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S.Y. 2019-2020 /40
Music 10

Section:__________ Teacher: Mr. Antonio O. Floresta Jr. Parent’s Signature: ______________

I. A. Write the letter of the space provided whether the statement refers to Debussy or
_________________1. French movement developed by painters who tried to capture their “first
impressionism” of a subject through the use of light and day
_________________2. Wrote the “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun“
_________________3. His most famous work, “Bolero” used Spanish rhythm
_________________4. Trained at the Paris Conservatoire
_________________5. Wrote no symphonies or church work
_________________6. Greatly influenced by the music of the new world
_________________7. Wrote “Song of Madagascar”
_________________8. Many of his piano piece demonstrated an interest in non-Western Scale
and instruments
_________________9. Wrote the Suite bergamasque- including “Clair de lune”
_________________10. Established French song as a national art form independent of the German

B. 11-15. Enumerate what is being asked using the graphic organizer.

Elements of music


II.16-30. Draw your favorite musical symbols inside the box that describe your personality and
explain your answer in 5 sentences on the spaces provided.


Criteria Content /7 Creativity /8 Total /15

III. 31-40. Give your reaction regarding the quote, “Without organization, music would be an
amorphous mass, as unintelligible as an essay without punctuation or as a
conversation which leaps from one subject to another.” by Arnold Schoenberg, an
Austrian composer in 5 sentences. (10pts.)

Criteria Content /5 Relevance /5 Total /10


S.Y. 2019-2020
Art 10

Section:__________ Teacher: Mr. Antonio O. Floresta Jr. Parent’s Signature: ______________
I. A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

______1. Style of art that stresses abstract structure which depicts in geometric forms
A. cubism C. impressionism
B. surrealism D. abstract expressionism
______2. Uses the spots of color that shows on how color and images change with the movement
of light and day
A. surrealism C. impressionism
B. op art D. expressionism
______3. Practice of producing fantastic images and unconscious thoughts and dreams
A. impressionism C. surrealism
B. expressionism D. abstract expressionism
______4. One of the paintings that is characterized as “Non-representative”
A. op art C. abstract expressionism
B. impressionism D. surrealism
_______5. Used optical illusions to create an impressionism of movement, hidden images and swelling
A. abstract expressionism C. surrealism
B. impressionism D. Dadaism
_______6. Refers to the literary and artistic movement in Switzerland that arose as a reaction to the World
War I
A. dadaism C. cubism
B. surrealism D. op art
_______7. Founder and most productive practitioner of the French impressionist movement
A. Claude Monet C. Pablo Picasso
B. Vincent Van Gogh D. Paul Cezanne
______8. Artist known for his famous artwork the “Starry Night”
A. Edouard Manet C. Vincent Van Gogh
B. Edvard Munch D. Pablo Picasso
______9. Psychologist who stated that dreams are our subconscious way of dealing with personal issues
and realities
A. Albert Einstein C. Charles Darwin
B. Isaac Newton D. Sigmund Freud
______10. Father of expressionist painter
A. Pierre- auguste C. Paul Cezzane
B. Claud Monet D. Edouard Monet
B. 11-15. Enumerate what is being asked using the graphic organizer.

Principles of Art
II. 16-30. Draw your own impressionism art style inside the box that describes your personality

add some colors to make it attractive in the eyes of the observe, and explain your
answer in 5 sentences.


Criteria Content /7 Creativity /8 Total /15

III. 31-40. If You were given a chance to create your own painting as an artist what style of
art is the best for you? Explain your answer in 5 sentences on the provided.


Criteria Content /5 Relevance /5 Total /10

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