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1)How to solve the ABHFL PDD UPLOAD ISSUES???

ISSUES : WHILE Uploading the ABHFL PDD UPLOAD excel sheet the user face the issues such as


2)disbursement date

3) Product

4)customer name

5)Data fill by the User upto the For ex:37 Rows but while uploading in ABHFL PDD UPLOAD he is getting only one
Row get upoad remaining 36 Rows are not seen in Tab.


Ask the user to share the excel sheet and screenshot with you which he want to upload and screen shot for us to
get better understand for all 4 above issues regarding.


At our end, check the Template is old or new. If itis old then told the user to Download new template. If it is new
and showing red box error then follow the below steps.

2)Disbursement Date

At our end, we have to check from Backend(Database) by taking the server

At this IP, there are two database ABFL and ABHFL. Right click onit ABHFL and select new query.

write the script, select lab_no, customer_name, disbursement_date,Product * from tablename where lan='', after
executing it you can see the data according to the lan no.

Crosscheck the disbursement_date column to the excel sheet and database, if it is not getting matched then tell
the user that you entering the wrong disbursement date at the E-mail and tell to user according this LAN these
disbursement date should be there.

If the disbursement_date is correct but itis showing(blank) in Tab at disbursement_date column after uploading,
then there is date format issues.


At our end, we have to check from Backend(Database) by taking the server

At this IP, there are two database ABFL and ABHFL. Right click onit ABHFL and select new query.

write the script, select lab_no, customer_name, disbursement_date,Product * from tablename where lan='', after
executing it you can see the data according to the lan no.
Crosscheck the Product column to the excel sheet and database, if it is not getting matched then tell the user that
you entering the wrong Product at the E-mail and tell to user according to this LAN these Product should be there.

4)Customer name(upper and lower case matter init)

At our end, we have to check from Backend(Database) by taking the server

At this IP, there are two database ABFL and ABHFL. Right click onit ABHFL and select new query.

write the script, select lab_no, customer_name, disbursement_date,Product * from tablename where lan='', after
executing it you can see the data according to the lan no.

Crosscheck the Customer_name column to the excel sheet and database,

If it is correct then see whether at Backend(Database), there is any space(one or two) between the custome, if it is
then tell the user that in excel sheet there is one space and Backend(Database) itis showing two space.

For Ex:

1) Excel sheet (sonu kumar) one space is there between sonu and kumar but in Database itis showing two space
between (son kumar)then tell the user put two space between the name.

2)Excel sheet (Mr. sonu kumar) or (neeraj Kumar) but in Database itis showing(sonu kumar) or (neeraj k) only,
then tell to user( Mr. or kumar) is not there so don't put (Mr. or kumar) in excel sheet.

If it is not correct then see whether at Backend(Database), the customer name is matching or NOT. Not matching
tell the user you had put wrong customer name and provide the Right one through E-mail.

5)Data fill by the User upto the For ex:37 Rows but while uploading in ABHFL PDD UPLOAD he is getting only one
Row get upoad remaining 36 Rows are not seen in Tab.

At this time, ask the user that you have given boundary to the excel sheet upto Linklan7 column, if itis given then
OK and if itis not then tell the user to give the boundary and also tell the user to delete the remaining rows and
columns which are not used after the Linklan7 column.

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