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Effective teaching requires well-rounded instructors who are confident in the material they teach as well

as their own skin. There are other personal and professional characteristics as well that are necessary for
effective teaching.

1. Teachers must be knowledgeable about the subject they are teaching. They must understand the
concepts thoroughly and be able to explain and articulate them in detail.

2. The best teachers care about their students and are passionate about the material. If a teacher is
bored with the material, then the students will also be bored and less likely to learn.

3. Humans have an innate sense of what is just and what is not. Favoritism and unfair treatment can
scar students for a lifetime. The best teachers do everything they can to ensure their classroom is fair
and just.

4. Students quickly disrespect teachers who are unprepared. Being unprepared shows your lack of care
about the students and the material. It makes you appear incompetent. Be prepared for every class in
order to win and maintain your students' respect

5. Creativity lets teachers think outside the box and work around problems. Creativity helps teachers
reach students in enjoyable, memorable ways. It cures boredom and raises moral and enthusiasm in the

6. Students learn best in a positive atmosphere. Humor is the best way to break the ice and dispel
awkward or negative situations. Teachers who are comfortable enough to laugh at their own mistake
are strong examples of confident, witty individuals.

7. Respect others to gain respect in return. Teachers who respect their students are respected
themselves. Teachers who respect their students' privacy, who speak to students individually after class
and who are sensitive to their students' needs and feelings tend to be the most respected.

8. Being in a position of authority, teachers must know how to take the lead. There is no room for
shyness and timidity. Leaders must have a vision, a goal toward which they are directing the students.
They must inspire and encourage students to implement action.

Social institution- It is consists of a group of people who have come together for a common purpose.
These institutions are a part of the social order of society and they govern behavior and expectations of
individuals. There are 4 types of social institutions : school, family, church, and the government.

Family is regarded as a social institution by many sociologist. It is a place where much of a person's social
activities occur. The concept of the family is considered as a social unit or a group of kin connected by
blood,marriage or adoption,living in the same residence and can be described as a nuclear or extended.

Nuclear family- this structure is made up of parents and their children. This is also considered by the
sociologists as a typical type of family structure in an industrial society,because it consists of fewer
members than the extended family it is easier for them to relocate to industrial areas where their labour
and skills are in popular demand.

Extended family-it is a family structure made up of three generations . This type of family unit was the
main source of production and due to extended kinship, families used to own different agricultural land
or farms and trading companies with other families.

School is a social institution through which a society's children are taught basic academic knowledge,
learning skills, and cultural norms . In narrow sense the main function of school is to provide formal
letter of education to the children find for the development of their intellectual powers. But broadly
conceived the main function of school is social conservation. Education helps in transmission of the
cultural heritage of the past to the young generation in a suitable form adjusted to the conditions of
modern society and universal world trends .

Government - Is the system or group of people governing an organized community. And also, it is the
governing body of nation, state or community.

Tpes of Government

1. Republic- Government whose authority is based on citizen votes.

2. Democracy- "Rule of the People." Refers to a political system in which the people or their elected
representatives govern themselves.

3. Monarchy- Government where supreme authority is vested in a single and usually hereditrary figure,
such as a king, and whose powers can vary from absolute to none at all.

4. Anarchy- is the state of absence of law, a state of lawlessness and disorder.

5. Theocracy- government where priests rule in the name of God or by officials who are regarded as
dividely guided.

6. Dictatorship- form of government where the power rest entirely on one person or a group of persons.

7. Technocracy- government where scientist and technical experts are in control of the state, and where
rules are selected on the basis of their knowledge/skill.

8. Plutocracy- government ruled by the rich or power provided by wealth, often used to describe a
wealthy class rulling a government, often from behind the scenes.

Church - a building for public and especially Christian Worship.

ABC of Desirable Teachers Attributes

Prepared by: Reo Paolo M. Uri

A-amiable, keeps a breast, affectionate, accountable

B-well behaved, conduct becoming a professional, believable, exhibits feeling of belonging, benevolent

C-with a cheerful and caring attitude, creative, compassionate, charming, competent, cultured

D-dynamic, dependable, dignified with a strong determination

E- energitic, enthusiastic, with high self esteem, with examplar traits

F-fantastic, factual, faithful, friendly

G-generous,gracious, gantle, grateful

H- with a healthy sense of humor, humble honst

I- with unquestionable integrity, ingenious inspiring, intelligent, innovative

J- full of joy, delight and happiness, just

K- knowledge and well-informed kindhearted, keen observer

L- loving and tender, a leader

M- with managerial ability, model of virtue

N- with noble character, capable of nurturing a child's mind

O- opened-minded, orderly and neat, optimistic in outlook

P- punctual, professional, persistent principled

Q- highly qualities, and well-trained, quicked-witted

R- Responsible, rigtheous, ethical. rational with refined manners, right references

S- sincere, simple, systematic, skilled, self-confident

T- trustworthy, tactful, thoughful

U-updated, unassuming, upright, understanding

V-with vigor and enthusiasm, value-laden, virtuous most valuble teacher

W- with warm and winsome personality wifty, well bred

X with x-ray vision and motivation, x-mas spirit

Y- youthful
Z- zestful and passionate with zeal action.



The Teaching Profession

Socially Responsible Teachers

Active Members of Social Institutons

Cabesarano, Earl Philip

Castillo, Erika

Dayanan, Bryan Adams

Dehapin, Ashley Grace


Prof. Eunice E. Elardo

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