl'orl ;\1 our Ewcuu·.e
Local 86 Holds Sixth Ihe...: h... ndi" wilh Ollr \I'ler IQ(;~I-. 110.1'" IIIceling. Ih':l !Old ho ... AII( i,
111'1"" (,f "hom !lrc e>'llCrielKing gre;11 1I1" ~ lIlt,: eler) effurt I" ,ign up Ihc ~U'l'
Annual Spring Dinn e r-Dance 1l"lll.'lor, in Nell Jer...:). union alld non·
atllOIlI\!, o f unemp lo)ment.
1.. 1 .116. H: OCII ES·II· H:. "".Y. On Arfil I "'l Inajor job-; in the area elllplo} inl! union .. lil.e. In Ihc'>C re<.:rllilin\! ","",on,
61h, l ocal 86 helu 'I~ Si'(lh AnnLl"r more Ihan ~oo I IU W de(.'"lfil'i~n' aTe Ihe ABC I~ 1'1l11g. "ilh ""Ill~ "'~,c:". 10
~ pnn!l l)inner· Danec :11 Ihe f op of Ihe Ihe f)I,'IoIer plunl~ in W!lterford. C.lIlIleel· !;onllnec Ihe eont r.telul"\ lh:11 lhelr org'"
Pial:' . A" lI,ual, our re liree ~ lIere in· kill, .Ind New Ihnen, tonneClieut. The nllation ""ill eliminale juri~ie tiun.1 1 db·

Aug",I, 197;::
whie h v.a~ nicdy arranllcu hy Ra) Pau- till"e\ for :til new members ale hcing
Winners loski and Vince Mc Bride. heM to e \ plain Ihe funclions uf Ihe
AI the 1:t~1 RelireJ Memhcr\ Club IBI W. lahar hi'lory. and conlnl.;! inf.~r,
mccting, Ihe memben; 10led 10 Join Ihe mallOn unuer which Ihe~ will he "Ilrl
Reliree~ A\~i;Hion. Iht,in<:" \lan;lgcr ing_ ' he chairman of lhe l:'.uul·;Hl{ln
l ou B;!nllll dclailed the in..:re;! ..... tl hcne- (ommillee is IJ rOlhen Charlc' (1.lrl.
fil'> the relired nll::mhc .... "ill Te.;eilc in .1011 Ihe in.\lfw;tON of lhe or;enl;I,lon
lhe new Welfure 1'lJn ~'UllIrad. v.hich d.I'W\ :Ire Hrotheh Rohen M.I ....m ."Id
v.a" iniliated in July. 1)0n;I"-I Sh:tpuli~.
It "a~ r<:porlcd th;1I Brolher .... J. We are pr<:'oClllly negOli<lling \I ilh the
Cri~li;lno \00:1' hospilali.red ",th .1 hcart I'uhln; ~rli<:e Compan) or C.)ltlraJo
all:I(l. Tho...: "i,hin!:, 10 \Oorile hllll 111.1) \\e hale a\led for Ihree Jl.1,!:<:' of
addrc'"" the ir lettch 10 P rin\eltJO lIo_pi_ .. mendmeoh and imprO\'ement~ in the:
1;11. 239 \1:.)'"o\Ooer W:n, Ru"moor- "1II1r:'.;! hut. a~ or Ih" dalr:. halO: n"l
The N .. llonal EI.ctrlc bowhng learn. mem_ Jame,hurl!. New Jer'oC). re.;eiled :I formal proposM from Ih ...
berS 01 Loc: .. 1 102. PalerSon. NJ" WOn lir$l
place In the lugu •. Siandrng I'ft 10 "ghl. 1'lllM I' 1,'(10\1. 'II .. P.S. <Olllp.ln)'.
are Don PralL Tom Toomey. and Tom Gaue •. \'v<: h.l\e jusl finhhed negOlialion, on
Suted. P..lSy 0cI1I. Cava and Pete Tet.Coon •. Ih,· '>1.11<' Wide " rce contract ami l nlon
Party Held for Retiree s; RI A. I'oudre Va lley RI.'\. Interm<Jlln·
Members on Sfrike HIm RloA, \'ll.mlXl Va lle) IU',\ .md
'>llIrl,:ellll Garngc and Ware hou"-,, ;'11T.:e·
L.U. 107, G IMN I) it'\ I'IIlS. \ 11 ('11. - men". v.il h v.hal \Ie con,iticr 10 no: ",le·
On /\I llY 51h. l ocal 107 hc1J :1 1'1.,1'1) !or 111I;lIe wnge'!lnt!-fri n~e incrca,,;:~ under
ils relirees. Imernalionlll R<:pn:...:nl<LtiIC the pre...:nl I' re~ idcnlill l StiideliT1C~.
Robert Coullcr of the 1 0,. ;! memno:r of We hJle ,USI recenll} had a Je~ellih·
Local 107, was Ihe m;I~lcr tlf (,'crerno-- 1';l1iun el~'i;lion on lhe P ueblo Ga, .rml
nie<;. and I m~rnalion:t l Repr<:...:nwlile
Thom:,-, \I artin \la~ uur SUe,1 ,pe;!ler.
' "eI clcri<:al·und·teehnieal conlr.. ..:t.mt!
....e arc ICf) proud 10 (IIInOUnee 111;11 ~:le
Danny HeNr" lell. hold. lhe I.ophy h. 'e· Ineluued amung the retiree .. "ere AA erllplo)ee~ \oled 10 retain lhe '.),,:;.11
cerwed for bowhng IIlall sing" glme. n Ray mcmbc.... from FI~lns " rod"d, ('om- IInl<1II a, it'> bargainmg agenl. Wo: ,·\I ... nd
P.. uloskl and Y,nce hIIcS"de. "'''0 mad. Ihe pan). "hieh h:I" hecn "ilh 1(11:<11 107 oor :Ippreei<llion and congru!llI.lIi()fl_ hi
o..... nl ..'lon. at Ihe bowhnl d,nne •. lOOk on. for 17 ),ea ..... Ihal enlire clerical g.rOllp. T her,; :1.. ,
H y !omith (lOd Hud lI ui-lra. rClir~.:S I-r«n a [,rt)po-.ci.l merger or lhe l'ue:.l"
putes amI \Oo;Ige 'Iri~e\ \Oohile olTcring wilh lhe m~1 lean of 'oCrti..:t--1I1. "ere
wa~ comparnble 10 union tr:Hk~ 300 G,,, .. nt! 'tiel Compan) into 11K' Po,rem
pr~nl. Short) [)cNi..e, 31-0 pre-enl. ba\
conductins a program to train \lorlcr~ ~ompao). Putthe Ser\icc: Comp;'"' ul
41. ('olomdo. t)n "hkh lhoc I'Ue. :h of Ihl'
for 3\'ailahlc 11l;lnpo\Oocr in 11K' I.Iriou~ Whittaler Flectric. Delia I kctric.
.Ialc. ha, rIOl m:lde a nding.
Wadt!.:!l Heelrie. N~\\lirl.. I k\lri~. and Our line eon,truelion \Ooorl h ,1111 reo
I he)' eonlinue 10 1(00) for 1.1\1\ fa- Harlo Corporution geot'rotl,l) don;,lw
vornble 10 thcm in Ihe "alC l... gi\I.llurt~. nu.imn!! '1C:;ldy. "ilh jll,1 norm.,1 411-
gifts for our relircc,. hour di,trihulion \\ur~. All or Ollr m~nl­
3nd each ad ...lIlecmcnl " a \Ooeapon Se\er.11 or our apjlf,·nliee .. ""rh·t! un
agai~t lhe urgani/ed Irade" ' he \HC I'<:h l.r ... heins ~t'pl hu,~. ;10\1 ".: h.I\':
the cumminee \lilh our lI'urT1C~lIlen 10 ill'l 10lllpleled 1\000 .,chou!.. ror our lilre
h:ls operated In Ihe e;I,lem ,talt' for promote lhe [,an). and "e th;!n~ Ihem trill! m 1he afea, or ,ign;11 light ;11\1;,lIa·
n13n~ )ea .... and h.. ) gainctl ;1 foothold all. The)' diu a fine joh.
in ew Je,......). In Ihe 1<1,t ~ear ur '-0, li"n .1IIt! cable _piking in,lrucli,,,,.
The \I olor Shop a!!reemenl h;" 1->cen I ".mld li~e 10 encourage .. II ..f Hur
Ihey h,I'c lalcn on "':ler,,1 larlle jnh,. .,clllcd. "ilh a B.J:eol inr;rr;;,'oC lind tv.u
So far. our IIx;I' ha, held them to a memhcr, to :llIend ;.11 lllOnlhl) mceling'.
addition .. ' Jl.1id holtda\\ Wc hOile I" he';lIllle heller informeJ ahoul IIn,.'n
.1:tndolT. ha'ing '",1 a fel' jUh\ 11.1 them re<lehed an imp;I''oC in ne{ltihutHlIl' ;11 Ill\"
li nd IIho t;llen fh)m Ihem. lllli\lti.'\ aod the currenl lahor ;IITair,_
Harlo !'!'Inel Board ShuI' nou hale hccn
1 hrough the elr(lrh :Ind "uld,rulne,~ on ,trile ,inl:e May hI. We :tre nC{lOIi JOlt' C. /\II \DIII.!>. \s!>I.B.\1
uf Busioc" l\I unag<:f l ou Hur;u!!. (Jrga· :llioG Ihc con,trul:lion allr<:cnlenl \\jlh
niLin\: cOnll"llllur.. nnd ['olu.:mg of Ihe IWO :I,\OCi:l1ion_NFCA and Ihc Gr.md Twenty-Nine Apprentices
:.re:ls. "e halc hecn ahlc 10 ..:ontrol :! R:.pid\ I-leetrical A\""l<.:liIlit~n. B) the
good part uf Ihe "orl in lhe I<:rrllory.
Ho nored at Dinner Meeting
time Ihi~ i, rC;ld in Ihe JrIll"'III, v.c hl'f'C
lIo"e\ef. Ihh " nm ju,1 ;1 prot-Icm for l .lI. 1.l6. UIK\II'GI-IA". \I \ . -
to ha\c all T1Cgoli:llion\ 'oCtiled
one trade or oot' Itx .. 1 union :llone. L'n· (,r.ldual;lIIl ccreillunics "er... heM in ,,"r
JI MO'" Mt 11""1. I',~. .!pprenli..:e~hip Il"aining "hool on JuOC'
k,,, all Irade' 11)00.:;1" in <I gil en <lfta
unilc through their tr;ld~'\ H)Un":I" and ,,1. ;lnd 29 new jllurne)1l1<ln "ir<:men
dcvi'oC <I 'Irong. \onCrel... prO!!I.Hn to Se ri es of Seminars Held; "cle IIddetl III the rull\ of L<X.l1 1'6
meet Ihe Ihre;11 of Ihe AII(. \Oo~ v.ill " rpropriale e,erer...:', \er) ;.bl} pre,j,kd
1U're more ;tnd t-,g!!cr lOll:. I\~ them.
Line W ork Stead y tl\cr h~ IIrOlher Jlomer McClure. \lcr...
Sollie people "olred and \nider.:d I .U. 111 . UF'\ ER. COl O. Ihc I du- hclu al II dinner meelin!! in lhe Jln'n!!
'When lhe Nilhollal I le~lri~ 1(';101 ":1' "". calion Commillee of 1(1<.:,,1 III h;" )11,1 rtlum ilf Ihe ~h.:r;!lon ,\hlle1. F'Kh gr.,i!·
leClr::d al the be!!innmg of lhe ho"hng fini,hed holding a ,eri..., of -.emin;!r.. de- 11.. 1". re~· ... hed a 'lCt of 1001'>. aOO Ih.: IHII·
"-":1\On. Fi'e gu~,- 1'"1,, Delk (:1\<1. ,i~ncd tu improve lhe clredilcnc,~ of ,llIndin!! aprrentice. JI ... rocrt G "'<:II~~.
lum Galler. Don 1'1".111. !'cler le-..;Ion .... our ,Iew.lrd,. unit ~·h<lirmen. ;lnd re.or- ",,' pr.:"-,,med v.ilh u guld wri,Iv.;'!lh
and TOlll l tl(lme~- v.ho \Oouulll ,10 nolh· der. ·I1'e..c cla"M:~ \\ere held ;11 Ih ... l"ni- ,"il;,hl) <:ngmHd. Congralu1,llion, I"
lOS and So no" here. ended up hoeing ler\il)' of Colorado and for Ihe m·,,1 Ih", line da\\ :lnd 10 Brolher t>. ellq fllr
Ihe fir~l-pla~e leam 111 the k;'lIue. Can part laught hy Brother "";"Ier I :I\\ren.e h", tille rceord.
}IOU hc:1I Ih;ll! of Ihe Colorado Llbor Idnc"li,m ,HIt! On June 91h. II ncw c1a~s of "ppren'
By Ihc way. Ru,s While too~ Ihe tro- Re<,<,:arch D<:panmenl. All uf nur mem- licc\ II;" feeehed ill1,' Ihe local 11 \\.1\
phy for high indiviuual :lver:l{lc "llh b(r~ "ho allended Ihe,e '<:lIIin:lr\ are ill in'ruing 10 M:C 5 1 new mcmber, reL·ci,·
180; 1);lnny I rO;IT wun Ihe hi~h \1IlJ:'lc agrecment Ilml Ih~y v.crc hclpful ;md inl! their oblig;Ilion, :lI1d "c "II l'\lend
game Irop hy wilh II 2411: :I nd Vince will he of importance III aidin!:, our our etln~mlulaliun .. and wi,h th~m \lell.
Me Uride loo~ Ihe hig h Ihree Ilnmc~ ho n- members in )'c:lrs 10 COllie. T he wor~ ~il ualion al Ihe presenl lime
urs wit h a 666 IU I:II. ,\ number of olher Scmillllr\ on slale COmf'CIl"iliion ha\C i~ lery good in t h i~ juri~(1i Clion. AI Ihe
al~o beell held, an d presenl l), orie nlat ion (coillill/ted 011 p<l/?( 4j)
pri:.:es were presenled at Ollr dinner,

IBEW Journol
pre-.enl time, we have :111 our me mbers
\\orking, II i0nl> wit h :1 good numbe r of
Appreciation Banque t Beauty Contest
Brotlren from si\Ier local .. , Worl. should H eld in H a rri sburg
rem:lin .Good lit le:ht throught the sum-
mer months, lJ usillC~~ M:.nOlgcr Codrell L.U. 143. I J.\HIUSII U RG. I'A _-On
cilut lon~, hO\'oe\er, that any Ir:ndmg
(\pnl ~lIlh. ~!O mentncr,. retired memo
Brother-. ~hould h:l\e their business her.. ,Iod gue\t~ ItUended our local's
111;lI1a~o:r e:lll berore the) come to thi,
\ward .. and Aflpre~i;uion Banquel. h~1lI
jurl"tliction. a~ the \'oorl. dClllUnds could .n the I'enn lIarri, Motor Inn. James
c,,,il) cha nse from lI"y to da). and we Sh,,\'o, Jr. wa~ the llIa'ler of cerentonies
uo 110\ wi"h \0 \I:e any of our Brothers 'Illd did a comlllendul>le jot>.
lIlul.e unneee,,,nr), e:>;pcn,ive trip~. Our prol:!ram con.. i.. led of hrief con·
1'1:111" are st ill progre,sing toward a grn tuhllor) rcmarl.~ t>y J o~ph Spark.,
nc\'o t>ui lding for 100'al umon he:lllquar- International Itcpre-.entall\e ; William " lew of lhe LOCill 146, Oeclllllf. III .. Brotn
\\ 31I.er. Manager, l'enn·DeI-JeT-e} ers. •hown wnn Min lII,nOIl UnIVerse con·
to:r\. t>u t it will prol'"bl) be some time "'Slanl~ cheerfully donlMl Ihe .. lIme to ""
Chapler. NFC.\; George Schmcll7er,
in lhe future t>crore flctua l conslru.ti.m bitlluty COnlest event. wh,Ch will hetd III It"
0::111 he ~tarted. There :tre quite a fc\'o
rCflre..en tatile of l ,()\ernor Milton HOliday Inn in Oeca t ll'.
,,1"laclc~ to be Olercomc. :lnd, of Sh;IPP: the lIonornhle Harold S"'en~on.
o;our-.e, cun'truction CO\t~ hale exceeded \ Ia)or uf lIarrt\t>ur/,l: ,\lid Itoller!
uur orillimd expccl:ltlon,. hUI lIe f..el Itcc-.cr. Intern.al i(lIlal Itepre -.e ntati\l.~. 1 0 .
,ur.· th;1I the Building Committee will be
.. mlr.
at>lo: to ta l.e care of th<.''iC: unforc ....--cn Pn:,ide nt Glenn ..,now lind Inlerna·
dillkultio:\ nnd proceed on S(: hedule. tlonal Iteprc..cntatllc Itot>ert Itee'itr as·
..i .. led Ku,ine ..~ Munuger Georl,lc ~glc 111
(omnutl«s h;.o"e heen appointed :lnd
pl:ln, are under \'oa) for lin olJ.J-fa~h­ pre-.cnling :I""rll, and '>Crl'ke pin~ to
ioned t>arbccue for the memher,hip lonl,l-tillle IlIClIlllcr, u( I ()I:al 143. 1 he)
I llch unit will 11II\e i" o\'on cnlal;.o in- a l,o prc..cnled :I,,;ltC.h of trip .. to ditfer·
mo:nl. and \'oe pre\umc Ihal in\·italion .. ent ~·ltJC" aroun<.l Ihe ""rl., to our ~o·
"ill tlo uUl 111 the ncar future. informing )cur-fllu, IClcram. rh~'>C :I"urd .. "cnl 10
e;Leh memllcr of tlH' tunc and ph,co:. a .. \\ Illinm I-' Ame .. , C. G. Moore. Itobert
'>111111 ;0' fllnm C':ln be formul"lI:d F. Itedmnnd Inon I h Ider, WilliHnl \1
We .m: \urry to dO<oC 0) announcing Bro'" 11. ,1110.1 Itohert I lIl;Inuci
the death, of Brother) J'ICI. S. Cou,h. All the office ..... and lI1elll[;cr~ of l(K.-al
II . I.ee B llr~. uordun ,_ Sl.elton.jnd 1-'\ 'Ineerel~ "i,h lhe rctirce ~ the \,f)
J.tmo:, A. 1I 01:ue. T tre\C I lroth\!r~ "'erc l1c,t of he:tllh an<.l hnflpille .. ~ for lIlan) arvlhe. Bob Pe.kins dlscu,"" th e eleCI.on
rO:lired and long-lime union memboen. )ell ..... to come. I-ullo\'oing lhe prewnt:t- theory w,lh one of tile Min Illinois Universe
conle.lanl •.
• heir p,,,"ng lea\e\ a 10ld 111 our ran~ s. \;,)11<', c\o:r)one cnjo)e.1 u fine e\el1l11l; of
,md our ~lI1ccrc \)mp .. th) 1\ c"cmkd In dlln~ing 10 Ihe nlU'I~' tlf the J!llIlll) Dur_
tilt: families of Ihe'iC IJlothc~. 'tC) Orehc.trn.
Gov e rnor Ba cks Dr!J m Project;
J. 1-. WII~OS, 1'.5. U llt\ll .... R. Gil t I JR., P.S. Work Improves Slightly
L.U. 1~6. D EC \ 1 U I{. II. I.,- Illinoh
l lo\o:rnor Dame[ \\ ,,1I.er announeeJ in
Awards and Appreciation Banquet :'l u) lhal he "ill b:u.1. the Llj l.e Springer
Projcd !formerl) ["nolOo-n a~ the Oal.lc)
();lIn and I{e ..... noir Projc.:t) 1I0pefull\.
t» tho: lime thl~ rcp()rt " rtad. the:
member, of I.ucal 1016 \'0 ill h;lIe r.·,
celled word fmrn Ihe US Arm) (oq'"
of l-ngill('Cr~ thai Ihl\ major flrojc~1 "i ll
finall) be on ih Wil> to l>ecommg a re;tl·
it) .
I \K'II 1016 hll' !leen it pr()p<lI1enl o f
I h l~ proi<'ct for man, )e.. r~, lIut "Ill) I....·
cau'>e of incre'I'>Cd ~·on .. lrUdiun \'0,,)11.,.
At Ine "wlI. d. lind "pp,&cl"hOn Banquet of Left 10 "8hl a .. Aui".n l BUSIness Mllna8e, but ul,o "':call-.c lh.: !lc",;oIUT lind M,tton
Loc~1 143, Ha.risbu.g. Pili. , membe •• Wllh and M" . Reymond H&ck"t, MfS. lind Busl- COllnt} area h In dire need uf incre;l-.ed
5O.plu~ yelHs o f 'I.e"",ce _f" p.e.ent-.d neu Man'gef. G,o,., 9"1I1e. _"tI P,.,.,<l.", ... aler \up pl) for It~ Iollllre nced~.
awa,d. LeU 10 "Shl ale Inle,national Rep. and Mrs Glenn Snow.
.esentallve Robe... Ree"f find awafdee~ Farlier th..., )e:or, IIhnOI ~ Town .. hip
Robell E. Redmond 5O,)u, .ell.ee; John election .. \\crc held. I uur lai'>or-endllr'-Cd
Hockel . 5O-yell' ICI,ve membe,; Robert ealldidalc, \'oere dcfeuted in th:11 dedi,,"
Emanual. s.t ~.r fet".e: and William Orown. hee;, u-.c of a .. mall I"ror turnout in pur
55 !fUf re ti ree.
area Defeated in their t>id fl>r pu"li~
office ... ere Brother, '1crT} Diln;Jha a:>J
Hert> Hannin~. I nC1l1 I·Ui 11111 r hu ll n
l ocal 399. Springlield, I llinoi~: ;In\1 Au-
~"'I AllarJ. hu .. t>and uf our office -.ene·
tar). \1 i1Jred "'1I:l rd All four of th(; .....
men _wpearo~d on the Dellluo;rmic ticl.ct.
It ... as inJeed ;1 ,h;lIlle th .. l orguni£ed
labor in our are:t didn 't tum Out \0 ciCCI
the'>/: 1100 olher UI('I1lOcr. of \llr iou\
t ..... dc IIIliulb lu I' utol i" vlr..:c.
r he "orl. in our area ha, COllie tl fl
Members lind Ihell I"d,.. enjoy Ih' mu,;c o f rrum b:,d 10 ..0·,0. \'oi th hopc~ thut ttle
Guest. lOOnd m embe.s e njoy Ih ' donner. the J lmm~ Dorse), O.cnnl ... ~lImlller mont hs I,ill brin/,l about mlln)

""1". 1, 1973
grou nd breal.inG te:re:monie~ lhal h:l\ e: Local 150 ;,. aho ,punMlrinll II hrtle ro unding... I hope "'e will MlOn ~c\ 0),,1
been long awailed. league baseball team. a 00" linS ICllOl, of Ihe'iC troubled tinlc~.
The pklur('~ lhat appear with thi, ar· and c\cn a \lomen\ \ollo;!)h:llI ICllm. Hc~1 of c\cr)lhing 10 our man) rc -
ticle: are: of the M I" Illino is m' e:rsc Loe-oIl 150 i, 'er) "ell rcpre .... nlcJ in fired Brolhers!
Cont~t. "'hlth '*"'iI' held at the ~I olida)' La~ e COIJnl)'.
Inn in !)eta tu r ea rliu thi, )eoar. A few Our union i~ :11-.0 Il-i\inll four S~5 ccr-
of ollr 1001 1 Broth"", more than cheer· tifiC"";l l e~ for Ihe top ftlur 1l-r.II.hralinll elcl"
full ) donated thei r tim" in order tha t Irical \ocatiunal 'h!denls an 1.lI.c
Scholarship Recipient
Iktalll( mi1!ht ~ho", ;h intc re,t 10 hav- Count).
ing thi ~ eH' nt un an lm nual h;l,i... I ,\1 this" riling. Ihe An nu;tl I' i~nir.: of
mu,1 ~I) thlll I QCl11 1<11'1 "'11' "'ell r"pre- LtlCal ISO is lIC~duled for Augu,t ~~lh.
,<nled in Ihe mt er""1 departmen t. ....hich i~ for all Ihe member, a nJ Ihdr
SIlI'IIl' D. 1- 1 ~1lf M. I'.S. frt1nilil·~. On th e full{)wina; t1 a). I .M,·.,I
150 i, !>t:hedul ed lu hol.1 il~ A nnual (JUl f
OUling. Ilhieh , huuld he one Ilt lhe
Lo cal r 50 H olds Banquet tinc" "cdenJ, IIf Ihe enlir.· ,,,mm,·r.
For Bowlers and Wives '1he mure fl\.'opl..: "h" parti":IIl;r\t,' In
lhe...: union fmucH"n>. lh.· more tln'tln- •
Local 16-4. Je'51Y City. N.J ., ..,eenUy p,e
t.U. 150. \\ /\ P"'E(; \ ..... . II. I,,-On i,m i~ prollloteJ .
.en led ill '-'nnual ScholarShip Awa,d 10
~ I a) 12th. I Q\:al I ~U h... I,1 ih IIII-W P ILL E. M OIIM). I'.S. M,U Gall Ma.y Seg,eto, daushte. of B,other
howling ha nquel (Ilr ho .... kr' 1111,1 thei r .nd Mrs_ J ohn l anzlllo. le ft 10 ';8'" are
.... i\c ~. "fter it dclir.:i"ll' Ilu frtl dmncr. all J ohn l.nziHo; Men Owens. Schora,sh.p Com
cnjo)ed thel11'<tH·' tl:m~inJ! to the lIIu,ic Minneapolis Loc al Wins mlttae membe.; MiU 5-Igrelo. ,ec,planl ; Mrs
John LanZIllo; Will iam P B. Casey. Presidenl ;
or the Vi,ta'. Arbitration Case ~eonafd MarSh .ll, ScholarShip Commlllee
IJcn'>l)n I ledriL "1m Ihc fir,l -pl,\ce membe , ; Howa.d E, Sch rer. J r .• B""ne"
I(op h). l- i,chNtl'h an,l \l oo n! tleL'me I..U. 160. \11 ........ [ \I' O LlS, \II .........- In Man .. ger: and Leo B .. ,\ley. Schola,sh,p Com
m.ltee membe,
t()()~ a di,tant '>I,'~llrW. follo .... ed \ : r) thc~ da~' of h;t(fj'l=oinS for lho.- Ilor~­
clO'<![) h) Ar.:liH' I kdric ..... hl) ttJO~ inJ!lT1an. il j .. gO(Jd 10 nOle (It:'':;'''',)nal
third-plilce honOf\, triumph, .... hen Ihe) ~Ollie up. In ,In ;rl' Gail Mary Se greto Wins
')Ie,c LahC) , on lhe .... inning tk n ....ln hllralion c;I'e rlg,l in'l Ihe t nilo::J Po .... cr Annual Scholarship Award
team. had a hIgh ,,"ric, o f 691 ;tn,[ lt Aw.JoI:ia tion I U I'A) at I II. Kher. \l lone-
hl1!h ~"ne of 267 ,tOd hni,hed Ihe )ear ",1'1. IhL" loc.I I .... rl' ' tlL,"e"ful in pruled- L .U. 16.-. JF,lt.'' i'': Y CITY. '!.J ._ I Ill-'al
"'ith ,I 195. No"', lhut\ ho"li ng~ -Ihe ing 1m a lrca J )-llCgolialo::d holiJ;,) '1 ho:: ](,4 i~ prou,1 10 announce Ihe rer.:ipicnl
Olher memOch of IIt' n,on I Icclr ic\ men "erc ,kn icd P;I)' for Nett ' c;lr\ of Ihe Anntl;t l Sdwl;lr,hip ""rtnl l!i'cn
ho" ling leam I\ere 111m I ltn-1. C h"rle\ 1-1 .:. t>UI Ihe ne ltt nt l :Irhilr:llor rukd in It) our Iu.:a l thrnugh lhe S.·hol:lr-hip
C!;lri.. Jeff tljol~ m an. "nJ I ..I Mllore. f"\or or Ihe loc,,!. I un,l. The ,cholur,hip "a, .t\l "nlcu hi
'Ihi, )'·:Ir. I (X:111 I~(J i, ;11'0 'pon,or- I guc~, it " .1 ,illn of lhe time\, I he \ Ii" G:til MUT) "'-:}:rclo. J :wghlcr ,,'
ing a 12 ~ ,Iott-pudl .... Iflball le;lm. The WlI lerga1l.' ca-.c i, pointing oUl ""cr.,1 II rmher :tnd Mh Juhn I ,tn/illo.
lellm i, , hallmlt up 'er) "e ll. 'u mil)hc th in!!, .... hkh UntOl" 1t;1I': fnughl (ur I he pre-.cn1:ltion ,,( the "hol.l .... hir
our loo.;al "ill h;l'c ,I lir\l-pl.!r.:e troph) }e:lr,. No "o"d~r ullr ,oulh h,I\e to "a, made 10 \It " ~!!rclo in 11 c,'re·
at lhe end .,f Ihl' \untlllcr. loo~ around tu hnt! hOnC,I) in lheir ~lIr- mon) at ollr r"gulllr meeting in M.l)
\I ,,~ Sell-relO \I." ",lecCeJ for the ;""tnl
Champion Bowlers k-cau'>o:: of her higil l'Cltf.Jemic ;t"illl~ In
ho::r high '>I;hool \C3r, We all "i,h \I ",
SegrclO lhe he'l .,t IIJ":~ ant! ~u..:~e~, III
hN fU lure r.:\IJ1egc )e;lr,_
All Brolher mcm"'-'r, .,re e\lro::nlc!I
rlea-.cJ \11th tho:: Je,h~;rleJ etrort' 01 1:'0:
S.:hol:l"hill (<)mmillec. T ho: memltc" .If
Ihe com m iltee ar.: II rol hers I eun,u,t
M:\(\h'l il. I co II,lrttc~. ami "'enn<'lh
O" en, At thi, lime. "c thanl. lit ....."
Urolhcr, lI!;lUn rur Illl' lime ,onJ ell"... In
111:1 ~i n!; lhi, ScL'on,1 Annua l ').·h(II.lr,l1lp
A":lrd po..,\ihlo::.
"'1 /<0 NU,IL, 1'.\.
Members 01 tt.. ch .. mp"·)nlhlp boWling te.m
01 Local 150. Wftuk .... n. Ill.. sponsOr.d by Second place lellm . •ponso,ed by f,.ehbach
B.nson EI.c t rie. Ire .hown w,lh the sponso,.
and Moore EIIICItIC, left 10 rrghl . Dave Ref! . I, Represe ntative Retire s;
UI\ 10 righ l. Stave Uh.y. Tom F.. uSI. '-'/notd
F,an~ Rosiak. Dennl' Ca.lnn. T,aey Me·
B.nlon (spOn.o, ). CharlH Clarl<. Ind Ed
C,ae~en (~ponsor .epresen lallv.l. Je"y C hi ef Steward Promot ed
Moore. JeH Bjorkm ln 1$ not pidu,ed,
H",nes. and Ed Cnrn~_ Th. leam had a
h.gn-game score 01 922.
I.. U. 165, C lllf .\ G O , 11.1..- 0n \1 .1)
hI. ~I:trge O·I I.1 l1 oran relired ;" hll,,-
no::" I"('pre-.cnlall1c fOf" l .oe:,1 IIl~ "f't'r
4J- plu~ 10::;0" of emplo)tIlenr .... l1h Ih;.· II
linoi, " 0::11 l e[o::phon.: Conll'",n\ \I ,I'I:!~
\I." p.hl pre', ..,!.:nl .1Il..! hlh ioc\, m.,".,~,'r
of former 1.(,...11 till. " hich ;m,;rlg;l-
n,IIl-" .... Ith I I-,..al 165 in April. 1972.
"'he hil' :1 1.... ,1)' ""en :Iethe in uo'''n~
~hc "';I' \er) mlKh ., p;lrl of Ihe 1<Jrrl1;l-
lion <)f Ihe fir,1 mu,·pen,I.-nl local union
lhat rcpre.,."nleJ COInplrolte r. Accuun t-
in g. rind Mu;1 [)ep:.rlmcnh of lhe AJ -
mini'l ruthe Scf\i ce~. '1 he )'ear I!I(i ~ ..:t\1
Thl,d·pl .. U tum . lpon.ored by Acl lve EI ~·
Ille. Le ll to , llht. DOn Lahey, Lowell, Shorty Members enjoy Ihe m ,~lvu danCIng eft .. a Marge UCli\c aga in in formin g I ..crt l
Owens. Ra y S hebut a, nnd Gary Owens. delicious meal . 111 1. She hel d \'ariOIiS JlO~h JU\\11

,. nSEW J ou rnol
Ihrough Ihe )ear!>, Work in!! in beh •.If of
all Ielep hone worlecs, !>he h:!' ;II"a)' Secretory of Labor llIonlh for each }ear\ complcled mem·
t>er.hrr. 111 1) )0:3rs' member~hlp X
t>een .U;:lIIe in Ihe NaliOnll1 Hell Council. Brennan 5:: no 5100 per month.
"hkh uxlu) is a weJ1-coordinilled. \Ohd , "('III (1";1111 I'l'Iuim, ":Iscd o n 2.0(lO
!!roup We halt· been honored l'CI'lg hour, lIor~eli lind bcnefit~ of 1"'0 per
ahle 10 "orl along wil h M:lrj1e :tnd \\i ll cenl of 10lal co ntrihulion" T llelll) c<' nl ~
IIlh, h~'r a round Ihe office, AI Ihi~ "ril' rer h,Jour emplo~er conlrihUlioll on :I II
in!!, " P;lrt) in her honor h ...:hedu1cd :11 hOIl'" ",-,rl.cd F\arnple =1 (c)-Si~t)·
the Cumll Inn, file IC,.,.., (l1,J ;)",,1 eml'lO\ro by ;\ con·
April I. l'Jn. mlrl.ed Ihe completion Iril-Ulin, l'mplo\cr ](I year; p.'l\1 Pa ~t
I)f Ih,' r. .... I )cur Ihat l oca l 1M h;l~ rep· '-Cr\ icc 51.01'\ X 10 ~C:11"'i - $::0. Fu·
re-..:rue\1 the Cvmptroller'·'loccl'l:turi.:, lure "<!nice ~II ,()O X 1"0 yean SII'i,
Uejlurtlllelll in Ihe Chic:lgu urCll, Re· 1'01,11 ~_H; rot,11 or nil . h r~e 3.mOUnl~ 10
l·enl l). lhe la\1 e!il~" of .' Ie"·:ml, COlli. S2::<,I. r "ole Since 1"0 }e"r~' ftllilre
r'et\'d ih \leWllrd's lrainln g e!;!" "hi.:il 'oCTlke i, feqllire,j ;IOd ollr pension phm
";1' hcld in our conference rt)(JlI1 . I min· ".1' nOI ~'arled unlil June I. 197::. no
ing i, :1 i1Cler...:ndillg la,l, line "C feel I, pen,ion ~.IO he I'ai,j un.il Junc t . 1914.)
i I11 IM.rt:lrU . Uioo. Pe.e. J B.ennan ..... s
at a dlnne, hllid by Local 111. I II,hl,' IClllplm'!'r'" TIIM, =1-N FB F
J une '12 ,:tw the union and c'" lIl'a n~ JacksonVIlle. Fla_ Sho ... n, lett ,0 fiSh!. ,,, e ',me ~" "'II'iI'"lion, :I nd Ilt!nefth. F~HIII '
,l:et lOgether in lalk~ concern ing the Joliel Sec.et a')' B.ennan. M"yo. Han, T.nr,e •. J." rIc =:: (a)- T \\Cnl) )e"r~ old an" r~­
,.cu'unt lllg ollke pIUI'>COIlI. A, iuh, ,'pen Mrs. Tanzle,. and P"'ll(Ien, L. P. Jones.
liring .It (>5 lear. of llJ!e. Fort}'·fil'C ).';ar,
11[' :. 1 tIther locuttun" our !l\ernl'Cr' arc coruplell',j IoCtlice X S3.lIH per monlh
a,led til ttrde r of -.cnioru}. 1\ l'l'ro\i- S l l~ per monlh
maid) ~U [lClll'it' h;l\1: hN-n trim,f,· rr,·" /Hrll In " </11;011-5;111'11: conlrihll'
10 ,l;lll', 111(1,1 of Ihem !>Cing lI['graJet.! lion, ,111 '" I'l'neftl~. F\;IJllplc =2 (h) _
into ['1;11\1 joh,. We wi-h Iho"<! alre:,,' ) l-ort}·lile )~:".,. "ompleled m~mhcr'hip
Ir;uhfcrrcd '"C\'C". I (lCli l J36 h i;;,ining X ~::.(I(t per month - S'JO pcr mnnlh
""lie reit! good union pt:oplc. Lnc-,,/ l 'n;"" I', ,,,;,,,,--5.lIlIe conh;!.,,·
Hilt \ ot~ has hccn appoinle,j 10 re· lion. ;Ind ......le"h. F \ilmplc =:: rc)-
,,1:I,e \I:lrl;e O· I! allor.m II i, :IPl"uiru· 1 0rt~.lhe II'M' rmure 'iCrtice :II 51C(l(l
nlenl 1'IC\.·arne effccli~e on Mu ) 1,1 Ihll pcr I1lt,nlh 51(>(1 per monlh ( .... otl' : \1
h;I' "lIlg !'Cen IIc liw In l ocu l IfI.~ .tnt.! 411 .:e," , ,'Cr hOIiT Ihe heneli" "ould N:
1'1 iur lu IhfU lime he -.ened :1, ;, 11l~:n. ,jtwl>ic,j.1 TOI;I I all Ihree - 55t!~ per
..... r ;,nd ,te"ard in I.DC:II 371 monlh I-or full detitils. eht.'CL lour 1 0.
IIiII', formal union cducilliun. in illkli· Con,tilulion. loc,,1 Union Pcnsion Ru le,
tion III the u,ua l seminar.. and Ir;umng Bool .100.1 ,''!'1I the officc rCI,!a.rding ';HIt
d;",<, Ih;1I a ll chicf 'Iel'o:lr,j, and 'Ie\\·
;If,,, .llIend, includc~ :1 1" 1).)e:lr lahur
rci:tliun. eOur~e al Ihe Unhcr,il} l,f P.n,d"nl Jon". COnS'JiIl,I"I., S.c •• t,lLJY
, or " ' R I'
\\ Ith "'o..:lal \l:cIIT11< bcnefih he;ng in·
er,·",,',1 an,1 .II,hled 10 Ihi""<! pen,ion" ro:
( hic;lgo. B'ennan on n,s excellent sl>".cn, tirinJ! i, hcnltlllng more rlc;l~nl Ih:ln In
\ oil, ,I( the lime of hl\ ,lpll'OlI1tnt<!,u, 1";\,1 )eolT'. I ct', :111 hope Ihin!!, ,1;,hiIi7e
1'0:1, Ihe '<nior chief ~te",ard in I t)(:;11
lI.4ge'. inf1:1lion, and Ihe high Ct"t of
'" th.,1 ,)ur ftilliTe retiree, can rc .. l1~
165, 11i ~ :IPll'OlIItlll<:1I1 to c hief ,tel'o"II.I ti\in{::' Brennan Malc .... ~and thtb(' are en/iI) retir~III~III.
t.!"h'" hael 10 Detoher, 1962. Re ..enll). Ihe thing, Ih:u Ihe Depa rtment uf I :11'>t,r
In d'''ln!,!, IIlIr IIlilil), t)uhidl', '1;.Ic.
i, intere,led in. Amcrk~;1 rII,,,t h<'
Bill hi" heen worlinl; do,cI> "il h ho'pit.tI. nnd olhe r emplo}ee~ ~:IO cnku·
/o.l arg~ O'll uliuTlUI on II Illelll"cr,hip 'tnlllg." Breonan conlinued. ":md Ihu! lule Jhell' auli.:ipliled pen~ion b} lil,!lIrin ~
•II' I-c in Ihe Com plroller an" A ....olllllin): me.m, ,jume,lk pen...:e :" "1lI1 <1\ l~<lce Ihe III!'\\' l'el1,ion and an} Olhtr pen •
in Ihe lIorld."
Ikpallinenh, During Ihi\ periud. he I'"" ,i"'l. 'u~h :1' 1r.1RI·. et~ .. 10 ad,jllion tll
ahle I" f:lmi liLITil.e h im'oClf "1Ih Ihe J ".ts C, "CHit" ~\It III, Il,S. the pen,ion, 1"lell. lmd Ihe} ClIO ,l:el (j
probie lll ' Ih;11 arc pecuh;lr 10 Ihe .1':' f"ir iJeil o f /U,I "here the) ,lant.!. Our
~Q\lntlOg I,mce~, Scribe Gives Data On "lIi ..'e IHlllid he happy 10 help )OU il
It j. wilh a fce 1intl of los, Ihllt lie ''')
Various Pension,; )011 IHtI~ qllc~lion'.
!,!",,.j," )c. Mar~'C , bul it h wilh conti- BII'lOe" \l aml!!C!' G:I} Gart.!. ot1i~.:
denee Ih:lI I'oC wi,h you, Bill, good lucl. L.U. 19,1. SPIU,\,(;l-n: l.lJ, ILI..-Otlr "·I·r,·'.lt... , I dil D ,IIm,1 ,wu \I :'T) \ r·
M,H KUlI , !'.S. la,1 leiter in lhe JmmUiI "a~ in rel,!anl nwnr. ,.01.1 \0111 pre~~ Sfi'relar). M. V.
10 life in,urance henefi1\. ;100.1 Ih.~ lillie 'Ole \hcp" Shepherd. "i,h }OU all ...
"e 1Iit! Ir} to gi\e ~ou \OOle ha" .. dam ple •• "mt ,ummer -..:a,on,
Secret<1ry of Labor Brennan l'n Ihe \·:,riOU5 pen,inn hcnellt\ )0\1 nm) ~c )L/tl .It tl,e lIeAt trled;II!;.
Honored at Local 177 Dinn er 1'1: eligihle ror. II "tJlIl,j he tllIer l) illl' " IKKI!. V. SHU'III KI), I' ,S,
l"O',i"lc to g" into rule\ of elil;ihilit).
L.U. 177, J I\ CKSO,'llVIU. E. 1;,. \ ._1 Q. POi,1 OinJ future )euT\ of credit, el .... "ul
..",I 177 "Ih proud 10 halc Secrel:H) of 1'0<' .. ill tf) 10 projc .. t '>Ome idea of "hat Local 194's Workday
Lat>or I'cler J, Hrcnnan al a dinner It1 I"" futur... t>a-.cd on currenl contri"mion For Scouts a Success
hi, hOllor :It the Jad,on\ille lli llon r;ile" hold, in 'lore for our people.
Hutt'l .111 MlI} 17th, Tllt: dinner, "hl~h IlIIi,I,' 1':111/1/11.1'1"'.1' TIIMr # I- NEIlF L.U. '''''. Simn EI'OK"!'. l.A. -TI l<:
Il:l\ ;, non·partis.an affair, "ill 1I11ended Fmrlo}er's Pension b;j'oCd on one p.!'r "lIot'lt.!,,)" held on M ay 261h lIa, :In
hy r('pre'>C nlalile \ of labor ,tOd m :l1Ii1ge· cenl I,!ro,~ I'a~roll cOlltrihttlion, b) him, l)uhl;,nJmj: 'lIcce" ror IJ.o} Seoul Troop
menl. "ilh repre-.cnl:lli\'el of Ihe cil) E,.lml'lc = I (:1)-Shl)·fhe }ear~ old f\.o, 111_ \II prOt.:eet.!, "I:nl to"ard "U}-
golCTnnlCn t ul'>O prese nt. lIilh ."0 )i!1If',' .,..rvice .Ind no hre"l\. inl,! ea~h ,>\:OUI a OCI< uniform. The
Seeret:lr) Urenn:ln !>.IIid Ihal. tn II";".:!' Thl'l:e ,lolf;1~ pef 1I10nih had. III I'J-I1 "or~d,l} " ... a JOlnl l'ffort b) Ih e IlIcrll·
ing .,cr"" Ihe nation ant.! 1 :1 1~lt1g to m('n 31 )0:,'''' X $3.00 '.13 per monlh. ''Cr, tlf " ~:l1 194 ;,nJ HI) Seolll 1roop
:",d "omen in Ihe la bor J1I()I·ern .:nl. he 11It.1V ~ 1.0. " t'llIlolI tm'>Cd Otl $10 Nil, IU.
fOlind Ih:1I Ih e gn.:m maiol il) of lhem llel monlh eOl pl oyee con iri billion "hich 1 IX:lI 1'14 h~, \'Ccn lite 'I"-'IIWI or
tlit.! nol M.'e11l to be imcresled in nOlld· h ., p;.rl or dues. l'xaOl l'le = 1 (111 - T H)(Jj> No. 10 for (looIH 15 rnonth~, F n.
j1<1le" Walcrgnle~. o r any ot her I.intl of \i,')·.i\ )Cllr) old "ilb 50 )c:lr, mem· rollmenl h.I' incrl';I'>Cd rrom :,bOtil Ihe
t!'\te.. "T he) 're inleresled in prke~. N:Nhip ... nd no brea ~ J. Two dollars per 10 30. a\cmging aboul three 1lC1'o' SCOUh
a 1110nlh. I he '>1:1.1111, Ihlle £Olino:d ...:'cral til' mure I."ae-h \lcek. Some Il rOlh~I' . Ire
honor, ltnJ a\larJ, fl.r Iheir ....·oming ,till "or~ing: 0111 of to .. n. h<ll \Ie ;Ire
Annual Dinn er-Dance
anihl) Wo: t-clicle Ih" j, ;tn mJ": •• lI,,n ,urc Ih;,I Ihc) "ill ,III he- home ..u<,".
Ih.!! [he) arc r"pI\U~ I'Clomjn~ ;0 moJd \ 1 Ihi, "ritil1J; III JUm"_ •• fi,hin~ Irip
Iroup. i\ pl,mneJ for lull Wc hOflC 10 h;lIe
I he 111101" i~ ;.Im,hl ,-,oml"lo:tell unJer ,,)nll." rhot{)'; .Hltl 'Iorie, :1,,-,"1 Ihe rrip
Ihe I\o:nkr' hip of Ill<.' '"Oltl~. I hl' ..... OUl· for Ihe Il<.',1 i"lIc.
ma~ler. Il rmhl'r I ut:o:no: ",.I~o:r. .,h- W,. :Ire gl .. J to rcporl Ih.>1 I ,I ~rcn,-er
...:nl'~ .,nJ Ie".:h .. , the "-)~, ..... oulin~ i, h"c~ 10 \lorl. "fh:r hi~ !'>oUI ",ilh a
mO:lhu,k IJrolher \~ "I~o:r "';11', •• , he "'r"l.en kg: ;1"". \1..11 Hull •• nt-' I' \I"rl ·
i,ll'''' ...... Irool" I' uno: Ih"1 l'an func· 11111 ;lg;oill "fler hh e~e oper-llion
lion \lIIh ;I minimum I\f .IJull \llpenj· I(c\;cml). '.I,' .....:,1 all Ihc hlo<>,' in ,Illr
"on. nUl a 'Ir,lIIll ."ho:,illn 1'C",,:o:n Ihe BlooJ B .tn~. ,lilt-' ,.1 Ol>f I~'I mC''' litl~. 'oil'
cOlln~lur ami Ihc nu0l" n1ll\l lx' II1ltln· e:ll1ed for dO/lor, ;1ll.1 -I:! m"mher,
wine.1. Our m:lin Il"'" i, 10 lei Ih.: ,i~netl ur. I e.tli Ih:1I om,Lln,'inl;!. I hi,
we'e awa,ded .,
~COUI~ man,lgc Ihe Iru0l"" i~ one uf Ihe tlm,1 "orlh"hile rn'lCCh 0;';;';;";';;;;
01 Local 2]1. Sioux
,\ .Iult It:;tJo:r~hll" r~'" m.linl) \I IIh Ihl' goinl! .•Ino it', (ree_ If )UII .llhel lo.:;lh H.re. Vie. P,e.idenl HaIry Marlin. cenler,
..... mllm."I~r. BrOlh.:r \\ nll.er i, h:.deJ Jon'l h., .... HI.1Ot1 n.tn~,. ,1.111 ""lle. preHnts ""'Y,Ce pons 10 Brolhe.s M,~e He •
h) a c:lrahk ~·.)[l1mllh:e l'OntfltN,'J o f Yuu' lI ne'cr he -.:Irr). nan .• tght, and I.."y t.!ndquo$!. left. lor ]5
Il rolha, J.:rr) M .I)tkl,J. I rank \ .... 1'\.111. Wc cannOI ,II"" enolll1h hll" ric~ct ·
Y""" of '",VtC.,
Jam,·, t 'llwy. I ,hlie ,\ l ler,. and ' :lrr) ing r.')S olf. A t our 1:1'1 Inl'cl ing. BtI,i·
/> l ilC hcl L n~" \I :tn:tgl'r G ... OII:'· (I :1 r~ rerorl\·,1
Wo: cUlllln.utl;tlc ill,tther Geuq:e Ih.ll " lob ";1\ ridel"". ami ,';lhin on ...
ern,,\ II:uIghtel'. June, "h.1 rc.el1ll) rc· hour. Ihl..' prohlel11 .. a~ whe,!. Onc..:
cl'ileJ Ihrce ,,":.rJ, fur hrr .11ll'I:tnJin~ .• g.lin. I -,;t) Ih.11 IOnitl lIilhll1 Ih~ r.lll~
h",l.clnail pia) in hCI "IiI",,1 ,)he Il"r·
ncr{"J Iruphi," fur nlO,1 pIlim,. 1111" r{"·
Ii'" of Ihe huil.llng H;IJ~, I' ,·,..en·

houndel'. ;1II,1 nll"l ,,,hl.lh'" rl.ller. \Vhh }ou :til .1 ','r) ... ,fe 'tlmm'·I.
1" ...';1' 1')-1 110" h;I' a lulI'\II11e urrrcn· I II \ 111111111. 1'.5.
licc In"ning tllrellor IIrl)lher (,knn (,111 (,\lUIl .... ". I'.~.
I'i(~ell \1.1\ ~Ie,'\cJ for II!.! to". Ilroll!.!r
l' icl.clI \I,,, a I>hlcnN'",n ..ele,II,," for Sioux City Local H olds
lhe nwnurllenl;l1 I;I'~. If,' i, \lell 1.11<1I'.n
for hI' Jcui .... leu ".Ir~ "ilh Ih ... "rprcn·
Annual Dinn er-Dance
Ike I' ru~ram in Ih,· 1"-"1. II~ h.I' l'Cen L U. 231. SIO UX ('I'I Y. I,\ .- Our An·
ill'ol'ed "llh UUf Arrl\'min l'rul;!ram nllal D lnner· D;lncc \\:1\ hel.1 "I Iht: AI,
,inc..- hI.' "''', lin .Irl"renll~c hlm ......·lf enlmo II OIel on Ihc nening 01 \1.11 ~lh. B,Olh.r EllIOt RuSh pre$enls • door pr.ze
Brolher I'lel.clI " U~ of Ih~ ",.[0) "ilh "Pl"ro,im.II\·1) lOll j"l:rw'" III 10 Brothe, Robe., Meel",y'" w,fe. Fran
memho:r, In lhe I,~.II ",h.. r\'"hJe Ih~1 .Iueml.tnce. Door prill.." \ler~ d.m~lc,1 h)
.l rprCOH~c' are one of Ihe maJ... r (a(ltlr, Ih... 1,)(,,,1 (Unlr.t.:lor, ,111.1 "h"k"'lk
in lhe lifl" .lIltl fulurc Olf \IUr 11111.," ;tnJ ho,,~,

Ihc in"u'lr). ,\ rler dinncr ..... nice pm' "crc pre·

II I Kill III . 1' 1I1~III)(oI. \ " I . I 'S. ....lI1e" 10 ,", "'"M,l W:mll\·,h"lm. -IS
)e;l .... : h. cilh I c"j,. -I II ),';11\; 1I.lrry
Cincinnati J ourn eyme n I in,lqui<'t. \1. B II ccnan. :111.1 Roher!
Rh)nler. lS )e;or,; DonalJ Arpel. I r;ltl~
Complete Upgrading Courses B.lite). ,\rlhm 11.-;111. R.II n .OIi\. 1(.llph
L.I I. 2 12. <:1'("1" 1\11 . 0I110_ l ir~l. llei,ler. O"en I1 I11il.cr. Ra) I inqllht.
leI lI[e ..onliralllhll,· the (.. IIU1'lnll j"ur· J.)hn Lin,le). 1',11 \ I<;: (iinlli,. Arnolt!
ne)llle n 0" ,:oll1[1lcling III'J!ratlinll ~lHlr ..... , I( ich. Robert S:ldwu. I orn," ~ I !I)o~. :tn,1
-Lce lI ulimer. Willi.lnt (n", f,II·J. Juhn (h.,rk, S\\:tn..ol1. 2~ \~" I',: ,1m! Kennelh
J . Merri". Denni\ 1(1.ln . I(ul!.:n 'led}. II)-rtte. R.I} II nlce. K o~ 'Id,.ltl, 0..' ;011
anJ I cif M)cr,. in hluerrint ro.·.IJIn~. RU<,h. ,tnu Wen,lell "lllmnn. :m )".11'
('"on~r.'lul,'lion\ 10 Ih~ ;lhoH' m,. ",t-ocr, 8,0lher LIOS M,lIer "nd h"
anJ Willl,,1I1 (r.,"I."d. J .. II1,·\ Ibrlh. hona lor " _e~'s Y'S,I from
Joscph 'IIMII. ,tIlJ (,er,,1d 'milh. ,1;111t: ,IIlU ;01..., 10 Ihe (onlntillec lI1elll"-:r,. Vene~u.la. ""ond Ihe don" .. da"ce.
.:ontr.,I. Bll,ille" \I.,n"gcr .In,' \l r\. 0 'eill
\ h ller. BrOlhcr ilIul \h ~. I 11i,'1 I( II,h.
L:"I ,\ (:1). ",," hel,1 .• {:nlf l"urn.1I11\·11I
attt.! llrolher :Iml Mr~. D iel. 1(,,1.,. for ;0
\lil h 1 011.':.1 6-1K III Il amillun. O hiO.
\I an) of {lur m\'nlh(h 1"1'1~{"d ;tII" h.,J a ler) nICe c'cnin~!
gOOo.i lime. We :Ir... ,,);\~inli Ihi' ;tn ;In· IIrollier I(.I} DUJ;an. Jr. '1IlIercJ a
nU;llc, ... m. ocarl .ill"d in \flril ;II1d i, hoo.PII •• Ii/,"J
I :orh )c;or. lho.' lU I W hold, ;t N)",hng in ('hcro~ee. 10"';0. '011 nM) ..eml him
ItlUrt):'UI"'''I. ;ond "c ..enl 'CHT,II 111""[- e<lrJ, ;11 92-1 1I,.. ri~. ChefU~,·e. 10\1.1
ho:rs 10 eu!Ilpcl.... A, lI\ual. InO,1 of SIU I2, I' m ~urc hc'd hl~ 10 h,''''' frorn
Ihem ~111,,)c,1 thelll'>!.'''l', )0111
'k mhcr~ of 1 01.'";11 231' .. Arprclltice·
( ' III' I II \"'1. 1'$.
lohil" ('"ol11l11inee. l'ro."\iJenl 1(.) Ie Cteu·
Contract Outcome Awaited; -en. Bo" IIllr~c. Jlnt <.i<xtg:m. ;lml Jilll
l..c\c). hale t-ocen 1>11\) inl"flk:";ng ap-
Wor~ Situation Improving rliC'lnh for Ihe cominj: )e •• r. 0111 uf 1IJ-I
LU. n-l, ;'\. ..: \\ IIEDHIKI>. ( ' 0 ", ' .- :Irplieanh. Ihc full" .... inJ! "ere -etcr.:lctl
O ur Nelluliatin~ Committee It:" .hme il' h) Ihc JA r c · J,'hn II l1r~e. D.lr)1 D aH'
job. a nJ Ihe eonllHCI i, n" .. in III.: ieh. 1).ln;el 1 .liwre. \ Iih' \1 :"entl~l.y.
h"ml~ .)f lhe 1';1) 1J";1l ,1 . W~ "ill r~Jl'Ort Sieh' SallmJc ....... tIlJ Sinen \\ill
Ihe oulcome I,,\er. Our negol;;ltIOn\ h ;I'~ hccn r.:olnplelcJ
rhe ",or~ ~ilU:ltion i, imprOI ina; :1 lit. (nmlimle./ 1111 (,,,/;.> 4 ( )

IBEW Jou,"ol
(()(AI VNIOKt: 73. 110. 160.
292. 506. 783. 800 . 1047

M aleo

NECA Northern States Power Company 3 M Alarm Systems

Cory Corporat ion Air KinR Corpora t ion Applia nce Drawing
AlF·c ro Union Industries Show
IBEW Winners List

Frigidaire Dishwasher: Sheri Mc kler, 5724

W. 25 112 Shee t, St. louIs Park, Minn.;
General Electric Range: Oscar Dolgoff.
1915 Wa shburn Aven ue, N., Minneapolis,
Min n.: Whirlpool Refrigera tor: l ester Har -
ris. 3309 S. Servo Drive, Red Wing, Minn.;
We st inghouse Washer: Jean f erm. 1920
w. 2 1 St ree t,
Minneapolis, Minn.: Westing-
house Tras h Compactor: Mrs. A. F. Joh n-
son. 1057 Edmund Street, 5 1. Pilul, Min n.;
Westinghou se Clothe s Dryer: D. F. Sher-
man, P.O. Box 31 , Alt o n, Min n.: Frigldillre
Freezer: Vera Clepper, 4658 Aldrich, N ..
Minneapolis, Minn.: Hoov er Portable
Wa sher: J . Jo nes, 3 6 19 143rd Aven ue,
N.W., Ano ka, Minn.; Zenith Television Sel :
Doreen Bower, 695 Sherburne Ave nue, St.
Paul, Minn ,:

The Frigidaire Dishwasher Winner

Sea ted at the table in t he IBEW kitc hen :I re;) are, left to rig ht ,
Mrs. Jo seph Keenan, Mrs. Edward Murphy, Mrs. Mel Boyle
and IB EW Dlrec tc r 01 Pu rchases Doris From an. Stand ing are
Hu nter Wha rto n , General President, Operating Engi neers:
Th e West inghouse Washer Winner Robert w. McAl wee, Director 01 IBEW Journal OaplHtm ent :
Edward " Bud " Murphy , Secret ary· Treasurer, Union Label and
Service Tra des Department , Joseph P. McCurdy, Presid en t
IlGWU; Mel Boyle, Assis tant to Secre tary Keenan, an d
Richard F. Walsh , Presi den t Union label and Service Trade s
Depart ment.
({'Wlfill/II'II from {Nt1:t' 3fiJ h;iS fin" II} ~lar1eu. amI Ihere i\ 10h of n;!1 Ie"rning IhlOllgh loe:,1 ithlilutions.
hut mUSI now he ;lppro\l~J hy thc COn- 1:tIL of olher projl'Ch. II r01 her !Ill "'a~ pointed 0111 lho: Ohiect ..
\lrtKtion Indmtry SI:.hili/.uion (ommit_ Congr:llul:tlions 10 Ihe '>I:"len .Ipprcn- IIf Ihe IB I W ;trW endeJ hi, 'lIeC('h h)
u:e (C ISC). 1\ 1I.lin \Ie Ih.\OL )our 'ej:o- licc) \lho gr.ulu:ll.:d in June . I hl') ;He "II ing IhJI the 'Irenglh or ollr Brolh"r-
ti;tting COlllmiue.:. l'on,i,tin~ of Ihl,it!("" Vince Anello. John CI'lrieonc. "'i~1. h""t.! j, Ih," onl} real anw.,'r I" Ih ..
\l an:lgcr J) N.:ill \1oIIer. I'rl"ill..:nl ",·lfU. Jr . Bill YmL. IIdl ')ltll..·,. Wu~cr prnl>"'m, IIt;lI r,lCt liS.
Ro) 10: (lall'oCn. I:>"m Aprocl. ;Inu ;llt"r- "'elch. :II1d (h,.. lie \u1. I \("4,:lIIile Ilo;lrli memtoc", IJr()tl\e",
nate lia)nc I.imll'n. for the honr~ 'pcnt JI\lI,T'IIMIIUIlU_ P.S. Ji rn l'c<lrlOn. I tmer S\lcarinJ;el1. Jo...
in our beh;Ilf. 111l1l' Nt II ~t 1'<0, PS. l'lkh. "ntl I)on I azasz. "lOng ",ilh E\
;mllnin~ lloarll meml:oer~ SrOlhe,..., Glen
Graduation li r,lIl) anti Ion) Shrelc~, ~romo: 10 lhe
Scribe Tells Ab!lut Being gr.Jt.!II;H~' '111..1 congralUl,ltcJ Ihcm on
On Negoti at ing C omm ittee Ih"ir .Ic,'ompli,hmenls.
li rulhcr "'illtler lhen inlroollced
I.. lI. 237. " \ G \It \ F \I IS. '-". -1 IJrolh.'r Juhn IJ,'''''' 5h, our '(I\'ci •• 1 glle,!.
h;I(1 the honor of bein(: elo:("lcll .1' lOIll- I\hu h.... '~nt ahllO';I :!I) }':"" of hi,
milleenWII 011 th.: Nej:.lIiatin!! Commit- life l"I('inj,: in,olteu in Ollr apprel1lice,hip
!l'C thi~ ).:ur. alld I \IOU III liLc to lell prUl;nllll ;11 IC;Icher :mll in Olher C.I["I:lli-
-om.: of ml tholtj:ht, llt>.)ltt it nOli th.11
thl' n':A!otiHtiOI1' ure Oll'r
ric,. III' of Ihe ch,tng~, in Ihl' :11"-
prt'n1ke\ rule o'er Ihe )eM', Whae:I'
Iking an ine\jX'rienn',1 nq:oti.llor. I hef"ro:. lhc "pprcmire h"u o.:o:n jll" ;.
w.1' gl.ttl til b,.. \lilh I' r.:,,,lo:nl bel. " ,'n- "gil-for." 1001;IY the apprelllke 1.ll.e~ all
n.:II>. IJu,inc" ,\ Ianaj:l'r \\illi1lln John- 51e"ben",lIe. Oh'O. hono.ed ,I' !lccilc pMt in Ihe "Orl.. from Iho: bc~in­
,on .. lntl I.\.:cllti\<· 1I0"n l t1uo'mher "i- Rradu3le~ al a d.nner on May ~"h. Gr.d l1ing unlil Ihe /u'" j, O:(ll11pl..:lcli. Ih,'
cha.:1 O·Sh.:a. \11m 11.1' 011'1' the u8les. left 10 rilll'lt. are Larry Krdde,. I3l1l1y
B.own. J3me. P. Pearson. W,lIl ftm S",Ic~. change h;t, ;tho heen <;.:en in Ihe up-
N.:goll"Wtj: ("ommill.·.: lh.linnlln, rhe\C P~!" ck Harvey. James Coleman. and Rober! gr:uling: of lhe \lhole :Ipprenlice,hip pro-
Ihree e'(po:rienccil men ilil' j:uod le.u:h.:n Phebus, M'SS,nll /rom Ihe p'Clute a.a 8'''d
11ft!'" E~ . I e~,le)', Rand)' Donllh"". and
j:r"l11 I he pfOgr.II11 no" COIO:' .... lhe .,"1
(()( m.' ..Inu I \I", gl;I(1 Ih.'\ \lere on the '>\'0(1\' of eleclric,,1 \lorl.. fmm genel,,1
R~ha.d Fe.guson,
loc"I" ,ido: cJnlflc:t1 ~no" lellg.o: to eleClrOl1k, lech-
I feel il \luillt.! he ;1 pC.II h.'nehl 10 it n(lJ,'II) .
10i.\1I if .'ad! lltemt.cr 1<",1. ,I lum ..en- !If,uhcr 1I.lh;"h ,Ial ..d lh'II ho: hdieH'
ing on Ih.: Ncgllli:l1ing (Ot1tmillce . II a"illllJe ;10..1 intelligence :t10: Ihe I".~
j:i..:, onc .In ilhighl inlO Ihe \lorling., of nt.lin f3,IO(' in lhe scleclion "f III.'W ;11"-
o:ulleClilc hargaining.. It', h.lftl 10 e\plain ph·I"i ..·.'~-1 h.: 1\10 go h'llld III han." H,'
Ilh;11 goc, ()It. ;t, )011 h;III' 10 n.: Iher.:: conclud.:t.! I>~ J,thinl,! the ne" joUrtl<')rtl,'n
Ih.lt', \lh) I enC(Hlrage ell'f) Illemt.cr 10 1\1" ~t) flU;n" Ihm "ou!t.! ,Irenglltcn Iho:
,ho\l he ".Inh tu help Ihe 101::11 h) :11'- I1l1Ion 3ml m:l~e il e,",~n tJcller for "II
c': tllinl,! Ih.: numinalion III Ihe N"l,!uli:ll- lIIernn.:r_t:tLe 'In aClil'c pMl in lot'll
till,! COlllmittc(" if nOlllill.lI\·d lIl! 10 "I':Il! are E."cullv" 1301"d membe,s ,..-li, ilic, :1110..1 don'l e~pccI ..omo:onc e1"",
I Ihin~ Ih;ll Ihl~ IC.If \1.1\ " dillkull Elme, 5w"',,';nlen, James C. Ptoa.son, Joseph I" 0..10 il .. II. lind "ho:n ,ulillg on 10.:.. 1 i,-
(Inc for ''''lIoli.llion,. I\ilh ":tge cOn\ruh U"ch. "nd Donald U .. "u and Eum.n,n~ \II'::,. ahl;I)~ ~cep in minu \I. hal i.. No',1
all.1 Ihe thr'::ll ,If AIIC I hI' melllOer,hip 60a.d member. Ton)' SIl'elies and Olen fu" Ihc 1II:I,,,ril) and n Oi jll,1 fur Ime,,,1f
dl\[n'l rC;lII} ~IIO" "h:11 \Ie c()ltlll I;C1. \() At Ih;, lime. I e.\pre..s a ~rcd .. 1 Ihanl.
\Ie had 1 .. 1) fcw 'U!;g,',li.)n, frolll Ihe )011 III ;tli loc.1i memhcr<i, ["I;"t "nJ pr.... -
nuur. CI1I. "h.. ha'c H1Len an acll\': p"n
I he onJy Ihtlll,! I Ili'li~c.J :100111 Ihis in our :Irprcnl;ce5hip progr:tttt :tn,1
),eM\ negoli,llillll\ fpcrh;!f" I IIidll·1 no- ho:lpcd 10 IIMLe 11 the line plOgl1l111 lh"l
licc it heforel ",I~ Ih.11 Ih,'re "n, .1 101 il I,. I hI' me11lho:r~ of Ihe progr;IIlI h;I\':
uf Icrt);1 1 .. hll'oC IIir ... ctcll !II Ih.' commil- 'I len IhanLlc" joh... ilh nl;lny hour ..
ICC. WI' "ere brilt!;iog prOI"l(}\;II\ ..... d 10 'jlt.'111 in preparallon.
tho: memher, III 10Ie on .•,' Ih ... nlCmrers Brolhcr "'idlil'r pre""'lIlcd C.:rlificaho'\
h:llc the filt.lt \:1) \lhelher to :ttl·... pl or IIf (""'pkltlln ;tttli ' :H illmll J"llrnC)Ill:tll
rcjCc1. .11111 I \I ," ;1I."(II..ed Ilf ",lIing oul I Iedr;":11 \ led,llIiolls 10 Ihe gradll,lte'l---
Ihe loe;!1 10 Ihe COlll r;IClor Ihe .1,1) t.c- Br.llh,'" /J.llr) IIrown. Farl Baile).
L"I! 10 fight a'e SPK",t gUllsl John Habatoh.
for.: the I1r~t propoo.al \I." lolo;-t.! on :IIlJ P'esod"nt Dewey McKay. and "'pp,en',ce~h.p J•• me' Colem,lIl, Itand) Don.lhuc, Ri_
rtjeelell, Comm.""" membe,. Roberl I(,ddll" JOhn r h.trll I ergu..on, Poll ricl. Han C). L ... rr)
r ho: olliecr, "ho "'ere Ck>t:lcd to Ih."-.c: Bos..la. and John Pu,son. ....i,Mcr_ Jamn I', I'cal")(ln. Roller! Phe-
Ihn.-e fJO\h on Ihe committec .trt, in Ill) htl ... ,mu Wilham S"icL.
Ilpinion. 100 fll"r Ct nl for the lotJl, .. ntI Local 246 Honors 10 On t.ehalr of Local ~~6. I <'\Ienll con-
Ihc) IIidn'l Uc-.c:ne Ih .. ,ICCII"Ilion\ ..Ii- Graduates at Dinner gr:.1I11.llioo.. anll hc~1 \lishc:s 10 the n.:"
rcclcd at them. I feci Ih.11 J 10,1 ;( cou- journe} men.
ple of fri;.>nd,. Jlle 10 lleing on Ihc ~Olll­ LI _ 2",6. Sl t:l Itt: , \ II I F, 0111 0 - I he e'enlng ended \lilh a minute of
mille.:. I>UI I Ih,IIIL Ihe Io.:al (or Ihe 1 0.; .. 1 2",1i honOf"eli 10 ~r.IJll;ilinJ;l .I~ ,ilo:nl rll.'dilalilln for file 1..,.;:.1 lirulh.::r-.
e\po.:ricnce .tnt,! ""11'" ,"ll'our.Lgc eler)- prenlice, .. \ lhe HoH,J.\} Inn lin Ihe cle· ~illcll in an e.\plO';ion and fire 1,1\1 lk-
one 10 ..eriC on Ihe committee. Iting of ""I' 5th. 1 he OI.IIler of o:cmn.:r l!ith lit Ihe ne", co~.: pl'lIll on
We h:1I1 1"0 11::lIns 10 go 10 ..... m.,;Is !;c femonie~. IIrulhcr Rore rl "'illikr. in- B rO\l n'~ hl:lIld.
("ill 10 Ihe JIl I- W Ilo",linj: I OUm.lIllen!. lrOOm:et.! Brolher John 1I .lh;l,h. "ho
I he )Core' "erc 1101 10i) ~rc;II, hut "'e g:lIe Ihe ittloc:Ilion.
hau :t grc.11 lime. Th.ln~,. K.r. SCI.' }OIJ Afler a delicious dinller. I nC:I! ~4n
in LOlliwille. I',,' .. idcnl [)c"cy 1\le"':lY. m.lin "1'C"~er JATC Ho nors Eight
" he "Ol"~ ~itu;llion i,n'l 100 gooll, of Ihe el'cning. " ,Jure,,,," Ihe gf:alll;l1e, Grad ~ ating Apprentices
"ith lJulralo !lltd O,"eI;O hclping to lind emph:"i!.cd Ihe impurr:lIlce of their
~ cep a few BrOlhers "or~ing. rhe f" llIl"e learning. lie ,wlell Ihilt 1"1"1'"''1''' 1..1 1. HiS. LlN COI .N. NEI.I It.- T he Lin·
UO\\"nIO\l n Ur bHn Wcnc"al mot)' finatJ) from oUI~idc in t C(e~ 1 wa~ forcin!,: II .. hI cIJln, Nehr:. ~k:l . JATC honored eig hl
~Iarl fi lli ng in " Ihe lIorld\ lnrg"11 colt.;:<>- I'oro:llil' n OU I' ~n ow l l·dgo:. eil her Ihruligh Ilf;tdllaling Hppremice wirel"cn ;,1 :, ~I n -
lion of Vilel nl tOls." T he 41)()-room hO lel juurncym:ltt trHining cla"c.. Uf' indil;d- 11111,'1 in Lincoln UII .\ I arch 3 1 ~1. Receiv-

AllglI.'. 1973
Local 265 Graduates Since receiv ing tht'" charier frOIll Ihe
1.0 .. l oc:11 265 Relired \leml>cl"\ ( hll>
Ihe Annual Ap prenticeshi p GrnUll a!ion
D inna. ~[lOIN,rcu b} Ihe Juinl I\ pprcn-
h[\~ t>ccn \er) activc. Ne" olllceD Ilere lice~hi]"lalHJ Ir:lining (ummillee UA"I CI.
elected. replacing Ih ... leiliporar) oOkcr, We hope I h:" Ihe Hllcnd nnce ut thc
e lccled cMlicr. T he ne" omccr~ ar\' monl hly mcetings will improve. :" il h :r~
John M:ltldcn. I' rc<iucnl: Lin WiHcl·. !>cCll h'l") poor in Ihe p:r~t. I I i~ lip 10
Vice Pre,i denl: Mr~. RI.e Olmaon. SI'C- cach ;lIul eH'r)' m ... nlhcr 10 IIII<~e our
relllr) -T re:l!>urer; Bill Vomh."n~:""r, loca l 'lronger :111(1 bcller.
I>o<lru melnhcr-lll-llIrge; :11111 Vic 10h" . JOII' W. " j I( ,, " (. IWUloll\1 I I I. I'.S.
'<Ill. Scrgcan! -:tI-t\rm,.
We lire in Ihe proCl'~~ of hllilding II
ne" union h~1l "hich "ill hI.' t'Ompkled 25- Year Members
",melime in Oclol~r. A lIIorc-tlclailed
N~br .. report "ill be gil en in Ihe ne~1 ""'1"11,,1.
3.~ Ben Bums. Gale CO". SlOve W.lken. RO""DN. \rwl(l'.I'S.
Hollman. Don Ki.chhoff. ~nd J ack Amen .

Charter Presentation Journeyman Exam

Vice P,nidenl Un W.lle. o f lIIe Rali,ed

Men,be,s Club 1$ 5howII ,ece lvl"l! Ilia Re
'Ired Me",be.s Club c hlll,te. f.o n. Inlem",·
tlon~1 Rep,esentallve Rus sell M" ndo ,' "'I the

ing their diplom,,~ "ere lIell 1!111"m. (,:,]e

("01"1". S!e"c Witl-ell, Bill 1-I 011"IIUlII , Don
h.in,hh\IIT. Jad Amell, I)\Hlg 1-:11111/ . :lnU
1;111 \ ogcl.
f' r... "uing o~er Ihc I;erelll.,") "l" lI"h
Caud}. Ihc 1,lCl' !"' tr:lining [Iirc.:t,tr,
" hI"'''' Qrgalli7illY nnu m:"tel-of-ccr.:·
mOil} ctrorl~ Ilcre otwiou~tj ," cc{' ,~fut
ami :IPI'reei:llcu by "II.
fh.., gllc~t ~pc:l~cr ";IS Jelf) JO'oCI'h of Regular. Sp eci al Meet ing s
Ihe Sc"enlh Di~triLi ollke of '\, ( \ . Held by Local 284
.\lr. lo~cph s[lo~c on Ihe pa~1 ~lIcce~~ of
juinl 11l 1- W-NF( ,\ ~'.,,)penlllll!t .Iml Ihe l .. lI. 211~ . l' f nSFI !:: I.U. " \ SS.- On
I'<'lenli:11 <If ,udl ':\III1;lIlIe,1 "urL H ... \pril 201h. :lI the rcgular monthl} mcet -
:11'10 poinl\'d out 10 11M: g l~ldll.lling :'1'- ing. Ihe finnnci;11 repOrt "." pr':'oCnh: U
pren!i.: ... , Iheir re~flOn~illililj ... , :t~ lIIFW h) rre,,~urer JO'iCrh J III1I11I:I. It ""~ Iii
jOIlI"llC) mall wil'cmcn :o",J nll"ere<l them Ihi\ illeeling Ihat 1!1"inc,~ M:II"'),:"'I"
eIlCt>lll·a),:"'llll'nl. DOII"ld SUllie w;" given alllhuril.:llioll 10
T hc Cllrrelll J A I ( CO",i,I' of eh;,j ..- Illlrdl;I't' ;, ne" allWrIl"hik I i i, IN... I
III;," Buh eh;I"':. I rnci [)onu~an . . Ind ~-;Ir i, "I' for ~"k 10 an~ IJroth.:r "Ito
l im (i.:i~llinl1cr. rerre-.cnling N I~( A. an,1 nM} I..... inie re'led in hll)ing it.
J"hll Mc)er. John 01111. 111Il1 lIoh
C:ldu). I'eprescnting Ihe III I- W.
i\ 'lwei:,1 rIlecling "a~ heltJ on Mu)
~Ih 10 di,cll\s Ihe I'cn\ioll 1'llIli and nc -
Among the glle\b Iinu Ihei r "i\e\ gotililion~ for III.: loca l. AI rreo;cnl. 11,,=
"crc in~lruc!ors ulrr) t\mcn ;IIId [)on Ilegolialiolh are going UII "i(h Ihc Se rv ice Pins Presented;
Penner; (tHtrlc~ ~"cellf:) uf UA I : \\ a} ne NIC \ conlrllClOrs. T hl) 'lclloli:lling Work Situa tion Bad
Wtll'eler of thc I inculn 1e.:hnkal ('.,1· ('''mmill~e i, hea .... c .... h) !'rc,ident Joe
legc; Ku" Th uIIl PM>!l uf thc I ine,,11I l.'II·~ill. I..U, 2412. rl II N .....:,\I'OI.lS. ,\1 1.... ....... _'\1
ll uiluinl1 In'flcctiun Dcp:.!1l1lclIl: II,," AI Ihi. lime. we "ulIl,1 li~.: to Ili,h the g<.'ner" t Illellll ..... r~hip meeling 011
Mc Mahon. GUlcrnllr of N I-(A ; Bernk 1I1"Olher~ R;llph S"t."eIlC} anu F(I";lnJ Atlril IHth . 2~ -)e;l r ...:nice rin~ "erc
C:,rhn. NI-("A Chuptcl" Managcr; \ irgil Vincr;1 rll ll ,Ill.! ~/X""ctl) reculer> . pr~'"-Cllled II) dlgihll' oncr\lh.:r,. !'killfe ...
Kueler. I {)Clli 2M l 'rC~HJc n l: ,\rlic HC:"I!, During Ihe monlh of April. 12 ,II'- of .....lI1JC "r the-.e II rollwr, aceomp;.n)
[.,I(;nl U,5 B u ~inc,~ Mnn aJ;cr: horr} (r;It- I'rcillice~ IOO ~ Ihe VCI"1110nl JOllfllC) - Ihis ,IIticle,
wnt~rg, I oC1l 1 265 A"i~I:II l! tl u,inc" IlInn\ licc n,c e:.:lt illi nalio n. Our nllprclilice,h ill completion han-
Mana!!er. l'l"e.enll)·. pl:ms arc being made ror 'luel \V,I ~ heM on March 30lh at Ihe

II EW Jou,no l
M inne:.polis Athletic Club for 43 new Ihe fami ly of our tlerarlell Urolh4:r.
jOllrne),lllen and their j!tlests, Uonored Pin Recipients
As Ihe OFt 100],; eonlrol of Ihe legi ....
gueo.t, included the Appren'ke~hip lawre Ihi\ )e;l(, .. e ha,e had 1\\0 "cry
Committee. RepreSo:"nt;ng Ihe union "'ere impor13nt hilh ",orl.ed oul. The!>C bill~
Did. )... Ir.,on. Dennis Simon..on. llOd pro,ide for :111 incre;ISC In "eekl) ben.:·
Jerr) Blltler. fil~. One hill pro' ide~ for ;In incrca-.e in
On Ihe e\ening of Apri] 2Mth. Ihe An· "ceLlI henefil\ for johle~ P;IY. frol1l
nutl] Spring H ing II:" held HI Ihe \lin· SM Iu 51t~. I he olher bill r.lise~ Ihe
ne:.poli~ Auditorium . ., here ",ere o~er m,,~imllm "ccl.ly hcncfil~ under Worl.·
jon jllhil.lI1t PMt} gocrs 1I.mdng to Jad. man\ Cmnpen,,,lion for bu[h parli:!1
Gillc\pio:·, band. Of Ihe 01,101 ,l;lOce .. nll perm:tnent (Ii-';Ibilil), and il "':" e~·
conte't~. Ihe "'ahz Conl,-.,I "~\ "On hy lendell hi Clller .M.·cllpaliun;]1 di ..... ,,~e'
\l r. :Ind .\ I r~. Larr} Hehm. p:.renh or "tMlnnthe.. PIns
honor banquet 01 loo;al 294. H.bb.ng.
we,e p,esented ""c..". and ,..
Thew bill, Ilerc "orl.cd OUI in " ,erie~
,·umlll.lIee member Ron Ilelm\. ",Ilo hIed memt>l!<s. Ret"e<!s. hont 'OW. lell to of ITIt....... ting' bcl",een otlki"ls of Ihe Min·
,"'eM' Ihere "a, ah-.olulel) no f:u"rill"m "Ihl. H. 0. Mon.oe. Al Holte •• L Homuth. ne..ol;1 A'wcj;uion of ("ollllll.:n:e ami In·
pl,l)ell ;n lhe jullgiug. The grnnll prize M. Ma .. n"". Geo,ge K"e,. and (. Pele,,...n d\l~tr) (MACI).
ur ,I cul .. r '1 V "a, "UJl h) Ilmlher Ixm Se<:ond .OW. B. C. John~". Jaime' l8h. I h:.Ie.' jll'l reeehed lhe piclllre\ I"l.en
JOseph Baker. S. Nj.... J. Stanlllleid. and
\lenlcr. T. Wilham Lehto. :11 Ihe honor 1>:lIIljIlCI. \I hich ";,, held
We nlcnd a word of 111.In~\ 10 the on April 71h "I Ihe I I~, L(ldge in It ih.
D HllCC COJllmiU,·e l11emhc .. \. Bill WHplc\. hing. I he phuto ,If the 2U->e~r \:11)111'
1{ 01l I lclnl\. Kenl Smilh. I· ;.rl SI.·hoc· \\ill be ,,,hmitle,! .... ilh Ill} nexl lellct'.
ncder. DC I1l1i~ W iI~on. D an Mc(dnne". Thl'el'·hllndre(1 I""Cn l)·fi'e people :tl-
J im I hOIl1:". Ralph HClln);!n. Oon I{oll, IClided Ihe gain nlT.tir.
I "n, Rile). W.,1t M"t:). J r .. IIrucl' l lilr· l eI 11\ :III mH~e H 'pec;.. ] elfun (0 :11·
ten. Bill ] onin .. lo... nd O"CII S,hlei,· lend our union meeting,.
m:!n. I . I 1 Km L IIII)I. 1'.5.
We can'I ""I~~ "ithou[ mentionmg [hal
Ihe mcmhcr,hip r'IIirlt'd ,J JlC\I Ihre.:· }~ar
:Igreemcnl .1\ [he \la) Rlh lIleel;ng. Local Negotiates Two· Year
I h .. n"" 10 Ollr l\egOlialillg Committee, Contract with Vermont Gas
,'on\l'Img of Bu,ine~" M.mager Jerry
Butler. !'n"llIent Ollen ~ .. hki'm.in :ind L. 11. 300. \/0' I I' [.tiER. \T._ ·I he
JOllrne)l1l.ln 1I0b Wilh. Twenly·y.a. memt>l!rs. Iront .ow. tell 10 loc;11 h:" re,'enlly negoli;uell a I\ltI-)C;Jr
I he "01'1. ,illl;lIion in IIlIr (Ire;t h'l~ .oghl. ar. G. St ... nd. C R"ele, A. Sam .... and eunln.cl lIilh Ihe Vermont Gas 5},Iclll'
G. Home B""k rOw. R. O. BlhCk. R (ne.·
!-cen h: .. 1 ,tI, "inler anll 'pli"l=. "ilh .11'· SI.Om. K Sierns. J. M;.. oll. dnd T. Welsh of Ullrlin!;ton :1IIt..! ";1. I\lh"n~. Vermonl.
pro\lm~tel) 11)0 men on Ihe h.!n,·h dur· Gain, "ere made in lhe arca, of h"]j,,,,)
ing tlM[ p.:riO<J. I he ,lImlll.:r 1II0nlh, P;I}. 1I0ul>Ic- [illle. 1)()\piI;Jli~alion. llnJ a
,houM he .....·II(.'r. l-o,I·of·lilillg .llIo".tJle.: tu pro,i,/c IUT
\It,.., . I' .S. semi·anml .. 1 nli ....·,.
\It""''' . I',S. \lcmh.!r' of Ihe: ""cgo[i"Iinl! Cummil·
Ice "erc J D, \l e:rri!;01n. CI.lr.:nee Cha~·
n,,". \nll\ (, urner. <lnll \lal1le} ~Iple
Membe rs Go on Pension; The 10<.-111 "e:kome, ne" member, R
Work Picture Still Bleak Olllm:.r. "I Anlle"ol1. D . I c,I,'r. K
Gri!!g'. \. "1I:IpP. G. Grout. ;m,1 I I.
1..11. l 'J4 . I !!IUII NC, . \II" . On Jill) Gi.tJiug'.
hI . lien (u,J" in "enl on IIl I \\ I'cn· J. D. ~ I IIIIII()''''. B."!.
,illn. ll rulher lien has bc,·n .1 IIIclliher of
I ocal 2'.1~ ,inee 19."0. On SeI'Icmb.: .. I, ..
Leigh Am/cr\On "ill go on 1111 W I'en· Thit1y·yu. members. !,onl rOW. le I! 10 "Rill . JA TC Honors G raduates
,ion. He h,,, !-cl'n :1 m,'rn!-cr ,iIKC '0- .. ,. C. (d Johnson. A. Scl~o. "n" l. Ve'"
d.tlO. Back 'ow. CM[ RapinaC. JOhn Pet liCk. At Annu al Dinner
'~rnhcr. 19~(). Alw Brother 1\1 O. l,II"",. AI Ronba"k ... nd Ha,Old Sterns
f(ont'.IC:L "ho h,h !-ccn ;I men,hcr of LL'. 1 (1I'1~ 1\ \ .
Ihe JII LW ,incc I<)~ I. h ):oin): on pen· JATC ii, Annual Gradualion Din·
,ion. Wc .111 "i~h Ihc~ relirinl= Iltulhe .... ncr honoring Ihe new jotlrlle\l1lall line·
:. long and enjo);lblc relircrn..'111 IIlcn "Ilo ,·l.mpleled Iheir appr.:nlire'hip
1 "'u of our Brolhc .... h",c ne" "udi· Irainin!;.
[iu", Itl lhcir faJllilic~. IJrOlhcr .mll \lr\. ·1 hl" CIIIIIIIIIII('e pre...cnlell "'lIchc\ ;lnll
Jim I'nlll 1\,,<1 ,I h:to} ):ifl. ,1II1I BlOlher complelion "("(IJfica[e, to UrOlhcr, ')le\C
and \lr,. Dun Andcr-.on "rl.:omell a Jacohwn. CI:lrtnl'e I . (.01r(:ia. 1',,,,1 ";11)·
nc" h;It» 1>_'1. Lun):ralnlllIU)n, .• re e\· der. I arn S[mll..llllll. anll \\ illiant Ri·
lem/c,' 10 Ihe...:: BrOlhef' .. nd lheir f:tmi· l·h:.,.d"," 'I hc \lj'n of Ih.: nell j"urn.:)·
lie, 1111 Ih"ir I")OU' "d.lilinn,
Our ]oc,,1 ronlrael "ilh "'I C·\ i~ ~IiII
.It lhe .:Ollm:il. bein!; "orl..:lI un. \\hen
men lIefe pre ..... nted eO""l:e,.
Spel'i;tI recognition \la, Silen 1<1 [ ;trt)
'itroll.:unp h) (,ellrs,· \. \ el[lIn ,
lhe ...:\ul" arc I.no"n. I "ill rtrorl [hem Director of Ihe Soulh"e,[ern I inc: ('on·
in (111111'<' •• rlide, \1'iO. <llIr 10,;.. 1 i, ne· ,!ruet.,,,, Jllinl \Ilprenlln... hil' ami I rilm·
j;Olj,lIiu!; lor r,'nc"c" .:onlr;ld, "ilh Ihe ing I'r"gr"m. I .trr) r.... pr ......cnled ";m,.I'
\ 1•• 'I"u I Icuri,' \I OlOr ~hup of \ ir):ini.l. in Ihe .li,Ir;" llpprc:ntiee~hip conte" held
\l inne....,I:' • .",lI "Ionh SI,lr l' 1cdrk . \~ ill T u1-". Ol.luhonM. :m,1 II.t' ..... Iedl·d
Ilk: 01111:0'11.: on the .... IlCSI)li,lIiun, Je- Hrnlher Ra)l1IonJ \ 111,1 •• <1. "It.. ,lk,1 011 the OUhl.lnlling \pp~nlice LiJlCnHln fOI
,clop. 1 "'i ll reporl on Ihem . \I .IY 91h. lie II,,, " 1',,,1 I "'<;1I1I\e ]973 fmm Ihc Ihe·'l:lIe arc;•.
I hI' "01'1. piclu re b ,Iill ble.II. in IIIIr BOllrd member . .>Cr.ing from Junc. l'lf,t>. Larry a nll hi~ "ife. Ga)le. Ilcre in·
a rea. Idlh nmn) of our ]0\::11 Brolher. 10 \1 :1). 1'.11>1<. lie \\.1\ inilhlll.".1 into ,iled 10 he g(lC'I~ of Ih e ~el'en[ h D i,lrkl
"orking :I"a} frolll home. I ,..:,, ] 2'J.t ill JI II1 .... 1 \l5 ~ . ,\II n1ll' me Ill· Vice I' rc,i de nl Itn,1 of D i,tr i.... h Fhc an d
We arc ~ad dc n ed 1o rq'Ofl lhe lo,~ of Ix·", e\lc nll Iheir si nccl'e~t ,} IIIIl"Ihy 10 Ill. NI·CA. HI the Jlli nl I' n'llre" M ~el·

" .. g ... ' , 1913

Contract Business the first meeting. Ihe com plln y commit·
lee , tarted waving the nag to defc nd the
Pin Awards
governmen t\ so·ealled guidelin"!i. Cou ld
be a lo ng sunUller.
Our ')'mp,lth y h eXlended to the fam·
ily o f Urother J:t mc~ '1r:lIllmcll. \l ho
p.,~~d a\lU) ,ince our h.,t leporl .
Brother I'n .mmell .... :" :1 rehred "ao,as
I'o\lcr !!.nd l ight COmp.1!lY ell1plo)cc
from Olalhe. KUn"I,.
That's a ll for nll\l ·'111 Ihe ne\1 time.
Gil N E. I'll r ... n .M .

• VI.. . ecently ne80

t,ated a two·year contract w!lh the Vermont Pin Awards Nig ht Held
Gas System, 01 8",lmglon and SI. "'!b:>n,.
VI . Left 10 right. Ne gotlo linl:l Committee
By St. Petersburg Local
membe.s J . D. MlrrlU8n. Cla.enCI Chagnon,
Andv C"rrler. and SI:>nl ey Sip le a'" Ihown L.U. 30K, ST. " ..:n ·:KSllll1tC. FI.I\ .-
going OVI' Ihl co n\l~ cl. April <lth WH~ Pin A.... unl, Nighl for
Loc~1 308. S •. Pet e rsburg. ria .. held 11 Pin
t oe:1 1 3011. r he fo lio" ing mem irer, Ilcre AWMd. Nlgl" In April. Le ft to right a.e
On th e Job prc\c nl"d pin ~- F reit Blod ami r.1il lOn Pre.lde nl Wad e Weinell. 5O.ye a . hono'ee
Shepherd. rC l irc,, ~. so·yell. pin ': C. J. Fred Bloc k. MId Inle.n8110nal Rap",se m31Ive
John 8. Sn,l lh
lI icks. <lS·year pin; C lyde A nd rei! lind
Woodl'Ow Il obh~. 3S·>eur pin,; Walter
• Andre\l'. Heywunl Shing.le" Red Nc!-
j ~on. and Char1c, ~hl ll"ril). 3H,)cnr pin~:
lIenr} R. Ilcd\on. William ~1 lilli"
George F . Andre"~. Jo-.eph N (;Ol\tOI1.
G"ral<1 I'. NCYolllan. I-r an~ \ l dnt )r~.
William E. I\mi ro, 11 I "Ciene" Do yle.
IIl'nr) Wekh. and I r" in S hery. 25·
year pin,; [lml I lo>d I 110\lcll. I I llm~
E. ..-mcry. Ja ck O].,on. W;lllcr S (I;or~.
Lelt 10 .ighl. B'ollll' , Bud Ron. JOlin BIU. lind J . V. Inll ram. 20·}c:lr pin,
and Bob Olove, arion till job ,n NlW 'Ihe prc.)CnlatiOIl of pin, "I" Illude hy
Havln, VI. IlIIcrnalionul Rel're..cnt:lll\c ll,ho II. Lett 10 "ght a.e P,,,s,dln l Weinili. Imerna
Smith. Ilon~1 Rep'IHnla " ve Sonitll. and 45·yea.
r he fiNI l\nn u.. 1 !l-Ieclinll of the 1 Icc· 1I0no'I" C, J . H,c"'.
lrieal Wor ~ er~ Bu ilding A"o..:i:tl ion "a,
~chedlil cu for J uly' 7th. NVli.:e ":,, 'ent
10 all membcr~, Were )Ou Ihere "
The I.oeal 1011 1 at;o. D.L) 1 IImit y
I'lenie \lill he held al " hllipl}I.' 1 ' lLr~ Lin
Septcmhe r IIlh. YUII "ere -.ent retilrn
po,tc;.nh . and if Y(JU l1iJn'l return them.
i t '~ toll Ilite now!
O'I':C :lllHin. \"c l-ill he ~pol1\(."i n g :1
8,0Ihl'S Joe f>hil llllS a"d Uu.y 0'0"". Rut b"\lling IClLrn . llrolhel' Hen Corey· cI'en
land Un,t . IhOIlJ,lh he', relircd h:L~ hcen hll'Y II il lt
~ hir h. emhlcl11\. ctc.
We IUlle hud .1 numher uf lielhe :utu
retired me1l1bl'I'\ on the ,id li,1 the pa,1
fe" monlh,. (.el IIcll, :.11 of )1111, anil I"te.na l, onal Repreuntalive Sm ,lh . left. con
1./Olul"In E. Clyde "'ndr"u. 35-Y"3 r hono,ea .
~\[I ) Ih'lt wII)'!
Al Ihis wriling, ri nu n.:ial Snn.:t"I')'
r l)ll1 I)ilin~ Ilill Oc g"i ng intt. Ihe Iw,pi .
ta l in Augu,t fOf mlljor hip ,url:ef)' We
.. II \li, h hi111 \lell.
IIlief.. on l oe:!1 lOR Il<lIdcI,- 1 he
Udo I-lcinle l amil~ Illolcd 10 AII'lr;.li r,
-and I",.:~ ;Igain Georl:c '" ou" \1:t rtin
an d hi) fumil) :,re trying il out in Ikn·
I'cr. Thc Bill KOgCh I ami l) fle\l to
GU lt1cm,lla o .. cr Mel110rinl 1),1) "1."C~cml
and h.Ld :t hllrd time ):cllinl: their ,on 10
~OI11C ""c~ home llen anti II lan~he
ing. held in I-I o u~to n . I eXlI'. ' <>e:ll 30.\ Core) hcaded for I'h il" delp hi<l . Ihcll
i~ dul) proud of It rot hcr Strot~.ullp. \\c nl 10 Akron to ~e lheir ~o n . lind
I"h\' cont .act for the cil) of Chanute. came hae~ 10 '\I. I'ele t;} "") u r MI.
"an5il'. has been opened. an d "~ Il ill Ku,lunon:!
begi n nc gutia1io n ~ ~lJOn. ' he Negotialing A"j,lunl 1I",i n\'" i\1 nnager J :ll11e~
('omrnil1ee wi ll co n, bl of BrOlhcr, Sno" h:. ~ been doing flelll "or~ for a
C harlc ~ Doud na. r.l lI.vin Wolfe. (I"u'ge year now. Ii i, energy and hllnt "Ul'~
BlIr~ c •. Tom Ogden, and J il11 II r';II\,". hllle !?cen very pruJllclive. We hUl c al Left 10 ri&"t. Pre,ldent WllneU. Inle.nlllional
Negotia ' io n ~ hlt ve begun Ilit h the 1o:11,t 10(1 new mcmber" Ihn"'l: h hi ~ cr. Reprne ntlll,ve Smith. and "Red" Nelson.
"an,a ~ Power and Lighl Company. At rort~. chiefl y in Ihe Residential. Sil:ll, lO·ylM honorll.

IS EW Jou.nal
and C A'I V Unil,.
Rusine" Manager II IIjl:h Rlu;:lde\oChel
Local 309 Members
ha~ been e'lrcmel} hll\} \Ooilh Ihe Huild·
fn~ T raoe, Cmmdl ,.no hI!> oUlie~ as
pre"idenl of Ihal hodl
For Ihe 1'1.1'1 couple tlf monlh,. v.orli.
h,l!> been ,00I.I in our area. lIOO il i, n·
j'lC'cled 10 cunlinue Ih.11 lIa) for Ilk ne~1
..... Ieral monlh\, \ I.m) Yohl! h.ll( t-.:en
av.a) from \1 I'ele fur \.Cler,,1 leM'
h,l\c come h.ld home ,Ill\! :Ire Yoorli.inji,
1\11) Iralcler, re.loin); Ih" \h<l"lo ~',III
lir~1 bdure .:ominll.
Rcminlh:r- 1\ 11 juurl1c) nwn \00 ire men.
pid. up )Ollr l'erlific:lle In lhe til, in
\\hieh )011 hold aiken ..... Dca.Jlinc is
'i.: ptcmhe r 1(1, 1')7). I he ll\lllre"e\ lire
-Cit)' uf (lcalllll trr, I luri d ~, lI uil,linlt
Dep'lrtmcnt I '!cetric,11 J Il,pe~tion, I' 0,
Jl o.\ ·114~, C lea r-Ia ler. I lllrilla 3.15 111
(jo lirn cY llia ll fcc. $2.(H I: mll' ler\ fcc, 309. E, St, 1.01.115. ilL. who Ire wo '~ lnB fOf SlIchs
$.~,O() ) alld (ity of Sl. I'eter\burg. H or· ll1e .olunda. lell 10 fiShl, lI,e F. Ko ld3. R. HHI.
ida, 1· ledri.;,,1 In'IlCCliOIl Dep"rtmcnl. R, G,~y. C. T,eno., W McConnell, R. B'lIden.
1'.0 . Il o \ 21<42, "'1. j'cu,or,hllrJ;, j luri da Cummln •. G, A,ken., and H. Kelle •.
.ll731 ljourneylllan\ fcc, ~IIJ: m.I"1\'r\
fel' S2.'1). Wor~ in Local 317
J \,\II~ II {Oil. I'.S, Is Generally Good
L.U , 3 17, IIlJ "-I I"'I r. TO~'. W. VA._
Worl. in I.ocal .117 i\ gener,, 111 good
Local 309 Membe rs Wor~jng ",ith one of Ih..' I;lr~""'1 po\lerholl-.c, un
On Famous-Barr Job lhe Amerkan I ICl'1ric !'ov.cr COml"any'l>
')\Ielll no\\ umler .:un!>lruCiion .... ,Ih ap-
I.. U. 309. 1-:. ,!, I. 1.01 IS. II 1..- The I a·
pro,inhllel) 3,100 people ell1pll1)(J it;
mou,-8arr Slor(' In l ainieYo lI ei~hl' " ;111 ~r,lfl\,
the hlg manPl)Yoer ;oh for Ihe Io..:al. l"he
The local union recenll)' cUlllpit'ted
end~d pi.:lure, ,ho\l 'tJl1K' of Ihe nK'n
neguli'liinn, un Ihe cummcrdal line and
doing worL for &1.:h, I k.:tri.:. in,ide ll!:l"Ci.'ment .. , \Ooilh ~I cent, ;n.:rea'oC
AI pre""nl, Ihe ," ..de a¥reemcnl, on IhI.' line agr«,ment ,lAd 4~ tent, on
Union I rectri~', Illinoi\ I'u\ler cuntra.-t~ the ill\iJe ;I,greement, lIolh agreemenl\
h:lle I-occn opened for ne~oli"liun'. arc hefore the C-on~truction IndlNr)
Worl. rOf Ihe Yoiremen h'h impr"\ed St;!hiti/,.tl()n COl1lmitlee.
to Ihe point .... here Ihe .l1·hour \leel h;l, 'I he Ro) Nulle So.:hular,hir I unJ i,
heen dropped, olr in true fOfm, with a numher of I(}I.-'II
In a tra~IC :1~.:iJCllt. AI l or\(.'( \I'l~ \lnI011'. Imernalion;lt Kepfc)C ntnth.: ...
I.illed and WillilUll (';111111 \llh wriou\l)' and Ihe co nt rll!,:\or,' ;i\\()ciation donaling
Injured I\hile wurl.ill!,: fllr Ihe I. e\> ~II.W \0 Ihe fllnd. I pe"I)I1I1I1} feel thai Ihi, i,
Com pall}. :1 VCt'} Il orth} ~·"",e, Ijrotf1el' N oh ..
J UHN P. I (!lUNIII', !, ,!t. l~or~eJ hnrd lind '[l<!nl long hOllr\ 11,)1' 1. -

Ptllnnlng !lIe work III Ihe rear of Ihe ItO,e inr; fur th.:: II rmhcrhuoJ.
lire 0, PrueUel, J Cummins. R A,"~"n, I he 10('[11\ winter hov.ling lcaSLle
J. He",,,. and Sachs' enlllnu, ""("{II) IhI' I>cen completed, with t\lO
Credit Union H olds Annual If'lrl. hor ..... ' \llnning lhe eh"mpion,hip.
Dinner-Dance Meeting I he I~',ml ~h;lI1)pIOn' \\ere f~r\llher Bill
Md),,,,iel ,md hi~ wife. Loi,. and
I.. Lt. 313, "II \l 1' C -I O' . Ot: 1.. lo-
\\J\ne Bern lind hi, \life, lerr) un-
cal 113 celch(;l/eJ iI' l'I('i,l~ Ihe tlMe\1
de"llInd the \h;lI11pIOn\ afe taling ;1
t>uildinp: Ir,,\le\ credit uniun 'pon'-l)r in
hreal (rom Ihe ,ummer Icllguc ;tnJ \lill
our .. laiC ,1\ ,In Annll.11 Dmner-I);tn.:c
he read, 10 );U Ihi' fall. the t>o\llinJ!
\1c('ling reunll). to"",1 111 reader, re:-
hanQtlCl. tn honnr ,If Ihe eilampiun,. v.a,
cehed the I \\ 0 D 11341} I,'dcr;!]
Credit Union Charter in M,I) 19~1S held :11 Ihe ~h'h(la)- Inn. lind " !load
lime \I;h had b\ all. \1 Ihe pre\O!nl lime.
~I\I\ IIrulher, allcm.lcd I~ hr.1 mccl-
I're"dl:lll (I)dc Dcm"",) ;Uld hi!> \life.
intt. \Oohile a ..·.II";1l:il) cr\'\OoJ of memi-cr,. Cri" ,lnJ , ,c:cul;\e f"'arJ memher Paul
v.i\('\. 'on,. :md d'lUj:hler. ,utl:nded Ihe (jill('I\(.1I1 .. nd hi\ \life, Donna. are lead-
I ~Ih Annl\er,an t;:ciehr;!ti,ln. All of I~ in~ I~ ,ummer 1'U\Oolm!: leagll(' .
1"",1 pre"dent\, Dan O'l)onnell. ~Im

WOfl"n!,! on Ihe p :"~I<I#I 101 "f':hlln!: a,e D. I he: 10""11 picnIC \liII i-c held al Cam-
Kauffman. nOh lI unler ......Irlln Mutrllu, Houk. J. Ream,,', lind G, rauahn. Jen I';trli. on~c ,IS.lin un $alurdd), Au-
ne). Franl Rin,.rdi. licn Dill. :IIlJ \IIlc gu~t Illth If \011 ha\e any ~lIg!:e~lion~
'I ~Caughan. were p,e""nt (lml hOl1ore(!. 1'll1mher.. <lnd Iron W(lll.cr~ h;l\e fol- f,lr entcrl:lIl1menl or an) eon,lrudi\e
I Jec/fh:al Worl.(.'r. of DeI,I\I"re " a luwed the ek-Clrician, lea\ler~hlp. OIIul :Id\"kc fur the f Ilterlailllllel1t COnllllillee,
ch;lfIcr memher of Ihe Ikhlw"re (I'edll nO\l ',..tln~()f Ihrir l1\1n credit uniun,. feel free 10 I:on l:lcl " rnic '1 urner or
Union I"/:;lj:ue, I he Il1o\ement i, prouII I he) all flln,lion to '>en\: 0111 unIon 'I err)' I'mlerlun.
o f our eleclritia n Brothef\. T he Dela- m<!lllher~hip with low-co\t 10l1l1\ an d a At Ihi, writillg, negotialions ror the
w:tre Buildi ng T nHlc\ COlln.:il, the I'IPC' plate to ~a\c IOgcl hcr. Fourth 1);'lriCI Power Agree menl Hre
fillers, O pel'll ling Fngil1eer\, (:I rpcntl'r~, II LNMY W. Ihx,1 MS, It M . ~dlcdil led 10 bcgil1 in Ju ly. I understa nd

Aug"st, t973
Scholarship Donation Banq uet and Dan ce Held ; Ratification Vote
Serv ice Pins Present ed
LU. 3-18. C \I ,G \KY. AL I \ .-On
Mar.:h 161h. Ihe e:.lgar) lnil held II,
Annual BaOllU!'1 and I);m(l'. 1h" )"ar.
'red;.l IribUle II,,, paid 10 ~6 mcm"'-'r~
II lIn have 20 :Ind m ore )c;rr~ of l·un'inll·
011\ m ... mbcr,hip to Ihe IBI W. /llt,inc"
Manag"r Boh ~l eil..t ... lUU~ th" "PPllriU'
nil) III Ih:m~ Ihe'>!.' IlIcllIhcr, r,)r Iheir
'lIPPOri :Ind hell" ol"r Ihe man) )";If,,
Pin, ""re I"r"...;nlcd 10 Bfllthcr, A
\Ior,,~ch. 1/ J . RI\. II. I Molr;lt, J
Bryan W,lson, ,epresen'atlve o. NECA 1$
shown p.esenll"g • $1,000 "hK~ 10' the Roy Un-.c. J. Oml. W. R. "'ingdon, D. G.
Nolle Schol...h,p fund 10 membe., 01 Ih. II lgt! ins. and 1 Jeo'>C'n. 1~·)ear melll'
fund. left 10 "ghl are Ou,'ne.. M~n"8e' her,. and D W. Ba)oc. A. I . Ma)o, M .
Don 010""'50<\, loul !>15, P1I,Umoulh. J. Mu cl)on;lld. C. R IkllM)n. 0, II. ",I·
Oh,o; Mr W,,",,,; Buttn",. MenlO!;'" N"a'
Boy"e. loc~1 972. Ma"elll'. Ohio; and Ousl· I'rl' ... hl. R. Oom\, D. 5. \\1;II"r\, G. O.
ness Menllf/e. Wllh~m "Oud" Derry. loclll Youngt>l00d, D, I' , llro .. n. M ( ,c\-cll.
317. Hunllng'l)n. W. Va. F. 0001\. A. 0 lIerut-.c. C , . Holt!;!IC,
It . S. I( ir~rn"n, R. Reid. R. J, Itedie.
Presentation J. I . Scoll . anu W. '-,. W:uri:n.
I here w... rc 16tJ meOlhcr\ an,l "ile, ill
:llI cnd:ml;"e to cnjO) a delighlfu l , mor·
g;I\ I'ord 5uppcr ;!nd an equOII1)-cnj(l);, ble Til",,, two p,cTu.es show some o f Ihe 81ml)S1
J;ml;"c. 2,000 ...,emln., of lox .. 1 353. TO'Onll). 0"1 .•
1 linder_land 11m!. ahhnu gh the u;,nc": Can .. Who vOled al Ihl loxa\"s rallll<::alll)n
lIa, onidall) uI"r;rt 1'00 \ .M . \l ar... h mee"".'
I7lh. 'lime or Ih ... memhcr, c;u-ried on
10 cclebrale 51. I'a'rie~'\ D,I) lllih :1
,ing·:l long or Iri\h -.ong,. led In I IXil l
J,ur, 0110 In,h lennr, M,Ulrice
R. T. FI In... 1'1" ,.

At th. Annuel Ollnq_1 end Oenc" of local Former Business Manag er

348. CeIS.ry. AU... 26 membot.. 'Ke,v~
U""". p,n.. H".. b Oro,,,,,. 8. E. Honored at 'Peanut Party '
"Barney'· MoH., lelt. with P... ,denl R. T
Fle<::~. who p •• unled BroTh •• MI)H>11 w,lh a L U. 352. L\",~ I ",G. ' 11 ('1 1. J IIOll'~
25 y"ar pIn ··J Ull·· VaIlVoorhi\. long·lim..: I11cmher
Il lld r"nner tlll'ine" mun;lll..:r III 1 0.;<11
Retirem ent Party In. relired on April 271h. :!lll1 Ihe ,,\11,, 1
" I'c,mlll Part)" I,:" held. IlIl h nMI1)
friend" hOlh old lInd nc", IHt ... ndint!.
,\mong Iho'c honuring Jim lIel'c BtI,j·
nc" Manager (Iauuc Oberlin and for·
mer hu~ine~s 1I\;m<lga, Sa m Honle). II dl
Gruhn. F .. rl Whecl ... r. ;,od em'1 I\hni~h,
I· rom all or II', JUlI. the he'l ,.r
WILU\\! It SClI\\II' l llI l lI, I),~.

Local 353 Membership

Rejects New Contract
I_ I. 353. TOHO,,'TO. 0 ", r. \, (Jur
OrOlher Jam.. "JIm" VlI"Voo,h,s. fo,me. eon lr'olCI eXpirl"u on \pril .'Olh, ollr N,"·
busoness man.ge. of Local 352. Lan.ing. J;Oliating Committc" m:..lc an all'olll ef·
Moeh.. "In hOf'lO.1td al a 'eh,eme", pe,ly fori 10 1;"0011." III" with ;10 ;.. .:eplnblc con·
Stand",•. I"fl to "Shl. a,,, fo,me' bUSIness
m"nag"'. Sam HI).aney. 0111 G".hn. af>d tra~t bc-furc Ihe e\plr~ U;Ii".
EMI Wheel"., Sealed. OUlonen Manage. r he conlrac t Ihe cOl1ll1llllec rl'\urneu
Claud" Ob •• hn, Ihe hono.1td 8".11. and 10' "'Ih on April 2f.lh ""lied for ;10 in·
rnt!I butt""u m ,nae.' Ca.1 Mln"h.
er""...; of aboul 7,5', f"r "';I~h .,r1.... 0 Theu membe.,. "''1 counlOns Ihe vl)IH
lear,. T hi, .....\\ lurneu uo .... n '"') Ih ...
Ihat th ... Fourlh Di,trid ofli.'e ;lnU the m"mller,hip in a r;llifkuion lole. t-ll.l
"'Illerkan l ine lIuiluer--- h,II", e,(han~l"d 10 ~J-I. It al"P";rretJ Ih,11 Ih" m,m,·~ II.!\ \1.ln) poinl' of COfllrllon intere'l 1"1.:-
I"rol"'O",I,. I 11m ),ill I)f Ih" ,,!'lniuo Ihat ;.dcquale. ,",ul ....,me or Ihe "Iher d.m",-" ' .... een Ih... l;nileu Sl""'~ :mu (an.ld.!
the jlOlI>er 1I11'e"menl h.!, ullilileu i'~ ;,,~ ... d for .... ere nOI Ihere, lI .... re ,It",",..cd.
u ..... f\lIOf.. ~, anu ,hould I'l" ..... '.Irreu ami On 'I a) .1rd lint! -Ilh. Ih" I iN Di,· Inl"rn,lIional Vicc Pn..,ilknl \\ 1111,IIn
Ihen lei (';Ilh 1u..':1 1 n"l:oll,II,· ;, (Onlr"d Iri..:1 I) rogre~, MeellnJ; lIiI' h"lII. "ilh I ad~m.1O clo-cd the mc.:1inS h) an·
on " ' Oil> n men I, 1 (,:.:1 ... HUC 101:;,1, rel"re.,.:nla li le~ from Ihe Io.:al, pre-cnt. noun~inll Iha l he .. ill rel ire Ihi' r;.11. a
"oulu I....• hurt h) ,hi, IIHIH', hul Ih" I h" g.ue'l 'tJC,, ~ er, "cre Inl"I'I1,I'I<"1II1 >e,lr l.h ..... d of Ihe nell election ;11 Ih"
rnujori l~ "oulu he h... lre,1 T rell'l.r... r Harry V;"1 A r..uale .• ntl Inler· 1111 \\ ("on\cmion in K tl1l,a~ C il ).
Wit I 11.\1 C. "lllU" II I lUll , II. ' I. mltionat ScCrl'Wr) Jowph D . " eellan. 5 II \ I. 1(.", 01 I. ['.S.

18 EW JOll.not
c;lc h }ear by Ihe N,Hlumri I 1c~lri"LI
Graduation Banquet Contractors A~,oci;Hion and Ihl.' 1111 W.
Ladi es Auxiliary Holds
Thi5 one \I;lS held ;,1 Ih~ Unl\<!r.ilv Old-Time rs Dinner
C lu t- IIhere II 'I~JJ..-Iot-"I~r dmner, Ihe I.. U, 357. I. \5 ' t:C \S, :"rOE\ ,_Out
5pcei,Liily of Ihe hOIl"':_ 10..1 .. '<!ned 1,11:;11 " hkw.:d \lllh lIl,tnl lin ... IIlcrnl'<.'r.
/.Iu,ine" \. un:lger Jael \n,ler,on 10.;" ,tml ,t I adic' ALJ\jli"r) IO.ho It''le u,)·
Ihe rna,ler of l"Crernoni<!~. 1k intfudll~e,1 n;lIed lIlu,'h (If Ihe,r lime: ;oml ~lIag,~,
Ihe member~ uf Ill< Joint Apprcmlu~,hIJl ,.'r) un",lll-hl}, thi. month_ I halc
anu Training C"mFllllle~. IO.hu ,Ii<.l " IUk: t>.:en ;"lcd III puhlid) Ihanl. ;, Ie" l.f
job of pUlling Ihe: t-;,nquet t\leelher: Ihe Ihew peuple,
conlr"~I"r.; t-Iuldillg trau," ,llh.;,;,"- tn·
IhI.' I"utc\ Au,ihar~_ unu,'r lh,' di'e.;·
"rll';IOI"'I, (h;trle, Uerrell. l'rc,,<.I,'nl. lIun of II, pfc.iden .. I Ie Gardna, IC-
l'; 1 ( \: ,lilt! "I"nl... ) F. -I homp"Jti, \ ,.;e
App,.nl,C• • ~:~",:!:~.~.':~:
Clly. UIHh. ;.,. ..~,.~;,C,,:~~.~. J>r... ",lcm "I Ih ... I ighlh l),'lrtd \\ ..
lcnll} 'f"Ilm".re.1 ,In old-lim,'r, dioner
fllr all III Ihe I'elil'ed IBI \\ m,'mN:r, in
d"",., lPOnso,etl by NECA Ih. tBEW "ere c'po:~wll~ h,LPP) III [,,"c lO.ilh II' Ihe <lrc;, \11 of Ihe I"uic, did" IlunJer-
front row, left 10 "eht. dr. L. Ct,,,k Cush,nfi!,
Tra'n,n~ Onacto,; Ch..,I,. H~w~'n •• ,,"dn,lIe;
our ""n (all in R;tFllJlwn, (")I~,n", <I' ful j.lt- prcp"nng the m,~;d \\ ilh all the
and Jac~ Andfuson, Bu.. nen M"nnHa' Blick Ihc ~1,'le of Uah Intlmtm~',
'ow, K..th Nelson, ,.;od"a,,: Oon S. hU, I he three m"in ~pca~el\ or Ihc elc- !\IlIn} of the oJ.l-liJ1lcr~
in ,111~nu,ml"
ManBp:er, 1"le'mO""'a," Chupte., NECA; nmg lIelC (,~)\'<!rnur Ralllpl"n. \ ,~c "re l,a.1 IInkc". ,,11 halt' etllllrit--
R,Ch",d P"H. 8'/111" .. ,,; SI"nley E_ Thon'p50n. "fe,i,knl I h,HlIp,"n, ;lnd N I ( \ I', ...,i-
lnl"",,,"OnBI Vic. Pr ••• d."t; and Cha"e. I. uled tnlu:h hi Ih ... hcl1t'rt11~nl IIf our
B"rr .. 11. Pr",.dent, NECA. dent Ikm.:IL \11 Ihrel.' elllllh,l'I/e:<.I III Ih.'
<Ipl'r... nli,:" Ihc itllJl<.lrt;Ln~e "f the,r "P'
local. \11~1' ! tl\. p.",I1re,id~nl ;\I\d lin-
;Hlli;\1 wn"';,r} :!nu IIl1r onl~ Iiltng
prent,ce traloing "n<.l Ihe r"ll thul Ihe) ~h;trtl.'r mcmhcr. 10.,1' lhere :rnu II,,,
h;1l1 11.';'fned ;1 ",dul Ir.,de, "lIl1CIIIlI111 grecl~d h) e'er) I.... Kl).
Ihal no une lllUld tille 'I\la} fwm Ihem, I hr~e mernhc" from ,wr \.:,inh;nall"1.'
'>OFll~lhtnc "ll)r~ ..... Olre Ih;m Fllun~1 tn "
l'otl rCt,;enll, .I.mateU Iheir lime .lnd
b,:ml. ~~Il'" lu ;t nonprulil nrl!.lnil;tlitln enli,
\Ie'" l'r....,dl'l1I 1 hUlllp"un and ' I ( " tied" \n,J1l;,! Adoplion,_ Ilu." HrUlh<!f"'.
Pre.idenl Ikrrell pre'oCnlcd ,hplum,,, 10 Itllh lung, \lIell 01;.". and "'I'noc:lh
Ihe hunore.1 nJ<.IlJ;tle,. (h"rle. 1I"",lin,. Dun1;)I', l"ln): nlillcrial\ uooall'd t-)
...... nh 'cl-.on, .Iml RilharJ I'ulr Uril:,n ! k~:lr". ;lnJ \ (,I!,h \ aliI.'} I Ie,',
Danling f"II.llO.eu Ihe ,'cr... mony_ tri~. v.orLcd .rppru,im.rtel~ !U houl"'l
TIt .. 'I,,, \.\,. ilL""1 ,Itt.., I'.s. c .• .-h I" 'IIlPT\l\C the f;h:ilitie~ for Ihi,

1.611 to flRtll, Ch .... t•• I 8 .... ,11, NECA P".,·

d"nt; K.,lh N.ll.On. B,Hulll.; .nd SI .. "I~ [..
Ttlompson, IVP
Old-Timers Dinner

l.eh 10 "rohl, M, •. Calv,,, R~mpto", Cowemo,

Catv,,, RamPIOn, .. nd Bu5"'lIn M.n~8" Jack

Happy Helpers

NECA-IBEW Graduation,
Dinn er Held for Apprentices •
The ll!ld,n Au.illI"y of loelll 351. La.
1..11, -'5" . SM .T LAKE ("I I " , (flA il
- ,\ nOlh<!r }'~nr tH" mtlc,1 h}, ;tnLl l ocal
Ve",a,. Nev, ,ecen tl y 5ponso,e,1 en old-
time,5 dinner fo, ,el,,&<1 IB EW ",,,nbe •• or I'i~nneth Ourd op, 1IIIt, ~nd Bob long. "'em •
the ",.a. He,e. P,es,elen t Eve O",dnl', .I~"d­ be'~ of Ihl M"lnllnancl Unit, donated Ihel,
.<5.1 he ld ul1l)lh~r gl'miLlUlion fur appI"I.'n· 'ng. welcomes old t,mer5. 3S Nancy f llher, l ime :!!Ind s~,II. 10 Improving An,mal AdOP'
Ik~ llin: m~l1. I hi~ <!I('nt i, 'Jl,)n"l)l"~ d left, lind LAlla Edmonson loo~ on, Ilon$, Ud. fae,lItlu_

Augu$!, 197J
do-it-)uur..clr 'Inimal d m i!;. Shopping Mall Job First Annual
T w. the flew CI,lrl. Counl) Commu-
nil) (oIlI'S\! h:., been Ihe "enrra.:tor of Dinner- Dance
'>CIl'ral 1hou ...... ml nmn -hour, dona1ed by
IS other IIII· W IIK'mt>c" It ru1her, Joe
JOrll)al.. Henry Jacel.. D Oli \k Dcrmou.
Franl. Clrdamone. UIII ltulT. J\JC ( ,.I)-
nor. I ,ul Sheff. Don Drud.er. Cui
J, lhn\hlll. J ;I) M llll1f",J. Uuel h.hn .... '".
Pl'te C"le, Amhro..e leelc) Hob tl e ..... h.
amI Bill "'IHfT"rd h:II': 'rel1l IIcclelllh
and uther .II ailahlc d;\~, .:ompleld ) rc-
"""pi n1: Ihe eollej!e\ dcellic'l l ')'I.:m.
I he) uwd maleri,,1 furni,hed hI lhe
eollege .tnd ,ome equll'mcnl tourrollcd
(rum \\I \;lnel' I leelne 11) iml,11I I'ropo.:r

~:;:,~;',~:~~;:~i~::f:~:':~K~~'~'~II:), lIeld 'IS f,~

cla"r","", "mel'. and p.,rl.lIll! 101 lichl-
ing. :1' IIdi ,I' uir eOlldillUllLnj! al Ihe He"e. Inlem"l,ona l
Brothers I McDonough. 181t. ar>d Tom . lell. discunes
eollq:1' \\ Ilhulit Ihe ",,,.:II1..hl1l''' ,If Moran. memi>e.s of Local 3~8. P.rth I'Imboy. BU5;nen Man
thew 1111'11. In llch ul Ih.: "urI. .:ould nUl N.J .• <Ire shown Ins laliing mercu,y .... pO . cenler. end PreSident
ha'e heen d.)I)e. ami nWIl) re,iliel)l, of .,051 IIghta at Bru".wlck SqlfMC SIIOPl)in ll
M ~ II
Ihe ':o mmlo)il y II'liuld nOi h:l\e I..:en
al"e lu furlher Ihdr edll~"li()n
II j, ' ...C;IU..... of mellll..:", ilnd Ili,~" of
illemher, "hu j!i,e IIf Ihelr h me Itl 1I~lr­
th> pruJ'l'lh Ihat the 1111 \\ i, one of tho.:
mU"1 re'jlCeled ullIon' III Ihe tountr)
r h,lIl~ )"" ;1j!.lin fOI helping u, :tli 10
he I'fUud of Ihe lUI W,
M." I I. I'~,IO'. I'."

Annual Clambake Scheduled;

Line Work Picking Up Inl8mal,onlll Rep.esenu" .... e Joseph Sp".ks
'8ads II•• in"'OC"loon, Shown "and.ng III IIIIt
L.l'. 3511, l'EItI'lI \\llIln . ' J.- Our II .... lable .'01 P.esi""'l11 Walle. JOlnWI ..... cz
Nortllampton County O,$lf!CI I'IlIorne)' Cha.les
·\nnu,,1 (hunbal.o.: "'111 l>c held on Au· Spaz.an •. tntemat,onal Rep'e...,nlah~e Sp;l,ks.
J:I",I .llh al Ihe \\ IIlhel,1 Inn. BlUlher, B"s",.n Man_.er I'Ind.ew A. Cu~o. ar>d In
\rl "~nneJ~ and 111 11 (lall'>Cn :Ire in lernal.onal V.ce Pres,denl 1'1. R. J ohnloOn,
L. "JI
ehllr~~ of .\rran),.'Cnle nh,
Ct)nlracl nq:O!l:I\lon, :, re 'Iill 1!,'in~ canopy ""III.nll a l B,unsw,e k Squa,e
o n ;11 Ihe lime of Ih" "'flllilg. "'llh ",me
di ITcr~ne~, ,I ill 10 tx- in"'e,1 tllIl. lIIelllOcr tn do '001111' \0I11·warehinJ:l ro.:·
Our apprentice, h,IIC ""I ,,,mpleleJ .sarding I'rQojlldil il). \\nr~ '1UI'p"~e'.
an .ldl;lII<;ed fir,1 ,lid e"u"'e. W lumpl~ pelt) 8riel .. n~·c'. ,I lid featherbcddlnl' li e
IIilh Iho.: O"'IIA reqtlllelllcnh, \ 11 .11" ;ll1nmlll~<.'d th"l he h,,' ,rrr:tn\:eJ Il)r
prenllce, .... ho complete,1 >hl~ e\1r:1 forelll:ln ...:mln"", thnlllgh 1\ 1 (A li e
cOllr ..... dc,eflo.: a 1010.: o( Ih:IIl~ '. :1]..0 'll'O~e 0 11 Ihe Uf1:Cnl need 10 m'J:I,I-
(J ne of ollr c urren! pr"Jc':" i, 1111111,· ni!.c Ihe I'e,ide mial tielJ :tnu Ihe CA I V
"id. '\'llIllre. :t nell ,,,.)pping nUlIl 00 field :,nll \\llrlled of Ojl':l1 , hop ,,':Iil II)'
ROIII C III In 1';1\1 Il rtln''>Iie ~ . Wh ile a in elery , laiC.
,(lcce"f,,1 gr.tml OI)Cnintl '>la, h~IJ. nlll lIrolhe r,. I'e ~(lll e.I' iI ) bl;lIue Ihe
1111 III<: ,lore' arc cumplc l~'1. I h.: I'i~­ eontr:,dor, (or Oltt jlrc,l i~"lIIefll. .lIld BUSlnltss Man.ger CUYo. lelt.
IUh~' ~u"n lillcd , 1m'" ,om.: I, f 1'"1' IhI! ) In lurn can "hlillC 11'_ 11 111 Icl\ r..~e ptese"IS. on behalf local. a g,It 10
f;le" \I.e NI h 11111,1 ,lr'lil!hlel1 oUI (JIlr Mrs. Robe" J, SchOllfe •• wodow of the loc ....
Bfulhcr, pulling Ihe fini,hlllg It,u~ho:, on lale busIness man •• e.
the 0);111 0"'" hUI1-.c if ... o.: arc 10 ,unile.
I me ... or~ h;" rided "I' in om .Irea. AnJ I IIrge )OU II' I">C.lr Ihi, ("d in
\lilh ,I new IlIIe (r("" Ihe "tern ( .ellcr. minu. If Ihe \ln iun conlr.lelOr doo:, nOI
alln~ \I lilion under "al 1'1'0101:1 ,1<1> eompeli li, c. he ... iII etlher !!" uUI
I;fl)II I". hO"elo:r, h:lle hel,1 "I' line \\01'1.. o f bll,inc" or go "PC" ,1101' I ilher "at.
in ....,me 1'1,1<;1.'\. \'C ,1:Ind 10 10...., CHr) Ihin!! IH ;tnu ollr
prcdeee'....,r~ (...III!!hl for
Sol), Ie!', :III pull IUJ:lcthcr and 1,II.e Ihe
;uJII.:e ... hlch ",a~ ra,....,d ,.n to II, IrOIll
Business Manage r Reports " ,l~hin81,m ", ...:riou,l) ", II ".1' gllcn.
On Construction ConferenCe} And '''I'porl CO l''''
Our "x:d held ii, I IT,I \ 111111<11 D ln-
L. I . 367, ": ,\,S·IOi'rro . 1'\ ._ ,\ 1 I)(lr 1,1" ner-Janee ro.:.:enll). AtlI'lIll,: Iho .......... "Ie.! 10 Ille m"S'~

me mt..: ..... hip meelin g. II I1,inc,", [lll"!:,ger :It Ihe he.uj [able "ae W:tller Jall.,...l-
CIII" g:' lo.: a Ien!:lh) rell'Ort on Ilw Con Wil·l. . I 01:,. 1 .167 I' re,idell!; ( h:trle, "',,;t- ero.:nJ Nl'c l): J udge Kic h:tnl (,rillo. Nur-
,lru.. ri(lII ConferelKe ... hkh ho: ;LllellJed zi:lt1i. Nunh,lI11 pIOn (nllnl~ 1)"lri<;1 /\1 -
in \ \ ",hinglon, D C IOrl1<:): IlI1crll'lliun,,1 Keprcwtualile Iharnpwil l) i'lri~1 C()UIlI~ Court; ('I"~I
rhe ,tor) he rold ... ," 001 a 1'1c,I'lIIu J lN:ph Sp;,r~,: AllIlre" \ ("",. 1 ,11.::11 Smilh. relired hu"i ne,s m " nagcr of I IIt"L
o nc. I-Ie eiled 'Il-.c :,fler Cll'>C III ... hidl )67 Il u,illc,~ Man:lger; Inlern""oll.l l 3S0 :ll1d I're,ii.lenl hncrilu, of Ihe I'elln·
the Upell , hilI' mO lelllCll1 i<, ;IIIenll'hng Vice i're, iltcnt A. R John"'n ; Inlen l,, - ,yhania Ih l\ines~ M\lnal:!c~ A,~i a l ion:
Roben Mclnl ~ re, TreU,Ufer. I'enn~~ 1-

to dl',lor )' I". II c IIr1:cd e,lc h an d e'Cf) lion,.1 Rcpre-.c nlal i-c 'I ed (l IO\C te) ; Itel-

IBEW Jo ufnal
lam,t A I I ·C IO; :mtl Im ... maltona1 Kc:p- for hl\ e\cellerll picture, Ihc">C la~1 ftw (IO\,,"le -olu\lon 10 O1hl'r prohlem arl',l"
re-;c:nl:lltl< Gr.lnE Tale. mon lhs. r here '>Ccm, 10 he ~me ..hlrcren~e uf
I)urint; lhe elcning. lJusine~ \ l an,l~r Here's an aehie\Cm.:nl "'ell "orlh u(ltnlun alllon~ Ihe lIlemher'hip. hili \>,c
A nd rcw. u n Ileh:llf of [hI.' local, pre- menlioning. BrOlher U... rnie l orl1arollo ).nu\>, Ih!!1 Ollr repre....:mal"e~ h,l'e
-cnlc" a ~j(t .0 Mr,,_ Kollerl J_ Schairer. "'~, r.:eel1ll) pre: ..... nletl "'lIh a }"}c"": 111- \>,or).ed ,-un'l:ic:n.iollsl) to \Cr,.: Ullr Ill ·
\>,ido\>, of our laIc: hu~ine,>!> manaECr. lernallnn:11 Sendluhhl(l .rom the: Hr,,). ler~"e-. II i, uini.:uh. if nul ,mp''''\lhlc,
RlJf,,>' L I. G. 81 "'III, P.s. To" n'hip Ja)"ec,_ Ikrllie 1\ 01M.' of 10 1'1"'11'1: c'cr)onc; <;0, lel\ hope II
15.000 in Ihe IImld III rc"ellC Ihl' \>'o'~, 0111 11 ... 11.

Jaycee Awardee aw..rd ,ince 192(1. I hi, i, lhe high.:" I he l() "~111' on lIur (I".,h ...,,;).,
a .. anJ a Ja}cce ~;m I\'<:Clle, "nt.! "1111 I' "111""111' to -.omelhing Ie'" Ihan fllllr per
r;oe, d life Illcml'ro:r,h,p ccnl '),nce lhe P;!) th~~·). I~ "h.,1 Yoe
No\>" for }\lll r.lilnMu fan, Itr"lh ... r, P") Ihe hlJh \>'Ilh. ~.Y; 1I"",n'l I"IJ~
Boh ;lnd o-car lI elbi!! r ('llh.:1' lint.! ..un I toO Im(lre"t\c :l llln!!,it.! ... Ihl' I:! 111 I~
halC quile tI fe" ' ... ur, h... t\>,·: ... n Ihcm in rer ,'~m In,rC;J"": in Ih ... ell,1 Ilf hlin~. Il*"
de"lint; "ilh cl ... dric Irain, rhe~ ha,e Yoh ... 'eler Ih," ha;ure h;lp(ICn~ III he un :1
com plel ... ..ch ,1.1l1r1~ ," ."r ""d ;0' gilen .1,1). We "ill c;m'l (Ilrgd Ihe ...~
1911). I hc)' 'IU"~ IJI("II) IIilll I ionl'l. eene- ",e ",crc Ni,\/lIlet! 11111 uf :11 11"," he -
h 'c'. lind Amcri"'llil I her I h... ) lradc, ginllllll!: of Ih ... "'*j!C free/e. ell-n tllllugh
buy . ....:11. and 1:11). Ir;lin, "Ilh :In)UflC Ih.1I r"he w,,, in II )l'ar',1I1d-on~-h;1lf-1I1d
'1 he-c feUu", e'<:n hand .. II1d Ih ... ir u" n conlrac. "I Ill<' lime. If lie ~·'1I1 IlJII, t,'r
mOlor, ,'nil an11:1III(e'. li p Ih,' \piril 10 ,lIn'I\·e Ih" p"",,,1 of
W.:1I, uur compuler i\ Ih'W in f\lll up- lime. Ihe Irlllh wi lt come IIUI ... nd ,I "ill
er:llum A,..... ur.lin!! In \I Ir) (ion.,.,Il. he ,)h'ioll\ Ih<ll Ihe rich 'Iring puller,.
atolh~t Belnie FOtnnrolto. memlMlt 01 local lIur !!,.I I·rida). " m.m C,1I1 timl UUI in " nlll '" n'''I)' lillie "or~ing m... n, ar ... n~·
400. A~bury Par... N.J .• f'ght. ,5 shown be.,,!! m"llcr IIf "'elllld, Ih ... full,I"ln!! Inl"nn,, - "rin!! Ihe (lrohlell'"
pr~unred w,rh a Jaycee Inre.national Sena
IOt51lip /rom Ihe Btoek Township Jaycees by liun- tOlal CHnJlIlJ!' fUf le<ll': 1,IIa i nUIII- On the loclil .,...... ne. ,c'cr,,1 Brulher,
Mr. Runyon of Chicago. ho:r of hnur\ fm roen,ion ,In,1 ", ... lIare ... li- arc h,lllI1it IOIIT' in Ihe ho-PII 'I I- ·blll).cn
gloillll, ,mhlunl In '''1:,,11011 .u:,·oun, hooc', ,urger), de.. \>, Ilh Illl.''i dOln~
Compute' _ ......_ "II.:, (I'"t.! 10 t.!OIt ... : ''''''''01:nl, p;li,,1 10 \>,ell no"', Brulh... r, J:,d Dllnn :,nd \\1."
dale; li,1 uf elJl1I1~I c\or_ he 11:1' IIor). ... d KO(ICd) hale ha,1 a Illllre ..... 'er.: h.l\lle
for; ,Ill" an) \>'ee~, he di,t nol \>,or)._ \1 011 Iheir Imnd" 1>111 Ihe) "': Pili up Ih ...
(, Ihe en" IIf e;u:h )C:.H. ea..:h l1Ian \>'ill I'C
h~ueJ .I \1"II'I1ICnl l"lin~ ,,11 nlonie, p,ut.!
gOlkJ figlu ,,"d .. ,II \>'in OUI.
We reporl "llh -orro\>' Ihe Ill'>' t.lf "Olc
inlo Ihe 101.<11 ,m,1 the .111:11 tlf hour\ of ollr old-lime Brother" ~r.e). Rudd.
'. IIl.r).cd, I,l'l mllnlh Brolhcr Rut.!d wtJr).ctl m:ltl)
ti mlhel"l, tlltn). u, ... r Ih" en ... rJ!~ en",; )~'lr- fur Cet.!ar K:lpiJ~ 1 1c"lrie ("om-
il i, ...:riOl". Our ",",tern ..... " ..... '.;mj h,h pan), alit.! Ihl' (la,1 cou,1e O( )C.II' h...
Illr~:ld) hee" .... :'rnI'J of .... )IIlInll hr.,\>,n- "'J' \>'lIr).IIlI; \>,I\h lhe :Ii,1 t.lf ,I I'''n''
0"" ;tnd IXh.,ihle hI.ll)..IiII,. lIul lie ,lie nlll~er ill Ihe 1)111,ne Arnold "lid... ,,, I n-
hdng held "ae~ frlllll l' IIt1,lInll ne ... ,led ... r~) I'o\>,erholl"": projc"'l .11 p,dll. IUII,I
(IO\>, ... r plllnl~ "".... au..: IIf (I..,I,II ... all)-II1I1I1- Our "neerc '~IlJI'''lhy ",,11 (I(;r'e" "r...
cr1<:ed ..... IIIUlli,I'. \>,;Ih h" !.J\et.! un ... ,.11 Ihi\ lime,
J'hl I'll \1. 1101, I',S. We m:.) n"l he up 10 .111 til.: ill(" .Iml
Local 400', comp"Ie, ,s in full ope'~I,on.
Here. Ma,y Gorman. of Ih~ olt,ee, deOlon f""'I' on retirec, :11 pre",nl. hill IIC ~tlU\l
Siratu Ih' compuler fo, Bus,n, .. Manas., Ih;11 Ihulhcr Wll}lle R m~cr ... h.. 'llCl1l
Jim G,.l1on and AI We51. Negotiations Completed; 111:111) ,I )e:1f al Ill ... Collin, Ibdio PI.1II1
Insurance Carri ar Changed \Ii lh ,\I lIn,on I lcclric. h,,' la~ ... n oil ftl l
Work Situation Not Good; ""I1l) I IUl'ld:1. I 111\11'1 ~ 1It)\\ ttlr 'lIT" If
L.U. oIU 5. CEil \,I( I(AI'IUS. IA.- Ou llt i, j, " I"elirellll'nt or jll,! :0 lon~ I.'~:I­
Computer in Full Operation Jllne 1\1. our nClltJltal l"lh " ... re ,'11111- II''''. bUi ",,:111 \>,;.,h h im \>'cll.
L.U • .lUll. AS llllKY I' \ Itt.:. "I .J .- I ir~1. ,,!.:tet.!, hili " ... lire ,1111 .'\>,"Iunl; lin,, 1 a(l' Jo,,1'0 R. "' 1"'(,. I'.::'.
I h,lle a report "n Ihe "{'I'l ,il"<l lil)n, prOI;11 fr.11II W",hinllitJll. O n al 1e",1
which l,n'l ~I)<)d. I hi, i, IMI'II) d uo.' hI line l1"I"ili,,, nule. Ihi, i, Ihe 'ir,1 lillie ill
Ihe \li llilullic, ,Jlhcr nafl_ in "ur ICH i- lear, \>'1' h", ... 11<,1 ha,l III J;1l lu lhe Local 414 El ection Held;
lOr) ,lTe ha'in~ lIith th"ir n"lloll"liun" ~·oluncil.
Work ers Commended
"hkh h.l\c ,1,1111.'11 "OI'~ ,0n'I,ler'lhl. " he ne\>, ":1In1I"el p"o'ld~, II ";~ -,· ... nl
AI",. Ih" 1;'11.',1 inf"nll:'lh)J1 fnom Jju,i- P,'l).,lge \>'llh \(1 eenl, (111 ,c"le " n" 15 L.U, .II";. I.. \ " CASTEH . I' \ ,-Ollr
ne', M:m,,!!er Jim (ir:l\lon "n Ihe Il,'\>' cem, It> Ih(' H""llh "lit! Wdf;lTe J und o .:1",lion "a, hclt.! un JUII ... }tlh I hc
OpCcr (rcc). I'u\>,er PI"nl i, 111,,1 Ill.: f hi, .. ill hrinll Ihe ,.,UrnClllUn "':ale It> olh..: ... " eko:\(',1 ;Ire I' rl'"..km Ic'ler
projeet I' ,Iill I'ro:ln~ 1I,,1d 11(1 h) C:\t,lt.I~l­ <;'L!5 lI o\>, ... , ... r . .,ome I.........:, " ... re ,,,I· <-irtllJ,t, \ice Pre~illenl Hc:nr) \\i"l1cr ,
l1,1 pr,'hl~'nh fered III lh,lI Ihe .Ipl'r..·nll...... ' mu,1 la). ... a R C~lIr"ln~ 'J.cael:lT) \\"II.:r I ,,, ... nl
Condulellec, "re e,lende" :U Ihe f:lIl1i- cut uf h'e L.... nt' ref h,,"r in ... "cll uf Ih~ Tr... """·... r <- IMl'nc(' S\>,ifl. "n" II'hlll<'''
Ii..., uf Hrulh..·r, Mi). ... T ~m ... ').o ~nd I e, fir-I (nur (,(ri".. I,. ,,~t.! II ... 1t"1 Ihe ... dl!.: \ 1,III"ecr- 1 in.Ilh.·",1 S.:cr;:t.lf} \\ 1111.1111
e\>,nloln ,In Ihe p,I"Ir1~ of III ... " mUlh - on .... mlC wllrd 1:11.1111,'<' III ,'Ih ... r "r(,,(; U.. n,I'_
e ..... _ \>'twr,"I' t-r.:fl'r.... 1\>,,, Itl ... " \>,,'r,' r,·qUlr ... d Ihe I ''''CIIII'e lIffi"ird rneml'l: ... ,Ir~
Nul'., on the JI~ilh::r ~i.le. AI our 1,.-, lin lIur). o'er ~tI feel hlllh , Ihe hllure AlllllulI) ,\ lIen. J U'iCph Ihili. I hilT)
meetinJ!, l'r.:,j.lcnt I UIJI Ori'~·o ll ~;IH' " ha, heen "han!,!..." lu ";U f... el. He", \r .. \\ illi'lI11 Oa)." 'kkJ, Ka)mUlIlI
repurl - -from In{"TIIMlion J!;l1ilereu (rum I h.. Health .",,1 \\c:lf;lrc Joint (om- !)Ielen-on_ ant.! I C'lcr IlIrncr. "nJ th"
nl"lI) "f nur m ... mh... r..--J .... lling .. ith the millee h." eh3nll.:,1 Ihe tn"lI~n ...: "'Irner. 1-""l1inl1l~ I~l;inl mcmher, ,Ir.: R ... holTtl
,1h,;"J\;lIll"lle, nf nllr Illue ')hi ... 1.1 "o,,,r- 1 h... "'"mmUI~-e h", ".cen f"cell \>'illt (ir,",,·r. \\'tlher "'lIne. ,md l .lIr!) D""c- _
aJ!\! :tm! Ih\! ,,1I\lull:lge, nf fX>"ible 'l>llle pl'tlhlcm' ,Iu" Itl Ihe ,·"",1;01111)-,,,- CunJ,tralUl,Ihon, lire ('~I.:nuet.! III Ihe
,\ ,'lnil I:uler:lj!e J h,' rnkJ} Ihcn lo)I.'U hI Inr; CI"I, and "",IIle e\p~I'I"nc", filCh"'"~ clec\ed otlka,
nhillin A.:II1" <:'l, ... r" b'" "jlh our ""Ibre "hKh. ''',lUrall). ;tlc h"mle,1 on ,Io .... n. 1111\1111''' \I;,n.,~ ... r William DtJllh re·
(lian. \\hlle ou r ":'JlCr'I!!C ila, h"en ~\celJem cci\ed leller, uf eOO1l1lenJalion Ilulll
I/ o", ,lhotH ;I lill l" (."r"dil fur Brolher in Ih: P"'!. Ih ... 'CJl<Jrt \>,mild inJlcale ArllJ' trong 1· I..,ur D ivisiu" .lI1d 1-1&1-1
G:lry Wtl rl hle), I 0<:;11 .. (1) ph')Wllral'her, ,urlle IIl1l'ru, ... mcnl h... re. ,1\ 11.:11 '" a r-.t:. r, Corponlt\un. Ihanking Ihe cl ... elri·

Augu .. , 1913
d:tn~ who "'orked on the,e pruje':h fur the L. lkel'iew COlllllr)' Club on Augu,1 lioll~ Inll l1in J,! prugr;II11.
their e~cellenl lll,:ffurm anee. I he'e jun, Ullh. I-lope }OU will all be Ih~fe. II is Vcr) fcw. if lIny. ~c hoo l ~}'Ie nh ofrer
.... ere hoth under Ihe \lIpcllhlon uf al"'a}, a I,:!'a nd affair . the 1f:1l1c, flH:ililic, or ~pllce Ih:l1 ar.:
Ri gg' D I\ller. Nice going. fdlo"". Your -, he loc;11 ,ponSIJred a 00\1 ling leUIII a,lcqllllte or conl'cnient ly 1I\:lilahle. AI-
loc:!' Brother, al-.o e\II:1II1 their th .. nk~ lhi\ }ear. I don', knuw ,my of Ihe I'C' lempting to U'lC such ~Ull\lihlle "e(t)fll-
10 )011 for a JOIl "ell done. '1I1t~. Of .... ho Ihe panieipilnl\ "'ere muJaliun\ UlII0111l11iclllly di'-Couf;lge'
I he ne'" :u.lliiullll tu Ihe O'leop<llhie I \I"~ J1lad 10 ~e Ihe ""'ar h" ..... e ... mml journe)111ell rrom ~'olunIL-ering to
H u~pil:11 i, prugre"ins on 'eh ... ;.IIII .... I llI,: IIbke Judy. al the 1<1,1 IIniun lIIeeling, allen<.l f\!fle,her or e~tension COllr'>4.·',
)Iel:l h.. \ heen erecled. ,!llll the declri· f~clinJl fine. Hlllkc had a lef) '>Crit)lI~ ~ince Ihe dedication IIf Ihe I-.l:'rl1
ei;tn, :Ire ,)11 Ihe ,uh with Harr) lI e~' lI\ lIIIIO lIe.:i"cnl ..... Ieral monlh, aso COllnl) I leclfk,,1 ' \pprenliee Hui lding 01'
seller:I' fOrell1<111 John 1';l\elko i, reeupcr"ling ;II hOIll<.'. T r;lining Ccnlcr in 19(>7. Ihe loclil ha'
Remcmher Ollr Brolher. on the ~ick :Ind Henry H:IIc. ~r_. " home after .uf- olfe!e,l :llId conduclc<.I ,lImO\I eOl1l1nllOIl\
li~1. I hey ;lfC l enny Morl!;lIl. Johll fcring ;I hcarl 1I11'ld. r hope )\111 J1entk- \leckl) jnurne)lIl"n dll'\C~. Inel u<.linJ,!
Schnell. lind Jllll CfO". men continllc 10 intprole. mand.ltor) cl,,,\C~ for cJoI~\ " I )" "ir..:-
~ I celing, life ,1111 heM on the llhl I I I 1\' }OU knoll'. Ihe ~pl'lng J1uhb1cr ......1- men .111.1 linemen. 1 he loc:ol i\ of lhe
day of the month. \1,111 i, o\er. hilt Ihe ,Iorie, Me ,till c:lndid I'plni"ll Ilml II" l"Ufile}man
., 0'1, AI I, 'I . I'.~ going 011. Gohhle. gohhle~ I here i~ on~ memhel\ relle<.:1 Ihi, Irainin~. h) adui-
tenllcm:tn of local WO. (1:llk~I'"I1;. 1I0n,1I 'et"lllIill :'1111 ~ntJII'lcd!!c of Ihe
We,1 Vir,1,1inill. lI.::n $n}der. ,,1111 i, (jllile Irill!.:,
Good Relation s 1I \lool,l\lI1:on Ix:,id.::, heing iI wemillgl}- I III~ I!'<lining faeilil) "ii' hui ll and
alilhentic:,led ,!Ory leller. "!l'J1" Bcn g.)l eljuipped hy the Illul"t!') Al'pl'~!1Iice ~I1lJ
hi, ~pril1g ,1,1ohblcr. hUI rlc:I'':: h,"<.' l\el1 r n"llin~ I-lind I hi .. fll nd al'l) fll1nne<."
1.::\1 }IHI how Ihe hinl aew!!lI} \I"lked IIJl Ihe :Ippl'ciltlee lind jOllrnC)I\\,ln Iraining
10 hilll and picked the ~(>l1l he Imd prUJ,:!'lI111~. inlludint; the pll)'ln.::nt of Ihe
drul'P!:<,J. Slire \la, ,ome g"hhilor. Ikn i, in,ll'lI.:hl!"' ".ll!ri~,. I he fund wa~ c,wb
alf.::eliun;llcly kno\\ n a\ "Gohhkr." II,hed ;lIul i, UillllilainNI hy ~I Ifl-(Cnl
I wa, ,(lrr~ 10 hC:lf "hulil Ihe pa"in~ pcr-I11Hn · hulif c111plo)ef eonirinillioll.
of John I') Ie's falha. Our conuol.::n,c, ' he li1te'l jUllrnc)m:on eI:", i\ c.d,1e
go \)ul to Ihe here:"cd famil) , ,pi icing_ llHlghl h)' Brolher JanIe, Crn,-
Unlillhe ne.\llime. \\ulk ,,,fel). 11111, Brolher Cro\toll h lin l1dno",l ,
01\1111 ~ T . 10.1«(';11. I'.., cdJ:!<.'d e\rcll ,pi icc! ami :on C\cclknt in-
,lrlldllf. II " 1I "'"lIIrda}· cia". and JIm
dri,e, (),er lOll mile~ ea<.: h "';1). ffllm
Apprentice School Ridgecre't to Bakef\fiekl. in order III
teach Ihi\ d:l\\. I I!: i~ il1~tflKlin!,! ill :til
DO" Schlobaum. lo."m"". ""pec rl Ihe la l t Ihc pha.,e, of in'I"lIing hiJlh"Oltlige
.ail of the Pe. to nlll R~pld 1 •.1" • •1 tpRT),
Mo.ganlo .... n. W Va . the co nltr"Chon 01 the L • I j ellble. hUlh \)·tllhclie lIlld le;lll,eo''::feu,
PR1. th" ,,,. , of ;1 . ~jnd. 'I II !rne " ... mple which includc\ handIJll!!. ,pliein!,!. "nu
01 Coope.,'ron IHIt.... " n m:<nallen.e"l . Boerng lerminallllg_ Brother CrO~lon _JIld \III Ih.:
Co(po,allon. ,,,.d Inbo.- Loc .l l 42!>. Fa.,mont .
W. Va. and rna mbor .. of o'"e. roc.,I .,

Work Remains Fairly Stable

iii l~'-:r..!.
journe) 111~n attending Ihi, ct,,,, ,holiid
hc highl Y ~\)mmenued for Iheir ellon, It.
impf01e and e\lend Iheir km,\llcdge "IlU
work UI,portUl1ilY in Ihe indU'lr) .
For Loc al 425
Since lIIe <jecloc.11'on 0 1 tlo~ lIe~,~,:;;c~,:",~,~, 'I \'1 III \1 '''. I'.S.
L.U. 425. FA l n ,\ IO"lI . \\ . \ \ .- lhe EleCI"cal App.enl<ce School. above. ,n 196/.
\\ork "llIaliun here '~'em' 10 he fellwin- Local <1 28. Bake'sheld. Cali f .• h ... , condu c hld Semi -Monthly Meetings Voted;
ing f:drly \I!lhle. With lhl' , 1I,wdo'" n of ,OUfneyman classes .. lmO~1 we<lklv
Work in Jurisdi ctio n Good
Ihe (t';ln,il \)\lell1 in 'lul'j.·llnlH"'l1. lIe
h:,,1 it 'lIwll lellloJcling luI' 10 l'le"k III L.U. 4Z4J . NAS II \ II.I.E. '1 E"I"I._ I\I
H . •\IHflin l'u ..... e!lw\l'>C. in .:unjlln<.:ti()n our I!!',I I'egilim' !IlC.·ljn~. Ihe memher-
,lilh a "lllpping (CIIICI'. III 1;I~e lip the ~hip 'vle,1 to <.:h:lnge 0111 rneeliug' had
,lack in \lurk fur (1111' nlell\hcl\. 10 1\1" pel monlh. We ;Ire hupi rl!! Ihell
T he Negolialing (1lilHIHtlee 1\ \lUI k· Ihi\ .t,<IIlge "ill impl'u\e allcllIlllll.:e (II
ing hl,rd 10 If) hi fe;l(h a fnll aO!'<':<':I11~nl Ihe meeliul,:',
ullhille Ihe Cotln~il I.n Inuu,u·i.iI k-'Ia - We :111.' 11)il1g to ..... 1 up :, r~'idenli;ol
lion,. 1'111 it ilpP,,'af, :I!I.lin Ih'll NI ( \ \I irlll!; "llfeellleni ill I1l1r jurisdicliun in
.md il\ rcprc..el11ull\e, al'e nUl kepI order 10 "rgnni/C Ihe,e \lurker,_ I hm)!,
"\lare of <':1111111111,,1 rj,mg eO\l~ .. lid h.II": LeU 10 "sht a(e a,otht.s R, cha,d Ar;>mbula. h",1.' !leell I,:()jng 11 lillie ''''W. 1'111 .,"', he
lay ,i lKercl) 'lIg~c\l\:d I\e 1;lke 1'>.'<.:1..- J,mm,e lov,ng,e •. Ch;>.les Sande, • • ~te.b e rl Ihe \\;,rlll "'\'"l her \lill perk pe()plc up "
1I"I5(:h. Jr,. James Fu'gason, Bobbl. Moora.
\lliid \tcp' in,lc;1I1 of rfllO!l'c"jle 'Iep~ . James Croxton (ins1rucIO' I. and Ma nuel O'liz
hll ;lIltl 1ll:lke Ihem 11';1111 10 g<.'1 thing'
A, \Ie "II know_ Ihe e1celrklll indu'lry du,;ng .. class uss,on ml)ling
1\ \llle uf Ihe 111,1'11 11f1)grc"IIe ;111<1 alllu- \\ e 1I"'e " III.'''' ;1~,;,1;H11 !tu,ine"
enl <':faf" We ,.re clinlil11l.llI) h'lf." ..... U mall:1ger. Bj ll~ Joe Cunlc) ..IIIU ""C ;Ire
and 1'<lllgercd 10 lutlk h"d .lIld re~e\le Local 428 Accentuates hupin)! Ihat hi, ""i,lun<.:e will gile "ur
in\le;ld of lifO'" ing_ Its Training Program 11Il\ine" m,l '1;Iger mOfe lime 10 "urk on
If "'e <':011111 rccall Ihe I,mll"" ur Ih..:: ()fJ:1.l1l lllng ,ullle uf the non,uniu n \hop,.
nWI1} 11I00n,hlll\ ll11d ,"I.,m •• hlle,. L V. 4Zg. U,\t..:t: I{SI' It;l.n. C \ LIF._I\ II ft/lher (,)I1ley will Ix: :, fine :1,\('1 10
ma}he "'e <':1111111 gCl h"d h) Ihe hllr~e prngre"i • .:: Iraining progr;lm for !>nlh 1I11"lle,~ M<Il1a;;ef Del'ine'~ \lalT.
:111,1 hllJlI,:) and Ihe kerll\Cne lamp'; npprentiee, :lIId jClllrnq men i- :I h..olillel) Ollr line NC!,!lIlialing Conll11it1t:c \I;"
thel'dlf"e. Ihcr~ wo1I1,1 he 1111 need fur e,..ential ICI '"eee"full} fewin Ihe jllfi" 110t ahle I,. CUrill.' 10 ler!11~ ,)11 llllr <.:on-
eleelridllll\ and nil nee,l 1'''1 Ihe 1>:I<.:k- diCl1l1l1 :111.1 COl11rol the 11.)fk in lhi~ '0 1 r:1~1. '.' 11 Iwk, H\ if \I.:: "ill be [ml1\!:
w,l1 ..1 ;lItillille o f N I C,\ vr 11\ leprcwnt- ph"lle1lled a!ld l'om!,clili'e eUI1,ll'u .. II"1I 10 the ~ulln~il "ilh i1. We all h~l\c 1'111
llll\e,. I CI 11\ all look for wanl :111,1 pWI!- imlll'lr) A I'ocll·cqllippcd Hnd re:.dll ) - fin!;e'" cl'I",e,1.
I'e" loselher. lIIail;ohle tmining ce nt er i, fllndlll11en - 11).;:.1 " 2') h." hCgll1l U dn~e I" cdll
Ou r Annllal Han(jilci Ilill hc hcid at 1:111) nccl·" "ry 10 a c~mnplish :111) ;unhi- (ale ii' l11 eml>o:r\ 10 Ihe iu,':' of ~i/! ht

ISEW Jou,nol
hoUh' ~orl. for CI~hl hOIl'" p;.) fhi" .I' or Ih,\ "rilin!! m \1 ;1\. III hrjn~ h"d
~houltl nOi h.I\.' ,,, h( ,If.:,.... d III i!,)l1d
D'q!11 (1IUnl} arca "a, heM at Ihe EI
.1 p.KI.a~c 10 our memtM."r, prlllr 11\ June (urlel liPId " r"lord ~ I "pr-renli..:,",
IInlon men. hut ... c all 1.l11.'r .11 11m..... 1'1. -line:men. cle~lrici'lnl. <In.! dei:lri~
;Intl ha\e 10 h( rcmlndcd Ih,1I our lihl Inlcm"lion,,1 RepTc ..... nl'nile Julin
lMu!!'hb ~hould toe 10 ril': ':ll1hl ("r mcll'f 1C\ler, re,eil",t.! ~omplelilln ccr.
.... eilll "In" BU'UlC" "' 1 "n~lIer J.' ...·rll lifiGIIC' lrum Ihl! lilt \\" "Ial.: lIf C;lli •
CI!!,h1. .... elI! ;tU."nded " dinnl:f hlr Ihe I nhelJ forni". ;mtl Ihe S;m Diet:o Communil~
Wurl. in ,lur 'Llri'>llI~'li"11 I' t: ....1d :,1 :Inu r nlt"nd D "lri,'1 emplo)ee,. Imcll1'" ( oIJellc,.
Ihi~ lim.:. Ih, ... nlU<:h lun!!<:r Ihc ~IlUil' li"n.11 Rerre,elll"li1e J"hn .... cilll prc·
lion will 1'''1 " un,enilrn. hut il\ ;. I 1>0,:;11 4h~ ".m Diej!1l (;:, ~ [,. I-Iec'ri~
..... lIlc,1 l\"i'I'II1' BII~me~, \I "m:l1,[I"1 ~k' {lII11P"I11\'" JtJlnl Apprenti ...:,hip ( om-
!,:fc;ol fceling 10 In'lII Ihal CICtlllllC "ho len DII"a Ililh a " Ifell rl"I.IIIC 11,)111
... "nt .. "'Irk i, "OIling II rOlh<:r~. re:- millec !J.\( ) l'ho" \\ ,.II ... r (' Ilcbdon.
Ihc 10.. (Cpre...:n,int: ''''')oIlIllIi,," 111.11' " ,,"r} I:~p"h"" }uunt: lII1eman. :h Ihi,
mcmhl,'r Ihe 1>",1 lime, II hllc IIC .• rc cn- hllur, of ""rk IlIlh,)\II .• Iv,I"Ullle ,,~~i·
Ju}ing Ihe pre'!:nl I:I1I1I1ill,,"'. \car", \1 0\1 Ou"randinll'\ppr... nti,"e
t.!em ("OIl!!r..lul,Hioll'" II r,'lher~ uf I 11- \\ all pr'll"h,,·, h" lTa,le ;11 Ihe ::':In
I{o" IllIN)', "S fielJ and T olland.
Dle!!l) (,," A I feclric ('''ntp;tn~'' Ro'tC
11':01' of imcrc~l_ \I .,nin \\ 111 hi i,h (';l11\on O".."r.. llIlt: D i-Irkl.
( I nlield I " ltuilulllj! a 1" ..,l1io01 hOIll£' ill
Several Local 443 Members \I.linc; "urman Mel" ",,] t ","" I on· Al 01 Ihl' "riling. our ,'onlra<:l Ililh
Ihe \;tn Diet:tI (.a, &. I lel:lric ("ornpan~
Are Bei ng Placed on Jobs t.!un) I' h;i lin1,[ a !le" home hllill fur
h;;, heen 10led upon I" icc hI (lur mcm-
humelr "nd his "ifc; lln,1 ,/une " few
LU. H J. '10' I GO\ l un . 'I \ ._ hcr~hir ,in ...! Ihe expir<tlilln J"lc uf
,ncmher. are gelling fc,ul) for li, lu nG
WUh Ih.: ~lInHncr hefC. >Ie .lfC pl.I,·in!!, :1 Ihi .. 'lIl11l1ler b) ' prucin!! up lheir 1'0.1". \I.l r,· h hi II II;" ocen rcj«leu I" ic~"­
m;!1l h':l(' l, n\1 IhcfC \\ e\c h'hl II ,,,II Ih ... lir,1 Illne h~ 'J2 Jlt'r ...... nl o f Ihe mem.
In dO"II1!:" I urge cI'cr) l11elllt-cr Itl
for ~e\era l men III l:h)lh,l1l. parli .. ip;!le in hi, ur hef 1t>t;;01 unil mcct. ht"r,hip ~ot m~, Ihe ~cond lime h} 511 per
AI thi, "rilltl!!'. Ihelc i, nOlhinl:! new illS-ill unl1) (hen" i, \Ir,"nl::lh .
lcnl. A Ihlld "Uer \liIl he pre...enled 10
"~n \lur nC!!Olililmn, '1 ;llhe lie 1';ln Icll lhe mcm\....T\hIP during Ihe "cek of Jun e
)1111 more n.:\1 nWlllh.
Ro",\l IJ II IJlI 1I1\l'" Illh.
JI"I a fcw lIo rd , Oil Ih.: 1(1" \luIII"!1~. II hal hcen our plea,ure 10 allend
If Ihere h a , llU n a!!I·. wh} 'Ire Ihe major Compressor Station four fin,,, fel il ':lllc nt parlic ~ during lhe
oil I:umpan le, " ill hull d int: \1;lllom'! 111\\nlh tlf \ 1,,) I he) honored BrOlher
"nIl wh) dO<.'''I'1 Ih" !!olcrnnu:ru mal.e Jerri Ilr;l(lfur.r. ga~ ..... rllccm:,n al Ihe
thc hig oil eomp;II,) pUI 1m Ihe: milrl.el l)elt, Qperlltinlo! Di ~l r icl. on 'I:.> 1,1:
Ihc c;lrhurelor "hlch "ill gile I"i<:" Ihe: IIrolh.. r Jom " ollod. "1I10mOIll" l1)e"
);;h mile,lt:e'! I:h:.ni..: ;11 the I a,tern OPCnltinS O I"lril:t
I am )U'[ a Cllumrl hoi. 'Ind I 1:.\Onot G:lragl.'. on 'lll~ 2nu; " rtlther (iu.:rJon
1I00lt:r,lant.! "hi 1;II'In); the pri",,, III 11." H "<lTTI,h. "elder in Ihc Tran.. pon3uon
"IHllu help 10 'lop InO;o linn or "url.in!!, "nd Shop' l}franmcn!. on 'l ;o~ ::'4Ih;
reop]e from u"n); !!'" Uul the III n"nh anu I e\ler I "ulhcr. "orl.,"1;. foreman al
on a {!allon Ihe) :Ire Il,II.,"~ ;!hoUI I~ lhe , ...:onUlllo (. ara~'t'.
"hom ,,~ lime, {1IC;tler Ih;on Ihe the per II t:flC"", II, to re!'Ort lhe unlimd)
I:enl l'cjlin{1 "c h'l\e. death, of HWlhe" Charlie Po"elt :mJ
I hel ";1) '!l!lu, ,,n,·e " nu e\l:II\C. hi, II If.. , hI.l h u f whom " ... re lilteJ In
.... no .... \\h;1l " h.lppcnln!! '" HIlit un,on. On 11 ,eeeni v.s.1 10 I"'" Rambow Ga. Com an :llIlol11uhll(' aecident "hile lin ""ll-
('CI Ih," ra~l\ hr~l l\;lnt.! " 1I11cnd )'llI r p.eno. Slallon. Bus.ntll M~"~ge. O.ek Rob tilln in OrCt:tln Bruther 1'0 " ... 11 had I~en
u,lIon rncdill t:" b,ns. LoclIl .65. San O.eRo. Ca l,f .. cheeh 10
~ee ., 'us hands can I IUI h ••ndle II w.ench.
\lilh <'0(.&1 for 27 )car, ~mt "<IS nn
t "I~I(" T " D"~IH·(.H, I'.S. Th., 1I1U'On. one o f San 0le80 GIIS end elcdrie IflJuhlcman "orlin!! UIII of
[Ieel"c', s t lll.ons" keepS lIIe nalUfai R"~ SD(.&I ("u111ran)\ C~rI,haJ Opcralin t:
110"""8 In 10 San O;ego h on' I he LOl "ng8lel Di ,lricl. "rvtl1!! Ihe i:-nci nila l. C .lifor-
New Lo cal Doing Fine; a.ea.
Ilia. nre ... W e \ h.oIl mi" hi, rc gul:.r prcv
Com mittee in Negotiations C II ~e ;, 1 11111 Ntlrlhcrn D i"rict anl l !,:en"
Most Outstanding eral ntemher, hlp meetin!:!,.
I."U" ~ 57 . HO( KV 111 1.1 .. <.0 ..... ' ,,-I ROlllkl .... (I~II\, !'.S.
"m hl.pp) 10 r'''!'Or! Ih'll 1 111:,,11 4'7 h:l ..
IIllllCn oIT 10 ,I \11I1101h 'Ian ,ince il ""I!>
urll:lni7Cd on DCl:cmhcr I. 1'17~. Local 474 Signs Contract
lI u,,"c,, Man,'i-ocr JO)eph .... ell, h,,, With Ci ty of Memphis
heen uoin!! ,111 olll'I"nJIII~ lI>h 'lIld.
IIced!c" I .. ";1)" I~ 11I0r," :h'III hu" A, 1 . 1 " "H" \I I· \II'I II.S. I ..· ..... ',,---{"on-
or Ihi, "rilinll, 1 11I:;tl 4" h,1\ II", fin" !,:r'lwl;ttillll' lu Ihl ~lne" \ l an"lI-er "hert
i,lwu ne1!oliallun, "nh (lI!ltlC"1I1UI " UI" 1I),lr, un lhe fCl:cnll)-nC{11)lIllh:u conlr.. CI
l.:e \lomie Pu\\cr (omp.,"~. "h"h re- Ililh the l"Il) "f \I cntphi\. L.nll,'r Ihh
\ul1ed in a p,.dlll,:e .. r .IpPIO\lIIl;lI cl\ IUIIg-,,",.ilcd 1:1II11ra<:1. " e 1", le rc pre_
(,.,";. plu .. Ihe mClllher, !,:;l ined ">llIC ''''nl;o,illn "Ier the I:il) cI,-":lril·"J II"JX'C'
h,.d ,,"se, " llId, Ihc) 10'110 Ihc \\,I~e Iur. .md cl"ltonK" Il:l:hnicill1l' III Ihe
anJ Pr icc Conlll1"''''" 1:1\1 Icar AI Ihe 32nd Annual "pp.enlleeSh.p Comple lariou, CII} "t:CIIC'c, ,ueh n, the Police:
Nur" ie h an,1 W •• Uillt:fnr,1 \l unl~l p"l~ loon Ceremony for Ihe San O.e80 Co,,"ty Dcr;ortllll'nl. " "rl ("ol1ll11i"i')I1, I ir.: De-
;lrc in l1eSol"'IIon, n" ..... I he tir,1 me,"I- area. Wa'.er C Hebdon" cente . " .s Ihown piltlmelll. ell:. \Ihen I~ :ll"1tl "11rlin8 on
reeelv.ns lhe "Mosl Oulsland.nf( App.enloe,.·
int: "ilh ~ or"l~h "'" .m "pril 71h ,InJ award. W.,h I"m a.e J r p "Parh," W.I. ,. 1:\)I11r.KI "llh Ihe :urputl nl;linl,·n:!nee
\\.llImSforJ on April "lIh. Ne!!,1II1,1I10n\ loami" JII.C Chaltman. lefl. lind Bob CII.I.y. pcr .... lI1neL :,",1 futlher eITllrh ;Ire being
'Wil h lhe ("onnee" ..:ul I ielll ,111.1 1" lIIer Secrel."y. JAC. 111;Id," 1\. \Jhl.lin a cl)nlraCI wllh ~ I uslc
(oll1pan~" ... hcr,,, ,.1I1\e 2,IU() mClllheh ( .. r~'r;o1U1I1 u('merica IMu/,11.).
.lTe rcprc-cnll.'d h) I 'N.;lI, 4~7 :,ntl .J~U. Forty.One Graduates Honored The hi!, pHlhlem in ollr union ..... en'~
;ore pro{1re\>int: al a ,10\\ ",Il:e I" ullafll~ lu hc II 1,,(1. lit parlicipatilln on Ihe p;l rt
he..:au..e Ihe CUlllp.ln) \C"llI' rCIUCl.llll 10
At 32nd Completion Ceremony
or the !!enerill mcl11he .... hlp. We h;.. c Ie~\
1Il,,~e ,In) "11"IHtll iul il1lprl>IC/ll1.'1I1, Jl1 LU" 465. SA:\' I)lEGO. C,\I .IF._On IlllIn ,I th ree pcr CCnt ll\le nu nnl:C al most
Ihe IIhuranee !lnd mcdi c.. ] hench l' (lr ... :•. \ Ial II!lh, Ihl.' 32n<l Annual "rpr"I11K," I,f lhe 1\\("CIIIIg'. No orgllni1... lion. re-
I he Negolillling Commil1ee i, \lfi\II11;. ~hip CUmpiclion C~rell\ol\} for Ihe !)" n gllrt.!lc~~ of huw hit:h i1s prin ~ lples o r

Auguli. 1973
ho w firm its tOnviclions. ta n possibly We urge all 1BEW members 10 \\ori le sen. Cha rles W. IIll:l:el hurst. Lamon i C.
surv ive a IOlal Iud, of interest on the to their r~pec t ilc U.s. senators nnd re p- H os ~ in. Roy Lull y, Clyde E. McCarey,
PHfI of the mCll1bc" il h serving. T his rcse nlllliles lind vl)ite Ihe ir indigna tio n Stanley Malin....,n. [ ollis V. Nllpier,
\Cems to he th e ca,e 10 our local union. OI l Ihe UIICtln,tilUlional h urn~~me n t. John W. I'nrmer, Chris Rad m i1ovich.
Although the Illcmbcr~ h ip del11a nd~ linc th re:t1s. <;caTchc'. lind 'oCizure~ thai our L)lIn Scolt. h lrl Skinner. I' noc h V.
rcpre'>Cnlll,lion of our mlerc,h ..... e seem Brother. ;\Ild Si'leT' of I ()!;a] 1536. I in· Smith, Kennel h G. Smilh, Arth ur A
10 be determined nOI to help our eictted col". Nebrn,l:I, lire going through in Urba". Flo)u I . WlIl~er. Rich:lrd H
offkia]) e>en in ,ur.:h 'mall area' a~ Iheir gallunt 'Itlke ;1g:li",1 lhe ;lnli·llIOOr 7id!;e. J(N:ph A I i,then, II )"TOn J.
nl«'tin~ anendun.::e, commineee \\orl. ~uare I) Compan) and ii' eohorl~ in Huffmlln. John I. O\ I.u;(alium. Julian C.
and >olunl.::er "ork. No businc" man- Ihe Nct>r:I~La JudiCial ')~Iem, Olle. Morri, W. Ro-,. and J oe r unlla.
ager or pre~ldenl or :1 group of .. le<.:loo All Ihe grcat Ihinll\ Ihe Jill W '1:lOd, Brother Boh 1I.lrll\:\ Ihen did a hang-
onke", h:1\ Ihe lime or ,Irenglh 10 do ror are on Ihe line :1\ I ineoln. N~t>ra,La. up job of (;llI1ln(: olT Ihe many door
Ih~ v:,,1 llmounl uf \<-orl Ih;\1 i~ required I he IIlI W i, alill :11.... u), h;b heen an prizes (:enerously dOllfllc.-d h)' ou r local
to run a large org:lni/.alion. attion union' So. let\ ~el il all tog~lher eontr.teIOr~, and at Ihe end of the cle·
Appro;ninl:.hdy ,i.I meetin!,:) 'Igo. a lI!;f"'~ Ihe ~ounlr)' :rnd 'ho\l Olll' ~on­ ning. ele:r)one ..eerned 10 agre<: lh;11
motion .... a' 1ll;lde: and pas<;C{1 Ihal a ccm for the Brolherhood in the people Old-Time ..... Ni(:hl \\a~ a rc\Oundlllg ~IIC'
comminee: of ,,:\ memtw:r. "" formed of Lt)(:al 1536. ce,s.
.... il h no more Ihnn one decled unk... r. J \lII~ L.I Ir/(,IR\III, I'.S . \1 Ihe pre-.cnt lime:. our \lorl piclUre
]"hi\ comminc.'t: .... ;h 10 he tit led Auend- ha\ impro'ed. lllld \Ie arc hopeful Ih;.t
:1I1<.:e <':omrniLlee, II, purpo'>C .... a~ 10 in- m()';t of Ollr member. ma)" e\perieneo:
Ic,tig;l.I(' the prohicm of poor :IUendlln.:e Old-T imers Night rcaMinabl)-,tcady emplo)"ntenl Ihrough-
111 our general melllh~.'r'hip meeling) and out the ~ummcr.
10 reporl tMcl 10 the membcr) hip its ROlli liT MOl v I Jm. 1'111 ...
findrng.~ and recommendations for .... a)~
t" Im.:rea<,e :Iuend"n.:e. The commiucc
h.. , not been f"rmed hccau'>C. according Building Addition Planned;
10 I're'idenl I)ale U:Uc~. he: tannol &,!I Credit Union in Ope ration
an)ooc 10 ~efle on an)' commiuee.
When mernher\ arc a,led 10 help .... ilh LU. 569, S \ '-: I>1t:CO. C,\I.W .- I'1,1Il'
the ~mllll delaih of Ihe local union, lhe for an addilion 10 Ihe pre\c:nl tHlildlng
chronIC rep!} is "Cee, I don'l hne of Local 569 lire :111110'>1 complele. :tnd
lime:' lJut how Illuth more lime do .... e conSlrutlion. hopefuI1). ~hould gel und"r
a, union cleelrkian~ hale a~ compared \'oar '>OOn. The plan.. ha'c been pllt OUI
10 Ihe n(.... -unulO CICl;!rkians "'ho must for bids 10 a numhcr of gellera1 CO",
""orl.. 12 hOIlr. each da} and si)(. '>Ollie- At Old T, ....... N'RM 01 local S!>I , Sant .. tractor..
lime\ '>Cven da)~ (I .... eel.. in order to Ros ... C.lrf, u",oc. p,ns we .. pres.enlfti to The new add ilion ~ill prolide Io.:al
mat.:h our "";llle of 40 hours" members. Leh to "ahl, !oO·,e•• B,othe. P.ul 569 .... jlh ~omc l1Iur.:h·m:eded 'PoI.:e and
C. 1(0. . . 11 .nd 60 ,e.' a,olhe. Henry Lou.· .... iII aho gile !lur ,j\ler Local 4M. San
If the trend of non-par!idp'llion con- de.uK .ee.lV. p,ns '.om In'erna"onal Rep.e.
linlle~ 10 exi~l. Ihen the good union senl.,i\feS He"', l,em.n .nd Tom Robe.ts. Diego. lIIore room. 100.
Brut her tnll), onc du} be telling the A reminder 10 all our rnemhch i.. Ih:11
Iruth whton he ~I)'. "Gee. 1 don'l hale the Fleclrici:ln, I eder:tl Credit Union i..
linu::... Old-T;mers N;ght Held; in Operalion und nc:oo~ )our 'Upporl.
DOLt. FISIII k. I' .S. Work Picture Improves You need 10 nu) onl) one file-d"lt;1T
\hare and p;I) the inilialion fee of OrK:
L U. 55 1. S\"1' \ 1(05\. C \UF.-On dollar. and )ou .... 111 he ~d~ome 10
Des Moin es Scribe Reports M;orch Brd. \Ie held our Old·TimeT\ appl) for loan ... \\ h) ':0 0'" and nu}'
On Monthly Meeting Night al Ihe 1 c)\ Rohle:, I ud~~ in Santa new rurmlure. CI.:. and I'll) Ih,lI III per
RO\il 10 pa) 'pel:i:11 Iribule 10 tho"c tent intere,1 .... hen )011 can aV:1I1 )our·
L. t . 499. I)J~S o\ IOIi' ES, IA.-At Ihe l1lemhcr~ .... ith 25 tlr more )ear\ of ~rv­ ~If of 10.... -lIltere,1 Tlilc, from our credit
1II0nlhl)' mC~llng in Ma)'. rrc~idem bel ice. r he afrlli .... "lh .... cli allended hy our union" Righi now. Ihe office I' open
O\leOlughey "dnllnl\lered Ihe o.llh of membeT\hip. hu"ne,' manager\ of ,hter e\'el) Thllr"",I) .. fleTlloon (r'llII ..t no 10
ohligalion 10 Donald D. Cuher. a nc .... • I()!;ah. and ,luff memhcf\ of lhe .... inlh 6:00 1'.\1
comer. Di,trkloffke, We hlHe jlN had a Joinl I 'c~ulile
A~ our local\ 1973 COPF drilc i~ in II lghliJ;hh of Ihe ~\ening irK:ludcd Ihe Confercnt.:e of 'ioUlhern Clllifornia I'lcc-
it~ third monlh. thme Brolhers and Si,- pre<,cntalion of \.rT\KC pin~ 10 eligible Irital Wor~e" ..... h"h "",h held in ~In
ler...... ho h;r'e not purc ha1o('d one S:!.OO mcmher.. IllIernalilllllll Repre..enlati~e~ Die~o. and lhe rllllo\l Inll re""lulion wa,
COPL- ticket can do \0 h)' comatting 10m Rober" uml lI enr}' /ieman pre- suhmiu.'d and :lc~epte\1 b) Ihe r.:onfer-
Iheir \":\\:111.1 liT hy clIlIing the Loc;!1 ,cnled u 65·}e:tr I'ln h) BrOlher Iknr)' enee and i, to he pre'oCllled 10 Interna-
499 hll ,ine:,~ office, Lourdn:;ru\ ..... ho .... ~~ iniliull:d (In Murch tional Repre..enllllile Ch;\rle~ I'. lIughc~
AI the meeling. Ihe pre,idenl in- ~. l'}()il. :lOd ;0 ~n-)e/lr pm 10 Ur.llher of the Ninth 1)"lriel.
f\Irmed Ihe mcmhcl',hlp Ihat the prc,cnl I'aul C. Io.: o .... ell ..... h.1 wa~ initialed on Thi, rc\t)lulion i, ,uhmilled 10 Ihe
.... alle and ",orling eOlllratl .... ould e'pire October 5. 1920. Soolhern Cnliforni" J"inl I \eelltile con·
on J ul) ) hi. Ou,ine~~ M:lOlI~er Ted Tollener :md rerence. held ;11 ~n Diego. Califtlrnia.
Pre,ide n! MCC:IUi,':hey appoinled I're~ident Boh \l ounljoy pre"':llIcd J.~­ on Ma) 19. 1973:
BrOlhe" Dnle 1J:1,..ctt ;Ind Jack IIroo~,. ycar~ pin~ 10 Alfred A. IJru,><lli. I d .... in Wtl F RI'AS: Ctmr1c~ 1'. Hughes has
Il l"i ne" M:ItHiger Jerf) Ollna!:.. n. and T . Nic hol",)n. Stunle} C. Slml1l1ler. -.erled .... jlh honor :" a Incrnhcr uf Ihe
A'''~tanl BtI,inc" " I:wager Richurd Bra vi, 1-. SmUT" . lllld Leonanl A. IBf W for 36 )ear,. and
Vllrlcy 10 <;enc .... ith him in repre~ntinll Mullcr; 10-}car pi n,. I-hlrr} I-ortmun. F. W IIFIU'AS' .111 or Iho'ol: }e;. r\ w~rc
the memher .. hip III IlCgotialion' .... ith N. I r)e. RtlOcn l.. Guerne. l..ouh Lar- -.erled in un-.c lfi,h dedication 10 the 1,,-
10\\01 Po .... cr and I ighl. T he pre~i,lent ,cn. J.)\eph I'. McGannon. Sr.• Louis S. lem;rlion:1 1 Olliee II' Ni nlh Dhlricl Rep-
poi nted OUI that onl) wit h the full ,up- \l a .... h. '>r.• RlIy II. Miller, Che,ler L re<.entatile. :Ind
pori and in iere'l IIf the memhcl'>hip O .... en. Lcon;Jfd Reinhllrdl. WiIli:ulI Si- WHt'Rt' A'i: 11 1\ \Cr> ice a~ e\eelililc
cou l<l Ihe C(lmllllttce I'euth a ~ucce"~fu l mOIl...,n. Clem C. Smilh. Sam Za neo. and <;Ctrelary 10 Ihe Vice I' re~idenl (If the
condu, io n in th e upcom ing " egolia tiOI1) LU\l rcnce C"lenlltli. Ninlh D i~trici rcmllln~ une,celled. and
\li lh Ihe 10 .... 10 Po ..... er ,lIul Light Com· rw ell ty- fi ve-)"eltf pillS were pre,e nled WI·IERF AS : lI i< uneann} ahil ity as a
pall)'. 10 1·la rr)' fl . C I :H "~, F rederic k E. lI a n- IlI.oor re l!llio ns srcciuli,t Im~ hee ll widdy

IIEW Jou.nol
reCOt;ni7.cd :md rc~pceleJ. 'In,1 pun:h:I~,1 ..orne la nll and i, in Iht' prot-
"' H FRI'A5~ Ui~ C\pcrh-.e in 1.:olle1.:· c'... of gelling hid, on buildln!: a huilU·
Construction Meefing
II\C harg.aimng negOl.I;lIIon~ hOI, Ixen ing. ",hi.;h "'e h0f'C ",ill be uooc in the
withom parallel. ami near f"lUre.
WHI'R I AS: lIi~ 10UlI recall of 1.0. A. Nlca.: 1":"11, P.S.
policy ;UIU d()(.umcnl, h.I' matte him ill'
\aJua"le ;mll irrc[lI<lH.I"le 10 the- "'inlh
l)i,1 riel ••100
\\ ~II R I A~' lIi~ .ICCI' tontcrn and
Bell-Rin ging Recruits
"urllen for h" rclll"'I11;In j, renc"u:.J in
hi, ncgoll;llu,". Inkf[lfCUIlion. ,10.1 cn·
fl)r"clIlcnl !If Ihe collecli,c h... rg;lining
"grccmcnl. lind
"'III R I A·... li e h:h CllfN\lcntl)
Cl'TIlmandcd rC'[lCft ,Ino :ulmiralil)n of Membi!rs 01 Loc,,1 605, JlIcho". M.u.. 81
Iho...: "ilh \,hom he hOi' ~omc in "un· tended the speco~1 CO" J!ruct,o" me .. II".
wc!. ;Inll called by I"Iern~"O"AI V,ce President J . B
W II/ I{/'AS~ II i, I,fclime ha, 1",,'1\ a Palt_ Lelt 10 ".hl a,e Inta."~tlO"Dl Rep.e-
.enl;!'.,," L M. FISher ."d Joh" l. ("d,so"
,hining e\:ll1Il"lc of ad hcrclll:e 10 ,Ic·ur· of Ihe Fihh O'''''CI. InlllrnlllOna\ Rep.e
\111 .. unum lc:uJcr'hll" <In" rrofc"jOIl;lt ""Ial.ve J, M "K.m" P~oker 01 Ihe 10 .. And
~onducl. :tIId S.~ members o f Local (>01. Champ"lgn a"d
Vice Preside"t PlI.e,
WHI' KFA'i: lie i~ hch l ill "l,ch hi\!h Urb;!"a. 111. who will be bell·rln/ler. lor Ihe
rc\!;.r,1 :IOJ [lCr,ul1:l1 c,lcem I'>} thc mem· Salv.UOn A,my Ch,,~tmn prOleCI. lIank
Malor Ramo" L Wnl. head of 'he Cham·
hen of Ihi, lI''''lCi:l1Ion. lind
pais" O'lIa"'latlon. as Ihey .e' up one 01
Will R I A~: Jlrol~r lI ughc' I\ill Ix the 12 Itallo"• • 0 be u.od 10. collect."g
rclirinl; frol1l Ihl.' IIlI W. Salv . tlo" "'rmy do"ullo". I" Ihe Twi" erties.
n -II' RI-!' O RI' lJ l I r R" ...OI \ I D Left to "ehl, BrOlhe •• ge"p"" Hentlnp,er, Lee
Br""nen. a"d Bob C.,tler; Major Ramo" L
Ihal Ihe Soulhern Cdiforni;1 Joinl I \Cl' Wesl; and BrOlhers P.u' Montgomery, Ray
ulin: Conference "I,he' 10 '·\I're .., I" p,." .... nd Ro" Huver1.
IJ rOllier (hili;)., lI ui!hc, and hi, f:lmil~
Ih,· hof'C th"l hI' relircmem }e:.r, "ill
he en h:lneed h) Ihe ).,ntl .... !cdi!.· Ih:Ol hi, Work Sit uation Is Bad ;
conlrihuli.m II) Ihe I:.hor mo,ement h;"
heell rccOi!mlCU :.nd a[ll"leeialed to) the Members J oin Blood Bank
UrolherhooJ. lind L.I ', 60 1. C If\\lI'\lG'" \"'1) CU·
HF n I lK llU R R I ...oI \ I· () Ihal 8 ,\ "' ,\ . ILL- lI clio. II rOlhcr,~ I he big.
BrOllier lI ug he, ~no", he "ill Ix Irul) gi.:,1 thing on our mimI<, i, Ihe "",)., ,il'
mi~-.eJ .... ll h in III< I:.hor nUl).., anll Ihal
u;llilln il h h;.d. ",ilh only Ihc fUlnre
"e "'I~h hill' II ha[ll"). fulhlhn~. al'lll rc' 1t)(J~illJ; good Some;oj,<;; ar.. Ir~illf: 10
..... Iruing. reliremenl. gel \I:!rleu. hul the ",c.uhtr ju,t "on'l
"'uhmilll'd h) \i •• r<in I). CI)U~. IJIl,i· c.)o"er:t!c. \\ jlh ..., m:lI1) 1.""'.11 lIIen on
ne,~ M:lna~er. I ()(.';II -Ill. 5:mm Ii.lr· lhe mau. \Ie "'011111 :t/!ajn li~e 1(1 Ihml~
h~r;l. (alifomiOi. :.nu lJ o\laru J. Vol/. I)lIr ,i,ler 10<,':1" for nil Iheir heIr
lJu>ine~) ,\I:II1"l;er. I oc:!1 ~n9.
Brolher he\.. li ell,ler. 1It1 .. ine" \1.ln·
1101\ IKIJ J. VOl 1. B \t. agcr of loc"t 6tH and l'r.."jl!cll1 "f Ihe
lJuiluins; and Con..lnKli~lII 11.lIk, Com·
Powerhouse Still Worki ng; mille,' on Pre, ailing W:lge, f,)[" Ihe Slale
of II li'loi,. ":" ilwiled 10 W",hinglon.
Negotiations Completed 0 ,( .. I'>} Don Koger" SI"<':l'i,,1 (on\lIl·
I:tnl on I ahilr 10 !' re,idcnl '1i\on, for
L U. SY6, Ci. A IU';:S IH !KG . \\ .\' ,\ . -1
Jialogue ;lnu l:olI,l1lll1lion ",ilh ~ .. ~ 3U'
"';tnl to 'Ipolog.ife for nOI h:11 ing \I,hmil. rnini,lr"lion \If1ki.d~ on \ario", ,u"jeel~
led ;Irlicle, fur Ihe JOllrl/li/ \Ill ring. Ihe of cuncnl inlerc,1 10 orgalllll."d l:thor in
\ 10 "sht. B,othe" Lllnsd"le. Loul
I'a,t fell monlh~ "'13"11>; Oe""i • • local 605: B.,ller. Loc,,1
Ihe 1.. ,1 call1l',,j~n. Jnc)., "'" :I[I"".inled ."d Shaffer, loca l 60S.
Our Jl'O\lerholl'>C i, ,Iili \lor)..ing.. \I ilh 1.1'1 hllll." lu Ihe I .I""r I a,)., I "r.;c (tlIll'
one unil on Ihe line olml The ""nmd millf.·e in W;I\hingll)n. D_C ...,nd Ihi<. in.
"hom Ihree·f"urth, c\lml"lelcu. rhere Ii;" lil;llion ,Ielll\ frllm Ih,,' "1',..linlll1;;on!.
Ixen ;1 del;l) on Ihe Ihird un;!. ~;III'cJ
The meetin1l "'" held In Ihe Blair
hr f:'lIl1y ,Icel I-Iou,c I Ihe I'rc~jdenl'~ gllC,1 hume in
fllree n.cmncr,. 'Tom I I"rher,. (!clu, D.( .. ;md (iener-,.I lIaig. ')11'1',,,11 "",i,l·
\\il'>On. ,ln,1 Jerr) I on!! .•Ift' IJlf ,i,~ \\t' :lnllo IlenTl h.i"inger. "'3\ Ihe Ito,,-
""i,h 'hem e,,~h ,I 'PCCU} re"O\t'rl
'1 he 1I.ll'ri'>On Rur;.1 I ledrifkalion -\\. A ,horl "hite h;ld. a repre...:nt.uj,c
~od:.lion (UIII tht' Ctar)..,hur~ Dili,iun of
frlllll Ihe Ch;Hl1l"all;n·Urh'1I1.1 Ih'l;lon,,1
Ihe \I ununllahcla I'o"'er Cuml';.n~. IIcalth l(e'>OlIl\:e Cenler ga\c the noor "
'cr~ infonlluli\'e (111)" \fler he;lflng \Ir,
.... hich our local helf'Cu Ihc Fourlh Di\·
IriO to OfI!"nilC. :lH' In Iht' I"roce,", of !kU).,cr, Ihe noor lot~>J IIn"nilllo,,,I} 10
negoliJling their contr'ld. p"rticil'.• le in the ("h'lml'"is;n (<lunl)
Our I nlertainml'nl Commi11ee (al Ihis Comlnllnil) Blood B;LI1k. I hI' Blood
B .m~ in\IITC\ Ihut ;111 mCII1"er, ~nd
wrilin!! 011 April I ~lh! i, ['I:mning our
ml'mlxl'!;' f'IInilic.. "'ill rccel\C "loot!
Special Meeting C all ed
Annulil I',enil" for Jul) 22nll_
Our lotal ha~ (Oll1l"lele(/ ih cOnlr;tO '" hen Ihe neeu i\Ti ..... ~ any" hl'lo! in 'he By IVP J . B. P.le
negotiation,. IlIId Ihe) 3rell'l a!> fruilful eOlmlr}. Retirt'J nlemher) l.Te ;llr.o in· L U. 60S, JA C KSOi"o , ,miS._. \ \f'C~i:l1
:!~ ",e hau ho[lCu Ihe) ..... oulu be.
cllIdcu !Inion meeling lias he ld :II Ihe Admir:!1
For the benefit of members wOI"~ing I lo[lC to !oCC yOIl ~oon. Solllme, HOlel. Mobile. Alahalll!l. on
OUI of IOwn. I repol'l Ihal our lot:11 has Rtcuo\!\U R. H UIlAClll 11., 1'.5. Mil) 18th, Inlcrnalion;l[ Vice l' rc)idcnl

August, 1973
J, Il, !'ale callcd the nl ei:ling for all 10-
Se rv ice Pin Re cipie nts Jjt'Oup of Jj U )~ )011'11 never find . T he)
c;l l ~ wi lh in Ihe Fifth Dj'lriel whi ch ha\c ul-o h:l\e Ih;,1 r;lre ;,bilily o f !1Ia~illg a
eon~lruclion juri'llieliun, !lull:u' bill go a long " ily.
Th lN! in IItlcndlince tlln,i~leo.l n1:lill1y r h" CO I' E COl11miltee eo n,i,'~ of
uf local IInion bll,inc" mana geI'!, Iheir Chain1Um I fed Hull!'efgcr, Vkc Chair-
;I~~i"ltnh, an d/or dcl c~(I\e, rcpre'en';ng 1111111 Dou~ (Iolld. ,>eer"lary Guido
.heir re'P'Cc.ile loc;,1 IIniOI1~, atong "ilh Ic rlO. rrc:a~IIt"er Ton y CarilO, r lenr-
quile II II.rsc IUrnmll of Ihe I iflh D i" ('hairlll.ln "Ic'c (r;lin, an d !;olllm illec
Irkt stalf and \Ome h iilhc r,ran~ing IInion tn~'ml'Cr, D,mn) (Iolld. ·Ied Schu\ter.
ami indu~lr) ollkiah, imd Jo,..., Itt-Ier. I, for one, hope tlwl
r he _ole pllr!X)-.c of this nw<'ling III' S Ihel ",I!
he in ehlll'~e of all or Ollr fu,
apP:II'clnly 10 ol'g:lIlile 13m dt'o r" II)
hvlo.l I\lWI union "01'1. "e now halc :IInl I nOlI h'", e 10 wrile the ",(I pan "f
1(1 1110~ e in un lind ot-tain ;1(11 ,lIld nil Ihi, ~rlielt-. Ill'Olher Roberl lloon ~. II h.,
con'lrIlction "or ~ Il hk h 111(1) hiwc been l<><:al 648, Ham,Uon. OhiO. recently held ill re .. ehl'd hi\ 2f) 'IC;Ir pin on Ih~ Ilighl of
10'>1 to forre, Ihl.1 lire unfricmlly 10 ollr 0 Id·I,",e.5 banquet in the 1<><:81"5 new h all. Ihc ":lI1qllet, I"'", . . .
t.l alia). Brulhcr
call'iC . and servoce pms we.e presented to .",~,ble lloonc hecal11e ill Ilhilc al "orl.: aooul
wine ~ery good and inkre'ling members. left 10 .Isht a.e Dick Ba,I.y lind III da)\ "fler Ihl' banquct an d "a, d..:;ol.l
Hen.y George. 2O·ye3. .ecip,enlS: Imema
~pecche~ Ilcre made III Ih;11 meeting, re- t ,onal Rep'tlSen lallve Paul W,lIe: and 80b on ,lnil;,1 ilt Ihe ho_ptl;11. Urot hcr Boone
minding 11\ Itwt "c h:nc plcnt) of thc Dawson. Pe le Sciannamblo, Ed Con.ad. M~'k II;" b"rn \11\ J ut) 21). 1 \l1~. :lIld 10", in,
neee"H)' inlelligc nce to organi/!,' lIlir Pete'$, and AI Ku.tz. 20·ye3' .ec'plen" ilialed into ' oeal MR on Janllary 3.
forces capabl e of :lccu mpli,hing Ihe I'C- 1\151. He lIol"~e\1 fo r Ihe Cily IIf ILunil -
~II II ~ II~ planned 1011 U1 Ihe 1- lc\:llic Department. 10 hi,
We heard qu ile ;I fe" emhl"iu,lie famil) !lOCI ollr deepc\t \}lIlpalh}.
comments l'oneerning Ihe :ll'parelll 1IIIIIe 'h,lI\ iL for no" .
of Ihe meeling LOI... IS WOI I RI\1, I',~
We af<.' ler} hi' pPY lOra) trillll1c to
Vice Pre\idenl I'a le :Ind Olher lil t W
Brother, re, pon \ib le for the pl11tlfling or Pensacola Job
ttl!,' meetilli/. We I, re ""·t· Ih"t il \\ :1 '
IhurUllghl ~ c llj u>ed b} all in atll'l1llan~c .
And qllolin!! people', comment-. hc"rd al
Ihe !;()ndll~ion of Ihe m~'~'III1f!, "" "i\h
for futur" m~'eling, of Ih" "I me ~ind .
J. w. Rt ~~I I I, ['.S.

Old-Tim ers Part y Held

By Oh;o Local 648
I.,U, 641S, 111\\111.101'1. 011[0 w" re-
eenl ly held our old ,timer~ t>a nq UCt in
ollr new h;ll1, ami to Pllt il ,en pl;\inl~.
il '>\;l~ jU~1 gre;11 rhe foud Ila\ lef)'
gooo.l. Ih" peol"lc "ho glilC 'peeeh",
g:we ICf~ short one\. ilnd we [l;,id hom-
age 10 ~9 n1"rnN:r~ uf ollr local "ho
hale N:cn Hround ,I long 1il11e in Ihe
1111 W . I added lip Ihe }e:u , -.en'icc of
Ihc-.e BrOlh..:r,. Hnd il ~·oml·\ 11111 to a
tol!!1 of I A7.~ IC;lr~
You ]."nOII. we re;'I I~· 0"1.' ,om,' of Work Abund ant in Local 676;
Ihc\c II rolher, -.omclhin!!: nl;l)N: they lineme n Nee de d
Me n' l rc;,1 lIetllC in our loeM union,
mtl}"c the) don't cume 10 Ihe mec1i n ll~ I .l , (076. ,' F",S \ ('0 1. \ . F I.A. _ We "re
Adams. JOhn ,Sr., ~nd
cvery month .. nIl ill\t atten d unee ill n yea •• eeipien ts. 111m cnjo}ing lin IIhlindancc of IIO('~ in
II hile. bill IIC ~hl>lI ld rememher, Ihough, holh ,li_Irihlllinll lind trnn"ni"inn. OUt
Ih:\1 Ihei>i: fellul'S were o ll1cer\ once an d in_ide "I)r~ ,hullid I'k~ up to norm.d
~cned on I·arillll~ com mitt ee, :11 ;1 lime ..0 ..111.
"hen 010\1 of II~ hadn'l cvcn ,tllned al We ..r~ in Iw~d or Illore linemen, All
Ihe Ir;".Ie, The)' 1101 II~ to I\ herc 'ole ;Ire of ollr 10000al 1111.'11 lire \IOI"J,.ing hcre :,t
h.KI:,}. Wc didn', du i1. Ihc} did iI, amI hUllle. and 1\1.' hall.' man) Irlllckr,
me I \aid before, 'ole arc illdehlcd to 110"11 for Ihl.' "!)r~, hill 10<: ,Iill nee.1
Ihem. mo. e If 11I1)one IH)III" li~c 10 wor~ Ihe
\"e Ilcrc h"lIure.1 I., hinc Inlerlla- ~lIn1l11cr in Ilorid.1 ,111.1 enjoy Ihe IIhile'l
tional Rcprc,e nt !ltive Puul Wille lI~ ollr ~;,n,1 helle he' in I h ~ 1I01"ld on lh~ir free
,peal-cr. IHld hi~ re nll'I'~ ' lIerc nOI la~"n time. plea ...... lOnlll~ 1 Illl,ine" I-. l :lI1l1ger
lighll}. W " Ihlll1~ hll11 f.,r cumin!! .IIld N A '·Alld)·' \mlre"'. We \lIfe ncet.l
hope il "on·t hc 100 long I"ocforc he re- )011 for trlm\l11i~,ion and IJi'lrihll1iun
IlIrn~. "'l'~,
I h,IIC 10 'I' ) \omelhi ng "bOIlI the \\e h:lle ellwred illln ncgolilllion, fur
(,O I ' I~
Commillec of Ollr loc:,1 rhe both in~ide ;lml \",hide cOnlrilc1\ :md
COlllmitlce rncmbcl'~ IInderllklJ.,. Ihe j"b e~pc<:t bi!; re,"II, in both.
of putting on this old-limers banquet. Apprenlice Johnn y 1-.1. Jone,. II hom I
p,n s. to .iaht. a' e
r he y did one hed o f a job ,citing up John Wanamaker. Chades Shockey, Roy rellufted injll rc d III ~t tillle. hit, si nce
Ihh b:lllquel, and II harder,"or~inll Wallne', and A,ch Evons. full} recllpc l'I!ICd and I"elllrncd 10 lIur~

tlEW J ov.no l
Pensacola Job Bowling Winners Banquet W inds Up Local 's
29th Bowling Seaso n
L l i. 697, GA Rl' A", O IIA \I\I Qi\I},
I.... O.- Our ~91h oo"ling ~a'oOn "olmd
up \luh :1 It'r} ni.·e haoquel :tl Ihl' rOur
O;t~~ ('Iuh io Coo~. Imli:ma. on \ 1,,)
19t h. ' he atlt' lld,mce tl)uted "bl)lIl 1(1(1.
inc!udilll,l 1'OIII<·r,. \I il'C', 'p<1n..or,_ ;I1lU
I,lllt"". '\' allla)\. pl.'nl} of rdl'c,h-
ml'nl, :tnd I,loml food 1'0:" ,clled. fol-
10111',1 h> Ihl' prc\cnt;rli,m uf Iruphit"
;In.l lout In Ih .. IlId) bOlll.::ro;,
At The 29tl, Bowling B~n<lue t 0 1 Loc~1 691,
Gary and Hammond, Ind., trophies welft Il rutht'I' DUll Bell. I' re,kknt of tlw
p,esented to t he Ii,sl'place tum, member~ ]e;r£ut', ,cl"\eu '" :'IC, " ith ,omc ;)"j,t _
at Me ade Ellct"c. Left to light Len Cle,- :1111:" fwm ullr league linker,. I arn SIH-
wInskI, Clyde Hewtel(, Gus LaMantIa, Meade
Elect"c representallve Ed Enrl8hl. Denny gle. (n" La \l antill, and F rc,' r."lill .. r_
Showers, 81ld BItt Ftemlng \lho pr... ,entcd truphie, I" Ih~ b","lo,_
-, he /it ... l-p':LCt' team Ihi~ )1':lr \I", the
\leade 11c~lrk kiml. ~ot"i,tjn.!: of (iu~
I a \l :mll:t, Bill Ilemll1g, (1},le He\lleu.
I.eon"nl Cler"in'~i. Dcnll) Sho"el....
Roll John Cok_ It "'" nkl' 10 hale
Brother I d";trd rnrighl and hi, loung.
101el) "ife, \lar). on h,md to accept
Ihe \linninj! tfOph) (111 hchulf of \ Ie"dl'
' -lec1rk, I'ohio.h ha' heen ,pon .. oring
tean" in <lU!' kal,lue for 2!) ),e;lr" Our
'flOn,ur, hil'", euilirihult'd much 10 Ihe
Trophy wmnerS III Local 691 Bowling Lellgue. \ltcel"" of l)llr kagne for 'u man} }i.';u"
tel! to "lIht, a,e Harry FflCk, Ge"y LIndner.
Oenny Showers, Fred MIller, Dan Ziegler, Gus J h.... ,ewllLl-pl,tce t<,am tmph} I\~nl to
LaMantia. N,,\I I t'il (",. p uratiun, "h, hC leam elln·
,i~ted of ",l'h ~I:tr b{Jl'ok r , :" t'al'l;lill
lI al"l') I"rid I he i, nOli 1.111 IlCll,ion hut
.till ,hOll" " pretl} good I,litme!. Il ut.:h
Cole. 11)111 l'ear\(}ll. DllHlll" ~ I i,hler. J r ..
and S I,'le "'llIlal".
Appr~lltice M,ke LIllie alld Bn>!her Jame$ Our high-:Llcrage hOI\lr::r Ihb }c"r I\:t~
OIl",(lI\a Oil ~ d;~tllb""lIn Crew Hmng (ill, L, \l anli;l. "I", hall a 1'}2
al~r;lge :11 Ih~ rough \l uo\ler I :lIle~.
H igh-inthlidual same fur the "':3..on
\lent til our recording ,ecrl"I:,,"), BrOlher
(jerf) I indner. "jlh ~ H."ry ~.\cilin!! 179
scr:llrh. "hir<, I~rother D,m Zi .... gler lion
\ Addltlonat Irophy ""Ilne~ ill LOC .. I 697 Bowl
ina Leallue. teft 10 ,Ight. are Oellny Showel'"$,
Bob Moelhmall , Johll lucas. Ch.rles He nd
IIch, Butch Cote. a,tt flem,nll. P,n~y"
Ihe high-,cri,·, Imph) "ith n 77') '1.'-
rin. Brother Denny ShO\ll'r, ,tOU Bob
(ns trom. ""d OeOr8e fiebel~orll Moclhm:m "Ull uur donhll" ell'll!. \lhil ....
Bill I leming";h ollr \ingl<'~ champ.
had b.... en uuinj,l :1 j,lr.... al dc:.1 "f Ir:lH:linl,l Ollr mo'l-improlcd Otl\l Icr or the }car
III "rd~'r hl :'lil'l1d "or~,hll[l' ,tnd 10.) IIU, ( ie('I'I1l" I iehcl~orn. ,tOd the elcr-
h..'!,:in negoti:llimh with the Ohio I'ow .... r 'lllllinl,l r ng,lrum. on\! u! our
(n Ihl$ picture , appren l lce MI~e LIttle and «lml':1I1)' on :t n .... 11 ronlm~1 for our :Ipprentice in~tructors. won the 'pOr1~­
Broth"r James Dllwilnll a,e lin the same
pote_ IIKat. rll;ln,hi ll"I\,lrJ.
On \I a:r l (Jth. Iltl\inc" i\Llnagl"J" ( ,ar)
P()()k and I'l'c,i,ll"nl D ,IIlI [l.l al'I ;l1o al- I "lIo\\ing thc pre,,~nl.tli{)n, there \\:1\
in !loud ~piri t~, d:tOo.:inl,l 10 ;1 IeI') goo\1 11:111t1, ami I IlU-
tended Ihe Utili!\' Coordinating (1)I 1",:il
, would like 10 ml'nlion our apprl'cia - ticed that ,nmc of our IIrll!her' arc a
lion for Ihe coopcnlliun :llld clo'>C har- II fm:clil1j,l ill "," ins'port, I <,nlll."'''''.
I hey nere had .m the HI:!d Oil \1 ~) lillie mOIl' ".tile ()It Ihe dance ilrJOr
f)HUl) 1"1' ~nj,,~ "llh 'Hlr j,Kal \ltilit\, II
2.)lh and 2~lh tl) altcild the I"ollr th I)j~­ Ihan Ihe)" Me ull the job _
"urc m:I~<'~ the "ork morc \llti,f) ing.
trkl L'tilily Wor~,hop Conf"ren(c. rhe Ollr oflkn, for n<'"\1 }eilf "ill he DOll
r hopoc CH~r)one I'njo), thl' endo,•.-d
pil'lLJrc" \\,ho ~11{)"" r Ill:!} learn hol'o infornMtion I,l"th"red "I the 1'10 \\or~­ Bell. l'rl'"Jcnt: Johnn; Cole, Vice P re,i-
,hop~ \\,,~ holh 1:lluable 'LIlJ hcndki,,1
to upenHe Ihe eanwra one <Ia}_ J<"l1t. (,erTl I indner. "ecrClar}: .lIld
10 our 1;x:,,1
I hi, ~h'>uld ,1,1 it fUI thi, nmnlh. 1'\- 1 r~o.l \ltller_ -I r,·",urcr.
I n between "or~'hop~. neJ;olialion~
l"Cpl to lllcmion ag'lin our ne .. d for liul'-
men. ' ''1111 com...! "ere opt.'n..<1 "1*the Ohi" Po"er (11111- \\e tried 10 obtain thl' Il\'I\ 65-I,tOC
r;Ln~. rhere ;tr.· I"" .-UllInIC" hcinl! ne· oo\lling aile} for our Ic'lgue for ne~ I
RUG\s L. \1 ( 1) ""1.1'.5. 1;OlialN \ljlh Ihe compan) h} our \oe,, 1 }ear. hili iI did not ",ork 0111. '!(J lie "ill
thi~ time ,trlILln,1 1 he 1i!">.1 h our regular
be b,t\'~ ~t \ l un,ler I ,tOes neAt Sl'3~n.
Local Officers Busy W ith -, & D conl!";ld, 'Lild the 'oCeolld i, th~
,(:Irting 'llmnt IlIcMlIlY. Augu~1 2t1th_ If
lOnl!";Il"! of Unit One. Local fi')(., \lhi.:h
Workshops l Ne gotiations l'On~bt\ of Ihe I &1) planncr~ :1I1J trOll-
an} nell hO\\lers arc interested in join-
hIe d i"pa lc he!.~_ Negotiations re~lIIned on in!; our league. plea\C COlllact one of Ihe
L. U. 696. " EI. L A I NE. 01110 --1 he
J une 12th throuGh 20t h. 1c" l!ue o/lker,.
month o f M (lY "a~ II hu~y one fur :1
few of the o flkers o f I.;x:al 696. ' he)' I)ICK K ou~u " , 1'.5, CH'Rlt sO, Wli !loON , I'.S,

' Proiect Chi/c/' First Aid Course Retired Members
Club Party

Mem~" of l.oc31 700, Fort 5""lh. Arl<"

membQ'~ 01 Loc,1 700 completed a f"5t
donated" Sa'u'day to helping on P 'Qje~t In M'..C.... Ihe IBEW
Ch,ld" M the Jefferson School Here. some "Id co,,,se "I the F.."m,nglon C'ly H"II. They Hou"lon held ,ts
of Ihe flrolne •• "'" wcul""11 on the chmb,";
.'e Elmer B,,,kel1 . Roy Lay ... H C HlOml,
Law,ence Ha.vey. and Oav,d Louce

Rep,uentlll,ve Pat Reined Mem ..,

.1 the p~'ly, lelt t'~';i~;:'~~::: ,;,.;,~;,.,.,
bef1 Club P,uidenl ScOl\y WeSlcol1. and
Spec •• 1 ServH:es Olf<'CIO< H G_ Tale. t 0

B.othe,s Loug .. , .... ,,",., and Ha,vay ~aem 10

enlOY the clan

Eight Local 700 Members Olh.'r cunlr".'h ,till lu I", nel!"liuled

:Ire Ihe Chica!!" 11';lIhil AlIlho,ill. H llh
Help on 'Pro ject Child' FJc.:lri.; Com!"an}" nnd Chic;tl1o /)11l;\m-
k, In!.llhtric, We \liII I..eep \1111 nh.'m-
I., l l, 100. FOKT S\ln II . \Kh. .- fh;hl ll.:r, informed on the progre" uf Ihc..c
m~mhcr~ of 1\)0....,1 700 IIca' 011 IMm' on ncg(llialion~,
:tS:lIurJu)' in 'l ay 10 initi;,.., ·'I' noj... " \ ho. in Ihe Icr} ncar fulure. 1:1I1111;ICI
Chil d" :11 the JclTcr-01l S~'h\lol I he proj· 1;,lb \I ill re'lI11le. afler ;1 1""11 d ,'1.I)"
Cd I!OI l10ucr II;!)' lO.ilh Il ribllOtH' lIuing \lilh the Gencn,r l im., ("rroul;ll i\lI1
in the mo rn ing, IIml \\orl..
CCh'1I100 ) Th i, ~''' flle :lOOUI I>) a (ied,ion h} thc
cominued nnlil 6:00 I' 'I .. \\ilh lohm- '\Juliona1 I allor Itcillli(H1\ 1I 0;lrd Oil Ihc
leer~ fllrni_hinl! cquip1llcrl1 .HId man - unLoir I;.oor ~'harl,:'e, Ihc un ion had hied
power 10 c realI.' Ihe "pla)IlI\HlI1u of th~ ~11:lill~1 Ih,11 l·ompil:1y. Wc ,Ire hopefu l
future:' Ihal \lll~e lal~, IlO!l,:'in, "c ~'a ,' re,l.:h :t
A ctil11hiul,: "rca. lin: In"'''', :tnd dill' -.clllemenl in ah i, lonl,:' di'I'lIle
F-ing area \\ere cornpl\:leJ. ;'11.1 Ilorl.. (;ooJ III~'~ ,Ill.! mltny h;IPPI h'.lh (If
~larleJ on the n<llure amj l!.IrJen ar.:.t\ r<,liremenl 10 \IM) \!i Ll>'> of Ih~' l. I F
IJrotlK-rs Roo (;r«r II C Il ,trri\. \lIIom,llic Fle<'lri, Inc
liaroloJ Hrc:"C'r. Jerr} I'\ll~. \1 Ilart. Until ne'\l monlh'
G;lf), 1t,lh~\. I Imer li ull,ell. and Hill
1011',1. Clllltlf,l to, I',S,
Dor'i<:) \IIere On h;II1\1 lu help on Ihe
Work Still Very Slow;
Houston Retirees Hold Party
Local Accepts GTE O ffer; 1 .1f. 716. 1I0lISTO:"l. TEX . II I1,ine,~
NLRB Rules fo r Unio n '! ,1I1;,gcr It . T . NOileL To.'POlh 11\;11 IlorL
in o\lr jurisd iction i, 'Iill ICr) \1011,
1.. 1I. 713, ( ' III CAGO, 1I ,1 .-MI.:r 1\\.., I ,en Ihough OUf j(.h ,::1 11, :tre pkLing
motll h ~ of negolitllion, I,ilh uffidah of III' ,10\11,. \lC 'Iill ha'e ;ll'prtl\imalei}
Ihe (;·11 AUiUm:alle 1 Jcl1ri. In.... , final ::!IIO \liremcn on Ihe "ulll.or· \\Orl.. hook_~
offer lOoa\ m:l\tc h) Ihe l"fll,,,, n) :tnu B mi nc~, M:.n,ll1cr f'.I O;'l~· L le ll, Ih:ll. ... ilh
hroughl had. 10 Ihe !'Cuple fur ;, 10le .' hre,IL in Ihe IOo c:llher, \Ie ,hould ,!(Irt
on ~hl } 211!.1 . The mcmhcr, :Iccepled lhe 10 mu,e 111<:'><: Inembers 01)1 10 \lurl.. in (dn~, celebrate
proposit ion by a 2·10- 1 m njorll}'. Ihe ne" f future. vetu,y,

.IEW Jou,no l
On April 11th. a long-time member. for... n",". nol Ihe Crafhman. He a1-.o
Brother G. \ Ionroe IIl1r~harl. /lnll hh ~ljd. " U the men on Ihe job hlld,,'t done
livciy ... ire. I-lina. ce1chruted their .ltch ., great joh. Ihe :, ... aru \\ou ldn'l
Gallien Wellllln; Annher~:lr)'. How h.l\ ... t-c:en po,,~ihle.M
about Ih:ll? BrOlher lI ur)"hart ..... , !>om l..'ntil 1lC\1 month ..•.
on December 7. I !}(I I. Imd hi: :,nll 1 dn.L L IK" COI'I'~)I I. I'.S.
\lere m:lfriet.l on April II. 1\123 . li e
joined l ocal 716 in 192~ ;101i rctirc:d in
1966. \lonrne ,md I'd na are no ... Ihing The Victors
in \I"gnoli:. . TexJ~. If ;10) of )011
BrOlhers arc e,er lip Ihal \Ill). I :1m
'lire that Ihe) \lould Ii)"e 10 '>I!(' )011. \I}
pcro.onal Ih;.n'" 10 Ill'Olh.:r John \\ il),,;n-
..on for ~lIppl)Ln!: Ihi, mlere.lln!: hil of Tho lou.lh yea. app.e"Iico CIa5~ 01 local
in(OTnu.,ion :Ibout one IJf Ollr lon!:-time 728. Fo.I Laud8,dale. Fla was love" ..
d8n>Oosl.al,on On P'i>8 bend'nlil by 'he G.80n
meml'Cr" lee Tool Company. Bob S'8m8'. 1811. and
$pc:.)"in" of long·lime memher,. (111 B,1I 88nder are show" du"". II sus;on
" ' "r~h 11~1. Ih.: 1111 W I~elired "' Iemher,
Club of HOllqun h..-ld il. fir.1 ".,iil" .0-
cial e,cnl. ;0 I.... rly. Ilhkh \1;1, held in
Ihe mcelin,l! h:d l IIf l ocal 66 :mll HI·
tended b) :Ippnlxilllillcl) 100 retired
'llemher. an,1 Ihelr \li,c"
f he gu.:.t 'pc;l)"er~ ... erc R I 'O'll-)".
Bu.ine., '1.1!1;I/!er. 11..:lll 71n; I . B
D iehl. 1I11.illc" \I .lllHgcr. I O\.·al (16.
I-Iou,ton. TC~:I'; Gcorge .... UI11Tt).... Chap· The hockey 181m oj
ler \ Ian;.ger. ',I(--(A; I)on 1I0rn. ~He­ On'. won Th. OPe Champ,onJh,p .. "d cap-
hHed Ihe B'0Ih8'hood CUP a"d Ihe W,lham
t:tr~- I re:"urer. !l lIni, COllnt) Al l -( 10 LadYff1I1" T.ophy Lel1 Itl "ahl Me Ray
Coun~il: /lill I l1ioll. ("ounlY hL.lge (If Pa,,~. play'ng coath_ Calv,,, Chipp8' coach;
H .lrrh Counl}. r"'~II '; R;tlntoml I)u)" .... G.ee"Ie. '81>'e""'I',"0 "I.n Bryce demon and RalQh Te'$'J!n •. leam manal«'
Imernalional \ in' I'r...,idenl: .• ml. I.L~I "~Iu EMT bende' I" 'M backg.QtJnd /118

hUI not 1f,·;l'I. II . G. I au:. Spe('i:tl $en- Bob Mende"h~1l lell. a"d msl.ucTO. La.ry
ice~ l)ir... .:1or. [ 0
,\(I ... r th~ 'roce<.-h;:... c' ... r}onc enjo~.:,1 ... er ... n·t a':til.thlC- t-.:fore Ihc }.",rnlll
a fine me;.1 of barhccuetl heef. h .. m. ,1I::ldline. I ... ill whrnit Ihenl Ililh m)
[in~\. ami ;011 Ih ... trimmin!,! •. an,1 ;.(Ier ne" leH ... r.
dinner. ther ... \\.1' tI;LJlt:ing 10 Ill.: mll,i,' llrolher D,rnn~ O·, ... ill ";1) ch>.}\<.'n
of lhe Hen) (linord I rio Comlx! 1I .• m[ ApprentiH' of the ) .... IT \ \I •• rine
of th... I\m o:ril.:"n le,leral,un tlf \, ,,"- (urp' Vderdn. he \\a .. a ....ITUed the I'ur·
ci;.n, l oclil (.:,\. " I ... r) h;orp) lime 'la, pIc IIe.Lrt i" Vi ... ,nam. Dan". motin1.,;ne.!
had h) ,,11. .. 'lit per cent .. 'erage thr{)\J~holLt his
Sped;,1 r.:cot:nition ,llOUIII !!o 10 lhe four le .• r •• I~ ;tn apPTenli~-e-no C,,,) job
I'm ... n"inrncnl Commin ...e f(!r :. jO" Ilell I.) '0;1 ) the le~,' A great hi!,: "\lell done"
done. T he conlrnil1cc eon .. i,ted of Il l"Oth· from ... 1 of u. to )ou. l).tIl!
('" \hlllro,-, ,\ltrn,LJI \V C- 1I.,rhtn, JU~I prior 10 !;radualion. lhe fourlh-- Hockey Tea m Victorious;
Uruee Beltlo ...... r. 111I!!h MiH:he1l. and )e"r d ... ) ... ,,' !!ilcn " four-hour JeUlon- Work Scene Still Very Slow
(jortlon H r;LhcL 'knll) We't~I)II . I'r,'.i- ~lratitJn o n pipe bendin!!. II \\a) .plil np
d ... nl uf the Retir ... e, Clu b, ,,1-.0 wor ked 1111 0 1\\0 nighl'. "il h '''0 cla~>oC' alle nd· 1..11. Itn-1. 1\ Il'l' lU-::"Im . OVr.- ln ,)lLr
Icry hard to J)1;,k ... Ih ... p:ln) Ihe 1:r;md In!: each ni!!hl. I\hrn 1I!).:e. li ... ld hl~t leuer. I .t:tled Ih:tl "C \lOLLI.1 nOl
~uccc~, Ih;" il \\a\. YOII Letiretl IIrolh ... r, Tepre...:nlllli,,' for Ihe Greenlee f ool h:rlc :t hoc)"c) le«1lI Ihi, )c:or. hUI
'''10 ha,cn'l Joine.! Ihi, duh .lon·1 ~nO\l Com pan) . n:ulIluctc.l Ihe cla~s. Volun- !han~, II) H gr~:tl Joh of or1!.Lni/in1: h)
"Iwl l"U arc mi"in!,:. lee r, ...... r... d~cepled 10 l>end the pipe. ll roth('!', Rall'h '1er,i~ni. (:thin C h••p-
Sec }oU "Ilhe ne\! rn ....:I;n/!._ :um Greenlee hde),,"';I"'~ ... ere a\larded 10 pell. :tnd I{:t > 1'.11·' ...... '01 ... lIid gel U 1"';IIlI
1\ R "-1\, •. 1'$. Iht- "pprenlicc .... ho t:ot clo·,eq 10 Ihe .." Ih... ,ce in thL\ l ... ur". luurn:UlIenl.
UI,'",Ul'emenl :r~~e<.l for. Of Ihe Iir.1 '''0 '1 hi, "'" one lime ... hen Ihe or!;:lni/ers
d .. , ..... ~. none other than J:td Y"le. antI rC"pcd Iheir re"',Uo,h. for our team l.lme
New R-to-W Bill Introduced ; " J Weldon ... ,·re thc hig ... inner.., lIiIl ,L .... I} ... ilh Ihe 197.1 OPC Chanlpion.hip
60 Apprentices Graud<!te llend ... r ;rnll Hob Si... mer 1(0)" lop honors fhe team eaplUr... d the ll rolherhood (up
Ih ... ...:~\md night \l anl "ppr... nlLet" fell ;tn(1 Ihe William I :"J)m:tn I'roph, hl
L U. 7211. FORT 1. \l IOt: KO\I.F. FI . \ . that thi\ demOlt~lr:ttion ... ,,' one of the lIcfe"tLn/! 011:1 ... " IIK-OI in the -..:mi-
-A, 'ou prollahll )"no.... the " lI.i t:hl-to- UlO'>! infurm"the of Ihe enlire four Itn"l, ;on,\ "-,n!!,I,,n 110--1) 10 the li":lh.
Wor~" Bill 111011'01." lI il1 7-1) ",," de- }... ar,_ I C.lOI' <.umpc ling in the lourn,lIl1etil
f(';rled in the Florid:. I cl,!i,l<ttU1'(,. ){'·pr ... • I ,,\t ""I not le:I\'- hit! nmgr:ttulatio", '-'ere frum 1 ""onlo. lI .lInillllll. l ondon.
senlMi,... I ...... i\ I "rle I R-\ l.l iILmdJ. "re i'l onler for Ton) Coppol:t .... h.) I, \\ ond\Or. '>1. (.llh:trinc~. o-,h:a" a. "- itch·
~roon-.or of th ... "ill. h,,, imHlth,~ell an- nOi ro:lat ... tl to me. "I on). a mcmh.;r of en ... r. Ott.L ... :I. ~lIl1hIH1. "nd .... arnia, Our
other bill ahlltJ,1 identic:.1 10 it. Repre· Ihe F\ccUli\c 1I0;lrd. \I;L, rc~enll) Icam eo",i,ted of pltt)cr--; I'de lI ... uiol.
'oI."nl"lil(' h,rl e <11-.0 'pon..ored 1",1 }e:"', a\l;onl ... .! the II ro ... :trd Builder!> I w ... llenl D.ne I h'l~h'Lrt. Juhn Dcehcr. HoI>
le",ion f 1-\0"'< Hill 211011, ;'lIti '>C,er,,1 (r:lft.man)hir ,\ ... ar.1 for 1 -lcctri~,,1 Ihelh nun 1I ."he). JefT) I uhrm:ln.
hcforc that, "-cep Iho\C I... ne(\ t:llinl,! 10 '\01)" fl)r Ihe lear 1972. I ;In') R... del. I e, l inh. 1.1 I-Iard,i,,.,,
)·o"r repr.:-..:IlI •• lin:" .tlul lei Ihem )"no" 1 he joh ... hu.:h '''', -..:kcled rur Ihi~ Wa)n... \I.Ld c.on. :md !,;tul 1I"),,er_
ho" }OU (eel honor '";" The '1 re:"lII). H local depart- lIrolh ... ,. 1t.1) I'.• ri ..... II ... Ih ... pb)inJ;.
I hi~ year\ nop o( arprenli~e •. 6U in mt'nl ,wr... _ In wl)"ing "';Ih fon) .... ho i, "IMeh. (.1" in (h.lppcl. the oo:"h .•111.1
.. II. t:r:IlJualcd on Ma) 261h, I he top- tjuu,' "mh;tTn"sed .Ihout the "hok R,Llph I c,.,igni. leam rllan,L~er_
PlO!!-oul eer ... mtJme. \I ... re held :11 Ihe Ihin!!, he -.:, ill , " I h.. men OIl Ih.- joh "on ll T<)ther. l ... n Ru,<. Al I inL.). a" d
Boca Ralon 1I 01e l. Althou/!.h picI"r.... th ... :IIlar,1. nOI me." He ":•• Ihe lIener:II Harr} I lulloll:,}. memhcr .. on loc:!1

Augul I. 1913
R04's Fntcrt:linrnent Commith:e. cer· The emplo)nlCnt pic ture in our area Dinner
rainl) llill :1 job they can be proud of. I i~ still very slow. alKl the I",t onidal reo
am referr ing to the dance held on port had 103 Brothers out of "01'1. I hi~
M;lrch 9th at the Stecl"orkcr, 11 ,,11 In j, a .,Iight iml' rOlemen t ule. tho.: pre-
Camhridge. "hich th e;,e B rothcr~ org.\·
liou~ monlh\. alKl "e hope there "ill be
nilell. The turnout "a\ ler) ~00lI. the
b. lIl1l "ll~ great. and tbere "ere prilc, a ~te"d) Improlcnlcllt in the flUure. a~
g;l lule. l' lcl'}o nc hau ;1 "underfill e\I:' there ure llI.my IlI!W joh, ,t.lttin!; h')
ning . ., Iwnl;~. BrOlhers! Lct\ h:\Ve an· bre.11.. now.
other one soon. BIIY\-..r I I 1I11 1 ~, 1'.5.

Pin Presentations
Ne w Scribe

John 0.
lOC .. 1 806
. '"
new press 1It;.e... ry 01

St;lnel}. 30 )ear~: and Thoma, 'Iuore.

Loc.l 806. Ellenv,lle, N.Y. preunted serViCe pins 10 ehg,bte membft ... at • d.nner. Shown. Will iam \Ien ..... n. and Jtlhn Winlcrherger.
Ie .. 10 "Ihl• •" .. Ev ..mtl Roos •. Rudolph He"m.n. H.rvey Olsen. Tom Doyle. Paul Wal"'-
hou.e. Bob MUsch .... and Gwynne Thom..... membe", who haye 20 ar>d more yea ... of Sr .. 10 }e,lf' r hc he,t of I'KI. to ,III.
",y,ce on Ihe IBEW Wurl. " ,Ii II on Ihe , 101'0 , ide- LU;.)hc
-.\)<11\ I ",-mid lil.c to remind our
Urother memher, th.lt the un.on !lIcel'
ing" ;lfe ho.:ld on the lir .. l \\ ednc"";a} ot
ea~h month ;It tI uo I' \1 . ;,t Y7 /'I;unh
\I.un "trect. I lIen\llle. " ell ' urI.
Nememher. 'IiPpol't ,our umon: it
,Uppoofh lOU_ Come til lhe ne,"1 rej,lul,lr
monlhi) union mcctinj,l. Sec: }OU there'
Jutl" D. "' lIl '11111. \11_. f'S.

An Era Comes to End With

Passing of Brother Fintar
I..l. K-IO. GE"E \ \, '-'.Y.- \\' ilh the
~"in!! or 1 MI I in/;lf thl\ 'pring. ;111
ef;a 111 orj,l;lnll,ed latl()f in III.: lin~cl
Lt~c' re~ion h," hecn t-rou~ht h' ;t
\:1....... ,tnd "ill '-()tin he,'omc :. Ic~end
lor tht.hC people who 1,\l.e fOf gT,lIlh:J
r\ IIIl,Ion ,hot,. ""l()Il. ;tnll the ;annUlll
1M) rai...:. I ,,;tnt to turn h'lcl. the 1";I~e,
party. I to. .. ••
W, lhams. Bus,",," Mana", •.
of time III the CiLd) 191(}, In Iho""
Man.s" •. Local 86. RocheslI •• N.Y; II'L}'. hlrl I III/lir W;t\ h"'lne" alieni nOI
MIIlckle •. Business Manager. Loc .. 1 806; R.. lp~ Halloran. Buslne ... Mlnage, (lnl) for lhe I lectri..:i'III'. hut ,11'0 for
of Lout 139. Elmira. N,Y.; and EdwMd Murphy. Buslness,-""';";;'" .3. Syrl>cuse. N.Y. thc (lITpcnICf\. M:Nm'. Meat ('lIlIer,.
et<:. I';I) rl,isc, wcre 'Cr) l\:Inl 10 cume
Pins Prese nted at Dinner; l"lra. Jo,cl'h Le Ro). I.c.\ .\ Itll er. ' · f;tnl. h} lhen. hut h) 1937. the I lectricillll'
\lo rg,1 n. I . P ial! RU ''l:1I Rnht>lI1". (io!"- I'oere rCl'el\ing the fahu lou, ,um of
Work Still Slow in 806 den Ro--.. •. and (hurnwnt ')I.:()\illc. l!o S I.U4I per hl.ur, the \I a-.on, "ere lhc
)e •• r .. : I eland Ikrnhmuc. "'en l eldlll.,,\. onl} ,r:lf',men rel;ci, In!; more.
I..U. IHl6. t: '. L E'-" ILI. E. " ., . - \ t our I.e"" Greene. Uenf) Hellnmn. Rudolph Cpon .lltcndtng :0 mcclin~ in \11\''I:
rc~c n t dinner. Ihe loel.1 honored eltgit>le lier rman . I ud:ln "ullo""I.}. \I.lle-om d;I}'. II "a, 'er) ea,)- to dhlin~lli .. h he-
memher>. "ith ~r,ice pin" \kr-. .lught. Rohert \h t'l:her. Il ll(\e) llleen lahor\ fricnd ,ifill foe. If I'ol)rd
Pill .. IICtt: I're...:nled 10 .... u l ,IIi,,)!). OI'>Cn. I' \fell Ro.:r-:I. IlolMlu \nllth. anu II,,, nOI I':t'...:d h) m Olllh. thcr.- Ill" .11·
I humu, O·Rlellc). Juhn I'l on .. l.i. ;lfI\1 1',1111 Waler hou'>C. :W )c:lr, "'I}' Ih~' "Unf:lir I ht" hhlclbo"ru in the
G co!'J;c ~tcincr. 10 }ear,: Johl\ AUunl'. ~al Accardi. SlUnk) Chli .. lian.I. I'u.n froll t of the hall. A !itance .Il Ihi, Ihl
lI arolll Alli",n. Ed UI;mer. I.. ewi, Hen- 1-. Do) Ie. Jo hn Mc M:II\IIl". J.)hll "' :I~~. lold <I Il'e rnbt' r \\ho of the I;(lJUraCIOrl>
dricl.\un, Mic hael Hoot:i.u. CIiII' Huline ... Horb ShalnHl II . ' I hOI\I11' 'tcn'Vu. atHI ;11111 I.... oplc "cre givin~ our org:mil:tt ioll
RoIIC!'! J o~e p h. Ric hard Kel lcr, Wliller l.w ) nnc Th um a,. l!o }e;.f"; William a hard lime. BrOl her Finl;r r l e pl Ihi,

18EW Jeu,nol
!>il;trd IIJHo-dal~
from monch 10 month. I \CI.·lllile Boord ll~ 10 the operation of
Life~Sav;ng Awardee
\\h~n ,I ~onlr.u.:ltlr "l!n~dup, I ad """\ l oxal 9.q \o.a~ di...:u"<.!>Cd, before: Ihe: reo
ler)· prompt in Il.'mo\io~ hi, o,lIoe 'r.. m frl."",hnl"lII, \lerc -.enC'd.
Ihe Mud ao,1 e\pl .. ininl! 10 all Ihe 10- I le~trK,,1 \\ or~er, (Jut<. Inc .. (0\1 ncr-,
or Ilk t>mldingl mel in June:. 191.'. H>
IIi, e,~ellent h,mdlin~ of uni\'n 'Ill;lif' TI.''',·\o. 11K t<uilJing for re:p;""', impro'e-
durin~ Ihoo.e If}ing lime, "tin for him .. mcnl~. CI(.

f'O'l nn lhe \1;lle \ h:-dIJlltln Itl';,ro.! in 11K Our <;'Ie\o.;or", \l.hool ",I' ho:id the lal'
late 194th. lie relireo.! frllm Ihi, joh in ler ,,;In "' \I,I~. u","leT 11K 1Illof'hip or
1%1. li e "it.!> acme in lhe 'M(, \ ami Rrnther hme:, p. ('on"J). Imernalion:rJ
"' I\o.;lni\. "'" a rrll,lee Ilf hi' ~huf~h. Keprc ..... nllllJ\e:. \1 thl' \I riling. Urolh.:r
,lOd \o.a\ :u;lhe in olher I:i\i, fundion, ('un\o.,11 \0.;\\ ..... ~·hedulcd 10 'flCnd Ihree
'" Gene"1 .. nil S",ICU'oC. ~lIelc"i\l" d,,~, in I I)(;al 9n informtn~
'iufli\lng are hl\ \0. ifC'. RUlh. ''In. lippro\irnaich 11:'1 ,Ie\lanl, Ilf Ihe JUljc,
Jnhn. of Gene'l' , und fuur j!r,tnddlll of ~ \IC\l;lrJ.
drcn 10 Ihe..., ltnd hi. hi)\1 of (rieo,I,. I);)i(llnnd I'o"er Coopcr:lli\c's ··Uoil-
I oc .. 1 S~(1 c\tcmh 11\ ,) mr;'lh~. 1I .. ~,n~s§ M~,"08e. J~.ry Cllin. LO<;ill 915, illg Wat,'r Rc ..cl(lr 1'!;,1l"· :01 Gcno:t.
Tampa. Fl •.. lefl. p.es~n15 .n 18[W Llf,. \\ I'I:IHI"n. " humming Ii~c a hird. "hik
\\' IIIIHl l1 GllllIN. I''.;. SllY"'8 AW3.d 10 lI.otl>e. Paul Puleo, who
uved th .. I,f .. or " fe!low wo,~.,. thc No. l (i enoa P ia lit i, Yown for
rn:. inlcll;I1KC :tnd Ihe N o. I rtanl i.. gel·
Lack of Construction Work tin~ nile" hoiler.
Tamp a Memb er Receives I inc l·UI1\lrIiClion ncgol ialioll\ arc now
Blamed on Fuel Shortage IBEW Life-Saving Award ill I"·llgrc". and Ihe remaining II ,li,lri·
1,.11. /Hil. L,\KE (" II A IU _ES, L \ .-Al lllIlion '·l)()jl('ratilc, <irc ~·lll11ing up Ihi,
I .U. 9 15, TAl\II'A. FI.A . I WD IC;or,
<lur [;,,1 rcgular rn"eling on J lIn" ~lh, llgU. ollr J oinl Apprenlke,h.p lind I r;,in- fall I 'ltll.. li~c "c gul uur ",urI. "III
0111 fur 11\.
1I11,inc" ,\I an~ger Jllnmie " 0\ ,luted inj: Commiuee fir\1 olfereu II Ih:,1 ( r.N.
GIl '1'1 v. I', 11 Il-,()~. 11..\1.
Ih:.t Ihe ""or~ picllu·c h;1\ nOI dl'tnl!ed Sland:1fI1 1\·l ullllll<::Ji;o Fir,1 Aid ("ollr""
milch ,ince uur 1:1'1 report anJ Ihul \lhlch "'a~ lilughl hy Ollr ,,\In rnl"l1lheh.
Ihcrc lin,' jO nl<::n un Ihc huoL !)ome (If On J;inllary 14, 1972 .• hi, (ir-c "id If;.in- Work Picture Pretty Good;
our uncmplo)cd IIrmhcf' hale h«-n ing \la~ ler) hc:ncfkial. \lncn Brulher
pl,u:ed on io"" in olher juriwielion\. "mI I'aul Pule:o !>aled Ihe life or II rellO\l New Jobs Be ing Plann ed
II rOlher 1'-0' \;lid th,11 Ihe fllel ,horl:r;:e \o.or~l.'r.
L.t , 9ft9, GK \'1) JI ' ·C'II O""". COLO.
I, 10 hlame f,)r nm"h uf our I,'l~ of Urother " ulco re:ce:ntl) re:"e:iletl lhe -We: h."e:n·, hao.! mll~h IIC\o., for '>Ome-
~·U",lru"uon :n Ih" tlille IHI " Ilfe·Sa,ing \"ard a, ",ell a, 11K Ilmc. "UI I "ill mal.e an .ulempt 10
On \ Ia\ Jhl. ;0 ..-Il'" IIf ,,~ mC'n I\;h z.,;olJon,,1 Red CrO'l~ I.ife-Sa\lnj! A\o. .. rd. t<nni= lOll III mll>.:h ,1\ flO',i"le. Sin.:c I'm
e\,lmme:d and p,l,wd inlo lhe jour",'), Our 1(1(· .. 1 "I\(} rl.'"I:e:ileJ an 1111 \\ life- ne\l al Ihi' job, I hope )011'11 be"r \o.ilh
ml," cI~"ilil:;ilJun. '1 hll..... finl,hmg Ihodr ~"ing A""rd.
,Ipp(enlh:e:~hip Ir;unlni= ;on: Urolhc:r\ Ke:C"t~n1I). a new in\iJe "ir"-01;on·, I,)GII "~
' I IK \o."I~ rklull.' ha' hl.-en prell)
AII..-n W. HOllrqlle. Ki"h"nl hnin·. Jc:r· \o.a\ formed from Ollr lOUlhern jLln .... h,,· !!OOI.I IKre. 1here :rre lhe OC\o. I-asl Gille
,lId Buh. J ,mmie I Onlcn\ll, l'hiIJip l on- lion f 1..0.;,,1 'JJ I. 5.rnllOl~. I lUI 111.1 I. \\ e 5huppinl! (e:ml'r. \I ullnillill 5lllle, T cle-
lenOl, and CharI," "-In\:. Wr "on\:r"I1'- \l1'h the mernhe", of lhi\ nc" 10<.,,1 the "hune (tlmpanl'~ "ullill,m, a HO\o.;ord
I."c Ihc-.c )oung Illen "nil "'ekorne Ihem t.c'1 of Iud lind Ihaol. lhe fdlo\o. mem- John'on "' olor l.o..Igc. and an anne~ IU
11110 Ihc \o.irem"n ~11I,,1I1~;lllun t...,.r. uf our local for [heir )ear, of ,up- Ihe: (tlurt 1I01l'>C. jll,t 10 name " fe\l
Ilrot hcr Jimmic I U\ lluen,kd Ihe: ron in the \(}lIthern juris.di~liun. jut».. I he fUllIre lOllI., j!oOO f(lr I.eeping
"on,trlll'lion cunf..:-rcIIl·c (:lllc,J h) \ I~C 11011 i\lc i\l I(H\lt, I'.S. "III 111"n hll'Y ..... ilh a n"w Con\enliull
I' re'ldem Pal,· in ,\l obi Ie:. Alat>all1a. ,llIr- Ccnter :11111 other huil,linl!' heing
inl: Ihe P;I'1 nmnth lind S;ll\C a hrief re Local 's Classes Pay Off; plllnn,,".
purt. Wc'\C I11mle: hiS; siride, in our Health
" meel in g \\;1\ hdd durll1g Ihe l1loluh Negotiat ions in Progress lind Welfa re I' rngr:lIll. lInd we hope to
<If May fur Icco n, ider:lliO!1 of I he: L. U. 95'), f-:AU CI"A llm, \\ IS(',_ c'lIllinue In imprOl·e il n, \lC go (. Inllg
II":-Ilhh alld Welf"rc 1' l"Ollr:ll n. It IIll\ dc- SarCI)" i~ Ihe Numher 0111.' b) ",onl of Alk lld;1I1"e h;l~ inerc",ed al Ollr m"el'
~ide(1 hy Ihe llIelllll<:r,hip thaI mure
Ihi, loeal union. All .. e~l1lenl' Ilf illi, ing', hul \Ie \Iill ncell I11me chair, filled
IIIllnC) II", 10 he ,"II illt" Ihe rfOgJ"alll, 1I1;\ed loc,,1 h.. "e ;oclilc "llfet} iII)d tif',1 ;ond nwre \oi,·c .. heard. Come oo! 1.~I\
dill' to the ri\inll .·"'1 of lI1l'dj" .. llon "nd aid lo:1a,\o:,. and Ihe) do ra) olT. -.ee )1)11 ,II Ihe unioll rncclll1i:'.
h.r-pll(. li/ation. I \Ill pr.ljl(\\;\I, \o.ere: con· l\es;oli"lion, are: "mgrc"ing f;lirl) K II (1)<;1n-, P.S.
"de red. ,lI1d ,f el1hcr I' negOli'lled. II ",,'11. "ilh Nvrlhern Slalc~ 1'\I\ler. D~lr)­
\lill i=i\c 11K lI1elllll<:r\ a flCrl'emllge in I"nd PO\ler, \\i-.c:on,in CA'I \, Wiremen.
He,' ..... In "onlrihlllll1n, Of" an ..ddilil1n,,1 ·\lma [)OC~. and wme di\1rihullon t·o- Grad uates Obligated;
,.mollnl au{)\.\ Ihe Nlrd. In ;In) c\cnt. op~ I.""tllllplele:d. a. \lell a, our 11<\0. unil
nwre m,me) ha\ 10 Pc in'e~lcd In Ih,' Brot her Stuntz Saluted
"f f le,;lro \ Iel I ndll\[rie~. Inl:. uf II;\FeI·
I'filgr,ulI In orller IU I.rep lhe re:"':f\e hU"I. \\'I-.con,in, m;onu[II:IUler, ..f "II Lli. 1J1J5, 11 \ 10 ' RO UGt'. I. \ .-The
fllnd frO/ll "'eplelil1n. llf1C' and ,u'e, or Ir:ln~former" elllplv~­ "pprenll.:e gra,lu:tung lo:1a" of I OGII 99~
IImlher A.' \\ infree fell fnun ;0 ing .lrpro\im,Ile:I) :lU emplo)!:l". \I;1l "t"IIlll;Ileol al our lir,1 rne~linl! in
1.....der \o.hile: "orl.ml! .. rnJ fr ....:tured '''0 Ot<ligalion. e:1c:!;lion of unll ,llll':Cr., JlInC'. '·... 111 Blgdon "J\ '-C"le(lcd a~ 0\11·
ritl\. IIrmher \\mfree: \lill he: ofT Ihe lOt> an,1 Ihe re:licw of the (urrelll lIi=recmCIlI '1.1n"ln~ .'pprenIJCC.
for .. hotll \I, \o.ee~'. II \I", learn ..d Ih.11 I'lil~ pl;I>.:1.' on A"ril 24th. I h.' ,kllwn,lrJlion ~",rd. ~ho\ln in
J I'. Ple~"m"e:'\ "'Ife h.ld an ;oUIO J,,':" we Me ne(,ring Ihe con\lrlKlIon COlli- the '1>':~ilnJpan\ins phOlo. ".1\ ~curcd
d.·n! t<1I1 t) dmn!! heller ;11 Ihi, lll1lo: ricliun of NOrlhern SI;IIe:, I'U\lC. (11111- from lhe 'aliun Comml1lCe 10 illu~lrlll"
II \0.,1' repurled Ih;ol IIrOlher hie: I'''OI·~ \\ he:nton (,eneralinl; 1'1,,111. 1,,- molu. >':lltllrol ;Inri h,", pfUICJ 10 Pc \er)
'1(1llrel 1",1 hi, ",.fe in 'I ,"e>.:en! "Ulu ll>.:· ';lIed t.cl"e:cn I:au CLoire :In'" (h'r",",\I.! '1ln·c,,11l1 fur da"rl)llIl1 1Il,lruClmn. I hi,
"id,'nl Our '"Kerc cllndoknl·e, IU I "II,. Ollwr pl"n~ arc in Ihe mill rur an ~"J1 ..1 \1,,\ ;o\ ..... mhled h) Ihe Ihlni-}c"r
/lrmhe( "111M,·,.. ,\01."" :II\(} ..fle:r our h,'"n- t\I ( pl:1I11 I~' be built un Ihe (hir' :J"l'rcnll~e: cI,,\~. Brother Cap"la. "ho
fell ,)mp"lh) 10 Shclh) Kltle r, 1\llIhe p.:\I;o Rher. ""~ 1 .1(:111 'J'Jj'~ ollhlllndmg :1 "prcOli~e
f:tlhe, Il",,,,d ;Lllay re"cmly. The 1l )'la"" COlll m illec of Ihe loe'll fhe: )eiU"~ IISO, is now Ihe lhirJ-)ea r ill-
ALUMY A. 1'1 11"11, I'.S. mel recenlJ), and recomn"ll'ndHlion 10 Ihe ~lnl~\I)r.

Aug ... I, 1973

Graduates ulhe Boord and Negotiating Committee.
In addit ion 10 worLing ",ith his lools
40th Anniversary
on many jo~ in 8alon Rouge. he ~ue· Celebration
ce~sfully ~uper\iseu lIluny big job-;; a
few arc Stone & Webo.(er. Hechtel Cor·
poration, John.-.on Service &: COn~true­
(ion Company, and McCaa Fleetrie
Company (E~.o lab). From 1924 10
1941, he II:.S a member of Ihe Con-
federation uf Wor~a~ of Soulh AmericH,
while wor~ing on jobs in Ihe Wc~t
I lldie~.
ilr()ther StUIl17 is now relired amI la~·
The apprentice graduat",g class 01 Local
995. 9a lon Rouge. LII .. was obligated al Ihe
in{: life e:I')'. I-li~ hobnie~ include 1\000·
local' s June meel,ng. G,aduates. IIrsl 'ow. wOT~in~ and Ir3Yelinj;, I-Ie '\'It'nd~ ... in·
left to ,ight, are George Webb. Randy Sum ler; in SOllth re~a~ or Old Mexico and
merS. lelf Schwend,mann. Geo.ge Ruperl. ~lIml1ler, un Ihe Conlmfn131 Dilule or
and 8,lIy Row,nsk),. Se<:ond rOw. Jotl Glo,-
Ihe Alleghen) MOUnlllin~. BrOTher Stuntz

dano. Glenn McCann. MRr" SIms. Oanny
u.noux. and ... Iex CII,ter. Th"d rOW, Sam j~ nllent In Spani,h and has many
Higdon (ou\5\lInd"'8 app.enhce). MIke 80m•• friend, "Soulh of Ihe Ikm.Jer."
Chester GuillOry. JIm Sarton. Robe.\ Gon . \Vc regrc\ 10 (,d.i'>!! )OU of the un· local lOll. Hlrllord. Conn , celeb'lIled l\s
ules. and MIke ... ,bou. 40U' yea , In Ihe IBEW .... ,th a dlnner·dance.
limel} death of Brolher I.}nn J. ;\I:IT' Sho .... n. tell to fight. are P •.,srdent Pllullne
quelle. Brolher Marquelle Ila\ one of NO~8k. Inlern8\lonal Rep,,~senlatr~e R,chard
Saluted Ihe he~1 :lnd II ill be mj""ed .lnd long re· Roge,s. .nd Internallonal V,ce Pres,dent
John E. Flynn.
I membered.
RI Ni: J. f- l ur-clt, P.S.

Hartford Local 10 13 Marks

40th Ye.r in t he IBEW
L U. IOU, lI,urrFORI). CO'\'N.-Thb
loe,11 marked ih .j\llh )ear <l\ an In·
dU~lri:l1 union b) holding II dinner·dance
in conjunCllon ..... ith Ihe Liel.-ofT drl\c (or
1973 COI'I .
We lIere ~ery fOriunale in halin~ Sec·
ond DI\lri<.:\ Vice I' re~ldent and Mr ...
John .... I I) lin al our eelchralion. Other
honored glle'l~ in allend"nec "ert:: Imer·
nation:.1 I"xeelJlh'c COllncil memher Lelt 10 flghl, V,ce PreSldenl and M,S, Jo"n
J ame' I'. f- l ullonc). Inlernalional Repre· E. flynn and lEe membe, James Mulloney
lOCal 995 salules 8t1)ther Stuntz. scnlalile und M r.. Kichard Roger ... and
InlernatJOnnl Repre,enlalile Eugene SI.
De monstration Board I'rc,iuenl I'aulinc Nova". anly a .. ~i'led
by Seeond I)i.,trict Vke I're"idcnl FI )nn.
pre..cnled 1~·)ear mcmher,hip ,erolh to
"I mcmher~. Afler lhe dimler. Ihe 1,'T!:!e
eTOlld danced 10 Ihe mu~ic of Jl'hn
Donnell} and hh Orehe~lra . Without
qlle\lion. "c had Ihe l!lr!:l~~l tUrnoUI )et
for our Annu<l1 Anni\er",r) Dance. We
holl'-' Ih;jl ne:>.! ~car', d;jn.:.: "ill he i\~
large lmd ,u.:cc~,flll u, 1973·s.
A~ Ihh !:!OC, 10 prinl, our Negutlaling
Comminee h'h gone beyond the e\plor,I'
tory tal~~ on ollr union and mana!:!c·
menl conlract.
On April 12th. man)' l1lel1lher~ Ilf IlIlr The head table during 8 raHle.
local purticipated in a ,pecial dCl11l1ll,tf(L'
local 995 'l.al"tc\ Brother Wuhh lion hy rieLeling G. I'o~ nnd Comra ny .
Stunt/., who wa, hurn in Gre,ller iI,llon a duwnlown 11 arl f(lrd 'lor,·. in ~upport
Rouge (IIru,I),. I.o"i"i"na) "here he ai- of Ihe I'arah ooycon. lhen marched "ilh
tended e!ementMy ~l·hO<II. having <.:om· our ,ign, to lhe Hiltoll <;Ullicr !--Iolcl ((I
plcleJ high <,choul III <..,~ington. r.,ui~i­ allcnd II ~f'Cci,d Conneclicut Stat,' Lubor
ana. Brother Stuntz i, nmrricd and ha, Coullcil meelinll of Ihe '· lr ..1 Con!:!r,,·
Ihree children. ,iont.1 l)"lriel.
Brother Stun\;l j.)ined 10;:,11 767. Ma) 41h \I:IS IBFW\ ni!:lhl 10 pkLel
BalOn Kouge. in 19-12 ;wd <'cned on Ihe Fo, 'lore. Local IOI~. red by Pre\j·
that local'~ F~ccUli>e 1I00,rd In 19·B. lie denl I'"uline NO'!L~. ";" Ililtcd h) "I ar!'
wu, :Ippointcd to Ihe NegOlialing Com· ford I.ocllh 41 :lnd t040_ Oc~pitc miny
mil1cc which mel I.ilh Copol}mer Kut.· "cal her. II "'''r) 1arllc turnout w," on
her Company. ;wd a good agreelllcnt hand All locals "noJ Il1lerm'lionlll, for
was ohtuincd. In 1948, he ulfilialed wit h Ihe Grcilier 1--I;l rtford Lllbor Council. in·
Local !l95, "here he l>Cned on Ihe E),ec· elmlinll Ihe UA W und T e:' lllslers, wiJ1 A scene of the dancing.

ISEW Journol
lal:e turns picl.eting tlery Thur~dny sored cour..e On a lcoholism al Ihe Free-
Lon g Island Sports
The Connecticut General As~mhl)'
has ,tnrted to pass a ...cri es of anti-labor
-, port ~I ospilal.
1.ocal 1049 and LoclIl 25. Long Is·
I:lnd. held a bo" ling lournament, and
bill~. Fver) pitce of progre~ile laror LOt:!1 25 \\On lhe leaSlle Irorhy, but \\ e
legislation, \\hieh the Connecti.:ut labor can gel it b:ICI. "hen \Ie bo ..... 1 against
mOI'etllent I'o orl.ed so hard. Oler the Ihem aJ:i::.in in October.
~·tars. to enact into 1111'0, IS in danger. Marlhall J{obc:rl~ of l ocal 1049 re-
A ~urn.equent pre\~ relca<.c b~ John ecil'ed the hlsh-same lroph) for his 21 2
Dri'iCo li. I>r~ident of the 'itJte l :.oor J:i:ame. and Joe: N.:enan uf l ocal 25 re-
Council. said. HLll.e a !>3lami. the righl\ celled lhe hlgh-scrie~ Iroph) for his 580
of \\orl.ers are bting ,hced by the 19;.1 -.erICI.
General Assemhl~. We're doing poorl):' Our Sufth.'111 I.eague h doing fine. and
said I' re~ident Dri'iColI. "This "oC-.sion of a Icam i\ being formed from our pla}en
Ihe legi,laturc: ..... ill do nothing 10 imprOH~ to pl,,} in Ih.- IIJI W Metro T ournament
the right~ o f C(1nnectkut worl.erl. and in AUSI"!.
wc'rc lucl:y if il doc,n't sut>\tanli:l lI) Long tsl~nd. NY •• Loc.als 25 Ind lG49 held If the ha\l.ethall learn \\hieh tool: fir;t
ta l.e aw .. ) I:tcnefitl Ihat hale been a bow"ng lau.nament (Kentt, Mlmbtus place III Ihe Illtr.llllUral league \I ill $Cnd
achieled o\"u Ihe )can.... o f Loul 25'. 11~I·place bO .... lIng leam, te U me a picture of the le:1I11 and a \\riIC-
to ngh l . ,Ole J. Neen~n. S. Stu iO. 0 Outte •. up. I will he glad to end.lIe iI wilh thb
WO\ll l K Yo\IIS.IWICII. 1'.5. and E. Holcotuk. J. Palumbo was Ibnn l
when the PlctU'O was laken. column
rhe mYller), hncmun pictures <;cem to
Two Members Honored At h:ll e CUlighl 011. so I ~m enclosing an-
other one thi; month. How aboul the
Testimonial Dinn er· Dance other dep;lrtmcnt~ scndill!! candid shols?
I..V, 10",0, II AI('I'I-'OI(I), COi'\N. -Rc- Til 111''(1 mOnth, I.eep ~nllhng.
cenlly. I ocal It~O hono red two of it.~ C tI ~ IIL1 S J . 1 t) IIIIIII , JR., P.S.
memOers al a te)l imoni:11 dinner-dance.
They arc Leonard lI.o..cnh:lll1 n. l ocal Scribe Praises Journal ;
trealurer for 25 )e:.rl. a nd Leo I'OI \'lOn,
"ho retired :IS luelidelll after lICnmg 17
Jobs Plentiful in Area
}ear. in thn! ollice. 1..11, 1055, l' E;o..:SACOI.A, FLA.-Our
Among the \peal:eh were Intcrn:l- 1I11~ 11 'JOItrllII{ i~ one o f the mOSI bene-
tional 1'.\eCulil c Council mem ber Jame~ ficial fringe bcnefit~ I'o C enjoy as mem-
Mulltlney. Inlernalion,,1 Repre<.enlali lc herl of Ihi ~ gre:ll organil:llion. There
Ge ne SI. Pierre. lind Second Di\lriCI ar~ the mall Y' fine cdilori:lll hy President
Vice I'r.:"dent John 1' . I I)nn. Vice Ch;trlel II. I'illard. the up-!O-dale activi-
President I-I}nn, on heh .. " of Ihe local. B.other J . Boron. l ocat 1049. C,.,.
tefl. and Broll.e. S. Anzalone. Loc.1 25.
tiC'l o f Ollr man)' con\entions and their
pfe5ented pl"'llIe, 10 Ihe honored Glle,ts. ,how the bowlma lou.nament , .Op"" • aceompli .. hments. Sllgge~hon~ for the
We had jU~1 :lhoul Ihe 1:lr)!e,1 cro\\d teague t lOphy. which is up fo, arabs Ihree hOlllCl'oife. :Ind the " l.oc:.1 l.ine$o~ sec·
Ihat evcr a!tended :. 1.0.::11 10-10 dinner· t.m es. lioll, \lhlch in its O\ln \\:1) i) Icry help-
da nce. ful 10 our Brothers in all areas of Ihe
Local 1040 has becn :.ctile in sup- country.
porling th.: Elmh boycott. A group of We C:ln find OUI how the lIork situa-
50 picl:ets from Il :mfonl 1()I;:lI, 42 tiun is in m:ln)' "rell' :" \\.:11 ;,$ I.cep up
10 13. amJ 10",0, led hy BU\inc~~ Mlln- "ith the currenl elenll in each city.
ager Jtll1 Wighlwood, who i~ eoorduhlt- lIere in I'ensacol:l. \Ie are enjoying a
inb boycott actililies for the Gre,l\er vcry good emplo)lllcnt situal ion. J obs
Hllrtford Labor Council, picl.etcd loe.. 1 arc plentiful. an d :I c~ording to top in-
depMtm.:nl ~tores tha i carry I':.nlh dU ll rmli,t\ :Illd re:11 eltllte execuliles,
sJach. Helping \0 piel.el lind dhtrihule Ihing~ I'oill pid lip II gre:1I deal more.
IitcflIlure were Imcfllational J{cpre'\Cnla- and there i\ no sign of a ~Iacl: period.
ti lel Gcne SI. Pierre .. nd I'...d l ough- With thrte new bllnl: buildings under
rAn. Incident:.lly. the picl.el look place con~trud ion in and around Pens.'1coJa.
on May 3rd, the fir)t anniH'f'i,;lr} of the ulong \ll lh many new mOlel and hOII'I
Farah 5tril:e. B,ol""'r L Bonnhoff. manage. o . Bomt>e.s. bUilding\ on I'e\acola Beach. a new
~nd B",lhe. C. Loeffter. m.naser 0 1 SIO...
" AT 8 0RU KO, 1'.5. hOIc! III the Ca~ino. and a condominium
head. eon.e.atut.t. each o lho, boIlo •• open·
inS same 01 Loc~1 1049's .ollb~ll leag .... on I'erdido Ke}, Ihe Mtrade Strip has
rC:III) held up 10 its name.
Three Me mbers Mourned; '1 he ~ ... \hore Bill prescned muc h of
Local Busy with Sports Mystery Man our (tulf Coa~t 10 be enjoyed for )ean
to come h) local residenl~ and tourist~.
I..U, 1 0~9. 1.0""(: ISLAND, N.Y. - The onl) cO'>t 10 Ihe area cilizen or \i5i-
Three of our li rothcrs, r. McCaffrey. lor i~ a ~mall loll on our Canal Bridge
G. I'earsall. (l nd A. ChriSHlro. ha\e 10 the Santa Ro:.:. hland Ikach area.
p.'1~scd awa). All of u~ \lho I.nel'o Ihese 1 hert )ou can hale :1 picnic on the
fine Rrothers are gOlOg \0 miss them. cairn c;lnal side ..... ilh white ~tnd beaches
Congratula ti on'> 10 Brother Sal Mari- or, If )Oll prefer. Ihe while sand side of
nello. whose son, Sal, played a fine the gulf side for a lilll.: sumns. fishing.
game of hoel.e y lI g;un~1 the Canadt,lll$ sl'o imm ing. of jusl la1.yins in Ihe sun to
when Ihe Long 1\1:lnd team he plays for gtt a ric h Ian. which \Ie all get in Ihis
was invited to play in Cunada. area. Along with Sood joh opportunilies
HrOlher Fred Showmal:er. A ~) i\lllnt in th is nre:I, the aver-Ige worl.man and
BusineH Manager Phil Robimon, lind his fllmily enjoy a ~ummer paradise
Presiden t George Fisher completed Ihe he re. A word o f caution is in line al
Lo ng Island Federatio n o f LlIbor's spon- Thl, m on th's my&tory !lnlm"n. Ihi~ poinl on Ihe two e lements Ihat have

AUiutl. 1973
hotels. 12-Mory gian t. IO.-ill have all the Retired President
Pen so colo Members con\enienc~
o f our lime. Another giant
'" eXpC'clcd 10 toe ~Iarled 'lOOn. the Sher-
aton Motor Hotel.
As we 1001. to the \le\t of us al I'er-
dido Kcy_ \Ie \ t t our Gulf ('0;'" e\-
plod ins \lit h ncw hOnle~. mOlel nnit\,
an d a fine, hiS condominium ju,t II
~tone's Ihm\l from Ihe vulr of \I e~i.;"
. . . and ,!lie of Ihe finc't hoI',l.;hCO\ hi hoi'
found an)lOohcre in the 1Oo0rld. So. \Ie
say to all our Brother,. Ihlng_ aro: great
!II thi~ area n~ far a~ the IO.-orl. ,iUMlion
goes_ ant.! :" for a "a~;ltion. )00 can·t
beat it, a, we hale Cler)thlnJ,!.
Rlilll" O·Do"OI \", I'.S.
PIctured on electIOn
~nu(ol"'. n •. , lell to
Secretary Chaftn MO'18n. Graduation B a~que t Held;
Mille •. Brothe, Doyle ",kIn" and
President 8ill Pa u on. Preside nt W in ters Retires
L U . 1076, TOI. EDO. 0I 11 0 -0n M ;l Y
)Oth. the Toled\) Building r rades Coun-
cil had ih f\nnual Apprenlice Grrulua-
tion Ban4uet, I' re!>Cnt "ere \Cler:!1 mem-
bers of our commillee. Iheir \lil~~. and.
of cour.c. Ihe graduating he;ilinJ,! and :,ir
conditioning apprentices. In,tTudor I)on
O'Herl) lIa\ lhere 10 -.ce hl\ prOlej;e, Tc-
cci~e ihcir diplomas and crederuiah. We
wi~h all of Ollr new iourn~)m~n full anu
prosperou~ lilcs..
Li ncoln l loor Machinery now ha, ;1
hall team ' Captain I)on Shoup c:nll~teu
the aid or Bu"ness Man;' j;er Curley 10
secure ;, 'f'OnwT. and Brother Curley
solicited a generou, S2(1) grant from
Buzz Blazer. I' resid~nt of I incoln Floor.
for a ~ponsor~ fee. Both the compan)
and the union are 100l. in8 to\lard a 8rol~' W,nle'5. "8ht. hand5 aa~1 over to
good sca~on. Vice P.esld.nt WeirICh after ~erv'na 25 )'iI.'s
It's 100 had that a (elOo o( u. mhseu a5 p.esld.nt.
our May un,on mceting. A retiremen t
celebration "11\ gh'cn in honor or Loca l
1076 I' rc.\idenl Ge rbin J. "Gerh·· Win· Graduates
le["$. Two di~!ingui\hed Ilrotheh, Inler-
nalional It erre~ntathe~ I . I . Clarl. and
E. M. ScOIt , $."1.1 in on Ihe regular meel·
ing and then joined Gerh wit h hi,
fest i v i tic~.
I' re\idcnl Winter, c:lrlier ullys had
him walking pickel line.. nn d orJ,!nni/ing
for our local. He II:" 1,1,0 our In(a l' ~
lIekgate II) '>C~eral ';Ollleniion". onc of
which 1Ia.~ the 1970 Conlenlion in Seat-
lIe. Wa .. hlnglon,
While \lorl.ing con~trudion mO'ot or
his career. hc never renmined idle. In
slow time". he "'orl.ed a\ :I mariOl! elec-
trician or on maintenance iok. lie h;,s
\f'Oikd mun) a \i,itvr'~ 'tay along the occn lin in~l'iralion 10 man~ a )ounger ualed .•• nOi .hown.
Gulf (001\1 nelcr ~lOoim IO.-hac there i\ Brother. induding 1O)"lr, and an ;Ihle
no aJequlltC lifcguarJ prole,,!;on. an,1 partner 10 tho'iC "'ho lOour~ed "i1h him.
don'! ~!IIY out in Ihe ~un 100 lonf;. Gerhin Winlcr" ha, "I",;,)~ hcen an e\-
Proper IIhlruction for the "i"tor\ ",f~ty ample of the J,!ood men \Ie hale ,mil 1\;1\
is si~el1 III IIre:,$ "round nU"'t of Ihe competentl) represenled h" Iix:al ;md hi,
beae he~. people.
The huildinS hoom 1m~ cau-.cJ a grelll At ,he IOl!'eling. Gerlt II-a, pre'>Cnted
in nux of new people to our area, creat- \lith an IA I \II ring "nil a plaque. l it'
ing a neet.! fur homC'l, eont.!llnlinum" and \las al'>O giH!n a hlue harll h.1I from an
reere .. tion :Ire;"" \lhkh are \lell I.nOI\l1 IInon) mOils donor.
alonJ; Ihe ( ,ulf Co.,,1 Mlrade Stnp. A Gerb. )ou',e helped m:lny of u\
Jloo.l e~:lInp1c of our growth nnd tOllri,t lounger Drulhers, and I hope Ihal ~ome­
trude i, the three fine hOlel~ on Ihc dlt) you will be a, proud of u~ a.~ lie all
Santa Ito'>:, Island sidc of Escamhia are o r )'ou. Your will ingnc'-S and wb-
Cou nt y. here in l'cns;Icola. One of the dom wi ll surely be missed.

tSE W Jou,n o'

Unli l ne.~1 monl h, rememher_T his
..... orld is ma de up of Ihree I} pes of me n
50-Year Member Brot her Courtney Receives
- those who are immo\"able. Itto-.c who SO·Year Pin , C ertificate
can be mo\ed, and IhO'oC: y,ho mo\·e.
I..u. 114 1. O KL \ IIO:\IA cn\', OKLA.
R ICI\\RU ·'RII'·· R IP!'II. P.S. -On M:I) 7th. " rOlher lee COurlne)
"n pre-.cnled hh 50-)car Illcm~rship
Officers pin and CCflirK"a:'" in hi) nomc h~ 5;:\.
enth DI~lri el Vke i>re,ldenl Ra)mond
G. Dul..e,
OrOlher Courtney Y,~IS inilialeu inlo
I.ocal 61<1. Wichlla F:tll,. Teu~. on Jan-
U;lfY 10. 192.1. and lran,ferreu hb memo
ber.hip 10 l ox.11 11-11 in ]9~'). I-I e has
been rellred frunt Ihe IfJUe ~UlCC 19611.
Bruther Courtne~ reque~tcu Ih:11 the
50·)ear pre'~nl;ttion he ntlllie at his
home heclm'-C of hi\ health. ,\ (Compan)-
ill!! Brother Dll~e at Ihe pre~entalion
"ere \C~cfld uf I ec', r(' I :III\'C~ lInu (lo,e
frienlt-. Ine l lld i !1~ l ocal 114!\ next 50-
~ellr pill reCipient and rei ired Brolher
lI "rac..: Coo~. Pre, iucnl I. R. (ar"lI,
\Dry J <>hnn,e J. G . W illiamMJl1. r. W. O ne). Juhn Me-
0.,,". Vice P,es,denl Brenda Be!l!lawe , . Clnn. O. O. I'cnni n!;10n. Fitlllncial Sec·
Pruiden t JII'" O·Brlen. and Financial Secre· ret:lr) J. J, (':lld"cli. lind A"j,llIm Bu~i­
"ory Owen KlrkplII,lck.
, ne,~ \ 'I,lna!!cr Johnny 'xIuth"cll. along
.. ilh flrolher Courlne)'~ "ife. Verda.
El ectrical Ma nufacturing At Ouke_ ..... 0 p'Hented e
Brol"e. Courtney " ;UlU hroli1er. I :Irl
lithoni a Com es Under I 132 Brolher I . B. ·· H u(~·· John\On. 63-
)car·old IIK'mllcr of l oc;11 1141. died of
L. U. 1132. con m \ ' . G \ . On be- an apparent heart ;lIta~1. on \I a) 14th
half of all Ihe IIrolher, of Ihe 1111 \\ , I >II the \nlhun) ~1 ll'pl1al. "herc he had
e~lend a 1!real toig .. ekome 10 .111 Ihe heen aUl1lllleu Ihe da) t>cforo:_ Our (On-
Hrulheh ;Ind S"ler, of I O)I.:al I I _1~ ... ~ uol enct'\ go oul 10 hr~ "'Ife. Ann.1 Lee.
Ihl' tOt:a1 .. ill ha\e Jun"ukuon owr .III hl\ famil y. and friends_ Bue!. h;L'; toeen a
Ihe eleurkal m;onufallUnng ;11 Ihe I ith- mentl>cr of Ihe I8FW for ncarl\ J 1
uOia I.i!!htin!; CumpOIn) Plam to Coeh- year"~ h:l\lIlg been inilialed inlO local
1"00n, Gror!;ia. 1141 on Jul) 9, 194~.
\1 Ihl' lime. the pl.InI h .. ~ nOI 1"''1,!n in
J t~1 ~ l o"'TI 1111, P.5.
npcr-Oltion long enough 10 ha\e h;IIJ a
pru!!re ..., repon tlMde on it. bUI lhe
"niCer-. hOlI" :I"uteu me Ihal Ihe) will Pla q ue Prese nta tion
~ .... p the mcmt-e!') a.:ro·" the COlllllr) in·
forrm:d .. llh monlhly report' to lhe
a'OI"er LH
/r)llfllfl/. son. and V,ce
Again I c~tcnd a wekOrLlc nnd N:~l
wi~ho:, for cunlllluo:d 'II~C~'~ frum :111 uf IIlFW local, Ihroug hout New JeT ..... y 10
Ih o: member. of our I;rca l Brulhcrhum1. P" " 11* hill. Memt>.: r" fllmilie~, ami
D Oll! U UKI'iI II. 1.1<.. friend, 110nded Ihe Sen:lI e "illt tellers
Ihul c x pre~~ed their , IrOn!! per-onal fcel·
ings ahout Ihb criti.;:11 lc!;!l~I:lIi()n. r he
New J ersey Assembl y re'pon~ wa~ ~o a,lOu!1ding Ihat a grali-
Approves Bill 1'23 2 fying comment wa, "arrnnled oy Ihe
legi,lll tur~ on the Sen:l1e 1100r. Rdilll'lc
1.. 11, 1134. ": I. IZA Ii ETI I. "'J.-The '>Ource, h;ole repone d thai Ihe a~'>(:mhly
New JefSC) Sen:lIe :md Generll l A\'>Cm- slatcu at a meeung Ihat it h:l.\ heen A. A. "AI"I." Moo", memtnr al 1.01:31 1191.
West Pelm B•• c .. , fla. ,eeenlly .... 11 .... d. On
hi), aprrOleu A,-.emtol) Oill I ~12 re- }ears ,inee Ihe pu"lic re~ponded ';() cm· the OI:ce.lon of his .etirement. B,olhe,
ecnll). T hi" "ill y, .., toa'lcally ;In nCI phalicall) 10 a bill. Moore. center, ... as p'esented 3 pi3q"e f,om
prolidin!! prec;lUliom 10 he 1:I~en in lhe We thanl all thO'\(' eoneerneu citilen~ S~ l em Co"ncll U~ .

pro\imil) of hi!!h·\ol!;l!!e line, for lhe .... ho ... rOle 10 their senators ahoul Hill
preH:ntion of .I~liuenh :tnu wa) \igned 1232. The 32-0 pass.lge y,as ddinttel)' 'Alvie ' Moore Ret ires
on J ul) ~1. 1945_ lhe ori!;,n:tl hili pre- lhe re\ul! of their \incere drorl. \\ e alw Negotia tions t o Begin
'ellied an emplo)er frum requinn; an e;\Opre" our gralilude 10 lhe Ne ... Jer~y
enlplo)«: 10 ... orl. ... ilhin ,i\ f~1 of Stale ,\,sembl) for its practical and hu· 1.. 1',11 9 1. I' ,\ D I BE \ CII. n . \ .---Qur
hi!lh-\ollage line\ unle\\ Ihe) y,ere de- mane reaclion 10 our picas. local y,hh~ 10 COn!Tallll:tlc "rother
energilCd. The aelion ta!.en b) our IB FW IIrOlh- A. A. ~Alvie~ Moore on his recent relire-
This legbl:llilln pre'iou~l~ co'ered all e~ and Ihe re~ults Ihey accompli,hed nlenl. Ahte. al lhe lime of his reu re·
worl.ers Olhcr Ih:m Uli lil)' cmplo)ee~: are a great impiralion 10 olhers y,ho are menl from 1-1'&1•• had oler JO )eaTS of
ho .. e\er, Ihe hill "';1' prc-.enled Ihi, )'car fnl\Ir:tled wit h Ihis haul)·run sy\lem5. dhlinguished :.c:Tlicr in Ihe IHF W.
wit h an amendment Ihal pfohi"i" an Somelhlng can be uone. hili nOI on our Born in 19011. Alvie mOH:d to San-
cletlrical ... or~cr In Ne ...· Jer...:) from o"n Thi, h a line e_\ample of individu- ford. I-lorida. in 1 9~6. and uuring Ihal
ruhher-gloving ener!!iJed condu~lor, or als gewng logethe r. orgnni7ing, lind l ac ~ · bnmc )·e:lr joined rl'&L. He ~n be·
equipmcm Ihal exceed) I J.20(j ~o l t~ ling a 1U~ k with Irue un ion spirit. came an operaling engineer :11 the old
p h :l~ 10 phase an d 7.1>00 vot" pt1:l-.e 10 ~upporl COPE. II wor ~ s lhe s:u nt: Slln foru PI:lJlt (opc m ling en!!ineer bac k
ground. Ihen rn e:ill! he opc nllcd Ihe IUr bine.
An all -oul urh'c Wil S in ilialed by LI:SL u_ A. ~'I "' I tw.WS, 1'.5. swil chboard, ice rnac hin C$, etc.).

Augu . ' , 1973 63

Through the )e3rs with FP&L, he hall laSalle Unit. has been named Fire
held $uch jot>, as ~ubst ation operator, di-
President Pillard Chief by Ma)or John Foley, Sr. of La·
.. ision load dispatcher, relief dl,patchcr in Hawaii Salle. IJrolher FlO\l~r b a nalive of I a·
and, in 1962, \1:15 appoinled to the posi, 5.111e and has been a mcmhcr of the
lion o f labor liaison, a job he hcld unti l dt}\ Numbe r One fire com pan) for 17
retirc!lIelll , }cau. 110.' ha~ hclll the ran~ of lieulen·
Alvie joined the 1IJ1: W in f'cbruary, ant and h:l' been employed in the I nSi·
1942, and Inter became an International fleenng Dcp:,rLJ11cnt of I tlinoi~ I'o",cr
Rcp re '><!ntathe on Fifth D i~trict Vice Company for 27 )ears.
Pr e~i dcnt !Jnrl..e r's staff. lie \I;I~ elceted GI R.\1 01'1 W . IJ ROOl':S. 1'.5.
busine'>!i nlMager of S)'~tem Cuuocil U-4
in 19.54 and scr\'ed in that capacity until
1962. Five Me mbers Celebrate
Ahie ha ~ had a long and fine Cllreer 25 Years in the IBEW
of service to his Brother.., and he \I ill
su rely be ml~d.
Contract negotiations arc coming up. L U. 13JO, J E RSEY CITY, NJ.- Dur-
Keep informed. ing Ihe month of MlIY. four of our local
tmGrnal,onal P,ntdGnt Chatln H P,llard Brolhers, Witli:tm Ka"oczl..<I. John
J. B. Klt~rt R, R.S. '''''Gnlly allend.d the E•• eu t,v. Bo. rd me,l·
In. of Ihe AFl CtO Bu,ldllll T.ad.. o.part·
GU:lrini, William Rohm,on. and ,\ 'Iidl:lc]
menl held tn Honolulu. HI . lelt 10 ,Ig hl a •• McGough, celehr:tlcd their 25th Anni·
Headquarters Paid For; Business Manalla' Aklto Fujikawa. locat ver.:try wilh Loc:tl I no nnd thc !;om·
1186. HOllotulu; Inlo.natlon,,1 p ... tdallt
Work Still Good in Area P,II".d; tllte.n.llon.t Rop ...,n"Uva Tom
pan y. T hey started "orking for Ihe corn-
Roberts: and BUIIII'$1 M.llaler Francts J . pan)' and became mcmhers of the local
L.U. 1205, GAINt:;SV I1. 1 t:. FLA.- Kennedy, locol 1260, Honol ulu. back in Ma). 1948.
Summertime i~ here. Of III least the \un Wilham Kaw ocll..:I, machini\t fir~t
mal..e~ U~ thinl.. so. II sure ha ~ been hot ChhS :1I lIud<;.On, stlLTted at the M,lrion
for the 1:I~t few days-and no ram. The
IP Pillard Attends Building
Station. In 196..\. "hen the new lI udson
Suwannee Rher is slill at flood stage, Trades Meeting in Hawaii sl"lion opened, he \la~ Ir:,"~ ferred nnd
but it SUfe is dry elsewhere. is preo;ently a member of the mac h ini~ts'
We :Ire \cry proud of our new head· L. U. 1260, 1I 0 ....'O I. Ul . U. 1I1 ._ The Ha·
gan!!. "Willie" li\e, wuh his \\ife, Bcr·
q uarter~. We arc also vcry plell'ied to re- w:lii locals of the IBI' W \lere greatl)' nadeU, in North Arlington. New Jer-.ey.
port Ihal the tinal payments ha\'e t.een honored to h:Hc Interoation:11 Pre\ident Ueforc coming to Ihe company. he Spent
made and that the building and su r· :md Mrs. C ha rlc~ 1-1 . Pillard in I-Iono- threc )cars in Ihe arm y during World
rounding property are now our s. lulu rece ntl). "' hlle he attended an Exec· War II .
We plan to ha\'e an IBI'W pin presen· wive Board meeting of the AFI.·CIO
If an) of the nbo\c information i~ in·
tation and mortga!,>e·burning party on Buildi ng T rades Department. Aho here
correct. I ",ouldn't be at all su rprbed.
October 6th. Brother A. C. "Lank)" at the samc timc were Lou Sherman,
Tho)'c of )Ou who kno\l Wil lie will
Langford. our parliamentari:ln and General Coun'\Cl for the IBEW. and In- agree that he can snow you ",It It a
charter member of Local 120.5. inform ~ ternational Repre'>o!ntathe Tum Roberts Mraight face. Intt'r\iewing him for Ihis
lhe Brotherhood tha t Local 120.5 will be ",jl h their wivu.
:Irticle reall y \lore nle 0111. and I
33 )ear~ old on extohcr 7, 1973. l.anl.. y Th is was International President I'il· wouldn't dare \l ritl' h:tlf of ",h<lt he told
infor!ll~ u, Ihat " Local 1205 has come a lard's first vi~it to Haw:tii 5ince he \las me, for I would n't I..now what W;l\ tr ue
long. hard "':t) in 33 )'ears." stationed here on the Island of lIl aui for
and "hat "asn·!. Out of all Ihe mOlloe~
Our worl.. is slill good. wit h quite a a ~hort time dunn!! World War II . I am l ean thinl.. o f that would fil Willie, I
few of our Inn'eling Brothers employed. sure he noticed tha t Ihings ha\e changed ha\e to pid his a~ Hh:eep 'em !luessing."
The line dep:lrt mc nt is gaining more dis· quite a bit since thcn. I'm ,ure th:tt a ll t~ gll)'~ at \lorl.. ",ill
tribution worl: hopefully. th i~ trend "ill We \leTC \ery fortunate that, in spite agree \l'ith me tha t he'~ perfect the \\a)
continue, T he ".500" tl'lln~mi ~~ ion line o f It \'ery heavy l>C hedule. our visi tors
he is, a nd IIo'e \lou ldn't want to ha ~e
~hould be com pleted in the ne:tt 60 \lere able to attend a hmu with the staff
him IIny other "ay.
da)'s, an d "e expect to Ix: :Ible to place and officcr~ of Locnls 11116. 1260, and
John "Jack" Gu:trini started al M:lrion
B rother~ now on that tab on other tabs, 1357, which ga\e all of our local union
on Mu y 17, 1948, a~ a \hift operator.
I thinl.. ,,0.' of l oc:l! 120.5 ~hould lake officers and their wives a chance to meet During his stay :It Marion. lack w:h
pride in the complimenlS made com;ern ' International President and MN. Pillard. Intn\fcrred to the lIoilcr Repair ga nl!,
ing our crarlsmen. Our clectriciuns are We hope th:lt hi, next .. isit will not
Pipefitlcr Shop. then back 10 Boiler Re -
very productive. and most contr:lctors be tOO far a\lay :Ind that it will allow
pair. In 1964. he was trans fcrred to
him a lillie !lIore rime. $tlll. S\llmming,
wit! agree that they are. Even tbough \Ie Hud'iOn and is presently a station me·
ha\'c proouclhe craftsmen. we olUSt con· and sight-seeing.
tinuousl~ strive for the benermenl of Fusets J. Kt:I'SIOY, 8 . M. Since becoming a Brother of Loeal
our electrica l industry, and I feel ~u re 1330 bacl.. in 1948, he has become ac·
that Local 120.5 members are _"ivlOg Local 1306 Pre pares tile in Ihe union. I-tr,t. he wa~ ap'
and \\iII continue 10 strh'e for bener- poinled a shop ~ te"ard. thcn chairman
ment. II's II plea~u re to attend construc- Fo r Negotiations of the Ellecuti\'e Board for four ~eltrN,
tion conferences and hear complime n- T..U, 1306, DECI\'I UK, IU ..- The con· then lin alternate delegate 10 Ihe ~~'stem
tary remar~s about Ihis local's members. \'cntion for re\iewing propm..1.h to be council. hel.. li\'es wit h his \l'ife, F rcdn.
Keep up the good \lorl\, Brothers! presented at contract ne/,!otia1ion ~ wa~ in in New Milford. New Je rsey,
Let me close on a note concerning sc~sion on J une 2nd :tnd 3rd :11 the Am· lJefore entering Ihe compa ny. bcl..
brotherhood- Without brotherhood. therc bassador MOlor Inn in Decatur. wa~ a member of thc f>hrine Corps dur-
is no efrt-ct;\e union. l'he ~t ru nger the I>resident Jacl.. Gage named the Nego- ing World War ]1. Jack has a million
indi\idual effurt towards a hcner brother· tiating Committee. Our contntct expires storie ~ to tell. and ncr} one of them
hood. the ,tronger and more effecti,e on No\emJ:.cr 1st, <;.0 \Ie ~hall begin con- will ha\e )OU rolling in the aisles. li e's
Ihe indi\idtt;ll union. parent umon. and tract negotiatiOn) in Scptemhcr. II prom· rcall) a n:ltllral for telling stories..
the dcctrical in~uSlry \liII bc. Practice i<;c~ to be a hus) )ear for u~ "ho ha\'e William RobinliOn. boiler repairm:lIl
brotherhood. show concern, Itnd \latch contract. hospi tuli1.ntion, :Ind pen~ion to fiNt chls\ at Marion, started work on
the surprising rcsults. consider. li la) 12, 19411. Bill has held cla5s ificn-
A. J. WillSON, P.S. One of our mcmbers, J:rnles 1· lower, tions as electrical hdpe r and stat ion me-

64 IBEW J ou,no l
thanie. lie 1i\~'S with his "'ife Elhel. in with the complel ion d:lle of 1975; thi~
Lyndhur;t lind i~ Ihc father or 1"0 girl~. joh ",ill aiM) employ some men.
Retirement Parties
Linda and O;lil. Ht' al..o h;l s o ne gra nd - It lool \ a~ if the tr.l\ eling men ",ill
~on. Nunlio. A M arine during World be III for a rough 'Ulumer. wilh the g;l ~
Wa r II . Hill pa,s;:, hi~ lime drinking , hortngc li~e it I'. It will be hard to
o.::er. I ,!'ked him \\ h<ll type he ddnl!>. peddle a hl l e from ,Iale to ~Iate.
and he re phed, "No 'peeial brand. JU51 Ne~t month. graduali ng apprentices
a~ lon, Il~ 11 \ cold am' "'1,'1:- '" III ~I Iheir Ng moment. '>0 Ix' !oure 10
Mi(hael Mcuough. ,Ialion rlle,ha";c lool for oJct:1ih in our ne\l letter.
II I \I.uioll. ~ lartcJ .... orl. on Ma y :! I, E 01lo1' 1". CO'" k. I'.S.
19018. :I, 1I ~hirl \larler. from [here he
\Ooell\ 10 thc \ l i\Cellaneou~ Repair gang
and ended up :h 'l;uion mechanic. f- l il.e
Award Recipient
• live, 111 l'OInl l' lea'anl. New Jcrse) . ,wu
hll' t\lO married uauglucr\ ;md three A retirement p;ony was h.ld lor S"!II'
gra nd child re n. Ctlc.". P •• ;o al Il>e rr;om.n&O Chue~w;ogon
Our congr.alulalio", (to OUI to BrOlher In Honolulu. She .s shown w,th Bus,nUI
Boh (obh. I-h , "ife. [in ua, ga_c blrlh M;on;ole, GU~"'ln Ind 1"lInd,
1<) their ..ccond d;llIghlcr on \ lay ZOlh.
MI<.:hc li e Iv;UH~lIe WI!, hOrll :11 7: 19
A. \ 1.• \leighi"g eig ht rOllnd., and 13
O\I(\ce,. Buh and I inda have one olh~r
dau ~ he r'. I urilci Ma!'ie ..... ho is Ihree
),e:lr, uld
Rieh:mJ Kur/u .... a ;tlnl Itill Duheny. HIIWf,1 Go.... rnor JOhn A. Burns. 5eeond from
hOlh of lIud w n. ....on 11M:: lIud,on "lIhI, p'UtlnlS an IBE W l.fe S." .nll Awa.d
10 Broth.. Benlam.n 1000;o,lna. "'emb.", 01
(OUIlI} Columbi .. 1':lrl. I :ine\ Double Local I3S1. Honolulu. H, .. 11$ Mrs_ K,n.na
Ho .... lin~ Tournament h} approximalel) and Bu.lnns Matla&lIr John F. Guzm.n look
60 pln ~ uml had a 101 .. 1 for Ihe night of 00_

(~ I thhJ 1330. With a tOI:11 'I:orl: lil.e

thnt. hoI' c\HJ ld thc) lo~e? Congratula. Retirement Parties Held;
lion" fellow<;. life·Sav ing Aw ar d Presented Ou"neh M;on ager GUlmln COngrllullllllS
B.othe. Herberl Ca"'alho. who ""1'
LI .... " A. ()(,o,n,,·~t;I, I' .S. honO ..d It I rel"l1 .... nl parly
L.U. US7. 1I 0,"OI.l:I. U. III .-A relir'
ment P;lrt) .... a, IM::ld for Si\ter Cecelia
Two Members Mou rn ed; 1';1\;1 ;11 the Flanungo ChlJ~l.wagon in
Work in Area Good Honolulu. ,\ huilding cU\looian em-
plo)ed ",jlh 11M:: lIa \l:1iia n Telephone
I .. U. U.lO. ' [\\I' OUT , ,,:\\"s. VA._ ("ump:lI1) ~ince Ocloher I. 1946. Cecelia
JII,I rl.'cenlJy. Local Il4U 10,1 l\ member h:1' lM::en a union member ,ince Scplem-
.... ho had hee n ill for a (e\l ),e:ln. Edd ie hcr~ 1.19 50.
Morn,-.clle had Ix-en a member for »c\" /I. Tetirem,'nl part)· "':1~ al"" held for
ernl )eur~ and \1;1, liked by c\cf)'one Brmher lIerhert Carvalho ;11 Ihe Kan-
who lnc\I or \l orl.cd .... ith him. Our !;,lu Teilhou'oC BrOlher Car-al ho had
mem ber, e~ pre,., Ihei r deepc~1 )ympalh )' Ottn ",ilh the Telephone Com pany \ince
to hi, f'III11I) . No\ember 25. 1940. He retired a~ ;In
• Alw. John lIa)'es. ""ho had to drop lIp para tll' repairman .
A seenll of Ihe party.
hi ~ e(II',1 )car, :Igo bUI had hccn wur!.in g ('erClllUnics wefC held in the F\ecllli\'e
011 the Illaintcnllno.:e cOnlr:,ct as :1 BA ChlHuhcrs of the ,la!C ~'H pil(Jl on April
melllN:r. died recentl). lie. 100. will be 191h 10 prc'-Cnl to Bro!her Bcnjamin Lile-Saver
mi"ed h}' [III who !.Ilew him. Ki nni nn Ihe IBFW Life.S.tving AW:lr.1.
I'wo :.ecidenl'> occurred in h me on Pre-.ent !II the ccremonie, were (jo\er-
lhe maimen;Ince eonlrru.:t. N. L. Saun- nor Joh n A Burn ~ o f Ib"ai i. Bu,ine\\
deN hrole hb nO'oC ",hile allempling to M ana~er· lin a!'d."11 Sc(:T('tar) John I .
lift :1 pi~e o f melal and "' a, ho, pilal- GUfmlLn. Brolhcr :.nd MI'>. Iknjamin
iud for II; ,hort time. Alo,o. Fmory Ki1l[linu .•• nd UrOlhcr and MN. GeufI;e
(':Ild .... dl ,u /rercd ,e"cre fllei:11 injllrie~ lI i~ll,hi.
"hile riding a 1I1010rC)..:1e. and is slilI in Al ahOli1 10 :20 A.M. on Novcrnher
Ihe ho,pila/ :11 Ihi, lime. ~ 1. 1'172. Ilrolher HiSILshi ~tood on hi~
Brother Sle\en /J . I Il.in\· son "'a. phtlform lind "'liS about to open hi\ BrOlhll' Lllonud Horton. Loe;ol 1392. Fort
~tnl ek h) a ("otr recenll). and ooth of hi~ fIIi-.cd II mhrdla ..... hen cont:tct "'1I, mllde W;oynll, Ind .• center. I. con.fatul.led by
leg' "'ere hrolen. hUI he h j;tuing a lollg ",ilh ;1 7.300-\0It conductor. Imlliedilitely V"". Mayor Carlyle Kitson, o f S IUf •• S. On
,ec.rIIltI& Ihll tBEW Lile·Sawlng Award. Look
line. rendered uncon~ioll\. I-III;;"hi fell from In. 0<1. ttltt 10 "&hl.;0" Inlll.nlllOn,' Rep ..·
Worl ill lhe area ...eem~ to be good '>0 the pilufurm. Luclil). his ,a fet) hell "':1J "n l;OIl". £. J. B;oI'IIY. Bu •• nus Mana.er
far. At thi~ tinle. tlM::re aren' t an ) m ~ n ra~tencd. an d Ihis prc\enlcd hi~ fall from Chili HII",m;on. ;ond e. ly 0 1 SlIIr&.s Electroe:
OeplUlmen l M~nager Ea,1 MII LI .
on Ihe he nch, and "'e 11 11 hope Ihal Ihis :!() feet onl" a bricl "'all hclow.
h \I .~ign of good Ihings 10 eome. BrOlher Kiaaina. hearing a noi..e John F. Gu zman "role [I letter 10
J u~1 recently. Ihe Atomic Encr~y 300\(' him . loolcd up and "';tW Brot her (io\crnor John A. Itu rn~ ad~i~ing hIm
('ommi\'>ion rel ea)Cd :1 'I:ttemenl in tbe IlIgll,hi flill 1-1(' quiclly ao;cended Ihe of iJ rother Ki:! ainll'~ :Iclion Go\ernor
paper ' tating Ihal il would shut do'" n pole. fell for c:lectricil) .... ilh the bael. of UUrn\ loenl a lclter o f cornmendalion 10
r "orne of Ihe nuclear power planls. T", o h.\ h:lnd. ;.n.l applied mouth-lo-mollth II rOlher Kiaa ina. "'hich he holds 'ery
of tho-.c UIl,I ~ are III Surr) COUIlI). aOlI re, u\Cilll!lun for about one or 1"'0 min- dellr.
th;.t ",ill re:IlI y hurl labor. There are ulc:~ ullIil lI iga ~hi regained co n\Ciou~· I he local appreciales 'efY mu ch Ihe
plan~ 10 put 1\10 more un;" in Surry. f1C\\. lI ig:l,hi ~utrcred -.ccond- and thlr.l· eoopcr..tion :.nd aloha Ih;11 Governor
Aho, Budweiser hilS pl;ms 10 build a dcgTCe burn~ and Ihe l())o~ of a fingcr. Bllrn~ extended to Ihe Joc,,1 lind II ~
1I 1"eh Gardem in James Cit)' County. Un December 121h, B u~ inc~~ 1-'l:lIIlIger 1l1cmbers.

For his quick thi nking and I;ourage, will leave you wi th t hi~ Ihough t- Hig h School and 111.1.1 th eir young
Ilenjamin Kiaaina received [he IBEW "Once upon a time, il was true Ihal a brolher. Rober t, will be entering high
Ufe·Saving Award, whil;h was presemed fool and hb money are M>On pan ed, bUl Sl;hool. having grnduated from Colum·
[0 him by Busi~~ Manager Guzman now it happens 10 e\eryboLly:' bus School. The mot her of Ihe children.
a nd Governor Burns, The members are: HI RD J OllNSIN, 1'.$. SiSler Catherine Cia). is also a Local
proud [hal i[ has men lile Bro[her 1402 member !lnd worls for Midl:lnd·
Kianina in its ranks.
10111'01 F, GUZM \1", B.M.
Life-Saving Award Gi ven ."".
Hope- }OU all have sun·drenchcd. fun·
To Bro ther Horton lIrenched, \afe, and happ) da)s of vaea·
Chicago Local 1367 I..U, Bill, FORT WAV"''': . IND.-On STII'II.\I'-I\ BMISIIO\\SKI. I'.S.
Completes Negotiations May 4th, Leonard liorlon. lineman and
member of Local 1392. was pre'oCnled
I.~U, 1367, CIII CACO, ILI.,-One more Ihe IBEW Life·Saving Av.<trd al n lIin· Local 1413 Mourns Death
lime negotiations between Local 1367 ncr held in hi~ honor at Ihe VI W Hall Of Brother Clyd e Robinson
nnd )'our favorile company and mine in Slurgis. Michigan.
halle been concluded, Local 1367 sub· The lB l'W award wa~ pre .... ntell 10 L.U. 1·41 3. TOLEDO. O I-ll O-" l emhcr~
mi tted a 10lal of 25 proposal'i, and Ihree him by Vice Mayor Carl) Ie " ihon of of Local 141' are joined together in
were acce pled. They life n wage in· Stur~is. Br01her 1·lorlon wa\ also pn" deep \orrow at the pa~sing aW;I)' of one
aease: company 10 pay nppro.~imalely "ent~d, hy the vice maror. a ~pecial of Ollr retired members. Clyde Rohin·
80 per cenl of the ho'pillllization pre· award of commendalion from Ihe City ~on. Brother Rohin,on hegan wor~ing in
miwll; and 50me improvement on vaGI· of S!urgi~. ol'dered by the City Commis' the Properly I' rote,lion Departmenl of
tions. sioner,. for hi, life,sl,ving ;Iclions. Iht) Toledo Fdi,on COlllp;lny un De~'em·
rhe 1I00e wa~ 313 for and 545 Spcl'chc~ of congratulations ;Ind com· ber 9, 1965. r,nd too~ early retircm~nt
ag:lin~t. Can'l say Ihlll Local 1367 W<l' mendation \lere given by John Brand, on J une I, 1970. Clyde worked as ,ellior
ill1pre~~ed with the comp:lny's ofTer: Cily Manager: Chel Herriman. Bu,ine~s guard 'II Dela"'are Gate on Ihe 11·10·7
however, a majorilY of Ihe ,ystem coun· Mllnnger. [Q('al 1392; and 1'., J, Hailt), ~hift and \11\) well·liled ny c\'Cr)onc
eil memhcr\ voted 10 accept. There is Inlcrnationl,1 Repre'>Cmative, Si~lh Db· who ~ne\l him. We in Loc~II 14D e.l·
~Iill one major ilem open that v.e are all lriel. lend condolcncc~ to Ilroth~r Rohin"On's
concerned aboUI. lind il de:Il~ v.ilh Chi· Brotller Horton v.as honored for his family.
ClIgO South linemen's 'tllning :tnd quit· action, on May 30. 1972, in "lVing the We exlend greetings 10 nnd "~Ieome
ling on headquarters' properl)'. Since life of Norman Van I'ell. "ho (Icciden· aboard our J:'le~1 guard entering the de·
No\ember. 1972. four ~pedal meeling~ t:tlly contacted Ihe high ~ide of a hot parlmCI1l. Jcrr) MeNuII ~tarted v..orling
were held to di-.cu\s Ihi., 'iilllalion, and conduclor in a 7,200·\olt. p"d· monnted in April and is ~[:tlioned :11 Ihe Da\j,
more meetings will probahly be I;alled in [rnn~former. Bessie I'lant in Port Clinlon. Ohio.
the fulure. until :In :Igreemem can be Brother HoTton. \\ilh greal presence Good luck Jerry. in the }ear, to eomc_
rearhed. We'd jUM appreciate il if Ihe of mlnu, pulled him clear of Ihe equip· Count Van Tas>;c1I is still tntd:int:
rompan) would realile thaI we arc nm ment wilh a hOI slid and :I"i~teu with Ihal fO.l Ut Ihe Bay Short I'la nt, "the
looling for a shorter worl day. only fir\* aill until Van Pelt v.a~ lalen 10 the: nne thaI got av.ay," and rcmember one
sufer v.orling eondition~, I rawling htbpil:11. thing, Illen- Ihe COUllt "do lilc" hi,
alone imo Ihe (lnde~irable oelghnorhoods Vlln Pelt v.·as badl)' burned and cut, popcorn'!!
we have been asled 10 Yoor\" in has '0 but he diu ~urvi\e lhe accident :Inll i~ DOllole Deder has Acme I'lanl under
he Ihe greatesl ~afel} hal~lrd for the now worling for the cit) of Sturgis light ..eeuril) and has spent Ihe la\1 dol·
men. In a group, .... e at least sland a Eleetric.. 1 Dep;lT\menl. lar of hi, income ta:c refund on privale
netter eh;tnce. CUrS-fl.M I -It MRI.\I<\N. I1.M. fea~on~. which he will announce at a
Another topic for di~cu~,ion, al Ihis laler date. We hope il i~n't on Ihe rl'ha'
time, is the comp:lny':> pen~ion plan, bilitation of the M(lIImee River's w;,ler
Wha t brings this 10 mind is that [ re· Accid ents Involv e Memb er fowl.
centl)' had the opportunity to chat wilh \l ei Klod 1111<.1 Vic I'osk;lrbiewicz arc
And Member's Childre n slill in it IiNt· plaee tic in Ihe "Fi~h a
~e\'eral retired ~nior citL~en~ who are
having a devil of a time livi ng o1r Iheir L.U. 1402. I'lrrsnunCII. I',\ .- Some lJay for 30 Days COntes\." Goo.t Iud
p.:n.,ion~. I am nOt ~tatinl: Ihat we have of the most frea~ish accid.::nh occur at 10 holh of you men; remember. no
a poor pcn,ion plan, but anyt hing can home. It i, e~timated Ihat the number of Cheating.
sland 10 be improved. LeI\ sec what v.e home ;ICCi!Jcnts almO~1 exceed, Ihe num· Don Shlll!1. it h3s been heard, has
can do wilh our plan now so Iha!, when her of Iho'l: h;'ppening on the highwap. lined hi\ 1>Clm alld Ihe interior of hi~
m:lny of us reI ire in yel,rs 10 come. It is regrettable Ihat Local 1-102 ha) had station W:lgOIl with zebra 'ilins fInd i~
we'll he at-Ie to enjoy the warm. sunny one of e:ll'h. contemplating a !rip 10 Africa. Who
da)~ of eertninty. We could start wilh $i'ler Helen Kuez},ll,li. \\hile in her lno\\s v.hal lhl' .-.eals will be lined wilh
improving the following-a cosl·of·living bedroom. slooped to relrie\e her sla..scs. when he returns. Could be a hippo
increasc for our people lllread} on pen· wh.::n her foot got caught in the bcd· hide?
~ion: earlier reliremem; and heller \'e~l· spre:,d. e;,using Helen to full and hreak Har\'e CedOl has heen doing his fair
ing rights, her collarbone. We wish her a ,pecdy sh3re in ~ccping the doctors of the fIUIO'
A cheery nOle of "gel well wishe~" to r«o\ery. mohile v.orld in husine ..~ by ha_ing
nil v.ho nrc under Ihe "calher these BrOlher Dan Creedon rode into a Ihem v.orl on Ihe wounds of hl~ ,talion
da~~. traml' tie·up due 10 :In accident up wagon" hich he obtainl'd while not drh·
Ik"t:pe'l s}OIpalhy 10 Danny W:lrd. of ahead. only 10 disco\er lhal the accident ing in the he,1 of fa~hion. Hov.e\er. the
ChitOlgo-South O\crhe,uJ, \Ihthe wife r('" revol_ed :Iround his Ihree )oung ")O~ damage w,,~ not serious, and he w:,s
eently passed away after a lery long ill· lind his ,i~ter·in-Iaw, A ",d v..n}' 10 \Iart Iud)' thaI Ihe Inuy w35n'l udving a
ne,s, Dan. I am sure the fl'SI of the a \ac;\lion. Hov.'e\'er. Ih;lnk God, Ihe Mack Iruek. lIonl! Honk!
gu y~ fee l as I do. children arc coming along fine. The par· Rumor ha~ it that ClilTord Biggert i,
Gentlemen, 1 would like 10 call ~'our enB of the child in the olher car \lerc sla)ing on high ground to avoid Ihe
nllention to the fuel In:lt, at the last le~\ fortunate, ~orry 10 s.. ). feeling of \\etnes~, v.hieh he would he
local meeting, ,Ill se:t1s "ere nOI occu, Now on a happier nOle. Si\ler RUlh ,ubjcct 10 if he were 10 wade lhrough
pied. Remember. some local~ Illay be Allen reports wit h pride Ihat her niece Ihe nooding walers al the Davis I~,"~sie
bigger, but none belief. See you al the and nep hew, l'alriei3 and Rich3rd Power 1'1', n1. Don't forget, Cliff, a good
next meeting. Clay, have graudalcd from Allegheny gUllTd never g.::l$ WCI.

IBEW Journal
Last but not least i! the good neW! Joint Salety Boa rd Meeting
that the " Darcizanova Kid." alias Dob
Bardt. has acqui red a rare antique radio
wOrlh a small forlune. The tube-type
RCA is a 1436 Moroccan table nlodel
and carries the .... ords. "The .... hole world
will hear us SOO1eday.H 11\ \cry .... ell
.... onh [he 1114 I illy 8rook~ upright
vacuum cleaner Bob traded it for.
Speakln, of radiO'!. leep tuned in for
more lidbit~ in our ne.~1 [elter in the
18t.W )0/4rnul.
P,\rRlcK F. SIII"''''II'. r.s.

Passes Away


Past Busin ess Manager

Mourned by Local 1426 Left to rillht arlll board memlMrs Randy
L.U. l.nti. GRA;"D ' '- O RKS. N . 1)0\10(. "armer, W. R. S.ckel. Olck Senedlck. Tom
HII". J... James Hoa&. anll E. J . Conn ...
- It is .... ilh deep regret Ihat I n:"ort lhe Front. back 10 came.a, II ellllne" ManliKe.
unexpected death of Da\id D. Keel y. II Roedlle •.
pa~t bu~iness manager \lho ..... ned for
[9 yean. Brolher Da\id pa\SCd away on Inte.n"lon81 V,,;e PresIdent Robert K. Ga.·
M a)' 30t h and was 66 ye:tn. of uge. rlty IIlId •• ues !hlll meeting.
BrOlher Duvid bud been II memher of
the JII EW ~ incc JHnuary 16, 1919, lind Ihat Ihe \lIl ion~ and management wcrc at
had '>Crved iu;tive ly in lhe Gnmd For~~ f[lIIit in th c OSHA ~illl"tion becau~c of
Build ing and Trades Counci l an d ltl-.o a Itl..:k of cnforcement. OSHA ~pon'Of\,
Ihe Grnnd For~s Trades lind L:lbor As- he ~aid. had in mind a stl'uC hlre for
~a fcty. hUI nOI on a cosIly ha,i~. II does
Brolher l):lVid had been lin inspir1llion CO,I, hul ,omelhing must be done 10 en·
10 everyonc in this area and in the 1:lbor forcc Ihc OSII A Acl. There are special
mo\·c01enl. He \liII be mi\scd. need, for educalion and training. ",
Ihere nrc t6.000 dangcrou~ slIbsulnces in
WIIII\", COUC1UC.II"'. n .M. 11\1: each \C;lr. am.l Ihe..e mU\1 he ,tudied
and reo,carched. he conlinued.
Joint Safety Board Holds Vice Pre\idcnl G,lrrily \."lid that in-
12th Annual Safety Meeting du~lrial accidenls ha\c cau ..... d an e"li·
mated Il-l .OflO death~ and Ihal Ihis ,illl-
I_ U. ''''3'1. ST. LO UIS. \10.-The 12th alion J"IO'IC a serious prohlem. T here arc
Annual Mtcting of the Joint Safety :1 greal nlan) monc~ prol>lem~ .... hleh
Earl K.. Oille. Union EleClnC Company Vice mu~t he .... or~ed out and reduced. We
Board ( l ocal 143'1 and Union I leclric PresIdent. •ddres$H In. Salnefln.
Company) \la~ held at &hneithon;l\ nlU~1 con\\<lntl}' he alerted amI prepared.
Inn on Ma y Illh. on safely )u~,tion appeal,; re\iew of he "lid.
The meeting .... 1l1i opened \I ilh ,I com- the conduct and cITcdilenc>5 of "'1fel)' l ;lfl " Dille. Fxeculhc Vice Pre,j-
nlCntar), b)' Chairman F. J . Conner of mc<,ungs: re\le\l of the \afe Workin i! dent of Union Flectric Company. said
Union rleetric ..... ho expre~<;ed hh l ic \l~ I' ractices Manual; and di~lIs~ion of tnc there had hecn I()" man} accidcnl\ al
lind honored all in attendance. lie efrecli\eneloS of the safety program and Union I ICdric in the pa.st fc .... monlhs
slrc\~d Ihc importance of mOlivllllon rcl;!ted maller\. In conclusion. hc and Ilm\ he is hoping 10 ac hic~c beller
lind ~aid Ihnl moncy .... on't buy SafCI)·. )trcs..ed the s reat nee.1 for limely :l1Id rccord ... as ac\l1II1 safcty records can be
James 1I 0:1/:. in hi~ report. ,po~e on expeditious action hcl"cen the hoard, improved. Ilc ~aid Ihal we have h,ld no
fivc nmin poinl5-lhe promoling of co- Ihe company, and the union. difli culty or problems on OSHA's deal-
ope ra tion 10 II1l1ke Ihe 511fcly prognull Intern,lIion;!1 Vice Pre,idcn t Rohert K. III!! dlrec tl ) with Ihe em ployees' Sllfety
succcssful ; review and rceomll1cndulions Garrity addres~cd th e gat hering and said on jobs. Our safel)' prOCedures, he con-

AU9Ult. 1973
tioued, were in existence long berore Clambake lote." BcCIlU5e of the complexity o f Iheir
OSH/\ and lire considerably greater than operalion, il was nCCCiSary to negotiate
OSHA's requ i rement~ on practices. pr~ 1"0 serarate agreenlenl!, one for Cnna-
lective equipment, and device~. dian operalion and one for United States
Numerous chan!;!e'l. deletions. lind oper:lIion. We'llote ;tho signed [he in[er-
corrcrtions, he ~lIid, h:ne II confusing d· national a1!r~ment. 'erbalim to the
f«:l on our errorts to comply, along "i[h American and Can;,dian fotali\:.lor
lhe confusion of interpretation. due to Company' inlernalion.. 1 agrccmenl.
Iheir failure to appear in federal nO\lte5. The highli!;!hh of the ,lgrecment arc a
'1here is abo II financilll effecl on opera- $200-pcr-",eeL automatic ~Iep-up, and
tions in compliance I'.ith OS HA as to ;tfter a mem!l;:r reaches $10.000 flCT
(acilitie~ and equipment . )ear. he recchc~ nn nnntt;il increase of
Mr. Dille Sllid the comp;JnY is not op-- S20 rer weeL until ;tn :mnu;l l '>lllary uf
po'>Cd to OS HA, but Ihal he wa~ only $15.000 i~ re'Khed. The en lire operation
ment ioning that Ihe wmplication, are of this equipment "ill he handled h)
causing labor and management to f;lil in Local 1501. including its shop \\orL.
theif purpo-.e of accilkm pre>ention. lie wnder the ~"me ray '\Ca ll".
~aid thai I MIH!t l'on'l ,Aely do the joh,
people h:l\e 10 be ';Ife: ,Ilso that acci-
Mfl>' I. 1974, /S'Jt;(. ;IICrCflJ!'. Work
\lee~ lind rales of pay are Ihe ~m~ a~
dents can', he 'iOlved by money bUI that
things call he improved Ihrough Illolivllt-
ing emp l oyee~ 10 wo rk ~nre l y.
the Amtote contrac\, On :1 trav~ling :,,-
signmcnt of over 30 liH)'~ . the company
\\iIJ p;ry Ihe round trip air fllfe for the
After the sptCehe,. Mr. Hong c1o~ed employee\ hmhand or ",ife [0 \hit hi,
the meeting by reminding al[ in attend- or her .. pou-.e! On May I, 1974, the
ance to stri~e for the lo.3fety ;mgle, mcmber<! ""II juin the National F lcdri·
meaning mOli'ation. cal Benefit Fund. There is also a c1au)C
DICK SIUN\;ICK, P .S. "hich stolte .. that if Wes[ole bid~ on and
Local 148-1 held ,IS 10 ..1 mind ct.mb.kI reeehes any contracts now owned hy
There we •• 8'.)' s~ln oullkle. b,,1 hllpp), American 'I ole or Canadian Tote. Loc.'ll
Retirement Parties ' ",en ;nSlde d""n8 Ihe leaSI 1501 members III Iheir localion will he
given preference to relllain al thlll loca-
Wagl1i!r and Eddie Smith, a group of lion and will be hired al Iheir e:(i~ling
Brother Glea7.0n·~ friends g:llhered III his "age: nul".
de~i: and rre-.enlcd him .... ilh gifl! and , expeci that lhere will be a few
.... ell \li\he\. Pre\K.!ent Simon.c:lla members loo);.ing lit Wc\tote. Don', .-.ell
ll .... ardeJ Charlie II pin commemorating Ihe eOmp,lJI) ~hon. I ~'" their operation
his scnicc \lilh the IJrOlherhood. and their shop. They ha\c an impreS$he
Thesc thrcc men ha.1 accumulated :1 oper,uion. "flll!)' :Ire a coming concern.
total of 11 9 )ears of seT,ice! T haI much and "C arc getting in on Ihe ground
e)[perience has 10 he missed in one noor.
group. They ha\e earned [heir retire- D tON F. GtnIlRII', PRF.5.-B. M.
ment, and we \lish them an addilionlll
Brothe. Cha,". Glenoo. Loul 148-1. 5)' •• 119 )ear<! of good health 10 enjo} it.
c"'e. N. Y .. retl,ed .fler .7 )'tI.rs ot servoce O,er 200 people allended a t e~[im~ Local 1505 Negotiating
He,e. B,othu Gleno .., left. receive. .n nial to the old "Voice of the Line De- With Raytheon Company
IBEW .. rvlce p,n f,om p ••• ,dent Simonelt a partment," JlImes "'Pa["' McCarlhy. Ue
wa.!> feted lind occasionally roasted hy LU. 1505. W.\ LTII.\ M. l\IJ\SS.- AI
hi, co·wor~crs fo r his esc:tp:tdes during the lime thi .. article appears in pri nt. the
his 36 year~ of service. A ~;neere I'.bh month of Augu'>t will he under wuy.
to both I):,t und \life 1{0'C was e)(tended Your loeal will be engaged in delicute
by his man) friends in ooth Local, 1-111-1 ;rnd dimcult negotiations" ith Ihe Ray-
and 79. SYl1lcuse. 11' \lell as hi, supervi· theon Company. wilh le~~ Ihan 30 dll) \
sors. for lot~ of ea\y li"ng and enjo)l. hle remaining prior 10 the ~'onlracl's e:(pira·
trll"cl lime in relirement. [ion dale, miJnighl. AugU)1 3 1st.
Our firM mixed clamhake rrovcd 10 You rna)' he certain Ihat your Ne!:!Oli·
he a great ~uccc~s. '1hree hundred forly aling Committee \lilI be doins every-
membc", and their whes. da te'>, or thins "ithin re;l\on to prc..e-nl cogent
gue'ls enjo)cd good food, beer, lind li nd logical propo..als 10 th is comp,lOy
musk of ll illCr",idles GroH'. Although ;md to "or!. "lIh the comptlny so as to
the \lcatherm,.n didn't cooperate. it a"oid :m) unne.:es.<;ary impas.-.e~ in thi~
didn't '>Cen' 10 dampen ~riril .... E\ er}one process of oolleclhc bargaining. OUf
§cemcd to enjoy thclll'>t'hes. and "'e goal is to 3l:hic,e a contract \lhose pro-
James "P"'t~ McC",rth),. Ih. old "Voice ot
lhe Un. Oep"'rtment." WillS feted at a ' e.I" hope Brolher Charlie "'iggin.~ and hi \isions ",ill rellect Ihe need~ of our
mon'at on Ihe occasiO.. 0/ h .. ,eli.emenl H. ablc committee \I ill do a~ good a joh members in light of the economic con-
Is 5hown w,lh his wile. Ros •. e;.ch )ear. Our ,illccre Ih,ooks to Ihcm Int of the p;tst !oC'eral yeah ,md 10
for an e:(cellent job. continue the proee~ of slrengthening
Two More Members Retire; I IC I~" U Ull t, 1'.5. member; contractual rights.
First Mixed Clambake Held You m;ly a lso be ccrtllin that your
local union will not shrinL from any
LU_ 1-18-1 , S\,RA CUSF~ N.Y.- For the Baltimore Local 150 I neceSS3r)' I;onfronllttion \\ith the Ral-
third time in a~ many month~, the S}r:I' Organizes W estote thoon Comrany ~hould Ihe comp:my
cuse Planning Department has reI ired chOO!oC to adopt a poslure of inflexibility
one of its lor planners. T his time. il \I:IS I.. U, 1501. IIALTI'Imu:. M I) .- Afler and arrogance in nre:t\ of vital concern
Charlie Gl;,::llon's tum to call a close to long negoti~[ions. Loe:.l I jOI has ~igned to the m c m her~hip.
47 years of service. Following Ihe tr:l\li- ,Ill agreement wit h We,tcrn T otalisator Your officers hnve circulated nego[ii!-
tion recommend!!tion forms among you

tion of his predeceS!>ors, Brotbers Irv Compan)" Lid., ul.o ~ nown as " Wes·

tlEW J ournat
Westote Operator Fifth Time

For the fitth st raight year. Local 1583.

Pa lalka, Fla.. won the Abraham Mau.
Memorial Aw~rd. gi~en to the group working
al the Hudsoll Pulp and Paper COrpOral Ion.
Palatklt. with the highest per cent of pa.·
tlcipatlon In the Hudson [mployees Charltlt
ble Contribution Fund D.lve. He.e, Ca.t Hltn·
nah. company ~fsonnel mllnae~r. presents
thll awafd to President Jeff [n,e.son and
Local 1501. Baltimore, has signed an IIgreemen t with Western TotalIsator Com Pliny, Ltd, fund soliCItors lor the local. Raleigh White,
(WntotG). Hllre, " new membe r 01 Local 1501 Is Ihown operating eomple~ Westoto Power Department. and Bill)' Barbor, [lee·
Totallsato' IIqulpment I.om the Totallutor Reporting lind Accumulating by Computer (TRAC) trieal Department.
control console.

Race track Nerve Center Brother Polk Passes Away;

Negotiations Under Way
1.. 11. 15113. I' ,\ LATKA. I'I. \ .- On M:L\
18th. Brother W. A. '"Andy" Poll. passcd
a"ay nfter a length)' fight ag:,in't c:ln-
cer. Brother Andy ..cned in 'ariou~
oflkes of Ihis loe;11 and will be mis~:d
h) all. Andy ~tarted out in Ihe electrka l
field as an apprenti(e and. til thc time
of his de"lh. W:l~ shifl ti~~ue'nJill oper.tt-
ing clectrici:lII. I "-or~ed "ilh Andy on
~hift. ;lIId he "'a~ II fine :1nt! t'ap;,hle
electrician. but .. bole 311. he w:t~ a jine
mao :tnd :. good friend to all. Our deep-
e,t sympathy is extended 10 hi~ loved
Our former local president. Carl I'.
Greene. relired on January 1'1. afler
,erving nur 10C:11 and H udson P ulp lind
Papcr Corporation for 25 yenrs. Carl
Computcrlud bett",s will be In the vogue for the horse racing presentat,ons at the [dn,on. hrt\ taken up camping. accompanied l1y
ton, Alta., Cnn .. hal/·miler this year. 11 will be In Operlllion lor o~ning day. Thl5 syst~m
wil l Virtually give Inst~ntaneous payoHs fo r win. pIIlC~, and show piuS the addi tional pools hi, wife, Mabel. and son. Timmy, A re-
for the dally doub le, quine lla. and exaeta. tirement party was held by the FlcelTic
Departmcnl a t the 1'."liJ1 on C:Lrl'" 1:1~ t
so that yOIl may advise them of Ihose rior 10 Ihose doled oul 10 the non-unio n "orUng day.
mailers whi!.:h require Ihe urgent IllIen- Ilor~ers. Such bencfils a~ \·ac:Llion. pen- Ilrothu Dorman F. Tryon retired re·
tion of the (ompany. Your re,ponses ~ion~. holiJ:1Y p"y. ,id. le""e. rnedkal cently, dill' to di~abilily .. nd is mi"ed :.t
have been c1osel) S1lldied by your local !;Ol·!;r;!ge. jury dut)' pa). funeral leave. worJ,. II here he "a, head shift eketrieian
union " hich has consulted "ith profes- tran~fcr righl). ct!;. aTe general!) nun- ror o~'er 20 years.
sional anal)'st, liS to Ihe feasibility of eAj~tcnl. in:uic'lualc. or sharpl) r~'~tri"led local 1583 won. for Ihe fifth ~traighl
these proposals and Ihc capadly of Ihe in :1pplic:1lion to Ihe unorganized year, Ihe '"Abr:1ham MIlLer Memorial
company 10 implement them. In ~hort, "orker. (3) Job tr.tining programs Me A"-:lTd:' ghen to the group "orJ,.ing at
your loe:.1 unron has done its home- norm:11ty far more acceSliibl\.' 10 the l-l ud'lOn Pulp and I'aper C.)rpor:Utun.
work. The rt'~1 will be up to the com- union mcmher. (4) The union man PaI;H~:1, "ith the highest pcfeenl:lge of
p:lI1y. mal' Op[lO-.c har~h or unhir tre:ttmenl participation in Ihc Hudson Fmplo}cl'\
S)lvia I'orter, a nationally-syndicated through the mechani~m of the grie"'an!;c Charitable Contribution Fund Drill'.
fi nancial columnist. has Ihled in a recent pnxcdllrc. III additiOIl to his Slatu~ liS a Our local (ontributed 100 per cent . Iljlh
a rticle SC"cral c}C(ell C"nl re:.l$O ns for union mtmber in posses~ion of ccrt;.in 1111 Our membership of 101 donating n
union membcrship-( I ) Pay scales for contr., .. tunl righb. Ihe union member 101lL1 of 51.365.
union members lire significamly higher Illa) he rcpre~entcd oy olhers in his CUlllTact negotiations :1re under "-11>'
than tho,e for non'lInion emplo)t'Cs in dealings "ilh his ~uperiors. T hi\ proee,( here. and aLIT commillee is heing <,en·
eomparahle johs. Average annllal w:1ges st;lIld\ in m:.rkeJ COnlraSI to the "hos,_ iced hy internalion:,l Rcpre'>Cnt,lIi\c
of full-time unio n workers d uring Ihc is-alwny,-right" philosophy prclailing in Do)'lc lIurnell.
pa~t yea r were $8.606 as against 57,452. non·union organil:Llions. Unt il Ihe next letter. attend your loeal
(2) Union fringe benefit> which arc Support CO PE and Ihe goals of the union meetings and help YOLir local
equ (,1 in value 10 25-30 per cent of Ihe AFL·C[O! omeen.
total economic packnge are vaSl ly supc- H I: NRY W. /II ANC INI. P.S. J J:FI' Ez..lI.RSON. PRLS.

Au gult. 1973
Winners! Negotiations

Loo;at 1811.P"".,.~.,,::::::~"
(If ... lor Naw
H.mlnh" .. Public ServIce Company. sealed,
lett 10 rlghl. are Romeo Tremblay and Bu"
nen MlIn"ae, R,d,,,rd P,ay Stand",g. Em'e
Guimond. John Hulslander. Sle"e Ma roa, Be,1
Dubois, and 0"". Fl oyd

loc.1ll 1687. Sudbury. Onl .• lind III Recrelll,on "nociallon sponsored 11 .. ,nnln& bllnlam
hockey tellm . Members of the leam lI.e Shown Wllh the manage'. Oon SI.C~. left. and coach.
Rhaal P-.quatte . 118ht

rognl ••• a Sus,ness Rap.a
Susineu Manager Pra~ •• od
Inlern "hon.1 RepreMnll llve Jonn H,,"ay,

Local Ib87-Sponsored Bant am After 11 scs<' ion~ wilh Central Mai ne

I'o\locr Comp,my, the offer \\11 .. rejecled
Hockey Team in First Place by II lar!;e majority of the member,. The
big issue is the t'olllp"ny', propo,ins that
I..U. 1687. SU nl~ U RV . OJ'{r.-Local Ihe linemen ~ Io\e 12.470 ,oit), a pr:lc-
1687 :lnll it, Recrclltion A,~ociatioll Ike now being done b) hot line tools.
spon..ored ,I banl,Lm hod"cy learn. COnl- 'Ihe 121h ~e~,il)n \Ioil' " ilh Ruhert La-
prised of Iioy .. 12 10 14 years of age. I'ointc of . he I'clleral Con~i1i:tlioll Serv,
Thc<.e ho~s nrc not nece"~:lrily ~om o f ice. A d;fferem pacbge. slill conluining
o ur I1l c l1l her~. thc 12A70·\oll j"ue. \Ioill be ~ulcJ tlpon
'[ he leam. coached by Rheal Paqllcllc in the ncar future .
and lll" n:lged by Don 'ilild:. ended up Kcccmly-or!;,mi/ed rncmher~ on the
in first place in the Sudhur)' Minor properl)' of !>uhlic Scr..ic.: Comp:!n) of
l eague. \I .line \Ioill he pre'>Cntin!! their Ilemand ..
Credit for lai"ing fund,> to ~pon'>Or for their first contr:ld, R u~ine\\ \1 ,111"l!er PO,nl on Ihe
Ihe le:lm lIOC" to Brother .. 1011 ['opo\- I'ray and Bu,;ne ..., Reprc\cn'Hti\'e Nnon Un" maallng.
kh, GU} Rober~, Ko ~' \\erry. ~nd are doing a gre;ll Job o f !.ceping p.·lCe
Rolly ValOur, "ilh three '-<:1 .. of ne(lo.i;ttiom.
RIV W I RT,\. ['.S. B ~ l a\lo .. for the IlCI'IY-1llcrgcd local
werc read at all unil meeting' in June,
and the second rCildins~ "nd \I).inl: "ere
Local 1837 Neg otiating in Jul}. The rc<,ull§ \\iI1 be reporttd in a
Three Contracts later lelltr.
On " av :!ht. the arbitration ~a\(' of
L U. 11137. l'OR rS\IOlr r ll . "" .I1.-'1e- Kohcrt Bum~ of 1 C\lo Il'n \Io"~ held in
goti;llion~ ilre bein,!; pr(ll.;e,..ed in the ,\ USUSla 10m h.enned\ ",I~ .he ntlltral
companie\ I'here IllCIllOctS or uur local arhitra.or and "u~in c~~ \I ,m.lller !'r.t)'
arc cmplo)cd. Ncw 1I ,II11p,hire I' Llbli~ the union arhitr;lWr. Nal ]>,,~in did a
Service Com p:lny has hlld five .,e~sion'. finc job I)f repre~enting the Il)1;al" .. in'er-
Mliny contr:t~IU;1 1 I nn~ualle dlange .. h;ne c''- A ded, inn \\ill he rcndertd ~hortl)'.
been mmle, :mll motlCy 1:1 1k~ ~hoLlld ,1:lrt Organizing effor... are beinG il pplied
in the near future. e vcn \\ith Phnse III
re-.triction\, .he comp,my hil' been told
<,n the propefl) uf IJangor lI ydro I-Iec-
.ric for Ihe meier men. A meellnG "as ~~~~~~:~::::,senl Service.
,; 10 Central
the members need II decent \10 age in· held for Ihe ernplu)ec) of the I'onlrmd ' lie heavy
crease. Water Distrit't,

ISE W Jou.nol
It was good to ",'elcome Internat ional words for the spea),.eT"i, officials, a rid ev- second. Kif ton is Central Hudson's re c-
Representath'e Richard Rogers and Bob eryone in charge of Ihe ra ll y. reation ('enter. a beauti ful. tranquil re-
Fisher in their efforts to organi!!e thc Some of tDose melil beT"i attending th e sort designed by nature. and on lhe
employees of Arro" ~I art Comr any. rail} are on our Negoliuting Committet'o eeolog) side. this recreation ~pot still is
Le",iston Di\llion, Rob is tbe brother of They :Ire Dan Stoles. OIi\1! Harl. and maintained in its primordial slale: third.
our local's trea,urer. Ken Fhhu, and is Irma Da,is. J oining lhem in the sessions Riflon is en,o}l'd b) Central Hudson
a~hting the International in org:lmling. ",ilh General Electric here in Gainesville ('mplo)ee~ for s",imming. picnid.ing.
Sister Li nda I·rench of tke K()I:hester arc Tom I'hilman. Marie Re\is, Vir,inia roating. nnd fishing. as "'ell a, man} s0-
office hol,,h a nle.:hani.:al engineering de- Calen<iine. Grady Smith, and AnlO5 cial (undioll'>, on ... of ",hieh includes an
gree :uid is ",orling "'hile her huoJ>and Broclinglon. ImOl.:!1 union · mana~emenl dinn ... r.
i~ conlpleting COUrst~ for a Ma\ler's De· ntil next month. remember 10 drh·e Along the ~creational line. l ocal
gree in chemical ... ngineering. s:.fcl} ~) )011 "ill ~ till t1\!' ",ilh u~ afler :!21R ;Ino.l her \i~ter 1.ocal 320. Pough·
B ll~ine!>s Kepre.,...ntath·e "iJ(on :Ind }'our \ ;lcations. I.eeP'>ie. utilile Riflon each Allguq and
Pre,s Secretar) Ad;tnl\ .. \tended a re!Xnt I'AT b IIICK. I'.S. Scrlcnlbcr for Ihe I()I:;II~' annual clam-
meeting of Ihe Uni\el"l>ity I abor Bureau h:,l.e,. We ;Ire lool.ing for\lard 10 an-
of Fducation. 'I hi, \las 10 lfilin union other bill elcnt for our 1973 c1amba),.e.
people 10 ;" ,i,t the "ureau in conducting Rifton Recreation Center )Chedlllcll for Saturday. AlIllu~t 25th.
~hoJl ~le\\"af(1 M:\)ion ... Direclor ('harle, I he rhairm.ln of Ihe event is Gerry
O' Lear} appcarell ,.Itisfied \Iilh the re- Sprague. "ho i~ urging all to buy Iheir
,tilt, and intend, to fully dc~elop thi~ lic),.CI~ e;u·ly.
progl'am as tillie a1l01l 8. In ~lIl\Illlarizi ll G the dc,criptio]J o f lhi ~
0 ,\'11 1I0,,"IIWM. I'.S. ccnter. olle lila} \Iell conch hk thai Kif-
DWL AI).\MS. I'.S. Ion h:., ccrtHinly been a salbfaetion to
Ollr lIlemhcr'. Howe\er. ,inc,", \Ie ar('
Negotiating Committee fortunlltc in haling a\3ilablc to u~ such
;1 twautlful \ite. ",c ar~ nnw ulilizing il
for OCc\Jp;!lional -~afetr Jlrosrant~... s \leI!
Membe,s of Local 2218. Poughkupsle. NY .• a~ promolional and training purpose~.
• enJoy Il'Ie IlIc,ht,es o f Clm'al Hudson'l R,f
ton Rec .... "on Cent.,. Th'l be .. ut,ful. 1• • 1'1
RcrenlJy. the American Red Cross
quil ,eSO,I. localed on Wallk.1l R.ve •• II
First Aid \lllltime..:Jia ("ollr~ "115 of-
malnU"ned in its pnmo,d,al lIale. ferell to our meml>er5 at Kirton. Thi~
eO\IN! provide\ U\ \lilh a nucleus of
empIO}eC5 Irained in ba,ie fir~t aid. Fu-
ture "'pan,illn al Riflon "ill he Ihe
inllallation of claMrllOm fadJilics and
facililles for praclical "'urI. demonllra-
lion ....
International Trea,urcr lIarr)' Van
ArMlale. ~]'IC;ll.ins ;It the Third Di~lricl
Membe,s of Il'Ie Negollelml Comm,jlH 01 I>rogre~\ \l eeling in \I arch. 1913. urged
Loc.1 2156. Gamesv.II • • rl e .. IUled. I,ll to
"Ii'll. IH. I.me Dev.l. Ma", RevIS. Oo ...lha tho'>l: pre.,...nl to ~Iri\e for Ir;lining een·
Bull ••• and Oliv, H., I, Slend.ng. VI'fI.nle leh :I"'''y fnull the c"cf}lI:IY uflicl." al·
C .. llnd.n •. Tom Ph,lm. n. P,esid'nt lind S". i IIImpherc. We hehe\1." we hUH! ju<;t the
nlSS Manege. 0111'1 Siokes. Amol Broeklnlton. pLlce II rOlher Van Arsd:tle ~po),.e about.
.nd G,ady Smith. Me mber. Ind friends a'i Iho ..... n enloy,nl e
gllme 01 softball al RllTon. :md WI! \I ill be happy to tal.e any of
ollr ~bler 10~:nJ reprC<;cnlati\"es on II 10llr
Membership Roll Growing; of our training ccnter. Ju ,t <:,,11 us.
Work Is Good in Gainesville On heh:" f of Lo(;a! 22111. \Ie wi~h a
snfe and hnppy ~\!m m er 10 ea(;h of yotl.
L.U. 2.156. GAI:"'K""ILLE. FLA.- A_ J AN I E. OliVO, p.s.
we move into ncgOlintion~ wilh GCJll:ral
Ekrtrie. \Ie Me \cry proud of Ihe fact
th:'1 our mCI1lbt:r,hi~ roll i~ rcnll)' gl"()\1- Ottawa Local 222 8
ins. Wor),. h gooll .. md Ihe Contpan) b Prepares for Negotiations
puuing new e m plo}ee~ on the ~a }roll
ever} wcd. \\e :,re ,cry hlIPP}' to S.1Y L.U. 22211, on·AWA. ONT,_The Ne-
thai these people :lre ~igning c:lTlb :11- gotiating Conlmil1ee ha~ b«n elecled for
most as ..001'1 a~ the} are hired. Our our IIp.:omin, n... gotialions \l ilh Ihe
ntentbch arc (join!! :1 fino: job of ,pread- Th' ....... '«:.n Red C,~. F"st Aid Mu'll. Trea\ury HO;lfd. anll "e are hoping Ihal
ins Ihe good I\ord and geuing ",orlen me<h. CoUI'M ..... as offl,ed 10 ",embol,• • 1 M:riull) harg;!inin, \liII ""gin \OOn. We
~igned up. th' R,fton R~c,~ahon Cent... Shown in • arc ;timini for beller "uge\. n shorter
We h:l\e a full · time bu)iness manager sessIOn. left 10 "Sllt. a.. Tom MeCraek'n. lOIorl \lecl.. toeller shifl differential. arid
v«:l.m Oscll' Ah~ns. and Corney Wall.
for ollr local 110\1 Dan Stolc~. "'ho ha, more annual lea\e. among other hene-
been our prc:,ulent anll artinS tlll~iness filS.
manager since the rcanivaling of the Members Enjoy Rifton A, ,,( Ihi\ "'riling (Ma) ~htl. our
local in 1969. is doing an O\lhl:mding Recreation Center collecthe agreement expire:. on Jul}
job. Our office i\ now open on a full· 291h. :Ind h) law. "'e are pre\enled
time basis in AI;l t hu;l. Horid; •• for the L U• .22111, YOUG IIK ..: EI'sn:, 1'.Y. from entering negoilations prior to t"'o

, con\enience of Oan und :111 the mem-

Our l()I:al wa, "ell reprco;cnlell at the
l oeal 22111. Cenlral lI u;J)On properl}.
Pough),.eepslc. i~ happ~ 10 ,hare "ith her
~i,ter loe .. l, e\'enl, ta),.ing place at Ihe
monlh, of the expir~ dale of the pre.-cnt
I he Moncton Unit h;I' bee n aelive re-
Gr,!,,- KOOIS K:III) III AII:mtn r~'Ceml). Kiflon Kecreation Ce nl er. cently in the fielll o f puhlic relalions.
Allenllins were Dore:llha Butler. Alke We \lould likl' to e~ pl llin jll~t wh:lt The trophy for the Jun ior Shooters Tro-
Feagle. Franl.i... Noble,. Dan SIO),. ... ~. this center is anll II hat il ntcan~ to :111 ph y (age nine to 14). donated by Local
Bob I·{odge). Irnll! Davb. :lI1d Olive of u~. Fir, 1. Riflon belir, th e name in 2228 10 the Mo ntton Fish nnll Game
l-brl. They all IHlll nothing blH Good honor of it~ lo(:alion, Kif ton, New York; r rolec l i~e A ~socia tion. was presented 10

Augu1t, 1973 71
Winners Contract Signing

B,olhe. V. J. Lpndry, I~", Local 2228,

Otlaw3, Onl .. and J. A. Keeley, Sumner Com
pany rep'esentatlve. cent ... p.esent t.ophies
to w,nning $hoo te ..... (See Local 2228's leue'
I,,,,denl,llcatlon.) Pho lo by Arnold's Sl ud,o
Ltd .

Bradley MacG regor, \1110 was the 101'

~corer in hi. raicilory.
Shown in the :,erompanyin g picture.
left to right. are V. 1. L:t ndr y. rep!'e~ent­

ati\e of Loca l 22211: BfildlC)' Mac-
Gregor : 1. A. Keelc y, rcprescntUli\'e of
Sumner Company, don ors of th c Sum-
ner J unior Shooters T rophy (:tge ninc 10 Wa"en H . Sells. Cornmon(llne QU,e",
President. Local 2297, Alamed ... Calif., are s:~wn slgn,ng ..
17 yenr~): Ian I an gis, winner uf the Members o f ttle negot,.lonR le"ms. ""ndln" le /l 10 tllIlIl, ..e Wylr" Q. ';;i;:r~:::i:::
aforementiuned lI1'nrd: and (h:lr[es Pol- lor<'!m an. Public Works o..plrtmen t IPWQ): [Iearro. J OSlin. Labor. Managemen t
SpecJaliM. IR D: Robert Abreu, alKlrlclan. PWD: Granl C. Brown. local 2297
Icy. I' re,ident of th e A ~wci;rl i on. donors M,na,I': and Jack Henson, MalntenanCI Ind Utility Dlvosion Director. PWD.
of the MF :rn d G I'A Junio r Shooter~
Trophy. Appro:dmnlcly 30 youth~ p;lrtic· Work, Oep:tr,menl.
NegOlialion~ beg;ln in 1969 lind con-
Local 2330 Signs Agreem ent ;
ip:lled rn th c winler progr:mt.
Une equipc a cte clu rccemment pour tinued until November. 1\172. Forty W ork Quite Good in Area
emnmcr l e~ negocialion~ coJl eclivc~ ll\CC hours .... ere consum ed in gelling Ihe I..U. UJO, ST. JOII ,"\"S. NFI-D.-On
Ie ('on~iI 1111 ' 1 reMlr. e l 110U~ e~pCrons groundworl going. then cilme a ch:lnge Mn y 15,h. we ~ igned a lie" wage and
qlle cc ncgociations sc rOn! sC riellscs et of eomm:md, Ihen holid;l}s, :md. finally, \lorldng agr«men t .... ilh the FleCl ri c:t1
co mmenceront bicntot. ""'o us dirigeron§ negoliation, resume" :Igai n. C;;ub,celioll of the Newfoundland and
nO'> efforts vcrs un mcillcur ,:,I:lire. tine r he chief negoti:ltor in th e hcg inning I.ltbr:ldor Com,rUClion Association. com·
!>emainc de trav:lil plus COll rle, une meil- "a\ Inlermlt iomll H.eprc~ n' ;l ti ve D1.c:lr pfl!oell o f \O rn e 40 eleclrical co nlr.J.ctors
Icure prime lie po' te el des v:lc:tnres an- Gooch, .... ho P:I~..etl lIW.I Y in December. who . igned intlividlla li\ . This "as Ihe
nuel1e ~ plu ~ longues ain.i que d'autre, 1971. (li e wns worling on the conlruct "-!contl ag rl'emenl ~igned wi lh the Elec-
benefices. NOI re conve nti on ~ lermine Ie :,t Ihe time of hi~ de:tth.) We were llble tri Cll1 Subsection ~ince .... e became a pari
29 juillct 73 ella loi nous inlenlil 10 re,ume .... ork Ilg;lin. ubolll Jul y. 1972,
of the 111 1 W in April. 1971.
d'cntrer en negoci:tli ons :IV:utt le ~ d eu.~ and Ihe :.gn:ernenl wn~ co mpleted in Our fil'~t :Igreement c:,mc aOO1i1 the
moi~ qui precedenl la date lI'expirallon No\'embcr, 1r}72. The II' .)-)e:tr connael hard ":lY, after over three months on
de nOire prescntc eonvenlion. Alor" 1'1 w:" ~illned on ~l lty 2,1973. ~Iri le . AI Ihat lime, .... 1' ~ igncd for $1.55
noliticalion de negodcr ~er:1 [lre~cn tce Ie GItA/Io t C. IlItOWN, n .M. per hOllr over II Iwo-ycar period. 111 lhi),
I icr juin 1973.
L'unile tic I\1 0nclon a ~tc rccel11l11cnt
tres aCllf dans Ie C:ldre des relation ..
pllbliq ue,. Un I rophe~. don dc la ~c~'lion
Locale 2228 a I' A~,oc iatlon de Ch:mc el
I' r!che de MonCIon, fut pre~enl c iI Brad·
,.-_._----_._-- ---------- --- -
ley MacGregor qui ~'e~t IIl ~ri te Ie tilre de
meilleur tirenur d:,"" ~:, cat ego ric {9 iI ADDRESS NA Mf ............................... ............... .......................................
14 ans). Sur notre phOIO nou, pGlIvons NEW AOOUSS _.................... . ........................................ .
\oir de gauche 11 droil(:, M. V. 1. l an-
dry, re prC'iC nlanl de hi seclion Locale
2228. Br:ldle y MacGregor, M. J . A. Kce-
Ie) de la Compagnie StJlnner qui pre- Brofherl, we want you ""
-.ente Ie lrophec Stunner iI Ian I :mgi, et to have your JOUR.
M. C horles !'o lley. pr6illcIII de NAl! When you have CARD NO
I'A ~>oOC ialion Ch:I!I."C cl I' cchc. I'n\ iron a chango of addr... ,
30 jcunc.s on parlicip,: i, ce proj!.r:lmmc plea so let UI know, 010 ADDRESS
tl'hiver. Be sure to Includo your
....................... .... ................
F. H I KTlUSt), As.,.,.. IU ,1. old addre .. and pleale ............;

New Agree ment Includes

don't forget to All In
s.,,'. l ip co.;.
L, U. and Card No,
Electrical Trad e Unit This Information will IF YOU HAVE CHAH G[ O l OCAL UHI OHS
L ,U, U97. AI. /\l\lImA , CALII'.- A be helpful In chocking WE MUST HAV£ HUM BERS OF BOTH 1
Iwo'}'car "grcemcnt hct .... een thl' N:lva l and keoplng our rec-
Air Stalio n. AI:lmeda. amI 10e:11 2297 ords straight. Mail To: Circulation Department
w"s ,lglted recently. Thi, i~ Ihe llr, 1
agreemenl bclwecn Ihe parlie .. 10 rove r
Inlernational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Ihe Electrica l ·1 rade Unil in Ihe I' ubli c 1125 15th Stree~ N.W., Washington, D. C. 20005

" IIEW Journol

our !!«ond agreemcnl ..... c n:~ehed 52.00 Local 103 Retirees
per hour for the s:tme period without a
strike and. for that maller, .... i1hom 00\ -
ernment Concililllion ~r\ices. The Ne-
goti:llmg ream :Im] Commillee: are
jmtly proud of them!.ehes for doing
~u~h a fine joh.
Work in our Juri\di.:lion is quite ~ood
at prcscnt. dllhough .... c do ha\ c a fe ....
memhc:h out of .... ork In Ihe \er) near
future ..... e e\pect to h,IH' e\'e()body
.... orking. :tnd .... e rna) po-.!>ibl} bring in
\Om" tra,eh:r~ from Ihe nearh) pro\-
No.... that 'lIlIlIl1Cr i. here. man} o(
our mcmhc:r, .... ill he on the ro"d. If )'OU
arc. drhe carefully und enjoy ~our holi-
day~ .
Until nc~[ timc.
1' 11.1 u n OwmUNG. I'.S.

Boston Local 103 Retiree s

Organize Reti rees C lub
I..ll. 103 HETI]{EF.'; n .u lI. IIOS I"ON.
\IASS.- Following a leller from Inter-
n;lt;on:11 I' rc,idcnt (h:!rle, II. l'ilI"rd in
J unc. 1972. in .... hich he staled that "Ihe
mln,ition period from work }·car. to re·
lirement )C;ll"\ ,. of len accompanied lIy
fear 'In" fflJ\tratiun :' ,m" an encl~d ThIS ,e«nlly·;off'''.,ed N;Olion.' Counc:.\ of Senio, Citizens group ..enl two offl~en; ;ond lwo
.lIern.' " 10 the ,ecently held NCSC LatJ •• tallve Conle,e...:e. LeI! 10 "&hl .re £d",.,d
handbooL. (or retiremcnt program~.
ThlHsen . Vin Pres.dent. ;on(! C;op!. J. £d",;o,d Sharkey. USNR ReI Pres.dent 01 1M Retl.eeI
Loeal 10) retirees dei;ided 10 prc\cnt MeMberS Club. loc;ol 103. IS£W. receiving Charta, 01 "If.llal ..... , ....... NCSC F.ald Rep.e.
-fcar and (r"'tration." Hnl;Ollve. Ken Arvedon.
In ' o\emhtr. 1972. lhe follo .... in!! of-
fice,... .... ere elected to :,ethate the new \pread and ne.... member~ to I'C addcd h,l\"e held our Annual Banquet on June
re'iree~ dul>-Cupluin J. Fd .... ard Shar- monlhl) . 181h. clo~ing out the current ;.eu<;on.
I.e). USN R I Rei.). Pre~ident; Charlc, An informali\e and scmi-hurnorou~ .... ilh repon, h} delegatc, to 'he Na-
T hies..cn. Vke I'rc,iden!. I'd .... urd Cun- leuer h mailed monthl). There an: lion:11 Council o f Senior Citi7.tn~ in
ningh"m. Financial Secret:If)"; Io'drnond 'poI:!ll.er. from Social Securil) ,lIId retire- Wa)hin~lon. plu) the reporh of tht Po-
EngJi~h. Jcxcph Corcon'o. Fd .... ard S.... ee- ment ;lnd in\eSllnent fund, 10 L.eep us litical Commil1~-e on loe:.1 go\crnment
ne)·. JO!M:p h Va,sallo. :Ind Io'd .... ;.rd up'lo-d:lte on changes and OPfJOrt unitie~. :tchon,.
Smith. EJlecutille Board; and John I.ocal 103 officer-, bring ne .... s on .... orl. - W e H' ~ ~ou 10 help ~ourself by join-
Burkc. Scrgelll1t-at-Arm~. I'au] McGann ing cond ition,. elections. dues ch:o n t.'t~. ing tho'IC who afe no .... free of " fCliT ~OI.I
h,, ~ heen lidded to Ihe ~t afT. and Arnold ct~. In ;Iddition. impromptu lalent lelld~ fru,trll.tion:' llecome informed ~nd lend
Fisher hll' been retained liS ;ldlli~or. ,ome ge ",~ in music. and humor lind in- your nmny years of eJlpcricncc to hring
Mcetil1l.CS lire held on the third Thurs_ lere'ling movies make up Ihe agenda 10 Ii ~ ht thc actllul l1eed ~ of rctirees in
da y of ellch month. They begin wi th the In:"nllll:h ;'s only 25 per ce nl of the thi ~ !lrowing innalion lind 10 ,lIgge,1
happy (coffce) hour at 1:00 I'.M.. lind eligible retirees arc enrolled. thi, nOle i~ w:oy~ to better obl:.in resul ts.
all :Ictillity i, completed before .:1 :00 p;'rticulltrl)' geared to encourage lhclll [() C\ I'I . J . F"WA IlI) S!I~Il"IY. USNR
P.M. The receplion ;,nd el1thu,iasm t-.rill~ their .ociu] "'Ie,t lumps" 10 Iry Oul
(Rn.). Pili s.
gillcn our early pro~r;tnh h;lVe heen OLlf l1iggcr and betlcr 1973-74 '>ellson.
mcv;t iMpiril1g. ca!l~i n G the .... ord to By Ihe time you rcud thi •. we will

International Brotherhood of Ele,tri,al Workers - Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report
NUMBER ON PENSION 51.531 14,851
PENSION PAYMENTS lAST MONTH $ 2.758,718.57 $ 1,016,910.32
PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 11 MONTHS $31,044,86713 $11,877,69099
BENEfITS PAID LAST MONTH I 181.50567 $ 487,137.55
BENEfITS PAID LAST 11 MONTHS $ 1,310.623.35 $5,881.617.39

""g ut!, t9 7 3 13
lNitl1 the ladies Some Facts About Flower Arrangin g

• Ladies, it has been said that beauty as well. During the S:UllC silver vase. and f1owen. in a straw
flowers lIrc nature's gift to nlnnkind period in Italy, people began putting ballket might look riJiculous in a
and that they provide a universal hm- nowers in vases. with jUllt the headll formal setting.
guagc. The O1ol1lh of August prov~ sho\\ ing. and the afnlilgemenis had Prop..:r balance is very important
these facts. for the beautiful flo\\-cr<: a stiff app..:arance. in flo\\er arranging, so if you're un-
in ull siles, ),hapcs. alll..! colors now Around the 171h century in sure of the proper height of a bou-
growing in the p;lrks, yards of France, style), in flurill buuyuels cm- quet in proportion to the siZe of
homes, along the roadside. and even phasized the sw..:eping line)' and vast.:. remember that the high point
in the fields, do give one's spirit 11 gracefully-curving stein), of tlowers. o f 11 bouquet :.hould be approxi~
lill and convey a note of happiness. In England, it Willl wl illeli thrH IlHltcly one tlnd one-hulf times the
And there's nothing like 11 lovely "fluwers gathered bef()fe they arc height of a vertical va~e; one and
.)oucillet of !lowers to provide that too advanced retain their beauty for one-half times the d iameler of a
tinal touch to any room in a home. years." and were put 011 the In ,ultd- bowl-I) pe vase.; or aile and one-hulf
No mallcr how sp:lNcly furni .. hcd. a piece in \\inter. limes the length of a long. low con-
room immediately comes 10 life In America. early New England- winer.
with the addition 01 a beautifully· eN probably couldn', alford the In urtiel to keep AOWCTh in a fixed
arranged bOUqUl'(. lUXUry of using flowers for orna- position as you arrange them in a
\\Olllen lhrough the ages have mental purposes. for :m Fnglish vase- and to keep them secure
enjoyed making up bouquets of traveler v.ho \isited New Fngl:uuJ afterwanJ ...- phlf.:e a pin holder in
flowers for their homes. Actually, during the mid-17lh century v. rate the bottom of a llhallow valle; for
flower arranging is an art which that "herbs prospered in the New a lall vase. crumble up a piece of
date.. had. to the lillie of Confucius World- among them Ilwrygold... chicken wire and phll;c it al the.
(551-47lJ B.C.) . li e taught that real French mallowes. gillyflowCN. amI brim of the vase. securing it around
enjo~ ment e()n!>i~L' uf simplicity. and rolles.·· the brim with a thin piece of wire.
even today. few but artistically- Uut the situation was different in rhe simplest type of an aligellleill
arnlllged nowers :Irc used in Chinese Williamllburg. Virginia, where aHlu- i.. the symmetrical dellign, in which
floral armngemcnts. ent rc:.idents enjoyed u graciou~ both sides of the bouquet are simi-
Foil.lorc played an important part manner or li\ ing. and bouquet~ in lar. not nece..\Sarily in the Iype of
in C hin!.'l>C noral arrangements. Dif- lovely vases gruced the elegant Ii, ing flowers used but in general appear-
ferent flowers denoted different sea- rooms of their homes. ance. Along with the design. the
son .. (flowers were never used out According \0 articles appeHrtng shades of color anti sizes of fluv.cll>
of se a~lln ). lind pe:'lch tree brnnches in American magazines Juring the must 'llso be considered 10 add to
rcpresel1led long life; the orchid. early 19th century, placing va:.e.~ of the feeling of good balnnce. For
rert ility: the narcis~u~, wcccss. etc. cut flowers in homes had become a example, dark-colured flowe rs and
During the seventh century, a popular pructice. Also. lluggc<;t ionll mo~t large nowers should be "cpt
Japanese :.cholar l>et up rules for on caring for cut nower'S :md infor- mainly at the base of :m arrange-
floral arrangements and founded the mation on placing nower'S acwrdmg ment. so Ih:lt il docs not appear
first flower arranging school in In- 10 color and types or flowe .... for top-hea\-y.
pan. ,till in exbtence. The arrange- bouquels were also ghen in maga- To obtain depth in a bouquet.
ments were tall and elaborate. but zines. put some flowers or foliage in ,hc
by the 15th centur~, a smaller and Well. ladies. after thut thumbnail back of Ihe container so that the
simpler arrnngement e\'ol\ed ror the skelch of the spread of flower ar- arrangement will ha\e thickness as
shrine.... in the 111110111 hamel>. lJased ranging. here arc a few simple tips well as breadth. Also mix round-
on three lines- heaven (shin). for arranging your own txlu(lueti>. sh:lped nower.; with spear-shaped
eMth (tai). :md man (soc). the Fi .... l. decide where you want to one~.
prineiple~ or this three-line arrange- place your fl{)\H:rs--01l the dining LlIJies. in flower arranging. just
ment arc still used today. room table. against the wall on the usc much the same talent as you
do in selecting your clothe<; and ac~
In Europe. the people raised flow- hallway table. in the living room,
e" fur utilitarian purpo.. c.... (herbs elc. Then decide \\hm type of con- ce..sories to dress fashionably . So.
for cooking and medicines) prior to tainer would be appropriatc for the "Gather ye rosebuds whi le ye may,"
the RenaiSllance, but during that kinds :md sizes of flowers you're ru. the sa}ing goes- and many othcr
period, flowers carne into new im- u~ing. For example. wild lIowers nowers t(X)--and arrange bcautif ul
portance and were raised for their would not look right in an deg.lnt bouquets for your home.

,. IB EW J ou rnal
EWBA Death Claims Paid In May, 1973

Loca l Su r na me Am tl \l"t
Graham, It. w.. . 1,2&0.00
!.tlClI l S Llrn"m e Am oul1l L..-c:a l S o,""u nc Amount

lI a r ril, W. C. . . . 1.250.00
Stoker. J . F.... . 1,260.00
Chapm lln. W . E.
m .ek, J. II .
lI er rl n ~. L . D.
" e ns. ( 73)
I'e nt.
Pc nl.
( 73)
}.; chte r nach , M •• • 1.2ao.OO
Sco ll, L. W . ... . 1.2ao.OO
II rQoklhi r e. O . •.• 1.250 .00
Bruno, 1'\, 1.2&0.00 769 Oema r est. J . J . 972.23 I'cn$. (77) l'ht lltie. M. B. 1.2,,0.00
,, C hia r kas, {; , ... . 1.260.00 776 Dickson. W. L. 1.260.00 Penl. (77) l'ooper. E. L .... 1.2&0.00

Gig"l . P ..... . I ~"O.OO (·oTler. (;.
,, ( ;ruilno, V.
Maglio, J r .. I'. 1'.
1.260.00 g2.8
li raxberg-er. O.
Gillett, <.:. C . ...•
) Iornl. W . E . ...
l ~r,o.OO
Pen •.
\ 77)
Jl II'pler. I•. E.
\'a" lI ullc. C. E.
1.2:;0 .00
,, Spitze r , E.
Wynn. W . II . . . .
1.2:-.0.00 .16
l 'c~ I'les, O. I•....
J ohnson, B ...••.
I'enl. lJol2)
j>en~. PII,)
!'oock. E. II .
Keller. II . J .
PO\Hr,. It J , .. .
~'l,Il1e r, W II •••
1.250.110 "
Lacomb ... F •.••••
lI arria. S. B.....
I'cnl. (!lU)
I'en~. (110)
'1IInninl:". J . F . .. 1250.00
Kdlc)', A J. t .2.~0.00
11 K,emt'la. II. \ ' .. 1.2:-.0.00 !l3 ~ Stutler. T. J . 1.2;;11,110 l'ens.( 112) l.... ukeR. II . F. l.2r,o.OO
11 ,sorria. (;. W .••• 1.2i>(U!O !I69 ( ;oddllrd. O. L. 1,:::,U.ml Pens. \ 1ZI, l .onJI~y, (', J. I':!;';O.OO
11 Sill ley. A. II . . .. 1.250.00 !,!l!i nlUbug. C M . 1.2511.00 Pens. (I:!;;) Cody. W. \' . 12:.0.00
11 I.intlatrum. t:. t:. 1,250.()0 10:;:; 1i0Lll:h. t·. 1.2&0.00 I' ~III. \ I:!;;, FllbH. II . 1,:!,w.00
(; roton, E. T. IiraLler, <.:. C. i.et'per. II . W.
II cnd rick~on. It.
Darne ll , It. II.
jo·oj.."J!'. \\' .
SILlsser. J. G.
I'"n'. (1:![i)
I'enl. (12(,)
1'enl. \ 121;)
McAllister. J .
Mc{'ool, II.
lI (llt, W ( ;,
"" n. ('.
1,260.00 I:!O~ lI odge. J . C.
O.lIe)', K. Y .
I ,~r.o.oo
1'e nl. ( 131)
Pens. (13 1)
W hlt nc)'. N. J . . . 1.2:;0.00

Uren"" •. 1.250.00 1231 Il uhter, T. J . . . .

" " ilnuld, F. C

lI"rtliuloll1/!w, I•.
ero\"!'., W. S ... .
.. 1,2!i0.OO
1 ,~l)O.OO
I:! I!!
Kinne )'.
lI ercbe. It,
1( . II.
I'e nl. ( 13·1)
l'e n8. ( 13 1)
I'ens. (13 ~ )
\);1101), A. E ••.• 1.2;;0.00
Urucker. C. 1' . ••. 1.2,,0.00
1I01:"an. F. A .... . 1.250.00
.e..... .
A llen. It
Sauer. E. A.
!'ease, Ii" n .
1 ,~f>O.OO
Drake. L.
\\'ing le. J r., O. W.
Shephe r d. T. O.
Pens. (13 ~ )
Pcns. (13 1)
Pens. (13 1)
1I0\m, II . It . . ..
J aJlII:I.·, E. A.
Kau(mon. I I. G .
16 T henen. II . W. 1 .~z;o.OO H 2a ( ·(lok . F .... 1 ,2~I.OO I'ens. (l3~ ) I.ub)·. It. B. 1.250.1111
Pens. (13~)
J)clapp, ( ', U. . . .
Gon. It t;. . .. .
''-I('mm,nl:. n . . . .
l .zr.o.OO
H 32
Il eau. F.
Toil-one n. J . E.
T II ..... nund. I•• E.
I'rns. (J:I ~ ,
I'cn •. ( 134 )
) If'yer. 1'.
Myrrs. J.
Ub..·rmiller, G.
81 Shottl>. J . C •.••• 1.21iO.OO 171111 Kfunki . F. 1,2r.o.OO I'en •. (13') ~ ontaKue. J. ',66.1;11
,." n edd. J. T ..... .
(I'Du, J. M . . ..
1,2:.0.00 "'"
1.0. C1 /
Larry. E. A.
lIodamer. L. W.
I'f'n •. (l3 ~ )
l'eHl. (131)
n ubty. {;.
Ilou~e. D. N.
Schuen.. l:.
i) eRoll'. J . C, ., .
IO\lmmrl. f' . •', ..
M.ttr\lllo, II . M ,
1.0. (H)
I .O.III ~ )
1.0. (1 421
E r ichon. W...•.
Furr. :'01.
Perkin •. T. W.. . .
I'en •. \ 1 3 ~ )
Pens. 113 ~ I
' ·ick. (;. D.
\\' u<t('ki. J . A .
'00 AU.rd, X . 0, 1,!!5(l.00 1.0.13221 :lleadr . •' W. '" 1.2:.0.00 l'rHl. (143) r.! C{;M. D. K . 12:;0.00
112 Jonn, G. I). I.Z:.o.OO 1.0. (3. 8) lI i1l, L . II ...... . 1.2r.o.00 I'enl. (163) W ilden. R. T. 121iO.OIl
'16 W.jo:nl'r. C. A. I.Z:;O.OO 1.0. (ollIS I Gile., Ii. .\1 ••.•.. I.Z50.00 Pens. (1&0 FRllon. C. 1.260.00
124 lIas., A. I., I .Z50.00 1.0. Ca!!;,) WutCtltt. ).. J . 1250,(10 Pens. ( 1751 Andrrson. t '. B. 1260.00
125 I.\lb.ch. A , .;. 1.2:>0.00 1.0. (l2~5) }.·it:r.llimmon •. K . 12r.o.oo !'ens. (19 11 t·.nkhauur. C. 1.2::;0,00
125 n .londe. E. A. I .Z[,o.OO 1.0. (1009) ll .e .·.. I.ne. C. I ... 12r.(I,QO I'enl. (196) Peterson. K. E . .. 1.2'>(I.(MI
Pffquet. J r., t·. C. )I orrell. J . J .
''"34 ('u ll erton. W. J .
Grunk.. t:. t ..
I ,!!SO.OD
Pen •. ( I )
P el\!. ( I )
Pel\!. (I)
Xif'h.u •• G . P .
&(ltt. }.' . O. ...
l,2Ml 00
Pens. (209)
I'ens. (2 10)
I'fns.12 101
IIUlChei. II . M .
J enllO n . J . W.
:'ol c ll.le. R. L .... I .Z'>O.OO
' 34 I\ o ...·.le zyk. W. J . 1,250.00 P en-. ( I ) T idllo·ell. W . ;\I . 1,2;.0.00 Penl. (Z IO) T h.elking. W ..•. 1,2~O.OO
'34 Mandf l kf'. Jr., M. 1.250.00 Pf'I\!. (2) Uerj!'e r. t:. A . l .2r.o.oo Pens. (2 12) Obe r , J . A . I.Z;;O.OO
I'riubf'. It J . Bun. Sr .. C , A. 1,2:;0.00 I'enl. (Z I 3) StllomRn, E. R.
' 34
W. l1 acf'. X. E.
Winl. T . fo·.
Pen •. (31
Pen~. (3)
Ch r istilln. G. J .
('orrig-an, M . J.
I'ena. {2 101 I
I'e ns. {21 ~ 1
ll enll nJ[lon. J.
W.. ber. R. J .
1,2•• 0.00
13G Smit h, J . '1', 833 ..!U I)e n ~.(3) Kleiman • •:. I. .. . 1.::;;0.00 l'e n ~.(2UI C.II. C. ('. 12&0.00
<:~imer, t:. A. I'el\!. (3) X iel.en . F. B. . . . l.:!liO.oo I'c nl. (2' li) Sweet. M. I.Z50.00
18 '
f).,·iuon. II. n.
Ad lh ock . G. J .
Pen •. (:I)
Pens. (5)
Si l\'(: r a . •:. . ... .
G rar. W . C.
1.260 .00
I'e nft.
Pen •.
II lIrtne t t. J . L. 1.2&0.00
J cnn il1 lfl!. F . II . ,. 1.250.00
'01 Si mpson, ]) .11 . 1,260.00 P ens. (Ii ) GUllrdlno. P . C. 1.2(;0,00 I'e nl. (269) It eld. W . M 1.2,,0.00
193 I.n\'c kam p. t:. J . 1,260,00 Pens. (6) KrHust'. H . F . 1.2(;0,00 l'e n •. 12!l2) lI a nlen. C. , .... 1.2,,0.00
200 II l1rt ~e ll . G. I., 1.260.00 Pc n•. (Ii) l'~ n~)·1. II . H. 1.2;,0.00 PI''''' (292) St("'enl. Il . F . 1.2;",0.00
280 Pll rr , f'. I •. '., 1.2liO.00 Peno. (ii) Taczno~k )', r. .:. 1.2;,0.00 l'en$,12!l1i) I' hill h". J . F .... 1.2,,0.00
:!!Iii Ghent. II . t ·, .. , •• 1,250.00 I'en~. (1'1) l) unninKll n. II. C. 1.2l'iO.00 I'elll. (2!1&) WAltht'r. W . A. 1,250.00
2(15 Adsir, G. W. 1.250.00 I'"n~. (6) <;rab. l l. J . 1,2;.0.00 I'~nl. (30Z) (·Jark. J . E. 1,250.00
309 (; roE' ll er. J. F, 1,2r.<1.00 I'" n~. (Ii) Lane. C. F. . .. 1.250.00 I'enl. (302) Condu. n. D. I ~"O.OO
322 Schou, W E. 1.2M.00 Pens. (6) Itomiek. C. II . 1.250 .00 I'Cnl. (30 ~ ) J Ul t u,. It. 12;',0.00
3~ 1 ('o Il', W M I .Zr.o.OO Pen •. (61 Solllri. A . L . I .Z50.00 !'enl. (3 11) I n·in. F W. 1.2;,0.00
332 ]) u nelln. W M . 1.250.00 Pens. (9) B ir min,i:h.m. W. 1.250.110 Pens. (3321 t;rn~IL (;. E. 1,2:10,00
I'e ns. ( II ) 11,,11. J. G. I'enl. (349) ElerhArt. J . O ... 1.2.,0.00
3 10
('tllfin, W. A.
~o8rel. J. Il .
Cllrr. A . Il.
I .Z50.oo
I'cnl.(I I )
Pen5. (I I )
Fill('hf'r. W .
J"nt •. II. F.
penl. 1;t~91
I'cn •. (3;,0)
Kell)·. n, O.
JAileR. p. (;.
353 J ohn'lln. G. B. I .Z:;O.oo PenR. (I I I II . f'.
r.l orri~. 1.2:-,(1,00 I'enl. (353) Northe)·. n ..... . 1.2:.0.00
3';;3 X"ble. W G. 1.250.00 Pen~. (Ill !'ien-e. (' .K I.Z"O.(Hl Penl. (353) \\'inin • . J . I.Z50.OCI
377 I'en"'-' 10 A , 1,2;;0.00 Pens. (II) H. ndle. }.' . S. 1.2;,0.00 I't n •. (357) Gilliand. A J .... I.Z:;O.OO
3R2 P hillip., t·. C. 1.2;;0.00 Pens. (16) Uoultin,i:hous, J. I ,Z"O.OO Pens. 131;9) .:ckJc~, J. fo' •••. 1.2:;0,110
3117 Scott. E. F 1.2;.0.00 Pens. (III) <'hOllte. I: B. 1.2:;11.00 !'eHl.13fi9) W olf. t· W l .2iiO.11I1
42 . ~icholaon. It. 0 . I ~r,o.oo P en •. (III) n iehl. H. D. 1.2511.00 I'en •. (373) SchlitTer. C;. 1.250.00
" i!l Middlebrook. J . 1.2,,0.00 Pf'ns. (IS) II l1le~. C. 1.250,00 I'en •. (3116) Kenn ..d)·, f'. It ... 1.2;;O.IM)
MUcoe, A 1.2;;000 penl. (300)
I\ ittle. J. V.
Marion. II. I..
Pen •. (1111
PenJ. (261
I'inu. A. J.
D\"Ornk. C. W.
I'orter. E. S.
l'eM. (3001
I'~n •. (397)
I'eu. (397)
Che ..... T, F.
1) ~lIn. J I..
J Athon. II . U.
5&8 Andeuo n . G. W. 1,2MI.00 Pe ns. (271 Ru.... lI. C. I.lnllln. \ '. A. I.Z50.OO
(,;';8 l.nke, K . L. 714 29 Pe n,. (3!l) II llticki. I. 1.2r,II,00 l'e n s.( " O ~ ) !.('ICItO. A. ~ 1 6.6f,
1>68 Deaj Ardi n •• N. , •• 1.2:,0.00 l'eM. (161 lI..rtman. J . L. l .2r,O,oo l'e nl.(409) M (' ~:hchern. A, .. 1.250.00
fi7 0 (· rlln e . It . L. 1.250.00 Pens. (47) I '~'k~, C. (; . \,26000 I' rnl. (420 ) AIIRt!n. t '. W ...• 12S0.00
584 lI Rnle~ t )'. J . V. . . 1.2,"10.00 Pc ns. (60 ) \\ ibon. O. A... 1,2i.o.00 Pe n •. ( 4Z1) ~I unill n . G. M . . , 1 .2.~O.OO
1i90 ],ind$C)·. t·. A ... . 1,250.00 !'cnl. (1) 1) Berr)', F . C. I.:mo.oo I'~ n ~. ( . 2!1) .·ortn~r. T . f •... • 1.2,,0.00
61 7 It ie b. (' . A. I.:mo.oo Pe n •. (f>71 I.ot~. P . E . 1,250.00 Penl. ((53) ~I rrcrr, i\1. L .. .. 1.2.; 0.00
,;n f' l in ~ . It. M , .• 1.250 .00 Pen ll. (r,lI) Ihr ton . I) . Z. 1.250.00 Pens. ( 4111 ) lI u~ t " n . P . 1.200.00
Penl, (4 115)
(, 8 4
lI end ~r ~o n . t. (:.
\·i8e. II . I. . . . . . .
IIrll ",l c ll~. T . ( : .
('hll frin, II. M•••
I .::mo.oo
625 ,00
1,2liO .00
1.2!i O,OO
"ens. (60 )
Pcn s. (tW)
" cn ~. (66 )
Pe nl. ( 68)
Ell iott. R. O.
Funk e. II . O.
Gru bbs. J . II.
DII,lfgett, ('.
I .:mo.oo
I ,Z50 .oo
1.260 .00
l'en 8. ( 474 )
Pen s. ( ~741
1'eM. ( 47 9)
1)"l y, I.. It .
CO III'R KC. C • • '.
J)" m<, worth, II. C. 1,260 .00
Vel \. W. T. 1,250.00
700 Foli, A. 1,250.00 Pe ns. (68) Mill s , C . II . 1,2M.OO Pcn s. (48 1) Mo"n t , It. 1.250 .00

Augu,l. 1973
EWBA Death Claims Paid In May. 1973
1.oul Su rn ame ,\ mount Loca l SUrnaml" ,\ muunt Loca l S uroUlm e Amount
Pcn •. (~1I3)
Pen •. (494 I
l..e .... i!. B.
Pens. (7 16)
Pen,. (716)
I'ens. {'i16/
Lineback. F.
Will,llms, II >I.
\\',mbed)'. J ~1.
a. 1.2;;0.00
( 12(0)
t 12~llJ
('1" ....11011.
"dlr, W D.
Freeman. C. G.
S. F. 1.2,')0.00
Pens. (49 t ) I'opper, F. J . 1.250.00 Pens. (723) 11 1111. 1.2,,0.00 Pens. Il:WJj Slewllrl, t:. E. 1,25(1.0(1
Pen •. (4!1t 1
Penl. (li01)
Schmidt. t:. W.
lIe in<'(:kt'. C. A.
!'ens. (725)
l'en8. (72111
\\" Sl',
"J. J. II.
t 133!!)
Scll .... llb.
t:. J.
J ,2:,0.00
Penl. (&16] W oltz. II. J. 1.2;;0,00 Pens. \ 733) Bro)'le~. J ~1. L.2:>0.00 Penl. (L:U(J) '\lorri~CI1('.
E. 1,250.0U
Pcns. (flI7) :\laddie. R. '\1. 1.2511.0U Pen~. \ ,33) Th"mp~on. A. n, I.~.')O.OO Pens. (1317 I ,\I..,rg>ln. II. B. 1.250.00
Pens. 1;)2.) Pruitt. G. J.
,'. 1.2,,0.1111
Pens. ,73~ I Young. J T.
, ~3.32
!'eno. 1 13~.21 ~l lIrqui~~. L.. C. t.~.~n.l)I)
Pens. 15&'1)
Pt'nl. 1(67)
PeRI. ci.6!:1)
"armer. J.
UutC'hin~. A. W
Surpl"1!nanl. A
I'tn~. \ ,3;; I
l'('n5. (,at;)
I'en~. \ ,liO)
P"n..,n •. ~. i' .
Connelly. ( .
"• 1.2;;0.00
I'enl. I 13~IZI O,"·ald. F.
P~ns. (l:!~:!) 1l000a. W .C.
Penl. , U2,;, Ch,,"·ninlt. P.. D.
I'cnl. ,ot;9) McC.nn. P. I.~."U.OI) J'ens. , 760 I lIal,·omb. (' 102;)(1.00 P"n~.115~71 !'<"hlolt. D R. 1,2;,.(),hO
Pen'. «,,3)
PeRI. 151011)
W,n<.'gar. a L.
Laroche. A.
" lo2',U.I~j
Pen •. (.fiJI
I'('n~. \ 7731
I.ut" •. J f
W.llaee. It.
P('n~. lilil I, 'tt·en". W W.
I'en •. 'I!I~~' R~lI"i~lcr. C. C.
I'enl. (5!'~) IIro .... nlee. \\'. 1,2.'t().O() Pen". ,776, Turkil. II. 1.:!;)0.00 I'cn~. (1.0.) .·~nnell}". I •. A. 1.2:011.11(1
Pens. (';9;;) Dutra. A. R. 1..!!:,U.(~j Pcn •. f 7,9) W~"ks. J. R. 1,2;;0.00 Pens. ,1.(1.1 Babcock. J R. 1.2:)l1.l1'O
Pen •. (ii!i';) (Ouddal. F W. 1.2.~0.1~) PeU. (781) Aim...·. t:. T. 1,2;;0.00 Pen •. ,1.0.) lIf'Ckcr. F 1.2'~!.O1l
PI'RI.II}!i51 lIanson. C. F 1,2:;0.00 Pens. I ,~2) l'nderwuod. II E. 1.250.00 I'''n~. ( ioU., ""rry. W J. 1,2:,O.lM)
PenJ. (59;;)
I '~nl. (59ii)
I'~n •. (:;!I!jj
I' en$. (60£))
I!ichmond. W. f;.
T humson. E. J.
Dunn. C'. J.
('uran. T. {'.
Pen~. (811;)
P~ns. (817)
Pens. (818)
I'ens. (11351
~Inlin. D. f<.
)I ~)lurru,,·. F
\l ooker. ,. ".
I\illehr<· ..·. II. I..
Pen •. 41,0.)
P"ns. /1.0.1
Pens. t 1.0.)
Pens. ( 1.0.)
Craig. W. E.
t;,Ii.on. A.
r~d~,r. J.
Goldenberj:". II.
Pen •. (t;ll) .'o,eKin~lry. T. O. 1,2~O.OO Penl. (1)36) Legac}·. t:. I.. 1.2£)0.00
Pen~. (I.n.) \llIrr,s. C. E. 102;;0.00
Peu. (4i 1l;) .'o'urrish. G. D. W.
1.:!50.00 Pcn$. Ill;';') n" m~e)·. 1.250.00
I'~n •. (f,31 J .'o'unda)·. J. ~: . 1.2.'>0.00 !Jcns. \ 858) naunell. I.. 1.:!50.00 I'enl. ( 1.0.) IIl1nh. f.. (;. 1.2.iO.HII
l' eM.{finl l..(>malC. P. D. 1.2!'oO.OO Pens. (861 1 (:srdner. II. J 1.250.00 Pens. (I.()., Jillwkins. L. G. .. 1.250.no
P~n •. ("~O) Chambers. R. A. 1.2&0.00 Pens. (81;7) J... ub. C I.. 1.250.00 Pens. ( 1.0.1 J lnel. t:. B. . .... 1.:!£)O.\tII
Pen •. (6~51 lI opper. G. B. 1,250.00 Pens. (&ljl I HI~land. T. W. 1.:!£)0.00 Pens. (1.0.) Kolb...rg. I.. 1.2,,0.1)0
I'cnl. ,6:'1) H ught'S. S. ) .:!.')O.OO Pens. 18891 Wuson. !-;. 1<. 1.250.00 Pens. ( 1.0.1 ~"lnH. T. C. 1.2',o.1'Jt)
""ns. ("53) Elzea. J. L. 1.2',O.lM) I' ens. (8n) Hu ntle)·. II. 1.2;;0.00 P en~. (1.0.) CluRrlllroli. D. ... 1.2:iO.OO
I'enl. \ 65-1 1
I'ens. (659)
Brl·anl. B.
Fairall. C.
I'ens. (902)
I'enl. (!l3~)
Cootrr. D. B.
" A. T. 1.2;'0.00
Pens. ( 1.0.) Ith..,d('s. A. a .. 1.250.00
Pens. ( 1.0.) ROll"ers. R. l 1.2M.00
Pens. (659) Lucero. II . L. 1.250.00 Pens. (93~) Jaeks<ln. gr .. r. E. 1.2:'0.00 Pens. (1.0.1 Root. J. F'. 1.250.00
Pens. (66;",) Itice. L. II. 1.2r,O.00 I'cns. (9~ 81 lI ood. A. F. 1.250.00
" eM. (6 74 ) Lockhart. It. C. 1.250.00 I'.. ns. (9·19) .\l o;o(ncl. G. Pens. ( 1.0.) !'ehndder. J . E ••• 1.2:;0.00
" eM. ( 696) Fllrney, C. II. 1.2;;0.1)() I'e" s. (949) Smith. II.
l )u\"~Il, I..
... 1.~.50.oo
Pen •.
Pen •.
Scullen. J. I..
\'ancolt, A. P..
Pc",. (6~17) lIan·cy. I'. "I. 1.:!fJO.lWl l'l·n 3. (91i3) 1.250.00
I'cM. (700) lI "rn. O. It. 1.250.00 Pens. (9;'3) gecor. g. ~:. fjf!4.48 I'en~. ( 1.0.1 Wd)lH. I.. 1.2:;0.00
PenH. (702) lIimmcl. A. E. 1.ZfJO.OO l'e,,~. I!t.')3 ) W rkg~. A. 1.250.00 I'en a. ( 1.0. ) Woodward. G. II. 1.250.00
I' en$. (702) Jack~on . 1\. 1.250.00 Pen •. 19531 Zlltnb r~Il!H''', ~:. 1.250.00 Pcn~. ( 1.0, ) Wren. J. II. 1.2.;0.00
I'en~. (708) Fell ows. II. I) . 1.250.00 1'<'''8. (9631 M cFdrl~nd. E. 1.2:;0.00
I' en!. (71~) Haire . I). B. 1.2~0.0Il I'e n~. (97 2 ) ("alliR. J. ~:. 1.2:;0.00
I'en~. (713) Sas~. T. 1.21i0.OIJ l'e n~.199:;) ~I arq u eue. I.. 1.2;'0.00 TOTAl. I'AnlE:O;TS $491'> .991.71
I'eu. (7 1f;) Calhoun. A. >I. 1.2;;0.00 Pens. (1061) Shele~. t;. C. 1.2;;0.00

In memORIam J . C. 1·"lIl' p , und. L .U. 6 ] 3 J ;IIIW" L. S ;Jtto. 1..1 1. 12 1a

J . II . Atilt!. I..IT. 18 G.'or):,'· G. Lill lhw r. LX. 110
/J ,~J .II., 6. "71 /),~J M .y 1-. 19~j O,~J J ~.u 6. "71 D,~J .II.., II. J'~I

Pau l A. Bre nn an. Lt'. (8 1111S::0 W . Paul!;On, Ll1. 110 1.0\{·1I FOl' le r. I.X. 713 lI .. rlltHu 11 . Kon K. I_ t". 1260
0 ,,,,1 .11 ., ~J. I"~' /), ~J .II., 16. ,,~, f) ,~J ,II .~. 19~J 1) •• 01 J~ .. ~ 4. 19~j

;l1a.u ,\ . Cox, 1_ (". 18 E.. Ft'nll ..d . Jr .• LX. 130 Stlt'ku S mith. Ll". 713 J o,..,·ph ('o,; la. LX. 1 ~,O:;
/) ,~J .II.,. ,,-, o.~J )1., la. ,,-, '),~" ,II ... I'~J I),~J 1/" 16. ,,-,

lI arry C. lI amillon. LL 18 E. II. Ihorach('k, Ll". 309 Kenllf'lh U. HrQllnllt'y. L.l' . 738 lI .. nn· A. Frech t'li t'. L.l". 150;;
'),~J.II" 1]. ,,~, 0.~01 I~ .. ~ 16. 10-,
v .~" I ...... 1. 19~J 0,<,4 I~ .. " 11. ,,-,
P au l )I orris. I ~ l". 18 ) l l'rrill G. I",'''' is, LX. 309
/)#,1 A,.d J'. "~J /), ~01 I .. ,,~ III. 1"- 1 Tobia .. Fleeman. I_ l '. 1111
I),~J J ~ " .. 6. 19~j
J ohn )1. Kl'lIey. L. I '.
O,~J .41., II. IP71
I ~,O;;

.\Illon J. I'i n;o;a. I.. l ' . 18 Lo u i" S chwinn. 1..1 '. 309
/J,.. J ,\I., /0. 19-j O, ~J "'''' 10. '''~J Lo yce 11. John>,o n , L.C. 111I Janlt's W. Xe wm an. 1.. 1'. 1:;05
I),~J .41 .7 14. 19~ 1 /) ,~J I ." •• III. 197 j
Carl E. Ekman. I.X. 22 J a m "" I.. Ihrs::e. L.l' . :.I.'3
(J,~J.II .,. 9. "~J l),~J I~,,~ II. 19-'
S h ' I,h"11 F. lIach . L. l ' . 121;; J O$l' IIh ) 1. I..t".
1(~· ;IIl . I ~O';

Dale CII II (' n , Ll". 3 1 \ 'i nCf' llI C. l. aH·nde r. L.t". 3;;3 /),~J M., 11. "~1 I)"J .II., 21.19-)
1).",1 .II., ,. "~1 l)uJ .u., H. 19~J
GL·orS::t· '1. "arl.". I_ l ' . 121;; J ohn Har ber. L t!. 111:,9
Hichard C. BTI·nner. LX. II John Curl.,y. L.I '. 165 I),~J .u.,. 4. /971 1) ..4 ~' .7. 1'~1
1).,,1 A,.,,/ /0. I'~J O,~J .I/ •• ~~ la. "~J
I.a"rt'nct' II. P ay. L.t.:. 121;) Ju lius [) o..-jOl as. L.1 '. 18 :;9
Andr;' w If. Hlldac k , LX.-Il 1), ..,1 .Il ." ~ 10. 1971 1),,4 A,. ..lll. 1971
D ,~J "'.,. 19~'
JU!>{'llh I(;tllo. L.t'. 121;; John Gall;'}l!her. 1..1'. 18 ';9
Hohe r l O. mln.,y , L.lr. i6
D,~J .II.,.. 10 71 Jl'Irrt' ~' II. \Ioran . L.L'.
I), td A~'" F. 1071
16;; /), ~J M ... /1. 1971 /),.,1 ,1/" -. "7 J
liomer l' r Y<lr. L.1I. 86 Arthur EU S::"lIe lI is::ht. L.l' . 613 W" rn'n I). i{('no. L.L'. 1215 Anna Ko'arik. L.l". 18;;9
O"J M . y. I'" 0; .,1 "'., H. I'17J I), ~J 1."U'7 n. 1'J1I D"d A p ,,1. 1,7J

J08f' llh G. l{ive1. LX. 11 0 lIoh,,!'\ II. :\1i11,·r. LX. 613 I1 nruld ,\ . I1O"t'nlhlll, L.U. 12 15 Bonnie Walt s, LIJ. ] 859
O;~J M .y U. ,,]J /),;·01 )",,,. 16. ' ';J 0; 0,1 M oy I. 1971 0 ..,1 M .y ,. 19 71

IBEW Jou tnol

Work Yankee Trade r Soon, the day will come.
Work- no t a very pleasant word, When you will be content
Whell I need to sell ,
And yet a challenge to anyone His voice is sad and ~ I ow ; Just 10 sil and bas k
Interested in the man ly al1 of In the sun .
Cou rse. right now.
r . Myrtl. Llsk Olt..- I
earning a living. The price is k inda low. WII. 0 1 reli,.. Cha tlu E. Dill.t
The job may not be easy, and if His voice is sad and slow, Loca l 1170
K... .ny. N ew J .... y
it we re, When I need 10 bu y:
You wouldn't have it ; anyone Course, right then,
could do it. The pricc is kind a high . On Ca ll
The day's work consists of havi ng r,ank O.... n
Loca l 660 'Tis the week of trouble,
the strength Wa t. rbury. Conne cticu t
To e ndure whatever mi ght pop up. And he"r the tlIan groan ;
Ple nt y of fonitud e, ambit ion , To a Retiree It's gct up al midnight
d etermination. understanding, And answer the phone!
What C:1II I write that hasn't Limbs falling o n lines,
and resourcefulness:
Becn said before? Knock ing out power;
ever a " Let the ot her fellow do
Only that I lovc you Gotta get going
it" altitude.
A whole lot more. And make ,mother hour.
As Ih;1\ neve r did fini .. h a job.
You h;l\c always been Bac k home al 3:00 A.M .,
As we all know. we get o ut of life
Kind and good, Pull off the boolS
jusl what we put into it;
Carrying burdens Hop back in bed
What n wo nderful feeling at the
Greater than you sho uld . For" little snooze.
end of the day
Compi;tining is somet hing you have Up agai n al 4:00.
To know th:1t we have done our
never do ne. Jump into your clolhes,
besl for h um:mity .
And now thaI the race is "Imost Gel the Iruck running:
For oneself, a feeling of sat isfact io n
or knowing Ih.1I the job was well I trust you r retirement will be
Some car hit a pole.
done. Home once mo re at 7:00,
The beginning o f a life of fun . I)u l coffee on to perk;
Carl J. Gem.lnh a rdl
LOCiI 1361 Fun in catching the fish Ala~. Ihe alarm goes ofT ;
Chlc.go Thai do nOI like your lures, I t'~ li mc to get up and go to work.
Perhaps beca use Ihcy know Jea n Dalton
You're patient and have ple nt y WII. o f J e ff Dalton
Loc.1 2291
Vou Ca n Help Too mo re. J . ffe,s on, G'O'II ..

The street-light crew is o n the go;

Busy men thcy ;ITC, you know.
Thcy keep the Itghts clean and new
T o keep the streets safe fo r me
and you.
You tcnc h your kids and teach
them right :
Do n't let them shoot out those
Who knows who might be lurking
On nights filled with d:lrlo. and
gloomy ai r?
Help those men kee p the streCl
lights bright :
II mighl be your child s,lved
Frollllhc unknown darkness o f
GlIlI A. Farl.y
Wil. of Tomle G. '., I.y
Lou' 11
O.l rolt
u.. p........ point nee,..' .... wound.
between heart and wound

Front of ear (opening in I kuU)

Hollow IPGt In jew bone
a . ....n neck muacle end windpipe
Behind collllr boM clo.. to neck
Hands braodllt _ ' rom ormpll
JU I I _ . Ibow (_ muocl.,
Groin _ _ leg and palvts join
J ust _ va wrls' (puIM polnl,
Ha nell brNctth down from crotch
Each anger lolnl
a ehlnd leg jUl t above knee Joint
a ehlnd ankle (under heavy muacle)
Each .... Iolnl

POINTS-The same on both sides of body

Tourniquot is to be used only
In extreme bleeding or as a last resort


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