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ries in representation elections has wavering cooperation of those lo-
declined. Concession-type bar- cal unions representing the out-
gaining has been mare the rule side line construction branch to
than the exception. Taking advan- insure the future of our IBEW line
tage of the economic times of construction industry.
today, the enemies of organized Manufacturing membership bas
labor have been successful in declined as more and more com-
changing the public's opinion of panies are building plants offshore
unions, and consequently, the or moving to areas with nonunion
overall approval rating of unions climates. In addition, deregulation
has declincd. of thc tclcphone and railroad in-
Although numerically weak- dustries has added to. the loss of
ened by the loss of members, the IBEW members in the raijroad and
trade union movement remains an telephone branches of the Broth-
important dominant force in so- erhood.
ciety, and it is the position of the Members are the lifeblood of Our
IBEW that we fully prepare to union. We must mount vigorous
Let Our Challenge " battle back" against tbose per- organizing campaigns to organize
sons or organizations who would the unorganized. We must develop
For 1987 Be destroy organized labor and our
union way of life.
and use new techniques that tell
the union story. Local unions must
We must develop new tech- increase the use of ow Own rank-
To Organize niques and strategies to reverse and-file members when organiz-
OUI membership losses, strengthen ing. Over 50 percent of those un-
The Unorganized Our hand at the bargaining table; organized workers are under age
and regain our social, economic, 35. Growing industries, such as
Today labor unions are facing and political clout. We must coun- information processing, COIDIDU-
the most serious challenges in the teract our political enemies and nications, and computer manufac-
history of the American labor unscrupulous employers' efforts turing, must be targeted for inten-
movcmcnt. As a result 01 unfa- to further dilute OUI strength, sified organizing campaigns. Small
vorable demographic, economic, power, and unity in the labor industries and busincs es that em-
poli tical, and social changes, or- movement. ploy few cmployees are equally
ganized labor's power has been Work opportunities for IBEW important and should be orga-
leS5cm:J in wllecti ve bargaining melllbers in our outs ide line con- nized.
and political inn uenee. struction branch have been se- These are tough times whicb
[n addition, antiunion conserva- verely limited by the onslaught of can bring out the best in OUI mem-
tives have gained control of the well-financed nonunion compa- bers. Previously untapped re-
admmlstration in the White House, nics successfully competing in thIs SOurces are emerging. Together our
and labor laws that were protec- market. It is the intention of yow members, our local union leadcrs,
tive 0.1 workers' rights for over SO International to take appropriate and your International have a tough
yearS have been drastically weak- action to put a halt to this erosion job to do. Let our challenge for
ened. Antiunion consultants and of work winch rightfully belongs 1987 be to organize the unorga-
attorneys have convinced the Na- to the IBEW members and IBEW nized.
tional Labor Relations Board and signa tory employers.
the courts of the land to rule in I am cOllfident that with each
favor of the employers, thus callS-
ing economic losses to millions of
organized workers, and other
workers to lose their jobs and sta-
local union 's dedicated commit-
ment and active involvement we
can halt the encroachment of the
nnnunion cnntractors nn utility
J. J.Bany
tllS as union members. company properties and rccapture International President
Presently less than 18 percent ow work for OUI members. You
of the total work force is union- wi II be ad vised as trus effort pro-
ized. The number of union victo- gresses, and we expect the un-

Jnlemabonal P'.6HNf!!
1125 ISmSf. N W
WOJshlflgtoo. 0 C 2000';1

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Volume 86, No. 2 Februa ry, 1987
IS SheJ)Pa!d Avo Casl Su.te ~ •
er,. (IfNoM" Yor\
FEf:lTLI~ES WdloYr'!boe Ontaro() M2N 5'11
Secood CoslnC'[. JOHN E.. Flo "NN
Bnne ryrllnrch Par'"
Melal Trades Depa rtmenl Ho lds Fourth Biennial Ou ncy ~ as5achu~(lIt~ O?169
National Shipbuilding Conlerence 2 Third D!5lnd ALFRED W GILES
171 ..... " Slreel Room 100
CLUW Convention Looks to the FUlure for H.Kkensado • 't!W
Jorse) 0760 I
Working women 4
Presidenl Barry Announces Pact to Recapture Work 5 ......
:>'110 Re.ldmg: Rood
*,JT\berta ...", [ (~ .e BI ~

C'rlCIIVl3h 01110
Year-Round Sharing and Caring al Ihe 1.0. 5 No 2 Me'r oplc~ Or.ve
SUI te 113
!hnllnghDfIl Ala 35209 6899
Unions Join Forces in Attack Againsl Du mping 6 Suit'! DlStnet JAMES P. CONWA'I'
2200 SQutT'I Mmn Street SWI!' 'OJ
lombard llliflOG t!O, 4S
Umons Protesl Sialion Proieci In Pittsburgh 7 Seventn 0Isrnct.
4400 W. R09fHI Pal1<....av
Raben W. McAlwee , Director of Journal Departmenl, SuaI!' 309
Retires 8 O ~ lahoma C,l y O ~ la!lOmJ. 73 100
E:l9h'n D,s'rld
Presidenl Barry Appoin ts New Journal Department PO Box 12Hi
Direclor 9 idaho Fan.. Idaho BJ.t.02
~Mtn o.sll'lCl, S. R. McCANN
I SO North WIge1 lome
Internallonal Execulive Council Meehng Minutes 10 ",lie 100
W.tInUl Clee~ c.atoIOmIa 1MS98 2" 'l.t
'~1l1 DlsbK;1 ANDREW M. RIPP

OHare Othc:e BUIlding I. 5U11e 720
10400 IN H'991n1 Road
RO!lemont, Ilhr'lOl, 600 18
Ediioriai Comment Inside Fronl Cover elevEnth Olsl tlct RAV EDWARDS
300 Soultl JeHCfloOf'l. Sutle JOO
Sp'ongheld M<SSCU' 65806
Safely Tips 19 r wolfltl [MInd
Research and Education 17 f'(lllIIifl Burkhng Sud. 51~
CI a~8!"000911 Tet"f1M5ee 37.' I

Local Lines 20
In MemOriam 51
Reflections Inside Back Cover CLVDE BOWDEN
!leta N 7tn Streel
Phoen.o. A1~ 8~1J.
ON OU R COVER-Ils cold. II s snowy. F"nI Omncl JOHN J NULTV
and except for the skiers , most 01 us 431 \ V'{oming A..,tnue
Scramon, Pel'l m.,.,...ama , IlSOl
have had il With wint er The scene 0
Ihe cover IS a rem inder of the beau ty 6 Ocacon BenhBm Olive
Ihot can be found Ihls time 01 yeor , If ;itow M llS5achIJ!l6rt!l Ot 77!1
you look lor it. Enjoy the cold wea lhe r. 1~90 Easl 23td Slt~I
1\ won't bo wllh us much longer. and Oe'leland, OlllO . 1\ 14
when the dog d ays 01 summer arnve .' .. .. Fou/U' Oo!>tlld HARRV BEXLEY
50 I pyjI,arn SC S W
a good snow storm might no! sound ' r .,F A"'lIntil Geor~ JOJl:i'
like such a bad Idea ;.~-
. -
213 1 59111 StJOOI
.,1 LOll" M' SIOVIl 63110 2885
PR INTED ON S. ~lh o.SUlC1. R. L. RA SP!:lERRY
Pnn!od '" u .:; A UNION M AC~ p ,r.).ll R ! 415 N Loot! WeS!
HOU!>lon I a. as 77008
9.!ve-oltl Dls tnct TH OMAS J SWEENEV
POSTMASTER . O1aflQt OIl1Odress ~()S on Farm 3SJ9 SI10ukI De sem 10 In,en W\1l0na J 8 rotne ltl00Cl 01 Electtac.al Wot .. fII'S I~H8 Q DlI9 Street
1125 FI"eenlh StfH:! N W . Washlnglon. 0 C 20005 PuOI,s~ II"IOI'l1h1y ana sec:ond"Clau post. PMJ it W.unongIon o Ilr'ld. Ca',IOt"". 9"612
DC ..na ~tlOtlal ftI'IIry Sub5c:r1PbOO poe" UMtd SIllies I\INI Canada, 54 f* ye.. In aD'Iane. Ptlnled it'I U S It, Th l.' r.gmn OI5!nc:I. JAMES R. McAVOY
JOU ANAl I'lOl be held r85pOnSIbIe tor y .... '.qJJeHald by CCWfesp0n0ent5 Trte Int 01 tach montn" ~ (1 111. All 2750 Quadra 5,,",. Room 12
copy mus1 tie an (lUI' I\aMs on Of t>e/ole 1M tIm@ Paid ~ no! aooepIed 'SCW ~ (USPS 5M ~(n ~1C811(Jr' vf(.1ona B rtllSh Coluroa can...,
He 2 1402 VII oI E8
Metal Trades
Department Holds
Fourth Biennial

Melal Trades Department President Bumsky, left is shown Introducing AFL·CIO

President Lane Kirkland at the conference ,

The AFL-ClO Meta l Trades Dc- val Sea YSteill Command; Gerald our standa rd of livi ng to the world's
partment held its fourth Biennial I. S\. Pc', presi dent, Ingal ls Shi pbuild- lowest con101on denomi nator in-
National Shipbuilding Conference in ing Division, Litton lndustri e lnc.jI stead of r3 ism!; the world's standard,
Washington, D.C, on Deccmber 1- Mugaret M . Seminario, a socia te di- to ours. " Br ther Kirkland said the
2, 1986. Delegates to the conference rector, Departm ent 01 Occupational Senate e lect ion res ult s am o untell to
carne from both private· and federal - Safety, Hea lth ,md oeial Securi ty, a rcpud13tion o[ Reaga n's economic
sector Metal Trades Councils [rom AFL-CIO; Ra ymond Ramsay, direc- policies. " It wIll be quite some lime
both the East and West Coasts. The tor, Office of Maritime Affairs, Naval sweepi ng up the debris left behind
mEW delegation was headed by IBEW Sea Sys tems Command; and Mr. John by the adm int tmllOn," he said.
Interna tional President ). J. Barry. Pe rkins, director, Comm ittee on Po- MondilY afternuon the delega tes
Add ressing more than 150 dele- litical Education, AFL-CIO. attended various works hops con-
gates [rom 21 Metal Trades Councils AFL-CIO Pre ident Lane Kirkland cern ing the union's role 111 rcpre-
at the National Shipbui lding Con- told rh e delegates the basic prob lem enung our mem be rs ilOd promo ting
ference, Metal Trades Department "is that the adnlinistratio Il has cho- th~ h ipbuilding industry .
President Paul Burnsky said a U.S.- sen to pu rsue a policy of whittling Tuesday morning President Burn-
nag merchant marine and domestic
shipbui ld ing arc essential [or the na-
tion 's defense and security. He added
!.hat sIDce the firSt Biennial Ship-
building Conference waS held in 1980,
25 shipya rds have closed down. He
said there were abo ut 135,000 work-
ers in private shi pyards in 1980 COm-
pared to fewer than 70,000 today . Of
!.hat num ber 90 percent are employed
on N avy projects . Today, he added,
therc arc only 370 U .S.-flag ships
still operating compared to more than I
,000 sh ips at the cnc! of World War
11 . President Burnsky also said the
prospect s for congressional acti on to
revitalize the shipbuildi ng and mar-
itime industries improved consider-
ably in November when th e Senate
tSEW dologatos who attended the conference: are, Iront lO W. lell to right. 6111 Zenk. business
maj ori ty was reclaimed by leade rs representative, Local 76; Steve DiTomo. busi ness manager. Local 902; John Ann.an, pfesldent,
more receptive to the department's Local 902; George Knaly. Dlreclor of Governmen t Operalions Department: J. J. Barry , Inlernalional
message and more attuned to the PreSident; Franz Gten, business manager, local 6; Guy McKee. bUSiness manager, local 91 6 ,
problem. Bill Carpine, bUSiness representative, Local 46; back rOw, Bob Crum. International Representative,
Other speakers addressing the es· 1.0.; Ted Oakuginon, ExecuUve Board. Local 902: GIei1n McKenna, local 261; Edward F. DeCosta,
presidenVbuslness manager, Loca l 261; C. M. Chapman, Executive Board, Local 733; Charles F,
sia n were AFL·CIO Pres ide nt Lan e Grimes. business manager. Local 733; Joseph Messier, recording secretary, Local 261; B. R,
Ki rkland ; Vice Admiral William H. Bengtel, ass istant business manager. local lOB; Richard T 6 arrus. Inlerna lional R epresentativo.
Rowden, U.S. Navy, commander, Na- Ninth District; aod R,chard A. Bamberger, Local 6


Pictured at the head lable, left to
righi, are refired MaChinists' Pres-
Ident Roy SiemiUer. ISEW Inter-
nabonal President J. J. Barry; Op·
erating Engineers' Presidenl larry
Dugan, Jr.: Departmenl 01 Occu·
pational Safety. Health and SocIal
Security, AFL·CIO. Assoclale Di·
rector Margaret M Seminarlo: Di·
rector Raymond Ramsay, Ot1ice
01 Maritime Affai rs, Naval Sea Sys-
tems Command; and Dlrecror John
Perkins. Committee on PoUlical
Educallon . AFl·C IO

sky opened the sos Ion; and the del· glcs u,ed by workers .Il the 011 - the new Hazardous COlllmUtltC3UOn
egate to thc 1986 Metal Trades Dc· hngham Shipyard In Ponland, Ore· Standard ,
partment ShIpbuIlding Conference gon * ORGANIZING - This work group,
concluded theIr busmcss by recom · whIch was comprised of delegates
mendmg departmental aCllon m Ihe * SAFETY ANO HEAL TH Empha · from both the private and federal
areas of legislation} organizing. co]· SISn Ihe lack of cnJurccmcnt of shipyards, had a comprehensive ma-
lect! ve bargainmg, occupational eXl ting OSHA regulations and logue and exchange of Ideas regarding
health and safety, and fede ral aIfairs. standards was the main lopie dis· successful org:l nizi ng techniques.
The ir rccommcnu::uions arc su m ~ cussed by thi work gro up, The com· * FEDERAL AFFAIRS- Increase d·
marizcd as follow; ' mlllee recommended that the Metal fon III opposlllg Reagan administra·
* LEGISLATION Continue to sup'
Trades Department investigate these
reported violations and deliver a
tion cuts 10 federal worker pay, pcn·
sion, and benefit programs; and
I)on and enforce eXlstmg law thaI
strong lener of protest to the appro- increase Mctal Trades Departmem
help maintam and promote a viable,
priate congressIOnal committee, (he leadership 10 organIZing, safety and
dome tiC shipbulldmg industry. Sup·
secretary of labor, and the secrelary hea lt h, steward training, and other
POrt and seck Improvement in the
of the navy. They al 0 !I~commended areas of federal union aCtlVlry, in·
Occupational Safcty and Heal th Act.
education by t he Me tal Trades Dc· cludlng ex pansion of t hc grass· roots
SuppOrt Navy's Shipbu tl ding and partm en t for the councils regarding legislative program,
ConversIOn Program to achieve the
goal of a 600-slup fleet; and continue
to support efforts 10 forge a compre-
henSIve, fau, and workable national
maritime and shipbuildmg program
with an innovative research and de-
velopment component to moderruze
ship deSIgn and construc tIOn tec h-
nology, ,, co mpone nt to upg rade U.S ,
shipyard capability to help preserve
shIpya rd lobs and skills, and a ca rgo·
preference polley Ihat WIll assure at
Icast 20 percen t of our exports and
imports are transported on U,S.-flag
vesse ls
Delcga les reVIewed contmct bargam·
ing at public 'Illd private sh ipyards
and dIscussed barg,uning strategies
for u nions co nfro nting a hos tlle em- Shown during the luncheon on the first day 01 the conference 8re, leh to right. Admiral J. H.
ployer. They reviewed the a ll eged Webber, chief engineering OHtcef, Naval Sea Systems Command; RiChard Bamberger, business
representative, Local 6; Bill Zank, business representative. Local 76: Franz Glen. business manager.
lockout of 900 workers by Lockheed localS: Bob Crum. Inl ernallonal Representative, 1.0.; George Knaly, Director of IBEW Governmen t
Shipbuilders In Sea nle and discussed Operations Depar1menl; Richard Barrus. International Representative, Ninth District; and Bill
ongoing de mons t rations and strate- Carpine. business representative. Local 46


The ISEW was well represented al Ihe CLUW Convenlton. as shown in this picture 01 some ollhe delegales Bottom row . left to nghl, Thelma Boyd ,
shop steward, Local 1288. Memphis. Tenn .. Chanty Puhl, presIdent-business manager. Local 2373. Oshkosh, Wis ., Yvonne Coleman. Inlernational
Representative, 1.0.; top row, Annemarie Galasso, business represenlallve, Local 18. lus Angeles, Cal. ; Royetla Sanford. businc::;s representatIVe,
Local 18; Kathy T1ndall, Executive Board. Local 1245, Walnut Creek, Cal ,; Diana Kamen . president-business manager, Local 1968, Spring Valley ,
N.V.; and Dorothy Fortier. business representative, Loca l 1245.

CLUW Convention looks to the Future for Workingwomen

More than 1,000 delegates to the a union contra c t has fo r wurking- conta in one- third morc t hall tho.c
Coalition of Labor Union Women WOlnen . "We n111 t ge l the wo rd OU l uf thei r unorganized sisters. tI

gathered in St. LOUIS in ovcmbe r that a women IS place IS in her union, T he mEW delegates prcsclll " t the

to dl cu s issues of Concern to trade he sald. " Women who are covered LUW Convention were plea cd to
union women . The theme lor the by lInion contrdcts £arc far beller be able to wo rk together wllh their
fourth blCnnial C LUW assembly was thall no nun io n women workers. The isters and Brothers on these lI11po r·
" halle nged by Our Past ... Forgi ng pay enve lo pes of unionized wom en tant i sues.
Change for Ou r Future." Convention
delegates came from aU aero the
c uurry, as far away as Alaska, and
lrom every occupatlon represented
by the American labor movement,
fro m the assemb ly line to the office,
from garment shops to coa l mine.
Severa l key isslIes were high-
lighted by CLUW Pre ident Joyce
Miller in her report to the conven-
lion. She nOled that " women work
for the same reasons men do-we
need the money." Wha t j not needed
is the tension, stress, and guilt that
workingwomen feel from trying to
balance too many responSIbilities and
too fpw option . . " We repre em mil·
lions of women without the luxury
to chao c whether to work or !lOt,"
he sa id .
The convention was addressed by
several J,'llcst peake, s, including ArL- Shown in Ihls plclure with ClUW President Joyce Miller (slancung) are Diana Kamen. first National
10 Secretary-Treasu re r Tom Don· Execulive Board member; Kathy TIndall. second alternate; Thelma Boyd. 'irst altemate: and Charity
ahue who poinled out the advantages Puhl. second Nalional Exoculive Board member.
Jntc lnation"J Prcs ld em j. j. lInrry III sIgned ag reemell t w ith the LBEW. porta nee to th e un ion, is the agree-
a nd ExecutIve V, ce Pres id cnt joh11 [t provi des that .111 !,'Tievallecs and ment rea ch ed o n ubcontrac ting and
M . G ra ll of th e Na t iona l Elec tri cal d,spu tc. 01 :lIl y nat ll rc wi ll be sett led preservat ion of work a~ protec tion
on trac tors Associ.HlOll ~mn ounccd thro ugh the Council all Jndu ·trial for I13EW mem bers.
that (h clr org:lIl iza tiolls have agreed Rel allo ns for th c Electric:d Co ntract- The agreement may bc Imple-
un a Jl.1tmnal labor agreement aImed Ill!; Indu try withou t any work In ' m ented by reque t (rom the con trac-
ill reCJptllnng tra nsml~slOl1·lmc work, tcrrupt"," . Other features of the tors on 3 Joh·to·job basi and became
.1"'~UC1.Ill-'d '!'uhMa tlOlls, and equip- ~Ig rccmcn l give the employer:, !)Ig- available as o( january, 1987. The
menlo mnc.nt (Jexlblllty In the pon.lbtlay :1gTccmCnt Wi ll remain in effect from
The OtJlslde UtllllY COnStnlC lI u n of Ill :HlPOWC T, schedu ling (If work, yea r to yea r thcrc:1ftcr lin Ie:,::., ter-
N~1tIOI1.':d Pr(JJ~ct
Agreemellt will be job l11:1nnjn~ n:quin.:nlcnt:-., :mu uther minated by the plflles.
mauc :lvailablc only to C() l1traclors economIc a<ivanla);!'s. of eq ual i111'

Year-Round Sharing and Caring at the 1.0.

Th e L.trJn!: attItude of th e employ- canng-and-shanng program at the 1.0. COImCTaS, rildlO , and otht.:r a~ "' orte I
ees and talf m cmbe rs a t the Inter· m :lI1Y years ~tgo . Eve r sj n c~, contri- gift item, for 1 15 fos te r ch ddren , and
n:lllOl1:11 O ffice lS I11JlldeMl'u un a bution;, arc made thlOugh outlhc yea r; 89 dolls tha t we re dlstributcd to needy
yenr-round hO :' 15 . \Vhc nevc r thefe is and help to those JJ1 need IS pro vided and h andIcapped ch ilJren . Mo,t of
a reqlle st to he lp thCIr fellow hum"n whenever :111 appeal (or :l~:-.i:'I;lncc is the clot hes fo r the do lI, were ,cwn
heing., ill need, the clll pJu )'ces Imem- made. by httnd, crocheted, and knitted by
ber of Local 2, OPE IU ) .tnd the staff T he ean ng and sha ring peak .m - th e em pl oyee, and staff; othc r doll
providc the necessary whcrcwllh::t1 nually at the end IIf the ycar dUrIng clothes were purchased.
by s h~lnng {rmn their tUfllnbuli ns th e Chnstmas and Hanukkah sea· Throu!;h the ir sharing ,he bendae-
to the lane V Downey j\1t.:moTlal SJln . The 19R6 ho li day ~haring re· to rs (If the M VD Me monal Fund
Fund suited III new apparel and toiletries ,howed agaIn their c haracten stlc of
The M VD Memol ial Fund" named for 2 1 e lderly reSIdents at a nu "ing caring. More importantly, th·y felt
tn memory (If the late Internatl(1nal ho me; ncw clolhmg, acccss(l ric~, :a nu the p""ona l benents of havi l1g helped
RL'IHc~t..· nI3 n vc w ho began Ihl' forma l tnys fur 4S necdy ch ildren ; l1ew tnys, o th er:, .

Clothing lor the dolls IS handmade, crochelod,
knilled , or store bought. The dolls are then ;

.-~-=;".":::~. . .:,.
entered In a contest, and prizes are awarded in
nine categories. The two JUdges, Thomas A.
Hannigan. Administrative AS!:tI!:ttdnl to Ihe Inler-
nallonal Secretary, and Anthony J. Salamone.
AdminlstraUve Asslstanl to Ihe International
. . . . . . . . .t.. -....
~~ "P,.
..~ j·llJitio1ll"'~

4 .,

PresIdent, are holding rwo 01 the prlze,w1nnrng The hand·crocheled alghans and lap robes In Ine foreground and the ck>thing, accessorieS,
enttles and are seen here with [WO 01 the MVD toileuies, lays, and other Items displayed on the tables to the left and right were contribuled by
Memonal Fund offICers Loft to righ I, Mlnme employees and siaft members at (he International 01(100 10 21 elderly reSidents 01 a nurSing home
Holley, lund dIrector; Brothers Hannigan and and 45 underprivileged children Contributions were made through the Ma rie V. Downey Memorial
Salamone; and Ca therine Flora, lund trea surer Fund al the 1.0


Unions Join Forces In Attack Against Dumping
gan to s hip III pl Cl urt.: lubes alld tJ l her In luly of thts year, c1illllnaling 65 5
parts fo r fi nal a semb ly in thi coun - hourly and 1.35 sa lari ed jobs. That
try. For example, the Japanese s hip plant'S employees are rcpre e nted by
TV tubes to Mcx:ico where they arc [he IUE .
re packaged and combined wllh Cir- The number o f lllEW members
cu it board a sembled in Mexico_ e mployed in the d mes tlc color pic -
T IllS package, cnmplcte eXCC p[ for ture tube industry has declined Over
final assembly in cabinets, is sh ipped t he yea!s. The Brotherhooo reprc-
to t he U. . unde r the category of sem s workers ,II Zeni tb' Ra ul ano
telev is ion /l kits.1I Wh en inc1ud.:J as Division p lan[ in Melrose Park, 1111
pa rr or (J Iw, the du[y on televi ion l1ois, RCA 's picture tube a nd gl ass
lUbe IS only 5 percent , if imported plant ill Mario n, Indiana, and CIT-
as clllor televislOll ru bes. the duty is deville, Ohio, North American Ph,, -
l .'i pncPIlI . As noted by lBEW Inter- tpS' CPT plant in Ot[.wa, OhiO, 'lnd
nationa l Pre ident J- J. Barry, " J"pa- TWEC 's plant in Horse heads, ew
Administrative Assista nt to the International nese p,cture tubes neaking in thro llgh York. These m embers and the Illelll -
President Anthony J. Salamone , who repre- Mex ico is a doub le problem because bers of the other petittoning u m on
sented President Barry. is shown stressing a they escape the norma l 15 percent constitute Over two-t hi.rds of all
poinl during the prO"'~ conference 10 announce
Ihe filing of the anlldurnplng pelltlon. AI his lell c u toms duty and beca llse t hey ar~ workers in the domesti c color P' C
IS IUE PreSIdent WIlliam Bywater being dumped ." PreSIdent Barry em- ture tubc tndllstry. The a ntidlll11plllll
pha Ized that lInion would " do pctitio n filed by these unio ns IS an
everything withi n their power to pre- a[[empt to save the jobs oj a pproxI-
The Int erna ti onal Broth erhoud of vent forc' ign produ e rs from avoiding matel y 10,000 worker. who nre oi -
Electrical Workers and fnur nth r normal custonlS ducies and to stop rectI y e mpl oyed In t hIS Indll Hy .
labor organizations IOintly filed a dumping whenever it take. away The unioll coa lit ion scored ~1 VI C-
petllio n in Nnvcmbcr wit h the In - Am erican Jobs,lI lory al the fir t Step of the pe tlllon
[erna rional Trade CommissJOnliTC I IUD te rctary-Treasu rer Elm e r process when the ITC vot ed lInalll -
protes[ing the dumping of color rv Chatak told the new eonicrence lhal IIl1Ju sly on January 6, I') 7, for .1
pt ClUre tubes into the Unlled tJ[es es<abli shmcnt of as,cmbly opera- prelinunary finding of injury or thre:"
by lapan, Korea, Singapore, " nO an- li ons in the U. _by foreign producers of iniury to the pe tllloners. WIthou t
ad.1. (The sole produ cer of color PIC - is we \come, howeve r, if virtually all this victory the petitio n would h ave
ture tubes in 'anada is ;1 nOl1 un inn nf I h e television co mpo nen ts a rc im - oicJ . T h e case now goes to th e In -
Japanese firm , Mi [su bish, Elec tron - poned, o nly a re lative ly small num - te rn.111on aI Traoe Admlnls lI'atlon a t
ICS Indusuies u f Can ada. Thi lapa- ber of I bs a rc regai ned_ Anth ony the Com merce Depa rtment {or con·
nese company is beli eved to be briog- Sal:lIllo ne, Admlni strativc Assisltll1t Slde ration of the oumping Issue. If
m g [ubes lfllO the us through lis lo IBEW !,resident Barry and repro- the ca c receives a favorab le preltm-
sales subs ldia.ry operanng 111 the U _S., serumg him at rhe pres' c.:uJlleJ~n(e , 1I1ary A.nding there, it wiU return to
M,ts lIbi hI Electri c al es Am e n ca, not ed, " A Job los t to Kurea, TaIwan, the ITC fm a final dctenninallnn lin
Inc.1 The l BEW was iuined in [he or Il1gaporc" or other low -wage no.· inlury.
pe titi on by tbe Elec tron ic Worke rs lion\) iO rcprcsents an AJ11criCJn work er T he dlll11Pl11g pra c ti ces of [()fe ign
tiDE), the Machmists, the Steelwo rk- unahl" In support IllS family . If the producL: (s (';olltinllC to Pfl'Sl,.' lH ,1 (hn,:
ers, and the lndusmal UnIOn De- petltton is properly e nforced, sueees Lhre..Jt tu An1c rica l ~ color PIClUn.:: LUhe
panment of the AFL-CIO (IUD I. In till S case sh ould not co t a single IIldlL try. The jointly filco pelltlon IS
Thi action represents the c ulm l- U.S. worker Ill S pre ent Job and In tJlll' (If man y ac tio ns (h al labor mll~t
n allon o f over a decade 's effort by th e I ng run would add dHlll and of conunuc to lake in o rde r tn rC lam
various unions to $(cm lhe ntle 0 jnbs 10 our U.S . lclcvi ion inJu~ tr )' ." lobs for Am en CAn workers. As Prc ~·
unfairly trad ed imporls of color TV La bor's delllonel for a tariff sur- Idcllt Barry noted in :1 Stateme nt
receive rs whi ch has COSt dom est ic charge to "ffset oumpin' [actic - is rde,,~co to the Englis h-'peak lng io -
workers tbou and, of Jobs. These o ll e Strategy in a continuing b:l u lc IWI1 Times, II Pri ci ng cxpurt:-, heln\\'
effon s rcsuhed car Iter In a finding to prevent til ' al most [0[31 wipcout c.osts-wh l.:lhcr due \0 uumplng or
by the Commerce Depa nment tha< of U.S_ TV manufacturing and ItS SUbSldlcs- vlU lates lllrCrnalioJ'l:11
Korean and Taiwan manufacturers co mponcn[ parts Industrie . Dump- trade agreements. InlurL'd parties III
had been dumpin eulor TV ~ t tn Ing h. led to th e clOSing of two the IInpn rung country mu ~ t ch en
[h e U.S. market at prices less than malo r co lor p'CLUre t ube plants 111 ,'xerClse their full righ ts unde r na-
, hey c harged 111 their h om e market s. the pa:,t t wu yl::tls. In Auglls t, 1985, tiona l and I1HCmtlti onal hn\' to fl: -
However, it was poin ted o ut at th e No rth Am e ri can Pbi lips, whose em- s, lorc fai r l'CU nOI11 IC compcl iu on
pre s' co nference announcing tht.: pc· ployees were represenled by the We found It. necessary to file a C:l"'L'
{ition that In 19 4 "lore \\lon OJ dumping ted workers, closed a plant in Se- tu CllhUrL' f:ur pn cl ng bcha vlOf in thi:-,.
case coverinp, color TV sets, only to neca Falls, New Yo rk_Mo re rece ntiy, IIl Sliln CC, ,1Ild we will UO II: Jgaltl
be rnbbed of [hc benefits of that Ge n e ral Elec",c announced It will ~lIld ~l'ck full enforcement trom our
finding whe n fo reilln producer. he- clo e ItS plnnt 111 ' j'rac llse, New York, j:!ovc mment. "
Unions Protest Station Project in Pittsburgh
A few yea rs ago Pittsburgh w' ol S referred
LOas " Th e City of C ha mpions." Along
with the Pirates winning th e World Se-
nes and the Slcclcrs winning the Supe r
Bowl in the last decade, Pittsburgh bas
histori caJiy bee n in the forefront of or-
gan ized '"bor, dating back to the early
days of la bor hISt ory. Pim bu r~h h"s a l·
wa ys been known as 3 strong boor tow n ;
how eve r, 3S you rcad through th e pages
of t hiS Journ al, we sec our ~ I S lcr locals
are suffe ri ng from such p ro ble ms ~I S ope n
shops and non uni o n douhl c- brcas lcd
co mpanlC." j and we here tn Pittsburgh
arc bemg hit by the same cancer today.
In (h e heart of downtown Pittsbu rgh,
,1" op~n-s h op contractor, Tom MI ~tic k
:Lnd So ns, has pi c ked li p three lobs LUtul-
II1gSS0,OOO,OOO. The Pm burgh Buil ding
Tr:uJcs sw rted picketing at one of the
SiteS, wah ove r 500 pIckets ~huw lll g li p
each day . The u ld Pcnn.ylval1la Railroad
Stall On IS a 521,000,000 renovat ion proj '
ect j:lt thl ~ site was one uf th l. ! bloodi es t
and most destructl vc union conlronta ·
uon s ml ahor's hIstory- the railroad st rike Over 1,000 members ot Loca lS, Pittsburgh, Pa., participated In the mass ratly held on
o( 18771. After several days of mas, pick· November 3, 1986, in Pittsburgh.
CtIng and ~c ttl ng no re:,ponsc from city
leaders , the Pitts burgh BuilJlIlg Tradc~ 10 rill of the lo bs. Ills t about every job In tbc City were Lled up. Bridges \vcrc bu mpe r
occJ(lcd thai stronger aCll on was nCl..!dcd All eghen y and the su rroun d ing co u nt ies CO b umper.
to get thei r mess.1gc ac ross, especlally in W l,l S shut down. CIty IC:l d ~ rs Iflcd to Pu bltc Safety Dircclur Gle nn Cannon
view of Ihe f,act that thcse samC ci ty downplay thiS rally by .ppeanng on tele- salltl " The CHY had been aware of plans
Icaders were COOpCrJUIlg WIth MIscick. VISIon and 5r.1ClI1g rh:u .] ccnC3tJvc agfcc~ fu r the tlcmonsu.1tlOn .since fndaY i btu
A message had to be sent that labor wa s ment WJ.s rcached . I dUll 't dunk that an yone anticipated the
drawmg th e lin e and was prepared 10 do On Mum.by murmng the third of Nu· k md of numbe rs thn t we sa w." Ca n non
whal cver WilS Il l..!cdcd to tum these proj· vember, the meet ing rendezvo us, the said that he didn ' t ul ink th.11 th e dem o
ccts a rounJ . CIVIC arena p.nking lot, sta rted to fill up on s trators obullned tbe necessary pa rade
The bUolncss mJl1'ger of Local 5, 1o· at 6 ' .Ill. By 7 a .m. all the lots were fiJled . permits, but said cilOlt It would have been
seph D . Mille r, a1)(1 the leaders of th e The m:u ch gO I under way~ and by 7:30 WlWISC fo r po lice to try to Stop th e
oth er craft unions came to a deciSIOn to :l.m. th e st reets o ( dow ntown Pittsburgh mafcher . "A lot of people were angry
hold. mass ra ll y in the tree ts of d own· w're cump letely fill ed. IBEW had ove r about being late fOf wo rk; btl[ you just
LOw J1 Pittsb u rgh . With less than fOllr da y:') 1,000 rncmbcrs marc hing in thi s dem - dOll' l arres t 40,000 peop le and inCite J
fo r prepara tio n, the dale wa s set for onstratio n Including the oHiee rs of LoeaJ riot. You JUSt try to keep th ings m ovmg
Novembe r 3, J 986. Uni on members we rc S. 0 buses, truck , o r ;l ut OS co ul d m ove. in a ceet.lln dlfeCtion , ,. Cannon sail!. He
informed .bou, the rally by word o ( Fo rry·five th ousa nd hard hats lined the descnbed th e demons tratOrs as ram
mou th, .1nd telephone c.111s were pJaced aVCnue . All arteries lcadm g 10 and from (Continued Oil Page 9)

Local 5 members were joined by Ihou sonds 0' Olhe r building tradesmen, some of whom are shown In these pictures, in the protest against
open·shop construction in Pittsburgh.


Robert W. McAlwee,
Director of Journal Department, Retires
Intcrna U UI1 3 1 Rc:prt' o..,L'n WlIve Rob- unl on ·~ po n ~n red craft tr3Ullng pro-
Crt W. M c AJ\'v~l:'1 whl) h . l~ ~ L' I v(:d ~'lS gram for mi nority and lInde rpnv l'
direc to r of th e ISEW Jou rna l Depa rt · Ieged yo uth s in t he Wo. h inglOll Met ·
ment since De e m ber 1971 , re ll fed
ropo u tan A rea.
effecti ve Feb rll ~ry I, J 9 7. Bro lh c r In 196 I Broth er McAlwce was ap'
M eA l wee wa S app lnted as an Int er· p Inted by fo rmer in te rnali o na l Pre·
IHl ll u llilJ Repres en tat ive un Fchruary Ident C rdon M . Freeman a a 111 em·
24, 1969, by Illlern~ t i o n a l PresIde nt ber of t he Nat iona l JOlll t Appre n·
Cha rles H Pilia rd and was assIgned ri ce h lP Co mmi ttee, and in 1962 was
to th e pOSllion o f managing editor 01 appo int ed to se rve on the Cuuncil
I he I BEW Eieclricai Workers !our · on Indust rial Rclano ns. In 1963 he
[w i . In Deccmber, 197 1, Pre id "nl was apPOln ted by Pres iden t F r~em 'l n
Pillar d rest ructured the d utl cs of the as a t rustee 01 th e Supre m e Lodge
j oum ai s ta ff; autborized Ih e loumal Electrica l Worke rs Benefi t As oeia·
logo change to ibe w; an d named t io n, elec t ed a t th e 1966 m EW Con·
Broth e r MeA l wee a D irec t r, mEW vention, and reelectc" at every sub·
In urnal Depar tmen t. sequent lnternatio nal Conve nti on .
Un de r th e diIect ion of Pre Iden t A na live uf Was h inglon, D. c.,
Pil la rd, as di rector 01 the IBEW Jou r- 26 as COPE chairma n, Bl ood Bank Brot her MeA lwce atte nded Stra ye rs
nal Departm ent, Bro t her M cAlwee cbaim)an , and press scere ta r),. In Jlme, Bus iness Co llege and Columbus Un i·
was assigned to manage t he monthly 1955, he w as e lected recordin g Sec· vers ity Law c hool. He served in the
pub lication 01 the jOllflwi; to serve retary of Loca l 26 and w as el ec ted U.S. Navy duri ng World Wa r II and
as di rec tor of pub lic rela ti on s; a nd business m a nager in lune, 1959 . H e is , m e mber oj the A m e rica n Legion,
10 d" ect the ac tiviti es 01 the lB EW was a Local 26 de legate to the lBEW Vele ran s of Foreign Wa r , and the
Libra ry, IBEW A ud io Visual Depart· Conventions in 1958, 1962, and 1966. El ks .
m en t, an d lBEW Archives. He also Whil e busi ness ma n ager of Local 26, Bob a nd h is w ife, )ea n, e njoy fis h·
was Convention m anager of the 1970, he was active a :l tradf.! un ioni st in ing, boa tin g, a nd golf a nd a rc rhe
1974, 19n , 19 2, a nd 1986 mew tbe Washington Bu i hJ ing T rades pare ntS of two ad u lt ch ildre n, Ei leen
Conventions. Council and crvcd terms as a tnlSleC, and M a nin , a nd the proud gra ndpar·
Broth er MeA lwec waS ba m on Se p· vice pre ide m , and presiden t . He a lso enes of six gnmdc hildrcn .
tem ber 19, 1920. He se rved a pro· chaired seve ra l comm ittees of the Th e lfi.cers and m e m be rs uf the
bationary pen od and was i n itia ted Greate r Washington Cemra l Labo r IBEW w ill alwa ys re m e mbe r Brothe r
tnto Lucal 26, Washtngt on, D . c., III Coun cil and was ecrctary of the M cAlwcc for h is loyal a nd dedicated
February, 1948. H e wo rked as an Wa 'hington Build ing Congress. He se rvice lO the Bro th e rhood, a nd ex·
apprentice, jo urncyn1ill1J SUbforc- w as on e of the Jo unders nn" de vel · te nd best wish c to h im and h i w ik
man, and fo re man. He e rved Loca l opers of " Pro jeci Build," a slIccessh d , for man y yea rs o f ha pp y retire m en t.

Research an d Education .lS5 UI11Pt I 0 I1 ~ _

The rev l ~t.!d pro) l!C ll 0n~ on t hi S Issue, 1Il~( (: ad of t.1lkl ng ,Iholll
(CoIltlllucd from Page 18) made in January, 1987, c ~ llm :1t cd rhm gl l1HllI Cks SLH.: h 38 IlI1c -tt CI11 VCCOCS, re-
' he flsc.! year 1987 J efi clt WIll be S173 vi:, ing the budget proces.s, :'Iml J B:'Il.1nccd
u&.:6c ll rumcd out to be 211 bil lIOn or bJi hon. The ac tua l deficit will be even Budget Amcmlmcnt. The pro h1cm of wh ,1t
28 percent over ((Irget. higher if the ccono m y COnt lllUCS 10 So tag- spcnd in ~ to cut .lIld what t.lX es to In-
For fi scal year 1987 Coogre,> and 'he n:He lor \ .... orst n l. C!I.!.ISC wJii n: m alll , eve n if the p r~ld c nt
p l'cs hl~nt f:lIkd to take loll''!)' mOlor cor - it IS utterly ridi cul ous that uur gOVl:rt1 were gi ve n these :tnd orh !.! f bullgc Llry
rec tiv e acti o ns. To hav e thei r init ial pro- mc m , un der the h!;tlic rs ill p of Pres lu ent too ls . The Il I: W Dl.'llloCTnll C h.:.ldcrsh lp of
Iccuons reach the C mnun- Rudm an- Rcagan, IS spendmg alma:, t S J.OO uf every th \! Congress. must wor k with tht:" Ih
HoIlings target of a Sl44· b,llion de n " , 5.00 or governm ent cx pcm.litu rc!s I~ t pu bh c:m s. il nd th e l1 (e~ l d c m III Cfi..'Jn n~
Congress and the prcs ldc nr lIsed numer - to !lilY the tn tcrcs t on the d..'b t. Ddicn - so l tltl ol1~ to these 'j)robh.' l))S . if nCCC'i~:) n',
Ous gimmi cks. These Included se ll in g off spemhng POil CICS, C~ P CC I .1 ll y dl1rin~ the Congrc!)s m l1 ~ t l.lk c ... um c bolt! SICP\
rcvcn uc-produc1I1g assets for de fici t re- Rc.1gan p rl..'~l(l c n c y, :trC now prcVl..'nt tng e ven If the p!e~ i dc JlI IS lI n wdlllH~ to
duc ti ons in fis ca l year 19 7, bUllrus will the ~ov c rn ll1 cnt from Ilh.: eullg It S re- r form hi S po licic:, .
ttlC reasc th e deficit 10 future e<1f , SpUIlMb l )I[I CS. Cons tde r for a moment
changes i.n lax 13ws, which also crC:HC how the 5 187 bIllion sp . .· llt on m tc rcst
!:I h llrt ~ ll.: l Ul Icduc tiuns 111 the defi cIt bu t un the debt dUring A~c a. 1 YC;l! 1986 cClIll d
long- term incrca CS; shifting p:ly m cl1I have bee n used In w ays bcncfi 1<.11 to OUI fk 171lk!JestUJ}'S If» COiltwKe..
schedules lor fisc al year 1987 spendmg ~OCIC t y. to rnlucc the n.1tlOl1 al de bt, Of
uoult he Slart of fiscal year \ 9~8, "Inch
onl y Inc reases th at year's de fi c it; and the
to lowe r our (.-'Xes.
The denclt and J ebl proble m> 011"" be a Volunlary _
usc of [idiculoll iy OP lI Ol IS ti C eco nomic :h.h.l r c s~(.' d bCC:LU SC thcy arc onl y cren t ing
ass um pt ions which :-.how higher levels bigger prob lems fIll uue" rUturc .1J1d that CONTRIBUTION 10 •
or rece ipts an d lo wer levcl ~ or uu tl ays of our chtl d.r::cn and ~r 311d c: hll J r c. n Pres-
tha n would he proj ected by Ill o re -reali ::. u c Ii._k nt R C:1~a D nee ds to pru vldc 1c.1d c rs hlp
President Barry Appoints New
Journal Department Director
International President J. J. Barry In 1978 and 1982, Si ter Va n Meter
appoin ted International Representa - served a a member of th e Grievance
tive Ma ry Ann Van Meter to the and Appeals Committee; in 1979 she
positi on of Director of the mEW was an IBEW delegate to the national
Journal Department. She moved to AF L·C10 Convention . Elec ted an of-
t hat posi tion on Novembe r I, 1986, ficer of Ihe Telephone Coordinating
and assumed full duties on february Council -I in 1981, she held that
I, 19 7, when Robert McAlwee re- position until receiving her Interna-
tired . tional Representa tive appointment.
Born On Oc tober2S, 1932, In Ya tes- In .ddJlion to handlmg nLlIlleroUS
bo ro, Pennsylvania, Sis ter Van Meter daily ta ks in the Telephon e Depart-
became an mEW membe r when her menl since h er 1983 appointment,
independent telephone union affili- Mary Ann assisted with the 1983
ated ''li th the IBEW and was char- and 1986 IBEW negotiations with
tered as Local 1944 on April I, 1956. AT&T and Bell Atlantic and was
In 196J she was elected to the full - deeply involved with coordinating
time pos iti on of rccorcilllg secretary, organizing efforts to affiliate a "' rgc
then 3 president/ bu sine s Ill,lI1ager group of ind ependent telepho ne
ill 1970. Under the leadersh ip of Sis- unio ns located in the Second, Third,
ter Van Meter, Local 1944 became Sixt h, and Ninth IBEW Vice Presi-
an outstanding mEW telephone loca l tion, alternate vice president of the dential Districts. Through Ihe com ·
union , and she became recognized Pennsylvania AFL-CIO lrom 1970- bined efforts of the Districts and the
for he r dedication and hard work to 1983, registered lobbyis! in Pennsyl· O rgan izi ng and Telephone Depart -
advance the pri nciples of the IBEW vania representing telepho ne work· ments, the lBEW was successful ill
and the trade union movement. She ers from 1968- 1980, de legate to the gaining approxima tely 6,000 addi -
held the laneroffice until 1983 when 1972 Democratic Nationa l Conven· tional members. Local unions with
she was appointed an International tio n and 1974 De mocratic Mini-Con· members employed by United and
Repre.entative in the Telephone Dc· vention, and alternate delega te to th e A1 ltel Telephone Compa nies have
partment by Int erna t ional President 1976 Democratic National Conven· also benefited from Sister Van Me-
Charles H. Pillard . tion . ter's assistance .
During her career in the local limon, President Pillard appointed her w T he Brolhe rhood extends congral-
Mary Ann se rved as an Executive serve on the fBEW / AT&T National ul"t iuns and best wi shes for succe
Board member of the Pcnnsylvarua Bargain ing Committees in 1974, 1977, to Sister Van Meter as she performs
late Electrical Workers Associ. · and 1980. At the IBEW Can ventio ns the duties of her new posilion

Union s Protest Station unIOns. This IS your chance to do Em" Nariek called a special meeti ng
Project in Pittsbu rg h them in We orc I(omg to look Ihe at 2 p.m . on t he day of the march in
other way." the ludge ' chambers. By 7 p.m. they,
(COllllnlleci from Page 7) Ml uck, and leaders Irom the Pitt -
bunctlous and loud but not dIsor· These 45,000 marcher werc nOI
upset with JUS t one contm clOfj that's
burgh Building Trades, IIlcluding
derly In any way , Cannon said thai Business Manager Joseph D. Miller,
l he po lice night shift was held over only th e tip 01 th e iceberg. They are
fed lip with being forced out of wo rk, hammered alit an agreement which
to assist the day crews, and Chief in effcct Sla ted that all work done
William Moore pe rsonally com· with being turned in to t hird-cia s
cit izens, with seeing their lellow On these projects would be done by
manded police operations from the skilled ulllon craftsmen and that all
JemonSUatiOfl site. wo rkers forced to leave the state and
nonunion contractors ant..! workers
Some drivers in terviewed on the their fam"ies in despair, with going
to food banks, and with getti ng the
would be removed Irom the ioh<
noon news were up Ct . II I a01 goi ng,
to be two hours late fo r work!" said rUllaround. This cou ld be Ihe fi rSI of
one angry man . While some drive rs many ma rches/ not JUS t in Pitts -
were angry, many o thers backed the burgh , but around the nation . La bor
marchers_ Thousands of people were I awakeni ng.
hours late for work ~nd upset, how - Police Conl lll:H1der Herman
ever, those people have jobs! These Mile hell said that he never saw any- ANC USE UNION S ERVI C E S

union workers arc fighting lor their thing like thi s demonstration In all AS YOU WOULO
very exis tence. Wh en Pres ident Rea - of his yea ts on the police f rcc. Rich- HAVE UNION WAGES
ga n fi red the au traffic c m Ioll ers, a ard Caligiuri, mayor of Pi ttsburgh,
Thomas Foerster, chairman of the PAID UNTO vOu . "
message went our to big business,
" Shift aU of the economic blame onto Cou nty Commissioners; and Judge

ThIS rC,I;\JL;!1 mC'ctmg of Ihe: Inll:rn;l Il Olllll Executive Council was C:dllcd to (Seventh Distric t I.R.I
order by Ch.l irm;tD Bowden Ilt 900 11 . 111 ., Monday. ()ccembcr 1. 1986 OthCI WIlh,lnl'il Tuc ker IDI!o3l1l11ty\· cUcc:tJ'o'c IJntl.HY I, 19111
ml'mbt"rs of the Cuuncil In . tu:ndlU\ce were Mulloney. Mt:Nuhy. Act fm, (Se venth D is triCt I.R.I
Buley. 1cA voy, Swc~ney. MIss!,")', .;1Ild Rilspbc rry
Robert W. McAtwer-crfec::tJ\'1," ft"bruary I 198 7
IDlrectol, lu urnal Dl:"pl .1
LNTERN TIONAL SECRETARY Rolland Th,v lL:rge-efIcC"lI ye M ,m:b I, 1987
Secretary Moore rrc:sentctl Aoanela l r'c pOtlS cove ri ng the !BEW Pt:fi:sl0n ( 10 th D I'iuicl I.R.I
Fund ,ll1d the (nvestm ent J>nllfulio of till' Brotherhood-both III C:lnnJ:l nnd Willi J.nl F Ferry- effectlve AUj.\uSt l, 1987
thl' Unitt;d St.1 t Cs !Dt rcc:wr, Ag·teeme ll t Appri'lv.tl D epl. )


PIC~ldtnl Barry me l I,.ntb the. lEe \l numbtl Q{ times to d,s-cuss ;) "'~Htt) ul rhe fo llowlOg em ploy~cs 01 the! mEW applied for letHemenl The IEC
IlUIIt'TS .JUC:ClIng all br.lnches of the Brotberhood dp proved th eir . equesls tU be effc:ctlvc liS shown:
tLl!L:an ("nn r1d- clfccu\,( lanuilrY J, 19R7
CONVENT LO ~ C ITY- 19IJQ (1,0. Employee\

1n con forUlIt), wuh Ih~ prOVIsions 01 Arll dt! II, S('CIJ() l1 I, uf the JEEW Mllry ' ·Iu:lmn D"vls-effec tlve laou:II'Y 'I, I!JR7
CQnstitutlon, the In l ern:lIionlll EXCCUCl \' C Couned dc term incJ th:u t he 1990 II O. El'Ilploycel
C()nv~ntlon of th e 18EW shnl l ~ he ld In St LOUI f>, M Lssourt. r:ummcf\c LnA
Sc:f>t~m bt.r H , \990
1\ rdund ..... as authon=t:d b)' th( II:C lR ac.o.:.oulauce wLlh the pm\l,sIons OJ
IN\l f.,l, I \ENT~ Anu:le III, Stcuen I I. Subparagraph 4, of lhc Constitu ti on 10 the bcncdic":u,,
The rtpoll of th~ lund m\'e$tmCnt action by the' In t crJ'HlllDnoil PreSldem of deceased In terna tional Rcprcscnl.tuv~ lI elu)' Z.eman
anti the lntemauonaJ ccte lary stnCC= th e! IIl')t Coun Ci l m ectmg was pres!!:n h:.1
to th e JEe, eumtncd, If.nd IlItd.
At th\: rcqul!st of the Int erna ll onal Pn:snll!lIl and In ac:cordJllcc wtth t\ rw, J ~
fiNANC IAL Rf l'QRTS IV, SectIon J , Subp:u agrtlph 9, of Ihe IBEW Cons u t uLLoll. t he lEe lIuthOn2cd
rhC.audll u r ·s repOrts 101 the \,:artrlU5 funds ul the Bl othcrh(k,d wen~ IHc!>~mcd the conti n o,lI ion o f the Intcrn31101u l Charge of Loc.11 Umon 568, M Clfl ll cal
10 the lEe, ex,a mined, and filed
Qul.'hcc, Canada, lmd Local U n ion 614. Quebec Cu y, Quebec, CllI1nd;t


In accordance ..... ttl:!. the provlsions. or A(tI d~ XlV, 'St:.CUun \ I , ut \hc .mEW OffICERS, REP RE.SENTAT1VES, A.ND ASSISTANTS Of TILE IRE\\'
Consllt utlon, the Su m of 571 ,630.90 WI19' tra n sferred fr om the Mlluu.y "'c rvIC!: Th e J3rd Interna t iona l Conven ll on uf the ISEW p assed a Resolutl oll
Funl.l to th e IIJfW Pc nSlOn Fund cove nn~ the nlOmh~ o f Aug u st, c plcmber, lillppurt i n g t he: idC:llL !lOgl.'thc l With Ilny f(''1 ltl r('d Cllnl\IIl Ll tlun ch:,IIl !:(::S! 01
and OC tobc rl 1986, briu glllg pi C' 1974 pensioners umit: r the Ofncc rs, Rc present:l tl vcs, and ASSI:.I·
ants Pensi on PlaD InlO pa llt)' Wi th tha t pl.a n ·J c urre nt pe ns ion bclH:AI fo rmul a
ihe onventlQO lIutl1on::~d tbt fEe. after actlllnia l slud,CS, to llike 1IIlpr,)prHn~
Pa)'me.ms for 1"'&'11 defense made from t hr Ddens.e fund were eno"Um:d Tb e IEC has studied the Convcnuon 1)n.JCcc(hot:"'- lind an lI("tuJno1l U"JMH"I
and D~provcd tn :1ccord:mce. "'Hth the H:qul1 f!mr.u\s nf A,.ndt" XI St:ctllln 1, o n \Ius mane!. Based upon tbis study and Its J eI.bc.r.lllvns, the IEC h :al
of th e: CODStllU lI On adopted t he lollo""lnJ action; All pre· 19N pensIOners shall be blOught Intt)
panty with the cu.,,'nt perulon beneflt formula. 10 IIddl ll CHI to any IOcrellse
gronted to t hose r tirces s ubsequent [0 c ptc m ber .30. 1974. Th" rl: nluon
C HANGES INVOLV ING TilE PEN !HO I' l../\N fOR OFf( C£ £,\\l' l.O \ ' EES benefit increases thll t so TCiu lt sh:\11 bl.'g\l\ as of \\.1-1)\1",.'1 \, \ 91\1
Of THE IN1' ERNATrONAL BROTIIER II OO O OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS COllslstcmt with th e Convention Proceedin gs ami this l Ee :lenon, tb e la st
sc nl Cllce nf Article 11 11 SeC-li On 11 122) of Ihe ISEW Con51i tl.lIiOil IS 1)1 n n df~c t
The 33rd International Cum't'1l 1l011 of tbt' IBE W passed a Resoluti on dc: ahll8
""'It h Arnele III, Srctien I I. of the IBEW COruLHuuon The rationale for tb llt
Ttvi..sion was tu plo"Yuir. nUI\nlit )' In lhe Office Employecs Vbn In o rde r 10 ACTION DEALINC WIT.. I'RE"1974 ftl;..mEES UNDE.R THE PENSION
accommoo:ue the tollec[1ve b.ngalnmg Dt'I;.Otl3t10nS betwee.n the IBEW and PLAN FO R OFf)CE EMPLOYEES Of THE 18~W
Ihl.'. ofAcf! trnployc:es' own union
Such n ego ll~ ti oos have resulted til a ch.llnf;c tn th e Office Employees plan The 33 .d Inte mauon,,1 Conven llon of (he 18EW passed.a ResolUtIon plac.lIIg
Calcula ti on uf beneRt!!, pn:hUu.s.l)' bodoed o n II. so,<."Hed " nlg,h·l\lI c" u b ry, ;\\IIhont )' \ n make. c. n an~cs t Q lbc Olfite EmplQ)'tc$ P L'fl!i\On Pilin in l he: tBEW ,
are t o be b:ule:d Ol'l a " 11I gh four" s abry. Sa id c ha oge 15 to be effective as of nO I limited to Internn tlOn al Con VentloD actlon. The' rationale was to provid e
October 1, 1986, nclt lbilu y In dfec Ling Il cgo liAu ons and cha nges 10 Ibe Office Emplo},tcs Plan.
Acco rdlLlgly, purs uan t 10 II .. authori t y unde r the IDEW onQrt l uti u fl and t o The 33 rd Int~rnal iuna l onvcntlon exprc ssed the desl le 111 bnng prc ·197o.l
rcflec t t be ncgotiations with th e office emplu)'ees' uni on, the IEC (eviewed pensi netS unde r Ihe D fncers, Repu.:sc.ntattvl;.$, and !\SSlliuntS PcnS\\)Il Pb"
the. exulting Plan Ru les and Reguhltions, An .:approprialc ICsol ullon was into parity with Iha t plan 's cv rrent peDsion ben eR I fo rmulA Tha t ku n ow
adopted to "meod thc Rulc! and Regulations to change ,ht" brnrfh r.n mpu · bcc.n do nc
utJ on, effective OclO~ ' I, 1986. to reflect the- " h lgh · four" l!illia ry fano r For the ~ a mc rtason!j of equity and bHne~5 that warrant pant)' undcr the
OfRc;crs, lleprt"~ouHl.vcs , and As.!lI~laOlS PllIn, and pursUllnt to the new
:lLl.J tho nt y to lake ... cd on wuh res pcc t to the Office EmpluycC's ptan, tbe! IEC
hilS studied :m actuarial repo rt on the Office Employct.'"s Plan lu \d has adopu:d
I\pprov:ll W:l5 g.anted by Ihe IEC to the fo Uo wing rCp rr:scn llHlves U:quc5t1 ng the. follOWing acu on~ A ll pre - 1974 pensionc rs unde r the Orfice Empl oycel
retIrement : !lI nn s baJi be brough t inti! pant)' with thllt plan " c urreLlt pens ion benelll
lo n))ul a, In ,U.lt1 ltIUIl to lIny Increases graIned 10 Ihu ~ c n :tlrcc::o :ouL::'I.'\IUi!IU to
Thomas n, Will ey (Dl suhll lty f- eHcc llvc D ecembe r 1, 1986
sept ember 30, 1974. 'h e pensIOn bene fit in crcasCS l hllt stl res ult s hnll hC),!11l
(FDurth Dtstrict U t, app roved by ma d bClwt.'e n IEC session s )
3suf jan u3 ry 1, 1987.
Leo I. W15 nis kl~ffel::tlvc Oeccmbcl I, 1986.
llOt.b Dibtncl, I It, appro ved by nlall ~ 'w ct" n l Ee sessIOns!
loscph Cava(Ugh-efieetIVe lanuary I. 1981 A.CAINST A RCHIE LEWIS
IAs51SUnI, Inlcmallon :ll Secl c t aryl
At the Sc: plcmbc:" 1986, regula r mceung. Ihe IOtern;! lII;ma l bcee ulIYI;'
Booth Dean Grcy IDlSablltty)-cffcclIvc: lanuary I, 1987 Council deCided to in vl!"stll::lte! e h ar~cs .illc:gmg, vml':lIlon'l o r A.rtlcle XII ,


"ct.:uon 4UjJ. fir du: IHE\\ Lnn<;lltuUuo b\ J l"II1lN Ult:n;mnl.",1 fllemOcI I,t l!Hem.1I11 II.!I \'1"'" 1' lc."Jc:n t Roslt rukd thal I Cla rk,,' bI.: IcmlH'ed h um
....K.'1I1 U n IOn 19'; m liel: ;J~ J{ewrdtn~ SeI;, IClar)' of Local Uninll lOS funhcl , t hai Il l" rna), nlll
A furm.1I hC;I (l n,l: w" s sc/lo:du/e,1 If /~ the' IweJWI!, ell dIe.' JI1Ie.'ITIJ/lIiIl/l} hol d (,fJut' OJ Icprn't'nJ l.ocjl UnlOJl IDS or Ihc mEW In an ... (:lP:lCllY fur .1
E"ccutlvl: Council t hll t t:v ldenct: 111CtJuccd at rhe hearln): IJ I1cd t" ~Uh~I,l!Itl.Hl' ~e r !"d cd tWO 121~'C3rs
the eha l lte .. On II prcJI, In t crna ll Cln.tl rTl:<'ldcnt 1'l1 h11l1 e.uncuned with the In lcrn<l rlUn;l!
Thc C.I~C I~ thoe, dlln:, dl!im l ,,~~d \I<':C r rc"ldenl' .. dl::CISICIII
1 ht" C":nuncl! 11.1\ COn!iHJcrcc.l the r:ntlfc rltc(JJd In ,hi!> l.lIse. mdutllnll: tht:
deC'''lon nl Intcrn;1[1(lI}.I1 Ple'mlenl Pillard d.llt:d August 21, 19S6. and tht:
;"IITI/I'EL \' APPEA l \by 1 IY.IIlt. dCCI~llIn of rntelnJuonal VICe rn:s.ldcJU Roc,e Ir IS tht: Co un cil's
,u J,ltnlCnt IhJI botn of I hc~l' (teeISHm~ II fC ~u r porlcd b)' clear C""J'c hC(!. ;lIl d
TIn- ILC Ic"e H eJ line. arlle.1 J~'h , c.h , on heln/! n:\'ll·Wt.',t, W,I'i hHllhl t(l ~I
Ih :1I Jlll.' J1cn :dll~ unpl1~l:t! b) tnte rn J uon al VICt! I'r c'jldenl It IlSt', ,lnJ ur hc!d
ulltunclv !'odore the CUlIn,,1l arlo. thc l dllle.· enu lll ntl, he (CCII,llnL:t.'J
oy InlCtlhltWIla l Prl,.·sldent I'lil.nd at~· .:II'proj'l rT IIiC In \·Ie ..... fl f th~' ""t\OU'inl'~~
III lht' .. e Jctlon\
UJIIIl"t "'rudl \IX \ntlOIl I oj tl'l" IB[\' LOD')lI!UflOII, t hl' 10".11 UllhJn
1'rl' .. IJ\.llt h.Js the JuthhlllY anJ ,ht' ,c.,pnn .. ,hlhl .. tu (lle.. ,dl JI "II meeting..
f'It:<,llfcnl rhnlllJ" Jh:.lIl1" Cli local Unum 10:", "' .UI1IIrHI, Ont.HIII l,m"J.1 ,,' dl" !",c:,11 tl11Ion .1Ilt! III cumJull Ih o\t· mU'ungs In ;:rn ord~' r1 >' 11\ .. llIon It I.,
IIh;J chJrgl:!i ~'Llh Inu:rnlll"1\.ll Vile Prt'~hl c nt 1\ G RII~C ('on \tptl:mh~'1 .!J de.1I 'Hllll Ihe returd I h J t rrl~ldenl BClltllc ,1t!lou llleJ Ihe i\ugu'-" 27, 19tFI
Ilj~" ,I~:llll<.f I ['a n )! rr'I~l.'r Vl t.l' Prcslden, 01 Lilcal Unu1I1 IO'i. Jill JJll'II ,':l:u mClllng of Lllc!11 Unl(l!l I n.:; ...... hl·lI , In hi" ,ud ~nlcnt, thc mec tl ng had bCl:IIIlH'
nol.lI ltrM; of Arl lck XIX, Scclltln 14. anJ A rllell' XXVII ~"'ltlllll! Suh~euwn~ J I ~tH J e rl )' Jml II c;mld nllt hI." conltnueo In an orderly mlllrncr Whrl~ In)
I Ii, 7... nd 1,1, uf dll" IIlEW Cun50lllutllJlJ nU'mbc/ III .Iltend.Jnc\' m.lY dli!C I wHh aI\( ludgml!nt In I~II S rqp rJ, ,hl.:
Inh'm.HIlIIIJI \IU~ r l c~Ldcnl Rt1\" a'<;\lxned Inu:'rn.lIlllnal Ih"pleWOIdll\l ImpmlllIlI rlmH 1\ tfiRl nnh 'hI.: It)L;r1 ullion Prc51dent ha .. th e 't:~pon'-'lhlll1\
WuoJ~ IU c(mJult " hcann,; and rn 1~lrw.uJ th&.: rn(Jtd ul Ihl.' hcarJn~ II) him .I1ll1 Ihl' Jutllorll" to m.ke the dCtelmmalllln 01 the need III .·Jluurn the
1111 bl~ 11.'\IC .... Aftcl.J cau.-Iul relll.:\\ of lhl.: c\)mrlctC' fcemd Il1u:rn.lIInll.tI mc\ It nit t"re~rdl,inl liealllC,' CAlICI~cd hi!> ,udp.lncm In Jdlonmmg. th~ Au~u'>l
\ IU' 11, c~ldl'nt R~,i'ol.: luund I IlJrn' I"r.,,\.f .:udq " .. eh3 l,o:&.:J [If \ ,,, l.lIln~ AftlCl, "}."1 1<,1 :; l1Ie~lInF., "oJ ..... ,; find nu b UI" lor ~eonJ ~ U I"S:'tHiF. It" .. IIlt!:o;ment
XXVII t, ... clwn I 'iu~..eetllm .. ! =', Jill! IJ 01 Ih~ m EW <.mS ti lUlilm 1I11l1 11111 t\, all dt'c ll;J ~i l Hccr 01 the local un Inn, he mU~ 1 h:H'C k llo .....·n o r a t IC,l!H
).;'Jl lt y "I \·ll1l.n l n~ Article XIX, ~cc llO n I~, ami " "l d,' X;-:VII, "i~loon I h.I\'c hold 1I1l' 1 l'~PIll1'ilh1 1 11Y III know char the a etlon of LUCJ I UnlOtt VICt:
,",Uh"CLlIlln 7, \)llh" II\EW t:1I1l~IIIUtlnn I'le"dcrll Il.rrn FI.I ~er In l econvcnmg the mcetlnA (If Augu'>t 27 19R5. \\'.lS
Inl l,.·rn.JllUn,, 1 Vtu' !lll".II.1cnt Ron,c rulclJ Ih.I' I B.ur)" fra ... o I-c 1\.'/oHnJ If! "Mt:.-.~ (11 hi., JutnrlUt., Jnu J cku \wlullun 01 Ihe ConSlltUIIQll 1 he
llilm .hl: ,.Hiu: nf VII,.I.: Pr" .. ,.Il.'nt runhu thai he nut he .Jol". rll hllM (lInt" hnJInJ: nllnu."TRJrwnJ) Vlt:r- !',n/dull Rose. ;JHinnL"J f,y JnfCrniJlJIlnat P rc ..
1>1 flpt":"'CnI Lu\;"l Union 10; (I( Ihe 1lH:.\\ In .un ..:"PJ,,,II) lor J pcrwJ III thc IJull rlll.llJ Ih.ll Brothel Cbrke " ~UlI(\ nf Ihe uHoen!>c.'i. '!iL.lIe.d In cJrhe.
;1 \·e.n ... nOr flU¥ he ,"'enJ.J mct:llng of L{t('.".J1 Um~n In, m In\ uthl"t m(\, dCCI~lfln .. I~ dl:,I11\- '>uprllrtl'd h) the 1~c.lUd And, con!lldennj; the ~eflllu!>m:""
!IIL;l1 UlilliI1 OH.:elln,li !t,t J periN IIf 1M mnlllh" III Ihl' Ilfh'n~c, .1nd tilt: P0<i ItI{)l1 (If .J pnnctrJlllffitcl nf Iht' local UnIOl), the
On <l prl:3l, 1t1l~'rnJIIIIII:d jlrl.'~lt!l"nl PlllJrd I,.lln~UrtcJ ....·I lh the Inll'm,l rl UI1,11 r('n,1 1 t\(,'~ I1nrn~cd Il rc ntH c)(ce"~ I \lC
VIU, Pfl'~ IJ cn l '''' de~I~HIll \~ ll1lcHI.IIH1nal Prc"lIil'nl l lil!.trJ flPteJ In hI.!! dCCl~ltrn thl" pmLcJur.I 1
Til l' CUIJI)I.:JI h.J" ~lInS)J"h:J Ibc eO llr ,' fe..:fml In tnt .. l J ~1: Inc.lmlill}C Ihe.: 11I1I1Il .. ijruth~, CIMh r.used In hl~ arpr!al ..... e rt: JdJress\'O b}' hlt"rn;lt\nn.li
Je('I"tUn 01 Imernauunal !'rC"IJl'nr !'J1LIHI dalo,;,j Au~,t 21, IW,," .IOJ Ihe VICC I'rnluL'nt R(I,,1' In hi'> d,·u .. lun, .Ill" Inc C~)UncJ I t1p;rcl'<; ....·nh ' he dell~Uln
" 'W'" I ~:-;6, ,h·(.I'<,11I1'\ ullnlrtn.ltlunJI \'ICC' Ple~uJclH Ru .. e: II I.. thL' C.uunCII·~ (II Ihe Irtu·fn.ltulfl.101 Prtsu!t:nt .aifirmlOt: thollc ruling ..
luJp;lI1l'nC Ih"l b011l lit th(\c d\:cl~Ll)n~ .I ll' "urrlllted 11)' de", l\ldence ..md In ~umm.l l y the Inlnn,lIlonal Exccutlve Cnuncil fillJ~ .implc e\'IJcncc IhJt
ch,1t th, pen.J1tIC''' Impll~(,t.I h~' Inll'lnJtlml,d ViLc PreslJent R"... c allJ urhdd BHlther CI,Jtke W;I'i g\J !I n' of the \'1U 1JIHm .. fOUlld hy inte.rnJtlllnal Vice
h~ lnll'1l1.1I1(1f1ol1 ?It:"\l.h:nt PiIlJ!'J , Me lpp'Ortl.U~· Itl \-n· ..... [If Ihe WIII I \l""~'~" r f C~ldclH RIl'>c and olffi rlll cd hy Int..:rn.Jllon.l 1 l'rcsldC'nt PIIlnr d rhl' COllll'-rl
,,1 tl-lt. ""111111 t.lkcl1 JI~o IlJo\H'e \ !lUI l'il"cJuse o f I he sc rlO u<o na t ure 1)( dll:: "'i ol.l,jon~ (.ommllteJ -
Under Ar!1ck XIX, ,",L'ltlltll I, III Iht. flH.W C\)n~[jlullt\ 1I lin: ,.,l,).J IInWII puucuJ.uh HI 11,:111 of th e srccl.llle.'~pu/J.ljrDIIH)' J~ ~n dt'£ll'd (lftJl(" uJ Ihe.'
l'rl' .. ,delll h.l~ Iht: .luth nfll\· JnJ IOC rl:~(\\II1\lbllltr in rfl'~IJ(; .11 .111 nU:~lIn~., lu".,1 UTlIIiIl lhl' ren~ltle~ Imptl!lC"C.i ,lfc :1f1prflprr:llc Jnd ntll c-'u.:c ..... ,,·1: For
Iii Ihe Int.JI unmn Jnd tol:\lndUCf Ihv~c mct:tln~, In;ln IlrJc d )" t.hhl(ln It I~ th\:w fC"""'l'n'" th\: Jlrrc:111" Jellied
dc:.lr hum the re":(lId Ih,)I I'rt:'>I~h:nl R\:.JI{It: .ldlllUmed ~he AUj{u<,t!1 I'" :;
lI1eellll)l. uf LeK.11 Umun 10" whl.'n. In hl<; IUdgml'nl tn" lIlt.dlng Iud lIc~(]me
dhOtJcdr Jnd It etl\.JlJ nClt hc "untIllUt:J In an orderly r'J1:JnnCf Whlll" an} A lljl EAL OF AL w\N fOR Yl'lI
t!ll:'mht" //I JllcmJl/lIll' mol)' dlilcr ..... Jt h IrH' wd1!llu' llI In rhl ~ fI:gunt Ihe (Ii L.ocal UlII(ln Ivr;. H .lIIHItOIl, OIH.UW, C.3 I).1 J.J.
I lre~IJcfl1 I If(lf I1.1~ B<:,J!tlc
ImplII' .tr'lI r lw\t b th.1I onl} th ... JlIc,d UlIlIlIl PrL .. "lcnl h:I S the rcspon .. ,bIIHV tileJ l,:h "I~('''' hllh il1lelnlltllmal \'tl:e PII~Mdl::nl K. C Rose on Serlctnbcr 24
"n:d I he authvrHII II' m:lkl' tht:' lk Ll!rrnrn.Hiun tlf the nted ttl adltlurn the I \lgo;. ,l~Jrn", Allan F", ..... , h EX"CUtIVC BOJrd ml'mbcr of Lucal Unton 11)';
nll't'lIn,lt I' l e~I~Il'nl n".Jttn: c.;'(erCl.~c.:~ thiS mO):n\cnl In .111luurnrnR Ihe: Au!(u~1 fllr .. UegeJ \101.,lIon5 01 Article XIX StC1l0n 14, and Artlti t' XXVII Set.Uon
p'. I"'xt; ml.:ctLng_ ,Hld ""~ Hnd no h.lsl, fllr .. ccund-"ul:~ ... an,; Ihl~ ludJ;ml"nl 1 Sub~ccu"ms I. 'i ", ami\}. (If tht.' 18E\\I Ctln .. lI1ullOn
Thc 1,'\ Ilkncc I al!'lJ de':l.Ilh.1I \'1C;t= I·rc .. ldt:nr Fr.L'-'lr'mm~-di:lld~·rcCI)II\1CnC" Intern:JtlnnJI Vu:e Presldell! Rust.' Ihs l,gnd Intcrna ,ional Rcprc ..e'II.III\,l·
tht' 10.. :11 unllill mCl·tHJ~ ,15 ~UHI1.l\ rrcsilkl1l Beanie hal!lh·dJ led lIoldjuurneJ
WIIOJ~ In umJutl J hl'.lrll1~ anu 10 fl)rw;ud che rteemJ uf I he hcrlrlllg to him
I'\ot only!!> thu~ IHl ~UlhorltV In the C I)l1'1I!UIIUlI It) 1>UPPUrl !Ill, .:lCIIOn, but !\'It hlf, tC\'ICW, AfH' r a c'Heful I CVIC W (If (he t lllnp!I.lI C rccorJ, inlCf natll) llll l
thl~ JCIUln 1<;, J (. Il-:u ll~urrawm Ilf till' .1U lh tll lt y uf the loe.1 1 unum Pn.... ldt·n l
V1Cl' l'rf'slu,'nt R(I!>c (uulId AlI.ln For:!!)'th gUi lt )' as ch:H~~d o f vlu la ung Allide
III ~hllrt. tht: wle h l h'n .... J .. CanllOlr) III the II·tte r ,\lui tht "Pint uf th e XXVII SeCllon I, Substcllons I. '\, ilnd 9 , al"ld Arm.Je XIX ~C"llOn I" ,md
CIln!>tltLltiPn JIld commm~:d .....C1l0U" orc.lch lI( .,bll~Jtlon~ ui I he tlffiet' ,,1 not ,guilty (II \"IUI.1I1n.: Amcll' XXVII IkClillil I Sub:,cctlon 7 (II the IKE\\'
the !lK.1 f,.If1Illn ,"Ier: I'.e.·.. lllt'n! Th .. lindtng of IrH.. rn,mllnlll Vice l'rc,,"Jc:nl
Rnc,e, .l1li,meJ by Int\.m.JullO,i1 ('Ic .. ldem Pillard that Itlt: \,(:c.; rrc~IJl·nt \Ii [nh:m"llIlIul Vice Prt~ldeot Ihl.. e ruleJ dlll i AII.olJl fOr'S)!h be removcd lrum
the /u(.I1 unltm "-<'I" I-!IIIJn' III , he Ilfkn.\t" .H3,,-,d In Iht ("HII('f dCrl'>llIn. I"
otllu: a~ Exccutl\'t' Buard mcmbc r 01 /..VC.l/ Unian .105 and C.1nnO I hold ofliu
deJrly "UPI"IIIIl'J h~' Ihe record And c1m .. lclcnn): lilt, .. etllHhnt! .... \If the til lep l l'~"nl Lot..r! Unto n 105 o r Ihe IHE W In an)' Capacity fm a pc-rIod 0 1
IIHt:n~~', "I, J th\.' pOSIIHlIl ot II pnnc lJHl1 u'hlt'r oj the 1[ICJI Unum. the pl;'n .t1 l1l"~
Ihree ("I years_ Fur1h1! T, chnl he be oa rret! frum :1ttendlns:, an)' L ,",~'1I 1 Unuln
I l11pl1~c d lrr~' tWt el(cn~I\lC
10" mectilt): .. or .m)' u t her m[W IOCdl unIOn meettng ... fo r \I pCTwd ur (Inc III
/h Inlt:rnJllllnill P, c\iJl:nt rll l.HJ n<lh:J III 1\1 .. lIC~I"lIl0 Iht: l"Ul.Cc.!Utoll
p,nnh th,lI Bwther F'.I~r r.,,~eclln I\I~ Jrpl'.J1 ~"It. .lc.!JI~~~ccl b ... Inu;rn,lIIuIlJI On IIppe.11 ImetnatlUn.ll PlC"lldcnt r,lI .. rJ t.uncuHI;L! ....·uh tht' IntclniJllflIl.Il
\'IC" l're .. lat.·ul Rtl~~ In h" de.tl"lun .Jnd tht C(lum:11 a~rce" WIth thl.: dt:"I"H.n Vice (l1C.~ldt"nt'., dl'cls lun
" tht' In":rII~tIt-.n.l1 PrcslJt:nc In "Uirmmg tha ..c ruhnj.:~ The Cuun~11 hu con!olc.le red Ihe enU lc rCI.:I,rJ, 111 Ih lS t:l!tc: 1I\L1uJm~ the
In ~umrnJ. O· tho: Intl."rnatHIIIJI [lIICt.lItl .. 1.' Coun>::r1 ncd .. Jmpk t·' Idl.'nu.! lh ... dc.;CISlon Ilf Inlernlltl(111.iI PrcS1l1c1ll PIII,lTd d,lted August 22, 19N6, :lnd t ilt'
Awdwr Fnl"C'1 wa s- ~tlllt} tlJ the \'lo latll1n .. fjluml h.,. tnlt.1I1.IlIIUMI VICt: M ny 7. J9XfI, ;J(;CI$I(m IJf Ilucrn:lIlon.a1 Vice P r(:~ldc nt I{t)sc. illS I he Counc il 's
P Il:~II1cnt Rtl"C Jod ~ftltmt'd hy llI1clnatJunul l'I I.'~\ J elH rlllJ rd rJu,' Cuunul
luJ~mcnl Ih;!t burh of lhc'ic Jl'cl.'ilon\ dlC "'U]'l~ lt ~~J by tlc;! r cvnic-rtee. lind
J!4i:n aJ!H'C'> thai bCI:Jll~&.: <If tht: <;erluus o:ltun: {II the vlllltJllon~ t.ummllh:d thilt Ihe rcn.1itIC'l nnposcd b)' Intern.l rtunal VICe Prc'ildl:nt Kosc, .J nll ur hdd
rJfu(:uIJ.I~ III hght uf thl.' 4i:recu11 Ic"pun .. lhlhty .i'i ;)n ciectl'oJ pfflet ' "I Ih l'
h)' I ntt::rn.Jllon.Jlllre~lIlel1l Pill:otrd. a ll ;rprrnrn;alc In "leVI' 1I1 the 'IoC'rJIlU .. IW ....

1,.h:3/ unlfln-Iht' J't'nultlc" ,RIp"'"'''' Jt~ .JpprQrnHe ,mil nm l·\Lt: .... IH· FUI ui Ihe.. e :It.llpn,>
Iht..... ,· f{·..t"I0~ the: JrS"-JI I ' Jcnic\! UnJl"f Alllclt: XIX ~c~lIon I. 01 the: !BEW COnStltullOIl lh~ Im,Jl Uluon
PleMden: has I ht' lIuthQrltv and th e rl""ronslbtl lt)' II' preSide at JII m cctHljt'>
of !Ill' IlIc.d unH1n .Ind 1(1 conduc t Ihose mcclln~s 11\ any orde rl y f,\s hltlll, II
,\ I'I'EAL OF , . C LARk.l. l..,clcllr trom th e recm d I hlll P, t!!iIOCnt iJeaUle ,Id,oumc d th t Allgu~t 27, IYI'lC;
rl ~'~HII"IIt I rIlHlU~ 11 ... .111:11.' II I LUCJI Unmn to':;, 1-\.1 mil l tJl\ Onl;.irlO. C;Jnada. mJ.:et)ng IJI ll 1ca l Vnwn IO~ "",hen, 10 h l ~ ,ud~m,en l , Ihe mCl"tmg hJd be(:ome
tl leJ dl.IQ!\.S- ,",' Ieh Incem.:lounlll VIU' Prt"."tlcnl 1\ C. RI)~t' on 5~plcJllblf 14 JIMrrJcrly Jnd 11 (ou id not be conti n ued In aU orderly m:lnncr Whllt: an}
I ""S.:., 1I,i:.IIn1.t I ChIlLI."_ R~ordmjl. Scc rcu rv III Lucal Union I O~. 101 .allc.;gcd mcmhct In :mc:nJJRt..e m.J~' differ .... nh Ihc p.ldlt"'~nl 111 "hi!) rcg;ud Ihe
\ UII.Jtullb olAlucie XIX SC'Lllon 14 ;,rnd Aludc XXVII. Sc(;llOn I, /;\uo'>el.""/R" IIl"I r nrt3nt ralDl 1'<; thai only the local timon ('rtsldenl has th e rC!;p<llIslll1 IIt V
I ~, i ~nd Y. 11' duo mEW Cun<;uu,ltIon and Ihe IIl1thortl) IU make thl' dClermmlitlOI1 of ,he [leed 10 ad!lI urn the
IrIlC lnJ LlIJ IHI! Vice rr~')ld~nl Ruo;e ;J":-L~fleu 11Ut"1Il.IIIUIHd R l!r r e-~Cn t:lll\'C mt:elln,g rrtslden t BeaUle e:o/.c r c.I!oed ludgmclll rn :JdloumlO[t thc I\I.I1:U51 27
WOIK!" to cOllduc t Il IU':l IIII ,Lt ,Ul J w furw;!!d Ihe- l eco rd til Ihe lWllnng til h llll 19~~. m ee ll llP.; IlnJ wc And no h uLs fo r :;ccunJ gUC!ol~rng I h l ~ ludgnH!n l
Inl hi '> revlt~ w Aht't.1 c .lrcful [I,' ..dc ..... o f Ih e clI lI1pl ~l e rl"cord, lntcrn:monal A.. ,m d"'cted officer of the 10cOII Ilnilm, he mu s l have kn o wn Ol'.lt ICtl 51
VICe." rr~Mdl·nI Rose I(lund I Clad" l' gUlfly :lS I:: h tl rgc-d (.Il vwSollnl!: ArhcfL' havc had the n,'spc)nslbl lt(~ t(I know thoU Ihe sellon 01 LOC3J Uflltm V,l.&:
XXVII. I)t:c ll iln I Sub"cetlnn I .lnd 5, and 'WI gUllry o f Ar llcll.' XXVII, S« tion PI t'~llIc[Jl Rn rry FII)!>t!-r In fCCOQVCmnJ: ,he meetmg of Augu t 27, 1985. Wil~
1 <iul'i'>Cf.:tmn'l" a nd 9. ~nd Arllcll' XIX Si,!UIClO 14 , of Ihe IBEW Cnn'>lIlUlUm In cXCtS~ 01 hl5 Jutllomv and a clca, violauon ot Ille ConStitUtion rhe


flndmg 01 Il1Icrn;llmnal Vice rn: ,Jenl Rmc .• llhrml'" b)" JlllLtII rloll.ll IIn <; Wund .. HI ~L1nJult a hl'ann~ ami UJ hH .... Jord th l! tccord 01 the.; healln/>\ tu hun
Ident PIII.l ld , thdt Brothe l Forsvth IS tlu1hy of the o ffu1ses .. 1.lll·V tn cddu:r for hi S review Aftu Jo (;ilrdul rcvl\:w Hf the emnplete Iccord Intrm.1t lonJ;1
decis ions, IS cleally SUPPI' II Cd by thc Iccnni And, con~ldcnn1t ,hI.: "l'III'U ",n\:!iS Vi ce I're .. Lth'm Rosc found Tt:rry rl;l~rr KUIII)· as (.h.l r~cd of vlUll1t1l1~ Article
nf the offense. and the POSlltOIl of a PrinCipal office r uf the- 10<: :11 UIlItlIl Ihl· xxvn (n'lllllll I , Subsection I Jnd 5, ;tnd Article XIX, e..:ltllil 14, .I\ld nl)!
penaitlc<;' Imposed .Irc not ex<:es lye ~ulhy nf "llllnnn!:. Article XXVII Sectlon I C;uosrcllon 1, III th~' IHEW
A!t Intcrnational rre ",lent Jltll.Hd IIl1ted en hn: decillon , the JHlKl'durl l Con:.tltutlon
pmms Brother for yth r.used in hIs otpr\:..11 wele addre<;q:od by Imern,ulonal In.c l lliltllln .. 1 Vice Pre IJenl Ro~e luled thai Terry Fra-.e l he remo\ed hom
Vice Prc"ldent Ro-.c In his decl1lOD ; and the Council alrct."s Wllh tht." dCCIc;.lon offlc~ J;!. EXecutile Bo:ml .nember of Loe.al Unum lOlt. Funher, th.1I he nOi
of the Internallonal Prc~ldent 10 affi rming those ruling be :lole to ho ld offlce o r represent local Union 105 or the mEW III any [;apaCHY
In ~umrnary, the InternlilionJI Executive COUI)cil fiml.. :lmplec vldence th :&t fo r n pelltxt of three [3\ yean, nor may he he ahle 10 att enJ J; meeting of local
Blather r tlrsyth wa .. guilty o f t he vhlhltlons found by Intrrn.1 l1 olln l Vi ce Unum 10':; 111 any o l hcr IB EW loca l UOInl1 meeti ng (01 01 pCllud of 18 months
l'rcsIdent ROlie ;md .. HilllLed by Interniltlo nal r l estdent PI II :ad_ The ounnl On JPpcJl, Intell1l1uonlll P n'~"l r'n l VIII.lTd concu rrcd wnh lilt' Inte lll llllona l
aliO agrees tha t bec:.aUlie of the ~c::nou~ nature of Ihe v!(Ilanon committed \'Ice Pr('''ldcn t 's deci .On
Ilarllcularl), In h~ht of the speelilll resp()n Iblhty as an clccleJ nffie(I ul the ih..: Council h:;! conor;ldered the cntltc II!l;md In thl" ca ..e, Includmg the
loc.al unIOn-the- penatue Impo~d arc Jrpropnah:' .Ind not e~Cc<'''I ... e Fur ,kcl"lon of Intcrnallonal Prcsldcnt PIIILlrd dated Au~u.!>t n, 1986. lind the
lhe~ tUsum, tl1e apptiJl 1'1' denu:J May 7, 1\11\(>, decl~lon of Intern anona I Vice PreSldcnt Rose. It 1$ the CounClI'~
,ud~ment that both of thesc del.l'IlUns are su pported by clear eVidence, lnd
Ih.1t thc i'CnahH:~ Imposed by 1m In.ltll)n31 Vice Prc~ l dcn l Ruse, and ILphcld
by Presldull ptlhlll! a rc lI ppWpllate III VICW nf the <;e rUIlISllrs" (II Ihes~'
P":-'>ldtc'nI Thoma$ BeJolIlC of Loul Unton 105. Hamlitnn , Ontario, 1,.';lI1ad.I, Under Amcle XIX, S\:ct!on 1 of lhe IBEW Cl1n'itltUtIOn, thc locill union
flied charge wuh IntemJollon.1 Vice l' r(~ldent K G Rose on ..:ptl.:ml'ler 24 I'rnulcnt h;l~ thc iluthon t ), aDd the re: ponSiblIt,y Itl preSide :11 ;all ml'etrng"
198C;, .t;atnst Dltw D..1\1td<lon. CHeutrvc Boa"J member of I.oul Unron 10:;', of the loe.al unum lind 10 cunduct tho"e meeting Ln.Jn un.!crl)' fashIOn It 15
for alleged vu;tl:lUonJ of Article XIX,S etion \4, and Article XXVII, Se ... uon de.ar fr om lil ... I<.; ... uld th.at PrC:Stde:nf Ruttle lIdlOUrned th~ August 27. 198~.
I Subsee u nns I. :";, and 7, of the lBEW o nstitutlon meetlllK of loc al Un ion 105 .... h~n . 10 hi'S ,udgrnenl, the meeong, had bceomt
I n l cm~Lll onal Vice Prcsldent Rose ;ulilgned ilHe l n~I LLonul R(' plest:ntatH'e tlllitlr dcrly ,anJ 1\ e[luld nut be continued In lin onlerly manner. While lIny
Woods tu conduc l a heall1'l ~ nnd to forward th e reco rd of t he hc.u lnl( to him nl<.:mbcr In ,lI tcIII.l.mcc tll oy d tfll'r with the tudgm c-nt in thIS rl')o~a l d, the
(o r blS revlcw. Aher a c:udu l reVII!:W nf Ihe complete recold In tem.lItOn.l1 mlpClftanl poinl IS th:H ullly the loca l unum Plt:sldent h.n the: respoll 'l lbLil l y
Vice Pre Ident Rose found D lew D;avIJ--'>On guthy a chars:,ed of \llQlaun,; and Ihe nllholllV 10 m .. ke the de l Crnllnatllln of Iht' necd to adl(lUm the
Arllcle XXVII, Section 1. Subsection I .and \ .md Allkle XIX, SecHon IJ.. IlU:I,;III1& Pll.;)ldenl lk.attlc e xc reised hu· lud~mcnt In ;adtourntng Ihe Au/>\u."
and not gUilty of Violating Article XXVII ctlon I, Sub-'>ectlOn 7 of ,he 17, 1985, meCon~ and we find nu tu.,,,, for sccond,guesl>tng thiS ,udgment
IBEW Conslltutu)" . Aor; atl elected ofAcer 01 the 10(..11 Unton, he must h'\'e known o r lit le:l.U
(me m ullon al Vt e Presldent Rose ruled that Dre .... Oavldo.nn be lemoved hdve had the n:<;ponslhlltt)' to know Il1.1t the IIctmn of Local Unum Vice
from office as ;111 Exccul1vC Board me m be r of Local Unton l OS . hllll1c r, tha i Prc Ident 8 .. " y Frasc l rtI reconvcn m g t he mectlng {)f Augu.,1 27, 19t(S. WII'l
he may not bold officc or Itp , e.,cm Loc:11 Um cm 10~ or the IBLW In .IOY In exccss of h iS Juthon ty an d a clear vlol ll lLon of the Cons t itutIOn The
Cap3ClI)' for a penod of twO (2\ ye"n•. fllH!t n~ of ItHem.niona l ViLe Pr~:'lIler r l Ruse, ,\(tlrmed I) y Inu: rnlool1 l1l Pres·
On 2ppul International Pre"ldr-nlI1 tllard cnncurr\:d ""lib thc International Idt:nt Pillard, Ihat Bro ther Frastl IS gUilty of the offcnses sUlcd In t" , lIe l
VII;C Pre Ident S deCISIon . deCISIons. IS c1e~ul)' suppoued by the record AnJ , conl>ldclm~ the sellousnes.-.
The CounCil hoas consulcred the enttre reco rd In thl~ C;lM~, Includmg tbe 01 the offcniC ;and the pu<.ltLon Ilf ;I prinCipal officer of the loul unIOn, the
deCISion of Internationa l PresldeOl PllInd dated August 22, 1986, and the pcnal l1 e" Imposed .:Ife not e XCCSl>IYe
I\'\ ~y 7, 19R6, deCISion of In ternallona l Vice PIC"IJent Rose. It IS the Coun jl 's As Intcrn~ltloll.1 i Pre'lldcnt Ptll:Hd not~d In hIS JcuMon, Ihe Pluccdulal
,udgmen t that both of l hese decislol'l!> II rc sUPPoll ed hy clea r eVidence, and po intS Brother h .lscr ral<;ed III h iS ap peal werl! lIddres"ed hy lru elll.l t lull.11
tha t the p4!nahle~ ImpQsed by Inte.rna t lOllJI PrUldenl Pillard, arc applUpn:He Vice Pre:sid ent Ro c 10 hiS dCCISlIlO, and the ouncil agrees w it h thc ,tCU"UlIl
rn Vltw of the: se ll ousnes~ (If t ht'~c actions of the 11Hcrnatlona l Pre Ident 111 :r ffirmll1& Iho"e ruhngs
Under AIII-cle XIX, Section I. of the IREW COnStitutIOn , the local unton In ,umlll:;!r)" Ihe lnternllllonal [xeCUllye Councllflnds ample eVIJt:nce that
PleSldent has tht lIuthomy and tbe n::sponslbllllY to preSide at all mc:etmg." Brother rra-kr w;a$ gUilty of the nolatlons found by Inle:miltlOnal Vlcr
01 the loeoll union anrl tn nmduct those mccune' In an orderly f.shton It IS Plc!I'ldent Ro e and affirmed by ImernaliOlul PreSIdent P,lIud The Cuum;J1
dcal from the 11!(:()r d tha t Plesldent Beattlc a~h{lumed tbe August 27, 1981t, a l.. o agrecs that because of the senous llatOic III the VIOlations commltted-
meeting Il f LQC-.1 1 Union 105 whcn, In hiS ,udgmen l , Ihe m ceull~ hnd becoml; p:Htlc ul arl)' In ",0:111 of the s peCIal res poll JOIIIIY .1S all drc t cd officer of Ihe
d.w rderly an d 1\ l:ou Jd not be contLnucd In :\" orderly mall1le l WIllIe any loca l u nr on- t he pe nalties Imrwscd IIrl! ap pro pri a te nnd nnt exc:e~ " lvc Fil l
member m attend.mcl." may differ wnh t he ludgment in thiS regard, thc: the<;e rca"on , the: oIppc;al ls dl:n i cl~
Important pomt I tha i only the local U1l1on Prcsldcm hols the lespan.!Hbtl ItY
.nd lhe lllllhonlY 10 make l bc determrn:HIOn 01 the need to adloum thr
meetmg Plesldent Beatlle cxercised hiS judgment III ;adJoulntng the AUJ;.u sl
27, 1985, meetmg. and we flnd no ba 15 for !oCcond·guC5-SLOg hiS ludgmem AIIPEAL or P[ TER S. CU NI IA
A .. Jon elected officer of the lo(;al Union , hc mllst have known o r J t le3St
BrOlhcr Peter S. Cunha, BuslIless Manase r/f tnanc iJ.1 Secrctary of Ln\:dI202,
have had the rc,ponslbillty to know th .ll the aC l lfln of Lue ll l Union VIce
San Flancisco, a llfo rm:l, w ;t ,$ sUbpcndccl wllh pay from offlcc on M:ty 27,
PreslJent lIAII)' FllIsrl In It'convening t he mcetlng of Au gu~ 1 27, 19A~, WM~
19116, by Internall(ma l Presiden t Ptll a rd, pendlllg Ihc OU IC(lme of " show
m uc~!:! of h" 3uthorilY lind a dCllr \'lnliIflOn of the ConstttuuQI1. 1 01.' (.au~e hearln,; fOf hl9 fal lu le 10 properly perform hiS Juue~ hy allowln,. tn ht·
finding of lotemationaJ VIce Pllo'sident Rose, afArmed by lnternJuon,,1 PI"::'
PUt Jntoeffect 3&l e~menl '" h lch ..tId not lu\le the approvJoI of the Inlernallonal
Idenl Pillard. that Brother O.n idson IS lUllty uf the offenses ~tlJted In earher
l'lc"ldcnt a reqUired by Altlde XVII. ~ctlon 6, of the IBrw Con'ltJtullon
declsl{)ns, J!Io clearly supported by the record. And . consldenng the scnnu"nesor;
[n addLllon, 8wlhel Cunh;! h:ad ';uled tu comply wllh thc Instrue:tlOns and
of the offense, and the pOSH Ion of a prlnctpal officer of the local union, thl.'
di rectIVes of the Internlul(lna l P, estdcot. The Internatlon.ll P T e~ldcnt IS
penalties Imposed arc not eXceSSIve .
empowcr d as proVided by AIllc.1e IV, SectiOn 1, Subsection 10. of Ihc IBEW
Aj Irt tcrnauonBI Pn!o;lJent PI U:lld noted In hiS di!c l§lon, the IHilITIIILta l Consututurn wh ich re:lds ;'l8 tolll)wII
pOlntS Brother D;lvidson ral!>cd In h is appeal ....'erc addressed oy fnlelilalLt)n:11
VIce PreSIdent ROlle In hiS deCISion, and the Cluncrlagrees with Inc d",u"IQn "Scc tlon 10. To It·mUl'l: III ~u .. pend any L.U. ufficer fcpre.-.rlllatiVe.
of the In te mation:al Pre~l1dent In dfl1rmmg Ihosr- ruling appomu:e or .age:nt, or ;my ollice r Kcneral chairman or n:prescnt.lllvc (If
In $u mm.aty, the IntemoltiOn.l11 [xecut!\·e Council finds ample eVidence: that Rall103d SY"tcm or Region31 CounCils, fOI tncomrctence, or 1m nooper
Blother D.H'ldson was ~U1lty of the vlOl.allons found hy Inlt'rnatlon.L1 Vice fonndll(e of d Ulle", Clr for filllure to C.ltr)' OUI the (HOVI"lon" (If thl~
PreSident R.ose and a(Allnt:d by Intt:mlltlUUotl rj~~ldcf\t PIII.ml rhc Coune ll Constitution a.nd Ihe rule .. hcrean or the bylaws aud iI,t.:n:cmcn," l1f the
also agrees th:at because of the ~C II OU" na tu re of the Vlo!;t Il On .. cOlUl1ll tl cd L.U. o r RlI thOad CounCi l, or fm puttmg lO tO effect o r allnwlRjt til be pU I
partlcula l ly in ligh t of the spec lui re"po n"lbliIlY as an ciecll'u officer of Iht! LOto c ffect any puc ll ce, rule, lIitrecment , bylaw III pol,,;y n ut h av1l1~
loul union-the pen.:t ltlC!5 ImJlosed all.' applUl'n:tt c ,lind nm t;XCCs~l ... e. 1m ;lpproval of the t. P., Clr (or failu re III ob!:tc , vc or carry OU t InSIHlctluns nt
Ihese lea<;ons, the ap pc311f. d(,nI~d declsHms of Ihe I P Whl;n Ihe I I' su<;pend~ or rem oves all)' officer,
leple~elll.atlVe •• prOintCe, .I)tt"nl lIT any nHlcet, Jt,eneul chalrn'ldo 1II
ICrlC'5\:Dt~1I\C of R.'uJroad System ( I f RCF;lonal CUlincll", then he Coln flll
;lny suc.h office or po<;mon b)' J.protntment of others ..
1\ hcn ll nt:; was held Oil 1111 " mal ter un June 30, 1986, whcrt: (t:stlrtlllny nnJ
PrC-Sldetlt Thoma s Be,lttlC of Lllcal UIl\nn lOS, lI amtiam, OIH,IIIU, Canada, eV IJc ncc WI,! I/! ~ubml l1 ed, u bsclllLcntiy, In u:mauonll l PreslJcn c Pi llard, nil
lleJ c ha l ~e .. with Intern;l tlOnal Vice l're"ldenl K C Rose on Sl-ph:mber 24 , A.ugUSt 21 , 198i1,lIfte r re\lleWIO~ Ih tr.ln<;C ll pt o f the J"focee d tn~s a wel l a~
198~, agam .. t Terry Fraser, £Xteullvc On;lrJ membel IIf local Union 105, for thr documen tS en t ered;l cxhlblls dutlng thc eou r"'e nf the heann~ ruJc.d
alle)ted \inlallon of All ide XIX, Section 14 .nd Amcle XXVII. 'ectLon I that Bwthcl Cunha be lemoved permanently f,am the nUice of RUSlnes
SubscclIon I, S, and 7, of Ihe ISEW onslltutlon. MlIn .. gerfflO~nCloll Scelel~ry t)f IHEW Local Una n 202, l3ItHher Cunha ..... 2'10
Intem:;!lIonal Vice Pre$ldCIH Rose a'l~lgne,J Inlernn(lo nal Reprc cnt.lll\,c furthc r prnhlbucd nom holding nffice. cleele:od or apf'OlOtcJ. If) IBEW Loul


Union 102 or :my (lIb ..,. IRE \\, IUCiilI uniUn . ur ,,' ,vlOg an olD)' ".ar.2lclty wh<:rcby I6E W Con' ., IUlwn ImC'tII.lIIDnill VU;!: l'. t'\lden l M tC.2lnn IInol lin lniernillltlnal
he " 'ould represent .ln I8E\\' loca l umon HI n .. membe rs, for " ~ruJ(l n{ thn~c Rq lJc!;t'nt.&tI\c hum tht' Nln lh O blrn. l . o n .21 num ber o f occulo n , h ad m CI
with gan he t Cunha re~a rdm g ' he orgrccmcnr, and slI lI h e lefUlio C.-d to el,m pl}
1'1 yell r .. Wllh hllCUHlt lOnJI Pn:sr J ent Pillai'd'!> . n.'ioirUc tions ;l nd J ccisions,
From t he record before th t l Ee , Il 15 C"' hklll t h,n Bwt h l" CUllh.r w ....
affo rded d ue process T he lEe be tt e"'c' that t il l' c ... . d<: ll cC " nrJ tCS ll m UIl Y helM e II 5 UpP 'Jr'~ III full
Fr om the 11.: ouJ II IS !l lso eVIdent Ihal Blo tlH.'r Cun ha ncgoll,l l cJ a C()tll'C I''''C t he f1 nJIIl~ uf .h l! IlH c rnlll lOll ul P r c ~ , rJ elll In t h l~ IlI Jttcr f or t h iS reason, In c
barg.u nmg agreemen t wun N ESe A .... h. " h e'x panJed ,he .. "u pe of .... ork III JPPC.l I IS d lnlcd
We:ll Umon 202 anll Implc m eOll!d t he .Igrtcmen t w ithout the "ppruv;l1 III h ~hould be nUled I h;at l Ee m ember T homJ~ ' ..... cenc\ .. b:st;unc:d hom :I II
the In t4.:m a ltonal Pre ,dent." clear v)lIl.luun III Arude' XVII, Scuum 6. of I h~ ddlboc r.. uun .. ",nJ ville 10 the :Jbu~c mJ;tI~1

LoIuGtldiille It l 621
Jones, Ja J
Cescn'3 EIIO
DUdaf, MIchael
flut.k, HOJo,lrQ l
CUftIS AuDrey G
M~S5mglll Utu L
"0 Palmll!ll 8efnard
MloUlIlS AOD!ft A.
The Inl,mitioRlI Euclllid COl/neil U5seWl'lI~ lIGtltn J
"" Lu~n, MetreoN
IDPtMd "ret:
Irund,. ani! nlnllY 1390)
1IOmI.1 p.IlII... Hn.1iI IlPpll"tiOflS. n
""" Joe H
KUla~ W!l1arn
MM;Jutrt Joseph ""
Milllm John
MIIRf'O Hl!'lrv S
~ WMnboI.l
Molnar .If . Gaot
~ George
AriI", Jimes L
Sm,th iii B
Prtmon BaNrd J
""'1Wt WatrtJ1 [
KowMd Em,"," C
r~ ('lrnef M

tU.rcty FrtOCIof A SUkSlt V'iiICIIIM
101 Mwhtid franc $ H 840 Willtn~ . WJbiIm J 811
' " L,U.
MtJttlod Wilham H
Wild Jr Cl'IIf1u'"
O'HilloI~1I Jame!, H
Trus.cner. Mat\'1n H
SOf!eld [lhmd J
3S< ~! CI.1bom F
",ceo,-, en J
141 Edwtrds. .urTlM H
Ot$en, Geolge
g, 7
KIlOh. fUymona M ~6

364 KeMedy. Htrbeft W 86Q
ttolU'ml'lll Hettlfrt J I A ~$IICt.J . (i.no 105 Lu ~ton tugeRfL A
105 811!>1~ M,tNe 361 ZI SIo;~ WIH'Im A 810 Mledo", d. Wnlield R 96~
Mleln';' Henry 1 Bailey, Bruce T
Koerner Helben It Ed wiilro~ Leon S 980
MolTtlOll . Arnold E
Mueller Ciilrl f
P.ootn C!'IInes 1
Houlln.n AJO!l1
Spencpl Halll' J
WJd,tf1e H [
Moole Robert J
Onolo. Angelo A
5pOIrio1tt AI'f1I)uI J
G~51"p Lon B
~ il«TI Cfartf'lC! E ""
H'lcw;oc", WOIITen E
W held GIor'ge H
SctIaeItt f (1nk J
VOOtl Oonlid C I
1 Pew~n Aaymond 0
0emQ. Nonnan J
ClYmtref1atn, W ILIn'I D
8UtIo Jr ~"* C
PHwiro, Ar'4CIruO
Thompson. JlmtS R
15 v.c"trt
EO'.'lr'Il C lOSS
FIIf'ICtI ~J Wts "'«nil G 1212
Condfey Mrtd M 319
ennkmill'l Hil!rman)(
.¥ason JaM R
f~rt John W
TIq.~rT'tf. John J
8eYtrlr DoNId R
Md ~~ld
LI/ld!~ E..,.W
R!Iyne, Georo~ r
Ro'f'I' BerNrd T
WOOCIlord Ear1 II
PJ!ltfSOR. W, 'lim M
Lulld Arthur A
MalOl1E')' HI~ J
~ cOu!fr; Ctwrills R
Graufletg Josepn
ra." C
3 WIllI ThUffNn C
Jen' lf\S Jostt>'l
Ikum AlbeI1 G
FiUhuqrl MIa ' ""
.,.'" Wlrrllle Theodore J
"". SfI!Wd J. ,)93
lroIeoaq'lI, r
RaCllr Ailltd J
3 TOfl"Ii!l lfQn M
Boo.tl Charles H
Ffl!V Woodrow H
InOram CN"..
8room, Holll<ilrcl f
Thompson. Berry M
Croslin, Jr SQUInt!
MoyiIr W,'helt'R H
" 74
21 45
V.lle, ff'lll( M
Weslray JondthMr P
3 Boyd, Thffmon J
'" Pa"'~" John H .,. SHIt)' Milo ( 122\)
Hli rOfltsl J
Ntrl J
Let SI'bOftSIr'Ig I(
Wh,tileI HuuId W
'Vif1ellon. rtowOl,d Ii
8endHn ~,l
PIiiI.~ , lOOI 8
Popt WU!) l
SaI«1'oo . ~S
McGaw;r;n Jr ~fT'IIS C
Oyer. Jot M
OoD Harold E
Roth. ClIiIrles P
Vogel Fril'01A
We.u CtanIS f
romuak. Jo~11 J

flI. Ittlfll.UOUI b~ CoIIIICII

~ ROOMJ e ~oo~~l 126 Mc:GIbI! . Thorn" J 467 .,IP"" Itpt lKrNred IIId Ibty ,1&0)
m Oll,on Elfner C
StoDie tal" l
"OInil ternin l
M ro ~", Jonn J
AldriCh fUr lph A
Lowe W !WI C
AIesfI V\iiId,mir f
COIcl)Id lerOy J
CorIllQI9 , h edetlc J
GiufJS E1rt K
Sdlm,dt, W.II6"
Chelftte MIS l
O~'1IS GeralC1 0
SUNltl v. 1iilm1(
MtAiWn. ECI .....ud e
nconsy , Jane T
. ..

0II110f1L11u", ItfinlMIII DelillO" !ttl!
etil IlIplltltllHd. 11 .tl!Jwn

COrk!l!. La ..... rence 134 Taylol Wesley I .6\ Kruslcn. Albin l.ca9


Baker, Palr'1 N 11 Bllmrne. Robin M 1501
r. . ans Her!>Ctw!l (j Otebold JICk C \3' Cumsh, W'lbvr M ."

11 B.t\lll\ Can v
G/!ihnll W,lh.1rn A \3' Hudson. Merit f <06 DeI~IIIY. Jr , J "01
rl~CI Robert L II
Gteene Wiley J II litrtlell Auben M
J<.mbrOU\lI'l .IiiInIt!$. H
Bomcnel . Burton J
Mohr CiIfI E ,'9'
' 9' HerrlNn ~I'IE 1501
Dthn flobIrt l
Go6ey w,.",.",
~ . HetnlP
KtrIJ!! H~5 M
11 kottY '''''ltr S 134 Rdlnt ~A
,501 ""'" _l
~.lIiiIIQnt "." ...........
1516 ~ . W_J
ufOO TlttOOOIt I
McIINr •. DM..e t..
11 M
"'"", _.
Mm. f" .~J 134
y,' mtntf How.. d
tmr;.tII, ..liMn -. .kmUOn Forts! R
lOOfT'ts, ~rd l I'I'"" Klact/e!lblfg 8enurd A
Uf\NI , John I
Pam railS.! "10 11 StDila [ClNilrd C 13< Dilly Jr Ar1t!u. R
"" I'" l ehfW1s. Geof9! W

RItt Josepn l 11 lQltJen till 134 Crow James j( 505 k.h""" RudOlph
WelaloS. Ed wOlld II 134 Schaller GeoI uu F 505 Ac;,erland, Arn ord 1681 Slyhlman. Robert J •
Woodwald ClyCle E 11 ~rl e lta Gil rlos 1710 H.irdgro'lfl, HUQh f-
ZIELOIy, J.rome P 134 5nee<I, Donald 521

f\oger$, Rlohard A 17 Knoff , Joseoh P 1710 Kearbly, Aobelt A
NOigaia W.lltr S 18 Sampson , Charles , 146 Trdu InOO 530
150 Ward Gtenvrllt S 530 Sdlunlf!! GeorvlfL 0 "58 Sthu~ . Jdln M 2
.Ynler1 , JontI r 22 SITIltn R T 2
EVlef ~nv W
Bode Flfo-IIII!(! H
Clpo. I,. A
8loc~ Perrv l
""""" ....... '"
Soren1lel'l Dwl" .Yo
Ban'Iit:$ W.alterC
~'O rtar\l
.51 .........
W,nle' G W
KIrIItiII . ~nS
BiiIn)n , [)aooid H

,... ...........,.,.
~ . JO/'II'IR

.,n. ,,
""'" G<o<voW
1oI. ,.ne [uv- J leMS (ugene 561 lacn , rretndl 3
IA¥..ct lsIckIfe H 1ft llet!etrtll ChlNsE 2150 8IIns A John 3
GeIer, Alben f 34 NO'lI _ [ct'll'lrd J WickS LOllI(' 0 56'
116 H'lIh$1lW Bltnllm,n C MClean M"man F 2ZOJ Chmdl. Jo$tph H 3
HarwOOd y.. mS J.5. WdIIl!I'S Wester L 3
Sfo""n Oo",IG [ 229S Deleo lOurS A
Snulh Melvin l
V81ksnolU Pmr .
HodQ(lS Chiton H
WhOOlt:J1 Leon C '"
Snelhng Car1l
Lord, Dtlbttrl H Olbenede110 Albert J
Donnelly, Josepn f
£!ICllnos, Lawrence 191 Sn"l11t1 Ralph 8

_....... .
tildnl , DOflaid J 38 CAAD IN FORMERLY 3
G<bson li.!.fold F 191 Garw RlI.JeI 58' Owye', ~'JCkJ
I(jlO$.olS VIC 40 THE 10. Of l .U, kil10n Ri(r'fIOl'li l
8rub».!r, Jr Herm;lfl 41 H,Nev lJ"fI()Il A 191 Room foIMC
191 DlItlIIt. Jo5eJft hi ~" A.tfIG H 3 Goldner [""111
Ofttniill1 T~$W
PodSlld,k, Vldor J
l)'O'l Jr JoI'In C
IfIrdOefIOOrl Henry M 191 Wiilhct Jf . l,eQ R
O....~ '"
tum MonorI
TrMf ItfrTNI\ 0 •
H,m'' ",' "'"
ModIgu, Anlhonr
Chilncy [toest
CTMSII()I!Il Wllt-am D
lLlCOfe G'iM E
I.M! lS. 'ltnc.
8eiI,cten Lo D
Ii' lrddon Ivan
P;wI V
l.a'ldemeyer Robert W
ttlM DI\'ICI
"'1CtIOIs . O\artts T
Scrousler Krnneth (j ,
m 611 Olson. Osw H SI'IerU1r. Mutl'lV
Pm, Guy A 45 Marcotte Ol'llie fttomn. Wayne K
Schmid leol\iilfC J
"'elson. MINln A
Tompkms, eenflls E
Cline, Qonalil
lbgh HarOld "
EiHIM Wllll3m H
Cncnlleld, CtllSftr M
MoosaV Jr CiIolgt E
HUflty, j r W.lIlO1m S
Hliulmiiton F E
C.mDaIU! ~enlKMf 9 .
Stegmiler, Jr • Waner J
HIIl{lnanl, C&mrlil!
C.lhn Donald E

.... """'"
Porll!! W,llred D 51 Ph,II.(J1 NOm'..1n 0 IS PaIt.fSOn, AfnO!CI D
S,..m (I''l10' " M 51 SlfOf'lg Percy " 230 Ponlf Holflialll W 631
SII'IOI ~ £ E ,,0 S/'IInnon. Jr 01_ J

Oo~ W!....mJ 52 24' ~.If ~l ..0
,.. II' C\Itttr George H 6

,., .......... """"',

WllfOIfl £Qqat L 152 wtlcn .AIr.fS G 640 Hoet WI am r
Po'ctiratn. N\I'\ia' J 52 Oi:sltwsoJ . It A '34 .lJdge. MJduiII M

...'"'"'" ...... ""'" I"134

Scheu [hwood H 52 HMe Thomn A
ILIIoDf IWI)h A !l1 vlMOfTi\In . W,11'ItC' N ". Prom Aobel1 6 - . " S
~ lIlqy ThoINS p
Willen ta,tett P
"ewman, hI.il1.WIOe A
Brown . J.\nIn A
G;u;mglaa, foI.ano
Hanon. EU9erJe E
Wzmtf . Robell H
Enht JImes C WrlOQ _ 51' W,men C
Crahln JOlin J
DlISstOlU V1nOtM J •,
Mdlroom. Shiller 8 271 8ethu John P 682 Crou J~ D /02
~AeneG 58 ( j)Q.Il Oale V 6
ConMU o\n9f1o H 58 HenClIJdIStln ~ s.." P CIlaPIOOI. C1artl1Ct [ 633 GilLum. KeMtth f
refQU50tI Csl10S H
150 Rill John P

..."""""" ............ ,
John~ton Loehleln Alllert J 291 SIOWlI HOIIT)' 0

0 f 59
WUIOIl Rl)btn [. W Hammond. GtolOl L lOl
Lemmons OMIIe 0 Junes Estel R
Cui'I!S r
Our Jam.. S
Gtnn ..limn C ,
lee AolH!l1 0 JOJ Rose WiUard P Hull
Webb nayd H 68 lOl Gil ~C
00nbaI Ho......,O r ur\ln Ttromu J
~pe GlOrII!' 11 ~:, IJ GenrE Hilmal Iwnu S J3> HoI'1 Jr Gfofge J
CI:JIengn U IWre1le C
Mt;Gnet 1oI.l;C l
Petmm. Howild A
T~ Jt . V.lll1ef I
ArmuQlt ()en'm W JI7
f~r RlChiiIrdB
C1e!1RCI J.mn N
Oumm ~hBw
'"m nan""
Vt!IUm f
~ RdIiIl'lIS
sv,-cnm. Q.lniet J
00V"tJ, Oofllk1 R 76 MtCoIfn lylt 8 JI7 ..I!frII5on, W !I!Jm8 m WoIt5Ol'l WaUer A 38S AIIJ~ "unand J
lalurgry John H
SomP1O" James L
Ward RobeI1 M
lulle AOOCI1 G '"
lar50n LeoNtcl M
He'nl~" John 0 1\,

ItlQtI Homtf E
8oywlvlon PhIlliP E
DnrnIN SylvtSlel fI.
Barbe., Georve L
9unc:I! Emtst N
Digangi Lou"
'!'oung ECI"NJrG M
Bruce BoD
Willarnson Phtiltp A
G~r. DJ'tIid W 340
McMJIon laM . A
Mille' GeorgB R 116 Stanley, Jamu R ." GhV~lmcil Jullef\ C II

641 Gould. Hor ~n W

FIlnk$, ThoInas 0
Jonnsoo, Ptff), r
J()(o~n . Kay C
l i......" lKl.e G
JeflOiogS Debf1 0
letgCn 6ctnard J
Dunn. 8 W
LouOH Ctw1H S
G,lbert, Paul R
Lltts 1I0Dfrt J
n, WIKacI Wdli l m E
BonenIifll . Maunte
553 I., ~ HallY
JIOOOs Jr . Wtlk.tJn H
Moulton Raland r n fIoydel. Wilham , <0 tonus Jr N!ChoW S 133 PIns, h'tne J
W.albet'g .ames A
56' JohnsIon, D l
Mat1IfL omn H "
SmIth Rl efllni J
Smut! VdOr H
Rus.sd DhIII J
~ HOtTI"iiI!IJ
Kn.1RI liiIwrence
1$6 HurIIV VI ham " '"
612 McOonD:l Vernon M
Met.artln Jr. ()(v J II tWIdIfv CniriQ J , Ttile RotII!rt l ,,3 W!SJOI'I 0JvId [ 34' lkm!dS
My« Jam«i l
Powtf1 ~i~ t
HoIsIOn, Kmndh P
IlliIrJllatn, Willa,d S
'" TfflIOJcn U IIlY C 313 Jellsen . .Iens-H '55."
Raddlft Krmem l
Stltml! Bllt'tOtI H
Pollio.... Edward C
Risbeny. Noel J " "'"
lu Ammon'
Tl\Jman '"
Wi/hami Jarm L
1il!m1tl ~k
W;lnon, Wallilae W
!UtillllIt' KO\Ufli G '"553
Silver J, . FrtCI S II Rennie Robel l "11 McMan. JacJc R I5-J Good J.mmle D 31' Walke! Ealle E 553

Ness Orvllt G '60 ~Nllstn, Jao: P 3<1 Winthell Bruce [ 551
Sulb... ~ n JoIm J II Secold Amold L 71 Eeltemode. Stan11ly W Blumll!ld, Way", E
lingo Mall L
Ptllll,ps Wall!, r
16 Carmody, Jr.. Jimes J .2 Price. Myleli A '"
153 nsnor, SeymoUI A
Ho\'iler, Homer L
McPtle"., John 0
Werder. Theodore
OM", ....
"" Pott(lr\OO' fIC' t=/iflk
~" Ie Jimes E
fbC~lrd, Rob!n J
COO;' Arthur M
."."".'" CnOl'lel<l.
Keukelaar, Pel" C
Meylll1, rr!(l G
RhOGts Ral ph R
Boo/hm.n, l'\obcr1 W ""'"
hrtltr Jr Ch.lm R
__"C 11 " BWIOI1 George H

..... _M
QImey, William 1
Ctlillt , '~ E

"",. lib"""",
GuGtftus KeooI!th C """ ,.,.nRobert J ,5<
Bf1non. OoniIld 0
Hugnq. Leon 0
fnpp foI.JLon J
""•• ~meI1m, W~A

Hottman . WdhlfTl
."16. Clan. (d"'-atd IN
Cunl'll~ Pill
Monge. Joaqum 6
SauncJln. JohIt C
Nvaru.lf HatoIcl
c.o .... , 1Yd.Iet, H!mwI ~ 90 CirtOl . DonaJa l
Ubatoe Grorge 0
118 O~Q , IWr D
3ti3 Sdvoede". John D S69

~n Ea.Md W 110 11. K/IIl'oII1es Kenneth 5 SijjlJ JIm
EVil"" Robert C S69
famet, John 110 MUl l/fly, An m liPSCOfTIb EII9CfMI l 3" Tutur, Jr Chlfles W
Laf$On Charles W
Pul~er, M orll r
S!ttlle Ucyd H "" Hawley WUI am A
Kot a~ ,
Seaman, Henry A
fkJfI , Joe w
Russell. Slanl~ B '"
p~ 0
Sanloro J

Semones, 1bomu 0
HUbbard DoLlgifS E "'"
Ia l
" 90 Sparts, ~mll$ ,

180 Fax, Robert L 36' MosUI. Jonnny C 583
KI.IS Gordon J 19 Dan r~r1e .
Thomu J 98 Algwe Robert C 18' l.eYfIS, Ketmelh 0
Meoro Elmo J 369 Gann , Samuel T 58'

'9 Oe'W\ln JI Darue! W 98 MO$Mer. £d-...,II 18. Pemberton CIr; H 36. Rooe", Jr W,lbilm 58'
Akinc:n bnt "'-
..Jensen .h ~rr; J
0ci0Jr'Ian. Robel'! f
MOfTl$OII Clyde K

Roon, rlll1Cl1 P
KtIOran, Wdlialll J
De1S15ta, John ..
.... ""'"
M~ers. Calvlll

MDlt5S!t, Colnullt
Rucbt Roi)mond J
HaI"-eQ Russell R
_ . ..".,H
..... """W
Wll1erl, lowtll [
NfQ;)~ . .Josrph
Dav!son Harald R
Stumpfel AIbM /wi
NuctnlI Btt\R!t G 99 FilZpltJlck, GflOtIrY E
McAitt Robert r "3 HErIey G C
" ' " "'"Wi1nt
81I11ymer, l U 6111
8eckerJ , John F "
I'llderull!ft. Leo~'d C
Gardnel' . Chatln r
100 Schl~n Loyd ,
~ lluPlnP
SIDWt!15, fa" E
CUMlfIQhIm. DIIbe:r1
Black.. Wane, J
P 611,
Cortotln, Rooel'l f 25 Humll, JamM G 10. BufT'Ol,IQhs. flin~ W ' 94 FnOI1Ch, Laudle r 39S ""
8on1Mlf Arlhlll W
HIOO l1iulIlils 0
MOCSIAka. Slephen R
Sehll.eh, Winlaln C
JWn , f, ~ tl
Kn'~hl lynn
Sack, John J
Newmn. M huf J
lioI1'fI!IS'NOr1h John S
Smllh, Wall.6f D
Bonnef. l1 ~ M ...""
Mttdhn , leWIS S Ie AmotIns Arthu. R 105 Ust~nberger . HarQ!d W ' 98 E~H , HIN~ A WtUla~ Paull
NOONn . R/chilll J
Roo ...... l
Ie K~Id , Henry J 10' E~, Wilhee P
""ooe Piloe Joe J Dawson, GoIdOl'l ~ ""
lLl!unty [(Jw.ar1J"
CUmmIng,_ RIlDfi "
AhI$l,OIn Jr , Ray E
SdlnOOf RalPh J
VIl1SOn Roben 0
Eallllf05 . lOO.1n Z
liens. Donald R
Guh, Jame5
Blls5ltlQ Ed...~ R
Hilton tnafKIl. P "'
Jt\Om<Is, lefor R
Cooper Oinlt! t
'" _""""l
E~ AuQu$I J 113 GoocliOR. Jr Edward.R 61l
Mavnird, Job, l
MOf~ Hu-."¥U E
lIndtN!rg, Geot~ I(
Robetls, Paul S
Slilill. Leo E
Myers, lerl
Srrbtn, Yernon J
8r.aI;ewt~ Roni1d 0
PtI1aJn:rum!l Howard G
Hilslutl, Jr Jostph W .1< .!anI!!! R.lymond S
213 W,W I JI Clfu~e [ 'IS f't1lf1M .Jatnas G 613
~n,JoIlnP 31 Va~ler, £mesl E 110 8udI Aitlef1 H ,tJ Cilnon:t. rreotr G SlaJrmos, ~tll~m l
DrlSllOI, !JI!'ICtnll 35 Webst!!., William L 11 0 GetChell, M n L 223
". Hop~lns, Lloyd F '"
428 TU!lWlf, Warren C
caMI, lheodo rll 0
Kepllier Edward R
AOJIT\J, Roo~n J
Billig, Larry E
Geisler Waher H
laa~ , Helber! G 226
McCormac:t John W
MOfrison, J W
'19 Zrmmtrman, G~or ge l
MJllrr lilrold J
Wilson, Donald C
Dew" , Uoyd A
III P'lbble Nolin B ", RJchlnlsan. Irving 0 '"
Dawson. Dan C
llrunell , Wllhed J '"

1.ylOI R E Wng'l1 nru H
Raney JltII E
Beger RayT!lOt1Cl
~ , Ed-~rdA
Momll Jr. "- [
III Hadt"l" W!Wlm'"
SN.., James L
8ro~nl'l, ~11"IOfI(I W
HJmty P!ttr J
GfHlle, Hirry
Cuoto Aobet1 l
u..lOt. ' V
Bur...,. Pm, A
" Paulson, Donald J I.'m¥d RoI;i'lll 235 '" '"
HiI. Jr Edltlifd 6
Adey RODert B
ArYl$h W,ltlOlm E .
&I'm .10M L
GnetkOw J, Bematd
Fnnk Rollffl J
Bradley LJoII1IfU R
EUelsen le'lols f
MoIln R.iymoncl L
Dod!"/. RaIJt11 J
,.". Roy 0 ...
l.oodon CVffordJ
Swborough liurence C
To-oIIl\SC!Id, lOl\I\it F
Hofhn FIoben. J
Johfl5(Jn Earll .,
"., ~"I! . .lfmes E
H.lw... ns. Jaci.
Hubert RaymonG L
OUI rmyer, MorN! ",
242 Hulnwt Cha~ W
Nason Clayton J
Amos Sheltr, C
JoI'InlOlt, Ed'ward P
.,., ....
2" AeiOord Ra'f'moM [ '41 Russell, ~mOt1 E
McCO .... n RODer! Q MOffoarg . Norman W ' 25 ShellVl! ClvUt C
'" Aikin !l, Boyd I D!~&me}'tr . E~oar F
Redly, Jr BenjamIn A B'ennan, Wli him J .25 Deurn,e ROOel1

'52 Smllll, James R Sncw HuOh M
Talley John H
Tracey RIyrPond P
Bmoki Jack J 125 SkSle~ Waller R 252 T~rry Robe" W Sanies, ThIllNS J
~ W6.ilm L
AAdrnon. AMn W
Connol~. J, . W~ttr J
N~40 J.tmes
RaAd.lIl .h HafOOCl [
Gretn. Ed,o;ard G
Sinof'. RUOOID" M
I..amt;'n PaulY
JLII2'1 Slanl!y l
Connelly Eugeroe A
443 Buch'o, .Iosel)l'l J
Oiambm DorWd K 659
SauIstuy 'Thornfl J
r~J John

Schrltlllef , Douglil R
SCrIM! [d",'Ud C
~ FnnJIA.
GoQ(!IItIl" Earlon A
c.tlIt. CUrence E
Thorrpson ~
OIestll Car1 W

Swanson oWlies A

,., "'" '.... '

25' DinotliOll, !~ e""!1 J

NuQfl1t ROIliJd L
....". , ~
Slue, BaNrd I
BrOW'l C f

,,l d.tr II
"S3 Henl$dltl, Er1lti1 Gnes! A""!R It
'" Cnm w mam B '53 KilYifll)ft , Qy1Ic M
Sutlon Jun P
51.1)'10n Ilan~ N
Gler1n (lw;rd L
PJoglns J. , Thoma! L
WmlCrl. Marvin U
TaDben Wesllly G
Duke Melfe E
MlGhotnl, WilhJIII G
Semle." CKIJ R
M!lStol!er, Gfenn J
Hyde R()berl l
Pill"$Ons. Robtft 0
[tayjdsorr, Jamrs C
rissfl /ijlen E ...'"

Epste1n, Fr~
fulfer, Earl G
HawkeS. ~ r
sa Homan. John [ 12. Fo!se 1I0~d G 288 Crowl Robe rt I [gte s Rubert
SltIIlWnl RdJtI W
""" .....,
M II'~ Char1e$ f
OriinOo, Jr Oom,ma.. A
' 30
Fntfld Cyrus [
Bennon, RoIIII G
29' Scalar, RONId E
Bowen iJmt'. I
411 GerDncw. Josepn 5

_""""G sa PIaras, Jr, GeGr;t .30 KIlIan "'m::eIus N '" Boy\t Cl\ar1e5 W '" MlkI Ch Peler 616

411 AhI'Nll. RODen [
sa IWsn.ng Robat1 I '30 Sci'lroeder. RJ)TT'IOIIaA Mill!:!, JlttB In GemOld, leo l
lJeI,w , Mona A CoIIOOIII .wnn R
"sa" Sehwartt. Otarlts T '30 "'00 .... 0
Mart.n Sr, ~ I

lIttIe.h Rctwd A Tauzy John A '30 Haf'frOOd [)..-,.. W Htnn Waner L Sow~. Hirold 0
Mm. Edward
Mllchelson RoDeI'1 l !ill
Thorr.;as. Jr . NIlITII f
AncIeffiOO , Ralph
St!ven1 R G
Ferns Maui1t8 G .,.,
!.4~lW .II .LImes 0
Pondf, Jr . John l
Da Jr \V,1i1M"l R

Noel!.:t. PaUl H !ill 8:irrul, E!!ward R .34 HOlmes, lesler A Sarver Wll1,am l '" L1ullln. Isws J
PeltfSOn. Yo~1e G
PoUoek. Jimn A !ill BOIlllS, l"'ln J 13' ChurChman JohU E 30' Amburgey hnll~1 ."'" ~rtl1 , CIMn
." '"'"
Rosemnal , George BerfnOstn, Ralpn w

' 34 Creioer, Eirl M 3D2 Blacken. Rlchird II Youno Floyd T
Wood, Jr. RUSsell J CarlSOf1 Wesley E .34 ltrnplel, J()hn C 302 Hinkle, Jr .. Jesse
." Oll ~ef. Z, C
WI'W!;andt Aliltlonse M
YoullO. Weber J sa
Ce""n5...., . Lull)'
(;IgptTlln, I(enh
' 31
Sar1t1l, Waytll O.
Mea'lIOm. John W
Imhau$tn, Wilitam E
PrICher P~ ...
." P<lJlell , James 0
Samer . Chines R
Cf~W JamesR
"" DoBl\, Riymond '31 SW'Ut!f, Jonn A 304 F~ PtII1'C1 W
Ham.:ton. JohrI W
~ , OOtIiO
Fetsenthal. Thornu P
GIibtn Jt Pefry A
Glia. AnIllOn'{ J
<Jury, Miunr:e M
Adof:tl, RoNn G
EItn\I,d R l
S!utf, fJJntlS W ...... ~rMtIIlSb, E~
SotI~:up Vernon A
EIe1l Jr. ClYI"ocs
5 10.
13. 306 DItnnger. James M !Il Jtsst A
Wood, Chartes W Hinson Heu)' C .31 ""'" ' 94
McOor!akI. SUnJey 0
" ' -""" A
00n0Id, 301i OUMtng Mirwll B Rosenow, Edof1rd A 11M
Hepbu'n, John .31 stleetl. Glen!ts I 301 Gtrber . John E
Norton , .lad r ' 94 WMfI , luJJYW 109
Slamllh , M "" liefnc:k ltiDy W
rt. AlcI'wtI J,
Sower! HoWiUd 0
~o u ll-,
Donald L
ScnaueJ. Wlillam C ' 94 Bischof!, Bob A 116
Gand~ Uoyd S
Mefli, Jr WlllaMT'I R "" t(oddel1 , Robert N
Kronenburgal Paul J
DllUll ,Edward J
Gold, Roben S
5chw!!llm. Eln 0
Sen, HO.-t3fOC
Arl eaga , D1Md
' 94
' 94
Kenc»II , floyd C
Tun""" [U"OtMI I
WOlotizko, Edmund
WtlIII J" Vtr\lIlam
SI'WIIe Riymorld T
8uU Wilt!ert W
"" L nliI, John C
Loewcc~. Norman H
Klno, J()hn J
Sen" Jonn T '"
FQl:ler, WIlliam W
t-o. J;In1e$ A "'.
I(~Dtrl n . Rlleen D
NltISon. Jolin C
M4I1C1 Jr JoSlC)ll" '31 Ro~ J, 0l!MIs A 111 M.,·'1tIa ~,Ia. 6

"'" ...... ,
CHtIcIno! ..., 50' 6eIChtt. Ff!cI

S«ls, AIbeJ1 A
~I , .IOKptIF
Slump Emese
1Mw-12Son. VQI. W

Roilddl .lI. John W
Ryder, AuQustus 0 "'.
- . . . u..J
~, RODen D

Ferm 0111 G
Ryan , W~lham V
"" RotJenJ. Heit)en A
Scanlon Dame( 0
....'rcIIocIo. SWi'ry l
Ha$seI, Harty l
YmslMs JoM P
VadiflDtne Andrew
513 Jones """ 0
MJ!et, llllt)(l
Sionn, Oonild M
YercrvyU8 Geo'Qe M ""13
SchIT\>Cn, JI , Jo~ F
Slmn, Wililim G
StruUeIlberu, Vertus 0
",.'31 Ll)Vtl.!ICI ". n:i
hcn V,UI A
OiVlI , Har()kI J
Cook Hury F
Bo/IIs, Aw rd A '"
EW.h . GeOfoe
Malotle . Paul r
328 ~Ih , JI " DLlflCIn 0 S20 Cunningham, Elmer E 1611
IWInum, Ben 16 T1n~l , P,eston E .34 MCKnight, James l )29 Urroham, 8 L
B,o,le Clemens I 16 ZImmerman ~IO!d R
HerOld Kun k
'31 Funnev, WilliS I( ",
Welfl, Jr., Jol ,
HiI1Slllw, WIlIl/lm l
lrO~I ,Jr., MIllOn

fa"" ArOelle C 16 Jennings William M
HatvetlOfl, Slanley H 13' Eldndoe Glefl [ 53 . !InCl!. Duane W 162
16 Gimer, caM" Johnson Jimmie L 332 let RI , e
Ltlrtnce fran III 0 16 l.o"ott!ry, .IKIt l
.""" PlciettU 0MIIe R 53 ' tu kllflChuk, N,cno[.ls
".JCIutI ~'IIi,tnc:I: II
332 M<lrW/I Donald J 53' Mefv,rte Robert [
16 MJ'r'O Jonn C 1.16 VilrC-e, PluJr 332 f41(enn.l, DoNIG R
NotmIrI , Sianit',! E
"n'" ". MOllie, Ben 310
MeooUQh. Hq,r.'110 W
GtdfOll John J
Zuml'lOll NoNr:.an R
0riA fI " l
Snydt, EJ;.. n E
Barry Howitd A
MOtII. Lloyd '
Staton Ke'ItItIf\ L
J4II ~ Oorui1(J
""'" ""'" HM
WJ'Wt RoIIer1 II.
SID -....,.,
""'" .., R

....... ..... .....,
sao.n. l.t'MS N
[Illata. flIIiIy A
....,.."'. R""""~T
(lQrio, Id
93 '
!ll2 Jonnson. W\U1Jm f- '"
urne. Vemoo L
Sweeny Anthony H
Vest. Jr . Je!sl! W

" _ .Som"'L
Krvs:lyN, [Itonrd l. KnobIodI . .IWfS 0 953 Key , Wonil 8
~ ¥l.'esleyW 78' 90. MtConfIchV. xennel/l E 230 Taylor. Gtofoe E
lkMlS« Guy E 78' Fmd!ey John W
Y8~ , Ro~nW ~wyer, CWtnee J 1181
Henry, Wahet k 801 GundrfSOO, oa",1d L
" Dykes, JCI. G
00W$f1(!1 , Glfllt.
11)" Sylvesl8f , Vernon S '"
'58 6enYen\lIlI , Ernest f 12 11

SWiu1tlOOI Walter f 806 Moore, Russel L 11
McDonala, Josl!tlh E .200'
BywaterJ, J,lmes F ANdy, Raben G, 11 ~ rey, ThOmIs 0
'04' Waller. Charles R
Carter. James f Donohue, Wl IlIJITl lo !1 Nov.ak, Harry '04, Bull, Virgil 0 .
Colson, Hairy T
O" 511tll, Jessie 0 '"8"
Momgom~ry, John R
Johnson . WlUl(lm W
foumler , RO',' E. ."
Woodson, CMrte-s l
Maxie , J A
Porterfield, James M
Sundell, Al IIIl R
M ~Oermott, CtwIes T
'VaIU, Eow;.rd J
na, lollowing liz {')101.' 1II1"lInily

Huns . GeGlOf! H JIIllSlal! 1I'II!m .pplltJlIlIIII II.·
PIIuegor, JU,y E.. Garnett , Ed
Jackson BUt"t'fOn E
N.a~", Charles R
utounQln Robert A .,.'"112'
McOeHan. Bert R
...,.,. tE
" M~ . Rober1J
yJlNRlt,a, Hiruyukj
.253 Mlms. Jos6ph M
SQene«, V!fd;dan C
32'3 1I1tt:

him I..I!eV '2<0
VOVU. ~n L
"dtoms. 81111'111 0 ......'" TbomPSOII WIWn'I
Vamey, [dward
HoIawJY. KtMeth R
BKl., Sh!tQWI [
Mams Jotin B.
~1t$et1, RoIM!rt E
1lIE 1.0
Of- L U.
Thompson. JoIu! f
a.rtam Rodney [ 852
Gorny, fVcNrd J
Ander$on. George W 57 Bruno. f l1ni( L.
Slrahan, Hvry W
i(irt, ()I:In.l1d
M,11er RoI\aIcI P
Burl . Slephlll

fUf . Paul [ B55 W.I'lkfr. Reeo: H

"" 1767 349

Haynes, John R 85' Tenl'linl, Robell J Fems rl'tll R, Audette, Mhur IN LU
Joyc!, l(enllGth l
Miller, Fhchald P
Ile:lass. Edw/f1 G
AnSley R.ymornl R
Thurman, CecIl 1\
Walllflglo,d, Wilham l
KnoWlton. Hlrry A
~jn, Thomas J
ll'lil~, RODert A.
N~s, Soc/lIes
Cox. t1.IfOid l
Hams, William F
Gr~m, louis . ,
Jackson , Manual
lakes. ROMII J
SII!lla, v,",cl!ne f
Wmlerrom AMI' W
Funh. Robtl1 C

MISlaIt, Edmund J
PilnCk, W~ G n GlmlOfO Syoney J 2Il3II llant ~1!fA.. 375 Montoya John L "8'
Salemo W~l!im L
Gillis. ThOma$ H
' ~, Ltshel ... Raleigh. Harold R
Toltness. l M
Noss. ~r11t ms Ptoltl . Sf , Joseot1
8I!lgIII, [dIM. V
Balcu. Verne r

Gon l(ennf1h R
Blarnl• ..LImes W
ti¥"S- HomrI H

BusrI. WIlkin! J
long Joe E
Q.a~ • . ~n( ......
ftlel' Null B
Murphy. JOhn J
The Imemltion.1 £.IICIIlfn CotI_dl
Rotwm, Lynn

McFbe, RIchard W 00M/d$0n, . Fnnk W The CoulICll Ippnweo Me tll/l4led Plrll~, ~rlrtsR 'ppruyt(l .ppIlC.t!1III1 roc YUI" right
HoImmotk, AnclIN V
~fket Men L
Sooher, tar1 E ""
932 Hi~II, Eirl P
,lIId elgllty..l\lhl ('M}lotal dlnbility
pensions, I t lollows
Engel, Jf , Cit1 f
Fores! Miunce P
III pelllJOII benefiI III tit! lonawlng twan,,·
.fl 126) membert:
RIpple Ea rl C
Leith, farrell R
Pattefson Jolmmtl
S!mlh , Roben C
Ows;any, JOhn

CARD ''''
lool\il'd . John D Zimmerman Sr., Gaorge J IN l.U . OF loU
Hrl~ Fredenc ~ [ , Bo ~ C~(ence A, SD5 m E 1.0,
loude rttit~ , G~nn W 934
KIlt, Winls Je,lIins "'.'10n A 10' 81"O11.l/1, El,/(lttIl8' J 3 Coburn. AuouS1us Ii S08 Ro.JIrI<e Roglfllld 10'
9J' hloor , Sr . Wanon E S08
11 1 Uona VIncent J J IIoucha LJWlence J S9S

t..1~ . ArM l .. 8 Bell fran\ l
Osltandel WI ~ .II'1 R 3 McClur.. Q.t\104J 0 51.
loMe' CNrIes M 9J' Gma. Pt\er
"""'......" '" RlHo . ~J 3
....... '"
"'umue WI II~m M !I9J
sanborn Paul W
''"" SGhweUer. Conra4 G , """,

Olaton Joe l 952 Milo. Aotttn J
Slno... n . ~G F..JI,id . .IMnes W
~ngrr, ChJrIr$ T
5 _R....,.
G4bb!n$. Jx:ob E 538
IN l .U

Ramsay , ESlhef M tt.l.'lsen. Ptw A. femlll. MIhOny J
.letontlc. HtrtNn A 5 Oemerch.Jln1, Algtnon W 56' D.anMf, II;tny R
Jotm5O!'l, Charles H
Andtrson RldwriJ T
Ogden. JOM 0 .72 Kimmay, Jo~hY
Miller Wi~tr H
' 34
K ~ , U WrerJaI P
Thompson, Jr.. James H ,
5 Mohr, tan R .
PrteOe, Robert 0
ftlreman, Harold D
Rasmu~ , DaVId tt

Sabin . Tyle:r J 995 [lalley, John J 77
Moser, ~ ennmh l KCIsey, PI~ N 61'
8onavtnlure, Garey
Willi" Thomas G
Ollie, Blaine B
Ctllislolclson, Aa~ '"
160 $Ipe, Richard A.. uyne, Clrll • ." Slef'lty . ltSler L
L~lerc. flClber1 l
Butler. CI~ ud8 C
Setoga..... Samuel T
Hunder! Efllng G
Olson, V iii
'60 Ra lston , Kellh M
Snyder. Fl1n~lln E
Bell, Oon.1iC1 R
CrlllI. Josetlh H
Johnsen, John A...
KImsey, Henry T "'111.25
Uytokl RoNjd 1 1186 W~def, RdJiltd E '60 Morris, H.lroId B lipter ll!wIs f
.., Cameron WOIyne '"

,.,.. '
RIct Carll. . 206 CiIe:ndy, Le ro,- T 8«kwttl1. Jr JellntoQ$ G II PUree SMn E..
Rtrtfnl. kcImfiI D II Yoor.g .wnes A 8owtJen. Joseph F '26
f.ttl Roben f
Thornown, W,lhim
tturrt4I, ~ L
EngliSh RoDtn C '"
21D While IQrQld II Brum. J G
DesiOSlef , Andmor G
FrttmJn, W.allm! It '93
G"ugIei AII I1uJ C
ltKi'I, HtrDtI1 H
SIndIIf , Arthur
OonilIIMI, QlItIts L '"
MeCiny. Wi/l1mI E
KJusmetet enos G
DoYmey WIbn R
Pat\ttSOfl, ~ S ''"" Donohoe, Wdmon D
Murphy. Chilies W 1245 ThomaS, Cecil T
Ev.an$. (bn R 24

Sheppanj, Arthur l
Gammel~ard, Donlld R '"
. 59
Hldull, WJlter
Ftftb.ld Dialet '"

$e()gley, ned l 1245 6IaCkkX:.. , Glenn A Sr1'I!ttr SitfNld A
Thiel, Roy W
Wart!. Jr. JOhr\ L
W,lhrow, Harold P
El~ . 0181
Smtln, JalT"l!5 R
Carroll, Rub en 0
Bructa, CN r1es L
Evans, fred
Federico , 8ened ~no ""26
Sh~ller, .ny E
Palmer, WIlliam C
Vdl le, Herbert T
Smrtn, Robel! N
Price, Jack E
Vaklmov, Asen 5
Roy, Ren, A . , 300 lrllle , wlIll"m D Hickey, George 0 702 MlltOl1, George E 76'
Oyer, ElVlri M 1249 Smith , Eln W 76'
lalM, lJonel J
KIICIterts_ Wgil 'II
13 16
Sarger. Wilber H
H.lgOtrty PhIlip J '32'"
WilDer, Winlam A
Puc.let1 lowtlfl A "" WllIghlman Geo'ge V
Pons Warrl!l\ M '04 Kino, ClQries T 932
O$lrosky, Joseph R
PtSla, MIf'tOnW
13 19
PertllJ. ~l
~ . Jtromef
Wlltwnl , Robert E
Kroou AIm A 38" Ztelz, Johnny H
eoolUft, Jf Nbo<1'
frahodl, JI , WlliMT1 M
TumbO!! Robert
McCuy £rnest "22
W"'ace. Jo$el)h
"" ..-.........

Wi!I!f D 336 Vot ~ fred l
lunmer . DiYICf l
3S Turner. Jr
'm' '"
Colton. Napoleon 0
Cmwtrt. Eo ......n:I S
$t\aI'\oQn, [dWlI'd a
PU$QIl', Jr
MOOfe. M¥W R
'"'35'" ""oyn,tlJ(I, Atldrew J
CodtIJll Dw1 E .,..
43 Berne", Jat2 E
1.tePf1, Sandels

Bokmki0ger, C
1379 C()O!I!an, Frtners J
McCalle. James M '"
Ir/lcKet, John A
CUllan JolIn P 58
flriey, Jr JuIt:u5 0
Howny, .10M l
TlI. IIIlImlllo n,1 Elecutt" &Gundl
,pploved pl~menl 01 Ih' dllln benefit
81.lt1d JI . W R
N~by, William F
...'393,.,. Cummln!l$ JesS! H
Brown, DeltlM l.
Rel'liro, John F
Saukko Hc rbei1 It
Alexarldel , Jaclue R
W~Db , H&rIry ... "8
p. y. bl. IInller tile PfOwl , 'ollS 01Article
'U, Sactlon Z, 01 th. ,BEW I:onllllutioll
Jofli1SOi\, VloI"!!r R
OI5(ln. Ga¥lan
Wenner AfUlur V ..,. Morelh, TheodfJ'e
Pallerson, Robert f

lnUe. Calvi n S
Meyer BOllQfd H
Bowman. R, R ""n
Childress, Joseph l
GarnflQtl , Atel L
Mangrn , Edwald J
10 tn. 10Uowln; IWO lIund,!d . ~d onl
1201) _onllllrld mlmOtrs' dlllgnal.tI

......" _"""L
Ktmp. Edw~td L. 1451 Peltrl. W11bur A lI.nlticltrill:
Endsley. f reduct; 0 [loy-e toon R lagotSkl, MIt;! !I9J
Ht!lnnch . JI , tltl'man H
'" PtnJt.onln_ Don~ L n
.. Wt'lkm Mad H 995

PaIMr. Jt , tlyde A McCann, lam N MEMBERSHIP
.,. WllltaITI$ tuJ K n Ros.ser . J,
-" 1105

Smelec. Jorm J
Reynolds. Chme:I
.523 E'm\nQ Ray E WIlSOn. Jr G" ,
6ouu1o Slmud OJ .,...
HIO' . \chrn)
Q\anes R
lUuir. Russel A
l.andberO RoberI' '5.1'3 fofd. John £
Scnwvu. ".,. M

[lIlOtt, Ray H .. HliMl!n, H.lllord B
SlIerdan, MA/1ln F
'99 Bnodhol
_ ~n G
l\'fT!VI, II N()fINn ~
MUHaY, ()orWd F

~mpbell Oaw:! W 2
Gonzatel. Herben II
~n WltDur M ""
WOOd WlIlIlm R '99 GHm~ JlmtS R '00 Huhna. Llwrence P '393 Comth, HI"" R
H.:tnen, Joan M 508 Bellll11Y, Thomas P '01 NoooQsler, RO)' .393 ~ . W 'rrlffi

. . _l
PoIl!Iy, Frank G f,.1 ct(eown, Peret /I
Whllsetl, floyO A
WI Jti~lII$(In , ~lvlII
Pldi~S , Stanlrela S
Grlppanoo, J •
Gallagher, John C
King Mar.ano P
'"'54569 Schramm Jolin f
Post. George C
Rupp , Cylll J
Lenh, [dwa.rd W
Stoler. Rober1 E.
..... al~8' , L.alry G
. 1$47 O'Roulke, RICnal"tl
Rtn.ldi , Raymond J ,,
s,..~r Hetlryf
Cl1wiord, Robert l 1579 Van VfDn~er'I, l 8 56' Kallenbach, Eugene l 122 Cenler Harokl M
Ch¥T1berJ SnuhIt e
'70' SIOj.lnov, NlkOfa ,,
'"'" ''"'"" _Rob01.
f oelds Atlfta P '583 !f:rks. Paal" M WoIlsh, RobM P
Demal"!Sl PhIllip W '10' Ellckson
"" "'"Robert
T.!)'Ior Roscoe L
foro Veme E
HeIlIllV RoDen f
Bamberger. Mac,. £
Nm EdIllf l 1101
"., ..,... 125 CAIlD IN FORMERlY

1Nnn. Jostph C 6J6 Jonll$On Huold f Of LU •
Tl1lI.0. Co«I, J\lJII Ii
fryW. . GeorVi
~nd. IiOITItr C
8ID:. Jost9h G
NuDer, 1CtMHI.,. R
Hendf1cIls n* R Gtumlty , Jr , James W
8ufoe Rober! H 11 • Sc;tN Ed~,d M
Turner, Etlwln E.
Ooss ~W
lurnalt!' Eileen
KISs, Jr WIl\Wn 5
W1nnll'lghlm Thorms W '"
75IJ P..Jillo, Joseph J ". Swensson, Joel 9 11 Blen<I~ RoDerIl
Gales. Eugml! E 11
.,..,.'" lln.\l"
V.anlltburo. Tell)' 0
l luQtllm George B
NiChols, Ralph W

Blul!. Houlton l
C3mt'Ol! Robert F
CoMan , ffCd~nck L.
KoenedJr fOrr!$t 0
Berna/C, lQ\ls H
PlIllg:o, .10M
Compton, Georue J
Boflman , J,l.mes J
13. WIlliam E
lOllg , l{)Vlm l
Cob~ JJmes W
Breau. Wilham J . . 2144 Ooudn,. Sf , JOhn A ".
Vecei ho, BrullO
WIleel!1 Altltn l '" ~$e. Rober1 A
MtsnlJiueWlCl, Edwlld J !J'
Masters, Joe W
RK:h.J,ds ROber1 T

M.tthi.esen, Jeln A 2159 Reamn, CiJ~ ln E 13'
"95 VoJlorIC, Catl S ''1 00019, E ~J Sa¥IIJt. Ear1 C 11
Mehlhose. rredern::1\ M

Piltdln D&rletn
Joh n$Qn, 41mll5 £
~. J.urlts V
CoIqurne, Kenneth f ......'"
84. lyons. Oon.Ild I
Cleed! ..... k.son 0
Flynn, Wdillm
~ , llOJ.
McMIJ(II\, Wtlllam
t.tpone, Sf!IirIO S
H '10
[vdy ThOrNS G
f Wler-. CI\iMs A
nil: 1.0. OF loU.
, Star$, Jr """"L lteSdalt RIChard B
Petmon , WlIlioIm W
Oornbri\IsIo;J PIuI R
Galwn. Juh
8.lrtIJIb RIchard I:
GramtI ~. ""
ScnwlCard1 Heney A FCIfIZ!. leotwd B
AnIOu'le, rllnos 5
• TerptRI'JQ JlIT't« P rentOll h!rrn 0
"" Arrowood S, p," L '67 Sdwoder Edward W
1987 I 15
Wllt•../II'\ 'oIl/llft.l
",.,. HltfI(llOt'l II,!'111'\ J ~
,.,,... ""'"
S&vL", John t .,," flSh!t
_ }Wold [
..... l .110 ~EMIERSH I'

~1tT'Iet' leonl'; A: $lee . enam,r S l>J , ... M 1116 '03 IN LU
I.abo!' Jom P Sthultz CIwIu R U I ~ EO,.~roM ,," P~ .knt9hf 103

Gtobli , JoseM 8
E~l,," Jr ~ Iml '6 Wenc:t:, ~' IIMlilty ~W 12.9 Coburn. Keith M Ernn William J
t\I H;arOld W
M;tcntJI W- ;1m H
Merrell Jr , Fooma," C
T l m~ Ea~C
fill" DiVld G
Samue[s Ed"'"Jrd "
DIllon, jaCk
ll'I<InAs. Jeromt J .3< RockIer W,lhMn S
canlOl'. Jqy P

Coulln'", Wlll.aJT\ P
Schultu! Thea R "'8 TripieR, Eu l
Parke! , ClfI&JIC;t R
Tav~r, IJean W
=Ie! .letryW
Hu m~n , Eln w
Sc!vnidl R.ymoM II
GeflOl'llcI1. M,c!'Iael
YUl~RuU.i1 1
Parr.l FauSllno
SicnliSIto, lawrence E ,."
Ganley 'hOmal M
"sa lolnen SheITt\ln,.
'''' W
'65 Conrtitb Anoeto H sa
!II..), Pilli
HllldI.nson. ROOM l
Mac::quem ~ "11111 M
OttlNtI. CielU5 A
""'" .101m V
~ BameM .,.
Dumam, John l
N.INn HatolO H
Morlls teal
Lan , JoMC
CIaJ1:, John J
Teu , Nuzarer.o
lis. Joseph W
Comoqll, Jr AIthUI B
Le\II'.s. Ivan L

!Ioeget, RlcNrd E
"" ...
O'ROIIN- J.l1"lt$ 0 .\I ""OfT~. HICk B:od BeftllfG J 36'
'Wog!. 0augi.1$ J sa JohI tileg 0 '".,.
". Peterson, Mny R 1>" Blum, AIbM G J80
Crane, fred E
Wnglll OoIrra M

sa DeNrtVS Robtn J
-, Pr\tuca., John f
5eIt. H~ r "" Jonbn, Jr . Ahleo J

... ~N. LIM

SIIIr.p l(.wll"l~n [
Wood Thoma! H
HIuI(II;J Rootn f
IWIflIP( John B
Mt3de ,If
WWIt1 E~;u(J M
Sm.th Roben E
Slum Uwfenet
419 Ounun Robef1 H
Hill. JMnts M
BuMen, GeoIgt T
£10';0 M!mI R
~rd, h llNdgt
Walson CUI R
.... ' 481

Smith Norman P
CoftI~. Jm;n A
RosettI • .10M W
Zach;lry Chanes.
Bcwlef ~ilrmon 0
Cilnool. frank J

''7'" SImon, III , R l

PaRl$!OIoi . SI.n 2203
Meet, WI!II.m [
Gaul(! , Richard H 12""
EkOWn , George E
Hurst. Earll
Chamberlain, Wltllim 0

Parson, 0sIl J 10 CrlaOet JI . John M 474 WI/QO Wilham () 226. ~yden , WJYfIe f '393 Rrlyne Georot E '19
Col Bobby E 117 Hokombe, ~IG l '/4 Nielsen Owln, C ms Am~.FllT!'Itr 48 '
Knlgl'4 James u p~!Io.. D1IIY1!! 0
Bet •R l
HeilelL MOl r Snipes Jesse S 474 CARD IN FORMERLY THE 1.0. OF l.U.
'" fulc:o . JoM r

Wltson WIIIWTI R MmNl Dho"ty M THE 1 0 Of l .U.
11das. ftlO C 101 ll)4Df lernl B HI__ , WliliITI R
_ _ r H II
lOW. Raymond J
Ptl\m. Geo!'Qe M
MorIlIIi. AntonIa S
John J
PeterlOn Jm. W
CmIcfII.""l(1Qet 8
' 03
Roc:IIwtI. Je:su D
hI"',,", DoNId B
lOl'Ttblnl AnQeIu A
EbenGatk. RM:haIo sa
N.lIM~ Russtl R 595 ~ 'MUilmH
~, JiMeSt
Ro:@y Kuman H
'"'" (iclnom. WiI5Im J
"" "~' . IloN.r
Glatwn /thur W
.3< ' IRlli OAteS CORAttTED '''''''~'
Simmons (nllll(l J '"
"" ".".
lucu, GM)o R 12' Gafbruh. DoNId Gedloel• .10M J / 63
Cross RonalG A GJeen. Jr . 1.awlon r ~lpta"l. lIoumlliU wert wttmll·
SNYeI1 Kurtis L 125 '40
Kelly, III Josepn B '30 1JI.a~III$On , Suntty J 551 Pttl,_ Jam!S J
lId IIId corrtdlonl kin ""A midi II
MtCOy ~J .. 6
Banvs. Edwin I
Bumgardntl Omd D
".'3< Powtll, Harn~ hi
Pe'emn, Stanley C
Wltlllms Edwln
Hudson, Raymond [ '"
til. 1.0 , ruorG, or til. 10[lo_lng m.m·
Chaoon, Joe L
IlOwnl~ Gerard A
WeiSS, /'Ii11el F
tonitdo, lawrence J
, .... h Alfred R ".13< Bog~ss JueI 0
IJeyeff\G!er. Glen S
.... OfIllm$(:~e, JI , carl M
nl, Wilmer J
Keys. Roscoe t
ursen, lOuis E
15. 7
HuoU-fl' ~ R
.... """"" w
Ltrmno· Nof'mn M
MendY'- Mef¥,n r
"'1IfMf r.tm A
PMtl. Thomll
"" """'",
PatW. Joseph to!
KtlbII . RIchard Z
Haulsey, 00Irenct: l
Re.n\e Altyn D

Hlnl!\lw RaylTlOl'lCll
Wesl . RlchvG P
..... J
SlTIIth. RMph E-
KahN. Jr , HttWrt w
nu 1.0.
fOlG JoM E
." "'- 8IIc:koorr!. ~I! E 1519

h!ler, MIChael J .45 &ktf lierben." 666 VlndlNefdl!l' JIrnn H ms

~~ JimtS[ 150 ~nen S F
Geurts. Bniln
Starkey Aooer l
RU~Ir'O. Gabnel
Flte llei, lawrera E
R.me~ Jelald L 114
HICks, Cyril 0

Duncan . Jonn G
o\IAJ",. DenZIl S 16' W 716
n, COIItcll 'pprow" Ibe ,.,melll
Albert Rober! J HlIPhtI'Y JMn8 0 ot d&llh ~lnBfltl .¥IborII.G lIIIdel tn,
Ibnirr. Ii:. A- Wyt1t/l cn.rtn M 169 TH[ Hoo REGUlAR MEETING
fl9VfsAonl 01 Artkle lit, s.d.10II Z. 0'1
SpttIr W""
'It !ty Jr GeGfOe G
Hams . .kme\ W
D1l4f1lrr . Jr P S
~ . PIIiIW
aulln. GiIItOI'd B "....
116 III COIISInllriolll • OIl 1OIOwi.. IIItfy
IJa. ttllfId members· deslpl1ld .... flIl1 ,., ,111 Neti.. III Ull ~1IIou1 u llQIltYa CourI(:II WU illiG __ tilt
0ItiI:,,'.CoIII"11Kt Room III lINt Hndqllartm ',UGII, . WUIlI..IIN1, 0 C. n,
""", . ..,Ie$:
.,,,11 ...
3111 MorrO"", III ~ 0 OM djown.o Frfday, Dtcll\ber S, 1111.
Genuy . Joe ~ BasltA 812
r'uC:OU Ra)' 0
N/edelmeyel Thomas E
SIIiInnon Wilham B
Newsome, MIlle A
IN l.U.
Th' lUI ,.oul" !IIIlt/nO .111 cemmlMI M UID I .m., Mo•••• Miuth 2, 1981 ,
II WulllngkNl, O,C,
B!oad""d)" Ron.ld 0 313 Snan Oouolas C 946 McCormick AuSl1R G
GugekllUk.. Ton., "7 Young , Clal1f"IC' P Allan. Rubt!fl A 3•
y~ G!oroeH
Solly Jonr. R ".34' JOlin, Elmo R
Actlrdo Phil P M
Sattan M.M1
BoIlingel Charas T
~ IC'ItII RObtrI A
J.mn F. MIl Uoney, SICIIt'rr
Inleln.lilllIll [)twU •• Ceuncil
!kilO... Hans J .153 ClIefno" , Pel!!! P 48

The ISEW in conjunction with the AFL-CIO and the National Institute
for Work and Learning wil l be mailing a very important survey to 900
randomly selected retired ISEW members from almost every state. The
survey should arrive sometime after March 17, 1987. We ask that those
individuals who receive this survey fill it out completely and accurately
and return it immediately .
This information will be kept strictly confidential, but it will help the
Special Services Department of the International Office determine how
best to serve you in the future .
Thank you for your cooperation.


department of Research
and Education
The National Debt: A Growing Crisis
I he total nationa l debt owed by the BUDGET DEFlCtlS MUCH LARGER In th e five fi sc.l year before the Red '
United SlateS govern ment ' 0;, a growing UNDER PRESIDENT REAGAN gan preSidency, fiscal years 1977 through
bu rden which IS OUt of COnt rol. It IS 1981 fa ne budge t (rom PreSident Fo rd
cs tlmated tha t at th e end of 1986 th e S2l! .1Od lour budgets from PreSIdent Ca rterl.
na tl nn:.) dc ht equa led about $2. I tnlllOn 5220 5111 th e budget defic tts tOta led 306 billIO n ;
{th ll'S 52, 100,000,000,000), S2. 1 tni li on 3nd the hi ghes t one-yea r den cIl wa s 579
' '1 cq u31 1O 11 md li on new $ 100,000 ' 100 bilbon T hus, In fi ve yc:us Presiden t
ho uses o r 2 10 mdilan nc\\' 10,000 cars. ,5~ RC.:1gan .:1ccumulntcd over three tlmcs 3:,
About half or this dt! bt was :1cc umulatcd ~ "ao much debt 3S there had been in th e
und er Presi dent Reagan, ;] prc'lldc nt wh o :5 prevIous five YC.'lrS; and III fi~cal year
c5 51 60
clatms to be opposed to deficit <pendln ~ D 1986 th e one-year total was equal to
:JJ1d who 3rguc~ for a " Bal.:mclI!d Budget Q SUO abOlll thr'ee - qu~nters of the fiscal 1977
Am endment. " th ro ugh 198 1 five-ye.r 11m!.

The nat iona l debt 15 equal to.ll of the ~ SIlO


budget deAcits! less any surpluses, th at

the United State ' ha s ha d si nce ItS found- " 5100
Th e Int erest Bu rdcn

mg. Each bud~Cl defiCit, or s urplus, IS

It IS cxt remely Irnport31ll n Ol to l o~c
equa l to the differe nce betwee n wh:lt the t;;
~ "" f12. sight of the £act th:u when there is deb l
government spe nds (o u tlays) and what It ~WJ ~ ilnc r'cs t mus t b · patd on the debt. In
tak es In from la,xes and other sources ~ fiscol year 1977 th e United Sta tes spe nt
(reccl ptsl. Under lhe Reagan pres idency 140 Illi $42 billion In tnccrest: payments o n t.h e
the country has been run funs; huge def- f!I! natIonal debt . Th,s was 10 percent of
ICllS cach yc'lr. In fiscal year 1982 (Oc- S10 fede ral outlays o r SI.OO of every SIO
tober I, 1981, through September 30, pent. In sc.:11 YC3 r 198J HI[crcst on the
o de bt ha d tn crc.1sed to S96 bolloon, wh IC h
19821, the fi rs t fi sc.l year of spendtng 1977 t 979 198t t98J 1995
hills Sl h'llcd IOto law by Prcsldent Reagan, FISCAl v(ARS \Va 14 pe rcent of ouLlays, o r S 1.40 of
th e budget dcfiea was a record -hi gh S 128 NOT [ ReAGAN'S nnST BUDGET FISCAL 1982 every S ID. For rh e entire fivc -)'e~1( penod
bdl lO n. In fi sca l year 1983 a ne w deA clt
reco rd waS Se t a t 5208 bill ion. In fiscal CONSUMER PRICE INDEX- CANADA AVERAGE
yo", 1984 a d mpped slight ly to $ IRS
bLih on, and In fiscal yea r 19f1r; it se t ;'1
new record at $2 12 billion . Ln sc.:1 1 ycar NOVEMBER . 1986
1986 anothe r new record deficit W 3S set t9Bt = 100
3t S221 billion. Th iS is a fi ve-year [ o l31 He.lth & RecJe&
of 5954 hlilion III addit ional new n:l(lonal A ll Uem s Transpor- Per son.1 IJon &
Month Yea, Cortl bl ned Food HOUSing Clothing tatlort Care Reading
November 1986 134 .7 1301 1347 1205 135.9 1350 1332
flVE·YUR DEfiCIT TOTALS MORE TItAN Oc10ber 1986 134 .0 129 .3 134.7 119.8 133.7 134 .5 133.0
TRIPLED UNOER PRESIDE NT REAGAN Sep1ember 1986 128.8 133.5 119.9 133.7 134 .0 132.0
Augus t 1986 133.3 128. 1 133.3 119.4 135.9 133.3 130.9
' 1.000
19!a1 HhllOnsJ July 1986 132.9 127.6 133.0 118.1 136.2 133.0 130.1
June 1986 t31.9 126.0 132.5 118.5 133.6 132.3 130.1
' 900 May 1986 1317 125.8 132.4 118.7 t33.2 132.0 129.8
November 1985 1289 120.4 130.5 117.3 1340 1294 126.8

g $700 November 1984 1240

November 1983 1192
$500 November 1982 1144
iii November 1981 1042
; $500
., NOTE : Canada s ~nStJmer Price Index 'Of an Items mCr8lJSea 0.7 Jndel( pOInts (tunng lho paSl monlh or
~ 5400
This equallod an annual ratB 01 Increase 01 (j OOD (05 ,. 12) The Increase!n CPt during

me past year was 5 .8 points or 4 !,'
P(lfoon\ change berween two dales IS calculated by $Ubtr3Ctlng me IndeX numbor tor lhe eallier
~ dale Irom thai lor ~he laler dale ana dNldJr'lg me resull bv 1m, Inde~ number lOf the e lie! dale
<i:: S200 ,nun mulltpfylng by 100

'OL-~ __~L-____-L~~~~
EXAMPLE For the penad 01 No\Iembet. 1995, 10 November 1986 134 7
59 divided bV 1289 - ()45 I( 100 - 115.
128 9 58 Indelt POInts.

1911 - 1981 1982- 1986

Preparoo by Depanment 0 1 Research and EducatiOn, IBEW, December. 1986


bclore the Reagan presidency, tnte rCS1 excludtng Soc ial Secunty. Thus, mtc rcs.t payments on lhe debt. By Ascal ),ea , 1982
payments 'otaled $321 billion. T his was on the deb t bas become one of the la rgesl the government spen t $ 1,22R for each
12 pe rcent of outlay for the five-ycar parts of fcder.1J spend.ulH., and it has raxpayer j and In fiscal year 1986 II spent
pcnod or S 1.20 of every S I O. In fi.e"J greatly limited the UpllU II:' avaliable for S2., 126 for e..1C:h t.1Xp.:1ycr. This rncU"S
year 1982 ,",crcs' on 'he debt Was $11 7 solving the deficit problem. thoU, o n avcrage, over 52.,000 of the taxes
bLlLo n, wbkh \\1115 16 perC-Cll l of ou tl ays, wh ich you paid In during fiscal year 1986
or $1.60 of evct)' SID. By fi scal year 1986 Debt P CJ Tax payer wc n t w pay for u n fun ded s pend in g by
interest on th e de bt had inc reased to Figu res in the billions Dnd tr illions :He the gover nmcnt 111 previous year .
$ 187 bill ion . T his was equa l '0 19 perce n! almost Im possibJc to com pre bend. How
of ou tl ays or $1.90 of every $10. Under docs t hIS rel a te to the ave rage person ? So urces of Prob lC'01
Pres Iden t' Reaga n mteres t on th e debt One way to look at it is how it rela tes
The problems of the annual b ud,tt
m,aled $766 bi lli on, w hich wa' 1R per· to each taxpaye r. At the end of 1977, ,he
deficits and the growing ni:luull al J ch t
cen' or S 1.80 of evet)' S 10 spem. The Un.ited Statcs owed S ,188 for every per-
p redate the Reagan preside ncy, but tbey
S187 bi ll ion for Inte rest on the debt son who filed wllh the Internal Revenue
have become much worse under his lead-
during fiscal yeaT 1986 was equal to about Servi cc. By the end of 1981, ,he deb, per
ership. One malor policy IOIU3t!VC of
the combined avcra~e annual camings of taxpayer had in creased to 510,52.3; and
Pre idcnt Reagon 's whJch contributed to
12 m,1I'0n fu ll·time workers. by the end of 1986, the figure was abo ul
the defici t and debt problems wos Iu
T he s t.ecp Increase in Interest pay· $20,622 pe r taxpayer. T hl mea ns thai
Tax Ac t of 1981. TillS was tl,e " supply·
ments as 3 percent of total out lays makes in 10 years t he de bt pe r taxpayer 111 '
s,idc" tax act which p nm anly bcncAtcd
it harder fo r Congress a nd the presiden! creased two-a n d~a~half times, and in thl"
w ealthy indlvi d11a ls and la rge corpo ra·
to fi nd ways in w hich to cut the annua.l last fi vc. years, 1t almost doubled.
ti ons with the ra. tlOna ilzal ion thllt t hese
budget J cAclt. Bccause inte rest on [he In fiscal yea r 1977 , he budge t defici t
ind iV idual and compa nies we re "over
debt mus t be pa1Cl, defici t reduct ion mliSl was cq uaJ to the govc rn m en t's spe nding
ta xed," an d if thcLr tLUtCS were cut, their
come fro m c utS in o ther p rogrilms lor tax $6 19 m ore, on average, ch:1.11 it re celved
increased pend ln~ and Lnvcstment wuuld
increases). Sin ce Social Sec u rity hi a ptu' from c:l<.:h ta~,(pi:l)lc;r. LI n~I",.:i 1 YCM 19 2
ge ner:Hc mo rc taxcs th:m the cuts we re
gram WhlCh w \1I not be considered for lhe defici t pcr taxpayer avenged 5 \ ,342;
worth. This rcvl~ i on of the " trickle-duwn "
cutS lbecause 11 IS.3 sell· fu nding program and tIl fiscal yea r 1986, it avemged S2,126.
theory proved Itself wro ng. just as the
which IS runruug a surplusl, the impa.ct Thus, In 1986 alone the UllIted States
lahar movement and others predicted
of LDtC rCSt payments is even more SIS' government .1ddcd OVcJ $2, 100 in debt
The prcsldent 's OrAcc of Managcmcm
mAcant. As a pe rcent of fede ral outlays, fo r every taxpayer. IJ tWO peop le In a
;lnd Budge t e timate lhat the Tax. I\c't
cxd uomgSocla\ Security, \nu~rcs.t on the h ouseh old fi led, [hen fo r thai h ouseh Id
of 19 1 decrea cd governme nt receip t:,
debt incrc~l scd from 13 perce nt In Ascal Lhc ~ovcrnmc:n t added over 54 ,200 In
by aboul $208 billion III fisca l yea r 1986.
year 1977 to 20 rercenr In Asc,1 year new deht.
Th l,s loss of lax rCVI..'IH.l t; \'Va~ aht'lu::. 1 '. . q ual
1982 and 10 24 perce n t 111 fiscal yca l The figu res for Imerest pay m en ts on
to t he dellclt of $22 1 bill ion fOI lhal
1986. Fur tb e cu rrclll fiscal year (I f 1987. tbe deb t per t:l.x p:1.yc r arc equa lJ y as scm)'.
sa m e fi scal yCilI:. Since Its cn",tt m Cn l the
1t is estimated lh at mteres t on the deb l III fiscal yca r 1977 $485 01 taxes p"d by
T ax Act of I!J I has dccrcasl... d gov~ rn ·
will be eq ual to 27 perce nt of outlays, the average la.x(J:1)'cr we nt for m lc rest
mcnt recelp rs by Ilbout $6110 billion d UI
Lng:J period wh en an nual deficits to taled
NOVEMBER. 1986 954 btl ilon These cstlmates do not even
REVtSED CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR URBAN WAGE mcludl! in terest expense 0f'I the :ujdl-
AND CLERICAL WORKERS ti onal deb, caused by ,he Tax Act 01
SOURCE: u .S. OEPA ATMENl OF L ABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR STA TISTIC S A &e:cond ma10r Reagan In ltl at l ve that
COllLrt butl:d to the deficit and debl pro b·
Apparel lems was the: tll1jundcd Increase 111 mll ·
All tlems & Transpor· Meclic ol 11ary spendlllg. In flscal yeoT 1981 def ens<
Moni h 'Yeal Combined Food HOIol ! ing Upkeep l allo n Care spend ing LO in led $158 btllto n or 2.1 per·
cent uf LO UJ uutfays. Ily Asc.11 yenr lYSE
November 1986 325.4 324.2 354 .3 2115 3040 441 .7 defe nse spe nding totaled $273 blllJon 01
October t986 3233 325.6 354 .3 211 9 302.2 439.7 J.,7 pe rcent o f oUll ays. flus la rge II1crC3SC
Seplember 1986 3249 322.8 356.6 211 .0 301.8 437.1 In s pendi ng was nOt accomlJ<1llIcd hy :m)
Augusl 1986 3234 322.3 355.4 205.9 300.9 435.0 Ia.X Inerca c~ for Its funding. Bccau'1c the
July 1986 322.9 3t9.5 354 .5 201.8 304 .6 432.4 share of outlay going tuwards oClal
June 1986 J2J 0 316.6 351 .3 203.0 308.7 429.6 Sccunry h,lS remained fa lrly con tam
May t986 32.1.4 3164 3516 205 , 305.9 4273 since ASCa11 year 19 1, and the share gain!
to a ll other form s of pcndlllg. cxcludi n!
November 1985 322.6 310.6 348.3 2102. 324 .6 410.9 In tcn:s r on the debt, has de reased, pan
Novemoer 1984 311.9 of the Increase In the deAc it nHl '>t aisc
Novem be r 1983 301.4 be blamed on [hIS unfunded defense
November 1982 293.2 build up.
November 1981 280.4
Pulicy Fa ilures
NOTE The Consumer PrICe IndEIJ, lor all lIems InCleased 04 Inoe. poIIlIS dUllng me laSI momn 01 U I ~
ThiS equalled an annual rele cl lnClease 01 1 2% (01 )0 12) The InClease dUring the past year was The G ramm -RlIdman· Hollt ng Ba l
28 inde,ll poln!s Of o. ~ ancl.:o Budg,ct Act of 198t; was ~UPPOS-C(
Percenl .ncreaoo between two dates IS calculated 0)' subuacung 1Me ~ndell JlUmber lor the earher to furce Congress and the presldcllt t(
dale from thai IOf the Ialer oate allO dlvlChng !he resull by lhe Inde); number tor earlier dale. then
mect C(,flam deficit ta rgets, wi t h (h e g ;I
fTI\Iftiptylng by 100
of" ba lanced budge l lzcro deficltllll Asca
EXAMPLE FOf tne penod 01 NQvembet. 1985 10 Novembet 1986 3254 322 6 - 2 e 1000e ... pointS 28 year 1991. So far, G ramm -RlIdman · Holi
dlVldad fly 322 6 - oog .. 100 .. 0 9~. 1nV,S h:\S been.1 {allure. In fiscal y",·tH 198f
PIOI)Droo bv Ocpa,nmonl 01 RO(:O;)I Ch and Eaucauon IBEW. Oecembet 198b the ta rge r was 5 172 bilJJon. The ac tu al
(ColHinued on Page 8,
for you and your family


We CO ntlllllC to helle of mJny :lcc ldcnts arctlJg :lI"'I d ca n III many HlstanCes 10 - W:ltts IS connected to the se cord , the
IIIvolvlnx,our members and thcl r bOll lies c rease II. ThiS la ck of proper te n Sio n , co rd \\,111 bega n to heat . V3cuum clcaners,
from electri cal shock o r clcClnca l burns. th crefore, with ItS associa ted arcing wall blenders. co m poppcrSj and many o th er
All of W i usc el ec tri city every day, and ca use heat to be be generatcd, whi ch can applian ces cDul u not be safcl y connected
Il wo uld he dLffi clih to im:lglnc wh rll hfe c.a use an clcctn ca l fire. to th ese sma ll co rd s. [f at any tllne an
would be li ke If It were no t fo r the Of course, tht.:rc .1 re many otber pos- extens ion cord or a plug kc ls ho t, the
:lSS lstJIH;C o f e lec tricity and c lccl ric:l1 Sible ca uses of clcClri ca J nrc s in the plug should be immcdl:1.tcly rem oved
equipm ent . hOlne_ Onc o f the m os t common b over- from th e cirCUIt. Not dOing so co ul d
The N~t1Im:ll InS lIlUlC ro r Occ upa- I03ded Circuits a nd /or e Xlen s ion co rd s. ca use the Ulsulauon to be seriolls ly dam-
lIonal Safe ,), and Health {NIOSH] re- While on ly 10 m,llI amp.:rcs (abou t '/ '00 aged and could lead 10 a n rc. As po", ced
cently elll OU l an ale rt entitl ed "'Pre of the amoun t rcq Uired rn light a 100- Out above, the circuit breaker o r fusc,
venting Electroeu t! ns Due to Damaged watt bu lb ) ca n ca u se a person lO " freeze" even If ope rated properl y, docs nm pre -
Rc ccpt.lcic an d Co nn ec tors." In It they LO tbe c Irc uit. In only 3 seco nds blis ters ve nt electric shoc k i th eir purpose IS to
Slate th at approxil11:1 tcly 10 percent of can form o n th e s kin whi ch would red uce pro tect equip m ent and propc ny, nOt peo-
311 occ li pallo nai f:lt3hcics arc due to elec- th e boJ yJ~ re s istance to (h" pOlm char ple.
trocut ions. In ou r union thi S fi gure IS no"rly90 mi llia mpe res coul d now ulfough Occaslunall y you may spot dark ened
nearly 50 percent the: body fro m 120 vo lts. Th iS IS mo re arcas on the wa ll around the reccp t:lcic.
In addition (0 this. many o f ou r f~H11I l y than enough elec tri city CO SlO p brea thing" This may be ca used by arc ing wlthm the
members ;t rc se ri ously burn ed by elec- and in m osr cases to C.1 USC th e h eart to rece ptacle or withm th e box containlllg
tncal shoc k in th e hom e. Two fatal go into vcnc ricllJ.·U Abri l.1tlOll, .1 condJ - It". You should h!lvc a qU:lJlfi c d elec tnc ian
ilccidcnts ill {he N IOSH :ll c rt in vu lvcd li on w hich preve nt s tb e pu mp ing uf bluod check the reccpt;.l clc if s uch an area is
C[lSCS wh ere recept ac les h ~l d been J am - .md ca n bc fata l 11"'1 JUSt 3 few muments. nut iced. When lIs ing clcc ui cal appLi -
aged, either by being nan o ver WIth eqUip- It IS im po rtant for us 1lI recugnlze that ances 10 ."lny are..1 where It IS poss ib le t o
ment or by Impro pe r usage; and III each circuit breake rs and fuses do not protec t come III COntac t with ground Iworklng
ca.>(" the dam.1ge \\".15 s uch rhat J[ bccanu.' pcople. They are Install ed with th e hopes o Ul si uel On a concre te floo r, or ncar wa te r
pos!:o lb lc to place the plug to equipment that th ey will protect eqll1plll Cnt and pipes 0 1" uth er mc[a l part s of a bu ddmg l,
in to the recep tacl es whd e rot3ted 90 preve nt Arcs. Mos t ClrClIlI S 111 your home a ground-fault irc uit interrupter (C FCI )
dt.:grccs. Th iSresu lt ed in havlIlg thcgrOlllld Me pro tec led a t 15 amp e rcs . Us ua ll y should be in th e circuit. ThiS cqulIJIDc n t
pro ng o f th l! plug lI"'1scrtcd HltO o ne of the appli ance Ci rCUi ts In the kltchen He fu sed IS designed to protect people by di sco n-
pha se te rmin als, which In lurn e nerg ized at 20 amperes. N:Ull C pbtes Oil appilan ces nec ting the Cl r CUIt 3( an y urne a pa th to
th e frame oC eq uipment bClll g used so usually lIs t the \v:ltt:lge of the applaancc, ground exceeds 5 mdhampercs.
that the employee recclved:l fatal ekc tn e but seld om sh o,""\' the amperagl.!. It is,
shoc k however, casy to conve rt thi s wattage
M~ny tim es 3r(llllld the ho m !.:, and figure to :lI1."'Iper:J).;C simply by dl vidi.ng
e'len oCGls ionally:lt work, we find pl.!op ic t he watts by the voltage of the ci rcuit. ATTENTION
bending th e pro ngs out on p lugs in ;)l1 From [hi S we C:1ll s~c that a IS-ampe re RAILROAD MEMBERS :
alt empt to keep It from fallmg out of th e circ uit s houlu never ha vc more tha n
rceep lOcic. If ,he plug fall s readi ly fr om 1,800 wallS conn ected to it, and a 20-
As 01 January 1. AETNA lile
th e reccp table, or fa lls to ma. kc contac t ampe re CIrC LIH s hould never have more
within th e receptacle. th e problem nO r- than 2, 400 watll". Insurance Company has advised
mally IS no t the plu~, but is caused by Dis hwa shers, mi c rowa ves, toasters, Ihat all denial claims will be pro-
insu fA.ci cl1I tensiun within the n.::cept:l - w:lf tl e lTOn s, a nd wa s hll1,!; ma c hin l,;s il rc cessed Ihrough a cenlral oHice
cl e.. In thi s C~I SC rh l.: recep tacle ShOlild be :1mong milny of th e applia nces th~lt will located in Grand Rapids. Michi-
repla ced . normally c.xeeeu 1,000 watts each. In gan . The address 01 Ihis ollice
One ex pe rt m elec tri cal sa(('ty. Ed Ea- mos t cases m ore tha n one of these in the
g,:m of O~H.A (a member of Loca J Umon S .1 m c CIrC Uit will Co1USC «111 ovcrJo..1 d thar
103. IBEW I. ha s staled th", he be h eves sho uld trigge r th e ClrC lllt hrca kcr ur fll se
he co ul d go In lO any hom e, and by teSllng to ui scon ncc t th e po wer. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE
the te nSIOn in rcccpt.1c lcs And th.lt over A rc,lJ pr bl ell"'l comes :JbOUL with the COMPANY
SO percent of them do n Ot have sufficient small e xtenSIO n corus co mmonl y fuund P . O. BOX 120
I tension. In thi s event lack of prope r ll1 the home. The w lrc in t hese cx t ~ n S lOIl
cords IS nonnally much :, Ill a ller and sel -
GRANO RAPIDS, MI49501-o120
tensio n w,1I cause some aremg wh en :l
plug is inse rted. Be nding th c prongs in dom brge enough to handl e morc than (Telephone : 6161942-6400)
the plug \"ill gcncr.ll1y nO[ reduce thi s 5 to 7 ampcres. An yulllc mo rc than 600
WI/t.·Ill.l" 1111 pensio n . July, 194 11 Ray I llIlmons,
Wlrcm.ln 011 l)cn!>lOn, hl nu:If)'. 1953, "II lil1kcr ,
Wlr man 1m rl:n !>lon, Al1/o:u'>l. 19Jh. Rubert G J I
bUlth, p roduttmn on rl'n'> lClII , May. Il)iI(} , I:dward
Cnl!:smcr. S, . Wl rcm.1R 1)11 Pllhilln Au,ltust. 1919 ,
Roy Thornp'>em, m :llnl t nJnCe on penSIon, August ,
1946. Rlchanl Akc ls, mIlIllICnl&m:t: Oil pcn.!>IOn,
Oc tober, 195.1 , Steila Ihn.h , flIOduCIIM on pension,
Apnl. 19"1 , Flank Malku ..... lcz.. m:llnten:mce on
ren SWII, FdlfUUY, 1946, Robert C1Jlk, ~T m~man
on pemlun , Fehru:Jry. 19(11 . lo h n usmo .... skl. plO'
ductlon on p.. nM on AUKuSt . 1931, lohn l ac:k~l •
..... ,n: m.n n penSio n , M;l ICh, 194 7 ClllJcfl Klaus
mt:It: I. Wllem :1I1 or1 p4:nSI On, Febru.ary. 1942, M.:u ·
Un Ru.h, ,""erClllan UII pC'II .. lvn. lune, 1957, CILl l k~
Fu:.C'II, "'Ih:m.m, r-.; o\l.· mbl·r, 1971, lind Ralph
Coh:!.. ~·tte m!ln aD pcnsll3n, Much 19~6
K nR f ~T Et.A N, P

Scribe Experiences
Brotherhood on the Road
L U. 13 (il. B U RU-"GTO:'<l, 10\\'1\- 1 hJvcnt sub
lIu\\C'J .. n lU\ltk fOI" tOlll'lc. of m OIHh!'. The ....ork
.!>ItU~lllIn bollck home halli finally forc.::d me 10 hit
the ro",d I.&m working .;at the Rl llld",ood Nucku
Gene rating Suuon out Clf Local 176, lulu:c. IIhnols
I clunk Ihe local fOT glvlnA me Ihl: "p[l(lrlunlly to
work nnly th.ree ",n1.1 one-half hours '111m home I
musl admit Ihat w lJlklMg away from home I.!>" lot
dlffelent, hU I the IHEW Brothe l ~ .. , e IU51 the 5.Imc, Pk l urtd ;lIt" ,he Lonl 22 . Omaba . Ne.b., membt:
which m .. kc:s thiS tht: great unton Ihlll It IS [11m who were in dl;lrge of Ihl' h,unled hOU Sf pr oject.
cU lrcnllyworkingforC K NC'o\bcrg OIl!ttrucllUn d 8a )'t:r, Fred Munc h, ;lnd Oou~ Ca'icy.
SUD dlipl.)'s his VCR , which he rr (' ti '~(' d as I and have !,u I Vlvt'd thell mOG t recent lAyoff Urnl J
rrtirr mr nl presen1 . co Mikr Cun.a#-lia and Jim U \('ry ne.. r1 y complete Wit" fod loadlDfi expected
MCl:tgt' r. !photos s uhmi ll cd br Local I. S t. louillo, lot of t hl! 8rothu~ of Loca.l 11 donaled thelf tin
soon. I am ...,orkwg In CUllt;lInm!!nt bUlldmg on
Mo.1 Unll IJ (In a condw i crcw At. ,hIS IS the flrs l ume IU do u:mpurar)' winog for the I.h ffen:11I dis play
on the m.ld for me, I am Sl.'ninS iI lot or good Th.lnk~ to c"' .... ryone Involved
cxpr:rirnc(' r rc.·r~n .. tlv bcht'vt' th:u cVC'r)'onc should We m ou rn the dt:nh o( onc of Illir youngl
Local Says Good-Bye wo rk ;tw.ty fronl home ,u.st once 5U Ihey could 8 rut11c I 5, Phllhp Mitchell Ph il w as on a fishu
To a Good Friend relllly lea rn w hllll b ro therhood Is:tll about tnp m MmncSQI:I when a "o.HInK mC ldeo t uccu rn
As (01 the: wurk SHUal/un II hume. II :1prt;a , $ lind took thc "\es of ph,llIntl hi A'ihl"~ comp.21
L . I l i .lI'm .~pdl. rl s). ST . LO U IS. MO.- Tht ;a • thn the book m:ly muve a little hu \Jery won We Ilin
comp:lnyu\~ photos .... ere ' aken at the Sco rcbo.uJ have: some men out at the IBP plant 10 Cuiumbu,
lounge dunnA ill reuu:mcrll galhclln,lt fo r onc of Junctlun ( In rexular call but Will h.a\Je tb:1( loh
fhe loul ', bC'ucr· kno ....·n mc:mbu~. !)1.lOlcy Anion fim~h('cJ sunn Ground htl5 been broken at th~ nt:w
reh Thr ccn lfallocallon fAClllI:1tcd the huge lurn · By· Vee AfOcc:ry ~lOrc In 8urlrnglun, hut the elec. Members Ratify
01.11 01 wdl wishe rs :1111\1108 from milny uta lob Irlc.,1 contractor hu n o t ye l becn deCIded Bids art'
slin to p.II I1( lpatc In the uccaSlOn OuunJ; hiS 35 ~upposc:d 10 he let ')oon on the new E.&KIt: ~ rocery
Small Works Agreement
ye3r u:nUTC. St an h.15 plOlyc:d a n .:ICily" nt h: \0 the Jl:torl!' .& I:!I\I Hupdully Ihe ..e Illhs wl lI .a1l go 10 urUOn L. U. 2S (l,o, n s&' can'l, LO C IS LAND , N . Y..
locll l's hU'uncss, serving II! stc","'J rd on j) multltu J e contraClllrs ioInd allow Su me peuple HI gIl home and . feCIIOgs. lhothers and SiSters Scvera l mornl
Qf prot..:ct • Ihe largest of ..... hlch wa\ the Rush w o rk wlthm their o ~' n ,u rilldll:IWIl Od u.:rwise. II ago I w rote .an .. rtlde: .about 'ipecUi I meetings lb,
I"'and Powerhouse. AI In .:Ill ~uch rCllu~ mCnt fe'S looks 10 be II lung. CQld Winter I h o ~ everyum' were IllklO~ I1 I;lce 1.0 LrK:al 15 IU comb:.. the u
II Vllu:S, .tlC~ r c IS the m Ixed senst ot loy m .1 11 .lIn- h.ad .I 5 .. fe linJ h a ppy hnt.days cre.lslI1g III fi i UI1t1 () O of nonunion con tr ac t OI.!> dOlI
menl .:InJ 'UIWW In 1£1<;\ 0 1 :I pe rson w ldel)' known Sl orr CR[I(.IITll.~. P S ma ti w ork In uur a rea o,,"CII.': tha t ti m e a gte.
tpr hu ,,"knt dedlCOItulII ttl !rad e Unllll1lSm .and tt d al o f information has bern compiled from 01
flllnClpl ..... To simply say good lu k .1 nd fa rewell, membe rs Dlgcsting 311 Ihl-' Infunnlltlon, Il w ;
U 10 !Illy 100 !a llie Hl a vigorous .3ntJ devoh:J Members Volunteer Efforts fcll that Ihe only way 10 combat th iS problem w.
member, to ~ fneRt.! a nd BrUlt-u:r, to II sliwnc h and ",,'Ith dlf~ct c:umpClIlIon
hunor:lblc nun T he ~~ t u( c\'erythillg, St:lIlley' For Spooky Project A t IWO 3dJIt\ clna l .!>pec lill meetlnX" on Oc t ol><
We w\"ih 10 eon~rlltul J te Jo h n Clluk on h iS L . 2'2. (l. n s &.spa), OM'-'IIi\ , NER. - The election 1 an d November 5, Loc31 25'$ bustnes5 man age
>- lIpp0lnUncn l as tahur 111I1~on 10 th e: United Way of IS over, and Neb r ll~ k a I: n.Jc d up Wit h Il Rep ublican Bud Fisher, pl l'<;elHcd 10 r>u r connruClloll d, VIS\(,
; G rellicr 5t LOUIS Fur I he pa., t SIX yea ts , Brol h c:r
Cll1 l k has headed the .He .. ufficc nf In c H umlln
guvern u r I he r.1CC was vt: ry c1use bc t "r'cl':n the IWCj
women c.1nU ld.1 t es A 1m uf OUI c3IHh dutes d idn 't
J ptupo!).d rl'gn.lllrnga smull wor k ~agrecmcn l Th
.1Ign,:cmcn l will 11150 cover "",ork In OUf res ldc n ti
Resourceoil Development Ins l l tUte, II h.· derally Ii
nJ: nccd lIppendage III th e AFL-CIO [15 fUnctllln 111
to '" 51St people iOlc:cd unto the unc:mr1o)'ment
ge l '"10 o tu CCI so bl.'t1cr luc k next 11m!!'
At Ihc la"l union mt: .. t1ng. .. lot W3\ d isc ussed
.t bout thl" IIUllllnlUn cnnrracton In O!Jf 31ca It
lIud rnlil l nll;'nollu.:cd,vl .!>l un~. r h l!)agrcclIlen l, w hll
I" cll rdull y c h anneled and dlrcC t ed Oil .!>m all ..... o r
",III dbo Indude tbe eS lll bllshmcnt of uwner. OJ
:;J. fOils (t h rough pl3nt clo mg ur Slm lt u IlIl'tfl'ftUncs) .seems 35 Ih uu,lth the:y .l Ie ~eltlng m on; (If thc work c . ;alor co n trncttns A ft er mlilly nou rs of lun g ar
z 10 .u IJU!H oIInd en ha n ce the ll s$r.ills J nJ Ubil lt ies 1£' 1I i1 t h e lime I don 't k.now whal Ih e answe r IS bUl "e ll u us d l"c u s,,"lon, Loc;! J 2.S' rlln k and nle m u fi c
a: the pOint III meaningful ree n try Inm thc all.:a·S "unl c lhlllg ha" Ie) ~ d vne so il ll l)ur Blr1Ihc rs alii! tI\l53.1;l eem enl
g wOlk Il)Icc .
On:1 mll re "(I mber nme, p le ase b.! JdVIM:d !ll l he
S,sters CJll ~o back to Will k Ye(\ 1 PIOS were J.w;1,dtd
1\1 many Bwthers who hold l5 yea l ~ III nH.m: 10 tho.:
I know m.l ll y I ~'c a ls w il l ~ waldlln~ ..... tUi h.
l nken pldcc here In t he hupe thai it p U<;I II Ve ans w .
fo ll owln ;:.: member .Ic:ll h 'l i.l un l1 ~ th e mon ths I1 f /!J EW. Rc( II.:.;h m c ll u w\' rc 81:rvcd .:l it er the mCCtII1 ~ h .l., necn fo u n d HI a probkm L1M I fa ces cuch Il l'
OCtobe r " n<l No vembe r Bruce OesllI:II:: II, Wll e llHl 1I Last yenr fo r II ;tU ClWCCIl d lC O m :ill ~ f l:Q e13tlo n every onc of U8.
On pe n:lIun, Inlt lll l eU A U,ll;u~ l , 19:'3, W il llll m H ead y, u f L.tbur gUl a hold Hf 11r\ old. V~C.1 n t li c h l)(l Jh o u .5c I JIlI II n l'xt month, rcm .. mbcr M lil ltl' .hl' mcetlnJ
ra:s lden l1 al on pc:nSlOn, ApII 1, 19';.3 1 KuhcJ1 Fu hi t.:l. an d turned \I ln lo a ha u nted huu,!;c II was .:I way m nkc 11 ddf t' n:'nct:
20 producllon On penSIOn, ,u ly. 194 11 101'10 W ill s, of r:II S Ill~ sOl11 e fund !; le.l r th e o rg.:l l1 lz.u.doll, So, a
Graduates 70-Year Pin Awarded Loca l .II un 3lway'il use ad""tllun:.1 hdp o n ltS
\JrIOUS c a mmllt cc\ 1£ you 're II1ICfCSt ed , nil .hc
Joc,,1 unwn (I/fice: Y'U1r uller k-llJ berrer rhr ("ntllc
loca l Even though II ' !! bee n s:lId Inllny ttme.., ..... e
shoulll ne ...e l fMgCl th.lI we the me m bc r.. J rc the
IOC3 1, .1nd we Inn<;t d n wh.ll ·s be'>l til hc lp ourselves
Rpl\ u lT P K A " /lJROW~Kl . I' '"

uh to Ij!l;hl, b:rck row, l:lIt )' Jo hnson. rrc",idelll,

welll 3 1, aud Lonl 2 .& 2 Prc .. idclII Cab Thib:llu h ,
se.il lcd, l ocal 11 , Dulu l h, Mill n., HU.'linus Man-
Ceremonies a&tr-Flnancial ')ceH'l af)' Jim DeArmond l 70')'~af
Diplomas Presented pin and cell ilic.. u : r ~(";pienl 1\'.111;0 U.g' und, and
l oa! 242. Ull ... i u ~u Mana g~ r . Fin :llldal ~t' ("ft l ;n\'
16, li&'C51. WAS I-H NCTO • o . .-The lATe Cb l .. ne~ Wh elan
It g, aJl.IlllltIll cCII.:rnnny on Noycmbc r 21,
Crossw inds In Crccllhc ll, M .I !"), ·
4 1 Ma l lin 's
Th", delICious JinnerscrycJ, dlploll1J.
W'''!I 40-Year Recipients
w~rc presentctJ, .. nJ dall('lIIg lnd cock·
(unllntled mlO the ..... ee hours of the m OIRlng'
1986 gfdduau:s ....-ere a chIS'" f,f .1 Iht:
In Ihe hIstory of the lATe nngr~ lul:lo ·
follOWIng Bt(lthcro; and l\1'IlerS on 1bC'u
i",mpi." ..,. 01 thIS (our-year apprcn ll tc~ l\lp uaLn
Helen A I t."CIIJ~.I , Altbea 8;u.:nll, Ch~ d c~
DUllalJ Ihuch, John CllmCr(ln, If , Robbie
Chmllan If UruccClod fdtC I, Inseph DJ.hbs. hlhn
D.u1)" MichJ.d Delonge. Eru:. DcnmJrk. laurene
Driver, Sc;mk\l Ea/on, lJ. Rlch.ltd fJ,I{l'lI , RIChard
Fr<1nkhn. lytln.l lJ Cedd,s. Al oy<;;tu .. Clcl:Slln. ,\ wm
Coh.l!o mllh, SJhnna Coli, lalnes HJ.Ll>llp, RICbJrd . andin&, 11m Dr:-
H:lfl , Thom.lS Jennings. " , Michael /ohnso n. uJtu~ Ray " oughlaling, lIo w -
ky, Jr., Ch llfle~ L1.nslnJ.;cr, UI , Carry 'aclull, ard Fos , O lal Futd a nd, Clb T hi ba ult , Cl:u (>nce SiSler Ion Pc tr o n i!> loo ks mt'.JI:tcingly 3 1 Niek Pa-
WIHlarn Mallllle:, lt.lch:lrd RI CC. II . Ron .. 1J Ritter, Wild :"" and urry IlJ hnson ; SC.:rI C!i, Wi llia m Bya rn i, ga n o :15 he loo k Ih is p iCtU re. Ap preu l i£f An dv
Dnvl\t Rus~t!II , Millen hakra, Kclth huma\ter. Georgt Ca rlsllcss, Le w i~ F.ll cfs~ n , Ray C :r.s w c.II, Dnufi ! t:Hld6 II rcs pt·ctl,,1 di s lIIlI Ct away.
D~vld Soder'll rum, Jr.. RldlJfd SpIcer. Ir , Rubert lI e rl uf C h l is tl"use.n, Walt Nl'I'iIJ II , a nd EIIl l'sl KOTbi .
Terrcll . Ir , MlC.h.ud Wall;lcc, VI:&lcnc W IIIMnl.S,
2nd Clllna ZdlllSkl 90th Anniversary Gala
pC(.I.l1 ~w,uds wc rc g1\len :IS [0 1\010\0'5 Perle(' Local Expecting Scheduled for May
Att ndancc (ur FOUl yc.&~ A\o\'.ud we m to LQtu!
M K<."!Iey, Ir On~ Ddiclency In I\ttc nd.mcc. for
Tough Negotiations LU. 43 (i, rts &eml.S VRACUSE, N. Y.-our le!';u'3 r
Four Years JWJrdcd 10 Robhlc H hnsl1an. Jr., L. • 4 1 (i, ..t.u,clII& ... pal. 0 HALO . N , V.- Tht! me£tlllg and Chlls lm;ls pauy was hdd 111 the
RlI:: hnru M Spicer, Jr., :ulll Richard 0 Rice, Jr ,j officers 111 Loc.Ii'l 41 hope the holllby .scason lounu Arne-ncan Legum PO,>I 1468 In Ihe v.allcy un Dc-
and l he III).ihcSl ScllIll3'iltlC Awa rd WCIH to hlmc!O Yl)ll lind your 1;lIll1i1cs in I hc best uf hClilth ;tnd ccmhl.:r 2 , Many retlrces attended lhe mcCl1tl~, and
101 , lIauH p whu hau II 97 . 1 avcr:l.'l.c for foUl ycllt., Ihlll 19R7 IS fu ll l1lt n ~ In evcry I!X pc.c l:Hiun tha t 11 W!l " II IlicllSU(C to sce.1 Tl d VIS i t ..... lIh th cm. Iholhc r
Ia.me! Hli lsh p :llso served JS the \lalcdl c totl:rn ur you and yours may have I'c:tt: O!J\'ja orl;llIll;:t'd lhe p.1 . , )! wnh the hel p of
best wl .. hes III :ill of you The e:mpillymcrll picture lo r Ihe e Un'o"UCtllll1 (c llred Brother Jnhn P.llml!..Io o :md Brlll h c r lohn
6usll1cs.$ M"'QJgtr SheHI, hOls h"eJ BIll GIU3 U group I" <;tll l nuwhue oe.lI whll! IS :IIcceptable:. The P.almts.1n\I. JI E\'cryUne wbo atte ndcd thc mcetlng.
to fill the. ro &lion of bUSiness agent who Will he eJ'orl to c:dUC.ilIC Ihe publiC about usmg union labor I :11m SUle , ~11 1 oycd themselv("\ A thank ·you is 1[1
wOlkln,:. In th e.- upcomll1K Vuginia atdllic ufnee for th\:11 electflcal needs I~ on~Ulng. 81.1 Inc'i 1:111 order to BrOtber Ollvl:ll and Ih\: r.ltn'tl .I0OS (or
We welcumc 81111 0 the: uf' of loc.:I l 26 OIger Adams Ie-PI)"'" Ih~ survey of Ihe wc .. tcrn Nl'W thelf dlort
The Ih:tlred M~mb<:rs Club hchl Ihc:u 50/50 York Ullltl3 Ct or... .uclulecu, lind tonSHUl.1I0n uscrs Brother Inc C.3I1.a,&;ha:-r gave.- :I te[lOrI 011 h1:> loom·
draWing :It thl.:lt NO\lt'mhcr meeting. and the hll IS c('l11lllele The Info rmallun we ha ... e "!'-'~ Ive d hilS nurtel"S plllgrc.SS fo r OU t 90th r\ll lllvcI .. ary Olnne r
lawing were Ih e lucky winners. fi rs l Prl zc ' Sat\llI d becn .1 rca I eYl··opel1 c r amI will fl Ow be used CO ~ct Dance ro be held on May 16, 19t17, at th e HOle!
B. A!lhfllHI , "ect)ml PrlZC ; Anna Mile Mille r; nnd up nn !lU\l(.'nl"Ul~ lilnlll.:gy . Once ..... {! h ll ... e th e blJs Syr;leu~c TI\1''; cven t wil l se rve ot he r pu qlilS(!S 11\
t/urd pri ze Dick Loh m eyer BItHher A!ohJI)fd do from t he advcrtlsl l)g Jgcncic.s, we will hC~ln Illu ... • adJlllulI III hell\g uur 90th :lnn\lIc rs(lry We will
nau: "" til "" Innings back to lh~ dub. We th.ank IIlg 111 Ih e .1IC;\9 lh .lt will benefit Ihl.' nlembers of hooor ou r le:tIlCC. 'ncCrn:uwll:rl Plesldcllt anJ
him for thIS mil';;' ~encmus ge l urt T h~ monty Loc:.al 41. Remember. the!.e cHo lI are be'"t: m:lde local membe r lohn J Barry, and former BU"'neSS
Will ~ U'it·d to buy m o rt medica l equipment lor possJble by flU' Elccln.,;atlndu stry Education Fund M:r.n:ager Dan Rov.a who reccntly accepted II pOSI -
the dub's u.!.c 1987 louk~ tI) be: ;& busy yr ar at Ihe bJ lg;&lnlng tion 10 Ihe Thud OIStrict office.' Dan I Lun ntfy
Loc:~1 16 15 ~ddt!ned [C) lI.~pOn Ihe de:nh ul unc table . Cunlr.l Cl! ;&if('c tln& lhe r.nlln: toe .. 1 Will bI.' aS~lst~n l 10 Thud Dis trict Vice P,du.ient AI Cales
o f our r~ tl r ed Hltlthcr~ StnCC our lasl a rllde- cU l11 lUg due. I A rC.! I" G raphICS, H.:llfl On R,1d13101 , ThiS probably Will bc well attendcd, :lnlJ luI.' urged
luth": l 0 !:lnc l( . O ur condolc n ces to hIS loved NiaS;MOI T ran ,>fumler, EX<'cuwn(! Tclephu nes, r/tt: the membt- Is IU m ake their lickc t purch(l~ c" early r--
DIles Two ,,1 ur Brothe r .. have redrcd rc end)' : Buffu/v News, Ihc RC'>ldct\tI:d AF,ICellH..·IH, and Ihc bce.1I1SC !oC311ng was gomg on a fir ... t ·cumc, ArS I" ~
Richard I NfJ{lIIolll (lnd Cr1l"H O . Dll ... idson O u r wa,l;c reopener for thc InSide group. The ef{u Hs (If ~(:rve bJsiJ Tilt· l )",d D!~IIICr Progrclls Mct.:t1l1g
bcllt .... t9hc~ 10 Ihem a~ Itll:Y enjoy" well ·d,' o1.Cr ... cd th e vari o us Nc~ollnllng Cummlltcc~ wtftuuly be will al'lO bl.'" held III ~Y l"a~usc dUflng. thiS lllllc, gO fi:
rei lleme.nt 1 his m.Jkcs.J wand uml J 11/25 rCllt(.' C'S Icstc"U, because organized 1:IIltll IS f:lCUlK IHgalll:tcd plellse- make yOul tlckel pUlchu'ic.s carly . The eom 0;(
re:WH.ulec. fr om (\I(" ry dUCClion No le nlCe. do we:
:~~t;:al~~~ ~::e;:~~~:~~;I~'le :~~:~;:~~Cc,:~: ~
for the vear 19M
In olg.lnt:cd I«bur cnlOY tbe comfort of :II fall
WA m H Suunr. I~ . 8 ,
hcllrm~ In Ihe cOUll.s or at Ihe NlRB Rcagan h;J.5 for CYc l yu ne uJ
vHlually boxed lahor 111 10 a cumu, .and our only nlc work slIu .. Uon In (Jur arc.! ha<; slowcd do ..... n LL.
WilY out Iii to UKht back u sing eve lY \lMII .. 1111 co nsldc lllhl), We !I:lve mill\Y m emhl'r'l wnhm.1I i.
thol!l.ekslIP% ItoCOIla. a ... :lI ' .lble ra U~ We have 1(1 knuw who /Jur JfI('mls
:l rc , nn"", n ow III te than e\ler bdo re, we h ave HI
.....ork•.md Ih!! pl'O!'fleet5 III the ne.n f utu l e arc n ot
bnght We a rc Genll i n ly (cel log lhe eHeclS u f recent
usc cach and C\lcry (flcndas:r tool to help us rcg.ll ll mdustr1:111 plUlll do'Stng' .:md l3yu£fQ FurclKI\ 1111 ' 5

ou r Illllce In SOCIC t y We- ft~vc a lwllY. been the po n ~ hlfl'e t:lkcn 4 heavy roll on ,obs In our a rt!3, .,
lc::auc,g In u:nplOvmg. the liye of workll1tttnen find With the shoe, su~c1. dl.'.cuonit:s, pbarm a ceullc al. w~
WOmen , now we .:.11 h.:l.\I~ to Uf\It{! 10 ICGaln whal .. nd Ilir (olldll100m,lt mdustrit:l taktng the heavies t
IS Our rlghlful plllle~ In SOCICty Hard work be-licr fosses Thl!., coupleJ ..... lIh ~rec:d" (.O t por.l rr orn !!
hUll anyone, now .... e h3\1e 111 work h"rdel :II" well alw:lY looktnt; fo r ehe.ap boo.
sources, makes
;15 "malH'r e3 m in~ • liVing III yucu.se very d lffiLuit I hope 21
by IIll: t llll e ,kl'{ ll ru cle "punted tlr work SCl!ne nq;utI:WIII1, ...... th the frcc cump;l n IC! In Molreh their melhod! in your wMk Ke.r:/'Ioln cye on \It
will havc Impr(iVcd and ou r (lUt of work 1151 is and hl)pe to have:J COllIIllll pnll! t o the eKpu.:lllon o lder gllyS, \I ' S surl'ns \l'Lg how much th \!y knl)'Y>
,mallcr Buy unIOn , buy Arne-II c.:!n date o f April ';., l "Jil7 There will be m.1n)' limeS you W Ill be working b
!)AM »ARI'l:R. B J\I CCI tlU I and 3ttC'nd )'Ou r umt mectlngs Ihl $ yourself. Dc cilrelu l, for you a rc YOU I CJwn Tcspon
spn n~ and hc Involved Itt URlon ;affaln. QUI hrS I slhllllY, u 's up to you 10 decide If :I SItU;l ll on I
aS~II S II'>U ng. United membushlr. HelporgRnlZC unsafe Wben wo rk m~ .(ound cncrgl2cd eItCUIl!
Mourned those awund you ..... ho ;lIC \akm& a ht~ nd~ , fm t~lk n ile. wnh the fotem:ln .1H m.:!UCI$ you ar
thol1 IS wh.1t " nght II)wfHk" ,,, all .about- frec - unSurt'. of Tht: grt'.1tCSI eX"pcric:nce w.1I be the! Au
lo::ade.s time )'ou wOIk ","h It "cipe, Rt'mcmbcr, he i
All of u :It Iht: 10<.11 ulll nn ufficl;! ;afe lookm,lt your rapon Ibility now ven If he Ke m, to kno\
fo rward to seemg you In the nt:.lf fUIUIt: and mort:' Ihlln you ! Hopefully he IS as good an :apprell
duour.h<l ut the yeat l\uy Amene;}n or by ·bye Utt 111 ,) you-ol maybe " paychecks a l e hd'" waul
BrOlher Lan ~ Jen sen , ,abs be mOle tht: case_ Good luck m your eareet.
""110 passed :a w:a y Ie. A word of Ihanks 10 Brothe r Tom Pndmore ill
et nll y. is mournl'd by
~J1 of Loal 57, Sillt lakr
ultlng ove r at thc sc hool for 11m M cG ill when 'Lt
hJd hu peuuon. Appl enllcc DUeclOr Bill Wol
h,·, Ut~ h . Top Graduates tt:poncd w( had 1.900 llf'lphc:lD IS leu o ur nel
.applentlce cb s ...
IJL"IN I'> 1)1 VU,,",. rs

I!)'!'!rph Nldlols, a lor-

m e l busi.ness m alUlger
of Lou l 57 who sc . y,·J
from O t'ce.lIl b er, 1941 ,
10 11111', 1952, has p:IS~l! d
aw.ay . Thelocalmoliin s
this d ll".dic;ned ullde
unionist :lIOd fri t! lId .

Loca l 68, Oc:nver. Co in .• Brot h el ' ac k COXj b

wiie. Donna ; 3nd Ihl'ir ,sOn a d }' e.pilullIiu til
th rmt: 01 Ihe l.abol Daf f'.illad.e ," lIi!'!n ' car
Local Negotiations Prove Fam ily."
To Be Difficult
.... u. 57 (o, u II, SALT LAKE ITY, UTAII ny Local Looks Forward
\he tlmt: \hl§ aUH:le lS pnnttJ lR the JOl.l1rH.I'. "'i e
-rhou/d ~ fini shed wlIh our conn.ac i negollaua"" To New Year's Challenges
...·lth Uuh Po,""c.r and Light Comp;!!ny 110w(\"CI, L U. 68 Ii), OE.!'\JVER , co O .-G rcC'unl' from It-
thiS has nOI becn the case an , cccnt yt:3r s Our DU'id Pein, th e olh r., lop apprcnliC'l!'. is ~hown al
f\.'hIe Jh~h Cit}', Dcn ... c l, Colorlldo hi OClobt'.r o~
ncgollatt'lrS life c:ontlnUIIl& to fight h.nd hallics Ifl Ihe Appren t ice:: Banquel .
Apprcnllceshl p CommLttce was busy helping I
()Ide. to urgJOldc our eonunel , and we holv!: bet'n hOSI Ihe Rocky MounuI" ApprCntlceshlp Cunle
negotiltlllA beyund the euntuct d2 1e Buslneu t:nee with delegates an attendance from an CI&h
M llRa~er Newman .and hiS c.:omm lllt=e are telling
Apprentices: Ask Questions, stOlle .iII.:a Novembe. 'ia'"'" the com ple ti on cer.
ready 31 Ihl.>J lime fOf lough negotiations 1 h e Listen to Advice mony and dlOner for n ea rly 90 nc ....' lo urneyma
uulley company IS askln& (or , ~ood many ukc W!l eme n , rC<iildenttal Wiremen, <lnd neon :.agnrnci
loU. SR11,1' 01 . .. pa&rlhl. nr--TROIT, 11('.J1 .--\.It'l't
aways and cUts 11'1 Our w:age .and schedules nnd In Deecmhc l corloca l union hall re(,elY d;ll mud
mgs fro m DCliaH . Wurk 111 uU llurl ..dlCtiOn tC.':mams
fllnge bend'it package. These prob lems 3.e com needed C(Jllt of p3m!, unu we hO~lIcd ill " c ry SUI
I;ood The Mnda fHOI':CI I~ thc 1::Ilges l lob, with
pounded by Ih e fllct Ihe ma,orlty of worktnApeople cessiul Chil dren 's hn stluas Pa rt y
sCYer;!!1 hundred m e n being employed hryslcr
10 our a re:l3 fe lakin,; CUtS The repeal of the Ll ltl e Onliomg .a cti Vities IhlOughoul the ytOl r Include
Teeh Cr::nte , s hould sum next spring, II Will t<lkc
Onls Bacon Act by the Republlcan-contr li ed :an 2CUVe Educau o n Com 1111 tlcc:. with o ... er 2C
up tbe ~ l .. <:k when Mazda 13 completed In lh( fall.
It:glslaturc over GOvernor M:utht:'QII 's Veil) five new members 3ttc mling classes . Uur A ctt on Lon
Some Iravelct5 a rc bc,"~ r'dc.:rred QU I on jobs, hlH
yea rs ugo wu II Slart (Ow,ltd luwel wages Ln Ut:lh, nHllec hAd 1I succcsdul yeJlr Wllh Ihe !.:t lc •
I underst.1nd 1herl! ;Ir e qUlle fI few on the book .
:tlld no ..... Ihe ::;:U IC Is faclIlg malal bu\lg~t dd1cll~ Anhcul-icr Rusch T -.. hl ll sand Local6S jackets . TI·
We h eld a Uf Apprentice B.lnquc1 ]I) OC lobc r li t
I he gtl\'ern o l 15 now askmA for tax Incre:lses and ,\ ppre ntl chhl p COl1llllltlee uffc rcd a ....·Ide Vanc i
the Dc ll ntt Yacht C lub) I 4 (ormer ap pr entice..
.. ure hargcs bCl;llusc Uuhns do not make a (;111" of Joumcytn J n ttUII'lItg c1a:.scs and sem inars, II
rcc~l ... ed c;c rll flcatcs fm ttlln plctlnr. our apflr\:tUlCc
wage Commun "e ll sc tells me the smaller the cl uiling fiber optics :and IlwRrammable controller
progrOlI11 They welc ad"'I'>cd by the s/'Icakcrs In
Jlllycheck . thc ~rna lle l the lax bite Let us hope lllLr Thc orr commlltcc rllIl Ycry d(e c t JYc pholl
kcep up Ihclr cduc;l l Lu n Ihftlugh Iu urneyman 1r.11n -
(nends m Id.lho don' t end lip down thJ!> ru:ad, fur b:anb and mailings [0 gel ou r mcmbc l slup out I
IIlg cmlr'fes lIS one ufcgu:arJ In prOtectllLg rhell
Ihey hll\·e fCltlOved state prev"llin~ ..... age laws :and "'Ul~ . 1 he results were Immediate 35 several (rlt:llc
(uture A s yOung )Ol:n neymen, they must be good,
enac ted ttle " IIAh! lo' ..... ork ·· lllw an Id.lho of laba, w~rc PUt In "flice COPE endor cd cand
knowlcd ll,l!aMe, and {Ilodue ll\'e If they ate to COm
t.nough on tlu: n Cfll1tlve sldc, L I us contlnue 10 pete :a gJlnSl the nonunion elemcm Of lIlI Ihe dates were e lcch:d 10 titt' Senate. C(Jn~reS5, Su.t~
fight fill a st rong middle class Amerlc.:! :.and put house, and goyern I'!o olficc m Colur:adu
s peakers, lind the re: wt:rt many, President Mike
Americans back to wo rk with a fllir wage The 10c.aI '1I Rf:tlred Members Club W:115 o nc (
Hogan Iccelved tbe most appl3lJs c when hr:: deCided
Recently Ileran ed on the fillp e de.itb of Brother to fO lgo hl.5: sJlt:cch III (l rd t to expedite the .a~end;!! ou r hlAAC!lt assets dUlln~ Ih e. past )'c;!!r OUt retire
....w Lane Jensen and IndlC;!!ted Ih~ mr::m~rs of the Cle'" Janet Coc.h t.ln and DaVid l'ell'T, ..... e re selectcd h om members ' P;!!rtIC1i';!!tlon WAS tft'.:ltly .1i'l'l ct,.lated b
gavea V:l!Jllnt dfort co saYf: hts 11ft:. I hose Hrother~ then re~pcctlye classes ill!' the top lIpprenllce cbe enti re mcmber.. hip Other aut" Includc
'" ~nvolv«l werr:: I!feW sUJ"etyi~o r Ron mlth! IOUl Congl31UIlltions to both of you ' members sueh ,,~ 8wlhC'r Mlc hacl W FOTbcs, r.
> neym:ln ItnenH: n Larry Walker, RoydC'D Menden W;,Itehlng lIu'se flew lourneymen reetHe ,hell o rlCnt uf the Roy P Kennedy Aw.ard for OUl'ital1l
a: hall, .1nd Doug DII. equipment op~'alOr Eu~e::nf: lIlg .Ipr rentlee of 1986
wplomu" )'ou ean ', .. tOp hUI wo nder what lacs
:3a: Bcck , and geneul belper Kent hllds Unfonu ahc.:!d ftl, them. ll.1.vin& worled wlth m<&ny 0( them. All In :all . 1986 pro\'td to be II puldu lIVe. yel
n:ndy ,he ir effurts werr: 10 V.lln
m J ted somewh.1I secure In thtl! "bll"y to pr::rrclIm lU I lJu r h.tt..OII, ho .... c ... e ' , full employmcnt w;!!s DC
w I .1m SOH)' IU report rh:tt .1 fo rmcr bU!.lIlc" ~ theu trolde 8 cII1R II (jr~1 ind 5Ccond-pllnch ,OUI one 01 OUI oI chlcvemenl5 Many o f ou, membel
'-'- managcr of L()Cal '1 7 h.aoo /'IJ,II .... "t"d away O,oth(;l ncym.1n iii 3 whole !lCv. ledllllH" eXpcrlence You '.lund cm ploymcnt 10 othc l IUIISdu. IIUII " ,IIUUD
loseph Nichols was bUSlncS.$ man;!!g(:' from Decem mU!.f n u w Itty on yourself ;lnd Ihe sktll<ii you h3ve the euu n"y Specllt l th llnks 10 Loc:lh .1. 124. 13.
ber 3 , 1941 . 10 ' uly 10, 1952 , 'Oe wa.s a fnendly develorcd You alt.: a sm~lI, Independent hOJ~Ul{,!i.S 164.211 , 2i1 1. 291, .lB. 400, .l.41, SO l, 65~, 7lc
,and ~Iboulllllrll.: Iliau ,IUJ ",hI} wdl l c3p~c{cd llll 11I ~ man SciUllI. yo ur serYI(:C5 to an em ployer wtthm and 1'i79 fot offtnnlt rmpJoymen l 10 our loc.!!
ability IS.I bUl lOCM mamlgel Many of Ihe thlR~s the frame ......()lk o f the: union You arc eJCrccted to tla\c1I1lp: l\tothcrs and SISlc-ts We hope II) be abl
we now uke for guntcd In 0 11 1 con ll :lc r .. were perform 10 the best of your .1balllY (:l od hopefully to mtel thc c hallenl:e~ . nd g0.3J.s the n w ye3' m3
made possible thrntl~h hiS c(f\,')ru We \'o' l"h 10 wllh A, e,lI "nd el th e wldc yo u so p3lnslllkln..:ly offer l'arllCljlatlt1n lind Input by our mcmbcrs h l
express ou r cOlldolencc/; w lU ll wlfc :and famIly learned 11(ln ' t be ashamr:d to ol:.k qUC'Stll"'''', nQ Will he o ur ( IfOltRCSI assetS tmd bC'lOltoc.I!!I tt, U!Ut
Ou r conrn(uC'tI Cl n outlouk I!J tc rll ble due to the W.ly cou ld you n,.'iYC folMlh;ltIzcd yl'tlll:-eH wl(l. there I( !if lcnglh. Be rroud o f our loc:!I, ;and b
economle cond itions in ou r Arca, With very lillie every aspeel o f our work Wau::h how others per- rrnmllO be union'
22 work on the h'1rium . Wc WIll be involveJ In form til sk!l, .1 11d sec If you elUl rnc o rpor;,lt c lilly 01
I hope your New Ycar's rC'iolUlIons mcluded fo r all work lngpeopic mcludtng nonunion .... o rkers.
Work Crew 3 tH:ndlitg your un ion meetings. Wlltn did you last lnbor o rgan izalions al so re mal n in tl1<.' forefron t
attcnu l of th e ba ttl es to pro t ec t consume r rights an d secu re
GRECC " W AUY" SICKL.ES, B.M., JustLce and equ3.hty lor all cilioz:cns
In :lddlllon t o betng under many dLfferent types
of 3tt;lCk, one I most. d:tm3g:ing 10 ou r unions '
Work Outlook Begins su rviva l 11u t is.m economic .attack thlough the
Im port of foreigll goods. Th ese fo rcl)il'l l1l.1de prod
To Appear Hopeful UCtS arc fhmdi ng (Jur country 's marke t !>.1 I;J record
L.U. 77 (o, u~mt ), SEATTLE, WAS H. -The con- rate. T he IrOntC thmg about thts type of a tt ack I S
S[fI.lCllon work plC l u re Ull Ihl." west sule l ook~ good Ih.n In most c ascs these goods were produccd undel
Ihwu lth the winter Se rvice ElectriC WI)) be starling wage and workm~ cundilluns Ihat w ould be IlIegjl
a lob 1m Metro TnmSlt aflcr 'anuary. Th ey will If an cmployt-r uscd thcm 111 Amerlca_ The se Im -
Local 71, Columb us , Ohio, m embers are s ho wn o n usc one crew, M o%.3 Will be surtmg:l high line lob pOrtS 3rc pushing Amerlc:ln· lind unIOn ·made prod ·
URO lob, cw Rive., Ell! cuica l Corpor;lI ion, on for Srwll(lll11sh PUD <liter tile fi rSI of the year, and uctS OUI o f mark et IIftc r ma l kct-frVIlI shoes tllld
bus lind So uthrn Ohio Eh:clric Compal1Y WIIsoll h:ls ~t3rted the P()l 1 LeWI S ,o b It·xulcs 10 smal l 3r rh:lllces and de(;t ro ntcs to toy
1.'0,,,",, On t h e- eaSI Side tll e work shou ld ptck up in wagons and :ll1tmnobdes. in c bottom Itnc LS that
Ihls IS c sung Amcnc;lns thell jobs
urly 1981; h oweve r, the Spokane llrc:l looks bleak
fO I connuclion In 19 7 um: tu Washmgton \Yaler We 3S union members and citIZens Ilf the Untted
Powel budge t cUlbach Sta tes can star thlS forclgn IDVaSIOn by Simply
Negol13tl Ons on the I(lUr local NECA contracts rciuslIlg 10 buy Imported produc t s.. We can protcc t
are und er w ay with bOlh :;H.lC~ h nv m g ex changed the American w.'y of life lind IlS I.:eu nomy by
prellnlllUl ry pfO llOsa ls No pi ogress to repun at thiS Ins isting un buyin): Amcrl can-made PWduCh We
lime. All s/.'r :H.1l e Itne·cli...arancc .I/o1tcemen ts .HC call protect all that unlOn~ stand for and ha. ... e
opm fOl wage only on the final yea r of a rhr..:c+ gamed for AmclIea by always bUYIllA unionm<ade
year contract. ami the.e I~ no pmg rcs'i 10 rq'IUrt a[ mercha.ndl se:
thiS SI.lIIf,e of negotlatlllll!.. A um on's very eXISlenC!! has alw.lllYs b~cn based
The BHlt!-II~rhOl)J FUI~d IS conl lnumg to proVid e upun the Concept of th e wllllllgn~s!l of peopl e to
IlInll ed fina ncHl1 ass lstancc W ollr C()OstrllC tl UIl wor k toget h cI :lnd SUpp OIl (L1ch o th er . A (;tJllce pt
Bro t bers nnu ' ISlcrs wh u llfcdlsabled ur 11'1 dl" ress. o f th iS nature m eans J"uillng our hard-e:lIncd,
Tu thllse o f you who h:lve cuntJlbut cd to thl., fund, linton made money where ou r hea rts .If!!; and th;!t
W!! thank you lur YOUr gt.:ncrostty. IS In unIOn entl'!rprlScS and union products.


Here b a small hstmg of Amenc:m madc, U11Lon-
" Lumpy" Willia ms, leh, lind Donll id " ~' i l o"
made producls' Brun~wlek pool t:lbles, H.uley·
n,on, . , on model Lou l 71 jlld"~ I ~.
D:lvH!s.on motorC)·dcs, MITIOr cookware, M\1rl(Jn
Everyone Should Work .. nit , Ll bhy canned goods, rulgers cofft.!c, DelMonte
canned X()()d~ , "Iaillers peallutS, Pc t foods, Yo pl an
struction , Utility Work To Organize the Nonunion yogurt, Coleman cam pmJt equipment, Cad bu ry
Improvement LU . 80 li , o , rI ~&.~ pa ', ORFOLK, VA.-The work choco\;lIcs. and Wern e r ladders. LCt'01; all m:lkc a
In thiS ,UJlSdLClIOn remains good. The loelll th anks concerted eHort ItJ rroteCI our Amencan way of
L.U. 7110 ri b), COLU MB U S, 0 1110- The utfiCCfS life by Jlurc.hasln~ IInton- made and Amertcan ·made
ItS Sister locals for their help III mnn n mg nur lubs.
Local 71 hor c yuur holidays w~'n~ JOY OU!', happy pw du(;ls.
I-Iolida),t!o arc a solem n CVl:nt th olt Jffll rd$ us It's a g,O()U keh n g to know all the Broth er~ :lnd
Sisters whu wl~h It) wl)lk III the .IIC oO (;;lIt J o so. FI[UllNl. W • •UII.LE.Y, P.S.
to rd ll!Ct on t he pasl .md dream to ..... ard the
BustnC!lS Ma n,ls!..'r Sykes reminds the members Ihat
iJ time fOf fanllllC"S to gathe r and exchange
of food, and IUl5 of love As we bc:&Ln yet althou.:h the re $f."em$ to be a 101 of ulllon wurk
WI!" look fO f¥. :I,d to :I safe and
~OIO~ on, wC'le unly CUlltrulllJl.ll. 10 to IS percent Brothers Ruscher, Kelly,
of the work ou t Ihen! . It should be (nC obllg;t ll on Aub le Represent Local
of cycry ducs' fuymg membe r to do hi S best 10
v,,, ',","""""'0" work looks tu Improve III 19 7 o rg.ln12;C the n (.J!1lIlIlUIl Clt:L III CHIII .. who a rc d0 1l1~ L.U. 86 (i, rts,cm&. s pa), nOCIIEST [ R, N.Y .-" A
li.gh ung and tr.1(fic ,slgrul ProIC<;tS were t hc Olhcr 85 pertent B\:ller Way o f Life Through the IUEW" was the
scheduled to ~ I art III t he spring A nlflior hi~ h · AtHUI Novcmbe l meCIIII,Io;: our newest members t heme of the JJrd Inlcrnullonal Cunvcnllon held
tn:l , ·lightlng converSion p rOlcCt Oil 1270 In Co- In To ronto, Canada, on Septc=mhcl 15-19, 1986_
look (heIr obligation. They are MIChilel L. C{)(IJ"c r
lumbus. OhiO, will be bid In '8,1 H lth ..... 3,. can· and ,effrey F. Bwx:m , bt.)lh appn.'nuc".. ...·.renu·n The week long ConvenlJon hdd \:\-,cry four yCoifS
s truction In cr:rll ral Ohm IS S:lIU to b..- gouJ for tht.! C(."ln~r;uu l atlOns, 8rothers Brother I-li cks prl!' elects olficel s, h,LmHes last ·step gnevallces, amends
nex t 10 years ",cl'lo:\1 Brother leffrey A J\lrlh;r With hiS juurney· t he mEW COnStlllltHln, and tIcals With many mhe r
Our u t ility ...... ork looks to show some rccovr:ry man eM.!. Congratula ll ons, kif. I ~"UC S thlLt go with acimtllJo;lc n ng th e llccd!i o f
this ),c.1r T his ma.rkcl 11.1'~ becn .. Iu w fo r ohmu 10 Was there cver n !Im e when slIlIIethlllg may have al m ost line mlllltln nu.:mb~r'\.
ycar1 Wllh thc Cxccputln of Cllu:lIlnall, 1111 otht.! f h;] (Ipcncd on the: lobslI!..' ur In the ')hop, ..lnd you Our cl)ngr.a t uIJtlons go out to ;til the elected
a rens ~how pOSitive r~sj)()n~~ Presently N...-:w Rive l wante:ll to "hoi It.: II ...·,th orne of the memb..:ro;; 01 olAcelS .... tto through the due process WIll gUide us
nas II URD contract on CSOE propcny_ 'I hc L. E the local You could, you know, IU..,I by lhupplOg Ihrou gh thc Ill'XI four trying ye.ar!>. It 110 OUI h ope
Myers ComrJny has dlsmbutlon crew!> on OhiO YOUIS truly a nntC'. I'd be happy lu sp , e.Jd Ihe wonl that the r.Jnk anJ fill! Will ,om wah our elected
Power and OhIO Edlsun plOpelly Bru'i:t.! and M er· I'm !fuly stlrry to h.w\' ttl relmll Ih e dc,lIh of officets tn hdpll1~ Ihe Brllthcrho",J achlc \'e II ~
nlt.!L's Elec lil c Co mpany has a substa tion 1ll,1I!1te- thr~e of our rClLrc u members Th l'Y ar..: lack It cnley. m3ny f:() i1ls
nance contrac t on CSOE pro pc rt y D I ~t llbulioO MelVin C h eshire, and B D "Ca t Ash" Elhult I hese Repre.,ell ll ng ~6:11 Ihe ClInvcnt iul1 were Cordon
work IS scheduled to be: hid fm Cl ... vcland .lItd TlpP t hn!1.' Brnlhcr~ were all "reclalm their own W.I)·. Ruschcr, busml.'~s m.lnagcrj Jobn T Ke lly, presL
Cuy soon We Will all nU5S Catfisll' :r.l:a Ma rtu, a nJ I'll mISs dent; .Ind W'11I1.am Auble, Executlv<.' Board chalr-
Loul 7 1 wtll be: ncgowl11ng SC;\'Cr31 con tl nCIS at readlllg hiS Manllme Unton nC ..... '!pilpl·r luc!!.l 80 mlln _ A spcCL:l1 th anks to Theresa Kelly for the
WCMH-TV. Channel 4, studioS IhlS yea r Tlle pTtJp expre"'ic<l: h~ sympathy IU Ihe Iin'cd onc~ uf Jdck, phmogl:lphlc display she madc 3v:1I1.1blc: to the
,md !loor pe rsonnel nwficd a new, Ihre(!·year can· Ches, and Catn~h Inc ;!!, which is so nIcel y dlsplaye d III (HIT A n
unct Iccently. 8.1"IC c ha nAes in cl ude a 5 pe rce nl COI1~r;rtu l.lI WII' tu th~ Ill.:\>'·t.::!ol mt.!m bers (,f ou r Bruczi ckL 1I i1ll
Inercasc in wages, an In<'fcase In IIcCldt' nI msur EX:lm llllllg BIlMJ, Bru~t.! W l,)ol rid~c :lnd Tommy 'Til n cJo; \ munth
ancc, lind an annua l V:lC:lIII:m schedule Ou r l'ngl- RidlllJ.:s RIUIAIIP W Mll l-unt, 1I!t
I ncc rs relectcd thclI first propl)s.ll. and at thIS
wlllmg we an:- sull negott:utng
I would hke 10 CORpfllulatl.: Ihree of our new Local- Endorsed Candidates
ALBAT OIrp'l.:lluct's Ihmher DaVid Kukhnde I~ Support Your Economy; Were Successful
emp loyed by Ih e L.£ MYl:f~ o mp:lIlY I and th e
Owens brothers, Wl'lI and Dale. arc emp ltlyed by
Buy American, Union 1..U. 90 (i&c m l, EW flAVI:.N , CONN.-O \"\;r the
New Rive r Elect ri ca l CorporatlOn _ All thiee .1ft; l. U. K~ IO, u ,l& r:lll vl, ATLA NT.\ , GA.-wll~1I you past so,;vt.:r.ll months, ,,",'j,! urgcd OUI mcmb(.'r'4)up
.and their lamilll:5 w suppun e1ccted offiCials \\ ho -'
domg a gre3t Job ;and .are sure to make (')lcdlcn t stop ilnJ Ihmk .Ibuut It, tho,; sccurlty 01 our futl.l rc
loumc:ynun lmemen .3.s wtllkillgpcoJ"le IS wlthtn OU t eUlintry's Ul1IlIns .,tlppo rt l'd the lahur movement Wt'" WcrC successful ""a:z
OUt mOS I rcccllI 50/50 drawll1g wIDner! werc B Few nrg:lnt2!!.lIuns ha ... e (;Ilnt llbutl:u lll\Jre 10 Im- 11\ our cffolls. QUI cort-endorsed CJndnL1l e for

G D IlVIS and Dave Dean from the Ckvdallt;i Unit pr!)v!: the: well hell1S of the Atnctlcll n peo('lle nml thc U . S. SCOrtll; W.I ~ Ch ri ~ DII\!.!. Sen,IIM Dodd h as 5-,
Brothe r Kenny Lindsey hit l! tWO li mes III Ii row raise the Am tric.1n Slirndnnl ul liv in g 111.1n hlbor e~ 1 3blt ~ h ed huu:-;df ns 3 workingman's nun) hi'
aI the C oillmbu s Unit meetmg ongr;\tu b tions UnlQnti vutrng record .IS :I U.S. ScnJlur was 98 pe rcent In
also 10 Brothel " Wmk" Brown on receivmg.a 20 10 ttll'5 day and lime, II IS fashIOnable 10 .1ttack lavor of Inbot-c:ndursed ICKL'ilaIlOIl~ illS ove r-
}C.lIIr pm. Brothe r Wink I Local 71' chu:f pracucal ;md ridicule unions. Those who do lOU arc C,l'atmg whclnung VlCloq' was no grl:at:r.urprt~(' . fot So,;nlltor
Joker. It's nice 10 turn the tahles on tum for II a gT3"C error Throughout these United St.J tes, Dodd has proven hiS VAlue to t he people of un-
change. labor unIon w agcs and bcneflts sc t t he st.1nd3rd ncctiC1.lI tllne ;]nd lime agllin 23
Our congle ~lIJn.a1 OPE 5uPf1(utcd c3ndld,lll,:!1 !lc(IClaIY. halt W41~h. h I Uo;J ... urcr, Bill C;a.rdncll Brother's Son Wins
did well also. Thre or the lour local cllndldau~,!I ;lnJ financia l secrcl.lIY. IlIhn Neilson Ele:cted t o
w~le \ucc~ssful In thell bids. Congrcs.swoman the BOJld of DlreCIOI .1HO E CoPPlOgCt. I Dollard, Weight Lifting Award
&,bara Kennelly llnd Congressmen Bruce: Mom- I F;arro"ft , T Cummd K Homcmlln, D. Lyn ch. LU . 106 (i,u..spa$.cat\'l, IAMESTO \\ N, N. )' .-Ken
son Olnd Slim Gedcnson J~mc Cohr'.n mild( II I, . M McGlinchcy, R Trent, .and B_ V~lcnllRc. me
l'oa.rIc.Ci. son of Brothet Ittm l'alks, .......... wl!.nit:d
"alb.nt cHon In hIs unsucccsstul bid, It( "'.., MURRAV hi PS ~llver medal In the: he:av)'wc lght (.illS'; of th~ Na
Governor Wilham O'Ncl1 and Anomey Cencral Ilona I Wh.eeJchan Athletic. A. SOCla ll un's WeIght
loseph Llbcrmiln staged ovcrwhelmlng V1CtOnc:s In tilling Champlonsh.lp In Tu~all)(}sa, Alahama
,heir electltJl1!1, b(Hh men wcre suppoJ1ed by our Local Grateful For Ken 3ml hIS Wife OVercame IliS I-mlnute adve rsl tlcs
PAC Fund A laM of our Slale l ep{~c:nt:mvc:s and
how well thcy did will be published In our lucal
Efforts of Its Members when hiS a rrpliinc wa .. delaye:d, t.l.uslng him 10
aHl ve On hour befole hl!i' o;chcduled 11ft lime and
l1r'.w~papcr In the- Dcar fUlUrt' I II. 102 ( i~tJ ), PA I I:. R!'lON, N .I.- As ..... t mov<: lellvlng no time lo r :my W:lrm-up hft . Ken h:u:
Speokmg of Ihe loca! m: wspape r, t would pet- IntO 1987, the look b.tck a l '86 IS upbeat The loclil dlsploycd n ls cou roagt lind detet lllLn:l Il On toan y
sonally lak~ Ie) complimen t ' (Ihn Ceorgctte, 'r., cnJo~'cd very gC>Od cmpl ymcl'lt, dnd the l utll'e tlmcs !; In ~e ... mo\olc)'cle lIItc:iocnt Iclt hIm p:rln
editor of the "90 Ncws" for 1m c)u l s tal1d m~ iob, luuk " hll~ht Q ll l" Icdit Ul'lI on rCll ched unpanll lytcd from Ih e c h csi dow n . In lIdd JlcOn 10 h iS
John ahlo enables mc I pass 111) a~llhtl(lnal Infor- k ] ~J pl .IICIiUS as It con unually Increases l i S ",sse ! !> aclHcveme nts 111 the wel ghl Lthll1g COmpC\llIon
matiOn to our member. h lp whkh I'm not .1blc tn nnJ sctvl ce~. OU I Anllual Outmg was cxccllent 3$ he ha s devoted II 1m of hi .. tim e to (ul't herin g ht!
Inelude In t he {uuma! because of ilmitrti :' J~;11"1' was the DCCI."It'lht'r mel'! 111& 1\"1'1"'("1111' ntnnl"T with cd uc4lion and hdplIl& oth~ r handlcn pped rndl",id.
A,.am , my comllitmenu to John and n,s
su.H IW(t lIS ;tCtlVC and l etlt~d members lIttendmg ual .. ovcrcomc their adve,sllle5
Unl n mee:tm~s IS whert~ "u" belong, I\s u~l.lal. many JH!, ('Ilc dC$I.':r.'c praIse: for thCIT Local 106 nHsed over S 1,500 10 .!oho ..... li S appre
ROBl:RT CORItARO. P hard wodt Brother H;rrry Saram aDd :tlllhe.offic.ers Cla,,"n and hel('l Ke:n with nJS e:xpe:nscs Thank.!
ol ou r Credit Unuln; Brothers St~\'e MoniCO, Bob to the fUlld r3I.!oefc.ommltICC : Tom Ucck, pr c.slden t
Cost3nllne, lohn MOniCO, and all the olhers who Tom McTavlsh, fa nnt. prC: .. lflenl / lobn f~"cnden
Representatives helped makC' our oU llng " ~11(·('"I·'i". R'llIh!' I" ,ne M.c:r t"tllry. Ind Oougl.:as Stock, huslII~~ manager
Fron and Illn Roc:hc lor our dmncl-(bnce:; Brothers and .III the 8ro,h~r lind locaJ COOl r.1CtDt whl
Iml Novlk. RIIY Kc:lh_tgg. And Sob Mc.Bn..lc for OUr c:ontrlbuted to the (unJ Be"1 of luck (0 Ken Park:
bowling luguc, Srmhels Frank Arndt. S,II Gorley, III all hiS endl!.lvOis.
Stc"e NcbDn fOI OUr cxc:d\l"nl Chlld ren'S Cb rl s, Cnn"r.uu latlons go OU t Ut the new memhers am
Illas Pa n )'l lnd others I'm SUt'!'! I fn lgol to men lion the: relllees of loc.11 106. The tWO nc:-w m(!mbe.rs
who .. e "'C IV lce goes u[)nnfll',.<t hur I'rrl;'linl}' n Ol SCOtt R.ahh.a~e and Cllry 0 H ull. wert! lDiuat(!d 3-
unJp('Il ccilltcd 8y tire w:r y. herc'" to Bro thers Joe: iourm:)'man WHcman ap pre ntlce:s We cl(tcnJ 01.1
Cavallo, Tom Rllln, and VlOec McBndc lor the n wl'.he" t OT many ye:u s 01 heahh :IfH) hapP1l1ess II
dfults nn (lut golf o uting. We have nltlny hanl - Rnhc li " nob" Wunder, a 37·ye:rr m i::m beI, and Ra'
workln>:, mcmbenl ,hank th m all fl'lr lIuch a gond e. Ahl.,.trot11 , :I .'O -year member
Pictu.r:d arc liorne of Ihe reprr:nntath'u who ai - LO(: :11 102 Our wOIk o u rlook io; dlln Wlln 1I lew project
ttnde-d Ih e Con ft'rf' nrl" of I hI.': 'Rf,W East e:rn Code I.IONll Ct)UTURIU, ('I • getttng !lUlled nnd 9 fcw clus mgdow n C(tOd lueI
Ad",ho ry Grou p. (Pho(o liu hmiued by t..A.lcat 98, to ou r trolvelll1& I1fOther" l wt' hore 10 e:mploy Ih en
Phil~dr: lph i ' . Pa.l 50011
Local Makes Use Of CIIAAU[ RURTON, P S
Seminar on 1987 National Public Relations Techniques
Electrical Code Changes Held l .U. IOJ ti,u&.csl. 80STO , MASS -On Novcm· Award
t..u. 98 (i&eml. PHl.l.AO ELPI-II A, PA .--On Octo- ),(-r " orgllnlzc:d labor gOt a big boos l with the
ber 20, 1986. loca198, Phlladelphlil, and Loc.ll (OJ. D~mocr<l t lc P2tIY, the pally of Iht" WOtklOg-d:l5s
1}Mton, h05U~d Ihe Ihlrd Annual Conference of Ibe: people • •egalOlOg cantlol o( thc Senlne. for the:
tBEW E",slem Code AdVisory Croup Hl Lancaner, fi rslllme 10 sile ye-a", bbor's lIgenda rur SOCial and
P~nn.5ylvania The:re were 41 reprc:scm:ulve of OUt e:cono n1lC lU!lue:e wtll faU on friendly I.':.1 r5. cna lOI
Brotherhood trom the nOTlheast 11\ :l ttenda ncle The Edward Kennedy (0 Mll ss.] Will be the Dew chaIr·
lhc:Oll': wa.,. " r.s Ihe En (orcc:ment of NEe In your man of the l abor anJ Hllman Rc:source Com m ittee.
lunsdlcuon Workmr, fO I You? " 11115 commI ttee IS thc onc Ot g3n1'Z.l!d labO! dea ls
The conse nsus of opinIOn was tha i thele IS little with o n n day -to day h.1"IS_ Orgamzed labor ..... arHS
code cnforcemcn t in thc northcast , and In !Jome to be treated faIrly , lind ..... lth Omn lIa tch. the
aleu none al all Every Inca I was urged to establish Repu blican an t iuniOI\ scn:llnr fro m Ulah gone as
a loca l code (.Omm lll C-1e to study and work lor cluurm:1n of (hi com m illee, !:thor 'li vllI ce Will
once: aga in he hcard In Wash ington, o .. Pictured ho' ding Ihe:ir 18EW Lil e Suing Award
bettcr enforcemcnt of lhe N Ee. Coals wele "':1 lor art' Malcolm Culp ppi!: r, Itll , and Norm an 8 ro wn
the upcomIng year, and OUt con ference \O.' as deem cd In o ur Male dccllons Loca l 103 c:ore:d 100
pc:rcent on Ihelr O PE -tndn rsed e.ll1d id.a te:s. All m c:mbeu of Local 108, Ta mpa, Fh .
a hugc succes by all Anyone Wishing 10 ~ PUI
on OU I m:llllOg lisl for fUluIe buJlottms, send your Ihe Dtmocr.lt5 running for .!IoIalcwlde: uffice w n
tUme, addle , and loc:.alll.fRha.tlcn to B,n Wus.m· by bit rnlquns , T hc stone lev,isb.ture. also leturned
he""vrly dt'lnocnlllt_ I bc!hevt the RCJg.ln Revolu.
Two Brothers Receive
cch, Local Union YH, I llY ~pnng Carden $trCC1, IBEW Life Saving Award
IJhlladclphlOl , 1't'nns)llvalllll 19130 lion IS dtoad, and II couldn't ha ....e happcne:d any
On SalUfd3)1, ovembc:r 8, 1986, Local 98'$ AI'" soonet L U, lOS IU,O,nll,c:5,s,mar,tes,rt b,rt s,spa,e.m, C:lI\'&'11
prcntlce3nd Tr.1lnmgCommlllel! sponso rcd atem- Local 103 reccnlly hlred.:le ('Iubhc rcilllt ODS e:Qn- TA MPA , FLA. -Local 108 had the: plcl,Isule (J
lOlir on thl! changes to the 1987 !lllnnai EII!CHic:.aI bullant, and Ihn cunsultant Will be: useful In oIddcng tWO mme name", to the ones that h:&v,
Code Spcak': f5 for , hIS :seminar were ,Ile Rus:s. getting our mebsagc out to the: publle: It's aboUt recelvcd Ihe valued IUEW Life Saving A ....·a rd Thes,
NEMA n IJ rcpU:SCnt li UVe, and Bill Wuslnkh, time wc hircd a profl.!Ulon.l1 clln§.uitant. lifter nil. t\O. (, BHuheT1 ....crc credited wrrh SIl\'l ng Ihe life 0
Local 98' s Instruc t o r ,HId membcl of Code MlIkmg we are ~d1ing a prnducl, a fcllow ..... ork I who becarne in cnn tde t wuh 764
Pllnd No 2 1n lhl! '87 c.ode there. a.rc m'e, 1,000 fur th e nrsl III11C the Ch n stmas h~hts (m ,he volt s when a wile lell "ClOSS the victim's back I
t.hangcs. It would be Imp ssible: togo ove r all lhosC" Bos ton COm lll on ..... I:!I U In .. tlltled by mcmbe:rs of nOl lor thclt sw~fl aC lI on and know how , H.D
c hangu In 11I-!:I 1 one llny. bUI Illnn), tbat rcl Jlc to Local 10.1. All the work W.1~ d.,nateJ by thl,' BO"'(l)n Lewl" may 110t be ali ve IUJ;])' We ,lie \cry I1rQU~
the kmd of work ....'c d(l were gonc oye l It was Chtlptci nf [CA, the indcpcm!clIl con n act tH" of llnll h el Cu lpepper and Brother Ilrown , who 10\1
rcpnllcd Ihut I I of these changu 10 the 'X7 code 51gnil lory 10 l oe.lll If.l\, and locill 103 OJ l!'m bcr~ ..I liS! of J7 10c.lI memkt"n who k.lve cccc.lvc.d th\
,.a: were. proposl"d by Locnl 98 member!! Those: who Th e posit ive publIC ,elation .. we gel OU I 01 Ihl prcS1iglOU5 .:Iew..IrJ , We wuuld ilke to com m cn~

attended Ih e !lemlnllr were treated to a prl"l(cs lana i
pre DlanOn and rece"' t.-d a cr'. IIIJlc:a tC of attend
('Ir!)leCt Will help In the Illlu l e
The: MII<;<." c hu~tI~ AFl ·CI IS oal.so Reiling m
\'1J]'o'cd In publiC Id 'lIlClns The: M..ass;3chusttts AfL
CIO h,15 bought adH'lI"IIIK lime on blUboa.rd
them for thCIT pOSItive t(• .I Cllon unde r such lI )lm,
conditIOns Cvod lob, OrOthers!
We .1fe <;111111\ negotlalltlOS at f.lmpa Shlpy;uds
CD lou) Unum Prcsldcnt Flcd Compton, a delegOlte The kdcral mcdlJtor ha~ hc:cn IOvnh'tc1lor the l..ls
w to the IDlern41jonai A!>SOC laUII" ul E-lcl;u h ... 1 1,\- ·;(( rn .. 5: the: ~tJH" from A('~rrly \nmll1l1nlr:rllon" ~ II "·"'· .. lms bUI nOlt,,".!; !'>~m~ 1(1 c.b8l1J;e tho

SpeC IOrs IIAUI, reccntly announcrd the IIl1nlla l
t"ir'.ulon re: .. uh~ lOT 19M Mem~n of Loul 98
3glln hold tluee: or thc fnul SCat .. , (he:¥ arc Bralhers
Bin WUStnlch, Ceorgc: QUinn, and KevlO ompton
Sign [;llOlIOlttOI ~Is:.nuory with Loc;lll OJ FOI SISO
;30)' Inc..al c..In splln.,.m ;I billhoird wllh Ihell m".s
lise on II It 'S;3 ,R(H-xi \\ay 10 leI the public kno ...·
\O.~ ar~ ahve JDt! well If1 Ma ".IChu"~IIS , woold
company'" iltlltude_The comp3ny decla.n:d an 1m
PJ5\C lIn..l Imfllcmenrcd theIT final offer on Dec.em
ber 2, 1986. We have: tile:d (hargcs w\lh Ute NLRI
And .. Ie look,"J: forwJld lu a long, ha rd bailie
:> like III SOl) In a!llne emlcs of orl:aol:teJ labor. whll
Conkratullillon'll to;all of yuu We 0I11! 6ure th.u you In nur Tl:'CO Unll .... e: have UHI ,""on <I VCT'
Q Will 1,,-,rUIII' Y\'U! d~tu.: '" Iv cnJke l ocJ.1 98 proud nIl" II" Ih'ad Jnd huned. th:ll we lire bock: and w(: }mp"n.H11 a rhllOItlHn ca'.t' Ihal fl UI 11 17-}'t!,lT em
In Novcmbt:, the tlectllcaJ McduillIC'S i\"~Otl tI'e back t1~hllnJt. N\.'v~1 agJl11 "" 111 we .. !! IlJlc ...... 111 1(' plll)'cc iI.ILk ICl wotk Wllh full back plly Ih:1I luta lel
~ .<Ilion li:.I"IAI u( lucal 98 hc-ld ItS nomln:lIl(mS .and you Ire Jbulit U<;I Jppr(l!o:lm;Ilr'.)Y 515.0UO (lnd res u lHed JII hiS se-
!!! elel':.thms. ,llt: follOWing mcmhcrs arc the: new Un n l nC'I t month m,)y Gnd hie ..'" ynu and be nl Orl tV tights. EVr'.r hem Ihe SUlIemcnt by 011'1.1
nfAc:c ls :rnd dlreetou for 1981 prcMdclIl, Fred pl l1ud III ht,. UIlC ' }!] ell'l.fl loyce:s thai unlan~ have o utl!\' cJ d1t::11 useful
24 Comp,on. \'Iu~ plI!"sldcnl , To m NC I \-;on, rc~ordin~ ne"~ lind art" 11') lons;er nn.e:o.s ary l Well, here Is ~
C.:Ise that dlu pprmc .. Ihllt Iheory Without rque ·
<;;.:ntauon tim; InngtlOt.: .:mplo)ll'c "",ould ha\'e un ·
Good Hun t Committee Members
IU511y lost his lob We have a Jew other cas(:s -..I

~nd J.ng .;ubllU li on .11 thiS tlme l bu t, otherwise,

things are gomg pre ll )' "",cillO this un J!
So C )'ou ne..:t mon th

Company Shows Concern

For Brother in Need
L.U . 111111&'U), Dt. N Vt.R , COLU. Out ~ Hlt IO{'.lI1
IIlllOns In th ~' II ),;hlh Dlstnct .1 1e prc~c Jl tly wo rki ng
w u h the NE C A co ntr.letars to sec the fC lI s,nll llY ' huwn lelt til ri g h l art: 1Ilt!lIlbcts of Local 124 ,
of negol lllt lnJ:.l A,,'c statt HEA C on " truCIIOIi Agree KallS iiS itf. 1'1' 0., who wr.re 011 the C hri 'llm:t 'i
Rrolher l ol'l ll ;anlin ~
Loe .. 1 Il l, Ke nnewi ck. Wa."lh.,
m~· nt The l'lJrposc 101 llus Iype IlJ .-m a~l eeITH.:nt
O:ancc: C omm ittee th is )'ur: G rn )' \Yilli om s, Jot:
.. lid t he lJoph r bull hf bag';teod in th t Bl u e MOlin·
u lU nb'alll work h.1C,k hom the nonunion can· Mason , lIa,vey lIohb ,. T om Lo c kwo od, and rl b-
uin s.
IrlctOis th.1t .lIe ~') he3Y lly ItlYulycd an uus area id eon! Ed Dr;;J kr. 1'0 ,howli h MfS. JOf' t u on.
Thuc bJ.vc been sevenl meeun~ held In C;ah t .. ke Do' Robell ~ lIt' 11a, hn:n U.,cJ, .. hu~ed ..and ",.lSI
City, Uuh, re~:lI dlflg dus sublect Tile ~tale of aS1de, but he ha~ beerl there yeM afte r yc.t r We I!> :,ttll ~1",\1 M{I~t of the mernbt:rs Me ..... Mkln)l,
Culll",do 1'1 he mg re(Hl',en t ed by Lllca l Ill, .lI1d 1I l'1 p rC'ela l l.l you. 0.11 In larnlJ ry e,er, Giiillp lII Will .ln d WC .;lho h;'!ve 6.10 n avden W(lr klll1: lItrtlUKhol1!
IU lther Il\fnrn llllllJII ,.,. Ill he Ir'nhcemmg :Il you r fi ni sh ou t th e year {I~ the l)lh c r IlHtrUctUl G l eg the grea t er Kann. Ity:arc li
leg.u lar construc ti o n un n meetln~) t.D u ght la<;;t year I1I1U J IJ .I /In C' Ilih It's g\HKi III ha ve On Deccmbe r 6. j9~1\ Lee;l) 124 he ld It!> Annual
Journe)'man ILnemen atC agam In nl~h dt'mand hUll b:lck III Ille llnt·up rhl.: ll" h.;tve beell some Chnsuna§ Dance. and thele W.lS " huge turnout
back cast Local Union J';R In Penh Ambuy, cw lournl::yml::n ..... ho ::tl~o hd~d te.lch some: cbsses W DAF til uunlrY em(ecd the J,mce , hul;l hoop
Jcrsey. toc'}l 1().S9 III Lonl; Island, cw York ilnd Th .. nks to D.:an Dufresnc, urry Cah.1ldon. IXnlllS (unlcSt, and the o l her entcrtalnment We: would
local 41 In Hallford , Connecticut, <lire all In need WIIII.3mson and .anyo ne else I vc ml"sed ..... ho has hke to tl1ank .311 the- COn tueUl rs of NECA who
of lourneymen Thc!>c pay $Cal!!1 rangc from $18 46 hc:lped. t the lI i1.lnlng een lef donated the door f1l lzes whi ch welt: r;.alned off
10 $19.45 rer hour, amI ont con tr actor Ii pll}' lllJ!: 1\ couple (\f lIur Ihmilcr" b .. J KlluJ Iud. dunng ,lllrmg the da n ce I lie Dance lImmlttcc cons is ted
two n ights ', lodging plus gas fO I ),,,,.11 tra vel H .lin )' hunting sea'lon. H afl.1Il Ilr:ad lcy look a nice: buc k oi Ca ry WI III llms, JIlC M.lson, Il.l rycy Iltlbbs. Tum
IL ne m an I In tcn:stcd In tillS wmk, please COlllact an d a sp ike hull u n ;tll regon hunt 19f16 '8 biggest Lockwoud, .I l1d PrCllildent Ed Duke _ We would :I l$(,l
the COllSltuctmn ol lu::c 1m further m fo rm.ltu~ n . braggmg rtlthu bclons; to Jocl I I;mhng who h.;t~ed like 10 th;mk:lll thos~' w ho donated Ibr.1I li me III
The.' Slulgcon E.leullfo. Comp,lIl), IS presently II t ro phy bull In t he Blue Muulmllns Also 3 10ng $ClU ng ur the decutiltluns ami helping With tbe
Im'olved an ItS O~n lund· raiser fo r BrothC'r Wes on Ihe hunt wefl' Bill Snuth, .... l1u ".;t 112 Ole mber clcanup Everybody wo rklll,KII),I;cther h clrcd m.lke
.;ur, who 11.1.5 been IIi dlsp:lteher for many yens lind :I Sl.ue clecllleal lIl"pectur and BIll lcurnl&. the dance 11 bin sUCce~~
They .. re l!!qucstlOg dOnlltlOM lu r the J1UlpO'~ of brmhef of newly dcctcd Stale Rcpresenl~tlve h m On Salurd;ly, IX I,!nlbel 10, 19R6, seve ral BrOlh
supp lymg Wes w ll h :a IICW wheelehall lhat ..... 11 1 Je bemlg Cood gOing, loci CrS from Ihc loc31 d lsw butcd hnsllnllS haskets-
cost n e(1 n ~ ttl e lll ble a m u u nt uf moncy. The Con· mcc OUT lost ' CpO ll ..... e hnvc l u~( 11I1C ;IClive conslSt lllg 01 c" n lle,1 ,:(II ItJS, fr Uit,. vc~cl.l hlc!>, and
'!truC IWll Ih uthe l horld J:und ha s d o n:lI ed .$300 tIJ mcmbl.: l Rlill fOll r rell red m embers Q LlI a (;lIve lU rkeys I} I h:llns-- w thc f1eelty f,u ndle!i n l Loc;!1
Stu rgeon , ,old I hore m.1ny of hl.s friends :lnd u u r membe r WtL1 1{..:n IY L " Hank " ZIC ln 3n ...... h o w.n 124 Eve ryhody who dl)1l 3ted Ihelr ti me and nelp
membership ..... 11 1 hclp Sturgcon rC;ILh I t<; goal in OUf past business llunJge r and m o re: reccnt ly an In t hIS eyent w:as g rcatl), ;!pprCCllilcd.
tht ncar fUHllt The Inc.al urllon olfh:c will .aSSiSt Intern .. tlon,11 Repre~entattyc In tnt" Nmrn DI~lrI ct Now t l1at softball S(lIwn IS (Jvel . WI:: agl1l1l mo"'c
Slu , geon III this r.ffolt If .. nyonr. would like to send orAce OUI rcured mCIOht.:l s Wt"IC R::tlrh A Hilkel , t(llhe SCII~ln (II ba"kctball ..... Ith the belp til Oro t he,
0 1 drop off money 10 forward to t he cbmrany Lesltr. Rr:lI11blell , CCIUKe I. 11.111 . .3nd Charlcy Mike D,mllcu The Blo thers o f Local IlJ mee l
Tht' EdUca t IOn Commil i ec has SHlftcd IIscl .. ~es_ Bis hop We extend our sympilll1l1:'S t(J .. 11 thclr evcry T ucsilay cvcnrnl! fO I twu hou rs In I,lay bas -
Tht n rsl Wo1'" fur trafRc Cilll i rul There wele 3p' f.lnulics and l ll end" ketball at BI'ino f1 1-1 0.1:<1 11 HIs.:h Scbuo l
p roxlInatcly 10 ar pltL.l ZIIS wl10 a tt ended and touk R.... II·I( Ihm Mlt,lll". P.S
lldvan tage of tilts cou rse t n ;'! t was IOstn.1tled b)'
Bro ther C. , Harms. I underst:md II wa'i well
rec:elvt'd .lind that Uro tbcr H!um<; provided a vnl' Union Hall Business Do Election Resu lts
good COUtSe Other cI:lsses the)' :la- looking to PUt
on In theo neolr future III lude fils i liid caul es and Hours Are Changed Indicate Belief Change?
a tUDsforrner COurse. II you .lIrt IntcrNtt"d. you L U. II I (i,O .U,&C3 tyl, COLO RADO M' IW\GS , L.U. 130 ti 01. ' EWORLEANS,LA,- Well. lgm:.ss
need to apply ,II lh t construC lJ l,ln office and ge' t OLO .-Crcc(IIl~~. B,vthe rs::tnd SISlc r!> EV\.:ryone the November e1ecllons pmYe Illlce m o re the old
you r deposit III Plel\'i reme m oci these' C(turSeS here IS stt ll 'iomcwhal euphOri C oyer tilt: Ylc lo ries adage 1\1,ulley can't " lw.lYs bu y everything lunag·
lire u n a Hrst corne. fi rsl ' se rve b:l.!ou; .md Ihere arc uf th e: r:I ec l lOllS. Spec l.:!1 than ks IIrc extended to Inc so m e 0 1 t ne mile! St 3tCS had Se ll llte r ncc~
l'lll !! ed rr.SIIlc, III)IlS fo r c.lc h. , he COPE committee fo r Ihc fi ne lob Ihe)' ,1 11.1 III S1mJ l3r 10 ou rs. The RCllUbllc;IIl'l 'lpt:nl mOIl." Ih a ll
Wo rk $,lIe, :and .a tt end yout ynll meetm~ ~ the rcgisll iitIlm dttvc ;lnd fur rcmllldln,i: all rnl.:m · tWice "5 m uch money, better d un 55 nllillon, 3S
JUllt'oI L DAV,,,. I'S bt-rs to YOIe _ Thank'!, EdJ> I y'.Ill Jld ~ood The: the Dem o(:,...t.., did fo r the 5Clt being vacated by
Jesuits "peak fur thclI t.... rd WOlle. ~en " tor Russell Long. I\s ),ou know, all tblltlIloncy
Once ag,lIn the lotlJl don:lu.-d looor and ellulp, went down ,he dram o t UIII)! did the Re p ublicans
Apprentices Also Suffer ment to pU I (II' Ih e Im'>l1nas 1t~llls fo r Ihe C it )' n o t Will C;cn:llo r Long's sca l, bU I they 10"1 control
As of December I. evcr)' l-ml3y the ha ll wil l be (If Ihe Ull1 tcd Stales SC lu te .
From Unemployment c111"ed ;Il noOn . Thtsc fo ur h (l ur.!i wi ll bc 'le i aS ide Seo 3wr· clecl John Breaux l1:t ~ had a n Il11 p ro V1l1 ~
t.. U . 112 (i ), KENNEWI C K, WASI I. - I h ope <I ll 0 1 frH t h e p;lpe rwc rk all d Inc locnl's dndy bllSIIlC!>S l.'l bor voting rcco rd Even 111 Ill S heglll!l lllg years:1S
our lI avelinll Orothe l ~ were able to have ;a Happ y needs. It ha>; been dcu'rnlllll'll Ih.3 1 Wll h .111 the a congre:'4'1H1an. l1 e h ::td :a belle l votl ng lecord tha n
Holi day Se3son lnd were ;Ablc to spend '1(11111:: lime Interruptl o1lS Ihat occu r II I ~ lu , d 10 du tne lob Rep resclltallvr. I lenS!)n Moore on IS5Ul::5 thllt con
....·ah their himllll::' dfec t l,>c ly rhelt!fIHe, fuurl1fJu r ~of sollcude sl10u ld t.crnr.d us the m os t Tha t 's thc ,~JQd III.,:W'i Ihe bad
Our IUl1sdlctJon 15 stili f.. ccd With high uncm "nuw rUt ome de.., lhougbu. news IS th;lt lIenso n Moure IS talking .;tbuuI run
ploymcn l Moyement on OU I books has been dls- I rl!cently read;111 . , lIclt: In Iht! d.3lly p"'per tl1at Ping for ,l(.oyernor lI 's l1ard to btat him In hlS own
.;tppomtlllgl)· slow. Howeyer. It docs look li ke Il1eft:' the tradr tlr:licJt between Ihe U Sand lap.3n for dlstnct ) ho wc\'r'r, St.UtWtJc be can be: b aten :1'1
wil l oc 01 l a r~e turnover on OU I buoks OU I Ilu l1.esl the mondl Ilf Octobel flit 55 billion! The major Ille Sen.lIe ra ce rroycd .
e m ploy~·r. Empire El e eili c Iwh n IS 3 subcont r;t eto l causes wc re cOIns :l nd bu slfl css rna ehl n e~ 1 ake a We Will ;t Il have to JI) our pa rt 10 !Ic e t h ai hc, 01 a:
fill I A Junes on the DOr. projects) will be re plilced mlnUle and lI y to I mll~lne Whll! 5500 bil li on anyo ne like him, neve r becomes ~o y e rno r . Le t u s «
by Kalsel Engu\cers In Ma tc h T he C(lIIlra!:t change recucul:tted 111 10 our na t lOn.1I ecunomy could do nOl fo rget the COndition t be l::tst Repubhca n goY
Wl\1 send .. round 100 mr:mbc r'i t\l tht" hall ilnd fo r the counJry Su, I make another pl ea .. nd urge em , left lhlS state In I tc nm only almost de·
evc:ryon e to look (or the ~hJde In US label If strayed .11 worke, ,,' benefits 111 IhlS stale, he.also w
about thlll \3tnt: amuun! off the: books back to u.
Kaiser cvrryont' really tlleJ III l urn Ibi S IIdt .uound, USc!d Ine Rainy Day fund . GOYernor EdwanJ "",c t
pcrh.lps ~e cnuld~I"r. ourldlow Am e nc.n wlUker1 up lhl~ fund the lut tlmc he WI'S III o rAce AI tha I -'
Thr. wh.:d .. ;are 51111 rolhn~ In tt" l l1l1nate Ihe I II
the beSt ~lft I)f all. ~n llt h e r p .. yeheck li me Ihere was plcmy of fe der.1I money .I v3i1ablc
Defined Btllefit j' lan In early Dccen\ber tnC' m o ney a:
h ad 11 0 1 yel be.;! n dupe rsed; ho ....·eve r. lhe c h eck!. I. ~7"'1I 1 1 ~Kl, p" and lhc pm.c of 011 was h igh . lI oweve r. GQVL'rIlOi
were SUllposeu to st art nelnS:: c u t hy nt ld -Dec r. ll1 be r. [.dwa rds fo rtsaw , h e day wh en , h iS wou ld no t ~
lind e Jcll red tlu: hllld H Gove fi 1l1 r Tr een had not
I' m o p tlln lSll e, bU I I'll beheyr. Jl ..... hen we havc it
m our h3nd~ . Members Distribute 'cen III to dip IntO [he fund , 1 doo ' t believe t he
\Vllh t he contlnuln~ ud (.'mploymcnl SlluatlOll 5t3 te would be in the d u e f1n.;tn CLIII ')u uatloll II
In our ju risdict ion, ou r ::tpprt:n llcr: p rogr.llm has
Xmas Baskets to the Needy presently finds uself III !!l
su ffe red. We have unly a sl::cond· and t hird year LU. 114 li.st',t':III ,£III ,ru&' spal, KA SAS C ITY, Consldcr thiS When C(wen )O l EdwJlds las t leh
class and unr. Ins tr UCtor. T he In struct or 15 dura ble l~' O .- The
work situation In the KanS3!> Clly a lea office, the re W:lS apJl loximlltcJ), 5550 mtlllOn 111 25
Ihc funt.! ['11\15 II S3('0 million su rp lus With 011 th .. ~1,Ue F.ve Jays alter the cle ction BU Sin ess Speaking of lub!> well Jone, lohn Kol.u w" .. lhe
P"Ct'S staYll\K .1I~h for ni l of Goyernor Trecn '!; term Rl'p, e~cllt.1 l ln' ,nry Rt:avc<i !tat du ..... f1 wllh m: wJy chJ. ll m~ln o f Iht: n"1HIU~1 CommIttee lIllll J .d ;m
;and ,uSt IIlIll Co vernor EJw;ards' nUt term, the elected IIhLl)ot: Rt: prc'lenutlvt Tom Bevell from (!J(eellcI\t ,ob JS u1ual TIle re wa, I'l emy tu cat ,1I1d
fund wou ld h.:lH! easi ly had $1 billmo In It. AI· Cndsden, AI.J h.1n1.l A a. S r.h:clllc W.lS reprc sc ntcd u rl n" ~nd loto; of ~13ncrng The l e was som~ diSCUS·
though thc SU It: would have had to stan redUCing conccrmn~ thc 1;&(1 t hat they werc low un :I fed- SlOn .It the Dc(.em~, union n'tCetlllg Jbout th~
Its expenditures, th<' t(,ln Inon wou ld bllvc been ~' rally l unc.lec.l.\c",,~C tle;ltInenl,ub, :IIl J It looked bJnd I ha\'c UI \),mI'Jthl;t.t wllh lohn In pi cking
much, much CUICI So, Brothers and Sisiers, rc' 1.5 If they would no t g.. tthe lob. After the po~lllon 'he. bJIl.J III tltJt III.: IS (tJJly In J no· w in SHUllUon
member that If Henson Moorl.'" runs for J;tuvcmOl, uf the 10(.11 and contr.actol wa rre'len led It) Mr. It w~ .. blought up at the Dtcemher union meelln,
110 m;ltter what thc Rl.:pubhc.:Ins' 2dVertl!>em~ nts Bevel1, he Wcn t 10 work , lind A t.. ~ E.kClBC was that a5 much as mu.. t of U5 try to buy Amerrean
soay about the Oemocr3l1c opponent 2nd how b2d awarded tht oon ll llct Thl.!> I.. .a I..I!." In pmnt '¥I here mati.: pflIJuCIO;. m;lny of aU f cunll:r.ct(lrs h:lVe ~one
he or sbe IS, the rnuJu of Repubhean J"'Illietes have ~ e nl'l'J ~ople ""'1: un ulk "uh the uther ,,",' ;ay We' le .. eem" mure fat lool!> o n the
always heen much wo rse ten thc wo rkmgcla5s. Ollt: III tht· rro udest a ccompll!ihm .. nt:. ...... :. UI.. l<th, from dnll motors to ratoh.mme l&. t o ooc:ktt
I remembto r ~ hen Rug.1n first ran fO I the JIles· dc:cllon til I)CnlllC fat RII~ h.lld \helby 0\'1,'1 Rcpub ~ I " Nne to mc:ntlQn the l o r ("l~n made mlltCnll1.
Idency. He .ud he w.as J!mnR-to bal;ance the budget hean ler.. ml.Jh ll.. n tnn 111 Ou r 'ien:lII: ract. ~nator ' So, we all ml~ht mention to the'ic cuntu.elnr~ that
III fou r )'Cif What be actu.1l1y accom phshed was clec t Shc:lby ...... s 100 (}treenl COPE b:lckcd, and I we wuuld tk,. h"pl'u.·1 bUI1dIn~ Amellca wllh "me r-
pUIIIRg million, of Amerlcllns out of work and know he WIll wmk with U5. Our thank s to Iliek lc,an made tools and m:ltcn~1 If It would Jlnk ill
,l;lvmg the United ~tatcs Ibe b lggcst deb t In Its M uore anJ VIU' PII:!>I\Jl.:u l Dill) \V.lf c-r 1m thi S ~In unl.' 01 two eOntt.lcton. It would be worth It
hil lory. II If now eStunal d that by the cnd of CO PE support We Wl:'l' a pOll! of lhe ul1!.eallng of RICIl"Rn ROtTMANN, 1' _5 .
Reagan's sccond term the n:atloMI dl'bt w,1I ~ $4 four Republre.tn sen.HOTS III the 5th DIS UIC.t. My
tnllion I hVl'e the r('sul l '> nf the St;n;lIc t.;tces i,lert}$" t hanks also ta the laoo r counCils ;In .llhc ..tc:w:ards
the c.ou mrylll l! an IOdlea li on Ihal more peopl e are 1111'.1 ml'n l10 the Illb .. wll(l called all UUI mcmhers Showing Brotherhood
rC;lh%ln~ lhal his economic poIH:.II::s, LJI III :'Ull1e JIUJ ICLl1lnded , hem 10 ... OIC lUi end\.l rsed cn n diliales..
cases no pohC IC5111 JH, havc been d1S3sttoIJs. I feci We W.1nl III be.1 100 perf,;.ent coPt lut..31 by the
"ouy for Ihe nCXI p rcS1dent. whoe\' r he: h. That spri ng. Buy YOllr ticke t no ,,",' SI.:C yo u .11 Ihe n,:x l
pe l t-on, knOWing he 10; head of one or Ihe m ost 11I I,.'etlO8 In e second ,a tUfd ny of I h~ m ont h
powerf u l courHnes On liu s I'lUIIN :mJ lit the !tonne BILl. R OiltIlSON. B. M
time havln!l; tu JCJI wllh the lugest d bt ('If .I ny
COuntry. IS Il,omg 10 havc an cnormous wClght to
s hou ldcr

A Democratic Senate
Is Good News to Local
L.U . 134 (i,em,I ,II S&' pal, H ICAGO, ILI..-It .....as a re mt'nlbef5 of Local 160, ";; nn,~,pol;,.
IIU aC~IJelil Ih"t giolvt" the DcmocfiI,lS II 5-45 "'int\ " .:and ~Ollle of Ihe s trildn~ Slee l""OIk cr~ on
majonty In the Sen:llt , 11 WJS II concenuJled effon th e day tb e tUfk ty~ WtlC delivt rli!d.
on bchJIf of oq;amud l.:Ibo, We cle., ll y fulfilled
our goal This turo of evenu WIll gIYe the m3Jonty
an opportunity to show o lganrzed IJbor how they
('dO shape- lep;lsliluo n for the IlnlOn movemen t In
TillS is the ( re w or Loul ISO, Local Donates Turkeys
the Umted St:ut:s 01 Aml'nc~ The changes WIll
make It more difficult 10 1 Ihe ,'!reSident ;md hiS
Brothers ~nd ISlt r who buill Ihe Ruo" To Striking Steelworkers
building fO I lamerson Elrellic. (Photo by
people to push lhel r agenda In Congress, .and sh ould I)ulaski.l L.U . 160 {o&'u),I'1 INNEAPOLl S, Ml N .-On Sat·
leave many nonumon Arms In construction whIch urday. November 22, 1986, Local 160 membe rs
eun tn bulcd tU~Av l ly to Ihc m l crt$( o f the Repub~ delivcred J92 lurkeys to the unemployeJ Steel·
lIe2ns unsurt of wh:tot to upect We .:ar~ looking
fo rw~ l d ~o working with ou r S5 pe rcen t m210nty
Tell Contractors: Use worken at Silve r Bay, MlOneiOta. Dave Rang and
Thomas Koehlel took a ,;roup o f 10 officcn, rep·
In the Stnllte . American Tools, Material rcs n t2tlVe5, and Elluc.allon Commlttce members
BUSln en Manager fun Ihesna han IS I)n the Boa rd L.U. ISO (l,cm , m$.~pa ) , WA KECAN , LLL- Hope on , hc SOO -mlle round tri p to Silver bay. They
of Dacet rs oC the IIhn(ll'l Tnll Rrud Smcc TIm ~vt'ryone had :r 800d h.mmll and you 1Itt'! suU a rll vcd at the Steelwor kers' union haH 2 t 2 pm.
IS Ihc only unIOn offiCia l 10 be a l'polmed to that slIckmg to New Year's lesolullons. Work to the and we lc mel by the Slee lwo rkers' preSident, who
posilion ant.! IS the eye.s and ea rs fOf all unIOns 10c:l I 15 stili holding up, wit h the books ylrtually had n oti fied hiS members to pick up tht.m tu rkeys
involved. he In! rm ed us Ihat Ihc gleen IIghl waS d e nr at thI S tllDC 11 IS ni cc to be li b!,: to keep bcf:rnnrng 81 2 o'cl oc k.
given fo r the fi n a l de51gn 2nd construc tion of the ttavcl l11g Ihothc ls and S'$tns wur\ong thr ugh Ine OUt mcmbel S stayed un II I about 3:30 and ..... e re
$4C,O· mllhnn prOJec t o f th~' Nonh Sou lh To llway n ormally ICIIIl Wl nler m rm l h .. 11 1!::rtcd to coHee, SUUp. anJ ~andwl c hcs We vi Sited
In sub urban C h lcal;u In Nn vem ber. s h n ill y a ft el The s to rk once ;tR.u n \,1~ l l cJ Ilmi oeal, delivering ,,",'lIh the S tcelworke ls IIml theI r 13mlll e 'l, wh o
rccelvlng It, Cl1ll StruCl lOn pe rm it, Ihe II h nols Sta le baby boys to th e KIm Kobcrnlc k and Cr:l l,lt ScverS Ica liy apprc.-ci3ted t he t ime and contribu t io n s I
T ol lway Authority com pl eted the sa le o f o ve r $400 famil H!!I lerry M ih oVlloVIC h , Dave Sancll. and t he Local 160 st ewards and members . There were
m illion LO reVl'nue ~JI\ds fOi tht: proleCt. This DaVid Roy [He c.clc bral1n~ wit h haby I;lr]<; ill the ir m any thank yowl as lhcy Ill eked up th ei r tu rkeys.
pro,!!ct wd l be~lI1 In the S l' " n ~ of 1987 an d c.o m - f;H'1lI11 e!l. Th e rltl WS mcdla fr o m QlI IUlh w('(c on ha nc.l ll nd
I'leted i n OCtobe r of 1989 . I at tended the Chris tmas part y PUt on by t h e Interviewed Urolhen Ring, l,.eorge Koe hl er, :lod
A h hou~h we .ant iClp:ltc the norma l slowdown of RCIH t:es C ll1k, OVl.: r 200 c h ild re n att ended, and 1 homa, Koehler, The locll l :lod the Sl ee: lwo rkus
work due l(I tht: wime r welilthcr cond itions. t he evcrythln~ r:1 1\ rcal smont h ly On bchlllf of the w, .. h III tha n k nil the ste ..... a rds and members fo r
ptognosl of ..... ork fur Locli l 134 IS Sila ng and loe31. I'd like 10 d unk the RClHces lub flJ r a lob therr t:xcellelH e (fort and slJJ'purt (Or thts program
Ylgorous In b Cl, wc st lll have 600 of OUt brothc l well done Au RU'I C. BINE, P _S
and sIste r lIa veh:rs from all over thc coun try
tmpli>yed bere 111 Cook. llUnty
CIlAIlUl Du .... Nt. 8 R•• P

Labor Wins Some, Loses Education-a Priority

Some in State Elections
:::> I-U. 136ti,o ,u&'em), HIR \ll\'GHAM , ALA.-Work
m on the ncw leJeral cOUllbOU5C IS wdl UDder .....ay.
W and w e na"'e IW O Cf eW5 o f men on the prolect ..... ith
Cante rbul Y Electnc Camcrbury, Cuit. and Reeves
..J lire working 60 men on Cllmml!l clal work In our
Z junsdlctlon, We ha\c " Jl(lut 300 working on pow
II: crhouse m.llntcDance and new construction.
The November genclnl dcet ion Ide Ihe local
Q lind th e &hllc III .!>ome ..... hat nl a mixed up position

All the cl')nuov ers)' between the t WO Dc:mocra tl C
candidates Jl r o~lu cl,' d a Rc puhh c:m !!o\'nnor Wl· h lc;(go , III., arc !icen
don ' t knO\~' :I lot :t bOut , I'm sure som e of our II l1e\ldin ~ :I II "dUClil ioll::! J :iot~ Ul ln:ar :I S pan 01 tbe
membc l$ dlon 't VOlt for th e endo rsed candld:1tes, Ifjc.. I ' ~ ~li1.Y v i t:"u c: ... tj ll~ iu f c; pf CS~n l:l l ivt'JI lhrc}Ugh L(l t:I ) 165' , 51c wlrdll m i ke lII ure t hey know th e:
26 but we n eed pcople we :lI~ n fficers c an tal k 10 III rCj.l ular nlct-Ilngs and seminars. eOIHr:lCI well in urder 11.1 b rtte r serve- t h c mernbers .
Members at WTEN Stewards A Worthy Cause
Have New Chief Steward
L.U. 166 li .ct's,rltI, rrh .8ov1 ,t&calvl. 'l:CI£ENE
TAD\', N. Y.- We would like til cOllxrawl:uc our
newly clahsdicd )ouflH.:ymall wiremen after com
plC ll rtF; fl1l1 l )'ta r~ of If.llnlng: f rank Bomcck i, lack
Ii.lwkey, Terry LeCc:rc. Dou~ ~1yer. Joe IlanJ;I('II\c ,
.lOd John rUjthsl The cuntc", lor high avc:r.al;C: w.as
n three: way lie bcc.lusc thl:' mcn '$&latic ",'tre vcry
close 1 he wmm:n ul the $50 bond were Fnmk
Bon lcckl, :tvcugc 92 .39 1DougMycr, 1I\'croge92 JY,
Jlld Jack Hawkey, n . 2,1(. 'I h~'s(' bOIlJ .. were prc
5l'rHl'll at the dinne r put o n by the JOint App rentice-
Th cse Dlothers (a nd many ol hers across Ih t' cOtln·
Curnnlllt cc to honot the new journey men .
III Sil ian ....·3S In ch.uge of all the' .lrr.. ngcmcnn
t ry) contri bulI:d to the I"ucecssful fund·rai!iing ef·
fo ru to build :I Vietll:ltn Velerans 1\\ enJo ri.. 1 i n
JnJ dId a vcrv nu:c ,nb The- mKht .... cnl IIff bcolu
IIfully "mnng ,he gueStS were: Bt'rnlt' Mtnclc , nur Spring.lldd, III. IACI to IIXln are t\ s~i~lan l DII ... incJiS
hU-Stnt"loS lIloiflagcl J Ch.;ulu; " '\.lngo, ,he Tn · Clty t\hna&l.·r Hub Btll (LIle-a l 5 1), Brolhrr Dennis lI e-n·
son (I.ota l 5 1). Brolhet Ed Aldric h I LOI.":r I 1761. and
tt:lInln)t dtrcclOr. Phtl Clem mens, Jucsllknt uf
Local 724 . Rooc n PUll , and the mCll1hc , s uf the Lon l 116, loliet. III ., I'rc!loid.'nt Gt:n~ Ca!'l'>:r ll i.
Tr.:lIl1lns: Om mlll L'C Dave LIAAttt ami r..1 aWIYS
from the UIIU1I1 CUll1 l1l1ttCC, .lIul ROll ,Jj.;ltOn 31\J
frolflk S.1O SOUCie t. om the Con trac lo rs Committet
Dab Pe:re:cnl , J teJchcr In the apprl'nuce ..hlp pru·
,F;ram, w .n 111"'0 III lIuend.lIlce II~ was rOlY Cr:md.III,
who ha .. eOl11plelcJ hiS IIbh~auon of d,lssHKlm
1t.1Inmg 10 01l1!:'1 10 chJngc hi" chlsslfie.mon . Con
F,l alul.l t wns 10 you, la)', on your ch:mge of cla'!;'!;1
fk.u ion
In t he Tech:> ~f(lUp :11 W fEN, we alc rn Ihe
nmld lc u f J,'>cusMon uver w ho s houl~1 uperate the HrQlhef Tom WClrUlIl , ~f ., ;tlloill l'r lon Mtiolc SU! ,,'·
new "pllllll box" J t Ihc SI.mon. We a rc of the ~rd ;lnd E· n O;tfd rn e!llbet , recl.'iying his pi n tit the
oplllion Ihe person should be .a member 01 the pill present ll1 ion of Lonl t 75. Chau anooJ;a, Trim.
b.:ug;li.nmA unn The complilly naturally thmks lhe
pcrown llf"Cullmg Ihe plnn l box should not be In
the union TIllS coulJ pr ove to be a rea l problem doer He occam~ bl,l"'IIIc: .... manager In the 1,Ile 'Ws
~fOre II IS oyer. and IInlllcduHciy s I311ed ge ll ll1g t11111~ rulllllg. He Int ernationa l Prt.s i.dl:ot , . I. Barry takes lime nU l
We: would like 10 dunk Don Carny for .111 the WII5 bU Sin ess m.1naAt.>r whl:n TVA W,lS ch;trtclce, to be picl u re'" with Lo cal 17 6's uclegalion 10 thc
)'(lIn of tu: rYlce he pmvldcu:l'; d lld s lcwurJ It) the and he 1I11 lnCd l:lICI)' gOt a ll thl' able -bo<h cd men ' BEW C Otl\'Cflli(lll ; It>il 10 rig h i , C~ lI e Cassani,
lIlEW lIlemhers 3 1 \VTEN . lay Charu!y h :lS been land tholl Wa' II.JJ tbe m~l1"Ibl,:rs bill onel a lob with Cary lI :mllon, 1)II:~s id(,ul D::Irry, Hu siness M a nager
appOinted clue! s t ew31 d with Paul Yacevich :IS the Tennessee Valley AUlhorlty t:llhcr he nm LYlln r. ie ldm:rn, .:Ind A s~ i ... l:rnc Busi n css J\hn:rgl' f
aM.IMant . AgaIn, thJnks to you, Don, for all your Ihe locBI owned an autfJmobrie . so he promptly 80b Rawli ns.
work. went to a 10c.1.1 Ul de.)ler Under th e .:IU"PICCS uf
Our RCA Uml has for Ih e f'inH IlInc.: Yot~d for a tl')'lO' OU I lhe aUIO. ht d ro\'e III KnOXVille hom
contlaCI The Natlon.11 Balg;lInmg Commlltc:e dId Chlltunoo~a . ~OI all hiS ah lc Illt'mbe.(5 a ,nb, and Our dlnner -d.lI\Lt': :J.J'Tiangc.mcn15 JrC comins:. a long
.In excellenl ,ob in negoliations unde l the presc=nt Ictllrncd the C;l1 to the dealer SI.lI!ng IhJ t he dIdn't fine. It Will be' held on Mar<. h 7, IVR7 .
clrcum~tances . th ink he would t ake II . In clnsl!lg, I would I.kc It> say nol III tdy on
We ar c so ny 10 ann o un Ce t il.:: p;I5~lnR of tWO Il l' Served n~ bU5 Lrle~~ rnnnn~cr for ~IX ~'eIHS, second hand IIIforrnati oll . !l e:H tht: facts' Attend
II}ng te rm members Julius Schmidt who iust rc · prc'lldcllt, two yea rs , EBo:l rd. five ye.H$ 1 and In - all unio n mceungs
cClved hiS SO·yeu pin, and franCIS Dcnncbaull1 Icrnatlona l Rt:pn:sc.nt.1t1\1e, fiv( YCilfS. In the mid BRUCE R BREAULT, Jl .S
~'lth 35 ye;us of servIce 60th Blothcrs WIll be lOs he wel1llnlO the c.ontraclln& bustnes as.:l ploy
5really ml sed. to Ctrganlzc the unorg.1n1::ed connacton Red tarne
" S..II''' GOY[TT[, P S :1lon,; when thl'" 10(111 needed hl.If1 the most and Work Slows Down ;
did .. lob very few mcn t:.uu ld or would hayc done .
Ht: wa s the oldest Ii VU)g membc r 01 our local. and Information on Local Sought
Members Preparing For h ili tlcke l w!ls 59 ycars III 175 , We s hall llllliS hun, L. U. 177l i&.ol, JACKSONVILle, FLA._o, he past
and we Wallt hiS fllituly lind friends 10 klHlw we few mon t hs have ,>eeo qUlle a slow down 01 work
Local's 75th An niversary wtl l be rcmt:mbenn,; d lenl Hl our pr.1Yt.>lS III the :llca As Ihl' powerhou~cs Matt cutting back,
L . 175 (i,o,e m,1": mt), CtlA11"ANOOGA , I am sorl')' 10 It:porl Ih.11 one dJy after the death we find the ull fat men 510WlO3 down. The' pow ·
TE 'N.- June 26, 1%7, Will commcmorau: the of Brother McDaniel . Brother John T ')I"k p:as.'>rd e rhou e (ODlInutS to be- .IhclId of schedule and
75 th annlversal')' 01 Loe.. 1 I]'; G re .. , pl3ns ;uc 3WJy Plc3'le remembel hlln III youl p'.lyeu aho, below en..t The!" 6rsl Unit should he: 011 the line
being made to make thiS a grnnd eYelH l'It!'MdelH alon~ wuh hiS family early Ihl S yeal .llld the second Jbout a ),e;tt IIIter.
PlI u l Gass has apPllItlIed HrOlhers Dave T:trpley, Ou, work picture CO nllnUCS to look blellk wuh Some of Ihc ocher jobs ;trc taking m en on /I dllY -
Rtl l Evall~, nnJ Ken James 10 head this Jll annlnl: some 160 m embers 0 11 Ihc O~tt o f-wurk It :.t Itt: to·day ba:ml The PtlJl.ientUlJ ICIHl6t I.'> g01llg w ell
ommllt ce and 10 mllke Ihis an OCCllSlon that me m hc r: y(}U ~ct m Ul c t h .1 1l you give whcn YUIi as well 115 the work lI1 KlIlg ~ Bay ubm.1 r1 nc Base
(Ye ryolle Will rememher TIus committee Will be glYe more thall yuu get. Ma y Cod bless C U 3t lust north of JJcksonvtllc .
reporllng to Pres ident Cas! and BUSiness Mana,fttt the next union meelln,; Recently sever;al Brothef"'l were eont::rclcd by
Bill Lowery, who wllllhcn btlng back (C) the hody C.E Dvr-:-tj..,.... I'S Brother Fred CanCilla fega.dlllg the b04'lk he Is
the de taib of thl' grand occa"'lUn KINJAME...... A.... T PS wntlOg about the locJI Thl book wllJ be the
We 1t:~ I t"t to leptlll the paSSlltg 01 Mrs. W L. offtclal history 01 the local If )'0\1 hllve ally 111(0 , · ....
" lunlClr" MllthlS lind Mrs. Paul CI:uk You wtli m3t10n you would like 111 pos .. on II) OW l ht:r '"
w;tn t to remember these f;un l hes m yuur plllycr!!! , Members Donate Time Caocd lil, p l ca~e do S{I a'\ soon ;IS posslh le . The
Oller hnlf of ou r population, abou t 60 pe rcell i.
:lI e squatc.!! Th:tt '~ the first good thing about
America . SquJ.res make gre3 t t!lxpayer!! T hcy make
And Money To Build Memorial
L.U. 176( i,rt.s &'s p3}, JOLlET, ILL.-ln Octuhc r the
bouk should go 10 press carly t illS year, lind we
need to Ret all the infunnatlOn thaI we clln ml o
I t Rmlhl'1 CancllI.l has plClureS fmln back 10 Ibe
&r1:1U soldiers am.I greu! e lll%en,> Thcy believe an Brothers and ISlcn 0 1 Local 176 gcoerolldy gaYe dark .lge~, or so It set:"m~ MJybe In thc future we III
rdlJ;;lUn. Th ey know peopl(' dll' j they know people a $01 ,000 dUI1.rllon to the VIClnam Velt.>f.IIl' S Me: · Will publish some: to bTln,; b:Jc~ mt:mulln for Ih e W
f:C1 Sick The)' know you C311 't defend fHlnller", Ill'll mUrlal to he bUIlt In SpnngAcid. lIlInols, On No rClilt... d 81Ot1l"' 15
by beingmcc. Tbey OII't: reallSlle . They knnw you'\'e ycmbtr 9 !;T()und brc;lklng ct'ft:munlc§ were hchl Out:c a):;)ln we find thc coontry In a very haJ
"111 In ell III ~ 11\'10& c.1mln~ a Ihlf.ng lIl\'olvClISOlf\e .11 2 11 III hy tht:' LUlI.IIIIl " ' CIl11l1l31. ihrlJugh Ihe situatio n Our 1 dlon J'le~ldcOI ha~ onu' :tWUIl
Sell us comp romise In the teol world dfutt$ 01 th ese- fmc Ih others and many mhe l" spoken (lU I of htJIh Side!> I/f 1115 mouth. All IIloog II:
Bratht! E. E. " Red" M cDamcls ;Istn hell III lh e
ahove pllllo'lophy CU llllng mit (If Kentucky in Ihc
;Iew.'>s the courllry, thl' pruJCI.I was ;1 LUillp lctc
Mr. ReJ~an h.l ... thou)llll he was IIblwe n: JH u:!ch,
but now thing' 3rc d ifferent Onc I'ta tcmcllt .says ..,is
1.1tc= ' 20s, he traveled Into Loc31 175 He was ont:' Now Ih.lllhc November " clectlilns au: nyer anJ he h.ulllo Idl'.1 of the ir311 a n llS dc;al, lhen he say:s
of the ch<l rt c.r members when Ib e t n.llt er of 175 we have had IIIlle to eVllluate uur dec.IIYe ufficials, hc knew aboul some of It The ncxl week he tells ~
Willi renewed Ul the 0\Id·:20s. Rene~'ed IS nO I , e<llly how 1II1e they dumg! II they arc not doing whilt anothtt story. In hiS speech befOle lhe mlllOn. he !E
tbe word l it had been misplaced Ot IO!>1 Things )'01,1 expecled, \\'ntc 10 them: and leI . hem know was ;:IS ne:IYOU! liS a kid ~r lth 1111 hllnd CAu,;hl in
wt:re at tock bottom In t.ho~ days, and Red ~'.;a& 11 you atc w'lchlllg th('11 (lCrforman~ _ the cookie lar. Although ht: accepted t he fc .. pon 27
SlbliIlY, on ly Other. h.l\·c cll her tC!>lgned or l,,:ell
fired MI RC3Jt3n bcW J le, yOu r Teflon IS weanng Don't Rej ect Dropou ts- 60-Year Pin Presentation
,tim Win Them Backl
Th\' gulf aSSOCHltlOn has had some fun tOUriU
menls Thl' .,ISsocl.allon hu had I good 1986 .,Ind L U. 189 (ul. SIOUX C IT V, 10 \\ A !wIHi:um\;-.
;aU the go l/~rs an:." Inuklog forward 10 1987 Some: thln& h.1ppc n one c.an·t lI,i;htly tiptr!; /lU t ho ..... to
01 the cour~e5 In Ihc 3n~a are unde: rgOing a reno- h3ndlc: . I mun . no mattC I which ", ¥ " flU go o n
v.:l t!on rr o ~um and should be In good shape:: 1m Ihe- Ibms. yo u un be nell he' flKln lUll wrong.
this )'cu CBS WIll hIre out of Ihe h:lll ; Iht: wurk hccause then: 'G alw3 Y" ~m ll)l: III he a "!l o nK oppo'i-
1:I .. t$ tbe week a llh e TI'C and ~H.. es some of Ihe inA opinIOn By Ihi." H!r y lI.lIun: uf the thmg, .all
8,othl:.""" :I ' l'W ,by .. of work 1. Il Ih l:." ,;uli II, ur n .. pJrlles arc bolh nsht and \O\' f() ng. bceJu C J ""td<;
ment- l1m hold work If you can ge t II ran~("of fe el ln~~St3Y .... Ithlll accepuble bo",ndane
The jOIHnC\man trJuun~ cnur to ;uc slIlI belllg What .am I IJlklng about ' What IS the: proper
o tfe:led ThiS IS a ,good .... .Iy to bru sh up or gJln way 10 Il eal someone ...·ho dro ps out (1f t he u mon:
new 1n1(lffnation The course being o ffelcd " thiS Should Ihat person be taunted unti l he ... uhef re
Sho ..... n at t ht' Co lo n ial l nn . It e lcn~ , MODI., . fe,
uml:." IS <In m " lrurn\·ntatlvu ...I .. ) th.t "qll uke ;I UP!! OIll:."rmlOate-. hiS emrluymclll ' 0 1 ' h uuld Ihat
Id l to ri,hl , Eighth DiO;lfict Repre'il!ntalh'e R uss~ 1I
f(!w m o nth s Thcle 1!Io an IOcentl\e as paft (If Ihe pc,:\,(m be' In:atC'd ;IS '>Ome' blat kid II) he o;co ldcd '
Will iam s and 60·yra. ~c t\, ic ~ pin rtti pienl GelJtgl'
costs .uc fttufnl:."d If you complete thc COUI SI:."S :lnd Who .llnong u rully kno .... .. ' One t h mg I S (rrtaln
\\' . Morrison. (Ph olo su b mitted b y local 206, 1Ir::!·
Jtt310 • po.ssmg gudc _ In Ihe P;lSt COUhlC5 h"\'e There are thos o f os who1)e fcd mgs I'I n the' maHe,
I'n l .Mo nt .)
been on varIOUs subjects :1:5 motor con ll o l, liher "UClth 10 cllhl" c"ITernc
upucs, C I' R, fin.1 .111.1 ,u,d stcwud .1nd to rc ll\:an Bu l what IS a 5c.abr jple.lse, lC;Jve Ihl:." I;o ry :.tufl
c1as~s Thl:se cOU ' ')I!'S arc for the good of the OU t of II I The ..... o rd .sCIJV 3S we kno w It was eguuallull Cl'lIlnll\t(;1:' Iv. ~ hdty p.J)' r.u sc ;lnd
Brotherhood and hould be taken advaniaKe of If nonCX''itCnl pllm 10 the Jay .. (If onion Ism, which a lob well donc Th ... cumlOll l t:c conSisted of BUsl
you have: any courses you would like III SCC.' st.lI lcd m(:an .. a portllm III Ihe wurJ'<j rnealllnJ:, was pllr ness MnnJ;;ef lohn VarncchlO anJ Brothe. s Joh n
picasI:' contact the loca l union. Classes can be il4C; entcd by t nC be~lnmng 01 :m y k llld of Icl .ItIUIlStll!" Mordlga l, Edward Be&o:ooh, Ronald HiCks, DaVid
u p fU I Ilt.llly oln)' Hlb,Cct that thc body wou ld li ke . between rn3nll;(:me!lt 3nd org.llllz-cll L:lbnr Ke llogg, 'nd MIChael T hompson
In clOsU1~ than k )'OU :I ~a lll to \III who m:uJc a ll Yah! An d Wh3 1 ;UTl I I\Clll llg a l l 1'11\ ~l'tllng al A"P I ~lltI (. e Director Rod Tot urclla repo rts Ihat
the: p.Hllel! successful thiS paSI yellT Tha n k you thiS Wh y s hou ld we th illk Ihe J;t ys Ilf h;t vmg to Blothels 1 hnm :!'! 6nmna ll and Idfe r y Ko walsk i
for ;l lOb ....·cll donc . wvrk a t umon membclSh lp ;I re over ! It 's q UlI c ha ve cumpll:."ted the n ap j)ren ll cc slu p ob h~lm ons
UlldC ISlI)od hy new em pi llyee:; Ihat union mem and ;l rc now JourneY lll an wI remen . T h l:." mc m oc , -
b~ r 'l h lp ~ h tlll hi be f:lvnrell IJve r the IJI'pu.. ltl' But Shl P congrJtu la tcs these I WO new jOl.l l l1eyn' a n
pc l hap:. we 've: ~cllmc a bu 5rollcd Ale wc!>o 10"1 wl r~men fo r t hi,:1r hlUd work .
Toyota Negotiation s un the nde 01 t he comfon .:tlrl.:.ldy laid llown for Congn lu lallons arl:." 31so 11'1 order for OUt ncwes t
uo; th;] 1 we no longer know how to work 3t signing mem bers Ob h g:Hcd mlO Ihe: IREW a l a fl;:Cl.!1lI
Finally Pay Off mC'mons antllU': tlung I1l l!m l One ..cah can bc like mce tl n~ we re mlienl Ul cd :lppre n llces Pau l Blick
L U. 181 Ii,t'-m&'ii pal, LEX INCTO N. KY . \Vell, ,I Inlh.·I) apple 111 a handful But, IC I '" face It nc t, Dougla.s Cannon, Wllh3m Dl:."vtns, lantcs Fan ·
tbmgs arc hopping at 149.} Lec::.to....·n Ro;;]d t I,,'k 's Applcs tot- .:tnJ mcmbt: rs ll)se faith 11'1 the unIOn 1t~1. Mn l lhcw 19oe. Yvett~ l ucchuc, Pet c:r M :ackcy,
Jre5 tn~ mcer , Lob 's domg the work of thtee: 1'5I'1't II 1m,,:: w .... WCnt to work' MayOc yo u're nOI ScUll McCanhy. Inrnes Miller, Shaun Pmciro, Rob
peo plt:, Tr:acc)' picked now to h:ave , baby, alld gOIng to t.l lk to him, bU I I am Eve:f) eh"n cc I &I:."t c rt Vl:."rone-, and Chnstophe r Vincent
e:\' ~r)'btxly IS slUllmg :I 101 morl:." My money says yo u "Won 't su ect:ed In tO~ 'i lJlg that We ;t.C' plc~sed 10 :lI1nouncl:." lh,u re ll re-d Blolhe.
Toyota ellm!!: to t~rm' with o rg301ud boor :alle r lIrrle OUt of t hl;' barrel I'm nOI saYing for SUIe: that Eugene: Wesley IS thc proud , e:Clpu:: nt of ~ 70 -Yl:."ar
:a yea r 01 tough nego113ung-t h:n 's putting II very talk ..... 111 hnng fum bac k Wh;tt I am Sll)·mf: 15 Ituu ISH\' pin .lnd pbque
mLidly! L,bor won th,s bntle ~c-;luse , for the rno t lIS true-he.Hted Umon pc! lsons. one who h .. s the ROIIE~T E CAr I"I LUNO. P.S
pan, the bUlldlOJ: Hades ",mons remamcd untfh·d Jl;ood of the ....·hole ID mmd "I ..... ays. .... ~ should ~
wlih c;;]ch other . Th~ local won a mugh eon ll aCI ben l on membe:rshlp e\len If II ffu.::~nS the Winning
agreement In Junt: bc:C.lIUS~ 3 group of members b;r c;:k kmd If )IOU want to PUt rocks into your Unit 4 Chairman
refused to be splin tered off from uch other ihe.:;e rockels, go ahcad l I mlghl Ih lOW Ihem with you
namples '5bo",ld tcll us something about IUlure I"h!'r nUl let 's nl)llorRetlheolh ~ r .... ay. tun I lhmk
Submits Journal Article
ba[t1~s With thllt accom plished we should now It might be the best ....ay And. you kno w. I have LU.1l0 li,o ,u.c,em,mu&'cat\ l, YICTO RIA , 8 .
proceed to the Toyot .. lub with the .attllude thill bten ri~t before: Crceun~ We are sc=ndlOg along a mesS3ge: received
we WIll md:.e it the: bt"§t loh 1lM'IlhlC" and p' OVe to Kunl D UIIl. j' S f. om Unit I Chalflnan HIli So rrell '
the mllion I hllt It 'S no mlS[lIke t o GO union To th c We .1t ShIp Repllir Unit, P"clfic. an' fl'fll'r:ll
travelcrs who come to work, 183 t,:lClends tel Y(IU II emph)),ce, of lhc Dcpanment of N at lon,, 1 Dde n cl'
real BroilH: .-hood welcom~- n(Jt a stepchild fda - Brother Witliams Receives 1Il i he ducky;ud, e qUlm:aIt, Bml h Colu m bia, .lind
l1onshlp. .....e Cotnpn~e: Un ll 4 of Loc.a l 2.30 As Cf \',1 scrvanu,
We art clCc lted abo ut T oyot3 , but we musl reali z-e
A 60-Year Pin ~'e .;are: suh!l:."ct to all the c.hanf;cs be-lOg m3dc In
183 has II 101 of lost t4; Hl tory to rcgam m ou r L.U , 206 (1&.01. li ELE NA, MONT. - Iholhcrs :md govt'rnmrnr tiJJt' 10 r nnomlC CUts, I Will Say t bt:Y
jun sd lctlun 0 pcIH.hop peo!"le have rlln Wild In Sis ters, thl" mO Il"~ Russ William s, Eight h Dis tri ci .a rc not bcnl'ficial to :t il , bu t tbey are 01 3k! n g the
183, and thiS trcn d m us t he Icve rsed. T oyula I ~ In le tfl.:l Ii On a l Rep resen t.1l lvc, and Busi ness Man . old sa Yings about govc m me:nt \O\'orkc rs :I thing of
great, bu t leI'S n OI lose. sight of the despcr:ll c neeJ :tge r De n OiS T he ri au lt hnd du: pflvilcge of p rc the pas t
to reclolm wo{k thllt once was u nion In :l nd arou nd :u:nt ing a 60' ),ca l se rvice pill 10 BrOlher Ceorge W Congl atul3 t1ons tu Brot he r lJoh T wclc r, et ec
LUlnglon T he campu .. of U_K IS boomlnJ; wit h Mo m son T hey look Bro t her Mornson 10 lu nch rrn nu'",rclullc lan, em hi S rccen t fc t m:ml:."lIt En !oy
construc.tlon, b u t II 'S a lmost exclUSively non- ])11 Nuvember 11. 1986, HI Hdcna , Monun:l George It wlhe full, Bob! Congutul .llions are a lso In o rde [
union-a d"ect result I'lf , ohn Y. Ih own's destruc. IS 30 ... ery s pcc la l lBEW me mbe l He 1,,1)0 years 1)11.1 10 Brolher IJoD C nrrioch o n his success in win n in g
t lOlI o f the prevaIling· wage 13w .and a Ma ri oe: ve:teran of WodJ Wlir I. the reCl:."lIt cumpetlllon fot ch :lfge hand, marin c
T h31 brlnxs up another pomt ~ A very Imporunt George sta rted OUt wo rking as a flunkll: wu h Ihe wlre:man, :1 w cl l-di:M_' f v~d P' OtnOIlOD
governo. 's dr'C u on u IUSI around the Cortlet Be: com p.. ny b3e k when tC'am noues ~'ert u!ltd to pUI ror the next three year , the olficers of Un it 4
surc to (eSllte r. The re 's a rumOI gOing afOUlId Ihat In the Imes a nd palrolmen walked Ihe lines lookmg
arc: ch:urrnan. Bti l Sorrell ; vice ch.u rman, ' 1m
::II T oyot a the s teward Wi lt he check lilA, VOter for trouble spots I-li s ~Hnl hc l WDlkcd a .. .;) camp CarisonJ !"ccordl:."r, All Pugh l Executive ommlttce
fcglsna liOns as wt:lla umon t Ickets cook_ lie: made hIS W.3y up the laddel frum flunklC' me:mbc.rs ElOcr 0 1 On .md AI TaylOi Our ~lIlce r
A bit of bad nCW3 to . eport c.e. le:e • .1 lonGtIme to poundman 10 lrneman, 01 11 Ihe way to II third· apptCCllitlOn IS cxtended to our poll 1 chalrm.1n, arl
union contractor. haj caSt hiS lot wllh the open · KavanaUf;h
Icvcl conSIrUCllon su~tlnt.:ndant fa. the company
shop rcople: For many ye.n SOme good ullIon III eha lge 01 t hl:." stale of ' UlIlana HI:" relued 10 Th~ ddC'g :u~s to t he ImemallQnal Co nVention
>- people made C.C a neh man Now, c.c. LeI:." 1961 wllh 50 years With Mount,un Bell Brothel 10 Toronlu We'll:." . lOC.lI 230 Presldcnt Iluvey
a: deCided hI:." couldn 't llHord the best Wf! at 183 hale: Stc:c\,Cjl ASSistant BuslJlcs MlIn.lge r ' ack Lctt lcrl
<[ t oruson IS the only Ihird levd man",II;cr kno .... n
a: to lose ce., bc:C3U'5C ovc r the YI:U$ he ha~ be~n 10 U510 keep hl'i aSSOClllltlnn wllh Ihe 18~W Too.ay BuslTle:ss Rcprl:."senrallvc DouS C ronk, Exeeutlv(
CD very good fOf us. too. I am gl!ld 10 rCpolI not one: be says he: IS plI.lud to hil\ I:." 1)]:."l:."n Ull hull! :'Idc~ ut Commlttel: member. Unit t , ~tlln Wall , ehlllrmao
W mf!mbc , picked C C ~e b"'l re:m.u nf!d with their Unit ~ , Bill Sorrell

U. the umoo eomp.ny fenee
un iOn OrOlh ..... hood On behalf ol the meJl1~1S of LOf..:l1 206, , con A hule rcmlOdcr to all Brother;. and SIStcrs te
p:iy dllsc IIl1enlion Iv IhClItob &pcclfic3uons No ....
~ OU I speCial salute thiS mon l h goes III fohn \V I:flllulare CeQrJ:e on h IS y ars of servtce and ...... Ish
3nd ~gol'n we: ha\'e: ~omt: p roblems conce l"nrof
z Eckman I worked Wlth and learned from lohn on hlln man)' more: wllh he .. hh .. nd hurplne: s.
a: many IOD' Ih rough the YC3rs, one being Ihc loll people: working OUI tht'1! cl:u,tllc.auons and no
booth.s on 81ul:." CtaSj Park .....lly 10 1 Swmdh:t Elec- f.... !l.ll,LLn I'ltl .. P$ lealizlRJ:. It Thl ca.n, and usu.3 l1 y does . CauSI
!;l tri c. Jnhn was a n excellent elc-clnelan, but the proble'lns
Become" "unlUn person" nOl lu., 1 >I due .. pilyt: r
lhmg that amaz-ed me 3bout John waS how he
became II n ch fa n ne r III Ander,,(In Coun t )' I ~ue s
Committee Negotiates Get Involved, With ou r reduced n umber uf URI I
ill I'm Ull tia- wrull ~ :0".11: uf the ,nun l y Cnd bless Pay Increase IlH:e tl nK', cve l Ylllle .hnuld ~ able 10 .IuCI\d. Sc
you , lohnl (nlo~' your farm reti remen t ! come: un Yu l ; " lid I.'U \; UUhIXI: ut1 l e l ~ to be "~tl VI
L.U. 2 15 (i). I·OUG II KEEJ'SIE, N. Y. C rec ll ngl>
28 COLEMAN ROACH , P _S fro m Poughkccp:'IIc W... Wish ICI cnmmcnd our
pOrtlCl rHIIIU. wo Rccently glc3 n c-d fro m IhlS tHus
IUOU$ 10 11 trW I and wu rt hy of bC1n1l: fcpe::lled ~ " 8u )
LiniOn ploduct!!. .lIld u~l' UIlUIn .. ern~ &.:, .IS ~ 1111 .... uulJ he- typeJ, lIuubl", ~ r ac"'d .mcl YIUI mu .. , Idc, to Ihe
hllvt unIO n W3~rs pa id unln you" p.& rt ,,' t he OlA I I!~ lll ent )'1111 Wl!oh III h.1\ I.' dl.&IIKl.'d-
Delegate, Officers
Th:m ks. BI ll If :lny o t he r unit ch:u rm l'n ~re SO IIlle rrill"l<:a l pn she.: , nl r a per I\~ ~oon liS th t
rno vell, p lc :IIse send Ite m ~ :alon,; III Ihc hll"lncs", 1m.:" .. 111111 <;y'i ICIIl cnuncd till 11\'1:1 Ihese. t hc I11 cm
offi ce ber<;hlp w il l be OIHLAeJ liS til wh.1I propl,...il o; the
I lake IhlS u ppUrlunllY III pcr-.on.1l1y thank :til .. ysll.'m luunul WIll he pit ,&:nrlll" III man.1Jo;cmCnt
of the .. noldlan locOi ls tlu l voted for m&.:" as thtu RHl.ntlv B"h WJh:l~ l.hld hnt'mJ,n, Molteeltus.
lEe m ember, [ I~h t h Ot t nct. Clnad.l H.lvmg brcn retired Kuh h.l lI\e • .JS 't' .11'" \\uh Local 149. Wt
:t(lpoln ll::d by l' le ...ticn l Illila id In '"nuary. 19RJ, II all .... l~h RtJha HIY luylulu'lUcmen l 11m Marquan
W.1S mll.!>1 gr.1t1f)'lnt; Itt be dec l ed hy our Canadian lind 8111lol J 11.I11I, AuhUln, were IHutnmed HI ehltf
Bret hen .InJ SIU..: I$ at tlUt _~.lrd on \ cntllln held Imc m..: ll , B"lh IUI\~' \/\ el .W fl':" ., I)f llIle e xpe ll cnec
In Ca nada Loc;l1 H O aJ~o t h:lnlcs a ll ou r siste r and w ill ml ke uc<;cllent lea dcn
loc3 1 ~ In O ll!llrlU wh l( h h:H'e cln p l{lyed ~II 11I.::tny lu"t HI lell11nd the mL;lnhc r (lnl:e iI,,1I1n f1i some
II I our In'''ldl'. wll emen III Ihe la51 Iii mlln[h~ \ \ e Ihln,l:. uf e,!o;treml' UnrIJII IUllC. lake ~ fe .... minutes
tll) P ": YIIU (..&n Culliinue tu JI) ~u In IhL' new l con trum Iline to lillie \11 1r:.ltqU:lIIl1 ),uurSl"h-es with
his pk lUfC a t(' l.aea l 26 1, GWlon ,
I R " 11"" 11 AH ', H ,\1 ),OUt boo. J/Hum..:nt' As mlny uJ you ;l,t' aware,
h nager i:.d ))(. u .. I ;l 1 conft lt.nct
Ifwre ",e: pt'orlc III man,1/;cm('n t I\ho mtc rp rct
dele.gHt and :l 1 ~o Lonl 2eil a ll d M eu l T t a de!i
man)' lI,"dc" JS Iheir nceiJ~ HI lind nu t III keepin g
Coun cill{cco rJ in g Sccrc ury Joc M c~~ i c r l II l1 d M etal
Work Outlook Is With t he , c.d I1I c n lHn~ uf lhc ,trlle1c.!>' You cl.l uld
T radc, C llun r il l ' r c~ id {, 111 THill IOdtJv.
v<. q' we ll .IV'lId .1 rroh k nt, 111 eVell a ~tlev.ulCC, If
Brightest in Years you kecl" up to d.m: ....'lIn t he 3)i lcemc nt , and J t Isl.inJ L~bol Rt'lit drch Cent r Jnt! sl:vt"ul ()lhtr
L U_ 24 2 11,Jl b,&p:&,t m &' :&I V), n UL Ti l, t\\l NN . Ihl' s:lIne lime ket·p Ihe"c I;C II a 111 ~upe r \lI'>IH~ hun ur~31l1:J l llIn5 ~~ked l hu we send iI dC'leg;ltc [(I tbe:
W e Jre SAd to ICPOrl the ulmmely dl.;Jth oj 8 , Ul her t.!>l' (j,St Annuill Rhl,Jc I.. l:tnd CUlllcrcnec nn l,1bor
Stcphen RonchJk. lUurneymlln m"uJC' ..... uem ... rt Unllm rtH..-..:III1';" .&Ie un Iht' fuUllh Thul'l.JoI)" of MdnaKelllent RelilllOIl~ lilt' ,'.1t·O;"lef recilullllg sec
who died Sunday, Deccml)(! 1 7, 19Mc'I 8rmhe l Run l\CtV month .n Ihc CCnl.~';1 Amtll<. .1n lC~lOn K reillY of l ot;!1 261 ~n d thl MU.&I Tr;tdt:1'o Coundl
lha k WIIS In ll la lt.:J InHl Local 276 un OClI)her 19 I" m Ik tllt'le l III New London, wu the un alllnlOUS chOIce Bro l hcr
1966. He had been e rn pillyed by VJ II OUS loc al T It Gl)OI\1 LI l V PI'S Mes"lcr h :ls ~l'lI ;t m cruher II I Ihe Mc ra ! T lade.,
eOn tra Ctob and was curre n tly wor kll1,it on thc b kc Coun cil NegulI:lllflg C"m mIlCl'l' .. lII ce 1972 anJ
,UPC lIlll Papc l Mill Pro l~'Ct In Dulu th Qu, ,>ym h.ls becn rn\i(ll\eti III h;rI.ll.Jmm,; hn Ille 1.l'l.1 fin
pa t hy goes out IU Ius family li e ..... 111 he ml"·,ed h,. Local Mourns Brother conu",,:t
,111 of u~ \\o'ho knew him
Tht memberll of Loc2 1141 voted todoMI .$. 1.000
Harold Richardson The: cunkn:nc!! 'IIran~('d loul .... ulk .. h(Jr~ IIH the
tJdegaw .. In Ihe tn o rnlll~ .Ind Ih'c ~C"S.f{III~ In (hl·
from 01.11 Emcrgeney Fund HI the arc' food shelves, L 257 (i,c l1I ,rtb ,rt <;& "Pll), IEFFEU: SOI\ IT .... afiernoun Brolhc l Joe ""C.!l"'l't "." a pJne h:.! In .1
Includ ing !-5oo 10 the Dulu l h , H AHE PrulcCI and ," O ,,- Eleetlilil" :ne OV{'I 101 ,I I"> h lle Ihank ';( II>d mommA work:.hup de,IJm A wl lh II'l llds Ln rHLV J. tc
':i00 a m u ng t hl: I wu H:lI hurs, Bllll n c rJ, CI I)(IU Ct, n es'>' Thl' l t: W,IO; J .H.!i pUl ell1 lurnl1l11 111 th e SCC t OI coll ecttvc bJIg.1inlo,o! [ ;lc h sel eCted p.rn l.'i ls !
nnd Superll)r f{uxl sh dveo; In ,Idd llron 10 Ihese Icgl.!l l cn·d Vill er<; J LI ~ I jotne~ 111 .,huw Ih.1I c\'t'r}'llne ~ pokc lor fjl.-e m 10 mIRUH!~ on m.:\\· ctend .. he III
mon ies, th e Dul ulh buddln.ct I I J~lc5 enJll r ~cd .J ....·J otS til bitch, but It ' 101.) much troubk t(. vote. ~hc hole! Se... n In th~' p;t .. t fe ..... ye,jl,..
Holi day Fun d Dnve t o suppo rt thesc loclli food M ost lahorsupr(lrted C.lndubtc .11 the st.lte level 01.11 dcle~a(e ~pokt' nn the !!.uhlt"ct uf e.llly na,
.. I1I.-lvc'l Mt'mb~' r s (If all JUCtt!'1 dun:&tctJ at 411 the lust It may he d IUI1)t !wn mnrt" \lca l'" till nell:t A.unlll)L a trcnll Ihat lotdllCd III 19MI .... llh OU I
constJ UClLun ,t1b~ .. round thC' .1l e;l T tlt:y collected eieclIun l comran)" [ Iectrlc 60.:l! DI\-'ISlo)l1 of G&.:ncral Dy
"JlprOlt: lma tdy $8,000 Th:rnk y{)u fo r helllA 50 C(ln~tru(..t\u1I I~ \I,I! ,1m, Ihue .H~ 70 IIhm un MlnlCS lie 31so Informed t hl' 50 or ~o delega lcs 0 1
gcncl'OU& ;IS the l!,! ,trI~ m.1ny up In Ih e nurth land Book l. r llrt W\)llJ IS 51111 t he only thtnjot c"nlln,; tlH' wlHkshu(1 thnl d lC' ma llY ~ In kc,> clHlu red by
who need the foo d ,lnd hei r . ur th:r t rn .1Y 1.lke m.any I1I Ul lou l I)f Sptln~f1 dJ tlH' poH lIC~ '>l lI l,;e 1962 m ade early b a r~lIlnlllg de
Th e ln ke Supc ll u r Pal' c r Mil l I .. III full "wln~ lucall GCllc r:tl TclcphLillt Clll il i uvee~ li re busy ..... lth Sl(a bk ftlr bol h Ides li e then .!lpclk e o f t he dl iS
no w, a nJ Ihere ure Joom 10.<; e!cctrll;.1.11l.'> (]Il Ih e t he ClltO\lCr.s th.J t Me taklll>: pl.1ce 11\ Ihl'lt ..en·let euhy In secunn,:: lin (OIrly conlr"et lind 01 thc
lub. T he loc21 houlJ see l ull employment In Ihe ;ued Only J eourle of gm:v.lnccs ;III.' In [h~ mlll- ':'UCI:C'<;~ \\c had III 191'.1 and IYHJ . huth lime:.. new
spnng T hiS Will be the nUt umt In threC' years nCit mu(h In ,erurl T(I"" l m~<;tt' l I calling h.H:k wOIk cunuacts ..... e f C' SInned SIX nlllnlhs bdnrc tlle
Wt ha\'c h,1d full empluymenl Thank .. a~ .. tn to aJl quite J Il.' \\ emplll~el's rhcy h;J\·... nrdc lslut O\-'Cf t;XplrJ,lItin ot Ihe tun!!n l 3greelnt"nl When the SIX
t b e locals tha I IM\e kepI (lU I mcmhcrs worklll~ J milIum fan!> flit Ihe 111.,1 lime \11 'ie\c l ~ 1 )' ... a rs randlfj.t5 Icprescnung l.l llor and management fin
A ncW, th n:c·YCM cuntract ....·a,5 r.a t lfied Nove m - Wc heM nn shullj o ..... n I ill copn nil jjf ' ~7. KR G· T V I~hcd ~(lc;lklt1g (lnd hcnan fl cld lll ~ q ueStlO n ~ h n m
be t 18 by our Duluth t eleVIs ion t eC htllCLllltS. Th e 13 is qUiet . Btl l must be Ifl'J,U I1J,: e\'eryonc OK tilt' 3l1C.ltence, Oll l dcl e/oi.ltc'.. W P IC p r,,\'ukeJ Ihe
contrJct cl1l1s for a J rc ,ee nl w a1tc me ' ease each Bill V~\.IKhll , 1" ~,,,dl·1II elf U lIlt I. and myself jotrc.lIe.!>1 rt;!. PQn~e Sume I/f the (ltnc l !renJ .. no teJ
year t\1cmbcn 011 the BlltKalllLng Cnmm llt ce .....CH· a u ended Ihe 1 CC·'! Omferen..:e III Lung, BCJch by Ihc pandlsts we rl' t WO tie r wage SC.lk. !!O'it
Busmr.,s Man:t.'lcr ' Ftnlllllh,1 ~crc t ..try Cl oI rt"ne~ C;llrfornt.l em NII\'t.:ln~r ~ Ihlllugh 7 CUrr&.:nt contarnmem mu<;urC5 lor health hcndil~ . lump
Whcl;m "ltd SICW;l ld5 8111 W;:ud, fuhn T.3lcoll. :md contract under nlgotlJtmns no ..... "rc h;l"ln,; .iii 'Sum 11'l)lOen ( <;, .. ub~lanct' ~bu ..e . bonusc'S v~ wal!e
Mtlee Hatles tad lough IIIne of It 1"':nSIiUl hendh<; and cUIIJlllOn~ lnC,ea.,c , and ILlnllmj; 0 1 d lll1l11.lIl1lg COLA
We hope {'\lerynn . .· h:ld II ~afe and hd PP¥ huIIJ :t\· were all J I ~eu"~l.'ll En'ryt h rng I" d l.1I1J;ml-tall)nce [ lc( tl cC Boa l c h nsl cnL.'J tWO !>uhmannc!> wlt h m
.,IOd ou , be~ 1 flll .1 11,1pp y Ne ...... Yeln fO I al l rC III I.'C~: We h ,l ~ll\'t tll r';llI tcn Inc R", tl rl.'c.!l nn e week IJf each Ullin T he Ilr~1 dlll""telll n ~ W3<;
Ciut l" !hl! LI L, 11:-' Clu b ! W ith o u r schedu le! ~l'llL n g 111' .1 m eeting has lhe fa!> 1 .n uck 5\l hm:Hl ne ~(/tf IIIIW on DeLem be r
been h ard An m creU'lt' III r en~lCI n hellen l .. ha s fl, 19So/ Jn d t he sc o n e! ~·.15 I ht· n.1t10n '!I n ln lh
hcel1 unnuullccd tUl I !:nt Inelllhers un (l«=n .. IUII WIll Triden t mlsSllt'·f1f1n~ suhlllJrine T('Imt'~~I'i'I'n D t"
Want Some thing Changed? rCCI.'I\'e ~ -1 (ll:fCerH II1(1eJ ..e 11\ ~ndlts . lnJ In)'one ct!lnher 1 ~ I iJRit
rc t mnlt aftcr l.lnuMY I 19X7. wtll h~vc:1I1 NEBF
Send in Your Proposa ls benefit III $IJ no pi' r Inllnth pet year.; 01 "Cf \'lee
L.U_ 149 luI, GENEVA, N . Y.- Out focal Iud lIS We WClt' all ".lIh!eneJ hy Ihc ,le.tl lI III "ruthe l
~e h ol:1( 5h tpdr.1w lng recen tl y T hl" ..... mne r 01 the 1I.lI olJ Rll.h.mi:.oll, rrC'IIJclH nf HI(.h urdsOIl Elec-
\riC loe.llcd In C ,IIURlDl.l. f.'1i~~OUtl H ~' W.1'1 .I
OSHA Regulations
5250 was M <u1e Ve~l)sley. son 1)1 d ud Ii m:ma n
Andy VC~H .. k¥ hum the Auburn .. cellon Ilf nlJ I membcr III the IIIEW "LI1(;1: IUlle l. 194K. IIlld wa'l Discussed in Recent Meeting
hlCal ,\ \,1 lk 2ltenJ<; C.:tyuA:I County Com munity C~ I Ce ll1 cJ hy hl~ Idl\l\\ WLllk" I S~IIJ III" empluyces L.U.2b 2Ii o ). PLAI FlU 0 , . ,. AI .. IIv..:mhl,
Coll e,;c He IUM recently completed a [hret YC~ I lI.uold It.l\·c" J, ",d~. sun .1nJ t .... o o.!J,ughtlr ' \'e .3"1.... btl.'.1kf.&S[ ,ponMue,J h). 'he ""'metlet "Unt\-
;1 .....
tuur nf du t y wuh the U ~ t\ ,my Tbe nffltelS Jnd tecl th"t IIl1r~llo.! (lUI ;A 1.1t nf It'dn.: inti! ,hI'" ;6 Labor ClluncII • .1 $-;00 Khnla, .. hIJl "'J, .3wa,ti..:J to
E 14031d mcmbers ul LI.)cal149 tlucnd eon~r;t t ul;l · ')'ca l'"" Jlt· WJ'I an .IC(I\C Il1l'Inher of LllIca l l;7 .mJ Andre .... 'mllh 'l;un ut !hmhcl Tum "'muh Thl"
Iltln.!> to \\a,k anJ wl .. h hllll b..:oI;t IULIe In the fu t ure '>-1 1 nn the Arprl.·nuLe.,hl(l_lIld rl;lilllll~ Cmnlllltlce W.I S t he ">nontJ "l.hutll~ll1 p oI V.dU!..: J h i Alld lO:v. fO I
PreSident Oa k\ ha s m!o rm cd u I hllt t here LS a for m.II1\' "l·dl" ! Ie "'LII hl' nlIS~CJ h IS ulldul-!r.1du.1t&.: work;11 Rutgcr'l UI\I \' er~lty HI;' >-
lommll lec o f ~y .. te ", COlln... 1 Illc llI he , " w ho arc rIm Bun .. P.S ill<;(l rC'ce.: I\'ed {!Ill' ()I tWv SIJlCXJ 'l(,;h!II J r~hlp<; :rW,lnlloJ
I110klll& IIItn ICdrgam=..l l1 UII I)f Inul u m un~ lnd by luc;:rl !6!'!io Slhnla,..hlp C"nmrnlltec The ..e .. nnd ::>
h;tvmg full ·lIme buslI1esoI; aj;l:n t s_ 1 hLS IS.1 conccpt 11 ,000 ......3 ",wa,Jed IU luscrh KII::.aI\ M)n of Bro thel
whIch is bJdlr nu' ..kd .Ino.! It "11.11 SUrr Of,\:tI b)'
Local 241,1 hefOJe IU"I hnw It WIll be ,r:mt·lm;:::ed
First Annual R.1. Labor-
Management Conference Held
Tom KII:.tn Concr.Hul.tunn.,t.) hllih .... mnef ... u'"-·
Ihe mUll"'') ~l'Il JnJ kccr hutUlI: thn<.C bt)uk ..

wil l be deCided ;Jlld IUlIkcd IntH by the System At.6 IL'CL'nt ",lInthl), m~·..:Clng, "U I IlIc.l llhnthen
Cnuncll ()mnllth;e . .'\ flu J stud)' hJS been madc. L.U. 261 jllu r.m o &el l. G ItOT O.\ , CO NN , Eaeh .... erc J,JJ I USCJ by t wO rq'ICl'H-nIJ tl \l .... l roIllO(., !-I A Z
lhe membcrs ill p Will be ndv ised. I ..... i ll kee p (t l! ye-i11 nU l InCII! \Itth:t· I I.!Cel\l~· " !lIA tI )' iOVII.l ll lln.; lI li d Mr Alc)(.rmoel !. SrtlC fl Hl .lIld I \I~ .1 .. ~(lll.lIe M r cr
I\lc mb cr~ pos IC'd ~ s to a ny 111:"' mformn ti (111 ,Ill tillS retlut:sI-. It then hl.'culI1e, t hc 1I1111c ult I," k I)f IJht!lp l't.:IM , wuk lime liCi t \If Ih~' 11 hu.!lY :!oc hc Ju Je
HU~lIlc~!o Ma\la~1.' 1 Ell DeC,,"I,I, Ihe l xt.'cuuvc Ill)oI rJ.
;i5 It comes a long Also, yrlll w!ll he kep I ahreast to cxpt.1ln to us the ncw chJnge Iha\ OSI IA h .l~
of mf o r m~lIIon.n you r locAlmcctll1K!i anJ I he membe",tllp to ~ I t'c t the mVlI .& tums .&od tn"lttutl"d MII~I of Ihc c\'c n,"~ \\.1' !>pellt t.&lktn~
I would advl"S;C all memhc l o; thai onl,;(' a~.lID " IS pcrMlnntl lar Iho: CHnt-ll IhJ t Will be the;: most "houl lemrl.lrdrl· rOW!.'1 .1110 Itght rhc ,m!,.)l unc:c
con tr;tct yea r If Yllu hil\'c any propHf>01Is for (OU- bcnefi ,,,I
to OUt OIRJ,nl:"uon oj ground · l,1u!t (llOteClh.n ..... .tS tressed .mtl lhe
.. tdC.rlIlOll AI nc!:oIl01l0115, y()u COi/l give tht m to In lIte p t crntlc:r o j 19~ti , ,he Rhode 1.. I:tn d C(lrre!!t lO<;t/I,llBuun procell u".' ..... a~ tll~eu"" .. cd Tll l ~
IUly or/kt r Ot E lJo:ad m e m bet . Pr poslI ls 5f'1 nu ld Dcpilttm n l 01 I ahu l T he UIlI VCISIlY nl Rhode b nn ~ .. tIl mrnd Ih l" IInportance of ",I(ct\ on Ihc lob
Scholarship Recipient for th r ... ery larg.e nnd Ilfgan Lzcd eltorl m'l'dcu 10
mect a deod h ne.
The CentCf IS:II laolu), (codmg hl th~ n1.:t'J, and
training of handlc.lpped li nd aUU5lU~ chd.lr4."11 from
.. few )'elI fS 10 InCH C.llly tccn r.,. Cf)·L1111l1: from
arts and crafts 10 f'l.'r .. IU1.d hy~'~ne ,~ taught !he
oUtSide g rounds I ' CSnHd leu th~ Imp r vemenl
of Ihelr pbYlieaJ dextenty. which is lO YluUy

unporUlnt4 M r. McGlynn wa able, one .... or
;\nolhe r, ICJ procure mllny Juccej (I! playground
equipment thil l ran Ihe pmut from elevated hand
boxes. whe\:h.h.:au SW11I~, olhu h.andlcap IWlngs,
II roof cO!J<"t'LI pa",iIIlon. aDd 2 nnncr comr1ClC 2nd
sopluslluncd StruCtUiC e:ompnscJ of IJdU1J; boanis,
Shown 3 • .a rteem awards br!'akfaSI s pons ored by tuood :!>hoot~, .md .II !iu!>pcnded. swaYing walk
bndgc. All of Ihc new cqulpmC'nt was fundcd LD P!cturl"d IIrc ,hl" m embl" r$ of the 51. Luke Hospi l al
the Om t.r.!lCI Coun l Y Labor Council are Brc l hl'.r
large pllrt by the .rC3 ', lamcs Kerney Found.ll lOD I:rl" w . Fro m row. Il.': fl t o right, Cuy Thomas. 8 rn
Tom Smith! h is soo Andrtw ""' ho recC!h'C!d a $500
but refu rblshmg. fcpa", ~IlJ pam l11"l1: of 1111 of the AIl IU nl"S, Ja ck Dish, and Fr auci.!! Lel", arcand row,
.ChO!aflih ipl ,lOd his: wile. Jnn ne.I Pl1 olo ubmill cd
used eqUIpment and the ercetlon ond assembly of A hm T fU , Bra d Tur k , Ji m Lund, Ho b SCO tt , Tom
by Loca l 26'2, Plainfi eld. .,. ,
.11 unjlS, sp3nning eX-ClaVation a.nd onerett: work. h a6n . lin d Pal T rue.. (PhOTO l u bmit lcd by Local
was petformed by builJlng troldes personnel. 19 1, Bohl". Ida.)
le t 'S nI}l IliSt ta lk about It. Bro t he rs U: I " IHIIClitc On a vcry hot Saturday In c ll rly Septembe l, 50
what we preach I of our lBEW l\(m h elS nlld Local MI Iron Wo rkc l!I
Welcome aboa rd 10 our thret: newest mem bers u nrll:r till: J UI.: ... llu,\ of nU$lness M onugcr Kennedy Hard at Work
of Local 262. President Tom Howe admin istered an d LocaJ 68 Business MaD:lgc:r Morris Rubino,
the oath to Brothe rs Jack Kennedy. KeVin CU ll an, gave of till.'11 lImc fur the happlncss of o t bcrs.
and Keith More. yo u· ... e taken a ve ry blg Sll!p 11'1 Wi t h in 10 nnm 10p hmll s :ln d lunch on Ihe ru n ,
your liIe, Bro lhersj nnd th is Is only the begm n lng the "Olymp ic Mllup:lrk" li S II \\'J~ du bb(!d, was
1\ bngln hl l ure lies ahead brought 10 co m pletion nnd S3VC fO I a fcw gamlsh es
As we ente r mto Ihe second half 0' Ihe scllool w ill ch we re dUllc wlduo the neXI week, 11 W311
)le3f, lei us OOl IH:sl l lite I t) check UlIc) the mnny rcady fot use T u n!! was short, you Sl·e. hccnusr::
courses bemg offered by our lATe to loumcyman October 10 WllS ll lr C3d)' Sct as O lympic Ony. It was
wiremen Courses like' fiber Op tiCS, weldmg. motor unfOrtun.lllc th is w riter couldn't honot hIS inVI13-
control. and programmab le compute rs Will heir us flun I U be on hand for thc evcnt and lunch with
to improYt: our skIlls anJ markelll'lJ; .lblh t )' ihc the p01IllClparll.5. liopdully O(he r~ WcrC able 10 do
mor~ W~ IC.lm, the bCller off we :lre In the: gro""lng ~u. It 11I"'l certou n ly W4s a 81l1ld tHoll by 311
tnd~ we work In
Involved. A wurn tb:mks 10 al l mcludlng financ ial
Think union. bu), union bl" union St..'1!fClary Fran Ma rCiante. PreSident Carl K,-acmcT,
Ruy l lt(; iAnl, P .S IInJ II special thanks t o 8rother harles Howdl of
i-I at"lc1· Buchln [ICCIIIC "'ho was Instrum ma) III
making 2val)able wh.1tcvtr eqUipment, nu·cba·
Volunteers llIo:.l.:J VI Othe:"""ISC, W3 nccde:d fO I the: lob
AL Bltll. TQUNO, r .5.

Loe:a l 294 Brot h er Doug Ohl5f1m is !> h own worki ng

on the Ringo jCJb.

New Tax Laws Threaten

Setback for Workers
"e·4R""i·p~m~1It area frolll t ht. le h 8rc L.U. 294 (l ,u ,ern ,rtb,m& s plll, H18 8 1 G, .r\\ l NN.-
Oro l h t r5 R.. lph HIHlenwl'i 1)o tr , lohn C u n n ing ha m ,
At the lime of writing of this 3rt1c1e, ou r contrac ts
Mikt' M ardante (p:lrtia ll y Ilidde n ), Fin:lR c.i al Sec.
Mc m bef1; o f Lou l 289. Durh a m, N ,C' I con t in u e wah REAl NO ll hcrn Elcctfl ... CUlIl'elilllVe In Vir
reta , y Fra n t\l:I rc bo te (hold ing ladde r), Pr esidr:: n t
wor k ing in II big b u iltll ng boom In Durh a m . He rl!" gIOia, Mlnnesou , and Wll luw Ma nulactunng o!
Kra eme r. Business Manllgl'f Kl'n nc dy, :md )l,Ih n
u nhingha lll, II ., a ll of Loca l 269, Tren t on , N.,. Ken t Mixo n, le h , and O lin Mur ph y c ross r o nn cct
thC! lin es to UlOre n t w CU!olOme rS.
Mt Iron, Minneso ta, wcre Stilt being ncgoti:ned
We thank nUl 810tncrs on the N cgotllllmg Com
mutee fo r citelf mally bt)ur~of hard work III gatntng
the b<'St contr:act po~slble
Members Volunteer Efforts Work Scene Sti ll We ;lIe s:nliJf;;:m:J Lu H,:von the death of B ro t h~r
For "Olympic Minipark" Has Not Improved 1;lIlI!':S W '·hms. Sf_. on OCWi>e 1 13. 1986 Bro t he r
L. • 269 Ii ol. T'tENT ON . N.J.-Evl·ry once In a James W.1S Inttlated mto the ISEW on Octob..., 2.
wbll~ thc local union r~cr::I\"cS II ple.1 for help horn LU. 29 1 11,1,11.5&' 0), 801 E, II) .-Hello from cbe J956. lie re:ti rr::d In 1984 Ill" wu II I.h~r::tor of
some wonh""hllc OtgJOJ::JtlUn 1l1<;lltutcd "od m1.:mbets of Local 291 l.lItie "liS eh3n~cJ In the llpprcntlct''ihIP pt()~r.ms for tbe S(3te of Mmncsou
lHIUctureJ fen thC)'<C le.s fUnUD.1tC lhlln our:.dvc work scene helc. \·dlh a IOIT!(c pcrcenlaAC of OUI and II past aSSISlllnt bu sine~s 1n3nl1lJ:.C!r for l.oc;al
Oitrn lhe help nl!el.ied IS of a fimnt'I.11 type such membership 51tH unemployed Of on tbe road lure 294. WI.' ~Ah:lld i)UI !iymr.uhlc'l 10 hiS Widow, Anna
.IS Ibe: .Ilt.1" annual Del;",.. ;ut' Valley Unnr::d Wa)' uf hllnng tl) report the S.1me wOlk JHCtu,e month Harm . and family
Onve, but lUSt .n irr::que:ntly It IS of the: kmd of .Ihcr m onl h l but with II ,.,edk Idaho economy anti Another 'Jelbak fo r UflIons IS to the new en: laws
help thDt wc arc must pJoflcuwt .lit (lffcrm~ Etee: . much of the work an OUI e:lecmc~l mdustry gOIllS 1m 1987 II looks like we are nUt goms:, to h3vr:: nu ,
tncol) con'\Ul..1ctlOlI. of CQur-.e, IS our fonc. but wr:: to the nonunIOn e1emlo l1l, the ~cnc remainS the 1987 union duC'S dedur::uble . AI.\o, uur uavdmg
4re willing :mJ qUlle :lblr:: 10 .:lUI t :Illy Uo:\cr\'lng SJ;II\~ To hrlp Impm\\: thiS pic ture • .II puhln: rc· r::xpcn~~ thlll we have bc:en able to deduct WIU
orgamz..ltlOo In aU lo.:pcCU n( rcl:;nC'J construction IDUOOS ump~IGn bu tk:e:n l3.un(. hcJ The cope of ;lbu ,-holn~r:: II "prlcc'S to unly thu ..e e~pt'n~c th.1
-' 3nd.l5 cmbty. In Ih~ case nl gO~'crnml:nt agcnUC$. Ihese dhllt'i l'i to enholnce the- imol&C of the mEW cxcer::d 2 puccnt of our adlu~tc,j gro~s lOCO 1Ilt'_ It
« mtmbers Ihrough cUl"JIIl:l.led cflorts of hOOr and make. It hllrdc r to m:akc ends meet when we work
z though Ihey molY bt.: lunded. budget C.lp!> (H sIJaIt\(:d
away 110I1t home
a: pur,>c stnngs Will onJ)' allo ..... e:qulpmcnt purchol~c mllnolgc mcnt, thu Irylng to recapture Itt~t work
~ Mote on th iS subJect ol! thr:: program m:1turt:s. Our ccunomy III nurthern MlllnC'i(ltn i,> stili III
or a p;tntal PHlII!CI sl"n Only v., I""c01n"m and
Q CIvic mll)dcdnc~ ~ bnng the unJert:lktl1~ ttl (ruillOn Included I.. u pholCl III Ihr:: St Lukes HOII(pit31 .I dcprc sed st.llt: . .1nd I.slen up. Brolhers and
Such wn~ Ihe caSe recently when Mr . Druce crew Thc fou l·f1oo r adJlllOn hll'l been II wc.;]comc >" ·Hc r'l. her::Au5!: 11 mJ}' sprcJd :ac ro, this sr,'3t
McCI)'nn , J u ector of the Me rce r Cuunty Dlly "LIe to Ih lS lIIe3 . tountry nf o urs. Thc Reagan admllll""l1tuJll'S npcn
T l.llntng eOtcr 1ft E"' ing To..... m.lllp. pr::tl1lUncd :'0, u ntil next lime: . J Wish you h3pplllc,;~ and support lor Ihe e),te:nsion acfO~!o Ihe US . MC)(ICUIl
the Me rcer Coun ty BUl ldLnA T rades th rough eholu4
hCllhh bortlr::rul Amcnct'n as~cmbly lanes h:ascon trl butcd
30 man :11111 Loeal269 h ll sln.:, .. mtlnll~t: 1 O()n Kennedy to the probl u ns wit h grow Hl K "u~ l al nnd Cr::011l)lIlIC
BE.NNV ANTUNI .. , PS . ctlnsc q ul..'nccs for workcrs In the US A !IS wr::11 a s
MCA1CU. United St.lles fi rms h.. vc Invt:sled nurly HUllt'".!: c:lson IS In with \nlhu!>I.l~ IIC. membef bl(' _ Exe.clse cau ll un III you I bUSlIlcss aH:l1rs. fur
52 b illIOn In the p.... t 10 ye:U5 In setting up plants pUUUII'!g Ihelr «ame Congr,uullltions to Brot her Ihe world IS full of tHchry nut lei th iS not bl md
across the ....10IId·5 Ionge.st borde r between .. clevel· Sob fu llc r for hiS baggtng of a mee elght,polO t you to wha t Virtue there 15. Many pt'rSollS stri ve
ped and :i d evelopmg coun ll'y , stretc h ing Irom buck t bis season Bob IS a dl'(hca t cd hun te r and for high Ideal , 2nd cve rywher life 15 lu ll of
T exas th rough N e .... MexIco an d A n::ona t o Call - u'llcd ;I bow IIlId arro ..... tn hay II,..; Ill Ct b uck. h erOism . Be yuu l'>elf. 00 not ((I ,:n a ffection .
(a mia . O n the SQ Ulh Side 0 ' th c bord er. t here li re I AN W t:IIHf R. P.S Takc ki nd ly th e c.oun scl o f the years. xr.lcdu lly
160 p lan t:'> e mp lOYing neonl y 3.000.000 ....o rk ers s urrende n ng the lhl ngs o f youth N u rtu re slre.n Ath
composed predom lna te.ly of women and girls whose of Spiri t 10 s h lt'ld you 10 sudden mufortune. Do
...... gcs .3\'crage only 30 cenJs 10 75 cents ao hour. Negotiations Are nO( d istr ess you r-.eU wllh nnaJtlnlllgs Many fc;;us
The MeXICl1n ,;ovc:rnmenl p rovides soldlc rs ;and On the Horizon an: born 01 (allgue and lonc=lmess _Beyond:l whole ·
police co SIlRe unlun orgamzmJ; On the ' lob safe l Y some dl clpllne be gende ....·llh yourself You.llfe:a
rcgui.alll)n!l ; u e vll t ually nonCltlstent or r.llrely en· L.U, 136 (t & c.a lvl, C HI C AG O , ILL, 1·,cp.1ratlOn~
<h lld of lhe universe. nO less Ihan Ihe oees and
fO fced. Bc::cause favo rable tan fi deals be t ....·cc:n thc:: :ln~ hcmg m:ldc for tht' 1931 contrac t n gotl a tlons the slars. you hne a IIghl to be he . e And whethe r
Un ll cd SUtes and Me)! lc!) nu ke II jlo..slble for with Ce n tr:ll Tclephnnc COOl pliny oJ IlIlnoi5. Ou r o r nOI It IS clenr 10 you. no duubt the universe 18
componcnts 10 nHlve soulh across t he border :Ind pn: .. cn t eIllUI .lt:1 with the m expire,> August 31. unfo ld ing as 11 shou ld. T herefore , be .'l t pelleI.' with
Ihc assem bled produ(tS 10 move b;lc:k to thts G od, wha t ever you conceive H Im to Jx:. Whatever
country it IS al m ost t ot al ly duty free PrnJdcnl Buslllt.'l'!'01 M,lIhl~t' l T om ne.lgley, Vice you r l lI bor~ li nd ~splf.n l i ems . In tht: llUlSY confUSIOn
Un t il next month, be unIOn, buy union, Jnll PreSi dent Don Moseley. Chic! Steward lohn Skurk.l, of ,1ft:. kcc::p peace With ynur :'>ou' With all Its
always look for thc l.tbel Ihat SJys made III t he and 'ilc ..... :ud Tom tlllsck aw,'nded Ihe Telephtlne sh.am, drudl;.uy. and broken dll!;uns, It i stlll:t
Comdmalln,a:Cuullcll :;, Cl)nf(,lI~nce held m W:1sh ix3Ullfui .....orld Dc ca reful. SUIre (0 be h:appr.
U A Buy Amen !;".. n btcau ..c you nc one, lmd he
pruud 0' \I
mglon Ifl NIH-e mber I he 1 CC·5 IS comprised III
locals Ihat hold eonlf.lcts with CENTEL As a
We hope 19f11 WIll he .a gund yc.ar for you .
WhCfC\'e r )'011 life
f- I.IR()v IAIIIJL , P'-.
result o f thllt meelm/:.. ..... c W i ll fCCC:IVe COp l!.:S of
Dlt ... HIAI ON. P S
all mner CEN T El l.ultttacl\ fill Itna!Y"I<; .1IIU cum
p:lIl<;on The JlJ1noulltnl De~ 1'IIIII1es I ~I'~ cl osln~
Officers wall dlscu~"icd .lIlcnAth d unn$! Ihe cun ference, and Friends of Labor Party
tholt cJoslnl\: wtll be Jrbm:lteu by OU f loca l CEN
TEL membel ~ .are encoura~cJ to ;mend thCIr unu Becoming Traditional
mcellogs 'm tII'OIm:attllllllo d(',,'c!opmt:nls 1.. U.l49Ii,o, u,m PS.r'III ,nb ,r1.!1o&!>p;l), M IAMI , FLA.
Ln'por.lltt" C:ommUmGIlIUiI\ ~.lge rcopcnt:r .... ;a.!> The flleodor; I1f Labo, P;IIIY on Dec.c mbel H 15 bM
st:uled eflectlve Dcl,.cmhcr I. 1986. illinOIS Bell bccomlnA ;I trJdmonal t:VC"nt ui local 349. As I
CummuOicallons h,15 l w;lgc rC0f'~n c r Ih3l w:as ....·.Ilked In Mond~y afternoon at the ElteltlCfan 'S
due lanu:IlY I, 1987 U ~ C:able 'l clev l ~ l (m of lake Hall, 11 W3'i ttl my delt~ht to set" must o( the CII)'
(IUn l ~($ a!Hi Centcl Cable I cievlslOn '~ contraCl of MI:llnl . Mlll lll l BC:I(;.h . lind Dudl! Counly com
CKjll rt: June 14. 19!17 Memlw., will be contacted nll!o'~lOn('rs. bud d ing tn~pcclOrs , :!jcn,1I0.s, Jnd ludges
(() (iJl QuI surveys. ;15 pan o l lhe (lOiny. Archlc fcrnOlnde::, OU I bu s llles
illinOIS Bell, Indl.In;l Bdl . .tnd Amttll cch Servo m::m:agcr, OInd M.arty Che ..... OUf pre Sident , put un
Iceslneorpofilted employce~ shou ld be advLsed the: thiS c~cnl I look off Ihe lIitc:nwun "u I could attcml
new medical plan I... now In effec( R('membc.·, 10 and WileI.' about Ihl5 Jtrt::11 p.ll1y Brmhcr An IS
T ht: omc-r rs o f Loca l 30 7, C m n br rl.and, Md .• .1liiI',
ldllo right, ~l'.IIItl' d , C ha rles Le hm.ll ll , Jr., tru:'> uu' r ;
call '01 the mand3cury ,econd (l plntOn If members ge t llllg the le:tde rs of till!> Sl3te ,lnd county together
fad 10 do SOl 3 subsl::tnllal loss In benefits WIll to bUIld a gre:Her Millin! with f1ll.::ndshlp amon~
' .li m es F, Combs , bU I lnen llun3 gefliin a ncial t C'- rcsu lt Also, the Prefe rred PrOVide r Otganlzatlons ou, government fll cnd'o1 We hlld It flnc huH!;t and
rcury; Ori3n ~hll o}', pr u ide n t ; St ~ v e Ca rith ~' rli , arc now III 1,la ce . 11111!;y :UL' u'lell. Ihl.' cUI,aymel\! plcn l Y {If good brothe l lind "I<;tcr Clinver~lItlOn II
~i l.'c p n:s idcJ11; l) e l1lli~ " ~ k ..: r . r c cordill~ se cretary; I ~ w ,lIYcl l W.IS wurth eyerYlhlllg to Sec tlHij greal get loge lh e r
"[lI l1d i ll ~, La rry Il o g;l ll , IlIl c llililio n lil lt eprcl! enta -
AlT lS ,1I H1uun ced a layoff o l ln expected 1,200 The newly renova ted Blltmo te H otel. II pillar 01
live; EKtC uli\'t Bo:ud m em be rs Ned ros ten , Dann y emp loyees an Deccmbcl N one pf 1..oc.11 3-16 mcm SO<:ltlY 10 the '30s .and '40". u:orened on Dt:cemhc.
Wt bslt.r. Jim Sw eit.,er, a nd C:lfy BI.a kr. bers .....ere llfiecled Anal)'st!; rrcdlct furthe r ad 26 The 61 )'ea r old Biltmore W:J S last occupled.a~
luSlmenlS III persunnel Jnd m;alket :,>Ir.lleltles .and a hotel 10 1942. when 1\ ......I S chan~cd mto a
e p.::Ct no help lor AT&T's C"arnlngs until 1988 V.:=ltr.lns Hospital that las ted over .. cou ple of
What a Trophy M,lt~nal Logistics Orl\lnt:atlOn Will reven back dec::~d es It .... :1<; vacant for 18 ye.us-years o( 10
to f\.b tc::nal C;ervlce InC;l tl(ln., ..... lth <;fOlCronm <;, deCI\HJn Now Ih e nld Rlhmorc .... 111 once agalfl
eJl l1Cd ll ers, and 10Lai ~tntkftJ{llll!> occome a p&l l.11 of society l oca l .149 did all th e
GTE·Cn mmunlcatulIl'l ~Y~tl' I1l S eX(>C'lenct:d somc ek Il lc;l1 work on Ihe bUIlding. Edll H elms Electric
I.Iyoff5 III rlccem her due tn a dec1ltlc In work Company IS the clec lll c:tl contrllctor dOIllK Ihe
BU SIness Cummum ... Jllon SYSt ms ,.lAd FUII I <;U ''i renovallon T hl~ arllcle IS abu UHendcd I U reach
ne ..... enUlY date .... 111 be: Apltl I, 19K7 We hopl! our B(OIher~ and Slstcr~ on the lOad to lei them
Pictured j .. Kroth er Rob
that dale h;a\ nil ulher 'ilgm(icanc:e know our locall~ dOIng everything posslblt' 10 get
Fu lle. li n d t h e righl'
'-.Uf1JlOrt )"uurself. hu) Amr.:llt..ln our members b:ack home If they desne
pll int buc k he bagsed on
AlftllltJ FMAI'oIl'" R .... lREM Qnt:e agam. I have t(I repml death!> III ~reat
his bow ·hu mi ng trip . Brother,>_ My deepe<;t "ymp,lthy. aillng With Ih;1I
of the Brothers of 349, goes OUI for t ht: famtlil's
Scribe Offers Words and fru; n ds of the5e members- l:d w!t1 It Relllil .
To Ponder About C l1 rd No. 0100271 . p~~sell ,1 w ay nn N II ~clllbc r 30t
I!HI(" 1t\1l l Utcd 11110 thc local (\1 1 A u~ust 15,1957.
LU. 340 { i ,D, rI ~,~ m &.~ Jla!, SAC II AM ENTO. CAL and born M.1 l ch 23, 1927, Archil: EdwJrds, Sr.,
'h.-lin hom ,~401 OUI ddl!f,;lte or; tn the I.1 rd IBhW Card No. 073452. dIed ovemb<.·t 2. 1986. horn
COn\enllUn III rnrnllltl Wl!te I'lc"ldcnl Lull Larson lune 19. 1932. Inlll:lled Inln the Itk.al on IJccembl!f
BU,>llIc:'>!> "',lfl.l~er Chuck C.1kc. ,md p~St Busine S 1';, 19,,'; Thr:<;c 8rothCf~ Will be mlsscJ by m;;mv
Officers Installed ; Rt:presen tJllye AI Romml It was the first 1.0
CIlAItI I" ' 8 0"",," 1-11 1111 1. VI' liS
Graduation Dinner Held Convention for AI .1nd Chuck. ':lIld they we re vcry

L.U. 301 1i , [I . u& c:.It~l. CU"W ERLANIJ, I\\D . AI

nur rcgu lar ineetlllg I II luly. Loca l .101 In ll l,dlcJ
Idl'/lt 'I
Im pr~' ~sed hy the way (lur new In lernalmnJI Prc:,>
R.HlY h,III Jlcd th e 11iocecJlngs
1 he lime goes by 4ulc k ly, :lIId now ..... e arc: In
Writer Concludes Career
111.' .... nffice l"; for the ne)!t th ree years T h ey a re lhe Wintry bel:tnntnjts Clf anothe r lie .... yeJ r- Iune As Press Secretary
Brun MJll oy, presldenl , SteVe Cam hers, \' IC(' p.e .. HI relict:! on the past ;Ind pl.1n fur the future. We 1.. U. 352 (u ), LA NS I NG, MI C tI .-IfIlPp)' V3lcn >-
Idem. DennIs Baker rt:conltn~ secretary, James hope Ihe fullu .... m" Willdl! .... 111 hnll! some me.llnlnl unc ' Day. everyonc::~ lIohy Va len llne'S Day ami «
Combs. bu"mess mana"er, .and Charles lehm;an, fOI III 0' uur Brothth .md SISttt<: thfOu~hout che uch du)' of ytlur hfe he filled wlIh Il)ve. friendship =>
trcasun:r I he U;('tUllve (kurd m('mixr .:Ile ':ames 18EW ktndnes'i , J;(xKi health. ;Iud ..... hate\ t:r else you might OJ
C;....·eilZet. 11m Sun Ned Croslen, C:a.y Blak('. and Gn plalldly anml the nOI\C and hastc, ;lnd rc · n.::ed 10 give you peace. contentmc:nt. aad ,ercntty' UJ
Danny Web<;tt:f 1 he EumtnlllR Buard rnt:mhers member wh.l1 peact: Ihele mll)' I\C in silence. As I have se.ved Ihe 10 al a'i 11 5 pre .... .,CCfct:t r y from
.I re Frank Ralhe. RuJ Key 5. ,md Ru:k T .... lgg lara ~ pos ~ l bl .• ""'1 I hl1111 .. lIrrCndt: l. be on )\UOO I Clm~ 1911.3 tu 19M! aJ~d ag.1I11 fro m 19H2 to 1986, .m d J -'
T h e An nual App r C I1I I C e~ lllp Gr,ldulLlWn OIl"lI)C I w llh nil p C rlllltl~ . ("Ile,l k YHur l\lu h IIUlt: tl y and h;). vc ,1sked Brothe r Steve SImpson 10 gIve the lob z«
was h eld II I the Cumbe rl and Country Club. Con cll!:lrly. ;Uld IIslen tu ollters . even the: dull and to someone else. BrQthc r Sunp~on I.. I hc p l c~lden l a:
;:.utuLJ[l('ons [0 Steve Ea lon. ](nbc fI Me l:!. W ~)'lle
Slevcns, OfinleJ Wlllh:ze r ami Mary "C:; Ullc " WIS'
Ignorant. lor Ihey. t(\o. 1I :lve Iht·" s lU ry AVUlJ lOlld
and agJ: rCSSI\'C pe rsuns, Ih('y ~rC' vexallons to Ihe
of Loc11 1 352. ami thc preS!i scclet.uy sCl ves ,II thc
dlscrellon of Ihe presldt:nt Steve $.lId he Will e)the l
enmliler $Plllt If )IOU compare yourself ..... uh othe rs. you do the tab hlmsclf or apl,uml sUlneone to do It I ~
may become v.am or bluer, 'vr :alw:ay.. Ihe re will tlOnc'Slly feel " fresh blood" IS needed 111 Ihe: p res UJ
\YOlk In (Jur a.ea IS quite ~Iow with nOl much
10 look 100ward 10 til the ncar future . M.any of au' be greate l and lesse r Ilc. son'So lh :1I1 yourself. secrc!tary's posItion In order to bnng new Insiglll !!!
members arc wo,ktn~ IR surroundmg ;:I rea 10e;:lls l:.nloy your achlevemenl 3S .... ell as you I plans, to tbe monthly II rtl clc, and to ClCpand th e cover3ge
:I t thiS lime Kl;cp InIt: re'o1ted In you . own c.1 Iecr. howeve r h um - to the vanous office . power plants, wate t an d 31
Officer SUit· Um .... crslty, n.:Ll' IY m~ il h,LI. hclUi (lj line art s
degrccfrtlm MSU In 197M John se n lOin cd I h~ board
In 197& ;as :I PJJI tlm (.' ed llUn:ll 3S'>10;1::Il1t She
become II lull lime empl\IYcc 111 1979 as rl:!cepuon-
I'll ' " the Public Inf,"m.mon OC(l3flmr nt In 1980
shl" W3"1 [IrummtcJ tl) public Inform:ltlon 5[1((laIIS\,
the pum U)n she hdJ pllor 10 being given the lob
of public mformn lon analyst In 4Iddlllon ttl bcmg
Ihe eJ111II III \\'OU, and OrfJI1\. she IS tespon!>lble
I(lf fHCJl.1l1n~ nc u" , rde:lses, It<,pnmhn1lu lI.:quCSt5

) ....-
for II1flum;ltmn frum the n .. wSo m .. du reJ:i1.rdmg
Board of W:ale t and Light :aellons and pullcles,
assc't ang IO lern;t1 \;nmmnnlen tlun needo;, and, on
oc:ca'!lton, 'Cling lI'\o "llIlkc~rt:f~(ln flU thc b(l,ud Shc
huwu ill 1., lt r Arlene LlStr, " co ,d lnA itCrrllI ry IS ~I~u:a wife :lnd ml,lhrr TIl VUU. N3n(\1 and Inhn, Th e seco nd-yur app rr: ntic r: c:la~S 01 Lou l 357, Ln
01 tocaI15'l. Lan!in&,. Mich . thank )'out Vr:Xa.'i , Nt"" h "h own jUSoI ahl:[ lIei n& oblill;.ud.
SiSler Allene La cr. whit hll" ... c r~·ed the Inc.11 J.S Back lOW , lerl 10 l i~ht . Vaek Bulie l . C liff M yles,
rccordlng secreHlry 10J nine YCol ' S, ..... a~ elctlcd to \'1'ayne Algc •• Duk e he n y, B::Irry "Ie huh z, Due
Edi tor that oUlcc lIg:Jln In June. I~X(,. for a term of three Kruleslti l CCntC' 1 row , t ike Caldwell , Dun Tu_n i ng,
I, . (pllrtilll1 y hiddr.nl, \lIu t\\ c lone; froot row ,
)'ear~ Shr h;1'i. ",,"ld ~Iso;li $I(,"",:ard of the Cus
tomer SC fVl ces Depanmcnl _ .....agc fcpre"enultlvc. ~rian CUllllnlll &~, RII1I DU lrl~, T on}' Sca pp:l , Mil.
CtC Thank you, 51Sll.'r la~r, 1111 expending )'OUI Ion Con n , Ind Brbn O ·Lury. 01 .. hown wa~
time and 131ent un bl'h31f of thc membtuhlp! IliIrry Hu, lI eJ.
Mity Almighty Cno ~UlcJl!. bless, and pro tect each
lind cvtry one of rou and )'llU t famlhe'i :and lnn-d Tumel h.15 bt:cn ~ rcal usCt 10 0"" l('Ica l :and wc
ones' .ue proud to have him a,
.I member
'mt ... P....-U.lCK HA~""Tu, P,so At the OClobl'T generalmccnn the ccondyca.r
a.pprentlce cla~.'i was bltg .. ICd IntO the mEW by
PTI:sldcnt Ccnc Goodnou.!th. After the el:lss WIS
obhg;1 lcd, JOme of the Local Vi1 members ex·
plalned 10 the new members some of Ihe hencRt!
and a bncfh l.'i lo l Y(If some of t he hardships suffered
by the t:;l riy member of th e ]DEW It was alo;o
This plioto s how! 1\\15. Nancy D. John stn, edi tor explollncd what a golden opportunity they have
of WaU l lind Drop~ ~nd public inform",;nn :ma lvSl Jnd that Ihc)' should m!lltc the mosl 01 t hclI
IOf un i ng 8 0ard 0 1 Wlllirr and Li ght . nppfcnllceshlp.
The Dcmut.rat s f.lIed well , rcg.:1I1l1ng the Sen.llte
a.nd Pl cklltK up some more scats In Inc Houo.:c " I
stcam diVISIon, CtC , where Ihe SI .. tcrs atH.! Brulh!! l!.
Rc prescnt!l1 lves Th iS to me 1"1 n move In the ng!"
work (nr Ihe BoanJ uf Water 3nd LI);h t . As press
olTcctwn, nnd It may wdl cnte th ru the Amen t an
secrcta ry, 1 ....'.1$ alf ordcd Ihe 0PPUrl UllIly to pub-
]1cople nle sJ(~ k I II l,vn\1I: Llnll e r th e po hde , of l
hcizc vanuus members who m! l:h l neve r see thC IT
Rc pubhtan prcsnJcnt who Is an tagunlstic It) th!; !!
nllmc or picture In <lny puhlicnll ull evcn thl) u ~h
well ·belng_ ThiS IS iu sl a sun, and we must keep
th c)' a le ~'C I Y mce h umall hClng'4, lI.11d w(lIkhlR,
the momentu m g,OIl1~, f,,, 111 19HH we must ....'I''Irlt
and dcsc rvIn}l. uf Ihelr moment tn the sun! Th:ln k
eve n h:udcr to ~et mille l)emucTlIlS elcctcd-cs
you to the mcmbe rs uf II ...: 1..:0.:.\111 lor yo ur cou per- Unit I (.;hairmlln 8 0 b I) r l QI1~dtu, left , is ~ h.OWTl rH•.'cIAlHy lO p,r:t a DC1I"IOCril t In the Whitc House
:ltIon and cncoura~cme nt , and dlllllk you til tile pre scntlng II 40-y cal members hip pin to 8r Other My 8rO t hcn and Stster , we must ~ tart nnw 10
SQard of Water and Li ght fClr li S cuopcratlon from Rob Tlltnrr. prepart for 1988, fur II Will be tlflon us before we
time to lime kn tl w 11
Tw o of the peupl e In m~nagcmcnt positions ..... ho
helped m e when I tlSked for some hel p arc Mr luhn Second-Year Apprentices AIU N I CLA V;. rs
Sttlckler , public mformatlon ::Idllllnlstrator and
exccu llve dlreclOr, WaU~ and OrOp( IpubhcJ ll on
Are Obligated into Local
of the Bunrd of Wa ler :ll'Id Light fo r employees, L.U . 157li,o&cl, l.AS [GAS, NEV.-AI the Oc·
retuces, and Ihelr famIlies ). and Mr Nancy 0
lohostn, publIC anf rmatton .. nalysl and ~ltor ,
tober Unit ] mcell"Jt" C hlllTm.ln Bob De l QU:ldro
had the p ri Vilege of prescntln8 ~ 4()· yeil. member
Walt s lJntl {)wp~ Since Mr_ Stllckler was leatured shIp pin 10 Blolher Bo b Turner Brfllher I urner
In the pa ~ t , I chose: 10 sl!n d a plcturc of Nancy WII obhg:ued 1n 10 Lucal 177, S3n Bernardino.
'ohn~cn She IS a nallve. of the hlcago are .. and C.1hfnrma, on March 12, 19,F" 1-115 tr;lvel e:lrd was
"Hend~cJ Ihe UnI .... ersltY' of IIhntu'i aod Michigan 3C Cl!pttJ IOID local JS'" In f ebrua ry. 1969 Brother


II Address CHANGED? II Picturr:d Irf the gradualin,g appfC'lHices during th e

Gradulltiun Appurul cuh ip and Trllining 8!1nqu t'.t
I Brothers and Sisiers. we NAME .......................................... 1 hr:.Id re.cently.
I want you to have your I
I JOURNAL! When you NEW AODRESS ..... .. ............. .. ............. I
I have a change of ad· .. . . ..... . . .. .............. 1 Graduation Banquet,
dress. please let us . . .. c:,y" .. .... .. . S'III'; · · · Zip Cod_ I Family Picnic Were Great
know . Be sure to in· OC
clude your old address PRE L AL . .. .. ····· .. ............ 1 I..U. 17S (Il, ALLENTOWN , PA.-It IS wlIh ycat
and please don't forget
to fill In l. U. and Card
No. This information will
lit unlll'town - clUtek w il" l ocal Unlonl
ple.tsure I relate to you the ioyou.s .. flail we hlld at
CARD NO. .......... ....... .... ....... .... . . .. .. I our G raduation Apprenticeship lind TralDtng SlIn-
I quet 11 .....;r o; held aD October 1S 1986, ;II tbe
I Uk l au\lan AmerIcan Citizens Club 10 Allen town.

~ be helpful In checking
and keeping our ree - OLD ADDRESS ........................ .......... . . I
I The open bar and family style danner W iIS to our
hklOJ,t Secretary RII! hllld Keml1f nf t he 100n t Ap·
;i ords strai ght. .. ... . 0:'; ... ........... , 'si~I~" ........ ... i :l'; COdt " .: PlcntlcCblll)l Commit t ee: muoduced Brother T ont
RlltC I :i~ the ])13S tCr of trernORles for the affair
II: II you h.ve changed I Ills jokes kept us 10 humor. The h ono red graduntC5
:J FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMB ER ............ .... '1 :lie shown 1111 the accompanYing photos_ They Alrc
o local union . , W8 musr
.., have number. 0' both . Mail To· Circulation Department I CrcgFlgurlt, Rogc rC~ydos, Ton),McCulii on , hns
IJgclskl , Tom Ofchul , Oa .... e MAurer, Malk H appd,
International Brotilerhood 01 (Ieetrieal Woner. : Gleg Amlwny, and RUIl Wachter. " Mnpk " pl:l)'cJ
1125 15th Street. N.W.. Washington. D. C. 20005 I fo r our dancing and listeni ng pleasure they rl C:lIscd
everyon e )lJ aYIIlt; oldie' and modern tunes
I I O u r fllnllly Picltlc Willi held at Dorn ey Park in
~~--------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ I
Having Fun " H IIW Inudl II1forlnllllUn h3vl' )I)U ~J\-C" Inl·· .. Fur ;1I1d JcJtt'.J reJ tU h.:t p. ok ilion. Congutul.l tlons.
;I ll'Io\lc.:m~·nt of th\; BIOIhnhlH1J to bl' .. uc:ce~:;(ul M ull ie Anna
It must be .1 cuncerted, mass dfort of LIId IV ldu .Ll ~: We 3I e al'>!) pru ud 01 3YO memb~ r <; lun l o n\;~,
So. whlt 1\ the news In ouf loc.l l 1 O UI clcct n c D.tvtd Rivera, Ru;:hard An.! Tom KRighl, Phd h p
h o r ~t:ma ll . ICilY Swen, IR'lt(;aO (I f t hr owtn~ hl~ hat Il utchtnson, and ElVin Smith. T hesc members
III the fln~ h.nl h iS hur~e Ihl UW him I)n Ihe pa~-c ~Pt'IH a very humld weekend wmSol1g for the
ment lie n nn .... h.tek 10 work Ken Cu rry. our Heaumunt Helltagc Soocty on Ihe glOunJ~ 01 the
"m.l1!lc mutlltLst, roJc hi bIcycle to wOl'k fo r Fr.... nch Tradan", Po:;l 111 8c3umullt, Tcx.ts Thcsc
hca l th le3~nl1' ,IIlJ ttl "lIVC mllney li e 3111 \'ed a t mC ll1 ttc , s UI;' to ~ Ih anked f('l r a V()luntet;r lub we ll
hili /rnnt ~t \lI!P fmll H'co nds hefn re: the bike! Dan' done
NOll hup. ,I ~ thc Ihlln'l Jub cllds, louk .t fa ll llllJ I!I-
off, happy bnJm.r:s. Dave' Rodney Gutenbl'r,li::cr,
our dUly c(M)k ;u our lInnual p".; nr c:, wtll bl' hac k
at wurl lie h.ld.oJ rupturerJ JI .., lub rdJlcrJ Arc Office Staff
thl: nOlrnl> lUll hl~h!
"'~mbl'r" of lun l 375, ",II l' nlll\o\' O, AI Ihl S m .. ment, Jill'r pl.tYlng the IOnhl:ref tu
lamiJles e njo)' t'd chI-IU s Ivlt's during a lot o( ~r e:.ll hroth..:r ./:,lleSts, we have ,10 nn BVCl k
Pknic held a\ DOllll'Y !':ark , I. I WI.,h .11 1 !lur 1J .lvcllflg Hmt llers Wl."le lrl'llleJ
well I (I rhe fe w whu weren't. Ilan !lilly !>ay .hulle
AllclllUWU DOIllt'Y h .. ~ <I new Wlld"''',cr Kmg whtl m.J)' h.l\lc c.;tu'ocd 'IOU gild hJYC IIcve r hold 10
dum <, Ilu!. all'.1 has J.1ll1d5 and l1(;e.ln 'A.:I'o'CS do tl.J\·d and kelthe)' 41re cXl'm,H from tltt; rules of
rilcOIlcd A nl,:W IIJe. Ihc Cullo~u", Iii .1 10111,:' c()a~CI,:I Ihe flllId
rule En,;ryonc cnloyed the iooJ and ilmusemcnt NIIW, Illne tUl ynu r thouF,ht rncch'lIl1:;m 1~U1lle
park 'I nl' ,hn ll .. were I(l OU I 1111.,".1: call 11 .J br ,lI n ,'l tli lIle ... h ~car~ " Yuu .lI e bmUKht
We IllU~1 [;UllIIIlU C 10 sup purt . llUSC who :u c
1111 0 thi S wurlu wuh nothlnK, not ca n you take
£ru:mh. uf organ ized IablJl Our l :1 ~ 1 \'0110g rccord anything out of iI when you II:U vc," St Pliul
pfOveS unulIlS do h.. \'(; In Impact on c!cc.:ung gu ... - \Vhilt. a5 ,1 tlckct holdlnx B, othe r. IHC' YOu all
dOlnF, rn hCtWl'en the~l' even!s to .td~ance comp;ts·
ernm cntofficlJI CongralUlatlon5 Io.all .... ho voted
~nd ~;JVl' AmCIl1;1l ;I second choulCnl un where we slIln and il\\.tll:ncss' All: )·ou hc;avy 11110 loy ac' The Loe.1 396, Ln Vegas, Ne,>,., nil': It ft to riSh l,
~lllnd He ArncTlcnn , buy Amcm:an , bye n o w cumulation, stealIng oth~ls' soelll wC.Jlth they Assistant HUlliness I\bna/<:c I Hill)' Kurt o n, Ir., or·
earned so )'01,1 and yours Will have II c hancc lor fi et l..\;Inagl!f lIea Ca lati , Senior C lt rk GIiHcllIerJ
EI1Pll M I" lit. P 5 bette I M.1IUS' N.lkeJ yo u C:l ITI C Ill, nuke!.1 ytfU will Brown, a nd Anislan l Bu si n e ss M :IIIl1~rt , illl Ihi ·
go OUI b 'e r )' gCl1crl11JUn has II 100 pe lcell l mor· nt e r.
Last Weeks of 1986 ta lllY r.l lc _We hum .tll beings Uc;He nl:cJs o r w.tnls.
Wt makt Cli O" In lud~ment due to ou r knowlcJr;e
Proved Busy for Local at the lime Whcn Sp.tlll ruled the wurlJ and mtnl'd The Price for Apathy
LV. 180 li &.ci). I"OORRISTOWN , I'A. -The sll"'l'1 at Ihc mines of S;;rn Luts Puta.!>l . they hung
countctll tt cr .....·ho rJl;basc-d the peso with piau
Is More Take-Aways
Thank~glvlllg and Chll!>lmas M!a~ons have cOlDe
an d gone, a nd Local J80 we lcomed ItS ml nl OClS, num At the tor of the- Washlnl;wn Monumef1t . L.U. J96[ u I), LA ~ VEGAS, NEV .· ., h e oew yca!
bot h yo,lOg Jnu old, wah panlcsr O Ui n:mcd Ih l' mO~1 expc !I ~ , ve cJemenlll1 Ihut d,IY was u ~e d ­ I'> herc , anJ We hu pe all nlL'mbCT!i uf IBEW have
mcmbl' rs <;cli:bnJl cd '1 hnnksgiYIOS; with rL party alurlluHlm I he loke 1 ~ the pelldl.1nc IIf humml'l to Illchlded some W:I)' 10 stren~thcn Ihcl l new year's
early III Novembe r .md hOll II gre-at Chrlstm:l.!. Pany c:rcall! somethmg. chcn tldol/! It, setye 11. and thmk rC ..o lu lluns by .t!lendlng .IJdltlOlul loc.1 1 unron
We wish them II1l1ny h.1pp), lime In Ihelr .~tm: · It IS Upt'flOI to them Wh~t we cr ;;rte we art' meeting rurcha." ng COPE tlcket , or slm pl ),
mem yeJu l oblrg;lIcd It) JeslIuy when 11 no lon~l'r ~erVl'S our bc:c.omlllJ; Involved Ifl the dally alfall~ of yOUI local
Ou r local had us Annu.-I Child re n ·, Chll'i tm a~ pre~slIlg net.:J .. I he: lIlh .tncement of hunl.tn J;glllty ullinn. Lets make th .... IBEW suonf.;cl 111 19"7
Party e)fl Oeccmbet 7 Sama ]paul Fnel) arnvcd rcg.udlng Ihe Amcrlc.1 n trade uOio n m ovcment- .• hank, to Iht' Sluff of Local W6 fIJI .:tll thc lr hald
safe ly, muc.h 10 lhe enJoymc n t o f 1111 [he younAStcrS sum of I h ost' bcfon: u.s g.avc up t he ll lives (lnJ work anJ IledlcatitHl to th .... tnl"!mbculup. T h l' mem o
We Sa Jalic B, oth~' r Ric ha rrJ Robbll\! JnrJ his helpe r:. posslb lc fUlu le Clll1lllJ1 t f~) r succcedln/O;Ke n Cr3tIOns. bers shoulJ be clCtrc m cly proud o f their profes
( r anothtl Hnt effort Local photographe r Dan whu"h en m."!tl"! Jld nlll dcsern! these IlIlXht corn· :u(lnahsm III handhng ou r Ivclll', bU'jme~~ AffairS
Sellers was prCS(!nI , and we horc tu submit some fo ru M.an.tKemeot . middle man.tJtemcn t . lind nm 10 mention specilil prolccts such.oJS our Iccr:nlly
p ICIlUe! In an upcommg Issue workmen de§erve only thti r true socl.ll worth- .1 concluded r Y86 Cll 'I Mmas Dinner I)ance pI~lvldl:"d
In atnel rccen! !,Irllon alfans, Illn Mayall repoft s lifc where ftw,xt clothing, .adequate hOlLsmg, and by Ihe letcal Funt.llons lake lhl!o u ne .lte on ly
Ihat the local's new library IS UJlCll :In u IS be ing medical care Ille avarlab le tv equal thc ... a lue 01 posslblc duc to Ihe excellent managemcnl of u ur
u~e d we ll by the Kem: r31 me m be rship. Thc lA Te the rr IIld'VHhr:ll 1,1bOl' Any nwn: l!t Ih eft As a cu rrent bU~ I O(.·ss tnlll1l1gC't, Me.le C ll e
re w.arded In graomltlng arr re ntLcc' w ith new code lllu lttn:l tW rlll l mO\'c m ent, iuS! a poln l o f surv lva!. Smcc ttchnoloJjlcl11 chllns:es w ldHn !he tt:! el.:um
book <; amI new (.I11IJ;o n ;l1 plll:rs. onJ;r3tu lJltlUns to .... ~ have [0 eitmln3 te ou r problem, beltlO with 11 IlIUnlClltlUn'l IIldu<;uy and reuUI:: t luns·m furcl' m
all tb l' new luurneymen' We a lso wl'lcome nl'W firm Indoctrrnatlon m to unrOIll'im. pllur to (I,:nh Ihe work place .al e common t.JClOIll. org.JOl:ung I
Journcymcn Leo Wtllman and Ollvul Warn:n to our by thl' umun , Ihe mC~5.ilgC' that Ihe umon IS ~ th ccaU of the: day _Spectal empb:ul mu t ~ rlaced
fA nksl n tOcd lorc..: and .... hy Thl' rccogomon of ...... here on orgllntZtnX the uno lglln l%ed l.;rom cannut ... Hord
Alons the spon $ ;lnd fecre lltlon line. Kruthc l our lei h, .... ht:!pc r<; ~Ie-th e mml) lI t1c~ III OU I Illi ' 10 let ap;rlhy Xilln tht' uppel h.lnt.1 by IIlro.td mg
lohn Hrennan's ICC hockey seasun IS well unde l lions lire llI U1 e In wne with o ur r fofe .. sed Idea ls prC\· IOu.i g.l l1l S IUnd c fo r t he membership. The
w:ly . RCCIJ!d lr1g Scc n.:la ty Ch a.rlcli Yoder hu again liulII 1n.IllY a contJm1l\a tcJ c;ltd c:lrncrj recruit me rn bo!.! rsh llJ mUSI do 11 5 PMt or s uner b y Ila ylll!j
In!lined his deer hunte-r's lottery. We WISh fdlow th em. If we canno( be rt eT uur ~oci<.: t y. t h en we the ultimate pn ce- lakC"aways l)ul1't he bn .. hful ,
humer, Rlw.xl luck III th e woods' Hlodu:rs Ammon desc rve IU Jle! Ikucr tI) d,c trYlng l rhrnk' cxplarn the IaCtS uf organazo!.!d l.Jbor to Ihc non
Morgan and Paul Cope .;a lt:' alre;tdy uplo ll ng the AU.AN G M <. EM HI "". P \ member Wagcs. hours. and condillons don ', lUSt
poSSibil itieS lind dct:uls of OUt 1987 pICniC , we're happen , they a rt: by produ(;1~ of orga\llzed IlIbm 111
su re II Will be .mother suc:ccs W'urrJ hal; It th':lI1 genera l lind lll'gIHI:ltlOll!. In partll.ul<l f Hn w nUny
the aplnr:nuces have challe ngeJ thl' ' Il urncymcn Local's OHice Manager limeS have you Ile~ n the: comp3ny reps p:1t them
to iI /.:;Imc of (Horbail . but a ~ u f thIS ICpoft , no sdves o n the tT boc k-., cxpl.u tntn)t how they had
wmner hJS becn dctermm~d
Receives Business Award 1mlllcmcI1tcd vaTlO US prugnUIl'l wl1 hnut cvcr unce
Brother Palmer thckman g:.l\'c Ihe tlVcmiM:r L. U. J?O (o . maf ,mn&nbl. PORT ARTII R, TEX.- mcnllomn~ org.uuzet.1 labor!
,"ecuo!!: .. solid reru n on t he Morugome l Y County Work III our area has been '>'ery <;Iow We haH: no In dl.st.u~~tng the magnrlude 0/ OU I t;ll.tllglng
A Ft·C IO·a. dl!lCU.5Slun on worken light unde r the hoe wo rk UI nUllOC work. and the mallllcn.:lOCC tIme , Inc1udmgorposLtlon coQr~antzcd laborlrom
th /,' fcdc Hl1 level, I 3~kcd "u~rness Mana/o;l'l CLil
Wo rk man's Compensation Llws. work IS also very slow
wh elt we can do as IIlllrvldual.s It) ho lt! u ur Mf cnglh
F1Il311y, our November lUood Dnve W;I'i VC I )' As JU TClC3ns know, we lost thc governor's raCe
s ucce'lsful Wc l hran k all Ih use who dumll cd.
Offe r'l arc now bei ng tleceplc d 011 blJ s ro an )'
to thl' l\e r uhl":;l n ~ Wt; arc prnud IU have kepI U S
Conj! l e!>~mHn 1,ICk BWllks III W a::. h lll~ton With a
111 Ou r loe,L1 With OUt any h CSll;H IOn Bro t her GLic
state d, " O{IO ', be l1fraid o f Ih e ine\'l1able chnllges.
2·lu·1 YICIOry oye r hiS Republtcan oJlptloent In mec t them head on Rceduc a!e lind orga",;:c the UJ
ph,lntOll1 c;.r.rpe n tef!l- mlefc.::StCd In budding and LL
de Ignlng our new trophy case! bct. Texa' 1.'oters won 1501 16 or the !lip oHILl's memikr.sh lr with spt.:cl.t1 emph.tsb on Job stew
In Ihe ')tale I h .. '" c.tlhel hue 111 SOuthc;ts l TelGIS ~rd ... JXIIIClnJ; the: ;tJ:)eemcont, and fully unde l '5 t and -'
Get t urned on b'" unUln (ll'elrtCllIn~'
""as I;xuemely b.Jd the laSt twO houn of electlun
day, so th.tnks tn all (If you wtlll vot ed \\'\! hnpe
Ing the MrUcture lInrJ re~pum l bIIHle, of OU I loca l
union" Brother G lle turther elCJlLulled. "T .....o things
[h., t lIulle.He w eak n ess a re ttl be ltlllellt wh en It IS ::>
the !leKI p lcsldl!n ll al elc:c lI OI I Wi ll btlllA .. s trong
Education Necessary To Dc m oe rat!c vut e 10 OUSt Ihe ItcpubhclIll pruper t\l ~ pcak OUt and w .speak out when It IS Q
p roper (0 be sllent" N o w 15 the lime to 5u pport
Spread Unionism 's Goals Loc.1 1 J90 18 pleased to announce thlll M o llie
Anna ,,""Iomlln, our IIlnCC Imlnage r fur uve r 10 you r local un ion lind o rJ;31l1;:cd lab{H by speak rng ~
L. U. 388 (I ,em , n s~s pa ), STE VENS POll T . \VIS . - years, was sclcued HUMncs.s Woman ol lhe Ye.J r OUI tha t you a rc proud tn be an IlH:.W member! !!1
Before any m o re Hrothers. local 01 If:Jvde l, ask mc by the Pon Arthur Noon Buslne' lind Profe sional Need I ay more1
.ag.& In, " Why haven 't you wnttcn m('lrc." I will ask., Women 's lub Muille Anna I rea lly a nile pCl son 33
Brothers New Journeymen lOlling It down on p:l per I really thlOk th is 1.5 gom~
10 bc:-ncfit :III of us, andudmg the arp rentlces
The:- work !>Cl:rll~ 1.5 abOiIl Lhc same, wllh tbe
powerhouse luckmg up some a ' the s!lick br ought
on by Wlntcr Thr:y will b4=: shutung down for ...
few months lsc heduled for mid ~fchlf and ho~ ·
fully so me of out Rlothcrs li nd SIste r clln st a rt
191:17 OU I nght by havmg a lob li nd S:lVUlg up :I
lu tl e monty
T here' s qUilt ... bu of work Wa1t1l1~ th~ BO.1rd of
R.::"c lu <,; ap,H (lVal (It the Unlve rslty (.If IOwa In 10\\,.1
HY, and I ..... ou ld 'lure like to )CC them go unIOn
Let'S lust hop<' the cnn ll a C I OT S IIIC wdlmg to com
400, s hu rf Pa rk , mUDlC.He hl"ll1cstly ;u\d we c:..ln come up With :I
N.I., alt', klleC'li n&, left 10 righ t, Ba tf')' M ~trtl h·. plan to gel back some of the work we' ve lost In
Glt nn cil t'r, Jostph CO\'icllo, To m Cu mm i n~s, Ihe r Ut we current ly have a ma, or remodehng
A Loca l J98. C h:ulu t o n. . S.C .• line m an. i~ SIH' ''''P
Tom lthlle r. Ilo b Pf.' tr y: su ndi ng, !ohtht wTo taro, lob under way at the Umve,slI), of Iowa Memon~ 1
III "" ork. DiU Prjn ~l e . Rich ~a nho f" , Brian Htu.:k a, Orbn \JOlOn HaU Hupdulty ona.- pe:rsonncl employed
Flanag3n , Lt.nn y m i tb, 10 rm Sidlinl:. Dan T)" at the univerSity see that .....e haYe a produ ct to Sl':11
m C'S ko. W311t r 1I 0rrm.an, ;a nd Ma rk hCf'!)e manJ them-a qualuy electrical syStem Installed COr
nOI pi cnlfed, Pill Gill cs pie. t ikI' Covi(' 1I0, Sl c ,'t' Tecti)l the first time-they' ll be calhng 01 qUolhfitd
Haller. a nd R1Jn Napu li. con llllCtol with lll:ensed dcctrlcun, On a sad
nOlI.", WI." arc sorry 10 "~ pOrt Ihe death o f Brothel
W,, 1r loy .... hl) passed ilWOY October 14, 19)16 Walt
Apprentice of the Year w:\s miHau:.d uno till! RH)t ht.fhuod 011 ~\\}I,lI st lS,
1952, and II ccepl td Int o Loc31 405 from Local 704
III APIII, 1959 Wn. 1t wtll be greatly mi ssed by the
Brothc rs and IstC IS of the IREW Om pra)lc rs II rc
wah hi S f.1Il11 1y
Il n ll l nen mOlllh, tak e ca lC all

Pictured is
lint" crew.
fh o "u~ r Na t Il:IlI nOi of IIII~ Hu n!!'y S H!!' et
- 1.0. Representative
IhtAI) L !.1: .. 1U,. PCi

Brother Mah affey Receives Carl F. Brown Retires

L • 4 15 (i.c ,l! m&go" t ). CJH:.¥EN NE, WYO.·
Ach ievement Medal Brian Fla n aga n is s ho wn recth'iog • $50 sa vi ngs C r~eung s, SISlC($ :Jnd 8rothel§. On r;anuary I. 1981,
L.U. J9S ~u\, C H A.RLESTON . S. . - Hdlo Qm:c bond 'mill the Rcl iret'S Clu b prc<;l! l1 l cd by Bill Car l F 6ro ....·" rcured C3rl h:Js been:l mCI'I\bcr of
again h om SO Ll l h aroll1l:t. and JY8 Fmsi of!, wc Ra m sey. Ihc IHEW s llIec Octuhc r. 19 48 He was buslncss
would li ke to conera luln ll: John 0 , Mah:affcy, t he manager of Loca.l 3'22 and lin In t ~rnauon.:lll Re p Ic
local's ne ...· lecordmg se rcr3 ry, who I ~ 11 tech sent,a tl vc for Ihe: Eighth D . .. , I 1(',1, and fIll ma n y of
in n:cOjl,nhlon for hi S achll.:vcrncnt .. On behal r of thOSI: YCD IS ..... as th is loc a l 's t eprcScnt31Ivc:. We
Scrj!,.C;J1lI In thl! USAF Rescrves II c WOI S Jlwarded
the Au Force AchlCVCml! l1I M edal whdc "en'IOK 001 loca l aud :llllu mcmbel!!" I &o ll);r:a tu lalC all of tn n k Ca rl 11~ (l II C of Ou r bes t labor le ade rs.
with the 315th Mlh , .. ry Alr· llft Wing . 1 the 1)U l new IO~lrncymen ';lDd wi sh th em t he vcry beSt T h e membe l's of 1..0c:lI 41 5 tbank :III the locals
In theluttl re I nlso ..... ou ldhke to t hank th e Re tt rees
C harl es ton Alf Force Base. John 15 a IOurneyman wh ich ha\'e hct:n :lble to Ilnd employment fm OUt
lub 101 m. !)UPP!)JI and cllnc!:1n fm the fut ure of
i ub~ l:.Il1 on deC lll tia n wllh t he C":h4rles t on S\Jblit;l· tr:tvehng mcmbe , s , In the future when eco nom ic
ou r local
lion C ,ew al Accabcc lohn 15 lIhQ S ~O richer limn 3rc \)(uer, we hope to retmn Ih,. f,wnr . Wmk
M-C2Use of hiS ~uuesUOn ;;about subsu lion con Th ere: Isn ' t much to f!!'purt 1111 the work !;Clt'nc IS slow UKht now, 3nd .....e hope the nc:w YCJr bnngs
snUCtlon H\: noted that comm on 0;1115 u!)cd In except new lob tans ale s lowmg do ....·n du ~ to th e bettel times Wuh only tWO years of RC::lI;Jn lefl,
construction c:ould not be reused ;lnd were: :also wl!athcl We nope Ihrngs win pIck U('I an the spnng WC' kno ....· Cunes wtll get better
and hrlp employment In ou r IC il n ory
difficult to Il!m nVC He .. uucslI:d swltd-llng to OUI Annu.31 Children 's Chu s tm3s Party was on
duplcx (lr doublC'· hr:HI,..1 n:1115, wtll ch cO\lld be All OUI lime 3nd efforu o n the picket hnts .1fe Dc:cembcr 20, 1986. Tlunks to Mike Woodcoc k
Icmov c:d .and I(uscd many tllnc:'l HIS s uggestIOn ~ IQdu(.\n" !oom c "ood Icsull'l The Ch;mnd lumbc:, lor halting the pUty. They did .a good joh In
.....as tes tcd at .I construc t ion 5 1t :lnd found to be lob I IC:POll cJ o n back 10 Sc pt clllbe f wa .. stHHRh t . bungmg C hll ~t Jn,1'i' SpUIt 10 all the: lillie ones (and
particu larly bc: ne t1dal 10 the COnStrucl1(m of la rge c ned out and Is now all uOIon The r:u h oad lOb, ~ro ..... n:upsl wh o 3lt l';ndcd
transmiSSIOn subs tati ons. where '11.'( had a duput e wll h the heavy labo 1l: rs
O nce ag:lI n U IS ti me lo r nego tia tio ns, and we
Alsll, cOllglH tul.1 ti ol1 s [l,-' hll rlc: .. tO Il garage mc OVC I tnstalla ti on of conc rete line l h.ln ks, W ,IS NC t .
hope to be IIb lc to bn llg ba c k to bot h m lr A ,1nd
Ch:UllCI C harles A. 8 cnnt'lI , R,lf:U'1 r:a rdnlla. and tlcd to OU I s!) ll d nc tlOn The Cobblcs tone Vill age UA mc m b.=h lin llgreclllcllt tha t Will hellef'll them
re ti ree Fo rrest Bowc:rs on t heir mo netary award P,UII:... . wnl" h we. rHekcte d (ur li S UQC 01 nOnl,lOl On tn to m tn,i: years.
from the SCAN" Employc:e Suggestion Program. I3bor Is no w scul ed .:and u<;mg OU I peo ple. also, t.he I h op e everyone had a Joyous 3nd H3PPY Ho\ad~y
We wel come nU l neWeSt ml!mbcrs In th e Broth KukLa Sm ith job W:l5 sett led Ihrouj.\h ne)l,otMllons :and tha t tlU 'i Yl.:af _ more prospc.rOUS
e rhood and loc.0I1 unIOn BaHY' Connel ly lind Leon ....,1Ihou t tht nCt'd ' 01 a pi cke l hne
On the o th er hllnd. we u e still pl ckellng Wernc r CAlI.klEl f LOR I .., R S
Myers IMt PleaseDI), Rob.:rt CraVen lind Lawrence
You milliS ICan"dY5 SIUh'ln1. .and T homa ! Loft on ;;and Pflcillel, a contro ls manufactu Ie r th3 t $ol d .a
IHampl0nl· Th~ contl ....1 :.y:.11:1I1 10 Rhone P(mlen c :Il lakewood
ovt'lnbe.r dool IHI%.{' WttmC'rs
We're', Jt Cbarie.scon, Cuy L:amb l6421R unt'y SIJtt t ', Indu,u t lal Park and I uSln#: a nonunion contraclnl,
State Elections Disappoint;
J.nd, at Hampton, Mark.'" l ong II bmpton\ , DcWIH Vannes'i, to install trus 3YSIem The f ur Work Scene Gratifies
Brothe rs who we rt' on the' On · thc: lob InJUries P I C V'OU li ~1I1C'.ments s ho w t h.at o ur pt ckeun!!: cf
' O rtS :lI e no t 111 vain and ;ue: hcl r l1lx to prolec tand
L.U. 430 Ii), R,,"C INE, W IS.- Wmtc i IS hel l.". and
list art Bobby Dubose (RIJgcland ). HalhC' Itun.:s so fllr our work IS !StLII kl!epmg m ost evcryone: off
:lnd Q5car Wnr.tu (Wtll iams Stattvnl. leve ObeTK .. tlengthen our hold on ou r .IIea We .111 lIuHCt 3
the bench We have::I Harbor Manila IHOleCt ~o l ng
( h:nles ton M eter RcadclI ). P:Hrlck OO'll le), and hLlIe !l(l w . but ,n th e ItlllK tun our local re;lp5 the
benefit .. on which IS kecl'11Ig :!IUIllC uf our members bU3Y
I ommy l(uAC l q 16421H.uncy Str ee t )
> Wh en t he It\:llirU Isllnlshcd, P.II CII'C wdln o d r.lU ht

fII. LO[ft.IC.K lEl S'IlTIi. T REAs.-I\S havc _he !Jcst Harbor M anna on Lake M ic higa n.
lohn~iO n '5 W:r;oc h 3!) II lo t of ou r membe rs wo rktng
Gil ktnd.s 01 hours They are IIlways cxpandmg,
Picketing Seems Tediou s, Local Is PUlling puttll1~ up .additIons, or remodeli ng s Om~ t h 1l11t :I t
u.. But It Gets Results History Book Togeth er Ilicil pl'-lIh Wo,' .. I~o h.:l\·e been dOln~ tome work
for 1.1. 3Se I It, m aker or C ase Inte rn allon~ 1
LU . 4oo i ,o $.C'm ). ASO R ¥ PARK . ., . -On Oc· L U. 40Sl i,cm,spa&' lI b). C EDA R RAPIOS, IO \YA_ Tr.:lctors Case I·'" Is no ..... No 2 In thc 11 3CI01 field
,obt:r 17, 1986, ou r local held u s Annual Cr.adu3 At 3 rt('N1t umun mccllO~ nur bU<;II1~5 man.;lxcr, and shoo ting 10 pa ss up lo hn Deere:.
tlon Dinner al IIl c Ik.klt"v Cli rte ll:t hotcllO A .. bury Cliur SCOlt, had a ~ood Idu- a Loul 405 HI')IIU), In o ur St;;a te e1ecllons we didn ' t (.are 01' well ~5 I
Palk lD honor 01 QU I MW IQUtneymcn Thc 10 mt!n Book. This l1lea sparked Immed,atC excitement "".as hormK Slevt' Carvey lost hts bid to lake ove l
whQ 11.:<,clvt'd Ihelr certificateS rerresented one 01 .1m ollg.~t OUI Urlllhel!> ll nd SISlCI'!> Whitt a greal
the lalJ;ut da~~C's m our Im:.al ·s tUSlOry The m e n
S..-II-,h)1 Bub K.l Sle n '~ ~e.1t . It wu cl ose. but ,,!llIf
w.:lly I n fl US the col d w ~' illher while (.oliectlllX IabUi dltJlI't vUle fm 111m {Our loss I On the ~ov .
we re polled t IHC.k the appre ntlc:e uf the yur h " UHC rC.'i IIOX f:l ct'! from ou r own II'l.:al ·., paSt Our ernor's race, I "link Wt' Iusl II goO(! govemOr
hiS elll5sroom achicvemcnlsand knowled Kt' Ilri;ln rl:U rt:cs lire gOing 10 b.= Jljle;ttly m:e:dcd In thiS Covcrnor Tony E,ul lost 10 T o mmy Thompson
F lana~an was c hosen . f OI the fiut tl1llC, t he Rtll ' masslvc mfOl Il IrIlIOII ' J:.:u iw ll ng clfnT\j 50 evc.:ry .
34 rec Cl ub prcsellted Bn an wllh a S'to sa vll1XS bun d EvuJcntiy, !lthel people thlJuWII we necJl.:d a change,
body who ha s som elhi llA ((1 con tll b u tt: :-.hould "111 ft I'm II li ttle concerned about n,om psoll 's propo sed
CUIS 10 Ihe ~ h ool $YMem Th is IS th e I.:IS( stale SUpPO rll O 111O.. r: lle~O mlllll~ Ihe ~lIn ll ;K I All ')y:.' 01 thl' IhEW and a ll thc u lovl.-tl ones a ml,)~l Happ y
where Ihl' app ren llCC5 gel p:uJ to go to da y-s c hool tern Council dcleglHC'S arc Invol vcd wtth t he con · and Pros pe l ous ew Year. I would especia lly like
InStructUJI\S. I ho pe he doesn 't tampe r with Ihat trac t No, thete a rc no o ne ·man shows. Som e of to C)l I t:ntJ a person.1I " ) I" pry New YeM" to a ll the
n a much .sadder !lot e, we I t)~ t IW(I v f o ur )'01,.1 tllL nk Ihat. bUi II ':,! lI(lt lIu: Cd'';: Loca ls JO, (inc l\\l s from , II ove r this fln e: counlry aDd from
Brothers BrCtthc r Jerome V Ju r ki e WICz. W:IS lost to 459, .l nd 11 1,1 .. rc mVIIJved OU t del egatcs lu e C anllda wllh who m) havc wQrked o ver the years
;m ilutombalc aeculent. l ie W.lS a very well· liked Brothe lS A~ht'lJ uith , Gill, Meo, Sd lc.s. and W"lkcr EVl'n thou~h I am on l), a four county boum ~ •• I
m.ln and a super c lecUlCI:m Hc Will be mISsed Wh ;m~vc r l iu'Y hfln~ back ,he members of tbe have cmoyed wo.k lng with BrothelS oIn l.l SlstCrs
deeply by h iS fellow Brothe r.. a nd family , We send locals w dl aeeepi 01 rCleu II a eOntfllCl lS U!lcclcd. h om all O\'C I who ha ...e made II lt nOIS thclI tern
sym pathy to hiS Wi fe, alh y. and childr en and hiS It IS bc~u!lt' Ihe malon t y uf thost' votrng re leCt It pOl'llry h ome ..... hlle Inlgr II ling fW IlI ,ob '"Iub The
p.itcnu We a l:.o 11l!o! re i Ired Bro lher Ea rle W. The samc IS tl ue If it ', .tcceptcd. No Ol'le pelSon Crew I was wOlkll1jC ..... lth at the tim e the aceom ·
Poul sen r..ule ..... u :t past prcslIJcn l o f L<'lCal 430 deCides You w ould do yo urself .. great favo r If you pl,lnymg pho t graph was tJkc n III probably reprc
an d hdd mhl'r IJlflce~ RHl rh er Pou hclI W I ll he kepI up o n t be nq;Ol1 ,lt!ng l)foce,s li nd [hcll !:I ke SClllallVC of m a n y ",Util c rew,; un ma ll Y big lo bs
TJl ls!oed b)' all Ih c m e m ber.; ,,{ t he loe:1I OUlsym the li me t{I cast your \'OI C when Ihc lime comr:!o whefr lou rn eymen muSI tr avel • .,UllI cll mcs grt:al
p:lt hy g0(5 to hi S Wife , Dorothy, ;tnd f;tlnl ly. SoltdJnt y helps also If so mt o f yllu wc:re a good Jislanccs, 10 find wotk.
I s ure hopt' eve ryo ne h,1d .I good h o liday seajon at COntlltll,lItnJl. to lhe process :IS you arc at com· ' l ID H ya tt. lo t example. IS ovc . 900 mllt:'i from
aruJ ....·111 11I1\'c a s upe r 19R7 pl:lIDIO';, .... c .... !lulll ha\'c II nu de hnme and ~Ct., home: aboU( fou r tunes a yea r Jeff
' [11."-,, E II lLUIN ... S .M
Theft· ....,111 he ~lImc lIthe r a re,1'1 whe re YUU Wi ll Lynch, 11m Droke, and L1 11'Y I IJ l e r ar e m ure fo r·
lace so me lo!>se!o If yuu tlOII'1 pil)' Jlt c.ntll)n , Some lUnate s ill e they Il\le cl ose cnough 10 be ablc to
of you led YOll don' t hJvc II) be lIlvol ved In the drlvl,' home.: 10 s<.:c thC H illlnJhc5 tm the wee kend
Party poh tlcal pruce'l<;, a nd 1lllillY ~ I ()UP~ :lI1d COlll lla nl es T o m TI ~ III ~CI hilS Icl UCll te.:1 tll I he /Il h e t arca for
know Ihls T he)' hu pe 1\1 (;.lplI .! b:=e I)n t hl ~ The t h ~ dumlllln of Ihe lob, .Ind the rcs t of us arc .1bl e
prcsldent of Ihl.: Pcnns) lvJIlI.lns lo r t he "' Rlgh t · to· to dnve.ln II vl."rcalW of 100 10 ISO mllc!i to worj(
~ Work " W.H In 11Ihn<; w""n "pcIIIJun,; to Ihe ChJlmbcr cach day f hc sad part IS tha t we arc the lu cky
I of ommelcc Hl' W;,JIl IS ttl get III law passed fOi rlnes. becausc .... c at ICOIst a.e wmklng After SIX
" nght · tn· wurk " L.. w!o :II C being conlcm pt.. t cd t l) ye" r~ o f RCfLubllcan p l omlSe~ to get t h , ~ country
makc ~t easIe r {m cogene ra ll o n , wh ec lang. lor the ..... o rkan g agJ ln , we Hnd We' 111111 ho1 VC a Ion); 11m.\:
pub h c IIJ rcdU lC your l ub~ :Ind hellc fi l 51, PUC way to 1;0
rdorm, and nn :lIId UII Yuu an: cUIlSIJcrcd a fa l Aga lll, a Ha ppy Nc w Yea r ItJ ,Ill All OU I new
c at w(lrklng III an IIldustl'Y th3 t n~'cd'i 10 b.: con· YCJr's n:solutlon ",h y don ', We prom ise ourselves
trolled mo. e to luwer I.lte~ 1987 WIll be ~ (CSt fo r thl wllJ be: the yeu we a ll ge l mOrt' anlo'olv(."d wll h
you \\'e Will .. t·c If yuu will rc .. pt1nd to Ihe lent .. OU t unron lind u u y UI,I J .. bare Ilf Ihl' luad
lallve attempt, IU III .... el YUU I "" agcs, bendhs. a nd &..\11 YnVNc:... R P~
H.otht.f5 Ra l ph Dey, ctn tt r If'ft, ;tnd AI pro tL'C li uns You .... 111 dccldc the p rr un lli:.s Yo u.
G USCO It, ce nt er rig h t, rtctivc t h eir wliitcho h om Invo lveme nt .lIld pJrtlclr,l1lon ..... 111 dc t crm l n~· you r
Busi nus Agcnt Leon Boyce. rll r leh , an d local
IJres idc nt ' Qsc ph Egan.
fat c. Yo u WIll ~ harc the lHICCCSSl", lind )'OU WIll Training for Life
a bso r b Iht IO~StS Apat h y hll " a fili ce, li nd u ~ ullily
U's mlUC I han ylw ;Irl' wil ling t o pay
On a rnClte JlU~ lIl ve nlltc. we arc oIcllvcly p.UIII!·
Ipatl n,; III Ihe Pcnn5ylvJD1:t Utility C.lUCUS Th ,s
C.lUCU IS m"d~ u p of lB[W 10(,.Ils 111 r •.:nnsyl\laIl1 01
that r rpfc,-elll u tilit y ""u rk l'fS T h cy keep up o n
lssue .. 1It:l l :l lice t u ll iny wlJ l kers unJ Ir)' 10 1>1 01"
allcmpt~ til rC"ln c t U,), Sli far p.!ltl (':lpa IlUlI .lI1d
SUppOlt h.l ve hcen .p:ood. A with any\hmg, " II yuu
......101 10 pby }'liU 1ot0i to ray" Evcl)'thm1, we do
COSI" mnlle), It ' 0;, n Ul .. heap ellher Yuu v. anl and
d~SI· n.e the bc: "1 r cprc!o~ntllillm In .tny piact' oj
uOIon .ICUVIt)' 1 h( b(st (O~U f or what ..... e lIIet In
In!>llUc l o, Tom m y W llbank~, Irh, o/)srr'\'es ap'
All of dlt~ rc l i rt'd "u~ lIlbl! 1 5 in .i ll tnd:UI Ct .a rt pic' r( lu rn 101 Qu r du~" , We' arc uClln~ d.lIItn good Ou r prc lll ice Pc-rry VilnQt during rece n t C PR c1a~s .
tured duri n S the Local 456, Ntw Brun wic'k, N.I., dues i1 ' C 'tC) ITl C 01 till' IUWl'M n rou ml A .. k lllllu nd
(l'hmo sub rni ll ed by l.lIea l 47 11, Ue:Hl m ll lll , Ttx.1
rl"tire m c: n l pll rt y. ami yo u Will ..ee Ih lS 15 \fUC
T il l next mun l h SUPpi'" made III USA, and louk

Local Holds Party

lor the union l,1hd O ur furu rc depcnd .. o n It Strategic Oil Reserve
JO'(I'II S" ... ,..." I) ~
For Recent Retirees Project Now Under Way
L.U. 479 lil, BEA "'ONT. TEX ,- The apprC ntl ce
LU. 456 [i&ol, NE W 8 R UN~W I C K , N.I.-On ,uly
17, 1986, II 1C"lm:me IH part )' w..s held .l ' the unIOn
Typical Travelers .. 1111' !>chuol pa rt IcIpated In a Bl uud DrlVC 011 Oe
lohe t 6 '1 11l! Blood cn l!': r \)( SuulhcllSI T cx.3i1
ba ll Jftc r work to hotHH t he m osl H."C\.'nt n:ll fC\,:l!
IC.JIi.:ed 6.1 rlnts of billud Sevc ra l w h o tr!l'd 10
Ralph Dey, rOllt lIal lldny, IIl1d AI Cll~CrJII A 1:l lgc
don:lle were unable Our thank" to all fur 1111'> LIV IC
ILlfll OUt II f both I CIIf\'C.s anlt Olemtk: I !o .....Cre In
H1vul vemt"nl
J llend.1Il c(' to Wish th e gUl!!!IS of honor II memo The Str.lh·Jt,I(, 011 R(~erv( PIOICCI at 61~ H Ili I"
trthle fa rewell IU~t no ..... J:CUlllg un ~k l way wllh ';nl1lt' 01 UUI
Husrnc"is AgcfII l CUIl R.. "ce ~nJ local P r c.!oIJ~n l
membc l s being hlJcll
l o~cph E~i1n pn!.serucJ the 1~lIrcd Bnllhcr with
llnuhc r t at! M ,IS~CY l e!.cntl~ le U red .I!! c h ic!
~Ift w'lI c hel for thel l m~lny yeJr,of fJlthlul"c rvICC"
clcI.I l'l e31 In:-.pec t or uj Beal1mont wll h 17 yeo rs III
["han ks atl' to b. . ,·x lI.: n llc d to I\f)) 1her JI/ ..eph Fe,I<;IC I s~ n' lce Brothe r ,r..·111 .... e)' has bl'ell very aetl"e l)Il
whu 3 rr all~ l!d the pU rl Y. pruvlJeJ tilt' I d r c~h rn c- nu, the suuthCd ... 1 rell:.:lS Rt:~lUlla l Ll eur". dl E~ .J n\lOln~
,IIlJ ha ll t h c 1Il 11L.1 11 ViI! and toncc ro to ~Ive these Bu.lld thc S.. blne Ch.lplcr ul lh\: lA[ I ~ .anJ Ihe
fe llow Brothers 11 dJY to lemc-mbe l .and chl'ush SoUlh(:rn ~('tlCln IAEI II" blnull"'c Ctlmmlttl'"
CQng ratulallon ... r um Ralph. and AI on you I membel ;lnJ R)'la ...... Ccuntnlltec tnernb..·r Jod I<..b
Ic UJ emellt frum allll' lhe melnbt::ls ul l oul 456 a mcmher of Code p.lnd No lSi brl hJ'I ~e n I'
We h o~ th.1t t'3ch o f you ""III e.: "lOY your newly trcmcndQu" iI ~"Ct 11) l.U(;.JJ ..1 79 In helping kl'ep
Pielurt:d II I lilt: Hr:.r idwuod Powc.rlw u&l' OIIl', bac.k
found 1IIn( 0151 mu ch II ~ a ll .,1 u:. h ..... l" l'IlIO),cd I1lll(;h (1llhe lut;,,1 worK IlnlUll I h .ln k .. frurn .1 11 Cli
w urklR~ Mdc by s id c wllh )lUU :llllhc~c )le.lfS. Good
ro w, ltoh 10 rig h t , Ji m De Ment, l oelll 176, lo lic i l
AI Doyd, l oca l 48 1. In dhrn a po li 'l l lim Ilr oki.-, Lucal u~ L u i
lUck and God b less
3.1 , Peoria , m idd le lOW, i..r')' Vandcnhrrgh . Lunl J)"'I \'\11 1£11. p..s
K SPill. KIll.. I' S 134, h ic ... guJ Jim 1I)'.Ht, Loc31 44 6. Mon . ot', LII.:
Gt'or&e Sm ith , L.oul b9 7, lI ammond, Ind ., Larty
Solvin!;) Problems Depends Fidlu, 10C'Ol I '101, PeOria , I"rr l}IICh, Lon l 34 , Christmas Arrtved Early
I' r:olla l rrll 'l l . Tom " Tt.'I ... h " Tisin~(, I , lou! 14 5.
For Meeting Attendees ;J
On Atlitude, Actions Roc k 1.. landl alld nub " O ll ll~ , lou l 46 1. A uro ra. z
I.. U. 459 !II, I'rn&'cl')I, IOII N!JTO WN, r J\, - The III .• wh " &ub ll1i1 " '11 t h e pitlU fe. l .U. 5UO (u t 3AN AN rON I O, rt.X .- 1l ~ou did a::
ne ..... year is upon 1,.1 ) , a nd l !Jtl7 will b~' II )'C :lr IU U.!i1 nOl attend yu ur Deccmbcr unulil nn'ell l1,1t, Ih en o..,
of u~ Will n'ntember. We ha ve d Jo!OOII IJe:1 of SOnl.:: you m issed nUl vn II flnl' g3lherrn~ (If )'uur le ll uw
o f tilt· IHublem s wc f:lu:. We "Iso know how we Best Wishes to All , Ihrrthcrs a nd SI!>IC'r:. ~hrr!itn1ol. ( .I me t' .. tI\I for a/l
whu .I(tended Ibe meeting ChJr11t' Carnrrh and
wdlrcsolvt: some o f ,he ISSUes, bu t the rewlUllo n "i
lunge o n ..... I1a l )IOU do and h u w you do It
Especially Fellow Crewmen hi" ~ r "up JHu\',dcJ ~ood iout.l .and Idr l'!ohmen l ~
E-o rcmu~t w lJI be the contrac:t Wllh Pendec, o ur L..U. 4 6 1 !i ,rls&&pal, A KO RA, ILL.-On bchaU of Eleven m~ mbt. r !o ... I~o hold l .. J) Luc k ....·lth them
lari!:cst empl oyer You will lUI"!! t(J gIve yt) UI sohd r:veryo ne from Local 461. I Wish all Ih e m ~"m b crs wh e n thcy w on dout rUl zes 1 h(." luckv wrnnel ~ 35
wen:~ Lury Rakel CllII.5 RlanJer. ,r , Charlcs C:u-
ruth, D.ulld Ch.1prrlllli. O ... mcl Mcfall, lot Careta,
Agreement In the Old Days
Wdcer l.1mes, Galhfon Martine:, Elwood Mllcbell,
Larry RJbe, ;and 'IIt'~ Tillotson
This IS my hnlll .;u ucle In the 'oumal. The U
yt'ars:n rrc~ ~etn:lilrv hJVC been gn:.ll. 1 have had
tbe pnvllegt of betnt: nsocl:sted With m;ln, out·
s~n dJn~ unIon officen_ Thclr lime, cHorc, 2nd
dedication CUnol ~ m:nched by <lDy other loul.
The uude that h:l\'c appeared through the ycars
have rdl('ctcd the forward thmkm~ :md growth of
thiS local
The :segmcnu Ih:llt h.lve b.::t:n featured In tbe
lournnl could not have been wrillen wahout the Contractor signing an Ilrtc m ent an~, sea ted,
,"put from so m.any Idlow Brnt h('rs and I'Hers to tight , 1\\lkc Loomis lind Uob I h:ffl'T113 I I \,I( H ~
who wlJltn~ly assIsted 111 fo rmul nting Ihe nrtlcles. I,.. Elec tri c, Kell Rouss ell e of Rouss elle Electric , ;lnd
r thank :111 of you fill the faeu lind figures you ,illl Mor:;:an lit 1\\ &. II: Elcc uic. l.ooking On :Ire
pmvidcd Ir\ order f(Jone. to wri lt: the " t ocli l Lines." John lo)'ce, In t ernation al Represl.'.lII:Hive, Rudy
I :llso cennln ly Wllnt to lhank the memberl who P:lrl:!nt, bll~ineu mamlf;e rl and Prf!Sl dcnt lim Ke l·
gtwe me thclt words of IJpprecilnuJI'I to r tht:: nnl c1cs ley.
wTluen nver the yCIH'I It has heen an expcnencc
and lOY' Will nOl fOlgCI-
RO(.ul KLAUNI R, rS Congratulations

Loc;ll 522., uw t ence . Mus., P"" ;d" ,,

ce nler, is bidng congntulated hO""'n but is Brot,h er Cc.rl Hotck e r, who is en-
right , after being SWO rn In a joying his retirement ,

Three New Contractors Three New Members

I' icture d are Loca l 503, Monroe, N. 'I ., mt'.IIIbl!fS Ed
Are Belatedly Welcomed
Smith, Jim Swcit'u _r Ishup stcw:u dl, and Carl Par· Become Signatory L.U. 55 1 ti ,o&cm), SANTA ROSA , C AL.-Crccl ·
ker, all :11 the Port lervis f:u:ilit y.
LU. 522 lil, I.A WR ENCE, MA s.-" It IS only the m,gs, B r o th e r~ and SlstCfS, from a very dry northeTl'l
nISI sttp of many necessary to accomplish t he Cllll fotlll Ol-dry due to lack 01 I:u nbll , nothing
Labor Seminar Helps ,"oals I ho pe Will be realized:' said Busmess Man - else .
"'Sc r Rudy Pilreni when a"kcd lo r II. comment o n We kncw wc would omit 01 lew Dames from th:l t
Keep Officers Effective th(" recenl <;Ignmg of three new COltlfaCI015 The h~1 of voluntee rs In the lut i s~ue, so we WIll ge t
LU. 501 lu&. tl, MONROE, ,V.- The olficus and c.oOtucton, H L EleclrIc and M &. K EleCtric, them 10 lhlS lime. They arc Bill Copt', Bob Anuone,
mtmbcu of Local SOl ,",'Ish cvel)'ont a Healthy both of alem. New Il:Impshlre, and Rousselle 11m Kendnc.ks, and Une H;unbhn We again W:IIn i
and Prosperous New Year A. we ~.gln Ihe new Electric of Ando ve l, Massachusetu, arc anmemo to th.2nk all of the Brothers 20d Sisters who pUI lD
Y('3r, Ict us make an dfon to altcnd more UDlon bers of l.oc.al 512 whl! Workl..d at the trade as unron their time at the Mann County Emergency !-lome·
meeun&s ilIod .supraH Our Ioc.al Remember, the:. wOlkers pno. lO~oln~ IIlll)buSlnll:s!I for lhcml'>dv~ le5,> Shelter
union" only as .. Ironr. ;1\ ItS membtrs All bchcvc Strongly m the uRIan philosophy of In the ocm:, ,late than never dcp3nmcnt. we Want
The p.!nSlOn :ubu'i&tlon c,n e WIlS heard on No· providmg , ule working enVHonment .and .ade· 10 welcome the tollow,", members 10 the 8r(llh -
vembe r 2S :snd Ckcembt:r 22, 1986. We expeel :I Ilullte pay for Qur work t' rhood C Mlisclonnl , R Br3dford, and C. Men·
decl,>\on sometime In March Brother I'nrent nued hiS long~ rJn8c plan I to denhall. They were sworn 1D.1I the October meet·
OD 'OInuuy 31 the 10cOII sponsored :I labor reI::! q,pprl);lc h liS ll1:.1ny of O\lr memhcu who arc- ID l er· ing At the S:lme meeting Brother Masctorini won
110010 ~emlnU wllh C"nrnf'1I1J0IvcI5Ity lD iI CQntln· (<;Ied m bculg sd f cmployed and Walk Wi th them the Arst prtze In Ih e COPE 'IlUle Beginner's h lckr
Utng effurt to keep tb e officers lind st ewards more to m:lke union contrllc::t ors. " It In:!y not IHoJUCC L Mett took the secoml prtze
effective in de:l llng Wllh everyday problems tha i lmmcdi.ne lobs lor our 10(.111. but we Wilt be c(!.(u ln 8nllhcr Jl)hn H uldcncr, duc 10 Illness, has de ·
occu r March 7 WIll be the day of the n ext tr;;aning of t heir 5Ur'PO lt when Ihc)' s u cct::ed If wc help thcm cided to lJke IllS rc:ttrel'llcnt 3 11I 1I e ea rl y. Best
class, :IIHI we hope to ~cc all nfflcers and "lcw3 rds )jIUW ," PIIICIU $m d The secl)lHI phase of Ius plan wishes to you, joh n. Also, Cordon Eisler has de·
III :t lll:ndllncc, wd l be 10 .~pp roa c h those COlltr,IClOnl wh o a rc cided to Hike nn Iw nOl;lry wi!hd l ;lwlli C3 rd Cood
T he h)clIl Will hol ll lls Annunl Danner Dance 111 compctingag.:l insl us :lnd to show Ilu:mlluw being luck, Conlon.
the Bear Mounlllm Inn on March 27. T he even in g " uruon " elUl unpw \'c thcir buslllc","cs. Ap)rcn ll cc Ed CUJ:el wn~ Orsl PllZC wanner OInd
WIll begtn .1 t 7 P m with .. cocktail h our follo wed In other local developments, President Inmc.s Mike luddlx look seco nd plnet: III t h e Novembe r
by a comr'lctc r'" Dle fib dlllner DanCIng will be Kelle)' WI1'i recently eleCl ed challmlln ollhe Crc-lItc r COPE ralfle As :llw.3)1I, COPE was the big winner.
from 9 It m to 2 a m Room!! nrc av :ul.lb le for Lawrence- Hllverlull Central L:lbor CouncIl. That is all for thiS lime. Be SUre to uppOrt you r
.aDyone wtlblng to spend the night by cal ltng the Srother Kelley'S election I ~ Ihl! II:-:.uh (If n\.,lny local and you r coun try The writc.rii u! Llu~ wlt.lrun
l\(ar MQu ntam Inn by March I. WI! expect .a large years f soc rvlc-e to the GU-tCLC and demonstrates ,ul! welcome any newswonhy Items fr om the
turnout, so please gct your reJerVOIllOn hack 10 lhe the re.\pect 01her lahol leaders h$lve fO I him HI S memlxr.shlp
loc.al oiRcc dedication to t he labo, mov('mcnl IS unqucstlon·
I..oG.:al 50..1 has JU'>I completcd mUSl5ucccssfll l
c..ampalgt11 ever Wllh O l ~nge .and Rockl:1nd UlllI·
able. You, Orothels wl.sh you SUC('e!S III yuur new
eodcavur. ItUI _ GQVd luck l
Dow 1-1. CoTHARD, P.s.
ScoTT L GO"mA~D. P
Don't you think y()U'V~ PIOCr.llsttn;tlcd long
ttes and I hghbnd Telephone Company We are
proud of the w:illy ou r memher.s share wllh then t:.nou~hl Make the next meCtinRI hc:u It firsthOllld. Work Is Slow;
u. OmmUnltle.s S
The follOWing members I«.endy rctlfcd R:illY
Xmas Party Well Attended
DePew, Sr., Ed P;livllch, Arthu. Moore, rtc:d K.2m · L.U. 557li.l! m ,rts~s-p:a), SAGlNA W, 1ICl-L-Pldtd
mcnztnd, Stan Limon, M :mlyn Farr, Stanley 1-1 Im.::5 :and cold weal her, IWO III ·fIlIlCd fncnds Ihat
Rast:, Edmond Kl1Icc.kl , Sun Icy Tice, and lames union people occaSIOnally need to endu rc. Picket
QU:lckenbush. All wo rked forOrJnge and Rock land lines arc r:ucly a vittot1ouS symbol lind cause ;I
Uuhtles In dlifere m division, .lnd c1n'sIAcallons lot of discord. SUIt IS with the ncw bmldc:rs qU.1 re
We WI,1t them hCQllhy, hlll11'Y, and lu ng Icthc· BullJlIlg .anJ Bull E",:Ull'> II is b,ld enough h nving
ments. Any re tire s wishing to atte nd the dmner· trouble with ~Ab5, hu t lenmsten .and fe l low trades ·
dance shnu ld COfU [\C t the o(flcc lit 19 141 JCig ·68 68. men crossi ng the Illl::kct !tnes c.Qusc Ilnger!
36 R OIIl'ItT L. M AIN", P .S. lobs 3to und SaglOllw arc n OI brcaklng loose, Wl lh
0 1 I hl~ Rc r uhllI.:.ln ..IJnllnt .. u atlnn \\. nh thl\> I.ltt's t unaccc:pubir I" Ihe member .. \·lltll1)1. but ~JlllnJ;
Members hanl..ln ..lInn de.. l. \'o r: hn~ Amenl...m .. ;He I.tlm m~ Z! d .1}·" fill ,I eC)m(.Jet t urn~d out I.lr the be'l ,
to Ihen ~ell"l·,) anJ fe.I1t~lnK .... h..ll th ey r:ie( l eJ 10 Ihmk Ihe cuntr.J(: 1 1'0 ~ pc)~III\'e one, we CllllnOI
0 16cel ~u, e1 )' IJ~" .... 111 stJnd hlRethl:r till 11m!;! expec.l to ,egam 1111 the w.lges we (:onccJI.:J J.J!t1
and elect cJmlIJJ!e'" IJ\iur;tbll' ttl UU t c aU Sl' J urgl:: ti me III one new COntrlCI We h.1\1~ m:lJ e some

, each uf yo u III IWJ; 1lI "lUI til 1.l lk !II II1c mhc ,'j nl
lal1m y CIU know wh" It . I W Cll l·..! III till' rl.l ~ 1 and
~n ll1 ~ Ih l' time W ,I);~·S 10 1 'Ws w~' rc \I1(; 1t.:;t'>C iJ "1
CC Il' ~ tn SlY 10, With JIj ~Cnt 'i Illuell ~C JII C lin
help IlwlI\ 11111 l\l llI.tk~ II\r ~.IlI'C 1I11'it.lk l.:'S III Ih e Augull t I, 19H7 lh..: "8 I e~ment I ~ fut 10 Innn thlo,
fut u re. If we c Jn 't gL':1 loloor b.lck I\Igcthcr. I ..1m termtnlltln.t; durmg the :su mmer til I YI4~ All ar
atu lu the mc," we ;U l" nm~ C"fl\"lI t'nC ln J: I~ lu<;r prenllce" "'III he rClu .n t.""tJ ttl t hl.'" .'/\., plan 10f IhC'1I
the hc~lRntng h~alth ,IIlJ \\.eh.ue cn \er.a~e OU f .lprU·UCI ... n J e·
I i1m .. ute n\.lll)' 01 .·uu n.a\ I"" nuuceJ IU'" .IS I §cr\"C Ihl Wr>rk In lhe (mpal..li V..Illcy wdl n:rnam
ha\·e. I h;u L e IJ l·o(ca h.J~ wntlcn ~\'\crJ I ,lItl d c§ Jllhe SIr<:;X I ollt on ,ob::. undu I ,'i1l0 nl:ln hlllll"
latch- tha t prl.:lI)' well put Ihe 1'I(\:'''\:nl u d cmnu Ifl All ~cul h c l nlJl wluk Will he ..l t 5 1'! 10
Show n , il:ht 10 lefl ;ur toelll 5S7, Sa;i n:iw, Mi ch ., \1 t1"1 mWl tJI )'. the IOl.oIl .... llI lII~lIl\1tC .1 RC"I .le n
pc''' prCII \ l· ~11 l..Icul;t: :I h.l.. d ~IJt I ,1.ln1llc Ilc ha ..
1lIt' llIbCIS Or! FOMe. , T um Ilryan . Walt Yarmouth , Ihe .I h tl ll~ t ll";l1 \llIntiy 10 Ihe pUl n l Rccctllly h I:· tIll I A~IU~lIl elll 1111 du.· fir:>t 11mI.'. fh e mEW tnll!'lt
alld Tom Win c h ell . I!.:'I PI CMI.:J Illy pOInt III ... 11.: .... I.:x.H.lly rtj\Jtdlng reg.un the hou~IIlA m:ttkct In Sa n OI C)\LJ lJs t )CJf S
AmC1 1t .l1l \omrellll\CnC'.IS wah lurclgn \:um pCII esum.lIe 01 unlllll dcc[rtc.tl ..... ork. In h ou:u n~ W ilS
lion ..In J the r roteC !ll)I\I ", m u~·cmf.:nt One big ullly 1 pucen t to 1 rcr(;cnt Ou r plo," Will Include
Interesting Group tbln.ll. li lke ,1htlUt:"o 1r IJcuec3 I" , he bet Ihlll helt,." .1 re'>IJc,UI:ll WlTemnn d\1 .. ~'lic':lII on wllh .I h.t ~e

I 11 I\un, nUl II l'"Ihm fllJn but J knuwleJ.Il.cablt· I..II C III 1\ :;0. Wc Will 111"'>(1 hJ \e ' II UI gIJ.k· ... of
man willi cUl nnu nd~ ' I.:~pc(:l nattlln .... ldt'. C),PTCS" [f.;lInee .. Cdtntll).t h um Sf! 00 tu SIU n Thc titSI
Ill&. l..lhilr ~ Plllo t " I \I\!'" Th ... I~ e)'..I ctl y ""h..l l our worke, muSt be: ..I fu urne) mJ.n InSid e Wtrl.'mOln. :JnJ
mO\CmCIlI nl'cJr;, Jndl h ope Mr l.lr:lKCJ tttntmues the nC'(t SIX m e n coil n br: R W.s lmJ II.l Ulce" I he
to e nl pJ l hi:c \\' It h the him' ellll,lt ""' nrkl.' l ~ .I I1J t holl ncw d"'l·" f"lcalilln.. Will e nt OUlaJ;C UllI tln I.:IIll1l .IC
the nH."d'lI t.: ontl nIlC~ II'! Cll ve r.I";l· til M I litl.uu.a'<, Inro:; til Jl:U :lltel tlu: ((."IJCIl II.11 WUlk III nU l IlIwn
Ddlel ~ It w d l .. boo ufie l a JlOI ClltlJ. llH gJ.nt;:II\/oI IOOI for the
I \\.l)u hJ It kt III IC IIlIIl J l'H."}"1I1h. dut lh" I'> "!JU ' InduM r~ The fBEW ....'111 hopcfu/ly . etum til th c
J lll de II yuu hJ\C .tn}lh tng )tJu ~ollrd Ilkr.: pub· competlll YC rc ,I.Il."nlloll m:lrkct to hurt the r:u
hshel.! CCn l..l\1 mc My .. dJre:!>~ I" G lynn 1"Urr.l Y, COn trlll;: 14I1"
281'i Wumble \lIecl, Iinrent'e. Alolh.Jma ~'i6ti .... pl·aklll ~ (II 1.1''',·' I mU.,1 I Cpoll Iht: ~il d III.: .... ~
151~ ( JUI membe rsh Ip cC I, a lnl~ cnll ')" (l'admg IIf Ih ... ftlll u .... lI1x Um ll il(.lUl~ IUrnulA Ihelr b.. (.ks
left co rig ht .u e I'"ul Ches ll.':I , Tom Oln n, F.T.
J. buul l"'l' n l~ )UU h.nc kn u \\. I c dJ.: ~ ItI rl'llI l·l1h: n t~ on the LInton ,"'W ku s ""hl) hJ\'e hel pcd bUild t hem
8:lIIic stCln , . nd Dale Wahls. Is "aul as hut as th e
un yu ur loh, !wlid3Y J.: t,." t tu~et hll '. 0 1 Jny C\'cnt RJnJ t , I:. M. Ll cc tric. and BC lgel CUIiC (If l tl'
240 sign ,l'iJC('IS! Is fe ll n (ellllin !; illcu Ih ~ job. ur
~'nu l Cllm pJn) nr gr()up IIIJ ...• he lII .... tll\ cd With. "ul.:h Angd c w tlulJ nut accl:pt till.' cnn \t.lct ::'1.t:.I1t.'d h~
i .. he lea ning UII 1'0111 1 Dal e dUl'sn " S:l)' lIIuc h , but
as h cl rtng Ita· plt( U Ihe IBI:.W unJ NEC A T hl· .. e (:OO1P;II1II;'. wok J I... \\.
1' 111 , III I' ht· kl1Ow., Ih l!' 3n .... w e ' i).
The t:cn u.JI lan!)r UnulII Il· ... elldy ')1"",.n~lHeJ ;l nf nU l IIrluht:l .. with Ih(lll . .InJ Ih.t l I') thl.: I..ISt
lharny bJ.l!. Ihe ptucccJ~ 0 1 .... hl ... h ,""cnt In b cl p lime I Will Colli th ... m th oll
th e \I UI o f work 1I'i! huldln~ ahuUl the 'i.lnH~ fvr thc unelllplu)·I.:J unton mcmlxr'i In the .If1.:..1 \1J.n)' At the NASSCO li~JlPy;UJ .. a rep~H CClnuau \\ II'>
rhe t.", few months 1 ho~ peu"l ... so tu ~L'em ab le members bcndh Jrom th l~ anJ mher plOl:nms IIw a. rJeJ for ..... mk lin Ihe 3\)' .,.llIp \,I(. ' cUJINIIU
III lind work ~lall'''''Hk YOu "huuld kno,",' by now c-::.pcc l.l lly .. mee the um:m p hl)' rnC II I r.JI\· I" "0 h igh nU l vf Bremerton , WJ ... hll1"ll un Th iel; hunJrcJ lob s
nur dues ....,111 no t ~\IJ up until March, other ilian m Ihl ' ,Irca We Ihank Ih l,,"c of )11 11 whu IllIIu...:ht we.c PI C'tt,."t\lcJ III the r3 l d, ..Ind th l." ""'Olk ~hould
th e 1.0. portion II the ma ll ''in 'l IOU hll (.", dnll" cnvu).:h IIf }Olll UlIlmrh)H:J Il luthe" to plllchJ::.1.: l;Lst fo r ~cvc ral mon l hs. Th e rc p.ait ~·ork lI1c1udc ~
forge t th l' r"n y lJU h ·h flla ry IJ , ;1 gtCIH lI me ... a Il~kL t L'xt('ns, ve d cc trlcal w/lrk 01.11 m.l ll nt.: cfl.:l lll llU ll ~
lUltll: lpalcd .Ire ' 1.:1.:()~flI ;:eJ as 'iwnc of Ih ... hC: ~ 1 In till" nilllull
I he 1986 C h nStln .l!l PJrt},WJ" a ttcndcJ by .. bou t I hi') ap.111 cuntr..l et \\.' 111 hopcfull )· be the first 01
.;0 Orothe . ...md SISler.. , but hil\'lRg \ccl)n d .. lul1 m.Jn)· Alw In the y;uJ. 8rmh er D~'nnl" Au;am . . ha~
wu rkers In Alma, ;I Illore than II f.:w dfJYm~ a f.:w becn nJml""d chid ,,>IC\\.IIJ fllt =,,,1} hl.' ferl.. u· . .
huu~ a dll)· 10 work, .:"pl.1m~ \\. hy a t.:w "ue n1l1 Winning Players StC\ C Wurktn ,Jn whll sc.'n-ai C!(lellt.'lIth fur dlln:
11It , .: lack Ruppel ".J!, reponell I13VIRA J bro ken year;
kg. Tom WUl(. b dl cu t hJS hand, lind C rt,!; lie,; CU I UUt 1IIl1lllcytnan 1Il ~ ld t: \\ IIt·ml.'lI l1ut HI WlHK
hIS facc. Thc way I grilupcd Ih:u 'icnlCn lC qUltt' .. book hll'> hccll hl)wllng anollnd J6D til Ion IUl l·l~ht
yarn c(lllld be: Imll!;lne:d, bu t thc)' we lc ~e p aI!Ht! mo nth '! ..... lth nil fC. ll rcdu c IBlIl IUTI:UIM I hllll1~1 1
IIl culents. I tlUM allli h ope tlllH t h ey h e ,ll tlluckly, thc WIIH CI Impc lI.11 Va lley J\~·nthl..' ltn . tI .... utk 1X!.lk..:J
lhll F... hn I~ ,·... i.;U pcr.llltIg aflcr , C... CIll sur,ltcry, 3nll nUl In Oceembe r .I I tht.: Atk lnsn n Illb wHh .rnlullJ
II.HUld Klud IS bJck lO wo rk. M )' pl ayc r~ are 1(, gU,,'" The O l.t)' Mes.) JlIl ~lln IlIh lid .. cumplttl.: d
Jirec t eJ fO l Wayne Pa' tnt ami 'am lly 'h .. ~un wa'i ItS fif"!ol philse c .... be..... Elenm:. FI ... hbJc:h ..I n J
It it raftullv J'I;nah~cJ wllh ...om.: b,ain Jamit~e
;\\ (M ll e, and Amcku h;n to br.::cn h~a\"lly IRvulHJ un
Jue I~) II tiJ;.h1 Whal eHr th.: cluse till i,unlly
thIS ph.l~e At..u. unrull \llunJ cOlllpanle hJve
necd') Ill) m ill e f;ncf I hope through modem med·
"'lIIkcd llIl the 111~ ~..1 I~ u o n ers have §ta rtr.:d t\1
ICIOC ..Ind lh~upy hc wil l have II cOIn pk lc rccovery
lIlU\l~ IIltu lh ... tr new qU3n ers. I h pe;t ll th e d el.:
M UnI\" w e re a llol.:itlcd (m Ihe l!th rllI e Cucus
tnCI .ln~ al l we.mng somcdung h e~l dl.'~ th u~l'
tu.:k~·l!I, the ·I ty IIi H npc cancc l ·pJ II CIH Ilfllg,all',
:lnd ,I dlHlIlIHltI to thc ~hl.!chn ) rkc ts Uni o n 13 595 "ptl snl1 bluc" Le\' I's. Your lobs u ut t! u: n: .t Tl; ::th"n
1m fourllly hU!;lm.1 !!. presents ~IIlCC t hclt ~ lrI kc I' cails e,mtp.lred t o those pe rm .mcn l rC"IJcnt~
liver SIX m unttH old Yt,."ry wlHlhy cau~t'~ for Ihe OUT own memN:r h ed il lUllt v i JlIlInJI C ll~
wa~ "u";cc'Isful m Ill S hid fur thl: 1)lIlle III ut)
lu ll: <j;eOlSOIl
B)' Ihl.. printing we .... 111 J1w b.1bl)" be In the I'Y c(lun<:llm~n fred ha~ been. goud unton UUJlhn
gill" uf WlnlCl. hupln,; lor ..I mitten II) c.auSo! oJn ..mel hJl~ h~en \cry .lCU\1: 1/1 hi .. c(JmmUIUI);. ~('" '\tn li;
cJrl), lh~w! but 11 thilt docs nQt h.lpren. ILiU sun lin the Illannmg Bu.trd and Ol her ... r\ II.: J:IUUp~ A ..
\·ou r hand .. 01 cI"prtn ' I) Iro,>lbllt' I.. nlll II Ihn~,u .1 cuulIulJn.an. I'm r;u fr,' he wd l be up tu the

itl1l1 PilI! nn iI "i.Irml· r m J Cklll .l ,"" lh allelli/.C /If ~(J\I: rrun g "'lIh h iS et)ll')lltue n l ~ In
l\lllN E c.;ll'11""~, P .s. tc,: n::st.') {1111: mu .. t .Iud with our un l ,ln~ l1ltUC""
Hr.: YCr lllll nf mi nd I'm S;IJU to sec lll1l ,111 mt mbc r ..
~Jjn ln ,i; ..Il..CI:SS to ~oyc rnm cnt. Ollf ml\\,c nt l·nt CoI n
Begin Now To Elect benefit Arc.llly tr~lm thl5 COltJ1,t.ltulol t ltllh. Fre\l!
Pro-Labor Government
Pietuh.' d :u e Ihr mt"mbcrs ol the twO lo.:.' 569,
;In OJ t"~o , CIII., ..ohb.. 11 (e:lm~ (h", compe t ed in
1 he Hr.:Jhh .lnd We lfare r'U ~1 hoJ, ... I-I'oe.1 ..I '"
CCIIll '''1.:1 with Ihc HeJ.lth Jnd H UlTlJll Re ,t>U f... e
Ih ... Annua l Lahor Coun cil fOum :lmt.m. Tht tca ms W
L . 558 t i , u.u , ut\,nb, tt.5 ,t:m&. ~ p a). IIEfFlEtO , Center hn il II(."\\. plUKfi1m \\.1: ~ all the M ClIlhet!li LL.
\\t'lC o fg.lniz.cd by S:lm r~dill;J , Ilfll.l h e- mllnlll:eri
ALA .-Gn:cun,;'i. arolht'rs. I helpe 19~7 I; finJtn/<; A~'>I~t.lI1 .. e I'fIl ~ r.tnl fhc ftlOgt.1nl (lttlVIJC' eVlllu
Ihc dl'l t" ndln ~ ... h J. lllp iml Il·.. 1II tlti ~ l elal --'
Villi I1clIl."l Ilf Ih;;ln )' 0 11 hun.: been m til!: IJst Y\..Ir Juon J lld coun,dlOg for m e m bers .101.1 their him
0 1 t""'o..<\1.lyb\ m o re of yo u li n: \.·m p lllyeJ fli lc:t :>1 l ites fo r cn~ls allJ persunal pf Qbkrn~ 1 he pro~ I .II11 'a:z"
For th m,e .... /Ull)rc nOl , ....e s ltll iI.l \l e Ihe hu pt! uf J I" II com pletely cllnll delHlal <;cnrr.:e fOl A, II, .tnJ ::J
IJld e wurk com III,!; lll' ilt Iln,,,,,·n·s Ferry I know Member Wins Election C Pl an nttlnber"l lIu d dcpcndenl~1 .tull the fi rsl ,o
Ihl,sounJ li ke the :sa m e old suny we hllvc healJ
iur 4 ulte J .... hlle. but ill least II I" ~ tllI.:I ..,ma lll..lY
As City Councilman t hree ~·"'I I ~ ;lIe J\illlJhh:. ;11 no OUl·of pock... t ex
pcnsr. Ahtrthc fiut thll.:e \ul ts, cm l will bl: ".lId w
of hore thwuxh (hl' nl d black d uuJ th.1t hJS been L . 569 {1 ,{I ,II.ell"II~ ,s pa&.III1). SA ' DII:.GO , CA L--
.. I your t C,i;ul:1l !lUSt bcneflt :.lI o wan cc Check wuh !!!
hll n ~tn.!: on:1 u'>
We: haH: mot e hope commg, our .... ay .... lIh L9 7
In Octoher th e Insldc W,nmJIl Ag reement was
setli cli by.t UX).lo·150 vOte on the IhwJ pr l) po~,, ! the [le cl 11 c3 1 Jndustry Trust Offic es '01 det.1lh
htrt' In 19HR we hnrc 10 be oble to rlU ourselves before the meflltx-r~ I he fl ' '> t t\\CI r l llp{l"'II ~ \\ en: Tw GOO'iH l k. V.P P S 37
Retiring Florida Power Considering
Dividing Company into Three
LU. 627 luI, FORT J·II:.R CE. FLA .-This r('I'OIl
,",' III be a !ohl1 l1 update UD local 627 's lale~1 aeuY
htts .loS well J,i OUI IJl l e~1 Compam UnUIIl lob
PirlU ll'C is Broth!:'t John SIewud5 MecIlnl; To S,"II ... lth. OU t luul's mem
B. E.:tgtr, If ,. wllo Ie· bc,sllip 1~;l1 the: 450 m :llk with ""h.1I items 10 he-
unlly re lirtd from Lo- a h .. ndfuJ ut pcople l(tlnlng every mCeung Un' I
u r "A I, 1f1rristow n. l unald}·, we oalw!ecm to loS(!: ~ h;andful 01 peorle
N. J, e\·c ry mce un,; cUhet to lobs III "Upt"rvl\lOn ur
n(}nb.U&alllln~ IInlt lo b
OU I Annual a mpany Union lob StcwJ.td:s Metl
tn~ WllS helJ OClObC'1 20. 1986, al Ih e t Lue:lc
!lllInt 5<:v('r<l1 noublc Jl4,:lIple' ft C.11.' m allcmbncc,
Pictu red it the Masth e.ad Inl~rn.liolla l C rew work . among them Joe OoJikcs. ,1;5S1St,ln! bu Ine.!tS man
Contract Time Is Around ing oUlhe lI o11 da)' l nn Job in lbuqutrque. tPhol oS .I~~f for !;plcm CounCIl U 4. and Al SCOtt . pre I'
submilltd b} Lucal 611 , Albuqurrqut. N.M.) dent of lout 621 lub 'Stcwa rd, In attendance
The Corner- Attend Meetings Included h.llllc McMoIholl hom lillian St'rvlce
L.U. 58 1li&'o), MORRISTOWN,N. J.- On FcbW.11Y urr.,. I. J IbOOd. Edl!iH 1-1 TUrml , J.. ck L. Y(lunt;. Cenll:r. Inn Lallier h o m \\'Jlr on Ser\llce Cen l!!r,
I 19X~. Jull., B E~J:l'r, It. frllred I h~ c...IIcel .1" ~ and P;lt r.ld1l 13. We h;Jv{' lcarm:d th.n some 01 the mY!>t'lf, ;lnd ~am S.hleld'! Irom 50t LuCIe ServiCe
unnlO c1CCIrlCIlUl hCjC3n boltk on Decemncr 2K. • BrOlhcu " ,""ho dI11J11ll'" I.IUI \\hl"11 Cr:II,i:. Ll rc[(u: Centl:r 11u.: (nmp;my ''S main sruker ""'.. Ra)·
19-Ui, wh.:n he Irst put rill' tools on for Local SK I wenl " rat l.lst )"e.ll h.1\Ie alrcady IO~ 1 Ih elr lobs Cu llins . the E.1~lcrn Dnl\lOll T D m.magc, Mr
Now, 3M yCJts I.Her, 'ohn I ~ finally h.1nlung 'em I uu~h hrt::Ik, guysl 'o lltns spokl!.1t le-nAth regJrJmg FlllflfJa II1IW~" &
up H" most nOletl Rccmnrl,:.hmt.'lIt hll'i been I recendy Vlsltcd MHthead Imcln.1tlt!Il.d ." Hul LI/<Ihl Company's vi~i o ns for tile- fu ture and when:
WUhUUl <lw':S l l(In tW! long fCLRn 3!> Local SRI'<; Id .IY Inn 'oh :l nd en l(lyed .. t:'11lJ.l wme old ' .. nJ nlll We as UIlIUII people will 11t tn Mnreovcr, hI: di~
lre3MUci John hc, .. mc tt easurcr In lui }'. 1955 . The s: aIJlt{~(j 1 buddll':s ;Inti meetlng,1 few Ih Oll1crs I (,", ,,,sed Ihe bUlI~c l fOt I I)Hb- 1981:1S being tlgh t , ..o
businc!'i~ manager then wa~ H(lmld "Mt}(" Pl crson, hlldo', Ill et hdorc 1 he lub 1:0> prugre:'~ II1J.;. I1Icdy, we Will pro b.lbly nUl .. ce any n<:w pe orle being
11m McD rm lll Wd~ pH'sHlclH, R:lI~h /-I CLHIlS wa ~ "') maybe tlH'Y ....·on ' t h,IVe 10 f.Jce Inu cold a wimer hIred Mr 01l1l1s mel1llOned that In cons lden n g
H!cardlnR SCC(! l3ry. lnd Ch3 ,IL C C:.se the fin!lncu J OUJ ~IJlff IS elllUyUl~ Ihell ne\\'I), cnl:lf,ll,eJ nlld new hl!c~ . W\: mu st a iM) tunsldc r the ovelflll ell'>'
5ecn::UlJV tYee;, Illefl!' waS a. fin3nCL;a 1 o,CC I Ct.:I.lY lemod cll,J wurk all'".1 1 hc eh .mgt! .... as long o\ler· 01 ek'clfl(ll), II) th(,' customers . Char"e Mc:M.IIhOiI
be lote Il;u,y Curnuw I At thiS ""min.': lohn .'> due, 3nd these ~Is dl;~crH' a pal on the back for queSl lOllcJ Mr Collin" 111 ref:ItJ to trouble c.rc,",,'.'>
worklOJI; JI CIB.a· ,C.lgy HI Summit fllr NordllOJ; suffenllt: In InC"lroht t;f,Jmped qu~rtt'r .. fill .. ullml! wotkln~ OUt of lhllr urc~~ Ihu .. Iilklng aW:ly o\le:r
anJ Delln fohn Will ~ !>renllm,; hiS rellfemCnt on [1110Y. Rill .. , lime for tholt r Jttlcular art'a 'liicrl.'w" large numbe rs
Shunrllu~ A\lenllc. Ch,llh311l, New ler.... y wllh hi .. lull.1I1 C •.rI ego!o '.... ,III ltodney Hi l eca\'enn~ frum III C:Olllract crew belnt; .added W.I.!I an Issue diS
~' ife . Cwcndolyn. gnd daulttne.r Robln, M,ulha. Lung CanCer urgl.:ry Ill' t:amc thn1ugh ,\Ul tt ",'c.1t 1,.\.j!l~eJ L)' "II ' "hc IIl\CLlllti tllJI;J \'\1111 evt!lyont:
and Wendv " 11 '5 be('n nice bcln~ trca'urc ( ,. U)'S trying to Icach an aglt'ement wtneh Will help Ihe
IlUY r MuU(.: u . r s
lohn 'The mc.-.mbc:r!ih1r ha .. occn nice w work rroblem o f trouble Clew<; workmjt en·c rume OUt of
.... Ilh to lhclI :uca<; lIowe\·1.:' that d~n 't appear 10 be
Auuhn Phil ',"m:c.l Will be Ihl! 101L:nm IIc~S President Barry Outlines .lIl )' easy SOIUIIUI1 for all the conlUetUiS dOing uur

urer unlll the lune cleCLIOIl'i BWlhct tohn W,lkH\! Union's Priorities at Meeting work
WI" rc:plJce Phil on the ElI:ecutl\e 6t1lrd dunng At our CKlobi:. 1.3. 19KII, mccttnK, we diSCUS td
Ihe 5i1me pcnod LU. 61lIi.o,c.m,ns&.pal, ATLA T . GA .- Local upcommg poliCies froUl FP l wllh lejtard to eacb
Well, con uael tIme I 1011108 ;uuunJ lIirud) , fdJ .... ;lS ClCuemely honored 10 h.lv~ ntw!y e!all,.d of us. One ISSUC th~ t nose Wall t11C~. roo;slbllllY of
:lnd II', II) Y(,lur bcndh 10 come to th, mC'elmg!i lnl\' m.ltwn;tl Prr.s,dent K:lrry Itou r Oclobc. monthl)" fP L diViding m to three comp~nlCS m Ihe future
We all bc:ndit fr om bc.longLn~ ll,l :l union, and on<: mc:cltn, Abo aH~nll.n,l; ....·ere Inle m:lttonJI Vice w~lh T &. 0 , producllun, and (KJwer resou rces ;IS
high I it month Isn ' l II 11)1 10 ,15k esperllllly when I'lcsldcnu Watt l S Jllli ';u ... PlesldclII 8;1 11 )' 3d tht thr ee . We wtll find OUI mOle 111 the future
your pn: ..ence un make .. dlfferencc Musl guy .. d ressed I nt' gcneul mcelln~ on areas ~htch hc about thIS proros31, but ;u thl!) lime ....1.' Inc very
:lre: umler Ihe IIlu<; lOn IhUlhclr lI!tend.in e doc!.n' r fcds;are IlU l found.UIOoS o f the future. Th ht: .ll t:a s W~ I Y of 11 Although It seems our unton mcctlng
mallet o lhing could lxo furt her frun! Ihe truth Includeu 1I.1 l l1m& l1I~anl:!lnl; t'r<x!UCIIVIlY. and allcnd .. nce fluGtua ll.''i IIUIU! .:a bu , we are hOI'II1&
Come HI Ihe me IInp, anJ, tuCie IIll{Klnantly, mllillt.:unlnA our BrOlherhood lhll,lugh dlYeJl;l lY:,"d morC' people w111 s tol rl ollcndlllg ""h en Ihey st(.
show.HI il1lerest Your local lind you c:ln on ly g.lIn POltOC:I) .11:11110. He .. tr<::ssed t hc need fnt partici' !lome: of Ih e ImpOlllmt ISSUCS which all.' belllg
from It pauao in the pollllcill PIOCt·S .. .1nd elec tl ng those discussed and how ,h c'Ile I$SUC~ alfect each nnd
Pl'Op)C wh o s upp Ort OUI Kn.1 l ~ These goal .. Include every member. ;IS we:1I "s lhe ll (amlllcs, now and
MIt:JlAEl Sr~ ... , r .S,
IlI tl inlallllnl: hCil hh y dnd safe: workp laces and crt: III Ihe (ulUre
IIttnt Ii'lh(, fur Ihl"' Alnl'llran wnJk for re' anrl nnt
Walking the line contmue CX ll0rllllg nur Itlhs Pres id cnt Darry Itl'
Icra ted Ih:n the h;lc: khl)llt: 0 ( :1 I:lbor m O\le m en t Is
o rga nlzln,i: the unor/<l.llllzcd In ln Ilamed, produc· Dinner-Dance Rekindles
tl ve cm pi nyecli He "rai sed local 61J's effn ll s tn
Ih lll a rto:! amJ slre,,:-cu th e: Imrwm:anc:(: of applyang Memories of Good Old Days
t he ski lls :lcqLlln:J fWIll :Ipprcn d ee and IOU t ney· L.U. 63 1 (i&'c m ), N£WIIURC II , N. 'I'.-oU I 75 t h
m ~ n wHnm,; thro ll,lth plOdll c llvc Pillc ti ces In the: Anrtl\lers;lry DlIlllc r ·D:aJlce was hdd lin N O ~'e mbC'r
wOI k pla ee to insure tha t \"C :lI e ;able 10 malke l OU I 8, 1986, ;II the HohdllY Inn t.n Fishkill Thc :lfllIU
prodUCI · !>k llied lahtJ l It Wll an c:xtremc plCl1~ure .....15 II hugc success With o ~'e J 300 memben and
to have our IOlema l tonal Qffit;:er5 prcsc:nt, .md tueS IS ec!eb IJunr. Ihl!) Qc.GaSlon to be pmud of
Ihose .:l IIendtng ltsj)\>nded pO~III\'d)' lO Ihe com Buslllcss aKell t , fr om surroundmg !OC:ll ls allendcJ
rt)('nl~ uffeled by theSe hono red gUCMS a long with qUltt' :t few I) f OUt " .. veUng nro th cr~
Qu r .:I ppu:nllCCS WCIC al'K) priVil eged to .nee l The dinncr ..... ~s great, thl;" band was greGt, and
wit h NIATC Tralnll1g Dlrl'ctur A I Pur on on everybody Iu d one hell o f II time I tlllnk It'S aboUI
Octobel2,l Mr. Pcuson add l cs.!rocd a 101111 mct'llnl; lime we broUVH bac.k tbe: old "annual danc::.e ,. I
o f ou r apPlentlCl'S .... herc he revlcwed Ihe cOu rS(' would like 10 thank Cy Tan.sey. Ir., the Dance
WaUdnl: the picket Hne arc Rk hard McNei l, Dick matenal and gave :& PIC\'ICW of additioM 10 OU I ommi t1 e:e Ch.llnn;lll, .. nd thl.' n:51 of tbe commit·
Gouldins. Il oward T hom as (nol 5hown), Vinnr nalln"al tOwse currll:ulum He Ihen f'idded ques· tee 011 :I tllne 10 remember.
Bovenzi, and J ~na ro Pedronedli. tlons on Ihc pre... ent curnculum from lhe body Thmk abuut II OUf tocal IS 75 )'ears old There
Alte r .id,oummelll he vl,lIed IndiVidually wllh wcre o nly t wo me.n who sl:lilled Whilt h.as bcc.ome.
$('\'c l al arrr enllCClii It) !IoOilclt Clllldid resronscs on Local 63 I to(lJy. It IS th ost' IWO men, and countless
Local's Staff Enjoys ways 10 Improve the curric ulum o thcls IIftcr Ihem. we owe for what we ha'le loday
New Work Area I commend Our Inl erna llonal le.ld crs wh o lake How do ,,",'e repay sull1 eboily ' or :fomtthtng hke
lime out Irom thell busy schedu les to visit ","'lth Ih:lt1 Most of those Bl others arc gone now, but
L U. 611 (i,o, u,t&rtb), ALBUQUERQUE , N.."o\ . - us I feel ..... e: ha\'e 1l.'adl!IS who want 10 accorn phsh you can 51111 po'( back yourdebL You ha\le. to make
\.0(3161' has-l ost to death IhC' foUO ..... tnA Drothers poSitive (c~lI h s fo r nllr Bro th e rhood, nOI only fo r lure thc l l.' ....·111 be a fUlUre lor the mEW. We dldn' l
William H 1'~' ln , Douglas R Myers, locA Arm iJO, Ihe pre en!, but lO! futur\' gcnCflillOCS. It I &r.. ' ·
Harold . Reevc"i. .a nd 0 T. R . ~t.:t Ihl S old by havlllg /I bllneh of members who
IlYlng Ihou thcy vi~"e:J wll h liS and lei us kn o w do n 't care what 's gOtng on . We gm thI S old with
WI! losl l be fullnw,"~ " 8 rOlIIl:13" when G.uJncl ' fi rsthand Ihey are wor king fo r o ur heM mtele:SI S. I Ih e P:lrtll,.lp.1 I1 Un o( our m em bers.
Zemke went "nil I ' Le:ttCfS o f rCSI,I1,n:lIWrI hA\le bdu: \Ic th .. t by vi.l l1ng u ~ Ihc )' Im proved our Sllme:tllllc. I'll hCoil 1111 IIllprCnlll.'1.' cvmpl.lln be
bu.n ft.Cc-WI:O fr om \hl\ [.. nntt, IJce: [.dcn, ).lmc8 llIorAle !lull ludell our behels Ihlll We w,11 nOI only (", us gOlnA 10 m el:tl ng, a requltcd fo r sch ool-
I Careta, Rick Lce Howe, Poatrlt:k" Wallor,Ocnn l:i !iur\' lvc. hut wil l f'ru!l'per
38 l. Simm ns, Fr<l nk 1 LO\lato. DUllald Ii Prokoseh , lough lu c k If Ih':II 'S wha l m;lkcs you go to meet .
LoNNI( I'lU11 , I'S Ing,. you're liIarling 10 sho .... c.u l y 1>lg0.5 of bemA II
puur unlun ml'mbel lJu lOU knulN h .... w lIlall~' I th .. nk BrlJlhl.'l 1.'.1 lor chI .. Ternn .InJ "'uuld mctnb":f!I t'nlJlloyrJ_ [I b to.. hJJ .,otfh: " I Cl1,ll
I'Cllpl" UUI un the !iln,.. t \o'ouldn I mt S J mce ll nf( \H'kllme ~lmllJr ICttC h h um Vlht" UnitS In 6J6. SlgIl.1l0r'Y wo rk :noun..! RI\'ershli! .mJ \.111 ~rnul
1'\('1, If Ihey an i), h.a d the c b,lnc( h) bdun~ to the W hl' nOl !1tu: nd YU lil ne.xl IU~oIl Union Il1cl'u nJ: and lhno c.mn(Jt ru b off on us Wnh che l :n ~1! n um~1
lIlEW ; Be IOvol\'ciJ , go w th e o nI o n m <"C tll1,, " b(' IlcIH'I ifill I! 111 ".1 llll II'hal '" harl'e nmg In Ihe of m e-Iuh!:r" w~' h.1vl· UII the Imuks, we ~cc 1110lC
WhJt IS b(' lng SJ Hj I" lmp",,;!nt , d nn' l \",111 \'C.II~ lUU\'- an d m ,)!c of Ihem looking \Il11 ) l)lho.:l a venu e!> III
hJ tca li :::c Ihm SLl pp1l 1l t hclr f,lIl11ly , We WI1th Ilnnher C I~' J c Ryall
Work IS .. till tH.\ld Jn~ "UI im U!> Slt'\\'.HJ Atrpotl t h e b"st of tuc k III hIS ncw HCJ, I h :1t o f CIIV III
h .II\O,'3Y!I nla J.:m.i: t h e P,IPCrs with nl'W proposaJ<. I'h ocnl'l( ,Kl.'Jll' l al hutldln~ mS Jlectur Iydc WIll 111111
I r construc tion Th e Dan .. k.ilmmt: 1 ("113 1 (;on \CI Brother Holloway Mourned ; kI num be l 0 1 Ol hc r Bl mhers who h3\'I:' ~rll1l' HlIII
"',un lob I~ mUVII1x light oIlnng. I 1lI11le liloll will'll And How Did You Vote? In s pr.::cttun d'l, annthl'l ndd LIIl)J luc k 10 .III ,II
In J oubt nu r men all: "" I:',lrm~ ,iPPI O\'CJ (.1fcty Ihcm
m.I~k::. '" 111' 1': a~ ~!OIlIS I ~ ~ U !i r cccl:' d Dun f 11..: br.H''':
l.U. c.J'> li. o&rI~l, !'IAN I L h OR I\ PO. L.- It
PrIOr tel {he JJ r<l IOEW ( 1fI ~','tlflmr, J !tN/ I.: J
.. r\,"mJ IhJI be-c,m"'c II klll1t l!'t '\lIh :>,IJne~!> I Ic l'on t h J I !lwlh\'f J, Willa rd
,t:rOlip pl l turt' lIf m OSI IJf ou r lATe I II., tru CltH~ J
Bru th el Co ry W,IfJ\,'I1 ' S liallowc l' l1 JI\,rlll)' WJ"l II Hollo,,",',IYpJ!!s\'J JWay o n NOWlllhc," 1'.Jl'l6, Bruth('r
did 1101 hH'l" thl.' Ilppt1rlllnllY h) pl,ICC t hl! PII.: I\II;:
"I~ lil t b,ll' k III Ollll bl'r T he loca l Ile w"ptllle r dlJ
HOJl llw,IY hl,,'e.trtl<,; _1 nh' mf,., / III L(lLJI (, lY 111 Dc-
1ft t he Inml1a/ l hcn, so J "" ould likc to fI.'CO,itIll:t:
,I llI ee slU ry nn II, the wllllk' £10111 of 111 <' huuse IS tPIWf IYol ~ li e W;l., \\cll Id.. t:J ,ItlJ h.l .. J,cetl held
all of them 3t ttus ti me T om Lnpc::, Itlhn i\1eln
to hlllh l'!>It:l'm hy m.lIl~ 1111,\\0 11lmher .. Ihmilt'r
It.,.c a Hnlly wmlJ mm Ie ~I..I with .,111 the :>cary Cordon Tuttlc, 0.1\111.1 Lee, R.. y I'ull'~ky Li)-d"
Iflmmm,l!." Pevr k Jm'e Hom .all O\'e r \\Un thell HtlJlI1 .... ay '" ~\.Ir\"i\nJ br h ... ,",II.:. Ik.l , thrl.'c 50ns
R)'a U, I..my H n .... .d ld. TllmCampbdl, BUlch Thonl,l!I
kIth to eel' thIS .JDnu.J t IrC.JI NUW ..UJaY5 nO I I(,N)
lall tll ""hom Jr(' 619 memh"r.. . ks", 03\,hJ. Jnd
Iot'TuI.JJH·, S,e\ I' HoJm 'lU I5C O .. nd S,lIu:hc= HJII'
mJny peorle have the wnc to ,hlnk .. htlu l the lohn JnJ s\."'t'nl,IH.lnJdIlIJH'n-Unt', John, I, . IS
hpnrl Larry Wil son, 11m ChJn.:y. Ilk TU I .. m '
kI J ~. bUl Ca r}, aJ \\ "~' .. pull ~ Ihl u u~h _ ll hlnk Brothe l
al"illll tOcltlb~'r 01 LIll,.,!! folW \ \ e wnd nUl Jt-t'pt'St
RJ ndy Mcllnlth . and IJTCIlCe ltc('d If I h.ne
~\'mr;lIh\ ;lnJ UJIldUll'IlLC\ III hi:' Llmdy
W.HUell tl~, .. nves ,I lut u( lIl'd ll fill h l~ h.lIli \vorJ.: , flag o n e n Il n ymw. I SUIl: "I) ~ p \Jl o}:I :e I wll uld Ilk ...
n}, Iht" W.lY, C ... n er.d MlHo/'S is 1,')' lngofl ,lI1 oth~ 1 rLiI I h u!.e II I )'OU ,,",' hi) \'(,tI! J [t1;pu hllc Jll , fll' fe IS
to rem ind Ihe nll:: mhl.' , ~hI P t hJC Br.Hhec Go rJulI
2\1,000 ..... o rk er~ ~IJ kee p huymg lh o!>c ri el' bUt!1 l'(<4 :III ,x,lmple lof how blj,\ bU:>llle .. " .JIlJ , h ~ Reruhli-
fU ltie hots ~ I!fI ICol hln g ou r J pprl'n t IC\.·S fOf t""l"
can!. WlHk tlI,\!edlt' 1 JKJIII~I I.lh", The 11.11 .dlt"l l hc
';A"l FRAITtl, III , rs c!CCllnll" LCfler,l1 M. ,IUl 5 ,I(HlIIunll'J rlan .. 111 <.10:>":
lS ),CJt ThJt I. iI I,)t 01 tlCJII;.1I1U1l Abo. 11,11,·
EllsrndJ:e ",'ould like Hl l e-mtml "VCf)one th,n "'III... c
II (IIJnl" ,11111 b, 1111 2tJ.CW t'tnpIIJ}'ees fkl\'o'cen
we- hll\c O\'CI hOO Ch;fIl~C!> III Ihl.' l1e ....... oJ!.: dw;
Delegates 19H7 .lnJ 19 'J Wh.1I "'QuIJ hol\'c h.lpren eJ tn Ihe )'..:ar chI! h.)l)k1'> CJn ~ purchascJ .IT th,' [ATe IllIi ... e
Rc p ubllcan 1'.!ItY !lCWO;" Ih(' CUUlHty II til!'. hJt.i
J n y tlm~ dUrI!ll: Ih e d:1l
comc nut hdl'rc No\ernhcr 4 1 Think .thout II WI::
mu st cun tlmle IU ~u pr(J rt fnt.:llJs "f la bor, Be
t\ mC II ~.1l1 Inl\' AItl~rt C Jn lk ...If..: J t h'ork or p lay
STr'.:-';lH C\ltl,,:-.;O, p" Unions: Workingpeople
Working for People
Instructors LU. 6<1 ' luI. UTTLE ROCK, I\RK.-'cidllin t.!1H,'"
" loc.:.l Uhum )tCI b"'o r.lhlo: p uhllcllY 111 1IIt,l1e ......
medlol h seem .. the "nly t hing }OU rc.ld 10 Ihe
newsf';lpcr1t L)I .. t.:e 011 t ele\'I~lIl11 ,Ih.-'Jll i lIttlons l'> .I
J I1'> 11U IC , ... "h ln the ut'llon or whcn Ih c UnH1I1 I"
$ tr!kln~ Jnd ne'lotlJtlnl<\ a C ~lI Hlil CI itarl' Jy I~ ol
Pictured hcre are the Loca l 636, T orOlllu. Out. , ulllon .teplCtcd ""!thOlil eOllllU\c r ~y I lIU ultrll
delegates to Ih ~ nld hHrrnaliullal C Oll vt.nt ion, Arkan ..Jn'l VIC'" uOIon!. .... brln" b,IJ hel.ause cht:)

Left (I) ri ght, hade row, Doug Doggi:':lt, BrUCe! Allan, Jon ' t umJr l __ t .. nJ .... h .. 1 .I ulliun IS m ""hat II"
Brenda Woudwilrd, :indra Bliggio. Unold Vallet:, (uJ\clluns Jh:
Nancy TlI l:I/ Rick Wa chu ki , fron1 row, l'fl' .. i dclII A UnlUIl l!t .m HI ~;tIl1::Jlmn "I '0\ nrl.ln~pc..'Hpk
Robe rt Gaines and 8u s inr .. s l\1 :III ~ge r-Finandal Itllncd (Ij~l,thc r lUI the rUIT'I)!>C oj I1.q~lItl.ltH1~ ..nJ
St'l'H· ta ry LMI1t' Run . m,lJ nT .lll1m,!; 1.11 I .... agl''', be tH! fl l ', ,IIlJ wurkll1j,! CUll
Sh o wn i t ; 1J1,apprc llIil'e<;hip 1I .... l'lII bl)· 3H':1 uumbe r
dill\J n~ 1M II, n1C=l11b1.'l~ f or r~'tJ P Ic w ~ ;f r I h(!\
o£ rlli s )'e.u· ... lA Te i u ~ lruc lfHS f{lr Lc)cal 6401
dlln' t heh~' vc In un i tl ll ~, IS lI'r Ih em III beheH'
Ph {Jc ni x, Ad.,,,
....'urktn~r~'u"le .. hnuld 11m ha ..... Jny IIlpUt ahuul
IhclT .... ,I~(,''', ht"nd1Is. 01 wurkmJ,t umJltmn, Thue
Phoenix Apprentices Honored Jfe \'t'n Ic ", ernrlo~'el'l. \\ ho ",QuIJ ., .. ,. Ihelr l'm
plu}e~' .. 01 lair '"'.t~e hlthout the b... ndh III J URllln
During Awards Ceremony or Ih(' (U mpt't1Ulln fo r th~' ,KM emrlul'ce<, (If unU}f1
L.V. 640 /i,u,t'I1I ,nb,,''''& !'tp''' ), ')JlO r. IX, AR IZ,- cmpJo)'a'i, Em rJ u)C I \ "'l' CmHJlHJilJl)' Irywg hI
D..:cel11btt 6 l'I'Hirkl'\1 Ihe 27th O u t~ I (]IHhnK AI'" !lIt St' thl'H rr .. fll~ , ,Iml lilt' lc,~ thq.' h,I\' C 10 p ,l\'
prClltlC'c A\t;.Hd Ccrl'mOtl)' ht:lJ :11 the Phm'l1\x nu t to wogl's ,md bend lts, Ih e 1110re the ll pwlh~
Hilum to tCC;tlj{IlI:!t.' Ihe nUISt,IIHhnK ,1"P I ~I1tll,.e III will ht.: SIl, Ihm't bc led 10 believe 1.'mpb ,~'c r s Will
Ct"rtalll l e<;lll'Llne fidJ .. <;inme ut the .\rC=JS CC= ': CI\,' t.tk1: C.lle o f }'uu anti the l l''' uu necd lUi a unIOn
109 "¥.J(J~ ,",crt: CJr~ntry, e!celrle .. I, J'llpl' thllng. llublit: opinIOn ahmu unJon!> I~ ;ll .In .all ttm <.'
p.ltnlln~ s nl:'(.' 1 nlC1.I1. mllhnlRhl ulln wurk, 1\1'" If ...... l:.1n'l tum Ih lS [fend ,.1fouml, Ihr wOlk
plunlDmg, <;tcarnfitflns;.. bm""kIJ)IIIv.,. nuduOIsI, IIlgpcoplc \10"111 .. tart 1t'\'CIIIIll:, hack HI the ~[ .l)'"
Siste r Sa ndi;!! B:aggio h s il o¥.'11 cils tirtg l ocal 6J6's IQu llnR, teJllll~C'T Dl,IIt1 ten .. ne~,eu l mJ I V, hnC'111an, . . . 11,,"the cml'lll),ce hall no nJ:ht,> .md nil mpu t 101
\'Ul h dlldl1S the liul b:tIlOi for l Ee Cha irm an , rnt:c ha ltlc, .lTtd mhcr tlelJs thllt Jer~'l1t! nil <11,1;<1 - wa gc,> '1I11~ hendib 'Nc ... In ' t let thl:> ha ppcD II WI.'
m::ed labor fLl' qunl l t}, trHlnllll' \\'. Int wllrkll1/l el11 pl o )'ec.s to hold ,hl,,'l1 pl :lce 111
Retired Brother Farrell r UlI)' ,lrllICIIO Ce:; \\'ell' hUlIlII\"d \111 thh mg ht SlJCI Ct)' .ln d m:llllWIO th e St.1 IU i.lf.j nl I n'lllg We.
.... lth ,l wJ.rJ~ ;1ml "'e lli li J t e'l, to shu\\' Irldu<;try nnw (" IWI\I
Spotlighted this Month "pprU:1JWm lilT .I loh ""ell Jnne 0\'1; ' XUO IlUl"-..tS M il'" elllpl n\t:;I\ Jt'ln't I.-..llll unton:,> hec.IU!!e thel
L U. 636l u ,a ~,spa n ), TORONTO, ONT.- On tht.: p.aItlClr.lll'd III Ih lS dll1[)t"I <.eleblallun .... hu. h m ' t.!un t .... Jnt Itt uper:nC! under lin a~I.'C1l1l!1ll 1m
I£X:III sccnr IhlS m llfllh, "" C: hJ'o'c ;t report hom c1uJeJ lamlly, irlentjo;, clcrRY lepre'\enUII\' es Irom employce" They WQuhf much I,Hhl'1 h.1\I(" con trill
Hwther EmIr loa .... ho h:a!l ""ritt!.:n .1 brier repolt mt.!u~tr~ and \':IfIOU~ JI'Pl enllccshlp ptogr.. m<; 3S O\'('t Il"Il'lf Cmpll l)'e\"s wllholll InierlcH:nce from J
on Bmther harl i!!i Farrell's reCl tCnlt"1lI W e ill!" tOt:JI unions 10 ch I,,' "llJte 01 An=mu Rcp - thud p.,lt y TIllS 15. \~' hell: the un IOn ca n o l k r
Charles fMrI.:11 re tlrcd (111 Ium' ,W fmm IhL rescn u ng Loc.l ! toJO ilnd OUI lIwl1 lATC Were lllmhel PlUtcc lilln to 115 memb crs Thtrc I'" It ~ n cvrl nct:
K!ng ~ lOn Publi c Utd tllCo;, C harles ....' JS e lll[1J IJ }'l'd ;lO t.! 1'0'\1 .. Dale EaS tll~!~l', RlIY ,1m! A IHI.1 Pnit::;ky, pruecdu rc fOI ~cttli nJ: lil s PlllCS het w t'en :111 ~'Il1 ' >-
wHh tlll: uttlitieS fur 3 4 }'\,' J rs In numeWLI'< POSI - lind M I ami 1" \ 1:>, lUll Pe nn ), pl~) yet.' lind hiS .. upe r YI~ur a nt! oIIl .ubltr.ttton pm
1I1lI'L", thr 1.1<>1 o ne: bemg In the Metcr Dc p:lll mcn i C ue!'; t :!I pCJkcrs lt1c1u~kd Burke L \muh, 10
rcprcscnl.luye lur 11'lt: UmteJ HnHhNlhKKlul CJ r-
ccdule If tiat' J isrut~ CJIllltl t hI: !o~,ttlcd The Union
n('~lJfl_l l (:'<; wlCh th(' c{Jm p .my 1m waj:4'01 hem·H , ,,
JS" clerk while ;lsll dOing ,,"m t" wnrk (01 the Gas
Dep<.IfUOCIiI H e u rgcs c\'ery U11l0n: membl"r to
Jcmalll III th e la bou r mI." ement is they .lU· then
P':n~C'r .. and JUlncr'!> uf A m ulcJ MI Smllh re-
IllHlll... d Ih e .. ppr..::ntll.":S the)' had ccnam r~'''pon ­
lind wo rking conJllhlll>;
I am tht· hu~ m c:ss mdnJgcl lU I Alk,ln.u s POh\.'1
JfI\,rJed Jmple oppo rtunit y III ha\' t" ..."me u:.l~on :>Ib l ll l lc-S th olt In dudcd dH.'lIhc!,e", Ih ... 11 UTllun, b. L,,:hl COlnrJIl)' cmrlo)'ee!o, JnJ du n n}; lhl: SO -'
"nit.: hendh~ He bclJc \'c !o Ih.1t I.I nt !lnlsm mus.t stJ Y
III t he fOll' fulnl al ;l ll Cv~tS
Ihc employe l, ,md e!'tpccl,llI}' Iht! l r cllu lH ry_ Mr,
1('Mlll e H l{ crc r. 11/ esldcnl of th t.' M<:eh.a !1l e3 [
),e.lts, give o r t.,ke " few yCJ r~ , uf bcms: ~ umll n -
Ilr~an l:zed COnl Jl,IIlY . Ih e l l! has never been J s H [ h'
C llllrks IIho t ( ,, ~ k tlflle 111 11 to s.c rV t .1~ HI':.ls urer
vt fill, KHJ~~!llIJ C h.lp'L'r l,l rh r C;JJ)JJdin n Dune le>;
C(}I1tractars A ~SOCl atlon of A IlH' rl e,1 , a lso rcmmdcd
Ih e "flP' t'nt!ccs nnJ C\'cryone In ;1 ttt'ndJll ce thJt
We hll vc hold our dlffcrc nc<:s. hut WI.' h a ve been
~!;tlc t(l .. o lve Ihem t hwugh r CJ c cfuJ fn can.'> 01 ~
t\-,,~o<.:la Il On ftl r m.m)' rcars As J m atte r (If l a c t , oUl l espon:Hbillucs ,,[.so In cludc h uytnK Am encnn. I hrough Jrbttra.tlun It t..tkcs a 10l of gl'o'lOlt. c aktn~ ;:
h IS no w JOIn~ nmg[J ganl(,s M) Ihey c,m [ai~e .ac ttn ~ Amelltan, 0I0J worktnK AmCllc.ln i*nd commuDI('.I tmg o n bot h sldt.'s co kc<.' p a guod W
,1u: wO lk ~ lI uatiun to uu r .Ire.) I" sull .II a rel atlon<;lup be. wren a company and 01 union II .. !!)
lund, for th c io.:S!l. lonun,ltt!, LOC;11 636. UnitS I'"
.. nd 28, "" IS h Ch,llll'S ;IlonJi! r<.'II,,·mCllt Be<;' wlshr-s Maml .. 11 11 \"/c ha\t to th.lnk II number fll Ih e unum 1<; UJ be: successful , It rn tl:'l t be willtng to scll
(r dm the g~ng southeom Cthfurm :t 1(lCjl .. fu r kC't'pm" ~nm~ til OU I thc em{llo)vcT a J:.ood d~.,.. of qualllY wllIk fo. a gnllt.! 39
~,I" \ ~ " j. ~'~ ,mJ bna-Ilt .. 11 "'t· :u~. nelt wllhng to J >:Ul" 1'J bttl .. r brll'~ thl • t11l\' III .. n l'nd ' ·U 11'\1 ;md Ilir uft \\'lIl'n ...,ro rk rHLk<; up th(y h u e begm
~I ... e LlI l' l'mr1 n )·l'r;.J good ,j,(y'.. wOJ'k, Ih en we don't 10 ,l:ct IhlS bJck on a. m ill\: rc~u l ;1I h,'''IS I hl1rC n~ls . ~II It glle~
have .. nphln~ HI ..ell Our IdbiH 1\ whllt Wl· ni l' Ih l<; lind~ ~'IIU all ..... ell , ;md letm' m h~ t l:ct 10 Iho~c Thc)"rc m3kms:, some h~lId .... a.y with t he Vlrglnlll
5.elllllg unll Illt' t'ltn~'!- Ihe 111111111 I'" '''11' Apprenticeship Counci l It looks hkc we , re tn lin
We' I(cl Ark.. n . ;, IS PO ...·CI 6. LI,itht ·(Imran)' IS uphIll battlc: to rrcvent thl$ A publi c h earmg WIll
II \ROLDf KUH,r ...
BettinA a b,ugJIn with uUI I"ht'l and \\ e oUl' l"0IU\ 1118 ukc pillce In Ar,,1 You can hdJ1 Colli Ihe buslRe"i~
the WI/:CS Jnd hl!'m: fit .. I<l f thl' \" tkor In ft:IU IIl m ,tndgcl 1(1 leun huw
Ple.:.l5C. don ', bl .. nd all unUl n~ J ~ he lJl~ had WI' 50-Year Pin The a .....a rd .. '-elemony held last eptem))(! r hun
UJ'lI"lu"k bold "hen It bcc u ml'~ nt cc .....olry to strike o rr-d m.tn) members. nl'W and o ld We WIll bt·
to m.unuin v. h,l l IS ,Ju e Ihe wu,km,Ercuple 10 ' Ubml1llD~ pictures t r the ncxl few month A
Ihe ll ""hor l)on ·, let .an"une 1t:1I ' IIU union", dre hllthh~t of Ihl c\'em w .. ' the ;1ppc:atanee of Ch\'e'
le"po n"lble fur ol dcdlnln~ CI.:IIIIIIIII } II I Ark.Jns,I,J f. C~lIa""';I)·. Ccnlral flOrid" JA TC uolmm$dueClOr,
The \toltc, tholl .lIe prn ·unUln 3'( \·!;\lOo mlc .. lI)' .lnd lctln.-d N .. uonal lATe Dlrettor Andlew J
so und SUPP(Ht ruUI uni o n . P;I\' C' ,) IJII dol ... ·s work Phillips and hi ,tr;);CIOUS ....·lle, DOllY Clive, cb:ur
1m d l,uI d.av · ~ pJY
m~n of Ihe Nlltlunal Elec trlc~1 Tralrung Om:clo,,,
l£.. \\' 11 U -\:I.\S. I' S AV.OCI;llIon prt'~nled Andy wnh 3 plaque ex
rrC5~ mg apprcclallon 01 hl!lo dfofl5 and a framC'd
I cop~ IIf Iht: ETDA It::o.\,lutrno
rm.lnclal Secretar)' /l arry uhn lI!1ts nc ....· mcm
" I bers Fred AnJe rson, wllh"m B3nlu, GJ.ry Che3
Ltlt 10 right .:.I rr Finandal StCIe.ury Il arl")' Zaltnl
Local 666, Ri hmo nd, Va" nu~i n e.ss MllU" ger "'add) tham Glenn Oanne' , Thoma .. Frceland, CeCil Kim
Bryanll SO-)'u r pin rfcipiem Bt ,n:ud C, Rabe , lind bit'. Ir , Mark Lane, fame .. Ma)" and C laude \ValiN
I' resi d ent Wlly nr SUIlIl", I he olh r r 50- year me m - L\':I'~ r-xtend Ihl! ha nd ul bruthe rhornllO our n e ....·~!>\
be r, \\I . H. Alley , wa .. unab le 10 bl' pU"NII . ml!nlbl! ' s Thrcl; fu t:nds l) 1 mlny years, ArthUl
F_~1rt's , Waltel rutch, and E A "B lack lc" Murray
h 'lve re l lrt:u Congrattl l11l1ons and be't 'WI she lor
nldlly yen " o! plen5u,~' WI: do .. e u n II <";omhe r nOl e
t l;~o rd Lng Ihe tll:,' lhs 01 I\lI 11hl! f!> 1lerbclt Bake r and
[d KlUu~c Wt.; '11 mu~ Ih m ,Illd In some small
m easure "' C clln unJl'lHand lhe deep sorrow of

Loca l 659. M t!dhud, Of~ . RII\inr" tI\:Inager Dnid
Ihell l:ul1Iltc ..
Rell le''''enJ bnng<;. :r ut'~,ce 01 I<;.ola llon , I dun 't
g1."t 10 ~ce :IS m .. ny 01 you.a~ I Utl t C dId I welcomc
MeLun, Id l, presr: nu: d s('rvice pin s to tbe Me· mJlcrial fOI thiS leltCh In c 311 me 'WIth ),our nc'Ws
dnd \ lew:; Be\! reg,ltu ..
J" o ll i tl e~. Thl .. f':lIh e r "nd SOn hll"lle' 100 YClIr' of
~c r virl' III the 8ulIhf'lhood bt'twecn Ih t'm, IlI\V'-10 1'1 I ROI!IJI.T\ , I'!-o

A high li, b l o f th~ loca l', aw!ud euu,ony Wb

t he pr rsenllnion of .1 rnolut ion il lld plaque: 10
rt'tirfiJ NJATC Dir«11lI Andre'''' , . Phillip~ T he
a'M-atd, ~' hich u:cognius Andy'to )'Uf~ 01 .!ot'-l\i('C'
10 app rC'D tiers h ip a nd ua lning, WI m3dt' by liH
Callaway, h: rt. cha irma n olth r Natio nlil E lcrHica l
Tu in inx Dire('lofs AsSOCi ation_ ti d) '<; ",,· Ur, 001.
lit, hUd in the h.a ppV t'H nl .

Skill, Knowledge, Positive

BIOl htr ga l hcr 10 git'e a .!o u r pri s~ r~l i rt'nrl'nt pi.:rrlc Attitude Are Powerfu l Tools
(or Orolher Ceorge RiS5Ut al his hOrnt "n NOrih LU. 666 (i&. ol, RJ C ItMOND , VA ,- Work IS hold
U mp4 ua R j w ~r, IIlg up (Iurly well , wnh rnu~1 of Ihe Il1 l:mbl"nhlp
cmfllor~d, however , the wcond h:i1' of Ihe.' yCoIr
ml~hl nOI he as guud " Wl' nrc C.'Xj'l!CtlllJA, a I.dlnH
Father and Son Receive In em pl oyment 10 the I,l te :IIumme t due to a pru
Pins for 100 Years of Servi ce lec l l!d dJOp In cun~ ll U C llnn 9CII\'I1Y, " Sl1ys Bu!olOcss
Managcr Buck 81")'3111 He says hl' IS plcast!Q lind
L ,659 ti,oJu,~ m &.c;lt\l, " t EDFORD, ORE.-Wd l, reBlIsured by t hl! way mille "11 ~ m Ule l1lemh~.s a fe
u 's heen a whtle since nU l 1,'1<;;' Ilrocle , ",hill With becoming awue of the nonumon om pcu ll on IInti
the Convenllon and all I hope I dOIl'1 rcpc:llllly<;;elf sIud, "TOey lire CUlntnj.l. H' me .... lIh s\JUc lions
wah IInythlllJ; In Ihcsc notes and "Jl'a!o It] ~t1 m b.1 t thc problem I tell Ihcln lll at
Thr pI C.nlC hll" bt't-n hnt: a nd no n e, ~nd II WiI'II a ""e .... 111 al\Ooa}'i h.J\c comrclltlon Th~ bc:lll Intlls
~H. •II ,ucce.s!t II .....o'IlIllIk~· IS couplt' o( monthli. hut IU I1xln "'lIh Ife (lur ,1,,11 lind our knowledge , Bul
1.... 111 tr), ' o send plcturcs ,ll ong wllh these aruLle~ , !'oklll and knnv.-Iedgl" dlln 't mean a thlOg,1f w e don',
r would like 10 congr;llul..:ltc 8roth4.' fS Bill Me- h:a\'c Ito poSitive "ltllud\! The molrt on the lob Left 10 righl are Pre'sidt"111 Guy GOodlllal1sun
Momne . Sr lmd JunIOr on thl'U )'elus uf se r\ Ice represent thc who le c ompany . It he fo uls up. the William Da viu, Chris 0.6:15 , .and Ou int.s§ Man
to the ISEW Bu~mt:$!i M,lnagc. MLlean av.-:.,dcd customer ~.ays ' that '!> -a lousy cnmplloy , On lhe ager AlovsiU'. T, Eland . BOth BrOlhc:r D a \'ics aDI
them pi os ;1 1 the picniC for hJVtnlf; 100 yurs other hand It WI' rccuglllZI.' the cu~toml'r as ou r DUUht r Coma.!o fC'cC'ind 25· yur pins and walch rs
between them In Ih;u ume' thc re ', ht:cn II 101 of re.al boss-he 'S ('/lYing lur c'·C.ytllllljo;- _",J glvc
>- .... lIe t .... l!ited, Duy!ol him a fi r'Jlcloss 1O .. 1<I1I.llon, deliyered With cuur. Members Celebrate
~ AI 0 , I h.ave a laSt uf the PrJ::: ....'mner .... .al the
rlCnle: barbcque. Bob lIorewcl1, btnocubrs, Judy
Ie'.!oy ami re!>peu, then we should h41ve a bettcr
chanct of gl!tung mure w{lrk from lurn ThiS holds Local's 56th An niversary
Foster S:I\"InKS bond, Alice BIO ..... n ~nd Jack Jlm4.-S, true on small lobs and br~e prolectS ¥OU never L , 673 (i.o,u,rls&'spa). PAINESVIllE , 0 1-11 0-
U. ~.l rnu~1 \V .. h Connu . wlnr TV I ;lIry Johnson. ItC\ iI'iC'Cond banet ({1 makc ilJIlood Ant Imrleso On Satufd.ay. Dccemb.!. 6 . 1986. local 67,1 ce le
rnlcrowol\'C M.uy Soarc'! a.nd metu I.lmp Sh;lw SUIJ1 ..
Mulhne bl.l tw ItS 56th anOlverury:l1 IhC' Normandy I'an!
Th e nonuRiun construction employer.. ill thiS Cenll'r ThlOf event w;as wcll attended b)' our mcm
A~ ruu can s«:e, earh )'ear seem" II) lind the SUte arc trymg. to cbange the appren tu:e ' 3tl0 Ir om bcu. and vaoous VIPs. mcludm,; seVeral bUSIR('s
pI CniC gcttlng bigger and ix-uer I ne Craol~ I)" .. '), the p r!!!>ent onc a pprentice to three ioumeymen to m;lnagers from sUHoundmg locals Upon entennj
Unit 15 to be thanked for another outsu.ndlnS lob a 1I..'l1 one'HI' one ' ;lBn , It ' ~ an out ·und out eHort to thc pany, Ihc laches 'Werc prcscotcd with cor ages
01 pUUlng 1I on I undcr'illmd lhl:Y IIlrcllJy II" ...... #tel more cheap 111001 on DavIS. Bil con work Thcst whIle brothcr and SI<;tCI m('ll1hrl"'l rcce.IYcd com
good st"rt on the lund for thiS YI:,II'" pI CniC "ihops have had an eme tt:cncy rutl o availRblc to nlemOr.t tl vc Kl ein Tuul m ugs In laeu of Ihe lI SUIl
A bunch 01 U.!o wIremen t:Ot IOg<:ther for a surp rl s~' th m fo r m :m)' )'car~ , bUI nlllM ul Ihem hllVl' n ut loul whll:: " will be ~IYcn ou l :r.t .tI late" J .. I ~ . ·1 h
rl! ttr cment p3 rt y lor IlrOlhe r CCOf~e R"suc J thUlk taken advunuKC of It , It's hard to get Sl:H1StIC ,
th:n hy " old \.log" figu red thc surp rue ou t 3hc:td, mugs r t:(;~I"c J he3vy lI~C th roughuut the cvcmni
but we: know for :r lac i Ihll l nOnUr1lCII\ shops C:11I11 . he in.!: cODtinuous ly AlltJ olnd ernptu:d 01 va n ou
40 but II turned uut 10 he :t rl' ,, 1 fine tune IIInyw:ty plcLc Yl'ry fcw II pprl'ntlCC' They " run OUt ttf 'Work" fl Uids tha t were rcadlly n ... all a ble 4t tne bar H or:
d ocunrs we,,: lU.:neJ IU!>I ~ t ur1,; .m ~xcdl~nl st.1if III \"Illa d.: hlunu fill .... 1I"UI1~ ..... hol,J tn ... .,Ut("
dmner Iha t ancludrd stc.lk Jnd lobstcr 1.111 MUSIC, us 01 II wonderlul all all
d.mcm~ ~nd mlc l cslmJ:.cOn\'cr\.~lltm hlllu"t'd ~hc Loc.. 1 691 lind t\ leA C:\I~f"' n~VlcJ J.n Lllcttm!
. \<1. il nls cClemoo) Fo r cm~m~lI r Work.. h"p Til t .. was ;In clgh t- hour
l'r.: ~ id cnl Cot r)' COQdnl.ln ... nn P l l· .. l·n1I.'J NIA1 C CUUl'lC CH\'ell n ~ m Jny a ..pcl;f<; (If " UPCIVI"'IOn lind
ct' l oHcatc,\; to the follow ing gr3du.ttlng Jpprln· dc.l li n~ \.oo'lih ('IeurJe Th n~c pJ.rUClpatUlg In till'.
Ilt.l'') Andy Bl nck, Bu h I I"'l's h, Itnd Hnh SZ:lho C<.l ursc ""erc P:1l Bailcy, T ed nrJrp..w~' n , Ml!:h,H~1
I'rC!)1dcnt Ct llldlllJ,nSO!\ :.1"11 Hward ed ~'l':H:' ur w rv· BUl wrn, 1,IC k Chn ... ..:::. T im Dickinson , Brl.1n FI;aIl '
Ice foln~ to t h e followtnA BI ()fhcl", Jive yc."'" nery. Da ... e Fmhn.lpplc, Johll GI;IIIt .. h. [)el11l1 q Cuuld.
Chw.k II:tC~llJ Bnb 0 Connor DennIs Siothl'r, RIck lunu., TUI), lunn, R.y Ka!.I1I;uJc. Rolf Kottk3.
Chc<,rcl MJlc~" \lalk EJ:.dolnd. Randy GCtilJ;e. Clynn 03\'(" Kue, GeOl)tc l csl1Ick. Befnl M oIr\.kf!~c, Scott
;\1c~It;, hm 'mllh If . MJlk P;llIu<.un. Ceolxe /\I ~u(.h. Cr.2I~ \\urlhm .. o. Ken PCoIlman. Steve:
TU rnel GCI'lltl· MJ,huu. fClr)' Uu .. \.ooullh . M.uk Plant . "nlOnm R,lInon /\Iamtn Rdktn. len) Ru'i
'\Jcwtnn, Cl'nr~( \\'.gon("l . Jnd fdt TrnUUlUl'L 10 sd. SIt:\\. Shl"fu Dol\!: SoJuqur<il. Jdl 'PI(,"S, Roh
HJ'S Rick H tlwn. ltm ~lIIuse. 3n,1 t II rllllllCk, en T ;Hj.!c l1. GCOlI;I.: W.lll on Jnd R(ln \\anJoI'iIC W
Pi ctur ed i~ jou rneyman w inde r .M i ke SC Ull , who
I, YCoI l '); IClc B eIJlJn~(!r. Rlch.ml Cu nnmgha m . Run Ie::.
w.u rcct lllJ y p.U I 0 1 Ihe Negot iJlin g C(tll1l11 ill Ce
Clan,l.:IJCOI1U., Tom ImrrHllmmlJ, lIulC McPct:k, UUIt I fl1l~l'l )'11111 V,llcn! IIW I
th;1I b" ' 8I in t'd with Ih l:' compan y 011 o ur Ilibof
C )HI Ck Rose, Tom Sopc:,lk, fo hn Sy.li~khcll l1er .lIu l I IIl'o,lARll A !IR.lt 1.1"'11 ......... , 11 S :a~rccttll"nt wh ic h e~ r l r c d Ja n ll a ry I.
lefl '1 h iIlOI\, 20 )'t·,.rs · Carl Andn:ann. f\ Iarv lI ow·
.ml, !-reJ T3"h, ,1Iltl Amh nny Gambaf4.'<"I', 25 )·CIU'"
Ch ll ~ C:(llli .. ~ .lIn! 8111 I1J~les. 10 )'C"''' Ccurgc Good Luck Busmc:o; RcpreSl.:nlilllVC lohn Bo~y.ellllillcu OD
Cu n l , Ics~c J)o"..lcr. RUJ4(r rll::t;m.ln , Arl e rten
on-mhtol t. l':1~n lohn anJ ht "·Ik. 11.1.1 \tat:: ,
....... Id. r(.:"d Ilcmllcb, .lnd Inhn LO\o,'nc; l5 ye.u~
have ~hl.lwn ~It.'al cuur;lge In l.lung ~ "UUAAlc that
Bill ReI"'l, LcRClY \\ cnzd, .Ind Ccor~c: 'nhn<;un . 40
would C.1U~c ulhus 10 ~ I\'t up IlIhn 111'>1 .I left .II1J
)'1'01'\ SIC\(' Llpll\/Ch, Slan lcy VI'icl, and Donnvan
hl P JOint 10 ca nccr J couple oj )/c Jrs .1,1;0, and \l.ll h
Ct,JJ1n~IOn, 4 t; ,'Coif!. CIII B.lum~.i ll n' !io ..... ;arJ
Ida M lu,:''i help he wa<; 'i(mn up :1111.1 lIb(lllt JI,'~ rll e
Loxlc rnun , hV ln Andt:rson. :lRd R.tll'lh T :it CI !'it; mnn y uhslm: lc~ :lInl <'clh,rck .. )u hn W(l'l 11 hll '>II1C<;~
Yl'III " C IUm.1 WI1 1 ~ .,;r Ch,lftet mcmh('f CC( .f~C
Icpn:!oclIl,IIIVC: wllh Lm:al 701 fill 2.1 )'I: .H ~ .ll1d a
H Df(nl.l n ..... 11 ~ ,I .. ked and co n ~l·ntt:d tn "1'C.l k 11 fe w
m e mbe r (If t he \oc ••1 s inc e I ~50 lie .......I ~ .In e m ·
.... OI d., IIi wl'.Jllm ployce Of (~l,;ne rJ I Telerhone rrlllT to becnmlng J
J\\lIny Ihank:. III brmhlr nll·mbc r ... III lh..: [nlcf'
husrncs5 U' plC!IoCntollll'c lohn "Cldl)m !occlUcd UPiioCI
r ~lnment Commil lee ....'ho. IlOce JJ;.un. or~.ml:c:d
y.hc:n rrublt:m~ J IU'>': In Ihl" Uf/il t;' ,lilt! de .. pltc hiS
an lIul...r;mdlnl; c\cnl Ih:at .... .IS I llOlUUghlv cnillyed
I;ruff cxtUIOf WU 011 .... ;))·5 I C.1I1), lu hdfl \Iohe"
h ~ .III In .:JIH·ntl.lIlCC
membe, .. , fncnd~. 0 1 Icllo ...., workc r .. hJd a plohlem
Rl t IIARr'I n C ...U""""",...I ..... Jl S i \ Bro t h .. r lohn 8 n~ w d l who 1I:l ired on John wil l he: mrs'icJ hy many flU a ,·auel)" of talenl"
NO"'l' mber I , 19H6. Loca l 702, West Frllll id o rl, tit. . hUI I wtll ;a I W,l)'" rl."mcmbcr hl ~ I c~cnJ;l I)' ;a hl IIl Y
OUit-clS a nd U1 t:! mbl'r:> wi:'Joh BrOt h rr U"",wc ll Ih e to e nlu l ,11" y." lIh \.11 {;l Ies "OIl unu:'Jou.t1 medrcal
Local Hopeful About bes t of r e t ire m e n lS. remcdles w h ile keeping a po ker lacc. GUt ,J lu ck
Getting Upcoming Work In your rCl llcmt·rtI, Hrmhel S(I<'wl.'ll

L U. 692 , iA. "VII ). BA'" C IT V, ,\11 { It. Helin,

Brothers Mike Scott And IOIlr...: M~.NLEl y r ~

8rllthus dml ~l'>lel'" Well, It'S a new ye.l r. ami I John Boswell Are Highlighted
hurl' It I beU!:1 lhan Ibe Id~ 1 \lmlot of Ihl' membe l L. • 7 02I i ,0 , u , uo ", .e tn , lt ~. rt b ,§ p ;), I& :1 1\ 1, \~' EST Local Honors Longtime
suyed workrn,lt cllher .It home or ,U nCll'hbolln~ FRA N KfORT. II I Oneuf thl.' rIC1UII,' "ui"amIllI.'J
Incal<. We Ih.m"- many lither lncal<; Jj;.lIn lur the
.... lIh thl" mUllth ~ Ictte. IS ul Rtolht'r Mlkc C;;eull .
Member Pat McNabb
I!I,.ki luh .. :.and 1".'oItmen l I'l l.' Icc('",,,eJ LOCJI 7()2 ~ICW.lIJ ;II Muunt Vcmull InJu!tlnai L.U. 725 l i , rc.. &~ p:l l, TERR I: II A U I l , I1\ D .
The hlAA~llC hu~ fm Ihe fu lull: I~ the I C\I,>uln Gre..: tlR p.!I h om LOI;.11 725. W ith the bl'~l nl1lng 01
Ll ectrlc. \ \Ike IS :1 1~'u m crm:1n \<I.' indl.: r who ..... ;)'\;
o f th '\hdl.md NycJcar PllInt 10 3 gols·fi rcd p<......C I Icct'lHh r .lf t 0 1 Ihe Nt'g1ltllltlll/o: Cumlll lt trc th," II n e w year comes renew ed hnrc 1m .1 n Up';W IIIJ.; til
hOIISC. ~rtC PICp"I:lI lO n I ~ <,thcdu lcd II) Inke pl ll (;L' bJ r~ .IIIlt'd y.'lth the cnm p.lny Oil OUI I:d)1.Ir .I/.:rcc Ihe wllrk .. IIUllt Hrn In UIII lun sll H.trull W\.'" ' \'c hl'c-n
III IIl rd ml .IIC IYIP w lth new con5UUt:llUn I Il'it .n{
men t which eX lllrd l;an uMY ~ M Olllll Vernon s ufletlog through a mln/deprcs IOU herc Milt..: 198 I
po~sl b l y In c.ldy {O mH.l I l)ij!.( It ~ J l on~ way 011. In d lonp. tcrm sltuoIwm hke thIS. the tiC th.u bmds
Indu!otn.11 19 3 mUHlr reWInd "hoI" ..... hlch iHTlVCJ
bUI Vo'e ~ t111 hu r c l o r Olh('r IHoI("t l In l'ielwc(:n l(1
In nU l :uc~ In 11,111) I he\' cU lfendy crnpluv cIJ.:lt r unll)" hrutiu.' r,; ;ami ~l!.tcr'" i"aecCllnc<; hJ)'cd anJ
ket'r the b~lk ",11\ 10,1; of Olll ilKal mcmb~r'i our CnClIlll.'S enlOY kllktng U:'Jo wlull' we re down
A I the meellng on ",,·cmb!:r .~. I "'Kil. Ihc mrrn AI"o U1 nq;ouJtI(ln!lo .l~ ui o ... em~r, IYtl6 . oI't: Hopefully Ihl.: .... urtn I., hcgmmng til turn ,mJ Ihc
bc:I\hrJ'l .. uted Itl tncreol!o!: thc ru:n!>lun hr 15 t:~nh (JUt ollJ:l<,cm.:nl~ y.llh IIlmt;m Consolu.btcd Tde · boo t Will non be on Ihe othe r 10(11
eUccl/vc Deccmbu I, I~tl('l, p.:ndll1~ oIJ'1r rov.l1 CH
1;I"nr m~OIl~cmcnl ,\I .. t'. the new h\l" ..... s W("It:
phune Cnmr"n\ J'enn. IIl1nll"" Io,UU l heJ .. lI,·IIl 1111 Local "z" I!:ccntl) hono red (Inc III II'> lIy.n ,II IIUI
nors lh:ttnc (IIIrp ll"nc.11 Ap;rCl:mt'IH "'nunl le~ular m Cl'unl; hWlher Pal McNahb ....'.1<; r re
ap provcJ .... lI h dll" ("'((.("puun th:1I IH' llllltinUC III CJ II11 d rubhc: Un it t)' Com polnv, anJ Milum VI,.·r ~Lnte d .... lIh J ('Ii J 'Iul: fo r 25 )'t:.tr, III St:rV II.: \. to th ~'
h .lI·c IWO unrun nl cCI IRg<; 01 tnC'lnth non Nl'c1ll \r~n CClrnp.my Inc.. I',> I"'nt I\ppn.: nll (c .. h rr .\ II~I TI ,lImnl; Com
111 0n duc~ Inuc d ~cJ 5 1,00 IX I (I~unlh elfccll\c
laouOI I)' I, 19",1, l oU rn evmJfl du es <lIe no ....' SIt) t;O
pl'r mllll ih
l mal 692 ,>end., Wi JCCI1C§1 "ymp.lthy In du:

i.J.nlllles jm! fm:nd!. of h:llh:J B. o t hcr Cholrle ..
"<;;t ndy ' W lIh.mo; and Ra<;\ Millcr They will t-.c
ml""eJ from our I;lnks
Ih.t ' .. all hn I1(1W H a ~·e J ~ak ~nJ I'ru.. plIIlU<. Brother s and Sisters, we NAME .
N w Yl·.u want you to have your NEW ADDRESS ....
J OU RN AL! When you
I have a change of ad- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .....
. . . . . . CIty
dress, plea se let us Sial.
Di nner-Dance Highlights know. Be sure to in- PR ES ENT LOCAL UNION NO. . . .•.•......•..•.... . .
Local 's 75th Anniversary cl ude yo ur old add ress
and please don'l fo rget CARD NO................. ..... ... .............. ..
lo U. 6971il. GAR Y AXD II J\ I\\ MOl\D, 1 D. ·On (II I,InlcnowlI _ c heek With l DCal Unl!)"1
November 21. 19116. l oul (,97 cdcb r.,utJ ItS 7~ lh to 1111 In L. U. and Card
.;Innl\tr<i.lr.' ....,lth oil I,hone r Jllnce hl"ld 011' \l lIa Je No. This Info rmati on will PENSI ON MEM BER o
B,uno Ul L)'IlWUlIJ, III1Om!> After tudtl ol lh Ru.,,1 be helpful In checking
OLD ADDRESS ......... ..
oc:>') M.1I1,I~el R()bcrl Lduer \.O'c!l.:i"tmcJ membt;r ... and keeping ou r rec-
;an ,1 ~UC " I ~ Fnu,' rull nIlH·n T. ;:m l·"cclklll UlI1l1l·l. ords straigh t. ...... (:;t1 .. , ....... , .... 'si ~l~ ......... , . , . zip' COd ~ .,,
anJ Janel n,; 11 11 1 3.m. tI)ulllkJ oUt .Ill C\c II III,II I
that :III 600 rn oItt endan ce Will nC\'ct h)fjli:CI. The
Annl\'t'r,>ary OIlUlI.'I Co mmllt el.' W.l'i ( um(Jflsed uf
I II you have changed FORMER LOCAL UNION N-.:U",M_B-.:E:...R_ .._._. _. _
, ,_._. _._._._,,_._
. _"_
I local unions, we must
Rubt=rt L.auer, R"bcH Anaddl. f.lmc .. OJ\,II~'l, WII
hur UII)Wn, t~{Jn.lId Czer\o,·Lnskl. DenniS Aken.
I have numbers 01 both. M.il To· Cire,l.tion Department
Pele Follmer, Ra )'mond K(t ll b, and ()cn"I'j Gould
I Intern.tion.1 Brotherhood of Etechicol Workers
The ..c m en ~ h uu ld be gl \'cn .1 1m of u~d1t lur a lub I
I 1125 15tb Street. M.W.. W.shin(l", D. C. 20005
well done. A 'Ipcctal Ihank s to J.lck c;.hc:pard lor
bemA our ph ttwg nphe r fo r Ihe eve ning lind 10 Ihe I 4\
Plaque "ot t' e3ch .11111 1.:\ n~ III1W t111:n; 1'1 .111 elcc lJon Let .. al l tr )' h.ml 111 Ihe IIl'H ye." to .tllend
Rctn!:mbc I, Ih\,:"'e clet:lc d ufndals often make crlJ mcc ll n~~ educatt· uUn,c lycS 10 Ihe !.tcts, and show
c inl ucU"wn, ( I I n:pca l (If t he D;I\'l~ fbcon An I an tl uOIon lorces Wt' lU\.: Indeed an assct to o ur
IhJt """I "ffl'u l,,~h and t'\ery o m' 01 U!oo' {It on ly communll )' 2nd the ~reat nlllIOn W I: l! \'C And work
th,u , but tnJn~ IIO(..III~' deueu "fflu"l ... have t he In I tho u):nl tbe 10110 .... mg qlJ~tl·S would of
JXI WCf 10 SC I Ccrtam <;t.lndJrJ .. for 1I1b~ T hl" In mtl: I C<i1 U. ~II " Ynll h ;lvc 11:01 til Ul1Ile In I hl! b3ml'
lum makc, U~ IIllllt' :m ll mlllt' CllmpU IU\1.: \,1111 I lIbm unll)n and In Ihl! ..ame poh tlcal pMty aoJ
Utt' nonullion l"lenH:111 C I ~'t·.l J.J rn -\ "II SUlkt :lnd V(,)tc 10gc lher and th .. h Oll r )'OU 1.10 lh:u
Whll c I'm lin thc SUhll'l.,1 of dCLtluno,. t:\lngrolt the \'o'or!J 15 )'our'" Eugc ne Debs' InluslIct :1n)
ulJuull"l aiL' In orda for IJr~~lhH lohn I U.Jtry whll whe re IS II lhrclU tn 11,1<:tle.C l· ... cf)·whc-n: .• \-\.111111
wa, cleclC:,j w succeed PH "dl:IH Emnllu" Lh:lfh: .. tuth f.'"r Kln~
H Pl llaHI iI ' .. Jdinlll.'-ly iI h l~ p.<lU n f .. hltt<; to jill lcl'o"h.I\I .. ho:,1I1 ill .111.: I\I~"
but I'm wnrniull he'll dl' .I ftn~ luh 1m Ihe !BE\\
T 1111 \I \ I- \,
Bll! nl'",'i wJ~ ddl\Cr1.:J ,U nur :-";onmher unl n
mt1.:lLnf!; Th~ too ..J 1m PJd 41 ml)dlficoIlIl'lh h:as bu:n
let 1<'", nOI1Unlun tllnCUttlll I hi'" l'llh Ur!;(.'" mt
'uldll'r hU.lu<;e we h.Il"· (fleJ SI.I lu,J In rt:u'nl
Unions Continue To Be
Pkturcd is BrOlher Pu " \ cNllbb " ' ith plaque lor
munth~ HI c.:niL);,tlll'n nUl "n" NA!)A but <;~\e,.ll Workers' Strong VOi ce
25 yell'" I) ' "e n ,jet' III Lota l 725, Tnlt' Haul ", In d .•
,..ullllcl3n~ ","hlll our ,ulI~dlcuon InJt qU.l III'r LU. M27 ! t ,l' m&ClI I \!. EAST \\ INOSOR , 1\ . ) .
cCln"Uucnon c.anOill be ",unficed c"rl;tlJlI)'lO nu, Most 01 the: l'pnd rh .. ha n: bel:"n ..... ntl~D .lhuUI thl
'Iop.. u; rfO~fiJm where humllll II\'c" h.anx In the Jt',uh ui l1I~dDlZCJ J.. l"" 0\1:1 tilt' nex t Jh'c )·.. ar~
mUIt't' hll 2, lot'oIl" Rlillhf'1 '01,::,\ ..... h h.1" h~l'n 1u.I.ln~c.: I"n1 ,II a 10 .... a ... \11 h"" .. \-.c' (.tn }:(,I 11111 the IJhPr tnl''''c:ment \>,111 renc ...· .lnd J scrt tI'itll
J;c1 11 n;: "Uf m· .... .arru:IltlCc, ,>1,IHc!.I nff I1n ttn 1I~111 pillfH .tcrm.') Any o,uulo,uun .. ' desruc the rremJtul1: n:rOtt' nf Itl> dc:n1I<:c Ir
j'HJl It. .. f\Ohtc m,lnnt:l ~kln, Jnt.! knfl'... lnl)(C' (II Nut much mUlt' Itl h;j'l('f( uthu tholl! ~c ho~ C,I (ltht."r wunl, ..... huc\cr htrcJ thl' hUJ!1/:1 tn play tolfl'
thL": Bolde 15 olD In''r1r,UlOn 111 u<, all Som( rcork ~ U'I our n\.: .... UnlDn h.lH ~)' Ihe tim!: \llU receive him .3 rIO). .. III"
t:.111 gl\'t'
l.llk.:ll Int .:ahout wh.ll II uke" hi be :I }tuuJ unum thl\ "".,uc h;l"In~ nOl 11"1 m .. n, nllla' Jd ...... ""I; In d1[' I"~I 1,,111 )'t".II~ huo,lnc",,\ iI"d !:()\"~' l nnll!l1
man P.1I MC~ilhb· .. JlIlCln .. <orc.:!k 1"udN tl1.1" ~h"uIJ ~l' ... uCl1.: ..... !ul l h.we dtlun,lh.:d molny Aml:'nc.1n ....orkers lobs .inc
\\'(lnl .. CHIlJ!,r;uul:molls Pat
left Other "" OIkl' f ~ blt'(:dm~ \>"h lll bo th st3nd oil tI
Well, tOJ ... .lOOUI It Il" th,\ ntw1tn Rcm(;mbu
the "Ide with ..... hut' ,;Iu\ts .lMd th~.an banJ .. Thl'!
t>t.- "-mt:th.m .. nil ... U~· !\ml'Tlt.1n m.1d~·
slOg IILe Illn<lU'IH ..11111100\-<; ~huul the \lIlue'O tl
G""" w'U\ I'C;
Members .. f l U \lIt(:rr"~C iW~tlln without gll\ltll1mCl\l rcg
Ulatll1n l la churu\ I .. thai, u nit: U (led, hur,lnc~
can' dll 1\ .111 lor }"\IU -o r I~ II tn you:
Cf~I""'\OJ: 1I1C' tllt, fJnk'!' ot employe . " whu~l' mt:'"
~a,:c-I" • We f1l'l'lIU&l'lIlal W o1U I ,lIn.:l 1I: lake i1 wn~'
( UI , Yuu W.tlll '0 lll',lUo,'. lInpicllll'nl.lIll111 :lnl
lmp.h.l: Well mnn:. "nu \\.Int Itl ~,I Vc.: the Ie
mamLn~ I Ibs' Tlkt' Jnulhcr I'Jy l.UI UI \>, ("II " p1.1C
)'QU \o"lIh .:I machlnC Th L' .. holl ~ I ghttd ntxt
qunncr tnentalllv III torrlll .lte America ha<; he
(Onl t' lilt' l:f1n1l'rr,I[1J1C uf ruhlu:, ptl lu:y
S(I(; IJI " ankrullll.), I ~ th e LUtrl'llt ,eUI\'I!I)' pl.t
of AmLlI LIII Ao\'cmrnlnt J nd hU'olnl'sl'o, .... h,le- nnp
mg up rC((lTd ttl-li':IJI deficItS and hoomtng bU~ ln c §
profl " I he £.11 tnr r t1 t atc cn ....... Jnd ll1'i en~itlv
gOVJ:lIl1lH·m J.:uru~ nl'I,:d3 eM IIl}/,e III die t , il:nd 1,lb!
Pictured are new l), retired m emb ers Donald Dahl , !nU.'>1 tIlll\ e them til fct.:d ur on Ih l' greener p;J~ l url'
o f equ.lllty f.lIrm.:~.\, and d l ~nllY
Idt . :lIld Jo hn Koranda, , Ighl . In th e ccnu:r is
Gt'or(.:t' MUl' , :a .. 2'vellr "H~ llIb c r. Ph ulU ~ llblll i llCd A unum W.1S, IS nuw, anJ WII\ be In Ihe I Ut Uh
by Lon l '3 1 Inll'lIr.. li ulI .a1 r~lh , M inn.) the m:ulI \ll'h'cil: hv wluch w(l/kt:r~ can ()Vcrco m
prnbkm\ ..... Ith aJlII"~lJt a IH I' L111' .. nllJ ll tln<, Will n(
be on thell \.:~p(;n ..1.: \1 )' l 'l\llln " I laM I', 'UIUli
The hu):ln 'WIll re;ap('II:.lf lnd pi,,), Ch"rge'
Brothers Koranda, Dahl
Honored at Dinner-Dance
L .11 1 (nul, IN1'I:RNATIO l\.Al FA LLS, M I ~~ .­
On Ckluher H l llt;)1 7.31 hcl~1 a dmnn,d,InCt: to Award
humJl t ...,o r Ctlnn!!; mtmh~r, IlIhn Kor:lnd.l .md
Dun;llJ l1.lohl Inhn KUrol!1da took culv retirement
.. lt~'1 'n ~c"'" In the unll\n and ,;er'olllE; II'. ll'(al
~\I .. tr\..l,UIC! lu, 22 yi.:.lor .. (')un.lld DoIhl ".:tned
wHh ,~ 'ColIS In tht UOlon All Union Members
\"':mMIS, fi;IIH'C", <lnd ~UC"I" tHln\ ... J OJ hnc Must Stick Together
Jlnl;(I {,,1I0\O, t'u h\' iI ..hurt rlU~l.1m hum'"n)r: Ihe
h.lII\.: ..'· Tht: t~t'nLnj; finl'.htJ "'llh IhncLnJ: .lind I .. 2 u ). OLL'...tDl , S.C.-.\It!;f much Itold
<'u~l .. h::lnl!. inK ,lmd IIIIJII~ ulccllngs \o'lIh our membc,..hlr I
h3\'c clime til the condu.. nJn wc ar1.: In'lng In .OIn
G" ... I .. , \" ,,, t I
.. nlLl:abe;.r \>"cn!d Our C:"ltOlr~' b ~Illn~ fH.l r lob tit
lurcl)r:n worker ... ,;1 OUI If}.... In uUlh C"l\1hn" \o,C
.lH l/hmt (estlle lOb<. h\ the Ih{lu,>.IIIJ
Local's Endorsements Win; ..
It I ('3'1\ tu ~.II,.. e illl' il unl", .Inti lall: 1111 If.ft i.-. 8rol he.r Jo hn Ga,be r ~ flo rCClrh'cd Ihlr 18[ '
Lire Hill.&. AW.I , d '01 u";n ~ Uroth er Mi cba
Keep Up the Good Work ! IJHt'ft'!lot It l!t thl: I.lck t,1 InlCn!;1 !lUI ,nre:u\.:n"
Petti t. (Photo ubmltttd hl1 Lou l 95'2 , \ C! IHur
I>lJI HI, t·JtI .. te:nce: We mu~t ''In\'C hi \Oo'llrk 101 tnt·
> LL 'S it li,o&f 1. DA YTOf'\,;A HE" H, f LA . hcltc.:rmem uf 1.1(,ul :mJ J:ct glun~ with uch <.tn(1
Ca l.I
« DeCI'lIIn ;..6 I~ (J\'CI .lod II h1Ok~ hke. l.l~JI h.l~ 11 unum Bllllhl'l'~ .and <'IIIIUo" t:.1Il'l jo!,t't .;all)ng ..... lIh
:> iill.dh ,l:Otu:u IIUI .. oJ ~hnwrd It Ic.-II\' dvc .. .!tn·t· n
cr clI('h mh\r .Jl work. th.. n \'0\' \"llul~1 hOl\"t: hllll' IBEW Life Saving Award
CD J.llnn' A\ 1;11;1<;' tlur lucal UrHnn t.:ndor..,l·lI1t'l1l<;. gu <'Ul'UJ:lh on 1I rll;kcl hnt'
\0,'1.: shn""td.l 9=> r uu'nt- rlus SUCCt:!iS lall \o"llh lIur Presented to Brother Garber
onh' IJl'II:,11 c(lmm,t In the &11 m:Hon.l1 uce Th.tnks
-' ';'0 III tlll.h and e\'o(: l) Ufl\cm Inc.-rnhf,·, wlm }:llt tlUI Lo U. 952 (i&ol. VI:.NTURA . CAL-Dunng 01
z ,hul' 11l1l! .. hl}w~d ,heu (nil' ulle!!,l;mtl' .;1111.1 r!J II I Annual Appren ll CCo,hlp Gradunuon Dmne r.Oanl
otl.,m Tlllnt)sc \'0 1111 dlJn I \ tlU, I"~ ~td l nCl,;ll )'lIur
\'OI~ In ('ach .1nd CVCll' clcctum' "'t1.:V~· f~:I':llc lost
IT PAYS we: we lc(lIoc d 10 .llloldua les, R,1lph Bc:.. .,!cy, Mu
Dll11.:)'. M:uk Forman , Gregory r r.lnk... Joseph Jo h
"lin, O;lIUei SW.J nf:le l 5t('\·c ~~~ I IIY, Donald Wi
tnt t'll!1 III be our nexl ~Il\('rno r by a rnerl' 10
m,om\ (.f vnu
rh:u s II!~o,. than ]UU,OOO \UlL:o,.' 1
ar c \ 1I),1I1J,! • Thil l ',. .. 11111 " But
TO KEEP YOUR Inn ' lw lIla') W.all n n and l);wlll Whlle tlmh D(
Wlllt~' n I\ccl\cd Ih tJ Apprcl1lH.l' tlf lhl: Yl'.11 Awar
!!1 Due 1(1 our roller (O:.l5 11:'r CIDj1l!}) Inl'nt o f the III

~nu d un k Ih,l\ Ihl.'ll' WCIl" mure lhan n,OOO,OOO
reol'le ~·ltglbh: 10 H)tl'. bu t d idn 't th at Intrt 10 HARD HAT ON Ih'c ~'CJl'~ the nUJIl l1t' r of a ppl l:ntlCCS 10 ou r lou
YC.l 1 prhgram hllll druppcd from 62 to J7 . Man)'
rCH.l'IH ,,('em.., \0 mll1L1 lC I;jo 1(,1'" remem!lC I til
I hc ~c 1111 \1: had .) dllncult tllnc IHt JllllnJ,:. the r
4t1lrcll on Job tralOlng hours In lour )'caIS Con- we .uc uunkJul But th\.: lc I" not t n~'ugh ~· tUtH(t' ­ hold. [II Ill l', however, .... e heartily c o ngr.llulat{'
Kutulauons 10 thcse n ~ w lourneymen and Ihl'lr ment 10 see th.1t .III cnntrJCll1r ... are paying Ihl' Mildred E.nIOY every d.l)" ;lnd du JII dt(lse rlungo,
In IrUctof'$, Cc::n~ Ibm,meler \11ke Perea, Ro n rI~1t wages You (:all '" rite your senalor :lnd )'ou ha\r W;lltlt'!.! fUf Ihe " someday" lodn ~u what
Kuiper, and Rick AlIe.n n:prt~cnt.lllvc!!i .lIId a,"
1m mUlIt' tnfor<.:cmcnl of If ),OUI gol6n& 15 lousy no~, In .anOl hrr y~Jr !Ill
Over 4()0 members ~nd thelt hmlil es attended these ta ...· be supe r o.ln' l be:l ~Iran.i;er to 1.1\ OU T best ...·nhes
uur Annua l Barbecue Thc::y consumed close to 400 Rcm c m~t r IU .. l1 emf y Ol,n meeting and PUI III 10 you, Mrld rcd
I'M unds of '> Ic::ak, sc\'c n kegs of lH:u, and II hke )UUI t\\, Il hll .. In tbe put Ie,., mllnlh~. wI: hll\C 10M !!il" er<l.1
.l mount of Cokc . OUt .:aprtenucu do aJl the work HILt. "'rLf, Vp P S Br tllhe rs IInli .. S I ~ler Our nUl"1 o.;mcen: ·Olldnl
o f ('I UII mg tlu~ eyent on, IncJudlll);. Ican up I ""lInt eOces :t rc sellt Ul thc famliaell III Hl'Othe r!!i Tom
to I ha n k the m f l lt dOlllg II .!Iouper ,ob! Many mem bers Kll pa " ick, Charles Slwumakcr, and lk rnl c "hoots,
felt t hi S w as Ihe bes t ba l ·b·quc III ye.us. To h elp and rell reJ Sa..tcr M ll llrcd SmIl Jl m.1n Jr I" nlways
mllke IIlh e bC~I, Brolner Ra y Shuley and T he Old ·
25- Year Members dlf leult In lo~e thuse:: dcal III u~ MilY It he ot help
I lInl' Fiddle rs Band prtlYldl'd thc tillY'S cn lcrtll. m - ;and con50 1.l1l0n IQ kno lOo '-"'C C.ltl.' tOO Jnd Jlsu
mem, .. nd Clend,1 Learn did a "upe l ,ob of orxa - mISs them
nl:t:lng g3me lor Ihe kids, B[~ MIL"'I P S
111<." thud and mOSt ImJIQrt.lD I e\'cnt of 1986 ....15
thc p,esenilltlon of OUI local ' § ll,sl IBEW life
S3vln~ Award Aftcr several da)s flf r.l1n. there ""as
.l powe.r OUIJg(: :1( Cal Lutheran Collcge. lhOthe r ~ Storeroom Employees
Michael PCttlt and fohn C.uber wele making. re'
paHS In a ... aull when Brothc: r PeltH camcin contact
....'!th 4. 160 voh~ Brothe r GMhe r '.. 4UiCk ICIICtiOn
an b lc:tklOg DrOlhcr PC lII ! louse 'iUved h iS life,
Brothc r Petti t u m akIng a rn Jr ,lculous rccovery
fro m thl' ncar IlI lal aCCident <Ind d id , he hUllm of
mnkm& t he pu.".,entaIiOn 10 SWlher C luber :I t the
bJr -b·qul:. 1 hL~ eVl:ntchanged the ll\-c~ Ilf twO men
an!.! touche!.! tht: hc:arts of nun)'
RH IIAIU) 0 Ihto .... ~ u.. r.

Brother Howard Brenholt

Retires After 46-Year Service
L.U, 95 l (i, u .t,t'I11 .C<1 t ' · s pa), EA UC LAIRE, WI . -
Whcn you rC'lI11 Ihl" ~rtlcll' , Ho ..... a rd Brennalt. :l
46 year memhc r (If tillS f\ , cat Bruthell'lOod, ..... all
ha ve been rcured for" cou l,11l I)f munths _ It Is .. ,. Winner
Iwcll · dl.'se rved te t itcmelH for lI oward who sr ent
2.1 of those 116 ye,lI$ as a bU~lIlc~~ mana):el lind
aSSI~lam bU!Jllle$$ manHf\l' r III thl5 local Huward
. ,.'
deJ lcJtcu tllln .. elf fur thOSe m:my ye3rs to m3king
OUI iobs lust :I bit mon: be.1r3blc: by cre3ung for us
ill better 3n!.! hl1.htr 5111ndJrd uf 1I~' Inp; HIS many
lIccomp"shmlt'nl~ :Jre spdlcd out In Ihnse conl ' lICts
whu: h he"';1 ~u succeulul 111 IICj(otI3tmf: oVer
thosc many YCilr5 The workmgcondltHH1S and the-
bt-neAu that we l'n lOY IInu ~omellmes lake ur
granll·d arc due 10 the ~tt'3lt fa~t dCIl'nnlllallun of
J"!optc like H owll rd . rl'ol'lc !Ike lIoward whu gaye
Si,,,,,, ."" , .. nralillalll .
of th emselves so t hllt you and ),OUT lo m lln,'s clluld
c n loy ..ecum)' .md millOlll1ll a hlXh t'1 Sland;u d o(
p ictured with Stewud Ros at a 5urpri.se J O-
Y( ,II r cciebratio n , plan n ed II) rClire in , ,, nmn),, 1987 .
willner uf Ihe at II reccnt
1181 , C h :l rlottu villt , Va., fIItt tillg W;IS Rus t y Wal·
C llngt:uul :! ll un .. , and r n jo y r" c ry day of f our lI e w ton , left . who is shown ltceh'l ng t h t ch eck from
hVIIIX I kno .... that I !>pcak fll r all Hf u .. when I .!oJy p, csidenl Do rrier.
We -s l)' lr.
thank, 110""ard l May you hJ\·e.l long lnd healthy
re ll rement
Well, .....e survlvcd anot hcr year of Fl u tla.ld RIt':lJ:,an. This Is Election Year; Future of Jobs Uncertain
at lhd .... e 1 Hopefully IYN7 .... ,11 brrn~ us illlp;l.H),.\
helilth, prmp.!lIty. and lot .. of ...·()tk Vou remember Check the Requirements For Local Members
the old 5ay,"1.. " Busy hinds kcl'p Tom on lUI to<''' L.U. 111 6 lu ,em & trul. TUCSO, , A RIZ.- Slnec I l.. U. 11 81 It l,CHAR LO r r ESVI LU ., VA. We"",:rc
and Denms Out of trouble ," ,l:ot .II Illtle helund Uti my WII llllK. I' ll ~I,.t the ,)Jdened lu It.Jrn of the de.llh of fI:urc:d member
All cnd YOUI Ullion rnccllnJl,S; Illuk fur thc UllIun h l ~hla~hl~ fur ) ' UU OUi ltln l l>lU W,I~ st' lI lcd 111 DIXie Ogde n , I'lene rcmcmbl'r her family
i.lhel l .!Iouppon yuu. Iholhcr~ and SlMCIS Nuvembcr. We. 3cec-l'tt:d.1 I Utyc.:u conl.a t .....,lI h 1 here IS II whole 1m uf hnJ new'> thc~c day~ alld
BRU t t MI '- HAI K( A~~1' 11 M a 3.5 per cent pet )'t3 1 IllCre3!1C In salalY 1 hI.' nut llI uch I\IKld. One hll ml l cd Upl-r;ltur lohs duwn
pC I1 ~HJI1 p h ll1 WWi ll11 pwvcd COll ~IJCtrlhly w uh t h e the dr3ln IS a h ard pitl to 5W~I III)"" , If Ih c pas t IS
el u'i)lIl a t lorl ilf the JIHc lClll r atc~ . rrcvlO u!l ly wr.: any rndle a uon of the nc:rr future. t h en w c wal l ~cc
Write Your Legislators: h.ht .. (31C up to 197X 3ml another up 10 1986 1 no ..... !ll0I1: ami more lubs c:l umn., led Ou r ~{,m r Jny
one rill e will be effectlvc from the datl' of h~te To s h ows no Imentlun of expandinG our work force
Enforce Our Labor Laws 1"IO~e reullng ~Ourl, thiS wtll be. lin mCtC;ISIt', 111 by dOlllg anything dlffeH·nt or !'o lng Into urher
L U. 1001 (1 & 01. PANAMA C ITY. FLA _- GICCI surnc uses 01 40 pe,celll, ,,"'hleh wtll (truanly be aspects of (lur WOrk hC'11t' III Our a rc-a Yct wc arc
Ing!!. Brothen ;lind Ister" Since our laSI publlc.!I :lpflH·CI.ucd by Ih ose gOing on the fixed · mcnmc conlllant!)' bombardc!.! .... lIh cump.llly papc:u how
lIun we ha'e riecled new offiCials , Ou r new bUSI - ~lilUS Somlt' ..... ,11 nOl ..et' much chan,t:c thuu,t:h mil, new 3cquuI110ns .. nJ Ideas It IS ob"lout H
ness mOln3&u Iii: Bobby MathIS . Ir Elected u On bt:hall of .III mcm~cr'5 of ClU I l(Kal. 100 r !IiIn- ~mlll IS nn a' bilck bUlnc, " when II ,-oml'S 10 Ihese
prellldcDt \ofa Roben Whtdord l the vice pre",dcnt crrdy and gU I fully th.lnk the Negoluung Com- things
and 'ie n lK- IS HIli Self Thc office." of recordang mlt t ec , Brol herJ Jerry M:lkow~kl lind la ll'Y Oren All of t he' J;ood Idc.l!!i 50 me 01 our past Olllnolgef s >-
.,C'CH: tary I~ ~ 1I 1l held by O;a ... ,d Whitlock. The new duff and SlSU! 1 Anne Ir by, for:l truly ~real II)b . OUi had about tl)'IMg ne .... thln~s arc ~(111( w it h l hem ~
Ir c.asurer IS C:ary Bcchlcr. Ou r new EXccullVe Board tlunks to )'OUI famll lCIi for therr pltlCncc and II) the II ne ...' ,ob .. I ... u ndl'r If Ihat I., why t h cy a fC
m embers l1tC M ike MeDorHlugh. Jr , Ell iS knrlln ~.!o . undelS t3 ndtn~ :llso d liranA the " II YIllX tllllCS" an a n~w 10M Of e(lut:.C', our Ide.t s go unhelltd o r to
Runllle Odo m. DaVId En(inW: I , 111\1 WlIMJi't, loe Ignored . We II rc o bYI,)ulIly n ot CII !lilhle u f bcmJ:. W
T hnu k.. all: ,,1.,41 cX It:nJe d Itl 1:.ll'<' II (ln ludgc A ll "-
Ryc roft, Jr., .Ind Walb ur Dcason K o~ .. lind Tcllers Ann \lu .. ~mgcr. l ollII Cray, lJ II )' I nnO ~ 'I1I IV C

As of e:lI ly December, we h"d about 10 wlrcmen Renc h , Debbie Newkirk, !farry Ohden, lind Lilw· HoIvc yuu t.heckcd the shrinking SenHtrrty 115t
wu r klll~ In thc JUrlSdlCIiOn We l'lIillCCtcd to hlu'c rell ce PllIcwif Y(IU l.ltd a gle.1t j .. b, .1IIt! wc ':lJlprc · Illtcly' Atltnd (liH next \.IlIIl)n meetlng l
an Increast: In emp loyment In (ate IJIHUry or coarly CI.lIC you CCRAL[) U "IlLU ..... 1''''
h'b'Ullry for !.ht: IIlS IJt:. All aUr '1lIcmtn are work· A little remlllJcr ' This yl:,IIf IS t:lectlUn of ojfi<.ers
IIIg ~ t thiS lime The bu lness managa expecled II at ollr local unIOn Fllr Iho~e of you .... ho plan 10
litt le m( re~5i,! .lite r the Hrs t of the yu r lo r the nll1 fo r office, lhele arc reqUl rcmenu listed in you r Work Is Still Slow ;
"nemc: n also. byl.a.... th:lt mU~1 be me t In order 10 be ChKlblt a Some Negotiations Continue
For those o f )'OU who do not a ll t'lld tht: mee ti ngs, a elllU:lIlJaI~
herr 15 ho .... you (an help: Our fedenl govcnurlcllt SQmcwht'lc In Ihc lIhulfl~ of ncws Item!'. SI!!iICr LU. 1205 (l,o. u &lt'm). GA INESV ILLE, FLA.-Ou,
h:l!l lII crcased th e p re v all ll1~ wa J.:c ra te, for wh Jc h Mlldrcd Manotte ' rC t lrcnlCll 1 phtJlI.I did rlUl 1:.1:1 wu rk IS Mtll YC IY slo w, hUlh 1I1s1de and l)ul-sldc 43
w~· h.H'~ "om~
C p
wurk at I he p,lpu nu ll III Pa !alkJ
I~ ~:"Pl'Cle'd
10 rebuild No.5 p:tper machine
lIlallun bt: Ind"dc,j In all ,1!lnrtI3 .. m .. nt .. otieJln~
poluble r1eCHIC .j.(enerOll{lr Vlollluon~ 01 any 0'
Crossing the River
HI 1987 The city I"QwC l houw 1M Tallahu5Cc rna) the law '!!o r' I'\I\LO ns .... 111 be lon'.ild~· r cd m lsd .
hav some work tommg up In 1987 also Su mt ~' r munurs and IliuM kaJ to,t finl.: 1 SJ;,OQ or sIx
EJ CUI\,; will be Icltln~ bld\ !!ohortly on It'i unn ml!nlh .. ImplI"llnment
Wea le now nesotlallOg In OUlncy ~ n d ll \' O.. k
W(" rC3ched an agfct'mem In I'I.'II'Y We '!iuru::d
negolla llons In Occembe r un hmh (lur In .. lde and
outside contr3cl S
Ahht'u~h wc lost the ~O\l.'rnur I! CJffice; '""~to did
plt"tty wel l In OIhe. sta le and fedenl DfAce<; II \lo t
C3n conllnue to clect uur fnends. t o of lite and kecp
Ihe ones we alrcad)' ha\lc, we sland to s.. m nll~h l '
dy. \Ve must conllllue OU I pU'ih and m"\er let
do",'n lC I uS send the:- IInion bUSIC IS and all IlIher
antiunion forces back to thC l1 n:uural h.lb l t,, 1
under rocks In low Iytng ma r... htlil Su ppurt Y(lur
unllln IItHI yom 1l1t:ll'

Governor Signs Safety

Law Proposed by Local
l. U 1245 (o.II, I,f' m,C'a t\ ,tru,gO\'Ili:.ptl). Wh l NVT
CREEK, CAL-A Local 1245 proposal f Of pralce·
lion of both \Io'ol ktn and cun5umt rS fr om th~
danJ:.cr,- of port able: eie:c lllcall'lt'ncralOf-s recently
be:cJ:mt 1.-"" Wi th tbe !.Ignature: 11' Covt:rnor Dcuk
mellan In Assc m bly Bill 3222 The v ictory fOllllbo l
....·a~ an unusual onc under the conserv.lI""~ O\:uk-
mt'llan :.dmIRIS II :UlIln Tht" nh\'IOU5 need for thiS \Y(ul" ': r!t ale s h o w n he l l!' wc l din ~ x- n y'ns . 1101
Im£lOrt3nt h'gIS!:t Il UII apilarent ly won l'\!"11 the pl l!'pa rlnt th e pipe On t ht job. (Photo:. su bm iu tl
mmds ol thosc .... ho ha\c dom. ..(1 much HI d.. nHI~c by Loc. 1 12" 9. Syrac u5t , N.Y.'
d'l( mte rnu of worker health ~nd ..afety oyer Ihe
last fcw years Da~e \Vl.:n l .... unh wtll be: Ihe gl.:m' I;;t1 Imcmlm It I
The le~lslation \Io "S dr.1\>oI' ur b)' health and antiC ipa ted that Feli x Eleclllc \'01 11 pu t ,,~ th.
ufcry xpert a l Local 124'i anJ l'lJc!>cntcd to Ihe ~ lI lIaSte fllot t rs on thIS .sec tion of the line, but thc-
\e~ullat ur l'" last February by As!)cmbiym,1Il Dick h aYl"n ' , l'u l ll"d any l h ll1 ~ )'1.' 1 The radroad third
FJoy d T im e ffo rt WIU unde rta ken in t ne ,,"'oake o f Thl!> pic lur e shows ali lhose who loi ntd Iht: group ull lub bUi ll b)' Y on k ers / Culll~tOl k 15 IUO; I llbo u
the sll le 10 con sum er:; ~I f pu w crflll hOIll e' 0 1 ree · III !!ollarI.' itl 11 11.' l Ull of dl t$Sl n ~ li p lot H a llowcen , complctcd , O n ly C~' ILI: r al F~.. e l\l.In r.d Ryoln .ln ll
rca llona l ychu::l c ·bJsed por table ~ e nl' r alllr::. ofte n tr hotos Sublllltltd by Lucal 1246, Adrian , "\ ie h " fe w me n .a rc left 10 fi nis h u p
ustd by sm a ll bU SIn esse S 01 h oml'l) wl1 cr~ fo r pUWl'1 Eve ll dHJ u ~ h t he uvc rwhdmlng In ll iom y of mel
genefll ll o n durll1g a n outa ge hilu re to prlJpe rl y Work Scene Peaks, nre ..... nrklOg on the la rge lob~, we sti li have me m
be rs C()\'cnng I he s ma ller lub<; WI;" h a ye 10 Jepe n,
cun nect ~uc h :. gene ra to r c an lead to electrical
b.,cklced InIO Ihe: Ulll u)"s dlstllhulI()n <;Y'>Icm The As Noted in Listing U pvll whe;n (he b l ~ tO b5 J ten 't ;1Iounl1 Brodleyan
lo ..... ·\'o luge- !lu pp l) condu ctor!! then become en L. • J24Q (o .u&ca l\,). SYRA CU SE, N. Y.-\\ urk III Wllhams has dls tn but lon 011 Fon Drum l T .rt ret:!
ergi:.cd and. through tr.msfOlmu .. , 50 du tlle 1l 1 ~h uu r IUJl~ l ctlUn IS fina ll v Jt a peak A", With otber has tI:&fAc "I ~n al work In Roc h es ter .- od ;l subsu
\lolla"e c()nduc tors (OI'l!o II UCIU)Il , hne cun\IHICIWn .... o rk I" usually hon 111 West ,"11 it OO I Deh:. l:.l eclllc ha'So wmk t
" Wmkcrs who mll'r bt: In the pltlces'i til rCPJlllng fe.l51 or famme;, 3nd lI~hl nu ..... 1I'!!o ICUClJ time!> fUl the R.-tn<lpt) SubstatIOn, B ye l ElectriC IS;l 1 Sc n cc
thc hnc wou ld be- exposed 10 the posslhlhl')o of l(Jt.nl 1141) Atrny Di.·JK)I ; FC'll:uson Electri c hat. stree t " ~h t5 I
electrocu ti on, ,. IIccordmg to Local 1145 BU!>lnes .. I hc MarC) ~Iulh ""n .. 11\I ...... 1I1O Itnc and ItS con Nlagar.. F.-lis O'C(lnncli E.lectrlc hIlS signa l wor
ManllKer Jack M t ' ally . Geneillitof bac k !l."~d caused nl.:cllng SUb!!ot.lllOnS .U( n'I.OIkmg full clTtJlloyml:RI In Rochc~tt'r and lelfer~n Cuun lY, and Schult l
the dt";lth of PC&'E general COn'i If UCI10n lourncy fo r us Th Moms Elecuu: lob ;I I Ihe Fishiull H us :11:'10 h;as St lcel light s and If :lfAc,slgna l wor
m .. n hn~man C U)' Castle oe3 r t hc Sua .... bcfr)' ,",Uh<;tllIl UIl on the southCIIl end hu much of the 1M Rocbesttr M h er and Son h.a dl5lrlbu llO
u.td~c on Arn l .1985. ' 'NOt onl)' .:are the membcr!!o bcl~I"" gl ..Jc \\otuk lilllshed lind I~ pro~rc !In.g \/ro'cll .... o rk 111 \VjLlc.rwwn and tufRc·stgnal \o" ork I
01 thl:: UlIh t )' mdu'itry J t ri sk, but :a1.socon\tJUcllon .... lth the .Jhmc 'grade wllrk IUOIIII I'flde IS the:- SCHul .11.'.0110 of the '> IOIte. (IrthCaslI:rn Llvt Lin
work<"rlO. consume r". and the ~en<:r:al public I.!unn~ !Cl.:ncrJ I forl.:mJn lor MuTtl!> Hufblu Electnc hll\ I domg,l .:.maH lob ill Altua Alull'llnu01 10 M,:
the' UUlaXl"!o c3ulOcd by !o t u l m .. (IT .;lccident' when lust "bout comp le-tcd It) f;l.'tIlDn of M.uq'-Sou th .sena Wou:ld Elecilic ha!> !!o()mc dl~l n bution \10 01
dctncr~l:rd hlgh ·\,olt.1gc hnt:!> art lYIn~ un the: bctwl',"n th~' FI§.hklll Subst.l lton .lnd the Rock 101 C<:n lla.l H ud!>On, W.rdt: tie-Cine bas !,omt: If.. f61
.Kfound." McNally uld " In I hcse !!ollUOIIII1II3 oll'~ 1 ol,,"CI n c;,unst,1I10n ,)cro~" the; Hud!l(ln IlI\·CI. dnd til)!n.1 wlll k
une whu contacts the dow ni.·d Ime could bc clcc· marty of Ihe hneDll'rt have m(lvcJ (10 III luher S:&fe l Y DlreclUl !Joh LangH )' ~ lI l' n ded the NI
tHK.UleJ wh en :l Incal rl(.'<;ld~· IH cun o cct .. R rorublc <;e;Cllons of I bl.: hne lIon:l1 SJ f~ I Y ConKfe!>s U1 Chlcilgua nd wa s h nno re
.Kenettlt o r I(J th e hc/uM! wml'lX In addllwo. If the Rilb \) ufoc I ~ gl·nc r.11 fn rcm.m lOt Ele!" III ca \ un by beID'; made c h :lltln ,ln of the Labo r D I\'II'>IO
UII III)' sup ply SYlIlt R) IS ~roun d e d a ... :I Il,'<;uh of :I ... trUCII(II\ ..... hl ch IS m~ I Jl ll ng Ih~' fl l Pt:'typ c ·c :lb l ~' Com m ittee fo r I'romoti on of Saf Iy Tr:ll nlR& an
wUlkcr rep.:unn.i:.lI l1': 1 !11 t:~, II1\.: 1'(IILJ b!t ,cttnet.1t or, w\Uk unde l t he H u d ~{ln ond the SlIhlltJ l io n on ("ll ch Ed llr:1I1111l Hoh Wi ll do an cxcmpl:try iob In c h ai ri l'l
.... hen C(H1Ill'cl cd. !,.(luld cx p!uJc, burn , (:lUse J nrc tnd of Ihe r ipe . i he pI pe I I! Ill , and t he y ar c now tlll .. I'n· .. II ~f(lU'> cnmmntel'
In house wiring. and poss ibly Inlu re t hl.: h ome' pul hng In the c nJuc lou Lord Ele~trl\. bas been R.I~ 11,0, "' (' FULTO N . P ,~.
owner The greatu the nu m hu (,f p(lrl.Jbh; gent'r wurkmg 1111 the sec tio n ( If the line fr om Rock
alOr<; 1m the Itne, the grcat!,. , Ihc prnhahlht\ of r.n·crn to Munucdlll 'illlle 1111111 .. pnn!t Btlly Bolli
d .. mol~e !luch 11 I havc de<;;cn h".1 ,. I' t he hull illl ....... J rd B .all lL.l l:.\I!l n ~, Olin Df'an . IJnd Local Announces Changes
To l'ie\'clH !ouch e ~'en l <;, Ih .... hili .... nu lJ re~UIt1," ~ullrd Bohon are ~~llcr,1 1 fMeml.' 11 Casl.' I llt~.
JOy PQf1:.ble t"lectrl al gent'r,H01 he cunnected n.:munal I~ p Ull trlg 111 the c'-lssCJn fOOICl!!o fOI the
In BC/BS Plan
ol1ly .. hcl op<'ntnjl; the CU510mc , 's IlU,ln S\\ 111...1. :.0 1.I ~t fl'\\ IIl1le~ un the Lmd EleCtriC Illl\ whIch ~hou l d L U. 125J Ii), AUCUSTA, ME, H erl'''';! bll \
as til Isulate .ht CUSlnl1ll"l'" decmca l $Y1H~m from mJke II mO~t: :along J h ltle fa!. l er UI~'liI Where W;1S Lou) 125J onglna ll y c1tll.rtere(
th:n of Ih~ i ll'ttlu;:I\ corpol3t\un 01 .. tlltt" or local Nonh Sur/Rllff"ln Ell' trl , .... H leLcnri) it .... aIded The am,Wer IS found at Ihc end 01 thiS article
.tttc:nty It wouhJ requITe any dcc.rncal ,;cnl'l ator the SCClI(ln IIi brcySouth bctwec:n Munucdlu Th.. nk )'OU 10 ,111 who wcre lO\'olvtd one way I
that .. c"rable of hetn& pC"rm .. ncntly connctteJ to .and fiankfurl Corge 1 hey a rc lUSt stilrtmg to h.1U1 anothel with the Tlerne)' '~6 C.lmpil lgnt Unfo",
.a (:U.,lmOCI's cI~ctucal syslcm be: connec lcJ only rolCi for thl!' Start o f opel ,mon", Dave Dafoe lind oau~ly, we- 1051 t hiS hard -Iought bart!l" fur It
by mc.:.-n3 01 a double th loW !owl1eh so.a~ HI Isolale Cary Wahl :tIt:' !!cnc rallor!.!mcn . and Charl l4: Meffll1 ji!:o\Crnur~hlp After 20 yeus 0 1 Democuut go
thc cunomer's cit'("IfIf"al "iY"i,rm frnm IhJI of the I) the bl,.lll )lcw;uJ North ta rfN .... ber,. Au.sk:a ' ermu!!oh1r. we h3\1t" no ..... sh ifted to a RC[lubhc.
ciCCI " cal corpora tion or st.a lt n l local ,t~enq' northcmrnthl !ocellun (If tht hne '''' well ahead of one_ Whv k ntl w!o will" thiS may cn lad fo , us . O r
The bill also Qbllgates the nlilnufaci ure i s of such sch ....dult. The wO lk h.u. con!ol:'lcd lit le3l1n& dawn 5a\ltn$ gucc , our ' l Jlh stale leglslalu le: IS CO!
ponable gc:neulOIs 10 InduJe .. w urnmg 'itl&H'me:1lt :It'ld rehuddmg se \lC'n ! li nes to m a ke room fIJI trolled b y Ih e D emoc rats as i OU I US legisla tu l
10 th e ~("nc rat(lr's tnlll tru C1ion manua l Jnd .. W;l1n M ,lrcy -Solllh ;;t nd Ih e COIl"tT\ICIltHi o f M arcy-Sou t h Th ol l prnbuhly mcans bca n ~ 10 Ihc ind ifferen t. 1
mit la be l u n the g e nefl&l(I r wtll c h stn t es I he con · lt~cll from MoHCY to Frnnk(o lt ClJ r~~· . rh e gen eral t hu~c concerned. lh Ie Is .:I gli ll er of h (Jpt· (.
nc:cdon requir m ent and tICplal o s th e cl.:c m ca l foreman I ~ Roh Frone ..... a nd t he bull s tcwoa rd 1'1 () r&.~nt:.cd la bor.
ha;:a rd .. III bnekfeed Into a \lIl1l1 Y dlstll butlon RIc1urd Fl'ef)ch , Tn ,Su le D lI l1l1lg w il l pur In the A II\J nnte: Id a h u IS t h e 2 1s t Sta le to fa ll I
44 v:.tem It ","ould ::11150 reqU Lte the warn ln)\ III fo r ell l ~ ..o n fOOie rlll 11)1 Nort h SI3r/ Ou ff31 Elcct d l " ril;h t to wor k" ffor less), LO e IY7H tht " lIg"
IUJn[H'\~\" IJI.:01~ JII,111I"lIl' \\ bell 1.lllo.m~ ... nh
Retirees fIl"ml'lu:!> Ihe ' ... .11\1 ,!OJ un.:J lUI nL· ... hk.h 1'10'
Special Committee Seeks
~'Jm .Ind .Ictilln ix-cumc'!o cVIJenl 1 tll: OH'm Improvement in Dialogue
bl'rsh lJl "(ems CJ":": ' 1I1 r ( hll ll;:c~ JnJ J. w"'!> 1lI111 1 L U, Ill" lu ), BU FFA LO . N. Y. ()neo; (11)'111'1": Il'
theIr Invulvc m (·nt I" tI1cntllllled \h.nllnllln\u h 'c · me m bl' I 3 eom mlllt'c kn o wn as . he !->pcc lal Cu rn
I!lt'lll. p.JrtIC lr:1 l1 llll ...... WK, 111 .... IIfW )'\' 1, J due:.
m lttr.)L· lo r Pen plc· Re l.ll eJ 'V31 UI! ... t T h e :l lm o st so
lIlClt' d "'~" ,I \l.l .... ,Hch Ihe tfll ...·ll !)C d Ul' ( III Ih.: (X em p l(\ycl's who pu t lhd, tl nl C .II1Ll c.: n l'tgy 11110
c u ses tly W..: all wm llJ hk~' III ;:et ~(ltnl·th m~ h, r IIYIn); 10 Imprvvc t he ,wcf.l ll Cnm mUJIlCallOl1 ....II1J
1l00hmg work cnvl , unmcnt IIf NI>lX;l f.l j\' i1h;lWk PU" (.( Cllr
Some III .he IblJl)(,'" dial h.l\e bcen nll.' ntlUlIl.:'J (JurJ.llun .... lil nllt l ur~ct The c:.ommlll\!e, ~omrTl .. ~J
J!I ial .I ~ (.h.,"){c~ .!til, hJH bt:..:n ~ .... r) ~ood,
such iI~ 0' beth union .JOlI mIln"Jo:,.:nll'nt r ~·f ... unlld IColn),
XCI-well .InJ con~r.1tulau\1n cards.. hU I nQ I1I1C wUfk~'J IO~l'lhc l In hupc ... uf OJ h..'lIl.'r place til ....- mf.;.
Lt'" III ri ght arc Loca l lI B, Au g ll ~ ta ,."e .• UU ~ ill b S
.....nlt~ 111 ..cml tin-ill , ,II1C .... o;!cllt:r l u r tlUT mcnllk:I'i,
hilt ni l \1111: "'Jill .. h) \\1\[( II , schIlJ.H .. h lps dnJ
ill l t'Vl"YUlll'
[m ll al Cllll1l'1lclih ..1i tht lOn1nll lt e~' bc~.111 Il"
l'lblHlg cf Sun Walla c .. , NO r m a n Dni roll , ( C! lire d .r;l llUn~ LI.I .... C~ , h\l l no 111111: \~ .In l '" to 1M)' fllf II work wc re UIl!VCT5 d l In rq;nrd til tho.: CO lll llHlIlI-
re cord i 111; !lol'CU! t3r)' , 0:1\-ld Trldc f l r,,-tired p~ S I pre s- Wh .l l :I n' tile n ffkc I ~ w d!l~ c ~u \(ln pr\J b k m ~ III tillS Cn IJHH[J t WIl PIcdlll1 Hfl.lI1l ly
id t' nt ; lind Si m o n T h ibl"lIu . retire d tr eaS life r. A lI:rr lfl c (xoI m r le of .1 POSI1 1VC d1 J ll l.:l:, hOWI: \'( I, with !lIs l ' :Jnd ~ecoml · Io:\' cl llIJ I1,I /.:e m crtt/ :sure r
lecc:ntly HCCll rrl;' J ,I I the C rJIUIl' City UnIt D unn.'; \'I~'\ln AppLIn.·lIlly, mimlnJ tlOn alld J lrect l\'cS ~'hlc h
thc ;:I rca Unlll-c.l W,n nlln \\hlc h tlhlhll') PIl\\,e r un~lna h!d Jt top mJ.nJlCcmt.'n! sOO1ch o .... lo ... t III
Compan) ... trun"ty pu~t.!.'~ . LlK:.l1 U06 mcmhcrs 2Jin('J Lllf(~ctll)n b)' the Clme t hc ,eprescntcJ C:IU
~ep.:lralcd thcm .. ehes ITom tl'lc camp.IJ1Y's dn ... c rloyec .. were min rmeJ Sc\'c ral mcmbef"> I)f loc31
JnJ o '~.IntzcJ t hell u .... n ,Inn: The "UllCS... ut t hc 1 ~.l9 we re r ll..keJ 10 SI."VC un Inc PRV ' Employee
Cr:mnc City Unit'" J1Iv!" wa~ 3swunJII11; R.u h ... r CU rn mU nl Cd ll\ ,II S, Bil l McDo nald and leli !\tc,;c r,
Iha n 11<1\111""; the neJII fUl l h~' 1I c\l n trlhu t h1l1~ /;:lI1n lo; TC:Hl1\.\'ork , Oa\'c Faicna l Tra lJ1lll)!, a nd Dl·\'l'J .. p
to Ihe lllmIMn}', t il t., lIlembt.: f' JCCIJl'J w get tho.: lr m e lli , DH.: k H,ln k s. anJ Mark Sld l:lll
o \\' n It.:C(I.!tnL IIOn, "' Iuc h bo.:lldheJ t he mural.: li ml Happ y ~ Lrth d!l Y. Ge ur).:l· WJ ~l lln ).:tun JIIJ ~h
s!rengtho.:ned t h clr CJl1'I a r~derle COII,...;r.1IU lallllll"", Lmcu ln , Your cou n try h.l cume J !\)I\g way ThJnk"
C ran ltc -It., Uml fO I .:.I I,)n \c r} .... l,1I dune YIlLI hi ynu W I: nJ\-e t he rno:!>t powcllu l polmc"l anLl
:lr(.' a gilSICRlUg t;)'.1Inple of .... hJt c.an be: .lccum econom ic syslcms on tho.: Ilice 111 t he ~:lflh We
Local P r ~ idC III Wil h er j\\ouis llbird from left] r!J!>h~d If .... (; unly II)' 3l<illu nlurl una ,dy hll\'1! :I lew of UU I bu~mt."'ti .Ind
pQ!rob with I e ern , t' tir tt!S lId ! t o righ tl ijrl) lhe rs Ch.:mStc, Thcy m.lY be \hl .... IU cume ,n ullIe:.. gQ"'cmm e nt le,IJcr-:; who hOJYC forgotten wh:u
13m ..., G n )" Wall y Cones. and Charl es Rm h. and m.JY 13ec muth UPpiJSIIII"t, bu t thc)' J o nceu l bruu~h l us tCi the ;J ~" of Ch ' lli=.;t II Qn-mtc/o:r1IY
Wit h UUI uUiec ls' .IoJ mClll~l~' CIlII",I J "t dl.:'lel ell n so m e bod y Iell m e what har p~' 11I: Ll lO pel ... ulla l
III I tl t1lJlJIl , ( hall,1'.(''1 and belle l ment of our un IOn as wel l AS n.l l llln ll l lllle ~ r l ty? T o m y l' yes t hc 'c.l rc n
toWlJlk " bi ll h.IS been brough t up t Wice 111 nU l
will PCli'llSt an J slnve l l' l '~ ldl gIV e 0111 lnCtl 1 !lit' fo r \Ill' fas l buck has come til .s u pc rscJ ~· Jlml)st
lI ..... n Ic.ltis l.lt utc . Th ank God It W .1'i- dd cll t cu bo d..
e:<trJ Cf/ (H I J.nJ [hc rl'~i) U rCes Ih .It It lI ecd-l1ll rn.l k e evc ry lll l n~ d ~t'. IncJll lh n,l\ h3ppm css, Th e l11[1~t
tlnll':!j To t he S k ~'P llt~ , If " n ~ht tn- wll rk " 1";' C ~''''''
thesc ch,lHJ:cs Attl' nJ nUT unllln ITICl"tl n ~') , . h.II 's d l!>turhmg sccn:wo p.llIlt cd by the- cOlltlllu:l 1 '>U f-
p a .....c d lf1 !llh '>latC, I( \\ III hI! ItK) lai c A!>k ~umc
w hen II ,III hl'?;III" be!ng of corrupt leaJen 10 bll"IIlC:''i and r nJlllca l
" t lhe tra'o'cl lHl,K SmItH"') frum t tl!: " nght -LO -work "
,>laIC.,' A rc "I: Sidl glllng 10 Ignur!.! the real ltV o f posItions m:lY nm yl'l N: knuw"_ and thai 1'1 the
th"" ltUlSu.lc .... orld 01 ..... .llt unul II hll'i u" righ t lonJ: te rm effect on OUI future lc .. dc ls, Out kIds, I
wou ld ne \'cr lJ lOUp lO p3ln u ng c\'cry Issue h lack
~m.,l(:k In the pvclcctbQl)k ~ Two Brothers alld w hil e. A Lanmn,i; n um bers of Stl called lc,ldel!)
I\ J li ke III .mnouncc the ra i l ' dl;lOg~!. IllIl)u t BCI
B) p la n dlec tl \'t' JaIJ IIIlI-Y I , 11,1$7 D eC l ellses fo r Cunt lO Ue to ope ra t e abo\l(' t be la w t rying til .1Il!.lS<;
Sl lIJ!,h:s - 10 4'i pl.' rcl.' n l. f;1 rrnli l' s 2 ,61 p-e rtc llt . In- Ihl'l r fo rulOc'!, IInly ICI ,,:cl th eIr 11.111 ds ~l oIp p \'J '''' lI h
1.1 ... O<;ClI fu r s lIIgk:s wah dllldn.:n 1.5 per !;C Il I, sI n · no n'll l J1 u m~hmelll wh en CJ ug h l Whu c -co llal
g.k re llred 2.9J pe rCCn l j :lIld n:tlfl'd ell u pl ..: 4.72 clI mc sends the IneS!>J..I!e to ou r young tha i " 1.1 ck
p(tt'cn t I 'kll~l' rememher til double chl'!:k YOU I Ilf mora ls ;:I n..! ,"te.!tnty I~ aCt'cf'Jl.l hl c HI wJ.IY '"
ncllc/iclanc!> and OIher pcrtlnent Informallon If busanl!'1oS world
you nc~d 'C\'l"'IlIl!>. dll I t :''1 .,oon 3§ poSSIble IInC)'
RI)herts, Ben Gallagher, or Fn'd ~Iowe clln ans ....·c r
~·our quest iuns;n W L Cha l les "".,oclate .. All you
havl' to do IS call 1 '!:IOO'''~l OJ 10. New Scribe Introduces Self ;
1 h e $250 pmflt fr a m UUt m Ew T·., tlli'l S.l ie Wi ll
be J ~I() :II!.: d HI t h e C n y III rl upe H OS IUU\ The
Brother Tota Receives Award
Shu ..... " left It) ri ght .are Ih ut hl' rS Ro na ld BQurt/L
h""'pl ta l I.. '1uld y MIPI'l On ed by urganr:cd l3bo r lllld Rubert Cl';rr ~ (lr 1.0(:;1 1 1307, Sa liSBury, Md ,. L. V, 13 59 tu ), CIII CAGO, IL....- J bl't:lI1 lh h ITWlHh's
rhe IC EW h.u funded the C;l[1 l:cr lesl·.uLh IrCJI 11ftI' I fi nis hing .:l n t.tnug ~nc y jub , article s.Jlutm~ B'othl'r fuhn G3nl'y ....'hu hJ5 ,eJ\'cd
ml,:nt wmg il5 ou r locoll'!. '>Cflbc over these flJs.t months I
WhIle ,.\m,kmg lh.l .... 11 In We'>l ugmlo1 , Brolhe r th.:lnk him 1111 lll~ ClKJpc f illlon In m.Jkmg my IIhl
OJYC WeeJ fdl dPPlUxlln;udy 2Q ice I hC;HIA~t Local Mourns Passing column ;l.S J"((~!I SCCrthtry :lJ wc~' C:lSleT Al!>lI. I
wou ld like 1(1 ex pre<;'i my .tr p lClIJtiOll In IlU l
FOIHlIldtdy he SU f"\'I\'CJ thc t:.lI , but IS III very
SCntlUS conJlIHln lie ... uliC'feJ :I hwk(.,,, :l lIll a nd
Of Brother Bozarth e]c(.t ..,u uiflCl;d ... P'eMdcnl T um O ' Re il ly. Vice
IIIW lind tnCIJI 1rlIUnC'I O ur pmyc l !) .lIld tho u gh ts l. U. 1307 !u &'calv l, ~ ALl S H U I{ Y , ~\I) .-On Oe ' Pl e~l d cl1l Clel1\ Dc ROSOl, Treasu rer 101,; O' lluylc,
j!;1l11 U1 t , ) Brothe l W eed II II J hi ~ i J JllI l y for jl .. pceJ y w ber 1 " , lY1-l6, LO!.lll IJ07 "' a ~ deeply saJdeneJ by Fln.lnclo1 l Secret:l ry D a llld Fi t :::n111 UrL CC, nn d Re·
I(.'l:'Jvcry. Ihl! p :I"~ 1I1A of Ilu)lher ROIUILl Bozarth ROllnie cord In/-: Sec rct.lry lim Hlln !cy, fill Ih elr I.nth ,md
Ounng ttl!.' No\'clTlhel unlOD mccun~ yt.:.lis·of· heg.an work un July 30, 191.l, d ~ J ,ltrUUndcl.1n .I t belief In my abl blY to do t he lob at hlmJ. Most
seTVU:C p laques werl..' pll:~1:' nleJ lu pJ Sl Presld..:Dt ou r Cr.a<;llnv llle DI~lrtct Ih: rlllgn!!i~ l:d to JPprcn - unpllItoinily , I must gl\'~ my hCillrdch r"'CO)':I1I110l1
O,I\C Tnder, II.l~l TlcJ~urer Simon Th,bc.au . amI IIC~ Imelllall 0 un '.InuJry .lO, 197-1 Brothe r lklz - to Ihe spc:cilll rc:orle w"houl whom thc l e woulll
r.lo;,l Rc:cOIdln" SeCrl.'t.HY N Qlm;;an DOllnn The!>c duh tr;lll~fc1Jcd 10 uur Milhnj.;wn OI<;tflCI on May be no aillde, culumn, 01 n\'eJ for .;a ~CrI~. my
Bnnhcrs r..:p,cs«:rn u\'t.'r bO yea l!; of ~t.'n'lI:e as 6, 1971. where he became ,In .1pprCnllce unem:l[t Brnthers ~nd ~1~lers of 1359
oflkcrs 0 1 LOc;;l1 1151 "I!til. 't.'unr',Il, nlo,:mbl' u !lm Con llJly 10, L97J Remme mnvcJ up lIJ JPl'ren l l(c In 193M a m:1Il by the namC' of Tnomton WIlde,
G ray, Wall}' COJII.!!), .and C/urlk Roth we Ie pI C hm'm!1n H (m IJ Il UJ ry 30, 1976 \.\'(l1IC II pl ay clliled "O m Town " whe re h e .!tll ve his
~I.!IHI.'J with IIIEW ....'lIl Chc$. MAny Ih:lll k ... \(l .,1/' Ronll lt; tr;1nsfcnl.'d to OUI ChC"IC'IIlW!I DIStrll..1
1976, .Iml W[l~ PTll lll utc.1 w
in~lr:hts and ~h!)wcd In s pml e f UI t h e: p eop l ~' ..... ho
T he ;10 5\','1; ( 10 t he H IV\:I lll1l.'~II(1f1 N1Ilrclu:ad, t)ll NCn'embcr 2IJ, m nde tll~ commu n ity lit) unique. Il ls m y endeavu I
.Ipprcnth:.e llll em:tll A 011 i.aIlU.lrYW, 1977. On In the com ang month! to I'rllnllttly 110 ,USl tl1<1 l-
KCn lU Cky h:lrll' l eJ Oil ~1'IY 11 19-1 t Defunc t on
J\\alch 7. 1977, Rut~nlc Icll.lmed IU Mdhn)tton

pn 1 20, 111'1 t o bnng .a ttenUHn not til my unum':. {lulurc~ , but
whC!l c III: ~J. .. .:I"" a ,Jc..! joumc\',n.l n Itnrm,m "' .Itu... to it'S "'"cec .. ~I"", not tu us Jdc:JI , but to liS
I hU'A O,.,W II <;
IIll lu!y lO. 197~ \ 1(IUlIl~S, nullO It ml!!ukcs, but til tl<j,CQrfI:CllOns.
8rt}lhcr Bo::arth t1.ln!>lcncJ b.ll.k In Chc~tcrtown
:uld, most or all not 10 liS 13ws .lind dnctruH.'i, hut IL
on Sl'llIcmht:l 14, 19~ II and ~111 Si.:ptCmbCf 22. 196(1. to It .. J"coplc
Positive Changes Need he w.:l~ a"arJcd Ic;\u 1l11emM\ In ChC~U."lwwn Ollc II IS \\I l h bllll.'r!>Wt;c.:t cmo tl ons IhUI Nt.: lake IhlS
Commitment, Resources l110mh .;IfIJ fOUl J.IY.. tHer IIl11lhcr i<.ollJ ld BO::dUh lime to S.ly goml· byc til sl ltne old {nends wht! h;lv e z
i.lu:d uf ,I hea \( .lll,h: k :l l .lgc ,14. ROll1w,: ICIl a Wife reti reJ rcccutly Frum ~taUll Jl 1,1; pm M.lly (wdderJ,
L.U . 1306 (uo w ), D ECA T un , I LI.. - CI1,lllgCS M e
slow 10 hap p..:n, bUl w llh palll,' 11CC ,I!l d pcr'!I'Hc n ce
.mJ tWI) c::h lld ccn ilI on..: w u h m an y Il l.!up lc w h o 32 Yl:.l r s scrVIC!!) Illhlt A Mark o !m;:lchI111'jtl, 35 5,
cmdJ be IHou d HI c;'I 1l hun:1 fUl.nd GoJ bless you r yca rs 5e r\'lcc J E;Jwll ld r..1lkowskl, Ipl pdlltl'!l l. 3 1
lhan.&:e!> J" T he olficers of (lLi r ln erntK'(slup
suul. Kiln yel1 l~ sef1o'1ce, Juc Acke l1nlln (m.n:hmlst), J\I yellh
..If.:! m3 k mg SUinc \'ery rH,ISHIVC chan.lW!I fo r ou r
At our No\'cmbef u:gular lUecung, ~ ... .:Ico;.eph.:J se l "'IC~. and loseph T013lmccblltllcl, 1.\ ye:ns ~ I ""
locli l. bu t more ,He IIceLlo!d,
lW() O~W mcmbers - s,tcven Johnson Jnd RolK'rt ICC .
l ike so m3n), 1~lIn&S. ch3ng~s n..:ed ~ulll'lun 10
ctU:Cni Unlll ne"t 11 m!" be IInlOnl bu), LIIl10n It h3S, been <;:l ld lhal longc.\'I1)· 15 J glft ocuoweJ
!Io~\'c raJ w ays To m,llke .;my hcne rment happen, 45
It)u mus t h~vC' rcsou rcc'!, resou rceS of u me, cncrgy , [ 0 ~1·"lIk<;. F~ on I h{) .. ~ bll.! .. !t'd to recd\'..- Il Sn, kl.:eTn n l( tha I to
IIUIIJ, ..... eJ II kc to !l1I1 1J t~ liOOle IIny specud Lh(Jth
c rs on h,lvlOg ann l \'l'rSa Il CS In the m o nth fI( Feb " ,I" , ucccss ful
In pro \· l dlll~ .1 ",n·.! 1 Il lIle III evuy District Meeting
ru ory. we h a ve ' tdwa ,d OIl\'IJ. 46 years , T homa:.
To th e 11l 1I(1 ..... 1I1g willi .lIe c:id eb r:lt lng company
TutOn. 41 yeafS, Lc ruy SChlll tt ;t, 31 yC!lrsj Gcor,llC"
~lltllvcrS,lnc" W( w Ish \() I.!xt cnO OU I tongr;\t ula.
'110':11, ;31 Y(:31S1 Cha rles ll ll ~ ck , JJ ),cars
li ons ' with 41 }'e",~, cleC ll lcal mechanic Ed ward
A lIew ",ward dllu we'll hI;' liplll hx,llI HI,I:: monthl y,
Wllc h, F«: h,u ary 14. 1946, Willi 39 YCII IS, overh ead
wl u ch I caJl the Solid Cold AW.:.l rd. IS 10 be RIVl:n
LrCW lclHler'i Alfred Hener, fcbru.lty 25, 19 48, and
l~l the I\n.llhc r en SlStC f of Ol\1 local who SHl\\l;ls ou t
W alter T enner, F'ehnl.1rY 2<1 , 19481 Edw a rd Hooks,
as OllC' who has lllllll' ~)m~·dllng s pl.:cll~ 1 II) lih
Fch, ull ty 16, 1948; untlt:. gruund c re w lellder WII ·
morale an d bunK UHlly an anJ a mungSI nU l rnnks
Ila l11 Sagc n , Fe br uary II , 1948, anJ SC; cn·....· lcm,lcr
Tb i ~ Im'lIl h ' ~ 1~·I.' j 'j C III Is Rtot n C"r J os~ p h TlHii for
l:.dw ln Kuby . t:cbruaty L, l Y"l:i; WIth .~'\ y~:H S, ~~c
p:l yl/lg for thl;' Chrl:ttmas Pl1tty oUt o f 111 .\ u wn
crew le ade, D(lI1" ld RrHl5ch, Fo,: bluary 14, 1952,
pockc l :ls II ~OIn.l: :. ..... ,Iy ~lfl bcf~)re J(·tlrln~ To )'ou.
wllh .W "ean, fiel d so,: rvle c dIS(,!I1 Ic\ II: r Je re ml3h
BrOlb er TOta, we s .IY bm VISlIlH), fO I yo u h ,n 'l' done
LUIlUIIl. Fehru3rY 28, 1957 1 and wllh 15 yen , s,
with yOU t ges t u re 01 hlc nd"I\\\'l ~h:lt whtch IIvak!.!s
ove rhead I.. lt "· h·:ltk r Wil li am Bosch , Fchrunry 19.
(l UI RfIlthc l huod :m tH ro ng-Yl)U' VC ,ltlvcn of yIHlI
I ~f,'!, a nd Ilvcrhl'lId lre w leadcr 11I ch.l, J Da lke,
self In mnrt" t han Ill'>! w(lrd (Ir t"ough l hu t 111 lleed;
I ch ruJ ry 5, I \.'I6.! Glad ys G rcc n, pru idt nt of 1..1l l';al 1805, ;;I n d Oi o
and for Ih:1I we 31e !l uly I:rllt d u l
At the N ovcmbl. l 12 ICV.~l t;H n' l!\!~IIl!l. , tI I CS\\!CtH F. G u thr ie , b us iness ma nager (1£ l.au.1 150 1. Ha
I'-" ,"" Es 1:<Htll, P.S. luhn Q uealy lInnounced ,he .lppOll1 l ll1l'll! 10 'l\ew · l i m()n~, Md., '" l' s ho w n d urin g the m EW I:ourt
iII\1 of Urollhcr Anlh{lny Little from C hl cagu Ce ll · District l"t\ c t li n g r ~ c e rlll y in Cuuon, Ohio,
11.11 BCM III IUlk III HIOI hel Lltll,' II I hi:. IIt;'w
posItio n.
OU I I(lca ll ~ c Ulre lll ly hJV I Ilj.; a .lfI\·e 1O CnCIHlnlf'1.:
m e m be r .. 10 ... 1,1.:11 up fn r CO P!: by luyrull dCJuCIIHIl
We h.l ve Iccc n tl¥ SI~l\elt \I{\ 32 m <,:mb('rs_ Tlw., I';
,\ rro nH 5ln~ MoHr hy onr Inc.11. We _uk your hc.lp
III 'itlppOrt PE as thc )' fi,i:h t ,lI1t l l1 nl(ll\ bllh In
Ih e H (t u ~e and ena lC "hcy .llso keefl lr ,le k of h nw
OUt [n [lg rcs~rnell vO\" un I,sues pcrtJIIl I "~ to Ullllm~
IUhl the I.lhl1 r 1nll\'I;'ment Wt: need cve ryone's
'lU fl llort, &0 sign up \11) ....' fur II Jolln l II I'"yd.a)l 'cc
me. Rich ]lubas, yaur COP E te !l,l~lr;\r. :1\ Ihl! ,"e¥.ul;\l
mel;'llnJ: nf I UI;ul ).~fl 7 un Wedncsda y, I\:hrual)' II,
a t Ih ~ Hili idc l (nhd ,IY Inll Show )lOU I s uPPOrt lOI
PIC$ Ldcnl 101m Quea ly by hc m~ 111 lUtCI1II:IIICC; And
OUI fi l 'Olh:.lnd \Uh at I gOIll~ nn In I.IU I )(rellt luc.: :!1
8 u s ln e ~ ii M all;lgef (';u tllric I..: $" 0'-" 0 g iving h i
The EKCCU II VC 1'\I:ml wtl l meet 011 l:c hlU,l ry l 'l fl t
7 ['I .m . loca l union r{' porl.l.\ In l c rn.1t i(J ll ol Vic (' l' rCJ; ide f
U . r: . Wlt! i;lIn soll looks 0 11 .
flus month we c.d chra te LmLl'I1\ ·... nll\hU;I,· n
I-eb ll wry 12. II T hursdJ)·. W,lsh lllJ.\IIII1 ', blf th dny
\"' 111 hi' 1111 FdlTllll ry It" II Moml.,y. hnnl'.l n ,~ II~ .1 WOIM.l!rs h.nd to !t ll·rully rlglll 11 war u f in ourrel
Ih ree·d.1)' wcc:lc.cnd Al .. (1 thi S month we 1I.I\'e J
vcry spcCl.l1 d,lt 'f)!
thl.·13<1I(,<;, 'it Vulcn ll n e'Jo DJY
1.111 ,"ehnl;) ry 14 , Thlllk ~I" nn~ '
lion to obuin IUStice. l-Iundl eds u ( w () lll~ t'i weI
k tl lcd 11'1 O~ht s aA;J lnst hired ,ompany ~uu ns I
the 1 920~ th ousa nd s or aTmcd m ine rs ra:llnccl th
IUL! L IttlUA\, I' 'i hlll s o f West VUjo;tnla In a ctunl rebe il lOn l1galll'
Ihe governm ent. fll .ally, the wl)lkers uccccdcd i
o r~a ll1 :lIlg untons and eniolcmg the nJ;hl (
New Con stru cti on Is workll1J.\pen pk , rhe union nlflvemt:111 finally bt
Keeping Area Busy CMnc ru cJumlOant In tne '305. :a.nd '40"
8U1 I'eoille bce-Ilnn' oV(, lc(lnOd ent . W one ye
1.,U. 1479 luI. HARVEY , ILL, - r hl.' 't'ou l k loau III rlwy succumbC'd 10 thl' Amencan rc h ~JOn ' th
Thj ~ i/lo II p:mi aJ vlt·", o f t h e': tn t mber:. prl' <oiC llI 31 th,· C ,eSf\"'OHt! arc:1 re m:llll S very :;IWIlj.:; due II) the sc l(lsh n l' 'l~ (I( t he f rc~ 'c nt ~ qui !lc sys tem . lul)(
Turkry Nigh t. till e d in fr o "t lu e Executi ve Iloa, d hea ... y amaul\t ,If ncw ellll<;lrUCtHlIllJk lllg phl Le HI le.ad l'r:. and Uf\IOIl <l bCJ:ltn t o suy ' " Tilk e c a re of Nl
ofOe' er ~ i rn Rio td3 11 a nd £.\'t:('m lvl' Boa rd Sc cre ury th cl r lerrtto ry T h ~y .In! "I!>o ,t'eelv, n/! aJdll lOna l I : get you r:., get II nuw, ge t us mucb as you C.II'
Ri c ha ld Hllbas. nlMl ll0Wt;r IU help with the 111 51.:1 11.1 " 1111 III ncw )l ay 110 attentio n. I II your fellow Cll t:ells " Fe
Services fm m Ihei r Urot hcrs who lire a ~<llg n c d t o eXil lll plt:. slQPPY wmk 11\ the aUlll lmluom y h~c;u"
lI arvey ami Knnkakcl' lepo rt ing ce nt cu :1 way of Ide Qual ity plummet eu
Members: Sign Up Rec.:n tl y PresliJent Gel\tlvc se and Vtcc PI'Cltldenl T he ,.l p.lUesc mnnUlotCllli c rs moved In ,HId 100
During COPE Drive DePltro a tt C Il~lcJ:t IWi/.da y Se lntnM 1111 lec h nrquCll UV('t l1l ue h 01 lhc mu rkc!. Cmp(lr3 lion s mOved I
HI he used ...... h~ n nc:gt'llH.t\l\g I1lclh c:~\ bcnelh s \\I lln Ihc Slw th whe re t hey could flnd chellp. unors.
L.U. 1367 lul, C H ICAGO, IL t.- It '.Ii h,mlw bel .cve Ih t: contlllmng n~ III meJlcli l COSts ulld manu,.e ru :cd labor Flndtnl: t h.1t &0&\1 te~~ful. Ihe)' m o ve
198618 OVt! r. af\ll we arc air ady wcHln lo 19R7. me ll i 's pOS itIOn thJI emplo yecs should ShJr~ more :l bm.llI 10 h :lri u,:s<; C ~'en chc3pc r 1.lbor lo<;ceau (
For m e, u 's also diffi cult 10 hc!leve II ye:trs have til t!U! cosu, tnl.\ ~e nwlllr Will prove to be \'n y sweatShops In llnlt1k.ly(\, thel l.: ~ rl: now sW~:H ~ h~) r
pa~ed SHlce I bega n w ntlll,l\ lor lIur grelll local. be n dlcla l IV the Bro th ers an d S l s l er~ of Ihe local. 111 Ih e l' htl i p p lO" ~, 1 he." eOlnp.lnleS unt lil uc I
T h e M .lll c h Issue uf Ihe Journal \ol d 1 lU.nk IJ2 The 10c,II extend ., 11 '1 best ....'ishes 10 Uub Kell y, p rofit Who c ;,, ~" whe lh er Am encan ww kcrs los
consecutlvt m o n th s uf rcp orlJng n ews and eV ents nvc l hcad K.lnka kee tr cwleader, who recen tl y re. therr lubs l
tha I hllve I(l Ke n pla ee Ul Our du el! dIVl<lH,mll Most lIted from the (.n ml)\l IlY Wi t h 31'. yt;;It "e 1,)£ SClV lce T h ere w e r~ Oth er lIIel le"; I he C hrysle r Co rp'
n ews WII S of aceomplis hru en lS made by o fllecls nub, lIlay Yllli have .:I long, hCA lt hy, und hal)I' Y rlI t\C,n rC/!ls(cred a p.lper h,lnk, uptcy Aft er th
and Un lOI) mcmhc l ~ tru ly dl·d le:a t cd to UnlOl\ lsm. retlrcmen t I hl PPY a nniversary to the fo llowlll,. ..... 1) l kers a ccdcJ IU lo wcred W3J.: CS: and bcneA I<l.
...., We :m : n o w Strl"' lIlg fo rward wtlll Ihc leadersh Ip
f the Il{fi e e rs of Loell.l 1.367 , Ih e t.KcCUll'''e Hoa rd
HWIIl en II Dame!>, o\'l' . he.1d, H llrvey , 3S yC.1t5 j J
M II.h ds, uvc:;.hc:td . 1I.If"c)" .15 y':al~. lJ KIlO ly,
m lr<II: lc occurred 111 lust om: year Ch ry~ l e r wa
ma kI ng a h uge profit, a nd Ihe wo rkers d idn't sh a r
oHiccu. llnd Ibe Slew;;l ld o rgatliz a llOn. Ou , UlUu n 's ove lhead, Ha rvey . ,{IJ ycalS, k N.:I ICI SI . Ulldl;' l
'" foundatwn Is Ol)e of un ll Y :nul Sl rcng.th l We sha ll nrounJ. I I:lrvcy, ."10 )cnr-~ . nnd A fkutler . overne:uJ,
In II Nuw thc l e's a nCJI w3y 10 sha h till! " 'orke l '
You don ' t 'H.' cd to loc k th e m out , you J on 't IIC(:
COll llrHle 10 m t'et t he diltly c h nl h:nf!,es, Illlw<;vct (' r e<oitWol)(j. H ycars
ar med goolls It's iU ~ I ; " Bye, bye, iellow citlzC ns!
dd fit ult Ihe)' nlay bc IOday .Inu In the yeM!> tu
come. Now, II dd to thiS ! h t: Reagan adllunlstfa ll On w hos
aim I:' 10 !>rn:l 'lh untons . All of Ihese tae llC<l '"
Congrnwlation til Earl OIligan , li nc OI nn spe.
c}al £rom C hlCflgU North, h o n:: llrec.l 1:1 ~ 1 year 5ucccedU\t; I.J Ol OU<; ly I he labor move ltlcnt IS oJ
Remember the Lessons I1l U~t comple t ely 111 d isarray It d.dn' , n:qulre Pln ~
with Hr 39 Y(' (\ I S vf sc nli ee We. cxtend II w ish
fO I t he ...ery beSI 01 tlC.:t h h a nd h fl ppm ess In t hc Of Labor Movement History l!rton !I nned gu ards or polI ce II was I!uy. h k
mnny yen rs to come . IJ kUlA e;.andy fru m It baby. T here IS no !lolttlant)
L.U. 15 0 1 lCUl ,nHl ,tts,l:('<l&' catv \, (S A t T L'\ O ll f., Scabs arc c\'(: r ywh c rc wlll lllll togo to w o rk h c.1pl
Chl ~.lA(I CCJl llll l 's S~":'lal lub he ld II ,11111IeI'· M D, -M uSllJ':u ple h .JVC' fU lxull eli . UI uevel h:.u lled,
dance on November I 31 [ h e C 3tr1.1lge C ree n Coun · II UJ PUI othe r peopl e OU t of wor k. Wit ness Ih
the history ()f the labo l mOVC I1l CI11 111 11 11 $ country, IC:lchcrs gomg to Co lumblan.1 OUIllY .
try Cl ub_T he offl er !ll ihe cl ub, Juhn RY:lIl, JOM In t he laic 1800s and CM Iy 1900s, Ihcle was muc h
Ll tUl:tll, Il)c Mlkru\. nn d c,c:nt: n O~C.lI, ahms wll h It Is n Cl w so b:IJ t h at fe ..... Cll re Ihal a l~)ut I
t urmoil . Thl.! I l·hou r ll ny w:u stand:l l d Swea l . percellt to 14 pe rcent (II the r opulallon IS uncl11
Jerty KIng and r\l/lc l, h lanky, (lid an 0 1l UI.11ld lllg IIhops w e I(: every where, clll hi lahllr W :I ~ cOlnm on.
,ob o f pruen ll ns :&Il ent.: rtallung e \'cllI ng, from :) ployed Fe ..... Caf e Ih.1 1 II wOl ke r ",IHlsc IIl1emr lo)
r illce. Workc. s hega n tv lI rA:lm:t: . Thtly d CllInmfc d m ent bene fits hll vc fU ll out IS 110 lo nge r elll!f'!II I1 c<
delicious m eal to great dunCJng pleasure w tth an elght-huu r day They dema nded reasonable
mU<l.c r rnvldcd b y loe Ta n k y', &UI1 Ma l k , 'h e c lub as u m:mpluycd . Few cAlC Iha t l)n e cluld III Ihe I
wo rking ( Ond llmn'l
li vin,ll: bt! lo w th L'; pu \'e rt y le ve l. TIle O CITIOCnl ll,
Part y. w hi ch u<;e J t o be II I,,<' nd u f d ll.' pcnl" le III I he lunlln,; lounth .. lllnll';!ll IIl~ IIl,II ... n ....\)1 1 t1Il\f!l"'",,1,: ~It~i> Jnd hJ.~ been unde r nlllllmJI '!oU
sia nds by an d J ilC:" nUlhlll/o: Thc DC11ltlC IJ I'\. 1.llk .l I.umtnt:ncc I ( ... nnot l'nlph'hl_C .. uIIII..:h l'IUlU~h pl' I ~I~lUn H I" ,Db has IU'" b.:en ilh e ll'd w ll h hiS
10' , but thcy J u llothlflJ: It IS ... lrn u" I mptJ~'\.lh h.· Ihe ImporlJ"l.t: III ..tanliln~ hdlllllj ..ur nq:"",ltm~ "lies <l!>slf,:neII IO;J IUIII OI Icchntll ll ll H e W3!io l old
w II~ II Dl'mU{'r"' h from RCf" ub IIC! Jl b lCJnI If1 41 "T" " t 41f II lll' "'lllululI) 11 Ihcll' I ' IInc to Hlln 111 hiS c()m p ':'lI1 ), \'c h lclc .In d 11!pt'l11 10 thl'
Wh ere ..In w e ;to fro m h erd T hc le IS Ih e P(I"I thull: . he nC~OIl .J lIn" Ifo'.I m \\ III nceJ 10 I'k: ." U(;· \Vh l((:h {lr!!oc ,h eS(! 1 ~ h Ofl fo r d lf eC li o n s fro m liS
hlli ty thJ I we w il l con ll nuc wit h I h l!> duwllw unj le!o.,hd . II 1<;' 1I1l' u n 't'l d J !ll~ u ndkJ uppn rt , )1 t h e fo r,,'n13n . As our lawyer look u p t h IS m atte r on till'
~ plr" l , Wllh t ht: p uur ~e l llll ~ pUIII'c r lind Ih c IIc h t:ll ll re me ml'o~' I ~ h tJl Ilf ~'nH st! 01 "cont emp t of cl;lurt , " ijn,n h l' r S l l! wu n
).;e ll l l,).; nclwr We IIB I )' e ll d Li p wi th .1 t WO' l/ er ]'1 til< C,\\llKAIU, ]iL , P'" ti red uf thl ~ T lll n kl nJ: of j( ~ effect u n hI" h l;.r1 lh
~tl\,; IC I Y wit h lurJ .. . ln J ic / h . It IS .I I.. ,) l'ossl bl!: th ,lI .1(1\1 fv r IJI hl; r 1,IIlu ly f 1!:I~O " S, h e J t:cidcJ I,) re t i re

In J f~w YC Jrs We wil l be ha ck to he lnhm IIIrn1Ud O n beha lf of t he mc m be r s. Busl n t:s .. M a n a~1,' r !-til
of 7't lO 100 )'(Jr'> .II~(l Ii 1<; I"o'is lh l e we ....... 11 hJ \'l' A Holiday Glow 11UlJ Boon e Wish es Brot he r Cu d .... \' 'ilelo\.'a Jl ,I \'~r\
,lrmcJ cun ll lt:1 It ." C\l'll poss lb k ' ..... e wi ll H' JH:" I hlllg lmd hllJ'lpy [e llrCmelli
Ih~' ~U'n JlI n III l.ul ... n J i h e w orkcrs fln a llv o rlo':..In Be Ra il has O1(1pth'd IU 1I11CIC:UnnC~l wllh
1%(' .U1J inS, " I on Ihelr lI~h l ot.. ami the ~U\'c l n m cm orthw e<J:Ttl 's 1:'3.:5 I(:rn 6 C. IJc!lIll,,'S 30li T'fllV ldl'
Il:"polld .. \\ruh lo\. ;ltO fo"JnnlHl" and Ina ... '\. .lI n:S I"; uf (CfvIC.... In compel " "\!) With Nurthwe~ Td
bhm k adc l ~ 0 1 we n1.lY en d up ,1~ .J l l1 wlt h .1 lIIu re (lrt h..... c ..Td . n.:.lt ura ll y. ' " Vp ptls,lIl ,l\ Ihe I J ~.I r ilt:
hU Ill ,We sm:lL:l ~ ,I:> III S w cd~'n ;lIld , w ll:1,: r l ;ll1d wn h IlIH tlil leCL' l 'Jl'.1 a COil)' uf tJl<' a ppJn:.a t lUn, t he re·
,I 1 pC rcl.: l1 t u ll ~'m p l o Y Ill C IH rJ l e w h l' r ~ bJ Slc .dly ~ llOn~ e ~ uf N o r t h w e~T cI J nd H,c.:. T el , :l lI d the
l\'l' r yone Ie; gu.H:lnl ced .. loh (i I1iJ m '\lt ca l C llJ ~' CRTC p uh l l(: nOIlC\! fro m Gc ncu l M:l l l 'I~l.'r Hili
Wh ich wil l II 1)1.'" !leUI}!c must "cau t he 11.'''~1 1II !> Du n b a r T h l~ w~med III be III thc hupc Ihl' IUl:,11
111 IU" l lIr), .IIlJ lIC lllCCHJOlIIg ly Th,')' m\l~1 tJrg,IOI:e .... lIu lJ ... tl p pOfl Nurt hwc: ... r ei
,lIul Io\. Ulk ,",llh Ihe lr fcllilw C lll zen~ mSIi:Jd HI With " h.II"'\'l!m l ike kIc k IIl lhe nbs t,;\'en '"'hlle
J~Jllht them A .. Ben FI..Inklm satd, W\! mu.,t 1111 dl)~'1l1R thc dUlIl. I ht: luc..ll·s ExeCU;l\'e 8(1~1i1 clluld
n,lnfol CtlI!.{·,h":l 111 .I .. ...:ur~tlh, w( .. h,dl .111 hang "C'P hJ rdly deC ide 10 dn :In)'tllLn~ hUI j'i~hl balk ,"II1J
Jr.Hl"h· e;UPllUfl )lllllt.: eompc ll ilun III try and IIldkl
~onhwe ... Td mure ft:.,PUIlMVC IU th~ pubht. "'III
I hl' pu~lIl!Jn "Nort h ....·c~T d h reall y pmvHh n~
a~ ,!locK! ,I s ... , Vlce ;IS liS HOJ rJ \}f l1lrcctors I h tnk~,
Commerce Encourages it need 1111 1 I ~JT com l\etltH1n I hl' lury I, 'o\ d l 11tH
Moves to Mexico 01\ Ihl~

L. U. PiD" 11.' 111 ), W/\ LTl IA M , M ~ !:t .-SlOl": thl.'

bq:L1)I1Ulg uf lh,,' RC..l~Jn .. Jmml~II;l l lUn 0\',,', .,IX
p':.lr, JgO. Ihll ..C 1)1 us m tho;: Amt:uc.lIl WI1JL, fUII':c Local Holds
nJ\'c ~o;:n \\'lIm'~~ t.1I.;! f,;untmuallll<; .. 11£ Aml:llc.m
Inne; III IU'I'I~1I Im p C)f(~ tn dlt~ tall: uf Ih!.!> J;.;c.l
Annual Union Banquet
ma l Hlllllf b.l .. I{ AIDt'IICJIl 1!1JLI~ lr y Il'lpnt::t:d I.lh'Jr t .ll. IS76 1ul. LO WER ALLO Wi\ l' S C Rn ... . :-.J . I,
h,I' hcen In the iurcJrtllll 1)/ p wm ' "ln;: I,m \liI,k On NovC'mb..:r I:; lone,,1 1:"76 h,ld It .. AnnuJI
1q.:lsl.l! w n t holt ,\ lluld ;:I \'~' A I11 ~'rle1l11 w mkc,," ,I U TlI l III B,11l111lr.:1 Om ~ LlI'~ 1 uf hlll1tlJ Ihls ye.1r \"';I~
H~ h lln~ c h ll n l~ In Ltl llI pC H ' w ith flll Clgll j.(1)lhl~, Sh own i ll l h cS l' p i nllr c ~ :Ire V (ll llI l' l'l't ~ rro lll t orllb Illc W lt:o Il ICU .. k, whn reined In l.l n llJ TY ,I It Io!T U
hOl h H' I h l' UtIllH,:"IIC :IJ H.lIl\'C I .,C,j ~ 1l 1. lrkr.:I~. It h J S 2 7 1 ~ nd 1523, Wie hh l, . Ka ll!o" w ho Pili LI p Ihe yl'. l r~ In th~ unlllll Th ~ hJnquct WJ\ held at j"\I I ~"lI''io
[1I..:l· 1I I lil' ~'tn~I~ll'm plll h':Y (If t he R1,:JAJn .ldmln C hri \ l llI a~ d,' cU I ,lI i un " ill Il u WIIII," II wi c h ilJ , III GI J ~sh\'rt1 lot: rcccl .... ..:d a Jtllid Wn"ilwCltlh !rnm
1.. lr,II I\ln II! J¥J.trc'isl\·d} re~IS I .lilY ~uc.h n llde k~ Ihe local Othl' l JottLl;"[" Jt Ihe h.ullluel WCll' mCID
,~IJlllln by IJbtlmg It.l~ helll):. JClnnH'nlJllllthe h~'r., III thl' ",,<,u:rn (,UlIlllil ;lnli IIlt·luht:l'" ut LncJI
~rI1'" Ih of tree enll;'trnw 10 IhlS C(lUlltr}'. ;lml ... lI Volunteers Pu t Holiday 11:0;
JIICmllb III p.I ..... 1;111 "",lk le';I!>I",clIII'I UliO 1;110\. h ..... Spirit in Downtown Thl.: t:\ellm~ l.on)I .. \o.::J III d co~klJII huul tul 111\\ o.::..!
~n·1I mCI Will! I h\.· th"" ... , nl J. lue .. IJ1,:nu.d \'1.'1\1 hy oJ hurict tlu, . o:m.1l1h:li [Jut 1m the I,hu."lilll uf
t;l~I~ h.1n' t.:1)mc W I I ~hl I h :! t Ilcmull!>tr,lI C lU'>1 L. U. 15 23 lId, W1C III'I A, ... Ar-.... I ill' ()!IU~I.I"" Ill..: C\'ellln~ I hl: tlrl'n h,1( 1.... tcJ 1111' ellt l le ~n; ntnt-:.
huw Iolr tn\.' pl <':~~' llI Rl' p ubllUIIl ;t J!1H"'~t.,l1 11111 V. dl thl;,llle Cht\~IIII,h Jl·CHr.lllim, Wl'll ~p,l l k h lllo\ hllh b .>eT}'One h. I1 I .lJl l·nJ())'. l hl~ 1I1'1l~, The on ly pr. )hI L·m
~II to Illf I III.' cu/h:l~ uf h\~ h Ll ~l nl'~~ ,II t h~ e!\ lh'!1SC Iwlld.IY "1111 11 ,dt r.:r v(lIU(\It:l'r1'i pUI up tht: Ir"ht .. \"'II ~ Ihe [)I'~ muo d S},11e ll1 Bm I'm Vl'ry h''I' ]1 )' IU
Itf '\IllC I 1(.[111 Illb~ til th..: ncccm b ~r 6 l::;~ue III 111\: hl·J.l I!lIl l ll,i:. JI "JO pm 1111 1 1111,1\ N,I\<'m hl.'r 1 1 ~,I )' th.lt Ih e proh ll'm 1'0',1.., lin.llI) It'cu llcJ by the
Af'L (10 ,\d~\, cOluntnl~ 1 Gel1t: lJl;'k fI.··lltlrtl'll Beton.; Ihr \tllllllt~·CI~ ~1"'~l'(1 ItJ \'IlIrk . ti u.')· Wl' le \'~'n l,tlelHI'J Tuny DeR Il'U:I) '1111 1)" .HI c!ct.:.HICIJII
,thOUI etrOri S nl.ltl,,· b\' Ihe ('LHl1 m~'rel' DCP;lIll1ll' lll .111 h'll ... "'IIIlJl"lu l 1I1t:"ll'fI~\IJ\.'J h\' Ihl.' \\H,hl l.l wh" was JIU~nJII1~ thr.: tUlIltHln ,o;r3clOu~l} ... Jlm:
In Jetl \'l"iV cnCIllIfJ~e :Inti prullwlt' thl' l"'lirWIIII,I;. .lIt: ... l h.llntwr 111 CUllllnrrH vlltuotl ... r \\l1Iker ... nUl UJ Ihc .Jmlil.:ncc , ;lnd .lhcl "'tIIkll1~ 1m ,I\'I,~r :r
ul Am<'nl.11I IlIb~ .Juu,", Iht" bu.Jt;1 III ,\h.:XICI) fl·p.ll.l,J JIIJ hun~ Iill' I n'''nto'"'t1 : hnslm.l .. JCl h ... 11 hour lin IhL' sound ~'·"I~·m. h;lll us d.lnl.lUK til
,\u:mJII1,i; 1\1 \h bd: til\.' ReJ.gJn ..IJmlllhu.ttltln 1I ... III~n) jln .... lln: mbu 21 ,!nJ rem."l·J th..;rn lIfl Ihe musIc ;1~.11I1 ,\btl}' Ihank~ IrUin tilt: R,1IhlU1;1
~r~'ru $167 .00t) ullhe tJ~rJ.}·~·r'io· mUl1(''t' III PfUll1lHC IJnll.I' .... ~ l'hP Tht: l:l1Inp.lJIll" .1IIt.! tlfJ!,jIll;::ilIIUfl!> lllnmHttee .IIlJ Judll· nl.l' Itl TUn),
J thre"uav C",pO}~IIH1n 111 AC.lPU!cII . ,\\CKII..U, In hUl' u'Hllu'J III till" iwiLJu)' P"lll'lI w~' l e hHl.rtlJllulU I 011 I),,'\.cmhcr 1 J \0'1.' Iud th~' Chll,hcn ~ LIlII"1
\rl1\;IIC a ll Jh lll ~ Ulru~:> the It I!! CrJ. IIJr.: wherc t h~'re I\W illl.'rilOUd \I ! [!t:t.trll.d Wurku, l U":J!~ 111 ,Intl nu~ 1'1I 1t )' T hl.' Pa rt'. ~(I mm ll ll'l.' ((')IIS I ~ I III~ 'I I

I IS a 1t:'1I11)' 'ou p p l y 11 1 UII J l 'l).Il J , I'IlH1U I1 lOTlIZeJ wil,k

I 0;2'\ l h<: K,II1 ~,h IW H.ilHltll h~1r'..:r III lilt.: N.III' IIl. t1 my~t:' II , Brcn d ll IJ II ~C ' I dllc ~ w llel. ,Jl\J SU:lt! C": I n t)·
cr ~ lie .lho rel)ort~ Ihc Cummercc lJ ep.u llm' n l E,leu l'I(:.1I CI)lttr,lC' t'lI " A"~!ICHlIHIll . n 6. I) r.:. le(; lJ lc ICl ll p's wl fel wo k Cli fe 0 1 org .lIl1:: lIl ~ I h e f,'VC IlI
IllJ ti e d 120,000 hnu.:hur~~ w A mc lIl;llll tlrm\ t'~Ul Illc , I >t: l tJ Ell.'lI l tC' C\lInp.III }', S,,'ll t ~ L.lIlJ 1.'n In c, ThIS m duded ~l' u mg F.II! ~ U UI.'''" . )ns II)( .11 1 t hlO
mit ,hi.' bCl'ldlt.. I~ I trJn~fl'lIln~ .J!> .. em h llnl!, Vpt!fJ 'Illl'lIn tied'" CUlIl l'ol ny, Jnd nlJnv (lth~' 1 ..k · ctlllu , cn pl ':lfln!ll): to .H IL'I1J, pU ILh,lslng J n J pick
111m .. II1tu Ihl' m u sh l llllll1l11K III J u~[n.ll complex rJrlInenh I wrn th..: City <11 Wn. hll.1 E...cryt+lle Inn u p the Klh~, purd' ''''lIlg th e h)t,J, JnJ secunn,it
.lI..ftI:>'io Ihc Rill C.1.lndt,; v.helc Ame ll coin li rrn .. tllulll r.:1111)\":U;) Hill' Cn'fllnt III hllhda\' ~T'HIl Ihc h.d l ... nJ the en ll'tlJlIlmenl On Dl'lt:l1lbcr "
l'nll)), t.lnff tt.lJ~·olt:s and oJ low \oOo' J~I' work tlllll~ Nc'~' cunliJU hOllk .. ,ue nllw III nU l 11)&;.;11 ,.IIkt,' \\1; heM..I "" r.applllg e~~lun T h.mh go 11m t., l hl'

lor .alht·mhly ",urk llllU~ dUlle In tin' USA As..l II }IIU h.J\1,: nut rc~el\ed \ou .... ";Unl.lCI llUJne WI'J~'" 01 )1.' .... ("'1 BJlIlhCf'''i fur the ir hdp. T hese
f1,' .. ult l.Ii thIS kind nf aJnunI!>lt.1twn enCOUIJltt' NUllhck III ~"ur loclil unl(lII "'ew,,,J WI\l'''; IIldtu!c Hrend,. rll~CO, L"rl; ll.l h(\.kk,·,
m cm. AmCIILJn Ilrm .. hJ v1.! Inve~ t eJ JIl:llrly S:! 1 h~'n:'1i I1 l1 t IIHllh ~UlI1~ nn 1Ill)Ui .U ~.I lI.;hl nllw L h c!)'! CIII.1C(.hll1, CrnJy Wertman AI1I I ~' " l lIrIl'
b.Jl."n Bl j\ 'k XlcJ n Jsscmhly pl .1I11 .. ,mJ In thl' ti t he r Ihan ..I 1111 {II UltUl' I,LtHlIUlJ I\lb, lx: ,ni\ com· llJls t l'3 d Pc:)tJ.;)' H 3 1 ~,~' ... d, an.1 1lI )'~I· 1t III thre r.:
proCC!iS ...... Iped nUl t ilt; ll1h .. uf I t' ll ~ o l thO ll'i.ItHh I ii 111ctcd hr ~ I th uIHll' l,J: ri,unJ C I ":W~ .lIId 11\·edh:.1J Ihlu rs w ~' wr.I I'fl~·d .JIUJ h.IJ.l,I;I',J ~I ft ~ fill 110 dIlIJ I t: !)
U . ~. wor k t:J ~ (fC"'~ In tilt,' '"v te h ll ,1 Lillt: IJl·r·lll1tlcn t III 157 6
In It);h t II! IhlO ~c la l:ts. It I ~ !.':3.,y f() ~!.':..: (he PJ ... :;.I~C II Jnyont: h.l" .111\' nl.'w'i 0 1 lIHC I l!'iot p iCHI.' "1.'nd " " lIle lUII~I .ItUI. II IlIl I ~ Jo:\} (H II Ihl!> 1111ll1lh On
uf e lfl:C ll\C 1I .ld l. legl5l.lI lUn t h.ll wil l ~u .lr .l /ll el· 11 IV nil' T hl~ Jhu glle,> UUI 10 11l.J 1I)' lit ou r Bnllhr.:b N\I\c lIlbc r 17 Brl'llh('r T nm MJhull":y all J Ill ... w.£L',
whu hllw H:llrcd <iu. If .my 111 YI}U h.IVe Jny news >
1.1.11 tude ..InJ d(l~t: .h e !alii! louphulc!> thai In ... k~ L..I UIJ.. J.nnouncc.l Ihe hlrlh u l LUlren MJJlC ,\'1) II
th e CXPOrtJ I lI,1I1 tl' t\ l1ll'lIcan Itlh~ h'J') l ble b J 1,'.. III pu.:tuu.':> ul tnte rl'SI ~elhl ,h~'m ,I) me 1,"- ,II"'l'c huot.holnd C;C(lU Jndl, B.nharJ V.Jn WJ.l;nl.l Jrc 31so «
pl'I,n dy ncetll'd 1(.) prul l!C I the Amew:an wmk thJ I the, ""III get r11ll1t:d Allt'nJ HIUI next tnfOJI H'ry h:lpp~ til .J nnuun ... c 'he bll l il III OUI J.lu,.;htt'l II
furl.c In tlh' IJS[ Ih'c ¥ClI ' '', we hll\'l' "CCfl 1/\ lor mn;lIl1;: ~1 t't(,t: J c .. \1nl~.1n 1)11 '\I(I\'l'mb~ , I Un l l! IICXI <Xl
1';0,00 lobs tn"'l 111 I he 1'leC(fOillC ,tnd ch·c l m':.11 nllln t h u.
IniJ U~ III """ glnne \\I lIh"UI " I Ju ngc r ,uh i ma lt,' "' 1f ~C
IIH II atil' 1<' ~ I~I .ltl o n , h lJ""" m a n y IlHl h': A III I.' III ,111
Illb"t wil t b e IO!H in I h e 111.'.!l 1 IWI) }'e,l r ~i If A nle(!C,l n Local Weathering Its ~
..... lJ rkc rs a rc to ~U I\'l ve ll!o:l v l,l hl e .md CO Ill PCIIII \'l' Problem with Company Retirees, Charter Office rs :::l
lu rcc III th e Wl lIlJ mJ lki.: t. th ey ne.,.tl a t1 ,;hll n~ Enjoy Retirement Party o,
.md IJl r c hJ ncc . Cum ;!,, 1 you r leXl s lottors. JnJ Il' l L. , 157 4 (I lIot til. \\ Hll't.1I0RSE . YU KON TI:. RK. -
t hem Imuw I he unly w a y 10 cum b J t In c 10tJII)' 011 the fOile d Il'lJn:'n1e/U 01 B r Ol h e r '-'tew3r t ;111.1 LU . 16IJO (e m ). O LEA N. N. Y. Ll)cJ.1 1690 'io An
c;:ulluu"j :llI d ull.'Io}lUpa lhctlc .11 II tude 111 the R e.J~al1 \1 .. lel W lt!>iln H .n'ID): JOOSl thc II p ('C'al ul [he tn· flu JI kt?tIIcJ1lclI! r ... ny "'J.S hdJ ~111 OCWrn: 1 Ib
" J IllIII ISl r .. t10n towud I hl;' Amcllc;ln w OIkel l!o b.,· Junction, I hl: Cl ~ mp:!ny ";~'l'ms ttl h...... L' leHh".l b it I \186, .It th,,· I'ula ... k, C'luh. AT' IIIU~lm.ul'ly 181
OI l l1umltl.IIHlI1 nn Curley Slo.::W..I 11 Rl othl"r ' t l'Wll fl r euf1 lc :ltl endeJ T h l", )'e ..ll ~ re luC!es Jn J th t:LrYc. , ..
r J ,"lRg Sl rn nj!e l n ilJI' law!o 47
In cl n slUK, I J In .!Io ure: \lU I mcm h ~·r .. ;!fl' a ..... :ul· !I'.Jt 1111 m.lII )' "t'Jr' h,ld th~ lub II I p o w ~' r eqUl p mcnt J' II I ' l' n 'ice Jtl.' A n nubc ll C 1J v"nn. 19 yelll", ~ Jr J
Our deepesl ~Yn1p3Ihy )lOl'.\o QUI iii !lIe fUllllly 01
Retirees Holiday Fun BrOlhC'r J o~ Urown who Il:l~~l'd a ......ly quill' s udden ly
lou: In 1986. IIc ....'Ill be mlS.scd by all
I than k the me m bc l ~ and lJavc!e rS wh o hn \'c
SUI'I}\JCO me with pho t o~ lor the lovlna} liming
the PIISI ),C:ll Ket'", them commg
lut LkuMrn,o,:, 11 .1.,

Appre ntices Honored AI

Second Annual Dinner-Dance
Shown (rom h:h to fight ;arf! lilt'- l'}H6 re.,i1l!:t'-S uS L U. 1788 \illtol. iORO NTO, 0 T.- l11e D;ululg'
Lou l 1690, Olu n, N.Y.: Alloabell laysolJ , San ton Nuclear Generall"); Project IS slI lI t he mllior
AntU, ahel McCauley, Caro line Ilelll1 l"Rla n, lor - employcr 111 ClU I nl l!Jl with (I\'er 1.000 e1ettnCI.11l5
ra in e Co rn diu$, Do rotk y Pur, :lIDd Pegg y Ewlug. cm ployed ir("\111 II1l1ny scuars of lilt: I,fovlnce and
M iss ing (rom photo ",c re Betty Wyviork;ll and from d ificrt'nl ;Ut.1S of lln.1da. T hIS pro)e:CI Will
Dorothy Holl owell. Im.l.~.. hly I.:a ll ), "i;ll:".al uUinbtr Cii U.ldC':~m n through
Ihe Wlllter, wuh :.pprox lm:ueiy 7,000 tradesmen
employed .:II the IHc.$cnt lime
First Officers The- I,"~s ,md St attons sectors ,nc cxpcncncln~
lAyoffs .:Ind tr.iln~r~IS at the IHe'>l:nt lime , nUt tnc~'
..... 111 be busS llf..:1Ln \1\ <earl)' 5pnn!l,
Appro\,.l l ","',.Ii gl\c.n tu purcha'ie a comrlUtCI
SY".itt"1n mrouro/fice. A recent Can.1dlOlIl frdl'loition
.,( uboul Cnnvenllon WllS helJ In Toronto and
;i ltcnJed by Jjruthcl!> C ... nr~e Wynne, Ed Chcnsue.
During tht' h olida1'~ I Il l' 8 i,: Ri,' ers members sh:ut.d .and O.lve Creeden Brolhel Brucc C.lllo..... ny w.as
good foo d ~ nd l Oh uf " 'mbMy," sworn III ;I, ElI.\:l;utIVI.' Uu.uJ IlIcltlbct to All the
pm,lIon \.:u.: ;Jled by Brothcl BIll Rcrnolds ,
2, 19S6. lit: W.I't om mE.W Im'mflt'r f(u 26 "(;lIS The second Annwl ApPlcntlct'!lhlp Aw;:nds Din
Brolher loseph Ray fhyden du·J nn OCtubel '1 nel Dilnce w.a~ held lit the: Ramad3 Inn on O(.tuh('r
PiclUred is lil t sl:l le o f original o[fu:e fs " ' ho cllrl , - He W.lO;; a ch3f1cr mcmber of Loul 1701 and W35 a lti, 1986 Of the'" appll'nllccs ..... ho .....eft' ehglblc
t l!t ed ,Ill:! local i n 11>5 1: ~':l rgo bga n, f llnk So- "try .1el\\'C mClnbCI of o r~anl::::.cd la.bOl He ~\'I\I!J [0 ~ttend only 21 W\iIC: ;tble tt) attend The sue·
kohl ws ki, He ir" Arm.s uonx" D(J rolhy Hu rre ll . Ill'- JS b;.tSliless m.magc-r of nUllocallrom 1961 to 1967 ces ful 3pp'C.lltJ~t:S were T're5cnled ..... lth 11 tc:rtLll
Ipll S(l ko lo ws k i, :an d Beck y Donah ut.. ;JnJ o1g1lD hom 1974 10 1\1117 He rt'tlred In MJl', Clllt' from Ibe: IDtern3uoo~1 OHic,e :IS ",ell .1.50 :J
I"~), ,her .1g l'C.lrs of ~elV l ce 10 labor 3nti Iflt.' plaque on bl'tI;tU l,f Lvc'}J 1188 and OntJ11O Ilydro
IBL V Loc:l1 1 i'01 Wishes tOCXPttS~ II~ condolcnces Thcl.: was II ~tc ..... .uds IIJInIDR cnur!le held (It Ibc
Ante,. !i }'c;n.,; Rhea MtC.lulc.:y 12 ~-e;EIS
W thl! lamlllt~s aOlllru.'mh 01 Brothers II. V Mute- unton h.all on ~O\'emhc:r 11 :1Dd 12, The mSHU tors
Ime.: Hennemllrl lJ }'c.:ilr~. LUlI.llIll 17
UHldIU!, lor this COllllloC were BU!iilnc~s ManOigelloe .t\'lulh ... 11
hC:lIl A O. Mt1rg.ln, :lnd RlIY Hal·den
ye.1r . DOIOlhy Pnar 20 years; Pt:',ttgl' [wtnj:\. IJ and Chief St\:w.1rJ of D:lrimglOn Vl olect lohn
yC2tS. 8c:u)' \-\lrV1o,ka 27 )'l!'iU~. "ml Dowlh.,. Umon eon .. truction wul'k In Lo!:... 1 1701·s lUllS
JI.:tmn ColO <,1111 h[' tit!'$cllhed as silln It I none MIJ"t SpuckC'1I There ",'cre 20 Local17HS membe'!. who
Hllllu wd l. Iii yC.ilrs. We utC"nd OU r Mlleere Wishes attended Iht: twu-dJY cnur~.
It) c.:.&ch r(11 :t h.lpf1Y an..! he.dln)' rcun'men!
"I ilUl ~DnSllllCIHm memher.. 3rc on the 10.1d 1
w.tnt to IcmlnJ cvcr}'om- IU duvt' "",Ieh-· .Ind uCln't ltcncanC'c.n tbe D.lIr1tn~lOn Unu mt:ctlll~" has
Ahm pTt'srnl ;II Iht" ,ilnnn Wfrc the offi,"l:l~ IUI~cl ) vur ,wt(lh(J.tt nn rcbru.:ary 1-1 In ICol.'ied ent:lui1.h tu cnilblc us to ubuLn J l,ngr.1
ougln,l(]Y 1C''>ponslblt: Iln ch.ut(.'lln~ our UDIOn In hllil Tht UIlIt mCCl1nt; I~ nnw held 3t Ihe Bow·
1951. I e., MJtJotr.l tag.IIn, rrank Sokoll>\l.slCl, Helen Our monthlv mt'cllng '¥I'III be feblU..IIY 16 "YtlU
m,;m\"llle Legton liall
n;Jrri:n 10 he In to .... 11 ilwp In
A,"l'~uun&. Ourl'llh), Burrell Hdcn 5okol~I'.nil.l
.:ml.l Becky Dunilhue, We owe !l debt 01 gr.1lllurJe RKJI,,~n B TlluM"U:o. II ~
l.., th~M: uffice::l~ lor the:: hard .....Ql k and d('dlc;iUun
(hey dlspLlved during tht' c;I,ly YC3r'l 01 Qu r luc~I's Work Scene Bleak
lu,m,1Imn and wc hope 10 ~~c Ihem ~:!> ..... .::11 as ~Il Bull Shooters
01 our rc::t1r('t:'i oIt next "'(Ilr'~ dlnnci At Reading Works
Mu RAnlIlU:-< P ~ L. u. 189(1. ~e ru t L' RLLDAlE, Il A ._On O\.'u:m
MI;~ M"LO'E. I' S ber 6. 1986, thl:' local held the Annu.l1 ChrtMmas
Dmncr·Dance III the Srllng ro-hrket B.askt't 811nl1111"1
H.aU. West Lawn Pennsyhama Alte r an e~cclh:ol
Service Pins Presented mt!al everyone cO)oycJ :I change (If p:Jce w\lh
At Annual Christmas Dance
I "
,. 8 ' I"lthcr BailY McKently 's vct:Slon nf Let'$. "lake a
Deal MU~lc lUI danqn,tt ..... as prOVided b) Cu)'
LU. 17U I li.u,u&eesl. OWENSBORO . K" .-LoL.al Crcco :md thl! Sdmt~, ,md a mee .ura)' 01 doo r
1701 pr~~c"nlcd t.!."\ICr: [lms 10 members v,,'ho h.lve plI'ZC~ ..... a'l ~w;lrd ... d to lucky ticket hoMelS /I.,;()I)Cl
20 or morC' ycars membcr .. hlp In Ihe t OlIN ill Ihe lime was hlhl hy all Thanks to the SJ"!clal !i~r\ICI!
Nflvcmbl'r llIonthly mecHng. Receiving 10 YC;11 CommllteL: rOI worklllJ; su hard 10 m3ke Ihe eVil::'
p~ns ""tie 1'I.Hcn Abel, lake 8:.dl'rucher, RJY 83_' OIng.:1 smJ\.htnA 5UCc.e~!i
,&I:U, MJke Buskill, 'oho h.1ppdl Bud Couk, Ch.:uks As I \I.'role thiS di llcie, the At.. t snv.....• ul the
C rccnwdl, Tom HJ.I n =, Jj]ll1e~ Kamul , Rr.U1el Lowe, Local 1739, B:trrie, Ont " Ihother, l im Ron, D:u ,t ",'.. o;no W,A bllmg nn 1111' Rt·allin,. nre,. Snllw hilS
l.lrry McM:lhnll, Cordon I'I!)'DC, Marndl Smuh O t' ~ ' (leh es I",ho .s ho t the- bu ll moo ~c in Ihe lo"t· a way uf beautifYing the bleak, drJb look of the
and Ron Town~enJ BW lher Leroy M(Cull~' and gruundl, :. nd 1(ll1n l-bwkin .lie lookil1!1, quitl." Jlh'as rd cold $C 350n Ulhl11g Cdn beautify the look uf lhl!
Broth-cr Bub Webb rece ived 2S}'car pJn~ Thlr( )' ahi!r b:'&gi n); ,h b rJlle . work scene her I! .:1t th~ Redding Works 011 AT&T
YCill p i ns werc presenH" \ 10 Don CIJ I'k dnd IHllI e .. It '" wllh heaViness of he,," we luok IU the fUlUte
I-llp:an RecelYlng pinS fm ~ 5 yea r Wt r..: Herbert J ~ Ihe wfI!k scene sh{l .... s no Improve m ent I .. 3),
>- Chapm:1n, Phdllp i)cma rest, CllHVIl !1:1gcrmiln, Local Celebrates Year this J.!. \lte tUl1lcOlrtlate the: po!llbWry of h)sLnj1
a:: unu DUll VanWm kl e. We \0\'11111 to tlJngr.1t ul.lle Jnti more of ou r BlOthc-rs :100 SIS l er~ to Itl'll)ff~ Wht!
« Ihank lhc~e tllelllbers who rep rest"nc 3 tm.d III
Of Full Employment (hcle is talk of work·force t-ed\lct l\)O, iht"Tt nrc
a:: mme than :l,ll) YC:HS of St:I\'ICC to t he IB EW L U, 1739 [i&oj, BARRI E, ONT.- Wdl, wc ended Somc departmenls wllrklOg six Jl"\d seven 11 ,I Y~ :J
\.,.eek l but tllI~ IS IYllltul 1'£ lhe way thIS buslllcs~
UJ Ltl(:,d 170 I ,"cleb ra lt'd the holId a ys wlth.a Ch l·I ~I·
mA~ lhllttl' on Novc m b<! ,- 2S .:I I Ihe Dnrl1ck Club,
;ll1mhc l gOl IJ wnrk. yt:.:I 1 /01 you, loc~Ji ..... 1111 the
pleasure of h,nm.l: m'j· r ,"\on Il rmhrr Ifllvrk r.. lrnm nptr31cs
RdrcshmcnI'i wer.: fUrnished by the Emert,lIn · C(l;(' 1 t o coaSC work,nlt In flllr.1lCtl Al l nur members 1 wou ld hkc vn<:e ,Lgalll to en(IHlrage each and
men! Cumnllttcc, lind the " Ml dnlj\nl Fl )'ers·' hl l ' h:l ve i:lljoycd 1.I1ll1thC I yea, oUull t l"Il!U~' I1I i:"t The cvery one of }'ou to aHcod the t Cj!,uta f mec t \t\!;'i
Ill~hcd du. mU!>lc. COnKt ,lIll lauolls III M I and Mrs.. .....0I k. 1111:(11/1,' In [J ur lite;) .1 1 ~o ILlOks AlloJ h)r the hd d Ih e second Friday o f every mon th Day ~l\l h
la1lll:s Weak l l'~' ..... ho Cclebnltcd Ihelr olJ l d we dding Ill onths to C\Ul~c and th lld shjft mC~ lI n~s !oUrt 1118 P Tn . and second
annlVCI'Iliry at Ihc Annuul hri s lmJ.5 Dance . 0111 ChTl,tmas pan} WJ~ hdd un the 2'.1th OJ sl ll ft a t 12: I ~ ~.m COrnc (J Ut tlnd lOIn 'l"I)UI 8 1C1lhcr5
I regre l 10111(1)) In Y{IU (,I I hl' death of th ree retllcd Nflvcmber w ll h a ~oOlI liunOUI .lnd 1111'> til .:ooi.l ,IIIJ ~ 1 r.tl!I~, 1I1l~1 61h1 QUI n f5 I h, H~d .... hJ'·s ~I)II'\~
mC lll h(: r ~ 1"1 1 LoC31 t70 t I)lllthc l II V Mllrd,clul, hmd lind r d rt:~h m ent~ un, and eXC I CISC )'nur 1I }t11l 10 ... me 0\1 vlta l l!o~lJCS
..... h u I Cllrd 111 Ilil y, lin?, ,Iher w(l l kll1g ,l.l years Bl othcr:. It)hn HawkJn!t, 0:.\'1: DeMl)chl'!>, und ~ce you a t Ih c nc:u mccllng . ...... e 'li bl; cx r)o.:ctln~
III Ihc mEW, dIed on Seplt.'lIIbcr 26 IJrot h c, A 0 lun Ross t tllll1l' Ih a )' ba ve hi,:t: lI '1hMting a lin of }'llU Un ti l next lIllH::, Cud blcs .. 1L 'i II ll
48 MU I ~,lI\ rC IHl'll III OC lobe l , J9flO, and t' I ~J OClobol: l " hull" hti:])' 111111 'e n, mc a pi Ct u Uo' II) p m ve II , LAD", W utN I.... kl , (I S
\3 SJvmF,s 01 millions of dollars but a t 01 I;U"it uf
Christmas Cheer of lht" ;HULk lIl'IIlU.lled Ihe .... ~.I:(:!> wt:u: nut d ...
900 lob 1. "O'Wcns Corllln); uyoff~" leli mlllauun
st"f\'ed AI 11'11" 1~11I111 I thdln thmk I wuld Icad
.any m orc O l lh l ~ nnn'lensc. I glanced 10 Ih e bollom of 700 to 900 lob ... III Newa rk, Olul), .150 lObs III
of the IHt lde lur II (Itllck louk :11 Ihe h lU~r a l'hll: a l Kansns City, Kansas, 2'10 Iflbs III S.l n l') C l.lrJ , .I nd
m forma lw ll aboul Ih", a Ul hm , a mi Ih"' l1 I undel 550 lobs m Ba mngton . Nc w IC I "~'y "Southern
slUod bettCI .... hy (""I" rl: .. dlll~ wha ll was rcadln..: P:lClfic To C u t Th ud of Work Fmc\:" jllycr 111, 000
T he aUlhor waS ~teJ'llt:nl .. bot. a >;enlOr pannel lobsl . " Koda k T il es To u"ie 1):1111 (I( WayaH..... (Iouk ·
In Ibt n~u(lnal I,.w lilm Ilf Ileehntr, Dnrfman,
Ing OIl dlsmlS'iInK 13,000 cmplcJ)'cc: J. "C M T o
Wolhe Rnumc.k . .and Cahllt 10 Phll .. lldphla The ClOSe II Planb Ellmlnale 29,000 lob " Th" ....·tll
firm Il.:rrl·'>l:nt.!o m,lll.lJ;cmenl exclu!)IYciy In ;III 5nc $500 million Fhnt 'WIll lose 4,000 m(IIe lub..
f.l cC I lit I.lho r rel,m ons. A I the conclu I(In of tht And the list 1'1 ;II most r-ndlcss
Ban ks a re III l1oubll"., 1I ov<! r t he counlry. Ccn ll :.1
published dnbble m asque radlnt: liS an Ilpln lOlI, I
Ba n k lind TruSI W;I,S Ihc looth ba n k 10 Call III 1')!ol6
wno; f Ur\lIu .. and dcu: nn med It! r"'ph' I W,I ~ tun
In 1985 120 failed " B;ln k {If Amc ll ca W d l [Imll
Inte t
One weck latc i n t C.lde, Ldentlfied only ~~ ~1J ry nOl le 5,000 lob ;and Scll A~,>cts."
cw lobs wun ' l rc:pl3tl' nld one .. Amerte3ns .ICC
£. Sne , hen l'lJOCeedeJ I\) ukt: Ihe emaru:nt 13wycT,
findtnJ; lobs, hut Ihe hlnnK 11 mostly 1m u:mrmar)'
Mr. Cabot, over th\· {(),)!s 111:1 eloquence J'Okcd :a
and part-lime lobs. t\'\;Inattemenl's Ico;ponslhlhty
bole In Mr C:loot .. hl~h '''l u'~1 b.. llnon ~hc 5.1Id,
IS, profits. nOl l(lb~ Prollt'! and j;ulden pa ra..:hutes
in pa n , "It I'> lIur- th:n '\.U llIl' u11lun .. have he n
U.S Su::cI There went 111,000 11Ibs j Greyhound,
weakened or dntr0YL'd In Icu:nt yt:,I1~J bCll lLl nlnJl,
32,000 ,obs " l-cll ~ Should n 't ,0.: 1 the Cred it for
w ith Rona !d Rc.IA.. n ' ~ W.hlln/;: of Ihe ,11r con n ol
H:lllle:;.~ ' ng In ll.lIlDll ." Anyone could Cll t dow n
ler 's \U1IOn , HIS actton knt l'nCllltr ,l~l'lIIe!H and n
m flll ll on by throwmg 12 nHllum peopl e out uf
st range kind of rl'''rct:labtl ltV to unuJIl hll \ t lnK t!1.1 1
work On )'01,1 knn .... what I" happcnlllg III Hou~ l on?
hll'! no w 'teerne d III h"vl! taken !In: 1'1.1£1.: 01 collce·
P("oph: II rc abandontng thcLr ncw hllmcs' We ;lrC'
live barg.;llIllng In nUIlY c~ ...c,
mtn;l monurnenul deprl:~slon . ee l thc pH. lUre'
" EYel1 foreign eomrw:tHlon I not ullielcnl It)
bllng .Jbout the m:ln;a~erncnt empluye!::: Jl:aIlI1l' r h h lrH X-.... \·U:-IE II{ 1'<;
sh Ips Ihal Cahot d r ("am~ of Thert" coin neYer bt:
coope ration In a n ytiung wtt huU I eqLulLlY on bm h
~ I dcs. and m.1L1.1ge llh:nl nm on ly bold .. VII .. t pOWe r
Members Turn Out For
OVC r li S ern ployees, DUt hOI " nCller eX:II.:tly demun Festive Holiday Party
strated LI S mcltn:uLlIIl ttlwa rd aitrua..rn Cu\lectlYe RETIREES ASSO C IATIO O F L_U. J , NEW YORK,
I~::;~<~~~~"o~I'<.LOu l 1898 ;art shown b.1 rgaLnmg I'> certamly not ou t 01 f;lshlon YCI"
Old M.iIl ry hll the n;u l on th( head Of wh.illl~ 1
N, Y,. 81l00KLY C HAPTE R On Wcdnc.sday.
Dccembt:r 10, 1!I!ol6, the R r l)okl~'n Chapt er htld 11'1
thmk sht's met somt of OU I NYI'A m.ul;lKcmcnt Annual Chn .. t,n.ls·ChanukJh Party .II the Columal
Have your he.a IUlJ; hills been d rasllc.JlIy leduce.,) M:II'I)lon In Brooklyn It W:l" 0111 elal:Hu .lle :md
Storer Hourly Employees O\'e r wh at yuu 'Vt' p,lId Ih( l.l~ t few year r If not, I fC5 11 \'4.: affair '1he catered lianner W,I:-. preceded by
Vote for the Union won de l w h y! C h eLk th ese f1~ures :IS rW\' ll1"d hy
the [ nc r,:;y Informll tLllll Ad m lll l",wlIll llI IIf t he lJe
a Sll m ptuou~ cIIl. kt ad hnu l ....·It h 16 hot .I nd cu ld
L.U. 2100 (u), LO UIS VII, LE . KY. [ tr uM every hUH. d·.\ClIVrcll li n d a L'I open bal T h e m US Ic WlIo; for
pll rtm l'n! lIf Encr~y N(ItU ril [ l\n~ p ncl:~ I.h,lrged by d .. nc1l'lg-illseo, big band , l au n, they di d II ,al l
mem her ha d II 'ill f e an d en Juy.lble hoil d.IY 5C310n U_S. p mducc r:;. h:IYC llroPl1I,: J 24 percell I fro m the
10 dose out 19M, ;Jnd welcomed 1987 comnllttcd T he program eumrnt'llc ed Wit h 8 rother !"rank
first half o f 1984 10 Ihe: firs t haU of I\.tR6 Pncc'So R;1lrllcc leadmg the a .. )",mbl.lgt trI ~ingtng Thl! Shit
to your n::Spccttve resolutions for large Indusllles h;lvc bec" .. la~hed 21 pe rc.:nl
The loc.:l] ', Chnstmll'5 p r C'icnt lei II sclf W3.!t :I Spt1flKled Banllu_ Brotht:r Paul PJ:UI gave cht ben -
AYe rag.c fC"ldenu;t[ r:w:s fur that pcrmd have Ul" ed iction, ChauTnlln Be rn ll rd Monllo')e made.:! sho rt
new AT&T cnmputcr sy:.tcm. The union made crc3sI.'d .l percent 1
'corr.." " , will ulti mately serve a the h,ca l', main weieom ln): speech and then p resented a pl;ll.l ue to
What 'S th", ru l n t III a ll Ihld It k lt1d uf lend'! Broth e r Sidney . Ian for hIS dedl c;t II On to th e c htl p ·
by housmg 11 11 mfo rrnlll lOn and lI.,ungs crcdlbl !t ty to what M:uy Snet h en ~:I )':;' about t~ r.
mamu m cd tlltl nu :1l1y nn w 1 he SYMcm wil l ~rc3 t1 y wo r klt1 /.t pc(lp lc h an Kln>; IOge l her 10 IUll k " ftc i th eIr
enhll nc!! ou r recil ll t.llPll bthCLCS far mfo rrna lion T he gre:al sueecs" u f Ihc aUau WJS due to t he
common I n tc r e~h. PreSS u te on thc " b iX shots." h a rd wurk of Vice Cb:allman Anthony Realmu l o;
".:, ,,",,,," gflCY31'tCC file .. , .ubnr.lIion award", and like M I .iIlbo:H, IS absolutdy esscnuoIl tn protc('!
un 00","'''" d;lta T he mcmbcr'ihlp author- hiS loYdv WIle. dcstc, :lnd hI committee. Brother
Ihe: workers of Ihl coun try URion" ;Ire televant Sid Silln don.illled c.andy 'Whlcb w~s gIllen 10 ellery-
pUl e hue of II computer system oat .:In 111 1987!
gcnr:r:.d membe rship mLC: tm~ this past fall one prescn t_ The chapter acknowledKC.!o wttb thanks
lliee \'OU a l the next ml"cllng' tbe suppan KtYt:n by our ne lghbmmg chaptcr fro m
LOClkmg b.Jt..k a l I ~~6. the IOCJI had II very
producuve yea r. We sign d oHon ourcurrclU ,!lI C( ' Will i"" PA-.-' M'>'l"", I'.S. Su, u:: n Islan d
"" ",on"",,' th rough c:arly negotllluoll 5 List ~pnog. The Ic:adc lSlllp of Ihc n rook lyn Cha pl cr fO!i le rs
:a\l a ff,u ts s ucn ;l s thi s one an d cvcry uthe r aULvl l y
sign off was a (l r'> , .1n d s.lve\1 t he loca l J
of m Ull c)' ongll1 ally budge tcd (o r
Headlines Illustrate Sad Ih3t pro m olcs AOOO wil l. b ro t he rh uod, and coop '
The con t UC I contamed no conce:;.· Employment Picture er:&I1(111 SCJC I :ll l z.ln~ prcsents oppurtun ltles (() tx·
,:and chmu:cd wlih In CJrly~lgntn,; bonu:;. change Views ;lnd o p inions through dISCUSSIOn III
I..U . '214 5 (go,'t ), VAll[ IO, C AL.- -Grce unx't, a Ictaxed atmosphere To thIS end, eve.y dfmt IS
fo r Inc mcmbc:",hlp Brethren. from V.llIeICJ. M:Iln)' (If u .. IIYe 01 hie of;1
AddnlonaUy, t he T rimble Count)' Proicci A~rce' m .1dc 10 cnctlUlagc pa l llUpatiOn III .iIl1I c.harter
limi ted sphe re.:- of IIm'reSI Mdny people ACt up In prngr tlm~
mcnl was entere d 11110 be t wcen Ihe local lind t hc
co m pany. The aJtrecmcllt slI pul:IICS t he te rms and
thc morrn np,..l:O HI wOl k. C(Ulh~ home, and look a t IIMI.R" S .... I'I It.'>ruN.r.s
TV. T hey a le really fl UI of touch Wll h th e real ll Y lAC''' I IAI.I'[II.N, I' S
condltlo n .. of elll lll uymC f1 l for die Spccl.lI Con ·
of what 15 gom g un In Ihe world around th em I
str uctlo n Dcpn nm cnt .15 re ine d to the comrlctlon have a!S4.:mbled ti ll S culumn ,I", ,I "plcture" for you
uf Un it I at thc T nmb!t: COullty wcnk :;.lIe
The hourly emp!cIYcc", til StCHc r Cable TeIC\'lslon
who may h:I\'e m l ~"t: d some of wbat IS happenmx Club Supports Bills For
I :address the suhlect of uncmploymt'O( In thIS California, U.S. Congress
of Jefferson Cuunty vHled to become uDlon "nd;He coumry u.,tnSt thc c .. puons that .Jppc:ucd ovel cJeh
to !.Oml!' undc. the :lu.splees of Local 2100 At the RETIREES CL U B O F 1_ ' I I , LOS ANG ELES,
story. U"iu .. lly tho ..c fe .... words Idl lhe .... holc $lory
li me 01 I h l ~ wnung. management .iIl 1 Simer had What I.. harrc.:mng to ;I trtmend(lus number nt CA I...- It IS wllh smcere hunu] II Y Ihat ....·c d lc
yCI 10 'lIt duwn "nh thc egouOlltng Committee members o f lBEW Loca l 1 J glYC thao ks 10 the
peorle III thIS country can h l.ppen It) \"1m
10 harga m In good fa ith til sccu re :t cOntrolct
" OUt of Wnrk 1 Wh ere n lJ Ihe Ju bs Go; Blu c IC.1dcrs (If labot Juhn L. l ew ls, bUi n 111 1880, spe nt
I he abm'c · rdcrc n ccd 11Is:h ll ~h l " "HlJ catc t he pro' Co ll a l Blues III the Golden l;ltC . ' h lp bu lld mA mo:;.t n f h IS adu lt yea l:;' Aghnng fo r octtcr work lllX
ductlye year expo.: llcnecd by the Il)ca l III 1'111-16, We condl ii o n s, m~'nlv In Iht: West V tr~Hlla to:11m anes;
DII:d, :Inti Jobs DfL4,!d U p " " Quine l ays Off 600
hnrc 1987 wl II I' , oye III he equ~lIy as pO~ltlyt" and S.tmucl Compers. tlrSt p r c:sl~lcnt of the Amer·
Workers .. l1u'l I1rm Will I1111\e lIS m .. nubc l utln~
MIIi.E DA\"", II Ii co Puerw Rlcl! lind Ta lw.£n NonunIOn wOl ker .. Ican Federation of L:abor from 1886 to 1894 ;lnd
.wC'ragcd S10.50 ~n hour with bcndit .. In Puerto from 1896 10 1924, who ,:lYC us the Inlpe l US to
RICO tblS ~'o uld he SS 00 .. n hou r, III Talw;an, c:arry on tbCII Ideals ;lnd .... o rk I hroughuuI the
" Unions Are S I '>0. "14 Yea r Old '-.uule St\-d Calling It QUitS " yea rs Icadc:rs In l1u: elc Ilical t rade have con tl nucd
Relevant in 1987" Abou t ,100 emrloyee~ were l:ud off "Rel.es... llln's vlgti antly to m;lLnt:a in and promote Ulllont"", anJ
L. U.1 104iu ), NI A GA IlA FAllS, N. Y. -"Unluns To ll : 51 Milli o n W(1fkc rs l ust Iu l.!'i" Get the we p vc tha nk, to Lhem fur the l1'l uny bene fit s w e
No Longe r Rek yant" 1 h at hel1dllnc lUSt lj bout pleturc 1 haye dcn Ycd t h ro u gh th e ir efforts nnd narJ wo rk
mOl!t: my eye .. I" l p mi t. T he article ...·!lich l ullu wed All Ih e follOW ing ite m s a pPclu t'd III 11)!ol6: " la y' M ay futu re gr:neratlOn5 k oHn 1ll1 d experlente Ihe
th a t mllamm:nory ICJd IIppca rtd III The lJufftJJo o ifs T D I-In 1,700 Sp,1ec Wor ke rs"ICape C;ln;lve ral results o f " In unity th e re I S strength "
Neh' nOI lon, .ago. It went 011 to S3Y ItHIt Unions Jnd M a rlin A.l allclla). ·'T ex.ls lnstrumenls Pos ted A l ou r ovembcr 12 me m bersh ip meeting. Clya tt
compelled emplo)'c ls ICJ acc.ept IDflCXlbh: wo rk a.s 14-Mllllon Profit, Bu t W,II CUl l ,OOO Wo rkr-fs_" M :a n ucl look over thc elec llon p rocedure r he r!!
rules Iha t s lIlIed productlyity and fo reeJ ma nage· "Nallonal Semlc(ll1due to r 1 u Lay off 500 Employ' was only one chong!! III o ur sl ate. and tbal was the
men t 10 gr.1n ! hIgher lUld lugh r wages Thc lone ees" "Vandcnrn: l ).; Sh u llit Sue M ay C losc Ea rllt:r" V ICC pr es ld(:n l 'loffiee won bv R3Y Tel le., Pre>;ldc;1H 49
IJ Wglll .han ked l h e t)u lg\),ng olfi c:t'r to r tllli Vl' ry II UI1l hIS buut 01 put' lllllonl .J W ....lIl liU ~I ad I v h l ~ ;).UII Slant CClJ lg(; Brun n a Ha ppy ao.j Pros pe rous
coMCICn llOUS Invl\lve.mcm alld wek<:.IIned ,hI.! [l!!w!'j h,l\'e tlwm back . Wc b roke the t~r.lHO ml!i y ear by N ew Ye ar an d th e S3 m e- lor thl! me mbers 01 local
\·tllCJ In yico(! ptcsLdcn t. Th e btl3. d members elecled h .H'I I\~ \)ve r 47 IItlcn d m g Ihc Icgu l nr mee ti ng 261, All en Joyed the re ireshmen ts :end Sto rics very
wcrt' H.1 rrl' WlIrd, Da n Cohen, Ra lph Lllrki n , Alex II crh Wcs lln nn ..... as In [ h e Sa ma rita n H os p ll a l, m u ch Than k you, Local 262.
EnJ\,'. HUI )HUIl/: Cl}'3 11 Manuel, [\cn H cn n~c r , :tnd we \I.'ant to wish h lll'l:1 ~ Jl t)~d y recover y. Mary MIK[ Olh/..Jl,N.,KI, I).
NmuHI 'iuulli:. 11."11 TL'lks, .1no E ~ l hl'r \, I'nrp,r H jI .~"I' :lil)'S hdlo .amI bOYS Ihe news lt tter 15 a real
III OUI nl' ....•.. kll ... r thl·tc w,}s a holi day grcuUl jl, com(o rt to h e t 11\ tha.t we fCllll'.m o.: r cd h e.r bemg ~ Writer Describes
L•.rd d~'lil/o:neJ and SLlflplll.:d by o u r deat Brother good me m bc r wIll Ie ~11l' l.lI u ld ,me nd In f:let. we
Bnce Worle )' 1\ 1dlUug.h I~ ,, (.c I" Ilotable 10 :lttc nd send 1111 o f you u:tllces. J bIg hell o a nd h npt: III sce Club's Meetings
Imf tlh.<:1.:tmgs Juc to the lung lI a\'c J II1~ (1I 51110 C(", )'ou m ll k e the mec tiog) and be surt: to bri n ~ yuur RETIREES CLU B OF" I>o U. 347, DES .M O INES,
he IS mos t SUl"rur l lve of mn Re l llCCS lub. nnd If poSSible, The: Ellswonh couple hope
C(l rn rllntOIl IO WA- Regula l mC:Cl t1lJ.l,S of our Retirees C lub ate
w..: urc vcr)' ap~rCC l ol 1 lve of h is I hnughtfll lnes~ to be able HI dQ wnhuut tbt ~IlUW and hOSI for Ihe al 1\t..>fJn Uti ll l\; M;,-yud 'fhutsd,\y I t h e. m ')\\t h at
Frank Stflck Jm gayc IllS mOD thl y treasu ry rcpo n winter and Make illelr hom e 111 I\n=lII13 The dll~ Blshopto C:tf"tena III the Merle Mall. Sc\'e raJ
.amI agalll ur~cJ Inemhc lc, tv p.'ly Ihelr d u~s esc secreulry's lob h:as been vol unll:cu:d by Helen 01 Our members gave nut Ice they Will be h ead lDg
allms:. Wllh Ihur RCllleco; Club J uc"! Bdl RomclO, ,,"1oyer \"'c knn ....' she "'Ill do ,1n .able lob t n keep lor southern climes and so Wi ll be absent fro m
....·ho W,lS J. dclcll.l te to the RegIOnal ()ullcll o( t.he us abrCll t of C'Yl'r;olhmf: Ihat h,ll;. to be done fu turc mee ll n&!- untLi spn og So It Will be Ul" t (
"I!C~C mec tl n~ reponed the rt ....,~ .. murh dlscul\ T ht' me-tUliA adtollnl"ll wnh Bob SwearinAen we StaY' :lt homes to keep thc dub all \'c
~lIln iJhuul HMO!> and <llso lold us 3001.1 1 a k:t.j· wlnntng the dour prize I hupe Ihat Will gIVe him It IS nice that we: have:ll good, clc:n1. wa l m plac(
t'!, .. lllJl .. chuul HI Ham semors on how to conduCI a ch:tncl! til huy.l L[lUrle of IOU .. 11r AI m S(I he ean to mee l a l ~he mal! , and Bishops affords a vanet)
mt'cltnjo1;S al)' Alexande l offcfI..'d hl$ U~('St1(lD ,dd to his coih:C l ioll of nn..: pICIU,,:., T ht: SeruOT of loods for we o ld timet The p ri\'at e! mec d n,
Ihat Ihu .. e InH·rc.Mcd rn '.>uPlllcml·ntal HMO"! oc Winter Royalty was tn\ ttcd 10 g,ive ll!!o II !tlIle room also affords liS an ldc:IIl plilice for o u r member.
\ cry t.3utJous J'I tne pmgtllm!l' could leop.'lrdlze I1U , plc:a .. ur.,: l1lt:y d id II m.uvclous lob slIIgln,!l. ,!II our to Swap Rsh $101lCS, e t c T hen IS not.hmg. forml
M('\,hcatt t()\ict3gC. He abo SIJ&,Ae!l'It"J we prnlCSt fiH' OI\lC sung" We all 100ne:d In ....'ttl! lilt: 1'111110 abou l ou r mc:ellngs, and eycrybuJ)' llo fl ce l odl~cu$!
Ihe 1 au LnC lcasc In MediCA re. ria)"" and gUlta l 1"1a)l"f The lempo was so ,"\'llI ng any subject you mIght ....,Ish 10 JI!l.CUSS o. al
Charlcs Rendc. from lU(';Il 3, Ncw York, 00""" J .t few of U5 CVl'.1l chose 10 IT}' Ihe t ....·u lcit fl'CI on rC'lI rees arc Invltcd and ur~cd IOil u en t.! our mon l h ll
Io(luthun Cal"llmm rc!oadt'nt, WIIS Introduc.ed Ilnd the dance floor The 1,1Jks of Ihe tOyah) d id 3 mcetlngs
wd\;omcd b}' President Drugtn Bell Tellt's, 1.1111:: ~{)od lob of pU ll ing up With our thU'Lkmg th.11 WI" FRt:[) H I'IlWlk .. p"
.."me ch3.ttpc l ~n, 2.\O.'2.rd(d tht ~n.1.': m"'wy In Ihr Wl" lt. \he u:l:na~..:('j of yc,tcrda't, Vel, we. Jtm1!m·
1\\1' CCl1e,,-Ccne Oro[!,111 and Gene R,-'cd NO\'l,;m bc.cd 311 t he Slcr'" ()f the bygone d:lv Th.11 I' IU:'>t NASA, Epcot Visited
bt.:r birthday cel ... brants wcre: Edna l:nktn ilnd E"e onc lif Ibe m .. ny thmg,; thc club , .. tf)'mg 10 dt)--
SlmJnP.... sk)· 1\1PP), !lnJ TllIll' RClnhardl cdc· h;!l\lc.a bit of fun here and (hclt.: T l y 1\ .'>omcttmc, During Yearly Outing
brated thel! 5~lh wcddmg annIVC,c,;H)' In ovcm you tnl.dn h}tt: II Buslnc~s M.ln,lgcl Ch'de ,,"' Iller· RET 1REES CLU B O F L,U. 349. h1l A 1\11 , FLA .- W.
ber Alex Endc dlsc.ussed th~ 10 bills propo~ed fur bernd mad!: hLS .l.ppc3.lanc.e and "';to, km~.Im:d b) had .. nice hOI dilY of &5 dt:gn=cs and :II gOOl
rh'-' C,lllo rrH:aIr:f.!,llolamr\: ;llld four bills wnllen for che SenIOr RO),'OIIltv lind rece:tved .. ~\.1U1I CUI Lit:'> allcndanr:1.' for our meellng. NOI bad fm a dtly II
Ih\: U S Cun1:r~~" They arc n()W lookmg for .!iron ..1SSI t.;tIlC!." III makm~ Ihl' dub fun CtIOn a!> well JS Nuve:mbcl , con .. ,deIJl'l): .. II tbe snowslorms we'~"
"i.f"l\ to In l HltiUCI: them," Sacmmcnlo and \.\'n h It Jue .. been I calhn~ aboul In Ihe North Marty Chey
tn~wn DC. We ;ue thllnkfuland r!ca....cd 10 u:pHn lh.loked the 'Cllrel!.') fUI gOing 10 ~nc unIOn rlCnll
Rll.1 ('tnckltn :and lee [oth; art on Ihe m~nd after and 11.)1 the hetp the tc.u rt:es gave
thell ~url:ene~ h IS I1l1t whh th.1I JII who h.1H Wr had II cnuJllc of hubes VI5H our tJ'u:e:t"'~ Th,
npl bl'cn fedmg up to 1'13r lind hne not been ;l1;Iic- Club Members door pn:;:e ,., Innc:rs were Hel<:n Fagan, an envelope
to ')l1cnd our fUl1ctlon!" Iceupl'rale qUIckly-we Connu: M.llcchcsen, an en'Yelopt:j Lena Po:z:esscre
ml ....• ~'lIU To alilBEW muni>el!> WI.' "'nJ OUI \cry :lVoc~do; Dorolhy Ed ....'afJ!I, an envelope. Eh:ubtl l
~"I wl~hes hi" a Ha r l")' Healthy. P(:.1cdul J.nd Htllman, pn:~et\°es; Tt:IU Rubler, lIY"ocado j Antl.
~tll"lXlnu" 'Jcv. Year H;awkms, f)tlwc:: rs. Bclt)' DCCODh~j ,c..1n MQfn~o[]
bnllR l.IIlJl"l.1 I" brcoI.d, Bill} McCoy, bread; and trent Jl aJJr.:u
brud. The helpers ;al .hc bulfet mc:ludt:d An n
H:twk1l15 Yetta Reuble l, LA SnHth, fl.-zabell
Club Invites All Hillmer, lind Cell FJgJn. Wc had lunch COIlSlmn
Retirees To Sign Up ul ddlctOu~ ham prepa red b)' l.A Smith • .alon
wHh tasty .!iIJ\: dl~hc!i and dcs'!tns A greilt me;l l
RETIR EES C LU B OF L,U. 98, P HI LA I)ELI)fU A, Pi ctured are R. H.am ~r" l y , R. ~d s t'r, C. Kldn' Frtnehl<! Chlllnd sanJ!, "Dann) Boy" d\llln~ ou
PA,- To ow newl)' rClllcd membcr .. CJI loc:al t}K, w3 ehC' r, C . CU Cfit y, tI . 1·luber, R. 8o[e h:nd, H .
tne RClllee.. lub extends 10 you :tn IR\' lL31101l IU
Sehou t l kouc. lind C. 8 c.1I of t h e Ru irt' r s Club of We hau ql.llll: .a bit ot d iSCUSSion JboUI OU l III
lIun u .. at (Jur meeting" whIch :He held on the Lo a l 112, Ci ncin n.ali . Ohio. Jnd It waS dccuh:d wc all had ill fine tim W
~cctlnJ TUe~d)' or cach rnun lh at 10:303 m The
Slart db)' havmg b fCilkLlst .'II Pumpernlcks. Ihe!
13d,,-'!; lr\: llso InvlteJ to :Jttend We: have some Members' Get-Tog eth er on to ASA.. We Ol fl lveJ III Illnc tv ~cl II bllC t
Interesllng trtp" plJnned, :Lnd sevu:lt~uod srcakl:rli
Me .. cheduled tor our fUlll re meeting..
Is Enjoyed By All eat, t hen were off in a double·dl!ck~r bm. to VISI
dl:,>pld)'s of . hc rockcl accommOO:Hlon fO I th
l"hc new Incmbers who 5lgne-d Uplll our Nmt'tn· LU. lll REl'IREES CLUB, CIN e ! ATI, OIUO-
c.rew :md an uplan:mofl Dnd blS10ry of t be fillht!
~t'r meellng :lrc lame., Bin, Bilt Donahue Frank AI nUl May nlccllng we hLid QUrcieCtlOn of oftlcers,
Then .....e wen I t o thlt: vertical asse m bly bulldJ.n
Fichter John Leonard. Bob Longy.ard, Sr 8Qb and ..11 our '\Jne mCclmg Ihe f\)lIowm~ men were
ilnd the railroad tucks to the blBsr-off platfQ rr
!\1cCtnh:y. hm Plck.ud, J.nd An thill1\' Kyan Um .. wurn III R:lY Borchard, PfCilldt'nl Harry .<;chm·
(from ill d~tancc l, Wc Iht:n went bold to the: Vt!tllor
nt'wl)' c1ccu:d officers for 1987 atc Frank M.ll;t:c tclkutle, \'ICC pre~ l dl'nt l C. Bell. trCJ~lIrer J.lld C.
Center for II .. how on the rockels and a V1SI1 10 tb
JucMdctH ; Fr:lOk CasJl:J.ro, trea,urcr. :tnd I"mes Cuerll}' a!to Exccuu\'C Soard member
mU!il:.um. TillS tnp wa<; \'c ry mterc u~, and qUIl
Elh(\t\ rc.cafdll\~ "~t: H.'.\.\rv We had ourThanksgl\Olllgdmnc I, .. nll lhcrc we re a few of our loc31'$ membcrs worked a\ the capl
abuut 65 members and Ihell W I 'Y('~ p resen t We
l .A Smith worked Ihere ror II cou ple of furs, a
had a glJO\l OI$tionmem of fwd ~nd dnn k s. We also I.:.... ~ lUaJ\y olhers I workc!d.1 1 t ne c..tpe On !c'ycu
Wish to g' 'Ye :I big Ihanks to the committee who
Club Members Enjoy PUt logctber Ihe! dillne r, After l':lllll,!t lind drinking
OccJ.!>lons We saw qllile a bit more of the equl f
ment and ,CtI Vltll:S than IS shown un lou r
Their Monthly Luncheons we I-utd a dra ...... mt; (ot pri:.\!s. Man, \hanks to t husl:
Tha t llI,;h l "We s(3)'ed a t a QU;l IIt)· Inn and h.ad
who Llona tcd pm:!'$ All 'Il'cmed 10 h:a'Ye had 11 stood
RET IR EES C LUBOF L. U. II O, T . PA UL, M INN . - lu n mea! 41 Kmg Uen ry's Feut. known a s a
1\1 the Novcmber m et'llng of Ihe Ret Iree, Club, e ntCft am J11cnl banque t IHlraC ll on It W3S just th lll
h:JJlPY bHlhd ll)' .....as SUI1K bdorc we all sat down In 11 bUlldlf\g rcp lCSentlflg a e:astl e:, Kmg Hen r)', bi
>- 10 ClIt; :md wha t a lunch il W.'I S! A very tasty c a ke tcsu: r, and COUrt, includmg wenches, se r'Yed u ~
was l he tlcat 101 ah er lunc h. The roll ow mg ....'c rc Working Members Host We: h ad p lenty 10 enl w ll h beer lind whit e an d rt:
htmon:d for thell bmhduys m Nove m be r: Morne wine by the larJ.l.e p m ::hc l Even AI Rubler dan ce
II: FOSler, G race Daggy. Richard Fa ragh t' r. T iltu: hll Oll,
Club's Christmas Party wi t h th e wenches. Som e of Ih e act .. were" swc r
w artd Ra rney Sylve st cr
ihc J1 rCsH!e n t. g h d to be ba.ck in flood Sh .l['lC,
1:(.t; l l itl: £.S CL 8 OF'L.U. 262, PL,\I NFIE LO, No' .-
Follow mg uu r regu llir Dcccmbt!t mc:cllng, Ihe
sw nllowe r, I t ll p e ;:e acts, lugglN, acro ba tl, li nd
can' t r emcmbC I how many m o re. Yes, Jl WIIS a lu
sta. rt ed t he mcelln g by wC!cQtn mS !'lew m em be.rs . mt m~rs pno:lIt.nl had thl;1T Annual Chrt!t m 3~ " alty. (can.
We all chee red as Ihe Ob vcrs Sl l)od u p to be Ref reshme nts we re sl'r'Yed compliment s or the Th en ~'c spent t WO J ay50 2 1 Epc Oi . T he nl" ,"
rccogn lzed The sc cretary (ead Ih lepo rt s I)f Ihc Loc ,,! 262 wor kmg memhers, M em bers [1II c: ndlll ~ aqu anum wl1S ius t MI in1eres11ng liS a d vert Ised
I,ISI mt'l' lI np.. lInd they w r rr 3CI::C(lI Cd , BU I the ll: Ih e nll:Ctmii Vo' crc P resident Frank Da d lng, irea s' EVl: ryone we nt a l th ell own pace nl Epco t , On ou
was no correspon d ence, sad tQ SUYI did so m ebod y urer Jue Nigro, SCCle ta !"y ~ud )' St ys. M lkc Obllza n· &<,cond nigh t W i! we n t to II dlnncr sh u w E\'e ryo tl
forge l u s tUI mont h I sk i, Jo h n Mt ny, H li rry a rr. M !k l! Davl50, I'l,:tc h ad II good lea l with :I buffe t moeQ\' WI: "a w th
AI K.a utz wantS t o t nan k lJ ll 01 you w h o re me m · Mall o y, C arl Sc.humach c r, a nd loc Novak. piny CI CI wh ich wn, well don e And 'Y ery e n l cr
be red hI m whI le he re<:llpc ra lt:d from Ius o rdeal . A le tte r fto m Jot: Stonc iO Flortda was r lls!lcd tllm lng. On OUt wa y bae k we s topped in Bo c:a Ra t Oi
Rudy Vtera l h II lso thaokll all 01 yo u for rc m em· aro u n d lind read , St orlc s were re t o ld and en loyed . f Of supper :I I ... cOll lllry in n ,
5D L":I IIIM hll ll w lt b cal1 50 a nd t ,uds whil e ne reco'Yc red W ~ wi sh e d RUSlI1CS9 M nnnge f Ih lh Ca rlwnght lin d T ilo A UII II., P.S
tCun ll n ucd on Palt' 52
Prayer for Our Deceased Members
Dear Father. although we. through our aCLlom (llld doubt >. ,tray from Your leacJJJng\, we urc never
fllr from Your forgivene~.~. ustam ,I< when fear and the pressures of dOlly living threa ten to overwhelm
us. lilal we may be slrollg 10 do Your bidding. And when our allotted lime is ended Oil thI s earrh. call
liS home, as yo u ha ve ollr SiSlers alld Brothers before us. A men.

EWBA Death Claims Paid In November, 1986

..... _.8
HM._ R ...
tatrlpt)etI D I'Y
Comell. H R
McKeown P ~
1400 00
2 ~OO IX!
, IlOO 00
2400 00
Pw (10)
Pens (11)
s... m•

Cloust L T
Faf18y, £ L
"OIl '"
1<00 '"
"400 00
'1<100 00
Pi!ns (15,31
Pens (158)
Pens (159)
Pens (171)
A~. JW
Sc:twmdl . R ...
DISfUde. W 0
HuldliRSOIi . C J

400 '00
2,400 00
2,400 00
" "'" 1618)
P.ns (613)
Pens 1632)
PMS (637)

Cll1I\In. C A
NeWlon . J H
.wren R C
2 "00 lID
2400 00
2,400 00
2,400 00
6 8enn~lqc~ R H 2400 00 Pens (II ) (lans. JI 2,400 00 Pens (1 93) ~lIef J A 2,400 00 p~ (637) Williams. 9 D 2,400 00
9 B'~ndel. RE '1 400 00 Poos ( II } Owen. R II 2,400 00 Pfns 1196) Rooens, W I 2,400 00 PI!flS (640) Wi nner, E C 1,666 67
Sa\o'~lIe, E C ~ . 400 00 Pens (11) 2.-&0000 PeR$ (2().4) Sptlrks, G A 2,400 00 Pens 1649) Molloy H J 2,400 00

PlOt C l
Mitchell P G 2.40000 Pens (11) Pmenen, A S 2,0400 00 Pens 1(13) tta!lner,O M 2 400 00 Ptns 1659) FJalfCf H U 2.400 DO
[ngl!sh Jr . IN l 2.400 00 Pens (II ) SoeIitr H A 2.40000 ~s (214) ..... JJ 2.400 00 Ptnt 1616) Bra1 H R 2,400 00

."n •"
ColIgtlm W P

gl'll J G
WI~ 'N R
G.lb(rItr , J 1
2,400 00
2.-400 00
2' 400 00
2.400 00
2. 400 00
2.' 00 00
11m 111 )
Ptn:s 111 )
P'IM (16)
Ptm 111)
Ptns 1171
PttIs 123)
Slrom P
f;&lTlbuffinO A r
Bounds J r
NOltOOOm , G
Viles. C. [
Bill B 0
2400 00
2400 00
2"00 00

'''''' '"
2,400 00
Pens (2141
Pens (2301
"'" 1""1
Pens (230)
Pm 12X)1
Pen5 12'~'
Wtfdet " . J
0In1on W A
.... J M

PrlelUfl. E B
Setz J P
2400 00
2400 00
2' 400 00
2400 00
Ptns 16m
ftn1; (6971

PIllS (691)
Pens (691)
Ptltrson G A
Ftlntw:. " J
&n~J . 0 P
Gtdl!y, W J
BulYl 0
Murr.(, J
2.400 00
2.tOO 00
'34 1Wtg!>, E T t ' OO 00 Pem (2~) flOSS . R H 1,200 00 Pens (2~1 Inwood, J 2,400 00 Ptns (116) Anderson R f 2,<400 00
'31 Mendyk M f 2,' 00 00 Pens (26) Nalley, A K 1,0400 00 Pens (26&1 Oolh:)ge, l R 2,400 00 Ptos 1116) Ross JI G , 2,0400 00
176 S1 31~ey, A l ?,'OO 00 PM$ 131) Jacobson , E A 1,400 00 !"ens 1295) WOfllacl(, O A 2,400 00 Pens 1128) wooarow, H H 2.400 00
183 ,l,dLI"IS 0 S 2,400 00 Pens 1311 Pe;IISM M 1. 400 00 Pens (302) ~~ens G W 2,400 00 I'!n$ 11301 Dron5ki' W 2.040000

265 Spt'er, W P
1IIlnS J W
2,400 00
2 400 00
Pw (35)
Ptns 1381
BIoc~ ,
ChiS, 0 C
2 400
'1 400
Martin, ... J
Allen 0 F
Setnel«slel, R A
Z 400 00
2400 00
2400 00
Pen$ (134)
Pm (138t
Pens 11044 ~
Ructv C C
Miller C V
Seam;an G f
2,' 00 00
2,400 00
2.• 00 00
Gem,., J B
GuQtltrlU!.. I
? 400 00
2400 00
Pens 147) Hllf.1l1a R E 2'00 00 Pens 13091 OIIn~1 D E 2,400 00 PelS 17501 2400 00
VlMr· e G tf
Parlitr C R ~""
2,"00 00 '" Ptn$
PtM 1.481
1.181 Oms C G
H,rmon. C L
lJ.dj,rutty T J
2,.&00 00
Pm 13091
.... 13111
Gltfef1 H M
Crocllm W C
2.400 OD
2,aoo 00
~ 1756)
PtnI (756 )
Anderson JG "J
I/.WfIty. J P
llIornpson G A
2 400 00
2,400 OIl
2,400 00
OItml1l C A 2,400 00 .... 1"1 2."'"
I~) O'mmo, J E 2,400 00 ~ P19) t.4cPeik , M H 2,(()Q '"
00 Pens (713) l ncoCl!. J £ 2,400 00
'" Parts, D 0
... J S
2.400 00
2 400 00
Pens 151 ) DaVIS JI J • 2,..ao 00 Pens (323) HOOh W S 2400 00 PerIs (116) Kmght 0 r 2,400 00
".."'" ilOICOfl'be H l
lato, I B
'1 400 00
'1 400 00
1~1 )
HM$lT\II'I , T
Unbe:.o C R
2 400 00
2 400 00
I~nno G A
Siroent, P S
81M1A, Jr. , H A
2.400 110
2,400 110
2,400 00
Pms 1776)
P~ns (798)
PIIns (816)
Knl9hlon, A E
Hancock, , P
RIChmond . J 0
2,400 00
2,400 00
2 400 00
120 Parker. 0 B 2 400 110 Ptos 1~1) rU~a RE 2 400 00 Pens (349)
130 [1Il~orn , W J 2 400 00 filns 151) Jenun. L G 2 400 00 Pens (34g) 8ums, H" 2,400 00 PftJ1S (811) lamm H A 2 400 00
53Il (ja1!»"a'lh 0 2 400 00 1'105 158) [no8l, Jr W F 2400 00 Pens (3~) ~,JR 2,40000 Pens (828) SIOYaD, G T 2 400 00
569 PI!W$f1l S C :1.400 00 Pen, (~) \'Inl E J 2.40000 Pens (353) lesaN 2,.&00 00 Pen. 183S) V;tJ1IrIlHl. C
r • 2 400 00
m ..... "
Ml!'yllrholer, G S

'''''' '"
,24'""'" ''""
1 "'" '"
hn' (59)
hns (fiIi)
Cllnk~~, G N
BfOyles C 1.1
1 "00 00
24110 00
2 400 00
2 400 00
Willnal. H J
Youno, oM
Strobel. R H
2.400 00
2,400 00

2,-400 '00
PIns (846)
Pms (810)
.... 1"')
t1tse, w
rLle$, r A
8r~ J R
Srmll'l, E J
2,400 00
2,.&00 00

...... J l
W!!,I!'f\S £ 1<0000
Ptns (70)
Ptns (161 HIlI, Jf C r :1 ' 00 00 PeM
r\lRon D K 2,400 00
"'" 18891
Pens (894) Webb J A 2"'"
2,'00 '"
Pens (16) Kmson, R J Pm! _ .R.'- 2,400 00 Pw (903) ' r, A 2400 00
Duncan, J G
ttelOllflly', J 0
2,-'00 00
2 400 00
2 400 00
Pens (71)
Pens (11)
EiOrI, G
2 400 00
2,400 00
2. 400 00
1 37~)
Otlord, P r
8rwas, A G
2,-'00 00
2,400 00
Pens (9O~)
Pens (949)
Mul"P!'ly. M
McGovem, A ,
2.400 00
2,"00 00
Newsome M A 2 400 00 Pens (17) Glm, C 0 2 400 00 Pens (381) HOOk, R A. 2,400 00 Pens (9531 M;usllall, R l 2,'00 00
99> At laO , P M 2 400 00 Pens (71) McGinniS E W 2 400 00 Ptns (381) M~ , C E 2,400 00 Pens (962) HamnQlon, A 8 2,0400 00
MIiOllfY C W
,"'" '"
Pens 111)
..... rl)
.... 111)
Miller. [ l
Pet~~ln , Sr , J A
Wf1l\n. G E
2 400 DO
2.• 00 00
1400 00
"'" 13901
Pms 10421)
I'ert$ 1435)
CNpQdl, C L
Bioulfl. L l
En'lght, A
2,400 00
2,400 00
2•.tOO 00
Pens (968)
PfRs 1!l72)
Pens (1025)
'-!etI$, W E
WII'lSIe.w R T
Jona, C E
2,400 00
2,400 00
2,400 00
'30> '<0000
13\9 5amLels [ Ie 2 '00 00 "'" 1" 1 Mitchell, l W 2..tOO 00 Pens (0440) W iII~, N S 2•.a00 00 Ptns 11()4l) SdIenMI, M J 2."'" '"
'393 8eohti!l J W 240000 PwIS 196) lMavl A J
,"'" '" Pens 1441) BNnsWIQ. A
Welty 0 C
2.400 on
2,400 00
Pens (1086)
Pes (1095)
Barrow, W [
_ .M 2,.tOO DO
MurrIS C
Pf'1mon, J R
Ou-IcIn . R H
2400 00
2400 00
2.400 00
.... (99)
Pens (100)
PIns I10Sl
Wemmer. M J
fIym, W K
"'" '"
2 400 00
2.'00 00
Pens ("67)
snenOll, f L
Del, E, 9,
2,400 00
PIN 111(4)
P'W 112'06)
Wollord C l
' ••h')\' J
10 171) StraHon A F 2400 00 Pens (108) Kucsl!1l [ f 2 400 00 Pens 1·"1) Willson, C D 2,.wo 00 Pw (1 212) Andnese, J 2,400 00
10 1336, Miliel Jr, W f 2400 00 PeIlS (109) Ki,WiIenbect, C 0 2051 IS Pens (479) Hilmlnon. M J 2.400 00 Ptns 1124S) Gollld, R, H 800'"
I 0 ( 5~J) ColtS t 0 2400 00 Pens (111 ) Moore 0 E 2. 400 00 Pros (482) Jones, R A 2,400 00 Pens (1260) ~ne$tllla, II T 2.400 00
10 12m) ViMew:nte, J H 2400.00 Pens (11 2) Baler. R A 2 400 00 _1488) Jaqlllth, Jr. , J A 2,400 00 Pens 11260) Nuuhlw;a, H H 2,400 00
Pens (1 ) AAef5 R C 2."'" 00 P1IIIS (122) Glint, R R 2 400 DO Pros, (495) To«! A r 2,..ao 00 Pens (1261) K!II!r, L H 2.0100 IXI
PeI"IS 11)
Ptil$ jl)
Grll!Semtr [
Htad V W 8
2,400 00
2400 00
McC,J~ W R
RlpO , L 0
2uuul, J
2,400 00
2,400 DO
2,.aoo DO
Pens. (499)
Pns. 1500~
Pens 1S().1)
RunloJe, 0 F
HelTtlJ. N L
P,JlI,Jn, C l
~"" '"
2.400 00
2,400 00
Pens (1340)
Ptns 11393)
Pw (1393)
Bradsfl.lw, l E

2,400 00
2,.00 00
ptns 111 Dt1tfMl'l. 8 A 2 ~OO 00
PellSllI rnomo5Ol'l. R S 2.400 00 Pens (126) WMe, H R 1.AOO 00 Pens 1S20~ KII~rldl, 0 Ie 2.400 00 Pens 11393} WiI$Oll, 0 E 2.400 00
Pens (11 Wnru r. R A 2,40000 PttIS 11:W1 Brotoo. C A HOD 00 Pens (521) C""." W A 2,400 00 Pens 110426l ():sen, LC 2.'00 00
Pens (31 Glntr, A M 2,AOO 00 Pens 1134) 2 400 00 Pens. ISotO) MJItJ, F J 2,400 00 Pens 11!i16) Bakfr, J C 2,0400 00
""""" At 2400 00 Pens t!r49) Stnu, A, F 2,400 00 Ptns 11523) Unluf, A J 2,400 00
PwI5 (ll Cfowe f 2.400 00 ".. 11J.4) (;arpeotk", W "
Pens (3)
Pens iJI
Pens (3)
O.Ii/)le~ J J
Oe9agJII J
Dorn W
2400 DO
2,400 00
2'.400 00
Pens (134)
Pens (134)
Pens (134)
Gnuot!l. T J
Jatkson H II
2,4DO 00
2.400 00
2 4DO 00
Ptns IS~)
PeM (551 )
Pens, (569)
Todd, M 0
Huels, R P
M rsmlth, l J
2,0400 00
2,400 00
2.400 00
Ptns 115251
Ptns. (1m)
PeIiS (1541)
Krebsbach, A.
Hollow;ay. G W
Anc\eI'son , M l
2,400 00
2,400 00
2,0400 00
GfOU, H , P1I115 (134) Janu J 2 400 00 Ptns (569) MufIOl:, N 2,400 00 PeIiS (1620) RodQelS, H 2,400 00

!"ens (3) 2.'0000
PIns (3) Kodner. S 2,400 00 Pens (1 J.4) l.IPDQ, 0 2,400 00 Pens. (516) MillWm, E. P 2Aoo 00 Ptns, 11745) ~rks J P 2,400 00
~ns (3) , " 2,400 00 Pens (134) Noteboom, P H
Pal,l!cv [
2,0400 00 Pens (51fi)
Pens (589)
Phillios, J N ,
l.tgefsledt A H
2.400 00
2,.a00 00
Pens. 11&31)
Pens (192.a)
Greeley, A lit
P:iR, D [
2.00 00
2,000 00

Prns (3) 5.lnan , M 2,400 00 Pens (1 34) 1.100 00
Prns 131
~ (3)
$cftoIIl, , W
""""". M
1,200 00
2',.00 00
P!ns (134)
Ptns (134)
SiMton, A "
Sbltlds, S '1,000
400'00" "'" 1592)
Pens 15951
McAnaltWs. T P
w,o, Jr .• R
2,400 00
2.400 00
"'" 12253)
PIns (229S}
CoI:*. l ....
2.400 00
2,400 CO
Pens (5) AIlderson L E 1,920 00 Ptns 11J6j f'lrry M E 2.400 00 Pens, (601) DIltrt, Ii 2,AOQ 00 _1'°1 AshoJ 2.0400 00
V," G E 2,0400 on Pens 110) 2,400 00
Pens 151 HOD 00 Jltns (1J6) Powt/l . I G
""'''' Pens 160S1 8tactwe1def " B


local Surname ~moutlt local S ur~l m . o\!n Oll nl lOCl 1 Sum ame Amounl l oc.1 S u rn.m ~ lmoun
f'!ns (I 0 ) Bndpelord H 0 2 400 00 Pens 1101 Duckwonn W P 2400 00 P~ns\IOI JOhnso n 1 0 2,40000 p~s II a f Smlt!t S I 2. 4000
Pens (I 0 ) 9rowrI, Jr. , l L 2,400 00 Pens (I a f laslwood, E A 2400.00 Pens (10 I Lane, J 2,400 00 Paris (1 0 ) Slocknau!.efl C l 2AOO 0
Pffll 110, Cinnon , Jr H 0 2,400 00 Pells (I a ) Eddy Ii A 2400.00 Pens (10, lobac R J 2.400 00 Pens (10 I Strausburg H 2.400 0
PfrlS II 0 ) Chlrrene l 2.400 00 Pens (10) GJ II!~ , W C 2.400 00 Pens (I 0 I h'l alq!1 W J 2.400 00 !'ensUO, T&llry R 2.400 0
Ptns 110, ClOmu " 2.400 00 Pens (10) Graves, H E 2 '00 00 Pens (10) Mc"'al R Ii 2400 00 Pens 110) Wi9Il!I. C J 2,400 0
Pens (10) Collins l 0 2,·4(10 00 Pens (10) HO kail$On E R 2 400 00 Pen, (10) NtWlCHl. W 2400 00 Pens (10, Wood, H 2.400 0
Pens 110) Cooner, l G 2.400 00 P!JIS (1 01 Hor...an 5 B 2400 00 Pens II 0 1 Oreun J C 2400 00 Pens 1(0 ) Zewatsk'y [ 2,4000
Pens 110) ~\e'f 0 Ii 2.400 00 Pens (10) lIumPf'lfey, H l 2400 00 Pens (10) Peleoon. C l 2.400 00
PeIlS, (I 0 ) D~oe~ J A 2,400 00 Pens \10 ) Irvlnt; l H 2 400 00 Pens (I 0 ) Pyle, 0 l 2,400 00 Tota l Paymlnts •. saOI,723 t
Pens (I a ) O.1Ik W W 2,400 00 P~n s (I 0 ) Jeter B l 2 400 00 Puns (I 0 ) Reed l M 2,40000
Pflns (I 0 ! Oldie P J 2 400 00 P~ns 110 I Johll'.'11i 11 M 2.400 00 Pens (10) Rose J C 2(00 00

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers- Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report


TOTAL PENS ION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH $ 4.604.91 4.15 $ 9.615 .967.39
TOTAL PENSION PAYME NTS LAST 12 MONTHS 554.983 .897. 26 5107.826.282 .85
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH $ 74 .457.73 $ 799 .323 82
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS $ 1.052 .391.93 511.953 ,535 16

the men 31 the p.llt } Ii ' cOIHnhutc .lIlll k t I1l1 l m Auble L{I(.ke. ~Cr)l:c,lIl1 .L1 A rms L. C ~ll'p h cn~\) 1
LOCAL LINES tIIn,1 1 ~ Lhd(h~' n k lll' \\ t hn ! ~(llnl.'tlnc cn rcs . T W(J Tilt' ph tl lngr.lpher IS Arl 'I m ller • •1nd IlI l' t haplau
ICo m iml cd from Page 50) 150 ~lftS were lI1(1de p ri or to th e pliny, ami t hc ate G, 0 AlI l'!l :lIld j! L Ganl'l The Excc u u\
1l 10U\'I e,lm(' up With lI lwth I' 1 5\1I7 . I\lI\llle<;'$ Mun Board CUIlSISIS o f C h:llnntln P L Can ll , Jllck BOI l
Happy Partygoers agel leff l ohm;'11\ \\,1, l'l.1 lcd by tht' re~filln"c le ll , I W IIIIl Fred Steph enson, an ..J L . SI'
Our club has an lI ellye bo\O.' I IIl~ le.lm T h c CUI.h lc plll'n~tH) Thl' OIIII! of nU l club IS to JOin hll nds w it
S:IOUp m l'CI" II I ML I(l rncy '" LfllIn~c jo r dlnlHr'i t l'1(' IIn Hln a nti tit he r RCllfCC<; Cl u b"! 111;:111 i.Htlrt I
and canl p.1ftl e~ Silllll' Ilf thl' 1lH,:n ;ac St:l rtlnSt a Improv(' Ih l' ....'e ll hClI1g 01 all 1n1'mbcl"
po k er c!Ub--II~ a flln ,l;1(lllp. 1111 1 h ll S:lI rnh h n~. (1 ur We I C~t elltl re porl Ihe deaths of 1..... 11 me m bc r
rC~ 1I1 J' nll.'c tlll g 1"i:1I 11 a .1ll un Ihe "I.'cund Thllr~ MJlculm Cornclt and M.d tolm Ville!'>, .lnd ....
duy ('lI eh rnOlllh Why n ot .1!1\.lld ,ll1d h;III~' ~oml' c:o;teml out 'Ylll p,u h y ItI , hclf fam t! I\!'1
fun Cl: t II1\Uh'l'd III ..nme ()f th c"t' :l Ctl yItIC~! W e ~ onh ally rnvltl.' oil rel lTcc~ uf Ltl, .. 1 SSti I
lIt 'II LA\~ "'I'" r ~ come and shaH.' III Iht: fun and fcll o ...... lll p 01 01
hltur!: nH'ctm~'i

In Attendance
Club Enjoys Memories
At Thanksgiving Dinner
IN D.-At (wr Than k sgivlOg DlOne r In Nove m hc
w~ ~ lI ln)'ed II pltch · ln dllmer of H1rkl.'), IIlld na.
wllh :l lll h,· Inmmln~:,; T h cn we we l e t'l lt l'rtll ln (
by a I{lcal w k nt, Bub Cunn, t h e ~m);HlJ.: sher I!
w it h <;un~ .. uf rhe llid d Jy~ before .11J the mode l
(;onvc.:llIl.'nte~ we no .... (!l Il ly. lii <; Mill).;" were ;)

Pic tured :u e the rt ti rc c ~ w ho a ltclld {'u on e o r th(' \.U II I IJ..I III .. J u~ t..l il::. \If 11," J:.1111'~ .1 1111 t ubuL.JIIOI
T h es e p irl1lrl'S s how lh e re liree! Gf Lon l 4 8 1,
IIIl'l' l in gs of Ih l! Ruirer ! Cl ub of LII a l 5 58 , ~ lr l' r· of Ih{l'ie days We ....'c1co m .. d hlln w it h :1 !>t:an..Ju
India n 3po l il., Ind ., cn j {ly i n ~ Ih e C h ri .. t lll :l ~ p:HI )'
li l'l d. Ala . Lehl o righ t are . frOllt row, A. 1\\. " Doc" nV:llInn Ililtl lOIS (If 1 ;1\I~IHc r and '''l' lu .pc In ~I
" n d c h ick en din ne r h OS Il'..J b}' t l u~ IOl' ld.
RO'l.d l, C"eilll l' lI, n o)' C, C ri e k .l.u k t' l). lliu gc wuy, hUll again '1I1(1n
I) , T. M cC3 rl cy, R. L. ,ile sJ bac k row, Au T UllI l'r, Wc ....·I!ih aU of \'tJu the hc"
Fr ed William son , Bill y Pres ley, C. O . AJl ~II , I lt hll l· ... IU r. n"'lll" ' .... I' ~
Retirees' Winter Project: IlrO:lli w,,}, . Alibit, I..()eke , J. W, llill, :lII d Frc-d SI C"
Clothe-a-Child Program p l l t'rI !o UIi .

RET I R EE ~ C LU H O F L. U. <1 8 1. IN OI /\ N AI'O LJ S,

IN D.-Our IlIc,11 unHHl enle ll :lI llcd theIr ICll red Club Invites Retirees
lIl..:mbcr .. very nledy on Dcccmber4 with (I Ch ll ~l·
To Attend Its Meetings LOOK FOR
1Il:IS ra ll y uud c h ic ken ~h nne r :' 1 Ihe m EW h :11I till
1\'.J:.!o.1(:hu~t'tt~ A YClllll' EI~ llI}'fo u r rC ! lf l'CS .1 1 ItETIREES CLu n OF L.U. 558, :-' II U IIIELD, AlA,-
tended I nclud ltl~ IWU 111 wh et'kh:llrs Se ve ra l ne w
lacc', WI',j' Ihl' rc Thq . we rt: made welc.ome by
Since Ihe o rganizJ lion of OU r HClIrces C l ub in the
:" P ll il it of '86, wc h", ... e been pkJ ~ c .J to h:l \,(' good
Ih «l1 old Inuldl«"! l uk e l Ojl.311. club rresld en t. 3Itc r\d,ancl' Wt' urge lil l fl.' tl red IIH'mbers and thCII
,mn('un":l.'d th.1I as a nl.'lghhurhood !ooeTV ICC p nJl/.:C! SJ'l ouscs 10 )om us (Ill tht' IOll/Ih 111l'~ d :lY (If I:II(;h
Wl' W~'fe r.l klll~ p a n III th e !l1e31 ('Imbe ;1·Ch lhl
PWF,1311l, lu hn Pny n e W11\ c ha irman of t he J'lr0leC I
IllUlIl !! .1t l he \m !on hall :I t 10 J III
'fhe: Ilffke: l ~ jill
UI.I! cl uh 1m.: l're~ ld <':nI Jphn
One hundred ~;lI) Il .' I !o w a ,> .':.I v ~n fr om I h e tre:l ~lll )' nfll lld w ay, Va:c Ptc!lIdcIlI It L (. ilc ~, Secret:ll)'
10 LI1IWIIC club p artIClrllt~{\n . fI. p le a was mad!; to L a l.' lI ,L L(lc k l' I rl' ;! ~ Url'r Ru y C li lk. r r l'~" Sec rcl.I ry


Union of Man February 14th
People, a power fo rming one Here il is mid- Feb ruary;
To achieve a goa l-all jobs well And I am compelled 10 say,
done. Please don' l fo rget your
sweethea rt s
That is to say, we are the source;
On 51. Val entin e' Day.
The main co ntributin g working
fo rce. Ju st lell hem know they' re special.
It isn'l hard 10 do.
Succeeding grea ll y Ihere carne a
lime There arc more Ihan a hund red
Fo r stating ri ghts Siraight down the
li ne. Of sayi ng, "I love yo u."
If you're planning an engagemenl ,
To face our compan ies head-on,
Now i the perfect time.
Mother, daughter, father, and son .
How aboul hiring a ,kywril er
We became whal is known loday Hands To ask, "Will you b mine? "
A unions , pavin g, leading the way . lind •• I. SIC:PI)
I wanl to wri te aboul the hands of D.lUghlcr of Irell€!' Stepp
A uni o n 10 prot ect o ur necds- th man I lovc so much. Loc,"" 134, Ckic,IKO, II I.
Si r ngth through brotherhood, I want to tell of the warmt h I get
their creed. wh en I feel Iheir gcnl le to uch.
Witho ut them, loo k, wh ere wo uld I've wal ched these hands do so
wc be? Co me, hild, sit here next to me .
mu ch work for his fam ily and
l ook at the snow; tell me, wh al do
Going nowh ere fa t, cerl ainl y yo u m el
see . you see?
Wh y thcy are rough and ca llused is
" Oh, I sce lo ts; b ut, Mom my, why
very easy 10 see.
For unions are and always wi ll be do you cry?"
People fo r people-forever, Slill ! Thesc ha nd s have been cut and So fl ly whispered-"For w hat is to be. "
Oi"nn L. Biehl brui sed from hard wo rk over Ihe
O;lUghler-in-law of l. F. Hiehl
I held your hand on the day you
yea rs,
local 16S. Chica&o. III. were bo rn .
But I've seen their smoo th and
Your grip was as strong as steel;
tend er touch as he wa shed o ur
And I Ihanked my Saviour so ma ny
baby' s ea rs.
Gift of love times over
How these stro ng hand ca n do Because now yo ur wl1;sper was
When winter winds are blowi ng
powerful jobs i, n 'l ha rd 10 lell , real .
BUI these same Irong hands do
I dream of spring, whose sun ny As you grew and you ran ,
deli cate jobs ju st as well.
go ld I cou ld su rely see wha l was 10 comc-
Reca lls to me the gift of love- His hands hav rubbed my The spreading of wing , the soaring
An o ffering from God above. sho uld ers wh en Ihey have hu rl of sou ls-
The changing scasons faze me no l. so mu ch ; A deli nit dange r 10 'o me.
I fee l a glory in Iheir lot. Th re isn' t a bettcr feeling than to
The year have sped SWi ftly by, my
Th ey only prove wha t has been fee l their gen tle l ouch.
sa id,
Th ese sa me strong hands have Holidays have COm and go ne; and
" Ou r Sa vi o ur lives; H e is fl o t
ca ressed me and cal m d me Yo u' re almos l 1B, my dear.
dead. "
fro m my fears. O ur gift- yo ur parenl " love sO
The miracle of life abound s.
They're always th ere to strok e my sl ron g.
The beau ty o f th e earth surro unds;
hair and wipe away my tears.
And Ihough some days are co ld Corne , chil d, si l h re nexl to me .
and chill, I love Ihese han ds fo r Ihese l ook al Ih e snow ; Icll me, what do
I have no doubl o ur Saviour will rcasons, b ul th at is on ly a part- you sec?
Bring beauty to the earlh in sp rin g II 's what's in sid e of Ihe man w ilh " I see ma ny Ihin g'; bu t , Mothe r ,
When flowers bloom and bird will the hands that m el ls away my why do you cry? "
sing. hearl. So fll y whispered-"Fo r wha t is 10 be ."
Vi rginia 8ta ~ emor e Moody Und .. lnu Shonkwiler Phylli s Em!'
Wife 01 Refired M cmtJt'r Dwight L Mood r Wife of lohn c. Shonkwiler Wife o( .erle L Ernst
LOC." 412, K",nSas City, Mo. l O(il l '19'1:1, Munlicdlo, III . lou l 76, Tilcomll, Wa ~ h .
ELECTRICITY - It Doesn't Take Much to Kill!
(1 DOD Milliamperes)

900 lights a 1~O-Watt Bulb

300 Severe Burns,

Breathmg Stops


100 Heart Stops Pumping

90 Will Operate
Electric Toothb ru sh
(10 Watts)

50 Breathi ng Dif1icult,
Suf1ocation Possible


20 Muscular Contracting ,
Breathing Difficulty Begin~

10 Cannot Let Go

5 GFCI- Will Trip

2 Mild Shock
An IBEW Monthly Threshold 01 Sensation
Safety Reminder 'Ground Faull Circuil/nterrupter
( 1 Milliampe,e 111000 of an Ampere)

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