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Family Blog

5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS Without Drugs

by Mark Hyman, MD

Last Updated November 11, 2015 Diet & Nutrition, Health Conditions,
Inflammation, Popular 431 Comments
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symptoms so severe that you can’t
leave the house, yet your doctor calls
it a “functional,” or “psychosomatic,”
disease — meaning that it’s all in your

But it’s a very real problem for the 60

million people — that’s 20 percent of
Americans — who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These people
are plagued by uncomfortable and often disabling symptoms like
bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and pain.

I have many patients with IBS, some of whom have suffered for
decades without relief. Their previous doctors couldn’t find the cause
of the illness, so they were told to just get more fiber or take
Metamucil, or were prescribed sedatives, anti-spasm drugs, or

That is NOT the answer. Most of those treatments don’t work, because
they don’t address the underlying causes of why your digestion is not
working. Emerging research has helped identify the underlying causes.
For over 15 years I have been successfully treating irritable bowel
syndrome and other digestive conditions using a very simple
methodology based on functional medicine that helps identify and
remove the underlying causes and restores normal digestive function
and health.

Today, I am going to share 5 steps you can follow to cure IBS. But first I
want to tell you about a patient of mine …

Alexis and Her Lifelong Irritable Bowel

At age 45, Alexis had suffered from IBS for 33 years — almost all her
life! Her major symptom was sudden, painful, cramping diarrhea. She
was doing the best she could to prevent it. She didn’t consume dairy,
didn’t drink or smoke, and took Citracel every day. Yet nothing helped.

She would go to the bathroom 4 to 5 times before she even left the
house in the morning. And she couldn’t go out of the house at all
without knowing where all the closest bathrooms would be in case she
had what she called “s— attacks.” That wasn’t Alexis’ only problem …
She also felt full and bloated after every meal, which starchy foods
made worse.

She had taken many antibiotics over the years and had many yeast
infections. An upper endoscopy or scope into her stomach had shown
that she had gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach. She also had
severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), with irregular periods, breast
tenderness, sugar cravings, headaches, and agitation. She also had
unusual symptoms like rectal itching (often a clue to yeast infections or
food allergies). And she was tired all the time.

Alexis tried to eat healthy, but her diet was less than ideal. She had a
bran muffin and coffee in the morning and a salad for lunch. But her
“drug of choice” was sugar — in the form of cakes, ice cream, Jell-O,
diet sodas, and other junk food. Not surprisingly, she was also about
20 pounds overweight.

To help Alexis, I simply identified and treated the UNDERLYING CAUSES

of her digestive problems! To understand how I did that, you first have
to understand a little bit about how the gut works.

These are the two main causes of IBS: Food allergies

and overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

How Gut Imbalances Can Lead to IBS

Imagine a tennis court. That is the surface area of your small intestine,
where food is absorbed. Your small intestine is also the site of about 60
percent of your immune system. And this sophisticated gut-immune
system is just one-cell layer away from a toxic sewer — all of the
bacteria and undigested food particles in your gut.

If that lining breaks down — from stress, too many antibiotics or anti-
inflammatory drugs like aspirin or Advil, steroids, intestinal infections,
a low-fiber, high-sugar diet, alcohol, and more – your immune system
will be exposed to foreign particles from food and bacteria and other
microbes.  This will trigger and activate immune response, allergy, and
will irritate your second brain (the enteric nervous system) creating
havoc that leads to an irritable bowel, an irritable brain, and other
system wide problems including allergy, arthritis, autoimmunity, mood
disorders, and more.

The microbial ecosystem in the gut must be healthy for you to be

healthy.  When your gut bacteria are out of balance — when you have
too many pathogenic bacteria and not enough healthy bacteria — it
makes you sick.  You’ve got about 3 pounds of bacteria — 500 species
— in your gut. In fact, there is more bacterial DNA in your body than
there is human DNA! Among all that gut bacteria, there are good guys,
bad guys, and VERY bad guys.

If the bad guys take over — or if they move into areas that they
shouldn’t (like the small intestine which is normally sterile) — they can
start fermenting the food you digest, particularly sugar or starchy

This is called small bowel bacterial overgrowth, and it’s a major cause
of IBS.

The major symptom it causes is bloating, or a feeling of fullness after

meals. What causes this bloating? The overproduction of gas by the
bacteria as they have lunch on your lunch!

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed by a breath test,

which measures gas production by the bacteria, or by a urine test that
measures the byproducts of the bacteria after they are absorbed into
your system.
Bacterial overgrowth is a real syndrome and was recently described in
a review paper published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association.(i) The condition can be treated. In fact, a major paper was
recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that showed
using a non-absorbed antibiotic called rifaximin for 10 days resulted in
a dramatic improvement in bloating and overall symptoms of IBS by
clearing out the overgrowth of bacteria.(ii) This medication is now
under FDA review for approval as a new treatment for irritable bowel

That’s great news for many IBS patients. But, unfortunately, not all
patients with the same diagnosis are created equal. There’s more than
one factor that leads to IBS. Another major cause of IBS is food
sensitivities. Not true allergies, but low-grade reactions to foods that
drive so many chronic symptoms including IBS.

A landmark paper, was recently published in the prestigious British

medical journal Gut that found eliminating foods identified through
delayed food allergy testing (IgG antibodies) resulted in dramatic
improvements in IBS symptoms.(iii) Another article, an editorial in the
American Journal of Gastroenterology, stated clearly that we must
respect and recognize the role of food allergies and inflammation in

So the research tells us that these are the two main causes of irritable
bowel — food allergies and overgrowth of bacteria in the small
intestine — but there may be others, including a lack of digestive
enzymes, parasites living in the gut, zinc or magnesium deficiency,
heavy metal toxicity, and more.

And this is precisely why it is so critically important to personalize

treatment based on the unique circumstances that exist for each
person who suffers from IBS — the solution is most certainly not one-
size-fits-all. But solutions can be found if we look carefully at the
underlying causes and treat them.

Which leads me back to Alexis …

How I Helped Alexis Heal from IBS

I prescribed Alexis a non-absorbed antibiotic, an antifungal drug for

her yeast problem, and had her eliminate the foods to which she was
allergic. I believe in treatment that addresses the underlying cause of
the problem. If there is a bacterial or yeast infection, then medications
are often the best treatments. The key is to effectively treat the cause.
If medications do that, then I use them.

Then I gave her supplements of healthy bacteria to normalize her gut

and zinc to help with her digestive enzymes (chronic diarrhea can
result in zinc deficiency).

I also gave her extra fiber to feed the healthy bacteria, fish oil to
reduce gut inflammation, a multivitamin, and herbs to balance her
hormones (which are greatly affected by abnormal bacteria).

What happened then may shock some, but I wasn’t surprised. It is the
same result I have seen in patient after patient when the principles of
functional medicine are applied …

Alexis came back to see me two months later, and she was a different
person. Not only did she lose 20 pounds, she had not had a “s—-
attack” and was having normal bowel habits for the first time in 33
years! She also had more energy, and her PMS vanished.

She looked and felt 10 years younger and was free of the suffering she
had endured for over three decades.

Do you have to suffer like Alexis did? No. We have the science, the
understanding, and tools to deal with this chronic problem and the
suffering it causes 1 in 5 people. There is no need to wait for any more
studies. I have been treating IBS in my practice for over 15 years with
dramatic success.

In fact, just recently, one of my patients told me that, for the first time
in his life, he didn’t have any more stomach pains or digestive
problems. He had previously been so bad that he had to have a phone
installed in his bathroom!

To take advantage of these discoveries today, simply follow these five


5 Steps to Curing IBS

1. Get tested. Try to get a test for IgG food allergies and eliminate
the foods that test positive for 12 weeks. Or simply try an allergy
elimination diet for a few weeks.
2. Test yourself. If you can’t afford the test mentioned above, then
just eliminate the most common food allergens for 12 weeks —
that’s dairy, gluten, yeast, eggs, corn, soy, and peanuts. And then
reintroduce them to see if they cause symptoms. This is an
effective way to isolate the foods that may be causing you
problems. I have created a simple program to follow based on a
comprehensive elimination diet called The UltraSimple Diet.
3. Get rid of the unwanted visitors in your small bowel. Ask your
doctor to prescribe rifaximin (Xifaxin) and take two 200 mg tablets
three times a day for seven to 10 days. This is often the best way
to deal with the chronic bacterial overgrowth that causes bloating
and irritable bowel syndrome.  You may also need an anti-fungal
such as nystatin or fluconazole for two to four weeks.
4. Repopulate your digestive tract with good bacteria. I don’t
usually recommend brands, but when it comes to probiotics the
quality varies so much that I suggest taking two specific brands.
Take one packet of VSL3 or other high potency probiotic twice a
day for one to two months. This probiotic has over 450 billion
organisms per packet. I also recommend a probiotic called S.
boulardii take two capsules twice a day for two months. This is a
special probiotic that helps to further normalize gut function.
5. Try digestive enzymes with meals to help break down food while
your gut heals.  You also may benefit from nutrients that help heal
the lining of the gut including fish oil, GLA (from evening primrose
oil, zinc, vitamin A, glutamine and others.

By taking these steps and seeking out the underlying causes of IBS, you
can dramatically improve your health and overcome your digestive

Please leave your thoughts by adding a comment below—but

remember, we can’t offer personal medical advice online, so be sure to
limit your comments to those about taking back our health!

To your good health,

Mark Hyman, MD

(i) Lin, H. (2004). Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The Journal of

the American Medical Association. 292:852-858.

(ii) Pimenetel, M., Park, S. Mirocha, J. Kane, S., and Y. Kong. (2006). The
effect of nonabsorbed oral antibiotics (rifaximin) on the symptoms of
irritable bowel syndrome. Annals of Internal Medicine. (145)8:557–563.

(iii) Atkinson, W., Sheldon, T.A., Shaath, N., and P.J. Whorwell. (2003).
Food elimination based on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome:
A randomized controlled trial. Gut. 53:1459–1464

(iv) Shanahan, F. and P.J. Whorwell, M.D. (2005). IgG-mediated food

intolerance in irritable bowel syndrome: A real phenomenon or an
epiphenomenom? The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

About Mark Hyman, MD

Mark Hyman, MD, believes that we all deserve a life of
vitality—and that we have the potential to create it for
ourselves. That’s why he is dedicated to tackling the root
causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to
transform healthcare. He is a practicing family physician, an nine-time #1
New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader,
speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He is the Director of the
Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. He is also the founder and
medical director of The UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the
Institute for Functional Medicine, a medical editor of The Huffington Post,
and has been a regular medical contributor on many television shows
including CBS This Morning, the Today Show, CNN, The View, the Katie
Couric show and The Dr. Oz Show.
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431 Responses to 5 Simple Steps to Cure

IBS Without Drugs
Susan Healey January 31, 2013 at 4:45 pm #

I have been diagnosed with IBS and have tried many different
diets etc. I am currently on the ultrasimple diet and have been eating quite
a few nuts as a snack to help me stay away from sugar. I have been
experiencing excessive gas and I am wondering if the nuts would cause
that. I have heard of soaking them to help with digestion and I would like
to know your suggestions on this.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 8, 2013 at 1:38 pm #REPLY 

Hi Susan,

Yes, we suggest soaking some nuts- like almonds for example to

increase digestion and metabolism. Thank you for your interest in Dr
Hyman’s work.
For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching
team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Jacquie April 23, 2014 at 7:16 am #

Dr. Hyman,
I was wondering if there is any correlation to lowering cholesterol
and IBS. This is the second time in my life that I actively and
successfully tried to lower my cholesterol and both times I have
wound up with IBS. The last time was about 30 yrs ago when I
found out my cholesterol was high and I stopped eating anything
that would cause keep my cholesterol high. I successfully lowered
it a great deal and then would up with IBS. After I adopted my
children from Russia and they needed a diet high in iron and
protein, I forgot about lowering my cholesterol and the IBS went
away. However years later my cholesterol spiked again and again I
went on a strict diest and started taking Niacin and I have IBS like I
have never had it before. Do you know of any connection?
Thank you,

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 13, 2014 REPLY 

at 8:49
pm #

Hi Jacquie,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.
Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical
advice in this forum. In order to provide you the proper care
you need we hope you will seek the attention of a local
qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go
id=117 and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner”
and enter your location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at

Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
Rick April 18, 2014 at 12:54 pm #

I have had IBS for 20 years. In the beginning, I had a lot of

diarrhea, bloating, and pain. Sometimes I would alternate between
diarrhea and constipation. Now it is pretty much just the feeling of
bloating or fullness, along with cramping and pain. Since having a
bowel blockage 10 years ago, due to extreme constipation, I have to
use some form of aid to keep me regular. I take fiber tablets and a
stool softener.

My question is regarding the antibiotic Rifaximin. If I have my doctor

prescribe this for me, will it make me constipated?

Also, one last question. Do you have a lot of your patients who have
trouble with sugar? It seems like when I eat it, my symptoms get
worse. This is something new, because sugar never used to bother my

Thanks for your reply

ABU RAIHAN May 6, 2014 at 1:22 pm #



Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 7, 2014 at 8:55REPLY

pm #

Hi Abu,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In
order to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will
seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner
soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
id=117 and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and
enter your location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

aditi rashmi December 30, 2014 at 9:11 am #

Hi sir, i have been diagnosied with IBS along with

fibromylagia. I hv migraine and thyroid also. Shall i follow the
steps you have mentioned above? I have been suffering from
bloating, bowel movements along with 1 day constipation and
1 day diarrhoea. Plz reply me at my mail.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 5, 2015 at

12:55 pm #

Hello Aditi,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.
Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized
medical advice in this forum. In order to provide you the
proper care you need we hope you will seek the attention
of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
px?id=117 and scroll down to where it says “locate a
practitioner” and enter your location. Progress
accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Jeanne September 21, 2015 at 12:41 pm #

Hi Abu Raihan,
It is possible that you have gluten intolerance or even Celiac
disease or just really bad food allergies. I hope you go for the
blood test for Celiac to see if you are gluten intolerant. I didn’t
get diagnosed till I was 60, after almost dying.
I would definitely try cutting out all sources of gluten from
wheat, rye and barley, as well as all milk products to start.
Then the list of the most common food allergens that Dr.
Hyman lists above – eggs, etc. It can take time for the gut to
heal even when you re gluten free, so you have to be patient.
One other thing that really helped me was to use a kit that
gets rid of parasites. After the two week kit was finished, I had
absolutely no symptoms anymore. I have to stay off gluten for
life, but I believe I had more than just Celiac disease going on.
One thing helped me more than anything – Pray for guidance,
then – Keep on seeking, and asking till one’s health is
completely restored. Don’t stop till you get your health back.
Ross July 21, 2014 at 10:39 am #

A simple easy way to remove IBS. Symptoms is with

benerdryll the generic is called ACRIVASTINE or. branded as also

Ho July 27, 2014 at 3:57 pm #

I cannot find any literature that says Semprex can treat

IBS. How do you know this?

Kimberly January 5, 2015 at 3:44 pm #

Dear All,

Suffering from IBS? Check out Jamujuice.com

My friend recently started her own business called Jamu Juice which
sells organic tea and has many benefits for this tea, one helping to
cure IBS. Jessica went to Indonesia and found a helpful spice called
Jamu. She severely suffered from IBS and needed to figure out what to
do instead of taking all these medications that she was being
prescribed. Liquid Sunshine is an amazing, flavorful tea that helps
prevent many different things.

Please check out her website.

Tufail khan January 29, 2015 at 7:31 pm #

Please give me advice for IBS and Gastritis

Linda March 20, 2015 at 6:18 pm #

Loved this article! Where do you practice? I’d love to come

and see you. I’ve had IBS with mostly gas and bloating for 15 months,
since my mother passed away. Eating most anything is irritating and
I’ve lost weight without trying. I’ve had a myriad of tests and advice,
and am giving up on my doctors. I feel very frustrated. This kills quality
of life. You can never relax.

Sonia Madsen February 25, 2013 at 6:30 am #

Hi, Could you give an alternative to rifaximin (Xifaxin) as I don’t

think this is available in Ireland.

Thank you.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 27, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

Hi Sonia,

Have you tried addressing your symptoms with diet, probiotics and
enzymes? It is best to work with a local functional medicine provider
who can order you the appropriate tests to diagnose if you have yeast
or bacteria in the gut. In order to provide you the proper care you
need we hope you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional
Med practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you in Ireland who
practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to: http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

sanjay February 28, 2015 at 5:52 am #

Hi sir,

I am sanjay age 27 from India. I have below symptoms from 5


Pain and discomfort in stomach

Bloating and swelling of abdomen .I am passing more wind than


Changes in stools:

Sometimes I have diarrhoea, and sometimes I have constipation.

Sometimes the stools become small and pellet-like. Sometimes the

stools become watery or more loose. At times, mucus may be
mixed with the stools.

I may have a feeling of not emptying the back passage (rectum)

after going to the toilet.

Sometimes i have urgency to rush to the toilet after getting up.

This often happens during and after breakfast.
I also get these symptoms which include:

Feeling sick(nausea).



Poor appetite.



Feeling quickly full after eating.

Can you tell me is there any permanent cure for IBS because I
have to increase my weight as I am underweight. Can you please
help me to cure IBS and to gain weight?

Can I take protein foods or Ayurvedic products to increase my


What specific foods/drink I have to eat daily to increase my weight


Please let me know which foods to eat to gain weight and which
should not trigger IBS.



Jessica March 4, 2013 at 7:48 am #

This is so eye opening. I’ve suffered for years. Had an endoscopy

and colonoscopy last year, basically the doctor told me it’s all in my head.
He told me to take Medamucil and that was is. No follow up treatment. I’ve
been to 3 doctors in the last few years and they have all told me the same
thing. I am still suffering, that’s how I found this page. I’m glad I did. Now I
have to find a local doctor who will help me. My social life is non-existant
now because of my ibs issues. I get anxiety going new places because I’m
unsure of where the bathrooms will be which only makes my symptoms
worse. Thanks for the information!

John September 18, 2013 at 9:46 am #

you to got that answer, grrrr my blood boils just hearing you
say that i have had that for 25 years, how does that make you feel,
when they think they know you better than you know your self.

Kapil May 10, 2014 at 9:43 am #

Same with me….this disease is a killer in any country.People

dont understand it much.Its hampering my job what should i do.

Safeer September 23, 2014 at 9:50 pm #

Hi Kapil, not sure what you mean by people don’t

understand this disease :(.

I have been diagnosed by GERD and IBS by my Doc but he fixed

me right up within a few days.. I am on Veloz L for 3 Months but
started feeling better from the very first day.

Hope this helps.

PS: Do not attempt self Medication, please visit a Doc or a


Nan March 16, 2015 at 5:50 pm #

Medication is great to get you on the right track. It is

a band aid. It does not cure the cause of the problem. You still
need to deal with what is aggravating your digestive anatomy.
Medications also taken for long periods of time cause major
side effects with kidneys, liver and other organs. which now
has esculated you into a different health problem. Only to
cause you to take more pills and so the story goes.

So it is beneficial to over all health not to just pop a pill, but to

evaluate and see exactly what is the cause. Pharmaceutical
companies love customers for life!

Kenneth Ringer February 20, 2015 at 11:02 am #

My daughter, Tanya, has IBS and struggled with food

issues for several years. I hope seem will join this group to follow
Dr Hymans advice and updates.i believe if she finds someone who
has already been cured with the 5 step process; it would help. Ken

mansoor shayir July 5, 2014 at 9:35 am #

Hi jessica,
I am 31 yr old suffering from this same dreadful IBS since 14 long
years. My life is restricted to my house only as i am always scared to
move out.
you can be in touch with me at mansoor.shayir@gmail.com so that we
help each other in its eradication.

S. October 18, 2014 at 3:29 pm #

I’d been dealing with horrendous symptoms for 2 years

and this has been a life saver for my IBS. All natural, with results
better than any Rx. The Acacia Tummy Fiber and the Fennel Tea
are truly godsends. I As long as I stick to this regimen I’m ok.
Please check out this line. the message boards are also very
helpful. as well as detailed lists of food triggers,This is real. you can
e-mail Sherry at apr585@aol.com if you need to talk, good luck!

Sam March 8, 2013 at 1:24 pm #

Good article! I wonder why it’s titled “5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS
without Drugs” when step #3 is “go ask for drugs!” ?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 8, 2013 at 2:33 pm #REPLY 

Hi Sam,

While Dr Hyman does talk about certain Rx medications here, the use
of this antibiotic (Xifaxan) is the best available treatment for small
bowel overgrowth and is well worth the investment in your health.

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to: http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Sarah March 8, 2013 at 1:25 pm #

Is there any risk in ‘sterilizing’ your gut using Rifaximin? I have the
prescription but am nervous to use it because I was warned it might
eliminate TOO many bacteria and leave you at risk for further bad bacterial
infections. Thoughts?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 8, 2013 at 2:29 pm #REPLY 

Hi Sarah,

You should follow your Doc’s prescription and inquire about

supplementing with the appropriate gut-healing nutrients (probiotics,
enzymes, zinc etc.) Please see the article for the protocol Dr Hyman

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to: http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Joanne Young July 28, 2014 at 6:03 pm #

I do I get Xifaxin? Does insurance cover it? I’m with Kaiser

and don’t know if they will prescribe it? Thanks for the
information! There is hope!
Ken Ringer February 21, 2015 at 10:28 am #

Is the FMT that we have heard about for IBS treatment

something Dr Hyman considers if the 5 step treatment has been
tried? Our daughter has IBS and is thinking of a trip to Florida
complex to have procedure, FMT.

android tablets,android tablets at the best prices,
android tablets at the best prices , March 16, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Helpful information. Lucky me I discovered your web site unintentionally,

and I’m surprised why this coincidence didn’t happened earlier! I
bookmarked it.

sof March 19, 2013 at 11:13 am #

Hi, what do you recommend for IBS-S? I’m taking

fiber/magnisium/vitamin D/ginger root supplements, exercise 4 times a
week, drink lots of water (pop/soda only few times a year), take a probiotic
every day. I eat out once a week, rarely junk food, i eat 8-10 bananas and 2
lbs of apples every week, try juicing here and there. I have a hard time with
sweets and consume alcohol 1-2 times a week. I’ve had IBS-S since i’ve
traveled to Europe (almost 6 months now)….Would Xifaxin work for me?

HymanStaff March 26, 2013 at 4:52 pm #
Dear Sof,

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s
work. Your question and constellation of symptoms
represents a complex medical condition. Questions regarding
conditions like these cannot be answered in a responsible manner via
the Internet.

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

Annette March 21, 2013 at 9:59 pm #

Do you take the probiotics while taking the antibiotic or do you

start them afterwards?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 4, 2013 at 4:59 pm # REPLY 

Hi Annette,

Both! For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition

coaching team would be happy to work with you on an individual level
to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team
please go to: http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/
OR call (800) 892-1443 to get started.

John March 23, 2013 at 8:01 pm #

I’ve been experiencing IBS symptoms since the fall.( Diarrhea) I am a
vegetarian and eat very limited amounts of processed foods. No dairy and
plenty of fiber. Whole grains as well. My big splurge was a bit of cheese
pizza. I was recently prescribed Cipro and Flagyl for what we thought was
diverticulitis. The Cipro was first for two weeks. The anal itching I had went
away immediately and my stools became very normal and easy to pass and
huge! Now that the antibiotics are done, I am experiencing the usual

Did the first round of Cipro normalize my gut for a while? And did this give
a clue as to what is going on.

HymanStaff March 26, 2013 at 1:01 pm #

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s
work. Your question and constellation of symptoms represents a
complex medical condition. Questions regarding conditions like these
cannot be answered in a responsible manner via the Internet.

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

christopher March 27, 2013 at 1:53 pm #

hi i had ibs-d for over three years,where i’m from doctors do not
know anything about this sickness,i really would like to know if Dr Hyman
could help me.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 5, 2013 at 12:56 pm #REPLY 

Hi Christopher,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work with IBS.

Unfortunately Dr Hyman cannot provide personal medical
advice in this forum. If you would like to make an appointment at Dr.
Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

roslyn March 30, 2013 at 9:35 am #

Hi i was going to doctors for ten years now they did test but every
time they told me there is nothing wrong with me,but i keep getting
sicker.One doctor told me its all in my head the other said i have nerves
stomach after two years treating a nerves stomach nothing changes . my
stomach will cramp up making me feel like am having a heart tack
sometime my body shake so much in the night my sleeping is poor my
stomach pain so much and am always full am not hungry can you please
help me

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 5, 2013 at 3:21 pm # REPLY 

Hi Roslyn,
Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. Unfortunately Dr
Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this forum. If you
would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness
Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

However, our best advice for getting started today, is to work on an

anti-inflammatory diet such as that in Dr Hyman’s The Blood Sugar
Solution. You can get started here: http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Anthony martinez May 26, 2014 at 5:25 pm #

Hi I was wondering do u take them all at the same time

or xifaxan first then take the anitfungals probiotics and enzymes
together ? Which enzymes do u guys recommend ? And plus do u
get the cream form of nystatin or capsules

Mas April 1, 2013 at 2:56 pm #


I have IBS, I have so much gas in my stomach and thats why so much Fart
goes down . I am in so Bad condition . I need to stop Fart .

will u plz plz plz plz give me some way to stop it . Please , I need your help .

Thanks in advance

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 5, 2013 at 3:32 pm # REPLY 

HI Mas,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. Unfortunately Dr

Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this forum. If you
would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness
Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

In the meantime you might look into an antiinflammatory diet protocol

such as those in Dr Hyman’s The Blood Sugar Solution or The
UltraSimple Diet. http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com or

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Kapil May 10, 2014 at 9:46 am #
Hey i live in india how can i consult dr hyman.I am
suffering from ibs too and a lot of gas.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 7, 2014 atREPLY


pm #

Hi Kapil,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. To locate a
doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
id=117 and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner”
and enter your location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at

Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

preeti srivastava April 3, 2013 at 2:46 am #

I’m 47 yr old woman with IBS problem for the last 17 yrs.After
reading your article on IBS I felt I can be treated.My symptoms are— some
loose motion s’time constipation, bloating dryness in the mouth after
getting up from bed, dryness & itching in the upper back(fungal
infect.which doesn’t go with anti fungal oint.),a small cut on the opening of
left nostril for last three months, sugar craving after noon’s sleep,earlier
rectum itching was there not now,perfect weight,regular in exercises. My
Dr. gave Enterogermina, Pentotas-D & husk.After loose motion feels pain in
the legs, weakness, main problem motion is ir-regular. I’m from India. Dr.
can you help me or advice me for my problem.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 5, 2013 at 3:55 pm # REPLY 

Hi Preeti,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. Unfortunately Dr

Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this forum. If you
would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness
Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

In the meantime, you can look into the suggestions Dr Hyman has in
this article:

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

mansoor shayir July 5, 2014 at 9:47 am #

Hi preeti,
please let me know how you felt after taking these medications. I am
interested as i am myself suffering from this IBS since 14 years.
please post here or u can get in touhch with me at

sanjay February 28, 2015 at 6:22 am #

Hi rashmi,

I am sanjay age 27 from India. I have below symptoms from 5 years.

Pain and discomfort in stomach
Bloating and swelling of abdomen .I am passing more wind than usual.
Changes in stools:
Sometimes I have diarrhoea, and sometimes I have constipation.
Sometimes the stools become small and pellet-like. Sometimes the
stools become watery or more loose. At times, mucus may be mixed
with the stools.
I may have a feeling of not emptying the back passage (rectum) after
going to the toilet.
Sometimes i have urgency to rush to the toilet after getting up. This
often happens during and after breakfast.
I also get these symptoms which include:
Feeling sick(nausea).
Poor appetite.
Feeling quickly full after eating.
Can you tell me did u cured IBS permanently. What steps are you
taking to cure IBS?
Mercuttio April 8, 2013 at 1:13 pm #

Looks like an interesting and reasonable protocol. I am just

wondering whether this has been tried also with the patients suffering
from other internal inflamattory diseases, like cholangitis or pancreatitis?

Steve in Alabama April 8, 2013 at 9:15 pm #

Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this information
on IBS. We are honoring IBS Awareness Month this April with some new
posts and information about this common disorder on our medical
research blog. Too many people are suffering in silence with irritable bowel
syndrome, but we can help them by getting more people to openly discuss
this illness. Plus as you know, one of the best ways that a person can
manage their IBS is to learn as much as they can about it.

Michael Wu April 14, 2013 at 6:06 am #

Since I have IBS the pain is not that bad anymore since the
supplements I took help reduce my pain! I’m not going to give up and will
keep fighting for it!

Caitlyn April 28, 2013 at 5:37 am #

Is there a less expensive alternative to the VSL 3? Also, which

form of zinc would you recommend?
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 15, 2013 at 1:00 pm # REPLY 

Hi Caitlyn,

Dr. Hyman really wants you to focus on bifidobacteria and lactobacillus

in high doses in order to produce a therapeutic effect. The VSL-3 is the
leader in this arena for probiotics. So, the cost is worth the effort in
healing if you can afford it for the month. Then, you can switch to a
probiotic such as this:
Complete-capsules OR,
50B Of course, do the best you can and if you need to start out with a
probiotic like that than you can try it and see how your body feels.
Might be good to work with a practitioner to help you as certain strains
of bacteria are therapeutic for the type of inflammatory response
associated with IBS. You dont want to cause more inflammation.

Unfortunately Dr Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in

this forum. If you would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Lynne Dugan April 29, 2013 at 11:13 am #
I recently had major surgery for two ulcers, one up and one
down. I am trying the FODMAP diet, eliminating sugar and trying
other foods to see if they trigger diarhea and am taking probiotics daily.
The symptoms have improved but I am interested in the VSL#3. The other
one you suggested does not register with Google. I am also without health
insurance so a doctor is out of the question. Do you think it might help to
talk to your team?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 1, 2013 at 12:41 pmREPLY


Hi Lynn,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. Unfortunately Dr.

Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this forum. If you
would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness
Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s nutrition coaching

team would be happy to work with you on an individual level to help
you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team please
go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

In good health,
The Nutrition Team
Brijesh May 10, 2013 at 12:31 am #

i am from India and i am suffering from IBS from last 7 years,

my age is 25 and this is the age to earn money so that i can make my
future but because of IBS i cant do anything. i get cramping, bloating, and
constipation, it doesn’t just make me feel miserable. It has create serious
problems in my life,
it force me to stay home from work and say no to anything that means i
couldn’t be too far from a bathroom. i had to leave my studies and my job,
i prefer to be at home because of IBS,
from last 2 years i am at home i don’t go to hangout with friends, i don’t
attend any wedding and i don’t do all the normal stuff which my age
people’s do,
please help me out i am in big trouble……

HymanStaff May 30, 2013 at 10:44 pm #

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s
work. Questions regarding medical conditions cannot be answered in a
responsible manner via the Internet.

To locate a practitioner of functional medicine in your area see the

“Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner” link at the Institute of
Functional Medicine website:

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

Kunal Jain May 20, 2013 at 6:10 am #
I have always had stomach disorders like bloating,hyperacidity
and frequent visits to the loo after meals but in the past 4 months
this problem has aggravated a lot .
I have been diagnosed by IBS by the doctors. Despite several medications i
am in no relief. There is emmense bloating and acidity throughout the
day.After reading Dr Hyman’s article above, i asked my doctor to prescribe
me Xifaxin Tablets (400mg three times a day ) and i am also taking VSL-3 (1
cap a day )alongwith S.boullardi Capsules ( 1 cap a day ). I have been taking
this now for a week but there is no improvement in my condition. DO u
suggest any other medication along with it or should i increase my dosage
of the above mentioned probiotics .Since i am india i cannot make an
appointment with Dr Hyman. Pls reply back .

HymanStaff May 30, 2013 at 3:01 pm #

Hello Kunal,

We cannot offer medical advice over the internet. You should consult
with your physician on your progress and dosage.

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

pradeep June 16, 2014 at 1:45 pm #

Hi Kunal, did u get any relief.. I am currently in

stockholm,,suffering from IBS a lot..can u give ur number,,else call on
aazad May 20, 2013 at 1:33 pm #

hi dr.
doctor says i have ibs d ..is there any solution.. ? i am 22 years old. pl dr.z
reply me in simple english..

HymanStaff May 30, 2013 at 2:52 pm #

Hello Aazad,

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s work.
Questions regarding medical conditions cannot be answered in a
responsible manner via the Internet.

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

Kishore May 21, 2013 at 5:16 am #

Thank you for this article. I’m from India and I have the same
problem and I feel the sudden attacks and before leaving the house I have
to use the loo for atleast 6 times and still have the uncomfortable feeling in
my stomach. I have been using homeopathy but results are slow.

I have been married last year and I fear going out with my wife due to my
problem. I hardly go out and its frustating me. Last year I had visisted a
Gastro specilist and he did endoscopy and told me its in your head, you are
thinking about it too much. I have tried to lose the thought but the sudden
attacks make me

Can I send you my gastro reports and the medication adviced to me so that
you can look at it and advice me what to do next.

I’ll await for your reply.

HymanStaff May 30, 2013 at 2:48 pm #

Hello Kishore,

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s work.
Questions regarding conditions like these cannot be answered in a
responsible manner via the Internet.

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

yuvaraj August 10, 2013 at 4:43 am #


I am from India too, not yet diagnosed ( most likely IBS). My number is
+91 9738122017. Lets connect. Only we understand our problem has
this IBS is rare in India and people dont understand our problem.

Jay May 29, 2013 at 1:09 pm #

I thought this article was great! Can you recommend a lab that
could provide the IgG antibodies test that is recommended in the article? I
have seen that some labs mail kits to your home and then you send it back
for analysis. Are these alright to use? What do you suggest?
HymanStaff May 30, 2013 at 12:37 pm #

Thank you for your message and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s
work.Try Immuno Laboratories

Wishing You the Best of Health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

Audrey Dryden June 16, 2013 at 8:19 pm #

Suddenly at 82 I began having symptoms of Colitis, had a

colonscopy and it was!!! Lymphocytic Colitis…doc suggested Budesonide?
at $1,500 a month?? No guarantees with it.
I found a Functional Doc and took the gluten test and was positive. Also,
dairy etc. I worked with supplements and finally got onto a product called:
“pure encapsulations, G.I. Fortify…It is a miracle…took two days and back
to normal BM and my Gastro guy, not a functional doc., said to take Pepto
Bismal tabs, 8 a day??? It was recommended by a website: Collagenous
Colitis & Lymphocytic Colitis… After 1 year of the frequent BMs and being
unable to go out without taking Motrin, I am elated.

Audrey Dryden June 16, 2013 at 8:20 pm #

I requested you not use my full name??? What happened?

Audrey Dryden June 16, 2013 at 8:21 pm #
2 times my name appears?????

nsawa August 4, 2013 at 11:13 am #

I appreciate western medicine’s perspective and research on this


As an IBS sufferer, I have found that meditation is the best cure for IBS and
most “non” diseases which are not lethal but so disabling that life becomes
a burden more than a journey.

Yes, diet is very important. We have to watch what kind of stuff we

introduce into our system, but most importantly stress.

Nope, you did not get to the heart of the issue, what is the real reason
behind food allergies? what does cause too much bad bacteria?
(and with each answer you will get another question because you are
sticking to the physical body and not having a wider perspective).

I believe that once we embrace a holistic perspective to things outside of

the physical body we will be able to understand and treat lots of illnesses
and “none” illnesses.

The only thing that makes a medicine work is the belief that the patient has
of the outcome.

After all the medicine fixes the symptoms and not the causes, so yes there
is a mind cause to it.

I do believe that IBS can be categorized as psychosomatic, because it is

triggered by stress (bad diet is a stress trigger on the most vulnerable part
of the IBS sufferer, the digestive track) in the same way that back pain
sufferers have their back as their most vulnerable part and migraine
sufferers have their heads.
(read some psychosomatic book and it tells you why).

In order to treat IBS, I suggest meditation, on a daily basis, learning to

monitor and track thought patterns and of course a proper diet and
(you don’t need to have any medical condition so that a dietitian tells you
no for the following:
1- Sugar
2- Gluten
3- Dairy

And no, I do not want to live my life afraid of certain food types because of
their effect (they are not the cause, I want to skip them because of
knowledge and not fear).

No, I do not want to keep drugs or non-drugs in my system for my whole

life (maybe not good for drug companies, but this is another subject).

No, I do not believe that external inclusions will heal me.

Just as my body can heal itself from a small wound so will it heal from IBS
(in fact if we all have been properly conditioned from childhood, most
diseases and life issues will dissipate on their own).

So, we should stop convincing ourselves that we need this and that to cure.
We only need to know how to live in our own skins.

These conditions (IBS, Migraine, back pain) happen because the body’s
threshold for stress has been surpassed and an unhealthy lifestyle will
make it worse.


raveesh sachdev August 5, 2013 at 9:55 pm #

Hello dr. I am raveesh and I am of 19 years old I am having my

stomach problem from like 10 months and I usually get constipated
sometimes mucus is also seen. And I am also having gas problem I have
contacted from some doctors and didnt found any solution yet. Sometimes
size of the motion is not normal. Please help me doctor I wanna get rid of
this problem

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 16, 2013 at 1:45 pmREPLY


Dear Raveesh,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. He practices

functional medicine, which includes personalized lifestyle medicine.
This is an individualized approach to health and nutrition. Specific
treatments will affect each person’s system differently, based on their
unique “terrain” or constitution. In order to treat the symptoms and
get to the root cause of what’s making someone sick, we first need to
know what specific imbalances are occurring in the individual’s body.
Because of that, there is no single diet or therapy available to
everyone. We need to address the person’s unique health status and
medical history in order to provide the ultimate diet therapy for that

Due to this Dr. Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this
forum. Have you seen this article though?

If you would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s virtual nutrition

coaching team would be happy to work with you on an individual level
to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team
please go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/
OR call (800) 892-1443 to get started.
In Good Health,
The Nutrition Team

Nitish August 6, 2013 at 9:20 am #

Is there any relationship between H.Pylori and IBS or H.Pylori can

add symptoms of IBS? Is it ok if patient tests for H.Pylori bacteria to cure

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 16, 2013 at 1:38 pmREPLY


Dear Nitish,

Yes, there is a connection between pathogenic bacteria and other

“bad” bugs in the gut and IBS. Have you seen this article?
digestive-health/ However, due to the personalized attention provided
to patients following functional medicine, Dr. Hyman cannot provide
you medical advice in this forum. If you would like to make an
appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please
go to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When
you are finished reading through the material you may call the office
at After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s virtual nutrition

coaching team would be happy to work with you on an individual level
to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team
please go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/
OR call (800) 892-1443 to get started.
In Good Health,
The Nutrition Team

Kriti Sharma August 8, 2013 at 5:16 pm #

I have no clue what my disorder is but i have been seeing my

doctor for a year now and recently was told to follow a FODMAP diet. It has
helped me to certain extent but its like after a few days I feel the same,
bloated and in so much pain that all i want to do is sleep and that’s like my
medicine and i am only 22 sigh! o was prescribed xiafaxin 500mg and it
didn’t help me i take citrucel as of now HELP!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 16, 2013 at 12:39 pm #

Dear Kriti,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. He practices

functional medicine, which includes personalized lifestyle medicine.
This is an individualized approach to health and nutrition. Specific
treatments will affect each person’s system differently, based on their
unique “terrain” or constitution. In order to treat the symptoms and
get to the root cause of what’s making someone sick, we first need to
know what specific imbalances are occurring in the individual’s body.
Because of that, there is no single diet or therapy available to
everyone. We need to address the person’s unique health status and
medical history in order to provide the ultimate diet therapy for that

Due to this Dr. Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in this
forum. If you would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s virtual nutrition

coaching team would be happy to work with you on an individual level
to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team
please go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/
OR call (800) 892-1443 to get started.
In Good Health,
The Nutrition Team

Daniel August 10, 2013 at 10:37 pm #

Hi! I have one question: do you take the rifaximin AFTER you
eliminate trigger foods for 12 weeks or can you do both at the same

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 14, 2013 at 7:26 pmREPLY


Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work. Dr. Hyman cannot
provide personal medical advice in this forum. If you would like to
make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox,
MA please go to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/ When you are finished reading through the material you may
call the office at After you have reviewed this, please contact our office
to make an appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s virtual nutrition

coaching team would be happy to work with you on an individual level
to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition coaching team
please go to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/
OR call (800) 892-1443 to get started.
In Good Health,
The Nutrition Team

Grace August 12, 2013 at 3:50 pm #

ISSUE: Inability to properly digest foods such as protiens and


Is it any wonder, we stray from who we are as animals, then wonder why
our animal instincts kick in to tell us we are wrong.

hundreds of thousands of years cannabis, nature, now religion,

government, control. Take a deep breath and know air is the last thing to
be taken.

violet September 2, 2013 at 2:42 pm #

why do i only suffer severe ibs during my period. i am 53 now and

have had this problem for about 3 yrs. i didnt think my stomach could hold
so much gas its so painful what is going on i literally cant eat or sleep for 5
days evety month
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 5, 2013 at 3:17 REPLY
pm #

Dear Violet,

Thank you for your interest in Dr. Hyman’s work. Hormones are really
complicated and unfortunately we cant provide a one word answer. It
is probably best you receive attention from a qualified practitioner
who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

If you would like, you can make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox,MA. To make an appointment at Dr.
Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go to:
http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,

Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? It
is easy and fast! To learn more, please go

In good health,

The Nutrition Team

Dalton September 4, 2013 at 11:09 pm #

I was just wondering if you had done any research into vaccines
or GMO foods that may cause or help create the environment for IBS and
other illnesses.
Here are some insightful documentary’s to check out:



Seddik Iguijji September 6, 2013 at 6:38 am #

hi i am 20 years old male i had suffering with IBS for more than 5
years it seems that thy turned my life around i sometimes skip school just
because of it i live in morocco i have been taking different treatment with
my doctor but nothing seemed to work
it just make me want to kill myself

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 6, 2013 at 12:55REPLY

pm #

Dear Seddik,

We understand how devastating the symptoms can be and hope you

get the proper care soon! Unfortunately Dr. Hyman cant provide
personalized medical attention in this forum. But here are a few ways
to receive functional medicine care:

To locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

To work with Dr. Hyman’s virtual nutrition coaching service, please


Try reading and following the 7 day program in his book, The
UltraSimple Diet. http://drhyman.com/blog/2011/08/24/the-
pounds-in-7-days/ There are many ideas for relieving inflammation
and recipes to follow to help you gain some relief!

In good health,
The Nutrition Team

Yousuf Mohammed September 6, 2013 at 4:45 pm #

Hi doc,
This is Yousuf Mohammed from Saudi Arabia, i have IBS from last 5 years, i
am 30 years old, my problem is very rare bowel movement i.e once in a
week, hard & lumpy stool, discomfortness, bloating, high stress, high
constipation pass stool once in 7 days hard stool, it is spoiling my quality of
life. If you have treatment i can come to you over there for treatment, i
want to cure from this. I am afraid. It is spoiling my career & social life. I
had done colonoscopy, endoscopy, thyroid fungtion tests all test result is
good no problem reported. Reply me. I had tried many diets but no result.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 6, 2013 at 5:39 REPLY

pm #

Dear Yousuf,

Thank you for your interest in Dr. Hyman’s work. In order to provide
you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the attention of a
local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

In good health,
The Nutrition Team

Ammad November 3, 2013 at 2:30 am #

Is the treatment for IBS-Constipation available?

John September 18, 2013 at 9:23 am #

hi i also have been diagnosed with IBS and my symptoms are

mostly like Alexis, Castro, No energy, No sleep, bad memory, No drive at all
basically, it basically feels like the stomach is always fermenting food in the
stomach a lot of gas, and acidic feel in the stomach and bloating cant eat
cause feel like i already have eaten, coffee seems to be a big contributor
but not always theirs is days were coffee does nothing and then one day i
will drink it and with in 5 min i have Castro. I have had this for 25 years
now my main triggers are perfumes, after shaves, smokers, car fumes,
pretty much any strong smell will turn my stomach within 5 min i will have
Castro. i have tried parasite removal, Candida diet for 2 months (now that’s
a killer diet in its self) i didn’t think i felt that much better until i
reintroduced foods back in and now i realized i was a touch better but still
not 100%. the only person that has ever come close was a nature path with
liquid vitamins etc etc within 3 months i was pretty much totally fixed. Only
problem she has forgotten what she gave me so i am back to square one

This is the worst thing ever you cant do anything in life because you don’t
know when this will strike

Please help me get rid of this what do suggest i do here, any help would be
Team Hyman July 30, 2014 at 2:41 am #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching, please see:

In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

Sarah September 18, 2013 at 4:43 pm #

Hi there,

I am 24 years old and have suffered IBS for the past 2 years. It began after
a bout of stress which caused severe constipation. Since then, I am
regularly constipated and get bloated very easily, especially during the
evening. Sometimes it can be up to 4 days before I can go to the toilet, and
when I eventually do go, it is very painful as the stools are large and hard
and often causes bleeding. My diet is high in fibre and I eat a lot of fruit
and veg. I often eat dried apricots and figs but this doesn’t seem to have
any effect on me. I have been tested for coeliac disease which returned
negative. Please help my bloated body! Thanks.

The IBS Sage February 1, 2015 at 4:35 am #

Sarah, you must listen to me. Take some figs and soak them
in water, leave this tonic lying next to you overnight so that they
release all their nutrients into the tonic. In the morning when you
wake up, drink this water, eat the figs, and I promise you all your
problems will go away. #

I suffered for years before I discovered this.

khan October 5, 2013 at 1:31 pm #

hi there
i am facing IBS symptoms since 3 years , when i take antibiotic it works for
me but just after few days it comes again so now i am fed of from my life,
today i saw this article now i just need one thing is rifaxin must be taken
along with nstatin?

sunita ramtohul October 9, 2013 at 7:15 am #

hello doctor i’ve got this disease what is the best medcine i should
take to cure it ?

Angela October 10, 2013 at 11:25 am #
Does this 5 step process make you lose weight? I have already
lost 30 lbs with not being able to eat anything without pain and
can’t afford to lose anymore weight.

Jeannine October 10, 2013 at 11:41 am #

I see an oncologist regularly for Essential Thrombocytosis and I

take 12 – 500 mg of Hydroxyurea per week. I also see a GI doctor regularly
for Celiac disease and IBS. I have chronic constipation that has slowely
gotten worse over the years, but have had problems all my life, and I am
69 years old. I grow and eat organic fruits and veggies, very little meat, and
live a very active healthy life style. I see a naturopath and take fish oil,
probiotics, enzymes, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D regularly. The GI
doctor just put me on Linzess, one per evening. It seems to work and I
have less bloating and pain in the GI tract. I am not fat, but I still have to
unbutton my bra and pants due to the bloating. I was had the blood test
for the IgG and went on an elimination diet for nearly 5 months, and felt
much better. As I started introducing foods, I became increasingly sick and
bloated and constipated. I don’t know what else to do. Finding the culprit
that makes me really ill has been narrowed down to dairy and red meat
mostly. What else can I do?

Abhimanyu Sahni October 13, 2013 at 9:43 am #

Hi doctor, I have been suffering from IBS since 4 years and due to
this i am facing weakness,fatigue,my face swells and stomach bloats. I have
had all the possible tests regarding the matter but no solution as yet.
Please advice with the best possible treatment to cure the problem.
Dr A S Narayana Rao October 28, 2013 at 2:13 am #

Dear Hyman,
Your research experience on IBS is excellent. Fortunately, I have the
opportunity to go through ur suggestions. Help rendered to humanity
through web is commendable.

Dr A S Narayana Rao October 28, 2013 at 2:21 am #

I am suffering from severe moods depression once I have one

loose motion. After eating my stomach becomes highly acidic and my brain
becomes nervous after one loose motion once upon a time . I was treated
fe loose motion with metronidazole but only momentary relief. Your
prescription would help a lot , I think

Amanda Marquez November 6, 2013 at 12:44 am #

I wish there was more doctors like you! This disorder has caused
me so many problems.. I will try this guide I feel hope for my curing,
thank you.

winsome maloney November 6, 2013 at 8:13 am #

worked, please in form the doctors in Canada how to treat this

condition thank you.
Imprint Archana November 7, 2013 at 12:34 am #

Dear Dr. Hyman,

I’m writing on behalf for my husband who has been diagnosed with IBS
recently. I would like to give a brief history of how it all started. My
husband is 36yrs old and we based in Ahmedabad, India. Last year .i.e. in
Dec 2012 he suffered from chicken pox which was fairly fatal. Post that his
digestive system was giving him problems meaning constant motion, loose
motion and diarrhea. We didn’t take it seriously thinking that because the
dosage of the Chicken pox medicines was high probably it could have been
because of that. But this problem persisted for almost 4 months so then
we got an endoscopy done for him. In the report, the doctor said that he
had Helicobacter Pylori infection. Medicines were prescribed for it but
nothing really happened. After 2 months we consulted another doctor and
he said that you have IBS. He again has prescribed medicines but there has
been no improvement in his condition. He also have food reflux (Gastro-
oesophageal reflux) which is also big problem for which the doctor said
there is no treatment apart from a surgery. Because motion happens at
least 3 – 4 times in the night, he can’t have a sound sleep which affects his
daily work.
Is there a possibility that I can forward you all his reports and medicine
prescription and if you could have a look at it and prescribe a medicines
I’ve been fairly perturbed his health condition.
I eagerly look forward for a reply from your side.
Thank you.

Team Hyman January 2, 2014 at 5:29 pm #

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately Dr Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in
this forum. For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s
nutrition coaching team would be happy to work with you on an
individual level to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition
coaching team please go
to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.

Kyle Peterson November 13, 2013 at 6:13 pm #

Very interesting article that gives me hope. I have had IBS for 5
years caused by the antibiotic, Cipro. I took it for a UTI and my family
doctor kept me on it for 45 days. I have not been the same since. Stomach
cramping with severe pain, constipation, horrible smelling flatulence,
incomplete evacuation. It has been a true nightmare. I recently took VSL #
3 with good results, but when I stopped taking it, my symptoms returned
with a vengeance. I am currently taking a lot of FiberOne and VSL with
some improvement, but not nearly what I was hoping for. I’ve been to 4 GI
specialists and noone can help me. I just want my life back!

avi November 21, 2013 at 2:17 pm #

I’m 29 and went to my doctor a few months ago after suffering

from IBS for the past few years, in most cases it used to bother me in the
morning. He told me to drink a big glass of water every day when I wake
up, before eating or drinking anything else – so far it works absolutely
great! and it’s healthy for you either way.

Michele Renee November 24, 2013 at 11:18 pm #

Can a symptom of IBS be constant burping? I burp daily all day,

sometimes horribly. I only get the bloating and horrible gas in the evenings
for several hours, who knows what sets it off. I may have several days in a
row or skip a few weeks. It is very in consistent. Still not sure it is IBS, but
have had every test out there and ruled out most everything else. Any

Thomas November 25, 2013 at 11:54 am #

I wanted to share my IBS story because I think it could be helpful

to those who have suffered as much as I have.

I start my story off with the habits that I think led up to IBS. From the age
of around 9 years old I suffered from stress that made me lose my appetite
for years. I never would eat breakfast and I would go all day during school
without eating. Then I developed acne and used all types of antibiotics,
again without eating anything. This was disastrous because I think the
years of antibiotics on top of starving myself destroyed all the healthy
bacteria in my stomach.

Around the age of 15, I noticed sodas would cause discomfort and so much
gas to the point it was trapped all throughout my body and back and my
blood sugar would drop to the point of me feeling as though I wanted to
pass out. I eliminated sodas, but throughout college I still had IBS.

I would wake up every morning lethargic, nauseous, constipated for days

and generally unhappy. While I was in college I stopped being able to
digest certain proteins like beef altogether, but at the time I didn’t know
this. Then my life too a turn for the worse.

1. I developed a cough that wouldn’t go away and it was so frequent and

bad that I had to stop attended my courses b/c I would disturb everyone in
class. I couldn’t sleep for more than 45 mins at a time b/c I would wake up
in the middle of the night drinking water to stop the cough and cool my
stomach down
2. I could literally feel and hear my stomach struggling to digest food and I
was gaseous and bloated that I could barely breathe. I felt like I was being
poisoned and my stomach just felt nasty and disgusting

3. I developed premature wrinkles and grey hair because I knew I wasn’t

absorbing enough nutrients

4. When I was able to defecate, which wasn’t often b/c I was generally
constipated, my fecal matter would never form into solids, it was like the
consistency of sand.

5. I couldn’t exercise and had to stop being active as I got older. I couldn’t
eat any dairy (including yogurt), barely as meat (no beef or pork) or poultry
and could only eat certain fish.

6. I wanted to die, especially after going on a vegan diet thinking that would
relieve me. I nearly had a nervous breakdown after I got so sick from the
fiber because I couldn’t digest it.

7. I refused to get on medicine because I knew I wouldn’t be getting to the

root of the problem, only masking the issue until the medicines took a
negative toll on my system


1. Around 2008 I stopped eating beef and that cleared up all the mucous
that I had in my chest and it stopped the coughing. The poisonous feeling
that I mentioned went away and the dark rings I developed around my
eyes went away with it. Beef was literally killing me! I would cough so badly
that I even began to cough up blood and would have migraines from the
hacking. Beef and anything that came form a cow was horrible for me.

2. I still had digestive issues like bloating, not being able to digest most
other foods including fiber and my blood sugar was uncontrollable.
However, after about 5 years of struggling after I made the beef discovery I
am free! I had starting drinking crystal light in order to cut down on
calories, but one day I had so much acid in my chest from drinking it that I
nearly choked in my sleep b/c it had come up my esophagus. I drank the
lemon flavored crystal light so I figured the artificial lemon flavoring was
too acidic. Then I started drinking sugar free lemonade, same thing
happened. Then I said, let me drink only healthy drinks without any sugar.
So I started drinking Fuze drinks…same thing happened!

3. I compared what all those drinks had in common and I found the culprit!
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS! It wasn’t the flavoring it was the artificial
sweeteners that was killing me! I now only drink Ocean Spray 100% juice
and I can tell you I have no symptoms of IBS and I can digest poultry and
fiber. My bowel movements are frequent, my fecal matter is solid, I have
energy, my blood sugar is regulated and I feel that best I have felt in 15
years. I suffered for 15 years b/c of artificial sweeteners! Even my grey hair
is leaving. The main thing I have noticed is that I can SLEEP! I can SLEEP!
Thank you Jesus I can sleep without being awaken b/c my stomach feels
like I have to vomit. I can no longer feel my stomach digesting and I don’t
lose energy like I use to when I sleep. I used to literally wake up tired b/c I
think my body was using so much energy to try and digest my food. I thank
God on high that I feel normal again.

People stop eating Beef and artificial sweeteners! I know everybody is

different, but this may help somebody…anybody. I wrote this long
response because I wouldn’t wish my suffering on anyone b/c I really
wanted to commit suicide after my digestive issues caused me so much
misery, agony, pain, isolation, and sadness. I also don’t eat any sugars
besides fruit sugars with a little honey.

Read upon Artificial Sweeteners Disorder. I learned about this after I

figured out that what was killing me. I felt like I had colon cancer at times
or that I would die very young b/c I was always sick.

I hope this long post helps someone!

Ammad December 2, 2013 at 12:39 am #

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for sharing your story. I have a few of the symptoms that you
just mentioned. The IBS started to show up for me earlier this year
when I was really stressed mentally. For 2 months my doctor put me
up on Antidepressants, which really worked for me I was back to
having normal bowl movement. Now I got into stressful situation again
and it came back again. You mentioned in your story that you were
stressed in your childhood, my question is how does stress affect you?
Of course food puts great impact on my digestion, but I think Stress
triggers it for me. Thanks again for sharing your story, it means great
hopes for me.


Bobi December 18, 2013 at 12:21 am #

thank you for sharing your very similar experience.

loenzano December 1, 2013 at 4:14 pm #

Liked hearing all the peoples comments

TA December 2, 2013 at 7:07 pm #

is there any functional doctors you would recommend in

Honolulu? i’ve tried searching my area but came up short. i am seeing a
natruopath currently who is treating me for candida and the progress is
okay, it’s not great and i’m not 100% yet.

thank you!
Team Hyman January 2, 2014 at 2:52 pm #

To find a functional medicine practitioner in your area, visit


flyingsquirrel December 18, 2014 at 7:27 pm #

TA i’m in honolulu, did you find anyone and did your

naturopath help you?


Rebecca December 4, 2013 at 11:19 am #

Hey I have been suffering with ibs-d since i was 18. im now 23.
and it has gotten so bad to the point where i have been to the hospital 4
times! because i felt like i was literally dying. i had a baby last year and now
i know how to describe my attacks. feels like HORRIBLE labor contractions.
in my stomach and back. im crying every time i go to the bathroom. and i
sometimes go 10 or more times a day. i almost take Imodium like candy. i
say that because i have to take Imodium every other day. just so i DONT
go. i will be going alot and then when i cant take it anymore i take 204 pills
and it stops me up for a couple days then im back where i started. its an
endless cycle for me. i have almost been to the point of suicidal i have to
admit. its just so bad that im constantly depressed/stressed.i get hot
flashes and cold chills and i feel ill like im going to faint. my back pain is
excruciating. and i am so bloated that it makes me have to pee very badly
when i get an attack. I recently got a job. im even surprised i can work.
because im extremely scared of having an attack at work because i dont
want to get fired for being in the bathroom so much. i have to take
Imodium the night before i have work so i wont use the bathroom the next
day. im just so stressed about this that i dont have any friends. cause im
always at home. and i feel like im not giving my daughter the attention she
deserves cause im always in the bathroom. i have seen several doctors and
all just tell me to take fiber. but im in constant severe pain and dont know
what to do for it. my doctors will not prescribe pain killer for my constant
pain. what can i do? they have tried every test on me and concluded its ibs.
i actually wish they DID find something in the tests they took so i could be
like “yes finally they found something so they can fix it.” but no “you have
ibs and theres no cure.” basically “have fun living in pain and fear and
embarrassment for the rest of your life.” This makes me not want the live.
literally the only things keeping me from killing myself because of this pain
are my family. this is how painful it is!

Rebecca December 4, 2013 at 11:20 am #

i meant to put i take 2 to 4 pills. not 204.

waheed December 8, 2013 at 4:00 am #

i have a problem of ibs, using colofac135mg

(bd),prothiaden75mg(od) & esomeprazole 40mg, but still i have pain &
going to washroom 3 to 4 times in aday.

need ur opinion.

Team Hyman December 27, 2013 at 2:30 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching, please see:
In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

David from England December 13, 2013 at 4:09 pm #

I am intolerant to most drugs including just simple pain killers

and anti biotics so dont know whether I wil be able to take rifaximin
(Xifaxin) and that is if my GP will prescribe for me as he is very wary about
pres any drugs for me knowing the bizare effect many have had

I have been suffering now for about 4years and not getting any better
despit e going to a noted hospital for the colon etc St Marks in London it
was suggested at first all in the mind and o CBT etc

A I found that all red meat caused such pains I have stopped eating also
green veg and fresh fruit for sweetening i use natural honey from the
producers of it Stomoch still gets painful and I get cet constipation itis
seriously affecting my social life always wondering what toilet facilties etc
and what food i will be able to eat if in a strange place so i tend not to go
which cuts you off from friends and feeds the anxiety And have cut out
wheat as much as possible using glution free in cerals and rice milk and
small amounts of Lactose free milk for weak tea etc no coffee

It woukd be good to hear from you

Team Hyman December 27, 2013 at 2:20 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching, please see:
In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

Rachel December 14, 2013 at 7:20 pm #

I have several gastro problems. Upper is a hiadal hernia,

diagnosed 18 years ago, but more recently severe pain in the lower left
side by my ovaries ( checked with no abnormalities). As of today I am
suffering with a horrible pain in my upper back right side just under my
ribs. Feels like gas but excruciating pain. I also have suffered with bad yeast
infections most of my like. I see that Dr. Hyman is not local. I was
wondering if he had a recommendation for a doctor in the long island, ny
area that practices his same theories. I do not like to take medicine and
would gather try a different approach. Thank you

Team Hyman December 27, 2013 at 2:44 pm #

To locate a doctor near you who practices functional

medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching, please see:
In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

Bobi December 18, 2013 at 12:20 am #

Thank you so much. I’m 42 yoa and I grew up drinking Pepto

Bismol after meals and I always heard people say, “you eat like a bird.”
Well, when you get full fast and get cramps after eating all these years, I
guess that’s what happens. I’ve tried many things but never
simultaneously. I thank you and will try these steps. I believe in this
methodology of functional medicine.
Robert Barabash December 20, 2013 at 8:08 pm #

I had rectal cancer and was cured. After about 6 months my

ostomy was reversed and my bowel was hit and miss. Since then I have
had bowel problems. I would go off and on. The longest I have been
constipated is 25 days and I was so happy not being anchored to a toilet.
The longest stretch for diarhea is 546 days. My problem with the loose
stool is I have no mechanism to warn or stop the bowel movement. My
symptoms mimic IBS but no one has been able to give me even a hint
about what has been going on in my bowel or how to slow it down. I have
all the symptoms of IBS plus when a really serious episode is about to
happen my burps smell like I was sucking on a 100 year old leather mitt
that was in a scuzzy pond.

Mary Nelson December 27, 2013 at 2:38 am #

Thank you for sharing such great info on IBS .

Basically I have a problem esp after a meal, I need to ease myself after a
meal. It can be so frustrating ESP during work.
Please advise how I could use natural remedies to prevent this.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 22, 2014 at 5:48 pmREPLY


Hi Mary,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching where you can receive 1:1 support
with Registered Dietitians, please see:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Ruslan December 27, 2013 at 6:36 am #

Thomas, you`re absolutely right! I`d always been suffering from

IBS untill I came across some clues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish all people the best of health!

lecitina de soja December 29, 2013 at 4:04 pm #

Pretty great post. I simply stumbled upon your weblog and

wished to say that I have really loved browsing your weblog posts. After all
I will be subscribing in your rss feed and I hope you write once more soon!

matt December 31, 2013 at 11:46 am #
hi I’ve been suffering for about 6 years with this the first time I
had that a domino pain I went to the hospital they tested me and
determine my gallbladder was not functioning properly and then
told me since it did not function I would probably end up with I.B.S it took
my stomach a long time to recover after gallbladder was taken out about 6
months later I had severe abdominal pain and then about 6 months later
then I went almost 2 years and had a flare up and then a year and a half to
two years later sometimes when I eat I have the urgency to run to the
bathroom especially with greasy foodsthe last flare up I had was a couple
days before christmas this year and has been carrying over about 2 weeks
sometimes it spells only last a couple of days sometimes longer that case
no running to the bathroom after I eat doesn’t really bother me as much as
it seems to affect others when they eatI have an appointment to see my
family medical doctor just wondered if you had any advicethat I could
share with him I am a smoker and consume alcohol very minimalI might
have a drink every couple monthslike I said before I’ve tried to nearest
food down but that does not seem like the under causing something any
information you can give me will be greatly appreciated

Team Hyman January 2, 2014 at 2:09 pm #

Thank you for your interest in Dr Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately Dr Hyman cannot provide personal medical advice in
this forum. For more personalized nutrition advice, Dr Hyman’s
nutrition coaching team would be happy to work with you on an
individual level to help you reach your goals. To work with the nutrition
coaching team please go
to:http://www.bloodsugarsolution.com/nutrition-coaching/ OR call
(800) 892-1443 to get started.
Dennis L. January 4, 2014 at 9:07 pm #

I am having this problem, I blot so bad I have gone from a size 42

pants to a size48. I have had test done, results were O.K. . The Doctor put
me on two different types of fiber, Other Stool softing meds.as well as
Linzess. All to no avail, it seems to be getting worse each day. The Blotting
is terrible. Any suggestions. Thank You.

John B January 24, 2014 at 12:25 pm #

I have had back problems and IBS for years and recently after a
sinus surgery I was prescribed a strong two week dose of antibiotics. After
the first week I began to notice that my bloating, back pain and erratic
bowel movements began to disappear. By the end of the two weeks my
symptoms were gone, I was not bloated after meals and I was having daily
normal movements like I haven’t had for years, I felt so good!
Unfortunately this only lasted a few weeks and then everything was back to
the usual. I did take a daily dose of probiotics too, but to no avail. One
other thing Ive had in common with my IBS symptoms, since I began
noticing them, is that I’m prone to staph infections in my nose and rash
symptoms on the palms of my hands. I now believe that the correlation
between gut flora and IBS is correct. “The key is to effectively treat the
cause.” As for the cause, what was it that allowed this common bug to
overwhelm the natural barriers? The treatment with antibiotics though
efficient unfortunately raises a caution flag, as the overuse of antibiotics is
inherently depleting our defenses against the microbial world, and the
effects were only temporary for me, so before I would be onboard with this
I would like to know if you have any long term follow up examinations of
these patients showing sustained results. (well passed the two month
Biplab Ganguly March 25, 2014 at 1:54 pm #

I’m very much excited seeing this curing method as prescribed by

Dr. Hyman. I am from Calcutta, India and an IBS patient for the last 3
years, I had completed so many anti-biotic courses and for the last 1 yr I’m
undergoing Homeopath treatment, but noting is showing any progress.
Today (25.03.2014) I started following the 5 steps of Dr. Hyman but I want
to know what is the dose of “fluconazole” plus its power ( in m.g.)

Jerry March 25, 2014 at 8:36 pm #

I began suffering from IBS during college and years after. It was
very emberrassing, I would have to plan my day around eating and having
to run to the bathroom. I would take my girl friend out to a nice dinner and
we would have to run home or take a bathroom break before we met up
with friends. After doing extensive research I decided to try a product
called RIDSET. Its a full body detox cleanse that claimed to help. After
taking it for a few days, My IBS symptoms were gone! I could not believe it.
My BM were much healthier and foods began sitting well with me again. Im
so thankful that I found this product because now I can live a normal life
and not have to plan my day around having to run to the bathroom. I
would recommend trying this product to anybody with the same issues as

patricia November 18, 2014 at 10:49 am #

I have done the Blood Type diet, paleo, Specific Carbohydrate

diet for Hashimoto’s, Hypoglycemia, IBS and Diverticulosis eliminated
gluten ten years ago. All work well for me and I do agree that sugar is
the real culprit. I take antifungal, probiotics and a massive slew of
other supplements. My problem is that I can’t sustain these diets over
the long haul and I end up back where I started over and over…. As
soon as I feel better, I start cheating and then I’m on a slippery slope…
How can I stick to a diet without feeling like a slave to the kitchen (not
to mention broke) and simultaneously deprived?

Bill April 3, 2014 at 7:53 pm #

I was diagnosed with Gastritis/GERD and IBS 6 months ago, all at

the same time. I was on the road a lot with my previous jobs, and
sometimes didn’t make the best food choices.

The Gastritis/GERD are gone now, but the IBS seems the toughest one to

I was tested for IgG, IgE and IgA. My IgG shows beef and cow milk cause
immidate reactions, so I eliminating them completely. the IgE shows most
milk products cause issues, as well as gluten, wheat, some lentils,
blueberries and cranberries. Cane sugar, coffee and honey also cause
minor reactions.

My stool test showed Candida Overgrowth. I’m on anti-fungels now

(Caprylic Acid), do I need anything else?

I made a lot of progress since September but still have issues. (Pain in the
colon, pain in the ribs, stomach cramps)

Any suggestions how to keep improving?

Renee April 17, 2014 at 5:03 pm #

After 30 years with IBS, numerous doctors and countless test and
drugs, a naturopathic doctor was recommended to me by a friend. After a
few visits with him he said ” I think you might be fructose intolerant”. That
statement changed my life. If you think this could be your problem then do
the research. Learn the difference between all the different sugars. Consult
a registered dietitian for a complete list of foods you should avoid. No
more diarrhea!!!

Cammy April 17, 2014 at 7:54 pm #

What happens afterwards? Is it just a matter of getting the body

back in balancer and then your good go back to your regular eating or is it
something that’s ongoing?

M April 19, 2014 at 9:04 am #

Most talk about IBS w/ diarrhea, gas and bloating. What about
IBS-C?(with constipation)
I have no gas, bloating nor loose stools. Mine is the opposite. I’ve been
mostly wheat and dairy free and no junk food for 30 years. Lately, I can eat
three (careful) meals before one p.m. because nothing seems to satisfy.
(I’m hungry 20 min to 1 1/2 hours after eating) Do not feel full or satisfied.
I’ve GAINED 20 lbs in last two years (unusual) around the middle. Also had
brain symptoms (ADD and brain fog) when cut out carbs (strict paleo).
Definitely have constipation with ANY grains.

Jean-Marie April 19, 2014 at 5:20 pm #

Dear Dr. Hyman,

I have been suffering with IBS with acute constipation for nearly 35 year. I
have become completely dependent on enemas. I am constantly bloated,
have gained 40 pounds because I am so depressed I have become very
inactive and crave carbohydrates. I’ve tried virtually everything to cure my
colon inertia. It just will not work on it’s own. At all. Doctors just keep
recommending more fiber in every possible form, as well as the
magnesium and Laxacure products. Nothing works. It all just stays in my
colon until I finally give in and have another nauseating enema. It’s
exhausting. It is difficult to find a doctor who has the knowledge and
expertise to deal with this horrible problem. I am considering surgery to
remove my colon.
I recently saw an ad for a new medication that treats IBS constipation
called Linzess. I was looking it up when I found your article.
I live in Portland, Oregon, so if you know of someone who can help me, I
would be most grateful.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 15, 2014 at 5:33 pmREPLY


Hi Jean-Marie,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Charles April 23, 2014 at 8:42 pm #

Great web site and information! So are there are doctors within
my area Bel Air, MD) that you would consider knowledgeable on this
matter? My mom had this same problem as she got older and I sure have
had IBS now for the past 3 years.

Tracy April 23, 2014 at 10:19 pm #

My 21 year old son was just diagnosed with IBS. I really felt like
the Doctor was just telling him to suck it up and get over the anxiety that is
contributing to it. He has been in a 6 week flare up and currently is lucky if
he eats 1 small meal a day. He is in constant pain and that is increasing his
anxiety. I feel like he is in a vicious loop and he feels that he can’t break out
of it. He is in constant pain in his left quadrant and has watery stools. What
can we do to get him out of this flare?? I am really concerned how this is
affecting his mental health. Thanks

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 13, 2014 at 8:44 pmREPLY


Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide your son the proper care he needs we hope you will seek
the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you and your son the best of health,
Dr Hyman Staff
Online Pharmacy April 29, 2014 at 8:17 am #

That is very attention-grabbing, You’re an overly skilled blogger.

I’ve joined your rss feed and stay up for in
search of more of your magnificent post. Also, I
have shared your site in my social networks

SHIV May 1, 2014 at 2:31 am #


I am 27y old men,i have giagnosed & report was IBS..I m taking medicines
from past 6 years nothing changes in health, instead of that disease level is
increasing because of that i m feeling always tired,sleepy & i have to go
daily 5-6 times motion & body weight is increasing..So these things
completely effecting me a lot & i cant able to concentrate on my
professional careers..Please suggest me if any surgery i can undergo to
come of this disease…Pls reply me earliest

Thank You

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 8, 2014 at 5:19 pm REPLY


Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Hanna May 1, 2014 at 9:05 am #

I would like to try the protocol suggested by Dr. Hymen before I

go through the trauma ( I believe a colonoscopy is a surgical like
procedure, the prep is traumatic and anesthesia always carries risks) I see
it like this, if I get better, well then it worked. If I don’t see an improvement,
then further testing would be acceptable. My body is absolutely my
business, and I should have a say in how it is treated.

Fe May 29, 2014 at 12:14 pm #

Hi Hanna

i have to say getting a colonoscopy is a good idea- it really is the best

way to know for sure that everything is ok down there. The prep really
isnt that bad- to be honest- its almost a relief to clear yourself out of
everything- for a few days i actually didnt feel bloated or sick- it was
great!! I have suffered with IBS for about 5 years now and its slowly
getting worse- i still dont know what causes it and im constantly
looking for answers. Everyone is different and it will take time and
tests to figure it out. Your right, you should try it and the worst that can
happen is that it doesnt work, and you move onto the next thing.
Good luck with feeling better

rajesh May 4, 2014 at 2:28 am #

sir, i am 28 year old male and am suffering from ibs for the last 4
years. taking so many medicines like rifagut 400 mg, seta 5 mg , libotryp xl
25 mg, ciplar la 40 mg and get psychatric opinion and taking psychatric
drugs for insomnia and deprsssion. pleave give an opinion

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 8, 2014 at 5:06 pm REPLY


Hello Rajesh,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Adrienne May 12, 2014 at 8:58 am #
I would like to know what herbs were used to balance her

ravi May 15, 2014 at 2:12 pm #

Hi, i am having IBS-C. my bowel slows down for almost all foods
other than oil free simple diet. may i know the root cause why my
intestines behave differently for different foods and cause constipation
very regularly? will taking probiotics help my condition?

jimmy May 18, 2014 at 6:24 am #

I have had severe ibs for years and been hospitalized on one occasion. I
have not received any help except a drug that will prevent pain impulses.
In Sweden, you can not buy drugs without a doctor’s permission. When I
moved to Spain, i was at the pharmacy to buy what you suggested for
investigation, because in Spain you can do that. I am now much better than
in years. Maybe it was the imbalance of intestinal bacteria, maybe
mushrooms in the system, i don´t know. I will continue with the gluten-
free diet, just in case. Thank you for improving ny lifequality! best regards
from Spain, Europe

Bob May 19, 2014 at 9:59 am #

What kind of approach do you recommend for stress based IBS

attacks that are not devastating, but severly annoying at first which
graduate to the sick feeling of cottonmouth, loss of appetite, cramps, and
multiple visits to the potty. Librax alleviates the symptoms but I would
prefer to avoid it all together. The stress cant be avoided, due to it being
family life, and the stress is not noticeable other than the IBS attacks. The
problem with the stress based version is that you stress over getting worse,
which in turns makes you worse. Is this a case where medicine is probably
a better course of action?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 5, 2014 at 6:23 pm REPLY


Hi Bob,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Elisa Hansen May 21, 2014 at 10:17 am #

Hi, the protocol suggested by Dr. Hymen sound really good and I
will try it right away. However I was wondering what kind of herbs he gave
to her to balance the hormones? I am from Denmark and unfortunate
there is no local qualified Functional Med practitioner in Denmark accoring
to http://www.functionalmedicine.org/practitioner_search.aspx?id=117. I
would have loved if I could have gone to one though that looks at the total
Picture so I could get the help i need instead of being sent from one doctor
to another.

Cintamani Puddu May 21, 2014 at 10:34 am #

Is there anyone who actually try that and it worked?

Bhavani May 22, 2014 at 10:41 pm #


Thank u so much for the wonderful information.

i have been suffering with ibs since last two years and experiencing all the
symptoms of Alexis. you suggested few drugs like rifaximin (Xifaxin), anti-
fungal such as nystatin or fluconazole , VSL3 or other high potency
probiotic, probiotic called S. boulardii. How shall i take these i mean m i
suppose to take all the drugs in a day? or just rifaximin and antifungal ?
please help me out with this as I want to start my medication.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 4, 2014 at 9:11 pm REPLY


Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Nachiket Odhekar May 25, 2014 at 9:03 pm #

Dear Dr,

I am suffering from IBS as informed by my family physician. He also told

me that I have Vit B12 defficiency. I am suffering from regular gas
problems and feels like I am getting sick. My upper side of stomach pains
heavily and sometimes I also suffer from chest pain. My current level of
B12 after medication is over 1000.

Kindly advice.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 5, 2014 at 6:04 pm REPLY


Hi Nachiket,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Anthony martinez May 26, 2014 at 5:29 pm #

If anyone from dr hyman office can tell me if u take the

antibiotics (xifaxan) first or take them all at the same time ? Can it be any
enzymes capsules ? For the anit fungal hound it be cream or capsules ?

sam godwin May 28, 2014 at 2:39 am #

Doctors in the UK can’t prescribe rifaximin. Their database shows

that it’s liver toxic and is likely to increase the side effects of irritable bowel.
I asked my doctor who I’ve trusted for years and he flat out said no. All
other advice is very helpful and I’d recommend a potent probiotic to
anyone else suffering from this hellos affliction. It’s the only thing that’s
given me hope.

Bertha G. May 28, 2014 at 11:53 am #

Great article, that I will be sharing with all my friends. I have IBS,
but not as extreme as the example described in the article. I have learned
to control my diet to lessen the severity and frequency of IBS bouts (no
gluten, very limited processed foods/dairy/sugar, lots of fresh fruits &

I swear by S. Boulardii to prevent diarrhea and the risk of Clostridium

difficile when taking powerful anti-biotics prescribed by my dentist after
root canals (I’ve had many). I suspect (but can’t know for certain) that
priming my gut with S. Boulardii prior to and during trips abroad may have
reduced my risk of traveller’s diarrhea.

Imagine my surprise then, when I came across articles/studies about

‘Saccharomyces fungemia’. After reading about this condition, I’m
confused, as it paints S. Boulardii as something to take in moderation and
only for specific reasons, due to the risk of developing fungemia, while
other health articles say you can’t take too much and should treat it like a
daily supplement.

Well, which is it? Is fungemia from S. Boulardii a serious risk for people
with IBS? Thanks!

Vivek May 29, 2014 at 5:14 am #


I am 30 year old from India and I have been diagnosed with IBS 5 years
back and since then, i have taken multiple medications for curing the same,
but of no use.
I have cut dairy, eggs, soya and some vegetables; but my condition still
remains the same.
I feel bloated and full after every meal, sudden urge of passing stool
(especially in evenings and after meals), severe itching at the anus area and
sometimes blood in the stool.
This makes me very much frustrated and sometimes the condition worsens
so much that i cant sit properly due to severe itching at the anus area and
this makes me feel embarrassed.
Can you please help me recovering from this embarrassing disease.

Looking forward for a positive reply.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff May 30, 2014 at 6:55 pm #REPLY 

Hi Vivek,
Thank you for your comment and your interest in Dr. Hyman’s work.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide individual medical advice in
this forum. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman who can help you with your condition, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing You the Best of Health!
Dr. Hyman Staff

royal May 29, 2014 at 10:09 pm #


There seems to be a myriad of “unsolvable” health issues –many probably
attributable to our modern lifestyle.
The onus falls on us to correct these issues as much as possible so we can
discover any “substantial” illness which lies beneath. The most obvious
place to start is diet because it would seem diet holds the high ground as
causative in many illnesses (CHD, SIBO, IBS, Celiac and non-celiac bowel
disorders, etc etc).
Which diets? I would suggest- all run concurrently for at least 2 months and
then individually adapted according to normal protocol (add 1 food at a
time if permitted and observe effects))
1. A ketogenic diet such as LCHF – rice, sorghum as the only grains,
absolutely no table sugar.
2. FODMAPs Diet
3. Histamine Intolerance Diet –HID (or H
The ketogenic diet is a lifetime diet- moderately adaptable to an
individual’s liking in regard to total vegetable carbohydrate.
HID diet is necessary initially because so many of the symptoms of
Histamine Intolerance mimic IBS symptoms. Additionally fermenting food
caused by SIBO and or IBS can give rise to Histamines in the gut. So
restricting additional dietary histamines seems obvious
FODMAPS is necessary as it covers most of the IBS symptoms
NOTE- check as many versions (its hard work) of the various diets to get a
“consensus” diet. For example In the HID diet many say bananas are
acceptable. However some others list bananas as a histamine “liberator”.
Excellent- http://mastcellblog.wordpress.com/histamine-diet/

General- to go with any health seeking activity the following is also needed
Vit D (20 min noon sunshine), clean drinking water (add bicarb soda
optional), avoid air contaminants (burning plastics, exhaust fumes etc),
sleep minimum 8 hrs per day total (sleep at any time) avoid EMF (home
wifi, cell phone, cordless phone, etc), do earthing (preferably along beach
or non-developed areas), exercise ( +HIT according to age) , avoid
mycotoxins in food and environment (esp most fungi, WDB etc, consider
sinus cleansing), attempt to get all vitamins and minerals from foods rather
than tablets, avoid GMO, glyphosates and insecticide compromised foods.
Dr Mercola has excellent material on most of the above on his web site
Additionally each individual must consider other “matters”- vaccinations,
nuclear radiation, the pea soup of emf radiation (wifi in busses, cars,
Highway toll bridges and tunnels, smart meters (to name just a minute
fraction of them).

C2theP June 4, 2014 at 7:30 pm #

I was wondering if you can please recommend a food allergy testing lab? I
know there are Cyrex labs, ImmunoHealth, Immunolabs… do they all do
the same panel and is one better than the other?

Md. Mamun Morshed June 5, 2014 at 11:35 am #

Hello Dr. Mark Hyman,

I think I am a patient of serious IBS. My father and I have almost the same
problems for a very long time. as far as i remember specifically from 2004
after getting cured from typhoid I have been suffering from irritable bowl.

My symptoms are :
1. I all time feel my internal part of the abdominal (Intestine) has swelled.
2. bitter saliva or water comes from my mouth.
3. Bad smelled sticky liquid type of stool with lots of mucus in it.
4. lower Left part near to the last rid cage bone of my abdominal is painful
all the time.
5. I feel lack of energy and serious upper thrust or vomiting feeling, when
ever I try to do something physical like gym exercise.
6. Finally when these problems are troubling me I face serious hair fall and
skin problem.

Please doctor, If there is any way I can get back to my normal life from
these problem I would be great full to you with my life. not to forget to
mention In my country “Bangladesh” I have already tried more than 10
different doctors who tried but could not able to give any solution to my

Thank you.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 31, 2014 at 6:49 pm # REPLY 

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Alberto June 6, 2014 at 6:40 pm #

I have been suffering with IBS for about six years now and I have
been taking medication for about 4 years to help ease my symptoms. I
have been taking vitamin b pills twice a day as well as enzyme pills twice a
day as well for those 4 years. Am I damaging my digestive system by taking
too much enzyme and vitamin b pills?

Sultan Sumit Arefin June 7, 2014 at 4:33 am #

I am a IBS patient. I have been suffering from IBS for 6 years. I

need your suggestion. Please help me. I want to drink milk. I want to eat
meat. But I cant. Help me please. I want your help

Rajeev SIngh June 8, 2014 at 2:54 am #
My father has similar symptoms as described for
IBS(constipation) on your website. Do you have treatment facility
in India ?
Thank You

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 1, 2014 at 6:53 pm REPLY


Hi Rajeev,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Meesha June 8, 2014 at 4:48 pm #

I am years old and have never had a problem until two months
ago when i stood up and felt like i was going to pass out and i had to go to
the bathroom. I spent the next several hours laying in bed with hot and
cold flashes and extreme dizziness. The next day it went away only to come
back two weeks later on my honeymoon, where once again i felt the
urgency to use the bathroom. It took me eight days to recover and it
happened again a few weeks ago. Both doctors i have seen said panic
attack. I do not believe that is what it is. I have now gone completely vegan
and I am wondering after you change your eating how long before you see
results. I am still having to go to the bathroom and i am always tired. I also
have been getting headaches and am very sensitive to light. I am taking
vitamins b12, vitamin d and iron. I am eating about five prunes a day but
still feel pretty awful. Any advice?? I go to the doctor in a few weeks but
need some relief, i have a 4 year old and hate seeing him like this.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 31, 2014 at 6:37 pm # REPLY 

Hi Meesha,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Debarpita Das June 11, 2014 at 6:00 am #


Could you please let us Indians know how we can reach the doctor?

I have been suffering from IBS for over 25 years!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff June 11, 2014 at 6:55 pm #REPLY 

Hello Debarpita,
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at
Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching where you can receive 1:1 support
with Registered Dietitians, please see:

Wishing you the best of health!

Dr. Hyman Staff

Megan Fisher June 14, 2014 at 7:08 pm #

Hi, I have been suffering IBS for 3 years and suspect a multitude
of causes. I eliminated all grains, nuts, red meat, soy. corn, caffeine, sugar
and dairy (especially yogurt). 12 mnths ago I had to eliminate most
vegetables as they were causing me extreme pain. More recently this
extended to salads and I started to panic wondering what was going to be
left to eat? My usually healthy diet got replaced with packaged chips and
crisps as my body was able to tolerate them. Imagine a large bag of chips
for lunch. I even started getting severe reactions after eating an apple!
(suspect reactions to pestisides) Tried expensive supplements (enzymes &
probiotics) with no difference. Drinking juice with grapeseed extract helped
kill the infections accuring all the time in the small intestine SIBO, but
interestingly I read that in order for our gallbladder to work properly to
release essential enzymes to digest protiens and carbs you need fat. So I
lathered organic butter over everything I ate and have had the best relief.
Put on 3 kg so am now going to try fish oil capsules with my food. Still get
IBS around and after periods, after consuming too much sugar in one
sitting or overfilling my stomache with too much food or liquid (even
water) but it has helped me the most. I also suffer severe constipation and
am completley immune to laxatives from 10yrs of overuse so I just have
enema every second day. Hope this helps someone, not a cure but add
good fats, animal fats or coconut oils..not vegetable oils from
supermarkets. meg

Victoria June 15, 2014 at 12:24 am #

My comment did not post well. I was saying I keep feeling pain in
my side and pelvic area and then when I have a bowel movement, I feel
better. My stomach looks a little puffier and bloated at times. My doctor
did an ultrasound and she said I am fine and paranoid and said it is just
stress or muscle pain but I know my body and I have never felt this before.
Could this be IBS?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff June 16, 2014 at 1:01 pm #REPLY 

It could be IBS, food allergies, bacterial overgrowth, or a wide

variety of other issues. Have you followed one of Dr. Hyman’s
programs? They could really help eliminate some of your discomfort,
especially if it is due to food allergies.

dharshan June 17, 2014 at 2:40 am #

Hi There,

I have the below discomforts for the past 8-10 months

i) Whenever I miss a meal or if I don’t take the meal on time I can

feel gas moving through my stomach ,I feel like farting but I am
not able to since it’s not coming out easily( I feel it watery ) .I can
feel that it touches my anus but I can’t fart.
ii) I feel an urgency to get to the toilet whenever I eat spicy or fried
foods have been avoiding these foods as much as I can.

iii) I get a very mild pain on the lower part of my stomach, not very
frequently though. Probably once in ten days that too very mild

If my observation was correct all this symptoms started when I

had tooth ache for a period of one month and I was taking a lot of
pain killers

I meet two different doctors one diagnosed it as IBS and the Other
as gastritis, I was taking Robotic supplement called as VIBACT-IBS
and esomeprazole for two to three months but the results weren’t
that desirable.

I have almost quit drinking coz of this but I smoke 4-5 to cigarettes
a day

Your help and advice is needed

Team Hyman June 29, 2014 at 3:53 pm #


Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical
advice in this forum. In order to provide you the proper care
you need we hope you will seek the attention of a local
qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go
id=117 and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner”
and enter your location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at

Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists
virtually? For personalized nutrition coaching, please see:

In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

dharshan June 17, 2014 at 2:38 am #

Hi There,

I have the below discomforts for the past 8-10 months

i) Whenever I miss a meal or if I don’t take the meal on time I can feel gas
moving through my stomach ,I feel like farting but I am not able to since
it’s not coming out easily( I feel it watery ) .I can feel that it touches my
anus but I can’t fart.

ii) I feel an urgency to get to the toilet whenever I eat spicy or fried foods
have been avoiding these foods as much as I can.

iii) I get a very mild pain on the lower part of my stomach, not very
frequently though. Probably once in ten days that too very mild pain

If my observation was correct all this symptoms started when I had tooth
ache for a period of one month and I was taking a lot of pain killers

I meet two different doctors one diagnosed it as IBS and the Other as
gastritis, I was taking Robotic supplement called as VIBACT-IBS and
esomeprazole for two to three months but the results weren’t that
I have almost quit drinking coz of this but I smoke 4-5 to cigarettes a day

Your help and advice is needed

Edwin June 17, 2014 at 8:34 am #

Hi doctor, I have been having a problem with my gut, since

october 2013, this was also followed by chest pain and needle like pains on
my back. I have seen many doctors and all was not going well, i saw one
doctor who prescribed celecoxib 200mg and some how the chest pains
went away and my stomach started feeling alittle better, i recently saw a
gastroenlologist who after listening to my descriptions diagnosed that i
suffer from IBS, but this doctor wants to do an endoscopy on me all the
same. Is it really a must to do this procedure?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 31, 2014 at 6:31 pm # REPLY 

Hi Edwin,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

nholm June 18, 2014 at 1:23 am #

I have IBS-C . Do you suggest the same steps for someone suffering with


Jakki June 19, 2014 at 5:13 pm #

How can I actually find a doctor that will follow this course of
treatment? In my experience (almost 10 years with IBS-C) doctors just try
and throw useless pills (antidepressants, laxatives, etc.) at the problem that
make me feel even worse. Now I’m confronted with an even worse issue of
joint pain during my flare ups making it a struggle to even get out of bed
for work. I am blatantly ignored when I tell them I can’t take fiber
supplements because the fiber actually makes my symptoms worse with
bloating followed by joint pain and fatigue.

I’m actually to the point where I hate food. If a hypoallergenic pill was
invented that I could take for my nutrition and not feel this way I’d give up
eating in favor of the pill in a heart beat and not miss food one bit. It’s
getting to the point where I’m developing a fear response to the very act of

Team Hyman June 21, 2014 at 1:18 pm #
Hi Jakki, we have a resource for helping you get what you
need from your doctor, you can sign up

Glen June 20, 2014 at 3:59 am #

Hi, I have recently SUDDENLY had stomach problems about two

months ago that fit IBS symptoms to a the mark…it was back and forth
between constipation and diarrhea and often both at the same time (if that
makes any sense). Before then I could eat ANYTHING without having any
sort of issues. What has made me over 80% better is going to the
Chiropractor. I told him about my IBS and I started going to him 3 times a
week for the past two weeks…my cramps are virtually gone and my bowel
movements have been so much better. I am still releasing a little mucus
though (sorry for TMI), is that normal? Also, is it normal to SUDDENLY have
IBS after being able to eat pretty much anything?

Janet June 22, 2014 at 1:40 pm #

I have recently followed the Ultrasimple Diet and am in the stage

of reintroducing potential allergens. Soy seems to be a problem for me. I
have been steadily following the guidelines, but then a week ago had
unusual circumstances and ate mixed gluten, eggs, and dairy before their
time. The next day I had stomach cramps and diarrhea that have waxed
and waned for the succeeding week. I never had digestive issues before so
this was not one of the reasons I did the detox. I stopped adding new foods
and reverted to the previous level. Is this a result of the sudden addition of
the three potential allergen foods, or have I made myself ill with this diet,
or what? Should I wait it out or see my doctor? Thanks.
arif June 23, 2014 at 8:10 am #

whats about ibs constipation treatment.

Team Hyman June 23, 2014 at 4:19 pm #

Hi Arif, While I cannot address your specific issue you may

want to check out the following article that discusses IBS-C (about a
third of the way down) http://drhyman.com/blog/2011/11/03/answers-

Jade June 23, 2014 at 5:58 pm #

my ibs has put my life on hold for 2 years. im 17 and its effecting
all my exam results, attendance at college and social life/work. it has
ruined my life and is controlling it.
i am in desperate need for help, ive tried every diet and medication
prescribed to me.
rifaximin sounded like a dream come true for me, but is unavailable in the
UK. i need help have you any advise for me?
thanks in advance, jade.

Team Hyman June 29, 2014 at 3:10 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there. (There are quite a few in the

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Narjis Maqsood June 23, 2014 at 9:12 pm #

Hi my name is Narjis. I was diagnosed for IBS 2yrs ago..I have

anxiety. gas .constipation. Abdominal pain. Body shacks. Mental stress. I
am mother of two and its very hard for me to take care of my kids..plz
help..I want to see doctor Hyman…I live in new York USA..plztell me how
can I meet him..thank you

Team Hyman June 24, 2014 at 8:38 pm #

Hi Narjis,

If you would like to make an appointment at Dr. Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA please go
to:http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/ When you
are finished reading through the material you may call the office at
After you have reviewed this, please contact our office to make an
appointment. By phone, (413) 637-9991; by email,
Kaykay June 25, 2014 at 2:01 pm #

iv been suffering from this condition since 2008 after the birth of
my second (and last thank God) child. anywho, it began as very mild
fleeting cramp like pain in different spots in my abdomen. then spead to
more widespread periodical stomach pain. i thought it was terrible gas bc i
would pass gas a lot with it and also had much relief after bowel

today, 6 yrs later, i feel good most of the time but still have have major
cramping preceeding bowel movements. i also experience an urgency to
use the bathroomthat makes me want to stay at home. i never know when
the urge to #2 (bowel movement) is going to strike. i have had one major
accident away from home but luckily i was at a laundromat drying clothes
so i had a quick change of clothes available. God was with me!

i have to use the bathroom and #2 like 5-10 times a day. a very soft brown
stool. b/c of the premature full feeling, i now eat like a bird and have lost
tons of weight from that over the last 2 yrs. i try to eat healthy greens and
fruits with every meal to make every calorie count. i notice my symptoms
get worse if i have anything fried. fried foods and fast foods are a no-go. i
joined my local gym and lost even more weight and i wanted to report that
regular exercise (walking 30 mins a day) helped to greatly improve my
digestive system. i went from #2 5-10 times a day to maybe 3 times a day
when im being a good girl excercising regularly and eating properly.

thats about all i have to share. a better diet and regular aerobic exercise
greatly help me. i havent tried any medications as of yet as i dont have
health insurance or a doctor.

sathya June 27, 2014 at 7:28 am #

Hi, I’m Sathyamoorthy from India,

These are all my symptoms , at times i have any one or more of these

1)Many times i’ve acidity and similar to reflux

2)Dry mouth and frequent urination,
3)Belching and bloating , i feel stomach is full
4)Before using toilet i get pain in the abdomen
5)Constipation and loose motion once in a month
6)Bad breath for more than 3 yrs

I have visited for 2 gastro consultants for this problem and done with the
endoscopy they all suggested the medicine for the acidity which is least
helped.. after doing so many research in internet i found these are all the
symptoms of IBS..So pls guide me how do i take it further and what test i
need to do and what medicine i need to take..Can you explain the
procedure Pls

Thanks in advnace

Team Hyman June 29, 2014 at 12:49 pm #

Hi Sathya,

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he

cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Amanda June 27, 2014 at 11:11 pm #

Hello, I have been suffering from IBS for three years. It really
sounds like it is an overgrowth in bacteria in my gut. However, I experience
a lot of constipation. I am on the low fodmaps diet, take a probiotic, and
mirolax daily. I have a lot of gas. It is at the point where I can’t where jeans
and I am limited to stretchy clothing. I was wondering if I should still ask
my doctor if I can try rifaximin (Xifaxin)? Thank you so much

Team Hyman June 28, 2014 at 5:22 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Zaljko June 28, 2014 at 3:31 pm #

Regarding the VSL probiotic, is the 450 billion product necessary?

I have a prescription from my doctor for VSL#3, but I don’t believe it
contains that many healthy bacteria. I think I remember hearing there are
different “types” of the VSL product and hence my question. I believe my
prescribed product has “only” 90 billion bacteria. So should I take several
per day to get close to the 450 mark, do you think?

Also, I am wondering whether a person takes the VSL product (and/or, say,
the S. boulardii) while the person is taking the Xifaxin, or rather if they
complete the course of the Xifaxin and then immediately start taking the
probiotic(s) afterwards? I imagine the Xifaxin would just kill off the healthy
bacteria from the probiotic, so it might be pointless to do so, but at the
same time I was not sure.

Thank you in advance.

Minhaj June 30, 2014 at 12:29 am #

dear sir,
I have read this article carefully. I have been suffering from IBS
constipation for 10 years. only a few times I got diarrhea. due to
constipation my digestive system is not working and am getting weaker day
by day. please tell about IBS constipation.

Chad Milczarek July 6, 2014 at 8:28 pm #

Hi there, in high school I had IBS D only in the mornings on days

if school. After high school, I was fine for quite awhile, until I started
drinking coffee, which gave me urgent diarrhea. Working part time, and
being young (still only 22 now) I drank coffee almost everyday. I figured
when I stopped drinking it my stomach would return to normal. Now
around two years later, I still have urgent bowel movements everyday.
Also, before I drank the coffee I could eat chocolate, drink alcohol and have
dairy without it bothering me. Know they all do. Any suggestions on what
might fix this? I miss my old life.
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 30, 2014 at 6:25 pm # REPLY 

Hi Chad,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Sangeeta July 7, 2014 at 3:19 am #

Dear Dr. Hyman,

My 24 year old son has been suffering from IBS since 4 years. Last year he
suffered from severe diarrhea and doctor asked him to go for
Endoscopy/Colonoscopy. After checking results, doctor diagnosed he is
suffering from celiac disease and recommended he go gluten free and
since then he has been following the diet as closely as possible taking
mainly rice based foods, yogurt, fruits, nuts, a cup of milk and probiotic in
the night before sleeping. However, since starting this diet, he has been
going more often to the toilet, 5-6 times or more per day and sitting on the
pot sometimes for than 40 minutes at a time. I am extremely worried.
What diet should he follow? Should he take any medications? Highly
appreciate your feedback.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 30, 2014 at 6:24 pm # REPLY 

Hello Sangeeta,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide your son the proper care he needs we hope you will seek
the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you and your son the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Camille July 9, 2014 at 7:21 pm #


It is not clear from the protocol described if the probiotics are taken during
the antibiotic treatment or once completed. Could this be clarified please?

joel July 10, 2014 at 10:38 pm #

hi i live in Brisbane Australia, i would love to have some help with

my ibs using your method. whats the best way to find a doctor who can
help me?

Team Hyman July 15, 2014 at 4:52 pm #

Hi Joel!

You can find a functional medicine practitioner here:


I checked and there are three located in Australia! Hopefully this helps!

Zoe July 12, 2014 at 11:33 am #

I am so happy that I found this article. Alexis’ former symptoms

are the exact same as mine. I have previously been diagnosed with
Fibromyalgia, PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome), and IBS. All 3 of these
have overlapping symptoms and I’m hopeful that Dr. Hyman’s treatment
plan will help my body all around. I’m super excited to get some good
results, thanks for the help!!

Team Hyman July 15, 2014 at 4:47 pm #

You are so welcome!

Lee Cook July 13, 2014 at 2:49 am #

Very interesting website and info.
I found a terrific product and support team (in the area of functional
nutritive medicine) called Digestacure.
I had suffered with full column GERD acid reflux for some time (runs in my
family too) didnt want to get hooked on pharmecuticals, after using the
Digestacure product for 2 weeks —I havent had any GERD symptoms for
over 2 years —amazing results. Attacking Autoimmunity with a product
which restores and nourishes the Immune System.
Fyi, their guide states this on using Probiotics and digestive enzymes: These
items are cosmetic and superficial. Not unlike other supplements and
medications they will not address the root cause. Without proper immune
support these items will persish within 24 hours of ingestion. when
immune system support is reotred, they are found naturally in the trace,
without supplementation.
If this is true, and it seems likely, as their product and support is backed up
by alot of solid scientific evidence and testimonials, the probiotics and
digestive enzymes craze, could be yet another profitable marketing
campaign, adept at separating us from our money…check out this product
and system please, after the great results Im an evangelist.

Vicki Dillon July 17, 2014 at 11:01 pm #

Hi…I have suffered with IBS & chronic yeast for almost 12 years
now…with no relief in sight! I don’t eat much..cause the pain is so awful.
The yeast flares up so bad..I just don’t know what to do. My gastro doc said
a high fiber diet & to deal with it.
It’s just awful!!!
Vaishnavi, India July 18, 2014 at 1:55 am #

Sir, I am 16 yrs. old and suddenly had this problem of IBS and
have ben missing my college for two months. With your line of advice, I
tried with yoghurt+yakult + seacod tablets and now have seen a massive
improvement and big relief. Thanks for the advice. Keep doing the good

Natja Kristy July 19, 2014 at 2:21 am #

I’ve had often very severe intestinal issues to the point that it get’s
so bad that I only eat two days a week some times. Obviously this has
affected my health over the past 18 years I have been going through this. I
learned that Lyme disease can often be an underlying cause of IBS and
other intestinal issues, and that many people who have Lyme never knew
they had it, even after they are tested for it several times with conventional

Often people who have intestinal symptoms from Lyme will also have one
or more debilitating symptoms. But often one will become profound while
the other simply subsides until the other clears up, then the one that
subsided starts again. That has beenthe problem in my case. IBS symptoms
would just start and get worse, then these other mentally tormenting
symptoms like severe fatigue, feeling wiped out, not able to think clearly
would beging to vanish.

Then after a few weeks the head symptoms clear and then the intestines
are fine for another week or so but begin to return and get bad again. And
then when the mental symptoms came back the intestinal issue would just
vanish as if I never had any issues with IBS. There are some studies I have
read that have indicated that Lyme may be a primary cause of IBS.

If any readers here experience IBS symptoms but also have another
serious condition even if they do not happen during the same times, it may
be that you have Lyme disease. Some studies I read seem to suggest that
Lyme may very well be one of the leading causes or possibly even the only
cause behind disorders and disease like MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
syndrome, IBS, gut paralysis, and many other conditions.

You may want to find a Lyme specialist through the ILADS community on
the net, who can recommend Lyme specialists, who happen to be few and
far between. It may require you to travel in some cases quite a distance to
see one. I’m in the process of making an appointment with a Lyme
specialist they recommended to me if the results of my first colonoscopy
scheduled for early next month shows nothing.

virender sharma July 19, 2014 at 1:00 pm #

My wife is suffering from chronic IBS since 14 yrs. She has been diagnosing
by the medicine namely : 1.Normaxin-TDS, 2.Duxet-20 BD, 3. Pentocid DSR
-BD 4. Rifagut-550 OD 5. SR Prevesca Plus OD.
My question is that this treatment is going in right direction ? How much
time will take to cure ? Kindly help me.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 26, 2014 at 2:17 pm # REPLY 

Hello Virender,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide your wife the proper care you need we hope you will seek
the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Sachin July 28, 2014 at 1:58 pm #


From the drugs you mention i can tell you from where you are taking
treatment…PSRI..infact i know the name of doctor??
am i right?


Jody July 19, 2014 at 8:12 pm #

I want to thank you so much for this article. My doctor won’t look
into my suggestions about antibiotics or SIBO, and will not check for food
allergies. He tells me it’s stress and said he has no more recommendations
for me. I have anxiety as well but my symptoms are above and beyond
anything stress can cause. I’ve never had digestive problems like this since
I got food poisoning last year. I’m paying out of pocket to see a different
doctor next week. I’ve gone to ER twice with cramps and all he tells me to
do is take Ammodium A.D. So glad more and more doctors are keeping up
to date with current treatments so people don’t have to needlessly suffer.
Janel July 22, 2014 at 7:21 am #

Hi there! I am breastfeeding and was wondering if the antibiotics

and the antifungals are safe for my little one. I have been wondering if the
athletes foot and toenail fungus I haver never been able to cure is
connected to my autoimmune disorders/ Thanks!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 26, 2014 at 1:36 pm # REPLY 

Hi Janel,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Jody July 24, 2014 at 4:04 am #

I also wanted to mention enteric coated peppermint capsules

helps IBS cramping.
amanda bush July 25, 2014 at 9:45 am #

hi my name is amanda
my husband has ibs and he is having alot of promblems they gave him so
meds to help but its not helping we have changed his diet. im trying to find
something that might help him. hes been in alot of pain and bloating.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 26, 2014 at 1:15 pm # REPLY 

Hi Amanda,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you and your husband the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Ayan July 28, 2014 at 5:54 am #

Hi, my name is Ayan.

I am having IBS for about last 4-5 years. I am always having this feeling like
there is excessive gas formation in my stomach, blotting and in a day i
need to go to toilet for at least 4 times, yet it does not make me feel
comfortable. For these reasons sometimes i get stressed out a lot.
According to some gastroenterologist the problem lies in my head. I have
been treated with a lot of medicines in past but after sometime they seem
to fail. Now i am being treated with Lesuride OD 75, ZIMIGUT 200 and
Rexipra 10. Things were looking bright in the beginning but somehow for
last few days it is not quite working.
What should i DO?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff July 28, 2014 at 4:52 pm # REPLY 

Hello Ayan,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Sachin July 28, 2014 at 2:03 pm #

I am suffering from IBS from 5 yrs..and i am 27 now…it does not

take your life but force you to take yourself..but we need to fight it
bravely..no one can understand our problem neither doctors nor family
and friends,,only we can understand each other…
My Symptoms
Sleeping Disturbances
Mucus in Stool
Cramps after Every Bowel Movement (for 2-5 hrs)..it hurts a lot,,a lot
Bowel Movements 3-6 times (now 2-3 times) means cramps whole the day
Weight loss
Motion in Anxious situations
Familiar with restrooms of every place i visit LOL
Anxiety every time i have to go out of town

Do following things

Wake up early
Do meditation
Do Yoga
Do exercise
Avoid Stress
Avoid anxiety
Eat light food
Eat only seasonable fresh fruits & vegetables
Avoid Alcohol & Non-Veg
Keep yourself busy
Don’t think about the problem
Don’t eat outside & junk food
Avoid dairy products

Right now i am taking both ayurvedic medicines and allopathic medicines

(when i had rifaximin it worked like anything and i was cured..but my
doctor stopped it saying its a course ),,,but from 2 months since i am
having ayurvedic medicines pain/cramps i used to suffer badly after
motions have nearly diminished..and have to go loo 2-4 times in the
morning…after that i am free for whole day…

we can make some group and discuss our problems and solutions..

Sachin (INDIA)
Neha July 28, 2014 at 5:05 pm #

Hi Dr.Hyman & da respective team

thanku so much for da useful tips
I had dis problem of IBS since two months, I consulted so many doctors
but dat was of no use n den I came accross ur website yesterday n luckily I
got solutions to dis irritating syndrome.
1).I started eating zinc capsules called “zevit” and immediately I got a relief
within minutes
n I felt super energetic
2).I’m following up my diet with a glass of probiotics milk in the form of
“yakult” den i eat my breakfast n few snacks during brunch den i eat my
lunch wid yoghurt n den a consume a capsule of zevit n den i tke my
evening snacks wd green tea n sme sort of small meal n after dinner i
consume psyllium husk i.e sat isbagol wch helps to thickrn ur loose
i basically hv da symptoms of loose stools follwed up by mucous n
I felt very much deprived frm my social activities
but dis routine is rly giving me so much hope to begin my life wd loads of
in my diet um avoiding spicy stuff, milk, ice-creams, cheeze, carbonated
drinks n nythin like fast food wch wud be heavier for me to digest
trust me guyz if u hav a problem of ibs followed up by diarrhoeal
symptoms den do try my tips
n tnx a ton Dr.Hyman for such a great help to da patients of ibs who r
being suffering since yr’z
God bless u all

Laura July 30, 2014 at 3:05 pm #
Would it be safe to continue taking one of the probiotics after the
two months?

brandon July 31, 2014 at 5:21 pm #

It is the worst i have had it for over 15 years now with no

help..Have been on so many meds and probotics,diets and nothing it’s to
the point i can’t take it anymore. Hurts so bad at times like today and after
going to the bathroom over 15 times the pain is past the point of no
return.. Wish there was a better cure for this. Even some of my doctors
have said it’s all in my head just amazing pay 1500.00 a month for
insurance to be told it’s all in my head…

Hussein August 9, 2014 at 9:54 pm #

Should we take the 2 probiotics at the same time? Or start with one for
2months and then start the other one.


Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 13, 2014 at 8:38 pmREPLY


Hi Hussein,
We recommend that you work with your doctor to determine the
appropriate dosage, timing, and type of probiotic for your specific
health status. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

chelsey August 12, 2014 at 4:31 pm #

I’ve been to several general doctors and even the emergency

room (thinking my appendix had burst) but every doctor recommends
laxatives and fiber supplements. What type of doctor do you recommend
for IBS-C type symptoms? I’m ready to be tested for IBS and try some
prescribed medications. Thanks!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 13, 2014 at 8:16 pmREPLY


Hi Chelsey,
To locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there. You will obtain a list with
links to their websites to find the best doctor for you.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

luis August 12, 2014 at 10:59 pm #

Do you have any doctors that can help me in the washington d.c
area. I have had gastro problems for 4 years now.
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 13, 2014 at 8:13 pmREPLY

Hi Luis,
Yes, to locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like
Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Anish August 14, 2014 at 3:02 am #

Anti-fungual is taking with Rifaximin or after 10 days of Rifaximin


all patients need anti-fungual ?

Rifaximin is taking before or after the food ?

reza August 15, 2014 at 6:49 am #

my problem with IBS is not that it was painful, but embarrassing,

every time I eat dairy products (which I’ve reduced or avoided long time
ago) or fatty food, I always have the urge to go to the bathroom, well
actually it is not always bowel movement but gas burst, and it sounds very
loud and awful, that I have to flush at the same time, how can I treat this
gas accumulation?
Azfar August 15, 2014 at 3:18 pm #

I have recently some 5months ago figured that I have IBS-C. I had
gone through checkups yet all reports were normal. Last week I visited
gastroenterologist and I believe he thinks I have IBS. He gave me Gaviscon
Liquid Peppermint (Alginate compound), Cremaffin (Cream of Magnesia
with Liquid Paraffin), Levopraid(Levosulpiride Tablets),
Librax(Chlordiazepoxide + Clidinium Bromide), and Fibo(Fiber supplement)
and has urged me not to take Tea or any Soft drink (Such as Cola, Pepsi,
Sprite etc). I’m taking these since a week ago but I can’t seem to find help
with the gas problems and leaky gut but it has stopped bloating and
cramping, do you think it will work? Or is my doctor missing out the
necessary medicines, please give me advice as am hoping DrDyman may
have solution to cure IBS ultimately. Any suggestion will be helpful.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 15, 2014 at 5:07 pmREPLY


Hello Azfar,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Nelson August 16, 2014 at 7:29 am #

Dr Hyman,

How many mg’s of Glutamine and Zinc do you recommend taking? Thank

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 20, 2014 at 7:09 pmREPLY


Hi Nelson,
Please see recommended supplements at the Healthy Living Store at
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Neha August 16, 2014 at 1:53 pm #

I am experiencing my tummy to be quite healthy I take one cod

liver oil and one zinc capsule daily and a one hr exercise daily in my
I believe people who suffer from ibs mainly lack excercise n physical
movement which our body requires daily…
rest please feel free to discuss about ur opinions may be dat help us to
cure this syndrome without any harmful medicines I feel da best way of
dealing such digestion problem is to let them heal naturally instead of
taking allopathic which may instead harm u in other way
here’s my email id advocatenehajaggi@gmail.com
guyz letz find out some solution to make our lives healthy & fit

Gobi August 18, 2014 at 3:57 am #

Hi Doctor,
I had abdominal pain for three to four days in November 2013. I saw my
doctor who prescribed antibiotics (something mixed with tinidazole) for
three days. The abdominal pain settled down immediately. Subsequently I
could open my bowels very easily three to four times not before that
(slightly constipated for the last five years but with no problems). After the
antibiotic course, I had rectal bleeding when wiping (never had before and
had only one or two days). After that I went to see my doctor, he
prescribed Lidocaine and Nifedipine cream. The bleeding had stopped
completely. Since that time (up to date) my bowels open two to three times
a day (but never felt empty) and feeling slightly hot at the bottom (sitting in
chair 8 to 9 hours).

At present I do not take any medicines. How can I treat my bowel habit and
hot sensation in the bottom?

Please help me.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 18, 2014 at 5:51 pmREPLY


Hello Gobi,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Mekuria Gessara August 21, 2014 at 5:07 am #

I am 43 years old male. I suffered from ibs for 24 years since

1991. I live in Ethiopia and got no help. My main disabling problem is
excessive gas that is aggravated by eating oil. I don’t eat oil that I am forced
to omit it from my meal.
How could you help me?

Rose August 25, 2014 at 5:53 pm #

I’m confused about the recommendation to take the antibiotic

rifaximin since IBS is so often attributed to the overuse of antibiotics.

Can you explain a little more about how this works and how it wouldn’t
exacerbate your IBS?
Would just taking probiotics eventually have the same effect in killing off
the bad bacteria?

If one were to take the antiobiotics, would you start the probiotic regimen
during or after?

Thank you,
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff August 27, 2014 at 10:45 pm #

Hi Rose,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

debora bosacoma August 29, 2014 at 8:32 pm #

Having a parent that is elder and not being able to get out of the
house due to constant diarrhea is devastating to the person with IBS as
well to the care taker. My mom has tried everything and I mean everything
,nothing helps her to stop the 5 to 6 daily hours trip to the bathroom. at
this point she doesn’t eat much for fear the will impact her stomach.Please,
tell me what to do I ‘m afraid she has not nutrition and yet she she over
weigh ( how is that possible) . She leaves out of the country and her doctor
is out of options, I would like to consult with doctor Hyman via internet or
as you tell me. I’m not sure what to do I willpurchase his book but I also
need further advice as she have other gastro intestinal problems

Team Hyman August 29, 2014 at 9:35 pm #
Hi Debora,

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in

this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:

Did you know you can work with Dr. Hyman’s nutritionists virtually? For
personalized nutrition coaching, please see:

In Good Health,
Dr. Hyman’s Wellness Staff

Stacy Holshouser September 1, 2014 at 3:29 pm #

I had a hysterectomy last September, toward the end of October I

started having horrible pains in my abdomen,right side.sometimes it is my
entire right side, sometimes my left side, but the pain is mainly the right
side. Some foods make it worse. Alcohol most definitely hurts, (only once
in a while, well now never again). I have had ultrasound, ct scan,blood test,
colonoscopy, upper gi. Nothing has been found. I go back to the doctor at
the end of September. Is there anything you can tell me to help him find
what is wrong. All I do is lay around, I feel sick after I eat, sometimes I
don’t eat and feel sick. One week I have horrible cramps and am scared to
leave my house, the next week I will go days without using bathroom.
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 2, 2014 at 6:32 REPLY
pm #

Hi Stacy,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Ms. Usha September 3, 2014 at 3:46 am #

Please do not publish my mail id…

Hi, I am from India…I recently came to know that I have IBS problem,, but
problem was there almost from 4 years. But my problem is irregular,, I am
aged about 45 years. and after periods, of 10-12 days I am without any
pain, after that 10-12 days I have this IBS problem.. feeling acidity, feeling
like my stomach is bloating, too much tiredness.. head ache and pain in
lower abdomen. feeling to go to toilet every one and half hour.. Stool will
be problem for me…during pain, I will go to stool 2-3 times, some time
only 1 time. Please suggest and reply , tomorrow I will wait for the reply..
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 3, 2014 at 5:57 REPLY
pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

valc September 6, 2014 at 1:33 am #

When starting the VSL3 and the S. boulardii, do I take the VSL3
first for two months, then take the s boulardii for the next 2 months, or
take them together for 2 months? I couldn’t tell from the article. Thanks!

Nicole September 8, 2014 at 5:53 pm #

I’m currently 16 years old and I have had excessive gas for two
years now. I recently changed my diet to eating healthier foods and
drinking more fluids regularly. My doctor told me I need to see a
psychotherapist because all of this is in my head (and I will) but that’s not
it! I used to only get gas sometimes and now it’s taken over my life and I’ve
been getting the runs! I currently am trying to recondition my body to
pooping in the morning so I don’t have to at school. But so far no luck.
Please any help?
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 9, 2014 at 11:42REPLY
pm #

Hi Nicole,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you and your
parents will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Laura September 13, 2014 at 9:01 pm #

I find this topic very interesting. I’ve always had a sensitive gut
reaction but usually could not pinpoint why I had various reactions. Stress
or anxiety is the hardest thing to beat and cleaning up your diet is often
not enough. For instance I did a 30 day elimination diet. When I added
foods back in it seemed that wheat was the only thing to cause symptoms.
So I went gluten free. Still though I had attacks of IBS-D but did not know
why or when they would happen. Then I experimented with a low
histamine diet as histamine sensitivity can cause everything from insomnia
to anxiety and particularly digestive problems. That seemed also to help
but still could not safely assume I wouldn’t have a random attack even
when eating well. I also got tested for nutrients and it appeared that I was
barely average in terms of the nutrition my gut was absorbing despite
eating a nutrient dense diet. It really gets you down.
I had not taken antibiotics in 20 years but when I found out I had an
overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in one tooth I had gum surgery and was
given a broad spectrum antibiotic and an anti-fungal which I took because I
read that SIBO could be helped by that therapy. I figured I would kill 2
birds with one stone. Still no true relief which was very depressing.

Good diet, stress management, antibiotic therapy to reduce pathogenic

bacteria and fix teeth, low histamine diet, Digestive and proteolytic
enzymes, no pharma drugs, etc… All these protocols either did nothing or
just helped with general well-being, but I still had recurring IBS-D What to

I was reading about high dose vitamin C and decided to start with 1 gram
(1000mg) 2x a day adding 1 more gram every few days. I use food based
powdered acerola cherries for my C. All in all I was taking 20 capsules a day
at my highest point. (probably 12-15 grams of C) All of a sudden my bowel
movements normalized. Even when I ate something I shouldn’t. Whether I
took my enzymes or not. Is it a possible cure? I don’t know. I’ve also read
that Vitamin C in large doses can cause diarrhea. Maybe I needed that
nutrient badly or food based C doesn’t cause problems like ascorbic acid
does. Or maybe anti-oxidants help with leaky gut or kill H-pylori. The point
is that you just have to keep trying. I think Vitamin C is pretty non toxic and
if it helps why not? Just wanted to tell my story because sometimes you do
everything like what this article suggests and it still doesn’t go away. Good
luck everyone:)

Jo September 17, 2014 at 9:50 pm #

Hi, I live in Perth, Western Australia. I’m a skinny fat person

weighing 53kg (116lbs). I am 55 and have suffered from IBS for 14 years.
When I saw a Doctor 14 years ago he sent me to have a colonoscopy and
an endoscopy. I believe they checked for Crohn’s Disease. Nothing else was
done and I was told I had IBS and would have to figure out what foods
were my triggers and basically just live with it. I’m now also going through
menopause without any drugs (by choice!) I don’t take drugs unless I have
to and have been fortunate in my life to be genetically blessed (as the Dr
put’s it) but menopause on top of my IBS is now getting me down a lot. I
am housebound and spend most of the morning going back and forth to
the loo!!. I’m very keen to see a Functional Medical Practitioner in my State
(if there is one!!). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff September 26, 2014 at 8:10REPLY

pm #

Hi Jo,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. To locate a doctor
near you who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Candace September 18, 2014 at 10:36 pm #

IBS constipation is experienced by many irritable bowel sufferers.

Sometimes the constipation alternates with diarrhoea which makes life
even more difficult. Thanks for these available remedies which include
some natural treatments, diet, no usage of medicines etc. It helps me a lot.

sprocket September 26, 2014 at 11:47 pm #

I’m 34, 6ft 1in. Between, 175lbs and 155lbs.I had pyloric stenosis
as an infant and had the surgery. I have been diagnosed with IBS six
months ago I had multiple er visits with abdominal pain and lower back
pain. Nausea,diarrhea, constipation, bloody stools, fatigue, the list goes on
and on. I also had a colonoscopy and endoscopy recently I had 3
precancerous polyps removed one was 16mm large. To top things off I
have hepatitis c. I am a recovering drug addict and I am sober. Alcohol was
horrible for ibs and no longer drinking helped to reduce the severity of
some attacks of ibs. Unfortunately, all my symptoms are still present, they
come and go but recently after the colonoscopy I can have the diarrhea,
still painful and explosive with severe itching on a severe attack, but I can
also have a week of constipation, accompanied by lower back pain, nausea
and as usual a rollercoaster of an appetite. I never feel like I completely
empty. Today I #2d about 10 times so far, yesterday once. I’m waiting to go
back to gi next week. I just don’t get it, this is driving me crazy, and seems
there are so many others with this problem! The doctors saying it’s all in
your head, I just can’t believe it! I would probably slap my doctor proper
like if he said this to me, get a new dr if they tell you that! It seems doctors
that truly care about you are hard to find, at least in my experience. Thank
you for this article, I will be looking in to this heavily and also speak to my
gi about it. The capsuleny (pill cam) is next to see inside. I will pray for you
all. Thanx again for this great information.

Robbie September 28, 2014 at 10:34 pm #

I believe that IBS can be triggered by menopause. My

gastroenterologist (male) disagrees but my OBGyn (female) agrees. I began
the symptoms right after menopause. I had all the tests done –
colonoscopy, small intestine bacteria test, parasite samples, etc. No real
cause. I took the antibiotics, pro-biotics, and antispasmodic. The symptoms
are not as severe as they were 2 years ago – the prescriptions made it
manageable. But I have to live with bloating, gas, some weight gain, & the
cramping attacks.

But the second reason I believe the IBS is hormone related is because now
I have attacks about once a month. It correlates with a small hormone
surge. I have discovered some literature on this, but have not been able to
find a study (they have them at Univ. of NC) near me in which I can
participate. It would be good if doctors would consider/explore what
patients have discovered about their body’s responses and history, rather
than relying solely on their experience.

Anyone else experience this? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Carla October 1, 2014 at 10:29 pm #

I was diagnosed with IBS 20+ years ago, but has gotten
progressively worse. The pain and bloating is almost daily with no relief. In
2011 I had a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I
wasn’t able to take Asacol because it gave me nauseous and severe
headaches. And was then prescribed Entocort. It seemed to help
somewhat, but I also eliminated gluten, sugar, dairy and raw fruits and
vegetables. I take a digestive enzyme with meals, Vitamin D, probiotic daily,
fish oils and L-Glutamine. My diet has been minimal for the past 3 years
and I am not getting relief, but I know if I eat any of the items that I’ve
deleted from my diet it will cause me severe pain and bloating,
constipation and alternating diarrhea. I have no energy and I keep gaining
weight even though I don’t eat much
Today I had a follow-up colonoscopy and my Dr. told me the ulcerative
colitis is not present any longer, and everything is clear. How does that
happen? But I still have pain, bloating and I just feel crappy all the time. I
use to be a very energetic person, worked out 6-7 days weekly and now I’m
lucky if I can manage a walk because of fatique.
I’m feeling extremely frustrated. I just want to know how to manage these
I will try the Probiotics mentioned and speak to my family physician about
an antifungal to see if these will help.
Just wondering if it is possible that ulcerative colitis disappears, yet all the
pain, bloating and constipation is still present. Gee, maybe I’m a

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 4, 2014 at 10:41 am #

Hi Carla,
Your symptoms are real and we recommend that you find a doctor
who practices functional medicine like Dr. Hyman to help you heal
your digestive tract. To locate a doctor near you who practices
functional medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Glen Scott October 11, 2014 at 11:12 pm #

Hi Carla, you might want to try what I tried. Look me up on

facebook ‘live life love forever’ and I can explain what worked for me

Shannon October 5, 2014 at 12:27 am #

I was wondering, why would it not surprise you that the lady you treated
was 20 pounds overweight? Could this be a reason why I can’t lose weight,
because of my ibs? I lost 30 pounds and stopped at around the last 15 to
20 pounds, gained it back (I was still growing at the time being I was a
teenager), and now i can’t lose weight! please help.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 10, 2014 at 7:13 pm #

Hi Shannon,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

deb October 5, 2014 at 9:02 am #

A lot of people on here suffering with the very loose stools sound
like they may have C-Dif. Get your stool tested for this. It does not just
strike after taking an antibiotic or being in a hospital. I know from my own

Anne October 11, 2014 at 6:14 am #
Hi there,

I have been suffering from very urgent, watery diarrhoea for

about 10 days. This has mostly been in the morning but on x2
occasions has been before bed or I’ve woken up after being asleep for 3
hours. In the morning I usually have to go back to the toilet 2-3 times.

I have been experiencing extra stress at work (a new difficult class- I’m a
teacher). But the diarrhoea persists over the weekend which makes me
question whether it’s anxiety-related. I have experienced anxiety-related
diarrhoea before but never for this long.

I had some gas and gurgling after eating but not every time. I’ve found
taking charcoal tablets after most meals is helping with this. I’m also taking
probiotics and peppermint oil.

Would love to hear an opinion, as the thought of developing IBS is causing

lots of stress in itself!

Many thanks in advance for any advice.


Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 18, 2014 at 6:31 pm #

Hello Anne,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Glen Scott October 11, 2014 at 11:08 pm #

I’ve suffered from IBS for many years and there are certain
trigger foods, along with times of the day, which left me in a lot of pain,
bloated, tired and just fed up! I researched alternative medicines and after
much thought I decided to try something that sounded too good to be true.
(I’m a skeptical person but also open minded). After 5 days I felt like a new
man and I’ve never looked back! If you want to ask questions and find out
more you can look my group up on facebook… live life love forever. I
honestly, hand on heart, haven’t had a pain in my stomach in the last 6
weeks and I now can enjoy those ‘trigger’ foods without the fear of pain
following! (A cup of coffee with my cereal in the morning for instance).

As above, I strongly recommend you visit your local Doctor before

embarking on any self-medicating routes as you need a proper diagnosis
so you know what you are treating. All the best, Glen.

khizar October 14, 2014 at 4:00 am #

i have a problem for more then 6 years, the problem is after every meal i
have to go to toilet, i dont know this is dieria or what some times my poop
is waterly and some time it become semi hard i dont remember that when
i did hard poop, its been years ago i used omeprazole for my stomach
inflamation that works but my toilet habbit remains the same i loses 22 lbs
weight and i need help. plz do contect me i am waiting for you reply
do contact me on my email khizar_hafeez@yahoo.com
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 18, 2014 at 6:21 pm #

Hello Khizar,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

antho October 14, 2014 at 1:54 pm #

I notice that your #3 recommendation-Get rid of the unwanted

visitors in your small bowel-

How do you do that without prescription medicine

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 18, 2014 at 6:20 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Bridget October 16, 2014 at 1:11 am #

So after having this severe pain nausea and bloating for years my
doctors found scar tissue on my Sigmoid colon causing the sharp pains in
my abdomen. I was then diagnosed with IBS. No form of medication helps
and after using the elimination diet, nothing seems to make sense as a
sensitivity. First of all, is scar tissue on the colon prevalent in people with
IBS and second, my doctor has dismissed my request for antibiotics stating
the bacteria is in my small intestines not my large and therefore cannot be
the issue. How can I get them to give it a shot?


Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 18, 2014 at 6:39 pm #

Hi Bridget,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Sabrinna October 16, 2014 at 2:33 pm #

Hello, thank you so much for this article, I am young only 26 and
five months ago started very severe symptoms for IBS, your patient you
talk about in your article sounds just like me so I am definteily going to talk
to my doctor about all that you suggest. My question is I heard a vegan diet
as well as lowiring your intake of FODMAPs are crucial to living with IBS but
it seems as though your saynig it may be just food allergies? I’m looking for
relief without having to give up meat so I am just looking for some

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff October 18, 2014 at 6:01 pm #

Hi Sabrinna,
IBS has many possible triggers, and your symptoms could be affected
by food allergies/sensitivities or carbohydrates such as FODMAPs. In
order to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek
the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

ahsan October 29, 2014 at 7:41 am #
HI SIR im ahsan and im suffering from ibs since last 1 year and i
lost16 kg weight so what should i do now..plzz tell me

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 1, 2014 at 9:16 am #

Hi Ahsan,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Kelsey October 30, 2014 at 1:58 am #

I LOVED this article thank you for sharing this information. I am

27 years old and just figured out today that I have had IBS my whole life.
I’ve always struggled with constipation and have seen countless doctors
and none of them have even mentioned that I may have IBS. My symptoms
are basically the definition of IBS. I just figured out my mother and
grandmother also have it. Anyways, I want to start right away getting tested
to figure out what is causing my problems. I am 8 weeks pregnant and am
wondering if it is safe for me to go through all the testing that needs to be
done? Also if it is ok to take the medicines you have suggested? Also, can I
see a normal family doctor or do I need to go into a Gastroenterologist?
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 1, 2014 at 9:06 am #

Hi Kelsey,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

ahsan November 2, 2014 at 1:22 am #

But i use xifaxa and fesigeen for two weeks but it would’nt work.i
attend washroom 10 to 12 time daily.its really stuck my life.i won’t be able
to move anywhere.plzz tell me the medicine which diagnose me properly
and quickly.

shveta November 3, 2014 at 8:37 pm #


I have suffered to from IBS-C and am keen on trying the above mentioned
medication. But there is no mention of the fungal dose is it weekly or daily.
Please suggest.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 7, 2014 at 6:35 pm #

Hello Shveta,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

mina November 10, 2014 at 2:21 am #

Hi shveta,
Can you plz tell me how you feel after taking his prescribed medicines
even I hav d same symptoms n tiz blog caught in my eyes only few
mins ago.I’m suffering from IBS since 10yrs.I wud like to know how far
u got relieved.

Shaun Sunderland November 18, 2014 at 11:57 pm #

Dear Mark Hyman,

I have suffered from IBS for 28 years. My experience has been the exact
same as Alex, in the story above. I have tried everything imaginable,
starting from regular doctors to specialists, naturopath, acupuncture,
Chinese medicine, allergist, different diets and nothing thus far has
worked. I am currently suffering from a major flare up where I have been
unable to leave me house of over a month now. At this point I am
desperate. Do you personally take appointments?? I live in Canada but I
will come to your office if I can by treated by you just like you treated Alex.
I want to feel healthy and beg you to take me on as a patient.


Shaun Sunderland

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 22, 2014 at 1:01REPLY

pm #

Hi Shaun,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. You can make an
appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in
Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Angela November 20, 2014 at 6:52 am #

Is it ideal to take the anti fungal Rx and the 2 probiotics At the

same time?

Khrystyna November 20, 2014 at 1:30 pm #
I am writing to you from Ukraine. I dianostuvaly Inflammatory
Bowel Disease. Syndromes I appeared this summer. The disease I
accompanied by constipation.
The doctor has appointed me antibiotic rifaximin PA 1 tablet 3 times a day
and lactulose 15 mg 3 times a day.
When I took antibiotics felt better, but when I started taking lactulose
always felt discomfort and abdominal bloating. Constipation me while
taking lactulose did not pass, and even contrary become stronger.
After termination of lactulose started taking prybiotyk Enterol 250 (S.
boulardii) 2 tablets 2 times a day. Prybiotyky accept for 5 days. I feel a bit
better. But still have abdominal live feel.
Handed IgG food allergy test that showed a slight increase in on oysters,
crabs and sesame. However, these products, I almost do not drink.
Please tell me potridno may repeat a course of antibiotics or even take a
drug? I am very grateful to you for your response.
Sincerely. Khriystyna

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 22, 2014 at 10:49 am #

Hello Khrystyna,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. It sounds like you
have been doing some excellent work to improve your health.
Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
Khrystyna November 20, 2014 at 1:38 pm #

Please tell us if you want me to take lactulose?

Mike November 22, 2014 at 6:26 am #

Hello Dr. Hyman, is my condition fits IBS? I will have bloatedness,

pain and loose motion about 4 to 5 times a day. Sometimes I will have
hunger mixed with bloated and pain moves around whole stomach feeling,
where I am unable to determine the exact feeling.

H. Pylori test done by my doc was negetive, but the symptoms seems to
match ulcer as I had them before. I feel better if I can empty my bowel
completely, and at times to relieve gas feels good too, but embarrassing.

I am still on follow up with my doc, but I want to share my condition here

and have more/alternative advise from you. Thank you.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff November 22, 2014 at 10:29 am #

Hi Mike,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Kare Santiago November 22, 2014 at 11:33 am #

Hi, my 15 year old daughter was diagnosed at age 7 with IBS and
it has been progressively getting worse. It is also made worse by anxiety.
We had to even pull her from high school and do independent study
because it was controlling her life. She was diagnosed by the breath test
(while testing for lactose intolerance) with the small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth 5 months ago and was given Flagyl and then the probiotic VSL3
for 2 weeks. Well 2 months later it was back, her GI dr prescribed rifaximin
but her insurance wouldn’t pay for it and it was way beyond what we could
pay ($1500) so she was back on the Flagyl and then the VSL3 again. Now
she is without insurance and is feeling like it’s back again and her GI office
gave us the VSL3 for her to take. Is the rifaximin the only thing that will
work or is Flagyl ok? Or will she just be doing this crazy cycle. Or is there
another way of getting the rifaximin at an affordable cost? She also does
have vitamin D deficiency and in her celiac test, it showed she might have
an intolerance. She hardly has any foods she will eat because shes
eliminated them because, “they mess my stomach up”. She wont even take
the vitamin D for the same reason. The poor girl’s life is being colntrolled
by this.

Kumar Senthil November 23, 2014 at 9:40 am #
Hi sir,

I experienced numbness in my hands 2 months back, as per doctor advice I

took MRI for stroke and nerve conduction test and redults are normal . But
he mentioned I have poor blood circulation. Later the numbness started to
spread to my legs and I started to experience dizziness and uncomfortable.
Later I visited anothet doctor he told checked by gall bladder pulse and
told your digestive system is not working. Earlier I had a problem going to
toilet for 3 times a day and my digestive system is very sensitive. I never
thought this will lead to this much severe.The doctor prescribed some
tablets and I am following good diet but none of these issues are gone. I
am really worried what kind of disease I an having. I became mentally and
physically weak. I do exercise for 30 mins daily but I am not getting
recovered. Even i am not able to walk properly and feeling like very light
body weight. Sometimes I felt like commiting suicide. Please help me by
provding solutions for my issue

Thanks .

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 6, 2014 at 7:48 pm #

Hello Kumar,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of heath,
Dr. Hyman Staff
Prateek Dhas November 29, 2014 at 4:41 am #

I am a 22 yr old guy who is going through with the same for the
last 4 years. IBS
Fed up with it! I wish doctors here in India are little educating & supportive
about it.
Had an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I Have been to many doctors in the
last few years and
they have all told me the same thing, “Its all in your head!” What they
suggested me is to dont think on it,
dont react on it & dont even speak about it & it will automaticaly get cured
by on its own. I wish…. tried that also.
But after reading all the details, Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff has given here
its like a ray of hope!
but if we get the same treatment(supplements, meds.) or the right way
which they are telling us here to follow.
I wish i could get the same here in india from someone! I request
everyone, if you know any Doctor from India who can help me with this like
the exact medication or the methods. Or any supplements that can easily
available here in India!


Jiffry December 3, 2014 at 3:27 am #


I was diagnosed with IBS and was having gerd as well

doctor prescibed mevrin 135 with anti depresent drug the diareah stops
and comes
he told me to have a colonoscopy done but did not prescribe a breath test
what shall i do pls advise

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 6, 2014 at 4:58 pm #

Hi Jiffry,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Christina December 9, 2014 at 3:24 pm #

I have been suffering with IBS for 9 1/2 years, after I had my gall
bladder removed. I’ve had no luck from conventional medicine. My doctors
have given me Cholestyramine, Atvin and recommended Anti-Diarrheal
bills and fiber. Which after extended use causes constipation, and
hemorrhoids. On the weekends I try not to take any thing and always
experience horrible diarrhea and pain. My current ‘cocktail” is two fiber
tabs in the morning with a Anti-diarrheal chaser by mid morning, just in
case. I’ve had little success with from my gastro doctor, who is dismissive
of my complaints. I’ve missed endless social occasions because of my IBS
symptoms. I’ve eliminated coffee, fatty foods, and sometimes I just don’t
eat at all, in fear of severe pain, especially while I’m at work.
My question is, will your recommendations to cure IBS help me without my
gall bladder?
Thank you

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 13, 2014 at 6:56REPLY

pm #

Hi Christina,
Thank you for sharing your story and for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s
work. IBS is a complicated condition with many possible triggers.
Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

ABIN MATHEW December 15, 2014 at 10:34 am #

Hi sir,

i was having this bloating, gas and hyperacidity along with increased
frequency in bowel habits and am having gas formation and increased
bowel movements while am in a group, and often get stressed because of
this. my doctor suggested i may have ibs and ruled out ulcerative colitis.
please give me a advice to get rid of this problem which is making me to
move away from people.
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 26, 2014 at 12:09 pm #

Hello Abin,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

mohamed December 15, 2014 at 3:38 pm #

where can i find a functional medicine like Dr. Hyman in egypt ?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 26, 2014 at 11:58 am #

Hello Mohamed,
The best place to start is the Institute of Functional Medicine website.
To locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
genovive December 15, 2014 at 11:38 pm #

I think I might have IBS. I have some of the symptoms. I have gone to the
Dr. but nothing so I want to try the steps of Dr. Hyman. I already took the
food sensibilities test and I am waiting for the results. However, I was
wondering if I followed the steps of healing my gut and turns out I don’t
have that, would it damage me taking those medicines? or is it ok?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 26, 2014 at 11:53 am #

Hello Genovive,
We recommend that you take steps to heal your gut with the support
of a functional medicine practitioner. Unfortunately Dr. Hyman cannot
provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order to
provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Nina December 17, 2014 at 9:35 am #

What are the tests called that measure bacteria via the urine and
I am interested in getting this done,
Thank you!

Neil December 18, 2014 at 2:05 pm #

I have a course of rifaximin. Should I be taking the probiotics at

the the same time as the rifaximin or should I take the rifaximin for 7 to 10
days and only then start to take the probiotics?

Philip.V December 19, 2014 at 1:48 am #

I was diagnosed with H.Pylori some months back. My

gastroentologist suspect I might have caught it since I was a kid. It never
really bothered me much, except I had peptic ulcers when I was a
teenager, and over the years my stomach was quite sensitive as I would get
diarrhea and stomach discomfort occasionally, usually when I travel to
countries which are less sanitized.

I took the H.pylori treatment after being diagnosed, and two weeks after I
have finished the seven weeks treatment, I had a severe reflux one
morning. I did not suffer from acid regurgitation but I have severe trapped
gas flowing to my chest and upper back, which caused palpitations. I also
had functional dyspepsia. That was the beginning of my nightmare. I went
back to my Dr. and he prescribed me with more PPIs, which did not totally
suppress my discomfort. My dyspepsia is now pretty much controlled, but
the reflux (or IBS not sure which is the more accurate term) still persists
and my body somewhat never feels normal. There is always some
discomfort somwhere around my body.
Honestly I would rather trade back having H.pylori than my current
condition, since at least I lived a normal life back then with the exception of
having to suffer couple days every couple of months. Now everyday is a
challenge for me as I cannot predict what will trigger next.
Interestingly I read in some medical research over the web that studies
found that H.Pylori is suspected to be a resistant to GERD, and having some
minimal strains in the source may be a good thing.
Any advice what I should do would be greatly appreciated.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 26, 2014 at 12:28 pm #

Hello Philip,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Wendy December 20, 2014 at 10:57 pm #
I have suffered what they call IBS for 20 yrs no diet no medication
nothing works. the latest diet they put me on was the FODMAPS
diet which made me worse. I am desperate for help. My pain is
out of control. I also have Diverticulitis which I know when im having a
flare up so I avoid foods that cause a DD flare but the IBS is crazy. I suffer
D and C IBS. I am desperate. I use a probiotic don’t touch dairy, meat,
wheat but still bloat and cramp and bleed from the back end. My
gastroenterologist cant find anything accept DD so IBS is a made up
disease as far as im concerned its a name they give something they cant be
bothered investigating further. HELP

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff December 26, 2014 at 11:11 am #

Hi Wendy,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Fiona Tynan December 22, 2014 at 6:45 pm #
I took Lexapro for 4 years and during that time I developed
various medical health issues the most severe of which was IBS. I
cannot say for sure that the drug and the IBS symptoms were
related, and certainly I did not make the connection……until after I
discovered that several of my other problems were directly related to
Lexapro. I hope someone is looking into SSRIs and severe gut pain;
diarrhea; constipation, etc. Meanwhile I will be following Dr. Hyman’s
advice. Thank you.

Baret Yacoubian February 4, 2015 at 11:11 am #

Dear Fiona,

I suspect I’m in the same boat as you and would be very interested in
talking to you on the subject. Please feel free to e-mail me. I think that
between the two of us, we may come up with some answers.



Abu Ahmed December 29, 2014 at 8:09 am #

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff please suggest me a remedy, this year I

crossed 50,
I am having excellent health, as I still work out physically and perfectly fit
with a good looking physic, I do not smoke nor drink, married, I have no BP
problem nor I am diabetic, Usual Asian food is my diet, this year Christmas
I had Chicken chilly with a friend from that time I am suffering IBS and
scratching at colon my digestion is always OK, and I was having normal
bowel movement without any kind of medication,
Please suggest me a treatment as currently I reside in Middle East.
Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 9, 2015 at 3:03 pmREPLY

Hello Abu,
Unfortunately we are unable to provide you with a treatment plan via
this forum. Please consider becoming a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center to work with the nutritionists there from home.
Please go to: http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-patient/
to inquire.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Simon December 29, 2014 at 11:30 pm #

I had read that IgG related blood tests for food allergies are
considered pseudoscience, or at least have no real diagnostic utility
because IgG activity is not an established marker for allergy. Blind testing
yields inconsistent results between laboratories. An example writeup is
here http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/igg-food-intolerance-tests-
I’d be interested to know what you think about that.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 7, 2015 at 7:30 pmREPLY


Hi Simon,
While IgG blood tests can give you a roadmap to identify reactive
foods, the gold standard for identifying food sensitivities is a
supervised elimination diet.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
monsie pickles January 4, 2015 at 3:13 am #

Sorry I had written the wrong email address in my previous reply

monsie pickles

monsie pickles January 4, 2015 at 3:17 am #

I feel very fortunate to have found your advice in Internet today. I

have been diagnosed IBS 6 weeks ago when I had a colonoscopy. I have
already bought one of the probiotics you recommended. I live in Australia
but I buy my supplements in USA. I have been taking Olive Leaf Extract
since 2012 when
I had 2 pneumonias 6 months apart. Is Olive Leaf Extract harmful for IBS?
monsie pickles

Yazman January 5, 2015 at 6:51 pm #

Hi , if I want to get treated by Dr. Hyman please advise whether I

can do it over Skype or phone or if I need to personally visit his clinic. I live
outside of the US. Thanks

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 7, 2015 at 7:16 pmREPLY


Hello Yazman,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. To learn more about
being a patient at Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA.
Please go to: http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

madame7 January 6, 2015 at 5:01 am #

The title of this article is “5 simple steps to cure IBS without

But #3 recommends several drugs as a cure for the intestinal bacteria.
Wouldn’t the elimination of sugar and starch from the diet accomplish the
same thing?

Cate January 6, 2015 at 7:28 am #

I’m confused.,this article is titled 5 Ways…Without Drugs, but

rifaximin and anti-fungals are drugs. Also, I have read patient forums with
posts by people who have taken rifaximin, and to a person, they all only got
temporary relief of their symptoms, and had to take the drug again and
again. Given how expensive the drug is since most insurance plans don’t
cover it, that doesn’t sound like a great option. Chris Kresser has
mentioned that there are herbal anti-microbials that seem to work as well
or better than rifaximin without the side effects, and they are probably less
expensive, too. Wouldn’t it be better to try those first, and use rifaximin as
an absolute last resort?

Wombat January 7, 2015 at 9:01 am #
I have a question about the optimal diet for treating IBS while you
also suffer from autoimmunity, in my case hashimoto’s. Is a
grain-free diet needed to heal my gut? As I have hashimoto’s and
I’ve noticed I’m sensitive to a LOT of foods, I’ve tried to heal my gut
following the autoimmune paleo protocol. But after two months my
symptoms actually became a lot worse. I was also avoiding fod maps,
eating probiotics, using bone broth, l-glutamine supplement and lots of
other supplements recommended by my functional medicine doctor. I
tried the autoimmune protocol after the diet recommended by my
dietician didn’t calm down my stomach. I was diagnosed with dysbiosis and
treated with Cipro for a klebsiella overgrowth in April 2014. I can not
understand why nothing works to heal my stomach. I’m guessing paleo
isn’t working for me because I can’t digest fats, can’t tolerate bone broth
and apparently switching grains for tubers is too much for my digestion.
I’m using Enzymedica’s digest gold digestive enzymes, without them I’m in
even more pain. I’ve tried following every advice for adjusting paleo to IBS..
cooking my vegetables, avoiding insoluble fiber etc.
During christmas i started eating white rice again and it finally helped to
relieve my symtoms. I feel really clueless regarding what diet I should eat.
Because I feel certain that I won’t heal eating only white rice, meats,
carrots and spinach. Because those are the only things I seem to tolerate.
Or is this what I should do? I’ve gotten tested for food sensitivities but still
waiting for the results. My dietician said that the next thing to do is to go
back to my doctor. But that will take months to get an appointment, and
I’m not sure what to do meanwhile.

I really appreciate any advice. Thank you!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 7, 2015 at 6:57 pmREPLY


Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. It sounds like you have an excellent healthcare team with a
functional medicine doctor and a dietitian. We recommend that you
work with them to continue your healing journey. If you don’t get the
results you want, you can also make an appointment to be a patient at
Dr.Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Kumanan January 8, 2015 at 1:44 am #

IBS completely cured by PRANIC HEALING treatment. I was IBS

victim once. Now i got completely cured. Pl get it in touch with your nearest
Pranic Healing center now..

Harry January 9, 2015 at 5:10 am #

Hi, you mention taking for 7-10 days, however, xifaxanta products
state that use should be discontinued after 3 days.
Could you please clarify whether the extended medication period is safe?

Many thanks, Harry

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff January 9, 2015 at 2:54 pmREPLY


Hi Harry,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Toni Wensel January 14, 2015 at 1:06 am #

Have you heard of ibs from Accutane use and if so, do you feel
this treatment would work for it?

Ronald Hinton January 16, 2015 at 6:46 pm #

I find the Doctor’s report very interesting and useful. I am a spinal

cord patient, a 100% disabled veteran. I have bowel nerve deficiencies due
to mid spine nerve impingement. I can walk but need routine Chiropratic
care. And when he pops my mid-back good I always have a good bowel
movement at 3AM the next morning, lol.

Anyway, I thought I’d share, briefly what I do for the chronic bowel and
digestive problems that are described in the article. First, drink a lot of
water – then more water. Then take Papaya Digestive enzymes, Amazon
has them, enter the keywords.

I take Colon cleaner capsules with the Enzymes routinely to flush my

bowels and maintain digestive health – since the cleansing also removes
the good bacteria – you must replace it with the Enzymes folks or your
bowel movements will be runny and insufficient.

Next eat a mixing bowel of grain cereal, pick a brand and try different type
each time you shop until you find one that works. I find Shredded Wheat in
any form is mild and effective in soothing the queezy feeling before
bedtime. Also take routine walks on sidewalk or pavement. The slight
bouncing in your walk will help pump the waste down your gut and into it’s
desired torpedo shape.

I always take a bottle of water to bed and the first thing I do when I wake
up is guzzle it. Five minutes later I get a good bowel movement to start the
day. I hope my little bits of experience are helpful to someone.

Good Luck


Apurv February 2, 2015 at 8:23 am #


I am having IBS since last 5 years, stomach pain strikes me whenever I am

under even little bit of stress. It stays for few days and then it’s normal. But
whenever I am under bit of stress, my stomach pain a lot mostly in upper
abdominal area. And I am having trouble to eat even whenever this strikes.

I take one big cup of milk daily in the morning. Does anything to do with
milk or dairy products for IBS?

Can you pl guide me to get rid of this IBS?

Angel February 2, 2015 at 5:44 pm #

This article has been very enlightening. Dr. Hyman recommends

taking the VSL3 probiotic. I purchased some but am not sure if it should be
taken before, with or after meals. Any advice? Thank You!!
Diana February 3, 2015 at 11:21 am #

By eliminating yeast, do you also mean peeling all

fruits/vegetables and avoiding overripe ones, or specifically avoiding yeast-
containing and fermented foods such as cheese, vinegar, etc.?

Danni Williams February 4, 2015 at 2:14 pm #

This is a fantastic post! Thank you so much for the sound and
balanced advice! I have two questions that I hope you can answer.
1. Is there a specific brand of s. Boulardii you recommend?
Also, you mentioned coupling antifungals with the antibiotic.
2. Do patients take both at the same time or first the antibiotic and then
the antifungal?

Kat February 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm #

I just learned about IBS recently. I thought all the troubles I was
having in the bathroom was just me and was too embarrassed to talk
about. I have an appt with a GI specialist and my doctor soon to be tested
(I hope) because it doesn’t seem to be anything else. I’ve been suffering for
a few years now (I’m 21) and I can’t do normal 21 year old things – I get
anxiety about being in the car because of the fear I won’t find a bathroom
which in turn gives me anxiety which makes me cramp up and have to go
more! I always feel gross in the morning and go 4 times at least before I
leave the house. It’s effecting my social life and work life because I’m
scared to get a new job because this might ruin it. I can’t even remember
the last time I had a normal solid bowel movement. So tired of feeling sick
and anxiety ridden over this! It’s been getting bad these last couple months
and even had a spell of going to the bathroom and passing nothing but
mucus. The hardest part other than feeling sick and fed up is no one
understands. My family and friends think I’m being dramatic and ask “ugh
why are you always sick. Stop” which is stressful. If anyone can relate to my
story it would be great to have someone to talk to. also sorry for the TMI,
unfortunately that comes with talking about IBS!

Agnes February 5, 2015 at 8:19 pm #

Your article not only gave me hope but solid information. I have
high IGG and since my daughter has celiac my doctor started me in GF diet
in October but it didn’t resolve my symptoms. I noticed issues with dairy
and eggs. My daughter’s biopsy came negative but all her blood test
showed celiac. BTW it took us 42 doctors visit to get her diagnose as her
main symptom was severe headache.
I would not want to do the biopsy to confirm celiac. Is it possible that my
IGG was raised because of food sensitivity and maybe once I go with the 5
steps and get IBS under control I would be fine?
Do you have anyone in this field you could suggest in Chicago area?
Thank you.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 7, 2015 at 9:51 am #

Hi Agnes,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you and your daughter the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

sana February 9, 2015 at 1:54 am #

hi, from last 3 days feeling pain/ cramp my lower abdomen n

bloating moreover urinated frequently n even constipation problem…n
feeling more pain if i had oily/spicy food.. is it the symptom of IBS???

Michael February 10, 2015 at 9:27 am #

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to share with you how i have dealt with IBS(Still dealing but
more confident now). Its a known fact that the simple things in life really
help out. Drink plenty of water , Chew your food well before you swallow
and balance out your diet with legumes. Also since I’m based in India
eating spicy food is a big temptation and definitely aggravates the
condition. Another thing that i noticed really helps with constipation is sat
isabgol (Dietary Husk or Fibre). Its nothing to be shy or embarrassed about
, it can happen to the best of us. I wish you’ll the best of health and i hope
this helped.


kabi February 11, 2015 at 11:26 pm #
i just had my hemorrhoid surgery done 5 weeks back,,,i am a sufferer of
IBS since 3 years thats aggravates my piles problem,please any suggestion
for my gas,bloating and abdominal pain symptoms,its usually aggravates
after the attack of diarrhea (2-3 episode) and then the symptom starts and
last for weeks,,,,it seems that i have an allergy to many foods like
Wheat,raw fruits and vegetables,milk,nuts(like everything) what should i do
plz advice me,i shall be thank full

Alaa February 16, 2015 at 12:53 am #

Hello Dr.Hyman,

Please help me end my IBS symptoms that keep getting worse, I am in a

stage were laxatives doesn’t even work to relieve constipation. I am a
university student and would identify my life as “stressful”. I am tired of
visting doctors with no solutions. I should also mention that I was recently
diagnosed with lactose-intolerance, although I use to consume dairy
products with no problems before. I limited all my dairy products except to
greek yougurt because it has low lactose, also yogurt is my favourite.
However, my diet in general is extremely high in fibres and low-fat. Your
help is tremendously appreciated


Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 17, 2015 at 11:14REPLY

am #

Hello Alaa,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

tahira February 16, 2015 at 12:01 pm #

i am suffering from ibs from a year…… i am always feeling

burning in my food canal and throat… food is not digested by me
properly.. often consitipation…… stomach pain excessive production of
gas… swelling of stomach….. stomach filled… my tummy is
expanding…..and also my weight … how to cure my disease…..my age is

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 17, 2015 at 11:11REPLY

am #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
tahira February 16, 2015 at 12:03 pm #

please giveme suggestion to live like a normal being….

tahira February 16, 2015 at 12:04 pm #

by food or medication…..

Jesse Watson February 17, 2015 at 12:02 am #

My wife has experienced tremendous relief in her IBS symptoms

thanks to reducing FODMAPs and using a low FODMAP diet regimen like
the one Dr. Hyman outlines here. Before the low FODMAPs diet, her IBS
was so severe that we almost had to cancel our honeymoon and go home
early! Several months later, she felt better than she had in years thanks to
this diet.

That said, what she found out during the process was that this is a
complicated diet that cuts out many extremely common foods, in
particular during the elimination phase! And she is a registered dietitian, so
I can only imagine how challenging the diet can be for the lay-person.

But the low FODMAPs diet has been so life-changing for her that we have
decided to try to make it easier for people to get through it — we’ve started
making low FODMAP protein bars as a way to support people on various
phases of the diet. They have not only been designed to be low in
FODMAPs, but have been tested as such by a lab in Australia that is one of
the few that can test for FODMAPs. They are the only ones of their kind in
the United States. Those interested can purchase them online at

And if you are on the diet, best of luck to you – get all the resources you
can, and please seek out the help of a professional (functional doctor,
dietitian, naturopath, gastroenterologist, etc) to guide you through the diet.
It’s a challenging diet, but it’s worth it!

mmathapelo February 17, 2015 at 4:55 am #

I thank God so much for this information, knowing that what I m

going through its not up normal makes me feel better already
thank you Doctor very much, to all my fellow partners in ibs ( it sounds like
a name for a career ) we are all going to be healed in Jesus name

Bless you

Arpit Nema February 18, 2015 at 1:30 pm #


m dieing…..save me….. for last 3 years…. ibs is dancing over to me and

making my fun….it started by normel gas and constipation and today it is
vanishing myself like a stain……. sir m under ayurvedica treatment since 1
month unfortunatly m not having promissed benifits… doctor dignoished
ibs to me before 6 months……. so far i hv used more then 100 types of
medicines for same problem but nothing worked……..

the major problem is constipation and frequent stools….including


i was a sportsman..

i was a model…
nowadays m a big ugly fatty 78 kg guy with 173 cms height…i do wanna do
gym but i cant….. i do wanna play but i cant….. i do wanna walk on ramp
but i cant……….afterall i do wanna alive but how can i???……….

suggest me some probiotics and antibactirial drinks… along wid a diet

plzzzz……… i lost mah 3 girlfriends sir……. its killing me……..save me

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 19, 2015 at 2:25 pm #

Hello Arpit,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Zahoor February 20, 2015 at 9:41 am #

Hello Sir, I have consumed levofloxin for respiratory tract

infections and since then I face IBS. is this medicine responsible for IBS….

thanks ….

Alina Stan February 22, 2015 at 11:16 am #
I have a general question regarding this treatment plan.

As concerns the removal of foods causing sensitivity of low-grade allergy, is

this only temporary for 12+ weeks in order to facilitate the healing process,
or is it permanent?

That is, if I were to follow all of these instructions and restored my

digestive system to optimal working condition, would I be able to
reintroduce the foods that had been causing sensitivity?

Thank you in advance.

naqueeb alvi February 22, 2015 at 11:18 am #

i am naqueeb alvi i am 30 year old i am suffering from ibs from

last 15 years ,my major problem is bloating and excess gas ,can you give
me suggestion how can i treat this problem

Alena February 22, 2015 at 6:20 pm #

My doctor is not willing to prescribe me with rifaximin . He says it

is mot proven to help and it will kill all the good bacteria.
Is this is really necessary to take this antibiotics?

Stomach flu or IBS February 22, 2015 at 9:32 pm #

I have been having the symptoms of IBS for the last two weeks. I
was eating some spaghetti one night and when I got up i got dizzy and I
never experienced dizziness before like that so I had a panic attack. During
this attack I had a horrible urge to poop but I was hot and my heart rate
was up from the panic. Once I calmed down I had a BM then I felt better.
The following 11-12 days I have gotten that dizzy feeling when I feel the
need to poop. It feels naseuous, dizzy, uncomfortable, some back pain,
disoriented. Then I poop. The symptoms will pass after the BM and some
rest. Then I’m good. Takes about 2-3 hours to snap out of it. I went to the
hospital one night to check after having diarhea for 5/6 days. They tested
my blood, kidneys, and vitals. They said it must be a virus and told me to
buy immodium over the counter. But here it is now I have had these
symptoms for almost 2 weeks. Does anyone ever have the dizziness and
disorientation and nasea before you have your BM? Mine is still diarrea for
this long makes me wonder about IBS. I have a couple other reasons I
think it may be that. Thanks for your help!

Arpit February 22, 2015 at 11:25 pm #

Hii sir….

actually now i m under the treament of dr shrivastava here……he is an

ayurvedica doctor indeed….. sir as i read urr blog…it make me know to
identify my root problem…. then aftr i did dignose that bactirias and gas
are the major problms for me…..

i lives in india…plzz suggest me some antibactirial and antigastric which

can be available in my locality….. m using PENTOB40 and DSR for gas and
an ayurvedica syrup for killing the bad bactitrias…. tht are helping me….
but i need urr help for better me plz……..

wid lots of hopes……..

Barbara February 23, 2015 at 8:34 am #

I hear alot of IBS with diarrhea but mine in constipation, I tried raw foods
for a year, probiotics, enyzmes. would I follow these same 5 simple steps?
also do you take both probitics listed above at the sametime or after
completing the 2 packets then go on the other?


T Daniels February 23, 2015 at 8:22 pm #

I have suffered with IBS pretty much since childhood. I like what I
read in this article but the problem is getting a doctor who is really willing
to listen, not think you are crazy, and willing to do the work to help you.
Would you recommend any doctors in NC that have this knowledge and is
really willing to listen and help.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 25, 2015 at 2:44 pm #

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.

Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical advice in
this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need we hope
you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
Charlotte Coachman February 25, 2015 at 1:48 pm #

I have a very dear friend who, a year ago, had a Type 111 hiatal
hernia surgery. She still has bouts of extreme diarrhea even with taking
meds to help. Would the treatment you describe here help her?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff February 25, 2015 at 2:26 pm #

Hi Charlotte,
Dr. Hyman’s 5 steps to treat IBS may be beneficial for your friend. We
recommend that she discuss this protocol with her doctor to
determine the best course of treatment to alleviate her symptoms.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Mahendra Trivedi February 26, 2015 at 2:15 am #

That are really most simple ways to cure IBS.

Thanks for these tips.

rocky laus February 26, 2015 at 3:06 pm #

i have IBS for 2 year and all medicines i have used is not effective.
Duspatalin retard and eucarbon is what i am taking right now but still the
symptoms is still there may be i will try the method of dr hyman but may
be some of the medicine may be not available to my current country right
now!!! saudi arabia.. but still im hoping the method will work even not
totally following completely examples availability of the medicine!!!
someone out there suffering IBS never loss HOPE and add me in facebook
may be i can give you tips also how to relieve some symptom. im a nurse
here in saudi arabia!!! Rocky laus add me in facebook… god bless

Shumaila Khan February 27, 2015 at 6:45 pm #

Hello Doctor!

My father who is 67 years old has developed IBS-D for the last one year or
more but he always had stomach upset issues for past many years. He did
try probiotics (dont know the brand) but then quit it stating that it
exacerbated his prostrate problem. Is it true? Is there any link among
taking probiotics and worsening of prostate. He is extremely depressed
and though once a v social man he dsn’t leave home anymore. Please do
reply me since i want to help him in some way. After reading your
prescribed five ways I am hopeful and would share it with my dad but if
there no relation among the two.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 7, 2015 at 3:18 pm #REPLY 

Hello Shumaila,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will as his
doctor about the appropriate type and dose of probiotic based on his
health status.
Wishing you and your father the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Tracy February 28, 2015 at 2:50 am #
I have beend a vegan for quite some time.I do watch what I eat.I
also was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in my late 20s.just few
years ago I was diagnosed with ibs. Now I was diagnosed with
Seborrheic dermatitis. Could these be related since you said about yeast.
I don’t like to travel because I fear the rocket shits will happen in places I
am not familiar with.
Some times I am constipated for days and the cramp is so bad I thinks it’s
pms.Then I get the rocket shits. I am at my wits end trying to figure it all
out.Why did this happen? What else can I do to help myef in feeling better
and secure in going out.please help!

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 7, 2015 at 3:14 pm #REPLY 

Hello Tracy,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. If you would like information on
becoming a patient at The UltraWellness Center, please see “How to
Become a Patient” at http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/. You may also feel free to call The UltraWellness Center at
(413) 637-9991.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
hemalata February 28, 2015 at 12:34 pm #

Is bloating can lead to coughing or sneezing to others?

hemalata February 28, 2015 at 1:06 pm #

Is bloating can cause allergic reaction to others?

Troy February 28, 2015 at 11:31 pm #

I have had IBS for 10 years or more, I started taking a teaspoon of

Turmeric in water in the mornings, it worked almost straight away, before I
had diahereah all the time. Up to 10 times a day I would go, now I go 2 or 3

John March 4, 2015 at 12:19 am #

I live in UK .can you tell me if i am able to buy the things you

outline in 1-5 simple steps to cure IBS.

Thank you so much.


Salman khan March 5, 2015 at 9:19 am #

sir. i am from Peshawar Pakistan,,…i mostly feels uncomfortable

and having like thoughts that my breathing is not normal, i feels severe
pain in my stomach…i can`t go outside the home and to meet with people
due to high fear….i feel almost that i am going to die and the world seems
to me like abnormal plz suggest me some tips i will be very grateful.
Salman khan Pharm.D student from Pakistan

Roland March 5, 2015 at 11:48 am #

i am suffer bowel problems since 2014 july

The doctors guessed i got glutein intolerance but now they said i have IBS
i didnt get any treatment just a list which i shouldn’t eat .if i follow this list
im not eating nothing
I tryed to found out what foods are bad for my guts,but its hard because
one day i got pain from something that another day no problem.
I tryed glutein free diet ,no changes .i visiting the toilet too often,since to
be hopeless because i tried everything.medicine ,natural herbal
things,diet……+this horrible headache its made my days more difficult
i dont know what to do anymore

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 7, 2015 at 2:57 pm #REPLY 

Hello Roland,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. If you would like information on
becoming a patient at The UltraWellness Center, please see “How to
Become a Patient” at http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/. You may also feel free to call The UltraWellness Center at
(413) 637-9991.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Ruby March 7, 2015 at 8:02 pm #

Good day. Im 48 yrs old and suffering from ibs(diarrhea) i am also

in a perimenopausal stage.this started when i ate at seafood resto and in
going home i visited around 8 gas station because of severe stomachache
but nothing came out until the last 3 washrooms.and when i got home
iwent to the bathroom thrice with vomitting of what i ate, literally.i went to
the hospital and they inject something to relieve the pain…they treated it
as diarrhea .i went home but it started this problem of mine that exactly
the same thing as ibs. This started more than a month ago. I was nervous
at first but when i research and read a lot about my condition…i guess ibs
and my perimenopausal condition are working together for what i am
suffering now.i have all the symptoms of ibs. Please help me

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 11, 2015 at 2:27 pmREPLY


Hello Ruby,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. If you would like information on
becoming a patient at The UltraWellness Center, please see “How to
Become a Patient” at http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/. You may also feel free to call The UltraWellness Center at
(413) 637-9991.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Deb Yirku March 9, 2015 at 10:04 pm #

I was diagnosed with IBS almost 10 years ago, was given meds,
my sx’s subsided and occasionally had mild sx’s. In the past 1.5 weeks my
sx’s has exacerbated significantly. I have had 3 fairly emotional situations
in the past 3 weeks. Son-in-law lost his job, putting beloved dog down and
my brother-in-law passed away. Although these are difficult I have endured
more stress over the years. I have B basal joint arthritis in part due to my
work as a physical therapist. I take 75mg of the generic form of
Voltaren/day. Occasionally 2x/day. My emotional stress is decreasing so I’m
not convinced that this is the cause. I have been taking Voltaren for 2 years
and it allows me to work as I do a lot of manual therapy. Is the Voltaren a
possible cause plus the stress? It hasn’t been months or years that my sx’s
have increased but I’m unsure about seeking medical care or just diet
changes. I also do Weight Watchers and have lost 3 pounds. I love the
program and eat fruits and veggies daily. Suggestions Dr?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 11, 2015 at 2:19 pmREPLY


Hi Deb,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work.
Unfortunately he cannot provide you personalized medical
advice in this forum. In order to provide you the proper care you need
we hope you will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. If you would like information on
becoming a patient at The UltraWellness Center, please see “How to
Become a Patient” at http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/. You may also feel free to call The UltraWellness Center at
(413) 637-9991.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Deb Yirku March 9, 2015 at 10:05 pm #

I’ve lost 30 pounds on WW not 3!

R March 10, 2015 at 12:28 pm #

Which labs can be used to send patients for SIBO and fungal
overgrowth studies?
I’m aware that this should be a lab that consistently performs these
studies, so experienced and reliable.
avant kumar March 11, 2015 at 1:10 am #


Im an IBS patient, Its been 3 months now. I was given antibiotics at the
initial stages when I was diagnosed for Acute GE. Post GE my condition is
like passing stools very often and without any consistency. Doctors then
said Im an IBS patient. They prescribed me probiotics and antacid tablets
to get rid of these. But till date I don’t see any improvements in my
condition. 2 days I will be fine and the third day again same story. When I
say same story that means…. I pass stools somewhere around 5-6 times
excluding morning regular stool. Those 5-6 times will be like gastric stools.
Feels like constipation and unsatisfied after passing stools. I am now in
touch with nutritional expert and I am now having protiens, multi vitamin,
salmon omega fish oil tablets, and also soluble fibre in my diet since 2-3
weeks. But still my condition is same. Every 3rd day I face this gastric stool
I have excluded milk, Non Veg, egg yolk, coffee, alcohol from my diet.
Kindly suggest what should I do to get this IBS cured permanently.

roel March 12, 2015 at 9:18 am #

I only took 1 bottle of a probiotics brand and my IBS has gone.

Thank you so much.

rabih kahaleh March 12, 2015 at 10:49 am #

I am an IBS Patient and face some heartburn, its been 3 months

ago. i was given nexium to prevent the production of the acid reflux and
antacids “TUMS” for heartburn in addition with librax,xanax for the anxiety
(stress)….for the time being i am good and my doctor said to stop all the
medicine and proceed only with “buscopan” when i have stomach pain or
cramp and antacids “TUMS” when heartburn.

i have exclude Milk,all caffeinated beverages, tomates based. kindly

suggest if i should proceed with this medicine and the exclude foods?

Thank you

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 17, 2015 at 5:47 pmREPLY


Hello Rabih,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Rohan March 16, 2015 at 3:04 am #

Hello Doctor, I am obese, I am a diabetic and have blood

pressure and take medicines for last 10 years. I am suffering from IBS for
over 20 years, I also had an fistula surgery done 10 years back. I am not
able to hold my stools for more than a minute in the morning and go for
motions 6/7 times a day. generally 4 times in the morning. I did consult the
doctors in India and they informed that it was due to diabetic neuropathy.
Noting has worked for me for last 20 years and have not traveled by bus in
the last 15 years. Its becoming worse day by day. I take colospa retard and
eldopar 2 tablets before travel as my job requires extensive travel, but still
cannot hold my stools. Can you please suggest how should I proceed
further, should I show this 5 tips that you have mentioned above to my
doctor in India or do you suggest any other remedy. I am also over weight.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 17, 2015 at 5:21 pmREPLY


Hello Rohan,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Beverlee March 16, 2015 at 5:17 pm #

Very excited to read this article. Have suffered from IBS-D for
along time and has become debilitating the last year. I will follow all of
your advise.

I am also following your 10 day detox diet. You suggest PGX as added fiber
and too feel more full and eat less. Will this fiber be helpful with my IBS-D
or could is make it worse.

Thanks very much

Cara March 17, 2015 at 10:57 am #

I’m 15 and I think I have ibs. my local medical practitioner said

that I had abdominal migraines, so I researched it up, and it said that it had
similar symptoms to ibs but without the constipation and diarrhoea. I don’t
exactly know the difference between them. all I know is that whatever I
have whether it is ibs or abdominal migraines, I want to relieve fast. I
thought I was perfectly fine for a month without it, and then it flared out all
of sudden and came back. it really it affecting my school life and social life.
are there certain foods that I should avoid or foods that I should eat? I’m
also going to try to be a vegetarian. will that help?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 17, 2015 at 5:09 pmREPLY


Hello Cara,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you and your
parents will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med
practitioner soon. To locate a doctor near you who practices functional
medicine like Dr. Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Gron March 18, 2015 at 5:30 pm #
“5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS Without Drugs”

Yet, in step 3, the article recommends taking drugs. I have

nothing against that, but the article’s title is more than a little
misleading — I suspect purposely so.

Gron March 18, 2015 at 5:31 pm #

….not to mention, IBS doesn’t have a cure, just treatment.

Beverlee March 20, 2015 at 1:13 pm #

I am following Dr Hyman’s advice in this article also under my Dr’s

care. Do you take both Proibotics at the same time or the VSL first and then
the other?
Thank you

Tom March 21, 2015 at 1:31 pm #


I’ve been on a strict diet for years now because of treatment I have
received for ME. I eat zero sugar, gluten or yeast and I have also been
completely avoiding dairy until recently although I still only have a very
small amount of lactose free cheese and no other dairy.

For the past few months since contracting IBS on top of the ME I have also
been on the FODMAP diet which hasn’t done anything for me. I notice eggs
and corn are mentioned as things to avoid, I wasn’t told this but should I
come off them too?
I had probiotics etc a couple of years ago after having treatment for

I think if diet was going to help it would have done it by now so I need a
more aggressive approach. Is this rifaximin available without a
prescription? My GP is very old fashioned and not open to trying anything
beyond his seemingly dated medical training. If you start taking it would
there be a noticeable difference before taking the probiotics etc? Or would
you only find out if it was having an
effect after some time had passed?


Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff March 21, 2015 at 4:41 pmREPLY


Hi Tom,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Afsal March 26, 2015 at 4:16 am #

how to get rid of ibd diarhea ..i am always getting this probleem
in morning will eating rifaxmin solve this.
if iam going to bathroom for 2-3 times in morning tthe i am ok

Courtenay March 26, 2015 at 5:59 am #

Hi Dr Hyman

I’m 18 and have IBS.. I get excessive gas and my bowel movements change
between diaheerra and constipation. I’m gluten intolerant and try to have a
high fibre diet. What foods are especially important to avoid in my case?
And what can I do to get rid of the gas?

Thank you

christina h April 1, 2015 at 1:33 pm #

I just want to verify that the elimination diet was suggested for 12
weeks? I have been reading quite a bit about elimination diets and this is
the longest span of time I have seen suggested. Is there any particular
reason to do the elimination diet this long?
I am already seeing my MD repeatedly trying to find out what is causing my
stomach/bowel issues, and have done blood, stool and urine samples and
am trying to get a GI referral. I beleive the elimination diet might be the
best thing to do and just want as much complete info as I can get.
Thank you

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 4, 2015 at 5:20 pm # REPLY 

Hi Christina,
An elimination diet includes an allergy-free diet for at least three
weeks followed by challenging individual foods one at a time. The total
length of the diet will depend on how many foods you want to re-
introduce. See the Institute of Functional Medicine website for more
information about an elimination diet at
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Nahid April 8, 2015 at 9:39 pm #

Can you please tell me what dose of anti-fungal such as nystatin

or fluconazole for two to four weeks Dr. Hyman gives his patients. My Dr is
worried about using them because liver and nerve damage.
Also do you monitor your patients who are on anti-fungal medications?

Thank you for your help,


Paul Kharei April 9, 2015 at 6:02 am #

Nausea(when empty stomach)

Weakness and lost of appetite.
Sharp spike of pain at muscles,nerves and joints. confused stomach
pain(usually after food)
Swells leg late night while on shift (timing 3am)
Pain at jaw muscles left and right
Pain at back head nerve,left and right.
Pain in sole and palm,at times pain in the sheen bones.
Burning sensation and irritation stomach and guts
Frequent dierhea(when consumed too much of oily food,masala and
Dark stool(no blood,no vomiting,no sudden lost of weight)
My body cannot bear with cold but its okey with heat
Lots of gas from stomach(flatulence),anything i eat small or plenty stomach
always full.
1,Biopsy,Endoscopy stomach done=no malignancy or tumor
2,Hilsa HIV =Negative
4,Twice complete Haemogram with interval 6mths=No difficiency
6,Diabetes test=Normal sugar level
7,Liver function test=Normal
8,ultra sound & Sonography done twice cannot find any abnormal size in
KIDNEY,LIVER,BLADDER,PANCREAS,Some fats in liver only. Within span of
12 Moths
9,Suspecious test=Tuberculin Test and TB Gene Expert test=Negative
10,urine culture=No Bact Growth

I am 35yrs Male ,works 3day night shift.

regular gym 4 months,stopped Tobacco,Alcohol and Red Meat for 12
months ago

Need medical assistance

Doctor i am consulting, keeps on advising diagnosis and prescribed only

one medicine ESOZ 40 for 5 months.12 months old possible IBS

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 10, 2015 at 2:26 pm #REPLY 

Hi Paul,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. If you would like information on
becoming a patient at The UltraWellness Center, please see “How to
Become a Patient” at http://www.ultrawellnesscenter.com/becoming-a-
patient/. You may also feel free to call The UltraWellness Center at
(413) 637-9991.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Judy Bennett April 11, 2015 at 11:17 am #

I was diagnosed with IBS back in 1999. After moving to a new

town, I had to see a new doctor to continue my medication to keep it under
control. He insisted that I have a colonoscopy to make sure there was
nothing else going on and I complied. Of course, the colonoscopy found
nothing unusual. Immediately following the colonoscopy, I had a drastic
decline in health which included severe upper abdominal pain, severe
bloating and persistent heartburn and belching. Since this colonoscopy, I
have searched for a cure to this new development and in the last three
years, I have had my gallbladder removed and a complete hysterectomy
due to my colon being fused to both my ovaries. My gallbladder was not in
good shape and was causing some of my pain. Now, mind you, I was a 48
year old that weighed 137 pounds and believed in working out and staying
as healthy as I could. Before removing my gallbladder, I was subjected to
almost every test available for digestive pain including an endoscopy which
did not reveal anything. The one test that I was not subjected to was the
breath test you mentioned for SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth).
I was found to have gastric paresis which is a paralyzed colon that does not
digest properly in the normal time frame. Within the past three years, my
health has declined drastically. I have lost muscle mass and suffer from
severe upper abdominal pain with extreme acid reflux and bloating to the
extreme that I look six months pregnant. Along with this comes horrible
RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). After doing much research, I came across a
disorder that fit every symptom that I was experiencing called SIBO (Small
Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). I talked with my family doctor who has
never heard of such a thing, but was willing to give it a try. The antibiotic
that I needed was $400.00 a bottle and so, the rest is history. I couldn’t
afford it. I am still suffering with what I call flare ups every other week that
puts me to bed. This illness controls my life. I have since achieved
insurance and when I came across your website, I was thrilled to know that
this nightmare I have been living may be coming to an end. I live in Texas
and would do almost anything to be able to see you and talk with you, but
that isn’t possible, so I will take all I have learned from your site to my new
Gastrologist with good faith that I may finally find a cure for this. I am also
seeking a support group due to the fact that I now have depression from
this illness. Thank you for all that you do and your wonderful website!

Joan April 12, 2015 at 11:29 am #

Dear Doctor Hyman: I read you article on IBS, which I have had
since my teens,I am 57 and recovering from an attack that lasted a little
over a year,not fun.

I used have 1 to 3 attacks a year and would stop eating for 5-7 days and
drink gatorade till my system would calm down. Then I could eat normal

I hit menopause and that cause it to be worse and attack continue for like I
said a little over a year.

The doc’s, reg doc,Gasto doc and other finally got me stabilized but not
before I drop from 143 to 114. I take a multivitamen and a 80 billion
probiotic and around 300 of Magnesium and a table spoon of citracel and
celexa to calm the hormonal system flux.
I deleted dairy and high sugar, fructose, and hot spices from system. I do
struggle with my system having that many issue but I am doing much
better thus far with out that food in it.

I am back up around 134ish to 137ish and doing much better.

I consulted with a doc out side the military system as we are retired
military. She had background like you;integrated medicine and she
suggested more magnesium in my diet. That helped a lot and I am
considering changing to her as before this I had so many meds thrown at
me that made worse during that year and her suggestion helped more
than anything else.

I am 57 and enjoy biking,swimming,lifting weights,yoga and other activites

like chasing my grandbabies….fine artist with many hobbies. So lying
around sick is not my favorite.

I am not writing this for advice but only to tell you I appreciate your article
and the info it had in it for consideration. A friend told me about it that had
gut issues and so I though I would look through your website. I will
continue to look through your site and read some stuff.

Sincerely in Christ,


Judy April 12, 2015 at 11:39 am #

I have suffered with the very same symptoms of SIBO for three
years. Your website has given me a lot to take to my doctor. Thank you for
all your work you have put into this. It gives me some hope.

Karishma April 22, 2015 at 7:09 pm #
Hi Dr. Hyman,

I have been a Type 1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetic all my life and all

the Specialists I have gone to have been in utter awe that I have
lived for 35 years without a single complication. At first, I thought it was a
good thing until I noticed all the Specialists blame every little thing I go
through on my being a Diabetic. And I told myself, I was not going to take
all of their Stupidity, Ignorance and utter laziness to do their job any
longer. That was when I found YOU; I have all your books, I have followed
them all including your Detox Program and everything you have said
works. That is why I introduced your books and your ideas to my Parents,
to many other Hospitals in NJ and in the Philippines on how these
Specialists should always find the main underlying causes for their patients’
symptoms rather than just blaming it on our Diabetes.
Its only been lately that I have been experiencing everything your patient,
Alexis, has been going through, and I have been to more Specialists than I
can count all with the same “stupid reasonings and ignorance” and Im sure
i do not have any Food Allergies, but I just wanted to know from you, Dr.
Hyman and your Staff, in order to try this Refaximin for 10 days, do I need
to go see my Endocrinologist here in Princeton, NJ and because its a New
Specialists All Over Again, what do I have to say to Educate Him on How He
Should Be Doing His Job in Helping ME Heal?
Seriously, Dr. Hyman, I always end up having the need to educate other
Doctors here and all of their patients always tell me, Honey, we learned
more from you in 5 minutes of talking to you than we have in 5 years being
with this Doctor….Thank you, Honey, and we hope you feel better.”
Im tired of this IBS issue, which I have never had in my entire life until the
last 3 years.
Please answer my Message? I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Dr.
Hyman for everything…and I hope I get to meet you in person very soon.

Karishma =)
Mary Jane Kestner April 23, 2015 at 9:18 am #

Hi Dr. Mark,
Just want to say that whenever I am stressed over a period of time I get this
problem…with time it goes away…but I did realize that swallowing a little
raw garlic daily helped…it must kill those bad bacteria you are talking
about thanks for all the advice. mary jane

Jennie April 23, 2015 at 11:56 am #

I was diagnosed in 2012 with IBS. My Gastro doctor didn’t tell me

what to do at the time. In 2013, I had CT’s, MRI’s and they could find
anything. In Sept, 2013, I went UCLA, and the Gastro there looked at all my
reports and told me I had
IBS. -Visceral Hypersensitivity, Fibromyagia. Fatigue, Anxiety and
Depression caused by the extreme pain. She put my on anti depressant.

In February of 2014, I had an upper GI, and Colonscopy. My doctor was

unable to complete the Colonscopy. In his report, he put that I have Severe
Redundant Spastic Colon, with tortuousities Sigmoid Colon and thickening
of the fold.

I have done various Fod -Map diets; everything seems to bother me even
water. There are times I don’t want to eat The medications I am currently
taking are: Ativan – 1mg – twice daily, Proventil Inhaler – As needed, Gas
Relief – as needed Bean Assist – 3 as needed, Cymbalta. – 60 mgs. a day.
have also have tried various other medications: ELAVIL, DESPRIMINE,
LYRCA, GABATATIN, Hydro-5 / ..325 Acetemphone, Donnatela, Xanax, Zoloft.
Again, nothing has worked. I have also had Cranial massages. Accupture,
Cognitive Therapy (on going), Hypnosis, etc. I have also had two different
pain blocks; Superior Hypogastric block, Splanchnic nerve block, I even
went to the IBS Treatment Center. I nothing has worked so far.
I have had to go on medical leave of absence. This has ruined my life. The
doctors don’t what to do with my case. I cry every day from the extreme

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 26, 2015 at 1:33 pm #REPLY 

Hello Jennie,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Andrea April 24, 2015 at 9:47 am #

I wanted to know if there are any kind of plans out there to make
payments for doing these tests. I work P/T and do not have insurance, can’t
afford it. I have IBS with occasional diarrhea and I am getting very tired of
the pain and discomfort I’m having and don’t know what else to do. I can’t
go anywhere is fear of embarrassing myself . I am starting to be afraid to
eat anything. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You

NJ April 24, 2015 at 10:11 am #

Well, reviewing all these posts certainly proves that this is a real
problem and gastros are not handling it at all since everyone is suffering
for years without management. I am one of these people and have been
suffering for over 15 years with no relief. It took everything in me to push
one of my many gastros to give me the gluten blood test. Now I am seeing
yet another gastro who at least tried Lotronex with me but to no avail.
Question: How do I convince the new gastro to test me for SIBO when I
know they will not and put up a fight? Why don’t they want to help manage
us and give us our quality of life back?

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff April 26, 2015 at 1:28 pm #REPLY 

Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. If your

doctor is not willing provide the testing you are seeking, we hope you
will seek the attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner.
To locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Pam Perugini April 30, 2015 at 6:15 pm #
Your information on irritable bowel was very interesting. I was
wondering if you do the five steps separately or all at once. I know it
sounds silly, but I figured try the elimination diet first then the other stuff.
Thanks for your time

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff May 3, 2015 at 5:10 pm #

Hi Pam,
It is appropriate to start with the elimination diet to specifically identify
any trigger foods and eliminate them, then incorporate the other step
if needed.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff

Anirudh A May 1, 2015 at 2:21 am #

I am suffering from IBS with diarrhea. Also having acne on my

face. As IBS symptoms increases acne also increases. Any relation of two

Sachin May 3, 2015 at 4:39 am #

I m 24 years old.
I was diagosed with IBS D 2 years ago..
I’ve sufferred a lot for 1 year after diagnosis.
Somehow I worked on my stress which was triggering it I had to go for
bathroom 4 times a day…but as I was managing stress I got some relief
from diarehha. There are some foods those I cant tolerate specialy
sweets..Next year was not that bad I had to go to bathroom only once like
normal people sometimes twice.. but now recently having problem I have
to go 2 or 3 times to bathroom in morning. I get those motions just by
thinking about it.. what should I do..

Fran May 3, 2015 at 2:07 pm #

I would like to know a diet plan for IBS-C that is NOT focused or
high in fiber. I cannot tolerate a high fiber diet with my IBS-C. Thank you.

Dr. Hyman Nutrition Staff May 3, 2015 at 4:45 pm #

Hi Fran,
Thank you for your interest In Dr. Hyman’s work. Unfortunately he
cannot provide you personalized medical advice in this forum. In order
to provide you the proper care you need we hope you will seek the
attention of a local qualified Functional Med practitioner soon. To
locate a doctor near you who practices functional medicine like Dr.
Hyman, go to
and scroll down to where it says “locate a practitioner” and enter your
location. Progress accordingly from there.

You can also make an appointment to be a patient at Dr.Hyman’s

UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Please go to:
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Hyman Staff
John October 13, 2015 at 4:19 am #

I live in the Uk , i have severe IBS almost everything i eat gives me

severe pain and diarrhea lasting several days, do you know if i am able to
buy your medication in the UK , i have read your 5 simple steps and wish to
take your medication, or can i order your medication from you direct ?


Marilyn Bentley.

Sachin November 14, 2015 at 7:27 am #

I am suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome since 2009, i.e.6

Have been to several Gastroenterologist, Psychiatrist and other doctors but
none of them could do anything.
Doctors done no. of tests: Stool tests, 20 or more blood tests, ttg,tga,
Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, CT scan etc etc but all were normal.
Medicines I took includes Rifaximin 400, VSL300, Levosulpiride,
Rabeprazole etc. Rifaximin worked in the beginning but become useless
later. I had to go for stool 6-7 times a day but main problem was pain in
intestine after passing the stool which used to last for several hours. I used
to pass loads of mucus everytime.

A year back I have started taking medicines from a Ayurvedic Doctor. He

advised very less and light diet. I eat only Gourd Bottle, Ridge Gourd,
Indian Round Gourd and hardly some potatoes with Chapati for 6 Months,
which gradually helped me in recovering. I eat nothing expect these no
cheese, milk,tea, pulses, eggs, juices just nothing.

These ayurvedic medicines healed me 80 %, then I came into contact with

a Homeopathic doctor, whose medicines helped me more. He told me in
this problem patient generally not able to pass gas (Fart) and from his
medicines I started passing gas. I am not 100% good but yes I am 95 %
fine. Its a combination of Mental Stress, Eating Habits, Lifestyle etc. and all
have to be controlled together gradually.

I know IBS is a living hell and was hopeless, If you need any help you may
mail me coolsachu@gmail.com, if anyone can get fine it will be nice
because its a pathetic disease.


helena hayes December 8, 2015 at 8:20 pm #

But the anti-fungals cause such horrible die-off that it becomes

unbearable and I have to give up. Having had many tries and failed over
the years, all I seem to have done is screwed up my liver so that it cant
seem to detox anything much, though liver function tests come back
normal. I have to take enzymes as none of my food gets digested. And
while I take probiotics, they dont seem to implant. Life sucks !

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