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Formative Assessment -1
JULY 2019-20 Grade-VI
Subject : Social Marks:40
I. Fill in the Banks:- 5x1=5
1.The study of coins is known as___________________
2.CE stands for________
3.The path taken by plants to go round the sun is called
4.The hottest planet in the star system is_____
5.There are ___________main physical divisions in India.

II. Choose the Correct Answer:- 5x1=5

1.Which of the following is an epic?
1.Indika 2.The Ramayana 3.Arthashastra 4.Puranas
2.Banabhatta is the author of_____________
3.One of these Planets has many rings
1.Mercury 2.Satrun 3.Earth 4.Mars
4.The third nearest planet to the sun is______________
1.Mars 2.Jupiter 3.Earth 4.Venus
5.Whats does wealth sometimes create?
1.Social Difference 2. Economics Differences 3.Physical difference 4.both 1 & 2
III. Write true or False:- 5x1=5
1.A manuscript is a handwritten record of information ( )
2.Edicts are examples of literary sources( )
3.Jupiter is the Largest Planet of the solar System( )
4.Shooting stars are also called comets( )
5.There are only three languages spoken in India( )
IV. Match the Following:- 5x1=5
Column A Column B
1. Pre-History Dwarf Planet
2.Hieun Tsang Epigraphy
3.Inscriptions Galaxy
4.Ceres No Written Records
5.Milky Way Chinese Traveller
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V. Answer any 5 of the Following :- 5x2=10
1.What are monuments?
2.What are prehistory?
3.What is the solar System?
4.Define the term constellation. Give an example of a constellation?
5.What is the Linguistic diversity of India?
6.Why is India known as a Secular nation?

VI. Answer any two of the following in four or five Sentences:- 2x5=10
1.What is archaeology? Give two examples of archaeological Sources?
2.What do you understand by the term diversity?
3.Describe the moon?

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Formative Assessment -1
JULY 2019-20 Grade-IV
Subject : Social Marks:40
I. Fill in the Banks:- 5x1=5
1.The Amazon Rain fall Forest is called the ______________
2.The tropic of Capricorn lies at ________
3.The deepest point on the Earth is the ___________
4.A leap year has _______days
5.The imaginary line on which the Earth spins is called________
6.The ______of the Earth causes Seasons.

II. Choose the Correct Answer:- 5x1=5

1.The 0 Longitude is called___
1.Prime Meridian 2.Equator 3.Trpopic of Cancer
2.The Second hot desert Desert in the world is_____
1.Sahara 2.Thar 3.namib
3.The total number of Longitudes is _________
1.150 2.181 3.360
4.Autumn is followed by________
1.Spring 2.Summer 3.Winter
5.The Earth takes ______ to Complete one rotation
1.366 days 2.365 days 3.24 hours
6.In a Leap year February has____days
1.29 2. 30 3. 28
III. Match the Following:- 5x1=5
Column A Column B
1.Vernal Equinox Peaceful
2.Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere Mt. Kilimanjaro
3.Pacific 21 June
4.Africa Spring Equinox
5.Summer Solstice in the northern Hemisphere Gobi Desert
6.Mongolia 21 September

IV. Answer the Following Questions (Any 5):- 5x3=15

1.What are Seasons?
2.What is an axis?
3.how is day and night caused?
4.Wat is leap year?
5.Mention the oceans Surrounding Asia?
6.Name the countries that form the Scandinavian peninsula?

Answer the Following in Four or Five Sentences 2x5=10

1.Name all the oceans of the world and write two sentences on the Pacific Ocean?
2.Difference between rotation and revolution?
Formative Assessment -1
JULY 2019-20 Grade-I
Name:- Subject : ENGLISH Marks:40
I. Hard Words 5x1=5
1. 2.

3. 4.


II. Match the Following:- 5x1=5






III.Tick( ) the Correct Answer:- 5x2=10

1.Woof!Woof! says the (cow/dog)

2.The tree has (Yellow/Red) Flowers.

3.Baa! says the (Monkey/Sheep)

4.Asma House is in (Green/Blue) Colour

5.Asma brother is Playing with a (Rabbit/Squirrel)

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IV.Answer the Following:- 5x2=10
1.Who is barking?
2.Who is Ali?
3.Who is a sleep?
4.What is Asma doing?
5.What does Asma’s House have?
V.Circle the Vowels in these words:- 5x1=5
1.Apple 2.Elephant 3.House 4.Zebra 5.Country
VI.Cirle the Constants in these words:- 5x1=5
1.Dolphin 2.Brown 3.Doctor 4.Crayons 5.River
VII.Circle the Correct answer:- 3x1=3

1.Banana - Fruit/Animal
2.School - Place/Person
3.Duck - Bird/Fruit
VIII.What are these?Tick ( ) the correct answer:- 2x1=2
1. a.Snake
2. a.Orange
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Formative Assessment -1
JULY 2019-20 Grade-II
Name:- Subject : ENGLISH Marks:40
I. Choose the correct Answer 5x1=5
1.Partho did not like to close the_________
2.His__________ also worked hard
3.Shine like a __________
4.His_________ was to keep the park clean
5.Roar like a ___________
II. State the following statements are True or False 5x1=5
1.Partho and his team were tired, but they were happy( )
2.Partho liked his Job very much( )
3.People always throw rubbish in the bins( )
4.Partho and his team put up WET Paint notices( )
5.The Park was closed every weekend( )
III. Tick the correct answer: 4x1=4
1.Partho team put the litter in [bags/bins]
2.You can [run with/swim in] the tiny waves on the shore.
3.Partho’s team had [six/five] other people.
4.You can Jump over [big/small] waves.
IV. Rewrite these sentences using “Capital letters” in the correct places:
1. you can ask ahmed or albert for help.
2. a tortoise crawls very slowly.
3. it is very hot in april and may
4. there are many people in the park
5. her friend lives in nagpur
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IV. Answer the Following:- 2x3=6
1.Who is Partho? What was his job?


2.Are some waves Scary? Which lines in the poem tell you that?


V. Rewrite the words in Alphabetical order:- 5x1=5

VI. Circle the Vowels in these words: 2x1=2
1. i n k p o t 2. e r a s e r
VIII.Circle the common nouns in these Sentences 3x1=3
1.They go to zoo
2.she is a little girl
3.His father is reading
VIII. Write CN for Common nouns and PN for proper noun: 3x1=3
1.Romit 2. Town 3.Lion
IX. Circle the common nouns and underline the Proper noun:- 2x1=2
1.Ramesh is a Policeman

2.Hoppy is a Play full goat

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