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Whereas separatism is that you don't want to have control over them,

but you don't want them to have control over you either,

which seems to more a more honest approach.

DAVID WILEY: The racial separatist believe that each race should make their own

TOM METZGER: ... and have self-determination.

DAVID WILEY: Blacks should make their own laws, have self-determination, have their
own nation.

But I don't think anyone really is against the economic ventures.

But anyhow, getting back to the point.

With that in mind, would you then still call yourself separatist?

You want your own nation, for your own race?

BEN KLASSEN: Well, I don't like either labels as such.

We've been called white supremacists, which we're not.

We're basically... we call members of our church Creators.

And this has a little bit of a dual meaning to most people, they think we go into
the hocus-pocus of spirits and all this kind of thing.

We don't.

TOM METZGER: You're not Christian, you're not Muslim, you're not Jewish..

BEN KLASSEN: We don't belive in the supernatural world in the first place.

We don't believe in spooks, we don't believe in demons, we don't believe in devils,

we don't believe in fairies, and what have you.

We believe in the Laws of Nature.

Now, getting back to the difference between segregationist and separatist.

Neither one of those terms fits us necessarily, but of the two, we believe strongly
in separatism,

and we believe it to a degree further than is commonly accepted.

We believe in having, say for instance, any country, any White country, entirely
cleanses of all alien and mud races.

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