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North American University

Education Department

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name: ELIF SARITEKE Date: 07 / 12 / 2019

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Dogan B., & Almus K.(2014). School administrators’ use of iPads: Impact of

training and attitudes toward school use. Computers in the Schools:

Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, and Applied Research,

31(3), 233-250. doi: 10.1080/07380569.2014.932660


Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically

mentioned, what is the theoretical background or overarching theme):

The study aims to answer the following questions :

1. What is the impact of the training process on school administrators’ use of

iPads for administrative tasks and personal organization in their professional

2. What is the impact of the training process on school administrators’ beliefs

regarding how teachers should use iPads in the classroom?

3. Are there any differences in school administrators’ survey responses based

on gender, age, years of experience in school administration and education,

highest degree attained, school classification, or school size?

Purpose of the research:

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of iPad training

process on the professional lives and administrative duties of school

administrators and teachers' attitudes towards iPad use in the classroom.


What is the methodology for the research or approach used to

understand the issue? Provide information regarding the following:


51 elementary and secondary school administrators in one of the largest

public charter school systems in a southwestern state.


- Participants were contacted by e-mail through the central office of the

school systems after receiving approvals from the school district and the


- Participants were asked to complete the consent forms required by the

Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the school district and the university

prior to the study area.

- The pre-survey was administered at the beginning of the spring 2013

semester and the post survey was given at the end of the four-month study


- Both instruments were reviewed for face validity by two education faculty

members and then were piloted using a group of school administrators in a

local school district.

- After the feedback of the pilot versions, the questionnaires were completed.

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

Two survey tools as a data collection mechanism were used online through

the survey application system on the university's server.

Data Analysis:

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to

conduct the data analysis. Survey instruments included multiple choice and

Likert-type scale items. The survey responses were reported as frequencies.

Paired sample t-test data analysis was conducted to understand the

differences in the responses between the pre- and post-surveys. Six one-way

ANOVA tests and one t test were used to understand the differences in

participants’ responses by gender, age, years of experience in school

administration and education.

The data analysis of this study is grouped into five parts:

- analysis of demographic and contextual data

- -impacts of the training process on school administrators’ use of iPad and

iPad applications
- impacts of the training process on school administrators’ beliefs regarding

how teachers should use iPads in the classroom

- differences in participants’ responses by their demographic and contextual

data (gender, age, years of experience in school administration and

education, highest degree attained, school classification, and school size)

- evaluation of training process.


Findings or Results (or main points of the article):

The results shows that

- Administrators believe that iPads are effective tools for administrative tasks

and personal organization.

- School administrators in this study had positive views regarding the

potential of iPad current and future use in the classroom by teachers.

- A majority of school administrators found the training process useful and

they also desired ongoing training and resources on using iPads for

administrative tasks and teaching.

- This kind of training processes may help school administrators’ success in

using iPads for professional duties as well as implementing iPads in the


The findings of the study :

- 50.98% of the school administrators have bachelor degree and 49.02%

have master degree.

- Both pre-survey (98.04%) and post-survey (97.30%) participants stated that

they wanted their teachers use iPad to teach in the classroom using iPad.

- 48.65% of participants found the training session and the resources

provided afterward “very useful,” followed by 43.24% finding them “useful,”

and 8.11% finding them “somewhat useful.”


Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):

Ongoing training is recommended for school administrators to succeed in

using iPads for professional tasks, especially for administrative and personal

organization. School administrators are educational and technological leaders

in the schools. So using IPad by administrators will help them perform work-

related tasks and will also affect the successful implementation of iPads by

teachers and students.


Student’s Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for

your school/work):

Today, technology is everywhere and it becomes part of our life. Students

need technology in the classroom. It gives teachers and administrators an

opportunity to develop their students' digital citizenship skills. As stated in this

study, iPads are increasingly recognized in schools for educational purposes,

and school administrators are seen as key facilitators in the implementation of

this new technology. Administrators should identify opportunities to

demonstrate the potential benefits of iPad at school. This should include not

only educational benefits but also other domains such as productivity, resource

management and communication.


Dogan B., & Almus K.(2014). School administrators’ use of iPads: Impact of

training and attitudes toward school use. Computers in the Schools:

Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, and Applied Research, 31(3),

233-250. doi: 10.1080/07380569.2014.932660

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